#yes i bought this idiot an ao dai
bylerschmyler · 2 years
Still a delusional idiot here, but if the difference between the time on the show and the time on Lucas On The Line actually means something. There's something to point out, may be nothing but i can't stop thinking about it. LOTL makes the point that both Dustin and Lucas are trying to move on, on the first day of school they both try "new looks" while Mike it's just his old self. This is also commented on the show, because Eddie remembers seeing Mike in the clothes his mom bought for him. Now, if we look at Mike. If we look at Lucas, Dustin and Will - Lucas is trying to move on, meet new people, he doesn't want to be the freak anymore ans that annoys both Mike and Dustin. Dustin has been on a very different path than the rest of the party since he got paired with Steve. Looking at Dustin, he usually hangs with older people, he is teamed up with Robin, Steve, Eddie, while not trying to be some he isn't he is growing up. Will is, as said by many of the viewers, still stuck in the time when they party was still the four boys, when times were "easier" (if he ever got an easy moment really) and he doesn't wanna grow up. Some people ignore the fact that he is gay and call him "a late bloomer".
Now let me present you what i see happening to Mike Wheeler because yes, this boy.
Mike followed the progression of time along side with Dustin and Lucas until the epilogue of season 3. He tried to be 'normal' (still does), he got a girlfriend, and he even fought with Will because "what did [he] think? That [they] would never grow up?". Here's the thing. As a total metaphor - time has always been ticking for Mike, he is late every start of season, because he is the late bloomer. While Will, Dustin and Lucas know what they like, Mike only gets there at the end of s3, and then? HOP'S LETTER saying he wants to turn back the clock. To stop everything from changing. So, from s3 to s4 Mike stops his moving forward, he goes back to the stuff he likes, d&d and videogames. Lucas says that's all he is being doing after the Byers left. But what makes Mike want to stop time and not grow up? How come in these two parallel timelines we are avoiding the birthdays of the both characters who don't want to grow up? They don't have a problem with discussing Dustin's birthday with HIS GIRLFRIEND because he is moving forward into adulthood, so no problem there. But Will and Mike? If they keep getting older, there will be a moment when they are going to have to face their truths. Maybe Will is getting there already, we don't really know much about what Will's being doing aside of working on the painting so i'm not really sure if he still plays videogames and such just by himself, but the moment he is with Mike all he wants is to be exactly where Mike is waiting (probably for him). Mike has gone back to how things were for him at the begining of s1 (aprox.). Only this time he doesn't have Will there. And you know, Max and Lucas and Dustin are great (even though when you think about it, he and Dustin were mad at Lucas and were hanging out that much anymore) and Max distancieted herself from everyone after that summer. But what makes Hawkins not the same is not having Will there.
So, yes, this delusional Byler anon thinks they didn't forget Will's birthday, they based Mike's monologue in s4 on Mike monologue in s2, yes, i do believe he just changed his words ao it would fit E*. Even the i love you in your good days and in your bad days? Are you sure about that Mike? Because i never saw you loving her in her bad days, you loathe her in those days... however there was someone you loved and cared about in his worsts and in his bests.
Does any of this makes any sense? I don't know, but i tried my best.
Hey nonny!
I think I get what you mean. And yes I agree mostly.
Mike being late/running out of time at the start of every season.
The time running out for the victims when they are cursed.
Wills Birthday being forgotten in the show and Mike's being forgotten in extended canon adds up (Mike's birthday is only mentioned in extended canon and Will's only mentioned in the show. So forgetting Will's birthday in the show and Mike's in extended canon makes sense).
There is something up with it. But I am not 100% sure what it will be because the show did suprise me in the past with the path it took storywise so I hope that after analysing this show I haven't figured out everything and spoilered myself. Because as much as I want a "I KNEW IT MOMENT" for some stuff (#victimgate) I want to stare at my Screen, jaw dropped, thinking "They didn't actually do that?!" (in a good way). But Currently I am very positive that it will be like that.
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tokidokifish · 3 years
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The Man Has Been Clothèd
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imagine-fanfics · 5 years
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Prompt: Imagine getting married to Jim Kirk (AOS) after dating for 4 years. (I need fluffy romance with Jim! I wanna be wooed!) Word Count: 1,078 Warnings: Fluff, so much fluff. And a few curse words? Author’s Note: I want to thank @spaceyhufflepuff​ for the imagines she is sending in, and giving me hella inspiration. I apologize for being so slow on getting these out, but like 75% of creating these for me is trying to find the perfect gif for it and still not being satisfied.
