#he couldve yelled it in his face over the CROWD
jrueships · 2 years
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Leans down so my lips are right next to your ear so you can hear my most sincere and heartfelt whispers of adoration and praise
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Hunchback of Notre Dame (One-Shot)
It's a lesson as old as time itself really, never judge a book by its cover, never judge a beast by its claws, thousands of iterations all equal to the very same principle.
But there are people who refuse to take such principles to heart, and would in fact rather spread principles in direct opposition.
Werecreatures have never had a very good reputation, from the animal-like designs to the depictions of their kind as unkind and ruthless. So trying to find a place to stay was much more difficult than it should have been.
"Four travelers for safe passage into the mindscape," a voice shrouded by a cloak muttered, waving down another werecreature, this one holding a bundle in its arms.
The bundle was crying, as though aware of the horrific events that would occur just beyond that gate.
"We've been tricked!"
"Judge Doyle!"
The werecreature holding the bundled skittered away on the eight spindly appendages protruding from it's back, paying no mind to the sound of footsteps against stone rapidly gaining in it.
Until it hit the ground with a sickening crack, and went stock still, the bundle falling to the ground like a rock.
Doyle had always been a cruel man. He'd trained his own son, Patton, to fear him, and to in turn fear that which opposed him.
And it was Doyle who had found the spider's body.
It was Doyle who took the bundle from the still and cold arms of its mother.
And it was Doyle who attempted to drown the eight-eyed and multi-limbed child that resided within.
"STOP!" Doyle only gave momentary pause at his son's call.
"What are you doing?." Patton said as he reached the bottom of the steps.
"Sending this creature to the dark side, right where it belongs," Doyle said coldly.
"You've killed an innocent person, and you believe the best course of action is to add the blood of a child to your crimes? What would Thomas think. . ." Patton said.
That had struck a nerve, the bundle was moved from the well.
"And what do you suggest I do?." Doyle snapped, thinking he'd stumped the man in front of him.
"Care for it, you've raised one son, what's another?" Patton said, raising an eyebrow.
"Me? Saddled with this- this-" Doyle paused for a few moments.
"Very well, we'll keep him in the old bell tower, by your village," Doyle said.
And he christened the child Virgil.
Virgil grew up lonely, terrified of even the slightest idea of leaving his tower.
His tower covered with bells and cobwebs and a table at the center with wooden constructs of the other denizens of the mindscape.
He grew up with no memory of his family other than those fed to him by Doyle. False memories of betrayal.
He grew up looking into the mirror and seeing eight eyes staring him back, each a cruel and sharp reminder of his inability to exist outside of that tower.
Patton had tried his best to undo such conditioning, but rarely was Patton allowed into the tower.
Today was a day Virgil remembered well, a festival of delight and chaos.
The Feast of Fools.
Patton had tried desperately to convince Virgil to attend, but Virgil was firmly locked under Doyle's heel, the spider caught in it's own web.
That is, for a moment.
One conversation at the dinner table, a recitation of the alphabet punctuated by far to many hisses and clicks, and Virgil was ready to flee.
He stitched up his own cloak, pulled it over his head, and ran out.
It was terrifying. His ears rang and his eyes burned like ash.
And then it all seemed to stop as he fell through cloth, instead punctuated by a gasp.
And then he was face to face with the most beautiful man he'd ever seen in his life. Eyes of golden yellow, hair of a deep brown, and scales of emerald. He was gorgeous, and he was holding Virgil's face as though it were a priceless glass treasure.
"I-Im sorry I-" Virgil stammered.
"Nonono, it's alright, you poor thing, you dont look very adept to sunlight do you?" He spoke softly, almost as if he though Virgil might flee if he were to loud.
Virgil shook his head slightly.
"Itll be fun, you should join the crowd, the light's much less likely to hit you there," and Virgil felt a soft kiss on his forehead before he rejoined the festivities.
And then came the main festival, someone he didnt recognize talked upstage and sang. Dark blue and purple hair like a galaxy bouncing around their face.
"Come one! Come all! Make an entrance to entrance- see the mystery and romance~" they purred as they backed toward the curtains.
"Come one! Come all! Hurry hurry heres your chance- see the finest man in France, dance Janus dance!" And then they were gone, replaced by the man Virgil had met before, now dressed in yellow and black cloth, his hair hidden under a hat.
Virgil flinched as Janus got closer and closer to where Doyle was watching the stage, wrapping a golden scarf around his neck as though Janus planned to choke him.
And then Virgil lost track of what was happening, until he was on stage, and he heard gasping.
He froze, he could almost feel Doyle's gaze from the other end of the stage.
And then the screams and gasping stopped, to be replaced with laughter. A crown was placed on Virgil's head, a cape fitted over the spindly legs sticking out from his back.
He smiled, the first genuine smile he'd had in decades.
Virgil wasnt sure where the tomato had come from. Only that more were following, and suddenly ropes were tugging at his limbs,he tried to fight them off, tried calling for his father.
But Doyle only smiled and looked away. His guardsman, a man dressed in white and gold armor, green eyes wide with shock, made a single move toward Virgil, but was held back.
And then everything stopped, he felt hands against the ropes, heard Doyle call for someone to get down.
And then he was once again face to face with Janus.
"I'm so sorry. . . No one deserves this. . ." Janus said quietly before standing up, a hand firmly around Virgil's arm as he regained his own balance.
"You mistreat this poor man the same way you mistreat us all! You would call him a son and yet what freedom has he known! Compared to your only other son! What justice has been served as their spirits are crushed under the heels of men like you!." Janus snarled. Virgil saw a slight movement from the bell tower, likely Patton hiding behind a pillar before Doyle could catch his eyes.
"Silence." Was Doyle's only response.
"JUSTICE!" Janus called. Doyle pointed toward his guards, then toward Janus.
"Oh dear. . . Well let's see theres-" Janus pointed to each of the advancing guards and muttered under his breath "-ten of you, and one of me, oh what's a poor snake to do?" Janus pulled a yellow cloth from his dress and began to cry into it, before sneezing. . . And disappearing off stage.
Vitgil watched with intrigue as Janus led the guards throughout the square before disappearing into the building that made up the lower half of his bell tower.
Doyle beckoned for his head guard to follow him, before turning his eyes to Virgil.
And thus began Virgil's tearful walk back to the top of the tower.
His chest ached, he thought of Janus' hands caressing his face, of those eyes and scales and the way his lips quirked in a fashion that couldve been read as a sneer, were it not for the fact that his eyes looked as though they'd witnessed a miracle.
Virgil heard singing from the lower level of the tower, and upon further investigation, discovered that Janus had even more talents than Virgil had first thought.
So finally, he resolved to help him.
"Theres guards at every entrance, how exactly do you expect us to do this?" Janus said, raising an eyebrow.
"No one said we had to use a door," Virgil said with a sly grin.
"Hold on," he said, he felt Janus' arms around his waist, it was awkward, Janus had to have been almost two feet taller than he was.
Virgil reached one of his webs, pulled, and jumped off of the tower, Janus tried his best not to scream as they fell.
They said their goodbyes and Virgil pushed the necklace Janus had given him under his hoodie, he couldnt have it discovered, he'd rather die than be the reason Janus got hurt.
Which was why he'd decided to pin Roman to a wall when he came up the stairs.
"Woah woah woah- hey- I'm not here for him I promise! I helped him declare sanctuary!" Roman whisper-yelled.
"Then why are you here now." Virgil snarled.
"Just- tell him I'm sorry, and tell him I hope he's safe," Roman said.
Virgil paused for a moment before letting Roman down.
"You know. . . Janus is lucky to have you. . ." Roman said as he trodded down the stairs.
Things only seemed to get worse from there, Virgil could hardly breath as smoke rose from the ground, the crackling of fire mixing with the screams of the were-creatures who refused to give away Janus' location.
Until Janus showed up at Virgil's tower himself, this time carrying Roman's body in his arms.
"He was shot. . . Almost through the heart. . ." Janus said quietly. Virgil nodded and gathered up cobwebs to make bandages. He wished he couldve made fresh ones, but it had been many years since he'd stopped being able to use that ability.
"He can stay with me- you need to run, fast," Virgil said, shooing Janus away. Janus pressed one last kiss on Roman's lips before fleeing.
And soon Roman himself was on the run alongside Virgil. Both on a mission to keep Janus and his people from a gruesome death at Doyle's hands.
Virgil wasn't exactly sure what he'd been expecting from the Court of Miracles, but it certainly wasnt the same galaxy-haired catboy from the stage prancing around in front of a set of gallows gleefully calling out the supposed misdeeds of Virgil and Roman, before declaring their imminent deaths on the charge of complete innocence.
"Stop! These arent enemies! They're our friends!" And then came Janus from the crowd.
Everything happened all to quickly after that. Screaming and racing around trying to escape as their plans came crashing at Doyle's feet.
And then Virgil found himself chained to a tower.
And watching Janus standing on a pyre, straw littering his feet, flames kicking up around him.
And Virgil only felt one emotion, rage.
Chains were pointless. Chains were stifling and unnecessary and Virgil wanted nothing to do with them. He only wanted Janus safe and in his arms.
So it was quite the disappointment when he discovered Janus' lack of breath.
"You killed him. . ." Virgil muttered as he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"I had to. . . I only wish it had happened before he'd done such damage to you. . ." Doyle muttered. Virgil noticed a knife being brought towards him in the shadows on the walls.
That blade wouldve looked so much better in Doyle's heart. But fire worked quite well to.
Virgil had been afraid if the sun for quite some time, afraid of anything to do with the outside. But it was much easier to get through when he had his hands intertwined with both Janus and Roman's, and when he wasnt stifled by a fear of his own face.
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galaxysweeper · 4 years
One thing I love about Ducktales is the Three Caballeros. Like, the three of them are so close and care so much about each other’s opinions that they’re willing to go to HUGE lengths to impress the others. And I love how supportive José and Panchito are to Donald.
When they were in a band, THEY ALWAYS LET HIM SING! Do they like his voice? No! They hate it! You can see them covering their ears and wincing whenever Donald sings? But do they let their issues stop Donald? NO! They let him sing to his hearts content! One of the big problems their band faced was that no one liked Donald’s singing, but they never told him not to! If Donald has just danced and played his instruments, the band WOULDVE DONE GREAT! But even when they were getting rioted off the stage, they stood by Donald’s side the whole way!
And that line about how they smashed a guitar over Donald’s head? Honestly, I think that was COMPLETELY intentional. Donald doesn’t remember the huge crowd of people yelling at him and telling him he sucked because he was passed out. They would rather drag his limp body while fighting through a giant crowd than to have Donald listen to all those people put him down. An angry Donald COULDVE gotten clear through the crowd in MINUTES but they would rather take it on themselves.
Not to mention that the whole point of the episode was them trying to impress each other! This feeling comes from a sense of wanting to be respected! You don’t try to impress someone who you don’t care about! And that also means that they genuinely think so highly of each other that they all FELL for it too! Panchito and José really DO believe Donald is incredible enough to be a business billionaire, Panchito and Donald really DO believe José is savvy enough to be a traveling tycoon, Donald and José really DO think Panchito could be a singing superstar!
