#he doesn't even retire from being a bartender
starcurtain · 9 months
I, for one, think that Diluc should get to ascend to Celestia. Just once, you know, as a treat.
And then Celestia should make him the god of wine just to absolutely drive him batshit for the rest of eternity.
"Next person who asks me to bless their beer mug gets a 20% upcharge on their entire tab. Are you feeling brave?"
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Older!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Bartender!reader
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader
Summary: A military lieutenant closing in on retirement, a younger, beautiful bartender, when you and Lt. Riley meet there is an instant chemistry, though it doesn't really go anywhere as he thinks himself a little too mature for you... until one night he stays at the bar later than he ever has and gets caught in a storm. What will happen after closing time?
Word Count: 9.4 k
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The night that Lt. Simon Riley walked into the local bar for the first time started off as any ordinary night would. A man of quiet and solitude, spending nights alone in his room were more of his style, but the older that the introverted military officer got the more a stiff drink at the end of a long week seemed to hit better and since there was usually no liquor to be found on base, the next best thing was the bar not a ten minute drive away…well, seven if he took his motorcycle. 
Accompanied by a few of his long time colleagues he stepped into the establishment with nothing else on his mind other than wanting a bit of liquor to ease the ache in his sore limbs and to take the stress of daily life off his mind. The place was small, the locals that seemed to fill the space were nothing noteworthy, but as soon as he settled in at the table the group had chosen and he caught sight of the beauty behind the counter pouring the drinks with a gentle smile on her lips his mind went blank as his heart leapt in his chest.
The lieutenant had done much in his long career and he found it odd how he couldn’t get himself to even walk up to the bar to order from you as a cold sweat broke out across his body. Was he really going soft the older he got? It took him several minutes of self coaxing to get him to actually get out of his seat. Thank fuck for his customary mask otherwise the product of his racing heart would be plastered all over his face for everyone to see. 
As he stepped up to order and your attention landed on him, all the military training in the world didn’t prepare him for how to keep himself composed in that moment. Even that first conversation you had that night left him reeling. You asked about his mask in the most casual way and something inside him decided to play things up. He told you how he needed it to fend off stares whenever he was in public. 
Trying not to chuckle at that curious furrow in your brow as if skeptical about how a 6’4” man wearing a painted balaclava wouldn’t draw attention, he continued by saying how he was just too good looking to go out without it. The laugh that followed, that genuine wide smiled laugh that you desperately needed after the awful night you had had was already working its magic on him.
He was addicted to your company from that moment on. A strange occurrence for someone who had previously been completely to spend time with no one but himself.
Seeing soldiers around wasn’t strange being near a military installation, you’d gotten used to it rather quickly, but the lieutenant was no ordinary serviceman. Skull masked and huge he was hard to miss, yet what surprised you more than any of that was how his personality was much more gentle than what his appearance would lead you to believe. He was a man of few words, but the ones he gave you were always kind and even sometimes funny and in time you have come to enjoy him being around.
Time has passed, but not much about that has changed. It is always a toss up whether you’ll see him that week or if his presence won’t be around for some time, but you swear that whenever he reappears with his war buddies in tow and those dark eyes find you standing in your customary place behind the bar, the tension in his shoulders eases and the corners of his eyes crinkle slightly through the visible gap in his mask as if his mouth has suddenly upturned. You convince yourself that it’s just for the commodities you supply…and yet… that doesn’t stop the way your heart thumps a little harder every time you see him.
It’s dumb, a stupid crush that won’t lead to anything anyway. He’s older, more mature and a bit intimidating, what would he want with someone like you? A man who’s seen the world would surely find a local bartender boring. Still, you can’t help the excitement that fills you up when he returns and immediately seeks out your company for a bit of chitchat and jokes. 
You try to hide away your infatuation as best as you can and soon you feel comfortable enough to call him an acquaintance, maybe even a friend. Just a friend, right? Just a friend.
Don’t mind the fact that you can’t stop yourself from sneaking glances over at him whenever he lifts the lip of that black mask up off the lower half of his face to take a drink. It doesn’t distract you, you haven’t accidentally spilled liquor all over the bar because of it. It’s the only part of him you have ever seen besides his eyes, the only part of him that you truly know, and yet it is more than enough to fuel a certain overwhelming yearning for him.  
Wishful thinking, you constantly remind yourself because nothing is ever going to come of it.
You almost trick yourself into believing that’s true until you notice that the usual routine begins to change. The last couple of weeks he’s been sitting solely at your bar rather than with his friends, lingering until the last minute where they have to shout his name before he decides to leave. It causes your mind to swirl with the possibilities of what this might mean.
Especially tonight.
There is something about tonight that seems different. It’s a fleeting tension in the air, a feeling that permeates the atmosphere inside the bar until you can’t seem to shake it from your mind no matter how you try to distract yourself from it. Is it exhaustion? You try to convince yourself that you’ve just worked a long, busy shift without a break and that’s what got you feeling off, but still something about it won’t quit playing through your thoughts.  
Last call, last rounds, and the bar is slowly emptied out of its patrons one by one until only a few straggling regulars remain inside while they finish up their drinks along with their conversations. Your eyes flit down to the end of the bar and notice that he’s still there. At the counter perched on a barstool, a nearly empty tumbler of whiskey still resting in his large hand, sits the masked military official. 
As you wipe down the glasses you’ve just washed and put them up, you can’t help the quickening in your chest as you keep stealing sneaky glances down towards him. He’s never stuck around this long; you watched as his crew left him behind and yet he doesn’t look too concerned or eager to follow them. Not that you’re complaining, far from it, but you can’t help being curious about how long he’s going to stick around. Could he still be here when the rest leave?  
You need a plan, something you can put together quickly to make him stay. Every second that passes that he doesn’t move gives you more time to think, even with your heartbeat pounding in your ears. Deep rumbles off in the distance can be heard over the music idly playing through the speakers, the first signs of an early storm about to roll in at any moment and that sparks an idea. If he can just stay past closing time, you know how to tempt him into sticking around. You just hope the weather will cooperate with what you need it to do.
From within the shadow around his eyes created by his mask, that autumn-colored gaze follows you carefully as you move about tidying the bar while he pretends to nurse his drink that he hasn’t taken a real sip from in almost half an hour. An empty glass won’t give him an excuse to stay; he just has to wait a little longer and he’ll be the only one left. 
Then what? The lieutenant hasn’t thought that far ahead. All he knows is that he doesn’t want to leave.
He brings the cup up to his mouth and holds it there, watching discreetly over the rim as you finish up the tasks you can while patrons still inhabit the space. Setting the glass back down as if he’s taking a sip, Lt. Riley pulls out his phone and the screen blooms alive. The light illuminates his eyes as he immediately draws them to the clock at the top left hand corner. It’s less than ten minutes till close and then it’ll just be you and him.
He continues to follow you with his eyes as you leave your spot to persuade the few drunkards still dawdling about the place to head on home to sleep off their hangovers before they get caught in the rain, but you never once make the same request of him even as you pass him to lead the stragglers out into the night. Just as the last patron leaves out the door you are holding open the tinkling sound of rain hits his ears, followed by the distinct click of the door’s lock engaging, and he takes the last swig of brown, biting liquid to finish off the glass before setting it back down on the counter just as you reappear at his side. 
Coffee eyes dart up to yours only to get locked in their gaze as he carefully lowers his mask back over that chiseled, stubble-covered chin and a subtle change in your expression catches his attention. It is fleeting, but for a second the way you look at him with those wide, doe eyes he swears there is a hint of worry in their depths. 
Is he planning on leaving now? No, you need to put your half-baked plan into action fast or you might lose the moment and you don’t know if you will get an opportunity like this again. The rain outside is picking up heavier now, which gives you courage to follow through with this. 
There is a noticeable flush in your cheeks now and he likes the color it adds to your face. He wonders what’s got you all worked up and secretly hopes that it is in fact him, even if he quickly dismisses the idea before it can take hold of him.
“Guess you’ll be wantin’ me gone so ya can finish up,” he says from behind the fabric, though he makes no attempts to stand.
“Who said anything about leaving?” you reply with a smile as you step up to the counter beside him and reach over the cool, sealed wooden surface of the bar to grab you a fresh glass and the bottle of bourbon he’s been drinking that you’ve purposely kept close by. 
Your items procured, you move to the seat next to him and sit down. “Join me for a drink while we wait out the storm. I know you drove your bike here, you don’t want to go out in this. Unless you have somewhere to be, that is.”
He doesn’t say a word, just stares at you as you tip the lip of the bottle into your glass before reaching for his, pulling it to you, and doing the same. He watches the amber liquid pour and swirl into the bottom of his cup and still makes no attempts to exit his seat. You take it as a good sign. “On the house,” you nod towards the vessel of liquid as you hand it back.
Well, no sense in wasting good bourbon; he might as well stay for a bit. Only for the bourbon, he tells himself, only for the bourbon and to wait out the rain and nothing else. 
The sound system continues to cycle slowly through random songs as you raise your glass to him before downing the first swig with gusto, only a slight wince on your face as the alcohol burns its way down your throat. The lieutenant re-situates his mask above his lips and follows your lead. The moment the glass is back on the bar you quickly take it from him and set up another round between your cups before he can object.
“Like a woman who can hold her liquor,” he chuckles quietly and you match his energy with a giggle. 
“Then you’d really like me cause I can handle a lot more than that,” you pick as you place his glass back in front of him. Your heart pounds hard against your ribs as you surprise yourself at how easily the words flew from your lips.
He brings the glass up and keeps it pressed to his mouth for a moment without taking a sip so that he won’t choke from the unexpected innuendo he thinks he’s detected in your comment. Won’t do to look the fool if it actually isn’t there and he’s reading too much into things. 
Heavier still the rain pounds on the roof as it pours down outside, making the small space feel entirely secluded from the outside world. Here within the walls of the bar it’s like you two are the only people left in the world as everything else is cut off by a blanket of precipitation. You turn your attention to the doors to watch the droplets hit against the glass as you breathe deeply through your nose in a vain attempt to slow the racing in your chest.  
“It’s really takin’ a poundin’ out there,” the lieutenant comments as he follows your gaze and you have to clamp your mouth shut as the way he says the sentence has you dangerously close to accidentally admitting that the weather doesn’t have to be the only thing that could be taking a pounding right now.
You swallow hard as you turn back to him and again grab the bottle of liquor. “Guess we’ll be here a while,” you nervously chuckle, waiting for him to finish his second round so you can set up another before tending to your own glass.  
“Ya keep pourin’ free drinks and tha time’ll pass just fine,” he returns as he reaches for the drink and the back of his fingers accidentally brush over the skin of your knuckles before you can pull your hand fully away from the glass.
That stoic military man plays it off as if the minimal contact doesn’t feel like the magnitude from the collision of two universes and it hasn’t just made his heart forcefully restart. You notice his subtle readjustment in his seat and you pretend you aren’t struggling to even pick up your own glass as your limbs turn to jelly and your breath catches in your throat. An uncommon silence falls over the two of you as you both sit facing forward, staring at your drinks and yet you are sure that Lt. Riley is somehow closer to you than he had just been moments ago.
Three shots in and the alcohol is starting to play its deadly tricks. You really shouldn’t be doing this on an empty stomach, but you don’t want him to leave, not yet. The quiet tension that fills the short space between your bodies is thick enough to cut with a knife and the impulsive thoughts that are starting to swirl around in your head are becoming harder and harder to tune out.
Just watch what you say and don’t let the liquor get to your head, you coax yourself internally. If you can just hold it all in, you won’t risk making a fool of yourself. You need to say something, strike up some nonchalant conversation like you usually do; that should help with that ache starting to form inside. 
But as you turn to face him, your eyes get caught in following the line of his strong jaw up to the curvature of his mouth. You begin committing all the subtle details of the lower half of his face to memory now that you are at his side and can notice the beautiful imperfections of those visible features without the distraction of customers to take your attention away: the hints of gray peeking through the hair in his stubble, the mature lines around his mouth, the scars that are aged and faded. He raises his glass to his mouth and you watch the plump flesh of his full lips wrap around the rim in such a sensuous way that your mind instantaneously is overwhelmed with the need to become an inanimate object. 
