#he finally got two of the hottest babes he has ever met to l i k e him and w a n t him
slashingdisneypasta · 10 days
Can you imagine - how frustrated - BJ would get, if you and Freddy were by the town diorama while he was in his lil between worlds form and you two were uhhhhhhh kissing and ummmmm touching and you both
To Say
His Name??
Would you take pity on him?? Because you know Freddy will drag it out as l o n g as possible.
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graceslavenderhaze · 3 years
fight night  (jatp crew x reader)
readers home life hasn’t been the best and they’ve been lying to their friends about it. one night it all builds up and the reader shows up to julies, distraught. ( for this the boys are alive bc it just worked out best but other than that no changes.)
this has been sitting in my drafts so i thought i’d post it
trigger warning: family fights, anxiety, depression, past talk of eating disorders.
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For a long time you use to just keep everything buried down. That was your fatal flaw. It wasn’t a trust issue, you just always had this feeling that if no one knew then everything would be fine. But your family had lately been falling apart, your parents always seemed disappointed in you, you were fighting with your siblings more and it felt it a ballon that kept on expanding. you didn’t know when everything was going to explode it just kept getting worse.
Today was the exploding point. It seemed like no matter what you did, it just wasn’t good enough. You were the black sheep in your family, they made you out to be it. They complained about how you dressed, what your room looked like, the music you played, the people you hung out with, and for what? You didn’t do anything that was textbook problem child material. 
You tried your hardest in school, you never asked for much, you cleaned almost everyone’s mess at home, and after a while that became your routine. Never be seen, never be heard and never get any credit for everything you do. Meanwhile your siblings, little miss perfect and the star academic got everything you wanted. Your parents attention, their approval, and their constant reassurance. 
By the time you were in high school, you were emotionally independent. A stranger to your own family pretty much. You went to an art school along with your siblings. Even as the oldest, you quickly fell into their shadows. Your sister a musical protégé on the violin, your parents paid for the best lessons, and without a doubt she’ll probably attend some ivy league. Your brother was in the advanced academics program, with yale and harvard already offering him scholarships in his sophomore year. Then there was you. You were in the art program, and while your teacher swears that all the top art schools have you on their radar. You still felt insignificant.
You worked a weekend job at the local coffee shop, latte love , it wasn’t everything but it helped pay for art supplies for you to build your portfolio. Their you met Julie Molina and Flynn Davis. Two girls who were your age, they attended the music program at your art school. You recognized them, Julie had been like the sun at the school. In the hallways always smiling and then her mom died, the sun went away hidden behind clouds. While Flynn was unapologetically herself and didn’t backdown from telling people how things were, she was fearless. They were also probably the first two people who knew your siblings and were able to separate you from them. 
Then later on in the year the three of you met Luke, Alex and Reggie. Latte Love was hosting its monthly open mic night. It was almost a year after Julie’s mom died, so in an attempt to coax her back into music, Flynn brought her around. You offered free hot chocolate on the house as a bribe if she wanted to come. After an hour of mainly middle schoolers trying to face stage fright, soccer parents who desperately tried to hold onto their high school garage band phase and any other mediocre act who gave it their all in effort. Sunset Curve preformed. 
That night honestly sent all six of your lives’ into a full spiral but in the best way. A month after you had met sunset curve, they formed a band with Julie and became, Julie and the Phantoms. Flynn becoming the band manager and you being the artist for ticket designs, posters and anything else. It helped distract you from everything going on in your life and with your friends you didn’t feel left out or the black sheep. You were you and they loved you for all of it. 
But you could only be happy for so long. Your family always managed to make you feel horrible about yourself, this week had felt like the worst its ever been. Your sister being recruited for a summer symphony in Australia, your brother would be off at a stem camp and your summer plans were just to work, make art and hang with your friends. Your family wasted no time in telling you that you were wasting your time, or that it was just some silly childish thing. They didn’t understand how big Julie and the Phantoms were becoming. The latest gig being opening for panic at the disco at the Orpheum. 
You couldn’t take it anymore, which is how you ended up walking to Julie’s house right in the beginning of a thunderstorm. When you finally made it to Julie’s front stoop you were drenched head to toe. Julie being the one to pull you in the front door. In her oversized smiley face sweatshirt and baggy sweats. The movie night dress code.
“Did you walk here?” She exclaims looking at the outdoor storm and turning back to her best friend. Your eyes red from crying and cheeks raw from wiping your tears rapidly. She’d been expecting you for weekly movie night, especially since her dad and brother had been away for a baseball game for the weekend. Just not in this state.
“More like swam.” You replied with a dry laugh. Trying to desperately hold yourself together. Knowing your friends were all in the living room, you didn’t want to burden them with your breakdown. 
“Hey was that the chinese food! Y/n? Whats wrong bean?” Flynn stated her mood changing halfway through the sentence noticing the state of their best friend. Who looked like she’d just had the world’s worst day. You smiled fondly at the nice name she’d given you, which was a coffee pun. 
“Family shit. Like always.” You said looking down at the floor and the puddle that you were slowly dripping onto the Molina residence’s welcome mat. Both girls smiled sympathetically, they had their fair share of stories of how bad things could get at the L/n household. 
“Come on! It’s movie night, you’re getting into cozy clothes and having junk food with your friends.” Julie said taking your hand and leading you upstairs to her room. Julie handed you spare clothes due to you being completely soaked. Then a towel to dry yourself off.
“Here, once you’re ready to come downstairs, we can put your stuff into the dryer.” Julie said smiling at her friend before leaving to give her privacy. Taking the towel she gave you and trying to dry your hair. Then changing into the cozy clothes she gave you. Your phone blowing up from texts from your family. Your parents wanting to know where you were. Not caring how hurt you were. Your siblings saying half assed apologies they didn’t mean. They’d done this before and they’d do it again. 
Ignoring the messages, you walked back downstairs. The comforting smell of chinese food wafting at you. Julie, Alex and Flynn stood at the table. Meanwhile Luke and Reggie were were at the local 7/11 getting slushies. 
“Did anyone order a hot mess?” You said jokingly getting their attention. Alex standing up and instantly hugging you as if he’d never see you again. Hugging him back. Alex’s hugs always felt as if it was a cloud. 
The Molina residence house phone then rang, the caller id labeling your house. “We can just let it go to message.” Julie said turning back from the phone to you. You shook your head, “I’m so over this bullshit.” Walking over to the phone you picked it up. 
“Hello ever so loving parental unit.” You said with sarcasm dripping off every word. “Pop off!” Flynn said as she bit into a dumpling. You bit back a smile. “Where are you? You can’t run out because you’re upset.” You heard your mom say. You rolled your eye. 
“Where i am every friday night. I told you in advance i had plans so when you take your attention span off miss perfect and genius boy remember you have a third fucking child. Goodnight!” You said promptly and then hung up placing the phone back on back on its home base. “Beyoncé would approve.” Flynn said clapping for dramatic effect.
“How much trouble are you going to be in for that?” Alex said passing your usual that Julie knew to order for you, you shrugged. “Bold of you to assume they’ll remember to ground me.” 
“Wow what a rag tag group of mommy and daddy issues we are.” Reggie announced as he placed the tray of slushies down on the counter. “Excuse you!” Julie exclaimed as she took a slip of her blueberry slushie. “She’s dead, that’s an issue.” Flynn said as she grabbed her green apple one. You choked on your food for a second, “Out of pocket!” 
“She’s right babe.” Luke said hugging her from behind. “You have mommy issues too.” Julie said turning around slightly. “Only the hottest people have both mommy and daddy issues!” Alex exclaimed holding a hand of for you and Reggie to high five. 
“My back hurts from having a healthy parental relationship and carrying that standard.” Flynn said cracking open her fortune cookie. You laughed looking around at your dysfunctional friend group. 
“We are all going to hell for these jokes alone.” You said taking a sip of your slushie. Reggie scoffed, “We’re just warming up.” 
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thedevildomdaily · 3 years
Demonic Possessions Ch 8: Pizza, Prizes, & Panic
Note: Here’s the Master List for the full story. I recommend reading my stuff on my actual Blog if you enjoy OM! official music! Thank you so much for the support. Please let me hear from you in the comment section. I wanna talk OM!
If you follow this page, you're seeing things correctly! There were in fact TWO chapters posted this week. It's a 'thank you' for being understanding about my hiatus. I appreciate the support.
Warnings: Swearing, NSFW implied, light stuff
Saturday morning arrived and The House of Lamentation was on the quieter side. No arguing nephilim or brotherly squabbles to grate on another’s nerves. Early risers like Lucifer, Satan, and Beelzebub were in the dining room awaiting Lilly’s breakfast. The four of them were always the first ones up, leaving the other half to crawl out at various times.
After giving the typical 30 minute wait, Lilly gave the go-ahead for Beel to dig in. She’d learned long ago not to serve all the food at once on the weekend, preparing for stragglers vs Beelzebub’s appetite. She did find it unusual that Leviathan was missing. He must have pulled an all-nighter waiting for some special or doing a special walk-through for Deviltube.
Leviathan opened his eyes slowly. He was so exhausted and felt on the heavy side. There was also this nagging feeling that someone was talking about him.
Shuffling around in his bathtub bed, the demon realized that it wasn’t his imagination that made him feel heavy. It was the nephilim snuggling on top of him that was passed out.
The female nephilim just about fell off the bench as she grasped at her own heart. Of course he’d say something extremely otaku in this situation. And after a moment to think on this, she nodded as she stared straight ahead, “I'm not seeking-out multiple relationships intentionally. But I can't deny the temptation of that fantasy either..." she chuckled, "You know what Levi-kun. That’s exactly it. I want a reverse harem life. I spent centuries vying for suffrage right. Letting women take a stand for equality. Voting, working jobs outside the home, and for fucks sake the right to wear some jeans! So why can’t I have a harem on my own when Mr. King Solomon saunters around, leaving a city’s worth of women back home!!!!!!?!”
“Mmmmh…” Lena nuzzled against his chest, making Leviathan’s heart want to explode from all of this contact. He suddenly recalled a lot of sounds like that just now as well.
“Lena...you’re on top of me…” he said a little louder.
Her sky blue eyes slowly peeked open. A view of a blushing demon beneath her slowly became clearer. “Oh, good morning Levi…” Her left hand ran up his firm abs, caressing him sensually as she nuzzled him again. “You’re so comfortable to snuggle with. I think I slept better on top of you than I did in Asmo’s bed the other night.” There was a soft giggle and she closed her eyes again.
Leviathan didn’t know what to make of that statement or the state in which they were in. Pulling his blanket down from them, he realized Lena wasn’t wearing her shirt and neither was he. Images of her stripping him of his signature hoodie and undershirt flashed before his eyes. She kissed his chest and ran her tongue across…and he dared to remove her top! The bra...it was his hair color!
“Aaaagh!” he shouted in a panic.
“What’s the matter!?” Lena raised up, completely straddling him. She looked around the room and everything looked fine. She then looked down at the demon beneath her. “Are you okay? You’re not sick are you?”
“N-nooo….” he murmured, covering his crimson face with his hands.
She looked at him curiously for a moment, then realized what was going on. It was the shock of spending the night with someone. He probably thought he dreamed it all. How adorable could Leviathan get?
Setting-up completely, the nephilim looked down at him, then ran both hands up his torso, feeling that ripped, swimmer’s body of his. Gently, she removed his hands and asked for him to look at her. “Leee-vi kuuun….” His eyes opened. She was so sexy and beautiful; her eyes were hypnotizing.
