#he gets long feets and a tail bc im not a coward
tokidokifish · 3 years
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The Man Has Been Clothèd
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4jimin · 7 years
DAMN IT u cant just tag and say ull reblob if no one gives u attention............. u da 1 (bc shoving someone against the wall sounds amazing)
…….i can be very persuasive asjdkdj thank you for sending jo, i love youuu !!  (i hope this is okay bc like…..i may or may not have gotten too deep into this so it turned out to be 5 pages long akshdk)
“right to the good parts” prompt list: jikook, “i have you shoved against a wall, but now I can’t stop looking at your mouth." 
canon compliant | gay chicken l well :)“I’m not a coward!” Jimin shouts from his corner of the room.It’s late already and the practice room is mostly covered by shadows, only the lights above the mirror wall being responsible for illuminating the place. “Yes, you are.” Jungkook tilts his head to the side with a smug smirk adorning his lips. Ah, if teasing Park Jimin wasn’t fuel to his veins. He spent the whole day working out and dancing – he was exhausted to the bones –, but just hearing the flustered tone of Jimin’s voice was almost equivalent to a 4 hour nap. Five, if the room was clear enough for Jungkook to see the cute blush creeping the older’s cheeks – like he knew it would – and his lips pursed the way it did everytime he was trying to prove a point. “You know, there is a thin line between being brave and being stupid.” “Exactly.”“Exactly. Me agreeing to go on a rollercoaster that you are in charge of commanding, considering you have no idea how to control a rollercoaster, is just being stupid!”Jungkook snorts, rolling his eyes. “Fine. Okay. What about bungee jumping, but not with the proper rope?” “No! What the fuck is wrong with you? I care about my life!”Jimin is seating in the darker corner of the room and Jungkook is all the way across from him – back leaning against the cold glass of the mirror. He can’t make out Jimin’s expressions well from so far away in the poorly lit room – but yet, just the tone of Jimin’s voice is enough for Jungkook to be one hundred percent sure about each face he is pulling out along wlth the sentences falling out of his mouth. “That’s what cowards say.” “That’s what logical people say!” “Hyung, just admit it already. I won’t judge you.” Jungkook chuckles at Jimin’s snort. “You fucking brat. You call me coward one more time, and I swear to–”“Okay, okay.” Jungkook tilts his head to the other side, an idea taking shape in his mind, making his lips twitch upwards. “You’ll get the respect I have for you back if–““I don’t need to get any respect back.”“You prove to me you’re not a coward.” They speak at the same time, overlapping each other’s voice. Jimin frowns.“What?” “You heard me. You need to prove.”“I don’t need to do anything.” Jimin crosses his arms, and Jungkook knows he has an stubborn pout on his lips. “But… how do I do that?” The maknae smirks. “Let’s play chicken.”“Let’s play what?” he uncrosses his arms, brows furrowed in confusion.“Chicken.” “What the fuck is that?” Jungkook chuckles, using his hand as an support to get on his feet. “It’s a game.” He starts explaining while walking till where Jimin is seating. “Basically, we need to put one another into nerve-wracking situations. The one to pulls away first lose. Easy.” By the time Jungkook ends talking he is standing before Jimin, an extended hand offered towards him to pull him up. Jimin takes it after a second of hesitation.“Well, the game usually tends to be more dangerous,” Jungkook reiterates, voice significantly lower since Jimin is closer to him now. “But we can make it worth.” He smiles. “You in?”Jimin narrows his eyes. “What kind of shit are you planning to come with?” Jungkook puts his arms behind his back and starts walking away, a playful smile on his voice as he singsongs “Guess you’ll have to pay to see…” he suddenly turns his body back to face Jimin “Or are you going to run away with your tail between your legs?” “I’mma punch you.”“Is that a yes?” he quirks his eyebrows up.“Whatever.” Jimin walks in his direction, stopping some meters away from him. “Go for it.”The game starts rather lamely, Jimin would say. The most Jungkook had done in three rounds was putting his sweaty armpit dangerously close to Jimin’s face – to which Jimin didn’t even flinch, for sake of information, just grimaced and called him a ‘gross pig’ under his breath (that was happily caged inside his lungs, because he was most definitely not smelling the stink under Jungkook’s arms, thank you very much). “Is that all you got?” Jimin teases, getting closer, holding back his laugh at Jungkook’s wide eyes. He keeps the straight face, taking small steps forward and pushing Jungkook backwards with him until his back hits the wall. He lowers down his gaze to Jungkook’s throat just in time to catch him gulping and smiles in victory. Jungkook is about to overcome his thundering heart and form a sentence, when Jimin kneels down before him and Jungkook’s eyes go wide. “H-hyung?” Jimin