And the scene were they finally come clean? I feel like it was a little rushed but I can understand where the feelings came from. Both José and Panchito thought that they weren’t important in Donald’s life anymore. They were going in believing that they could never match to whatever the Incredible Donald Duck could be doing and they thought they were right. They were finally going to get back that comraderie, the support system that kept them standing for so long, and when they almost had it, they thought they were being thrown aside. And it makes sense that Panchito held out the longest with the lie! He had the most riding on it! Donald is happy with his life already and José at least has a stable job. Freelance music isn’t exactly a reliable source of income, especially if it rests on kids’ birthday parties.
I love the implications that Panchito and José stick around, maybe not living in the mansion, but swinging by every now and then. Donald gets to have his closest friends, José has people to come back home to, and Panchito knows that he has a place he can always get a nice meal and warm bed in. As much as theyre freelancing, adventuring, crazy caballeros, I think that a bit of stability would do them all a lot of good.
In this essay, I will-
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Ivar x reader Close call
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Pairing: Ivar x reader
Warnings: mild language, mentions of poison and slavery, I think that's it?
Summary: Reader who's a slave tries to save the king before it's too late.
Hello my loves! I've recently gotten back into Vikings and wanted to write a little something. Hope you guys like it😚
The great hall was full of life in celebration of some new lands that had been conquered. The ruthless king himself sat on his throne clapping and laughing loudly as the warrior beside him told a crude joke.
You wish you could join them at the table but you were no warrior. Nope life had given you the short end of the straw on that one.
You were just a slave, heck you weren't even an interesting one. Some of your slave friends had managed too woo their masters and be set free with their charming personalities but you weren't bold like them. The boldest thing you've done in your life was sneak some extra portions from the kitchen when no one was looking.
You made your way into the kitchens for the millionth time that night and grabbed some more ready dishes, those warriors ate like starving wolves. The delicious smell of chicken wafted through your nose and you resisted the urge to snatch one up. You hadn't eaten anything since the morning what with everything being so busy preparing and all.
You made your way back into the bustling hall. Setting the down the dishes close to where the king sat. By the gods he was handsome, those blue eyes were like sparkling oceans. Usually you were able to get away with a few glances without him noticing but you must've lingered too long because somehow those ocean eyes were now on you with an eyebrow slightly raised, "Is something on my face slave?"
"N-no n-nothing, sorry my king.." you quickly bowed your head down in embarrassment and turned away. An warm hand pulled your arm back before you could run away,
"Make yourself useful and get us some more mead" he ordered.
"Yes my king" you scurried away back to the kitchens, cheeks on fire. Geez what were you?! 12?! If just a little contact made your heart beat so fast and stutter like that, how were you ever gonna get a man.
With a sigh you pushed open the curtain to the kitchen and searched for some bottles.
"Hmm that's strange, someone mustve taken it." You couldve sworn there was a full bottle just a moment ago when you got the dishes.
"Mira do you know where some more bottles of mead are?" You asked one of the other slaves in the kitchen.
"There's more in the back shed! Need help carrying them?" She asked setting down some dirty dishes.
"No I'll be alright!" You smiled and made your way outside. The cool air felt great on your heated skin. It was nice being away from all the noise.
You slid in the slightly open shed door and paused when you saw a brown haired girl standing with her back to you. You heard a quiet clanking noise, like a bottle being shaken, not wanting to startle her you opened the shed door more making a creaking sound.
She jumped visibly and shot around. Eyes slightly wide and a thin layer of sweat on her fore head. She looked panicked for some reason.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you" you giggled trying to lighten the mood, "Are you alrig-"
"I-I'm f-fine.." The girl quickly turned around, gathered up what appeared to be a bottle, and rushed past you.
Okaaay that wasn't weird at all.. she must be a new slave from the conquerored lands. It wasnt uncommon for the new slaves to be scared at first, especially those taken from their homes. Thinking nothing more of it you quickly grabbed up some bottles, the last thing you wanted was Ivar to be angry at you for taking too long. You'd seen the king slap slaves for far less. You knew you shouldn't have been so infatuated with a man who could be so cruel but by the gods when he smiled your morals flew out the window. You wish you weren't a slave, that way you could've had a chance at least to be his friend. Maybe in another life you would be a powerful shield maiden and he would be enamored by your strength. There were so many scenarios that ran through your mind you could've written a book about them. Hell you could've filled a an entire library with all the situations you've dreamed up. Loneliness and a creative mind are a dangerous combination.
When you walked back into the hall you frowned noticing the girl had given Ivar the bottle instead of you.
Aw man I wanted to do that...with an internal sigh you set the mead at the other end where you noticed it was running low. You wondered how much mead these men could actually drink before they drowned themselves inside out. Speaking of drunk men, it might be helpful for you to try and calm the poor girl down. After all drunk men loved to prey on sacred skittish girls. At least knowing she had someone she could talk too and call a friend might help relax her nerves.
You scanned the room and soon spotted the familiar mop of brown curls hiding behind a pillar.
Poor thing must be terrified. Half her body was concealed and she held her fingers to her mouth, nervously chewing on them. You took a few steps towards her but stopped when you noticed she was staring at something like her life depended on it.
Following her line of vision your eyes landed on the kings laughing form. He was pouring from the new bottle and somehow that made the girl even more nervous. Somethings not right...
You were about to start walking towards her again when she suddenly darted off out of the hall.
You looked back at the king narrowing your eyes as he lifted the mug halfway.
The pieces began clicking like a puzzle in your mind
A new slave you've never seen before..
The clanking in the shed...
The nervousness...
Oh no...
It was like everything was in slow motion when you dashed across the room like a madman over to where the king was starting to drink. The cup was just barely grazing his lips when you dived onto his lap smacking away the cup onto the floor.
The commotion caught the entire halls attention and your heavy breaths were the only thing that could be heard in the silence.
You were frozen, completely terrified as the situation you were in dawned on you. All eyes were glued to you.
You turned slightly in his lap and met his very shocked and confused eyes. All 2 of your brain cells managed to squeeze out a single word in defense. "P-poison" you whispered and tried to shuffle off his lap, only for him to firmly grab your arms trapping you in place.
He was getting angry now, a dark look swimming across his eyes, "Poison? Explain yourself slave!".
"T-there was a girl- one I hadn't seen before getting your mead from the shed, before I came in she was doing something I couldn't see and she looked frightened, I didn't think anything of it until you were pouring your drink. She was hiding looking at you like her heart was gonna burst, before you lifted the cup she took off outside. I put two and two together and just reacted..it could be nothing but..." you looked over to where his brother ubbe lifted the fallen cup, carefull not to touch any of the fallen liquid. He held it up to his face and looked deeply inside the cup. His eyes narrowed when he spotted something collected at the bottom, "It's true" everyone gasped around the room, Ivar tensed under you. "Theres powder on the bottom".
"Where is this girl you speak of?" Ivar growled, you shivered even though his anger wasn't directed at you, lifting a finger you pointed towards a side entrance, "She ran that way, she was wearing a red dress and had brown curls." Ivar nodded to some guards and they quickly ran in the same direction. "Do not let that bitch escape!" he yelled after them.
You shifted uncomfortably, he still hadn't let you go.
Apparently the girl hadn't gotten far at all because only a few moments later 2 guards had brought the girl in kicking and screaming. "LET ME GO, PLEASE I DIDN'T DO IT" tears were rolling down her face like a waterfall.
Ivar smiled wickedly before loosening his grip.
You immediately got off and watched as he grabbed his crutch. The shaking girl watched in utter horror as he slowly walked towards her like a predator.
"Didnt do it? Didnt do what hmm? Didn't try to poison me?" He knelt down a few inches from her face grabbing her chin with his fingers.
"Shh shhh stop crying, I'm not going to kill you" he caressed her face in a calming motion. The girl started to calm down but you knew what was coming, with a smirk he leaned towards her ear, "I'm going to break you". She thrashed around once more as Ivar got up and ordered the guards to take her to a cell, she fainted and had to be carried out when he said he would be in later to interrogate her. Poor thing, you guessed someone had threatened her because she did not look like a killer. And slaves were an easy target for such schemes.
Once the guards dragged her away Ivar turned to the crowd, "My friends, I believe we were in the middle of a celebration were we not? Bring out fresh mead!" The men cheered and soon the silent hall was once again bustling. You stood there awkwardly by the throne not knowing if you should just leave and get back to work. While you were debating the king turned to you with an amused smile. "What is your name my little hero?" You felt heat rise to your cheeks at the nickname.
"Y/n my king" you bowed slightly.
"Y/n...I believe I owe you a thank you" he walked closer to you which made your heart do a little leap.
"That's not necessary my king I was only doing what anyone would". He laughed and you looked up at him slightly confused. What was funny?
"Believe me when I say there are many who would like nothing more than to see me dead" the thought of that made you very sad.
"Well in any case" he stopped until he was right in front of you, lifting your chin up with a finger "you deserve a reward don't you agree?" The feel of his fingers on you were too good and suddenly words evaded you. All you could do was stare into his devilish eyes and nod slowly.
The Cheshire cat could learn a thing or two from how he was smiling now. Leaning into your ear he whispered "Good, because by the way I've caught you looking at me the past few weeks, I think I know exactly what kind of reward you desire".
Gods help me...
***************************************************Thanks for reading! Comments really make my day and inspire me to write more so if you liked it please let me know:)
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rebelliouslala · 4 years
Jeon Jeongguk
So u and jk have been best friends since the diaper ages
y’all have been as tight as thieves, hanging at school, him being a sporty, you being semi popular
but y’all have always been tight
yes y’all fought, but eventually he would get sad, or you regretful, show up at each other’s window with their favorite snack, watch a marvel movie and cuddle
so when you both get accepted to the same college, your guises DREAM college
ecstatic time
but there’s an itty bitty problem
you’re in love with Jungkook
For all of high school, you thought it was like a sibling love???
his wavy hair, his giggles, his smile, his muscles flexing as you both cuddle
you’re head over heels
but, you guys have been friends since you could remember
You’ve dated other people, his best friend actually
he dated your enemy once
And yet no confession
anyways, you got that off your mind as you organize your dorm
You’re a little sad since the boy’s and girl’s dorms are rly far apart
like a half an hour away with a slight pace if u walked
like fuck bro wtf
u finally lay back, and before you could even sigh in relief
the door opens and out bounces is JK
“KOOK! JESUS—!” You groan out as he smiles
You smile a little, and hold him closer, “thanks jk,”
“hey, don’t be sad y/n, we have a similar schedule! just, don’t worry too much, then you start to fall apart and I can’t redo sophomore you again, and I certainly won’t let you fall apart in college”
You smile more now and sigh as you gently peck his cheek
“ugH fine jk :)”
“good, now, let’s go to sleep”
“don’t they check if ur not in bed?”
“sh” jk pouts and puts a finger to ur mouth “sleep”
you roll your eyes and close your eyes, “night Kookie”
he gently smiles and hums, until you fall asleep
over the next few weeks, you kind of started to see him less often??
meaning oh yeah
u started to overthink
luckily ur roommate was sweet and often she said “BOYS ARE FUCKING LIARS DONT EVEN TRUST THEM”
until maybe a month and a half in, you were studying for a pop quiz
since apparently teachers do that now :/
you get a text
“hey! y/n~, it’s ur best bunny”
it’s a new number
“Uh. . .who is this?”