“Wasn’t last night fun?” she asked. Levi nodded rapidly.
“I-it was fun.A LOT of fun…” he admitted. It made Lena giggle.
She took his hands and brought them up to her waist. “Levi-kun. You know now you can touch my body all that you want right? In fact I really want you to.”
Absent-mindedly, Leviathan felt up and down her sides and even dared to grip the nephilim’s ass. It was so firm, yet soft at the same time. It made her gasp and bite her bottom lip.
Lena lowered herself back down on him, pressing her breasts against his bare chest. “Your hands are so big and strong. You’re so incredibly sexy…”
He doubted that wholeheartedly, and yet there was a half-naked 3D woman, the prettiest he’d ever met on top of him. “L-Lena…” He moaned lightly as she kissed his chest again.
“I’d love to continue where we left off last night, but I probably have morning breath…” she pouted at him, but kissed his chest again. “Want to shower together?”
The question caused the demon to fully sit up and nearly toss the nephilim backwards. The sheer thought of him being naked and wet with her was more than any close-in otaku could take. As a precaution, Levi pinched his nose, knowing blood would gush out.
“No Lena….don’t say things like that!!!!” He whimpered.
She couldn’t help but give an evil little chuckle, “You don’t want to? But last night you dove face-first into my tiddies with an itadakimasu. I thought you’d love to get wet and wild with me today!!”
Truth was, although they did make out a lot and he did carry her to his bed. It took a moment, but Levi mustered up the courage to take off her shirt. He kissed and rubbed his face into her boobs, and then he went for the unhooking of the bra.
It was the saddest struggle she’d ever been involved with. He then cried into her chest after all the failed attempts and passed out. If he couldn’t recall that travesty, Lena wasn’t about to refresh his memory. She’d surprise him and not wear one next time. Or maybe she had a front-opening one for starters?
“Don’t tease me about it…” he whined, “I really went beyond my limits last night…”
“Plus ultra babe…” She couldn’t hold back her smirk.
“Stop it!”
“Never. It’s not my way of the ninja…”
“You’re not funny.”
After playing around with Leviathan a little while longer, Lena urged him downstairs. They were both ravenous after all the fun they had the night before.
The two of them entered the dining room and felt eyes upon them. ALL eyes.
“WHAT. THE. HELL!!!!?” Asmo squealed at the top of his lungs.
Mammon, on the other hand, was silent. Dead silent. The rest gave the two of them a once over, save for Beelzebub. He did pause, but his dire need for food out-weighed any curiosity he held for the reason that Lena was a disheveled mess in Leviathan’s hoodie.
“Ah-hmm....I take it a congratulations big brother are in order?” Satan asked in a catty manner as he sipped his cup of coffee.
Leviathan was tomato red and his teeth were clenched. He had no idea how to respond to any of this, but somehow he had the urge to fight everyone if they said anything to Lena.
“Maybe so…” Lena said nonchalantly as she led Levi to his seat, holding his hand. She sat in the empty seat beside him, acting completely calm.
“You guys look so cute together, although I’m totally jealous and wish I could’ve joined the fun last night…” Asmo chimed. Lena giggled at him, but Levi gave him a glare. He’d never share her like that.
Finally, Lucifer had something to say on the matter. “Leviathan. Either ask for your jacket back or find another high neck top to put on later. Your love bites are unseemly…”
“My wha?”
Most of the brothers began to chuckle as Levi looked down. Mammon was roaring at his little brother the most.He was in his low neck tank. Lena had given him hickies all over and he never checked himself over for any.
“W-why didn;t you say anything?...” he asked the nephilim.
“Oh, I thought you knew…” she responded nonchalantly, “I mean, did you see the ones you left on me?”
Mammon wrapped his arm over his brother’s shoulder and pulled him over in a brotherly manner, “I’m happy for you lil bro. If you need any advice, just ask The Great Mammon. I’ll help you out!”
“What advice could you possibly give?” Belphegor called out to Mammon.
“What d’ya mean by that you lil brat?!” Mammon responded.
A lot of bickering began around the table. Leviathan was so embarrassed until a firm hand squeeze brought him to look at Lena.
She merely gave Leviathan a wink and continued to eat her breakfast. This made his face glow, but he managed a small smile. It also gave him enough courage to ignore his brothers through the rest of their meal.
“So did you guys go all of the way?” Asmodeus was the first to ask. He followed the girls to Lilly’s room where they both got ready for the day. And of course they talked about the hottest gossip the house has had in a long time.
“That’s none of your business Mister!” Lena responded as she sorted between outfits.
Lilly lectured the demon for being too nosy, but they both watched a happy Lena decide on her clothes. The two smiled at each other, giving a knowing look.
“I can’t help but to ask,” Lilly finally spoke up, “What was he like?” Asmo perked-up, ready to learn everything.
Lena sighed, but her smile remained, “He was so sweet. Definitely terrified. But the way he kissed was so...gentle…” She gave a little sigh. “I honestly feel both happy and guilty at the same time.”
“How so?” Lilly asked.
Lena furrowed her brows, trying to find a way to describe it. “He was so nervous. But I find him so cute. And I feel guilty that I liked him...squirming around a bit. I’ve seldom been with a submissive male before. Or a nervous one.”
“You like it. So what?” Asmo commented, “There’s nothing wrong with that. No force was there?”
“Of course not. I even bluntly asked for consent and he pulled me into his lap!” Lena’s eyes widened and she covered her hand over her mouth for a moment. ‘You two better not say anything about this to anyone. You hear me!” Her eyes began to glow with killing intent, leaving both the demon and human nodding. “Good.”
Lilly thought about things for a moment, before asking a serious question, “Are the two of you dating now?...are you a couple?”
The nephilim thought about for a moment before responding, “Well, we really didn’t do a lot of talking about it...things just happened…”
“Do you want to be in a relationship with him? You definitely need to be upfront and talk with Levi about it before going forward with anything.” Lilly just wanted her new friend and Levi to remain happy and on the best of terms as possible.
Asmo, for the first time, looked at Lena with a serious expression. “Lilly is right. You need to talk to my brother about this as soon as possible. I’m the last person to be serious about this kind of thing, but Leviathan is the Avatar of Envy; the Admiral of the Devildom’s navy and when he’s mad enough he can summon Lotan to drown and destroy nearly everything in its path. Be careful.”
Lena took their words seriously. She really didn’t think things through before starting things with him. They had valid and, to be honest, horrifying points.
“I believe I’ve mentioned this to the both of you at one point or another. I’m not the type to be held down to one great romance. Not after my last relationship. And NO. I do not want to talk about that. Not ever!” She closed her eyes and sighed, “The best I can do is be honest with him and let him know that. I want an open relationship and I won’t go any further with him if he can’t accept that. I’m not going to make false promises or put effort into something I don’t want.”
Her eyes fell upon Asmodeus. The two of them were rather flirtatious enough. And to be honest, that night she’d have definitely went all the way with him had she not been so intent and excited about the gifts she had for Leviathan. He smiled back at her, although there was a darker look to his eyes. He definitely sensed what was on her mind.
“Levi-kun, let’s go on a lunch date today.” Lena said when she entered his room. Both he and Mammon were playing Luariogi-cart with Belphie asleep as he waited to play the winner.
The sudden request caused the otaku demon to crash; he was frozen. Of course Mammon shouted and cheered, taking the win and began to gloat about it and tease his little brother. Belphegor yelled at him for waking him up and threw his pillow at him.
“D-d-d...d-d-DATE!?” Leviathan stuttered, sounding like he was being electrocuted.
Lena giggled then picked Belphie’s pillow up and slammed it into Mammon for his laughter at Levi and then puffed it up and gave it back to Belphegor. “Yes, a date. I would like to go out with you today..to get more acquainted and to see where things go. I’ll meet you down in the Foyer in half an hour. Casual dating attire only. I want to go to the arcade for sure!” She winked at the demon and waved at everyone before leaving.
Levi was catatonic again. Mammon and Belphegor exchanged evil grins and let their brother stand there for a few minutes before saying anything.
“Don’t you need to get ready?” Belphegor asked in a knowing tone.
“Yeah, for your d-d-d-date!? Ha ha!” Mammon mocked.
This caused their brother to panic, then yell at them to leave. He had no idea what he should wear, what he was supposed to do or anything. It was an absolute nightmare for the reclusive demon. He never pictured himself in this situation. The closest thing he’d ever been to a date was when he went to themed cafes or idol concerts, admiring his favorites from afar.
When Leviathan began down the stairs to the foyer, he stopped the moment he laid eyes upon Lena. She was standing there, waiting on him, in a cute black dress that had glowing jellyfish on it. She wore purple stockings and goth boots. She matched her aesthetic to match his. It made him blush.
Lena was looking at her DDD, researching where they could go and what they could do together. She was admittedly nervous after the conversation she’d had with Lilly and Asmo earlier. Who knew dating a demon could be so dangerous?
Feeling eyes upon her, the nephilim looked up to see Leviathan frozen on the stairs, blushing and staring down at her. “Well, hello there gorgeous.” She smiled and winked at him. “You ready to have some fun today?!”
When he only nodded and stood there, Lena ran up the stairs to meet him and took his hand, “well then let’s go cutie!” and pulled him with her.
“C-c-cutie…” he whispered, smiling to himself.
Lena and Leviathan decided to get Screamin Berry Swirl slushies and hit the arcade first. The nephilim decided to start with things the demon was both familiar and comfortable with. She truly wanted things to work between the two of them and she also didn’t want him to be on edge the whole time they were together.
“Are the top 10 scores on this game all yours?” she asked.
“Of course they are. I’ve dominated the scores since they got this in.” he boasted.
Lena smiled and joined in laughter with him. “My favorite arcade games back home are the Dino Park Disaster games where you have to take down carnivores and outrun stampedes. Pretty much any shooting arcade games. Oh and racing ones. Pinball games as well…”
Listening to her go into a list of favorite arcade games brought a strong sense of joy in Leviathan’s heart. She really knew her stuff. And it seemed she was genuinely interested in hearing about all of the achievements he held in the games at the arcade. It made him feel a connection to someone that he hadn’t before.
“Hey, look!” Lena jumped with excitement after picking-up a massive sci-fi gun to an alien shooter game. “This looks badass! Let’s play two-player!”
“That was so much fun! Look at our ticket haul!” Lena exclaimed. She was definitely in the moment, having so much fun with Leviathan.
“That was the only game I didn’t have a high score because none of my brothers or anyone could keep up with me.” Levi added.
The two were sitting down at a booth, counting their mega stacks of tickets, eating pizza and cheesy bread. “We make a great team!” she cheered, making Leviathan blush as he slurped his slush. He thought so too.
“If there’s a way for us to play human realm MMORPGs and other games like that here in the Devildom, I have a few that we need to team-up in. I don’t like to play with strangers...can't rely on them too much. I have a couple of friends from school that play and I think you’d get along with them well enough…”
This felt like a dream. He was on a date with a 3D female. One that was enthusiastic about anime, manga, comics, collecting memorabilia, and video games. Leviathan just watched and listened to Lena while in a dreamy-like state of mind.
After a while, the nephilim realized she’d been the only one to talk. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I kinda went off the deep end with excitement there….”
“No, I totally wanted to know what games you play!” Levi chuckled, “It’s so cool to finally have someone that wants to talk about non-normie things! And I’m really curious about these human realm games.”
