#he found a weakness and he kept on stabbing it
littlefankingdom · 5 months
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~ Batman (2016)
I can't take seriously the "Nobody dies, not after Tim" after his brothers said they all died and came back. He will be back, it's the family tradition at this point, relax. Duke, you're next. See it as a vacation. Also, they joke so much about dying, having died and killing each others for people who died, you know their father is not finding it funny.
Another moment that demonstrates that the missions ISN'T more important than his family and loved ones for Bruce. It's more important to have them all alive and safe than to protect Gotham.
"Ignoring Batman's pretty much the definition of being a Robin." And you think Bruce would learn...
Bruce is in a suicidal era again (it's explicitly told to the reader in this story and the one before), so he thinks he will die against Bane (I'm surprised he survives. He should be dead. The man isn't human) His boys, however, have total faith in their abilities as a family. The contrast in this scene between the warmth playfulness of the boys vs the cold seriousness of Bruce makes him look like an asshole, but he isn't one. He's a dead man walking and he knows it, not them. (Also, he thinks that saving Gotham Girl will provide Gotham with a hero better than him, and will protect his boys from dying again)
Damian commenting on Jason's hairline and Jason being worried he is losing hair is gold. I love it when they are just a silly family that fight crimes. ("Dick, look at my hair. It's fine, right? I'm killing you now, Damian. This is happening." "Many have tried. Many with much more hair." XD)
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deadghosy · 7 months
Ive just been reading your Lucifer big sister headcanons, and thier so so so so good, i love how you wrote it🥰. What about Lucifer with a little sister? Any thoughts? How different would he treat her? Maybe she fell at the same time as him and Lucifer blames himself for leading his sister down the same path as him. I can seen him being a protective older brother because come on their in hell surrounded by sinners its got to be stressful even tho she isnt weak what so ever but Lucifer can help but baby his sweet little sister.
(Obviously no pressure to write this)
Have a nice day 😁👋
As a younger sibling, I was gonna make this as I made the elder sister! So I’m glad you asked this as I can’t help but love to make this version. 🦆 sorry if it’s long, I just had fun making this🔥
Prompt: you are the younger sister of Lucifer Morningstar who fell along her older brother.
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Dead ass you fell on top of Lucifer when you both fell from heaven.
“Groannsss….GET OFF!” Lucifer yells pushing you off him. You huffed getting off him as you dust yourself.
I headcannon reader to have a slight rebellious attitude sometimes like Adam but she’s not as terrible.
Like reader has a shirt that says “kiss my ass” with a kiss mark on the shirt as she puts up a rock gesture 🤟
Lucifer found your shirt and burned it, he can’t have his baby sister have such an inappropriate shirt!
He put his hand to your face to keep you away as he burned it. It was a funny sight as you huffed kicking him in his nuts as he groaned falling face first to the ground.
I also headcannon that reader is the reason why Charlie had a emo phase as reader kinda has a different aesthetic than Lucifer.
But on a serious note, Lucifer was kinda scared when you fell with him as he puts his hand through his hair watching you sleep. He couldn’t believe he brought his baby sister with him on his down fall. He knew he influenced you as you looked up to him more than the other angels. It was like if you were his child, his baby.
But he tucks you in bed as you were sprawled out in your bed snoring loudly. He chuckles kissing your head and leaving your room as he closes your door with a slight sad look.
Back to the funny sibling things, you are definitely the one who sneaks in the kitchen to take his leftovers for payback. After Lucifer walks out of his workshop tired and hungry.
You basically told him to take care of himself more. He walked in the kitchen to find his leftovers gone. So you could tell what happened next.
“Y/NNNNN!” You heard a fierce yell as you had shoved the food down your mouth and ran as you heard a loud flapping of wings behind you. “WHEN I CATCH YOU, YOU BETTER PRAY!”
It’s was so cartoony at how Lucifer chases you while you ran for you life. You have wings but he flys better than you so it’s no use.
He caught you, making you cook dinner for a month as you groan while he smirks patting a duck like a mafia man. “And you better wash the dishes too-” “NOW YOU ASKIN' TOOO MUCHHH!”
But soon the sinners came and made the freedom Lucifer gave them, turn into pure hell as you watch worried at the stress your older brother had. Lucifer tries to smile to show you it’s not affecting him, but it is.
He soon makes you stay all time in the palace, scared for your safety as you stay in your room worried at how isolated he soon becomes. Charlie would walk around babbling about you as she kept your company. You smile at your cute niece giving her boops to her nose.
I also headcannon you and Lucifer are like secret twins as you both hyper fixate about a lot of things like [favorite thing] as he hyper fixates on ducks and gives you his ducks to show off how cool he is as your older brother.
But also I can see reader being shorter than Lucifer, like to his shoulder as Lucifer blinks like a frog as you smile with an evil gremlin ready to stab someone.
But now for some overprotective brother headcannons.
You know how Lucifer when to see Charlie at her hotel, you joined wearing basically a female version of Lucifer’s outfit. But you wore shades to off your ✨coolness✨
Alastor was irritated at your louder personality but you also had a charming aura around you like how Lucifer has his prideful smile. Alastor smirks down at you as you are shorter than Lucifer, he kisses your hand with made you just stand there with a dotted blank expression.
Immediately Lucifer picks you up like a doll as he growls at Alastor like a dog ready to chump his hand off. He knew the radio demon just wanted to piss him off, so the whole time you were in the hotel with him. He always has you close and behind him from the radio demon.
Now if it was a sinner trying to court you, they better hope you don’t snitch like the young sibling you are. Cause ohhhh boy! Lucifer is teleporting to their house to give them nightmares. Maybe even killing them if they made you uncomfortable.
Heaven and hell agrees you are a cutie, demon or angel. Cause in heaven there were angels trying to court you but your brother was always behind you looking stern as he puff his chest trying to see if they suit you best.
Like literally he scares people off as you stand there minding your business.
“I feel a disturbance in the air…” Lucifer says as he was reading a book but pulls the curtains to see an angel trying to court you with their wings.
Immediately you’re being teleported to your room confused as a duck poofs in your hand.
“What the fuckkkk….” You say confused
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softieyume · 6 days
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"Without You."
✿ Sylus x fem!reader (non mc)
✿ He finally realized what it felt losing you forever.
✿ angst. no comfort.
✿ somewhat continuation of Never Yours.
✿ rambles: ran out of diamonds and can't pull for Sylus card so im coping thru angst rn :')
Life without you felt like hell.
Each day felt like torture for Sylus, he struggled to get through the day, constantly reminded of your absence in every single thing he does.
He found himself avoiding places that are filled with memories of you, like his collection room where you shared equal interest and fondness of said collections with him. The indoor greenhouse he had set up for you where you used to tend to your small garden with him.
And mostly, your old personal bedroom that was left untouched ever since your departure from his life.
Instead, Sylus threw himself into more work, trying to use his job as a distraction from his crippling grief. But no matter how tired he feels physically after working himself to exhaustion, he still found himself having trouble sleeping completely.
The empty space beside him in his bed was another painful reminder of what he's lost—he'd toss and turn, trying to sleep but his mind will start replaying memories of you. He'd often find himself reaching out to the other side of his bed, his hand searching for your warmth—but it was always met with a cold dreadful space.
The crushing realisation would hit him again, causing another wave of grief that made it even harder to sleep. He'd clutch a pillow, burying his face into it as he sobbed silently into the night.
His body felt weak and he looked paler compared to before, the only thing that kept him going was his determination to push through, yet the sadness in his eyes was visible to everyone around him. His appetite decreased drastically, Luke and Kieran had to force him to eat just to keep him from starving, despite fearing the consequence of Sylus's wrath. The loyal twins even resorted to asking help from her because they hoped at least she could snap some senses in him.
And unfortunately, not even Miss Hunter could fill the void you had left behind.
One night, Sylus had a particularly hard time sleeping. He toss and turned in his bed, his mind filled with images of you —your laugh, your smile, your touch, the feel of your skin against his own.
Each memory felt like a stab to his heart, causing his breathing to catch in his throat as he clutched his pillow tightly, his knuckles turning white from squeezing it too hard.
The grief was so overwhelming that he ended up hallucinating that you were still by his side and resting beside him on the bed that cold dreadful night.
Sylus slowly opened his eyes when he felt fingers lightly running through his hair, causing him to shiver a little at the familiar touch.
He slowly turned his head to look at the figure resting beside him and his heart skipped a beat at the sight.
You laid there on the bed, your hand gently running through his hair with a soft smile on your lips.
Sylus's breath caught in his throat, his heart thumped in his chest as he stared at you in disbelief.
*No.. this.. this can't be real...*
His mind was racing, he tried to reach out cautiously, his hand trembled as he slowly extended it, trying to touch your cheek to see if you were real.
As soon as his fingers made contact with your cheek, he almost gasped at your realness. You felt so warm, so smooth, so real, just like he remembered.
His eyes widened, his hand trembled even more yet he didn't pull his hand away, as if afraid that you'll disappear like a mirage if he moves.
Your smile widened, your hand moved from his hair to his hand, wrapping your hand around his own that's still on your cheek, pressing it lightly against your skin. "Hello, my love."
Sylus's heart raced even harder at the gesture, the feeling of your warm skin against his palm was like a dream come true.
His eyes searched your face, taking in every detail of you — from your warm eyes to your gentle smile—hoping that this isn't just a cruel hal—
"It's okay, Sylus...I'm here.."
Your voice was like a soothing melody that echoed in his mind, cutting his train of thoughts short, as it was the same voice that used to bring him comfort and happiness, the same voice that'd call his name gently.
Hearing it now, after thinking he'd never hear it again, made his eyes prick with tears as he swallowed hard, tightening his grip on you as his chest grew heavy.
Sylus couldn't bring himself to speak, his throat felt constricted as his heart raced, his mind struggling to process what's happening.
He pulled his hand away from your cheek, but before you could say anything, he suddenly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him, as he buried his face into your neck, taking in your familiar scent and warmth.
You chuckled softly, your arms wrapping around him as you held him close, your hand gently rubbing his back in a soothing motion.
"You're clinging to me like a koala." You teased him gently.
Sylus felt like he could cry at your familiar teasing, he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, holding you tighter.
"Don't... don't leave me..." Sylus mumbled against your neck, holding you as tightly as he could, scared that you'd disappear again. His voice was strained and filled with emotion, his fingers clutched at the back of your shirt in a desperate grip.
Your smile softened, you held him tighter and stroked his hair tenderly.
"Silly.. Why would I leave you.."
Sylus took a deep shuddering breath, your words brought him a certain comfort but he still didn't want to let go, he wanted to hold onto you until this dream ends —no, he desperately prayed it wasn't a dream at all.
This was real. You were real. You were back.
Back to him.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. Both just lay there in each other's embrace in silence, cherishing the feeling of being close like this again.
Sylus continued to hold you tightly, his face buried in the crook of your neck. Your scent and warmth was intoxicating, it made him feel like he's finally home.
As your hand continued to stroke his hair, Sylus was filled with a sense of calm and comfort that he hadn't felt in a long time.
The weight of his grief and exhaustion started to lessen a little as he focused on the feeling of your fingers running through his hair and the sound of your steady heartbeat.
He relaxed a little in your arms, his grip on you loosened slightly as the exhaustion started to take over.
You continued to hold him, sensing his exhaustion and tiredness.
"You should sleep, it's late." You said softly, pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead, your hand still moving through his hair.
Sylus nodded against your neck, his eyelids were starting to feel heavy. The sound of your heartbeat was like a lullaby to him, making him even more sleepy.
"I love you, Sylus.. Forever and always.."
Sylus's heart thumped against his chest, the declaration of love from you made him want to stay awake with you longer. Unfortunately, fatigue soon overwhelmed him as his eyes slowly closed, the sound of your voice, the feeling of your warmth and the beat of your heart were like a soothing lullaby that made it hard to stay awake.
He tried to fight it, to hold onto you for a little longer, but the exhaustion was too strong and he soon fell into a deep slumber, believing he was held in your embrace.
When the next morning came, everything changed.
Sylus's eyes slowly opened, his mind groggy and disoriented, for a moment he was confused as to why he didn't feel the familiar warmth of you next to him.
He bolted upright in bed, his eyes wide as he looked around the room with a sinking feeling in his chest.
There was no sign of you anywhere, and the realization that it was all a dream shattered his heart all over again.
The empty sheets beside him were like a cold reminder that none of it was real. It had all been a cruel, beautiful dream that felt so true that he thought it was real.
Sylus's chest ached, a lump formed in his throat as he clutched the sheets in a tight grip.
His eyes blurred with tears, his heart clenching painfully as he realized that he was all alone again.
*It was all a dream... She's not really here...*
The realisation hit Sylus like a punch to the gut, he felt a wave of despair wash over him as his heart ached with a deep, bone-crushing sorrow.
The room felt cold and empty without your presence, he felt so lonely and lost.
Without your smile, your voice, your warmth... Without you, everything just felt so bleak and hopeless.
You were really gone.
And there's no one to blame but himself.
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kennahjune · 1 year
The fic thing you guys are so adamant about:
Steve knows— KNOWS— that Eddie Munson is not weak.
Eddie Munson threw him against a wall the moment he laid eyes on him— it was safe to say that Steve was aware of the strength his boyfriend possessed.
And the thing was; Steve found it hot.
He found it so fucking hot— Robin was so tired of hearing about it.