You widen your eyes, and you call them
the phone picks up before it can even ring, “open ur window”
You obey and there he is
his hair got even wavier, framing his face as he even got MORE CHISELED AND HE HAS BLACK CLOTHING ON AND CHAINS AND YOU CAN SEE-
he smiles, the same bunny teeth, “hey, come down”
“dude where the fuck have—?”
“come down, and I’ll explain, okay?”
you sigh and look at your roommate who shakes her head
but, he is your friend
and undoubtedly your best friend
and the man you dream about so desperately
you wave and yeet out
okay no, u climb down
stay safe kids
did he get taller!3!??rt7y980[:&:&:’
anyways he’s pretty silent, but you see he has a few new tattoos? And piercings?2
“shh, he smiles at you, “just, wait, please”
You shut your mouth, crossing your arms as you get a small sick feeling
but you arrive to a frat house, and open up to see someone yell, “ALRIGHT GIVE ME THE SNACKS
“GUYS!” Jungkook tells, and you hide behind him over tall men in the lobby
“oh hi”
“guys, meet y/n, this is why, I haven’t been around you guys, I’ve been practicing a dance practice thing with my frat brother, Hobi and Jiminie. they keep thinking u don’t exist but uh, yeah this is my best friend, y/n”
You wave and immediately the other 6 boys crowd around you
“well hello my name is Kim Seokjin and it’s a pleasure to- OUCH JK ILL FUCkInFg BEAT YOU UP—!”
He glares at JK who scowls back, and holds you close
“so, lemme show u the boy scouts frat”
it’s a large wood house, he has a large room, with almost nothing
he never rly wanted a lot for himself, so, as the best friend you are you scolded him
“wtf do u sleep on”
“that pillow”
“thats the size of ur fucking bicep, jk”
Do anyways he has been rly best friends with this other dude, Taehyung
soon you get a more better tour, by namjoon
And taehyung and jk hang out in the hot tub, but Tae frowns
“uh u good dude?”
Tae frowns and he’s like “Youre fucking spazzing my guy”
“I just—!” JK sighs and leans back, continuing to look back
“HOLY SHIT YOU LIKE THEM!” Tae cackles, smacks the water
“did I lie”
jk pouts and sighs, “no”
“AH HA! So, go shoot ur shot”
“bro I just ghosted them for a fucking month”
“. . .oh”
jk sighs and drinks a carbonated soda, muttering, “I rly like them, ever since freshman year, we danced at prom but, I was so scared to even ask them out”
Tae uwus and he scoots over, “listen, y’all just, okay; I got a shirt they can swim in, just, you guys can talk, and then, say it”
“lemme fucking finish, dumbass. yes now. if not, then you guys will keep waiting and waiting, and besides, if they say no, you’ve already ghosted them, so it’s up to them to continue or not the friendship -although I find that highly un-fucking likely- and if yes, boom”
jungkook pouts, and splashes gently at his choices, “o-okay”
So while namjoon and his friend, jimin were -lowkey- flirting with u
tae finally grabs u and tells u to wear his old hawaii shirt
“uh y”
*cough* “rEasONs”
Eventually you go, and then there’s soft,
Like hella fucking soft
piano music :))
And there is ur long time best friend, softly humming his eyes closed as he whispers,
Nah not whisper
He sings gently to you,
“and i, cant help,”
he looks at you, a soft smile on his face, your heart launching itself to the heavens
“falling in love, with you”
you wipe the tears that have already poured down, as he opens his arms, “y/n, look im rly-”
u splash as you try to get in, holding them closer than you possibly couldve, and whispering,
“I love u too, jeongguk,”
so, u gently let kisses on each other’s exposed skin as the other boys in the house cheer for their newest addition to the frat
joon softly gives jin a $50 bill, muttering how much he hates him ;)
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pogaytosalad · 3 years
Heres a wip of a sequel.
Dmviolence, by jade
Hello, if youre hearing this, it probably means im dead. Either that, or im alive and just got tired of keeping this hidden. You might remember my voice from a previous recording about a takeover in sector ⬽:➻, in which id helped prevent total annihilation of the sector. At the time i was unnamed, however now you may call me Kalton. After the takeover i resigned and moved to a job at a dmv. This planet was, for some reason, in one of the most tactically advantageous locations in the galaxy. And for some reason the higher ups dedicated the whole damn planet to dmvs. Dont ask why. Now, onto the story.
I woke up, and i put on my emerald green contact lenses. Just like any other day. I put on a basic white t-shirt and a leather bomber jacket along with a pair of jean shorts. If you cant tell by now, im gay.
I live in a small apartment. By small apartment i mean a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen all crammed into 2 rooms. I hopped out the bedroom window onto my motorcycle. It was a diamond white motorcycle with deep red stripes along the sides and the handlebars. My pride and joy. I put on my jet black helmet and took off towards my job at the, you guessed it, dmv.
Chapter 2
I pulled up in the parking lot and took off my helmet, my blue hair a total rats nest. The doors were push doors, yet i somehow ALWAYS pulled first. I entered the dmv and went to my station. A few hours passed by and no one had come in yet, which was unusual. So naturally i decided to sit down on the floor, put in my earbuds, and enjoyed some heavy metal. A few more hours passed by, and usually by now i wouldve been yelled at by my boss. This struck me as odd so i stood up. I really wish i hadnt stood up. The place had been completely destroyed. There were drop pods crashed in through the roof and they all had the ERGON logo on them. Ergon was a multi trillion dollar pencil manufacturing company with its own military. They had previously tried to take over sector ⬽:➻ when i had been working there. I was not looking forwards to what was about to happen.
Quickly, i ducked back onto the floor before anyone saw me. There were 4 riot soldiers holding this building. This was gonna be fun. The riot soldiers are your stereotypical riot gear and police baton soldiers. But these guys had laser batons and the riot gear gave them heightened strength and speed. They also had some, dare I say, shitty energy pistols. I crawled over to one of the soldiers who wasnt being watched and broke their neck. Carefully I took the baton and the pistol. Slowly crawled my way back to my station and checked the shot count in the pistol. I had 6 shots, just enough to take care of the remaining three soldiers. I stood up quickly and shot each soldier twice in the head. First shot to open the riot helmet, second shot to kill. I vaulted over the counter and grabbed the three pistols. These things were so stupid. You couldnt even remove the clips. Once you ran out of shots, the pistol was useless. Nonetheless, i didnt have any choice. I had a laser baton and 18 total shots in 3 pistols.
Upon leaving the building, my motorcycle was one of the few things to survive. It had alot of scratches and damage, but it still worked. The helmet was shattered however. I mounted the motorcycle and took off towards the next closest dmv. Maybe id find some better gear there.
Chapter 3
Pulling up next to the second dmv i immediately noticed 3 things. 1: there was blood everywhere. 2: there were 25 soldiers here. And 3: they all had energy weapons. The reason these things are relevant is because energy weapons dont cause bloodshed. This was the result of something else. Something new i hadnt dealt with yet.
I drove up and ran over 5 of the soldiers. This was probably an incredibly bad idea, seeing as i had 18 shots, enough for 9 kills, and there were 20 soldiers left. Every single soldier turned to me and i, being the absolute genius that i am, welded the front of one of the pistols shut with the laser baton, shot it off, and threw it into thei crowd of soldiers. It exploded, releasing a shockwave of energy and disabling the soldiers. I then used the baton to cut through the riot gear and kill the soldiers. I felt like a badass. That is until a mechanical looking wolf jumped at me and started trying to rip my face off.
The wolf was a frostwolf, except it had been placed into a mechanical frame and its teeth and claws had been replaced with lasers. I tried to bash it off of me with the baton but it just bit it in two. This gave me just enough time to grab an energy pistol and shoot the wolf. It kept trying to kill me amd i wasted a whole clip on it until suddenly, the dog started to levitate in the air and got thrown aside into a wall. I got up and was instantly frozen in place. Thats when.. she walked up.
Chapter 4
The she i am reffering to is ebony. A goth/punk wannabe with light blue tear shaped eyes and black hair with purple streaks. Shes a bitch whos mind got too powerful and now she can move things without touching them. Shes been chasing me for months. Not in a murderous way. Shes just obsessed with me. Ive tried to tell her im gay but she wont listen. And now im at her mercy.
She walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I hated it. She looked as if she was contemplating whether or not to free me when a pod came down from the sky and crushed her. Thank god. But i honestly wouldve rathered suffered at her hand than deal with what i had to deal with next...
Out of the pod came the warden. The goddamn warden from sector ⬽:➻. Last id seen him hed been in the same situation as ebony. Crushed to death under a pod. But this time, instead of being on my side, he was here to kill me. He was huge. Like seriously huge. He was at least 8 feet tall and shaped like gaston. Whos gaston? Nobody knows these days. But its basically a way to say "extremely buff and wide". Back to the story. The warden wasnt looking very good, considering the rotten skin, obviously quickly patched together face, and muscles hanging loose out of his skin. His rotting ruined body was held together by an exoskeleton of chromium-tungsten alloy. Nothing i had was gonna cut through that. I was gonna have to get creative here..
The warden had 2 weapons, both of them were his fists. Huge gauntlets that were each about the size of a cow. Definitely bigger than his previous set. They were a golden green metal i couldnt identify. But i didnt want to get hit with one to try and find out. I ran. I ran as fast i could run into the dmv and hid. I could hear the wardens footsteps. It was as if a small earthquake happened each time he took a step.
I peeked over the desk i was hiding behind and saw him punch through the 2 desks opposite to me. It took no effort and i couldve sworn i saw him smile. Obviously i didnt. Cause he didnt have a mouth anymore. But if he did, he definitely wouldve smiled. I took a shot to get his attention and ran off towards the wall. The warden was definitely faster than i expected.
Luckily i managed to dodge the blow by a centimeter. The metal smelled of decaying flesh and popcorn. The wardens blow punched a huge hole in the wall. I hope you see where im going with this.
I ran off to another wall and we repeated this same process a number of times until the building was barely still up. I ran out the doors and threw the baton at the last of the supports, cutting through it and causing the building to collapse in on the warden. He wasnt getting out of that. I decided to search the rubble to see if i could find anything worth taking. I found a new baton, a flame rifle and a few more energy pistols.
The flame rifle was a very interesting design. The sides were painted jet black with flame decals scattered about. You could feel the heat on the inside and it made the gun warm to the touch. Comfortable to hold. Other than that though, it looked like an old fashioned 8.59mm sniper rifle. It had 4 shots remaining, so id have to use it sparingly.
I grabbed some scrap materials out of the rubble to make a holster for it and put it on my back.
The energy pistols just dangled from a keychain. The baton was simply turned off and placed through a hole in the back pockets of my shorts. I ran to my motorcycle and drove off, i needed to find out more. I had questions, and i had a sneaking suspicion that i knew where to find the answers.
