#he got up. he walked across the room. he smiled. I Am A Ro-Bot.
sunnibits · 2 years
anyways here’s to yet another day of doing literally the most robotic writing I’ve ever produced!! gotta love it!!!!
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tnystrk-exe · 6 years
Home 7
Tony Stark X Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 End
AN: A fuck finally managed to write a thing! Writer’s block is a bitch.
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A blaring alarm kept going off, waking you in the most annoying way.
“Tony, turn it off,” you mumbled sleepily, not bothering to open your eyes. When the alarm kept going, you shifted to shake his shoulder only to be met with air, “Tones?” Sitting up, you looked around before reaching over his side for your phone. “Hello?”
“Good morning, YN,” Pepper greeted, “I’m sorry for waking you. I wanted to know if you and Ro were free for the next two days?”
“Yeah, we’re not busy,” you answered, suppressing a yawn.
“Then would you like to join me at the Stark Expo. It would be nice for Ro to see something else Tony has made. Especially since he’s been...distant lately.”
You thought for a moment, wondering if she knew about Tony’s condition. If Rhodey did. He told you last night, even if he hadn’t he’d be sure to tell them soon. “I think that sounds good. We’ve never really went out together. It would be nice,” you agreed, “Yeah, I’m sure Ro would love to go.”
“Great! Happy and I can be over in two hours to pick the both of you up.”
“I’ll look forward to it.” The line went dead soon after plans were made. “Tones? Still around?” You called out, not really expecting you’d get a response back.
Getting up, you walked to Ro’s room to wake her for the day. “C’mon, sweetheart, time to get up.”
“More sleeps mama. No ups.” She curled up more comfortably into her blankets, “nigh’ night.”
You couldn’t help a laugh, “We’re going to see somewhere new today.”
“Daddy coming?”
“No, sweetheart, but Pepper and Happy are going to take us.”
Ro pouted, pulling up the cover over her head. “No Pepper.”
“C’mon Ro, she’s kind and very nice. Give her a chance. She said wants to show you somewhere secret for your birthday present. You’re not being nice right now.”
“But daddy kissing her, don’t like it.”
“It’s okay,” you pulled the blanket off of her, “We don’t have to like everything when it’s given to us, but we can love them once we learn about the situations more. Just one shot, that’s all I’m asking. Your daddy cares about her very much.”
Her pout didn’t waiver, but gave you a small nod. “I try. Promise.”
“Great!” You picked her up, she sighed comfortably, nuzzling against your neck. “Let’s wake up a little before we start getting ready, Sleeping Beauty.”
Your daughter sat across from Pepper, humming as she scribbled in her coloring book. Ratty old ‘Ony Bear sat on the seat beside her, strapped in by her orders. Every other moment or so, she’d look up at Pepper shyly, curiosity in her eyes. A question poking and prodding at her. She wondered, briefly, wondered if it was a question you’d scold her for and one that would pull a laugh from Tony.
“Miss Pepper?” She interrupted the conversation about Pepper’s new position.
“Yes, Ro?”
“Does daddy love you or me more?”
Pepper laughed, “I don’t think your dad can love anyone more than you.”
“Does daddy love you more than mommy?” She asked, starting to color again.
That left an awkward air between the adults, one that a snoring Happy was completely oblivious towards. Pepper looked at you for an answer.
“Well...who makes daddy get out of the lab all the time?”
She looked up for a second, thinking, “Both.”
“Then that means, he has to love Dum-E more, right?”
Ro giggled loudly,  “E, loves daddy in lab! Whats ‘bout J?”
“Hmm,” you thought for a minute, playing it up to try to move her a long from the topic, “I’d say he’s a close second. Now, why don’t you and I play a game!” Ro cheered in agreement, before looking through her bag for whatever game she could figure out on the spot.
There had been a tension in the air between you and Pepper that neither truly understood. Though you were grateful for her new assistant, Natalie, for sensing it and suddenly having a wave of work that couldn’t be avoided. Still, you didn’t enjoy her inquisitive looks towards Ro.
“I didn’t know Mr. Stark had any children,” she stated when Ro got bored enough to fall asleep in her chair, “She does have some resemblance. Maybe it’s the eyes, but she favors you.”
“She’s mine,” you shrugged it off, “Comes with hanging out with Tony. A pap asked Ro if Tony was her daddy once and it sticked. We’ve tried to correct her, but you know how kids are when they get something stuck in their heads. We both figured it’s just something to grow out of.” She didn’t look convinced at the lame cover you and Tony had for on the spot emergencies. Usually people didn’t care once they found out she wasn’t his.
“Wouldn’t reaffirming it just be damaging? I’m sure her father doesn’t enjoy it much.”
“No complaints so far. Besides, I’m sure you don’t wanna be stuck on a jet with a crying four year old, just because I corrected her. It’s just easier for the time being to indulge her.”