You and Kirk have been dating since he had stopped Khan from destroying Starfleet, you were always in love with him and you both played around the idea without actually ever doing anything or admitting your feelings. It wasn't until Jim died that you realize how much time you wasted, how you would never be with your beloved again, only for Bones to get the brilliant idea of using Khan's blood to save Jim. You were there when Jim woke up from his sleep status, two weeks after injecting him with Khan's blood. For the first week, you wouldn't leave his side, until finally Bones got tired of it and sent you away.
Uhura, Spock, Chekov, Scotty and Sulu took their turns being around you, making sure you were fine and weren't locking yourself away in bed. Depression hit you hard, you knew Jim was alive, but you had no idea how long it would take for him to wake up; or even if he was going to be the same Jim you knew before. Worry and concern were consuming your thoughts, but your friends helped you keep a steady mind. You ran straight there when you got the call from Bones that Jim was awake. The smile on his face when you entered the room spoke volumes, he was ready to say something, but you approaching his side and landing a firm kiss on his lips stopped him.
He didn't fight it, instead, he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace and pulled you closer. You could practically hear the eye roll from Bones behind you. The two of you had been dating since then, going on four years, a few into the 5 year mission. Everyone has been supportive of you, and Uhura thought of you as her double date friend, much to the boys' displeasure. You two were professional when it came to work, but once you were off your shifts; you could barely keep your hands off each other. As Bones put it: "It's disgusting, like two rabid animals trying to fight."
Lovely image.
The events of Krall came and went, another close call that you had with Jim's almost demise. Your anxiety was threw the roof, but the birthday party for Jim helped keep you on the ground. "Another party?" You looked up at Jim, mild confusion on your face as he nodded. "But you hate your birthday, why would we have another party just a week later?" Jim sighed, his signature smile planted firmly on his face. "It's not for me, it's for us. The crew. The ship will be done relatively soon, and I figured it would be a good opportunity to take in the shore leave as much as possible, but together." You bought it.
Just two days later, you and Jim walked into the room with your crewmates and friends, fifteen of them holding balloons. A small chuckle escaped your lips as you looked up at Jim. "Balloons, really? Is this a kid's party?" You teased, causing him to look at you with his sapphire optics and those pearly white teeth shown. You went silent. Something was off. But you ignored it when Jim got you a drink and you started to mingle. You seen letters on the balloons, which was odd.
Trying to look at them and piece the letters together, Jim was doing everything in his path to stop you. Kissing you, shoving another drink in your hand, having people talk to you (you think it is rude not to make eye contact with the person you are conversing with). It wasn't until maybe a half an hour later that Jim announced they were going to do a group photo. "Y/N, would you take it, please?" Jim asked you, handing you a camera. You could have sworn you seen someone else with a camera, but casted that thought to the side.
You stared down at the camera as everyone got into place, readying the camera, you peered your eye into the lense and gasped. Through the lense you could see the words spelled out in front of you. Will You Marry Me? Jim was down on one knee, holding up an open box of a diamond ring as he smiled up at you in a hopeful manner. You almost dropped the camera, but caught it as you stared at them in awe, your eyes not leaving Jim's. "Y/N, will you make me the happiest guy in the universe and marry me?"
The room was silent, as if everyone was holding their breath until you finally answered. "Yes, Jim, yes I will marry you!" You ran to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and planted a loving kiss upon his soft lips. Clapping ensued behind you, glancing up to see the release of the balloons, you and Jim smiling like damn idiots.
Months passed, the wedding was ready. You two both agreed to keep it simple, since the Enterprise was your home, and all your friends were aboard, getting married on the ship was what you both wanted. The mess hall was transformed into a beautiful ceremony. Sulu's daughter, Demora, was the flower girl; Keenser wanted to be the ring bearer. The music started up and you began your descent down the aisle, your eyes fixated on Jim. He held the happiest smile you've ever seen him wear, and the look on his face showered you in love. Uhura and Jaylah accompanied you on your side, while Spock and Bones were on Jim's side. Scotty was the officiant.
No one objected, everyone cheered, the kiss was as you imagined it. Holding hands with your husband, you both walked down the aisle as everyone followed you. The reception was being held at local Starfleet base, your shore leave being approved for the special day. You couldn't have been more ecstatic to be married to the love of your life. The first dance as husband and wife was taking place as everyone watched with contentment. "Well, Mrs. Kirk, was the day everything you hoped for?" Your husband asked, his hand holding yours as his other was resting on your hip.
You looked up at with him a loving smile, staring into his sapphire optics which seemed a little more blue than usual. "Everything and so much more." The gentle kiss followed and you honestly felt as if your heart would burst out of your chest.
