#he bendy I cannot stress this enough
olivethetreebitch · 2 years
Aight, more for the fic I wrote about this morning at 2am.
Along with the motorcycle they drive, I think Judai would be the kind of person who skateboards and dances, there’s this TimmyTocker that I follow who would be the inspiration for his dances. They’re really cool and I put a link here to their page:
So, I would think that this time around maybe Jaden would try to focus on his studies, like now they’ve gotten some actual experience in applying the stuff that would be taught at duel academy so…. Probably getting Bs and Cs, they’re passing this time. Also the fact that Atem probably taught both Yubel and Judai about Egyptian culture, literature, practices, eta. Atem wouldn’t leave this child (no he (Atem)does not have the memories and stuff) without some form of schooling, and it would probably be a way for Atem to reintroduce themself into their own culture.
Also the Yugi and Atem thing I should probably explain- So the two of them started out in the Season 0 timeline where Atem was cruel and Yugi was small(er). This is not a part of the GX fic but just worldbuilding.
Yugi figured out that “Hey there’s someone in here with me” and they met. No it was not smooth, but they figured out how to get along, “Yami” was always this shadow figure and didn’t have a corporal form/Yami Yugi form. After some proving that there was no ill wishes on both sides, they got along. They start working together and become friends, (Puzzleshipping is here, you can write it as platonic and/or romantic)
Around the Battle City Arc, Kaiba makes a device to trap “Yugi” in a duel with him, not knowing that it was ment to split the victim’s soul away from the body. (Meddling from Mav or Bakura it’s anyone’s guess) but because there were two souls inhabiting one body (they kept it under wraps really well) instead of sending “Yugi” (both Atem and Yugi) to the shadow realm, the universe went “Aight, time to reset” and sends them back to the pilot of S1, so, the universe went “That was a little dark let’s make it more kid friendly” and so Yugi and Atem (Still called Yami because of stupid memory loss) traverse the Duel Monsters show :D.
Judai makes a conscious effort to not show any of their powers/spooky shit that happens when they are around friends, and everyone thinks that Jaden is normal. Also Koriboh isn’t with him in card form, but is there in spirit knowing that Judai is the spirit successor (I would say it shows up around the 6th or 7th week of class)
Judai did the whole “Showing up late” thing on the first day and fought Crowler on the first day getting the Hero deck. Solidifying the “class clown” role he had the first time around. Vibes in the forest or on the rocks on the beach all the time if nobody is needing them, and is very good at deflecting when it comes to people asking about his backstory.
Judai also when pissed LOOKS like Atem from s0, like the parallels are ✨there✨ and yes he looks like his father. I love it. I’ll add more later and probably put a number on them so people don’t get confused-
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chestcongestion · 4 months
I don't want to distract you from all your writing and stuff, so only if you have the time: snzcanons for Fizzarolli?
No worries, I deeply appreciate the interaction and these are so fun to write!! Fi//zzy time!
Sneezes in a 3-2-1 format, first a triple, then if he's still itchy, a double, then if he's still itchy, a single, and by then he's usually relieved... or else the cycle begins again.
Because of his new bendy elbows and strange coordination with his phantom limbs, covering properly is hard, often ends up just covering with a tissue.
Sneezes are wet and tend to drag a bit, lots of "Hh-hah'PkkSsHhEW! Heh'PktSHHEW! H-heh'PpSshHEW!" followed by a few dense sniffles.
Very dramatic buildup, "Ahh...a-ahh... Hahh! H-hahh! HhHh-!" while tilting his head back.
Photic motherfucker, cannot stare at the ceiling lights in the penthouse.
Allergic to dust, Oz sometimes uses him as a quality tester for housekeeping staff when they go on vacation, if he doesn't start hitching after 40 seconds in the room, it's been thoroughly cleaned.
Pretty decent immune system that was decimated by stress, while he was still working it felt like he was fighting something once a month, sometimes more, but after quitting he's only sick once or twice a year.
Very nervous about being vulnerable when he isn't feeling well, tries to shove it down and pretend like everything's okay until he collapses.
Sometimes gets flareups of intense phantom limb pain when he's feverish, ends up writhing in agony and biting his tongue hard enough to draw blood unless he's given painkillers.
Snores when he's congested, a low rumbling snore that almost sounds like purring.
Hates drinking tea, so when he's sick he just mixes mint, lemon, and ginger into some honey and eats it with a spoon.
Can't wear his prosthetics when he has a fever because his skin conflicts with the metal and the fatigue from the fever makes it hard for him to stay in control, so he'll often be bundled up in a sling across Oz's torso, napping next to the comforting sounds of his heartbeat.
Has some residual lung damage from heavy smoke inhalation during the fire/explosion, so every time he gets a cold he ends up having to use an incentive spirometer to make sure he doesn't end up with pneumonia. He has fun with it, though.
Loves reclining on the sofa and watching trashy reality TV when he's sick, he ends up taking notes on different plot points to see if he can piece it all together when he's feeling better.
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batim-bsiat-au · 2 years
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“Welcome to the studio. Care to sit down for a spell?”
(Mun’s main blog is (Hunter-the-sad-skeleton)
- i have the right to delete any ask that makes me uncomfortable.
- unless I know you personally, no magic anons.
- please don’t try to introduce characters into the universe- the characters may recognize your username if it comes up a lot, but otherwise, all asks will be just “messages” for them.
- i may not be able to answer every ask! there’s a lot of personal mental blocks for certain topics, and asks such as complimenting a character will be hard to maintain on occasion due to one of said blocks, in a similar vein someone might have pushed the story more swiftly than anticipated.
- This blog may contain heavy topics(Mainly stemming from Sammy because HE HAS FUCKING NO GOOD COPING MECHANISMS-) that come with Depression. When it gets to overly sensitive topics, they will be tagged accordingly.
-If you want me to tag something a certain way, DM me and I will try my hardest. DO NOT ABUSE THIS.
- This is an AU, so this is MY TAKE on the story of Bendy and the Ink Machine. Chapter 1 and 2 are still similar to their in-game counterparts, but 3 and onwards are different from their in-game variants. Please respect this.
- Also! If a character is dead, they’re DEAD. What I say about a character’s mortality goes.
- Also, there may be more then 5 chapters, idk though.
- This was made out of my love for this series, don’t ruin it for me, thanks.
- Florence belongs to @sweetdreamlandchaos, thanks for letting me borrow her, bestie! <3(/platonic)
- If you read all the rules, send in like, idk, “The Ink Demon lives” or smth idk-
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arcadequeerz · 5 years
Anyone who draws bendy being ashamed, or embarrassed to wear his tutu will face my Wrath: Bendy LOVES wearing his tutu, He looks GREAT in it, N HE KNOWS IT.
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threadedsafetypin · 3 years
Sammy Lawrence Having Imposter Syndrome? It’s More Likely Than You Think! (Part 1/2)
This is a conversation I had with @inkdemonapologist on discord, and I’ve compiled our back and forth into a post. I was theorizing about how Sammy might have genuinely had a hard time coming up with compositions at the studio. And a very interesting conversation ensued. Link to Part Two
By all accounts, Sammy Lawrence is musical genius. Joey especially heaps nothing but praise on him. But the thing that most impresses Joey about Sammy and made him want to hire the man- his ability to improvise songs effortlessly and match his playing to people’s singing, are not things that would have come up in Sammy’s job at JDS. In fact, Sammy’s specific talents could not be more designed to work AGAINST him at the studio.
The two previous jobs we know that Sammy had were playing for silent movies at the theater and playing live at events. In both instances, Sammy’s talent of easily being able to improvise music is highlighted to us. He’s obviously very good, something that he and everyone else knows. And Joey gets it into his head quite easily that Sammy is Perfect and Exactly What He Needs. But his conversation with Sammy about wanting to hire him raises more than a few red flags. It’s REALLY apparent that Sammy is not AT ALL familiar with, not just Bendy, but animation as a whole. Joey says his studio produces the Bendy cartoons, a word which is used once by Joey and then is not used again because Sammy continuously says the word movie instead to talk about the job. He says he’ll need a projector to play along with the movie. That he wants to see what kind of movies to studio makes. It honestly doesn’t seem like Sammy has much of a grasp of what a cartoon even is and calling it a “movie” is the only conceptual framework he has to work with: after all, it comes from a studio and plays on a film reel. It’s some type of movie, right? And to be fair, Joey does nothing to clarify things. In fact, Joey specifically is too busy getting caught up in his own mind games (and fantasizing about giving Sammy a near-death experience because he isn’t emoting the way Joey wants) that when Sammy initially asks if Joey means he makes films, Joey decides to ""match"" Sammy’s ""coyness"" by replying as vaguely as possible.
So Sammy just sort of accepts his own self-made explanation of what the job is and Joey just sort of accepts that Sammy knows exactly what he is talking about. To compound things, Joey’s offer isn’t for Sammy to simply compose the music but to be the music director. So in effect, Sammy is going from "writing songs and playing music live" to "managing a music department, all its employees from technicians to musicians to voice actors, and being responsible for every single piece of sound and audio for an animation studio.” Something which he, it cannot be stressed enough, has ZERO EXPERIENCE doing. Even so, a decent amount of Sammy’s stress could have been alleviated by efficiently delegating things. But Sammy, entirely of his own accord, clings tightly to as much control as he possibly can. Shazz gave the very plausible explanation that Sammy is so used to controlling every single thing about his music that he has no idea how to sustainably scale that up. Even though the amount of total work for an animation studio is so much bigger than any one person could or should reasonably do, Sammy continues trying to control every single thing. And Joey loves it! He enjoys bragging about how everything has Sammy’s personal touch to it. He spins it as an impressive feat that only Sammy could do and as such, how his studio is all the more special for it.
But we know that Sammy is struggling, feeling like he’s drowning in work. And not simply in terms of having to run all the various aspects of the music department. Sammy’s 1935 audio log where he complains “four cartoons almost complete and all of them need a tune by tomorrow” makes it clear that he feels overwhelmed writing the music itself. This is....very telling. Cartoons at the time mostly stuck to a 7-8 minute length. Sammy, who spent his teenage years playing music for feature length movies with complete confidence and ease as he made up a score on the spot, feels in over his head scrambling to write four comparatively very short songs. I’ll also note that June 16th, 1935 was on a Sunday. As in, Sammy spent his weekend trying to do this task before the work week started on Monday. If Sammy’s amazing skill is to watch something once and quickly whip up a functional score in the process, why was Sammy working so much extra time on songwriting that it was causing some pretty debilitating mental stress?
I’m going to propose something: Sammy is actually very bad at writing music.....for cartoons.