Steve didn’t think he’d be into it, figured he’d enjoy being the strong one in the relationship. But /man/ he loved watching Eddie haul around that band equipment like it was basically nothing.
So yes, Steve was into Eddie’s not-so-hidden strength. What of it?
He just hadn’t realized /how/ into it he was.
It was hot outside, like— blistering hot. Everyone was gathered at Steve’s house as per usual. All the kids and most of the adults and older teens were outside in the pool or on the patio. Steve himself was in the kitchen with Robin and Argyle, enjoying the AC and a fabulous conversation.
A conversation that was immediately ruined by the glass door flying open so fast Steve was scared it would’ve shattered.
“Jesus fuck, Eddie! Careful with my door, man!!”
Eddie had the decency to look sheepish.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Told Dustin and Max I’d get them drinks from the fridge.”
“What about the whole ass cooler me and Jonathan dragged out for them?”
“Dustin wants Fanta and Max wants apple juice. You know how vicious they are, baby.”
Steve groaned, shoving Robin’s shoulder and kicking lightly at Argyle’s leg when they had the audacity to laugh at him.
“Ungrateful little fuckers.”
Eddie snickered. “Yeah they are.”
Steve rolled his eyes fondly. “Whatever. I think the apple juice is in the fridge downstairs.”
“Thanks, baby.” Eddie kissed him on the forehead on his way through.
“No problem!” Steve yelled after him, ignoring the snickers from Robin and the smooch-y noises from Argyle.
When Eddie came back upstairs with the apple juice to get Dustin’s Fanta, Argyle, Robin, and Steve don’t even notice. They’re much too absorbed in their new fabulous conversation.
“Yeah but that’s what I’m saying, Rob! If I were to shoot you just as you stabbed me it’d probably do more damage!”
“But /why/, Steve? Why?” Robin asked back.
Argyle answered for Steve. “Probably because he’d be shooting you point-blank. More internal damage that way.”
Steve snapped his finger at him. “Exactly! See, Robin? Argyle gets it just fine!!”
“That’s cause you guys are smoking the same shit!”
“Bull! Jonathan does to!”
“Your point is?”
Eddie chose not to intervene on that conversation.
But Steve was right in front of the fridge.
Eddie’s two brain cells made a plan.
Eddie set the apple juice container on the island, still going unnoticed by the other three in the kitchen with him. He moved swiftly to Steve and put his hands tightly on his waist.
Before Steve had a second to say anything or even comprehend the hands that were suddenly on him, Eddie was lifting him up and setting him on the counter by the fridge.
“Excuse me, sunshine.”
Eddie opened the fridge but kept one hand on Steve’s knee. With his head in the fridge looking for the Fanta can, Steve’s totally and utterly flustered state went abruptly unnoticed.
When Eddie closed the fridge, he leant in and stole a small kiss from Steve’s lips before leaving back out the patio doors with the drinks.
“Shut it, Buckley.”
Steve went outside to drag Eddie back in. Later, if anybody were to have asked Argyle and Robin where either went, they both answered with shrugs and claims of “I don’t know”, despite watching the boyfriends run upstairs together.
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year
How JJK men react when (y/n) gets injured
Pairing: Nanami x reader; Megumi x reader; Toji x reader; Geto x reader
Word Count: 2,4k
Warnings: injury (lol), listen I know Geto's one isn't that realistic, I just needed something with a lot of fluff, don't come at me okay, also might be shitty because my sick head isn't funcional at the moment so have mercy How Gojo reacts when (y/n) gets injured can be found here Aaaaand Choso with a injured (y/n) who has blood phobia here
Nanami Kento
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You weren’t fast enough. The second the bullet enters your skin, you know you fucked up.
“(y/n)!”, Nanami’s distant voice calls out your name.
You clench your teeth, blood pumping in your ears while a stabbing pain spreads in your guts. This is bad. Very very bad. This is a mission you have to complete together, Nanami and Yuji both rely on you. Fuck, you’re a jujutsu sorcerer, even a grade 1. And then you get hit by a bullet this easily?
How pathetic.
It seems like the weight of your own body forces you to your knees, warmth spreading from your stomach over your lower body. Slowly but surely, the stabbing pain in your guts gets less noticeable, you have to fight desperately to keep your eyes from shutting.
Nanami…It’s not fair that you let him hang like this, hit by a random bullet on that random Wednesday. After all, you still had so much to tell him, experiences to share. What about the plans you’ve made earlier about finally asking him out? The words slip off your tongue with every passing second. No matter how hard every fiber of your being fights against the darkness, it proceeds to consume you.
“Goddamnit (y/n)”, Nanami hisses through gritted teeth when he finally reaches you.
“Yuji, take care of that man with the gun!”
“Hey, you can’t die on me today. Keep your eyes open for me, yeah? Don’t close them. Are you able to stand up?”
So much blood. The whole floor underneath you is covered in crimson, making it hard to breathe for Nanami. This shouldn’t have happened, he is fucking responsible for this, he should have kept his eyes open, he-
“I’m so sorry about leaving you hanging, Nanami”, you breathe out.
His heart sinks, hand frantically pressing against your gaping wound while his shaky fingers try to dial Shoko’s number on his phone.
“You won’t leave me today. I’m taking care of you. You’re safe with me.”
A weak smile forms itself on your tired lips as he speaks to Shoko on the phone in hushed tones. While everyone around him thinks he’s harsh and cold-hearted, you know that Nanami is in fact a tender man that puts the safety of others over himself without blinking. You always admired him for how he carries himself with so much class, looking cool while doing the most banal tasks.
“How is your pain level? Do you need anything? Shoko will be here in a minute, I promise”, he speaks to you in a calm but shaky voice.
“I don’t feel any pain. I just feel really really tired.”
Your eyes threaten to flutter shut again when Nanami’s thumb begins to caress your cheek gently.
“Everything will be alright, I promise (y/n)”, he softly murmurs.
You can tell by the way he looks down at you that he means what he says, the way his calm orbs glister making you tear up.
“I really wanted…to ask you out…tonight…”
Every word rolls off your tongue like a heavy stone while your mind seems to let you down.
“I would love that. Just stay with me, okay? Then I’ll invite you to dinner, I’ll even cook your favorite meal for you.”
“That sounds…wonderful…”
“But to do that, you’ll need to hold on for me a little longer, sweetheart. Focus on my voice, breathe with me”, he instructs you.
“Can you…hold me for a while?”
“Of course”, he replies without thinking, firm arms wrapping themselves around your shivering body instantly.
Megumi Fushiguro
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Even though you feel like fainting, you don’t stop running behind him. Damn, that curse did really hit you where it hurts, your stabbed thigh feeling like it’s going to give up on you with every step you take.
“Did that curse hurt you?”, he shouts in your direction.
You should really tell him, you know you need help as soon as possible. But something inside you is too proud to open up. After all, the boy in front of you is none other Megumi Fushiguro. You can’t show him weakness, not in a million lifetimes.
“No”, you lie.
Just in time, you make it out of the building that collapses into itself behind you, a wave of rubble and ashes blowing over your head while you lay down, trying desperately not to groan. You press your hand against your thigh to somehow stop the pain, only to get greeted by the sickening sight of blood all over your hands. You swallow heavy, blood running between your fingertips.
“(y/n)? (y/n), where are you, oh, there you-“
Megumi stops in his tracks, eyes widen in horror when is gaze meets the flood of crimson that now covers the floor underneath you.
“You idiot, why did you lie to me?”, he hisses, instantly rushing to your side.
Oh god, there’s a gaping hole in your thigh – a gaping hole that runs like a waterfall. While you’re not that critically injured, the attack might have hit a crucial vein or artery. And that means you could in fact bleed out within the next few minutes if he doesn’t act right now.
Your toe-curling cry echoes through the barracks when Megumi presses his hand against your thigh with full force, making you see stars while a big lump forms in your throat.
“Serves you right. You should have told me that you’re hurt, you know that right? How many fingers?”
He holds up his other hand so close to your face that you can see nothing but his fingertips, a silent laughter escaping your blue colored lips.
“I’m serious (y/n)! Stop laughing and answer the question”, he grumbles.
“5”, you reply weakly.
 “It’s two”, he murmurs, eyes scanning over your so worn-out looking face.
“You look rather pale.”
“Oh, I’m not feeling that great to be honest”, you mutter, ice cold sweat clamming to your skin.
He lets out his breath, gaze fixated on you. It seems like his anger fades away the more he looks at you, shivering uncontrollably while your eyes flutter open and shut all the time. Urgh, even though you’re suborn as hell, you absolutely don’t deserve to feel like this.
“Come on, stop acting up. You’ve had worse.”
You don’t reply. Instead, your hand grabs his arm, holding onto him for what feels like dear life as a single tear runs down your face. You hate to admit it, but you’re scared as hell. If feels like life is slipping through your fingers, seconds play before your eyes like a movie. This is the first time you’ve ever got injured like that. And even if Megumi tries to play it cool, you can tell by the way he scrunches his forehead that it’s looking anything but great.
“I just didn’t want you to think I’m weak”, you admit quietly.
His heart skips a beat, his features soften in an instant.
“Are you kidding? I’d never think you’re weak, (y/n). To be honest I’m surprised you haven’t fainted yet”, he remarks dryly.
To be honest he is surprised that he himself hasn’t fainted, considering all the flood that spills through his fingertips. But he has to be strong, he has to get through this with you.
“Pinky promise?”, you croak, holding up your shaky hand with all the strength that’s left in your body.
“Pinky promise”, Megumi whispers, intertwining his finger with your little one.
Toji Fushiguro
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“Oooops my bad, that one should have normally killed you”, the man in front of you mumbles, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
You shake in pure horror, pain rushing through your shoulder as you hold onto the gaping wound his bullet left in your sensitive skin.
“Please don’t kill me”, you weep, crawling backwards until your back hits the ice cold wall.
Spilling tears take your sight completely, you can’t help but burst into weeping without any mercy. Toji stares down at you, cold eyes surprised by your sight.
“I think I’ve never seen someone bawling this much. Did it really hurt that bad, huh?”
You stare at him through wet lashes, whole body on fire when his frame comes closer and closer. No, you need to run as fast as you can, away from this wicked place, out of his sight.
But instead, you sit still, glazed eyes fixated on his stunning features.
Roughly, he grabs your face, making you weep all over again.
“You’re actually quite cute…Maybe too cute to die…”
“Oh, come on sweet thing, stop crying for me will you?”
His thumb traces over your puffy cheeks, wipes away the trail of tears his bullet and the promise of death that’s threatening in his eyes left on your porcelain skin.
You can’t catch your breath, gasping for air like a fish on land with your hand still pressed against your aching shoulder.
“Sorry ‘bout that”, he mumbles, other hand reaching for your shoulder.
“Please don’t hurt me”, you cry out, flinching under his surprisingly gentle touch.
“I’m a man of honor, I’d never hurt you”, he replies with casual voice.
“Ahh, nothing too bad. A few kisses and you’re fine.”
You blink against the swell of tears, urgently trying to calm yourself down. Aching, fear and insecurity simply take your breath away. But the man in front of you…Despite looking so dangerous, it’s almost as if his face softened, as if he really means what he said.
“Now stop cryin’, ‘kay? I’m sorry ‘bout that shoulder of yours, thought you’re here to kill me or something.”
“I would never kill anyone”, you reply with shaky voice.
Why would you come here to kill him? All of this makes no sense to you. You just walked home from work, ready to take a bath and watch Netflix when all of the sudden, all this men came out of nowhere, dragging you along with him until the man in front of you killed them and shoot you.
“Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t princess. Just a misunderstanding.”
“It hurts”, you press out, a shocking wave of pain throbbing through your arm when you try to shift your weight.
“Wouldn’t do that if I was you. Let’s make a deal: I’ll get someone to stitch you up and you’ll spend the night with me, huh?”
Your doe eyes stare up at him in nothing but innocence. Oh, you truly know nothing about the cruel world around you, probably not even able to see curses. What a cute little thing you are, too good for the world around you and especially Toji himself. But he just can’t resist.
“And you’re really not going to kill me?”, you whine into his hand.
Gently, he wraps his fingertips around your chin.
“Of course not, princess. You’re way too precious to die”, he purrs.
Geto Suguru
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You know that it’s stupid, that Geto is more than capable to look after himself. But the second a curse rushes his direction, you sprint forwards, shielding his body with your own.
Resulting in not only the teeth of the curse scratching your skin, but one of Geto’s curses hitting your head with full force.
You fall to the hard ground immediately, soul leaving your body behind. Instead of pain, you just feel numb, staring into the sound while the only thing that reminds you that you’re still alive is the growing ringing in your ears.
Geto’s heart drops the second you fall to the ground in front of him, naked fear crawling up his spine. No, no, no. This can’t be true. He didn’t just hit you full force, right? Instinctively, he falls to his knees besides you, grabbing your shoulders.
“Please tell be you’re alright, (y/n)”, he repeats over and over, hands holding onto you for dear life.
He knows you are tuff, that you can take a lot. But this…
Please don’t let it be too much.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you”, he mumbles, fingertips now gently stroking over your hair.
All you can do is stare into his brown eyes above you, body refusing its service completely. God, how absolutely stunning this man looks. Yes, it should be forbidden to look this good. Maybe you should ask him out when your mouth is working again, a nice date in a park or something. His facial features look so delicious that you want to let your hands glide along his jawline, just the way the other hand is doing right now.