I drove off again, i was dirty and there was blood on me and my bike. I probably looked like a serial killer. But i knew that if anyone was still alive, itd be jayden. They were.. well. They were a vampire. They lived in a swampland area and wore sparkly rainbow shirts and a huge sunhat. The sunhat allowed them to go outside in the sun, and they only drank coconut water. They also had a crazy amount of weaponry and used to work at ergon, before being fired for stealing weaponry. By the way, if you havent noticed by now, im using they/them to refer to jayden. Jayden doesnt have a gender. Jayden.. is kind of my crush. It probably has something to do with the fact that theyre the only person on this planet who talks to me. Other than ebony.. but ebony is... not my type i guess. Anyways, back to jayden. Jayden was on the roof of their swamp shack drinking coconut water out of a wine glass. I yelled up at them and they fell off the roof onto my back. I guess i cushioned their fall. Jayden immediately said "What do you need dear" without waiting for me to stand up, and shattered the wine glass. I informed them of the situation and asked the questions i had. Things like "what are the ergon soldiers defences like on their ships" and "how did they reanimate the warden" they had answers.
Jayden told me about the new security measures that had been put in place since id last been on an ergon ship. There was now a code for each teleportation pod and the gaurds had doubled. As for the warden, it turns out jayden was actually the first test run in reanimation sciences, and couldnt answer me because they had been unconcious in a lab when the warden was reanimated. That explained the vampire undead thing. Jayden invited me into the shack where they pulled a nail out of the floorboards and it turned into a ramp to the basement. Down in the basement? Thats where jayden kept their weapons they stole. And boy oh boy were there some interesting ones.
One that immediately caught my attention was the big rocket launcher. It had 3 barrels and each was a different colour, indicating a different effect. One was red, one was yellow, and one was green. The red barrel fired a normal explosive rocket, the yellow barrel fired an electromagnetic pulse rocket, and the green barrel fired an acidic explosive. And the launcher shrunk down to the size of an energy pistol when a button was pressed. It gathered up dirt and dust and garbage around it from the back to quickly convert into ammo but the only downside is that it would be difficult to use more than once in an area.
Jayden picked out an old shotgun. At first i didnt understand why, but then they loaded the clip. The clip was a huge drum that loaded in the bottom of the barrel. The drum was see through and inside you could see sawblades lined up side by side. When they pumped the shotgun a blade got lifted into a slot between the 2 shotgun barrels and started glowing red. When the trigger was pulled, the blade spun at high speeds and fired out of the slot, spinning along the ground like a wheel. It could cut through anything a baton could cut through and seemed to almost follow its target. The gun itself looked like an DP-12, except behind the pump, a large clear drum full of sawblades was in place. The blade sat between the barrels in place of the iron sights and got heated up by an electrical circut.
I also took a laser sword instead of my baton, it was just like the one that [3825968] had, except this one was about an inch longer. The final weapon i took was an acid thrower. It was basically just a watergun with acid in it. Ive always been partial to acidic weapons. If youve heard my other story, youd know why..
Jayden also took a submachine gun that fired freezing rounds. The rounds were essentially glorified waterballoons with liquid nitrogen in them. Though the rounds were bullet sized, enough shots from it would certainly freeze you in place. The freeze gun was about the size of the average human head, and was painted navy blue with blue saphire stripes placed along it. We both left the shack, me with my sword and jayden with a wine glass. We were ready to kick ass and put a stop to this.
We left and immediately both got flung into some trees. Guess who it was. It was ebony. Her body had been found and reanimated. I was starting to see a pattern. And now we had to fight the telekinetic who could kill us with a wave of her hand.
She was levitating. Her eyes were glowing red and her hair was floating in the air. She had a smile of someone about to rip your arms off and beat you with them. I tried to take a shot at her but my hand got knocked aside by an invisible force. So i tried the next best thing. Seduction. Fake seduction. Hopefully the whole dying and coming back from the dead thing didnt make her stop being weirdly obsessed with me.
While i faked surrender and complimented ebony and attempted to seduce her, jayden took aim of their ice gun and shot a burst at ebonys right arm. The arm froze in place and shattered. Hopefully that would lower the strength of her telekinetic abilities. It did. But only by about half. Which meant jayden got thrown into the air as i tried to discreetly unholster my acid gun. It wasnt discreet enough and the gun was knocked from my hand.
The gun flew forwards and the impact of hitting the ground set it off for a second, just enough to spray an acidic burn through her arm. Incapacitating her. Jayden ended up sneaking up behind her and impaling her through the skull with the shattered end of their wine glass. Finally ebony was dead for good.
The acid gun was busted, so we had to leave it behind. We got onto my motorcycle and took off towards my apartment building. We would need food if we were going to be traveling. An apartment complex would probably be full of foods, and alot of dead people who wouldnt care if we took some stuff.
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steviemae · 6 years
knight in shining armor // rm
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requested by @mavelfanatic: Could you write a Reggie one shot where nick st Clair attempted to rape Reggie’s gf instead of Cheryl and he finds her just in time and beats him and after he’s all soft and protective?? Pls??❤️❤️
Your boyfriend was raging. He’s never felt so much anger in his life until the moment Cheryl told him what happened to you.
The party for the SoDale project was going well. You were here with your father, and per request of Cheryl. She didn’t want to go alone, but also didn’t want to be stuck with Veronica all night so seeing as your father was going you decided to tag along. You tried your best to convince Reggie to come, but he held football practice at a higher priority, which you didn’t mind.
You stood at the bar next to your father as he handed you a champagne flute of sparkling grape juice since you were well underage.
“I’m going to speak with Hiram. Enjoy yourself, love.” he said kissing your forehead.
“Sure thing, pops.” you said as he walked away. You leaned one elbow on the bar, sipping your grape juice while scanning the crowd for any signs of Veronica or Cheryl when you spotted the ever flirtatious Nick St. Clair walking your way with his award winning smile.
“y/n, fancy meeting you here.” he said holding his hand out. You shook his hand with a smile. He brought it to his lips, placing a small kiss along your knuckles. You jerked your hand away giving him an uncomfortable smile.
“You knew i’d be here, Nick. Don’t play dumb.” you said rolling your eyes playfully.
“I was betting on your being here. I’m hosting a little party at the Five Seasons. I invited Veronica and all of her friends, but i wanted to invite you myself.” he said. You opened your mouth to make up some lie about you and Reggie having plans but Nick raised his hand to stop you.
“Your boyfriend will be there so you really have no excuse not to come.” he joked.
“Sure, Nick. i’ll be there.” you said finishing your drink. You looked over Nick’s shoulder, hearing Veronica and Cheryl calling your name.
“Go on over, i’ll bring you girls some more drinks.” he said nodding over to them. You hesitated at first but went ahead anyway.
You chatted with the girls for a little bit, them of course asking where Reggie was because the two of you are normally inseparable. Nick came over with drinks for all of you, you took yours mumbling a quick thank you and taking a sip.
“I have to go mingle with the other guests. Daddy is the man of the hour. I’ll catch you guys later.” Veronica said bidding her goodbye. Cheryl left as well, finding her way to some handsome guy sitting at a table.
“And then there were two.” Nick said taking a sip of his drink.
“What a lovely coincidence.” you said sarcastically downing the rest of your drink. Nick watched you creepily as you sat the glass down on a tray a passing butler was holding.
“Would you like me to get you another?” Nick asked you raising an eyebrow at you.
“No thanks. I think i’m going to go find my father.” you said. You turned to walk away but lost your balance. Nick caught you before you fell. He placed his glass on a nearby table, placing his arms around your waist and walked you towards the exit.
“Wait, i wanted to talk to my dad.” you slurred.
“It’s okay, pretty. We’re going to go have some fun elsewhere.” he said as he opened the door to his car and placed you in the backseat. Little did he know, Cheryl and Veronica saw the whole thing.
Reggie bypassed the front desk already knowing where Nick’s room was because of the text invite for the party tomorrow. Cheryl, Veronica and Josie jogging to keep up with the angry football players fast walk.
“Open the fucking door, Nick.” he said pounding on the dark wood of the door, blocking him from you and Nick. after a few seconds, Reggie only grew more and more impatient and he told the girls to step back as he kicked the door in.
“You son of a bitch!” Reggie yelled grabbing Nick by the back of his jacket and throwing him to the floor. He was so angry he blacked out as his fist connected multiple times to Nick’s face.
“Reggie, okay. That’s enough. You don’t want to kill him.” Veronica said grabbing his arm before he was able to land another punch to Nick’s face.
“Reggie.” you croaked. Your head was pounding and the entire room was spinning. Reggie’s face softened and your voice brought him back to reality. He looked at Nick’s bleeding face and loosened his grip on Nick’s colar letting him drop lifelessly to the ground.
“Baby, oh my god. He didn’t touch you right? We got here in time? Please tell me we got here in time.” he pleaded.
“My head hurts.” you mumbled.
“It’s okay, baby. We’re gonna get you out of here. I’m gonna take you home.” he said picking you up and cradling your close to his body. He walked out of the room with you in his arms, the girls following behind him. He was only worried about you and making sure you weren’t violated by some privileged little boy who thought drugging girls was a good way to get laid. He was mad - no livid. But his main focus right now was to get you home and flush whatever drug Nick slipped you so you could tell him exactly what happened. Though a part of him wanted so badly to go back in that room and beat Nick until there was nothing left to him, but the way you gripped his shirt and clung to him made him stay right where he was - with you.
You woke up, your head still pounding. You felt around you, feeling the softness of your favorite blanket. You opened your eyes, taking in your room. You let out a sigh of relief. Reggie walked out of your bathroom running his fingers through his hair. When he looked up his eyes met yours and he practically ran to the bed, sitting next to you.
“How are you feeling, baby?” he asked.
“My head hurts, but i definitely feel ten times better than before. How long was i asleep?”
“A couple of hours.” he answered. The two of you sat in silence for a minute as the memories of what happened came back into your brain. You felt disgusting as you brought your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and rested your chin against your knee.
“I hate to ask you right after, but i need to know - did he touch you?” Reggie asked softly.
“No, you guys got there shortly after we did. I don’t know how you managed that, but you did and i couldn’t be more thankful.” you said as your eyes filled with tears. You took one look at Reggie and began sobbing.
“Oh no, baby.” he said quickly moving to sit next to you and scooping your into his arms. You cried into his chest for a minute until your parents knocked and walked into your room.
“y/n. My baby girl.” your dad said sitting on the edge of the bed, “just know that this is being taken care of, though i wish i could’ve done what Reggie did. I can’t thank you enough for getting there in time, son.” your dad said.
“I’d do anything to protect your daughter, sir.” Reggie said while petting the back of your head to get you to calm down.
“Nick is going to jail, y/n. There’s no question about it. This wasn’t the first time he’s ever done something like this and i can only thank Reggie for not letting it go any further.” your mom said as she rubbed your back soothingly.
Hiram, Hermione and Veronica came a few hours later. They offered their apologies and condolences and promised to help put Nick away for what he did and what he almost did. Reggie didn’t leave your side the rest of that day - or any day after that. He felt like he was somewhat to blame for not going to the SoDale party with you, but you assured him that it wasn’t his fault whatsoever. Your father even allowed Reggie to stay the night as it gave you comfort and gave him peace of mind that you were well taken care of whenever Reggie was around.
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brideofkylosolo · 6 years
Chapter 2 is HERE!
I FINALLY finished ch 2 of my Adam Sackler series.  so without further ado, I present to you...
CH2: Love is a Battlefield - Girls fic (Adam X OC)
Adam and Amelia attend a party and run into the last person they want to see.
Warnings: Violence, NSFW, swearing, blood, angst, oral, fingering, breast play.
