#he doesnt wanna be the bad guy oki
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escortingsecrets · 4 months ago
Shivan and Rufus are just those two gay guys raising their kids together and running a small cafe in Edge. No they arent dating. No there isnt any desire to do so. Yes they both have trauma. Yes Shivan constantly says "Go ask your mom" because he doesnt like telling the kids no--
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mymoshangthoughts · 2 months ago
oki look im back on my "binghe and airplane are similar and i love it" bullshit
except this time i want these two whiny cut-throat bastards to run a cafe together
like binghe is the chef, obviously, and airplane handles the business side of things, and between the two of them, they absolutely make the cafe succeed through underhanded means
could they succeed as a business with just binghe's talents as a cook and qinghua handling the bills while the both of them charmed their way through customer service with their fake ass smiles? abso-fucking-lutely. but would they? oh no
qinghua is like releasing rats into the neighboring cafes and salting their sugar in espionage to make sure that everyone knows that the surrounding coffee is shit and the only place for Good Coffee is their cafe. he's making multiple alts online to just destroy their competition through online reviews and switching out the labels on dairy milk with non-dairy milk so that all the lactose intolerant customers are throwing fits on the regular because look, qinghua knows that a small lil cafe cant stand up to the big chain restaraunts, but he CAN destroy the reputation of all the closest chains to him like an absolute bastard
and oki, maybe binghe doesnt NEED to mansplain, manipulate, and manslaughter his way through everything, but gosh darnit, it's second nature to him. he is absolutely gonna hunt down any threats to their establishment and break their arms. and literally everyone who looks down on his establishment or leaves a bad review or otherwise gets in the path of his vengeance trail? loooookk, he cant be blamed for the way he smiled to their face while stabbing them in the back. they had it coming! they insulted his mothers lemon square recipe and thats an arm breaking offense oki
between the pair of them, they have the entire area quaking in confused fear. cuz okay, something i wanna talk about, the pair of them are two-faced and terrifying but like... 99% of people dont know that lmfao
(off topic but a personal pet peeve of mine is when fanfiction has characters immediately notice that binghe or qinghua are lying liars who lie. like "he smiled but it didnt meet his eyes etc" and im just guys. it's VERY established that the pair of them are VERY GOOD lying liars who lie. binghe's main character trait is that he can lie so convincingly that even shen yuan isn't always sure when he's sincere or not. and qinghua was literally a double agent for HOW LONG without getting caught? dude HAS to have a convincing fake smile. so all im saying is that people wouldnt immediately be able to see through that)
so like, yeah, all the bad luck and shit started happening when these two chuckle-fucks opened up a cafe in the area so like, logically it has to be SOMETHING to do with them but binghe and qinghua are literally the two most harmless and charming lil dudes ever? qinghua looks like a harmless pathetic hamster and binghe will thank you tearfully if you like his lemon squares and these two are literally the most wholesome and sweet business owners in the area so clearly they're not behind it
like i just need people to losing their minds a little bit because bingplane have gaslighted them all into submission like the evil cut-throat two-faced fuckers they are.
i honestly cant decide whats better tho. the pair of them having a drink after work together where the vibes are "lmfao we're so evil lets bask in our victory" glow OR the two of them actually only have a faint idea that the other is ALSO an asshole x'D
oki i think i lean toward the latter bc i think thats funnier.
like binghe doesnt pay much attention to airplane bc, as stated, airplane is a pathetic lil whining worm and he legitimately could not care if the twerp lived or died so long as the taxes are filed on time. but tbh, even then, he's competent enough that he doesnt /need/ qinghua around. it's just kinda convenient to keep him around. so mainly he's just apathetic and ambivalent to qinghua, but like, he does sorta notice because they spend so much time together that theres a distinctly... ratty quality to the dude. like, qinghua disappears for an hour and no less than five minutes after his return theres a roach infestation found in their closest competition? sus as fuck. and theres a little bit of a game recognizing game type of energy, but bc binghe could not be paid to care about qinghua's existence, he doesnt really look into it
similarly, qinghua is like 80% sure that pathetic crybaby of a chef is just that, but also, look, he's not dumb and the last three customers who insulted his lemon squares came back to the cafe in casts and binghe is a little too quick to turn off the customer service charm sometimes. and qinghua has basically decided "i actually really dont wanna know". ignorance is bliss, whatever level of psycho his coworker is, he honestly does not care so long as the crazy fuck continues to bake like a god. he absolutely 100% does not get paid enough to know whether his coworker is a serial killer and he also has the self preservation to understand that the less he knows, the better
so they both kinda have vague hints that the other is a two-faced motherfucker, but it's something that they figured out over time. there was no immediate meeting and "oh i know what you are" it was like "oki we've been working together for a year and yeah, im starting to think this guy isnt what he seems". slowburn them into realizing that they have similar personalities, if you will
now as tempting as it is to taking this au in a bingplane direction bc im ngl, i am multishipping trash, i am much more interested in slowburning this as a friendship. or like, grudging companionship LOL because also that gives the opportunity for:
"i just had to ask the worst person i know for love advice" shenanigans
followed by "the worst person i know gives good love advice, fuck" shenanigans
maybe they're having a drink and it's friendly and binghe kinda jsut wants to go home because again, he does not give a fuck about the fact that qinghua is alive, and qinghua also sorta wants to go home but they've both sorta committed to the "we're friendly coworkers" bit so here they are at a bar and trying to map out the Soonest Possible Good Time To Leave when binghe unthinkingly asks
"how do you get someones attention?" because he kinda ran out of pointless weather-related topics and it was on his mind and he really didnt expect qinghua to give him a half decent answer but then qinghua DOES and also knows who binghe's crush is and also is tactfully NOT saying that he knows who binghe's crush is with the casual "look, as an example, that specific person might like~" type of thing
havent decided on a binghe ship tbh lol. like bingyuan is obvious but also would be fun to do some bingliu or bingmo instead lmao maybe bingning? look im a happy multishipper and binghe is shippable with Many Characters. tho for the purposes of this freeform au thoughtless drabbling, the binghe ship doesnt actually matter so i'll keep it vague lol
the point is that qinghua gives really good fucking advice and binghe is just Not Ready for that because he's absolutely seen what a Nightmare scene it is when qinghua tries to flirt
which is somehow how the two segue into a relationship where they talk about flirting and love interests and that sort of shit in the most "we are two stereotypical gossiping middle school girls on the planet who are giggling and playing truth or dare about our crushes" type of way lmfao
because yeah, they're both cut-throat two-faced assholes, but they're also both utterly Weak in love
might be fun if they cycle through a few different failed crushes, but still kinda have fun at each others houses in like pillow forts with martinis that binghe made and gushing about "omg he was like so cute, did you see the way that he brushed me off? ahh imma die, so hot" because also they realize that they both share a Type. they are both absolutely into the Cold Beauty type, altho luckily they haven't crushed on the same person at the same time Yet, but like, it's only a matter of time okay and they know it and they are fully planning to Destroy the other when the time comes bc it's not bros before hoes for them, ohno, it's "to get that hoe, i will bury my bro in concrete" between them and they both lowkey know it LMFAO
and look, mobei jun did not ask to be the culmination of that particular building battle between them. he just came for coffee okay. what the fuck is happening. why is this is life now.