Squeezing your thighs together a little tighter, you scramble to find an ounce of sanity to cling to while you fight off the desperate thoughts at the back of your mind as Lt. Riley sets his glass back down on the bar top. He feels your gaze boring into him and something about that tonight is sending him into a tailspin that causes him to take a moment to steady his voice from being influenced by the quickening in his pulse before he can ask what it is that’s causing you to stare.  
“Ya alright there?” he poses the question as he turns to face you and he can’t help but get caught up in the look in your eyes, curious about that shine in your dilated pupils as they focus on the bottom of his face.
That’s when it happens; a momentary lapse of judgment, that’s all it takes, one split second where you let your resolve slip and suddenly it isn’t just your eyes that are on his lips anymore. Leaning up into him, you meet his warm mouth in a hazy, quick embrace that makes your mind swim in ecstasy until you aren’t sure how much time has passed. Then all at once you are jolted back into reality as the heat from his breath makes the skin on your lips tingle and the horrid realization of what it is you’ve done slams into your chest with the force of a freight train.
In a flash you break away with an awkward chuckle at the ready to disguise your true feelings by being humorous. “Shit,” you say through your laugh as you place a hand to your temple, “looks like I’m a bit more tired than I thought. Liquor has gone straight to my head.”
Your mind is frantic to come up with something to get you away until you can calm down, but the lingering feeling of the friction of his lips against yours still permeates your every thought. Still it seems your feet know what to do without even thinking as you are now standing. “Let me go clean myself up while you finish your drink, yeah?” you suggest as the man beside you sits silent. “Like I said, it’s on the house, so feel free to leave even if I’m not back once you’re done.”
Those full lips you had just been pressed against stay closed and you don’t give him any chance to respond as you immediately turn tail to head straight for the restrooms at the other side of the bar without a single look back, that euphoric feeling slipping away as anxiety settles itself in your heart. It is probably just a bit of paranoia, but you swear you can feel his eyes staring holes into your back as you finally reach the door and quickly pop inside.  
The hinges on the bathroom door screech through the rust that covers them as you rush to step inside and head straight for the solitary sink near the back wall of the tiny, confined space. “What the fuck was that?” you question yourself as if you have any idea of why you would do such a thing. 
You turn on the taps and cup your hands under the cool water to gather enough in your palms to splash into your face. Fuck, you need to calm down and get a hold of yourself. Blindly reaching for the paper towel dispenser to your right, you grab a fistfull of those coarse bits of paper and pat the liquid off your cheeks before your eyes clock your reflection in the mirror in front of you. Those glistening irises stare back at you as your hands grip onto the sink as if it will help you in taking deep breaths. The blush in your cheeks has blossomed quite bright, bright enough that there is no hiding it even after the few minutes you’ve stood there just inhaling and exhaling. 
Great, you’ve probably run off the one person you actually enjoyed seeing around this shithole by losing yourself in the moment. Is it going to be worth it when he decides to avoid you from now on? That’s the only logical response you can imagine from the events that just took place. Closing your eyes tight, you hang your head with an exasperated sigh as you let the negative self-talk run its course, hoping that at least by the time you finish he will be gone and you can let yourself wallow in shame alone. 
Back outside the bathroom, the lieutenant’s silent gaze follows you all the way until you disappear behind the barrier clearly marked for the toilets. He grips back on and holds tight to the nearly empty glass as he finally turns his attention back around to the rest of the room before him and licks the length of his bottom lip heavily with the end of his tongue to catch the fleeting taste of your kiss as he sits in stunned silence, scrambling to take in all that has just transpired. 
With a few deep breaths inhaled, he throws back the rest of his drink and sets the glass down on the bar with a muted clink for a final time and turning his head back towards the restroom, he pulls his mask down over his face and gets to his feet to slowly head for the door.
It isn’t clear how much time passes before your ears pick up a sound that you do not expect.
Out of your thoughts you hear the familiar squeak of the door hinges and your eyes shoot open to instantly drift towards the source as that can only mean one thing now that the bar is shut down. There, standing noiselessly on the inside of the closed door and taking up most of the frame, is the imposing figure of the one and only Lt. Riley. 
The faint bit of sultry music filtering into the bathroom from the speakers outside the door fills the otherwise quiet of the space as you and that hulking military man simply stare at one another waiting to see who will be the first one to speak. After a few seconds though, the lieutenant makes the first move and slowly crosses the short length of the room with a calm and calculated precision. 
He comes to stop within a few feet of you and finally you find your voice. Those striking eyes never leave yours as he looks down at you through the space in his concealing balaclava and try as you might you can’t read what’s being expressed in his gaze. Is it anger, is it disgust, is it…something else? You don’t know, but you expect the worst and God do you hope you can fix this. 
“Listen, I am so sorry about what I did back there. I’m sure you’re uncomfortable,” you instantly stammer out another apology, only this time with more sincerity. “I genuinely don’t know what came over me to do that to you; we’ve only ever been friendly and I know I’ve overstepped. I won’t make excuses for my behavior, but I promise it won’t happen again. I would just hate to know that I made you feel too awkward to come back.”
There is a pause as his sight stays locked onto your face for what feels like an eternity as he silently tries to discern something within your eyes, a spark that he saw back at the bar, until he finally speaks for the first time since the incident. 
“Did ya not wanna do it?” he asks in a murmur, almost as if he is uneasy to learn the answer. 
The question catches you off-guard, being the only thing that your mind had not anxiously thought could be asked. What are you supposed to say? Under his tender stare you scramble mentally for a believable fib that you can pull off in your distracted state, but the only thing you have is the truth. Goddammit…why can’t you lie to him?
“I- I did, I do, but…” you say in an attempt to explain yourself, but his action causes the words to get lost on your tongue. 
This is not something that Lt. Riley is used to doing, he feels a bit too old and out of place for this sort of thing, but if there is one lesson that the seasoned military man in him always remembers, it’s that when you see an opportunity, you take it and so he moves in until his boots are nearly touching the tip of your shoes. Raising his hand to your head, he brushes his rough fingers through a few loose strands of hair hanging down around your face to tuck them delicately back behind your ear. More of your warm cheek is revealed to his touch and he wastes no time in placing his coarse hand to rest up against it. 
The sound of his voice hits your ears, but your mind is too numb to make out the words as you continue to stare up into his face while his thumb risks a few gentle strokes along the contour along your jaw. You desperately try to speak up, wanting to ask what he said, but your breath gets caught somewhere in your throat as that tender bit of intimacy disrupts all the involuntary processes that normally conduct themselves to keep you functional. 
Being here with him in the soft flickering fluorescent lighting of the bathroom, crammed into this tight space between him and the wall as the natural heat of his body makes the subtle scent of his spicy cologne bloom on his skin, it fills your head with disastrous thoughts that leave you in a haze of intoxication. You swallow hard to gain control. 
“W-what?” you ask.   
Lt. Riley’s strong jaw shifts beneath his mask, preparing himself to restart an admission that could be disastrous, but you’ve already played your hand and now he feels like he should too. “I said I’m done keepin’ this all in,” he reiterates as the softness of your skin under his rugged hand makes his fingertips ache to feel more, “sittin’ in here countless nights pretendin’ like it’s all fine, tryin’ to keep certain thoughts from gettin’ out. Told myself over and over I was too old for ya, that ya’d never go for a bloke like me, and it worked for a time. Then ya kiss me and suddenly I don’t fuckin’ care anymore. Ya say we’re friends, but, ya see, I’ve got enough mates, sweet’art.”
Drifting his thumb over from your cheek to the corner of your mouth he begins to slowly pull the pad of it across the silky skin of your bottom lip. Your mouth parts open with a faint inaudible gasp as he runs the length of all that tender, yearning flesh that is driving him to the brink of insanity. One kiss, that is all it took and now he is sure that there is nothing else that will satisfy him except for you. 
“I wanna be so much more,” he says without breaking eye contact.   
The fingers of his opposite hand find themselves at your side and glide eagerly around the band of your jeans they rest right against your hip. As his exploring touch makes contact with the balmy flesh of your pelvis up under your shirt, sparks of electricity feel like they web out over your skin and your breathing quickens with the increasing beat of your aching heart. 
“Been thinkin’ a lot ‘bout what I’d do if I ever got a chance wit ya like this.” His voice is heavily accented and husky with the magnitude of his need. “Thinkin’ ‘bout all the fuckin’ desperate things I wanna do to ya, but I never thought I’d get an opportunity like this. And now that we’re both ‘ere, I can’t stop the way I’m thinkin’ ‘bout those things again.”
As Lt. Riley traces burning lines over your skin, goosebumps forming wherever he goes, it’s hard to think of anything outside of how he’s never felt more alive than he does right now against you. His experienced fingers flit across your heated flesh the higher they go up your hip and your body trembles under the contact. Is this wrong? Is this right? He isn’t sure of the answer; shit, he’s getting closer and closer to retirement every goddamn day, but all he knows is that he needs you now more than he has ever needed another being before. 
And you need him just as badly.
His inhale is what brings you out of your thoughts and back into the moment. It’s a sharp intake of air and as you focus your sight back onto his eyes, he pauses the movement of his hand before it can get any further up the side of your torso. He’s getting ahead of himself and he needs to hear you to confirm that you need this too. 
“So, that’s why I gotta ask again,” he breathes the words into your face. “Did ya wanna fuckin’ kiss me? Or was it really a mistake?”
You can’t help letting out a wavering breath. Had you been holding it in this entire time? “I did want to do it,” you confirm quietly, struggling to get the words out through the dryness in your mouth. 
In your thoughts you silently beg the universe to not let this be some alcohol induced dream, even though you can feel his hand playing along your skin, sense the proximity of your bodies and the heat that flows off him to let you know that he is real, still you worry. What if this is all wishful thinking? The product of desperation in wanting something you don’t think you deserve to have? You stare back at him with bright eyes, begging for him to prove to you that this is so much more than delusion.
“I swear from the moment I first saw ya behind the bar, every fuckin’ time ya look at me with those pretty eyes ya nearly make me lose myself,” he says, his body so close that you are being physically swallowed up in his massive presence. “I need ya so fuckin’ bad.”
You look into the covered silhouette of his face and up into those dark eyes, the eyes you have adored from afar for so long, and fuck is it intoxicating to finally be the sole object of their unwavering admiration. It is impossible to not feel the want in his gaze, that same want that is overwhelming you too. And suddenly you realize that neither of you is leaving this bathroom…at least not for a while.  
“Y-you don't have to run from it anymore,” you say back softly, “Cause fuck, do I need you just as bad.” 
The desperate way you say it makes his whole body shudder and he struggles to control the ache flooding his limbs as the sound conjures to mind images of him pinning you to the wall and taking you with everything he has, capturing your lips himself this time in an embrace that will leave you faint as that insatiable hunger overtakes him.
Fuck, if he gets any harder he is gonna rip through the zipper of his jeans.
Your gaze pleads with him before it shifts down to the area of his face with the one thing you crave in that moment: his lips, his kiss. You need to have those full bits of flesh against your own again, it’s the only thing you can comprehend the feeling of in the haze that the overwhelming nature of his presence is currently producing to cloud your mind. You have to test that what you felt back at the bar wasn’t just the result of exhaustion and liquor, but that all that chemistry you felt in that moment was real.
And as if in answer to the question you haven’t asked, Lt. Riley slips his fingers into the neckline of his black t-shirt to find the hem of his mask and deliberately he pulls the fabric up to reveal his mouth and stubble-covered jaw to you once again, letting the excess cloth rest across the bridge of his prominent nose in the way he usually does it.