Natalie gave you a judgmental look, “But Stark of all people? Are you sure th-“
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You cut her off, getting defensive.
“He just seems like an odd choice. All things considered.”
“Tony’s a good man. You haven’t known him enough to even begin to understand everything.” You weren’t the most patient when it came to people’s thoughts on Tony. Even after all these years, you couldn’t quiet get a handle on it like Rhodey had. Especially with all the politics surrounding Iron Man lately. You just didn’t want to hear it. “Don’t even think of questioning my decisions when it comes to Tony or my daughter.”
Natalie raised her brow but didn’t offer another word. Though her expression was blank, something told you that your small out burst had given her a reaction she wanted. What for whose to know?
“Mama, daddy coming now?” Ro asked, a bit pitifully.
The both of you were holed up in a hotel room while Pepper made perpetrations for the tech demonstration happening the following day.
“I don’t think so, sweetheart,” you motioned for the little girl to come sit in your lap, “But, maybe we can try to call him. Would you like that?”
Much to your surprise, she sook her head ‘no’. “Not same. I wan’ see daddy.”
“I’m sorry, baby. Maybe when we get back home, promise we’ll spend some time with him.”
“Ice cream?”
“If that’s what you want to do, it’s fine with me. The whole day can be a family day.”
Ro held your hand, skipping along beside you as the group made its way to the Stark Expo.
“I’ll be busy all day with the event and a couple of meetings,” Pepper offered you an apologetic smile, “I really thought I’d be able to keep the two of you some type of company today.”
“It’s fine, Pepper,” you shrugged, “Business calls. I’m sure Ro and I can keep ourselves more than entertained. Right kid?”
Ro looked around everywhere her eyes big in wonder, “Yes!”
“I’ll send you a message later tonight, so the two of you can see the show. Have fun.”
“Thank you miss Pepper,” Ro shouted waving her off.
You looked around, “So, where to first?” You didn’t really have a chance to finish before Ro started pulling you off towards an exhibit with a robot greeter at the door.
The whole day was spent going in and out of various shops and exhibitions. She even convinced you to get her a small Stark Industries shirt because she liked that it looked like Tony’s, Iron Man snow globe, and a tiny backpack so she didn’t need to hold her things. When the two of you took a quick break at a play area she found herself a little friend with a kid in an Iron Man mask.
Around sun down you got a text from Pepper, signaling it was time to meet up with the rest of the group. Ro was warn down, so you opted to carry her over, hoping she’d regain enough energy to get through the show without throwing a tantrum. When you finally made your way over, Ro slipped from your arms.
“‘M big girl mommy.”
“You weren’t a big girl five seconds ago,” you joked, lightly squeezing her hand in yours.
Ro stuck her tongue out at you before smiling, remarkably similar to Tony. Sometimes you wondered about those kinds of things. Whether she did pick up his little ticks or you just wanted to see them. As she was growing her features were starting to become more similar to Alex’s, but part of you wished she looked like someone that actually loved and cared for her instead.
“Thank you miss Pepper!” Ro’s shout pulled you out of your thoughts. She ran over quickly to hug her leg. “Next time, you come too?”
Pepper smiles, returning the hug happily, “It’s a deal. Are you ready to see the show?” She asked, starting to escort the two of you to your seats.
The show went off with out a hitch. You wouldn’t expect it to go another way, Pepper seems to have planned it down to the second.  Still, you couldn’t help but cringe when Hammer came out. The charisma he wanted to show just wasn’t there, you hushed Ro from giggling too loudly. You kept a scoff at bay while he pretended to care about keeping people safe rather than his own ego. Sure, you were probably biased, but he was still easy to see through. As he stroked his ego, different bots raised through the stage, a set for each branch of the military.
“Ladies and gentlemen, today I am proud to present to you the very first prototype in the Variable Threat Response Battle Suit and its pilot, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes!” Hammer announced, gesturing to Rhodey.
“Uncle Rhodey!” Ro cheered, standing up from her seat to jump up and clap. She cut of with a gasp as Iron Man flew into the arena. “Daddy!”
You grabbed her hand so she wouldn’t run onto the stage. Rhodey and Tony seemed to have some kind of argument. Ro pulling against you took more of your attention, while you tried to calm her down, promising she’d get to see him in a minute.
“No! Now mommy!” Your grip on her slipped. That’s when the crowd started screaming, gunshots sounded off, and glass started shattering all around. “Leave daddy ‘lone!” You heard her shout, running in the direction she saw Tony fly off toward.
You tried to run after her, but the crowd of panicked people put more and more distance in between. All you could do was continue going forward and follow the small glimpse of her backpack. “Ro!”