The two talked shop for a while longer, then cashed their tickets in. Lena got a giant stuffed purple dragon creature that actually puffed smoke from it’s nose and mouth. It had ominous, glowing eyes that was totally something Lena would choose. She also got a matching dragon wing headband.
Leviathan chose some more figurines and a wall scroll of a Devildom anime icon. It was on the more colorful and cute side. It was a funny dynamic to see a demon with cute items and a half angel with scary monster stuff.
“Levi...you’re having a lot of fun today aren’t you?” Lena asked as they exited the arcade. She was looking down at her boots as she walked, not wanting to look at the demon. She had been weary of bringing him out since he’d made it clear that he was a shut-in and hated leaving his room.
There was hesitation, but Levi nodded and looked to the girl at his side. “I am…” There was a split second pause before he panicked and asked, ‘Are you not?! I bet you were bored; just being nice at doing this because I'm just a worthless otaku nerd!” He began huffing and wheezing as Lena stared at him wide-eyed and confused.
“Whoa, whoa, WHOA dude. Chill!” She finally said, pressing her hand against his chest. She was sure he was about to have an actual panic attack and keel over. “Your brain is going into overdrive hun. I’ve had an absolute blast with you today. It’s been fun and refreshing and I’m loving getting to hang out with you.”
She wasn’t able to see his eyes, beyond the indigo bangs covering his face, but she could tell Leviathan was blushing and possibly staring down at her hand. She stepped in close and gave him a hug. “I would’ve been honest with you if I wasn’t having any fun. Trust me on that.” He nodded and hesitantly pressed his hand against her back, returning the hug. Lena couldn’t help but grin to herself at his trembling hand.
Pulling away, the nephilim took his hand and led him away from the Arcade, looking for a bench to sit on and watch a pretty fountain. It was the perfect atmosphere for their date she thought. A great place to talk quietly about their relationship.
“Levi, I want to be honest with you…” Lena began, “I want to talk about us...if you’d like there to be us.”
“Us…” he pondered for a moment and then bit his lip. Leviathan never thought he’d have a conversation like this. He’d never felt more nerve-wracking.
The nephilim gave him a moment to process before continuing, “Before we make any decisions, I want to be forward and honest with you. I think that’s the most important thing about a relationship. Keeping an open dialog with each other and always being honest about our feelings...ok?”
Leviathan was still reeling on the idea that there was a possibility for them to be an ‘us’. After she shook his arm to get his attention, the demon gasped and then nodded, “Uhm...yes. That’s good…”
“The thing I wanted to tell you first and foremost is where I stand on relationships in general.” She was beginning to feel nervous, thinking about Lilly and Asmo’s advice. “I believe in open relationships...especially since we are eternal beings...forever is a long time.”
The demon’s eye widened just enough that Lena could see them. He was still. “So you’re like Asmo….totally into being lots of other people…?”
“Well, comparing myself to the Avatar of Lust is a little extreme, but sorta.” Lena bit her bottom lip and shifted around uncomfortably. She was self-conscious about this part of herself, but nonetheless she wanted to be open with him. “I-I uh understand if it’s not something you’re okay with...it’s why I wanted to say something up front before we established a….deep connection…”
And there went Leviathan’s poor demonic heart again. Ready to yeet from his chest.
“You could totally see anyone you want to...both in reality or otherwise. However, I can’t promise you complete monogamy. It’s just not my nature. And I don’t want you to ever get upset if I choose to flirt and mingle with someone else.”
“So you are telling me...you’re interested in….living your life like…” Leviathan said quietly. Drawing it out made Lena’s eyes widen with anticipation. “Like a….REVERSE HAREM!?!”
The female nephilim just about fell off the bench as she grasped at her own heart. Of course he’d say something extremely otaku in this situation. And after a moment to think on this, she nodded as she stared straight ahead, “I'm not seeking-out multiple relationships intentionally. But I can't deny the temptation of that fantasy either..." she chuckled, "You know what Levi-kun. That’s exactly it. I want a reverse harem life. I spent centuries vying for suffrage right. Letting women take a stand for equality. Voting, working jobs outside the home, and for fucks sakes the right to wear some jeans! So why can’t I have a harem on my own when Mr. King Solomon saunters around, leaving a city’s worth of women back home!!!!!!?!”
Lena shook her fist in anger thinking about it. She could do what the fuck she wanted with whom the fuck she wanted damn it. “But in all seriousness. Levi…” she returned her attention to the demon, “I’m giving you the option of being my first ever demon lover. I will be as committed to you as I possibly can. You can’t even begin to imagine the benefits of that. You just have the right to know what you'd be getting into if you want to be in a relationship with me.”
She let him stew over those bold words for a while, resting her head on his shoulder gently as she watched the dancing waters before them. “I really like you Levi…”
“I...like you too Lena...chan.”
His head gently rested atop hers. The two sat in silence as the imitation sun of Diavolo’s slowly disappeared from the Devildom sky.
It was dusk by the time Leviathan and Lena returned to The House of Lamentation. The two stood outside the front door like high-schoolers not wanting their date to end. Lena took both of Leviathan’s hands, while their prizes sat on the steps. “Thank you for a lovely date at the arcade today. It was a lot of fun.”
“Your welcome….” Leviathan was looking away from her, completely embarrassed. She was the one that asked him out and planned the whole day. He should thank her for even considering a date with someone like him.
Feeling that he was about to go deep into unsavory thoughts, Lena stood on her tiptoes and kissed the demon. It was soft and sweet. Just like him. “Hey, we can do more of what we did last night if...we can sneak past all of the others…”
Wide eyes stared at the nephilim. If there was something Leviathan wanted, it was definitely more of what they did last night. Just imagining the feeling of her….and the way she….and how they both…
Leviathan in his boldest move of his eternal life, grabbed their loot in one hand and took Lena by the other and raced inside the manor. No man, demon, nephilim, or ghostly was gonna keep this otaku from getting to feel 3D oppas again!
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bubblesuga · 4 years
By My Side
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Summary|| Kim Namjoon- Teacher’s Assistant, Sex God, and the last thing you expected to have in your mouth. Name or otherwise. When Namjoon offers to tutor you, you couldn’t pass up that offer even though he didn’t give you much of a choice. 
Word Count: 8,892
Warnings: smut, fluff, and everything in between
Part 3 of my College!AU series
Astrophysics wasn’t top of your list on things to minor in. 
You could have chosen Literature, Creative Writing, hell you would have even been happy in Art. However, you took Astrophysics. Of all fucking things. 
For a while you wanted to drop the class, change your minor or just solely try to focus on your major which was Business Marketing. You hear you have a higher chance of obtaining a job in that field anyway, and you got a real ass chewing from your friend when they found out you signed up for Astrophysics. 
The problem was that the day you planned on dropping the course, Kim Namjoon of all people convinced you not to. 
It’s not like you had a reason to listen to him, and he wasn’t talking directly to you but instead offered his reasons to the class as to why he stuck through it and decided to become a TA the following year. He loved space that much. 
So now, every time you walked into the lecture room you couldn’t help but look to see if Mr. TA was at the front of the class. 
The thing about Namjoon was that he was smart, beyond what you believed anyone could be at your age and although he was only a little older than you, you still felt like he had the knowledge of the entire universe in the palm of his hand. 
You suddenly became much more interested in Astrophysics after that. 
“...and that makes a bit of you as old as time. While the heavier bits in your body were formed in the hearts of stars, the hydrogen in your body was formed a mere three minutes after the initial Big Bang,” you professor spoke, your pen scrawling across the paper, “but the protons in your body was made a millionth of a second after the Big Bang. Some of the protons that formed in the earliest parts of the universe, are in you today.” 
As he continued to speak, you watched Namjoon with a red pen, marking various papers. He gnawed on his nails, then looked up, sensing his eyes on you. You quickly looked away, clearing your throat quietly and looking down at your paper.
Your professor glanced up to the clock, “Okay. I want to go home early today so get out of my classroom please. Everyone except for Miss. (Y/L/N).” 
Confused, you stayed seated while you watched everyone else pack up and walk out of the classroom. The professor made his way up to your seat, sitting on the desk with a sigh. “So, I really don’t want to have to fail you. Your last two terms showed 67% on both of your finals.” 
“U-uhm, yeah I’ve been struggling a little bit.” You noticed Namjoon watching you, his eyes peaking softly out from his glasses. His hair was done so well, gelled up with the lilac color framing his face nicely. 
“Do you want to be in this class? Because I’d rather you drop it if you feel like it’s a waste of your time.” The professor came off harsh, but you knew his intentions were kind. 
“No! I love this class! I’ll work harder, I’m so sorry. I promise by the end of this term I’ll give you an A.” You explained, your voice coming off both apologetic and defensive at the same time. 
“Okay, I’m looking forward to giving you that A then. You may go.” 
You stood abruptly, trying to ignore the embarrassment you felt from Namjoon hearing that conversation. He didn’t seem to react to the things the professor said, and you were sure that he was used to hearing conversations like these but that didn’t take away your embarrassment nonetheless. 
As you were about to walk out, you heard your name. When you turned around, Namjoon was stood from his desk. 
“You know, I could tutor you if you want.” His hands gestured picking up and dropping the pen on the table. If you didn’t know any better, you’d assume he was nervous. 
“Oh, no thanks. I can’t afford a tutor.” You gave him a sheepish smile, shrugging and slipping your arms through the straps of your back pack. Mostly filled with math text books, you felt the weight take an immediately shift on your shoulders. 
Namjoon returned the smile, “I’ll do it for free.” 
“Really?” Your eyes went wide, “You don’t have to. I’m sure you have a busy enough schedule as it is.” 
“Not really, I’m ahead in all of my classes. I think by the time I have to start worrying about them again I can have you up to par in here.” He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 
You pondered for a moment, wondering if it was really worth it to have the hottest guy you had ever seen tutoring you in a subject you had no idea about. He seemed to notice your ponder, chuckling softly. 
“I don’t bite.” 
Finally, you nodded. “Okay, when?” 
“I’m free right now.” He picked up his things, walking towards you. You allowed him to pass you, leading you out of the doors. He stopped walking in the center of the grass in front of the science building. Plopping down, he waited for you to sit. 
You raised an eyebrow, the grassy area shaded just well enough with trees but the warmth of the sun still hitting your skin. The grass was damp underneath your mostly bare legs, your shorts short enough for you to have to sit on your feet otherwise you would have a flashing situation that you really didn’t want to have to deal with. 
“Okay so the main test you need to worry about is the General Exam. A lot of the questions are on ancient science, more specifically how the Greeks began the human ascent into our knowledge of the stars and space itself.” Namjoon began, and already you felt your brain being clouded over with blank thoughts. 
“Okay.” You nodded, trying to follow along to the best of your ability. 
“How did the Greeks determine the size of the Earth?” 
You stared at him, your eye twitching while you dug around your brain for the answer. You knew the answer was there somewhere, so you open your notebook and flip through the notes from last week. 
“Uhm... They waited until a lunar eclipse and measured the shadow that the Earth cast on the moon.” The tip of your pen clicked against the notebook. Namjoon met your eyes, kindness lacing them while his eyebrow raised. He genuinely wanted to help you, and you prayed you didn’t become too enchanted by the way he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“Correct. What did they study specifically though?” 
You stared down at your notes again, “The diameter of Earth’s conical shadow, which they found that shadow’s diameter was about two and a half times the moon’s diameter.” 
“Good again.” Namjoon said, encouraging you while he continued to ask you questions. 
When it got to parts that were particularly hard to remember, he was patient while you sifted through your notes and textbooks to find the answer. Although your conversation with him previously was limited to asking him for a pencil, you found yourself comfortable with him quickly. 