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daehwifi · 7 years
- admin xion
genre: fluff with v smol angst member: hwang minhyun word count: 1, 522 requested: yis !  side notes: I LOVE ORANGE SM !!
prompt: where you get letters from yourself in the future, encouraging you to show signs of how you like minhyun back, before you both go on spring break // dedicated to my lOVELY LOVELY THIGH SWEEPER @xiupch  ily shuri <3 
where admin xion rewrites plots of shoujo animes and replaces the characters with wanna one members [won’t be exactly similar to the anime]
seongwoo : ao haru ride jihoon : isshakun friends daniel : kaichou wa maid sama guanlin : kimi no na wa  jinyoung : hotarubi no mori e 
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DAY 1 
“minhyun will try to help you up when you fall down in the hallways. he’ll offer you his hand. accept that offer,” 
you chuckled to yourself reading that letter 
“bullshit. minhyun wouldn’t even want to help me in the first place,” you mumbled under your breath
minhyun was a friend of yours in some sort of sense
he was your cliche fuck boy that’d always pick on you
but in a sense, you two were somehow friends 
he was there for all the injuries you got to firstly, laugh at you at how dumb you are and secondly, treat your wounds 
and you’d blush every time he did as you’d remained silent 
“who’s even sending me these letters?” you scoffed to yourself 
rolling your eyes, you threw the letter onto your desk as you headed out for school
you met up with your friends at your desk as they mentioned how great their weekends were 
“woojin got so shy and it was the most cutest thing ever,” kyujin spoke, becoming all flustered 
“ew, that’s my brother you’re talking about,” replied eunkyung 
you rolled your eyes and smiled 
“but eunkyung, you’re dating kyujin’s brother,” you scoffed under your breath as kyujin rolls her eyes
“ew,” she gags as you couldn’t help but burst out into laughter 
“ah- the single life,” you exclaimed like a queen on her throne 
they both shake their heads with smiles across their faces 
“okay but in actual news, minhyun’s gonna be in our gym class again,” spoke eunkyung 
“seriously? he got kicked out of english again?” kyujin commented, gawking her eyes 
“i bet it’s to annoy y/n again,” kyujin mumbles softly as they both look at you
for some reason, the thought of minhyun usually brought you a sour and bitter look
but all you could think of was that letter
“hey guys- this morning i...” you trailed off your sentence, second guessing you choices before you spoke 
“you what?” kyujin provoked 
“nothing. i was just gonna mention how i bought a new hairband since minhyun broke my last one but that’s nothing really important,” you avoided the actual topic you were about to bring up
they bought it and nodded as you smiled a bit to yourself 
when gym rolled around, the familiar annoying boy was being scolded by the gym teacher once again since he was brought into this class 
“y/n! minhyun here has been missing out on all of his english homework, can you help him get caught up since your grade in gym is obviously set at a high score?” your gym teacher spoke 
“well obviously- if she’s gonna keep kicking me out, of course i’m gonna be missing out on work,” minhyun cursed under his breath as you kicked him quickly, without the gym teacher noticing 
forcing a smile, you nodded 
usually, everyone would change into their gym clothes but since you were pulled aside, you were in the school uniform 
“fuck you,” you scoffed 
“with pleasure sweetie,” he replies with sarcastic eyes 
“what are you missing out on?” you ask trying to change the topic
“i don’t know, she kicks me out of class i don’t fucking know what i’m supposed to be doing,” he spoke bitterly 
“you’re fucked,” you teased as he rolled his eyes 
“aren’t you fucked since i’m the one doing it?” he provoked as you couldn’t help but scoff, leaving a bitter-ish smile across your face 
“alRIGHT FUCK THIS” you groaned standing up and storming away 
minhyun followed you, but walked instead 
as you turned a corner, you tripped over thin air and landed on your back as you could hear minhyun’s laugh approaching 
rolling your eyes, minhyun finally comes into sight 
“has the clock struck 12 yet?” he teases as you roll your eyes
he offers you a hand as your mind went back to the letter 
“he’ll offer you his hand. accept that offer,” 
as you found yourself to be a puppet on strings, you accepted his hand as he helped you stand up
“thanks...” you softly spoke as you realized his hand wasn’t letting go of yours 
minhyun was staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face as you could feel yourself becoming flustered 
you let go of his hand as he realized how close you two actually were and becomes flustered as well 
“ah- s-sorry,” he mumbles shyly
“i-it’s fine,” you reply
“okaybye,” you both say at the same time before walking off into two different directions 
DAY 2 
“don’t move. you won’t regret it,” 
you were a bit in shocked when the letter labeled day 1 worked out
the mail only came with 3 envelopes, titled day 1, day 2 and day 3 
but the fact that day 1 was exactly like how the letter explained it, you were starting to possibly believe it was true 
it can’t hurt just to do what it says, can it? 