    The party didn’t suck as a bad as Adam had thought it was going to. He had honestly never been one for attending parties considering he didn’t like crowds plus the temptation of alcohol, but Marc, a director he had worked with several times, had insisted he at least show up for a little bit, that it would be good for his career.  He reluctantly agreed to go for an hour.  Amelia had even offered to go with him, and she hated parties as much as he did.
    The two of them had been dating for a little over two months and things were going amazing.  They rarely fought and when they did, they worked it out in no time.  Plus the sex was absolutely fucking mind-blowing; Amelia could easily give him a run for his money in terms of banter.
    Adam was talking to some guy when he noticed a familiar face at the bar.
    “Hey is that fuckface?” he whispered to Amelia, who was sitting next to him on the couch.
    Amelia looked over to see Chad, her ex, walking over to where they were.  She let out a stream of curses under her breathe.
    “Amelia, hey,” Chad casually said.  “Surprised to see you here and with, well, this guy.”  He pointed a thumb in Adam’s direction with disdain.
    Adam glared at him.
    “His name’s Adam,” Amelia replied coolly.
    “Andy, right,” Chad responded.  “Look, we haven’t talked in a while, so what do you say we blow this place and go get a drink?  You know, catch up.”
    “There’s a reason we haven’t talked.  Besides, I’m here with my boyfriend, Adam.”
    “Alex, right,” Chad said with indifference.  “So anyway, what do you say?”
    “No, thanks,” Amelia said as she looped her right arm through Adam’s muscular left arm, her hand resting on his hand.
    Chad crept closer.  “Come on.  Besides, I guarantee you’ll have a much better time than with this loser.”
    “Jesus, do you ever shut the fuck up?” Adam barked at Chad. “Amelia told you she doesn’t want to talk so why don’t you fucking leave, you fucking jabroni.”
    “The fuck you call me?” Chad said.
    Adam stood up, puffing his chest out.  “You fucking heard me.”
    “Come on Adam, let’s get out of here,” Amelia said as she tried to pull Adam away.
    Chad stepped closer to Adam, his right hand balling up.  “You got a problem with me, you fucking tool?”
    Adam chuckled.  “Tool? That’s fucking rich coming from you, you shitbag.”
    Chad punched Adam’s jaw hard causing him to fall back onto the couch.  Amelia screamed as Chad jumped on him and continued to punch him.
     “Get off him!” she yelled as she tried to pull Chad off Adam only to have Chad’s elbow hit her in the mouth, making her fall backward.
    Adam hit Chad back as hard as he could.  He was seeing red; the only thing on his mind was to beat Chad to a bloody pulp for all the things he did to Amelia.  He soon felt hands on the back of his shirt pulling him to his feet and away from Chad.  Adam lunged at him but hands on his chest, pushing him away made him stop.
    “Jesus, calm down,” Brad’s voice rang in his ear as he dragged him away and down a hall.
    Adam punched the wall as he was guided towards the restroom. Someone shoved him inside the cramped space and he continued to hit the walls in anger, his blood boiling.  He about to drive his fist into the mirror when he noticed Amelia stand stoically against the door, her jaw clenched in what could only be read as fear.
    “Oh fuck,” Adam cursed, his rage quickly subsiding.  He crumpled to the floor in a mix of exhaustion and anguish.
    Amelia wordlessly ran some paper towels under water and kneeled in front of Adam between his outstretched legs.  As she reached out to wipe the blood off his face, Adam gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, resting his right cheek on her shoulder.  Amelia paused at his actions but softly smiled, her left hand stroking his head.  She rested her cheek on top of his head as Adam began to cry softly.
    “I’m sorry,” he managed to say.
    “You have nothing to be sorry about,” Amelia told him.
    “But I could’ve hurt you.”
    Amelia lifted his face up.  “But you didn’t.”
    Adam just bit his lip and rested his forehead against Amelia’s shoulder.  Amelia just continued to run her fingers through his hair to comfort him as she rested her cheek on his head.
    “I have to admit, it was kind of satisfying to watch you beat the shit out of Chad, though,” Amelia said with a grin.
    Adam had to smile at that comment.  “It did feel good hitting that fucker.”
    Amelia kissed his head.  She hugged him closer, her fingers running through his hair.  “Come on, we need to get you cleaned up.”
    Adam let Amelia wipe the blood away from his face.  Just as Amelia finished cleaning the blood from Adam’s nose, someone knocked on the door.  Amelia answered it.
    “How’s he doing?” Brad asked.
    Amelia gave a weary smile.  “He’s fine.  Little beat up but he’ll be fine.  Is fuckhead still out there?”
    “No, he got thrown out.  Someone said they saw him leave.  You need me to grab you anything?”
    “Some ice might be good and can you get a first aid kit?”
    Brad nodded and left.  He returned a short time later with a bag of ice and a first aid kit, handing them to Amelia.
    Adam hissed as Amelia placed the ice pack on his left eye. “Fuck me, that’s cold.”
    Amelia snickered to herself; at least Adam seemed to be getting back to his old self fairly quickly.  She proceeded to clean Adam’s hand, wrapping it in a bandage.
    When she was done, Adam wordless started to tend to the cut on Amelia right elbow.  
    “Adam, I’m fine,” she insisted.
Adam just ignored her and continued to clean the cut.  She hissed as he applied peroxide on the wound.
“Shit, sorry,” Adam said as he patted the excess blood off.
    “It’s ok,” Amelia mumbled as she buried her face on Adam’s chest.
    Adam finished cleaning off Amelia’s injury and wrapped the cut in gauze, making sure the wound was completely covered.  He pulled her close, resting his right cheek on her head.
    Amelia hugged him back, burying her face in Adam’s massive chest. “Come on, let’s get out of here,” she said and gave Adam a soft kiss on the lips.
    He grinned at her and they headed home, taking the subway back to Amelia’s studio apartment.  As they snuggled next to each other in their seats as they rode home, Adam nuzzled her shoulder, his left hand slowly dipping into the front of her jeans.
    Amelia bit her bottom lip as she grinned.  She cupped Adam’s face with her left hand and planted a soft kiss on his jawline.  “Don’t start anything you can’t finish,” she teasingly warned him as his fingers grazed the front of her panties.
    Adam just chuckled and snaked his fingers deeper into Amelia’s jeans; he continued to nuzzle her shoulder, planting a kiss on the bare skin of her exposed shoulder.
    Amelia let out a tiny moan as she kissed Adam’s jawline again.
    Before long, their stop arrived.  Amelia led Adam out of the subway car by the hand and they hurried home to her studio apartment.  Adam hugged her from behind as she unlocked her door, nuzzling his face into her mid-length hair; he reached under her cold shoulder top, his fingers grazing the soft skin of her stomach.
    Amelia just smiled, leaning back slightly into Adam’s massive firm chest as she unlocked her door and pulled him inside.  She had barely closed and locked the door before Adam had her pinned against the wall, his lips crashing into hers.  Amelia moaned as Adam pulled her shirt over her head, his large hands cupping her pert bra-covered breasts, giving them gentle squeezes. She returned the kiss, pulling Adam’s shirt off as well.
    Adam lifted her up and carried her over to the bed in the sleeping alcove, his hands cradling her ass.  Amelia wrapped her legs around Adam’s torso, her hands threaded in his shoulder-length dark hair.  She continued to deeply kiss him, giving his lower lip a gentle nibble.
    “Ow!” Adam exclaimed.
    “Fuck, I’m sorry,” Amelia said as she hugged Adam.  It was definitely going to take some getting used Adam having that cut on his lip.
    “It’s ok,” Adam replied as he rubbed her back in reassurance.  He kissed the top of her head.
    Amelia leaned up and kissed him tenderly on the lips.  Adam laid her onto the bed as he melted into her kiss.  He moaned as he crawled over her body, his hands pinning hers on either side of her head. He rubbed his hips into hers, the friction making him very hard.  He began to suck and nibble on her neck; there was no doubt, she was going to have one hell of a hickey in the morning.
    Adam removed her bra and took her right nipple in his mouth, gently sucking it; it easily became hard in his mouth.  Once the bud was hard, he then kissed a trail of kitten kisses down her chest to the top of her jeans.  He undid them and slowly slid them over her hips and to the floor along with her heels.  He kissed her skin as he slowly pulled her red panties off, peppering her inner thigh and area around her vagina with soft kisses.
    “Wait, are you sure you should be doing tha – OH FUCK!” Amelia exclaimed as Adam lapped her essence with one fell swoop.
    She arched her back in bliss as he lapped her folds with his tongue, paying extra attention to the nub at the top of her opening.  Adam flicked his tongue over the bud making it double its size; Amelia gasped in surprise and pleasure as Adam alternated between kissing and sucking her clit.
    She threaded her fingers through Adam’s shoulder-length raven hair as he vigorously licked and sucked her folds, subconsciously bucking her hips every so often whenever he touched a particularly sensitive spot.
    “Oh fuck,” Amelia moaned.  “Oh shit!  Oh yes, right there, babe, right there.  Oh fuck, your tongue is fucking magical!”
    Adam continued to passionately devour Amelia’s lady bits, making sure to get into every possible nook and cranny of her sex.  He slowly inserted a finger and gently moved it in and out of her entrance while he sucked on her bud.
    Amelia moaned as she nibbled on her lower lip, her pussy pulsing in bliss as her orgasm slowly built.
    “Oh fuck,” she moaned as she arched her back.  “Oh fuck, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come, I’m…”
    Amelia let out a moan and threw her head back against the pillow as her orgasm hit her.  She gripped the sheets next to her as she rode out her climax.
    Adam wiped his mouth and deeply kissed Amelia on the lips, his large hands slowly caressing her body.  Amelia melted into her boyfriend’s kiss, her hands running through his dark hair.
    Adam gently rolled her onto her stomach and pulled his jeans off. He straddled her legs, his hands running up her bare legs to her supple ass; he gave her butt a soft squeeze as he ground his growing erection against the lips of her entrance.
    Amelia grasped the sheets as she moaned in bliss and arched her back slightly; she bit her lip as Adam leaned down and kissed her shoulder, gently nibbling on the skin.  He kissed a trail down her spine, stopping at her lower back; he cupped her ass, gently kneading it in his large hands.
    Adam pulled her pelvis up slightly and ran his finger along her moist folds.  Amelia giggled as she continued to nibble on her lower lip.  She pushed back against Adam’s finger slightly, her inner lips giving no resistance as she took in his finger.  He grinned and slowly moved his finger in and out of Amelia’s sex.
    “Damn, you’re so needy,” Adam chuckled.
    “I can’t help it,” Amelia replied in a sultry voice.  “I need your big cock in me.”
    “Beg,” Adam ordered her with a smirk.
    “Please, put your big, wonderful cock in me.  I need it.”  Amelia turned to look at him with doe eyes.  “Please.”
    Adam took off his underwear and gave his growing erection a few quick strokes.  He gently pulled Amelia to her hands and knees, keeping her legs pushed firmly together. He settled behind her and pressed the tip of his hard-on at her entrance, rubbing it up and down a few times. Amelia squirmed as she gripped the sheets in anticipation; she just wanted him to hurry the fuck up.
    Once he was sure, Amelia was as wet as she was going to get, Adam slowly burrowed himself into her.  She let out a pleasurable gasp as his huge length filled her.  Fuck, it felt so fucking good.