Namjoon finally reached into his bag, pulling out an older textbook and opening it to a bookmarked page. Carefully, he explained Maxwell’s equations as if he was born to teach. You admired his intelligence, seeing a blush grow on his face once he noticed that you weren’t looking at where his finger’s were pointing on the page. 
“Uh, (Y/N)? Focus.” He snapped in your face, breaking you out of your trance and causing you to flip your eyes down to the paper. 
“S- sorry. You just have cute dimples.” As the words left your mouth you wanted desperately to swallow them back up and then sink into the ground in embarrassment. 
You expect him to laugh, but you didn’t expect him to laugh this hard. 
“H- holy shit, that was out of nowhere!” He hollered, clutching his stomach as he fell back into the tall grass. People around you two were beginning to stare, each holding a smirk of their own while you covered your face and fell backward into the grass yourself. 
Still laughing, he uttered his next sentence, “I mean, I knew you liked me but damn. I thought I would have to work you a little longer to get you to admit it.” 
“What?” You pulled yourself onto your elbows, staring at him with a gaunt expression, “who said I liked you? I just said you have cute dimples! I say that to everyone who has dimples!” 
“Don’t bullshit yourself, babe. I see the way you stare at me in class, you can’t deny it. Especially with how obvious you are about it.” He rolled his eyes, his laughter finally calming down while he reopened his book. 
“Whatever. Just tutor me.” Your voice came out in a growl, grabbing your pencil. Namjoon’s dimples deepened, deciding not to press the issue any further as he noticed your. . . agitation? Embarrassment? He couldn’t tell exactly. 
“Joon!” Namjoon’s head whipped towards the direction of his name, spotting Taehyung running towards him in his apron. Blue paint dripped from the ends of his hair, a trail of different colors in his wake while he rushed towards Namjoon. 
“What happened to you?” He couldn’t help but laugh, seeing Taehyung’s usually bright demeanor had been replaced with one of annoyance. 
“She happened!” Taehyung cried out, pointing to a girl across the campus yard with equally bright amounts of orange paint on her. She shot a middle finger his way and turned towards the girl’s dance hall. 
He turned back to Namjoon, “Can I shower at your place? I really don’t want to walk all the way to mine.” 
“Uh, yeah. I’ll give you my key, I’ve got a date.” Namjoon said, pulling out his keys and slipping his house key off the key ring. He dropped it into Taehyung’s red colored hands, sighing and rubbing his face from annoyance once he realized the apartment would be messy when he got home. 
“A date, huh?” 
“Well not really,” Namjoon and Taehyung walked somewhat briskly, ignoring the stares of passerby, “I’m tutoring her, but she likes me.” 
“And you like her?” Taehyung, ever so curious, walked passed the turn to Namjoon’s apartment to get an answer. 
“Go get cleaned up before the Dean spots you.” Namjoon turned back with a smirk, watching his younger friend roll his eyes. His shoes squelched as he walked, signaling the paint had made it’s way down into his socks. 
After the first tutoring session ended, Namjoon was sure to set up the next. Then the next, then the next. He found your reluctance to continue with tutoring sessions after he called your crush out somewhat cute. 
He had yet to bring it up again, instead opting to watch you while you drank way more water than you needed and stared at his lips while he explained formulas. Whether you believed it or not, he did intend on teaching you what you needed to know to pass the class. He knew you were absorbing the information, so he didn’t necessarily mind when he saw you licking your lips subconsciously while he slipped his jacket off his broad shoulders. 
Nonetheless, he felt that you were doing well. 
As far as class went, both of you always seemed to know when to look at each other. The professor would be droning on about topics that you and Namjoon had already covered, so you rested your head on the desk. Namjoon would mouth words to you, usually ‘pay attention’, but you knew he was always making sure you were okay. 
One particular class, Namjoon tapped his leg impatiently while he waited for you to enter the room. His favorite part of the day was seeing what you were wearing, because everything you wore seemed to compliment your shape in the best way. Not that he didn’t look before, but now that he knows you on a bit more personal level, he didn’t constantly tell himself it was wrong to look. 
When you finally did enter the room, your tight leggings and red heels made you look like a goddess. After that, his feelings were set in stone.
His plan today was to tutor you, as always, but then he wanted to make you feel good. After having spent so much time with you over the past couple weeks, he saw your personality blossom and suddenly he liked more than just your body. As he got to know you, he wanted you. More and more. 
He just had to make you beg for it. 
Namjoon knocked on your door, hearing squealing from behind the thick metal. A girl he didn’t recognize opened the door, leaning against the door frame. “Well hello there, I’ve heard so much about-” 
Just as she was about to finish her sentence, your hands snaked up from behind her and covered her mouth, yanking her backward and away from the door. 
“You said you’re leaving, Tamara. So leave.” You gestured, pointing out the door. Namjoon slid to the side, seeing her friend leave while sending a wink his way. He chuckled, waiting for you to invite him in. 
Your house was small, quaint, and old. It felt like you, though. Namjoon could tell you decorated, bits and pieces of things he learned you liked scattered throughout each room. 
He took a moment to look around while you told him to sit at the table, his finger running along the pictures on the walls. When you reentered the room, your hair was now pulled up and the bright blue fluffy pajama pants donned on your waist with a black tank top. 
“Sorry, it’s my house and I hate not wearing comfortable clothes in it.” You explained, crossing your leg and sitting on the chair across from him. 
You knew what Namjoon was playing at. After your third tutoring session, you noticed he became increasingly. . . sexy. Not that he wasn’t sexy before because you couldn’t deny your attraction, but the shirts became tighter, the hair was always styled, and his smirk. That damn smirk.
It was there, on his face. All the time. It was driving you absolutely insane. His tongue darted out to lick his lips and everything he said was so smart. 
Namjoon saw your wardrobe change, ignoring your skin peaking out from your tank top. “I can’t fault you for wanting to be comfortable.” He finally manages. 
You two got right to work, your eyes reading the numbers on the page. Namjoon leaned on the table, getting right into tutor mode and explaining a book he read that helped him understand advanced equations. 
You wrote down the book name, rubbing your forehead to get rid of your headache. Despite finally beginning to understand everything, your head still hurt at the prospect of taking the test in a few weeks. 
A couple hours later, your notebook was officially full. You tossed the pen onto the table, stretching your arms, “Yay! Done for the day!” 
Namjoon shut his own book, “I think we’re done forever.” 
“What?” You suddenly began to panic, did you do something to scare him away? Sure offering for him to tutor at your house was nerve-racking, but you didn’t think that he wouldn’t like it. 
“We’ve covered pretty much everything on the test. All you have to do is remember what I taught you, and then you’ll be good.” Namjoon stood, sliding his books haphazardly into his back pack. He slung it over his shoulder, giving you that same dimpled smile you had grown to love. 
“Wait- I know everything?” 
“Well not everything, but enough,” He grinned, “I’ll see you in class, (Y/N).” 
Namjoon turned to walk away and suddenly he was paranoid. He wanted you to call after him, to stop him and tell him to stay. However, as he made it closer to the door and began to slip his shoes on, he still hadn’t heard your call. 
He paused for a moment, a sigh leaving his lips while he turned his back and squeezed the doorknob in his hands. 
There you were.
“Let me make you dinner! You know, as a thanks for teaching me so well.” You said, coming into view. Namjoon turned around, “Dinner?” 
“Yes! I- I have steak that I was saving for Friday but I could make it now.” Your words became quieter as your spoke, your hand rubbing your arm nervously. There was no way that you wanted him to leave yet, and you weren’t sure how else to thank him. 
“I like steak.” Namjoon said, slipping his shoes back off and laying his back pack on the recliner beside the door. You grinned, letting out a nervous laugh, beckoning him into the living room. 
“Make yourself comfy and I’ll cook for you.” 
“Why don’t I help you?” Namjoon offered, following you while you walked out. You tilted your head to the side, “You can cook?” 
Namjoon, for the first time in a while, felt a blush creep on his cheek. The way you looked up at him, expectant and suddenly excited, made his head spin. He actually had to admit something that he couldn’t do to someone who he was trying to impress, “I didn’t say I could cook. I said I would help.” 
You giggled, “I’ll have you toss the salad.” 
“I like the sound of that.” Namjoon teased, following you into the kitchen. You began to prep everything, Namjoon watching in awe while you moved around the kitchen with ease. 
After setting a pan onto the open flame, you turned and connected your phone to the speaker and flipped on your cooking playlist. Namjoon, impressed with your taste in music, continued to watch you as you started dancing along to the beat. 
The sear of the steak against the hot pan was a welcoming sound, Namjoon’s mouth suddenly watering as he saw you toss butter and thyme into the pan. Your voice sang along with the song, your movements fluid. 
“You have a beautiful voice!” Namjoon called over the music, watching your face turn red. He sat on the other side of the island, waiting patiently for instruction. As the steaks cooked, you reached into the fridge and pulled out a head of lettuce, setting it down in front of Namjoon and rummaging through the lower cabinet for a bowl. 
Namjoon leaned over the counter, admiring your curves as your back peaked out from your tank top. The shirt you wore hugged you perfectly, he could see your heart-shaped ass squeezed into your pajama pants. Once he saw you stand up, he sat back down quickly but over corrected and managed to slip right off the stool. 
With a loud crash, he toppled over the stool beside him and let out a groan. 
“Are you okay?” You yelled, pausing your music and rushing around the counter. Namjoon’s eyes were shut tight, “I’m good.” 
“What were you doing?” You question, reaching your hand out. His large hand dwarfed yours, and you knew you weren’t any help to pull him up but you still tugged on his arm nonetheless. 
He smiled sheepishly, “I was just trying to see what kind of bowl you were grabbing.” 
“Oh?” you watched him dust himself off, “why are you so interested in bowls?” 
“More like the girl who was holding the bowl.” 
“I knew you weren’t tutoring me just to help me,” you roll your eyes, the feeling you had in the pit of your stomach finally coming true, “so is making you steak a dumb idea? Would you prefer I suck your dick as thanks?” 
Namjoon was somewhat shocked by your cool tone, watching you flip the steaks and almost cringing at the loud searing returning. Although he liked the words that came out of your mouth, he would have preferred if it came out in a moan. Something about the way you refused to look him in the eye caused him to swallow nervously. 
“N- no, I didn’t expect an extravagant thanks. The steaks will be fine.” He explained, sighing softly and allowing his face to fall into his hands. 
Silence fell over the two of you, Namjoon suddenly missing the blaring music that filled his ears 10 minutes ago. He nervously listened as you explained how to make the salad. He did so quietly, his hands carefully shredding the lettuce then mixing the ingredients to make the vinaigrette. 
You rolled your neck, exhaling through your nose. When you heard him admit his interest in you, you immediately wanted to hide yours. Sure, your feelings were reciprocated but he was a TA, he was basically your teacher. You couldn’t do anything with him, he’s likely the one to by grading your test. If anyone found out, favoritism would be called even if you did get everything right. 
“I’m sorry, I must have read you wrong earlier.” Namjoon’s voice sliced through the silence. His hands held the whisk loosely, dipping his pinky in to make sure the vinaigrette tasted good. 
“No, you didn’t.” You spoke carefully, pulling out plates and setting the steaks on each plate. 
“Would you be upset if I said I was confused?” Namjoon felt like he had to walk on eggshells. Sure, you didn’t necessarily yell at him earlier but he was much more careful of every word he said. 