“what the fuck do you mean by that?” you scoffed under your breath 
“how does one not move?” you questioned to yourself softly
rolling your eyes, you took a deep breath when your eyelids shut down for a bit to take everything in 
you didn’t even know what you were doing at this point
going to school, a sudden pair of hands tapping on your shoulders made you jump a bit as you turned around 
“you get scared easily,” minhyun scoffs as he walks away, suddenly bumping into your shoulder 
you furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head, continuing on with your life like usual
minhyun came into your language class since he got kicked out of history 
the thought of it made you chuckle and roll your eyes but minhyun seemed to notice that action and decided to take a seat next to you 
“minhyun, fuck off,” you mumbled bitterly
“sorry. i seem to be attracted to pretty girls,” he casually spoke as you sat there, a bit flustered from the sudden comment 
you didn’t notice how your cheeks were a bit pink but minhyun did 
he messes up your hair and chuckles a bit, pinching your cheek like a child as you winced in pain
“yes- i called you pretty you idiot,” he mumbles as you slap his hand away from the pain, rubbing your cheek a bit 
guilt took over him as he felt like he pinched your cheek a bit too hard 
“don’t move, you won’t regret it,” 
minhyun suddenly moves in closer and cups your cheek, rubbing his finger back and fourth as his eyes meet yours 
he softly smiles as his eyes became warm
“you’re cute when you’re like that,” he mumbles softly, under his breath
DAY 3 (the day before spring break) 
“he cares about you more than you think,” 
you played with the ends of your hair and your fingers, dangling your feet from the seat outside of the office 
hwang minhyun was never the type to care about you
or at least that’s what you thought 
it’s so easy for one to write the words but to believe it is the hard part 
a girl ran past you and looking behind her was minhyun, walking casually like he did when you fell down 
it’s definitely a lot more easier to write it out then believe it you said to yourself 
“have a nice spring break minhyun!” the girl spoke happily 
“you too,” he replied as she ran off 
minhyun notices your presences and sat beside you
“what are you doing here?” he asked
“debating if i should walk home or get a cab,” you replied as he chuckles and nods 
“what’s the chuckle for?” 
“choosing something like that shouldn’t be hard,” he scoffs as you roll your eyes and shake your head
“for me it is,” you whined like a child as minhyun laughs a bit 
“he cares about you more than you think,” 
“minhyun, what am i to you?” you blurt 
a sigh escapes from his lips as his head turns to face yours
“someone-” he spoke
it sounded like he was going to say more but stopped himself 
“just someone?” you asked 
“someone who i care about,” he spoke 
“he cares about you more than you think,” 
“yeah, why do you think i always treated your wounds?” minhyun spoke with a soft smile that seemed to be contagious
you were smiling a bit as well 
“i’m sending these letters to you because i made the mistake of pushing minhyun away since i assumed he was just like every other person who’d use someone. 
he’s someone that smiles a lot and makes you smile without knowing it and as much as you deny that fact, it’s true. 
since i didn’t tell him how i felt, he moved on thinking that you’d never like him back and ended up dating someone else.
it felt empty and lonely- despite how selfish that may sound. 
i hope you’re able to follow these letters and make sure you don’t find yourself crying inside your pillow like i did. 
hwang minhyun has the warm colors and sweetness under all of his bitter skin-
like an orange.” 
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Forgotten Winchester Sister
Paring:WinchesterxSister!reader  Maybe JackxReader
Warining: violence 
AO: This is going to be a series so enjoy!
I grew up with a family in Ohio. My Mother’s Name was Kathrin and my Father’s Name Chris. I lived a Pretty normal live. School, Teenager Problems etc. The only normal thing was that my family tortured me.  I turned 18 last week and it was then when I discovered that my life has been a lie. Kathrin and Chris weren’t my Parents. And Andrews wasn’t my last name. The only thing that was true was my name. Y/N. But everything else has been a lie. I Remember Piece’s Words and faces. But the first thing I remembered was my last name. Winchester.