The sound of explosions rang through the air. Someone from behind pushed you down, trying to get ahead. Some of the shattered glass cut a slice across your cheek. There wasn’t time to think about that as you got up, narrowly missing being stampeded over. When you finally made it out of the building, you had already lost sight of Ro. Mechanical whirling of the drones coming closer sent panic through you, but you stopped to look for her from your positions. A small body turned corner, wearing the same backpack Ro had. You had to trust it was her.
Chasing after the little figure, you’d always be a moment too late. Either a crowd would be in the way or she’d turn a corner. When you finally came close, she was running toward the little boy with the Iron Man mask from earlier. a drone was taking aim at him, Tony seemingly came out of no where just in time to stop it before flying back off. A small shout of “Good job, daddy!” waved off the fear you were following another kid.
You sped up as she stopped short of the boy. “Did it hurt you?” She asked.
“Uh huh,” he shook his head, “Stopped it just on time! Iron Man even told me good job!”
You grabbed Ro and picked her up, safer in your arms than on the ground in case she decided it was time for another run. “Don’t do that again. Stay close to me,” you have her a look over, assuring yourself that she was okay, “You can’t do that, okay?”
“Yes, mama, I sorry.”
“Hey,” you smiled at the little kid, “Do you mind taking off your mask, please?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he pulled it off, giving you a big smile.
“Do you know where your parents are?”
“Um...,” he shook his head, “I came here with my aunt and uncle.”
“Mind if I help you find them?”
“Please?” He grabbed your hand.
You took the two of them to the least chaotic areas you could find. Hoping they wouldn’t get scared and someone would recognize the kid soon. He seemed to perk up when he saw a man looking around frantically.
“Uncle Ben!” He called out running towards him.
The man turned around, easily catching the boy in his arms. “You’re safe,” he sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, “Don’t run away again, Pete. May’s worried sick.”
“I’m sorry, but I helped Iron Man!” Pete informed, “And this nice lady helped me find you.”
Ben looked to where Pete pointed to give you a grateful smile. “Thank you. I’m sorry, we really need to go find my wife. Do the two of you want to come with us? Maybe we can help you out too?”
“It’s not a problem. I think we’ll be okay,” you looked around, “despite things. Stay safe.”
“You too. Thank you again.”
An explosion happened close by, “I think, it’s time for us to go.” You tucked in Ro close, attempting to avoid all the crowds. All the same, you couldn’t ignore another’s toddler’s cries. A quick observation, you noticed her crying, looking into a wrecked building, thick smoke billowing out.
“Mama!” She cried, taking small, unsteady steps towards the danger.
Quickly you ran over to scooped her up. Glancing inside the shop, you found her mother quickly. Some rubble piled on her unconscious body. You could get her out, you decided as if there was any other option. Taking the girls to a bench clear from smoke, you made Ro sit, wrapping her arms snuggly against the toddler.
“Whatever you do, don’t let her go and stay here.”
She looked up, tears already pulling in her eyes. The fear she was so ignorant to minutes ago hit her in this moment. As well as she could, she managed a, “Yes, mommy.”
Taking a deep breath of clean air you ran into the building. Smoke was thick, but you could still manage to see somethings decently. Running over to the young parent, you started pushing off the rubble off as quickly as possible. You coughed hoarsely as smoke filled your lungs. Finally freeing her, you dragged her out of the building.
Making it as close to the girls as you could, you stopped to check the woman’s vitals. Her breathing and pulse were both dangerously low. You hoped Tony wasn’t in a life or death situation. Setting the call up, you handed Ro the phone, “When your dad answers tell him we need an EMT exactly where we are. If he doesn’t answer press the green phone again,” you ordered, before beginning CPR.
Some stress was taken off of you when you heard Ro speak uncertainty into the phone. Scared, but she got the basic gist of it through. The little girl’s crying didn’t allow much relief. A sense of pride took you over when you heard Ro make her voice a bit stronger and start to comfort the little girl.
Taking the time to check the woman’s pulse again told you it was stronger, but wouldn’t stay that way if you stopped CPR completely. You didn’t know how much time had passed, but you knew the toddler had stopped crying, explosions were raking through the air, and finally a stressed EMT told you it was time for you to take a break. Pulling away you went to slump down next to Ro, taking the toddler from her.
“You did so well, sweetheart. I’m proud of you.”
The EMT spoke up before Ro could, “Do you three need a ride to the hospital?”
“Yeah, the baby is her’s,” you motioned to the mother the other EMT’s were putting into an ambulance, “I’d like to make sure she gets to someone she knows safely.”
Nearly twenty minutes later, you, Ro, and the mystery child were in seats in the hospital waiting room. You had bought them drinks and snacks from the vending machines to keep them sedated as they watched whatever cartoon was playing on tv. Remembering it may be a good idea to tell Tony the two of you were safe and well, you started looking for your phone. Not here. Must have been left at the bench.