because okay when the pair of them were crushing on individuals who popped into the cafe or people they met outside, there wasnt any sense of urgency to it because they'd just shoot their shot and usually it wouldnt work out, well, it worked out for binghe whenever he went after chicks but he quickly figured out that he was like Cursed with "women simp after me" virus and while it can be flattering to have a simp, it really isnt fun to DATE a simp, ya know? so those relationships usually ended badly. qinghua just has no game with men or women lol
but see, when they realize that they're BOTH after the same guy, then theres the realization that if they fail, theres actually the chance the other one will Succeed and that would be Bad because then they'd have to see the object of their affections dating a coworker and NOPE NO CANT DO IT, WOULD MURDER HIM, I NEED TO GET THAT MAN JUST TO SPARE MY COWORKER FROM BEING MURDERED. THIS IS REALLY ALTRUISTIC OF ME ACTUALLY
so now they're just A LOT more persistent than they've ever been before lmfao they are pulling all the stops, they are using every weakness, they are ready to fucking WRECK the competition
maybe i should aim for a bingyuanmoshang ot4 endgame lmfao. mobei jun and shen yuan are just a happily married poly couple and shen yuan is having the time of his life laughing his ass off every time his husband comes home from the coffee shop like "i dont know whats going on but im scared and weirdly horny" and when bingplane realize that the solution is that mobei jun has two hands (and a very attractive husband), things calm down lmfao
or alternate route for this path, instead of them both thirsting after mobei jun, shang qinghua just has the most pathetic crush in the world, so luo binghe decides to have mercy on his coworker and be a wingman. only he Very Accidentally catches mobei jun's attention instead and now airplane is actually kinda lowkey ready to kill him bc he thinks that binghe snaked him but for once binghe is innocent! he didnt mean to do it! and it's moshang endgame when mobei jun gets over his crush on binghe and notices the angry hamster desperate for his attention
oki instead of bingplane actively seeking out love at every corner, what if they're just not. like they do bond over crushes and stuff but actually they're kinda too busy with the cafe and life and hobbies to really think about romance more than a "omg he was so cute~" kind of way. so neither of them notice when they have customers who are just Actively trying to ask them out
like mobei jun has been desperately trying to flirt with the oblivious barista for MONTHS now and he's actually dying because qinghua will just say shit like "wow you're literally the most handsome guy ive ever seen" but then brush him off when mobei jun tries to ask him out bc qinghua just assumes he isnt serious and he's busy with the expresso machine and he has no idea that this man is just PINING behind him while he sighs pathetically to binghe later abt "man it's fun having crushes but dont you just wish someone could like you instead?" and binghe just like "look im actually desirable, cannot relate"
thinking bingliu route for this version bc i feel like liu qingge is just a lot more fitting for Uselessly Pining After The Barista than shen yuan is lol. also his attempts at flirting are basically just picking fights with binghe and he always loses and binghe has absolutely no idea how far gone qingge is for him LMFAO
also now that i think about it, mobei jun should be kinda bad at flirting as well LOL so shang qinghua is like 90% sure that mobei jun sorta wants to kill him
bingplane having their weekly gossip sesh in a pillowfort like "man oki idk why they keep coming to the cafe if they hate us so much... but also man they make for good eye candy, if they werent such assholes, i could see having a crush" and then maybe a terrible game of truth or dare results in both of them daring each other to flirt with the Mean Eyecandy Man and now moliu are about to get Wrecked LMFAO
look basically i think that this sort of au could go in multiple very delicious directions but at the base, i just want evil comrades bingplane running a cafe together with all of the gap moe in the world LMFAO
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angels444yuri · 1 year ago
droppin some tea cuz why not omg im supposed to me studying chemistry ughh anyhoo so i hv these 2 friends a guy and a girl right and i became friends with them only like half a year back anyway we went to the movies and on the way back our uber was bout to abandon us and it was raining and the girl was full on having an anxiety attack and let it slip that she likes girls. anyhoo i was like chill bruv ppl who luv u will accept u n wht not but the guy is like what , he was in shock kind of and i gathered obv that he liked her very much , over a year might i add as i asked the girl who said she kind of guessed anyway this mf guy just after 1 or 2 months of this confesses love to me and i dont know why it's so annoying to me bcuz i feel he felt rejected by her indirectly n now knows he has no chance so hes coming to me i look kinda like her so wtf am i like a second option. so anyhoo i told him exactly this and might i add this confession was over text like what a coward ryt and the next day this mf jus continues doting over the other girl and acting like her puppy and ik she doesnt lik him but im pretty sure she enjoys the attention yuh thas it rant over im actually ur mutual lol but i din wanna reveal identity okie
as an attention whore i'm in no position to judge your friend but i can sure as hell judge that man. he's embarrassing himself SO BAD. like this is pathetic levels of desperate omfg 😭 so glad you called him out on his bs. hope he looks in the mirror and realizes how much of a clown he is soon
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starsofmilos · 3 years ago
I felt the same (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Request: ok i know you did a similar theme with the amnesia fic and stuff but im such a sucker for the trope of someone being taken and the person they love trying to get them back, i was wondering if you could something where the reader is taken by ppl who want info on task force x or vigilante or something and they would never ever give up vigilante or their friends but they're really scared and close to giving up because they dont think anyone cares about them and doesnt think anyone is gonna come for them (meanwhile adrian is like losing his mind looking for them, but they didnt know he felt the same way)
Okie! I gotcha.