“I would love to lick that”, you mutter so suffocated that Geto almost misses it.
Almost. Along with your fingertips that move up and down his jaw, his face reddens in an instant. What has gotten into you? Since when are you this flirty, this straightforward? You must’ve hit your head pretty badly.
“(y/n), I think you should see a doctor”, he suggests while awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
“I think I should see more of you, handsome”, you babble out.
“You hit your head pretty badly.”
“And your head is pretty.”
He signs. Although your sugary words make his heart hammer against his ribcage, he has to remind himself that you’re probably having a concussion - at least. At the moment, he can’t take your words seriously, no matter how hard he wants them to be true.
“Okay, I’ll call Shoko now. Do you feel alright? Does your head hurt? Does something else hurt? Please talk to me, (y/n).”
You smile at him widely, too mesmerized by the way that one strand of hair falls so effortlessly on his striking face.
“What a shame I never told you how beautiful you are”, you blurt out, fingertips grabbing nothing but air in an attempt to get a hold of his hair.
He can’t hold a small grin back. God, how are you doing that? Looking so fine with your arm ripped open by a curse and your eyes roaming around without an aim?
“Look, I’m not the brightest tool in the…toolbox.”
Geto raises an eyebrow in amusement at your creative phrase.
“But I…I mean it…Suguru…”, you mutter out his name.
“Let’s talk about this again when your head wasn’t hit by a curse shaped like a huge dragon, okay?”, he softly whispers, hand still stroking through your messy hair.
“Yeah…S-sure…” _____________________________________________________________ Now that you've made it this far
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
Another small Clone^2 thought
Danny's hands are scarred.
Really, every part of him is. His arms, his legs, his torso. All of them littered in nicks and scratches and scabs that he's picked at over, and over, and over again. And then bigger ones, jagged scars from debris stabbing at him, and burns of ectoplasm blasts that melted through his regular clothes and hit his skin.
The one thing that never really got scarred were his hands. They were callused, of course, from all his climbing, and hitting, and hanging on for dear life to things. But never really scarred, not really. Maybe he just got lucky, maybe it was the fact that he wore gloves and they leather, and leather is harder to get through than cotton. Maybe both.
But, well, that's no longer case. But the scars on his hands take place on his palms. Two clean, thick lines going diagonally over his palms. Not from any enemy he's ever faced, but proof of his meeting with the little boy sitting between his knees, running his tiny fingers over those same scars.
Damian, his little brother. He scarred them, with that katana of his.
First when they first met, when Damian called him an imposter and proceeded to attack him. It was really only from Danny's exposure to the quick movements of ghosts that kept him from getting shish-kabob'd by Damian's sword.
And it was only because he was an idiot, and his brain was not faster than those reflexes that he kept grabbing the blade with his hands. That it kept cutting into that leather until it started cutting skin.
And then numerous times over on those rocky first months of Damian staying with him, when he didn't know any English, and Danny didn't know any Arabic. When Danny would piss him off or go looking for him when he ran off, he would have to grab his katana while Damian was swinging it at him.
His hands wouldn't heal for months because of it. The wounds kept being re-opened. Kept bleeding. Kept hurting. Until they slowly stopped hurting, and he knew that it wasn't a good thing.
Danny's parents were very upset when they saw his hands. It was hard to lie about where he got them - the lines are too clean, too consistent, to have been accidents. Danny didn't know how to lie and say it wasn't because of Damian. That it wasn't his katana that they knew nothing about that was stained with his blood.
He found a way to anyways, because he thought Damian was worth it at the time. He was a kid. He was scared. He was hurting other people and that's all he was ever taught to do.
So Danny thought a little pain was worth it.
(He still does.)
Oh, fun fact. There are three nerves in the human hand. the radial nerve, the median nerve, and the ulnar nerve. From what he could find on it, the ulnar nerve traveled up into the pinky and the ring finger, the median went through the middle of the palm and the ring, the middle, and the index, and the radial nerve went into the thumb and the index.
Fun fact, did you know consistent (or deep enough) lacerations to the palm could end up cutting a nerve? And that such lacerations can cause numbness, loss of feeling, and weakness in the hand, fingers, and thumb?
Here's a final fun fact: Danny had to go to physical therapy after his hands finally began to heal. Because Damian's katana had cut his radial nerve. There are seventeen thousands touch receptors in the hand, Danny's lost some of those.
His hands still hurt when he closes and opens them, the scarring pinches a little. He doesn't know why but his fingers hurt now when its too humid or too cold, or when its about to rain. It sucks. It's worth it.
He lied about before; here's the final fun fact:
There is a deeply, deeply, guilty look on Damian's face as he runs his little hands over Danny's scarred palms, carefully closing and opening his fingers in a slow rendition of his physical therapy workouts.
(Because even if it's ended, he still has to do them. Pain doesn't go away even if it's healed.)
"I'm sorry." Damian says in a meek, thick voice. He's said it before, when they've done this before at all hours of the day. Danny's wondering if Damian does it on purpose - hurt himself with this, that is. Not apologize. "I hurt you."
Danny sighs, deeply, and leans forward to press his face into his little brother's hair. "It's okay." He mutters, again. And he'll say it again, and again, and again, until Damian finally believes him. "I'm not mad."
"I am." Damian insists, his voice wobbles. "I hurt you, Danny."
"And I say it's okay that you did, Damian." Danny repeats, and wraps an arm around Damian's middle to sit him on his leg. Damian doesn't look at him, just curls his fingers around Danny's other hand and looks at the scar there. "Like I said, I'm not mad. I would do it again."
"Do not."
So, Danny's hands are scarred.
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suosgirl · 3 months
Keeping It Cute (& Dangerous) - Hayato Suo x Reader | Ch. 3
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Word Count: 4100
୨ৎ Read me before interacting!
୨ৎ Pairing: Hayato Suo x Reader feat. Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Taiga Tsugeura, Mitsuki Kiryu
୨ৎ Warnings: mdni, f!reader, manga spoilers (?), ooc (?), loss of loved one, violence, panic attack, breakdown, slowburn, knives, stabbing, blood/bleeding, broken bones, harassment, survivor's guilt, misunderstandings, fighting, grief, swearing, ptsd – if I’ve missed one, I apologize + please let me know!
୨ৎ Note: I wasn't feeling the original image because I really want this fic to feel real – so, updated it so it looks like a manga panel (˶˃⤙˂˶) Also, remember when I said this would be 4 parts? I lied, haha. Definitely will be longer (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
୨ৎ Keeping it Cute (& Dangerous) Masterlist
“Bunny,” he repeats himself – simple and matter-of-factly. “That’s not my name.” “But you’re just so cute –” Your nose scrunches up at his words, and he laughs as he claps his hands. “Oh! See, you are a bunny!”
This was a situation that you did NOT have on your bingo card.
Sat in between Kiryu, whose name you had just learned, and Tsugeura, whose name you had also just learned, you found yourself cursing the universe for the streak of bad luck that just kept coming.
(They had originally all sat across from you, something you were thankful for – but when you had excused yourself to use the restroom, they thought nothing of it until they saw you fly past the shop windows.
Sakura and Nirei had to drag you back.
You blame your weakness for puppy dog eyes.
… Fun Fact: Nirei was really good at doing puppy dog eyes.)
You just couldn’t understand it – you had apologized for what you did, and they had told you that you did nothing wrong, so why were you still here?
And also – nothing erases the fact that they’re all still so good-looking. Especially Suo.
Ugh, even his name was pretty. So pretty, in fact, that you couldn’t stop repeating it in your head. 
You could still feel the ghost of his hand on your shoulder and the warmth of his breath on your ear. 
Is that what he thought of you? A harmless, dainty little ball of fur? You’re irritated at the mere idea of being compared to such a powerless animal. 
For goodness sake, you had fractured a man’s hand – bunnies don’t do that.
What’s worse – he had continued to call you that stupid nickname the whole walk here. You had ignored him, of course, but it seems that only fueled him more, because he hasn’t let up on the name since then.
How can someone so handsome be so aggravating? 
You’re brought out of your thoughts by the sound of a poorly veiled excuse of a cough, and you see that they’re all looking at you expectantly.
“Oh – I’m sorry! Did you say something?”
Sakura lets out a sharp tsk, no doubt still annoyed about earlier, before responding to you.
“We were askin’ for your name.”
You don’t mean to, really, but you let out a laugh. It bubbles out of you, unrefined and uncontained, because the situation in its entirety is just so ridiculous. Of course you hadn’t introduced yourself to them because you didn’t think you’d still be talking to them. Or rather, that they’d still be talking to you. 
Once your laughter dies down and you’re wiping the stray tears from your eyes, you quickly apologize and introduce yourself.
It’s silent for a second, and then Suo hums and you eye him warily.
“I think I like bunny better,” he concludes, smiling at you.
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You shake your head, before correcting him with a forced smile of your own.
“Bunny,” he repeats himself – simple and matter-of-factly.
“That’s not my name.”
“But you’re just so cute –”
Your nose scrunches up at his words, and he laughs as he claps his hands.
“Oh! See, you are a bunny!”
Suddenly, you don’t like him anymore. 
You turn to Kiryu, even though you barely know him, because you need support and validation and he looks like the type to run to your aid in times of need. He’s already looking down at you, his eyes thoughtful and sensible and you’re sure that he’ll be the one to put an end to this endless teasing. He’s so reliable, you think. And handsome. And Kind. But now he’s smirking at you and you’re not sure why – 
“Kitten! You look like a kitten right now~”
You almost flip the table. Keyword: almost. You are, after all, just a girl – but girls don’t flip tables. No matter how irritated they are. And you know what? You pride yourself on how poised and collected you are in the face of hardship. You are resolute – unbreakable. This is child’s play. 
“I don’t think you’re anything like that –” Tsugeura chimes in, and you’re so glad that someone finally sees you for who you are. 
Perhaps… perhaps Tsugeura was way more emotionally aware and attuned to others' feelings than you had first thought. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and suddenly, Tsegeura is just so dreamy and handsome and – 
“– you’re more like a banana! Banana is my favorite protein flavor, the other fla-”
You slide your hands under the table. 
First, you were going to flip this shit. Then, you were going to rock their shit.
“I-I think you’re really cool … and strong!” Nirei interrupts your silent rampage, and you feel the anger dissipate from your body.
You decide then that Nirei is your favorite one from the group, and you grant him a smile – because kindness is supposed to be met with even more kindness. And he was kind, and cute, and sweet, and –
“But … I feel like I’ve heard your name before… I just can’t remember where…,” he mutters, and you watch him pull out a small notebook from his jacket. 
You feel your skin prickle at his words, and you quickly ask Kiryu what he’s looking at.
“Ah – he collects information about people –”
Kiryu’s still talking, but you tune him out.
If people from this town knew who your brother was, then you weren’t safe here either.
You watch Nirei flip through his notebook in earnest, and your hands start to get clammy. You had to leave. Whether he found the information he was looking for or not, you didn’t want to stay to find out. You decide that you had entertained them long enough, and it’s when you start to slowly push your chair back that Nirei finds what he’s looking for.
“Aha! I knew your name sounded familiar!” he’s beaming at you as he says your brother's name, and you don’t have it in your heart to ask him to stop.
But then – he’s naming things about your brother like his height and his preferences and his shoe size and you can’t stop the way your eyes are starting to water or the way your hands softly inch towards to stop him.
And everyone’s so enraptured in Nirei’s storytelling, so intrigued by the rumors of your brother and the rumors of you, that no one notices.
It’s only when you gently pull the notebook from his hands that he stops. You’re not mad. Really. 
You’re just – 
You don’t know how you feel.
Through blurry eyes, you skim over the page and you’re surprised at how accurate everything is – but, you find one flaw.
One stupid flaw that you wish wasn’t real, but it was, and reality hurts.
“You need to add that he passed away a year ago,” you say before clumsily handing the notebook back to him – your eyes glued to your lap.
The table falls silent, and you don’t want to look up. You don’t want to look any of them in their eyes or see their expressions of remorse or guilt because, honestly, they didn’t know.
But… But to hang your head low in your brother’s memory was shameful. He deserved to be remembered with your head held high – a smile on your face and pride in your voice. That’s the type of person he was.
“My brother –” you take a deep breath, willing your voice to stop shaking and your hands to stop fidgeting. Kiryu’s hand is on your back, comforting and sweet, and you know that he’s silently telling you not to push yourself – but you press on.
If your brother were here right now, he’d tease you endlessly about how small and frail you look. 
But then… he’d flick your forehead and tell you to straighten your spine – because addressing your feelings and your fears head-on is the only way to get stronger.
“He was the one that taught me that I could wear whatever I want, do whatever I want, and be whoever I want – because I’m strong enough to back it up. He made sure of that.”
“He was really famous in our town… Maybe that’s why you’ve heard of him? He protected everyone, just like you guys, and he had this thing he would do where he would call himself –”
“The LION…,” Nirei joins in quietly with you, and you let out a small laugh as you nod. 
“Yeah, my brother was the lion and I was the tiger. He was really into stuff like that – said it made us sound cool and intimidating and whatnot. He even had everyone call us that too and I used to hate it because it was so cheesy, but somewhere down the road, it grew on me.”
You’re smiling now, but it isn’t reaching your eyes. You’re trying, though, and they can see that.
“When I fight …,” you pause, and flashbacks start running through your mind. 