There is a strong underlying reason why Sammy is so good at improvising music in real time. He picks up his signals from the environment. For all that Sammy doesn’t like being the center of attention, there is a very crucial human element to improv that he thrives on incorporating into his music. Sammy doesn’t look at sheet music when he plays because he is focused on looking at people. Whether it’s capturing the emotion from actors on the screen or perfectly matching a singer’s pace no matter if they suddenly sped up or slow down without warning, Sammy primarily keeps his attention on a lot of subtle cues from what’s happening in the moment. Take away the human element and replace it with drawings and Sammy has a lot less to build from.
There’s also the fact that Sammy being incredibly good at improvising songs on the spot does NOT inherently translate to being good at FINISHING songs quickly. If anything, I think he would struggle with the opposite. For live music playing, you can’t go back and re-do anything. You just play in the moment and whatever happens, happens. Given how acutely Sammy tailors each performance when he plays, it’s more than likely that Sammy’s always worked with the mentality that there isn’t One Correct Way to play a piece of music, only The Best Way For The Current Situation. Which is one thing when it comes to a movie score that you’re going to play numerous times over the span of many showings with absolutely no expectation from anyone that it needs to be exactly the same each time. Or playing song requests for people that each have their own unique voice and range. Each version of the song is equally valid so long as it suits the moment. But making music for animations where the score gets recorded once and That’s It and whatever that is will have his name stamped to it as the Exact Way It’s Supposed To Sound, I could see Sammy feeling a pressure that’s totally different from what he’s used to.
Shazz nicely summed up this theory as "Sammy Is Much Better At Playing Improvisationally Because Once You Give Him Extra Time He Will Use All Of The Time He's Given." Like, I imagine that Sammy understands that the plain fact that at some point when you’re on a deadline, things eventually have to be DONE regardless of whether it’s really done or not. But I can also see Sammy interrupting the musicians five minutes before RECORDING sign goes on because he’s decided to change some measures and don’t you dare try to argue because he’s the one who wrote the song and up to the moment it’s actually recorded, it’s subject to change by him.
It really is hard to overstate that composing for cartoons is absolutely NOTHING like what Sammy was doing before. Joey watched Sammy play, was obviously impressed because Sammy is genuinely very good, and then just decided that Sammy Is A Musical Genius And Expert In What Joey’s Cartoons Need without considering that Sammy is like... in his 20s and has no experience composing music for a cartoon and might not actually be an expert in what's needed for those circumstances. And Sammy heard the prospect of a job offer and tried to parse out what exactly Joey wanted him to do, and then just decided that Cartoons Are Movies So He’ll Do The Same Thing He knows How To Do For Movies and asks Joey for a projector and demands to have creative control over the music he makes. Without considering that being the head of a music department at a studio is a giant hecking job and having to compose a score for something in its production is different than playing an already finished product and tailoring it to a specific performance.
This is possibly part of why Sammy stubbornly sticks around and is a feasible explanation for some of his irritation and temper. Sammy already has so many hints of Gifted Child Syndrome (as noted by Shazz) and this just fits right in. "These stupid cartoon songs don't write themselves, y'know" = "OBVIOUSLY THESE ARE JUST DUMB CARTOONS AND OBVIOUSLY THEY’RE NOT HARD TO WRITE MUSIC FOR BUT ALSO THEY’RE NOT DONE YET AND THAT’S YOUR FAULT OBVIOUSLY." Like, Sammy agreed to something that probably sounded very easy to him and it turned out that his talent did not translate well to it and he doesn't want to admit how hard it actually is to write songs in this incredibly different format because he’s NEVER struggled with music before in his life. So instead, he gets defensive and stubborn and demanding rather than admit anything is wrong, even though there was honestly no reason he had to be PERFECT at this aside from his own expectations about himself and Joey’s unending hype about him on top of it.
Speaking of Joey, it would also fit REALLY WELL into the meta-context of TIOL if this all were true. We know Joey’s a liar. So much of TIOL is trying to figure out what is probably honest (because it's not a lie Joey would tell/because it would be too hard to lie about) and what is probably exaggerated (because Joey has incentive to lie about it/because it's contradicted elsewhere). When Joey talks about how great and amazing and talented Sammy is, he sure does talk like he does when he's stretching the truth. But to what end? Well Joey FREQUENTLY uses praise as a weapon with people. Notably with Buddy in DCTL but also with several other characters in TIOL. It’s basically his main tactic for dealing with people. The idea that Joey is intentionally hyping Sammy up as a Brilliant Genius Musician Who Knows Just What To Do when in the background he can probably tell he's pushing Sammy to his limits after throwing him in the deep end, is not only a really intriguing place to take that, but also works really well with the idea of Sammy feeling like he HAS to live up to this now. Sammy has never known anything but success. Failure is truly NOT an option in his mind. And Joey specifically does not allow it to become one either. There is no better position for Joey to hold Sammy in than one where Sammy keeps doing great work but is barely holding his head above water to do it, all the while Joey’s glowing remarks about Sammy’s skill to everyone else keeps him backed into a corner.
I have even more thoughts about all this, but I think I will put that up in another post because this has already gotten quite long. But I still got to talk about how Jack fits in....
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screechthemighty · 2 years
Okay, so I hit the point where we find out Jake and Marlene were hooking up, and like. Okay. I may need corrections about some of this because reading as much Moon Knight as I have within the past month has been a bizarre fever dream, but by my calculations
Let’s start with one single baseline fact: Jake and Marlene were a couple in Vengeance of the Moon Knight. I know, it’s hard to tell because Jake was functionally written as Marc but with more morals, but the 2006 arc established that Marc had gone dormant and that Jake was the primary. Vengeance of the Moon Knight continued this. He goes by Jake the whole time, up until the end of Shadowland: Moon Knight when Marc comes back and hauls them out to LA for the Bendis run. I cannot stress this enough: Jake and Marlene were sleeping together, ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED, AND SHE WAS PREGNANT IN SHADOWLAND BEFORE SOME PLOT BULLSHIT MADE HER MISCARRY.
Again, I can see how some people would gloss this over because the writing on Vengeance of the Moon Knight was hmmmm unimaginative and boring about that aspect, but it was Jake. So why is this second hookup suddenly so much different and more scandalous and evil? They were literally gonna get married. What the hell is happening.
And! And. This is where I get truly deranged because I’ve tried to look at the timeline and
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Okay so Marlene says that she and Jake hooked up in such a way that Diatrice was born five years prior. Okay, cool. Except this doesn’t make ANY SENSE WITH ESTABLISHED EVENTS.
If you go by real world time, that would mean that Diatrice was conceived sometime in 2012, so two years after 2010 which is when Shadowland was published. So that means Jake and Marlene were engaged, broke up when Marc came back and moved to LA, then hooked up two years later and Diatrice happened. Except. EXCEPT. As far as I remember, their asses stayed in LA until 2014 when the Ellis run happened, and Marlene did not follow them to LA that I know of. So how the shit was Jake travelling cross-country enough times to have a kid with Marlene?? Without Marc noticing.
“But Screech, Marvel operates on a different timeline than the real world!” Okay, great, that’s actually worse. It’s about 3-5 years (depending on which source I site) IRL years to one Marvel year, and regardless of which year you use, five years in-universe would mean that Diatrice was, in comics, conceived in plotlines or events that happened before Vengeance of the Moon Knight. Before Shadowland. So we’re going from this toxic relationship to them nearly getting married and having a second kid to breaking up and somehow the baby they already have...never comes up.
Granted, there may have been an in-universe timeskip that I missed because I’ve just been reading shit with Moon Knight in it in chunks, but the timeline issues don’t erase the issue with Marlene and Jake
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strvngemagic · 2 years
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{ cis man, he/him } ❝ i can resist everything, except temptation. ❞ huh, who’s HANSOL “VERNON” CHWE? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually SCORPIUS MALFOY. he always reminds me of the song THE CULT OF DIONYSUS BY THE ORION EXPERIENCE and THE MARC JACOBS’ 2015 GLOSS PARTY DRESS CODE, TALKING WITH YOUR HANDS, WIPING GLITTER FROM THE BATHROOM SINK, WRAPPING YOURSELF IN A WARM DUVET, DRINKING WINE WITH LUNCH. i hear he is aligned with the ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, so be sure to keep an eye on him.
character inspiration: oscar wilde, david rose (schitt’s creek), keeley jones (ted lasso), tahani al-jamil (the good place), david bowie, richie rich, freddie mercury, lito rodriguez (sense8), glam rock. ------------------------------------------------------ tw for alcoholism/addiction under the cut.
name:  scorpius han-wool (한울) malfoy
nickname: absolutely detests nicknames. it’s scorpius or nothing.
age: twenty-three
sexual / romantic orientation: pansexual / panromantic
former house: ravenclaw
affiliation: the order of the phoenix
occupation: culture writer/reporter for teen wix weekly, essayist, published author
family: draco malfoy (father), astoria greengrass (mother, deceased), daphne greengrass (maternal aunt), remy greengrass (maternal cousin)
hair: (dyed) blonde
eyes: brown
height: 5′11
notable characteristics: clear, often glowing skin, meticulously styled hair. often wears very colorful clothing in stylish cuts and silhouettes. loves a good sparkle or shine via embroidery or stones. consistently wears multiple rings on both hands, and diamond stud earrings in both ears.
wand: willow, unicorn hair, ten inches, bendy
patronus: swan
boggart: himself, deep in the throes of alcoholism / addiction
amortentia: clean sheets, crisp mountain air in winter, apple blossom candles, yuzu jam
magical strengths: charms, transfiguration, astronomy, alchemy, history of magic.
magical weaknesses: potions, care of magical creatures, herbology
oh, my darling boy. my perfect lad. my sweet meow meow.
scorpius has draco’s penchant for drama (ie. falling to pieces whenever he so much as gets a scratch or sniffle, loudly protesting against doing anything unpleasant, being loud and obnoxious to get people’s attention) but very little of his childhood politics. he’s spoiled beyond belief, wants to be the center of attention, and name-drops like nobody’s business, but that’s because he’s an aesthete with taste, thank you, not a schoolyard bully.
he writes monthly articles for teen wix weekly, an offshoot of witch weekly, which i would say is analogous with teen vogue in terms of its combination of leftist political leanings and fashion/lifestyle. his writing is acerbic, witty, and highly opinionated. he’s also published a book of humorous personal essays and observations, titled ‘lessons in bad faith: how i became the family disappointment’. lucius doesn’t talk to him at sunday dinners anymore.
boy’s got an issue with partying - it comes from a childhood of being raised away from pureblood peers since his mother didn’t want those negative influences around him, away from any other magical families because of all the bridges draco burned in school, and away from muggle children because while his parents didn’t profess hatred towards non-magical folks, their world was still strange and unfamiliar. so he grew up alone, and deeply lonely, and once he hit hogwarts + adulthood has been chasing the feelings of friendship and being wanted ever since. that, coupled with his life of financial excess and overindulgence has led to something of an alcohol dependence. but it’s fine, really.
despite what some may think of his flamboyance and penchant for fine clothes, he is attracted to and dates people from across the gender and sexuality spectrum. he loves to be loved! what i cannot stress enough though is that the boy is a bottom.
mama’s boy. misses her like mad all the time; likes to keep one of her rings on a chain around his neck.
loves his dad, but often feels like they live on two different planets. totally doesn’t have a complex about wanting to make him proud.
ravenclaw!!! while scorpius strives for perfection and is fairly ambitious in that sense, he doesn’t desire to be the best in everything and doesn’t necessarily aspire to control + power, merely wants to be universally beloved for his talents. ie. - hates trying new things and being bad at them. first time draco put him on a broom he crashed into a tree. threw a fit during 1st year flying lessons and got himself excused.
thinks quidditch is a right bore because the players’ uniforms ought to be shorts and a crop top
has perfected the art of shit-talking to the point where you might not even realize he’s insulting you to your face
will send his order back to the kitchen if it’s wrong
favorite pasttime is wrapping himself in a giant duvet and eating cadbury creme eggs 
coming soon to a theater near you!