Warnings: angst, torture, violence, kidnapping, cursing, (READ WITH CAUTION), 
Adrian felt sick. He didn’t know why he felt sick. He just knew he did. Something was wrong and he was wracking his brain all day struggling to find the answer. Maybe he was coming down with a small bug. That’s at least what he tried to convince himself as he sat at the office with all of you trying to concentrate on the details for the next mission. 
You kept glancing at him concerned seeing him look so distant. It wasn’t usually like him. Adrian knew you kept glancing at him, but he just couldn’t bring himself to look back. Something was wrong. It felt like his chest was about to burst. It felt tight and he felt weak. 
Right after Emilia finished the debriefing. You went to him wanting to check on him. “Hey Adrian. You okay?” He tried to shoot a smile to you not wanting to make you worry over him. You were someone he held close. 
You both grew close when he joined the task force. It wasn’t hard for Adrian to fall for you. You were this kind, gentle nurse and IT tech. You didn’t treat him like he was dumb and genuinely respected his opinions. 
“Yeah I’m okay cookie.” His nickname for you was cookie. You had a habit of stress baking and there was an entire week of you bringing him nonstop cookies wanting to get rid of them. 
He loved it. You practically spoiled him. Anytime he was hurt, you fussed the most and would lecture him on being more careful. You didn’t care how he was Vigilante and even offered to be his personal nurse. Adrian realized he gained feelings for you the night he was shot. You sat everyday in the hospital waiting for him. Nursing him back to health when he got home. 
You also had it bad for Adrian. It was hard not to fall for the guy. Did he have a dark side? Yeah, but besides that he was the nicest and sweetest person you had ever met. He was a dork and genuinely made you laugh. You liked him, but terrified of losing one of the best friends you’ve ever had, you never told him.
“You sure dude?” He nodded as you sat next to him pressing your palm to his forehead. “You don’t have a fever.” You sighed a bit worried. Adrian shook his head. “You don’t fuss over me. I’ll be good dude.” Adrian moved your hand off of him smiling at you.
You nodded before standing up. “Well I gotta go pick up lunch you wanna come with me?” You asked him hoping he’d agree. Usually some time out with you seemed to cheer him up. 
“No I’m okay cookie. You go ahead.” You nodded. Adrian would regret not going with you. You grabbed your keys walking out with a small smile. “Alright I’ll be back soon.” You walked out driving to the pizza place everyone, but you seemed to like. It was alright though, your favorite deli was down the street from it. 
You got the pizza setting it in your car right as you went to get in your seat. A cry called out to you. It was a young woman. “Please help!” You closed your door raising your hand approaching her. “Miss are you okay?!” “Oh thank god!! Please call 911!! My husband he passed out!” You looked to where she was pointing seeing a man on the floor. 
“I’m a doctor! Let me look over him.” You ran to him pulling your phone out calling 911. Sighing in relief checking his pulse, you turned to his wife who stood behind you, “Does he have any preexisting medical condition-” You stopped seeing her smile before screaming feeling the man push a rag against your mouth.
‘Don’t breathe. Don’t breathe.’ You struggled trying to fight it off, but the need for air became too much. The woman smirked as your eyes drifted close. “We got her quickly throw her in the van.” The man nodded helping her moving to drive as she sat in the back tying you up. “We’ll finally get the info we want. Boss will be happy.” She cheered as you laid unconscious in the back.
It was two hours later than the time you said you’d be back. Adrian grew anxious waiting for your arrival. “Dude has anyone got in contact with Y/N?” John asked. Everyone was growing hungry. “I’ll call her.” Emilia sighed. She looked down in surprise when you didn’t answer. You always answer you phone. “Adrian can you try calling her?” He nodded feeling nauseated when it went straight to voicemail.
“John can you track her phone?” He nodded as Adrian kept calling you waiting for you to answer. “It says she still in front of the pizza place?” “Adrian-” Emilia was gonna ask him to go check on you. 
“I’m on it.” He ran out with Chris behind him. They both got there immediately looking around for you. “Fuck where is she!?” “Vig her car!” Chris pointed at it. Adrian ran to it. Sure enough there sat the pizza but no sign of you. They both went silent seeing something shine in the distance. 
“I’m calling Harcourt.” Chris told him as Adrian stared in shock at your bracelet that laid on the floor not to far from your car. You never took it off. It was a gift from Adrian. He saw it and thought of you so he bought it. It was only five dollars and mostly string, but you never took it off.