I asked my “Parents” about this. But they started screaming at me and said that I would be insane.  That I am theirs. So I Started searching on the Internet, After I hacked the Police department I found a file with the name Winchester on it. Sam and Dean. When I read these names a memory came back. Words. “Y/N  everything is going to be ok” I Looked at the photos. I had tears in the eyes when I read below the names DEAD. This can’t be true. I spent all day reading the file. It was pretty big And confusing. They say that they killed Dean like 3 Times. I wrote down important facts about them until my Mother came in my room and started screaming at me.  She took my Computer and Locked my door from outside. No way I would stay longer here in hell. I looked at the little book with Notes on them and started Packing my stuff. I found an address where they had been seen.  Somewhere in Lebanon, Kansas. I took my Money from the mini job I had, it wasn’t much but enough. I opened my window and looked back one more time. I wrote a letter to my Parents and explained everything. I saw a few Photos On the wall and decided to bring them along then I started climbing out the window.  I was on the rooftop and looked if anybody would see me. When I saw no one I jump in the Neighbor’s garden and ran off.
I found a Bus station and bought me a Ticket. The bus drive was long but I heard music with my MP3 Player. When  I arrived in Kansas  I immediately bought me a Map. I couldn’t use Google maps because I knew my Parents would track me down with the GPS. So when I had the Map I took another bus And then I was standing where the Brothers had been seen last. It was a fast food restaurant called Cole’s.  The street down was a Motel so I decided to first rent a Room and then to go to Cole’s. I got a Little room with a bed. It was good enough. I searched for a Jacked and then I went outside. The sunset was Beautiful. When I arrived at Cole’s again it was almost full. I found a free Spot and after a while a women came to me. “What can I do for you?” I looked at the Card “Ehm, can I Have number 5 Please?” She nodded “Something to drink?” “Water please” With that she went in the Kitchen. I Looked around but I saw nor Dean or Sam. I took out the Book with the Notes and read it. “Here is your order” I smiled at her “Thank you”. My stomach growls and I started to eat. What when I would find them? What would I do. What should I do when they didn’t want to see me?. While I was eating so many Questions went through my head. I started writing down the memory’s I had. And when I looked at the clock it was almost midnight. I decided to come back tomorrow morning. When I was walking down the street to my Hotel I started asking myself what would happened when I wouldn’t find them?  I entered my room and let myself fall on the Bed. It wasn’t soft it felt like stone but I have to get used to this. I quickly got in the shower that I had and went then to bed. I was exhausted. Sleep came quickly as the next morning to. I looked at my Phone 5 am. Ok I want to be at Cole’s at 6 am.  
When I was there Listening to music and looking up whenever somebody walked in I got pretty Bored. I Decided to stop listening to music but starting to draw. So I would hear when somebody walked through the door. The waiter came often to me and I ordered always something to drink so they wouldn’t toss me out. It was 11am when a man with a Trench coat came in. I looked down again and continued drawing when I overheard something “Yes number 5 with extra cheese for dean and number 9 for sam. Oh and number 7 for Jack. That’s all thanks.” I had no idea who this Jack was but he Knew Sam and Dean. I started packing my stuff and went outside Cole’s so I could follow this man. I put my Headphones in and played the Music low and I took my book out and started faking drawing. When he came out I follow him. I started making notes where he went so I would find the way back to my motel afterwards. He didn’t even look back once. When he was Walking a lonely street I began to panic a little. What if he knew I was following him and this was a trap. But then I said again I have to know. What if he really knows sam and dean. I want to know them to. To ask them so many questions.
I stood behind a tree when the man entered what seemed to be an old fabric or something like that. When he opened the door he said “Sam Dean I’m back” And closed the door behind Him. My heart stared beating fast. I wanted to go after him but I stayed behind the tree for a few minutes breathing heavily. I came out and looked around. Here was nothing expect This old Building. I walked through the Door. It was Locked. I knew how to open Locks but I was afraid that they would hear me. I decided that I would deal with that later. I took the picklock and opened the Lock. I tried to open the door slowly so it wouldn’t make any sounds. I entered and tried to close it as slowly and silent. When I turned around I saw stairs so I went them down. There was a freaking big table with some kind of a map in it. And then there was like a Hallway with tables in them and Bookshelf’s everywhere. I heard voices in another room. My heart felt like it would jump out off my chest. I walked towards The big table and looked over it. It had a map in it the whole world. I walked in the hallway with the many tables. I looked around there were some glass display cases with old stuff in it. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned Around Quickly.  There was a boy standing, he seemed to be in my age, he had brown hair and eyes. He Looked confused at me. I tried to make up an excuse for being in somebody’s home. But I couldn’t thing of any. “how did you come in?” I looked at him “Ehm through the door” He looked more confused. But then I heard more Footsteps “Hey Jack what Takes so long?” A Tall Man with long Brown hair and Green eyes came in the Hallway and Looked alarmed when he saw me. I looked at him. Sam. He Really is Freaking tall. He seemed like he wanted to say something but didn’t. Then two other people came in the Hallway “What are you idiots doing?” One was the dark haired man with the Trench coat and another had brown hair green eyes and freckles all over his Face.  He looked alarmed too first but then he looked like he panicked. He looked to Sam and then back to me. “W-Who are you?” His voice almost sounded scary like he didn’t wanted to hear the Answer. “’ Y/N. And I’m sorry for breaking in your home it’s just that I-” The dark Haired man took a step Forwards and put a hand on my forehead. “What are you doing?” He looked at me and said nothing. All this started to make me angry. I pushed his arm aside and took a step back. “Listen I’m sorry for breaking in but I just want Answers ok? And I Know I can find them here” I looked at Sam and Dean “Sam Dean Please I Need your help” When I said their names it seemed that they had lost all blood in their face’s.  “You know her?” Asked the boy and Dean whispered “Yes” I felt so happy to hear this. They could help me finding out who I am.  Sam looked at me sadness only in his eyes “Why did you come here?” I looked at him confused and with anger “Should I have stayed with my “Family”?” He nodded “You were save there Y/N!” I looked to dean who was looking down. “Save? I wasn’t save there Sam. I’M not here to talk about this. I want to Know where do I know you and why did you left me?” Dean Looked up Tears in his eyes “What?” I Looked to him “You promised me that you wouldn’t left me. This is one of the few things I remember” Dean looked hearth broken so does Sam. Sam Signed “Ok Let’s talk”.
