#he caught the cuuuuurse!!!!
ahogedetective · 3 years
" Oh no," Kaito said,gently touching Shuichi's wolf ears. ( rosanimemuses )
@rosanimemuses !
Shuichi nearly screamed when he looked at himself in his bathroom mirror this morning. A pair of wolf ears suddenly on his head, paired with a tail... and when he gave both a good tug, seeing that without a doubt, they were not fake: he couldn’t believe it... the ‘wolf curse’ Kaito had endured first, really did pass onto Shuichi... He almost had to wonder if this was a dream, even though he knew it wasn’t, which made such an unfathomable scenario even more insane than when it happened to Kaito
He had frantically scrambled over to the room Kaito was in, to tell him in a near panic about this. “Y-Yeah, I had just checked into the mirror, and... I suddenly have these ears?! A-And even tail, too! I can’t believe this...” He whines loudly, hanging his head as his ears drooped... though when Kaito touched them, they rose right back up and wriggled a bit. Now he was embarrassed that his ears physically showed that he liked the touch, cheeks burning as he emitted a quieter, flustered noise.
“ueeeuuuee.....wh-what do I do...? There is no way I can go outside looking like this...”
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tracelii · 7 years
okay but i've been thinking about the ama/scp au for a bit and what if one of the students eventually developed an immunity to the amnesiacs, bc they get sent to detention for so long?? and they start uncovering what's actually going on beyond the school walls and how they're being experimented on/observed/controlled/etc. so 1. who would this student be and 2. would they immediately tell anyone or try to keep it on the down low (i don't blame them bc the school would be heavily monitored)
Ok lets take this a couple of people at a time- more amixture of ideas rather than just an answer to ur question bc I need adistraction in my sucky life lm ao: so here are a lot of ‘what ifs’. ‘what ifthis person was the only person to find out about the scientist, studying them andthe other kids in the school? What would this person do???’
If Jared (incubus) found out, he’d have to keep it low. Atfirst he appears to want to bring it up to his mother, oddly enough--- but he figureshis friends are in trouble, and his mother would hate how they were treating her son. But he brings up ahypothetical situation to her and is shut the hell down for ‘being foolish’, sohe ends up keeping quiet about it, and half thinks maybe he should ‘charm’ someof the students into wising up to the scheme.
If Satch (familiar) found out, he’d keep quiet because hedoesn’t tend to ask people of help, and of course, he’d want to know all thefacts. Tbh he’d probably get caught trying to use his Library clearance to digup some real info on the school and the people behind it.
It would be very difficult for PBG or Ian (vampire) to findout about it since their detentions (and testing and such) specifically takeplace during the day since that’s when they’re at their weakest (and Ian cansleep though anything I swear to god). I don’t see them finding out unlesssomeone specifically told them or someone really fucked up and sent them to adetention that started at night.
Jeff (alien) wouldn’t initially understand why this was…wrong, so to say. He enjoys science and actually could probably be coerced intohelping out (under the guise of appeasing his science appitite) without reallygetting the morals of it, unless he sees his friends being hurt or mistreated.Though he was told they were made to forget for their safety, He would probablybecome a little suspicious after too long, and would feel bad (and not knowwhy) that he was hiding this secret from his friends. He just wants to learn,ok!!!
Caddy (phoenix) would be mad as h el l ofc but I mean,splashing him with too much water makes him sick, it wouldn’t be much to keephim silent. In fact, he doesn’t find out. He’s too weakened already, so itseasy to forget whats happened to him. He always comes back from detention witha cold and he fucking hates it.
Wallid (fukin cryptid) cannot be studied. Believe me they’vetried. He doesn’t remember either. Its in his nature to be super unpredictableand unobservable. No info avalible on the wallid ok. He probablyunintentionally just remembers all of a sudden like theyre all sitting at atable and hes just like ‘wait a second guys when you guys were sent todetention did they do some weird stuff like… idk, try to study on you and allthat junk’ and hb just fucking stare at him like wh a t
Jimmy (pooka/fae) is another unfortunate person to manipulatewhat with iron and stuff. The scientist are extracareful to keep jimmy’s detentions to a minimum and erase as much of his memoryof it as possible bc the second he catches on its cuuuuurses for everybody!
If Luke were to find out about it, he’d be oddly quiet aboutit. He’s a frustrated boy with an outside smile as it is, he doesn’t want totrouble anyone with stuff he doesn’t understand (because as a siren he doesn’t understanda lot). He usually comes back from detention sick as heck (as does Caddy) withhis voice hoarse and dehydrated as shit
With the continue were-bois, they would all handle it differently,if they were ‘the one to find out the big secret’ but eventually come clean toeach other first. Paul would blab right away and probably get one of his boiskidnapped/an extra long detention bc of it, Nick would be more reserved, butwould soon start to worry about his friends and tell them, and Josh would holdonto the secret the longest, and start working behind the scenes to keep hisother continue bois from getting detention.
Jirard (dragon) wouldn’t quite understand, but if thescientists caught on that he knew, they would hold all of his friends againsthim, leaving him quite the moral dilemma wondering if he could ever tell anyoneelse. He would treat his friends, or especially any student who recently haddetention, super nicely and make themcookies and try to cheer them up though no one knows why. Of course Jirard justends up running himself ragged taking care of others, and even offers to thescientist for them to just take him instead of watching his friends like this(they don’t take that offer, but he wholeheartedly offers it)
Shane (muse) ofc wouldn’t say a damn thing but he’d be sour as fuck and everyone wouldknow it. There would be no relaxing aura about him, and no inspiration drawnfrom him. He’d wall himself up even more if he knew about the scientist. Beinga muse, his detentions usually deprive him of things that inspire him likenature, and a loving environment, so even if he doesn’t find out about thescientist, his detentions put him in a mood that lasts several days.
With Jon (harpy) he probably wouldn’t find out much, butwhenever he comes back from detention, his wings are very sore (as he hasn’t flown)and Jacques isn’t allowed to come with him (which don’t separate this bird andhis bird ok) so he’s usually sullen until he can see Jacques again.  
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