    Adam licked his lips as he let Amelia adjust to him.  Once she was, he placed his hands on her hips and began to slowly thrust into her.
    Amelia just moaned as the tip of Adam’s penis hit her g-spot, sending waves of bliss up her spine.
    “Oh yes,” she moaned as Adam quickened his pace.  “Oh fuck, right there, right there.  Oh shit, your cock feels amazing!”
    “You like my cock?” he asked her.
    Amelia just nodded yes as she arched her back, her hands gripping the sheets tightly as Adam’s dick filled her.
    He sharply smacked her rear with his right hand, causing Amelia to let out a squeal of surprise.
    “Say it,” he ordered her.
    “Yes,” she breathlessly said as Adam continued to pump his hips, his large penis sliding in and out of her moist canal with ease. “I love your cock.  It’s so amazing.”
    Adam reached down and cupped her right breast in his hand, gently rubbing the nipple, making it quickly firm up.
    Amelia gasped, her arms starting to go weak from his tender touch. She managed to catch herself and support her weight on her forearms as Adam changed his pace up, going from a steady and fast plunge to a slow one where he’d slowly pull his length out and quickly push it back in her sex.
    “Oh fuck,” she moaned as she continued to grip the sheets, her g-spots throbbing in bliss.
    “You’re such a slut,” Adam purred as he pumped his hips, savoring the feeling of Amelia’s tight sheath enveloping his pulsating erection.
    Amelia just panted in response as she rested her face on the pillows, her mind a blur from the pleasure.
Adam reached under her stomach and pulled her to her knees, his chest pressing into her back.  He palmed her left breast, gently kneading her tender flesh; her nipple rose to attention at his delicate touch.  He then reached in between her legs and began to caress her clit, making the tiny bud double in size in no time.
Amelia just whimpered in pleasure as Adam’s large finger circled her nub. She rested her right hand on his wrist and her left on his forearm as Adam began to suck on her left shoulder, alternating between tenderly suckling and nibbling her soft flesh.  She opened her mouth in a silent oh, her breathing coming in short pants.
“My pretty little slut,” Adam murmured into her shoulder as he feverously rubbed Amelia’s swollen bud.  “Are you gonna come for me?”
“I wanna… I’m gonna…” she mewed, her orgasm so close, it was driving her mad.  She gasped as Adam’s finger hurriedly stroked her clit, making it pulse and throb even more.
Seconds later (though it certainly felt longer) Amelia’s legs twitched as her body erupted in orgasm.  She threw her head back against Adam’s shoulder, a whimper escaping her throat as she came hard.
Adam pumped his hips a few more time, soon squirting warm ribbons of come deep inside Amelia’s pussy with a grunt.  He collapsed onto the bed, Amelia falling onto her stomach with him.  He caught himself before he landed on her and rolled over onto his back next to her, panting as he came down from his high.
He idly reached over and stroked Amelia’s arm with his left knuckle, his mind still reeling in bliss.  He leaned over to kiss her left shoulder and froze in horror at the sight of blood dripping down her back.
“Oh fuck,” he exclaimed as he sat up, his mouth open in shock.
“What?” Amelia asked as she pushed herself onto her elbows, giving Adam a confused look.
“You… you’re bleeding!”
“Fuck, my period must have come early,” she groaned.
“No, on your shoulder!  Shit, I must’ve done that when I was sucking there.  Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!!!!!”
Adam buried his face in his hands, groaning in horror and frustration.  He knew he’d really fucked up this time and there was absolutely no going back from this.
“Adam relax, it’s not that big a deal,” Amelia said.
Adam looked at her like she’d suddenly grown a second head.  “It’s not?”
Amelia shook her head and examined the bite mark.  “I mean, it’s not the worst thing I’ve had happen to me during sex.  At least you didn’t punch me like, well, fuckface did.”  She looked at Adam with a warm smile.  “And truthfully, I kinda liked it.”
“Wait, you actually liked it?” Adam asked as he turned to look at her in confusion. He was definitely not expecting to hear that.
Amelia nodded; Adam continued to look at her in confusion.  “I didn’t hurt you?”
    “Na-uh,” Amelia replied as she shook her head, her soft locks bouncing off her face.  “Besides, I trust you.”
    Adam raised his eyebrow, giving her a funny look; she playfully tickled his stomach.  “Really? You actually trust me?” he asked her
    “Really, I do,” Amelia said.  “You’re always really gentle, you care about whether or not I’m enjoying things, you’re the first boyfriend I’ve had that will go down on me.  Plus you’re the first boyfriend I’ve had an orgasm with during sex.”
    “You’ve really never came during sex before?” Adam asked her.
    Amelia nodded.  “You’re the first.”
    “Holy shit,” Adam mused.  He had honestly never considered that Amelia (or any of his exes for that matter) had never experienced an orgasm during sex since they started dating; having one seemed almost second nature to him.  “And I’m really the first guy to go down on you?
    “Yep,” Amelia replied.  “Not that I’m complaining.  It feels fucking mind-blowing whenever you eat my pussy.”
    Adam just laughed.  “I’m that good, huh?”
    “Oh yes,” she replied in a sultry voice as she leaned closer, giving him a kiss on the lips.  “In fact, you’re so good I might just be ready for some more amazing sex.”
    “Are you now?” Adam asked, his eyebrow raised in amusement at Amelia’s flirting.  He put his arm around her, his hand rubbing on her lower back close to her ass
    Amelia nodded and kissed him on the lips again.  He slowly climbed on top of her, his chest pressed against her breasts as they deeply kissed; her hands threaded in his dark, chin-length hair as his left hand traveled to Amelia’s rear, cupping her supple ass as his right caressed her breast.  Adam let out a moan as his member soon rose to attention.
    Amelia moaned as well, the tip of Adam’s erection pressing against her clit.  Her tiny nub started to swell as her folds started to get moist again.  She subconsciously widened her legs, allowing Adam better access to her lady bits.
    Adam reluctantly broke away and positioned the glans of his erection at her entrance, slowly encircling the orifice, adding his pre-cum to her juices.  When her sex was drenched with a mixture of their juices, Adam slowly entered Amelia’s pussy, the warm, slick folds swallowing his erection with ease.
    Amelia let out a gasp as Adam’s hard length filled her, her essence pulsing in pleasure.  She nibbled on her lower lips as Adam slowly rocked his hips, each thrust sending a wave of bliss up her spine.
    Adam leaned down and deeply kissed Amelia on the lips, savoring her sweet taste.  They tasted better than any drink he’d ever had and he was drunk off her taste.  He moved faster.
    Amelia wrapped her arms around Adam’s back, hugging him close to her, never wanting to let him go.  She unwillingly pulled away from the kiss, panting as her sex throbbed in pleasure.
    “Fuck, your cunt is so fucking tight,” Adam growled as he pumped his hips.
    “Is it the tightest you’ve ever felt?” Amelia asked him.
    Adam nodded.  “The tightest and the sweetest little cunt I’ve ever fucked.”
    He rose to his knees, holding onto her hips while he bucked his hips as fast as he could.  He reached in between Amelia’s legs and rubbed her nub.
    She moaned as she threw her head back in ecstasy, the tiny bud quickly doubling in size from Adam’s touch.
    “Oh fuck,” she mewed, her hands gripping the sheets as tight as they could.  “Oh shit, that’s it.  Don’t stop, don’t stop.  Oh, yeah. Come on, fuck me harder.”
    Adam increased his pace, his middle finger stroking her clit as fast as he could.
    “That’s it, that’s it, come inside me, come inside me,” she panted. “Make me come, make me come.  I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”
    She let out a silent scream as her body convulsed, her orgasm hitting her hard.  She arched her back as her eyes rolled back.
    Adam soon followed, grunting as he squirted his warm cum deep inside Amelia for the second time.  He collapsed next to her, his heart beating in his chest.  He pulled Amelia close, burying his face in her soft hair; she hugged him back, wrapping her arms around his massive torso.  Adam closed his eyes soon falling into a fitful sleep.
    The buzz of a cellphone woke Adam up.  He groaned awake and gently shook Amelia’s shoulder to wake her up.
    “Babe, your phone’s going off.”
    “That’s not my phone,” she sleepily replied and pulled the covers over her head.
    Adam sat up and dug through his pile of clothes on the floor, soon pulling his beat up phone out of his jeans.  He pressed the button.
    “Hey man,” he said into the device as he lay back onto the bed.
    “Hey, where are you?” Brad asked.
    “I’m at Amelia’s,” Adam replied.
    Brad sighed in relief on the other end.  Adam heard him tell whoever was with him (he assumed it was Ray, Adam’s roommate) that he was at Amelia’s.  “I take it you’re not gonna be home anytime soon then?”
    “Fuck I don’t know.  I just woke up.  Amelia’s still sleeping.”
    Brad chuckled.  “Alright then, you two kids have fun.”  He hung up.
    Adam looked at his phone in confusion and tossed it on the bedside table.  He debated getting up and making breakfast but Amelia rolled over, draping her arm across his chest.  Adam just smiled and planted a kiss on top of her head; he hugged her close, content to snuggle with his perfect girlfriend in bed a while longer.
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slwjmz · 3 years
Another dead stripper....
Show is finally over from being moved 2wice during Art Basel. I rode with Zel there, but nigga I was ready to dip soon as the show died down. Its like his camp held me hostage all day, being a do-girl, especially trying to DJ an endless crowd.... I stepped outside the function, to find this black girl just by herself on the wall...
"Hey, the shows' done, you was trying to get a peep?" I said
"Yeeeaaa, i was waiting for him all night, they wouldnt let me inside...." She replied
"He just left, but Im still down to walk around WynWood, if you want... Whats ya name?" my friendly mean ass
"Nat", she said.
I met Nat outside of a Denzel Curry show back in 2017. At the time, I was Miami's babygirl in the underground scene. You can catch me at these shows, these warehouse events.... You had to be cultured to know of the underground scene. Thats what made me fuck with Nat. Nat was cultured but not known. Nat was seen but never heard. Nat never led the crowd, she was the crowd....... a crowd pleaser.
2017- present, Im an exotic dancer, stripper, whatever, a fantasy girl at best..... I was ushered in this world of women, cars, scammers, horny men, money and wild sex by the most shyest social butterfly. Her name was Nat. Nat never complained. Drank nor smoke. 17 years old, skin smooth, face clear, young higschooler....
2 weeks passed,
Nat and I left the hairstore, ubered to her mom's house and we played in our drugstore makeup, switching outfits. Laughing, listening to Channel Orange, constantly switching lead in that tiny ass liquid stained mirror. In that moment, it was a haze. My inner thoughts really ran center in that bathroom, "Oh shit, im really about to strip, holy fuck." I catch focus back to Nat, "Its almost time, you ready girl?" Shouldve said yes, but I felt skinnier than ever in that last glimp at the mirror, it's honest reflection haulted my response because I wasnt. Im petite, but I wasnt curvy or didnt feel like a typical BBW- big busty, booty ass, black freaky hot sex doll. I know what these niggas like, what they expect.
We arrived at Dean's Gold. Smells of sex, and bleach ran muck in the air... I walked right in with her. No one asked me for paperwork, or showed me the laws of the land, but Nat did. I was so shy in that locker room. Standing in my own corner, playing on my 3% phone like its at 100.. In the midst of my shyness, this big busty, booty ass, black freak sex doll walked in... remember, the fantasy these niggas like?