“We can’t do anything, Namjoon,” you cut up a couple of hard boiled eggs and threw it into the bowl of salad, “you’re my TA. It’d be inappropriate. Believe me, I’ve been imagining going down on you for ages but it’s just not in the cards.” 
This whole conversation was so mature, Namjoon wasn’t used to so much honesty from women and he certainly didn’t expect it from you. Especially since you denied your interest in him so vehemently on the first day. It was new territory, he never had a problem waning women in his direction before.  
“Teacher’s Assistant or not, I still feel like we’d be good. Besides, I’m only your TA for a couple more months.” Namjoon said, finally tossing the salad together. 
“What makes you say that?” 
“Because I like you. Genuinely. You’re smart, funny, and one hell of a gorgeous girl.” Namjoon explained, using tongs to lay the salad on the plate beside the steak. 
You smiled at his compliment, grabbing forks and knives out of the drawer. Initially you planned on eating at the table but you decided to stand at the island, sliding a plate over to Namjoon and watching him cut his steak and eat. He moaned at the taste, gesturing wildly at his plate while he chewed. 
“This shit is immaculate.” 
After a few moments, Namjoon had eaten half his steak and you finished your salad. You found a good moment to speak again, “You’re saying you want something more than sex?” 
“The sex would be nice, but I’d like to take you out on a date as well,” he takes another bite, “dinner and dessert.” 
You chewed slowly, thinking over his words carefully. It was true, you’d only have to hide it for a couple months. That is if everything lasted that long. You looked him up and down, weighing the pros and cons. As far as you were concerned, there couldn’t be a con. 
If anything, dating him even briefly would be fun. A college romance. 
“What would be the dessert?” You questioned, taking his now empty plate and slipping it into the sink. 
He wiped his mouth with a napkin, revealing a devilish smirk when he was done. “Well, you of course.” 
You inhaled, watching him stand from his stool and walk around the island. “That is, if you want to be my dessert.” 
Finally, you nodded. Namjoon took your nod as permission, leaning down carefully and pressing a small kiss to your lips. You could taste the raspberry vinaigrette on his tongue when he slipped it gently between your lips. His hand held the back of your neck, his thumb stroking your soft exposed skin. 
Nothing about how he looked could prepare you for the sudden arousal you felt just at his touch. His hands were large, you wanted them all over your body but the stayed at the back of your neck. 
He gave no hint of taking it any further, pulling away just as softly as he started. His lips pressed a kiss to each of your cheeks, then the tip of your nose before pulling away completely. 
Your eyes fluttered back open once you felt his touch leave your body, and then you felt cold everywhere but where he once held you. “Thank you for the dinner, (Y/N).” 
“Wait! You don’t get to get me all hot and bothered and then leave after kissing me!” You yelled, calling after him while he once again made his way to your front door. He paused, turned, and grinned, “Believe me, there is nothing I want more than to bend you over the counter and fuck you into oblivion. I just- I don’t want to mess it up before it even starts.” 
You opened and closed your mouth a few times, trying desperately to find the words you wanted to say. Your mind was reeling with him, even though it was only a few seconds, his kiss was the most sensual thing you had ever experienced in your entire life. 
“I don’t think fucking me over the counter would mess anything up.” You replied, both shy and ready to rip your clothes off at the same time. 
Namjoon’s cock twitched in his pants at your words, swallowing. “So you’re okay with me fucking you before I take you on a date?” 
“Namjoon,” the way you said his name, desperation rolling off the tip of your tongue, turned him on more than anyone ever has, “I’m begging you to fuck me.” 
That’s what he wanted to hear. 
Namjoon rushed back over to you, his hands at your hips and gripping them roughly in his fingers. His lips were much more rushed, hard against yours. His teeth captured your bottom lip, tugging it gently. 
You grinned at the feeling building in your core, his strong hands lifting you onto the counter. He rested between your legs, only pulling away to take his shirt off of his body. His golden skin shined beneath the lights of your kitchen, your eyes scanning him for just a moment before bringing him down to your lips again. 
You lifted your hips enough for him to slide your pants down your legs. You wrapped them around his hips, grinding softly against him. The whines that left your mouth were sinful and it took everything in Namjoon not to cum just to the sound of your voice.
You pulled away, breathless. Your lips latched onto his neck, biting and sucking harshly.
“Still want to go down on me?” Namjoon grinned. 
You didn’t hesitate in dropping off the counter and onto your knees, unbuttoning his jeans and slipping them down his legs. Before moving on, you removed your Tank top from your body, your chest bouncing while you excitedly moved. 
Namjoon’s mouth went dry as he spotted your hard nipples, wanting desperately to latch his lips around them. 
Urgency was felt between the two of you, both of you waiting to feel the rush of pleasure. You pulled his cock out from his jeans, already hard and ready for your lips to wrap around it. You pumped it a few times, smearing precum across the tip before looking up at him through your lashes. 
His hand stroked your hair softly, giving you a subtle nod and urging you to continue. Finally, you licked a long stripe on the underside of his pulsing cock and hearing him moan loudly. You couldn’t help but moan back, watching him throw his head back. 
It was the perfect size, you were able to swallow his cock with ease. Your eyes began to water when he held your head all the way down, burying your nose in his pelvic bone. 
His chest was heaving, and you had never felt sexier. 
Even though you were only going down on him, you still felt pleasure in giving him pleasure. The way his hips tutted into your mouth, shoving his member further down your throat, had you reeling. You slipped your free hand between your legs, rubbing harshly on your clothed clit. 
Your hips lifted and dropped while you tried to find the best angle, you knew you could come just from sucking Namjoon dry. 
“Fuck, you feel so good baby.” Namjoon cried out, watching as his cock thrust in and out of your swollen lips. He continued to guide your head, your other hand dropping as he began to fully fuck your mouth. 
He noticed where your hands were, electrifying pleasure rushing through his body at the sight of you rubbing your clit beneath him. “If you don’t want me to cum on your tongue then I suggest stopping now.” 
There was no way you were stopping now, you felt yourself grow closer and closer to your release. As your movements sped up on your clit, you sucked harder. 
“Ah, ah! Princess please-” Namjoon pleaded, “(Y/N)...” Your name rolled off the tip of his tongue with a grunt.
As you felt your release wash over your body, cum sputtered out of Namjoon’s cock, coating your tongue and the back of your throat. He pulled out until the tip of his cock rested on your tongue, finishing off his orgasm. 
You knew you had soaked through your panties, but you had never came so hard just from touching someone. As Namjoon pulled away, you swallowed the bitter taste and looked up at his completely fucked out expression. 
“Holy shit.” He pulled you up, capturing your lips yet again. It shocked you, as every other man you had been with refused to kiss you after they had cum in your throat. “You are amazing.” 
“S- same to you.” You stuttered, your legs still weak from your release. 
Namjoon dipped his hand down your panties, shocked by the wetness enveloping his fingers. “You’re so wet.” He grinned, he knew he had an affect on you but he didn’t know it was this strong. 
He slid onto his knees, panic rushing over your features, “What are you doing?” 
“Well you made me feel good, now it’s your turn.” He explained, pulling your leg over his shoulder and slipping your panties to the side. 
“I already came...” You said shyly, Namjoon’s pupil’s blown at the sight of your soaked slit. 
“Really? Just from-” you nodded, seeing his shocked expression, “well you get to come again.” 
Before you had a second to gather your thoughts, Namjoon buried his face between your legs. Already weak from before, you felt yourself lean back on the counter for support while his tongue attacked your entrance. You gasped at the sudden feeling of his warmth, his fingers holding open your lips as he moved against you fervently. You don’t think you had ever came so quickly after another, but in seconds you found yourself releasing on his lips, feeling them turn into a smirk while he excitedly lapped up your juices. 
As you tried to gather yourself, you heard your front door unlock. Both of you shared a panicked look, Namjoon slipping his jeans back up his legs and doing the belt up quickly. You looked around, noticing your pants on the other side of the kitchen, and it was too late. 
You heard footsteps approach on the wooden floor, and Namjoon slid you behind him, hiding your unclothed torso. 
“Hey (Y/N) did your hot tutor le- oh my god.” Tamara was cut off by the scene in front of her, Namjoon pushing you to his back while you hid behind him. Peaking your head out, you let out an embarrassed laugh, “I thought you were spending the night at your boyfriend’s.” 
“You said he was just tutoring you and you had sex in our kitchen?” Tamara’s mouth dropped open as she looked around at various items of clothes thrown around. 
“That’s my bad,” Namjoon spoke up, his face warm. From the sex or the embarrassment, he wasn’t sure, “I couldn’t help myself.” 
Tamara only raised an eyebrow at him, shaking her head and turning away. 
You let out a breath, sighing and hugging Namjoon’s back. He chuckled, turning in your arms and hugging you back. “Well that was a fun ride.” 
“Joon,” you still hid your face from him, his laugh filling your ears, “we can’t have sex in my kitchen again.” 
“Awe,” he pouted, grabbing your chin and lifting to meet your eyes, “but I still haven’t bent you over the counter.” 
You gasped at his words, slapping his chest playfully before leaning away and slipping your shirt back on. He dressed himself as well, handing you your pants and watching you cover your gorgeous body. 
“Are you going to stay the night?” You question innocently, most wondering if you needed to grab more pillows for your bed. Namjoon smiled softly, his hands yearning to hold you again but he held himself back, opting to scratch his neck to keep himself busy instead.
“Do you want me to?” 
“It’d be nice.” You grinned, excited at the prospect of falling asleep in his arms. 
Namjoon nodded, following you to your bedroom. 
The next morning was busy. You both woke up late, mostly because every time Namjoon’s alarm went off he snoozed it. 
The rest of the night was spent in your bedroom, talking about your aspirations while a movie played in the background. Your fingers clasped together, your heads on the same pillow. He never seemed to run out of things to talk about with you, and for that he was grateful. Never has a woman been so intellectually stimulating to him. 
When you did finally manage to tear yourself out of bed, Namjoon reached out for you in his half-asleep state. “Come back,” his voice was deep but still came out in a whine, “we can skip today.” 
“No we can’t,” you murmur, laying down beside him and pushing his hair from his face, “I already missed my first two classes. The next one is the one we both have to go to, if you and I miss it on the same day it’ll be suspicious.” 
Namjoon sighed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and sitting up. You pulled an outfit out from your closet, undressing and changing. Namjoon still sat on the bed, watching you in awe while he learned your morning routine. 
“What’s that perfume you use?” He asked after a moment, remembering the distinct strawberry scent that he always smelled radiating off of your clothes. You held up a perfume, “Gucci flora, it’s my favorite.” You smiled. 
Finally, he got up and slipped his clothes from yesterday on. You cringed, “You’re gonna have to go to class in the same clothes as yesterday.” 
He shrugged, “I’m sure no one will notice.” 
Namjoon pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek, fluffing up the back of your hair for you. 
So quickly did he fall into you. Everything about you was so captivating, down to the way you brushed your teeth. He knew from the first day you walked into that classroom that you were a heartbreaker, and he just prayed every day since he started tutoring you that he was an exception. He wondered how deeply you felt about him, or whether it was on a surface level. Trying not to think about negative things, he shook his head and followed you out of your house. 
When you both made it to the science building, Namjoon waited a moment to walk in after you did. As you sat down at your seat, you couldn’t help but watch Namjoon as he slipped into TA mode. Ready for him was a stack of papers to grade, and you knew you weren’t getting much of a look from him today. Either way, you were happy with the progress the two of you had made in one short night, not that you were expecting any of it to happen. 
