#he doesn't care about anything he just loves causing problems and being a nuisance
windfavord · 3 months
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starter for @cagedfreedom ! —— ⟡ ( starter call )
HE HAD SPENT THE EVENING perched up on one of the rooftops, looking out over the cityscape. It hadn't been easy to get up there. Instead of simply flying up, he'd had to painstakingly climb. Not impossible, but still more tedious than he'd like.
It was one of his favorite pasttimes-- situating himself above the world around him, watching things happen.
Sometimes, it could be quite entertaining. And interesting.
He couldn't care less what people did to one another. Whether they lived or died, betrayed one another or came together, none of it affected him in the least-- but one thing he couldn't resist was the chance to cause a little bit of chaos. Mess up someone's evening.
Especially when there was a chance that they might deserve it.
He'd picked up a newspaper earlier that day, just to skim over to see if there was anything worth looking at-- and lo and behold, when he glanced up from the paper, he caught a glimpse of someone whose description just so happened to match the description of a killer the island's police were on the hunt for.
He had no intention or interest in helping out law enforcement-- but that didn't mean he wouldn't have a little fun with it, so he climbed down from the rooftop, charting a path through a couple of side streets so that he'd end up in front of the person he was following. He had no idea whether or not this was actually the suspect the paper was talking about-- and he didn't care either.
A smirk on his lips, his hat tipped down to shade his face, he stood in the middle of the path, barring the other's way.
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"White hair, dark clothes... it's a little vague, isn't it?" he intoned with a bit of a lazy drawl, "Still... you fit that description, don't you? Awfully brave of you not to be in hiding right now, don't you think?"
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
What do you think would happen if Floyd were to meet Riddle's mother?! Cuz I just read your Mama/Papa leech Headcanons about meeting their sons crush. But what if it’s reversed? Riddle's mother Meeting Floyd? (I would also say Yuu's parents meeting Jade, but unfortunately, that won't be happening)
“Wow, I thought Lil Goldfishie was a stick in the mud, his mama has a whole branch up her—” *gets kicked in the groin*
I have very mixed feelings about Riddle's mother, in that with the context we have right now she's a bitch and if I ever see her it's on motherfucking sight. But she must love her son still, right? Is she harsh because he wants to set Riddle up for success, but only knows the way she was raised? Is she scared of her kid getting hurt or failing, and so she tries to shield him from all possible harm? Is she so hyperaware of all the dangers in society that she feels the need to keep him in a little bubble, knowing in the back of her mind that making mistakes and getting hurt is part of growing up? A good mother would never want to see their child ever get hurt if it were up to them. I mean, she must care for him in some way, but how? In the manga or novel (not sure which) they mention that she fought back against the school to keep him in, but was that because she wanted him to have the prestige of NRC in his background or because she wants what's best for him? She homeschooled him herself to the point that he's an immensely powerful mage already as a teen, so she could've hypothetically kept doing the same thing, right? Is she a mother that truly cares for her son but suffered the same childhood, but she “turned out fine” so it must be fine? Or is she just a bitch, lol. Either way, she is emotionally and affectionately neglectful and doesn't realize it at best, and emotionally and psychologically abusive at worst.
I have a lot to say on the topic of Mrs. Rosehearts, about her parenting, the cultural differences of child-rearing that EN players and JP players might have. This post talks about it in depth, but I can say more on the topic later.
In regards to Floyd meeting Mrs. Rosehearts, probably against Riddle's wishes or while he's distracted, the poor guy is set up for disappointment. While it's implied that Mama Leech is overprotective and that she calls very often, if not daily, to check in on her sons, they still had enough freedom growing up to get into shenanigans and hijinks. I mean, they beat up a sturgeon and took some of its scales to fashion into earrings like a trophy. And they both speak very fondly of her, so Floyd is going into meeting Mrs. Rosehearts with the expectation that she might be a bit stuffy. But, she raised Riddle, his crush and favorite human! He's strict and mean at times, but he cares a lot for his dorm and is super diligent, she must be like that too!
But she's so…critical. She looks at him unamused, very standoffish, but is polite. He guesses. He can see where Riddle got his strictness from.
“Hello. Who might you be?” She probably didn't expect to have some random student, not even from her son's dorm, come up to her. He was...tall. Towered over her, and based on the color of his hair and sharp teeth, most likely wasn't human.
“Huh, you're not as red as my Lil Goldfishie is.”
She blinked and frowned, resisting the urge to chastise the strange fellow for his informal tone and rube behavior. Not her son, not her problem.
“Pardon? Do you often speak to your elders like this?” she asked, eyeing him as she turned away to watch her son give orders to his dorm as they managed an informational booth.
“Yeah, why not? They're just people. Not like I'm being rude or anything” She would strongly disagree. “You're kinda prickly, like a lionfish.”
“W-what?” She changed her mind, someone needs to put him in her place. “Now listen here, young man, it's quite rude to call people anything other than their na—”
“They're real mean, ya know. Venomous, a nuisance, can't even mess with it cause it has a bunch of spines—oh! Imma call you Mama Lionfish.” The young man snapped his left fingers like he made a revelation.
Mrs. Rosehearts had learned to control her temper, but she still had her moments, Her face been bright red, her lips thinned, and she opened her mouth to start berating the young man.
“Floyd Leech! What did I tell you about calling people names?” A tall, slender women came up to them, pale skin and hair hue similar to the man in front of her. She wore a cream-colored dress and matching blazer, adorned with gold and pearls, and a matching wide brimmed hat. She was followed by Riddle, who looked a mix of anger and concern.
“Never do it in front of people, yeah, yeah.” The man named Floyd pouted, but brightened at the sight of Riddle. “Oh hey Lil Goldfishie! What's uuuup?”
Floyd jogged over to Riddle, halting him midstep as Mrs. Rosehearts noticed Riddle almost bristle, trying to sidestep and get around Floyd. He was failing.
“I apologize, you know how boys can be!” The woman in front of her also towered over her, though not nearly as much as her son did. “My Floyd doesn't mean anything by it, he just a silly boy.”
The blue haired woman laughed, then abruptly stopped, narrowing her golden gaze as she thinly smiled.
“You're the man's mother, I assume.” Mrs. Rosehearts replied, smoothing out her skirt and clutching her hands together. “He's very...spirited. He's from the Leech family? Is it safe to assume that your the Leech family matriarch?”
The other woman's sharp toothed smile grew as she nodded. “Yes. It's not often that I come to the surface. But it's wonderful to know that I'm as—oh—well-known, on the surface, as under the sea.”
Mrs. Rosehearts wouldn't use the word 'well-known' as much as she would infamous.
“Yes, well. I would just remind your son to not so blatantly call people names to their faces.” she said, clenching and unclenching her fist in an attempt to sooth herself. “I'm not sure what your customs are under the sea, but up here he would be considered a riffraff.”
For all her talk about politeness, Mrs. Rosehearts forgot herself at time and let things slip out of her mouth faster than she processed. She knew she pressed a button when Mrs. Leech's smile disappeared.
It was only for a moment, but with the blank face and the way her gold eyes bore into her, it felt like her body and soul were being grasped by something dark and violent.
Then that feeling was gone as Mrs. Leech smiled again and closed her eyes, tilting her head.
“He'll be fine, I'm sure he'll find his people. After all, it seems he's already found someone in your son.”
Both women moved their gazes to the pair, now bickering. Well, Riddle was, the one called Floyd, was just swaying on his heels as he grinned and make a comment here and there. Each one after the other seemed to fluster her son further, his cheeks growing in color as they spoke. Most people who knew her son would assume that the red was attributed to his rage, and it mostly was. But (fortunately or unfortunately, she couldn't decide) her son was much like her. It wasn't rage that made his eyes dart away each time their eyes met for too long. It wasn't rage that made him scuff his foot every so often. And it most certainly wasn't rage in his eyes.
Mrs. Rosehearts cleared her throat, turning away from Mrs. Leech and walking to her son.
“I don't know what you're implying, but I must be going now. My son and I still need to tour his dorm.”
Mrs. Leech watched the other woman walk away, sighing.
“Oh, what a disdainful woman. And her son is so lovely too…she really is like a lionfish.”
“Yeah, it's a good nickname for her, right Mama?” Floyd came bounding over, stretching his arms. “Is' too bad she's a stuck-up, gonna real annoying if she's my mother-in-law.”
“Hm, I'll just have to overcompensate then and be the best Mama for you and the little Riddle!” Mama Leech clapped her hands excitedly, sighing in bliss at the thought.