It was Almost Day again when Sam and Dean finished their Story. When I was little dean found a nice witch and asked her to erase my memory so I would forget about the supernatural. And then they told me about Sam having demon blood in him and Dean going to Hell. Dean coming back Thanks Castiel. They told me about Michael And Lucifer the Cage and Soulless Sam And the Mark of Cain. Demon dean The Few Apocalypse, Dean told me Pround Of the One time he Killed Hitler, The angels crisis and the leviathan things  about the British man of Letters, about mum. everthing. I have to say it was Pretty hard to believe.  After the Story nobody said anything for a few minutes. I needed to progress all this. Sam Looked at me with a small smile. “How was your life Y/N?” I Looked at him “Not as Adventurous as yours.” He laugh and dean had a small smile on his face.  “My life wasn’t like you guys wanted it to be. I mean I didn’t hunt Monsters but I wasn’t save.” They looked at me with confusion and Dean said “What do you mean not save?” I Smiled sadly and Castiel who sat next to jack said “Your Back” I looked over him and then back to Sam and Dean who looked confused. “ I wanted it to be a Secret only I Know but I’m sure when I’m not going to say it castiel will. The family I stayed with was very” I searched for a word “Strict.” Castiel made a strange noise and said “They were Bad Y/N.” I looked over him “Let me finish. Well In the morning I went to school did homework there and when I came home. When I was lucky my “Parents” Weren’t there and I had some spare time. But as soon as I was home they would start to Torture me. Only on the back so when I have to go somewhere nobody would see anything.  Well it went on forever till i decided a few days ago to run away “ dean Looked Furious “They did What?!” I Looked at him with a smile “It’s Ok dean” Sam stood up “no it’s Not Y/N! Nothing about this is Ok! Why did you stayed there?!” I Laughed “Were was is supposed to go Sam? I was a child. And there were Adult they threaten my friends. I couldn’t have gone anywhere!” Castiel was About to Put his Hand on my Shoulder But I took it “Castiel I swear if you try this again I will hurt you” He looked at me “How do you know what I was about to do?” I let go off his arm and Looked at the Clock. I took my jacket and Went to the stairs. “Where are you going?”  I Looked at Dean tired “In my Motel I’m Tired” Sam shook his head “Y/N you Can live here. God this is Your home” I looked at him and put my jacket on “Thanks sam but all my stuff is there and I need time alone” I walked up the stairs until someone grabed my arm I looked sam in the eyes “Y/N let us drive you if you really want to go back” I shook my head “Sam I will walk. And if you are scared that something could happen to me. Remember I survived worse.” I opend the Door and looked back “Good night”
When I was in My room I didn’t want to think about anything I just went to the bed and slept. Sounds wake me up. I opened one eye and heard that somebody was trying to open my door. I had a Knife under my Pillow I took it and hid it under my blanket. The door opened and Sam and Dean Came in. I looked at them and put the Blanket over my head. Sam Laughed and Dean said “Wake up Sunshine” I Looked at them “Why?” They just laughed and I sighed. I got up and saw that they brought breakfast. I sat down at the little table I had in the room and Dean gave me a fruit salad. I looked down at the salad and Sam said “We weren’t sure if you still liked this but you used to love this” I had tears in the eyes and smiled at them “Yes I still love this Thank you” sam smiled and started eating. I opened the salad and was about to eat “How did you guys know I am here?” Dean looked at Sam “Well you said it Yesterday” I ate a strawberry “No I didn’t” Sam Took out his computer and showed me how he tracked me down. I nodded and continued eating. Sam was confused “You’re ok with this?” I nodded “I would have track you guys down too if I had my laptop with me but I left it in Ohio” Sam smiled “You couldn’t have find us” I Looked at him and took his Computer. I hacked the Police Again and showed Sam and dean their Files “This Is How I came here and If I had my laptop here I would have done this-“ I opened Street cameras around here and showed them sam and dean “I would have looked if I saw you and tracked you down” I Ate a banana. Sam and dean exchange a look. Sam looked at me Smiling “You really are a Winchester” I smiled still eating.  