weiyingsbigbooty · 1 month
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ah velarik my beloved, i had to draw them again! Alarik is very overprotective and posessive of Vera, but she thinks his behavior is cute (both are a bit deranged). tried drawing lighting for the first time incorporated with the background. honestly i didnt draw the background i just googled fantasy tavern and blurred it xd.
anyways i wrote a lil imagine for this scene so feel free to read it under the cut!
Alarik was sulking in the back corner of the inn's pub, looking over the people inside of it. Vera told him to ‘stay’, as she wanted to gather intel from the other residents and he would just scare them away and not get any information about their current case. Alarik doesn't think he's that scary, and Vera has called him adorable and the cutest on many occasions, but apparently the rest don't think that. Plus, she has given him another job, to listen to the whispers. Things people won't tell her because they are outsiders, and with his heightened hearing, he can hear everyone's heart beats much less the secrets they share under the comfort of the loudness of the pub.
On the other side, Vera was leaning against the tall island of the bar itself, stripped of any visible weapons and her red scarf, showing off the pale-grayish skin of her neck, collarbones and cleavage. She had the advantage of being a pretty little elf girl who shows off just enough to catch the attention of drunk patrons. And sooner rather than later, just a few minutes after she positioned herself three men surrounded her.
“Hey there sweetheart, care for a drink?”
“Only if you're paying.”
Vera flagged down the bartender, and ordered herself some wine that was paid by one of the men. She asked them questions as she sipped on her drink, and soon enough had information she needed. “Sorry boys, but I am retiring tonight. Have a long day ahead of me.” The half elf finished her drink in one go, and stood up to leave but was stopped by a hand on her wrist.
“Come on sweetheart, don't leave us now. We can make your night worthwhile.” His goons snickered as the man grabbed her jaw, his stinky drunk breath fanning her face. Feeling another presence behind her, she smirked. “Sure,” she was snatched out of his grasp and her back was pressed into Alarik's tall frame. She grabbed the assassin's jaw with her fingertips as he growled at the three men in front of them, his blood red eyes glaring from under the shadow his ink black hair casted on his face.
“If my Puppy agrees.” That drew another growl out of her puppy, which looked much more like a nightmarish creature than a cute little dog.
He didn't even have to do much but glare and barge his teeth under his mask and the three men were sent scrambling away from the two of them, throwing words such as ‘fucking freakshow’ and ‘crazy bitch’ as they made their way out of the pub with tails between their legs.
The patrons laughed at the unlucky men and went back to their drunk conversations.
Vera sighed and turned to face Alarik, cupping his face with both of her hands. “I guess they didn't like your answer, Puppy. Lucky enough they had loose tongues before you showed up.”
Giggling at him still glaring at the door, she turned him to face her. “You did a good job,” she kissed his cheek. “And a good job requires a good reward. Let's go up.” With that she dragged him up the stars by his hand, making a group of girls that sat by the stairs giggle as Alarik stumbled after her.
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specgram · 8 years
Books for Linguists
Markedness’s Search for Meaning, by Velarik Frankl; The Retroflex Less Transcribed, by M. Script Peck
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