“Oh, it will be so wonderful to see the family grow big...oh! By the way, Floyd.” Mama Leech walked away, Floyd following after diligently. “I might have mentioned a little 'something' to him about your cute rambles about him. He was so cute, all red and flushed when I said you're positively infatuated, calling him cute and—”
“Aw what! Mama!”
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viperwhispered · 5 months
New fic idea: Jamil VS the ex
Context: Jamil and s/o have been dating for while. Things are going great and everyone is just happy. There are no real jealousy issues on either side cause they trust each other and Jamil is confident he's the best catch around. If there is any jealousy, they talk it out like mature human beings since being petty doesn't solve anything. Though there is defintley possessiveness, it never leaves the bedroom and they both enjoy it.
Introducing the ex: just a complete toxic dump. As in, shitty romance novels stereotypical male lead toxic dump. Just controlling, verbally/emotionally abusive, physically intimidates people, tries to use sex to fix things, doesn't know when to leave their exes alone, gets physical with love rivals, etc. For reference feel free to look at Christian Grey from 50 Shades, Hardin Scott from After, and Edward Cullen from Twilight. Honestly it didn't last more than a week yet the ex continued to stalk our poor reader and ruin any attempt at a finding a new lover.
Cue them getting to NRC and finally having a chance at a relationship with our boy Jamil. But unfortunately all good things must come to an end when reader invites Jamil home to meet their family. Let's say that if the reader is not from TWST then they have a way to dimension travel and the family is in on it.
Jamil is quickly welcomed into the family and they make it clear that he's the best boyfriend the reader has had so far. The reader and their family are quick to warn Jamil about the ex and the sabotages. He learns the details from his albi's angry rants about all the bullshit this guy did.
At one point the reader turns to him and goes: "you have my permission to be as much of a possessive scheming bastard as you want. Ruin his reputation, frame him, humiliate him, I don't care! He's messed with my life far too much for me to care about him anymore. If we run into him, feel free to shove it in his face that I am yours. Hold me, kiss me, leave hickies, whatever! I trust you to know my boundaries and when to do it. Hell, if you manage to get rid of him, then we might as well skip the formalities and go straight to the alter."
Cue Jamil plotting:
1. Get the ego boost from going PDA in front of your lover’s ex. Note: make sure beloved is wearing his hoodie/jersey for maximum boost.
2. Get rid of the abusive ex who's been harming his beloved for YEARS.
3. Plan the wedding.
Meanwhile, the reader is just enjoying the extra affection while munching popcorn as their dear boyfriend gets rid of the biggest nuisance in their life. Yes they get turned on by it, especially the smirk. They're planning to thoroughly spoil him when this is over, both in and out of the bedroom.
Bonus: in your professional opinion, what route would Jamil take to get rid of the ex and how sadistic does he get?
Hasdkföjask yes just let Jamil loose on the problem and enjoy the fireworks.
Also hasdfads in my professional opinion, huh? I feel honored. 🥺👉👈
Oop this got long so below the cut it goes.
(Also boy am I glad the ex did not get to do too much lasting damage to reader’s ability to have a healthy relationship. Jamil already has enough baggage for both of them to go through. Still, someone get a restraining order on that ex, stat.)
“Yes they get turned on by it, especially the smirk.” Just… too true. Man’s just way too hot when he’s all confident and cocky I swear.
Also ngl this brand of possessive I can definitely get behind.
Also I love that tasklist, just not sure which one I love more, the note to task 1 or just the entirety of task 3. Tho of course, Jamil being Jamil (and I may or may not be projecting here) I’m sure there’d be plenty of subtasks / -steps to each of these.
(Also sidenote yes Jamil definitely would know how to turn up the charm for the in-laws for extra approval points. What a charming well-behaved young man, just delightful 😇)
Now, the options coming to my mind are:
Something “private”: only the ex (and reader) needs to know what happened exactly, but it’s enough to spook the ex and keep him in line. (I mean, getting snake whispered? Should be pretty scary, especially depending on what Jamil does with it. Oh boy, the potential.)
Something public: ruin this guy’s image, future prospects, credit score, everything, make everyone see him for the cretin he is. Might cause backlash depending on just how concerning this guy is, but also long-lasting consequences.
Ignore the gnat, just rub things in his face by just being super sweet and loveydovey wherever he happens to be without ever directly confronting him because he’s not worth the effort (not too likely, Jamil’s definitely way too petty (or incensed) to just leave it at that).
Now, getting information on people may be Azul’s specialty, but I’m sure Jamil won’t have too much trouble finding out enough (like where the ex works, lives, stuff like that. If this is a different world (or even just different country), I’m sure reader can help him with the details of what is possible and all).
And by the sounds of things, this particular jerkwad is bound to turn up anyway. So maybe it’s just a case of waiting and being ready, setting up the favorable circumstances.
So Jamil and s/o would be going out and about. Maybe to the shops, maybe just a walk outside, whatever they know is likely to land them on the ex’s path.
The thing about the hoodie is that it’s not necessarily obvious (to the ex) that it belongs to Jamil, rather than you. So he’d probably go for the jersey (since that name obviously isn’t yours (at least yet)), or weather permitting he’d only loan out his hoodie to you at an opportune time.
Like, as soon as you two realize the ex is around, you’re all oh, it sure is a little chilly isn’t it, have my hoodie my dear, it’ll keep you warm. Cue makeout session (and definitely no smug glances from Jamil to the ex, no siree. Nothing of the sort when he holds you tighter, pulls you closer, lets his hands trail along your back, into your back pockets or perhaps even under your shirt. Definitely.).
When ex comes over, you’re conveniently in a public place (probably conveniently within sight of cameras, too, so there’d be something on record to go to authorities with, if needed, and for extra consequences).
I’m thinking Jamil might be all “innocent”, at least overtly (and as much as he can hold himself back - he’s used to mingling with the high and mighty and keeping face, but this is more personal) - tho there might be some underhanded barbs with plausible deniability, or just all the casual things about how you’re Jamils and how you’ve been together for however long and how Jamil just met your parents etc. Basically just reminding the ex of what he can’t have.
Tho once Jamil distances himself (and you), from the guy, I could see Jamil going to somewhere more secluded (with or without you, depending on how you agreed in advance). And if and when the ex follows, he gets a very different side of Jamil. Sharp tongue, no holds barred, told in no uncertain terms how pathetic and despicable he is, and to keep away from you, your family, and anyone else who has any connection to you. But especially you.
The only problem I have is thinking of just what he’d do to seal the deal. I mean, probably Jamil would make the guy do something bad / unpleasant with snake whisper. Like, make the dude do something humiliating, film it and leave it on his phone for him to find later? Make him go out into the crowds to make a fool out of himself? (Perhaps in a location with his friends / family / whatever around?) Get him to send some very terrible messages to some folks?
I think I’m a bit too nice to think of just how far Jamil could go, and snake whisper does have its limitations, too. Like to really ruin someone, you need to do something more impactful than just one unfortunate action.
(I mean I suppose maybe he could make the dude kill someone and go to prison for that but yeah let’s not.) Robbery, tho? I’m sure there’s some sort of a crime we can squeeze out of the guy that would not be too bad for bystanders (not that Jamil would be that bothered, tbh) but would still be enough of a consequence, and which could still be achieved with snake whisper.
That, or just make the guy walk into a cesspit or something, especially if it’s right before something important.
I’m kinda just spitting this out (and brain’s a bit fried) but also this was such a juicy concept I had to jump on it.
Honestly I feel like there’d be so much more to be said just for the PDA part and the possessiveness and protectiveness Jamil would feel and everything else, and maybe I’ll get back to that another time.
Did you have any particular thoughts of how you think it might go?
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redey3core · 1 year
Joy Headcanons
I feel bad bc I've been so busy this week but :] here's some silly hcs for Joy hehe
24 years old.
Italian-American (second generation). Spoke Italian at home growing up.
Parents died in a car accident when she was 6-7 years old. She was raised by Papa Louie after that; her mother was Papa Louie's younger sister.
On the topic of her parents, Joy is a dead ringer for her mother. They look so alike it's crazy.
Gives off the aura of someone who's super confident and outgoing. If she's not at the pizzaria, she's always out and about doing something. Her friend group includes Liezel, Perri and Lisa.
Used to be really into superhero comics after her parents died. She related a lot to the heroes losing loved ones. She grew out of them after a few years, but she gave all her old comics to Roy.
Learnt to cook from her mother. Papa Louie was very happy to have Joy cook with him after she moved in, and it really helped Joy to cope with her grief & accept Louie as her new guardian.
Did competitive gymnastics for 12+ years and planned to be an athlete for it. When she was a senior in high school though, she suddenly realised it wasn't what she wanted to do anymore, hence why she turned down the university scholarship.