smirks, not breaking eye contact for a second, and slowly extends his left arm to the side, grabbing Jungkook’s phone on the floor. He gets up on his feet to face a very confused – and mildly breathless, Jimin proudly realizes – maknae. “Here. Text Namjoon-hyung and say: hyung, I think I’m im love with you.” “What?!” Jungkook almost chokes.Jimin shrugs, a nonchalantly smirk dwelling in the corner of his lips. “That’s me teaching you how the real game is meant to be played. Go for it, my brave boy.” He whispers, bitting down his bottom lip to contain a victory smile.But against all expectations, Jungkook does send the message, rendering Jimin speechless for a second or two. “Surprised?” he asks, voice lower than Jimin is used to listening. Jungkook is tall. Very tall, Jimin remembers, as he has to slightly tilt his head back to properly look at his face. Also, Jungkook’s eyes are shining. Despite from all the shadows trying to cover his features, his eyes are shining with a glow Jimin doesn’t quite recognize. It settles an unfamiliar restlessness on his muscles. “Good to know we’re now playing dirty.” Jungkook hums and Jimin feels his hot breath hitting his lips. His heart pace increases for no apparent – or logical – reason, and his fingertips tingle with unknown anticipation. “It’s my turn.” Jimin barely has time to utter a word before his shoulders are being grabbed and his back is being roughly slammed against the wall, all oxygen violently punched out of his lungs. He looks up, confusion molding his features, but he doesn’t find the usual innocence he so much adores in Jungkook’s eyes. He finds a pair of dark irises and dilated pupils staring back at him, the hint of an eerie lust hidden in the way he licks his lips and lowers his eyes to Jimin’s mouth. Jimin fists the front of his tshirt to draw his attention back.“W-what–“However, all his senses shut down when Jungkook’s cold fingers surges on the sharp bulge of his hipbone, thumbs caressing the skin ever so slowly. Jimin’s eyes fall closed and his breath hitches, every allusion of sentence menacing to be said, dying on his throat. He can feel his chest constricting in an oddly pleasurable arousal when Jungkook drags his hands up, delineating the curve of his waist with his palms, and then feeling the ledge of his abs with his fingertips, the touch leaving heat traces all over his skin. Jungkook’s hot air enters his mouth and that’s when Jimin realizes he’s been holding his own back.“That’s me teaching you how the real game is meant to be played.” The younger’s reuse of his words reaches his ears at the same time he opens his eyes, just to be welcomed with the most annoyingly attractive smirk he has ever faced. Jimin wants to punch it away. He raises his chin just the slightest bit up, a sudden desire to win washing all over him and pooling on his stomach with a restlessness that burns and sends heat shooting up his spine – swallowing all the nervousness to the tip, and replacing it with some thing Jimin is not so sure about wanting to figure out. Jungkook can’t seem to stop staring at his lips. Jimin watches his face with half lided eyes and a heart beating on his throat. “Then I guess you should try harder.” His words resound through a soft murmur lost in the silence of the room, when he takes Jungkook’s neck on his hands and pulls it down to be met with his lips halfway. The younger’s skin is cold, but Jimin warms it with his tongue and lips, sucking muscle and flesh hard enough to hear Jungkook deeply inhaling a sharp breath. His fingers are digging into Jimin’s hips, and Jimin feels nails when he drags his lips up, hot breath hitting the wet mark of saliva he has left behind, making Jungkook shiver. He noses his way up the younger’s neck, tangling his fingers on his hair and softly kissing every inch of exposed skin he’s met until he reaches Jungkook’s ear. He uses his teeth to scratch the lobe with the most of delicacy he possesses, so he can whisper.“Your turn.” Jungkook is heavily breathing with closed eyes, Jimin realizes when he pulls back to face the boy. He bites back a proud smile.The younger boy doesn’t flinch or move for the next ten seconds, which gets Jimin tiptoeing his way up to face him on the same height level. He is about to pull his best smug of victory along with a cheesy made up phrase to annoy the shit out of Jeon Jungkook, when Jungkook suddenly presses his body harder against Jimin’s, supporting his weight with an elbow resting by the side of the older’s head. Jungkook sees the sea of different brown hues staring back at him through wide eyes, closer than ever – and to be honest, he wants nothing more than to dive into them, to drown in its depth and be overwhelmed by its intensity. He wants so much it’s starting to hurt.“Hyung.” He warns, voice rough. “I’m not gonna lose.” Jimin blinks, eyelashes heavy with expectation, hands tightening around the fabric of Jungkook’s tshirt.