The class went by a lot slower than you wanted, and it wasn’t until the professor dismissed you did you realize you had almost fallen asleep while you watched yet another video on Tycho Brahe. 
Everyone filed out of the classroom, and as you got up to leave you stole a glance to Namjoon. He dawned a pair of glasses and read intently on whatever he had in his hand. 
As the professor spoke to a student at the door, you made your way over to Namjoon, tapping your finger on the desk quietly to get his attention. He looked up, slipping off the glasses from his face and grinned, “Well hello gorgeous.” 
You blushed at his words, “I’m going to head back home, you can come if you want?” 
“Hm, I think I’m going to the arcade with my friend. I can come by after that?” He suggested, and you tried to hide your disappointment. Namjoon could sense it, “I’ll come by tonight for sure. Do you like take out?” 
You nodded, “I’d like that.” 
“Miss (Y/L/N)! I’ve seen your improvement and I’m glad, Namjoon has certainly helped you.” The professor walked over to you to, pulling you out of the trance that was Namjoon’s deep brown eyes. 
“Uh, yeah he’s certain good at teaching,” you stuttered, “I’m glad he offered to tutor me.” 
The professor nodded, “Well like I said before, I can’t wait to give you that A.” He patted your shoulder, and you took that as an opportunity to slip out of the room. Namjoon waved to you before discussing something with the professor. You watched for a moment, biting your lip then walking down the hallway and out the door. 
When you made it back to your house, your roommate sat on the couch in her pajamas. You rose an eyebrow, “I thought you had a lecture at 2 today.” 
“I skipped it,” She shrugged, “where’s your boytoy?” 
“At the arcade with a friend of his,” you explained, plopping down beside her and cringing at some reality show she watched. She paused occasionally to explain why some person was yelling at another and you tried to listen to the best of your ability but you couldn’t help but think back to last night. 
Sure, you enjoyed the physicality of everything but once you two began talking about things other than Astrophysics, you learned a whole lot more about him than you expected to. 
His love for rap and music in general was heart-warming, mentioning briefly on how he wished to one day drop a mixtape and maybe get signed. You encouraged him even though you hadn’t heard a single second of anything he’s ever written. Either way, you knew that he could do it because there wasn’t anything in the world you could imagine him being bad at. 
When he asked you about your dreams, you weren’t sure how to answer. You had always taken a, ‘it is what it is’ approach to everything. Yes, you did preemptively take Business Marketing as a gateway into adulthood, but as far as everything else went, you were unsure. 
Eventually you managed a small, “I’m happy to be alive.” 
Namjoon smiled, enjoying the simplicity of your answer. 
You shook your head from thoughts of last night, wiping the grin off your face. 
Just as you saw Tamara drift off to sleep, your phone lit up. 
friend is being lame, can I come over? 
Your heart was giddy, excited to see the man who couldn’t leave your mind. Quickly, you responded. 
please do
You locked your phone and waited on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through the TV while Tamara snored softly. You sighed, wondering if you should tell her to leave for a bit. You decided against it, knowing that he has had men over many times when you were just a thin wall away. 
You hopped up at the sound of a gentle knock on the door, practically throwing the door open to see Namjoon. His smile stretched across his face, “Hi baby.” 
You pulled him into the house, shushing him when you walked passed the living room. He chuckled softly, and when you were down the hall and in your room, he slipped his jacket off of his shoulders. 
“Soo,” you were suddenly shy, realizing you weren’t sure how tonight was going to go, “how was the arcade.” 
“Dumb,” Namjoon replied honestly. You noticed he went home and finally changed from yesterday’s clothes, a tight black T-shirt now hugging his skin. He hopped on the bed beside you, “my friend refuses to let anyone ruin his high score.” 
You giggled, “Ah KSJ? Some girl in my Marketing Research class has been talking about him a lot.” 
Namjoon nodded, “That man has more of an affect than he realizes.” 
It was quiet for a moment, and you watched while he adjusted himself onto your bed. He closed his eyes, and it amazed you at how quickly he became comfortable with you. He was already treating you like you had been together for a while, and you couldn’t complain. You enjoyed skipping the ‘get to know me’ phase, because you know as time goes on you will learn more about each other and in better ways than the standard first date. 
Still, even though you had already done some of the most intimate things with the man, you found yourself in awe of him. His chest rose and fell softly, and you realized that you hadn’t kissed him since this morning. You yearned for his touch but tried desperately not to come off as needy. 
You laid beside him, just far enough away for him to notice. Namjoon opened an eye, “You okay?” 
“I’m good, yeah.” You smiled, swallowing nervously. 
“How come you’re not touching me?” His question was loaded, though it came off innocent. His eyes were closed again, waiting for your verbal response. His hands, clasped behind his head, made his biceps flex beneath the tight black fabric. 
Earlier hesitation gone, you leaned your head onto his shoulder, feeling his arm move and fall around you as if he had been doing this for years. 
You snuggled into him, your eyes growing heavy. 
“Did I really come over here just to nap?” Namjoon asked outloud, more to himself than you. You nodded against him, feeling yourself fall asleep on his chest. 
Namjoon hadn’t been around since he fell asleep with you, and you assumed with everything going on that he was busy. He was sure to send a few texts your way a day, being sure to let you know that he can’t stop thinking about you. Even in class, you didn’t talk much but you didn’t mind, focusing on things that you needed to. 
Now it was Saturday night, your legs crossed on your bed and copious amounts of homework and papers surrounding you. Almost finishing, your hands filled out each question when you heard your ringtone throughout the room. 
“Hello?” You answered without looking, putting on your customer service voice out of habit from many years ago. 
“I still haven’t bent you over the table.” Namjoon sounded through, music coming through the speaker. You gasped at his words, immediately dropping your pencil, “Are you drunk?” 
“No,” he giggles, shushing someone else beside him, “I just want you. This bar is boring without you.” 
“You haven’t drank with me though?” You tease, questioning his motives for calling you. He shouted to someone in the corner, telling them to stop talking shit, “I bet you’re sexy when you’re drunk. Not that you aren’t sexy all the time, but I think you’d be even more wet than before if you drank a little with me.” 
“I really hope you aren’t saying these things in front of people, Joon.” You scold, but you can’t help but feel the heat between your legs at his words. You imagined him at a table with his friends, his hand over the speaker while he spoke dirty words into your ears. 
“I’m coming over.” Namjoon said, and he hung up without another word. 
You look around, quickly cleaning up your papers and books, sliding them onto your night stand. You rushed to the bathroom, brushing your teeth quickly. You weren’t exactly sure what to expect, so you changed from your sweats and into a satin nightgown. You studied your reflection carefully, shaking your head and changing into something else. 
Black and red lingerie rested on your body, and you knew you were finally ready. As if expecting that you were ready, Namjoon knocked on the door. You rushed to the door, the knocking not stopping until you were opening it. He took a moment to look at your scantily clad body, an audible groan slipping from his lips. 
He was drunk, or at least tipsy. He’s eyes were clouded over and every inch of your body only turned him on.
No words were exchanged, only Namjoon grabbing your face in his large hands and kissing you passionately. He pushed you into your house, his lips not leaving yours. You silently thanked your roommate for leaving, not having to worry about be walked in on until the morning. He already had the layout of your house memorized, carefully navigating through your hallway until he reached your bathroom. 
Confused, you pulled away when you heard the door creek, “What are you-” 
“I want you in the shower,” Namjoon said, already ripping off his shirt, “and as much as I would love to fuck you in that tiny little outfit, I like when you’re naked even more.” 
It didn’t take much to convince you. He stumbled out of his jeans, no boxers to be seen underneath. You watched him with a smirk on your face, his hand turning the shower on and testing the temperature. 
When he turned back to you, it felt like something switched in him, “Why aren’t you undressed?” 
Your core twitched at the demanding tone of his voice. He wasn’t hard yet, he held himself off from stroking himself until he saw that you were wet and ready. 
You unclasped your bra, slipping it from around your shoulders. He grabbed your arm, guiding you to the water and silently asking for you to test it. When you felt the warm liquid surround your hand, you nodded and stepped out of your panties. 
Without giving you much time to adjust, Namjoon was behind you, pulling the shower head off of the mount and switching it to massage mode. 
“I thought you wanted to fuck me?” You questioned, such dirty words falling from your sinful mouth. Namjoon smiled down at you, his cock rutting against your backside in anticipation, “I do, but I want to make you feel good as well.” 
He brought the shower head over the front of your body, running the water over everywhere he would kiss if he were in bed. Your tits were perky, a perfect handful for Namjoon to grab and tug at while the water moved down lower. 
His feet kicked yours apart, spreading your legs ever-so-slightly and allowing the harsh water jets to hit your clit directly. Immediately, your legs grew weak. Namjoon wrapped his other arm around your waist, holding you up while the jets pounded against your clit. 
“Oh my god,” you moaned, Namjoon’s cock twitching from behind you, “more.” 
Suddenly, he felt much more sober than previously, “What was that, baby?” 
“More, please. More.” Was all you could manage out, your head thrown back onto his shoulder while you clawed backward, desperate to touch him in any way you possibly could. When your hands settled on the back of your neck, you felt yourself growing closer and closer to your orgasm. 
Just as quickly as it started, it stopped. Namjoon pulled away, his lips attacking your neck while you whined from the lack of sensation against you. The water jets was replaced with his fingers, “I can’t take it anymore. I have to be inside you.” 
Catching your breath, you turned to him and kissed him harshly. Your nails raked down his abs, feeling the muscles clench at every touch against him. You gripped his now hard cock in your manicured hand, pumping it up and down quickly. 
“Are you sure you’re ready for me?” If he could tease you, you could tease him right back, “you might cum too quickly. I don’t know if you could last inside of me.” 
“Cocky, huh? Bend over. Now.” Namjoon demanded, not having any of it. As you turned around, your head under the water, Namjoon rubbed the head of his cock up and down your slit, collecting up your wetness and groaning at the feeling of you finally so close to him. 
He didn’t ask if you were ready like he wanted to, but the feeling was overwhelming, just running his cock over you was enough to send him into the most intense rush of pleasure he’s ever felt in his entire life and he forgot how to move his tongue to create the words running through his head. 
All he could do was slowly sink into you, earning a delicious moan from you. You gripped onto the railing in front of you, his length filling you and stretching you out in the best way possible. Even with the water running over both of you, you were numb to everything that wasn’t him. His fingertips digging into your hips, his length moving in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace. In that moment, your entire being was consumed by him and him alone. 
“More.” You moaned, much like earlier except your voice was filled with much more need than before. Namjoon couldn’t help himself, though, continuing his slow thrusts. Whines, glorious and loud, filled the shower, echoing off of the walls. Namjoon was quiet, just listening to you while your knuckles turned white from gripping the handles. 
“Fuck!” you shout, letting go of the railing and leaning up, just enough for Namjoon’s hands to return to your breasts, massaging them as he finally began to speed up his motions. 
“I love that you’re so loud,” Namjoon manages, grunting while he spoke, “tell me more. Tell me how much you like it.” 
“You feel so good, Namjoon,” you look back at him, his eyes screwed shut and his hair soaked, droplets of water dripping from the ends of his hair, “you’re so big, I love your- I love-” your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You weren’t able to form anymore words as Namjoon’s cock hit just the right place to have you rolling in pleasure. 
“Come on, babygirl. You have to tell me.” His thrusts were faster, sloppier, and his fingers found their way back down to your clit. His calloused fingers spread your lips, moving in a figure 8 while he timed his thrusts with each twist of his finger. 