He parts his lips open somewhat to let in a little more oxygen as the space inside the bathroom suddenly feels far too small and the air much too stifling as he succumbs to the anticipation of meeting your lips with his again. This time it is deliberate; what if it doesn’t feel like that first time? It would kill him to know that after all the pining and aching for your touch that he has done that the spark he had just felt was all a farce caused by the liquor and unexpected timing. 
Yet without even thinking suddenly the lieutenant realizes that his hand is cupping the back of your head, his long fingers tangling into the strands of your hair to hold your head in place and you inhale sharply at the rougher contact. A smile forms on his mouth at your reaction, followed by a low groan that emanates out from deep within his chest. 
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, ya know that? Pretty girl.”
Those full lips of his ghost themselves over your own until the proximity makes you tremble from their seduction and your eyes flutter shut a moment as you let yourself succumb to the anticipation of when exactly he will break the distance. He waits on baited breath until your eyes slowly flit back open and your gaze meets his before he finishes his thought. “I wanna make ya mine so fuckin’ bad, luv.”
A smile crosses over your mouth as you hold his longing stare. You know he’s giving you an out, a way to step away if this isn’t really what you want, but from the moment your lips met back at the bar, there was no turning from this. “Then what are you waiting for?” you ask in the softest whisper as you can almost taste his breath from the proximity of his mouth. “Kiss me. Make me yours.”
You hear the deep breath he intakes before all at once he leans into you in a frenzy, not able to hold back that overwhelming tension for another second. The grip from his large hand palming through your hair is strong and keeps your head safe as he shoves you both into the wall, his firm torso pressing tightly into your curves as the brunt of his need and months of pent up longing is forced upon your lips with a feverish intensity that makes you instantly lose yourself as explosions like fireworks light up inside your mind.
Over and over he captures your mouth with hot aggression until your lips start to burn from the friction the harder he presses into them. You try to draw in air, but his heated advances on your mouth make it almost impossible to breathe; still, you won’t let him pull away even if he tries. The sparse dusting of stumble along his jaw pricks your cheeks and the skin around your mouth as the taste of the whiskey that he had just downed for courage floods the inside of your mouth from his breath and it hits your tongue with its sharp bite.
Your own hands decide they need to explore the man currently devouring your lips and you run up the back of his muscular neck to the bottom of his mask only for your fingertips to be met with cropped hair at the back of his head. The feeling of your fingers brushing over the short strands near the nape of his neck makes him shiver as the pleasure of the act snakes down his spine and you sigh into his mouth.
Lt. Riley is completely and utterly captivated by you…and he needs more.   
The hand he has wrapped around you he draws in towards himself so that you are pressed to him even tighter until your bodies are molded together as if you are one being, your curves meeting the firm muscles along his abdomen, and fuck if there isn’t something hard and throbbing piercing against your inner thigh that he starts to grind into you. 
“That’s it lieutenant,” you coax him as you match his movements in that desperate back and forth, scrambling to get as much friction as possible between your aching bodies. 
There is a deep grunt as he shakes his head. “Simon,” he growls into your open mouth as he readjusts his hips more squarely against you, “I need ya ta call me Simon. Say my name.”
Christ, his first name tastes like honey on your tongue and you feel feverishly excited to repeat it aloud now that you finally know it. His name. “Simon,” you groan through a break in his mouth’s connection. 
Those lips of his that dominate your own are frantic to embrace you until your mouth is on fire from the pressure. It’s like a spell the way you say it and suddenly there is nothing else he wants to hear more. “That’s it,” he breathes into you, “Say it again.”
He had always been lieutenant or Lt. Riley, but now he is Simon. Just Simon. And even though this has just started, it already feels like he is your Simon.
There is a heat in the middle of his chest, a burning, gnawing desire that has gripped his heart instantly in a desperate chokehold as his essence leaves your soft lips. “Fuck… again, sweet’art,” he begs; never has his name ever sounded so beautiful before and now that he has a taste of it off your tongue, he realizes just how starved he is for it.   
You say his name again, this time like a plea for more and it leaves him in a tailspin. His body cries out to feel you, all of you, without any barriers between your skin meeting his. He needs to experience every detail, explore every curve, relish every soft bit of flesh he can get his hands on; he’s waited long enough to have you. First he has to start with his mask. It’s in the way and he has no need to hide from you, not anymore, not ever again.
“Screw this damned thing,” Simon groans with agitation at the fabric still sticking to his heated features; he doesn’t want a single restriction between you both and with a quick pull starting from the back of his head, he rips the mask up and off his face, throwing it away without even caring where it lands. 
Cupping your face in between his large palms, he pauses only a moment to take you in as a new man, one entirely free of his anonymity, and allow you to truly see who it is that you crave. There is a vulnerability in his brown eyes that he cannot hold back as if he is waiting for you to change your mind now that you know the face beneath the disguise, but that could not be farther from what you are thinking. The desperate need he has for you shines in the depths of his gaze and it makes your already shallow breathing hitch in your chest. 
A gorgeous mess of dirty blonde hair is accentuated with silvery whisps at his temples, making him look distinguished and experienced. His eyes are even more intense now that they are not hidden in darkness and those solid, distinct features are highlighted with a little spackling of hair along his jaw. You can’t help but stare while you scramble to memorize every beautifully mature detail of the man you desire. He is everything and more than you could ever have imagined and all of it only for you. 
Reaching up, you trace the contours of his visage with the tips of your fingers as if sight isn’t enough and you can feel him tremble under your gentle touch. You outline old scars and just forming creases around his eyes as if they are precious and something about the tender way you take him in is enough to stop his heart.
The way your eyes linger on his face has his blood racing violently through his veins and in a haze of lust and euphoria he grabs you by the biceps to spin you round before he slides his hands up under your arms to pick you up, setting your ass on the edge of the small, one person sink. Expertly he slides himself between your open legs while pushing them open wider with his hands to accommodate his broad hips.  
“Fuck, I’ve wanted ta do this for so long now,” he says as his eyeline locks directly onto your full, juicy pout before he immediately has his hand catch the back of your head again to pull your face back to meet his. He connects your mouths back together with another moist, sticky embrace. 
Simon cannot get enough of you, not when it feels like you are meant to take every single ounce of his desire from the moment your lips met each other back at the bar. Unintentionally you roll your hips into him and fuck does it feel good for you to grind against that stiff peak strainging his jeans to capacity.  
He tilts your head back, his hands cradling your neck as his thumb brushes down the side of your throat closest to him. So soft, so silky, his lips ache to get a chance to caress such beauty. The longer he stares the more the idea blossoms in his mind that all that free space would look perfect with a little reminder of where he has been.
Never has he had something so gorgeous at his disposal. It’s enough to make a man lose himself.
“Ya know what I really been thinkin’ ‘bout? Wanna markup this pretty neck ‘a yours,” he groans the desperate request into the skin of your lips. “Leave my signature on what’s mine now.”
Fuck, why does that sound so good? Now you can’t think of anything else other than that one word being said in his voice: mine. Nothing has ever made you so instantly needy than the sentiment behind his statement. To be claimed by him is all you want.
“Please,” you beg enthusiastically, “I want you to mark me.” 
You’ve barely finished your sentence before your words are quickly followed by an open-mouthed moan as Simon doesn’t waste a single second in moving his lips straight to your throat, using the pad of his thick tongue to lick up to the spot he’s aiming for before latching onto that thunderously pounding vein right beneath your jaw. The sound of your moan pulls a tight knot deep in his belly so that his cock twitches at the tone.
“Gonna leave ya wit somethin’ beautiful,” he grunts the passionate words without lifting his lips off of you. He has to be sure that the pressure takes and leaves the area nice and visible with his signature. 
His mouth latches onto the side of your throat just below your ear before you feel the sharp sting as his teeth dig hard into the soft, supple flesh. The pressure is so intense from the suction of his lips you can almost feel the skin bubble up further into his mouth; there is no question that there will be a big, angry, purple blotch by tomorrow.
“Open. Your. Legs.” 
With shut eyes you hear his demand through the fullness in his mouth and widen the gap between your thighs just as a broad hand slithers its way inside the top of your jeans and into your panties right up until Simon cups it over your pussy. Your lips are already puffy and slick with your need, the heat filling his palm with your desperation for more as his thick fingers part them like a hot knife through butter.
Gently he uses the pad of his middle finger to circle around the tiny nub at the top of your pussy, that sweet little button full of nerve endings that immediately make you whimper as he plays around it, teasing the sensitive tissue with a light, steady touch without making any contact with it yet. He’s waiting to feel a tremble shake its way through you, your body’s way of begging for more stimulation, before he gives in to the gnawing ache he’s desperately trying to create in you.   
“Please,” the whispered plea falls from your raw lips as agony sets in, but he stays the course. 
You groan deeply, your body straining to hold on as your clit throbs, and just as your head falls back and your eyes close there is a quiver that ripples through your inner thighs. There is no way for you to know, but you swear that his lips upturn against your neck and suddenly he is stroking the tip of his finger over that pulsing node.
Raising your hands to his shoulders, you dig the tips of your fingers in hard to the muscles in shoulders through his t-shirt to hold on as your entire body is enchanted by his stimulation. The pressure from your touch causes him to grunt excitedly into your neck, aroused by the desperate roughness of the contact, and you can feel the vibration in the back of your throat. 
The fluorescent lights overhead flicker with a metallic click and his eyes flutter open just as a bead of sweat catches the light as it rolls down your chest and into the valley between your breasts. Simon watches its entire path as it descends into your cleavage before another grabs his attention. Before this one can get away he licks it up with the tip of his tongue, capturing your salt in his mouth. There is nothing on you that he wants to go to waste, not when he has waited this long to finally have a taste of you.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ perfect,” he moans deeply into your skin as if he is trying to fuse his words with the flesh so that you will carry them with you. “I’m one lucky bastard ta even get the chance ta touch ya.” 
“I’m the lucky one,” you breathe. “I’ve wanted you for so long Simon. Just didn’t want to risk looking the fool and driving you away if you didn’t feel the same. I couldn’t stand you not being around.”
Simon pulls from your throat and his face drifts back up to look into yours, his fingers still working their magic. You meet his gaze with an open mouth as the ecstasy builds, the eye contact intensifying the already intimate act. 
“I’m not fuckin’ goin’ anywhere,” he says with conviction that it turns your already desperate need for him completely feral. 
You tug at his belt, your fingers clumsily fidgeting with the buckle until it finally comes loose and falls away, hitting his hips with a jingle as metal clanks against metal. A swift nip at your bottom lip is his response to being undressed as you grab onto the pull of his zipper and rip it all the way down to reach the seam. His pants are barely hanging onto his body now, clinging ever so carelessly at his hip bones and ready to slip off them at any second with the slightest amount of movement. 
“I need you inside me,” you breathe into his mouth as your hands gripped onto his hips push the fabric down, making him lightheaded at your neediness. 
Of course you’re curious about the protuberance prodding into you and as the last of his clothing falls away, your eyes drift down. “Fuck…” you whimper in a whisper as you release his cock and it springs to life as it’s no longer confined. 
“It’s all yours, sweet’art,” he says as he runs the edge of his teeth across your lip while his hands paw at the waistband of your pants. “Been fuckin’ gnawin’ at the bit to bury it in ya. Goddammit, ya get me so fuckin’ hard I can barely handle myself sometimes. Have to rub one out the moment I get back to base.”
It’s your turn now and he helps to keep you steady while you raise your hips off the sink enough that he can pull down your pants and drag them off your legs, taking your skimpy panties with them so that there’s nothing left to remove. “Fuckin’ hell,” he says, his breathing shaky as he takes you all in. All that glorious, soft, supple skin could not be more beautiful.
You cup his cheek and he comes back into himself, back into the moment with you. “Simon, please.” 
That’s all he needs to hear before he moves to align himself at your pulsing and dripping core. “Need ya ta breathe for me,” he reassures, “just breathe.”
Your head is held upright as he peers deep into your eyes while you struggle to take him in, his girth stretching out your tight hole the deeper he goes until your body contours to his specific shape. He tries to speak, but only incoherent, slurred words trip off his tongue at the feeling of his cock being throttled with how tight and wet you are. How can a being so exquisite want someone like him?