“Me neither.” Jungkook leans closer slowly, Jimin almost feels teased – on the verge of having a cardiac arrest from how fast his heart has been beating for the past minutes. His eyes flutter closed when he feels the tip of Jungkook’s nose touching his. His lips are burning somehow, yelling to be kissed – the smell of the younger’s skin useful as no help to calm down his stomach. How can he smell good after hours of practice? Or maybe he doesn’t and Jimin is just crazy. Yes. He probably is. Completely insane. And why isn’t Jungkook’s lips glued to his already?He is about to open his eyes to understand what the hell is going on when ge feels the wetness of Jungkook’s mouth on his jawline. It’s soft and tender, and it makes him dizzy to the fingertips, because– isn’t that game supposed to be nerve-wracking and rough? Why is he feeling loved?Jimin turns his head to the other side unconsciously, so Jungkook trails the line of his sharp jawline with his lips, holding harder on his bare waist beneath the tshirt and pulling his body closer to his, craving the warmth that his skin exhales. Jimin’s chest is rosing up and down repeatedly, but it’s when Jungkook lighly suck at the skin right below his ear that Jimin moans. And something twitches inside Jungkook’s chest. He nips at the flesh by the side of his neck as a test, just to hear the same sound crawling out of Jimin’s throat again – low and needy. So he opens his mouth and sucks for real this time, rough, scratching his teeth softly on the skin when he lets go, Jimin’s breath hitching inciting him to go further.Jungkook hears his own heart beating on his ears, and feels both his and Jimin’s beating on his chest – but he is sure his nearly stops when Jimin whines and presses his crotch against his thigh, the stimulus shooting white pleasure to the tip of his stomach and blankness to the back of his eyes.Fuck.Jungkook takes a hand off Jimin’s waist and grabs his hair, pulling it back to have full acess to his neck. He doesn’t lose a second, a burning desire running through his veins and making him want to taste every single inch of Park Jimin’s body, every single inch of skin. He bites down and sucks roughly, Jimin groaning breathlessly with firm hands clutching his shoulders. He feels driven to the edge, none of that being enough and still being too fucking much. Jimin’s lightheaded already, lips falling open within every moan his body forces out of him, the sensation overwhelming his senses. Jungkook keeps on sucking his neck and it feels so good it’s excruciating, how he doesn’t want it to end, but how at the same time he needs more. His hands are on Jungkook’s neck, and he doesn’t know when they went to stop there, but now his nails are scratching Jungkook’s nape and before Jimin can help he is moaning Jungkook’s name.Jungkook moans back, and almost feels like being punched on the stomach with a fist of flowers. Jimin can’t take it anymore. He pulls Jungkook’s head back and turns to face him, catching his swollen lips on his mouth with a fervor he has no idea inhabited in him. Jungkook is fast to comply, lips falling open and licking into Jimin’s mouth just as desperately. Their tongues meet in a clash of heat and mutual desire, and it’s fucking addicting, how their lips fit so perfectly together, how their pace is exactly the same, as if they were familiar to each other’s lips for their entire lives. “H…hyung.” Jungkook pulls back for air, but Jimin is unable to think straight. He chases Jungkook’s mouth like a predator, thirsty for the taste lingering on his lips, sucking and bitting his bottom lip, until Jungkook is groaning, grabbing his thighs and pulling him up. God. Jimin is losing his mind.He straddles Jungkook’s hips with his thighs, locking his ankles on the end of his back, and Jungkook takes the chance of the height difference to get back on Jimin’s neck. He is addicted, he knows, but the sound Jimin makes when he sucks and licks the right spots is enough to send him shooting up the sky. “Jung…Jungkook.” Jimin breathes out, and his legs are sliding down Jungkook’s body, so Jungkook hops him up, switching his hands from Jimin’s thighs to his ass and god. He bites down the curve of Jimin’s neck so hard he feels the boy shrinking. “Sorry.” He utters, voice hoarse like never before. His cheek is pressed against Jimin’s collarbone and he stays there for a second, lungs burning for air. “You’re driving me crazy.”  Jimin lazily smiles, looking down. Jungkook pulls back to look at his face, and he has all air squeezed out of him a second time in that night. Shit.“…what?” Jimin furrows his brows at Jungkook’s odd expression. “What’s wrong?” Jungkook takes more time than he thinks he should to answer. But he can’t help it. He’s stunned.“Jungkook?” “Nothing, just– I…” he lifts his eyes to meet Jimin’s. “You’re beautiful.” Jimin’s mouth fall open to form some kind of response, but he’s rendered speechless, cheeks flushing redder than his bruised lips. It’s the most adorable thing in the world. Jungkook doesn’t let him answer.He kisses his mouth with a different kind of need this time, kisses him until both of them forget how to speak, how to breath – until the only thought in the back of his mind is Park Jimin’s face and nothing more.
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