After turning down the scholarship, she went through a severe period of depression. She felt completely lost and no longer had any idea what she wanted to do in life. The thought of what could have been still haunts her.
Louie was the one who suggested she take time off to travel around, and he was very supportive of her decision to turn down the scholarship. She left shortly after high school and returned home when she was 21.
Spent her time in Sakura Bay doing odd jobs and trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She fell in with a suspicious crowd in her first year there that ultimately helped fuel her desire to become Ninjoy.
Being a pizza delivery girl was NOT her first choice of a job when she returned home, but Louie is preparing her to take over the entire -eria business with Roy.
Still does gymnastics for sport and recreation, but is no longer competitive.
Very strong and flexible thanks to her years of gymnastics.
Close with Roy, although she doesn't believe him when he claims Moe is actually the Dynamoe.
Alongside gymnastics, she's also a very good dancer.
Has problems handling her negative emotions; she tends to bottle them up until she explodes.
Has been acting as Ninjoy since she was 22.
Began acting as Ninjoy after a significant crime increase in the city. It's gone down since then, but she never let go of the mantle. Part of her was also fueled by the bad experiences she had in Sakura Bay.
Takes her job seriously. A little too seriously for someone who runs around in a ninja costume all night.
Her job isn't always to just catch and beat up bad guys. She also assists with good deeds such as finding lost pets and cleaning the streets (literally). People who have met her via these deeds describe her as being closed off but someone who cares deeply for her community.
Uses the Ninjoy persona to channel out her frustrations and anger, especially when she's beating up bad guys.
Although initially beginning as a vigilante, her values began to change after dating Moe (& after finding out his identity), tilting her more towards an anti-hero.
Only two people know of her identity- Roy, and eventually Moe.
Taught herself to fight.
Feels like she has an obligation to be Ninjoy. It causes her a lot of stress on top of her personal life issues.
The stress of the job leads to her being snappy, no-nonsense and intolerant of anything she deems to be a nuisance pretty often. This includes the Dynamoe.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
you did mention before in other replies that Santi is very hostile towards other concubi. i enjoy reading those cuz my brain conjures up the most ridiculous scenarios where Santi's literally chasing off a concubus or having a cat fight with one, and wanted to send an ask of my own.
what if Santi's obsession was a demon or a different monster that's half-concubus? or even a human with concubus heritage, if that's even possible at all in your world.
let's say that the half-concubus is neither competitive nor confrontational, so when Santi makes it clear that he won't tolerate competing for "food", they back off without a fuss and choose to hunt somewhere else. maybe they wander back to The Clergy on occasion simply out of curiosity (and mayyybe they're a bit lonely, wanting someone to talk to and not always for the purpose of fucking), but they always make it known to Santi that they have no interest in taking any of his clients. they try not to cause any trouble, but sometimes they can't help eyeballing some of The Clergy members if they didn’t get their fill before stopping by.
with that all said...what if the other monster boys were obsessed with a concubus/half-concubus s/o?
specifically Morell, Gallon, Belo, Ludwig, and Obie.
Not much would change in Santi's demeanor. He's old enough to sniff out half-breeds, and you're not weaseling past his radar. He's still going to be quite tense, and he'd rather let you starve than feed off one of his coworkers. You're more of a nuisance to him than anything, and he'll struggle to look past your nature to even consider getting to know you more as a person.
The thing with having a concubus/half-concubus partner isn't really discrimination, only one of the monsters you listed has conflicted feelings about demons, and that's Belo.
Belo, naturally, has been taught since youth that demons are corrupted scum and he should murder one whenever he's given the chance, because it equates to purifying the world, at least in the eyes of siadar. Belo was trained from youth for this, it's really hard to unlearn that, and he's only trying to because of his lord, who employs this wretched trash. Getting to tolerate Santi has already been a monumental effort in which he still falters to this day- Falling in love with a concubus will just about destroy Belo's cool. He's done, he checked out, he's going to stuff himself in his private room and have a meltdown over how worthless of an angel he is. Then he's going to address you as if you robbed him. It's not a pretty ordeal.
There might be a little bit of hesitation on Morell's side. Bernice and Harvey were raised with very distinct values, and one of them is that you should always be alert around demons no matter how nice they seem (which isn't all that wrong, when you consider that most are mischievous, to varying degrees). Morell serves and converses with demons, and he doesn't feel any particular disdain for Santi- But wanting one is different. More intimacy, more vulnerability. It's safe to say the mushroom will start doing some research and keep his Piglet under his thumb at all times. Trust is gained slowly.
Gallon is entirely ambivalent to your nature as a demon and shares no preconceived ideas that you're "to be avoided/harmed". He'll approach you in much the same way he would any other person, though always a little more careful, given that depending on your power, you can render him pliant easily under the right circumstances. He treats this like an exciting game, and deep down, he kind of wants you to prey on him a little.
Ludwig and Obie are the most ready to accept you. Your nature means nothing to them, as they've met and interacted with many a concubus in the Common Rings of Hell. Both are proud and happy to be you, just as they would with any other type of monster/human.
The problem comes with the workplace and Santi. The incubus doesn't want competition at any cost, and you being in a relationship with one of his coworkers won't change that. To put it mildly, your relationship with him will always be tense, and your partner has been warned by both him and Admin to not let you eat in The Clergy unless you're specifically eating off the monster you're in a relationship with.
I wouldn't put Santi above several, petty attempts to drive you away. He just thinks you should take a hike already.
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Isel 28?
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don’t like someone?
UGH HES LIKE. kind of annoying about that precise thing. dude loves to flirt around and flatter people aimlessly and he sometimes intentionally errs on the side of sarcasm about it. as you can imagine it causes a lot of avoidable grievances with him but anything that does arise out of it tends to just amuse him personally. he has like no desire to stop. like he fucking loves teasing his ex-boyfriend olzhas about it just offhandedly referring to em as like inhumanely handsome or whatever the fuck out of nowhere which is especially annoying to em because isel just has like. that natural sense of dubious sincerity and e's just assuming he's doing it to be a nuisance. which is true. but he also does still love em and he's kind of just testing the waters (badly) with his stupid proclamations. similarly he just bullies mazin (guy who kills him sometimes) by acting all courteous and well-spoken around him which IS. just purely for the sake of being annoying LOL. its kind of hard to gauge his feelings on someone purely on the way he talks and acts around them because hes. a very good actor. lol
his whole thing is kind of just like. seeding doubt into everything he does to cloud the presence of his actual suspicious deeds which more or less boil down to "he just likes gossip and digging up dirt on people for his own personal amusement" but hes got a huge complex about being presentable and fancy all the time so the line kind of just blurs between the way he expresses adoration and like. distaste. he's very controlled about it and is good at acting blasé even whilst under pressure at least socially.... id say though theres like. very subtle indicator of hatred that most people who are unfamiliar with him wouldnt notice and that is simply. when in the presence of a discordant individual he tends to be just EVER SO SLIGHTLY a bit more monotone and doesn't really use uncanny metaphors or weird sleight of words. something something he almost seems "too restrained" and that's like. a very foggy confirmation that tends to slip past most people who'd be more likely to look toward him looking physically uncomfortable or getting into arguments.... which he IS capable of if its someone worthy enough of getting harangued but in terms of petty disagreement he has no problems just presenting himself all chipper and only partaking in disguised digs at people. hes a funny guy
oc ask game
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panzershrike-pretz · 8 months
HI PRETZ! okay, for the ask game, how about fire, spring, and dna for your oc hugh? i loved his moodboard so i totally need to know more about him!
HI BLUUUUUU!!!! Ahhhhh, i'm so happy you liked my bee boy🥺💕💕💕 he's definetely one of my favorite babies!!
This got lONG, so to the read more abyss it goes
FIRE -> what’s one thing they’d destroy if they could, and why? would that destruction bring them any satisfaction or catharsis?
Hugh is one of the most gentle and caring aboard Blithe; he never showed any agression towards anyone and seems able to push through anything with a good and friendly nature. He doesn't have many enemies and the ones he has are just the common ones (Wights, Hollows, the Navy, pirate hunters and those things).
While he may not love authority figures such as sailors and cops - or anything to do with law enforcement, really -, he understands that they are needed even if he sees them as a nuisance who get in the way of his line of work - and he knows damn well he's not the "good guy" either for being a pirate, so he wouldn't destroy any of that if given the chance. Yes he hates the threat of a noose around his neck but if only him (and some other pirates, mostly not "good" like his friends) being free would put the rest of the world in potential dangers, it's not fair.