You remember all the fighting, all the banter, and all the lessons. He was such a flashy person, always trying to take on 15 people at a time just to show how strong he was. But … he was strong. Stupidly strong, and so so smart. He had the mind of a tactician – always planning, always thinking. His strategies rarely failed, and if they did, he took it in stride with a smile on his face and a chip on his shoulder.
“... I feel like he’s right there beside me, giving me pointers on what I could do better and telling me not to mess up my hair too much.”
You missed him – terribly. But, life goes on. 
The days pass by, the seasons change, and in some miraculous way – you begin healing.
“I think about him everyday,” you admit, “he was my best friend, my role model, and I knew him like the back of my hand. You’re doing his life’s work, too – and that’s something to be incredibly proud of.”
You look up at them, and though your tears have subsided, there’s still an ache in your chest that you know will only get lighter with time.
You flinch at the question, and everyone is quick to scold Sakura but he continues – 
“He sounded pretty damn strong, so what happened?”
The question makes sense. Your brother was strong, so how did he, of all people, get killed? 
You know that you, yourself, are also an enigma – so you get where he’s coming from. You had moved to Makochi with trauma and issues and history, and it still wasn’t clear if you were a threat or not. It just hurts, you suppose, being perceived like this.
You purse your lips, not because you’re angry at Sakura, but because you’re angry at what you’re about to say.
This part always stung the most.
“My brother… he was well known, even outside of our town, for ending fights and saving people. He was a hero – the town’s hero. But because of his reputation, we had more and more people moving in, and a lot of them had emotional baggage. They –”
Your hands start shaking again, and you have to force yourself to calm down.
“They didn’t know this, and it isn’t their fault, but because of so many people seeking refuge with us, gangs from out of town were putting a target on me and my brother.”
Your breathing is coming out ragged now, and you can feel your body start to heat up with pure anger.
Kiryu’s hand is on your back again, and you’re so grateful for the way it grounds you enough to continue speaking.
“The night that my brother died, he was by himself. We didn’t know that the gangs had reached out to one another to create some sort of compromise, but if we had, then maybe things would be different.”
“I don’t … I don’t know exactly what happened, but when they found him, he was on the outskirts of town with 50 bodies laid out around him and 20 stab wounds… He could’ve been saved, but he lost too much blood because he just kept fighting.”
“I was supposed to be with him that night, but I had a stupid little cold and he told me to stay home and rest. Can you believe that? I was at home, with soup and cough medicine and a runny nose, while my brother was out there dying, and I –”
You don’t realize you’re gasping for air until they’re all telling you to stop, and you finally notice the hot tears running down your face.
Your body stills, and then – you’re quiet.
It takes everything in you to just breathe.
You’re stuck like that for what feels like forever before you’re able to start releasing the tension in your body, but your heart is still racing and your mind is still reeling and –
Sakura breaks the silence.
“... They’re cowards – you don’t bring knives to a fistfight,” he states, plain and simple, and the rest of them are waiting with bated breath and worried eyes as you look up at him and –
You laugh. It’s a bitter laugh, but it’s something, and you see their shoulders drop with relief.
Slowly, your heart returns to a steady rhythm and you’re sure that you’re probably looking a lot better because Kiryu is softly asking where you’re from.
You hesitate, but the name of your hometown falls from your lips – and so do their faces. 
“That’s –,” Nirei starts, but Sakura cuts him off.
“Whaddya doin’ all the way over here, then?”
You pause.
“I’m protecting my town – same as you.”
“That … doesn’t seem like much protection – ”
“They're still looking for me – the hit that night was for both of us. They only want me. The town is safe because I’m not there.”
You’re met with silence, and you take that as a queue to wrap this whole thing up. You’ve said far too much than you’d like to admit, and you don’t want to get attached to these feelings and these people and this town. 
This was fun. Handsome boys always make good company. But, the sooner you get this over with, the sooner you can move on.
So, you bring your hands together with a soft clap, grabbing their attention as you smile at them.
You drone on about how, despite this being a great fun experience, it’s getting late and you really oughta head back to your apartment now. You’re thanking them for listening to you and for being so nice and caring, but you’ve already taken up so much of their time and you couldn’t possibly keep them out for longer.
You honestly, genuinely think you’re doing pretty good.
What you don’t count on, though, is that they’re getting familiar with your smiles. They’re starting to catch on to which ones are real and which ones aren’t – and the smile you’re giving them now is so guarded and forced and fake that they’re already standing up before you finish your little spiel. 
You deflate at their reaction. You weren’t even done.
Sighing, you go to grab your bag before standing up – and they’re quick to gather around until they’re blocking you with their bodies.
“You’re not thinking about leaving town, are you?” 
“Of course not! Goodness, why would you even think that?”
You laugh, light and friendly, before trying to step around them. They block you again.
“Look, I’m tired and I want to go home. Please please please let me go home,” you plead, desperate to finally be alone.
“If we visit you tomorrow, you’ll still be there? You won’t be gone?”
You smile again, but your eyes are starting to twitch and your patience is running thin.
“Yes yes yes – I promise I’ll still be there tomorrow.”
What a fucking liar, they think.
You, on the other hand, are getting frustrated because usually nosy people end it at the first question. You’re not at all used to whatever this is, and you’re starting to get worried that perhaps they got too attached to you. 
“We’ll walk you home –”
“No need! It’s really not that far!”
Your facade is cracking now, and you’re starting to get antsy. This was too much attention, too much care, and you hadn’t experienced this much clinginess in so long.
Why couldn’t they be more like other towns, who didn’t so much as bat an eyelash when you left because you had caused fights and problems and violence?
“How will we know where to go tomorrow then?”
“Oh – good question! Here, pull out your phones and I’ll give you my contact information.”
They immediately do as you say, but when they look up, you’re fucking gone – halfway out the door by the time they realize it.
You’re booking it, running as fast as you can through alleyways and sharp corners before they even get a clue of where you are. 
You’re smiling, pleased with yourself because you won and boys are just so easy.
Finally, you can unwind from the disastrous day you’ve just had and wallow in self-pity and embarrassment to your heart's con– 
You run into something hard and firm and tall and handsome and – shit.
Suo’s got his arms wrapped around your waist, strong and secure, and though he’s smiling, you can see how furious he is by the way he’s pressing his lips together.
“It seems my sweet little bunny just keeps getting away.”
You bristle at his words, and for a split second, you consider flipping him out of your way, but his fingers lightly press into your body as a warning and – 
“Okay fine, you’ve caught me. Are you happy now?”
You hate how breathless you sound in his arms, but he, on the other hand, is absolutely thrilled. Whether it’s because of your pathetic surrender or because you’re so damn close, you’re not sure.
You place your hands on his chest because, if you’re going to let yourself be held captive by him you might as well enjoy it, and you feel the tiniest flex of his body under your fingertips.
Alright – fine. Two can play at this game.
You tilt your head to look up at him, and in the prettiest voice you can muster, you say — “You’re being so mean, Suo.”
All he does is hum at your words, and you flush at the lack of response. 
Never… never again. 
Maybe you should flip him. It wouldn’t hurt, you think, to get one good jab in. Make him really remember you before you’re gone. 
“I honestly think you’re being the mean one here.”
You open your mouth to respond, but he continues.
“If you think leaving is the best thing for you to do right now, then I’ll let you go.”
He drops his arms, and you shiver. You’re not sure if it’s from the breeze or the weight of his words, but you instinctively wrap your hands around yourself.
“You can go to the next town, and then the next one, and then the next one, until you’ve run out of land – and I won’t stop you.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you look away from his stare. You can’t do this, can’t listen to this, it hurts and your chest is tight and – 
“Or, you can stay here a little while longer. You can get to know the town, know the people, and you could find something worth staying and protecting again.”
You're stepping away from him now, your eyes clenched and your hands shaking.
For a year, you’ve had whispers of your brother's voice, sure, and the occasional casual friendships from town to town, but you’ve never ever been spoken to quite like this. You didn’t know words could bruise you like this. You didn’t know the truth could sear into your skin and burn.
You didn’t give anyone the chance to confront you, never stayed long enough to make it worth it, but here he was – stern and honest and real.
You’re scared – no, terrified at the idea that someone like him could see right through you. That he could see through your facade. That he cared enough to say all of this. That he cared enough to try.
You don’t … know what to do. You’re at a crossroads, and although you’d been in this town for a couple of weeks now, this was the first time you were seeing it for what it truly is. 
And you’re not sure if you can love another town the way you loved your hometown. You can’t get attached or comfortable — can't stay in one place for too long. You don’t know what could happen to the people here. What if they find you? What happens then? You shouldn’t risk it, a voice rings through your head.
Yeah, yeah you shouldn’t – 
Another voice, so quiet and soft that you wouldn’t have even noticed it if you hadn’t been thinking so hard echoes out.
Try. Hope. Trust. Believe. Protect.
You fear that you’re losing your mind, the words so outlandish and foreign that you can’t remember the last time they’ve ever left your mouth.
But then – you remember earlier. The girl you helped. The girl you protected. The protection that Bofurin offered to you. The hope in her eyes. The trust in their eyes. The trust in you. 
And suddenly, you’re crying. It’s not a burst, nor is it hot to the touch. It’s a slow, mesmerizing trickle of tears shining with intention and meaning and feelings and you don’t make a move to bottle it up.
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Suo sees this, and his lips press together before he continues.
“You’re not alone here… you’re safe.”
He knows. 
He knows that it’s important for you to make this decision yourself.
Suo was an observer – he had waited for you to slip up, to show your true self. He couldn’t trust you, not yet. His friends were much more kind, much more optimistic than he was – but he had his doubts. 
He watched you with his full attention as you told your story. He saw the way that you caved in on yourself. He witnessed the path of destruction that you were following with a naked eye and a blind heart.
And when you had apologized on your knees for such a small misunderstanding, how could he have stopped himself from helping you up and easing your anxiety?
You had made him concerned. So concerned, in fact, that he saw right through your little trick back at Pothos, and the minute you had bolted, he was already out the door and hot on your trail.
Besides – how could you, someone from out of town, know the streets better than him?
He had chased you twice now. 
He doesn’t dwell on this realization too much.
But, if you truly decided it was best for you to leave, he wouldn’t stop you. He was a man of his word, and although deep in his heart he knows you’d be so much happier and safer if you stayed in Makochi, well, he wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if he didn’t respect your wishes.
So he stands there with his hands clasped behind his back, and he waits, and he hopes.
And although you're silent, he can tell you’re reaching some sort of an epiphany because you’re still here. You haven’t run away. You haven’t disappeared.
It isn’t until you’re looking up at him that Suo finally lets out the breath he’d unconsciously been holding in this whole time, but he needs to make sure —
He stares into your eyes for a brief second before visibly relaxing.
Ah. There it is.
Your eyes… They have color again.
It was such a small detail when he first noticed it earlier – back when he had first laid his eye on you. 
Your eyes had been blank – they were blank when you were staring at them, blank when you crushed that man’s hand, blank when he had pulled you up from the ground.
But then, when you were holding hands with that girl and reminiscing about your brother, he saw it – brief and fleeting and pretty.
Your eyes, when they’re full of life and hope, are so very pretty.
Your lips are moving, but Suo hasn’t got a clue what you’ve said, and it’s his turn to get flustered now because getting distracted like this is so very unlike him.
“Hm? Sorry bunny – I didn’t quite catch that.”
You pout, his eyes dropping to the way your bottom lip juts out – and now you’ve got his attention. He wishes he was a stronger man, truly.
“I said –,” you pause, the nickname causing your face to warm up and the tips of your ears to bloom a lovely shade of pink, “... I said I’ll stay.”
୨ৎ Chapter 4
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uhzuku · 2 years
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— 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 ; 𝐤. 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: her eyes are soft when she replies, “because you’re a good person,” and her words are all it takes for his stiff body to collapse into her hold as he begins crying earnestly into her shoulder.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: my hero academia | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: keigo takami/f!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 1.79k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: sorta nestfic, rut cycles/in heat, set on valentine’s day/ valentine’s day mentions, hurt/comfort, creampies, facefucking mentions, discussions of hawks’ traumas, mating habits, lovemaking, missionary.
𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @cherrykamado. 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 @suyacho‘𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞.
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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a shiver ran across hawks’ skin as he lay in bed; after such an eventful fight with a villain beforehand, it was a real wonder that he’d managed to get so much time off, rut symptoms aside. regardless, once he’d tossed them at the policeman waiting, he’d taken off, calling the hpsc as he did to tell them his rut was imminent ( as in a couple hours away at best ) so they could black out his schedule, and they’d done so. keigo had returned to his penthouse and had taken up his right to bask in the sanctity that lay between his lover’s legs, his animalistic urge to breed taking over only forty-five minutes after he arrived home. he’d found her already ready, as she always was, and then the needs had taken over. 
his memory was always fuzzy after they did, and he always depended on y/n to remember everything to retell it to him. she was the only person he had ever allowed to spend his ruts with him, so that alone was enough for him to trust her completely when it came to her informing him of what happened whenever he went under. 
he glances at the screen of his phone as it lights up with one of a million notifications, his eyes catching the date as well as the mention of the league of villains having been spotted in the kanto region, but he turns away. y/n had made him promise no work when he went through his cycles, he’d even used to lock his phone away in a little automated lock box to make sure he kept to it — he couldn’t be weak now, she was here, in his bed, wrapped in his bedding and his clothes and his scent. 