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
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in our cthulhu game, being fused with Bendy the Lurker (who, i cannot stress enough, is an eldritch horror in addition to being our cartoon friend) gives Joey some terrifying inky powers so honestly why WOULDNT you just immediately pounce on the first person who catches you somewhere you’re not supposed to be while distorting your body in mind-rending ways?????? 
anyway here’s some out of context quotes for Session Four under the cut
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] Are you planning to break in? [Joey] I wasn't not planning to.... not... break in.... [Jack] Jack might be giving Joey a look. [Joey] They broke in first! [Sammy] Sammy shrugs and nods, this makes sense.
[Henry] I want to say by now Henry has finally read the room and is also looking at Jack. [Joey] (Henry has realised it's Looking At Jack Time) [Jack] Now he's mute AND self-conscious!!
[Jack] He's going to write "I'll be fine," pause briefly, and then write, "probably."
[GM, as Bendy] Are you sure you want us to go alone? [Sammy] I'M sure I DON'T want him to be alone! [Joey] I won't-- I won't be alone! I can't be alone right now! We know this!! [Bendy] Uh-huh. [Henry] Mm-hm. [GM] A skeptical look is interjected.
[Sammy] But if we told you to go and take a look but not do anything stupid, I'm not sure you're capable of that!! [Joey] I'm-- wait. I can do non-stupid things!!
[Henry] While Joey is getting ready in his room, Henry has already stolen his plate and is finishing it.
[Sammy] I'm just laughing at the concept of Joey and Sammy being in separate parties but like, watching each other across the street, [Joey, interrupting]: in a NON gay way. [Sammy] Mostly not gay. [Joey] Definitely Not Gay [Jack] The MOST heterosexual, [Jack] That's his middle name! Joey Heterosexual Drew! [Sammy] That's what I remember from the book, yeah.
[GM] Roll lockpicking. [Joey] Uh, that was, a bad roll, so instead of pushing it, can I use one of my... points, and just unlock it with my finger? [GM] .....SURE, [Sammy] WHAT. WHAT!! WHAT IS HAPPENING. [GM] Henry should make a Spot(Hidden) roll! [Henry] oKAY??? [Sammy] PLEASE make this Henry, I need to know what's happening
[GM] It looks like a landing, and a staircase, going up! [Henry] Still no one around? No symbols? [GM] Nope! [Joey] Then let's go up! [Henry] ...didn't you say this building was one story, though? [GM] :) I did! [Henry] oh..... [Joey] OH,......
[GM] There IS a person puttering around in there. [Joey] Hmmm... I did say I wasn't going to do anything stupid.....
[Joey] *inspecting pen covered in weird goo* Can I smelllllll it? [GM] ,,,,YOU SURE CAN,
[GM] So you currently have this symbol-painter gaping up at you guys at the top of the stairs [Joey] UM, [Jack] He sees it. He is looking. [Joey] UHHH,, [Henry] No! He does not see it, he is looking away!!
[Joey] I feel like we should just,,, graB HIM, AND uH, i- th- uh, drag him up the roof, or pin him down--- I don't knOW, dEFERS TO BENDY! [GM] I mean, Bendy's instincts are definitely to pounce on something that is doing something he doesn't want!
[Henry] uh, I, uh, w- wELL HENRY, was planning to put his words together, and try to convince this man that, y'know, we're supposed to be here, like we're roof maintenance or something, but then JOEY just fUCKING JUMPED ON HIM! [GM] Down the stairs! [Henry] DOWN THE STAIRS! I think his first action in this fight is going to be "Joey, what the FUCK"
[GM, cheerfully] Joey also needs to make a Sanity Check, his body is distorting in horrifying ways! [Joey] (Joey made it!) [GM] Just one sanity damage each! No big deal. [Sammy] YEAH, no big deal!! Just part of your sanity, dripping away!!!!
[Sammy] This is NOT the jungles of Haiti, this is an establishment in New Orleans, please don't murder people! [Joey] He wasn't planning on murdering, he just wanted to make him shoosh! [Sammy] YOUR METHOD MATTERS!! [GM, speaking for Bendy] ...There might have been some miscommunication in the desired result,
[Jack] Joey's lowest skill is "stay out of trouble" and his highest skill is "get self out of the trouble you got yourself into”
[GM] The Lurker rolled a fumble, so he's super distracted with something... he is NOT paying attention. [Sammy] Super distracted with all of Joey's human emotions at, uh, murder, which is normally such a fun, wholesome activity!
[Sammy] Sanity check for the greatest horror of all: TAXES.
[GM] Weirdly, Henry thinks he recognises this from descriptions he's read in some of the books he's looked through of Joey's; he thinks this is a drink that lets you survive in the vacuum of space!! [Sammy] WHAT [Henry] Why the heck would they need that... [Henry] ......how big is this jug? [Sammy] (*laughing* "I wanna survive the vacuum of space! Lemme at it!") [GM] It's like a gallon? [Sammy] (glug glug glug!) [Henry] He's not going to DRINK it, he was just considering taking it! [Sammy] I've seen Henry go at bacon soup. I believe he can do it.
[Sammy] This isn't important and I PROMISE I'm not going to get distracted but I just want to know if there's any nice instruments in here,
[Sammy] He's not going to wait, he's just going to turn around and leave. [Jack] Jack will -- now that he can use his words! -- say, “thanks for the help anyway,” and then go follow Sammy.
[Sammy] Ugh, Sammy might take a drink, [Jack] Jack is very much not going to take any drinks. [Joey] (Jack takes the drink OUT of Sammy's hand and hands it to somebody else!) [Jack] ......he MIGHT do that,
[another player returns to the call] [Sammy] Welcome back! Sammy did not do a good job vaulting over a fence, in case you were wondering, which is why my HP is now listed here!
[GM] He makes like he's going to close the door again. [Joey] (Stick your foot in the door!) [Jack] HMMM, tries to think if I have any good words for being polite, [Jack] “hey, no, please don't shut the door haha your so sexy,”
[Sammy] Cool, Sammy will walk in. [Jack] Jack will thank him! And walk in.
[Jack] (i'M REALLY DISTRACTED BY THE CAT,) [Sammy] (I'M SORRY!! IT'S MEOW TIME!!!) [Sammy] (The cat needs us to know about the King in Yellow, it's VERY important) [GM] The rune expert's cat, clearly. [Jack] I think this guy needs a cat, in these trying times.
[Jack] Jack would definitely have been petting the cat, I'm just mentioning that.
[GM] He opens the door and gestures inside. [Sammy] O...kay, looks inside closet? [GM] "Go, go on, look, look!" [Jack] (LOOK IN THE CLOSET, I'VE GOT ALL THIS WINE!!)
[Joey] Is there a window? [Jack] IN THE CLOSET???
[GM] You definitely sense something in one of the shoeboxes. [Sammy] SAMMY'S TRYING VERY HARD TO IGNORE THINGS THAT HE SENSES RIGHT NOW
[Sammy] I've got Joey luck today, it's weird!?! [Jack] It's to protect Jack! [Jack] The shepherd must protect the sheep!!!
[Sammy] Yeah, let's git, let's skeedaddle, let's just run, [Jack] Channel our inner Wally Franks, [Sammy] and get outta here!!
[GM] Henry does have at least one person try to trade drinks and get some of the jug he's carrying. [Joey] *sulky* No!! Our special juice!
[Sammy] Joey and Lurker are the two children who should not sit next to each other, because they are a bad influence on each other
[Sammy] (Oh, P.S., Jack can talk now!) [GM] Oh, you're better! [Sammy] Sammy's feeling better too, but that might just be adrenaline.
[Joey] As long as the show isn't Alice In Wonderland or The King In Yellow! [GM] Do you say that? [Joey] [Sammy] NO [Sammy] That's out of character, I think, [Joey] UMMMM, [Sammy] Is, is it-- jOEY DREW, [Joey] ...........it is out of character.
[Joey] We're down here due to something to do with that symbol coming to bother us at the Studio! [GM] She wants to know if that's why your eyes are weird. [Joey] [Joey] Yes.
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lucky-dreamfisher · 5 years
Weekly Asks #28 - Kindly Beast
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Meatly and the Coffee Machine 
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Well, they released spoilery merch for batdr with descriptions strongly suggesting they were intended for release after the game. Seems like they're tight on money right now. That said, batdr doesn't even need to be particularly good to bring in money, so the studio will likely survive.
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I've been in the same situation as the KB employees. I've been laid off, after being lied to that my job was safe. I've experienced the terror of frantically counting my savings to make sure I have enough to continue paying for the roof over my head. The stress was so horrible, I needed medication. I couldn’t sleep for days and I suffered daily migraine attacks from anxiety.
I've seen broken hearts of my coworkers, some of whom moved countries to work at the company. I've seen people, who just had children, and were wondering how they would feed them.