“You’re perfect, luv,” he groans as he scrambles to settle himself so that this doesn’t end prematurely by digging his fingers into your hip. “Ya drive me insane, pretty girl.” 
God, his honeyed words act as an aphrodisiac and the pleasure is almost too much. “I’ve wanted you for so long Simon, thought I was gonna break everytime you came in for a drink. I need you to fuck me good. I’ve waited so long for this.”
He chuckles as he lifts your chin. “Baby, I only want to make you come,” he says while staring deep into your eyes, clenching so that his cock twitches within you to make you gasp with a surprised smile.
To be inside you is mind-numbing, but that doesn’t stop the need he has to thrust, to shove his cock further and further up into you. Even within the first few minutes he is already pussydrunk so that he is slamming into you with a feral roughness that leaves his rhythm scattered for a bit as his brain only has one objective and that is to make you both fall apart.
One hand, fingers spread wide, braces against the wall aside the mirror, the other rests around the back of your neck as his hips snap up into you with a consistent fluidity. The sink beneath you groans and squeaks in time with each of his thrusts, the unfamiliar strain putting pressure where it connects to the wall. 
Having him pounding inside you has you so wet that the sound of slapping skin against skin fills the bathroom and Simon pulls back just enough to watch himself pump in and out of that beautiful opening. A sight like this is deadly and he prays that it is burned into his mind cause he wants this on replay in his thoughts. Nothing could ever look better than this.
Taking two fingers he brings them straight in towards your clit, wasting no time in drawing circles over that overwhelmingly sensitive bundle of nerves. Your hips buck hard against him at the extra stimulation until you are pushing down onto his hand, your eyes rolling back as the ecstasy flows through your veins and that recognizable warmth starts to gather in the pit of your stomach.
“Don’t stop,” you beg, each second bringing you ever closer to your release. “Gonna cum soon.”
Those three lethal words he has longed to hear for months and months now only fuel those strong thrusts and quick flicks of your clit. “That’s it, darlin’, fuckin’ come for me,” Simon growls so desperately it makes your head spin. “I need to feel ya.”
The pace never falters even though Simon is hanging on by a thread and his body is burning from the constant movement. He can’t be stopped, not with his goal so close. And all that hard work pays off as with a few more minutes your head finally flicks back and your thighs clamped down around his hips, a cry exploding out of you as you come violently that you nearly fall off the sink, but he isn’t going to let you go anywhere.
“Good girl,” he praises breathlessly. “Ride it out, all the way for me.”
Your core is fluttering around him, squeezing around his cock as he takes you all the way through your ecstasy until it’s too much to handle. His fingers scramble to rip up your shirt off your torso to secure it above your bra; he won’t be able to hold on much longer. A few heavy breaths get panted out in time with his thrusts and that is it, like flicking on a lightswitch he cannot hold off the pressure any longer as it reaches its peak. 
His raw mouth latches onto the crook of your neck just as he rips his cock out of you and into his hand to stroke out his orgasm and cover your stomach in his warm cum. Simon’s body shudders as he releases a loud groan with a bass that vibrates through your shoulder as he desperately tries to keep quiet as the intensity of his pleasure rips through him like a tidal wave with each stroke of his hand over his sensitive cock. 
“Christ,” he grunts into you as he milks the last bit of cum out and releases his grip on himself. 
Simon’s head hangs limp a moment as he breathes, exhaustion flooding his limbs so that they feel weighted, before he leans down and catches your mouth in a much more tender embrace than the ferocious ones he had been placing on it just moments ago. Your fingers run through his sideburns and he can’t help sighing contentedly with a smile meeting your lips.  
This has been more than worth the wait. “You’re amazin’ sweetheart,” he murmurs sweetly. “The best thing ta ever happen ta me.”
Simon keeps you in his arms even after he’s gotten you cleaned up and back onto your feet, holding you close to his body as he drags his rough, hardened fingers down over the palm of your hand with a light touch, bringing them down to the tips of your own until goosebumps begin to form along your forearm. 
“It’s late; you’ll probably want ta be headin’ home now,” he mutters quietly as his sizable fingers part through the spaces between your own until they latch your hands together. 
“You’re right,” you agree with a nod of your head, both of you still reeling in the ecstasy of your copulation as your eyes linger on the tender connection of your hands.
Simon looks up from your conjoined limbs to meet your bright eyes and the smile he greets with his sight leaves him desperate to feel it on his lips. You grip into his hand tighter as you move to step towards the door. “You coming with me? Gotta lock up before we can head to mine.” 
He smirks to himself with a shake of his head as he lets you lead him by the hand back out into the bar, ready to head to yours for the night to get lost in you all over again. Fate gave him this opportunity and he is going to take full advantage of enjoying the one thing he’s craved for too long now.
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book--brackets · 2 months
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For two years, Cyrus and Antigone Smith have run a sagging roadside motel with their older brother, Daniel. Nothing ever seems to happen. Then a strange old man with bone tattoos arrives, demanding a specific room. 
Less than 24 hours later, the old man is dead. The motel has burned, and Daniel is missing. And Cyrus and Antigone are kneeling in a crowded hall, swearing an oath to an order of explorers who have long served as caretakers of the world's secrets, keepers of powerful relics from lost civilizations, and jailers to unkillable criminals who have terrorized the world for millennia.
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12-year-old Zack never had many opportunities to learn about his Chinese heritage. His single mom was busy enough making sure they got by, and his schools never taught anything except Western history and myths. So Zack is woefully unprepared when he discovers he was born to host the spirit of the First Emperor of China for a vital mission: sealing the leaking portal to the Chinese underworld before the upcoming Ghost Month blows it wide open. 
The mission takes an immediate wrong turn when the First Emperor botches his attempt to possess Zack’s body and binds to Zack’s AR gaming headset instead, leading to a battle where Zack’s mom’s soul gets taken by demons. Now, with one of history’s most infamous tyrants yapping in his headset, Zack must journey across China to heist magical artifacts and defeat figures from history and myth, all while learning to wield the emperor’s incredible water dragon powers. 
And if Zack can’t finish the mission in time, the spirits of the underworld will flood into the mortal realm, and he could lose his mom forever.
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Wife of time traveling bartender Mike Callahan, and employer of some of the most unusual and talented performing artists ever to work in the field of hedonic interface, Her Ladyship has designed her House to be an "equal opportunity enjoyer," discreetly, tastefully and joyfully catering to all erotic tastes and fantasies, however unusual. Like her famous husband, Lady Sally doesn't even insist that her customers be "human."..as long as they have good manners.
Small wonder, then, that she and her staff encounter beings as unique and memorable as the superhuman Colt, whose banner never, ever flags...Diana, the deadly dominatrix who "cannot" be disobeyed...Tony Donuts, the moronic man-monster even the Mafia doesn't want to mess with...or Charles, the werewolf with a distinct difference...
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Be careful what you believe in.Rudy's life is flipped upside-down when his family moves to a remote island in a last attempt to save his sick younger brother. With nothing to do but worry, Rudy sinks deeper and deeper into loneliness and lies awake at night listening to the screams of the ocean beneath his family's rickety house.Then he meets Diana, who makes him wonder what he even knows about love, and Teeth, who makes him question what he knows about anything. Rudy can't remember the last time he felt so connected to someone, but being friends with Teeth is more than a little bit complicated. He soon learns that Teeth has terrible secrets. Violent secrets. Secrets that will force Rudy to choose between his own happiness and his brother's life.
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Maia and her family raise dragons for the political war machine. As she comes of age, she hopes for a dragon of her own to add to the stable of breeding parents. But the war goes badly, and the needs of the Dragonry dash her hopes. Her peaceful life is shattered when the Summer Dragon—one of the rare and mythical High Dragons—makes an appearance in her quiet valley. The Summer Dragon is an omen of change, but no one knows for certain what kind of change he augurs. Political factions vie to control the implied message, each to further their own agendas.
And so Maia is swept into an adventure that pits her against the deathless Horrors—thralls of the enemy—and a faceless creature drawn from her fears. In her fight to preserve everything she knows and loves, she uncovers secrets that challenge her understanding of her world and of herself.
Klaus by Grant Morrison (2016-2019)
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Birthright by Joshua Williamson (2014-2021)
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(It’s been 3,000 years… sorry for taking a long time to make this depression is a bitch 😭)
Most of Husk's human past has been decided to be just like Alastor himself; mostly classified. But theirs only a spare amount of info that has also been given. Before he died he was born and lived in Nevada for the majority of his life; he was a traveling magician who worked at many Casinos in the state, although there were some rumors of him having been in charge of a money laundering scheme... hmm what's to say rumors spread in hell; and that well he refuses to give out the name he had when he was human.
Any case after hell Husk had been rising through the ranks and he soon became the Gambling Overlord; He owned a very big casino(with a few little ones around Pentagram City) Where you could gamble away money or your soul to his casino. Over the next couple of decades, he was flying high with being an overlord taking money and souls from suckers until a slow year where money and souls were being won back one by one until very little was left, so he had no other choice but to sign away his soul to keep whatever power he has to the radio demon. Now he works as an errand man for him doing whatever that man wants when he summons him, and now he works at the hazbin hotel's barman.
Husk is a rather cold and stern man with apathetic behavior towards others he doesn't like, he is always grouchy and sarcastic and sometimes lazy, whenever he isn't on a task for Alastor he tends to sit on the couch and watch TV, drink beers, or even gamble money away to feel something. Although under his mean demeanor, he is also a very observant person and can notice when someone isn't being genuine with him; and beneath his hard husk shell their is still an empathetic and caring guy deep down inside.
While husk is born in America he is also mixed race(Black Dad and European Mother((mainly Russian)))
For the last few years of his life he ‘retired’ his magician job and lived his life is a musky and dirty apartment and was severely depressed drunk.
He is currently the oldest sinner by age in the current hotel(he’s around 61)
Husk mainly prefers to drink hard Liquor and has a good tolerance for it; it would take possible 10 gallons to get him drunk.
Throughout the story he and Angeldust relationship will be similar to canon although with some divergences like it’s still a slow burn but with both of them learning important things about each other and Angel trying to be better to husk and Husk learning to put his walls down.
He will also develop a father-child platonic relationship with one of the other guests in the hotel.
He currently 5’3(160cm) in his current form, when he was a human he was 6’3 as a human(190.5)
His wings are a lot more bigger when he was an overlord, when he signed his soul away to Alastor they became smaller.
His favorite foods are: Jack Daniel’s, Bar food(peanuts, chips, and wing dings for example) and for any hell food… none.
While he’s a great bartender for drinks, he’s not that great of a cook.
His body has references to card symbols(besides the wings) if you could find them all I could give a person who guess them all a early sneak peek on the next character intro 👀(one slight give away his paws had heart paws in the middle they aren’t show sorry about that)
If he had a VA: I would still go with Keith David.
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starlightsearches · 2 years
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This is so self-indulgent I should be shot just for thinking it. Anyways, have some teacher! reader x graduated! Eddie headcanons. Warnings for language and some sexual content.
Eddie's not so busy at his new mechanic job that he can't stop by Hellfire on some week nights to haze Mike on his DMing skills and tell a bunch of dirty jokes.
He's still in his coveralls—sleeves tied around his waist and his white shirt beneath stained with grease—dropping a pack of Mountain Dew on the table and slapping Dustin on the back.
The boys, of course, are happy to see him, but whatever greetings they offer are cut off as soon as they see the deep purple bruises sucked into the column of his throat.
Then there's screaming.
The campaign is put on immediate pause. All their energy is directed into demanding Eddie tell them who the fuck did that.
He grins, cheeky in a way that just screams this was the outcome he hoped for, waiting for them all to quiet down before he lets the words slipped out his curved lips.
"Oh those? My girlfriend gave them to me."
Que more screaming.