“keigo?” comes his lover’s voice from behind him, and he takes a deep breath before completely relaxing into the arms that snaked their way around his body. that’s right, he wasn’t hawks here, because he didn’t have to be — he was just keigo.  y/n’s keigo. 
with a smile on his face, he carefully rolls over in her arms, his eyes shining when they meet hers. she’s still tired, the fog of sleep clinging to her eyes, but still she worries for him despite not even being completely aware of her surroundings. her sense of urgency when it came to him always made him feel mushy inside; no one had ever really bothered with him in that way before. 
“hey there, sweetheart,” he says softly through a half-assed smile. she squints at him slightly, reading his face with an ease that had made him deeply uncomfortable at the beginning of their relationship that now only served to strengthen it; hawks knew now that her knowing how he was feeling without him saying it played well into both of their strengths and weaknesses at this point. 
“what’s wrong?” she asks quietly, her scratchy-sounding voice echoing the sore throat that was the result of the strain that had been put on it after the brutal facefucking she’d received from him only a few hours before when his rut had been at its peak; the merciless breeding he’d put her cunt through had had her screaming, which was probably also a contributing factor, and while his inner beast preened at the knowledge that her hole was well-bred and still leaking his cum, keigo couldn’t hold back the stabbing guilt that coursed through him. his gaze darkens as he looks down at the bruises littering her throat where he’d gripped it as he’d fucked his fourth load in her, and the stinging sensation of oncoming tears overcomes him. 
she was in pain, and it was his fault — his fault for not holding back his urges, for using her like a tool when she was nothing close. it didn’t matter that she’d genuinely  asked for it, had begged for him to let her help him through his rut cycle as always, she always ended up worse for wear, and keigo always swore it would be the last time… but he always fell back in the cycle for taking out his more animalistic urges on her, and she always paid the price. 
just like they had always told him, he was bad. only bad people hurt the ones they loved. was he even worse than his parents? they hadn’t loved him, so he had to be. he was. 
the realization hurt. 
“why do you love me?” hawks whispers, tears shimmering in his eyes. he just can’t comprehend why she ever would. he expects  a quip of some kind, possibly a little rude remark to tease him, or even her maybe miraculously ignoring it — she did so hate it when he asked questions like this, but hawks knew that she would never ignore such a handful of words just as surely as he couldn’t help saying them. it didn’t matter if she told him how deeply she cared for him once or a million times, he’d always be surprised when she uttered those three words to him. 
her eyes are soft when she replies, “because you’re a good person,” and her words are all it takes for his stiff body to collapse into her hold as he begins crying earnestly into her shoulder. he can feel her wrap her arms around him, her voice soft as she shushes him gently without the intention of actually quieting him.
he doesn’t deserve this, doesn’t deserve her, hawks knows that. it doesn’t matter that he can be keigo to her, or that she most definitely is the only takami to actually love him, no. she deserves better than him, the son of two penniless scumbags who used their useless, waste-of-space child as a bargaining chip for their own freedom… but she chooses him. it doesn’t matter if he rages, because she soothes him. when he falls apart, she puts him back together again. when he finds himself missing something he doesn’t quite understand, she offers herself up as the perfect piece to fit the jigsaw puzzle of his life. 
it takes some time before he’s calm again, but eventually he is, if a little shaky. “h-happy valentine’s day,” he whispers into her bruised throat, speaking of the date he’d seen when his phone had lit up, and she chuckles lowly while running her fingers through his hair and nuzzling her nose against his temple. 
“happy valentine’s day, keigo,” she murmurs into his hair, and he sniffles as a new onslaught of tears threatens to overtake him. he didn’t want to cry again, really he didn’t…
“i love you,” he whimpers, unspeakably vulnerable, and he feels her hum lightly against him.. 
“i know,” is her only response, and he crumbles again, clinging to her like a lost man to religion — because that’s what she is, really. keigo spends his days, his life, worshiping her as she more than deserves — her, the deity he’d follow blindfolded with all senses stolen from him. 
her, the only one who had ever stayed. 
“make love to me, please,” she asks quietly, interrupting his thoughts. he protests at first, sure that she was too achy for something so trying, but she locks eyes with him and insists, her wants and desires clear. and fuck, even if keigo couldn’t be the man she deserved, the least he could do was make her happy as best he was able. if lovemaking was what she ( and, truthfully, he too ) wanted, then lovemaking she’d get. 
he carefully eases his cock, currently hard from the need that was already creeping up on him again, into her soft cunt, and she sighs softly as he fills her out perfectly. keigo squeezes his eyes shut, taking deep breaths and fighting off the whine at the back of his throat at how good she felt around him before slowly beginning to move, his hips pulling back only to slowly meet hers again. soft sighs and moans of pleasure left her lips, pairing beautifully with his own light grunts and groans as the muscle beneath his right eyebrow began to twitch; it always did this when he was close, and he always came so much easier during his cycles, but he had to hold out for her — he wanted her to cum first, wanted to watch her fall apart in his arms, so he holds himself back. 
“you’re so, so good, keigo,” she murmurs breathily, a soft whine to her words as pleasure courses through her body. “so good, so sweet.”
“m-mine!” he whimpers into her flesh, softly mouthing at the line of bruised bites that ran across her collarbone, and she sighs happily with a simple smile on her face. 
“all yours, my dove,” she whispers, her head tilting back as she gives up any further attempts to speak. keigo is all moans and whimpers anyway, and her point has been made regardless of whether or not she spoke any more. 
before long y/n finally cums around him, long past the point of overstimulation and easily aroused, and keigo follows suit. the thick cord that had drawn tighter and tighter in his stomach at every gentle thrust of his hips against hers had snapped just as the knot in y/n’s own tummy had been pulled taut so suddenly moments before. keigo fills her yet again with a long, drawn out cry as she spasms around him, his cum seeping from her insides around his cock with each bout of her tightening up, and his heart races against hers through both of their ribcages. 
he presses their foreheads together as they both come down from their respective highs, their noses slotted perfectly as their chests heave in tandem. his eyes are open, hazing into her own as she looks up at him with stars in her eyes, a smile in them just as bright as the sun though her soft lips are slack and at ease as she studies him. she breaks his gaze as she dips her head forward to kiss him, her own soft ones clashing ever so slowly with the wind-chapped skin of his own. they stay like this for a long moment, simply basking in one another’s existence as they share their kiss, before y/n slowly pulls back ever so slightly — not even half an inch is between them, and their lips still touch, but regardless it is enough.  
“i’ll love you forever, kei’,”she whispers into his lips, and a new, single tear falls from his cheek to hers before dripping down, soaking slowly into her skin as keigo closes his eyes. 
“and i you,” he whispers, before kissing her again and whispering a soft, “forever,” into her mouth. 
yes, forever. that sounded perfect. 
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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yan-lorkai · 7 days
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/n: Literally I woke up today and thought that i had stabbed myself in my sleep because my whole body was aching, yep, no, it was just my period that started. Hell week may have started but at least I found energy enough to write this ♡
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, period talk, super suggestive, implied kidnapped reader, gn!reader. Alucard is a little creepier here but I love him nonetheless.
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The room was dark, the dim light of the bedside lamp casting weak shadows against the walls. You were curled up under a heavy blanket, trying to stave off the pain in your abdomen. The dull, aching throb was relentless, the cramps coming in waves that made you wish for anything that might provide some relief. But it wasn't just the pain that kept you on edge tonight — it was him.
Like a shark, you'll knew Alucard would come to check on you and the sudden smell of blood.
You knew Alucard was there before you even saw him. His presence was impossible to ignore, a suffocating weight that seemed to wrap itself around you, pulling the air from your lungs. It started with the faint sound of his chuckle echoing from the darkness, that rich, mocking tone that sent a chill running down your spine.
“Poor little thing." He cooed, his voice dripping with condescension. “Does it hurt?”
You didn’t answer, clutching the hot water bottle tighter against your stomach, trying to shut him out. But you knew that wouldn’t work.
It never did.
Alucard was, surprisely, a yapper. He could keep talking for hours on end for the both of you if he was in the mood. And right now, that seemed to be the case.
“Now, now, don’t be like that.” Alucard’s voice was closer now, and you felt the mattress shift as he settled himself right at your side, watching you with that twisted, predatory grin. “You should be used to me by now, shouldn’t you?”
You gritted your teeth, refusing to meet his gaze, but he wouldn’t allow it. His gloved hand reached out, cold and unyielding, grasping your chin and tilting your head to face him. Those eyes — burning crimson and impossibly bright — pierced through you and for a moment, you forgot how to breathe.
“There we go,” He whispered, his thumb brushing over your lower lip, slow and deliberate. “That’s better.”
You tried to pull away but he only tightened his grip, holding you in place as he leaned closer, planting a chaste kiss on your lips before smiling. “Do you have any idea how irresistible you are right now?” He murmured, his breath warm against your skin. “The scent of your blood… it’s intoxicating.”
“Alucard, you're disgusting,” You managed, though your voice sounded weak even to your own ears.
His grin widened, sharp and wicked. “Oh, but blood is blood, darling, no matter where is coming from." He moved closer, and you could feel the heat radiating off him, an unnatural warmth that made your skin prickle.
“I can hear it, you know. The way your blood pulses, so warm, so inviting.” He paused, inhaling deeply, his eyes fluttering shut as if savoring the scent. “You’re practically begging for me to taste you.”
“Go to hell!” You snapped, more out of desperation than courage.
Alucard laughed, a deep, rumbling sound that vibrated through the room. “I’ve been there, darling,” He said, his voice dropping to a low, dangerous whisper. “And I assure you, it’s not nearly as interesting as you are, not as tempting as you are.”
His hand left your chin, trailing down the side of your neck, fingers tracing the curve of your collarbone with an almost reverent touch. “You’re trembling,” He noted with amusement. “Is it fear? Or is it something else?”
You clenched your fists, nails digging into your palms as you struggled to maintain some semblance of control. But he noticed everything. “The pain,” He continued, “it must be excruciating, isn’t it?”
He let his hand drift lower, resting against your stomach, pressing down just enough to make you wince. “I could make it go away.”
You flinched, trying to pull back, but he only followed, leaning over you, his weight pinning you down. “All you have to do is ask, my love.” He whispered, his lips so close to your ear that you could feel the cool air of his breath.
“Why?” You managed to ask, your voice barely more than a ragged whisper. “Why are you doing this?”
“Because,” Alucard smiled, his voice softening in a way that sent a new kind of fear curling through you, “I want you. All of you.” He moved his head, burying his nose in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. “I want to consume you. To make you mine in every possible way.” His tongue flicked out, tasting the sweat on your skin, and you shivered violently.
“And this…” He pressed harder against your stomach, the pressure sending another wave of pain crashing through you. “This just makes you all the more irresistible.”
“You’re sick,” You spat out, your eyes stinging with unshed tears.
“Perhaps,” He conceded with a lazy smile, “But so are you, my love. After all, you’re the one who hasn’t tried to run away yet.” His eyes gleamed with triumph, knowing full well that even if you had tried, there was no escaping him.
“You crave this, don’t you?” His voice dropped, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “The pain, the fear… the way I make you feel.”
You shook your head, desperate to deny him, but you couldn’t stop the way your body reacted to his words, the way your breath hitched, the way your pulse quickened under his touch. And he noticed, of course.
He always noticed.
“Liar,” Alucard laughed, his mouth hovering just above your skin, his fangs grazing the sensitive flesh of your neck. “You can deny it all you want, but I can hear the truth.” He paused, savoring the way you trembled beneath him. “I can feel your heartbeat, so frantic, so desperate. It’s beautiful.”
Alucard shifted, pulling back just enough to look at you, his gaze searing into yours. “You belong to me,” He said, his voice a dark, possessive growl that sent shivers down your spine. "Keep lying to yourself, love, it's endearing to see."
With one last lingering touch, he finally pulled away, standing over you as his form seemed to dissolve into the shadows of the room. “Rest well, darling.” He purred, his voice echoing in the darkness.
“I’ll be back later. And when I return…” He paused, letting the silence stretch, his eyes flashing one last time before he disappeared completely, “I expect you to be just as delicious as you are now.”
And just like that, he was gone, leaving you alone in the silence, your heart pounding in your ears, your body trembling with a mixture of fear, anger, and something you refused to name. But as the pain in your abdomen flared up again, you couldn’t help but think about his words, the way he had touched you, the way his eyes had burned with something beyond hunger.
And in the depths of your mind, a terrifying thought took root — he would be back. And a part of you would be waiting.
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gothfleur · 26 days
home again - sam winchester
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pairing : sam winchester x gn!reader/vampire!reader ➖⟢ genre : angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ➖⟢ cw : features dean x reader (platonic), near death experience, injuries, blood mention, animal death mention, swearing, so much pining, petty dean, crying, guilt, poorly edited, lmk if i missed something! ➖⟢ wc : 1.5K summary : after being turned into a vampire, you struggle to face sam again.
prefer to read on ao3? read it here!
note: this is my first time writing in a long time, and i'm trying out a new style... this is also my first time writing for sam! pls be kind and enjoy!
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It’s been fourteen days since the vampires took you away as you slept in a dingy motel room with the Winchesters. Twelve days since they turned you into one of them. And seven days since you wasted them all.
The vampires had turned you, kept you, and starved you. Ensuring you would be driven into a bloodlust-fueled frenzy when they gave you something alive. 