I Looked to Dean “So what’s the Plan?” Dean Looked at me “What do you want?”  I finished my Salad and took  fries from Dean’s burger and same looked at Me like I had gone Crazy. “I want to Be with my Family if that’s ok for you guys” Sam smiled “Yes!” Dean Looked at me “But you’re going to stay out of Trouble!” I Looked at him “If it Possible ok. But I want to Help with the Hunting Stuff!” Dean gave sam a look “see I knew this would happen” Sam smiled “You can’t keep a Winchester from Hunting” Dean Signed “Ok I knew this Would happened. And I know that if I forbid you to go Hunt you would still do it without us so.” He gave me a Newspaper and showed me an Article “Married Pair died in their Home. No one broke in and the Police didn’t found any Clues.” I read Loud. Dean Had a Stupid Smirk on his face and nodded. “Ghosts?” I asked and he Looked Proud. Sam Laughed “Normally We would give you and FBI Card or something like this But you are 18 So we did this. He gave ma A Card “FBI Trainee?”  Dean Smirked “It was My idea” Sam gave him an annoying look “Really Dean?” Dean Just Smiled. “Ok Y/N Let’s go Hunt some Ghosts”  
Dean was Driving And Sam Sat next to him Searching something with his Phone he gave me the Laptop and Let me Do researches. I Looked up when Dean put an cassette “Dean no” Sam Looked to his Brother “Sam Driver Picks the Music Shotgun shuts his Cakehole” I Giggled.  Then Highway to Hell Started Playing and I sang along. Sam Turned around and looked at me like I Betrayed him. Dean laughed “See Sammy A True Winchester” I Continued researching and Singing.
“Hello Miss I’m agent Ferro and this is my partner Wellock, and our Trainee vione. Can we ask you a few Questions” The Sister from the Victim nodded . “I said everything I know the Police” Sam Nodded “We know miss but we Have to do it again” I Listened to what Dean and Sam said. Sam Gave me a look and I asked the Women “I’m Sorry can I use The Bathroom?” The women nodded “Yes sure, Down the Floor last door right” I nodded and went to the Floor and took the EMF out. I went down the Floor and The EMF Played like crazy. “Go Away!” I turned around but no one was here. I turned back to Dean and Sam. Sam Stood up “Thank you Miss”
 “What did you find?” I Looked to Dean who sat in the Driver seat “There is Definitely a Ghost in the house. I even heard someone saying ‘Go Away’ I Found an Article in the Internet That a Girl Named Ehm Claudia Housten. Her Mum ,Sarah,  is still Alive and Lives not far away” Sam smiled Proudly “Good Job Y/N” I Smiled “Thank you I Had The Best Teachers”.
“Why does the FBI want to know about Claudia?”  Sam was about to say something but I interrupted him. “ The FBI goes over some old cases this is one of them”  Dean smiled “Yes what she said”. Sarah Gave us a cup of tee and sat down “I still can’t get Over her Death,  I Knew that Claudia’s Boyfriend Mark was Not good for her but she Loved him. One Night I worked till late in the day and when I came back” She had tears in her eyes. I took her hand “It’s alright” She nodded “I found her Cut in Pieces. We had to burn her body. The Police never found The Killer.” Sam and Dean asked a few other questions and then we went back to the car. “So what now. They burned her body” Sam nodded “Maybe there’s Something in the House” I Looked at my Phone “I think we have to Find Her Ex-Boyfriend maybe he Knows more. But Can we get something to eat first?”