Now, while he still respescts those no-majs aspects of life that are unavoidable, what Hugh would seek to destroy is not a physical place or a specific job - it's an entire breed that exists solely for the purpose of hurting both him and other peculiars. So he can't exactly aim a cannon to a building, shoot, watch it fall and call it a day.
Hugh's problem with Wights and Hollows (even if he has a friend who's a Wight and knows three separate Hollows who aren't out for blood) is not a personal thing, but more of a conditional fear and hatred he was already born with to survive - same with other peculiars, it's an instinct.
It's not anything he can do something about (unless you hand him a buttom that'll make every Hollow and Wight in the world disappear forever on the spot), but it's still a thing he wishes he had the power to stop.
If he really could destroy both entire species, he would jump at the opportunity - not happily, as he'd lose good ol' Black Jack, but he'd still do it. It would be obviously hard on him, being the reason many died, but his options would be that or let those monsters roam free, killing for their own personal little plans and potentially causing more long-term harm than they already do on a normal basis.
Hugh wouldn't want the fame of freeing the magical world or any kind of medal or trophy; he'd want peace and quiet to grieve and think. He'd be glad to finally roam a street without fear eating him alive, but at the same time he'd feel immense guilt.
SPRING -> what does your OC miss most? will they ever be reunited? how would they feel about that?
He misses being a "normal" child, but at the same time wouldn't like to try again on life and miss out on what he conquered.
Hugh misses his old home in Virginia, where he was born and adopted by Sirius and Michael. He misses walking on tall grass and eating honey straight from a bee's nest. He misses simply sleeping between his dad's on the sun and misses Sirius telling him to be quiet on the morning's after a Full Moon, so he wouldn't wake Micah.
It was a simpler life, when he wasn't so scarred and traumatized, and it was good.
But he still loves the present, where he's deeply in love with this german girl who loves him just as much and he can fly like a busy lil' bee around Blithe's sails.
He wonders a lot about how life would've been if he just stayed at home back in 1942 - and he's kind of scared of the idea? He would've miss out on so much. He's a 90-something kid, unable to grow old but who still saw a lot on his lifetime and he wouldn't change a thing (even if it meant he'd still have 4 legs, 2 eyes and a functioning nose KAKAKAKA)
DNA -> does your OC believe in fate or destiny? what about soulmates? is this all a coincidence?
Somewhat? I mean, in a world full of magic, you can expect anything. He already saw prophecies happen first-hand and even saw one of his own friends having a Prophetic Episode in front of him, so I like to believe he does think fate/destiny are real.
As for soulmates, Hugh's case in which both him and Fiona are each other's first and only partners, I think he'd agree with the whole soulmate idea. He likes romance and the idea that him and Fiona would meet in every timeline, no matter what, and still fall in love each time.
He's seen plenty relationships going wrong, tho, and I guess he's the type that would think that a soulmate is not supposed to be only the romantic kind. They could be your friend, your sibling or anyone, really, that in every universe would somehow be connected to you. He likes to think this is true
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kanaesparadise · 2 years
Heyo can i request where reader is in a really bad mood and just depressed vibes and the characters don't know why but they actually said something really mean to reader earlier and reader thinks they're a nuisance to them and they make up, can the characters be sova and yoru (chamber and cypher if u can) ( ╹▽╹ )
Valorant Agents Realize That You're in a Bad Mood Because of Them
Type: Headcanons / Some angst but ends with fluff
Characters: Sova, Yoru, Chamber, Cypher, Jett, Fade
Pronouns: They/Them
Warnings: None
A/N: Hi zen! I hope you enjoy while reading this 'cause I'm really enjoying while writing~ Have a good day!
As a French gentleman, Chamber is not someone to upset you or make you depressed easily.
However, his excessive ego can sometimes cause him to hurt you unintentionally.
For example, while praising himself, he may humiliate you without anticipating that it will upset you, and he is not aware of it.
So it wouldn't be unexpected for him to make you feel like a nuisance.
He wouldn't have asked you right away, even if he noticed you were upset the rest of the day.
Maybe you just needed some time and he might have come up to you and bothered you.
However, when he saw that you were still in a bad mood despite the passage of time, he would understand that something was wrong. He need to talk to you.
"Ma chérie, is there something to bothering you?"
If you refuse to talk to him, he won't go because he thinks he's waited enough for today.
If you asked him if he remembers what he said before, he certainly wouldn't remember.
Even if he remembered what he said, it would be too late for him to realize that he had said something wrong.
Do not get it wrong; Even if Chamber found out a little late, he'd feel really bad for making you feel that way.
"I'm so sorry, my love, I didn't want you to think that way."
He would take you out to dinner to make up for his mistake.
The work that needs to be done that day has to be disrupted because he needs to take care of you.
In the following days, he will often check on you from afar or by coming to you.
Being in a relationship with Yoru is pretty difficult because you can easily misunderstand him.
He also has trouble showing his emotions.
So it's quite possible that when he's angry about something, he'll say things to you that he will regret. Something he always does.
But doing it all the time doesn't make it right to say such things.
He might not understand that you were upset at first and would make fun of you.
But when he saw that you were getting more upset, he would panic.
Did someone upset you? Are you taken for his joke? Did you argue with one of the agents?
The funny thing is that all his thoughts were wrong.
He would try to talk to you, to remember what he said because he probably wouldn't be able to remember what he said to you.
When you finally told him exactly what he had said earlier, he would froze.
"I... I'm sorry I know I do this all the time but... It won't happen again. I promise."
If you don't want to forgive him, he won't say anything or object to you because he knows you are right.
But if you forgive, he'll show you the loving side he rarely shows, without hesitation.
"You're not a nuisance to me (Y/N), if you weren't with me everything would be much worse for me."
It is impossible for Sova to say such a thing to you in any situation, but you may feel like you are a nuisance. Because he often corrects your little mistakes.
Sova likes to share it with you when he's nervous, but sometimes he doesn't want to bother you too much.
Sometimes he may unintentionally ignore you.
The reason he stopped ignoring you was because he saw that you were in very bad mood.
Your happiness is more important than your own problems. Also, his first priority is to always make you happy.
At first he would hug you from behind and ask how your day was going, and if you felt comfortable he would ask you to why you were in a bad mood.
He blamed himself since you said you felt like you were nuisance for him and disrupting his work. He thought he shouldn't have made you feel this way.
He would turn you towards him and leave kisses on different parts of your face.
"I'm sorry, my love, I didn't mean to make you feel this way. What can I do to make you feel better? It can be anything."
He would really do anything you wanted. Going out, having a picnic, or just cuddling together.
He can carry you if you want. Let others say what they want, if you're going to be happy, he'll do it.
Although Cypher is busy most of the time, he likes to see you around even when he's working.
He still prefers to be alone when he's nervous, so if you unknowingly bother him, he's likely to be rude to you.
Although it usually depends on the situation, most of the time, he realizes that he hurt you right after he said rude things.
But he wouldn't have told you directly that you were a nuisance. Even though he was sarcastic, you could easily understand what he was saying to you.
When he noticed the surprise and sadness on your face, he realized how rude his words were, and his heart started to feel heavy.
"I'm really sorry, my beloved, I didn't mean it that way, I'm just too nervous. I didn't mean to offend you, please don't look at me like that."
He would take your face in his hands and try to make you look at him.
If you don't want to talk to him, he reluctantly leaves you alone but continues to check how you are from afar.
Like Sova, he can do anything you want if you let him fix this situation.
He will do anything to make you happy and see your smile. That's why he doesn't know what to do out of guilt when he upsets you.
In addition to being quite cheerful and energetic, Jett is someone who gets demoralized very quickly.
She becomes tense and unhappy when she loses a bet, fails to do something she tried to do, or returns unsuccessfully from her mission.
If you have failed a mission together, Jett will complain about everything along the way.
For example, why did she go on a mission with a Phantom instead of a Vandal? Why did she go on side B and not side A? Why is the plane so hot? Why is it raining outside? Why was she sent on a mission with you?
Her last sentence sounds pretty harsh, but Jett wouldn't have known what she was saying in anger. She would have even forgotten in what sense she meant it.
However, when she turned to you for a moment and saw the sadness and disappointment on your face, she would have forgotten her anger.
She would pull you towards her, wrap her arms around you and gently stroke your hair.
"Hey hey hey, I didn't mean it in the way you think, baby. I thought a few more agents were needed for this mission. You did a great job, it was all my fault. I'm just pissed off myself, don't get my word serious but I swear to you; I didn't mean it that way."
It would really broke her heart to see you upset, even if she knew she didn't mean that way.
When reporting to Brimstone, she said that she had failed during the mission, not you.