Hearing about what happened at KB brings back all these bad memories. And the cold, hostile, calculated silence from Mike and the Meatly, the complete lack of remorse and concern for the lives they have ruined, blackmailing employees to not reveal the details of their misdeeds, taking advantage of loopholes in the law to avoid paying them higher severance, and on top of it all banning my friends on the official forums for daring to speak about the events - it all leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth that severely impacts my ability to find enjoyment in creating theories and fanart for their games. For a long time I debated whether I should just purge my blog of all Bendy and SB content, and move on to theories about other video games, from companies that aren’t as greedy, corrupted, and just plain hypocritical (creating a game calling out Disney for poor treatment of employees, only to then turn around and do the same and worse themselves is peak hypocrisy). 
I eventually decided to continue posting KB content, but my heart isn’t really in it anymore, and I guess it shows. Just because I like Joey Drew as a fictional character, doesn’t mean I’m going to support Joey Drews in real life. And even though I won’t boycott the Kindly Beast, I refuse to be silent about the injustices that the company has yet to atone for. Forgiveness cannot come before remorse.
If that’s an issue for you, there are other blogs you can read instead. At the end of the day, I am not an entertainer paid to create posts for other people. This is my personal blog, where I post things that I personally feel like posting.
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Thank you very much for these kind words! No worries, although it's annoying to have things changed or made up on the spot, I've been in WoW fandom for almost 15 years. WoW lore gets shamelessly retconned on a daily basis, I'm kinda used to that by now.
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Turns out the part with changing the girl's identity wasn't the case. And even if some details get retconned (I'm 100% certain that Joey Drew not being Bendy was a retcon) that still doesn't mean there is no room for speculation.
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Some of the ways you can show your support for the ex-employees:
Reblog their tweets
Some of them have open commissions. Get a commission from them or recommend them to someone you know who might be interested in commissioning them.
Support unions. Their job is to prevent such things from happening.
Support games from studios, which don't do such things.
Don't be a bootlicker. Don't pretend that this never happened. Don't make excuses for Mike and Meatly. Don't walk on eggshells, afraid of offending them, because you're hoping they'll lower themselves to say "hello" to you someday. And, most importantly, don't forget. The reason they refuse to apologize or acknowledge what happened is because they're hoping we will forget. Don't prove them right.
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I wholeheartedly agree with everything you just said. Harassment is never an answer. Still, I hope he will use this time away from social media to do some serious soul-searching.
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bendy-dreamland · 5 years
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(Warning: chapter contains mild gore, death, and blood, mentions of medical procedures)
“Boris! No, no! What have they done to ya?!”
Henry pulled Bendy away, keeping him from looking at the dead Toon. “Bendy, we need you to get out of here. Mugman, think you can take him back to Candy Corners?”
“NO!” Bendy screamed. “No, no, no! I’m not leavin’ dis spot! Dat’s mah buddy up in dat dang tree! I wanna know why he’s up there!”
“Hey, calm down, calm down!” Cuphead grabbed at the demon, turning him around to face him. “Look at me, brat! If yer gonna freak out, you’re gonna call da wrong sorta attention here! We need to block off da area and get da police in on dis. We’ve got a straight up murder on our hands, and it might be part of our investigation.”
Bendy looked at Cuphead before his face scrunched up as big, black tears came to his eyes. “B-But… Boris is…” He was cut off when the red-themed cup pulled him into a tight hug, rubbing his back. The demon started to cry, wrapping his arm around Cuphead.
Mugman gulped, looking up at Boris before looking at Henry as he approached him. “S-Should we get someone to call the police? I can go back to the shop…”
“Give me the camera I gave you earlier, I’m gonna take a few pictures. Go call for the police, please.” Henry replied, holding out his hand. Mugman didn’t say anything as he took the camera from his person, giving it to the detective before running back to the shop.
He got inside and went up to the counter. “Mike, I need to use the phone, gotta call the cops. We’ve got a possible murder on our hands.” He whispered, not wanting to cause a panic in the soda shop. Mike didn’t say anything as he let Mugman go behind the counter to use the phone.
As the mug was doing this, Henry was taking pictures of Boris’ body. It wasn’t easy, the sight was making his stomach curl, and Bendy’s crying wasn’t helping that unsettling feeling.
In his short time as a P.I., Henry has learned that death was a rare, but possible, event for cartoon characters. He’s learned that death comes in a variety of ways, some worse than others. Cartoon characters can be killed with acetone or Dip, something like acetone except ten times worse, and it’s not a pretty or pleasant death for anyone. Even humans have trouble when it comes to Dip, it burns something terrible.
Another way to die is from a weapon infused or soaked in either of these liquids, but it can’t be a Toon weapon, it has to be a human one.
Then there’s the simple death of a character due to script writing, and sometimes it’s for the best.
The saddest death is when a Creator gives up on a character and just kills them by ignoring them and cutting them off, leaving them to suffer. They cannot survive this way, they can’t continue to be a character, they’re not even allowed to stay alive in Toon World.
One of the worst cases is when Walt Disney and Universal Studios gave up on Julius the Cat, from the Alice shorts. The poor character suffered so much hate from people accusing him of being a rip-off of Felix the Cat that Disney let him be forgotten.
But that wasn’t his fault, he was an Original Idea that happened to be a black cat who was an imp, personality wise.
Original Ideas are the very essence of a Toon, they exist but they have no true form, no way to come to life, until they can make contact with the mind of a Creator. This is how cartoons come into being, this is how they can access the Over World.
When a Creator gets an Original Idea in their head, they draw the character on paper, then animate them. This gives them the kick in the pants they need for something called Life Ink to get them to come to life, to come over to the real world to live as a living drawing, a Toon.
Toons live in Toon World, that’s their home, but they can’t come into being until a Creator gives them life. It’s always been this way, even with comic characters. They exist in Toon World once they are brought to life through the medium they exist in.
Henry has had many Original Ideas he’s brought to life, just like Boris up here. It hurts to see his creation mangled like this, and maybe it’s the shock of it all, but Henry was keeping himself level headed about all this. He had to, he found his friend murdered and he knew that he had to be the one to find out why. Boris was an Original Idea he gave life to, and it hurts to see that someone snuffed that life out.
That made him worry, was something going to happen to Alice, the Butcher Gang? Did something already happen to them… and Bendy? Oh no, what about Bendy?
Bendy was, for the most part, a difficult Toon to bring to life. He was an Original Idea, but nothing Henry did could give him Life Ink. Until Joey took things into his own hands and told Henry that he’d help bring Bendy into this world. The next morning, he found Bendy sleeping at his desk, completely alive. Henry had asked how Joey did it, and all his friend had said was,
‘You just had to believe hard enough, Henry. Belief can make dreams come true, it can make magic happen.’
Lowering the camera, Henry looked over at Bendy, seeing him sitting a distance away, his back turned to face the body. Cuphead was quietly talking to him, patting his back. Henry could still hear crying from his demonic creation. He didn’t blame Bendy, he was reacting how anyone else would after finding the corpse of their best buddy in a tree.
There were loud siren sounds and Henry looked over to see police cars and the police force making their way over. He wasn’t too keen on the cops themselves, especially the ones here in Palomino City, but he was going to need their help.
He watched as a poodle in a chief’s uniform approach. He looked at Henry and cleared his throat, his voice heavy with a French accent as he spoke. “I am Chief Louis Baton, we were called here because of, eh, murder? Yes?”
Henry nodded. “I’m private detective Henry Ross, and the murder victim is my creation, Boris the Wolf.”
Chief Baton looked at him confusion. “You are a Creator?” He asked, sounding suspicious.
Reaching into his pocket, Henry pulled out his wallet and pulled out an ID card. It showed an image of himself from years ago, and had information about himself and his position at Joey Drew Studios. Chief Baton looked it over before giving a nod. “I have heard of you, Mr. Ross, just needed to make sure. Have had humans pretending to be… well… Creators, yes? Trying to sneak into places. Where is the body?”
Pointing up, Henry gestured to the tree and Chief Baton’s face paled, which was funny to see since he was a white poodle. “Mon dieu…!” He squeaked out as a bit of Boris’ entrails slipped out and dropped down, hanging about three feet down.
Henry felt like throwing up as he looked away. “I-I… let me get the clean up crew…” the police officer stammered out as he turned away. The animator looked down at the ground before walking over to Bendy and Cuphead.
“How’s he doin’?” Henry asked as he sat down next to Bendy, only to have the devil latch tightly to him, crying once more.
“Bad.” Cuphead sighed loudly. “What do ya think’s gonna happen, Ross?”
“He’ll be taken to the morgue where the coroner will look him over.” Henry frowned softly. “I know the coroner, he’s a friend, I’ll be able to get information about what happened from him easily.”
Bendy sniffed loudly before pulling away, his face was stained with inky tears. “Please… please figure out what happened… my best buddy’s dead, I can’t…”
Henry pulled him close and hugged him, sighing softly. “I know, I know, it hurts a lot. I wish I hadn’t seen it either. But I promise that I’ll figure out what happened, and I’ll take down whoever dared to kill Boris.”
Golden eyes looked up at him and Henry watched as a small smile came to Bendy’s lips. “I-I’ll hold ya do dat, ol’ man.”
Henry had spoken to several police officers about what he knew of Boris’ body, and he was able to interview both the ram and his wife about what happened. Apparently, they had taken a stroll through the park and the sheep had wanted to sit under the tree for a little break, only for her to find the blood and ink.
Now, that had Henry curious.
Blood and ink do flow in Toon veins, but the problem with the situation is that the blood was too dark, too deep a shade of red to be cartoon blood. Most characters bled a very bright, very loud shade of red, though some bled different colors, and some bled straight up black if they were a monochrome character.
In this case, that was where Boris fell. He was black and white in color, so his blood should be black. But this? Boris had blood that was the same color as that of a human’s, that’s… that’s not right. Did Joey make changes to Boris that were internal rather than external in design? Toons do get upgrades and design changes to match with the times, explains why Bendy wore a colored outfit, but Boris?
Boris was different, he looked just as he had years ago, and was even in his signature overalls. Last Henry had heard, Boris wore a shirt now and had a change in pants as well. He was even sporting a tail, a design choice that Henry fully approved of.
Did Boris change back to his old look before his death?
Henry sighed and rubbed at his eyes before getting up, grabbing a cup of coffee from the offered pot and cups across the room. He, Cuphead, Mugman, and Bendy were sitting in the waiting room at the coroner’s office, waiting to hear anything from the doctor in the other room.
Sitting at a desk in the room was a white cat with a long, fluffy tail and big, gold eyes. She had a cute smile on her face as she typed away at her type writer to the beat of the song that played on the radio. She was the secretary and wife of the doctor, Tabby. She was a sweetheart and liked to call Henry cutie whenever he came in. He let her do it because she was too nice to be angry with.