You didn’t get to focus on it much before a young man ran in frantically. “I’m here for Olivia Campo. Is our baby here? I don’t know where our daughter is and the person that called me said Olivia was still unconscious.”
Taking a shot, you walked over to the man and tapped him on the shoulder, mystery toddler on your hip. “What do you want?” He asked turning around, not particularly rudely, just stressed and terrified beyond compare. Instantly, his face softened and he quickly grabbed her from your arms, “Do you know what happened to Olivia and Sofía?”
You gave him a quick rundown of what happened and how you had found the two of them.
“Thank you, ma’am. For everything. For saving them. Is there anything at all I can do for you?”
“Can I borrow your cell phone?” You asked, “I really need to call my kid’s dad.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he handed over his phone, “Take your time. I’m going to find out if they know anything else about my wife.”
Keying in the memorized number, you hit call. “Hey, Tones.”
“YN,” he sighed, “Are you okay? Is Ro?”
“We’re fine. Ro’s been through way more than I’d thought she’d go through on this trip, but fine. What about you and Rhodey?”
“I think Rhodey will fill in the role of sidekick just fine.”
“Funny, I always thought of you as the sidekick in that situation.”
“You’re probably right,” he laughed tiredly, “J has your location. Happy is going to drive over and pick the both of you up. Then we’re settling things and going home.”
“A shower and my own bed sound great right now.”
“Then it’s a play. We’ve got a date in your bed first thing.”
You rolled your eyes, “Goodbye Tony, I’ll see you later.”
Nearly a week later life was back to normal. Tony had just came back from his and Rhodey’s honorary ceremony in Washington and Ro was happily humming to herself as she drew.
“You’re such a dick,” you laughed, “How’d you even get Stern to be your presenter?”
“A pirate owed me a favor,” he stated, continuing when you raised your brow, “This secret boy band thing Avengers.”
“The Avengers?” You scrunched your nose, “Just name yourselves the Justice League and call it a day. What are your group avenging exactly?”
“Not my group. I’m not even in it.”
“You’re not in it? How’s that happen?”
“Well, Iron Man? Passed with flying colors. Me however, I’m not recommended at all.”
“What’s the tin man without his heart? It’s just a hunk of metal.”
He laughed, giving you a soft smile, “Thats cheesy even for you, but that’s the crux of it. He’s not a narcissistic, compulsive, or self-destructive,” he thought for a moment, “Actually that last one is a build in protocol, but that’s beside the point.”
You frowned, “When did they even get all that? From interviews?”
“Nope, last week was my test. I’m just a bench warmer, that can offer up occasional plans.”
“That’s not you,” you shook your head, “Tones, you put everything in what you do.”
Ro ran up to the table, “Look mommy! Look daddy!” Her chubby fist held up a colored on sheet of paper.
Tony picked her up and sat her on his lap, setting the paper on the table in the process. He looked it over, trying to make sense of the scribbles. “Is it Godzilla and Big Bird playing basket ball?”
“No, silly!” She pointed two to bodyish shaped figures, “Daddy and mommy save day. Superheros. See? And here it says ‘I lo’ you!’”
Tony kissed her cheek, “That’s cute, Ro. We love you too. What do you say we hang up this art work on the fridge?”
“Yes! Please!”
Keeping her in his arms, Tony walked over to the kitchen. He let her adjust around some of her other drawings and helped her set aside the ones she didn’t like anymore. It was their normal procedure. Tony had said it was a lengthy process but Howard had always made him upset when he’d take down drawings calling them “too childish.” There were small things he does to avoid making Ro feel anything less than perfect. He tried so hard.
“You’re a great dad,” you stated, dropping a kiss on his cheek.
He put his free arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “Thank you, beautiful. That means a lot.” You watched as Ro moved around the magnets, making sure that her favorite pieces were set up perfectly. Tony watched you. For the briefest moment he thought about how easy it would be to close the distance. Take his shot and see what happened. The weight in his arms brought him back to reality, he had fucked up his family enough this month. So, instead he opted to kiss the scar you had earned yourself at the Expo, grateful that was the extent of your injuries. “I love the both of you.”
You look at him, smiling the smile that always knocked the air out of him. “I love you, too, Tony.”
“Lo’ you, daddy.” Ro turned his arms to hug him.
Someone knocked, startling the domestic bliss of the home. “I think that’s Happy and Pepper,” you said, pulling away.
“Happy and Pepper?”
“Yeah, family dinner. Rhodey should be here in twenty.”
“They’re family now?” He asked, smiling.
“Of course, you care about them don’t you? The only one missing is J.A.R.V.I.S., but that’s one you.”
“I keep telling you to make a garage and a system here.”
“Dear, if I did that I’d have absolutely no reason to ever leave this house.”
“I don’t think we’d mind that very much,” you laughed. “We love having you here. Now, I should go open the door before Happy isn’t.”
“Good luck with that. He’s always a grouch.”
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