“Fuck!” Adrian kicked a nearby rock as the realization that something had happened to you settled in. 
You gasped awake tied to a chair feeling groggy. “Fuck me...” You groaned out looking around. It was a dark room only one light shined in it and it was directly on you. “Shit.” You murmured struggling in your ties. Grunting as you tried to loosen the ties, you jumped hearing the door open. 
“Hello.” A man walked in wearing a smirk. “You work with the task force correct?” You tried not to show your fear. “That depends who’s asking?” He smiled. “Ah a fighter I see.” You glared at him as he sat in front of you rolling his sleeves. “Listen I have some beef to deal with all of you.” You shook a bit as he pulled out a small pocket knife. “You guys destroyed my factory.” 
The last mission you all had to break into a factory to get rid some butterflies working in there. Adrian had accidentally set the place on fire. You guys didn’t care enough to be angry the factory needed to be shut down anyways.”Okay and? Maybe you shouldn’t have been doing illegal shit.” 
He laughed loudly as you pulled at your restraints. “You have no room to talk back. I’ve been scouting your team for a while now and came to the realization. You all need to pay. Because of you. I lost my fucking business. I’m still making money. Don’t get me wrong, but that was one my biggest sources of income-” “Oh boohoo. The villain lost their money. Fuck you.” He slapped you. 
“Don’t fucking interrupt me bitch.” You spit on him as he smiled. “See I knew it was a good idea to grab you.” You tried to pull away as he grabbed your chin squeezing. “I’ve been watching your team. Trying to figure out who was the best to take. I thought about the one with the dye beard, but he would crack easily. I wanna break someone.” You struggled against his hold as he trailed his knife down your arm. 
“I knew Waller’s daughter wouldn’t be fun. They’d get involved and she’d probably spend everything to find her. I didn’t want that trouble. The blonde one would’ve held out way longer than I would want her too. Even I know I can’t over power Peacemaker or Vigilante, but then I realized something...You.” 
You cursed as he cut your forearm. “I saw you. The way they interact with you. You are the doctor for them. You cure them and care for them, but they don’t seem to care for you like you do them. So I wanted to take the one that would be easiest to break and you were perfect. You are gonna be so fucking fun to tear down. I give you three days before you give up all your friends that includes Vigilante’s identity.” You cried out as he dug his knife into your shoulder. 
“FUCK YOU!” You struggled against your chains crying out as he cut your thigh. You screamed as he began slashing you. “This is gonna be fun Doc!” You glared at him as he laughed.
Adrian had been pacing the room. Why didn’t he go with you? Why did they take you? He grit his teeth kicking a nearby chair. “Dude calm down. I’m already looking for nearby footage.” John called out to him as Emilia sat there angrily. Who the fuck thought it was smart to take you of all people?
“Hurry the fuck up!” Adrian yelled at him sitting down. “We need to find her!!” Adrian had been playing every possible scenario in his head. What if they were hurting you? Or worse killed you?
“Okay I got it.” They all ran surrounding John. “Look there’s a woman approaching her.” Adebayo called out pointing at you. “Why did Y/N follow her?” Emilia asked before seeing you bend down behind a car. They moved to the camera showing a man had been laying unconscious on the floor.
“She was helping them,” Adrian spoke out before cursing as he saw the man sit up pressing a rag against your mouth. “Motherfucker!” Adrian yelled out angrily. You had asked him to go with you. He should’ve gone with you.
“Adrian calm down we’re gonna find her.” “They fucking played her. They had to have been watching her to know she would’ve helped them. She’s a doctor!” He sat down gripping his hair. Everyone else went silent. They couldn’t lose you, Adrian couldn’t lose you.
“Okay..” Emilia spoke up. “John start tracking her phone. Adebayo I need you to go to the store and ask the shop owners questions. Chris and me are gonna go over all of our old missions to see who could’ve targeted us-” “I got facial recognition on the guy!” John cut her off printing it. “Adrian and me can go interrogate him,” Adrian stood up grabbing his mask and guns walking out. 
“Let’s fucking go,” Emilia nodded. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Chris called out to her. “Yeah. Adrian will get them to talk.” 
You gasped for air as your head popped up after being dunked in water. You coughed as the man let your hair go letting you fall back into your side. “Still don’t wanna talk? What’s Vigilante’s name?” You shook your head. “Your mom-” Your head was dunked again and held under for a good five seconds. He only pulled you up when you began to not struggle anymore. 
“Come on don’t die on me yet doc.” You coughed throwing up a bit as he dropped you on the floor. “I’ll come back later maybe then you’ll talk.” You laid on the floor taking the time to feel peace before he came back in here. It had been an hour or so you think. Maybe it was longer. Time kinda blurred together. “They’ll find me..” You tried to reassure yourself.
“Who the fuck hired you?!” Adrian yelled out breaking the man’s leg as he screamed out trying to crawl away. Emilia stood outside the house being the lookout for Adrian. “I don’t know!! The woman just told me to drug her!” He cried out as Adrian panted above him pulling his gun out. “NO NO! Please!!” 
“I’m gonna give you one more fucking chance. Who the fuck hired you? And why did you take her?” The man cried a bit as Adrian glared at him. “Fucking speak damn it!” He kicked the man. “You stupid motherfuckers!!” Adrian picked him up single handily slamming him against the wall. 
“Fucking speak.” “His name was Vin! That’s what she said! His name is Vin!!!” He wanted her because they noticed she was close to all of you. They said she was the easiest to break!!” He cried out as Adrian heaved turning his head. “Where is she?” “That I don’t know! I swear to you! I swear I don’t fucking know! I drove them to another car! It was red! I helped her in there and then drove off! I’m sorry!!” 