And when they did, you couldn’t help yourself. Soon, there was a crumpled human body at your feet, red pooling in a puddle beneath it—her. Thus leaving you a full-fledged vampire, bound to this way of life forevermore. 
When you came to, mind clear now that you had been fed, you were careful in making sure none of them would hurt you ever again. Or… anyone else, for that matter. 
You found Sam first. Asking around for you not far from where the vampires had taken you. 
Sam felt as if he was running out of time. He had been worried sick, hardly sleeping or not sleeping at all. How could he rest if he didn’t know where you were? If you were even safe? He didn't even want to entertain the thought that you could be dead. You were out there, and he was going to find you. 
You ultimately swore off seeing Sam and Dean ever again. You would just have to forget them; you were what they hunted now. You couldn’t face them, a monster in the perfect likeness of their friend. You were afraid of what they would think and what they would do. Would they forgive you? Would they turn you away? Worse yet, there was a possibility they would kill you, right? You were a vampire now, after all.
So, you tried to keep it low-key before you could get your shit together and get out of town, leaving your old life behind. Feeding only on animals and staying away from the humans around town. But when Sam and Dean caught wind of some mysterious blood-sucking disease affecting the animals, they knew they were close to finding the vampires who had something to do with your disappearance. 
Little did they know, they just found you. 
You had your teeth buried deep in the neck of a rat when you felt a blade press to the back of your neck.
“Fine dining out here, huh? Rats, yum.”
Dammit, Dean. Always with the sarcastic comments.
Your vampire instincts said to attack, but your human heart said to flee. You didn’t want them to see what you’d become. 
“Answer our questions, and this blade won’t have your head rolling on the ground.” 
He didn’t sound like himself. He sounded desperate, worried, and at wit's end. If threats were going to be the quickest way to find you, so be it. He hoped this vampire would listen, that violence would be a last resort. This isn’t how he likes to go about things, but with someone he cared about in danger, he didn’t want to waste time.
Hunger stabs at your stomach at the smell of them. Blood is pulsing beneath the fragile layer of their skin. You can hear it sliding along their veins, and you fight back a gag. These were your friends, not something to devour. 
You move, trying to stand and run, but the blade at your neck presses into your skin. You yelp, and a hand turns you and pins you to the ground, back pressed against the damp grass. You squirm in an attempt to free yourself, but you're weak and untrained. Your vampire strength can’t and won’t save you now. 
You watch helplessly as their faces strain and relax in realization. Morphing from surprise, relief, then to some emotion you can’t place. Something tells you it's somewhere between anger, fear, and denial. Probably some fucked-up human mix of all three.
“Y/N…” Sam murmurs, his eyes softening as he looks at you, the blood drying on your lips. You can hear his heart slow; he’s relieved to see you, despite everything. 
Dean removes his hands immediately, realizing it’s you who he’s hurt and pinned to the ground. 
Sam takes a step forward, crouching in front of you and reaching to pull you up. You can’t help but shirk away, scrambling backward away from him. Sam winces at your reaction, and he bites at the inside of his lip.
“I’m so sorry, you guys. So sorry… I,” Words tumble from your lips before you can stop them. If your heart was still beating, you’re sure it would be leaping out of your chest right about now.
“Shh, shh. Y/N, we aren’t… we won’t hurt you,” Sam says, his voice soft and sweet like it always was. It’s only been two weeks since you saw him last, but so much has happened since then. It felt like a lifetime had passed between then and now. You were a completely different person now, on an entirely different level of existence. 
“But what if I hurt you?” You cry, twisting your fingers between blades of grass as you lift your gaze to them. “I can’t trust myself. I’m so scared; I don’t want to hurt you.”
Dean has his hand hovering above his knife’s sheath, and you don’t blame him. You’re grateful. If you can’t stop yourself, maybe he will. 
Sam swallows, glancing back at Dean to steady himself. He wasn’t expecting this, and if he was being honest, he didn’t know what to say or to do. But this was still you. The person whose coffee order he’d memorized, whose smile he’d tease out with compliments and stupid jokes, whose eyes he'd find himself lost in more times than he could count. You might be... different, but you’re still Y/N, and he’s going to make you remember that. You’re not a monster, and you’ll never be, at least not to him. 
“Hey, hey. It’s okay, you’re going to be okay,” he assured, his voice as gentle as possible. He reaches out again, his large hand coming to rest on your shoulder. It’s warm against your eternally cool skin, and you realize you’d forgotten what his warmth felt like. 
“Sam,” You whisper, eyes flickering down at his hand, then back to his face. He’s handsome as always, his hazel eyes shining in the moonlight. You search them, scanning for any fear or disgust. There’s none of that. Instead, you find acceptance and concern. Your breaths come easier, and you swallow. Everything is easier when he’s by your side. Tears well in your eyes, and you realize that under all of your fear, there is comfort in seeing him again. 
Sam watches as your eyes flutter shut, a tear rolling down your blood-streaked cheek. He wants so much to hold you, to wipe your face clean, and to tell you he’ll always be here for you. You’ll always be his Y/N. 
“Aren’t you scared of me? Scared of what I’ll do? Of what I am?” You whine, looking up at Sam and Dean with a pleading look that crushes their hearts. 
“You’re still you. Changed some, but still you.” Sam nods as he speaks, his inner brow raised worryingly. His words make you want to burst into tears. You were so scared of rejection, of them leaving you—all that makes you feel kind of silly now. 
Dean sighs, his hand falling to his side as the other reaches up to rub his temple. 
“Just keep your teeth to yourself, you hear?” He jokes, but you know he’s partly serious, too. 
“Cross my heart and hope to die.” You chuckle, sniffling and wiping the tears from your cheek. You feel the dried blood crack on your face, and you wipe at it, scrubbing hard as it flakes off. Overcoming your sanguine urges would be hard, not to mention the fact you’re likely facing eternity. But maybe with these two by your side, it won’t be so bad. 
Sam pulls you close, wrapping his long arms around you. He missed you. He missed hearing your laugh and breathing in your perfume whenever you walked past. He wasn’t going to let you go again. 
You hesitate to hug him back at first, your vampiric instincts firing at full blast. But when you finally hold him, that all melts away. You feel human again, for a moment. And strong enough to beat this thing. After all, you’d met vampires who were able to resist their urges. 
Sam strokes the back of your head once, feeling your hair under his fingers before breaking the hug. He smiles at you, and as he stands, he brings you up with him. His warm hand holds yours, and you never want him to let go. 
“Jesus, you two,’ Dean rolls his eyes and motions back towards baby, ‘let’s just get back home. Y/N, you need a shower.” 
“I missed you too, Dean.” You smile, and the three of you start back towards the car. 
You breathe in the cool night air. You’re home again.
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doe-eyed-fool · 8 months
Fallen {Chapter One}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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Summery- Innocence meant nothing in a place like this. Here, innocence was weakness. It would only get you killed. And yet, it was craved by the most twisted and sinful of demons.
Innocence to them, was something to be tainted, corrupted, and ruined beyond saving. It gave them great pleasure to destroy that innocence.
And he was no different. To him, she was nothing more than a new form of entertainment. But even he, as demented and cruel as he was, could not ignore the feeling that slowly grew deep within his blackened heart.
"What have you done to me?"
I was once a woman of god, my faith unchanging and strong. Because of that, I was granted entry into the kingdom of heaven. However, it would not last.
I awoke in a dirty and dark alleyway, my whole body ached, my mind struggling to keep up. My eyes opened, and I was met with a most horrifying scene. Above me, in the blood red sky, was a giant pentagram that loomed over all. My heart sank upon realizing just where I was. Hell. I had landed myself in hell.
But, how? I was in heaven. I had earned it. I had been good. I've only ever been good. I was faithful and true. So why? I brought myself to a sit, as I did so, a sharp stab of agony shot up my back. I failed to hold back a cry of pain.
Looking back on myself, a gasp escaped me as I found the source of my pain. My wings were still there. Once neat soft white feathers, now messy and dirtied from the ground. But that was not the worse of it. What made my stomach lurch, what caused the horrible throbbing pain I could not ignore, was the broken joint on my left wing.
The bone jutting out from flesh, golden blood dripping down the feathers of my wing. The fact that I had wings at all was proof enough I actually was in heaven. That, and my long white and gold-trimmed dress. However, it only made my confusion grow. If I was in heaven, why am I here now?
I took a shaky breath before attempting to stand, however it would not happen so easily. I hissed out as I felt a sharpness in my legs. Looking down, I saw more of my blood leaking from the various cuts along my legs. One nasty deep gash in particular on my right calf. This wasn't good.
I was bound to be attacked by some loathsome demon if I didn't try to escape. Flying wasn't an option, and neither was walking it seemed. But if I didn't do something quick then-
"Well. What do we have here?"
My breath caught in my throat at the sudden voice. I looked up to see a rather tall, well dressed demon standing before me. His grin, filled with sharp teeth, made my skin crawl. His deep red eyes bore into my own. He looked at me as if I were his next meal, and in a place like this, I very well could be.
I kept my mouth shut, even if I wanted to talk, I couldn't bring myself to speak. So, he filled the silence himself. "I thought I had seen something a bit strange earlier. It's not everyday you see an angel falling from the sky! Well, not unless it's time for the yearly extermination. If that's what you're here for, I'm afraid your a tad too late." He said with a chuckle. Still I kept quiet, he continued.
"Though, you do not look like the usual exterminators. No, I don't think you are. How very interesting." He took a step closer to me. Finally my body reacted, I scramble to move back as he grew closer. My back hit the hard brick wall behind me, I wince at the pain I received by doing so.
My heart was beating out of my chest, tears gathering in my eyes. My reaction seemed to have been amusing to him, as his grin grew wider.
"Afraid?" He leans down, his face inches from my own. "You should be." I shut my eyes tightly as he moved his hand up to my face. Flinching as his clawed finger made contact with my skin. I felt him move a strand of my messily tangled hair out of my face, before his hand left me.
"A creature like you my dear, is just begging to be harmed in a place like this. Though, I don't entirely blame you. You appeared to be heavily injured." I dare to open my eyes, only to be met with his sharp gaze.
His eyes only left mine briefly to meet my broken wing, then down to my injured legs, then back up to my face. "Quite the fall you had." He chuckled. I only nod. That had to be right. I fell from heaven. It was the only explanation that made sense.
Why else would I be here? The demon stood straight again, looking over his shoulder for a moment before turning his attention back to me.
'I doubt I'll ever get an opportunity like this again.' He thought, his grin somehow growing even wider. "Tell me, what do you plan to do now? Surely you intend on leaving this horrid place, yes?" He questions. Of course I do. I don't want to be here any longer that I already have. I nod my head, words still failing me.
"It will be quite the challenge my dear. You can't fly, and no one leaves hell just like that." He says with a snap of his fingers. "What will you do?" An excellent question. What will I do? What could I do? Panic set in quickly as I realized that there was nothing I could do now. I was stuck here. I would never be able to leave this god forsaken place. The tears finally began to roll down my cheeks, my shoulders shook as I cried.
How could this have happened? Why was this happening? Perhaps I've done something wrong? Maybe I've upset god in some way? Is that why I'm here? I'm being punished? Is that it? The demon's voice caught my attention once more as he spoke.
"Oh, how I hate to see a lady cry." I could have sworn there was a hint of sincerity in his tone. But I would be a fool to think a demon could feel sympathy for anyone. "Perhaps, we should make a deal."
I wipe a few tears away before looking at him with a confused glance. "I'll try and find a way for you to return to heaven. And in return..." His expression grew dark and sinister. "All you have to do, is amuse me." Amuse him? My stomach churned at the thought of what a demon would find amusing.
I look up at the sky, the pentagram's glow stinging my eyes. Heaven was out of reach, but I yearned for nothing more than to return. The deal almost sounded tolerable. I look back at the demon and finally, I spoke.
"W-Will you hurt me?" My voice cracked. "Of course not!" The demon waved his hand, as if dismissing the thought. "I'm rather curious about you. And I can't have someone like you harmed. Your value topples almost over all here. Many demons would kill for a chance to obtain an angel such as yourself. That alone is enough for me to keep you in tact as much as possible." His words weren't comforting, that's for sure.
But he said he wouldn't hurt me. I think. I couldn't trust him, but what other choice do I have? I don't want to be stuck here forever. The demon offered his hand. "What do you say?" He asks as a faint green glow engulfed his hand.
I sigh before hesitantly taking his hand with my own. As our hands clasp, the glow engulfed mine as well and a sting could be felt throughout my palm causing me to wince. The glow grew brighter, I shut my eyes tightly to shield my eyes from it.
I missed the twisted smile from the demon, but I felt his hand tightening around my own slightly before the glow finally calmed down and went out. The demon let go of my hand, only to pick me up. I gasp as I felt myself being hoisted up into a bridal style carry.
I couldn't bring myself to look at him, so I kept my gaze down at his chest. "Hold on tight." He warns me. And before I knew what was happening, I felt a rush flow throughout my body. It was almost like the feeling you'd get when going down a steep drop on a rollercoaster. And suddenly, we were in a new location.
I look around and take in my surroundings. There was a rather nice looking home before me. Well, I could consider it nice if it didn't look...haunted. I could have sworn I saw a shadow move in one of the many windows. Surrounding the home was a swamp, the water was infested with gators.