Yes, that was as random as you read it, as I heard it. Thats when I knew I entered the RING.
I hopped on stage, nervous as shit. Probably like low flying planes in New York during any September, THAT nerve-wrecking. Taking your clothes off for strangers for the first time, is publicly peeling your privacy back a few layers. I was shaking on that LED stage, new born Bambi shit. Long brown legs, a clutz, a child....
"fresh pussy" they say on the speakerz.
I made 75$ in 65 minutes, then we left. Wouldve been 200$ but no one told me lapdances is a subtle way of pimping and collecting. Dean collected his gold, alright... and i collected my pride, while loosing it at the same time. I collected my confidence while wrecking it at the same time. But Nat was there, proud of my 75 dollar ass. I was kinda proud of my boney ass too.
Nat was a college student, when we picked up dancing more aggressively the next few months, so was I... ----- END OF PART 1
0 notes
way-veee · 5 years
Tumblr media
                   word count: 1.7k+
rating: m
genre: drama, mystery, smut, romance, sad
warnings: dark themes, smut, talk of suicide and depression
pairing: johnny x reader
 "jesus johnny you've only seen this girl twice and youre already in love with her! is it because she has a nice ass? I bet its because she has a nice ass."
taeyong retorts as the two men walk down a busy street covered in the darkness midnight usually brings.
"shut up taeyong."  johnny laughs, smiling to himself.
 "oh my god"
taeyong shouts in disbelief running up in front of johnny, then crouching down to see him smile while thinking about you.
"I haven't seen you crush this hard since Irene and we all know what happened when you asked her out-"
 johnny says sternly with an authority that shuts him up. johnny hears him let out a sigh as they enter the club they had been dying to go to, in order to escape the hectic dorms on a saturday night .
"I get it john, I really do, and if you think shes great then I bet she really is." he says supportively placing a hand on johnnys shoulder as the two descend into the blaring music and neon lights of the club.
 johnny gives taeyong a small smile before surveying the club around him. 
"ha" he snorts nudging taeyong.
"can you believe haechan tried to tag along."
 "god I wish he had just so we couldve seen what would of happened."
johnny laughs with his whole face as they make their way over to the bar. taeyong orders two drinks that johnny forgets the name of and they sit in the bars leather chairs staring onto the dance floor.
 "so" taeyong starts.
"I called mark and he'll cover for us if for whatever reason we come back later than expected."
taeyong smirks with his playboy charm that johnny knows these girls wont be able to resist.
 taeyong says something else but johnny doesn't hear because he almost drops his drink in disbelief.
 in the middle of the dance floor, he sees a girl with her hair tied above her head in sparkly clips, wearing a short deep red, skin tight dress that dips over her breasts, a matching red lip and heeled booties.
 never in the entirety of his life, would he of thought to see you wearing that, smiling like that, or dancing like that.
god, he would never of even thought that youd enter a club let alone stay and have fun.
"ty" johnny says shakily tapping him.
"what." taeyong snaps looking at johnny with wide annoyed eyes.
he points to you dancing in the crowd smiling brightly at your friends.
"fuck shes hot."
taeyong gapes matter o factly staring at you.
 "that's her," johnny gapes.
 "that's y/n."
 taeyong locks eyes with him ready to laugh at the joke. but then sees the sincerity in johnnys expression. 
johnny falls back in disbelief opening a button on his snake skinned collar from the sudden heat in the room.
"you've gotta be shitting me johnny.
" taeyong laughs in disbelief. still looking at you, he shakes his head.
"this is the mysterious, all black wearing, intelligent girl of few words you've had a hard on for?"
 johnny elbows taeyong hard in the stomach.
 "ow what the!"
taeyong cries. johnny watches you shake your hips and raise your arms still questioning who you are and why youre here.
 "ha I knew it, she does have a nice ass."
 taeyong smiles while watching you.
"hey cut it out!" johnny whines in a high pitched voice shoving him off of the chair.
 "that's it!"
taeyong flails his arms up almost causing a scene being the brat that he is.
"this girl has been eye fucking me for the entirety of our sitting here and I will not stand for your bullying when I could be over there with her."
johnny gestures for taeyong to leave slightly annoyed. taeyong stands up straight fixing his hair then straightening his shirt.
"all right johnny old boy, im off." he says grandly.
johnny says seriously.
"thanks man, really." 
taeyongs façade falls immediately as a soft smile falls onto his cherry lips. he gives johnny a light hug that makes him feel a lot less jittery.
"all the best man really." taeyong nods.
 'you too man." johnny smiles.
 "see you tomorrow morning!" taeyong chirps as he skips off into the crowd of people dancing.
johnny shakes his head laughing at the absurdity of taeyong. then he turns back to you.
he knows its weird to watch you dance while hes half hard. but itd be even more embarrassing if he asked you to dance, not that youd say yes. so johnny sits there as a song with a bellowing bass and mumbling melody comes on.
he watches your friends that aren't nearly as pretty as you shake your shoulders yelling. he thinks this must be a favourite song of yours or your friends.
he watches you sway to the beat twisting your body basically body rolling to the sensual melody. he rolls his eyes and bites the inside of his mouth because of how sexy you look, and how much he wants to be the one you grind against.
 hes fully hard now shamelessly watching you, too horny or concentrated to care what anyone thinks.
you look so carefree and happy dancing with your friends. johnny loves seeing you like this, he wonders why youre completely different around him. he shakes the thought off scolding himself for pouting like a child.
 hes buzzing from need, need to touch you, kiss you, be in you. its deafening and he cant hear or see anyone else but you in your deep red dress. hes so hard now it hurts and he periodically, has too close his eyes and breathe so he doesn't cum in his pants.
 right there, right in front of everyone just because of the thought of you.
he wonders how much he doesn't know about you, or what your sense of humor is like, or what your type is.
then all of his thoughts shatter as he watches a guy definitely not as cute as him, rub up against you. you laugh, clearly friends with him. johnny watches in an intense jealous state as you spin around and laugh open mouthed at something he said. johnny wonders why hes never tried to make you laugh. he watches you grab the
 guys hands and dance with him, flinging the both of your arms around to the upbeat music. he wishes it was him, he wish he knew you, and he hates this guy he hasn't even met.
 he doesn't know why you make him feel so intensely. hes johnny seo, cool, calm smart.
hes dated so many girls and never once acted as foolishly as he is now. even when a girlfriend cheated on him, hes never wanted to hurt a guy as much as he does right now.
the clubs too hot, the neon lights are too bright and whatever drink taeyong ordered is room temperature.
he gets up having to tear his eyes away from you as you smile, amused at the boy grinding against you  laughing to your friends.
 he angrily walks up the stairs and flings himself on the wall outside the front of the club.
the cold air hits him all in one blink and he feels instantly better. the breeze wipes the sweat off and calms his boner slightly.
 he just waits there for nothing in particular. he looks up at the stars breathing heavily. unable to think of anything but you.
pt. 4
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monbabi · 7 years
beautiful in la fanacc!!
• waited in line for 9 mcfreakin hours it was so hot we all bonded over kpop and the wait and wanting to die • at 7pm we went thru security and stood in the pit!!!!!!!!!! very tight but it was fine we were jus chillin • there was a technical problem so the start of the concert was delayed for like 30 more min • thEN THE LIGHTS DIMMED AND THE VCR TURNED ON AND WE WERE LIKE SHAHSKDOSHAGSV • AND MONSTA X CAME OUT IN ALL THEIR BEAUTY AND WE WERE ALL SCREECHING • they got into their positions and performed beautiful it was one of thr most beautiful fucking performances i have ever watched i almost cried • then they went straight into incomparable WHICH WAS FUCKING AMAZING KIHYUN KEPT COMING UP TO THE FRONT AND I WAS LIKE BACK WHERE U CAME FROM DEMON!! I LOVE U SO FUCKING MUCH • i realize now i shouldnt talk abt every single performance bc tht would take way too long • THE SOLO STAGES WERE SO GOOD SEEING HYUNGWON PERFORM FROM ZERO WITH WONHO!!!!!!! GOOD SHIT!!!!!! • and 24k was so…….séxie like it was fun and everyone sang along but their hips are SIN!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY MINHYUK!!!!!!! • SHOWNU LIKE DID A SPLIT OR SMTH I DIDNT SEE IT COMPLETELY BUT I SAW HIM DROP AND I WAS LIKE HOLY SHIT?? • mirror was absolutely beautiful and it was such an emotional stage i almost cried kihyun and jooheon did amazing • can i jus say tht minhyuk is absolutely stunningly handsome like im a complete slut for kihyun but my eyes kept wandering to minhyuk bc hes so goddamn beautiful • yall theyre so good live like. ofc theres backtrack but u could hear them so clearly and they were so stable i almost cried • AH all of them did aegyo except changkyun who sang nothing on you by b.o.b and everyone sang along it was fun • omg in the first ment minhyuk was like “im gonna do smth ive been wanting to do in la…….im gonna say hows the weather outside and u say its sunny” and we were like jesus christ okay so he was like HOWS THE WEATHER OUTSIDE and we were like ITS SUNNY!!!!!!! • wonho talking abt how he was in such a good mood bc hyungwon was there w them and he kept making funny faces @ them before the stage • AND IDK I FELT LIKE JOOHEON SMILED A LOT DURING THIS CONCERT LIKE HE WAS ALWAYS SMILING WHILE DANCING AND IT WAS SO CUTE • SO WAS SHOWNU HE KEPT SMILING WHEN HE DANCED IN THE FRONT IT WAS SO NDHSUSDJHSHA • hyungwon seemed kinda tired i jus wanted to scoop him up into my arms and rock him to sleep he didnt talk thaaaaat much but he did whisper amongst the members and laugh like the snarky ass he is • kihyun kept talking to the 2nd floor which was so sweet !!!!!! ahhhhhh!!! im glad they werent left out of anything • oh my god at one point hyungwon like choked on his water it gave me a heart attack • during changkyuns part in 하얀소녀 he started like. swaying his hips and minhyuk kneeled down next to him and started flapping his jacket and wonho joined in it was wild • changkihyuk were hypin up jooheon like “hm ex girl and 하얀소녀 are really good songs……bc U MADE THEM!!!!!!” and jooheon got all shy and squat down in a corner then he stood up and was like “YEA I MADE THOSE SONGS” • wonho kept mouthing along with the translator it was so cute and funny um king of bilingualism? • they kept telling us to “Stop, Calm Down” bc we’re los angeles and we dont shut up ever it was so funny • jooheon said la has a funky way of grooving to the rhythm but out of all the other us concerts we do it the best LOL • wonho: takes off jacket • jooheon: EVERYBODY MAKE SOME NOISE FOR HIS MUSCLES • wonho: turns around and flexes • they were throwing out candy during white sugar but i didnt catch any bc short arms dnhshansbd and they didnt really throw to the front middle pit kihyun kissed one and threw it out i hope tht person who caught it treasures it forever • I WAS MAKING SEVERAL DIFFERENT HEARTS @ KIHYUN USIN MY ARMS AND FINGERS AND SHIT AND HE GAVE FINGER HEARTS AND THREW BIG ARM HEARTS AT ME I ALMOST PASSED THE FUCK OUT • I TURNED AROUND TO SCREAM AT MY FRIEND AND HE WAS LAUGHING AT US AND I CROUCHED DOWN BC I WAS SHY AND DIDNT WANT HIM TO SEE ME SO STUPIDLY EXCITED • i feel like i made a lot of eye contact w shownu and jooheon like idk they couldve been looking at the crowd in general but it felt so personal and directed towards me, the sweaty girl w glasses, a broken lightstick, and a bear phone case so im gonna let my delusional ass believe tht • the hi touch holy fuck the hi