Adrian laughed a bit. “Oh you’re fucking sorry?! You weren’t fucking sorry when she struggled against you! Were you?! When you made profit off of a woman who thought you were hurt and instead of fucking driving off ran to you to fucking help!! Were you fucking sorry then?!” He threw him down stomping on his neck killing him. Adrian walked out. “Did you get that?!” Emilia nodded grabbing the mans phone. “We’ll see what John can get from this.”
You sobbed into the floor as the man, who you found out goes by the name Vin, stomped on your collarbone. A loud crack resounded through the door. “Did you know it’s been five days Y/N?” You cough trying to managed through the pain as Vin kicked you. 
“I’ll take that as you didn’t. It’s officially been five days since you’ve been taken and your friends..They have yet to find you. Maybe they don’t want to find you.” “Shut up..” You whimpered out softly. “Oh you want me to shut up? Can’t deal with the reality that no one fucking cares for you. They probably found themselves a new doctor. You were just a fucking work associate. They were never your friends-” You spat on his shoe glaring up at him.
“I’m not telling you shit. You mother fucking asshole.” He smirked. “I knew you would be fun to break.” He walked out. “I’ll come back later. Make sure to keep her alive.” He yelled out to his team as he left. “They’re gonna come for me...They will..” 
“It’s been a fucking week how the fuck have we not fucking found her!!” Adrian threw a nearby pencil holder to the wall. “We’re trying Adrian!” Adebayo yelled out wanting him to calm down. “She needs us! She is always taking care of us!! And now that she needs us she’s fucking alone!! I just fucking want her back!!” He paced the floor. “Adrian..” Emilia called out to him. 
“What?” She sighed terrified of his reaction from what she was about to say. “It’s been a week. I’m sorry to say it, but we need to start thinking that..” “What?!” He yelled out. “They might have killed her already.” “No.” “Adrian-” “No all of you shut the fuck up. She is alive. We are not giving up on her.” John sighed nodding. 
“She’s our friend..She would’ve been fighting for us. We can’t stop.”John agreed with Adrian. Emilia sighed sitting down. “I never said stop looking for her, but we need to start thinking that she’s-” “She’s not.” Adrian spoke up. Chris nodded with him. “Y/N is strong. She’s not gone.”  Adrian shook a bit deciding to take off. Some patrol would do him so good. 
He practically tore through every criminal he found that night. 
Adrian went to every lead they found killing whoever he deemed necessary to find you. It had been officially a week and a half since you went missing. Adrian was tired, but he wasn’t stopping. They finally had a break through once they found the women who attacked you that day.
You cried out as you hung from the ceiling feeling him repeatedly punch you. “Tell me what I want to fucking know!” You sobbed into your arms shaking your head. “Fuck you bitch!” He kicked you in the stomach laughing as you cried. “No one fucking cares Doc. Why do you still want to protect them? All of this can stop if you just tell me what I want to know.” 
Would it be so bad to tell him? You pondered for a bit. Did they actually care for you? Did Adrian actually care for you? He promised he would always protect you, so why isn’t he here now? Why didn’t he go with you that day? It’s not like he loved you like you loved him. He didn’t feel the same. 
“Come on doc just spit it out..” You shook looking at him. “Vigilante’s name is...” He smiled widely waiting for you to speak. You clenched your teeth as your whole body throbbed in pain. You wanted so badly to break. You did. Adrian didn’t care for you. None of them cared for you, but the idea of him finding Adrian and killing him. That would haunt you for the rest of your life.
“His name is Fuck you.” You shook a bit as he grabbed a nearby crowbar. “Tsk tsk...Could’ve ended all of this..Fine I can hurt you a bit longer.” No one would come for you. That is what you realized, but you’ll be damned if you give up the person and people you held close to you.
You looked up hearing gunshots down the room. A roar echoed down the hallway. You looked at him with a small smile. “Fuck you.” You muttered out as he grabbed his gun running out there. You relaxed knowing help was just around the corner. 
Shutting your eyes, you sobbed finally feeling the relief you’d been craving for days. “Y/N?” You opened your eyes seeing Adrian walk into the room cautiously. “Vigilante!” You yelled out crying. Tears streamed down your face as you saw him run to you. He began to cut the rope holding you catching you as you fell. You hiccuped curling into his hold as he gripped you tightly. 
“I didn’t tell them anything I swear! I’m so sorry!” “Shh shh it’s okay..I know you didn’t tell him anything-” “I was so close to breaking! I’m so sorry!! Please don’t be mad at me!!” You grew a bit hysteric crying into Adrian’s chest. “I’m sorry!! I’m so fucking sorry! Adrian please-” Adrian shook his head feeling tears brim his eyes as he shushed you softly. “I’m not mad. I promise I’m not..”
 He reached up about to pull his mask off before feeling your hands grab his. “Don’t! It’s not safe!” “It is. I promise you. You’re safe now..” You let him go letting him remove it. “See I’m here now..You’re safe..” You sobbed into his armor as he lifted you up carrying out of there. “Close your eyes.” You nodded gripping his shoulder tightly as he carried you carefully out. 
Vin had been tied down by Chris and Harcourt. They both glared at him before widening their eyes seeing your shaking weak form. “She needs a doctor.” They both nodded. “Kill this motherfucker and let’s get out of here.” Adrian wanted to be the one to kill him, but as you gripped his shoulder hiding your face in his chest. He realized there was someone more important. 
You jumped hearing a loud gunshot before being laid down gently in the van by Adrian. “Hold on. We’re gonna get you help okay?” You nodded gripping his hand. “I’m sorry...” “It’s okay. You’re okay..You did such a good job holding on for us.” John began to drive.