There's accusations of bullshit. And cries of betrayal (mostly from Dustin) for keeping it a secret. And, louder than all of that, demands to know who she is.
Eddie sits back in one of the chairs, head pillowed in his hands as they sling rapid-fire guesses at him.
That bartender you told us about? The girl at the record store? Or that one scooping ice cream when you took us to the movies? She was giving you eyes. (She was? Eddie blurts out, forgetting for a moment to act cool.)
He collects himself just long enough to drop a real bomb on them.
"Nah, it's none of them," he grins, "you know her."
Total fucking devastation.
The boys are faced with their greatest mystery yet: who is fucking Eddie the freak Munson?
Nobody can pay attention in class at a time like this; they pass notes between the spaces beneath their desks.
It shouldn't be that hard. They don't know that many girls.
Do you think it's nancy? Dustin scratches into the paper.
Lucas stifles a laugh before passing it to Mike. He makes a face.
Neither of the other boys have to read to know he's writing the word gross.
Lucas writes down maybe it's your mom, mike before showing Dustin over his shoulder. He fakes a coughing fit to cover his laughter.
Mike tosses the paper to the floor, punching Lucas on the arm instead of writing out a response.
Your eyes catch on the movement as you turn back from the board, voice strict when you let out a surprised "Mr. Wheeler."
Mike mumbles an apology, ducking his head to hide his blush. He's still uncomfortable with having eyes on him.
With their heads pointed down towards their notes, they're all to busy to notice that Hawkins High's newest faculty member is wearing a turtleneck on a day that's just a little too warm for a sweater.
When Eddie's head pops in the classroom door, though, Dustin's the first to connect the dots.
"Sorry," he smiles, holding out a brown sack lunch, "you forgot this morning."
Holy. Fucking. God.
The whole class breaks out in whispers.
Or almost the whole class.
Dustin, Lucas and Mike still have their jaws on the floor.
You take the lunch, roll your eyes. Eddie blows you a kiss from the door.
You're not at all the type of person he thought he'd fall for.
Mrs. O'Donnell retired at the beginning of the summer, right after he graduated.
(He's only about 70% sure that it wasn't his fault)
Whatever. It brought you here to Hawkins.
And Eddie loves being your boyfriend.
He wakes up in the mornings with you—even though he doesn't have to be to the garage for another few hours—just to watch you get ready and make you coffee just the way you like for your thermos.
He's also the reason you're late to work so often 👀
Eddie can't get e-fucking-nough of your little teacher outfits
He's obsessed with every pair of sheer tights and tight little pencil skirts and the buttons on your tops.
All of your stockings have snags in them from his rings >:(
He sits you on the tabletop the second you get home so he can pet his hands over your thighs and under your hemlines.
That's if he waits until you get home.
Grading late? Eddie will keep you company.
. . . or make out with you on your desk.
He shows up on your prep period sometimes, offering a smile and a "just missed you, baby."
And it always ends with you pinned up against the chalkboard.
You gotta buy more turtlenecks because he cannot keep his hands or his mouth off you.
You'd never make fun of him for repeating his senior year twice.
And hearing you say something like "you're so smart, Eddie"…….
praise kink activated
It just means a lot coming from you, you know? He's not getting a ton of validation, and you've got to know what you're talking about, since you're a teacher and all.
He'll call you teach when he wants to tease you.
Knocks on the wall by your door before Hellfire.
"Hope my kids aren't giving you any trouble, teach."
The boys do not know how to handle this.
Not like they'd even think of being dicks in your class, but still, Eddie can be a little scary sometimes.
So they're on their best behavior.
It's still kind of weird, though.
But not for Eddie.
Because '86 was his fuckin' year.
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marine-indie-gal · 2 months
Been waiting for so long on wanting to design Some Parents for My Space Goofs OCs (including the Infertile Neighbors who treat their own Pets as Children).
Also, given on how that I've added in the Girl from the Cancelled Movie, I'd figure that since if the Movie would've already been made, I could at least imagine on how either Xilam or Synthese would've have design the Parents based on their Daughter, while also giving Ambre's Family their own Surname.
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Though I've actually drew the First Neighbors through an Animatic that I did last month, I've wanted to show their True Appearances (especially after doing their own Pets).
Bonus Undercut, I've also created each Bio for The Parents as well as their Official Names & Confirmed Ages.
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Rebecca (Fitzy & Fergus' Mother)
Very Loving Cleaning Housewife who loves to Cook and Bake some Delicious Foods. But can get very extremely worried, especially if either Fitzy or Fergus disappear in front of her.
Harold (Fitzy & Fergus' Father)
The Kind of Your Average Everyday-Run-Of-The-Mill Neighbor Character. Loves to cook some Barbeque & Hang out to Chat with some Friends & is a Very Proud Father to his own "Children".
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Ambre's Mother
Caring & Devoted Mother whose a Workaholic (especially when she's out on her Job that she works as a Waitress at a Restaurant). But cannot take any non-sense (especially if she doesn't believe or is unaware of the fact that one of Her Neighbors could be Actual Aliens).
Ambre's Father
Lazy Father who tries his own Best to Work even Harder. He works as Both of a Construction Worker & Craftsman of Wood, kinda like to be the Dad that just wants to take his own Family through some Outings.
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Lukas' Mother
Usually a Chill Woman who can make manners into her own Hands, she is indeed Very Sassy and Snarky (probably on why her Son is like that). Mostly like the "Wine Aunt" type. She also works an Employee at a Yacht Club.
Lukas' Father
The Kind of Sneaky Jokester of a Father who likes to tease around a bit while also love spoiling his own Son. Would have a Few Disagreements with his Wife (especially if the Father were to spoil his Child a bit much), but loves her for who she is. Also works as a Bartender near an Breakfast Diner.
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Jayda's Father
Very Polite and Well Nice Man with a Bold Good Heart. Genuinely a Smart Person whose always the Level-Headed One. The Most Sophisticated Gentleman of a Father who can comfort Others if One Person might be Sad. Basically the “Male-Wife” Man. Also works at a Factory.
Jayda's Mother
Very Sassy & Determined compare to Lukas' mother, she cannot take crap from anybody (not even to those who try to push her) but is also very Strong and Open-Minded with some Cunning Strength. But don't ever make a Big Mama angry, especially if one might upset any of her own Kids. Probably why her Husband really loves her, is because of the way he admires her Own Willpower & is the Very Protective Wife/Mother at all costs. She also works at a Car Wash.
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Matthew's Mother
A Sweet & Loving Devoted Mother to her own Son and even Faithful Wife to her Husband. Loves to give a Warm Special Welcome to her own Guests (especially if her Son is making Friends) & even works as an Librarian after retiring herself as a School Teacher.
Matthew's Father
A Very Strict Dad who works at an Office (the same One whom Ambre's Mother goes to) and is often stressed about his own Job despite getting some warm comfort from his Dear Wife. Despite being a Loving Husband & Good Father himself, he can get quite stubborn towards anybody, even with a serious attitude as he hates when some of his Son's experiments can go wrong but still respects his Son's devoted love for Science.
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Tyson's Father
A Very Extremely Scared & Cowardly Anxious Man who happens to have Many Types of his Deep Phobias (mostly likely Insects). Can act a little too over-protective of his own Children (especially when he sense that they're almost in Danger), but still enjoys life despite the Worst that he has been through. Works as a Mailman but always gets into Wacky Hijinks such as Dogs chasing right after him.
Tyson's Mother
A Very Calm and Sensible Mother & is always there for her Husband to make sure that everything is always Alright. A Well Adjust Behave & the Most Very Sane Person on the Entire Planet who has a deep love for Nature, a Good Kind-Hearted Mother towards her Kids & gives Good Advice towards People (probably the reason as to why She is there to shield her own Husband as she doesn't tend to hesitate). Also works as a Florist.
Space Goofs (c) Xilam
OCs (c) Me
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marinerainbow · 6 months
I think I'm getting a little bit back into Dragon Ball. Though I'm still on my WFRR/Tooniverse kick... I'm certain you guys know what happens when interests collide XD
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I know this is silly, but what does it matter if it's fun? ^^ also, I'm gonna give everyone Dragon Ball-esque names. I'm not sure how well I'll do though, so if anybody has any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear!
Gume (Eddie Valient): A retired world martial arts tournament champion. After the death of his brother, Slooth, he lost his passion and resorted to alcohol to drown his sorrows, and refuses to partake in the tournament anymore, but has taken on a private investigator job. Even so, he is still a very skilled fighter, and pretty powerful for a human. A bit rusty around the edges, but he's still a formidable opponent.
Eddie's name is the first half of gumshoe. A gumshoe being another name for a private detective. Teddy's name is a misspelling of sleuth, another name for a private investigator.
Shoa (Delores): Shoa had also competed in the tournaments herself- in fact, that was how she met the brothers. However, nowadays, she's focused on trying to support Gume, and can be found in the city's bar as simultaneously the bartender and the security guard. She'll still help out Gume with some of his jobs, and can very easily hold her own in a fight. It's no wonder Gume and Shoa make an unbreakable pair.
Delores' name is a play on the second half of Gumshoe. Her and Eddia complete each other in more than one way ^^
Usagi (Roger Rabbit): A spry and cheerful acrobat who first introduced Gume to chi. He was looking to train under Gume, and his persistence managed to break through the gruff man. Usagi was actually quite surprised that Gume hadn't already harnessed his chi, but was more than happy to teach him everything his wife taught him. As such, the two slowly but surely developed a close bond and alliance.
Usagi is the Japanese word for Rabbit (according to Google Translate. I apologize for any mistranslation)
Uta the Sairen (Jessica Rabbit): Uta didn't originate from Earth. She came from a far-off planet after her home was destroyed. Her ship had landed on Usagi's property, and the two have been inseparable ever since. They fell in love sometime while she was teaching Usagi how to harness his chi, and she's taken it upon herself to protect him. Uta wasn't too sure about Gume, especially when he saw her and made some wild accusations about her purpose on Earth and why she chose to marry a human. But after seeing how protective she is of Usagi and her new home, and also having the chance to fight alongside her, Gume has had a change of heart, and would trust her with his life.
Jessica's name is the Japanese word for song, and her species name is Japanese for siren. I'm thinking maybe her planet would have been home to Betty Boop, Holli Would, Red Hot Riding Hood, and other attractive toons. I'm not quite sure why their planet could have been destroyed, but I'm certain that will become a plot point in this AU.
Beebee the Monoian (Baby Herman): Another alien that came to Earth, though only because he was searching for glory. Despite his jolly sounding name and youthful appearance, Beebee is a rather temperamental and nasty old man that uses his looks to sway humans and become a famous actor among them. He even convinced Usagi for a time that he was a friend- though Uta saw through his tricks and doesn't buy his act one bit. Even so, he had grown a soft spot for Earth and Usagi, and will help out when needed.
Herman's name is just a fun misspronounciation of baby. And his species' name is the second half of Wakamono, which is Japanese for youth.
Axit, Android 07 (Benny the Cab): A robotic creation of the infamous doctor. Axit was an experiment gone wrong; meant to be a war weapon, it seemed that somehow emotions had been programmed into him. Or at least the ability to process them. It wasn't too long before Axit rebelled against his creator, and set on his own journey. He met Usagi, and the two have become great friends. Despite being a machine, Axit has grown rather friendly and boisterous, and serves the city's public transport system. Though, being a weapon of war, you don't want to get on this androids bad side.
Benny's name is a jumbled spelling of Taxi. And his android number is for 1907, when meters were first implemented in taxis.
Doctor Domo (Judge Doom): A mysterious and cruel scientist who seems to make it his life's work to take over the city. Not much is known about him, not even his colleagues- now employees after he took ownership of the company Clover Tech- know much about him... There are rumors, however, that Dume is not as human as he claims to be...
Doom's name is just a fun jumbled spelling of his own name.