“I want you to fill me up!” You cry out, and you knew you weren’t helping Namjoon in anyway from the way your legs gave out. His arms held you close though, keeping you up so easily.
Namjoon buried his face in your shoulder, “You’re so fucking hot, please tell me you’re close.” His words were muffled but you could understand him loud and clear.
“Mmhmm.” You managed, biting your lip. 
“Say it.” 
“I’m going to come,” you moan, and then your release washed over your body in waves. Everything was too much, the way you came undone beneath him and the feeling of you squeezing his cock. He was a mess, and after a few more thrusts, he pulled his cock out of you and released onto your ass, letting you go in the process. 
You fall forward, grabbing the railing yet again for support and feeling his hot cum drench your lower half. With your orgasm still running its course, you felt your knees buckle while you dropped. 
Namjoon was quick to reach forward and catch you, setting you down on the ledge of the top and moving the hair out of your face. “Are you okay baby?” 
You nodded, “I’m more than okay.” 
Namjoon grinned, leaning down and kissing your cheeks, “Let’s get you cleaned up.” 
After cleaning you up, Namjoon massaged shampoo and conditioner throughout your hair, inhaling the sweet scent of coconut. Afterward, he even brushed your hair while you were wrapped in a towel, then finally handing you his shirt to sleep in. 
“So,” you said later that night, stroking his hair while you listened to music, “we going to go on that date you said you wanted to take me out on?”
“Breakfast tomorrow?” He looks up at you, that dimpled smirk stretching across his face. 
“I’d like that.” You grin, leaning down and giving him one of many kisses. 
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Sweet Child O' Mine (Vince Neil x reader)
From the prompts list: "Hey, I'm with you, okay? Always."
Language, abuse, fluff, angst
Sweet Child O' Mine
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Vince has always had a soft spot for you. The broken girl that he met four years ago on the Sunset Strip. You were a stripper then, working the only job you could get since you didn't graduate high school.
(4 years ago) 
As usual, Vince got off of one of the tours, and went straight to the strip club. He had on his usual cocky facade. He pulled out hundred dollar bills which he gave to any girl that even looked in his direction. He sat in the front with a clear view of the stage. You were up next. You were dreading that moment as soon as you set foot in the club. You hated being the center of attention, and still do, so this was giving you your worst anxiety attack you’ve ever had. You refused to go up on stage. This, of course, made your boss angry.
Your boss had the worst temper of anyone you’d ever known. He’d beat the girls he hired into submission. He didn’t like you because you would stand up for yourself when necessary. Usually you’d do whatever he wanted you to, but you absolutely would not do something that gave you that much anxiety. 
Your boss pulled you out into the back alley, his eyes red and full of rage. He threw you onto the ground, his chest heaving. “What the hell is wrong with you, you slut?” He snarled at you.
You tried to keep your tears from falling, but failed miserably. “W-What do you mean?”
He kicked you hard in the ribs. A surging pain spread through your body. You yelped out in pain. Your boss didn’t answer you at all. He just kept kicking you. You tried your best to soften the blows, but nothing seemed to work. You just sobbed silently as you took the beating. 
As he pulled back to deliver another kick, a blonde man pulled him away from you. Vince had just so happened to leave the club when all of this started to happen. Vince was walking by when he heard you yell. He had your boss pinned against the brick wall of the club, punching him multiple times in the face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, man?” Vince asked, stopping  himself from killing the guy. “What the fuck could she have done to you, huh?” Your boss didn’t answer, just causing Vince to get angrier. “Get the hell out of here before I kill you.” Vince let him go, his chest heaving. 
He walked over to where you were still laying on the dirty alley floor. He placed a hand gently on your shoulder, hoping to not scare you. You jumped, finally looking up at who saved your life. You scooted away from Vince, still shaken up. You were, without a doubt, terrified of men at this point. Every man that had ever been in your life had hurt you. Whether it be emotionally or physically. More often than not, it was physically.
“P-Please,” You cried. “D-Don’t hurt me.”
Vince’s heart dropped. He couldn’t believe that you thought that he’d hurt you. “I’m not gonna do anything to you, hun.” Vince gave the best smile he could do in this sad moment. “I’m Vince Neil.”
You looked at him, completely unsure of what to do. Will he be just be another man that will hurt you? Or could you trust him. You felt something towards this mysterious man that saved your life. You decided to go with your gut and trust him. 
“I-I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N),” You sniffled, a few more tears escaping your eyes. 
“That’s a gorgeous name,” Vince smiled. “You’re a gorgeous woman, too.”
You laughed, wiping your nose on your sleeve. You were so happy you had enough time to change into normal clothes before your boss threw you out.  
“It’s true!” Vince said, knowing you were mentally disagreeing with him. You smiled. The first real smile you’d given in two years. “Your smile is even more gorgeous.”
“Y-You’re not so bad yourself,” You managed to get out. 
Vince grinned at you. “Do you have anywhere to stay?”
Your smile dropped as you remembered the only place you had to go was to your father’s place. You’d rather not get a worse beating there. You shook your head no. 
“Would you want to stay with me?” Vince asked, a hopeful tone in his voice.
“You don’t even know me,” You said, finally pushing yourself off of the disgusting ground. You tried to ignore the amount of used syringes that surrounded you. 
“I have a feeling I can trust you,” Vince responded. You knew that he felt the same feeling you had. “So will you stay with me?”
You thought for a moment. What could go wrong? “I’ll stay until you get annoyed with me.”
Vince laughed. “I doubt I could get tired of you.”
“I can bet that you will.”
“I’m not going to bet on that because I know I’m right.” Vince then wrapped an arm around your shoulders, leading you to his amazingly huge mansion.
You stayed with Vince for four months before he asked you out on a date. He was the most romantic, sweet, amazing man you’d ever met. He made you feel safe and cared for. He did everything in his power to make you happy. Sure, you’d had a few slip ups in the past, but what couple doesn’t?
Four years later, and here you are. Happily engaged to the lead singer of the most dangerous band in the world. 
Vince is sitting on the couch with you cuddled into his side. You’re resting comfortably with his arm around you. You’re growing more and more anxious as you relay everything Nikki and Tommy said about the tour they just finished up. Tommy said the hottest girls were there. A few of them even finished the tour out with the guys. What if Vince found another girl? One that didn’t come with as much baggage as you?
“Vinny?” Your voice sounds so small. You feel tiny.
“Yes, babe?” He asks, pulling his attention away from the TV and to his beautiful girlfriend.
You let out a breath. “Did you find another girl?”
Vince shifts so that he can look at you fully. “What makes you think that?”
You shrug, looking down at the blanket that covered the both of you. “I was just thinking about what Tommy said. About there being a shit ton of hot girls on the last tour. Did one of them catch your attention?”
You feel tears springing to your eyes. Vince tilts your head up so that your looking at him. His blue eyes are filled with love for you, and only you.
“You’re the only girl for me, (Y/N). I love you so much. None of those cheap whores could ever amount to you. You’re my one and only,” Vince says, leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips. You don’t kiss back because you’re trying not to cry. 
“I-I just don’t want you to leave me,” You nearly sob.
“Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always,” Vince says, causing you to smile. You kiss him on the lips. He smiles, pushing you onto your back on the couch. “I love you.”
You grin, kissing him again. “I love you too, Mr. Neil.”
“Good. Let’s have some fun, shall we?”
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666
Vince: @moon-beame @jjjjjjjoshdun
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georgialouisea · 6 years
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Action Square Filled: Actor Dean Pairing: Dean x Reader, Chris, Justin (omcs). Warnings: Fluff, nervous Dean. Summary: Dean finally meets his new costar. Word Count: 1250 Written/Created for @spnaubingo 
AU Bingo Masterlist
“Hey, how’s it going man?” Chris sat down next to Dean, handing him a cup of coffee.
“Hey, yeah good, you?” Dean took the cup with a smile.
“Good, you got a long day?”
“Yeah, I have a few scenes with Y/N later, I haven’t even met her yet.”
“Well good luck,” Chris smirked.
“What? What does that mean?” Dean sat up straighter.
“Well she can be a bit short with you, if she’s tired it’s worse, she hates it when new people mess up, I mean she’s carried the show for years so -”
“You’re serious?”
“Yeah.” Chris nodded before taking a sip of coffee.
“Great.” Dean’s head fell into his palm.
“Just don’t mess up or piss her off.”
Dean was on set over 30 minutes before he needed to be, he stood behind the cameras, his arms crossed as he watched you.
“Doctor, is she going to be okay?”
“She will be, she has a long road of recovery ahead of her.” You smiled at the woman closing the file in your hands, as it closed the weight shifted and it slipped from your hands.
“Goddammit Y/N.” Justin huffed beside you. “Right give me the file, I’ll do it.”
A few takes later when Justin dropped the file you couldn’t contain your laughter. “See not so easy!”
“Whatever Y/L/N.” Justin laughed. “Do we have to do the file?”  
“Yes, It’s a file, why are you two so crap at closing it?” The director yelled.
“There’s a crapload of paper in it!” You held it up.
“Deal with it!” The director shouted again.
Rolling your eyes you turned around to face the actress playing the distressed mother.
3 takes and 2 laughing fits later you were done with the scene, ignoring the calls of your name you made a beeline for the coffee cart. A man stood next to you, he wore the same dark blue scrubs and white coat you were in.
“Hi, I’m Dean.” He smiled at you his hand extended.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You shook his hand with a smile.
“Yeah, I know.” He grinned at you, the queue moved, releasing his hand you both moved with the queue.
“You were in the new superhero movie right?” You recognised him from the film you’d watched a week earlier with your brother.
“Yeah I was, nothing major but I’m here now.” He shrugged.
“Welcome, we have a lot to film this afternoon.”
“Yeah, I’ve filmed a lot in the past few days, I hardly know this place, I know my way from my trailer to set that’s it.”
“Want a tour?”
“No, I’m sure you’re really busy.”
“We have time, hey Debbie can I get my usual and Dean what do you want?” You asked turning to him.
“No, It’s okay I’ll get mine.”
“My treat.” You smiled. Dean ordered his coffee, paying Debbie you handed Dean his coffee.
“I’m sorry, I’m just nervous, I heard some things but you’ve already proved that they’re not true.”
“Which are?” You stopped walking.
“No, it’s nothing.”
“Well, who did you hear them from then?”
“Great.” You rolled your eyes.
“Chris has been kicking off any competition early for over a year,” Justin smirked, his arm wrapping around your waist. “He’s so jealous of anyone better looking than him.”
“What? I’m being nice, Dean’s major competition.
“Wow.” Dean’s brow furrowed.
“Stop making him uncomfortable.”
Justin kissed your cheek before taking a step away from you. “Have fun you two.” He smirked winking at you before walking away.
“Are you two?” Dean asked.
“No, we’re friends.”
“Y/N, Dean!” Someone shouted across the open space.
“Coming!” You yelled raising a hand giving a small wave.
5 hours later you were beyond exhausted, Dean was ploughing through the scenes he was trying his hardest to avoid messing up. When a heavier scene started you noticed Dean was tense, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
“Hey, can we take a few, honestly I need a nap.”
“Yeah, let’s call it for the day on Y/N and Dean, you’ve both had long days, you guys go home.”
Walking offset you kept a few paces behind Dean.
“Hey.” You called, reaching out for him. He stopped and turned around.
“Are you okay?” Your voice dropped as you reached him.
“Yeah, I just - I don’t know.”