“Please don’t be mad at me..It hurt it was so constant..I’m so sorry I almost broke..” You cried into his legs. Adebayo wiped her face. You were hurting so bad you almost broke. John clenched the steering wheel speeding up a bit. 
Chris comfortingly rubbed your leg as Adrian stroked your hair. Emilia stood silent shaking a bit as you cried in relief. Adrian shook his head. “It’s okay..None of us are mad at you..” “Promise?” You whimpered out as Adrian stroked your hair. “I promise..” He sniffled a bit as your eyes began to droop. 
“Hey hey! Come one now. Stay awake for us yeah?” “I’m sorry..I’m just so tired.” “Stay awake Y/N..” “I got scared I’d never get to tell you..Adrian I love you..” He shook his head. “Come on stay with us! Hurry the fuck up!” John nodded practically breaking all the traffic laws. 
“I love you so much..” You whispered out grabbing his hand. “I know you probably don’t feel the same-” “No I do! I do! So please stay awake! Please! For me?” You shook your head. “I can’t..” “Yes you can Y/N.” Emilia spoke up moving near you. “You can. We know you can.” Chris nodded. “You’re the strongest one here. You can stay awake Y/N.” Adebayo nodded agreeing with Chris. “We have so much to tell you so stay awake okay?” 
“I’m sorry guys..” Your eyes shut as you drifted off. “NO! NO! Please don’t take her! Please!” Adrian broke down yelling at John to hurry. “Please. Please.” He begged. 
Once at the hospital, Adrian ran in screaming for help with his mask on. Everyone else ran in behind him yelling too. They wheeled you off as they all sat in the waiting room. Adrian tapped his foot impatiently for the time they had you. It was two hours when a doctor came out. “How is she?” Adrian was the first to ask. “She’s okay.” “She is?” “Yeah it was a very close call though. Her collarbone is broken. It seems like she was hit and mended repeatedly. There’s still stitches on cuts that don’t look old.” 
Adrian clenched his fist. They were keeping you alive just to torture you all over. “Can we see her?” Emilia asked him. He shook his head. “No not yet anyways. She’s malnourished and is very lucky to be alive. We have her in the ICU. We will call you all with any news.” 
Adrian sat at home for a bit before showering. He let himself fully break down when he looked at himself in the mirror. He let you down. You were hurt and scared. He wasn’t there. He wasn’t fucking there.
He drove back in the hospital spending three whole days there waiting for any news for you. The nurses encouraged him to go home, but he wouldn’t budge. Once you were allowed visitors, he sat in your room the whole time waiting for you to wake up. 
Your eyes felt dry as you opened them. You winced trying to sit up before hearing a toilet flush. Adrian came out gasping as he saw you awake. You immediately threw the blanket off wanting to run to him. Adrian was near within seconds though pushing you back down. “Rest.” “I kept telling them I wanted to see you-” “I know, but rest.” You nodded feeling tears threaten to spill over. “I’m-” “Don’t you dare fucking apologize again.”
“I love you.” Adrian murmured into your hairline as he kissed your face. “You have no idea how crazy I went looking for you..” You frowned seeing the dark bags under his eyes. “I almost gave you up. I thought you didn’t care for-” 
“Don’t even finish that. Y/N I literally killed so many people just to find you. I love you and care for you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you..” Adrian let himself cry into you. “I love you too..” “I swear I felt the same! I swear I did!” You nodded hugging him as best as you could with one arm. Your other being in a cast and sling.
 “I’m sorry I doubted you..” He shook his head. “No it’s okay..I’m just so fucking relieved you’re actually here. I felt the fucking same. I swear to you..” You nodded as he kissed your cheek. You grabbed his face kissing him needing to feel him close. Adrian kissed you back just as eagerly wanting you close as well. Your teeth clacked against one another as gripped the nape of his neck tightly. You wanted to stay like this longer, but you needed air. 
“I thought I wouldn’t get to tell you..” “I know. I thought the same.” Adrian sniffled as you wiped his tears away. “I love you Adrian..” “I love you Y/N..” He smiled kissing you once more. There were still things to talk about, but for now Adrian needed the reassurance that you were actually here. Hurt and scarred, but still here..
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ohlookitsthearkhamknight · 4 years ago
*Rose is babysitting Lian*
Rose: “I have to go to the store and get a few things. Dad your in charge please for the love of god dont let me see you on the fucking news.”
Rose *turning around*: “okay lian be good for me ok and when i get back we can watch a movie ok?”
Lian: “Okkkkkkk”
*Rose turning back to face Slade* : “I’m watching you and dont think for a second i wont call jason or kori over here”
Slade: “please rose i know what im doing. We”ll be fine ive did this before. Kinda.”
Rose: “okay fine be good i gotta go”
*Rose leaves*
Slade: “okay li- Lian?!?!”
*Slade running down the hall*: “LIAN?!?!?”
*Slade runs into his office where his suit and weapons are*
*Lian holding his sword*: “oooooooo whats this?”
*Slade picking lian up and taking his sword away from her*: “okay rules, no touching anything thats sharp okay???? Also this room is off limits ok!?!?!”
Lian: “okie dokie” *skips away*
*Slade running his hand over his face*: “this is going to be harder than I thought”
2 hours later
*Lian playing with some toys*: “uncle ollie can be stupid sometimes and grandpa batman is always angry”
Slade huffing : “tell me about it”
Lian: “everyone doesnt like auntie rose because of what she does and because your her dad. Just like they dont like mama.”