He poured himself a cup of coffee before looking over at the boys. Bendy had finally passed out from the emotional stress and was currently sleeping against Mugman, who was also napping quietly. Cuphead was the only one awake, flipping through a comic book he had pulled from his hammerspace.
“Want some coffee?” He asked the cup, who looked up and nodded. Walking back over, he handed Cuphead his drink, who happily poured it into his head, enjoying the boost of caffeine.
“Thanks, Henry.” Cuphead said as he closed the comic. “Maybe I should take ‘em home, Bendy’s had a rough time.”
“Yeah, maybe y-” The door behind the secretary desk opened and a black cat dressed in scrubs came out. He had a bored expression on his face as he looked over at the group. “Oh, hello, Dr. Fish.” Henry greeted, before hearing a loud snort from Cuphead. The cat was named Doctor Claudius Fish, and yes, his name was a set of puns. Happens a lot to cartoon characters.
Dr. Fish rolled his eyes, sighing loudly through his nose. “I didn’t choose my name, boy, don’t make fun. Henry, can you come with me, I need to show you something.”
“Right.” Henry set his cup down and looked over at Cuphead. “You gonna come with?”
“I… suppose, yeah. Miss, do ya mind watchin’ my baby bro and friend?” He asked, looking at Tabby, who happily nodded. He followed the doctor and detective through the door and into another part of the building. They entered an examination room and Cuphead made a face as he looked at the body on the table.
Boris was cut open and some of his organs rested on trays, even his head seemed to be cut open. But Cuphead was shocked to notice something with the body and the organs. “Oh, sugar honey iced tea… those aren’t right.”
“I take it that you figured out the problem here, yes?” Dr. Fish asked, looking at the cup headed Toon.
“Yeah, uh, I ain’t da smartest guy here in town, but I know what cartoon organs are suppose to look like, and these ain’t right.”
“What do you mean?” Henry asked as he approached, before realizing what they were getting at. “These are human…”
“Yes, and they seem to belong to Boris, as they were physically attached to him naturally.” The mortician replied, adjusting his glasses on his nose. Henry and Cuphead looked at him with equal surprise and he continued. “I have never seen anything like this before in all my years of working with Toons and humans. Toon organs may look like human ones, but there are obvious differences. For one, the heart is meant to look like one you see when a character is in love.”
“I’m guessin’ Boris’ doesn’t look anythin’ like that?” Henry asked as Dr. Fish held up a tray. He cringed, staring at the heart that was clearly human, except it was yellow in colored, stained in ink. What made it worse was that there was a giant bite mark in it. “What the hell…?”
Setting down the dish, Dr. Fish reached for his notes. “From what I was able to gather, it seems that this wolf has a human chest cavity, and bleeds human blood but toon blood as well, that’s not ink. Though he does have ink in his chest, but I doubt it’s his.”
“What’s… the cause of death?”
“Looks like he was attacked by a beast of sorts. He was clearly torn open by teeth, and most of his organs have bites and tears. It seems a monster had gotten to him, if you want to believe that. I think it was a wild animal Toon, one that has simple intelligence, like a wolf or lion from the Over World.”
He pointed towards the chest, at what looked like long marks in the black fur. “Seems that claws were used, or at least one set. I can’t find much in terms of evidence that two sets were used, just one that appears to be from the right front paw. That, or a hand from a Toon with very, very dark tendencies.”
“Gross.” Cuphead grimaced. “Hopefully it ain’t dat, don’t wanna be dealin’ with a crazed murderer. But if dat’s da option dat’s right… why would a Creator make such a character?”
“Because some people have dark minds that attract such Original Ideas.” Dr. Fish scoffed. “It’s why we have bad guys in Toon World, adds drama to a world full of sugar and smiles. I don’t mind the drama, gives me work.”
“Dat’s a dark outlook on da situation, Dr. Fish.”
“I deal with death and gore, boy, I am desensitized to much of what I see in this office, and I don’t mind it compared to the blinding world of cartoons outside of my office. If I want sunshine and rainbows, I’ll spend time with Tabby, at least I enjoy it from her.”
“Boy, you must be fun at parties.”
Henry sighed and slapped his forehead. “Anythin’ else you can tell us about this, doctor?”
Dr. Fish nodded and moved to another part of the room, grabbing a tray before returning to the table. On the tray was a large wrench, but there was something so wrong about it. It was solid, physical, but it appeared to be stuck as a sketch in appearance. It had all the tell-tale signs of a sketched-out design, like the marks of trying to make straight lines, the areas where things didn’t look even. And it was covered in dry ink and blood.
“This was found in his chest, behind his lungs.” The cat stated. “I’m not sure why it was there, but I suspect that it has a big thing to do with what happened to him. I am still going for his death being caused by an animal, but it is possible that this was used in the process. I’ll keep looking over anything else that seems suspicious.”
Henry nodded, looking from the wrench to Boris, seeing the familiar face, but the unsettling unfamiliarity of the X’d out eyes. There was a soft cough, catching the detective’s attention as he looked back to the doctor, who was giving him a look that meant that he understood how he was feeling.
“I’ll let you know more soon, Henry. I’m still needing to examine things and run tests, give me a day or two. Go home and rest, you look exhausted.”
He did feel exhausted, this is a lot to take in. “I know, I mean… this is my friend, my creation, layin’ on this table, right in front of me.”
Green eyes stared at him before Dr. Fish removed his glasses, cleaning them off a bit. “I understand, it is a hard thing to take in, people sometimes forget that Toons can die as well. We’re not meant to last forever, we all have to go at some point, even if it seems to happen before our time. Go home, you two, get some rest, continue work in the morning.”
Stepping out back into the office, Henry was surprised to find Linda waiting there with a now-awake Mugman and Bendy. She smiled sadly and got up, approaching him. “How are you doing, Henry?”
“Terrible, but I’m tryin’.” He tried to smile back at her and she gently patted his arm.
“Come on, let’s go to my place. I’ll make you boys a nice, hot meal and you can relax a bit. I’m sure you all need it after what happened tonight. If you want, you can spend the night!”
“Oh, I don’t wanna be a bother…”
She shook her head. “No, no! It’s alright, I’m offering! Besides, it’s getting late and traveling through the portals at night isn’t always the best. Also, when’s the last time I made you a good dinner, Henry?”
He wanted to say no, he wanted to reject the offer, but how could Henry say no to Linda? He chuckled as he shrugged. “Alright, alright, we’ll come over, is that alright with you boys?”
“Hell yeah!” Cuphead grinned, giving a thumbs up. “I’m up for a free meal!” He ignored his brother, who told him to stop being rude. Bendy looked over and smiled, he looked so tired and worried as he got up, walking over to Henry.
“Thanks fer da offer, Ms. Linda, real nice of ya to do fer us.” He told her, and she nodded, frowning softly.
“It’s the least I can do, it’s a terrible thing to have happen, losing a dear friend like that. Come, let’s head to my place.”
After saying good bye to Tabby, the small group walked out into the dark streets. People were out and about, many coming home from work, others going out for a good time. They could quietly hear people gossiping about a murder in the park, that’s the problem with cities like this, word travels fast.
Bendy bit his lip, trying to ignore the talking of strangers, instead trying to focus on the quiet chatter of his friends. He glanced around as he quietly walked before something caught his eye, a flash of black and blue. He stopped, looking about, what was that? Had he seen who he thought he had seen?
Blinking, Bendy turned to see Cuphead looking at him with concern. “You okay there, short stuff?”
“Yeah, I thought I saw… hey! Don’t call me short!” He huffed and quickly moved to catch up to the laughing cup, his mind no longer on what he had thought he had seen.
As they walked on down the street, someone peeked around the corner of a building, watching from under a hood. Black, pie-cut eyes looked on in worry before looking about, making sure that there was no one watching from above.
With a loud gulp, the figure ran off. This was bad, he just knew it, he could feel it in his feet that something terrible was starting.
First Joey disappears, now there’s a mutilated body, and he knew there would be more very soon…
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Leonardo discovers Rapahel and the Fugitoid working together and finds out about his transformation.
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Donatello finally gets to a solution for the Venezuela situation, by shrinking the raptors. However, once they try to go back to normal size, for some unknown reason, they cannot enlarge Donatello again, and he remains as an action figure size turtle.
Michelangelo tries to get a bag to transport the eggs, but when he comes back, the Regenta’s guards are already taking care of it and they smuggle Mikey to their planet to put him in jail. He also loses a tooth or two.
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Casey goes back in action and he runs into a female version of Nobody, when he confronts her, he finds out it’s April.
A lot of “Image level” transformations going on here. The turtles are mutated and they keep on changing, even if it is not a natural progression.
I feel like the Donatello arc wasn’t handled properly. You would have imagined that before shrinking themselves, the Utrom’s could have shrunk the raptors. Furthermore, they could have shared this knowledge with the humans (although they weren’t aware they could share their knowledge).
Leonardo doesn’t have much to do in these issues (he is getting plenty of action in “Tales”), but Mikey seems to be having the most interesting arc of them all (I don’t think I ever got to read how this arc ends).
Peter Laird should feel proud of how much like Kirby he is. You just need to read his answers to fan letters to notice he has very thin skin. I find it charming, though. I think rad-binging these series is a good thing, but I can imagine reading these episodes every two months as highly unsatisfying (I actually got to the point where I was up-to-date and had to wait forever for the story to continue, but I accepted it). To be honest, I think most comic have this problem nowadays. When the creative process is not fast enough to meet demand this happens, but most of the times, there is enough output and too much decompression (i.e: Bendis, King). When that happens, some fans will get against you, just for making them wait so long for something to happen. That is not the case here. Laird simply cannot go faster, and he was in charge of the whole franchise. He was working with the comics, the toys, the cartoon, the movie and conventions. If it was hard enough when he shared the property with Eastman, imagine how stressful it must have been during this time. That is why I think it was a good idea to do Tales of the TMNT volume 2. Especially it becoming a monthly, it completely filled in the gaps readers would experience.
Lawson’s style looks better than usual in these issues, I think it has more to do with Laird’s inking and toning. It makes it look less angular.
I give these issues a score of 9.