But not normal ones. These gators were far larger, their scales an inky black, multiple sets of eyes glow a deep red, and their teeth abnormally sharp and long, stained with the blood of I didn't know what. The plant life was unnatural as well. While they were alive like normal plants, they were sentient.
Looking for some unfortunate passerby to feast upon. This being proven by a demonic version of a frog hopping by one, only to be snatched up and ripped apart. I look away, not wanting to watch as the sound of crunching and squishing filled my ears. The bugs were abnormally large too, and just as carnivorous as the other creatures of the swamp.
"Home sweet home." The demon sighs before walking up the porch stairs. He walks in, the inside completely dark at first before he steps through the threshold. Like magic, light filled the home. And once again, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, shadows retreating into darkness wherever they could find it.
"Now, let's get you patched up." The demon says as he heads up the stairs. He brings me to his bedroom and sets me carefully on the surprisingly soft and comfortable bed.
I tried to keep still, as not to irritate my wing any further. But nothing could ease the pain, I winced and hissed out sharply as another throb jolted my wing. I could have started crying again it hurt so bad. The demon took note of that before moving to my left. I watched him carefully, wary of what he would do next. He said he would patch me up, while that confused me, I still didn't trust his word.
"This might hurt. But do try to keep still." He says before moving his hand over the broken bone. I move away fearfully, a foolish thing to do. I cried as more pain shot up my wing and back. "What did I just say?" The demon sighed.
"What are you going to do?" I ask sharply. He didn't have anything that could properly set the bone, nothing to ease my pain. Did he intend to force it back? "I'm going to heal it. But I need you to sit. Still." The demon said sternly. Still noticing my hesitation, he rolled his eyes. "I will try to make this less painful as possible. Now, are you going to do as I say? Or are you going to just sit there, still in pain?"
I sighed heavily before doing as I was told. I shut my eyes tightly after I watch him move his hand back. Suddenly I felt a shift in my wing joint, but no pain followed as I had expected. After a moment or two, Alastor moved his hand away.
"There we go. All better." The demon says softly. While I felt no pain, I never felt more light headed. My stress finally caught with me and felt I just might actually pass out. My body began to fall forwards, but the demon caught me before I could fall completely. I go limp in his arms, my eyes lids drooping. I heard him chuckle before I felt him moving my body, he gently laid me on my back.
I look up at him with tired eyes, his grin remained the same. I got the feeling he was enjoying this, it made me more sick to think about it. "Try and relax. I'll work on your legs next." He tells you as he moves his hand down to hover over them. I then heard him laugh, before I could question him he spoke.
"My, how rude of me. I've yet to introduce myself. I suppose I've gotten use to everyone knowing who I am, that it slipped my mind." The demon glances at me, he spoke his name with the most charming of tones.
"My name is Alastor."
Alastor? It was such a nice sounding name for a demon. "And who do I have the pleasure of knowing?" I took a shaky breath before answering with a shaky and cracked voice. "Y/n." Alastor's grin soften for a moment as he spoke my name. "Y/n. What a lovely name."
It felt strange to hear a demon speaking my name. It felt wrong. Though, it wasn't any worse than actually making a deal with him. I close my eyes, and begged god for forgiveness. I hope god could forgive me for what I've done.
I only do this to return to god's light. That's all. Please...please understand. The more I thought about that deal, the worse I felt. I didn't want to think about it, but it would always be there. In the back of my mind, will forever be the guilt of my choice.
And I could only hope that whatever this deal would entail, wouldn't be as bad as I fear it would be.
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v4mpgutz · 10 months
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Lover, Ethan Landry [ HEADCANONS ]
— darlin' you're my, my, my, my lover <3
ethan landry relationship and other headcanons!
warnings ! — canon-typical blood and gore, canon-typical violence, suggestive content (implied intercourse but no smut), mentions of murder
ghostface ethan landry:
ethan landry with an s/o that is so incredibly naive and he finds it absolutely adorable.
-> he comes home from what you assume to be econ, not even questioning him because he's your boyfriend and you trust him. he grins when you ask him how his class went. you didn't question the fact that he had small amounts of blood splattered on his collarbone and his shoes — you didn't question anything. he doesn't say anything other than "good" before he's leaning in to kiss your cheek, a subtle grin on his face as he proceeds to pull you into a hug. what a sad, naive, little thing you were.
ethan landry who completely guts a guy in one of your college classes that won't stop flirting with you. you're his, he doesn't appreciate this asshole chatting you up. so, he murders him, pfft — obviously — because that would be the logical thing to do right?
-> he sneaks into your bedroom window afterwards, his mask cast aside but the black robe still engulfing his body as he walks over to where you're reading on your phone, laying on your side. he's immediately sliding in behind you and wrapping his right arm around your thigh, caressing the skin softly as his left one wraps around your waist. his head buries itself into your neck, leaving gentle kisses there as you giggle. you're so cute. so cute, in fact, that he wants nothing more, after just stabbing some guy who hit on you to death, then to have his way with you. 
non-ghostface ethan:
ethan absolutely loves laying on top of you with his arms wrapped around your stomach. he feels so safe and comfortable and warm — he almost never wants to leave. he also really loves being the little spoon but he's never actually voiced that fact because he's a little shy and doesn't want you to think it means he's weak.
(personal projection headcanon) ethan is autistic and his special interests are spiderman and crystals. he loves spiderman and has a whole bookshelf of comics, posters also covering his walls. he also kind of accidentally got into crystals one day and was like "huh" before going down a loophole of different types of crystals and their spiritual meanings, ruling planets and signs, where they're found etc and now he could see two crystals exactly the same and tell you the difference between them.
-> he has auditory processing disorder so when you're telling him something he'll be listening and nod along, saying "yeah" and "ohhh" but a few seconds later he's going, "wait, what did you say?" this happens a few times within the span of 5 minutes sometimes but you're patient with him and he loves you for that. he also needs captions on when watching tv like 90% of the time because he hears what people are saying but can't process it at the same time unless he's seeing it.
ETHAN LANDRY IS A SWIFTIE!!! he fell in love with taylor swift when he was little because quinn listened to her and now he has all of her album cds and a few vinyls including debut with the ORIGINAL picture to burn (yurrr gayyy.. sorry)
-> his favourite albums are definitely folklore and lover but speak now really has a special place in his heart. he listens to mirrorball and haunted that many times a day that you could play them while he's sleeping and he'll just start singing... in his sleep.
he's definitely lactose intolerant but the kind of lactose intolerant person that will eat copious amounts of ice cream and then later while they're fighting for their life be like "lol worth it."
he kept seeing people say pookie on the internet so he kept calling chad pookie but like.. unironically. on the street they'd be near a road and ethan will just all of a sudden say, "careful pookie! theres a crosswalk!" chad attempts to get him to stop. attempts.
ethan loves to bring you flowers, little origami animals, your favourite snacks and drinks etc when he knows you've had a bad day or even if you've had a good one. his love languages are definitely gift giving and physical touch.
he says sorry literally all of the time because of wayne and it makes you sad but also makes you want to literally throw his dad off of the statue of liberty because fuck that dude.
when he's sad he won't out-right tell you because he doesn't want you to worry but you notice right away anyway because he gets super clingy. you're laying in bed with him, cuddling as you play with his hair while reading your textbook.
-> you get up to get a glass of water and he whines, pouting and huffing as he gets up too, following you like a lost puppy. "eth, what's the matter?" you ask and he pauses at your sudden stop in the middle of the kitchen. "nothin'.." he mumbles back as he plays with his fingers anxiously, "..'m fine."
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i love him to death and i have even more hcs but didnt wanna make this too long. pt.2 maybe?? idk, send asks or comment with your hcs too !
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m0thgutzzzz · 3 months
hmm.. about time i properly posted about monster tower, huh? HERE WE GO
MONSTER TOWER (cw for violence)
pizzahead loves horror movies. hes obsessed with them to an unhealthy extent. but he’s quite the film critic! pizzahead becomes obsessed with creating the perfect horror movie. and what’s better than creating real monsters to act out your plans?
peppino: the main subject of pizzahead’s obsession. pizzahead sees him as the ultimate protagonist to his movie, so he kidnaps peppino along with stick and gustavo to be apart of it. he uses a chemical he developed to turn peppino into a vampire.
gustavo: being abducted meant he was also turned into a monster! this time, a werewolf! the tower is kept in a perpetual state of moonlight, so he can never transform back into a human.
stick: he was transformed into a merman, much to his dismay. it’s hard to walk around with a giant fishbowl on your head! but he gets by.
pepperman: phil was hired by pizzahead to be an actor for the movie. what he didn’t know was that pizzahead was going to beat him to death and immediately revive him from the dead as a demon! now he serves pizzahead’s every command.
vigilante: one of the few non-monsterified tower residents. vigi comes from a long line of monster hunters. and their specialty? slaying vampires. he begins to question his entire career when he meets phil for the first time.
noise: theo was a popular eighties celebrity. that was until he was brutally stabbed to death, along with his girlfriend in an unsolved murder case. pizzahead brought the two back to life to be actors in his movie, as they both had experience prior.
fake peppino: pizzahead was able to contact alien life! said alien came down, and the two formed an alliance. the alien could take as much resources from earth as it wanted, as long as it helped act in pizzaheads movie and take the form of a certain italian.
brick: starting out as a small pink blob, the more she ate, the bigger she got. now she’s apart of a giant hive mind of pink slime rats around the tower.
noisette: as previously mentioned, she was stabbed to death! now she lives in the tower and provides meals for monsters that have certain dietary requirements.
burton: he eventually entered the tower after stick had gone missing, and was turned invisible by pizzahead as a result. hes finally with stick! but at the cost of his visibility.
gerome and john: the two had been at the tower for generations. once pizzahead took ownership of the tower, he cursed the both of them. john was cursed to keep the tower standing, while gerome had to do whatever pizzahead said. he now serves as a janitor around set.
pizzaface: a giant, moldy, undead, floating pizza director! he’s equipped with the weaknesses of every monster in case they were to discovery or even turn against him.
pizzahead: the main man. hes a scientist who was obsessed with cinema, specifically horror films, from a young age. his science became so advanced that he found his pizza body parts obsolete and began to replace them with machinery. now he rules over the tower, a perfectionist making sure every single shot of his movie is exactly how it should be.
everyone is trapped within the tower. they all have a relatively cozy life, as pizzahead tries to appease to their demands. yet he refuses to let them out until his film is finished.
OKAY THATS IT. i have a bunch of other characters planned out (doise, mort, ect) buttt i can explain them in a different post. feel free to ask questions! and take some art of the characters!
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sadhours · 8 days
the diner - part three
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billy hargrove x fem!reader
cw: 18+ minors dni, stalking, murder, toxic relationship, trauma, hallucinations, flayed!billy, peeping Tom, horror
He survived. Somehow— someway. Billy survived. Took care of what he should have so long ago. But that monster lingers, still alive within him.
You’re an innocent girl who works next door to him and he can’t help himself. Could you help him or is he too sick?
part one - part two
read on ao3
He’s fucked up royally. Went and got himself caught. Spent two whole weeks expecting the cops to show up to his apartment or his work. It never happened. Half expected his boss to mention it, ask him why he’s peeping through girls’ windows. Nothing. Yet he won’t dare go into the diner.
Doesn’t go to your house for a week. He drives by to see if your car is there but it’s not. Goes to your ex boyfriend's place first, doesn’t see your car and then he goes to your parents house. Confirms you’re there. But Billy doesn’t investigate further. He goes home. Drinks himself into absolute oblivion. Drinks so much he talks to Maxine. But she’s not really there. It helps him though.
“I killed him,” he tells her, voice is so rough from the vomiting. He has to make sure the slugs are all gone. Checks twice a day. Pukes every morning and every night. No slugs.
“He deserved it,” Max tells him. She’s on his countertop. She’s curled into herself, she’s got dark eyes and greasy hair. Her clothes are covered in the slop of the upside down. Her face looks as sunken in as his feels. She fidgets a lot.
“He cried,” Billy offers, voice flat and emotionless as he relives it. “I told him I wished I’d done it sooner. Brought him to the monster. So I wouldn’t have to do the hard part.”
Maxine is curious. Wants details. “How did you do it?”
“Stabbed him. I don’t know how many times— a lot. It was messy,” Billy whispers. Knows the apartment is empty, though he’s staring right at a sickly step sister. A burdened one. A step sister who isn’t really here. He checked in— knew she was alive. In a rundown trailer with a drunken Susan. Blames himself. He knows Susan took a lot of the brunt of Neil but he paid for everything. Even if he hit Susan, he took care of her— kept her clean. He told Billy how he’d found her. How he saved her and her little girl. And Billy hated them. Because he couldn’t be saved. But he hated Max most because Neil didn’t touch her. Susan was in the same boat as he was. She knew how Neil was. First hand. Max only seen it secondhand. Max watched as Neil hurt him. Max heard it when he hit Susan. Crawled into Billy’s lap, sobbed and clung onto him. Billy apologized, told her he wished it was like it was before. Where Neil only had him to hurt. Told Max that her mom didn’t deserve this. That he did. Rubbed her tiny back as she cried into his neck and told him she missed her dad.
“I hope he suffered,” the image of Max tells him. Has this sadistic smile that looks foreign on her young face. She looks supernatural. Like a demon, maybe like the devil on his shoulder as he recounts this devpraved moment of his life.