touch okay so it was like?? ~20 minutes after the concert ended everyone was chillin in the pit and then monsta mcfreakin x walked out and we all screamed then security lined us up • the order was kihyun, hyungwon, wonho, minhyuk, shownu, jooheon, changkyun * i was praying tht kihyun wouldnt be first so i had time to emotionally prepare but tht didnt work out • so um i. held his hand his grip was pretty firm and i panicked and forgot everything i wanted to say and i was like “marry me” and he laughed and said okay so um BITCH IM ENGAGED TO YOO KIHYUN? his hand was so beautiful okay everyone talks abt kihyuns small ass hands but they were bigger than i imagined and he has some big meaty claws • they were standing on a small platform behind a table so everyone was really tall so high fiving hyungwon was a little hard for my 5'1" body i had to reach for the stars his hand was so bony but it was Large and i said i love u and he smiled i was ready to sink into the ground and lay myself to rest • lets get smth straight wonho is short hes like jus a little taller than kihyun but boy hes Built and he has this cute little smile on his face and his hand was SO SOFT AND SO WARM I WANTED TO CRY i told him i loved him and he said thank u yea haha time to DIE • minhyuk has yaoi hands yall • his hands were so mf gigantic like the hi touch went by fast but holding his hand was so. wow like his hands were really big and warm and i was like i love u!! and he said yea and i laughed jshsgdffjf • SHOWNU IS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL IRL PICTURES AND VIDEOS DONT DO HIM JUSTICE??? like he was GLOWING and he has such a large and warm presence and his hands are so warm like i felt like my hand was gonna melt yall i was abt to cry he was smiling so big too and i told him i love him and he jus nodded and said me too snshaudhdfshdhf • jooheons hands were kinda cold but they were so soft and beautiful my legs almost gave out he was so cute and smiley and soft and our fingers tangled weirdly and i was like SORRY and he laughed a bit BUT OHM NYOGD I INTERLOCKED FINGERS WITH LEE JOOHEON AND IT WAS AMAZING • changkyun was last and they were starting to rush the line so i could only high five him and say i loved him :(( he said thank u his voice is really attractive guys and he was such a chill dude i wanna be best friends w him • after the hi touch we were immediately lined up again for the group photo which was a ~15 min wait? • they numbered us off then let us in and immediately ppl are looking for spots in front of them someone took the spot in front of kihyun so i was like okay tell me to die first NDHAHDJFGS but my friend found a spot in front of wonho and minhyuk and i stood next to her in front of minhyuk and shownu • it was so funny my friend stumbled a little in front of minhyuk bc she was walking fast and he was like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD and shownu was laughing • STANDING IN FRONT OF THEM JUS MADE ME REALIZE HOW GORGEOUS THEY ARE LIKE,??,,????? • i turned around to look at minhyuk and shownu and felt a piece of me die and i said hi then turned around covering my face bc i got so fuckin embarrassed theyre so HANDSOME • my friends fave is wonho so she turned around and told him she loved him and held his finger I WAS ABT TO SCREAM • AH as they were putting more ppl in the front and this really tall girl stood in front of me and i was like I Am Five Foot One so as a joke before they took the pic i tippytoed and did peace signs and bunny ears my head just barely peeked over her shoulders and i think shownu and minhyuk and jooheon were laughing behind me i hope they were laughing at me i’ll gladly make a fool of myself for them • luckily the rows after us kneeled down! • after the pic they started shooing everyone off and i yelled KIHYUN I LOVE U GOOD NIGHT i dont think he heard me but oh well • SHOWNU SAID BYE TO ME BEFORE I LEFT AND I SAID BYE BACK I ACTUALLY FELT MY LEGS GIVE A LITTLE and changkyun was waving to everyone hes really cute and calm in person i wish i oculdve talked to him more • we walked out completely dazed like we were jus sitting on a bench outside looking fuckin faded
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Ships and Shells (Pt.2)
Virgil was already aware he wasnt the best tracker of time, but this was getting ridiculous. How long had he been trapped here? Two? Maybe three weeks? Was it more? Was it less? He couldnt tell, all he could count on to tell time was the appearance of Roman with trays of food at exactly six in the morning, noon, and six at night.
"So I take it we're still not close to land hm?" Virgil growled as he heard footsteps yet again.
But then he realized, these were different, these were heavier.
"Ah, Mr. Duke." Virgil said with a smirk and a snarl.
"Now your highness I know you dont like me but downgrading my title so harshly? Have you no heart?"Remus said, faking hurt.
"Nope, not one," Virgil responded, which, oddly enough, earned him a laugh from Remus' end.
"Aaawwweee, you poor thing, it must be so hard to breathe," Remus purred, Virgil rolled his eyes.
"What do you want." Virgil said lowly.
"We're almost to the next town, so we need to establish some rules," at this, Virgil straightened up slightly, this could be it, his chance at escape.
"There will be guards on all exit points, and no other ropes will be far enough down to reach, so dont plan anything stupid," Remus said, Virgil smirked slightly, pitiful, he thinks ropes being a little high up is going to stop me he thought.
"You will only be allowed in the main part of the ship, not the cabins, those are reserved for crew members," Remus continued, that was probably a given, but Virgil would find a way to break that rule to.
"And finally, Don't. Touch. Anything." This last rule was said with such aggressiveness that it nearly caused a shiver down Virgil's spine, he felt mildly betrayed by that.
"Is this understood?" Remus said coolly, Virgil merely nodded in response.
"I meant for you to respond verbally, your highness," Remus said.
"Understood." Virgil said, slowly regaining his composure.
"But, I do have one question," Virgil said, turning slowly.
"And that is?" Remus raised an eyebrow.
"If I cant touch anything," Virgil wrapped his hands around the bars of his cell, "then I've broken rule three every day since ive been here," Virgil smirked.
Remus stared at him for a few moments, dumbstruck, or at least, Virgil hoped he was.
"I meant, dont touch any items outside of your cell, floor and walls are fine, but no papers, books, ropes, wheels, candles, none of it," Remus said. Virgil ran the phrase over and over again in his head to try and find some type of loophole, but when none presented itself, he went quiet. He watched as Remus produced a key from his pocket and began working the lock on Virgil's cell.
Virgil rushed out nearly immediately after the gate swung open, half expecting Remus to grab him and shove him back. But no such moment came, soon he was out in the open air, the scent of salt water enveloping him, the feel of the breeze on his skin was almost comforting now.
"Keep him alive, please." Remus stated to the guards. Virgil watched as he, Roman, and Janus, jumped off the boat, each dragging something behind them.
And then Virgil was left with two guards on each side of the boat, standing beside the openings that would allow for Virgil to rush off onto the mainland. But he'd worry about that later, the twins and the snake were still all to close for him to run for it now, so it was unsafe for him to attempt anything just yet.
So he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
For what seemed like years, he waited.
And finally, he noticed a slip up, and once he did, it was showtime. He knocked the closest desk over and waited for the guards to attempt to restrain him, only to sneak under their arms and rush out through the now open exit.
He landed with a thud on the harbor, and ran into the town as fast as his legs could carry him. He ignored the shouts from his captors, ignored the staring, ignored everything that was keeping him trapped in that ship.
The buildings in this town were a lot smaller, and there was no wall around the outside. The docks were lined with shops, jewelry and clothing and all sorts of other things hung from booths and lay on counters. It was then that Virgil realized, he didnt have money. Lucky for him, most of the people in the crowd were nearly a foot taller than him, which made it much easier to snag a cloak and an apple from the booths on which they lay.
This was alright for a while, until he ran into other people. Though in this case, the couple seemed far to focused on each other to even realize he was there, until the shorter man, dressed in light blues, with a grey scarf and cap on his head, broke away from his partner and turned in Virgil's direction.
"Oh dear- my apologies- didnt see you there-" said the shorter of the two.
"That's the idea," Virgil said quietly, this earned a worried expression from the first boy, the second, dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt with a black bandana around his neck, merely seemed intrigued.
"Are you hiding from someone? Is everything alright?" The first man stepped forward a little, cautiously.
"Oh yeah it's great, been stuck in a pirate ship cell for like two weeks with nothing to go off of but cryptic messages but its fine!" Virgil exclaimed with a sigh, barely caring about the fact that he didnt even know these people.
"Oh dear- that must've been awful," said the first boy.
"You'll have to excuse him, hes never actually interacted with pirates before," said the second boy, fixing his glasses.
"And you have?" Virgil said, looking him up and down.
The boy quirked his mouth slightly, into a sort of half-smirk that he couldnt quite finish.
"Former Lord Admiral Logan Sanders, at your service," Logan said, bowing slightly. Virgil's eyes widened slightly, he pulled the cloak further over himself. If Logan had been in charge of ships at one point, he likely knew about Virgil, and he had no plans to go back to the castle either.
"Nice to meet you," Virgil replied.
"And this is my fiance, Patton Boleyn," Logan said, gesturing to Patton, who gave Virgil a wave and a nod.
"Nyx," Virgil said plainly, though the word felt like bile as he tossed it out, it was the safest thing he had for now, but he certainly didnt want it.
"Oh have I been getting it wrong then? I couldve sworn the queen called out for a Virgil when we brought you on the ship," Virgil froze as he heard Remus' voice, and then he ran. He didnt care where he was going or how long it took to get there, but he wasnt staying on that ship, nor in that castle. He could hear footsteps racing after him, the sound swinging and wind blowing through the air.
And then again, cold metal pressed against flesh.
And then he woke up back where he'd started, a cell with wet wooden planks and a falsely comfortable looking bed.
Only this time he wasnt alone, this time he heard crying, and yells, fury like he'd never heard before.
"Oh quit whining, we're not going to hurt any of you, but we cant have you running off to tattle on us, now be a good prisoner and shut it," Virgil snarled as he heard Remus' voice, he was beginning to hate it, hate every joke that fell from his lips, hate the way he twirled that stupid mustache of his when they talked, all the flirting and the compliments, it was like the captain thought he was to foolish to see what was really going on!
"Ah! Our perfect prince has awoken from his slumber, now tell me Virgie, did you really think it would be that easy to escape?" Remus said, leaning on his morningstar and flashing a grin.
Virgil was about to open his mouth so he could tell Remus where to stuff it, when suddenly, he began to feel sick. Not just a fleeting sickness, either, no, this was like someone had set his insides on fire. He held back the screams for a few seconds, and was surprised to find a worried expression make it's way up Remus' face when he let loose.
"JANUS! MEDIC!" Remus turned and rushed out of the cell room.
Virgil couldn't tell what happened next, because one second, he was curled in a corner and clutching his sides from pain worse than anything he'd ever experienced before, and the next, everything was swirling away into a deep blue and black, almost like a dream.
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