After being scolded by Brimstone, she would come over to you with a cheerful smile and take your arm and kiss you on the cheek.
"Let's do something outside! It looked like the rain had stopped as we entered protocol."
Fade is not a dissatisfied woman, but it cannot be said that she is very energetic either.
In general, her jokes are dark humorous and can be difficult to understand, so there is a high probability that you will misunderstand any of her jokes.
She doesn't like being social most of the time, but she likes you to be around. However, as I said, she often says what she has to say without thinking because she is used to being alone.
When she says something when she is angry, you may feel as if she is speaking to you, even if she is not angry with you. But it is definitely not aimed at you.
When she says something you might think like that, she doesn't realize that she hurt you at first because she knows she didn't tell taht words to you.
However, she cannot think that you will be taken over.
At first she would go on with her day as if nothing had happened because there was nothing abnormal for her.
Later in the day, when she saw that your mood was bad, she wouldn't understand what was going on.
Still, she didn't want to panic without knowing what was going on, she thought it would be enough to ask you directly.
While you are sitting on the sofa, she will come and sit next to you, resting her head on your lap.
"Is everything alright, sugar? You look...sad."
With her lying on your lap like this, it would be impossible for you to escape. Because when you tried to get up, she would gently grab your hand and clamp it with her own.
So somehow you had to tell her why you were upset.
While you were telling her why you were upset and what she said to you, she would listen calmly and place gentle kisses on your clenched hand.
"Yes, I said the words you said, but I guess I was misunderstood. You can be a nuisance sometimes, but I've never complained and I love you with your everything. The next time you think that way, don't be upset with yourself, come and tell me."
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diaco1968 · 4 years
Of Proud Fragile Hearts
Bakugou x reader
Angst, Blood is mentioned, Hanahaki disease
Under the cut cause it got too long :')
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"What is your problem, Katsuki?"
You whisper yelled at Bakugou after everyone else had already left the conference room, closing the door and locking it as you turned to face the boy, leaning back in his chair, arms tightly crossed over his broad chest, scowling.
In the past few months that you two have been secretly hooking up, he had gone through not caring about your daily life, to trying to make you listen to his healthy tips, to fleeting episodes of jealousy and then some. Yet when you pointed it out to him he would deny it. Usually either by changing the subject and leading it to your usual ordeal of a hook up or if he was still feeling possesive by moving straight to pinning you down and shutting you up by some steamy make out session. Either way, the hook up is what would happen and then you'd both go away on your separate daily lives.
You had grown fund of him enough not to mind getting together with him if he was the one who'd step up first. Hell you would love to. He was hot, he knew how to spoil you, he remembered little things and despite his fiery temper he knew how to treat you properly like a woman. To sum it up, he was boyfriend material. Except he was emotionally unavailable. And you were fine with that. But recently as you started making friends with Kaminari, Bakugou also started acting up. You two acted like mere acquaintances in public and in the agency it was lonely. Then there was Kaminari, the Pikachu. He was easy to be around, easy to talk to and easy to listen to. So you befriended him. It was really nothing at all. You'd hang out with him when you couldn't hang out with Bakugou. Much to Bakugou's dismay, those times would be right in front of his eyes, earning you dirty looks and some sulking episodes every time.
And now only minutes ago during the briefing, he had been sitting across from you and Kaminari, and when Kaminari said anything he would mock and humiliate him. It was hard to even watch so you stood up for him and Bakugou shot you a nasty look before he stopped participating all together. Honestly you were glad he didn't start mocking you instead. But this behaviour towards the poor guy was unacceptable. He didn't even know why he was being targeted by Bakugou's wrath.
His eyes shot up to yours not believing what he was hearing. "What is my problem?! What the fuck is your problem!" He shot back, earning a 'Shhh!'  from you. "You had no business picking on Denki like that." You scolded and he sneered "Denki?" You rolled your eyes glaring at him as he went on "you had no business sitting with Denki the whole day long. You had no business snickering and chatting and flirting with him during the conference like that. You had no fucking business standing up to me for him!" He leaned forward in his chair, placing his arms on his knees.
"We were not flirting! Everyone knows about his crush on that recruit from the IT for fuck's sake. And Denki is my friend, Bakugou! Who are you? Should I have been sitting by you? Chatting you up?" You said harshly, sarcasm dripping off of your last few words. To his sheer surprise, he felt his chest tighten from the way you addressed him with his last name right after you called Kaminari by his first name. He knew you had a point. He knew he was the one setting things up the way they were, for his work always came first and in his path to success there was no place for a full time partner or dealing with the rumours of one even existing. He knew he had no right to complain about this now. Yet, he couldn't help the pang of jealousy that rose deep in his heart whenever he saw you hanging out with that dunceface so freely.
Your keen eyes seemed to have caught him slightly off guard and your own pent up hurt and rejection clawed at your logic before you could stop yourself and you went in for another low blow "even if I am flirting with anyone, it is none of your business unless it gets physical. That was the deal. Take it or leave it."
His jaw visibly clenched, nostrils flaring as he inhaled sharply before snorting "so that's the problem. You already have some one else for back up to warm your bed just in case, huh?" there was no way to take it back now, and he was too angry to try. You watched him in silence, disbelief and hurt written all over your face. At first he felt triumphant for rendering you speechless with his snarky remark but seeing the hurt in your eyes and your pursed lips he regretted opening his mouth at all. He wished you would just yell at him, punch him even. But you did nothing as a few minutes of torturous silence passed on between the two of you, your eyes searching his face for a sign that the man you loved and cared for didn't actually come to know you as such a person he just described. You had thought you were at least friends. He opened his mouth when he saw your eyes started to glisten but before he could say anything, you exploded.
"You know what Bakugou! Fuck you! You and your whole bullshit!" You threw the first thing you could grab at him which happened to be an empty glass, that missed his head when he docked shattering on the wall behind him. "You're so emotionally unstable, you don't even know what the fuck you want yourself! Let alone get to know anyone else you arrogant piece of shit!"
His brief sadness from making you upset faded from his mind as rage took it's place filling him up to the brim and spilling out as he shot up in his place, his chair scraping on the floor and falling back. He slammed his hands on the table in front of him, saying words he had come to feel anxious even thinking about hearing "oh fuck it all to hell. You wanna know what I want, fuckwipe? You're a waste of time, I want this over and done with. We're through!" He headed for the door walking right past you.
His insult really dealt some heavy damage on your pride as angry tears filled up your eyes and you gathered all you had not to let them spill "fine with me Fuckboy! Go be a nuisance to someone else!"
He had his hand on the doorknob, knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping it with anger, he pulled it once and found it locked. Not bothering to unlock it, he exploded the whole thing open loudly, the door turning on it's hinges and slamming on the opposite wall, him stepping out and leaving amidst the dust barking at the peering colleagues who scattered away immediately "what?! Get back to work extras!"
You left the room after you made sure he was gone, hoping you could hold your emotional breakdown in the whole way home, having to raise your hand up to your mouth to suppress the multiple coughs as you inhaled the dust from the explosion.
He kicked his boots off, threw his jacket to the side and plopped down on the couch covering his face with his hands and releasing a heavy groan "ugh what the actual fuck did I say... stupid fucking dumbass..." his hands were cold and fingers shaky from the after effects of the rage leaving his body but he was too stubborn to let remorse invade his mind yet. Not fully at least. You were at fault too! "She shouldn't have provoked me like that! Annoying brat!" He spat as he lay down on the couch, but In the back of his mind, your hurt glistening eyes and shocked expresseion was creeping in the darker abyss of his brain, haunting him slowly. Then his mind wandered to the argument, your words resonating in his now mostly dark and empty mind.
'Who are you Bakugou?'
'Take it or leave it'
The way you said that so nonchalantly... did you not care at all if he left you?... after all you've been through? He wouldn't ever say it, but he had opened up to you more than anyone, you knew that. He knew you did.
His throat constricted violently and he had to sit up and cough harshly to clear it. "Tsk fuck it. I don't give a shit." Rising from his seat he went to the fridge to get something to eat and grabbed his phone to call Eijiro to see what he was up to tonight.
"You've been sick for a while now, maybe you should see a doctor? It doesn't look like a simple cold..."
Bakugou waved his hand nonchalantly, dismissing Kirishima's concerns as he coughed into the palm of his other hand, shutting his eyes and trying to concentrate on controlling his breathing through his nose. Even though he feigned indifference he was worried himself too. It's been 2 weeks since the coughing started and it wasn't just coughing either. He would occasionally find himself out of breath and unable to get enough oxygen in his lungs without opening his mouth and taking in a sharp gulp of air. As if he was losing his lung capacity. '(Y/n) would know how to get rid of this...' he groaned in annoyance as he caught himself thinking about you again. You had made your choice. It was obvious. He even texted you to meet up, but you've been ignoring him ever since the argument half a month ago... felt like years...