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xdreamer45x · 5 years
I’ve been absolutely horrible lately and haven’t answered anything in my inbox (I find myself getting overwhelmed a lot from what’s all in there x_x), but I’m at least gonna answer some stuff regarding ink mama/ink family au in one big post so I can avoid ask spam and group similar questions together ;o
Anonymous said:
weird question alert ! : did actully mama have nursing those small beans ? cause well i don't think they can be just born and able to eat thing like becon soup or other stuff xd
Anonymous said:
Wait can Mama bendy breast feed the babys?
why y’all want ink tiddies so bad
He does not and cannot nurse them. He and the beans are all ink creatures; the beans are just fine eating things like bacon soup and ink, and Mama has no physical attributes that would enable him to nurse them anyway. The closest thing you could get to “nursing” would be the beans literally cannibalizing their mother for his ink, which doesn’t sound pleasant lmao
Anonymous said:
Hey odd question.. do you have any smut on another site of Mama and Inky? Also, I love the Ink Family AU! The audio made my day so much better. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said:
Please tell me you have a art of the two bendys making baby's!? (Save my soul im a pervert)
I do not, I wanna keep this au wholesome lmao XD While I’m not fully sure as to how exactly Mama and Inky go about making new beans, I do know that they aren’t actually having sex (neither of them have any genitals, that’d just be weird lol)
and to the anon who enjoyed the audio, glad to hear it! ;D
Anonymous said:
Did lanky pop out any of them beans 👀
He did not, Mama’s the only certified Bean Machine™ lol XD Inky’s too much of a twig to properly grow any beans himself (the doofus can’t even loaf lmao)
@patchworkswondertainment said:
Can you make perfect Bendy baby bean to?
While it would be cute to have another bean, Mama and Inky already have enough babies to take care of XD I also don’t want to add a perfect Bendy because it would disrupt the design dynamic of the family; they have a theme going of all being imperfect versions of Bendy, having a perfect Bendy would make him a misfit among misfits (and idk if it’s even possible for Mama and Inky to produce a perfect Bendy in the first place since they themselves are physically flawed)
Now, adopting a perfect Bendy would be a completely different story XDD
@emiimagination said:
Hi there :D I just discover your blog and as a fan of mpreg, I love your AU of Ink Mama Bendy ^^ I have read you haven't decide the way Ink Bendy give birth to his little one so, I offer you my suggestion: if it was painful and that no one knows he was pregnant, it must be a very stressing moment for everyone. For Bendy who will give birth (naturally for me) and for the others who don't know what happend. I can't write more but I would be happy to help you with it if you want :)
this has been sitting for a long time whoops I don’t think I ever officially stated the birthing process I’ve settled on ^^; Labor would consist of a horrendously uncomfortable buildup of pressure in his belly that’s intended to expel the bean, then birth would be one big push with a burst of the excess ink Mama’s been incubating the baby with (so basically the bean is forcibly ejected from Mama lmao) Mama’s not gonna be going anywhere for a good while after essentially yeeting a baby out of him XD
@emiimagination said:
Don't you imagine that Mama Ink Bendy and Baby's nest is in the "trone room"? It seem to be a important place for Ink Bendy and it hidden from everyone in the studios
I definitely see the throne room in the big ink machine as Mama’s primary nest, complete with pilfered mattresses, couch cushions, pillows, etc. covering the floor XD However, I also see him having other, smaller nests tucked away in different parts of the studio should he and any existing beans need a rest while out prowling/scavenging/playing/etc.
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redscullyrevival · 5 years
That’s some mad shit that went down with Pike my friends! Here is how I’ve been taking it all in:
The first layer is we’ve got Pike reaching out and accepting a future as based on his conviction and belief in Star Fleet and the Federation’s ideals. 
The second layer to that is we’ve got a 1966 character in a 2019 show reaching out and accepting a future that hails from the audience’s past in an effort to alter a less-than-great original series disability narrative. 
Oh, dats some crunchy stuff! 
Does giving Pike agency within accepting his fate clear past sins? No, but that’s because it isn’t meant to exactly. What it certainly is though is a recognition that the Star Trek franchise is not perfectly vacuum sealed nor should we or the franchise be immune to acknowledging it’s many dated and flawed aspects. 
Pike reaching out from within a new narrative and seeing what we already know then being written to remind and comfort himself through his belief of higher standards is a pretty big attempt at amassing meaning beyond TOS’ "The Menagerie" parts one and two, in my opinion.
There seems to be a lot more happening than this new show going "and now you know what’ll happen to pike!" (as if we didn’t already), there is more to it than just connecting point A of canon to point B of canon. Personally I think that by inserting a new understanding and insight onto Pike’s later choices DISCO is trying to alleviate some stress of the bleh original series notion that it’s better to live an illusion of being healthy and handsome than the reality of being disabled and ugly. 
I’ve said in like four different posts that Star Trek Discovery’s take on spirituality is that it’s anything that isn’t science and that science isn’t anything without the spirituality of people. All season DISCO has presented people to be the accumulation of their memories and experiences but also their choices as filtered through their memories so for the series to straight up give Captain Pike a way in for choosing the beep-box by incorporating his future (the audience’s past) into his memories (the audience’s present) in a giant Klingon bendy-time-cave? Man, haha, I think that’s cool as hell!
I’m probably not alone in feeling that the original story shifts a bit under the weight of making Pike’s fate something he knew would happen and chose anyway. The audience knew Pike would of course take the crystal and seal his fate not just because we’ve knowledge of a made-up Star Trek ""historical timeline"" (snooze, boring) but because we’ve grown to know Pike throughout the season and believe in his upright and righteous character (ooh, interesting) - we believe in Pike to do the right thing even at great cost to himself so it’s not surprising when he does exactly that. The writers putting in the option for choice, the illusion of choice if you will, makes Pike’s decisions reflective of his spirituality as well as his (and Spock’s) later choices. That is if, and I cannot stress this enough, and only if one even wants to look at it that way - you absolutely do not. 
I personally believe DISCO is trying to present a contemporary take on utopia and the future and STAR TREK just as much as it is trying to drag aspects of the franchise’s past kicking and screaming into the future (our present) by shaking off the shackles of nostalgia by inserting new ideas and aspects onto old characters and concepts. But shit y’all, that’s just me. I also completely like DISCO as it’s own separate thing just as I adore TOS as it’s own candy colored thing. It’s all good kiddos. I’m just finding some neat stuff.
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sillyheadcannons · 6 years
What if in another AU setting, where we get a little more in-sight from just those who knew what Joey originally wanted to make a real life Bendy, but alive rather the statues that were made (because willing to bet that’s where the statues came from now since we know now the ink machine is just a MUCH bigger ancestor to a 3D printer) that Henry is trying to figure out just what went wrong, in hopes of not feeling as if he’s repeating the same hellish adventure.  Henry wants answers on just what Bendy is (cause let’s face, we honestly don’t know.) Allison thinks he’s truly putting himself in danger, because despite what Tom thinks of him being dangerous, Allison eventually realizes Henry is just trapped here like they all are.  So, much to Tom’s dismay Allison gets them to a shaky agreement that Henry can be trusted.  
(More under the cut because DAMN THIS GOT LONG) 
I’d also want Tom and Henry friendship development.  True, Tom can’t talk as a Boris, but I feel as if Henry should be more questioning of the toon wolf.  He may not be the same Boris we had before, but Henry knows that Tom isn’t just a stubborn old dog who doesn’t take kindly to new tricks.  So, with more effort, Henry teaches Tom some tactics like morse code specifically for the bunker and sign language so there isn’t as much of a language barrier.  Tom isn’t accepting of these offers, but he must admit, Henry is actually proving himself to be at least somewhat useful.  
Eventually, once the trio needs to escape their bunker as an emergency, Allison is actually the one to free Henry and Tom passes him a weapon instantly, making him more trusted not as an ally quite yet but you can tell Tom at least WANTS you to defend yourself.  Maybe something not as breakable or disposable like the gent pipe or the axe.  The gameplay is still pretty much the same for the most part besides Allison saying they NEED to stay together.  Thus, getting some interesting reactions if we come upon some new tapes featuring Thomas Conner and Allison saying a rather sad line like “Strange... that voice.  It sounds so familar... there’s really a kind of happy nostalgia for it, but for some reason my heart aches upon hearing it?” As Tom glances away down at the floor with a more solemn expression.  Also, I WOULD GIVE ALLISON HER OWN TAPE GODDAMN I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH!  She was so underdeveloped that it really kinda makes me angry how pointless that buildup for Susie’s descent into madness. >:/
I could go all day about the potential of Tom and Allison because of how much hope I had for their characters, but I’ll get to the point:
So, we finally get to the inside of the ink machine and into Bendy’s lair.  It’s a little more of a tearful goodbye, because quite honestly Henry has gotten to admire his new friends and WANTS them to come on the surface with him... with something like “You two... are my only friends left in this studio.  I just... want to give you a better life than here.  I want to set you both free, if you’d let me... please, come with me.” as Allison explains they can’t cross that inky river like he can due to their own bodies as told in game.  Tom just nods along with Allison’s explanation as they both take turns hugging Henry.  Allison sighs as she lets go with a voice seeming on the verge of tears as she dries her face off. “Please... live out your life once you leave this this dreaded place... It’s the only one you have and you deserve to live it.” giving a very heartfelt swelling music.  Perhaps a slower version of the original theme “you left me in a heartbeat” as Tom grabs you by the shoulder to give you one last hug as well before signing “and good luck, Henry...” as we leave on a note that says Tom finally trusts us and gives us one last weapon; His own tommy gun he rescued from the bunker and strapped to his back last minute which we see him carry throughout the game.  
As Henry steps through the ink before going inside the machine, he tells both Allison and Tom “thank you for everything!  I will, I promise you that!” as we get the feeling in his voice that he was getting emotional as well as he watches Allison and Tom hold each other’s hands as they wave goodbye to Henry.  Same thing, there’s a safe spot to walk inside the machine that isn’t all parts and gears, same weird levels of sci-fi vibes cloning new bodies of ink, we get more dialogue from Henry saying something about the tubes like “No!  No... this isn’t right!  A-all these people... not just Allison and Tom... but Sammy, Bertrum, Susie, Norman... Joey, you’re a MONSTER!” thus getting more continuity when Henry honors those who were sacrificed by writing their names on the coffins.  
So, when we get to Bendy’s throne room and we find Joey’s tape with that special reel, witness Bendy’s transformation into his true form, there could be a cutscene where Henry panics and tries to shoot Bendy, thus making him more pissed and BITES the tommy gun crushing the weapon as he smacks Henry into a wall.  Henry looks as if he’s going to pass out again, we see one last flashback of how Bendy was shoved away from public vision and treated as the monster he appears to be.  Henry reaches for the reel in between as Beast Bendy stomps over to Henry, roaring in his face as he seemed to look like he was ready to finally kill Henry... before Henry gets an idea and with a bit of wrestling, shoved the reel down Bendy’s gaping mouth.  Hissing in pain, the ink demon was quickly loosing ink, and similar to Brute Boris before him, coughing up corrupted ink that looked like searchers, but were far too weak or unstable to attack us and instantly collapsing upon themselves.  Beast Bendy begins growing smaller and shifting between the previous forms he took from how much ink we was losing, .  Heck, you could even put in concept Bendy as a little nod  but still attempting to chase after you as you try to get away, turning off switches as you run past.  He’s still INCREDIBLY fast as well.  