Pin-Kuu, Android 47 (Smartass Weasel): One of Domo's most successful creations just so happens to not be entirely machine. He, along with his whole team, were taken as humans and experimented on. None of them remember their human lives, but have become very powerful due to their mechanical enhancements. Since he is the most 'obedient' as well as ruthless and intelligent, Android, Domo has placed him in charge of the others. Though Pin-Kuu, along with his squad, aren't too happy about following the doctors orders... And now, with all the power at their fingertips, they'll be able to take matters into their own hands soon enough.
Smartass' name is a slight misspelling of the Japanese word for pink. And his Android number is for 1947, when the events of Who Framed Roger Rabbit take place. Also, notably, the same death year for Al Capone. (Also, for those who don't know, yes, they should be called cyborgs, but for some reason, in Dragon Ball, Android 18 and 17 were always called androids. As such, the weasels will carry this tradition in this AU)
Dori, Android 20 (Greasy Weasel): Dubbed as the second in command by Pin-Kuu, Dori is a rather selfish and wicked minded android. He was surprised when, after many failed experiments, Pin-Kuu not only survived but also rose the ranks in Domo's little army, and it wasn't too long before the two became 'allies' (or rather friends, as they would call each other after being given the freedom to live as humans again). Dori also makes it clear to anybody- especially pretty women like Uta- that just because he's part machine doesn't mean that he's lost his touch.
Greasy's name is the shortened japanese word for green, midori, and his Android number is for 1920, when the alcohol prohibition ended.
Ao, Android 14 (Wheezy Weasel): The second eldest living android, Ao doesn't look all that threatening, especially since he's not so obvious with his unnatural powers as the rest of his team are. But make no mistake, Ao is just as ready to break free of the lab as much as anyone. Though he also seems to be the only one really concerned about the bombs Domo planted in their chests as a precaution. If it weren't for Ao's sage advice of laying low for now, the others probably would have gotten themselves blown up. He's proven to be an irreplaceable member of team Android in many ways.
Wheezy's android name is Japanese for blue, and his Android number is a reference to cigarettes costing between 14 to 20 cents in the 1930's.
Kiiro, Android 11 (Psycho Weasel): One of the oldest androids, next to Axit, Kiiro has seen it all. Even as a human, he was wild and unstable, pushing Domo's limits with his expertise and patience, and even prompting the doctor to build a special suit for Kiiro; one that, with a push of a button, will restrain him if needed. The agonizing experiments as well as his imprisonment have driven Kiiro to madness, and he looks forward to the day he can rip the doctor in half for everything.
Psycho's name is Japanese for yellow, and his Android number is in reference to the first public asylum being opened in 1811.
Akka, Android 48 (Stupid Weasel): Even with all of his power, Akka is... Not the sharpest tool in the shed. But somehow, he still retained his big heart despite all the experiments. He will follow his brother and friends to the ends of the Earth, and had unfortunately only humbly followed what they did (though it didn't really help that it was drilled into his brain by Domo that he was only a tool for destruction). When they had a chance to live freely again, however, it was Akka who came to a good, normal life easiest, and the first to befriend Usagi and Gume despite their part in his and his team's defeat.
Stupid's name is a slight misspelling of the Japanese word for red, and his Android number is meant to be the one right after Smartass' as they are brothers.
Bonus! My OC's
Hanni (Poppy): As Usagi's cousin, Gume expected the woman to be as goofy and energetic as he was. He never would have expected a down to earth farmer to be related to Usagi and Uta. Hanni chose to live outside the city after some incident she doesn't like to talk about, and is much happier working on her rhubarb farm. At first, she was hesitant to learn how to fight and how to use her chi. However, when the Earth and her loved ones barely survived a massive threat, Hanni sought out Uta and Shoa to train under them, not wanting to just stand on the sidelines the next time help was needed. Even if she isn't the strongest human, her patience and kind heart shine through, especially when it came to a certain group of androids.
Poppy's name is meant to be a misspelling of the Japanese word for honey (I would have used flower or poppy, but I preferred how honey sounded).
Mura, Android 62 (Shiny Weasel): One of the last androids that Domo created. He put all of his perfected experience into Mura, making her a formidable foe in battle... Though he never found a way to reprogram her attitude and fierce independence, and that was part of his downfall. Being in the same boat as the others, Mura became close with all of them, especially Dori. When Hanni saved them and gave them a chance to live life as humans again, it was actually Mura that softened up to her first.
Shiny's name is the first half of the Japanese word for purple, murasaki. And her android number is a reference to when moonshine was illegalized in 1862.
Urufī (Moony Wolf): Originally, he was a brute of a martial artist. Snarling and pushing others around and seemingly holding onto some kind of anger in his heart. It wasn't until Gume humbled him in battle, and Hanni stood up to him on her cousins behalf, did Urufī really look inside himself and change his ways. After he became calm and caring, he and Hanni actually fell in love and lived together on her farm for some time. However, the two had decided it was best to remain friends for some unknown reason, and Urufī moved back into the city. Now working as a butcher, he and Hanni still cross paths at the market, and get along quite well. And he will always come to fight when his new friends are in danger.
Moony's name is the Japanese pronunciation/word for wolfy (I hope I spelled it right. Please correct me if I didn't.)
Fokushī (Henry Foxworth): A sly and conniving con artist, Fokushī plays with peoples hearts and trust like his life depends on it. It does become very helpful slipping away from enemies, but he's not a very strong man to begin with. And he knows it. When he met Hanni and used her kindness to get what he wanted from her before leaving, he had no idea that he would become the target of her new friends- nor would exoect a meek little thing like her to become so strong.
Henry's name is the Japanese pronunciation/word for foxy
Banī (Ben Cottontail): A city boy who is actually weaker than Fokushī, Banī seems to only focus on his life rather than the whole world around him, especially after he and Hanni split up and she left the city. Being one of the many humans killed and brought back to life, however, really scared him. He has no idea how it happened or what to do with this information, but he's become much more defensive. Even if anyone on this list could fold him like a lawn chair.
Ben's name is the Japanese pronunciation/word for bunny
Rati (Terry Ratt T.): One of the few empathetic scientists thar had worked at Clover Tech. He knew that everything Domo was doing was wrong, but was powerless to stop him. When the androids were still enemies, it was actually Rati who told everyone about the bomb and gave them the device to activate it, believing this to be more of a mercy kill for the androids- though was pleasently surprised to see Hanni wanted to give them a second chance. It took a long time for them to trust him, though once Rati proved he wanted nothing to do with Domo's experiments, he's now a trusted 'repairman' for the androids, including Axit. And has even become a close friend to Mura and Ao in particular.
Terry's name is the Japanese pronunciation/word for ratty.
This AU definitely needs some polishing if I'm gonna do more with this, but I hope you guys have fun reading this! ^^
May Akir Toriyama rest in peace. He left behind an unforgettable legacy.
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weiyingsbigbooty · 1 month
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ah velarik my beloved, i had to draw them again! Alarik is very overprotective and posessive of Vera, but she thinks his behavior is cute (both are a bit deranged). tried drawing lighting for the first time incorporated with the background. honestly i didnt draw the background i just googled fantasy tavern and blurred it xd.
anyways i wrote a lil imagine for this scene so feel free to read it under the cut!
Alarik was sulking in the back corner of the inn's pub, looking over the people inside of it. Vera told him to ‘stay’, as she wanted to gather intel from the other residents and he would just scare them away and not get any information about their current case. Alarik doesn't think he's that scary, and Vera has called him adorable and the cutest on many occasions, but apparently the rest don't think that. Plus, she has given him another job, to listen to the whispers. Things people won't tell her because they are outsiders, and with his heightened hearing, he can hear everyone's heart beats much less the secrets they share under the comfort of the loudness of the pub.
On the other side, Vera was leaning against the tall island of the bar itself, stripped of any visible weapons and her red scarf, showing off the pale-grayish skin of her neck, collarbones and cleavage. She had the advantage of being a pretty little elf girl who shows off just enough to catch the attention of drunk patrons. And sooner rather than later, just a few minutes after she positioned herself three men surrounded her.
“Hey there sweetheart, care for a drink?”
“Only if you're paying.”
Vera flagged down the bartender, and ordered herself some wine that was paid by one of the men. She asked them questions as she sipped on her drink, and soon enough had information she needed. “Sorry boys, but I am retiring tonight. Have a long day ahead of me.” The half elf finished her drink in one go, and stood up to leave but was stopped by a hand on her wrist.
“Come on sweetheart, don't leave us now. We can make your night worthwhile.” His goons snickered as the man grabbed her jaw, his stinky drunk breath fanning her face. Feeling another presence behind her, she smirked. “Sure,” she was snatched out of his grasp and her back was pressed into Alarik's tall frame. She grabbed the assassin's jaw with her fingertips as he growled at the three men in front of them, his blood red eyes glaring from under the shadow his ink black hair casted on his face.
“If my Puppy agrees.” That drew another growl out of her puppy, which looked much more like a nightmarish creature than a cute little dog.
He didn't even have to do much but glare and barge his teeth under his mask and the three men were sent scrambling away from the two of them, throwing words such as ‘fucking freakshow’ and ‘crazy bitch’ as they made their way out of the pub with tails between their legs.
The patrons laughed at the unlucky men and went back to their drunk conversations.
Vera sighed and turned to face Alarik, cupping his face with both of her hands. “I guess they didn't like your answer, Puppy. Lucky enough they had loose tongues before you showed up.”
Giggling at him still glaring at the door, she turned him to face her. “You did a good job,” she kissed his cheek. “And a good job requires a good reward. Let's go up.” With that she dragged him up the stars by his hand, making a group of girls that sat by the stairs giggle as Alarik stumbled after her.
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kieranhqs · 4 days
Welcome to New York {KIERAN YATES} !! They are a {36} year old {CIS MAN} who uses {HE/HIM} pronouns. They’re a {BARTENDER} who has been in town for {SIX MONTHS}, who lives in {BROOKLYN}. When looking at {KIERAN} you automatically think of {EARLY MORNINGS & LATE NIGHTS, FALLING-APART CONVERSE HI TOPS, THE CONSTANT FEELING OF BEING OUT OF PLACE} but that probably makes sense since they also remind you of {JOSEPH GILGUN}. You can always hear {IN THE CITY} by {THE JAM} coming from their place. Who knows what kind of trouble they’re going to get themselves into. [penny, 25, gmt]
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fullname:  kieran james yates. nickname(s): kier, kj. not a particular fan of either, but will answer to pretty much anything. age:  thirty-six. birthday: march 28th. gender / pronouns:  cis man ,  he / him. but basically by default because he does not gaf. orientation:  pansexual / panomantic. place of birth: chorley, lancashire, england. current residence: brooklyn, new york. height: 6'1. distinguishing features: basically head to toe tattoos. personality: loyal, immature, unreliable, kind-hearted.