His heart clenched, along with his jaw as he felt another epiode of coughs coming. He rose to his feet and headed for the bathroom "be back in a sec." He replied to Kirishima's questioning look with a hoarse voice. The noise cancelling bar bathroom was starting to become too familiar for his liking, as he had frequented it quite often in the past 2 weeks. Not alcoholic often, but the free time he usually spent with you was now spent working over time or with Eijiro at his favorite place...
He burst out into another coughing fit, gripping the sink as he bent over it. He could feel a hard lump move in his throat as he heaved his lungs out, finally managing to spit out what was stuck in his airways. And to his utmost horror he was not relieved at all by the sight and the sound.
What spilled out of his mouth and scattered inside the sink with soft 'thud' sound, was a fist full worth of what looked to be... seeds?!
His hand shot out and grabbed a few bringing them close to his eyes and squeeshing them between his fingers to make sure. "What the fuck...?!" He whispered mind wandering to each and everyone of his recent quarells with the villains trying to recall anyone at all with a floral quirk. Was this what caused the coughing?
It took him quite a while to get over the initial shock but when he was sure he wasn't coughing anymore he headed back to his table with Kirishima, plopping down tiredly in his seat. "You look pale bro, what's up? You weren't a light weight last time I checked." Eijiro teased, making him smirk tauntingly in reply "I can drink 5 times as much as it takes to knock you off your feet and still be barely tipsy, dumbass. Don't test me." They both laughed and Bakugou forgot about his problems for a little while, hoping spitting out those seeds was the end of it.
And it seemed to be. He hadn't coughed for a while now. At least not until the breaking news popped up over the screen right across from where he was sitting.
"The notorious spider villain escaped the law once again but hero (your hero name) managed to save all the victims, with the help of none other than hero Deku, who just landed a few hours ago for his vacation-..."
The words flashed in his mind and the voice of the reporter faded as he watched the screen showing the scene after the rescue, where you were talking to that bastard Deku, sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck with a grin, like you used to do when Bakugou made you shy and you never had any idea how cute it made you look, and he was smiling down at you.
Violent coughs errupted out of his chest and he covered his mouth just in time to stop the content from spilling out as he shot up from his seat and made his way outside for some fresh air. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and gasped for air lightly, leaning on his shoulder on the wall outside, opening his palm to see the same few seeds and a bunch of delicate red and white petals. He stared at his palm with wide eyes for a few more seconds before crumbling them in his fist as he felt someone's presence behind him. "I really really think you should see a doctor." Kirishima put a hand on his shoulder.
"I will. Right fucking now actually. This shit is so annoying."
"I said when I cough flowers come out- ugh! Hey! I know I sound crazy! Don't stare at me like that!" He let out a frustrated groan as he sat there on the bed for his check up, answering the confused doctor. "We have not encountered this before mr Bakugou, you don't sound crazy. I would have to check the database again for quirks with this kind of side effect. Meanwhile if you could... provide a sample would be really useful."
"Sure, I'll just cough my lungs out for buried seeds till you get back..." Bakugou clicked his tongue and gestured for the doctor to show it was okay to go do whatever he needed to do.
And again he sat there alone and annoyed, watching the rest of the hospital, from the little space he was provided by the door that the doctor forgot to close properly.
You always refused to close the door too...
He had forgotten how lonely a hospital felt before he had you to fuss over him as he sat there grumbling that he was fine.
He heaved a careful sigh zoning out so when he saw your face, he thought he had imagined it at first.
"Ms. (Y/h/n)! You did amazing today! The room you're looking for is just at the end of this corridor to the left. You actually did a good job finding it." The excited nurse chuckled and Bakugou snapped out of his daze hearing your muffled voice thanking her.
'Always so bad with directions...' he thought bitterly swallowing the lump that was raising in his throat in favour of getting up and following you quietly. He just wanted to know why you were in the hospital, is all. Just making sure your clumsy ass didn't hurt yourself.
He stopped outside the door you disappeared into on the other side of the corridor, blended in by the moving patients and busy staff, scoffing sarcastically as you didn't bother closing the door.
His little smile was soon gone however when he saw who you were visiting.
Sat there on the hospital bed was none other than Deku, who had his forearm wrapped in some light bandage. Probably from the rescue they showed on TV earlier. Where you were too. It was normal. You checking up on him after. Totally normal. He reminded himself. 'I could do that at home shitty nerd, no need for a hospital.'
Normal was not where it ended though and what happened next as you got up to leave had Bakugou wishing he had ripped his eyes off you and walked away the moment he had figured you were alright.
"Guess I'll be seeing you around then. Oh and Midoriya," you chuckled mischievously leaning close to whisper in the boy's ear. "I wish you luck with Ochako." Just as you expected, heat rose to his face and he flushed red to the tips of his ears as he started stuttering embarassed and his hand moved up to rub his bandaged arm "ouch!.. I mean!... thank you!"
You both jumped as you heard something metal clattering to the ground in the hallway and you peeked out to see what was going on. Much to your surprise and concern you saw a familiar spiky blonde hair a little further down the corridor. 'Katsuki?' You leaned out of the room more to see better. He looked like he had a terrible time trying to breathe, his shoulders shaking as he heaved cough after cough, bent down with his arms keeping himself up on his slightly bent knees. Your heart clenched at the sight. He looked in pain. The nurse Bakugou had supposedly crashed into, causing him to drop his metal platter to the ground put a hand on his back to try and calm him down. But Bakugou just swatted his hand away "...don't... touch..." he managed to rasp out with an unusually hoarse voice as he gained enough composure to push past the nurse and walk away, still coughing but much less violently.
"What was it?" Deku asked from inside the room.
"Nothing, just a nurse dropping a bunch of stuff..." you said quietly concealing the worry in your voice as you stared after Bakugou down the corridor even after he was already gone.
Blood. Blood and petals. And the occasional flower bloom falling out of his mouth as he coughed. He had been wiping blood off his mouth since he had gotten home from the hospital. The feeling of constantly having one of those petals sticking to the back of his trachea. It was disgusting. The sickening sweet scent filling his nose and mouth made him want to gag. They had suggested hospitalization when they couldn't find anything on his condition and he had refused. But now as the pain in his throat grew ever more intolerable, he was trying his last hope for an answer as he looked for the contact in his phone, playing with the little flower in between his fingers with his free hand absentmindedly.
He had looked up the shape of the flower as soon as he had seen it, washing the blood off the petals. None of this made any sense to him. How does one cough out flowers? How was this even real?
He dialed the number immediately when he saw the contact name.
"Aizawa sensei"
Despite your efforts to completely ignore Bakugou's existence after your 'break up', you've had Baugou back on your mind ever since a few days ago in the hospital and it wasn't in the best of ways either. His tense shaky shoulders, his harsh hoarse voice, his pained dry heaves. It all sounded and looked so serious but you had no idea what he was down with and it was killing you. You were constantly distracted and it was proving to be such a hassle. Oh how you wished you were not alone in this very moment. Alone in the middle of a crowded square full of civilians.
"What's wrong girly? Can't beat me now without that green lettuce, huh?"
Alone against this dude known as the spider villain. Who was back to take his revenge on the humiliation you and Deku gave him last encounter.
"Oh fuck off bug. Those are your last words before being sprayed back to the sewers?"
You growled getting in your fighting stance and ushering him to come at you.
Bakugou was walking down the street towards the hospital, crumbling the piece of paper with the surgeon's address and name in his fist, deep in his pocket thinking on his meeting with his former teacher a few days ago.
'Amaryllis?' Aizawa had said the moment he saw the bloom in Bakugou's hand, much to his surprise. He never took the old man as a flower person. 'I've only ever seen this once with my own eyes when I was a student myself... wouldn't believe it if I hadn't.' He had pulled out a bunch of old books handing half the stack to Bakugou, probably deliberately chosen ones as there was one on the meaning behind flowers in Bakugou's stack. As he sat down in front of the boy turning pages rapidly scanning the words, Bakugou reluctantly read the book.
'Amaryllis is the only genus in the subtribe Amaryllidinae. It is a small genus of flowering bulbs, with two species. It symbolizes pride.'
He stared at the lines, reading them over and over again with a blank face. Until Aizawa's voice broke him out of his trance.
'Hanahaki Disease is a disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated...'