I Ordered a Burger With Dean and Sam a Salad. Sam was looking where This Mark lives. I looked at Dean “Hey you said that Jack is a Nephilim right?” Dean nodded Sam looked up “Why?” I shrug “Just curious” I looked at my Phone 4 Missing Calls from Steve. I choose to Ignore it, I started a new Life. After that we went to Mark his apartment. He told us about Claudia that he loved her even when everybody said that he wouldn’t.  He didn’t went out with somebody else in all this time because he loved her so much. “I Just Miss her so much” he said while tears were running down his cheeks. He couldn’t help us, He said the same things as Claudia’s mother. So after that I laid in the back seats of the Impala and tried to think about Claudia. I was pretty sure that Claudia wasn’t the one saying that I should go away. The Voice sounded like I little boys Voice. “Watcha thinking Sunshine?”  I looked out of the window “she wasn’t the only one Dean.” Opened the door to have a better look at me “You mean the Voice you  heard?” I nodded “He sounded Like he was scared for me. Like if I stayed at this house any Longer something would happen to me” I frowned “I Know what happened!” I sat up and Sam Opened the Other door. “What?” I opened The laptop and showed them a foto from Claudia’s Family. “It’s Not the House! Well yes But wait a second. Claudia’s family Fought to get to life in this house another Family wanted the House but Claudia got it. The family’s name was Metthew I Think, Well they went to the House with their young son end he Died there. I think the family got revenge with killing Claudia.” Sam took the computer and Looked for something “If that’s true why is Claudia and tis boy still in the House?” Dean Closed the door and went to sit on the Drivers seat “Let’s Go back to the House and find out why she’s still there”
Claudias sister wasn’t home so Sam opened the door. Sam gave me a gun but I shook my head “Im better with Knives” Dean looked to me “Normal Knives can’t Hurt Them!” I Nodded “my Knives Aren’t Normal”.  Sam went upstairs and dean and I stayed downstairs looking for something. “Why are You her! Go Away!” I turned around and saw a Little boy whose Left arm was missing. “I’m Here to help you please” He Started to cry “Go away” I took one Step closer “You don’t want to Hurt anybody. So let me help you” Dean Came in the room and Looked at me and the Boy. The Boy still looked at me “Please…. Help us” fell down on his Knees and Cried. I Looked to Dean “We will Help you. Say What Happened to you?” He looked up “She won’t let us leave she-“ We heard sam Screaming Dean Looked at me and I nodded he went upstairs. “She’s here” I looked to the Boy “Who is She?” He shook his Head and disappeared. “Fuck” I said while running up the stairs. I saw dean and Sam Laying on The Ground and A women With Blond Hair and Brown eyes. She looked at me and Laughed. She Lifted her Arm and I Couldn’t move anymore “Y/N” Sam said. The women came Walking to Me Till her hand was around my throat. “I Think someone Like you Would be nice to have” I looked behind her were I saw So many children. They all looked scared and sad. “You gonna let her control you Forever?” I asked and the Children Looked at me Confused “you are stronger than her, She isn’t going to stop” The women Laughed “They aren’t strong” I Looked at her “We all are” With this I Stabbed her with my Knife. She looked at me Confused and let me down. I saw Sam pointing his gun at her and shooting all his bullets. The women saw to the Children “Kill them!” The boy looked at me And walked towards the women only To hurt her. The other Children Followed soon and The women screamed in pain until everything disappeared. I looked down. Dean put his hand on my shoulder “Good job” I Looked up and nodded.
After The Hunt we went eating Something Sam looked at me Scared to ask his question “Are you Coming Home?” The Two of them Looked at me scared of what I will say. “Tomorrow I will come home ok?” They had the Biggest smiles on their faces. After that they Drove me to my Motel. “Im gonna call you tomorrow so you two can help me with my stuff”.
I Heard sounds and I wake up again. It was in the middle of the Night. Someone was Trying to open my door. I went to the door “Sam If you want to come in you-“ My body froze when I saw Steve. “Who’s this Sam Guy Hm?” He pushed me In the room and Closed the door behind him. I still couldn’t move. “What’s up Babygirl? Did you thought I wouldn’t find you?” I walked slowly to the Bed where my knife was.  He Came to me and touched my Wrist “Ahh How I’ve missed This” I Had only A long sized T-Shirt on. I Punched him in the face and Took the Knife and my Phone. “Fuck you Bitch!” When he saw I was calling someone He took out a gun and and pointed it at me. “Put the Phone down!” I tried to think of a way out but there was none. “Hmm Y/N What’s up Why did you call At 2:30 in the Morning” I heard Deans sleepy voice over the Phone. “Y/N?” Steve Looked at me “Put the Fucking Phone Down!”  I looked at him and he shot next to me in the Wall. I dropped the Phone and he smiled “Good Girl now kick it over here” I could hear how dean screamed at the Phone but I Kicked it over to him “Good Girl see this is how I like it” He looked at the phone and hung up. He came Closer “Now Drop the Knife. We don’t want to hurt Anybody”------
To be Continued 
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