( tw ; substance abuse, mental health, alcohol, drugs / use )
born in lancashire to young parents who were struggling with substance abuse ; the last time they were really involved in kieran's life was his birth. and his dad was three hours late for that, so it really set the scene. much of his childhood was therefore spent in and out of care ( mostly in ), but he doesn't hold it against his parents. looking back, it's pretty clear that they were not prepared and frankly ill-suited to look after a child anyway.
kieran hated school from the moment he stepped foot in it. actually, he quite enjoyed the first year of primary school, but from there it went downhill. he was consistently truant from about the age of seven and generally a nightmare for many a social worker, foster parent & group home.
it wasn't until seventeen ( when he decided to go back to try and pass maths & english to get a mechanic apprenticeship ) that he was finally diagnosed with adhd & dyslexia and depression & anxiety, but he knew about the latter. it had the opposite of the desired effect, though -- sure, he could admit that it helped him understand himself a bit more -- but it also became the final nail in the coffin of effort in educational attainment, so he dropped out of college and kept working as a bartender in his local.
with nothing but evening work in the pub to keep him occupied, and a boredom so deep it had definitely seeped through into his bones, kieran turned to petty crimes to entertain himself. it was mostly theft -- he was surprisingly good at it for someone with all the subtlety of a drunk elephant, and for someone who was very often, extremely intoxicated ( by one substance or another, or possibly a few at once ) at the time.
and that's really all he did from the age of seventeen until just over a year ago. he was sent to prison for six months for stealing a car ( actually, he'd really just taken it for a joyride and fully intended to return it, but apparently that wasn't relevant ). admittedly, it was the longest time he'd been completely sober since... forever, and he had ( foolishly, he thinks ) been quite proud of himself for that. the sobriety lasted no longer than 24 hours after kieran had been released and he woke up the next day with the desire to just leave.
he turned to the only person he felt did more than just tolerate him ( a retired teacher & local who'd suggested he go back to college and look into diagnosis, and who had really looked out for him his whole life -- though he has no idea why ) with an idea. to his surprise she agreed to help him move to the states -- he managed to raise most of the money himself, working across several establishments bartending and picking up odd jobs in the local area, but she also helped financially and made sure he had all the necessary paperwork. it was the most focused he's ever been in his life, and because of it he was doing well -- not sober, by any means, but close.
he's been in the city for six months now, living in the renaissance buildings in brooklyn with countless other roommates, and no doubt annoying the hell out of all of them. when he first moved, the wild life had calmed down a little -- for a while he'd limited himself just to alcohol use, but that was of course a slippery slope, and one he slid down almost immediately. he's managed to gain and keep ( somehow ) two jobs bartending ; one in a dive bar and the other in a club, for a few months now, though he is kind of expecting he'll be fired soon. that's usually how it goes, and he can't blame them.
a chaos merchant if there ever was one, and kieran lives for it in one sense. it keeps him occupied, there's always something to do, someone to go wild with, but it's also a source of serious conflict for him. he knows at the ripe age of thirty-six he should have a bit more of a grip on himself and probably mature, settle down at some point like people do. but then the predominant part of him thinks he's just not suited for that -- he's not the type of person made to be loved, just... tolerated when a good time is to be had.
needless to say, his self esteem ( and mental health along with it ) is on the floor. he would never admit it, but that is the root cause of his substance abuse. he can feel better about himself for a bit, stop thinking so much and just live in the moment ; have some fun.
does not and doesn't really know how to look after himself. he's six foot, lanky as hell and looks like a strong wind could blow him over and honestly it probably could. he never remembers to eat, cannot cook to save his life, and hasn't ever really tried to.
a sensitive, golden retriever soul beneath all the bravado and intoxication. definitely a ride or die type friend, if a little unreliable -- he'll say he's on his way, then get distracted by a side quest. such a very little / non-existent sense of self-preservation, would tie himself in knots trying to help anyone.
can't really read. well, he can. but not very well at all -- the truth is he barely learnt to in the first place, and he did not keep it up. it's probably the most difficult thing for him to do, and he is very easily dissuaded from trying to do things. it requires effort, and honestly he is a bit embarrassed about it. if you send him a text longer than a sentence or two he will just call you ( or alternatively, just show up ) to find out what's up. actually made reading a novel ( for the first time ) a goal for the year, but he hasn't even picked up a book yet -- and probably won't.
promiscuous is probably not a strong enough word for kieran. the short of it is, he loves people -- platonically, too. you just have to make eye contact with him for three seconds and you're already considered a new best friend. romantically, he's much less forthcoming. prefers and no doubt has had countless one night stands, flings, flirtationships. will flirt with anything that moves and likewise will sleep with anything that moves. the fact that he absolutely hates sleeping alone does play a part in this and there's absolutely a large part of him that would love to cuddle and chat afterwards... but that feels very intimate / vulnerable and he probably just sneaks out a lot to avoid it.
calls everybody -- absolutely everybody -- mate, love, sweetheart, babe, darling and any other term of endearment that takes his fancy in the moment. especially likes it when the receiver gets proper riled up about. bc it's funny innit. strong lancashire accent that he likes to use to fuck around with people.
wanted connections. pinterest board.
literally everything pls. any number of past/present flings, or one night stands. a good influence !! lord knows he needs one. bar regulars. a fellow / mutual bad influence, drinking buddies, weed buddies, etc. roommates & neighbours -- those who hate his disruptive ass, those who don't mind him or at least find him kind of entertaining. cousins, however distant. coworkers. friends with feelings. general friends. found family.
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pumpkinsy0 · 11 months
Buck x Tim headconnons
I feel like they would be a good duo
Buck can fight, but he's just retired to fight. Just tends the Bar he owes
They will both beat peoples asses, if they fight together
Tim makes fun of Buck for being old, but Buck doesn't get mad he lets it slide
If its Buck's b-day, Tim will steal him little gifts (Buck gets mad at Tim for stealing but is thankful for the gift)
If its Tim's b-day, Buck will let him have free beer (only on his birthday)
Tim dares Buck to fight him, but still losses to Buck anyways 😂
When Tim is having a bad day, he will go to Buck's bar and spend there all day till he's drunk (maybe will often tell Buck about his bad day, and Buck will try his best to comfort him) I thought that will be cute♥😭
Since Buck has a dog (I feel like it should be a girl and her name should be pig) But Buck's dog loves Tim and Tim loves her back, he loves playing with her and she loves playing with him
One time Buck was laughing at Tim, because he was getting attacked by Pig while playfighting, and she accidentally bit Tim so hard he ended up having a scar on his neck (ofc Buck took Pig off Tim, but Tim was hurt so badly he couldn't talk right for a few week😭)
Tim wasn't mad at Pig, but was mad at Buck for laughing at him💀 (its fine if u don't like the whole idea)
When Tim's car isn't working and he need to go some places, he would steal Buck's car and Buck finds out, gets really pissed at him for stealing his car
Speaking of Buck's car, Tim like riding with Buck when he's running errands (Tim's passenger princess😭 Buck is forces to buy him stuff) 💀
Sorry for writing so much. And sorry if you don't like some stuff I put down. But I would love to see what you come up with. (I love your headconnons there so awesome! I wanna know what you put for THESE TWO. And its them being friends not lovers I swear😭)
This is the same person that asked for the "Buck Merrill headconnons" just letting you know. :D And you know that Buck is my favorite character. :D I also loved what you wrote for him, and thanks for taking your time writing about him. Now I wanna know for this one. :D
OOoOo i actually dont see many ppl talk about buck n tim so id b happy to talk about it!!!
perhaps buck will b my third fav caribbean man of the outsiders one day
•i see them as business partners and friends!!! not exactly THEE closest of friends, but friends nonetheless!!!
•so like,,,both of em r black,,,,both got 4c hair,,,perhaps they share tips n tricks on how to maintain their hait🗽🗽
•i can totally see buck w cornrows, tim probably did it for him as a “thanks for letting me hide out here while the cops searched for me and patching me up”
•tim can braid hair thanks to practice on angela and curlys hair btw i feel like i should announce that
•tim absolutely does make fun of buck for being old even though it’s literally by a few years buck is so sick of it, ESPECIALLY when tims drunk, ur so real for this hc anon
•for tims bday he definitely abuses his free beer privileges n takes some home, if he can get it for free and not have to pay later he’s DEFINITELY gonna b on that
•buck doesnt rlly fight anymore but he for sure isnt rusty, hes the bartender AND the bouncer let that b known☝🏽☝🏽
•buck MIGHT join in on a rumble if tim RLLY needed the backup but thats a huge might
•AT FIRST pig was fucking terrified of tim, like she would run away from tim, but tim gave her some food ONCE and now she loves em
•sometimes when buck and tim get together for business reasons tims just petting pig cause fluffy dog goes brrrrr
•inspired by my dog but sometimes pig just takes tims hand and literally forces the guy wherever and tim wants to hate it but pig is a cutie so he lets it slide<33
•LIKE I SAID caribbean men, buck prolly taught tim some trinidadian creole english while tim taught buck some haitian creole #culturalkingswowiezowie
•if tims having a bad day or is just bored and doesnt rlly wanna go home he just goes to bucks bar to pick someone up or drink a bit hes not a busy man EVERY day surprisingly
•rlly when it comes to buck, if darry cant rlly relate to him he knows that buck will to some degree!!!
•ALSO ALSO hc that when tims locked up or gets arrested, he calls for buck to watch over angela and curly, cant have them without a guardian now
and thx for liking the hcs :D!!
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siriannatan · 2 years
Heroes of Empires City part 2
Part 1
About other characters - Spoiler warning
Jimmy - local Sheriff, Lizzie's younger brother - has water-control powers but never uses them, when using them gets fins but with how rarely he uses them there are no signs of it - very good at his job - almost instantly figured Scott is Major only knowing him for one night and just having met Major - hates heroes because of a certain incident that landed Lizzie in a wheelchair - has two cats, likes them better than most people - hates that Scott is Major because Scott is pretty cute
Lizzie - mayoral candidate, very popular - wins the election later - actually, a retired hero from before the government legalised heroes - Ocean Queen - married to Joel (Stratos) and knows full well he's a hero, - supportive of the hero business -someone has to take care of the villains and magical monsters and other things that are beyond the police, - worried about Jimmy's safety all the time even if he can fully take care of himself
Katherine - President of the Empire City Hero Association - probably not paid enough to deal with her heroes antics - might think Shubble's cut but she's a professional so it had nothing to do with her being hired - even Stratos is a bit scared of her, even if she has no powers - cares and worries for her heroes excessively in a violent manner - especially when telling them off
Pearl - Katherine's new assistant - actually, Sausage's adoptive younger sister, has similar powers but they're a lot weaker than his so she didn't pass the entry exam - mostly the physical test - happy to help the heroes in any way she can, usually by making sure Katherine doesn't die from overworking herself and by cutting her caffeine intake - might like Amethyst a bit more than she probably should which results in flowers sprouting in her hair whenever she's nearby - a bit conflicted about liking this office worker from the tower - Gem (only Katherine really knows all heroes' civilian identities for safety reasons) she only sees her when she's leaving the tower, which is a shame
Pixl - works as a nurse at the biggest hospital in the City - dated Sausage before finding out he's a hero, was at all not offended Soos kept that a secret - did not mind it when Sausage adopted - often finds himself working alongside Sanctuary because of the limitations of his power
Xornoth - Scott's older twin brother, glad to be born with no powers, had a good time watching Scott figure his out, especially the flying part - freelance, programmer, and guitarist in an indie band - a bit worried about Scott's safety even if it was he that encouraged him, - doesn't leave their apartment much outside of band stuff - Oli's band - shocked Scott by getting a boyfriend first
Joey - Xor's boyfriend and the reason why Scott met Jimmy, not directly but still, - bartender at that one Bar Oli's band frequently plays at - Smithy - used to have a big crush on Katherine, and many of the heroes - most notably Sanctuary
Oli - frontman, leader and vocalist of the band Xor's in, changes the name of the band at least twice a month - the band would have flopped ages ago without Xornoth, - very obviously flirts with Eddie whenever he got a chance to
False - the owner of a steampunk-themed coffee shop Jimmy always gets his coffee at - one of the establishments with 'Hero seating' - Shubble's roommate and good friend
Potential SPOILERS
Eddie - Sausage and Pearl's adoptive father - the owner of the Smithy - finds Oli's advances amusing but nothing more - outside his bar works for HA's Equipment Department - totally didn't cry when Sausage introduced Hermes to him - thinks Pix could do much better than Sausage
Hermes - Sausage's adopted son - his parents were killed by his psycho grandmother who could not accept their divorce - Jimmy kind of saved him from the woman and solved the whole case with Scott shadowing him - thinks Scott is Jimmy's guardian angel - Jimmy is the coolest, much to Joel's dismay - loves it when he's left with Pix or Eddie - always stares at Pear with wide eyes and never talks to her - once told Amethyst his auntie likes her - can read minds and no one believed him at first but when he told Amethyst his auntie likes him Pearl got convinced about it and convinced Sausage to get him tested for powers - likes sheriff more than the heroes
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siffrins-therapist · 10 months
Sneak peek to my PruGer christmas fic
Spoiler: Aldrich isn't actually dead, but that doesn't get revealed until later in the fic
Everything had gone from bad to worse, to downright dreadful, and it had happened so fast that Ludwig’s head was still spinning.