*Lian looking down*: “At least you dont think im going to grow up and hurt people”
Slade: “who the hell thinks that!?!?!?! YOUR A KID”
Lian: “they act like i cant hear them but i can. I heard them talk about daddy too and mama. Uncle jaybird says to ignore them but thats hard.”
Slade: “who your parents are has nothing to do with who you become. Your a good kid lian. Your not like us. Your better. Dont listen to them. They’re probably just jealous they dont have cool aunt and uncles like you do”
*Lian giggling*: “hehe no they dont. They are just mad they dont have a cool grandpa like you”
Slade.exe stops working
*Slade smiling but also maybe crying a little*: “yeah they dont. Wanna go get some ice cream kid?”
*Slade nodding his head in agreement* : “yeah we can take bad guys down too”
A few hours later
*Rose walking thru the hallways when she hears slade singing and stops to look into her room*
*Slade humming an old lullaby*
*Lian drifting off to sleep*
Rose: “and here i thought you were going to call me panicing”
Slade: “i almost did but i think i got the hang of it”
Slade: “shes a good kid.”
Rose: “yeah she is. I just wish roy was here. I know what it feels like to have one dead parent and one incompetent parent. No offense but still”
Slade: “yeah I understand. But she isnt alone. Shes got all of you guys to take care of her. She has a good family. She has you.”
Rose: “and you”
*Slade chuckling*: “everyday you remind me more and more of your mother. I might have messed up at being a parent but she didnt.”
Rose: “you werent all that bad. I mean look at you. Lian trust you. Something she doesnt give out willingly.”
*Rose smiling*: “your a good grandpa”
Slade: “i try my best”
*Rose sighing*: “thanks for this. she needed something to cheer her up”
Slade: “well ice cream has always worked for me when i get down. I honestly didnt do much.”
Rose: “you know thats not what i mean. Thank you for making sure that she knows shes good. I know what it feels like for people to talk behind your back about you when your parent isn’t exactly your average textbook good guy”
Slade: “i tried my best. But seriously you ever find who was saying shit tell me. No one is going to talk about her. Not if im still breathing.”
Rose: “dont worry i will. Now come on i have groceries to put up.”
Slade: “ill make dinner”
Rose: “no uncle billy is coming over and hes cooking. He doesnt trust you since last time”
Slade: “oh come on that was one mistake.”
Rose: “yes one mistake that ended with me having to buy a new oven”
Slade: “ok ok ill keep my hands away from be oven”
*Lian suddenly appearing in the living room*: “i cant sleep. I want to watch a movie now”
*Rose slowly turning towards slade*: “when did you give her ice cream”
*Slade nervously turning to face rose*: “maybe right before she was supposed to go to bed”
Rose: “damnit dad”
Rose: “and who did you get that from?”
Lian smiling: “grandpa alfie”
Slade and rose: “of course you did”
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wickedpact · 3 years ago
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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azaraspirit · 4 years ago
So I met a guy, and he rushing it, I don't want to rush, because I never really had a boyfriend or my first kiss, and if it is meant to be then it will be, and he just like he wants a relationship and everything, but I did told him, I don't want to rush, I just want to be friends for now, now he making me feel bad, playing with my emotions, because I friendzone him, but that how works kinda, see how you are as friends then go to the next level. He not over his ex, because he talk about her a lot, what she did to him, and I feel like he trying to say that every girl is the same, will cheat on their partner, that not true. We are literally like salt and salt, and we need to out balance each other, so when I feel insecure and he feels insecure then we can't build one other up, because we both feeling bad, too much saltness. So it needs to be pepper and salt, there need a balance. But I feel bad I friendzone him, oky yeah I'm ready for a relationship, but I don't need a person to tell me I'm worthy or beautiful because I know that, I learned to accept me, for me. And he doesn't understand that, what do I dooooo ughhhh
-Tha daily anony
okay i hate to say this nonnie but
dump his ass. just drop him.
he sounds exactly like my ex and girl trust me you do not wanna get in that.
idk how old you guys are but i already dont like this guy and he sounds like a whiney little bitch who needs to work on himself and move on. whatever you do not rush it. i cannot stress this enough. my ex turned out to be a whiney little bitch complaining to my friends that i dont want sex and im so glad i didnt give him anything bc i knew it wasnt my time yet. he wasnt the right person. i dont want you to feel pressured like he made me feel. ever. no one should. that is emotional manipulation, a huge red flag. the "friendzone" thing is such a toxic way of thinking. no one should expect sex from you not ever. like my ex wanted sex after a month. i knew i wasnt ready and he did too. sometimes men just use you to have sex to try and get over someone else. but dont do it. dont do something you'll regret.
so please nonnie heed my words and drop him hiss ass. drop him like a dead fly. tell him youre not ready yet. and he protests and whines and guilt trips you then that only proves it further that he is a man baby with a tiny dick and doesnt deserve you.
sorry nonnie i didnt mean to go off like this lmao i feel like a mom lol i just feel really strongly abt this cuz i been in the same situation.