“Okay.” You smiled at him, you watched his every move. “Come here.” You held your hand out to him, he took it and let you lead him wherever you were going.
Opening your trailer door you pulled him inside. “What is it? Do you just need a break?”
“I don’t know, maybe, I’ve read the script I know what happens, it just hit me I guess, how are you so calm about it all?”
“Years of practice, emotional scenes get me, especially ones I relate to, we all get emotional, it’s okay.” You smiled at him flopping down on your bed. “Want to get some food?”
“Sure.” Dean nodded, his voice was low.
Instead of going out for lunch you both settled on going back to your apartment, in the mood Dean was in you didn’t want any fans interrupting you. Sitting on your sofa you grabbed another slice of pizza from the box between you and Dean.
“Feeling better?” You smiled at him.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s fine, I’m glad you’re okay now though.”
A knock at your door made you jump slightly, putting your beer down you got up to answer it you relaxed when you saw it was the mailman with the scripts for the next few episodes, signing for them you held them in your arms walking back into the room you dumped them on the table.
Grabbing the newest script you sat down and started to skim it, a few scripts and a few beers later you looked up at Dean.
“Well, we best get used to hanging out with each other.”
“Why?” He looked over at you, the football game on the TV ignored.
“Well in a few episodes time we’re going to be in an on-call room together.”
“What?” Dean sat up almost choking on his beer.
“Yeah, here look.” You handed him the script.
“Wow, steamy.” He raised his brows.
“So what are you doing tomorrow after work?” He dropped the script and looked up at you.
“Nothing why?”
“Well come to mine and I’ll cook us dinner.”
“Dean you don’t have to do that.”
“My treat.” He smiled.
“Well okay then.”
“I can’t believe you guys have won this for 6 years in a row.” Justin held the award in his hands.
“What do you not think we’re TV’s hottest couple?” You smiled at him.
“Shut up you know what I mean, where’s your husband anyway?”
“On set, he should be here soon.”
“Hey.” Dean walked into your trailer. “Hey, Justin.”
“Look what you two won.” He waved the statue around.
“Thanks, babe, real confidence boost.”
“Shut up, you’re stunning, you ready to go for dinner?”
“Yup.” You stood up taking his hand.
Walking offset together you gave Dean’s hand a squeeze. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Occasionally.” Dean smiled. “Have I ever told you how happy I am you were so nice to me when we met?”
“Occasionally.” You laughed. “So where are we going?”
“I was thinking pizza and beer at home.”
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andsmile · 7 years
varchie fanfiction masterlist
Hey people! I’ve been getting a lot of anons asking me for recommendations on Archie/Veronica fanfiction and I feel you, the struggle is real - our tag in AO3 is filled with Bughead!centric fanfics that have us as a background pairing. I’ve read some good ones and I’m happy to share, but I’ll also make a sort of… rant kind of thing in this post. Everything (links and rant) is under the cut.
Despite being a little less popular than other ships in the fandom, there are not so many ArchieRonnie fanfics out there because the readers don’t engage enough - myself included. You’ve been engaging with me when I post Lake Michigan and this is definitely fueling me to write more and faster, and I think it’s sad when I see some good fics out there with 1 or 2 comments, and we need to get better on commenting and reviewing them.
And I mean really commenting and reviewing, not only “pls update”, which is nice and all, but it doesn’t… I don’t know, it doesn’t excite us authors so much. When you read a fic, really comment on it, tell the author your favorite parts, ask them questions about the fic and the writer's process, engage (like you’ve been doing with me and LM) and I am sure more authors will pop and more fics will be written. I’m making a commitment to myself to engage more with the fics I’ve read and I hope you can do that too!
Of course, no one needs to feel obligated to review something if they’re not comfortable doing so, but it’s really good for us authors, it makes us produce more and it makes you have more material to read.
Now that I’ve said that, I’ll proceed to the links! 
The Nice Guy & The Spoiled Rich Girl by AlwaysSpeaksHerMind
A collection of random one-shots centered around my favorite Riverdale pairing OR it’s not really a multi-chapter but it’s a collection of canon compliant-ish and AU one shots that are very beautifully written, I really love this fic.
Devotion by vaarchie
Clearly the Lodges’ extracurriculars skew toward the illegal, but this is the first time Veronica is caught in the backdraft – the first time her life is truly in danger OR an amazing angst-filled fanfic that tells the story of Archie and Veronica trying to survive some real danger involving the Lodges. You will cry. You will love it.
Life has a weird way of getting to the happy ending by Agentbadass
She never planned to encounter Archie Andrews again. She never wanted to see him again. Of course, she runs into him in a club OR Archie is really famous and finds out he has a kid with Veronica, product of a one-night-stand! It's very fun and rom-com like!
an Affair To Remember by Browneyesparker
Archie Andrews meets Veronica Lodge on a cruise, even though they are both engaged to other people, they wind up falling in love OR a new fanfic that has a promising AU plot.
Don't Be Mean by theeternalblue
Veronica never thought meeting Betty's high school friend could change her life so much OR one of my favorite fanfics at the moment, a pregnancy AU and a very light, sweet read.
We've had this day with each other from the very beginning Archikins by BikerChick101
A day in the life and snapshots of my favorite couple on Riverdale, mostly fluff, canon-ish until 2x09 OR a collection of canon compliant-ish one shots, super sweet.
Finding our Way by BikerChick101
Our secret moments, in a crowded room, they've got no idea about me and you OR a secret-Vegas-wedding situation in the middle of a very real Betty/Archie/Veronica triangle. Worth the read.
standstill by Brenxalex
Archie feels as if his life had somehow come to a standstill ever since she had walked away OR sad-boy-Archie-Andrews strikes again and makes you sad with him. Recently discovered this fic, am loving it so far.
Collapsing Couches by temerarius
Seventeen year olds Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews are facing the biggest challenge they've yet to overcome - Veronica is pregnant OR another pregnancy-AU (seems to be a popular trope in varchie fics) that it’s worth the read.
The Holiday by jinglejanglejones
After two terrible breakups, Betty and Veronica switches homes for the holidays and stumble upon unexpected romances. But what happens when Christmas is over? Can their new found love survive? OR this is both Varchie and Bughead centric, but I had the best time reading this fic, especially the Varchie scenes.
streetlight sun by singsongsung
He senses her before he sees her, feels the air shift in the gymnasium OR this is a two-chapter fic that has stolen my heart forever.
The Blood of Family by James Stryker
FBI agent Archie Andrews goes undercover to bring down a ruthless crime lord but ends up falling in love with his daughter OR nice slow-burn multi-chapter with an interesting plot (on FF.Net)
Make it back to me by explorerundecided
(no summary) OR a fanfic that is so sweet, picking up from 2x06 and slightly canon compliant-ish (on FF.Net)
It's A Mad World by COTT FAN
Just when Veronica thinks she can escape from her past and start a life with Archie, her life takes an unexpected turn when she is kidnapped by someone from her past OR yet anothjer pregnancy-AU with an interesting plot (on FF.net)
Every Minute by ForASecondThereWe'dWon
Expanding on the events of the season one finale, Veronica brings Archie back to her bedroom OR the longest, hottest, multi-chapter smut you’ll ever need (on FF.net)
your soul by vickliebold
Could be more complicated, but it really wasn’t. The girl he loved didn’t feel the same, so he wrote a song about it OR my first Varchie fanfic. Angst, sad times, and what happens when you have another chance with the love of your life.
lake michigan by vickliebold
it would be a tragedy of epic proportions if they had never met OR Archie moves to Chicago and everyone is crazy! My second Varchie fanfic.
Watch it Burn Down by weheartscorose
Archie was supposed to be more than this OR another sad-boy-Archie trying to win his girl back. This fic is a companion to another fic, a Bughead!Centric one, and both are really good. Sexy-times are a must.
Babes in the Woods by MotherMaple
When Archie and Jughead find themselves stranded in a campground, Betty and Veronica offer them a place to crash OR both VA and BH centric, this fic was very fun to read from the start and all the ArchieRonnie parts are... swoon.
bring the sin by sopaloma
three decades. seven people. seven sins OR a character-study fic that pairs a character with a deadly sin. Archie is lust (chapter 01) and Veronica is envy (chapter 05). The whole fic is great - but the Varchie parts are even greater, if that’s possible. It’s definitely one of my favorite Varchie fics ever.
In The Name Of Love by ffxo
Archie's waited four years for a girl to say the L word but she can't OR a fun, dramatic AU where the gang lives in LA and Veronica has deep-seated issues. Definitely worth it!
Extended Riverdale by ffxo
Extended moments of Varchie's journey, all through season 1 of Riverdale OR I really love this fic, it follows canon and explains a lot of it, ffxo does an amazing job portraying stolen VA’s moments! In FF.Net there are more chapters. 
The Greatest of All Time by Brenxalex
She takes his hand and as they glide along the ice OR a popular trope right now - the ice skating AU based on Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue’s story - but with Varchie instead. Definitely well-written and a full course if you’re into the trope!
will he hold your tiny face in his hands? by boos
Veronica has feelings about Betty, Archie has feelings about Jughead, and neither of them know how to deal with it. So they don't OR I don’t know if this counts as a varchie fanfiction since it’s Beronica/Jarchie as well, but I love their interactions in this, so...
slow dance by JollytheSad
A night of embraces OR smut one-shot without much plot, but we like reading sexy-times!
five times veronica almost had sex and one time she did by temerarius
veronica lodge’s past sexual experiences before archie have all been bad. these are all of them OR trigger-warning for rape and abuse, but it has a sweet outcome, and I loved reading it.
i will take care of you by camimendes
“have you been eating enough?” OR trigger-warning for eating disorders. A fanfic with a theme that is not explored enough.
crawl into my heart, take me apart by singsongsung
She finds him midday on a Wednesday, just after the bell for lunch OR my favorite Varchie one-shot, written by my love @singsongsung just after 2x08 aired. Sad times, cute times.
Basic Needs by ForASecondThereWe'dWon
A belated extension of Archie and Veronica's shower scene from S2E01 OR a detailed description of Varchie’s sexy times in the shower, swoon (on FF.Net)
hold me closer by anonymous_mystery95
All Archie wants is to take her out on a date, a perfect date. Their first date. OR Archie is a gentleman, Veronica wants to have sex, and oh-boy. The smut.
i see your true colours shining through (and that's why i love you) by anonymous_mystery95
Veronica never thought that a chance meeting on the corner of a busy New York street would change her life OR a soulmates!AU that probably is my soulmate, it’s so beautiful.
talk me down by beanie_betty
The one where Archie can’t sleep, Jughead just wants to sleep, and they both freak out about becoming dads OR it’s mostly a Jughead x Archie friendship with a side of ArchieRonnie, but very cute one shot.
Andrews, Party of Six by lodge_andrews 
Or the four times Veronica Andrews goes into labor OR this fic is very sweet and domestic, got me really emotional *-* worth the read for sure.
can't stop this breaking loose by vickliebold
Archie teaches Veronica how to drive OR I wrote this one-shot post-2x16 when Archie got that car and Veronica started driving it!
theeternalblue has written a lot of Varchie-centric one shots that are all very good and don’t get enough credit.
vaarchie writes one shots and fic requests on her tumblr and they’re all amazing as well.
raven-dale also writes one shots and fic requests on her tumblr and you should all read them or prompt her.
vcrchiedale writes one shots and fic requests on her tumblr and you should also read them and prompt her.
If you have other recommendations, let me know and I’ll update this post after I’ve read them! My inbox is always open for you guys (:
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