If he wanted to, he could blame everything on That Night.
He could. For years, he’d called it the worst night of his life, the start of all his troubles, the reason he’d run away and left his brother and father behind.
Yet, despite those final regrets, when Ludwig was honest with himself, he was thankful—even through the monthly pain and hungover mornings with blood on his teeth and dirt under his nails.
No, the worst night of Ludwig’s life was the beginning of November, when everything had finally started falling into place.
With his boss being childless and getting ready to retire and move to a warmer climate, he’d decided he didn’t trust anyone else more than Ludwig to own his bookstore. Ludwig had been so overjoyed; he didn’t stop to wonder how his stolen social security number would hold up to scrutiny. At first, everything had gone swimmingly. Then, Ludwig was forced to miss a sudden meeting when it happened to coincide with a full moon.
The next morning, Ludwig spotted police at his apartment building, his boss talking to one on the sidewalk, hand against his forehead and red face pinched in anger.
The sudden meeting must have been to confront him about his papers.
With nothing but the clothes on his back and some emergency cash he kept in his pocket, Ludwig ran.
One good thing about dating a man who was still closeted was that there was no way Ludwig’s boss could know about him.
One bad thing about dating a man who was still closeted was that when he saw that Ludwig was in trouble, his self-preservation kept him from offering more than some extra bills and a teary apology.
The money hadn’t lasted long, and the nights were getting colder.
And so a week before Christmas, Ludwig found himself at the end of his brother’s long, winding driveway, nearly obscured by trees and snow. A mailbox was nailed into the tree closest to the nearest road, painted numbers on the side fading.
Teeth chattering, Ludwig opened the mailbox on impulse, spying a familiar parchment envelope nestled among the bills and Christmas cards. He took out the pile, pulling the parchment envelope to the top and turning it over to see the full moon seal on the back in silver wax. On the front in Ludwig’s hand was his brother’s name and address. The return address was that of a laundromat in a city an hour’s train ride from where he lived.
Ludwig had been sending letters to his brother and father for the better part of the last decade. Then, after seeing his father’s name in the obituaries, he started only addressing Gilbert. Since Ludwig used different return addresses each time, traveling to dump his letters into boxes outside different post offices, he’d had no way of knowing if Gilbert had been receiving them. This cabin had been in the family for generations, but as a kid, Gilbert had talked about moving into a big city and going to clubs every weekend and bartending to skate by until he hit it big.
What he would “hit it big” as had changed every so often as Gilbert’s obsessions changed. He’d studied fine art and animation, figure skating and soccer, journalism and acting.
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Mafia au
Again for myself but just to get down what I have right now-
Vaguely set in a 1920s era big city, there's some amiss going on within this town that never sleeps. Whether it be the constant warring of the major crime families that inhabit it or the supernatural only spoken about in niche tabloids, it's hard to deny the mysterious things that wash ashore or the even strange deaths. Yes it seems the eldritch beings only spoken about in old myth and legend have woken up from their sleep.
The major crime families are: The Kostenkos, The Toscanos, The Amanomes, The Yamaokas and The Adams.
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Muses with Mafia Aus
Minor players
Danny: No specific ties to any crime family, just a general information broker and investigator while being a serial killer for hire for fun, but also a necessity, because of the thing living inside of him that needs to be fed
Jake: Works as a bartender Luanne's gay bar "The Rose Lounge", works as a high price escort, but is primarily a spy for Luanne to keep tabs on other crime families.
Viktor: Former student set to be valedictorian, but was expulsed after less than ethical experiments were found out to be going on in his lab. He fell off the face of the earth after that presumed to be dead, but really he works for the Kostenko crime family as their eldritch consultant.
Aita: Main tattoo artist for the Amanome yazuka family, there's not much that Aita values in life. He's lost after moving to the big city with a friend and just riding the high since then.
Luka: Fortune teller and drug dealer, he is the main information broker of the Toscano crime family. There's something off about him, but no one can really tell exactly what.
Carmina: Only spoken about in the supernatural tabloids, Carmina is the corpse of a former underground street artist after being brutally murdered by the former Toscano family head prior to Vittorio's involvement, rumor has it her corpse roams the back alleys looking for something to satiate the being that lies within.
Ji-Woon: A famous singer at the Amanome family night club and bar, though much like Danny, he is also one of the cities serial killers doing it for fame and attention. Rumor has it he's gained some new found powers...
Pearl: Drag queen and advertisement model for the rose lounge, he knows about the mafia involvement, but doesn't really care. Money is money.
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Major players
Tarhos: Trusted body guard of the Toscano family, the rumors that surround him are endless. In truth- the old body guard had been disposed of long ago and now what lives inside is nothing human at all. Instead the fragment of the consciousness of a sleeping war god resides within the dead mans skin.
Luanne: Head of the Adams crime family a once dominating force over the city now fragmented and absorbed by other gangs, Luanne likes to stay out of other peoples way while she gathers herself and what better way to do that then to run the only gay bar in the city?
Kazan: Former crime head of the Yamaoka crime family forced to retire after his grandson brutally murdered his wife and child, he's now mentoring the now resurrected granddaughter Rin. The crime family has been using eldritch beings for years to keep their heads relatively immortal.
Julie: Julie is the daughter of the current Kostenko crime head though her dad may be the face of it, she's really the one running the operation. Her and her "legion" set up masquerades brutally torturing and maiming people for the highest bidder in hopes of summoning whatever the client asks for. Not many survive and on the surface she seems like the only person to offer this time kind of service to the elite. Her body became possessed by a fragment of the god of the depths not long after Tarhos's summoning and a robbery gone wrong.
Frank: Former foster kid that became friends with Julie after he was found by her in the under ground fighting scene. She offered him a job and really is was only robberies and breaks in until recently. Now he's her muscle, he does all the horrific things she asks of him letting the god of the depths feed off of the suffering being caused. Due to his loyalty he was shared the fragment of the gods blessing and he's so in love.
Seiji: Current family head of the Amanome yakuza family after his dad unfortunate passing, he is well aware of what is going on in the city, but tries not to participate in all the ritual summoning happening. He runs a pretty tight shift and controls the docks meaning everyone has to negotiate to get product shipped and received.
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gierosajie · 2 years
I need more exploration on the silly little concept of Venti causing erosion just for existing
Most of his friends being mortals because time affects them differently compared to immortals who experience the constant toll of erosion
Taking centuries long naps, not only to conserve and recover power, but because his prolonged presence slowly causes the world to move forward into the end
An arrow failing to hit him as it is stripped to dust
Venti cannot die for he is part of the cause of the world's decay through the barrage of the Undying Winds of Time
Accidentally becoming one of the reasons for Zhongli's retirement from archonhood because they hung out for the first time in 500 years and Zhongli's experience of erosion, while not yet bad, kind of worsened
Elemental dust converging onto Venti's Statues of the Seven that was picked up by the Winds
Venti cannot directly intervene, forced watch and act from the side because everything will fall apart otherwise
That concept of Anemo Vision bearers having more survivability, except this time it's the other way around with everyone else getting less survivability. They have to constantly make sure everyone else stays alive
Venti taking the opportunity to hop on a boat to Inazuma much earlier than planned as soon as Zhongli took a vacation to Mondstadt in that bartender event because he didn't want to make things worse
Music as the only thing that keeps everything in order so he just keeps singing even if he doesn't want to because that's just how he is *glances at the Venti glider lore*
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agenttommykinard · 2 years
Thanks for the prompt! Here's one for you (whatever characters/fandom are appealing to you)
“Don’t ask me that…”
Joe/Nicky because I'm predictable feat a modern au where Joe is a psychic and Nicky is a chef
this is born from the weird mix of watching the Bear and Maggie at the same time
The restaurant has long since closed, and Joe sits at the bar, twirling his half-empty glass in his hands idly, mind distracted as his friends close up for the night.
Across from him, Andy is cleaning out the taps, wiping them clean for the night and she sighs heavily before setting down her rag and leaning against the counter, looking at Joe and placing her hand on his own. "Your thoughts are louder than your ice clinking against the glass Joe," Andy says and Joe sets down his glass and glances at Andy, apologetic. She pats his hand before going to get down the bottle of vodka and two shot glasses, filling them both. "Spill," Andy says and she gives Joe the shot. He accepts it and clinks the glass against her own before throwing it back, grimacing. Andy in turn laughs loudly. Hopefully not too loud, Joe didn't really want the reason for his thoughts being so loud to walk through the door and ask questions Joe doesn't want to ask. "Relax, Nicky is going over the new menu with Nile, they're in their own world if anything it will take both of us to drag them out of there," Andy explains and Joe relaxes just a little. "Nicky keeps asking about my vision of him," Joe says and Andy hums, encouraging him to continue. She's been his friend since Joe was a teenager and she was skeptical at first about his abilities, but she came around after Joe's vision had rescued her horse. "It wasn't a bad one though, you would have told him if it was," Andy says and Joe sighs because that's just it. Nicky had believed Joe when he explained that he was a psychic, he didn't even ask for proof or even a fortune telling for himself. He had just taken Joe's word. They became friends slowly. Nicky was working on relaunching his family's restaurant after a tragedy, and Joe was starting his own business. They had similar friends and Joe had recommended Andy to bartend after she had retired from horse competitions.
He had a few visions of Nicky in the restaurant. He had seen Nile come in before they ever met her, and he has seen the fire that had taken out half the kitchen, and Nicky collapsing during a stressful service.
But then Joe had a different vision of Nicky. He had a vision of himself with Nicky. Happy, married, with two kids and a dog and a house. The whole domestic scene had Joe reeling because he wanted it so bad he ached.
"I've never had a vision of myself before," Joe stresses to Andy after telling her the vision of his supposed future with Nicky. "And Nicky is-" "In a relationship with his job?" Andy sums up and Joe grimaces. Nicky was a good man and he was very passionate about what he did, but he often left his personal life behind on the figurative back burner so he can work on his actual back burner. "Talk to him Joe," Andy says firm but not unkind. "I can't-" Joe starts and there's a noise from the entrance to the bar and Joe startles to see Nicky there, looking at the two of them with wide eyes. Andy's eyes dart between the two of them, and she squeezes Joe's hand gently before moving away to give them space.
"What did you see in your vision Joe?" Nicky asks, voice quiet as he looks at Joe with his wide eyes that Joe can never quite guess what color they are. They go from a stormy grey to the calm colors of the sea in the morning, and right now Joe can't make out what color they are, just that their intensity is directed straight at Joe.
"Don't ask me that..." Joe says, meeting Nicky's intense stare with his own. He knows Nicky to be stubborn, this restaurant would have failed if he wasn't, but Joe can be just as stubborn. "You said you didn't want to know about visions with you in it." "But what about if it's us?" Nicky stresses, stepping forward and Joe finds that he's at a loss for words.
He never saw this coming.
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moralesispunk · 3 years
Me?? Sharing another Jack thought?? Okay
But imagine meeting Jack after he's retired and moved back to his ranch, taking some time to fix up the wear and tear that's happened while he was in New York. After a long day of work he decides to drive into the town, stopping at the first bar he sees.
It's busier than he thought it would be, loud cheers spilling out as he opens the door, and that's when he notices the mechanical bull in the middle. He huffs a laugh, buying a bottle of beer and going to sit at a table with a view of this evenings entertainment.
After a few hours of watching people being thrown from the bull as well as the highlights from today's game on the TV he is ready to leave but then he sees you.
Your friends cheer you on as you step into the ring, your eyes rolling at their laughter as the guy helps you up onto the bull and gets it going. You last a lot longer than you should for someone who looks like they have no experience on a mechanical bull and damn did you look good doing it.
He doesn't think twice before he walks over to the bar to stand by your side catching the bartenders attention just before you and offering an "and whatever they're having" with a wink
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