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mymoshangthoughts · 2 months ago
i think i have the unpopular opinion that airplane is an egotist lol
i do enjoy reading fics where he's like "i dont deserve good things, this guy is way out of my league" and i do totally get where people are coming from when they characterize him that way but more and more lately im just like
"what about the comments?"
like i dont think that airplane has a SUPER high opinion of himself, but i think he's just kinda... confident? like when he reads fucking essays online about how his writing sucks he's able to laugh his ass off over it and even join in the fray. so i keep thinking rather than him being like "i dont deserve this nice thing", he'd more have a "SCORE! nice thing for me!! WHOO!" reaction. and when a bad thing happened, instead of being super "this is the saddest day of my life, someone was mean to me", he'd be more "omfg did you like fr waste your time being mean to me? thats actually pretty embarrassing for you lmfao, r u oki bro?"
like kinda that terminally online asshole internet troll of a person who just doesnt take shit seriously and has enough self esteem to just legitimately not give a fuck when someone is shitty
ofc it's different with demons who can literally skin him alive, theres a huge difference between someone saying "youre ugly" and someone breaking every bone in his body, so its not like he doesn't cower when necessary
but also inwardly he just has the confidence to not be effected much by cowering. like "lol imma hug this thigh bc i aint stupid but the fact that this asshole needs me to hug his thigh says a looottttt more about him than it says about me"
idk im just kinda wanting to see more unapologetically confident airplane who just does not give a fuck about anyones opinion so long as the opinion is coming from someone who cant actually fuck him over in a significant way. like sha hualing? obvs care about her opinion, she can gut him. some rando disciple? "lmfao out of my way loser, im gay"
also i kinda wanna see that confidence stripped away until he's a mewling mess but thats just my desire to break down confident characters and make them cry pfff
its so much funnier to me if airplane was actually a pretty impervious sort of person, it's only the extreme nature of his current situation that turned him into a crybaby lmfao
idk if im making sense, i just kinda think of airplane as being a hilarious mixture of "the most self assured guy you've ever met, to an obnoxious extent" and "wait does he have any self esteem at all?!? is he okay?!?" in a fun contradictory way, cuz thats the impression i got of him from canon
also modern au mobei jun getting Very upset bc it feels absolutely impossible to get under airplane's skin. like he's sitting here trying his best to get a reaction and airplane is just "lmfao yea but idgaf abt your opinion sooooooooo"
look, i also think it'd just be awesome if mobei jun is actually most attracted to the egotistical side of shang qinghua. like sure, he thinks that cowering sobbing pathetic hamster shang qinghua is delicious, but give him shang qinghua cackling arrogantly at his detractors with the air of an emperor? mobei jun might actually faint with desire
so like, mobei jun visiting an ding peak so much initially because shang qinghua is sus as fuck and all that jazz, but eventually he's sneaking in as often as possible so that he gets to peak that side of shang qinghua.
like he first notices it when shang qinghua is too absorbed in his paperwork to remember there's a demon lord casually napping on his bed and starts making fun of the lousy penmanship, his fellow disciples, other peak lords, no one is except from his sharp mocking tongue and laughing criticism. but he notices it more and more
someone comes to qinghua's door to throw their weight around? sure, qinghua acts all small and harmless with them there but when they leave, he's cackling about "annndd that pathetic loser thinks that no one knows abt his porn stache, pssshhh, get on my level pleb. especially with your frankly boring as fuck tastes" and qinghua has a dirty sense of humor too and it's sort of driving mobei jun insane
so maybe sometimes he shows up at the peak without announcing his presence, trying to peak what sort of shit that shang qinghua might say about him behind his back and mmaaaayyybbe mobei jun is a bit excited at the prospect and disappointed when it's difficult to hear his name on shang qinghua's tongue
until one glorious day when his timing is just right and shang qinghua is neck deep in the middle of northern desert paperwork and he lets loose and mobei jun isnt sure whats worse: the things that shang qinghua's biting insults are doing to him or how, in stark comparison to the way that shang qinghua insults to others, all of shang qinghua's insults are accompanied by dirty commentary about mobei jun's body and potential sexual prowess in a quite positive light. normally shang qinghua is all "lmfao mr. never-gonna-get-fucked qi-ge is gonna tell me what to do? tough shit my lil bitch, i might be your daddy but i know the full depth of malicious compliance! go back to your brat-kink with jiu-whatever. you might as well be dickless for all the success you've had, mr. virgin mcbitch" but with mobei jun it's a lot more like "oh so mr. sexier than the fucking literal god of this world could have imagined in his dirtiest dreams wants this paperwork by next week? unreasonable brat, so spoiled, i should spoil him, he'd look reeeeaallly hot when spoiled absolutely rotten beneath me hehehh wait above me? hm, anyway, he's being a little bitch but i'll forgive it for that face but also man i wanna just pinch those fucking cheeks sometimes and then--man i bet he'd be really fucking wild in the sack to and--"
absolutely charmed by the display, mobei jun immediately reveals himself and beats shang qinghua senseless as a very clear indication of his intentions. to his absolute dismay, he never hears shang qinghua insulting him again and he doubles the beatings in desperation to somehow get shang qinghua's attention
(shang qinghua does not, in fact, have any actual bad blood against his zhangmen-shixiong, he just has a bad habit of going for the throat when he's in the middle of a tirade bc he was once an internet troll who shamelessly thrived on the anonymity of being able to say anything to anyone. he just really likes to talk shit and if he was in a position of power, would absolutely abuse it to talk shit alllll the time lmfao)
anyway i got pretty off topic bUT MY POINT IS that shang qinghua is best (imho) when he is a shameless egotistical shit-talker who's more or less impervious to the criticism of others
((man just fucking IMAGINE mobei jun's reaction when the ascension ceremony happens? like he FINALLY gets shang qinghua to talk shit to his face no less and then IMMEDIATELY gets abandoned. and like, it was kinda Really Bad Timing and also mobei jun never really wanted to just be a passive participant! he wanted to retort back! he wanted a back and forth! he wanted to refute shang qinghua's claims that he was spoiled just as much as he wanted to hear those claims! he wants the push and pull!!!! SO WHY IS SHANG QINGHUA RUNNING AWAY THAT FUCKING TEASE?!?!))
also as a general note i do think that shang qinghua's whole impervious thing is prolly routed in a lot of the trauma of being unwanted by family and all of that stuff, there was no one around to build his ego up so he built it up all on his own and he's really fucking good at building things up
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