He paused making Bakugou wonder if it was for adding more dramatic effects as his eyes moved up to lock with Bakugou's
'...until the victim dies unless the feelings of genuine love are returned or the plants are surgically removed but this excision also has the effect of removing the patient's capacity for romantic love. It may also erase the patient’s feelings for and memories of the enamoured.'
It was obvious what Bakugou chose. There was no place in his life for such a hassle as love. It would just get in his way anyway. What a nuisance...
His heart clenched making a surge of pain go throught his whole body remembering your words and your tone.
"Reciprocating feelings of genuine love my ass..."
He scoffed pushing his fists deeper in his pockets to keep his shoulders from shaking as a series of coughs ripped out of his throat, staining the black mask in front of his face, with blood.
He bumped shoulders with a guy in front of a TV store who looked distraught enough not to recognize Ground Zero as he apologised and turned back to the TVs on the display in the windows.
Feeling insulted, Bakugou turned to look at what this man was watching that got him so stupid to stand in his way. The moment his eyes met the screen he felt as if his heart stopped. Hands freezing cold and eyes going wide with terror as he watched the live report of none other than you being picked up and thrown a distance away aginst a wall by some villain.
Lying there in the rubble of the building you gasped to catch your breath that flew out of you when your back hit the wall. Before you could wholly come to your senses he was above you again, grabbing you by the neck and picking you back up. Your hands shot up to grab his arm to try and relieve the pressure around your neck, your feet dangling in the air as you tried to kick him off of you but he was smart, keeping you away from himself.
"Just as I thought. I should've found the broccoli. You are a waste of time."
Bakugou's face and a bunch of memories flooded your mind and your eyes stung with unshed tears, feeling it ironic to have to hear this again in what appeared to be the final moments of your life.
The corners of your vision were blurring out as you couldn't breathe in anymore air and you were sure you imagined his voice in your head.
"Get off you fucking bastard!"
The loud growl accompanied by the sound of a loud explosion and the hand around your neck disappearing, the pressure gone. You dropped to the floor on your hands and knees gasping in and looking up to see Bakugou launching himself at the guy who was framed in the opposite wall due to the initial explosion. His bare fist met the bug man's face with a sickening 'crack' and only then did you realise he wasn't even in his hero costume.
"Bakugou... I'm fine..."
You tried calling him but your voice was too strangled. He was delivering punch after curse after punch and the guy seemed to be knocked out long ago.
"Bakugou! Stop..."
You said louder as you got to your feet making your way towards him, hesitating momentarily before grabbing his shoulder and ripping him off of the bloodied beat up guy.
His whole heavy sweating panting body whirled around and crashed into your arms, making you trip backwards on your feet and fall on your butt still holding him.
Very unlikely for him to be so ungraceful and fall with you like that, he would usually catch you and scold you for being clumsy. Out of habit you braced yourself for his scolding but it never came.
He started wheezing and gasping in your arms, unable to breathe, whatever air he had left in his lungs being forced out by the violent coughs that wracked through his whole body, his hands moving up to grasp at his throat squeezing his eyes shut tightly.
"F-fuck... h-hurts..." he wheezed out twisting in your lap as you watched him in terror.
"W-what's wrong? Holy shit! Katsu you're turning blue!"
You didn't know what took over you as your hands moved on their own accord, grabbing his jaw, forcing his mouth open and plunging your fingers down his throat. What you pulled out would haunt your nightmares for the rest of your life.
Bakugou started gasping in big gulps of air when you removed your hands from his face, but you couldn't see him anymore. You were staring at the thing that was previously clogging his airways. A whole, leaf, stem and flower petals between your fingers, dripping with fresh blood and saliva; mouth falling open and paling even more, if possible, at the sight.
Bakugou looked up once he could breathe again and couldn't help but whimper quietly at the thing you just pulled out of his own throat. The sound making your eyes snap back on him even more concerned than when he was choking. "What the fuck is this?!" You asked showing him the flower, as if either of you could ever forget about it, instinctively cupping his cheek and stroking it with your thumb. He looked surprised and you immediately realised your mistake pulling your hand away "sorry force of habit... but... answer me!"
Your touch was soothing to the ache in his damaged throat and he was so in pain already that he didn't care if he was going to sound pathetic or needy or clingy... or... sorry. He opened his mouth to tell you to put your hand back on him but instead of words he had to cough, fresh blood mixed with the sickly sweet scent of the flower spraying over both your clothes, making you panic again.
"I'll tell you later... just... give me a sec...please..." He whispered embarassed and grabbed your hand placing it back on his cheek, lowering himself down on his shaky arms and laying over your legs exhausted. His voice sounded so tired and broken that despite yourself, you chose to just let him have a moment for now without making him talk.
You stroked the back of his hand absent mindedly careful not to touch the busted knuckles, watching his sleeping face as he lay in the hospital bed. He looked terrible. Pale skin, bags under his eyes. You could swear he had also lost some weight. How long has he been coughing for? How much blood?His face twisted in pain and you jumped as he stirred with a cough, opening his eyes and staring at you blankly.
His eyes moved over your features in silence with a soft expression on his own face, watching your glistening bright eyes, wide with concern. The way your hair framed your face, your eye lashes making your eyes look even more beautiful, your lips pursed with worry. Then moving as you talked...? He was so concentrated he barely heard your voice.
"...- yeah?"
"Yeah..." he replied softly.
His mind started to clear up more as he raised an eyebrow uncertainly "uh... no?"
You laughed at his weird behaviour and he smiled. He had missed it. Missed seeing it. Hearing you laugh.
"You weren't listening to me, were you?"
He offered an apologetic look "yeah...sorry."
You shook your head softly "nah it's fine, wasn't important."
He suddenly looked very serious "No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said those things. I didn't mean any of them."
You stared at him blinking in confusion before realising what he meant. Bakugou was apologizing! You opened your mouth and closed it again, speechles. Clearing your throat you tried again.
"Yeah those really hurt..."
He could feel his heart drop as he looked at you wondering if it was actually over.
"I forgive you, stupid. Stop looking so pathetic." You rolled your eyes and grinned pinching his cheek.
"God I fucking love you so much... be mine again?"
You couldn't help blushing as you nod your head "you're such an asshole... but I can't help loving you either."
His eyes lit up, relief washing over him as he raised his hand cupping your cheek and bringing your head close, leaning in to kiss you.
"Wait! What was the deal with that flower-!"
"Shhh I'll tell you later...just..."
He looked down at your lips as he trailed off, licking his lips and pressing them against yours firmly.
And to this day, you still think he wanted to give you the flower and he chose the creepiest weirdest way to do it.
Nah just kidding.
He said he fell down and swallowed it by accident...
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dokidoki-tae · 6 years
How would La squadra react to their s/o who usually doesn't show any emotion look at them blankly but they noitcibly have tears forming over something they said to their s/o? (Sorry if I worded this weirdly...)
 Oh. Like La Squadra are the ones to say something that causes their s/o to tear up. Tears of happiness or tears of sadness??? Hmm
Edit: Just wanted to add an apology for taking so long, anon! Sorry! >-
Risotto: Risotto is no stranger to remaining emotionless. He’s the same way, rarely allowing his expression to change, keeping his emotions leveled and mind rational. He appreciated that you had the same nature because he’s often overwhelmed the eccentric nature of his team. To him, you were normal. He felt like he didn’t have to use his time to watch you like he did them. He considered you levelheaded enough not to need him to intervene in what you were doing. You desired to want to spend time with him though even though he was often busy. On this day, you desired to be with him more than ever as you hadn’t had time with him in a month. It was supposed to be a day off, but Risotto opted to continue working and you stared blankly at him, hoping he’d get the hint as he normally did. He glanced at you before getting back to work. “What is it?” Risotto asked without looking up again. “It’s your day off,” pointing out obvious. Risotto ignored you and you pressed him, knowing he cannot work drown himself in work. “Will you be a nuisance to me too?” His voice boomed. Risotto saw your eyes flash, but you remained calm when you excused yourself. Risotto watched as you walked out and waited for 5 minutes before following you. He found you in his bedroom, laying down. He pressed himself against your smaller frame, acting as the big spoon. “Tesoro, I’m sorry. I cannot give you excuses for saying something like that to you.” He can’t see you but he knows that he’s hurt your enough to cry and plans to do what he can to make up for it.