Eventually, with enough of the ink tubes and pipes being destroyed by Bendy, he coughs up the reel, too weak to even muster an attack as you finally put the reel believing to end this once and for all.  The cartoon plays and you come closer to Bendy, sounding as if he’s crying from either knowing his time has come or from the pain he’s endured all these years.  Even put in one last voice clip for the beast saying something similar to “B... E... N... D... Y... wanted.... happy... end...” as Henry puts his hand out to the crying demon revealing his face from the demon’s point of view, though a bit blurry from tears and melting ink. “Hey.  It’s okay little guy.  Just because it’s the end, doesn’t mean it’s not a happily ever after.  Sometimes you gotta work for the best ending.  Come on, dry your eyes now.  It’s gonna be okay now.” The demon heavily sniffled as it crawled closer to Henry as they sat and watched the cartoon together. “I.... Am... Lonely... I wanted... to be... ” the ink demon hiccuped as it wept.  Henry with enough convincing tells the weakened ink demon that maybe he isn’t Bendy, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be and with a little help, Henry can help the redeemed ink demon.  
But if you aren’t quite big on the sappy endings, than instead imagine Henry waltzing out, coated in the ink the now tiny Bendy spit up on him and fast asleep on his shoulders as Tom and Allison are both shocked and amazed Henry made it out alive as Tom’s ears perk up but eyes closely narrowed on the little demon as Allison is like: HENRY!  My god... you’re alive!
Henry, basically covered head-to-toe in spat-up ink and bleeding a little bit from the fighting his new adopted son gave him when refusing to take a nap: Unfortunately, yes.  
How exactly does it go from there?
Well, than Henry, Allison and Tom and a napping baby ink demon restored to his purest form all kick Joey’s ass right after calming down from the excitement and meeting the new baby Bendy.  Allison might be crying a bit from being an auntie and Tom loves bouncing the little one on his leg.  
-Admin Lei
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shystoryrebel · 3 years
Assignment is Half Complete
‘Hey Tahira ! I want to show you something. Where are you?’
‘Reaching to you in five minutes at Vishvavidyalaya metro station.’ She replied back.
‘Why? Are you planning for an outing?’
‘Ask, where WE are going, not where I am going. We are going to Shipra Mall, Ghaziabad and after that to the flat of Samir. I want you to be with me.’ I retorted angrily.
‘OK, fine, I am coming.’ And she cut the phone.
Within ten minutes Tahira seen coming out of the metro station. Fresh and Smiling.
‘To the flat of Samir?’ She asked me as I got into the car.
‘Yeah! We will just be there. We will complete the assignment.’ I said. It was strange to see Tahira behaving like a classic, girlfriend. She always tries to make me believe that she was unusually the one special Muslim girl, cannot allow anybody to touch her, unless the guy is ready to marry her. But what she didn’t know was that that the metropolitan guys of Delhi didn’t mind even to lick her butts to get her.
‘Assignments? I thought all your assignments were done with me on my place. She mocked.
Shut up you sweet bitch. I could not complete my assignments as you kept on fiddling me to quench your thirst. I know your drives and bendy morals. I love you and your tough morals. I was too kind and soft a friend to sleep with you when your dam morals permit.
She remained silent and didn’t exchange any word for the next few minutes.
‘You wanted me to be kind to you and show something to de-stress you.’ She said pointedly.
I twisted my face.
But I like her. She was very decent and graceful. Her parents were very hard-working and religious person. Her father spent long hours in his meat shop and the part time work at home after shop, meant every penny matters to Tahira. They give excellent ‘Sanskars’to their daughter.
‘Did you see my new ‘Gucci’ bag?’ Mom and dad gave me, the special gift they had promised me if I get 75% in exams.’
I drove on very coolly; I was not talking about anything else other than my very precious asset sitting by my side. She was pretty excited by the time we reached Shipra Mall Ghaziabd.
Shipra Mall is the most popular hand out in Delhi and NCR where an average income boy can take his BFF for enjoying happy moments. She was looking paragon of beauty in her lehengaand top. Her shining body, curvy hips, fleshy thighs, stilettos, sharp breasts, side brushed hairstyle et. Al., all were making stunning but very graceful.
A flat near Shipra Mall means upwards of one crore, but for Samir it was a minor amount. He had two or may be more, one where he lives with his parents and the other this one where he frequently visits with his friends and girl friends.
We finally reached the flat after taking a round of Shipra Mall and having some light refreshments at McD. Girls like Tahira have a sense of discomfort even in the safest hideout from the world. Bloody conservative kasba girl turned metro sex bomb.
‘Where is Samir?’ Asked Tahira.
‘He is coming after some time. He is doing some work at home but looking forward to meeting you.
‘Who? Me?’ She was taken by surprise.
‘Yes’ I said as she flicked out her expensive ‘Prada’ sun glasses and put them in the designer case. Perfect. The show was complete. No, it wasn’t. Next she took out much more expensive perfume ‘CK Eternity’ and sprayed. Bloody show off but mind in dark ages.
‘And why he wants to meet me?’ She asked again.
‘Why are you behaving in such a manner? I am not a guy who can hook up with any girl.’ I said. Such suspicion only spoils relationships and ensures failures…Tahira had been to rehab for her addictions and depressions but that was more than almost two years back. This is how Samir had first described Tahira but I always dream and imagine Tahira as lehenga-choli attired rock chic with eyes piercing every visible and non-visible part of her body. Such a beauty is enough to vibrate my entire existence.
‘Leave that discussion.’ ‘Sweetheart, how absolutely ravishing you look! Such beautiful colour, such an attractive body, ripples with sexy muscle!’
‘Ritik, I want to go to washroom’ said Tahira.
In India safe and clean loo is big problem but people are more worried about dal, onion, free electricity, water and other freebies. Bloody beggar mentality. Great socialism. She went inside the washroom to check whether she can use the loo without having to balance on a dirty floor.
She handed me over her fragranced stroll and hand bag. I can’t express the sensuous pleasure I got with her stroll and hand bag in my hand. I smelled the stroll many times before Tahira came with twisted mouth.
‘It is a tension in India to relieve in a loo’. Said Tahira, with a heavy sigh.
Entering the flat I hugged her tightly (feeling Tahira’s breasts) ‘A very nice pair you’ve got here, a wee glimpse of Helen’s two wee apples!’
Her touch in itself was enough to drive me in a state of erection. I tried to hide it but she noticed. A man! Man in me was ready to blast which drove me half mad…mystic power of the long hard road!
I had a good life in the college, not caring about etiquette or tidiness or washing, rich in bees and sheep and olive. And then I meet this kasba Muslim girl, the daughter of a conservative Muslim businessman from Aligarh.
‘Here she stands, Tahira’ I muttered to myself.
I had glimpsed at her for a few seconds for sure, my heart was jumping. Or maybe it had just stopped beating completely. I was choking. She created a weird pulsation in my bowels. I felt the blood flash down to the ends of my arteries and veins and then ready to burst out. I could sense my brain imploding. I was going to die or burst. Impossible to control!
Tahira was breathtakingly beautiful. Realistically beautiful is more apt for a decent and graceful girl like Tahira. All the things that I used to imagine or dream for a girlfriend had just come true. She was a dream. You can’t even dream of something so perfect. Even plastic surgeons can’t create such a mesmerizing Indian beauty. Her beauty was hard to describe. Her black eyes always cry for love.
I was driven mad by the mystic power of great Aphrodite!
‘Tahira won’t you at least lie down with me on the sofa? it’s been such a long time!’ I coaxed her.
‘Oh no – Mind you, but I’m not saying I don’t love you…Before marriage can’t!’ Said Tahira.
‘You please, you love me? Why won’t you then? I persisted.
‘What, you love cheat? I may be mother before marriage.’ Said she.
‘No – Tahira, this is very safe place. All right, I won’t do anything. Come out of the shell. Let’s lie down. I pleaded.
‘Don’t be silly Ritik. We can’t do this here and now.’ Said stubborn Tahira.
‘There is nothing wrong if we make love here.’ I reasoned.
But I know marriage with Tahira was very difficult, if not impossible. Although she succeeded in persuading her very uncompromising parents because they thought marrying their daughter with a Hindu Brahman boy and son of an IAS officer will enhance their status in the kasai (butcher) community but my parents were not ready to accept a meat eating daughter of a Muslim kasai as their daughter-in-law. Tahira also knew this bitter reality.
‘And you know than how I suppose to purify myself to again become a pure Muslim’ She frightfully said.
‘That’s easy. Take a bath with few drops of Holy Jumjum water in the bucket and recite few lines from Holy Quran.’ I argued.
‘Please don’t ask to violate my religion.’ She pleaded.
‘On God! Please forget about the religion.’ I said in a commanding manner.
And ultimately I pulled her on the bed.
I bended over her to kiss Tahira. She stared in shock but didn’t protest, just watched.
I kissed her again and again. She remained quiet for few minutes but soon started kissing me back.
I kissed her cheeks, her lips, her forehead, her nose, her eyes, her ears…..
She switched off the lights.
I hugged her tightly.
‘This is wrong.’ She resisted a little.
‘Nothing wrong, I love you.’ And my hand reached to open the knot of her choli.
‘No’, she said and tried to remove my hand.
I slid my hand inside her choli.
‘Please no…’ she said.
I closed her mouth with torrent of kisses. She struggled a little but after few futile nos she started to respond…matching me and outpacing me..
‘This isn’t right, Ritik.’ She puffed, but biting my cheek.
I removed her choli.
“Don’t, Ritik!’ she murmured but lifted her shoulder to get it off.
I removed my shirt. Now her warmth and softness dissolved in me.
She tried to stop me last time but I removed her ghahra and rest of her clothes and mine too.
‘I have a cousin, waiting to marry me,’ she reminded me.
‘I am a different girl, Ritik,’ she almost sobbed.
‘You are a very wonderful girl’ I said.
Now she was finally nude, lying on her back. On the bed her legs spread wide, her long black hair hanging, her head tilted back with her red – hot eyes closed. She wore no jewelry, no flowers in the hair and no make ups. She lost in a new world.
It was this woman whose dream I had from my childhood.
I had a special plan for our wedding night, I want to bed smelling of new wine, drying-racks, fleeces and affluence – and she of perfume, saffron, French kisses, spending, over eating and erotic rituals. Don’t get the idea she was mesmerizing.