“I liked it,” he exhales, “I felt so fucking good when the life left his eyes. I laughed. I couldn’t stop laughing.”
Max grins and nods.
“I kept stabbing him. Blood was gushing out everywhere. I was fucking covered in it but I couldn’t stop,” Billy whispers, his own lips curling up like the little demonic step sister on the counter. “He looked so fucking pathetic and weak.”
“I’m proud of you.”
Billy feels warm all over.
“You saved us.”
It’s his imagination. Neil left them as soon as he heard Billy had died. Billy wishes he had died. But he… he didn’t. He remembers the monster penetrating his skin and muscle and organs. He remembers staring into the strange girls eyes as it happened. But then he woke up. In that hellscape. Had to live in it for god knows how long. Worked his way around, killing weird demonic creatures until he saw this… thing in a tree. Like a mirror. And he shoved his hand through it, and there was something on the outside. So he crawled through it. Found himself in the woods of Hawkins. Covered in slime and filth.
He didn’t save Max. Or maybe he did. He’s not sure.
Max keeps smiling this creepy smile. Billy feels safe. He talks to her for hours and hours that night.
Billy’s elbow deep in an old Ford truck. One of the farmers here. He told the fucker it was time to retire the truck. The transmission is fucked, flooded with fluid. Can’t hold onto gears. But the guy insists it’s a quick fix so Billy sent him off, told him he’d try his best.
And he is. He’s covered in oil and fluids. Hair tied up and sleeves pushed up past his elbows. He’s completely dismantled the engine. And he’s chewing on his lip as he stares down at the parts laid out on the concrete floor of the shop when the bell dings. Alerting him someone’s come in. He’s the only one here so he ventures out to the front. Sees a confused looking you. An uneasy look on your face when you see him and he gets it.
“My cars not working,” you say. “It won’t start.”
“You try to jump it?” he asks, grabbing a towel on the counter and tries to clean his hands.
You fidget with the strap of your purse as you shrug and admit, “I don’t know anything about cars.”
He heaves a sigh, looks back at the dumb ford and looks to you, “Where’s it at?”
“In the parking lot,” you answer softly. “I-I don’t know what I did.”
“Hey,” he shakes his head, “Shit happens. It’s okay. It’s probably a dead battery. Did you leave the headlights on or something?”
“No!” you reply, shaking your head profusely. “It was fine on the way here, I don’t know what happened.”
Billy grabs his keys, “Let’s try to jump it. Go stand by it.”
You nod and rush out of the shop. He gets in his car, drives the short distance to yours and parks in front of it before popping the hood. He’s fucked kind of. Now you know what car he drives.
He grabs his jumper cables from his trunk and walks back around. “Open the hood,” he instructs you. He likes you following his orders. You obey, watching as he connects the cables and he tells you to go try to start it. Nothing. It clicks and clicks.
“Press down on the gas!” he calls to you and again, nothing.
The two of you keep trying for a while before Billy decides to run into the shop. Grabs the right battery and brings it back out. Replaces yours with the new one but your car still doesn’t start.
“Alright,” he sighs, “it’s probably the alternator. Let’s get it into the shop. Put it in neutral and I’ll push, you just gotta steer.”
It’s kind of a frustrating journey. He has to keep yelling at you to turn the steering wheel as he’s pushing it. He hopes you recognize how strong he has to be in order to push your car. But then he’s screaming at you again to push on the breaks. But eventually, the pair of you get your car into the shop. He tells you to take a seat and he disappears to find the parts he needs.
Then he comes to you with an apologetic face.
“I gotta order something. Might take a week or two to get here,” Billy tells you, braces for you to be angry like most the fuckers that come in.
You just look defeated, “What’s wrong with it?”
“I think it’s just the alternator,” he replies, “it’s really an easy fix. But I don’t have it in stock.”
“A whole week? How am I supposed to get around?” you reply, voice so shy and quiet and sad and it kind of makes his dick twitch. He ignores it.
He shrugs, “I… I mean… we work next door to each other. I could drive you.”
The uncertainty— perhaps fear, is clear on your face. So he clarifies, “I mean if no one else could.”
There’s this weird feeling weighing in. He creeped into your window. You both know it. But when he was caught, he ran and he ignored you completely until now.
“Can you at least drive me to my parents?” you ask.
Billy nods, “‘Course. Let me lock up.”
“Oh, you don’t have to like, stop what you’re doing and right now,” you tell him, eyes all wide and pretty.
He laughs and shakes his head, points to the Ford and tells you, “I wanna burn this fucking thing so really, I need the time away.”
“Worse than my car?” you ask with a smile and he nods.
“This thing is deader than dead. A fix that costs more than the fucking whole truck but this dude insists it’s not that. As you can see, I’ve taken the whole engine apart and uh— as I thought, the fucking transmission is full of metal shards. So yeah, worse than your car,” he explains as he scratches the back of his neck.
“You know a whole lot about cars, huh?”
“I hope so. It’s kind of how I make money,” he says.
You nod. Subtle smile on your face. Like you know something he doesn’t. He wants to. He walks away to lock the place up, walks you out towards his car and lights a smoke before he gets inside. He asks for directions but Billy knows exactly where your parents live.
“Thanks,” you tell him. “I really appreciate the help… I have no idea what I did to make my car break.”
Billy laughs, turns towards you and shrugs, “Sometimes they break, nothing you did to make that happen.”
“I probably did something, my dad tells me I have to let it warm up and I never do,” you say and look ashamed as you say it.
“He’s right, but that’s not what caused this. Your car is like 20 years old, stuff is gonna break,” he insists.
The ride to your parents house is awkward— silent aside from the directions you mumble out. Billy smokes one after another Marlboro, keeps his body aimed forward without a glance your way. But in the small interior of his beat up car, he can smell you. A mostly unpleasant smell from the greasy diner food but faintly he can detect some floral, citrusy thing underneath. Perfume, he thinks or maybe your shampoo. He wants to smell it uninhibited, fresh out of the shower and laid on a bed for him.
Upon arriving at your parents house, you flee with only a short goodbye. A barely there whisper. Not even a thank you, which Billy thinks is fucking rude. And you run into your parents house, closing the door without a look over your shoulder.
It fills Billy with anger, a familiar feeling. The emotion he’s always been quick to. Times like this he really misses his Camaro. Could put his boot to the pedal and zip off, leaving the anger with the burnouts in the pavement. But the Camaro is long gone and he’s driving a fucking Ford Capri and it not kept well. Rusted to shit and he’s had to basically rebuild the engine piece by piece since he got here. His boss is nice, helped him out a lot with stuff but Billy’s not sure how much longer he can stay here. Especially with you going and seeing him peeking into your window. But more than that, he don’t wanna leave without getting something from you.
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yoditopascal · 1 year
My Jake
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Pairings: Jake Lockley x afab!reader
Tags: SMUT MDNI,NOT BETA READ, unprotected sex, rough sex, dark!possessive Jake, overstimulation, jealous!Jake. It’s super short sorry y’all
a/n: I’ve been rewatching avatar and the way Neytiri says ‘ma Jake’ got to me
To say Jake Lockley was interested in you was an understatement. Mans had a borderline obsession.
He just had to know how you ticked and once he did he doubted he’d ever be able to let you go again.
Avatar to the god Anubis he first found himself fascinated in the fact that you couldn’t die. Through Marc and Steven’s eyes he’d seen you be stabbed, shot, had your throat slit and more and everytime you just healed and kept fighting. That’s what drew him to you, simple morbid curiosity. Your connection to the duat and the way you fought as an avatar was beautiful in the most poetic way he could think of. You essentially became a god of death, sucking the life out of evil with one touch, ferrying them to the afterlife to be judged for their wrong doings. He'd never seen anyone fight the way you did. And the emotions you expressed while you did it, he couldn’t wrap his head around why you wept for some of them but you did and it made him all the more curious about you. You were different.
Next was your love for Steven and Marc. Though platonic in nature you still gave them your heart in full. Steven was almost instantaneous, the man had you wrapped around his little finger with his puppy eyes and soft voice. To you he could do no wrong. Marc took a bit more work but after a few life or death missions together and the whole saving the world from Harrow fiasco Marc was just as much of a trusted friend as Steven was. Jake wasn’t sure if you could tell when he front and pretended to be Steven or Marc but whether you could tell or not you treated him just the same, voice just as sweet when you spoke to him and only him, touch just as delicate and as soft, sometimes he wished you would just hold his face in your palm and never let go something he’d usually never admit but you made him feel…different.
Lastly what drew him to you was jealousy. He saw how you looked at Layla when she wasn’t looking or how you hung onto every word she said. He also saw how she looked at you sometimes too, how she smiled shyly and looked at you through her lashes. He couldn’t let that slide.
Which was how you found yourself underneath him, tears in your eyes as you wailed with every aggressive thrust of his hips.
Hovering over you, his pupils blown with feral lust Jake grabs at your hips, desperate to anchor himself as he drove away savagely at your core.
A whine seeped from your lips, your skin felt like it was on fire, sensitive to his contact, burning touches following each placement of his long fingers.
“Give me one more cariño”
He was starting to lose himself in you, his hands continued to dig into you as his thrusts got harder, rougher, making a complete mess of the both of you, leaving bruised touches in his wake. He felt your pussy suck him in even more, cunt dripping with every movement he made.
Looking down he became mesmerized by the way he disappeared inside of you, another wail escaped from your lips as his thumb found your clit once more, refusing to let up as he rubbed furious little circles into it, body growing feverish under his gaze and from the intense pleasure you were experiencing.
“Give it to me cariño, I need one more.”
With every flick of his finger, hot pleasure rocks its way into the pit of your stomach, you cum quickly without warning with a scream, overwhelmed by his heavy body on top of you and overstimulation, causing him to pause but only for a second before he starts up again.
“Please my Jake, please”
You pleaded completely spent, lightly pushing against his abdomen in a weak attempt to get him to stop.
He ignored you, focusing instead on sucking along your breast with fervor. You reached up and tugged onto his hair hard, just enough to get him to listen to your pleas but he only grunted, continuing his menstruations as he ground himself into your core.
“So fucking wet for me hermosa, gimme one more.”
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Could I request the kny trio reacting to their. S/O dying while protecting them ?? Any gender is fine ^^
Fandom: Demon Slayer
Character(s): Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuna, Inosuke Hashibira
Warning(s): Mention Of Blood, Death
Readers Gender: Gn
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Tanjirou ~
He thought the fight was over as he was checking on Nezuko making sure she was okay. But while his back was turned his back just for a moment but a demon took this opportunity to attack but instead of striking him the demon impaled someone else.
You saw the demon coming as you tried to call out to your boyfriend but he couldn't hear you so you rushed over. You got in front of him as you felt the demon stab you through your stomach. But you took your sword and sliced the head of the demom. Tanjirou turned around eyes wide seeing you just done beheading the demon. You were about to fall back but before you could hit the ground Tanjirou caught you.
Tanjirou's eyes started to tear up as he noticed you covered in your own blood. Tanjirou kept telling you that you will be okay, mostly telling himself. You cupped Tanjirou's cheek in your hand telling him that everything will be okay. Tanjirou told you to save your energy. But you both know you wouldn't make it.
You begged Tanjirou to live for you and to get rid of the demons. Tanjirou promised he would be holding you tighter. Soon Tanjirou stopped seeing your chest rise as you took your final breath. There he broke down yelling on how the world can take another one of his loved ones.
Tanjirou tried to stay positive for Nezuko but when he was alone he cried. He missed your scent, to him you smelled like a beautiful spring day.
Tanjirou trained harder wanting to make this place where you can be proud of. Tanjirou misses you everyday he knows you will never come back. But he does hope that you two will be together in the after life.
Zenitsu ~
You were killed protecting him during the battle with a demon. Zenitsu had never felt this pain before the only person who didn't see him as weak or worthless was only to be killed. After the battle his cries can be heard from miles. He kept shaking you hoping that you were just sleeping but you are never going to wake up, he couldn't even hear your heart beat anymore. That day no matter what time Zenitsu would cry as he just lost the most beautiful person in the world.
Zenitsu never felt more weak in his life, he thought that maybe if he was stronger you would still be here. Just like Tanjirou he was training hard hoping to get stronger to get revenge on the demons who took you away from him. Zenitsu hopes that he will see you again, always dreaming of you. He hoped that in the after life he can hold you again and tell you how much he loves you.
Inosuke ~
You both were separated during battle. But once you were killing a demon you went to go fine Inosuke hoping he was okay but you found him struggling with a demon. When you came close the demon took notice of you and went to attack you. Inosuke tried to go and help but he was having trouble getting up. But while he was struggling you were too. As you were fighting off you turned to call out for Inosuke but in the split second you felt a sharp object impale you thought your chest. Inosuke rushed over attacking the demon making sure it died. He walked over to you telling you to get up and that the demon was dead but you didn't answer him. Inosuke went over to you trying to listen to your heartbeat but you were silent and cold not warm. It started to sink into him that you were gone but Inosuke was stubborn enough to hold onto you not wanting to let go of you, he didn't even get to say goodbye. He would fight anyone who got close to you.
For a long time Inosuke was more aggressive as you were the only reason he was calm. It took a couple of talking with Zenitsu and Tanjirou to know that you wouldn't want him to be like this. Inosuke did his best to be happy but he missed you every day. Inosuke hoped that one day you will be right by him petting his hair and telling him everything will be alright.
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