Prosciutto: Prosciutto has never minded your nature. It was part of the reason he loved you. He wouldn’t have been your partner if your stoicism was ever a problem. Though he sometimes thinks he has to speak on your behalf. At a Passione black-tie party, Prosciutto and you were gathered with other members of the organization. It was surprisingly normal since there was a ban on discussing anything on the organization and the jobs that come along with it. Prosciutto spoke most as he is very charismatic. He noticed some of the others were giving you mean looks, probably because your lack of emotions and seeing it as an insult. Prosciutto steps in to avoid something happening. “Ignore them, they’re like that by nature.” While he meant well, there was the feeling of dismissal of your presence that hurt and you started to tear up. Prosciutto notices when he takes a second to glace at you. Immediately, he gently guides you away from judgemental eyes. He cups your face and looks you in your tear-stained eyes, reading what those irises he loved. Your face may be unreadable but your eyes say everything to him. “Tesoro, forgive me for hurting you for my thoughtless words.” Prosciutto knows he needs to let go of control sometimes and allow you autonomy. Prosciutto kissed your damp cheek before making your way back to the party. 
Pesci: Before starting to date Pesci, he was a little afraid of you because your unemotional personality was a bit unsettling. When you began dating, he was surprised but in a pleasant way. He saw you in a different light, but he was still not sure how to handle your relationship because you continued to remain stoic. Pesci was a bit insecure because in his eyes he thought he still wasn’t good enough or you weren’t happy with him. It started to eat away at him and he needed to talk to someone about it (Prosciutto). He didn’t intend for you to hear the conversation. Pesci was questioning whether your feelings were genuine and “Can they even feel?” Admittingly, you were eavesdropping, listening to them talk in Pesci’s room. It was enough to ache your heart and you retreated to your room. The conversation between Pesci and Prosciutto ended positively though with Prosciutto reminded Pesci that love is shown in different ways and will not always be in forms considered normative. Pesci’s confidence was recharged and wanted to spend the day with you after. He knocked on your door, but when you didn’t answer, he let himself in and saw that same expression but quickly noticed the change in your eyes. They were wet with tears. Pesci panicked and frantically examined you to see if you were hurt. “What’s wrong?” Pesci trying to stay calm. You were quiet and finally said, “I can feel…” Pesci felt like his heart was being squeezed. Pesci had his own tears forming, upset that he made you feel this way. He brought you into a tight hug, “I’m sorry for thinking and saying something so hurtful,” as you shed tears together. 
Formaggio: He often sticks his foot in his mouth,  saying things he thinks are socially appropriate but in actuality are not. His s/o never seems to mind his comments or jokes, they don’t really react to anything so it just eggs him on to try harder to get his s/o to react. It’s his mission to get his normally stoic s/o reacting in some way preferably laughter. One night, Formaggio was holding them on his lap, smothering them with affection. When his s/o doesn’t react, having that same emotionless expression, he’s a bit frustrated and gives up, removing you from his lap and getting up to leave, but not before making a comment. “Why do I bother…” He mutters it to himself, but he’s still close enough for his s/o to hear. When he’s gotten over his pity party, he’s back to his cheerful self and tries to be affectionate again. As he walks to his s/o, chatty and full of energy, it slowly starts to deplete when he finally notices the tears in their eyes. “Cara/o…” He realizes that they must have heard him and was hurt by his words. He accepts responsibly and toughens up, carrying them bridal style and maneuvering them to the couch. He nestles his face in his s/o’s chest, “Cara/o…” he breathes, “I’m sorry for what I said and that I hurt you. Know that I didn’t mean it.” He expresses sincerely,, wiping a tear away and kissing their wet cheek. 
Illuso: Illuso says some pretty hurtful things as jokes just like he mocks Formaggio’s stand. He makes off-handed comments and jokes to you too, but you don’t really react or change your expression. But he’s never made jokes about you or of you. One night while the team and you were watching horror movies. You were pretty expressionless, not reacting to whatever was happening. Illuso is trying to best to hide his nervousness as he’s not big on this kind of thing. He makes jokes and makes fun of those who are jumpy. He tense and ups his fake bravado. He points out creatures in the movie, comparing you to them. Likening your behavior to theirs. It doesn’t bother you the first time, but then he continues to compare you to monsters, the undead like zombies and ghosts, saying you and the horror villains are equally dead. By the end of the night, Illuso has pushed you into shedding tears. It’s an awkward moment because Illuso has shown himself to be a bigger asshole than before and the others are sneering at him for being the asshole. Everyone, besides Illuso, simultaneously get up and leave you two without a word. Illuso is uncomfortable because he’s never made you cry before. He’s careful and takes your hand into his and caresses your knuckles. “Amore, I’m sorry for being careless and for causing you pain. I’ll make it up to you I swear.” He wipes a tear away with his thumb and peppers you with kisses before carrying you bridal style to your bedroom.
Melone: Pretty accustomed to differences in human personalities. He doesn’t mind yours at all and finds you fascinating and alluring. He does genuinely like you and your relationship is only growing. However, Melone’s preoccupation with child-rearing causing him to say offhanded things. When he was working on something, he was asking you questions and you obliged. It wasn’t a big deal until Melone revealed what he was working on. You and he were compatible but Melone discovered, together, your compatibility goes down if you were to have a child together, as conflict is sure to arise due to your stoic nature not being the best for a child. “Hmm. It seems you are not fit to be a parent.” While there was no malice or resentment in his words, you know about his preoccupation with being a parent and you questioned whether your relationship would end. Melone notices the tears forming in your eyes and quickly moves to reassure you and scoops you in his arms. “Cara/o, you do not need to worry. I would never leave you for something like this.” He peppered kisses and your face and moved to your neck. “I know you well enough that you’d make an excellent parent.”
Ghiaccio: Sometimes his temper gets the better of him and loses control of he becomes more tactless than normal. His s/o stoic expression never gets to him; he’s used to it. But sometimes something else pisses him off and he rants and rants to them, but whatever pissed him off this time has really gotten to him. He’s going on and on, expressing his annoyance to his s/o, and his speech starts to slow until he’s no longer talking and just staring into the eyes of his s/o. He brows furrow deeper than one thought possible, biting the inside of his cheek, trying to keep himself from blowing up on his s/o. “Your face really pisses me off sometimes. You always look like you don’t give a shit about what I’m saying. You’re nothing but a frigid bitch/bastard.” Ghiaccio spits. To no surprise to Ghiaccio, his s/o continues to maintain that emotionless stare until he sees their eyes start to tear. Ghiaccio is stunned, frozen in place, his mouth hanging slightly opened and eyebrows raising in shock. He can feel the guilt start to creep up, loosening him up a bit. He tries to brush it off at first, turning away so he doesn’t have to look at you, but it doesn’t help. He sighs and gently places his hand on top of your head and into an awkward hug. He still and quiet for a minute until he whispers, “Sorry” soothing you in his own way.
Sorbet: He’s counting the money from the last mission as he overhears Gelato making jokes and poking your face, trying to get you to smile. “If I kiss your belly, will it get your smiling?” He asked you devilishly. You stare blankly, “I’m not ticklish.” Gelato throws his hands in the air, defeated. Sorbet joins the conversation. “Don’t waste your time, Gelato,” Sorbet turned, adorning a smirk on his lips. “They can’t be like you.” Gelato huffed at his comments. “Someone’s who’s lively contrasting with someone who’s lifeless is good. I don’t know how’d I’d manage if you were both lively. To be called “lifeless” by strangers is one thing but by one of your lovers? The tears started to fall when you thought you had escaped those type of comments, but Sorbet, a man you loved, was here making them. Sorbet full attention was brought back to you when Gelato threw something at Sorbet. When he noticed, Sorbet signed, rubbing the back of his neck, guilty for making your cry. Gelato didn’t say anything, but Sorbet knew him enough to know he wanted him to apologize. Gelato stepped out of the room and Sorbet moved to sit next to you. He was stiff and awkwardly placed his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in. He rubbed your arm in comfort. “Sorry…” he muttered, resting his head against yours.
Gelato: Doesn’t mean a lot of the mean things he says because he’s joking or teasing. He does it to Sorbet all the time in a much better way than Illuso’s more hurtful comment. Gelato is fascinated with your personality and thinks it’s fun to try to get a reaction out of you and mimicking your behavior. It doesn’t get to you. Gelato laughs off whenever you aren’t fazed by him and he comments, “Man, no wonder you’re friends and dating assassins (him and Sorbet). You probably don’t have other friends beside us cause you’re so cold.” To Gelato, he didn’t see a probably with his comment. You must be aware of how your personality can be uncomfortable to be around but you can’t help it. Gelato is eating his words when you start tearing up, trying to hide them from him. He’s making a fuss and stutters out apologies and how he was joking. He pouts and hugs you forcefully, kisses your neck. “I’m such an idiot. You know I don’t mind the shit I say. Ask Sorbet, he agrees!” Gelato spends the rest of the evening whispering sweet words in your ears.
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