I could not control myself for that day.
‘Ritik,’ she said,, and held me very close. Passion repressed for years were now uncontrollable. I bit and kissed her entire body and was lost inside her. We were one in each other.
I knew there will be no life without her. What happened was not lust but my real love. It is said men withdraw after sex but I was more closer to her and keep her with me forever.
‘You are amazing, Tahira. Every bit of you is amazing.’ ‘I can’t live without you, Tahira,’ I said.
‘Don’t say that, please,’ she said. ‘And complete your assignments.’
We both laughed.
‘My assignment is half complete now.’ ‘Hope to complete it soon.’ I said.
Not everything in life had a reason.
The truth is that I hardly knew me.
‘I am tired. I want to go home.’ She said and stood up.
I started the car. We hugged and sat in the car. I I dropped her at her house. The door was shut behind her. Her perfume lingered in the car and in my heart for ever.
I was getting late and was soon home for dinner. Ritik: heard his mother calling him from the kitchen. Now she started to sound more kind. Some marriage propels may be there. All talked a lot. They wanted my ‘Yes,’ but I had Tahira in my mind. They wanted me to get married, as soon as possible.
I opened my mouth about my plan to marry Tahira. They were all stunned. There was storm in my family. I had to fight my hostile and conservative parents to get their ‘Yes’ for this proposal. Every relative came in to break my relationship with Tahira. But my crying persuasions bore results positively and my parents were melted. I got positive vibes from all.
Not everything in life had a reason.
The truth was that I hardly knew me.
But Tahira’s parents had almost made up their mind for this marriage. It was strange to see how little care they have for their daughter. They even didn’t meet my parents. But they knew everything about me and my family.
‘Chauvinist minds’, ‘Bloody hypocrites.’ I murmured.
Busy in this confusion and stress of civilizations and religions, I could not contact Tahira.
She willed herself to not check her phone to see if he had replied. It had been about three days now. She hated that she was constantly checking his 'last seen at' status and yes, he had logged in just five minutes ago. Yet she couldn't stop herself. This sinking feeling to find absolutely no communication from him was becoming unbearable, almost torturous. And then, just as she sat down in her chair, her phone vibrated. With her heart thudding in her ear, she unlocked her phone and stared at the screen. Finally! It was his message. But when she opened it and read it, she nearly stopped breathing. She didn't know if he was joking or not. What was this?
Dear Tahira,
Its only when one is not there, one realizes her value. You were, you are and will always be mine and my most splendid possession. And when could be better than having your best friend as your buddy for life. Back then we were simply students…I was unsure and presses by useless consideration….scared may be. But today I am firm. Yes. My answer is yes.
You are my wife.
I am always there and will be, love you.
Yours only,
“Shri Ganeshay Namah”
Smt. & Shri Ram Krishan Aiyyar
Will be deeply honored by Your Gracious Presence,
To share with them the joy that fills their hearts on the splendid and festive
Celebrations at the WEDDING of their loving Son
Ritik Krishan Aiyyar
(S/o Sht. & Shri Ram Krishan Aiyyar)
Tahira Khan
(D/o Shri Shah Rukh Khan)
30 th November 2015
Wedding Ceremony – 4.00 P.M.onwards
Reception & Dinner – 8.00 P.M. onwards
Venue: ‘RADHA – GOVIND – DHAM (Banquet Hall),
G.T.Karnal Road, Delhi-110036
With Best Compliments From
All near and Dear of All near and Dear of
Aiyyar Family Khan Family
“For Yesterday’s Memories, Today’s Love and Tomorrow’s Dreams.”
Aiyyars & Khans
0 notes
ask-joeydrewstudios · 7 years
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((Oh cool I love talking about muses weaknesses and fears in front of a bunch of people who totally don't want to use those against them. I've been putting these off for FAR too long, here's a masterpost of all the muses fears, weaknesses, and addictions. HCs under the cut ;P))
Things that apply to all the toons:   They all have to be afraid of water, acetone, and religious symbols/items. Those things can literally kill them, they count as both a fear and a weakness. There's also a learned fear that only comes into play in another 70 years after everyone from the original crew has died: they start to fear befriending people because they know they're effectively immortal, and losing people hurts like hell and they don't want it to keep happening. Bendy legitimately tries to get Henry to toon-himself in an effort to stop him from dying, he was the last one from the original group alive and none of the toons wanted to see him go. When he declines it leads to an argument, and it was a very emotional argument because the fear of loss was very real. You'd think loss would get even a little easier after its happened enough times? You... would be incorrect.
Bendy:   I've listed off Bendy's fears before, being forgotten and fading into obscurity are big ones. The studio never falls in this AU but it does take some small dips, and that terrifies him. Also, skeletons. Skeletons are scary. For addictions, I wouldn't necessarily say he's addicted to bacon soup? But he does love it... a little too much. You can bribe him with it even though it's readily available at any given moment.  Bendy's also the idiot child that begs everyone to watch a horror movie, only to end up terrified and up all night because he's jumping at every shadow or creak of the building.
  Boris is braver than Bendy, but he’s still afraid of a good number of things. Sudden loud noises, cars, things that lurk in the dark, the dark itself, monsters, Spooky Things (October is not a fun month for him), spiders, and he shares Bendy’s fear of thunderstorms... he might be a wolf, but he’s a big scaredy-cat :P He’s afraid of way more things that he hasn’t even encountered yet. Weaknesses? Objects being thrown, specifically ball or stick shaped objects. He will always, without fail, run to retrieve it for you. He hates himself for it.
Alice:   Nobody’s quite sure why or how, but because Alice was based on her voice actress she’s picked up a few personality traits and opinions from her. Fears are not an exception, and Alice shares Susie’s fear of war and violence and her fear of heights despite not being able to be hurt from falling large distances. She’s also afraid of losing form and shape-shifting too much from her original design, she likes staying the way she is and not having a stable form is weird and gross-feeling. Remember how all the toons are afraid of water and anything else that’ll make them melt? She’s afraid of it the most.
Joey:   One of Joey's strong points is also one of his weak points, and that's his need to do the impossible. This does lead to him pushing boundaries and sometimes entirely destroying said boundaries, and he absolutely hates giving up so it'll take him a really long time to get his focus off trying to Do The Thing. Even then he never directly says he gave up on something, he says he shelved it. This stems from a strong fear of failure and not being in control, and the need to accomplish more and more as he knows he's getting older and he wants to achieve as much as possible. The studio's not in any danger but he goes above and beyond trying to make sure it stays that way, because losing his life's work is his biggest fear. Also, he's really paranoid. It's why he doesn't leave the studio too often, doesn't have a lot of friends, and forces the toons to stay inside for years. He's afraid of heights and flying too.
   Also, Henry may not get drafted in this AU (I HC that he does in the main game, which is what pulled him from the studio) but that’s by sheer luck. When the US got involved in WWII and people started getting drafted, neither of them knew if Henry would be among them, and Joey was utterly terrified that he would be. Henry picked up on it but never said anything.
Henry:   Henry's probably the most fearless of everyone, his biggest fears are falling behind and being a disappointment. Demons and witchcraft would be scarier if he wasn't exposed to it on a daily basis, he found them a lot more unnerving when Joey first starting messing with them but now its just a part of life. His workaholic habits partially come from the first fear, he knows he's super lucky to basically be HANDED this job (his dream job) and he really doesn't want to let anyone down, especially not Joey. As someone who values security he also fears death, not so much his own but the sudden death of his friends, family, and other important figures in his life. He's also got an acute fear of storms, but he doesn't get nearly as afraid of them as Bendy or Boris. Sometimes said toons huddle under his desk while he works when it storms, and Henry talks to them and tells stories so they can all feel more calm. Weaknesses and addictions? Caffeine.
Sammy:   Right off the bat I can tell you Sammy's got a bad nicotine addiction. That's not a surprise to anyone. He starts getting antsy pretty quick if he tries not to smoke, and if he's already stressed out it only happens faster. He's terribly dependent on his cigarettes, they help his anxiety. He's also afraid of large crowds of people, which is why he prefers to go out later in the day and doesn't like going to studio events and parties. He usually has to anyway, but he doesn't like them and sticks close to Susie when he does. He doesn't like flying either, and he's afraid of something happening to Susie. If she ends up in trouble he will literally do anything to make sure she stays safe. He's not so much afraid of rodents as he is half-afraid, half-disgusted by them. He still jumps onto a chair or desk if one comes near him though.
Susie:   Susie might be able to defend herself, but she's by no means unstoppable. She's afraid of walking around the city after dark alone (she’s afraid of being alone in the dark in general, as a kid she was afraid of the dark itself and it never entirely left her), if she misses the trolley she'd rather crash at Sammy's place than make the long and dangerous walk home. War is also terrifying to her, everything about it is upsetting - the unstable political nature of it, the way thousands of people are shipped out to fight and a lot of them don't come home, and their poor families... the ones that do come home, they're never the same. It's nothing but a terrible thing. Her dad is a vet from the great war (WWI) and she remembers being a kid, worried with her mum and older brother and sister about whether or not he'd come home. She's terrified of another war breaking out, and even more terrified about the people she cares about getting sent out and possibly dying. Also heights. Fuck heights. She's the most terrified of heights out of everyone at the studio.
Wally:  Wally absolutely cannot stand being alone for more than maybe three minutes, and he hates small spaces (claustrophobia) and being trapped anywhere. He rarely closes a door behind him and if someone else closes the door he will immediately drop what he's doing to reopen the door. If the door is somehow locked, that's what he has his keys for - if he loses his keys as he so often does, or he can't pick the lock... he might literally kick down the door, or at least break the lock. He's also afraid of commitment (hence why he doesn't like starting romantic relationships, and when he does they fail within a month) and he's very dependent on money, because money is security and he grew up in the depression with six siblings and exhausted parents and he doesn’t want to be that poor ever again. He'll do almost anything to make a quick buck.
Norman:  In his age he's gotten over a lot of fears, but if there's two things he'll be afraid of until he dies its bugs and the paranormal and otherwise unknown. Bugs make his skin crawl, and the paranormal and unknown... well, it's unknown. There's all kinds of spooky shit going on there. You can probably figure he wasn't too happy to hear Joey was messing around with witchcraft and demonic rituals, he actually almost quit when he did. A pay-raise and some convincing later, he pushed his worries aside - he only half regrets that decision now.
   Shawn’s also a bit of a scaredy-cat if you can believe it. He screams at sudden loud noises, gets quickly unnerved at weird shadows out of the corner of his eye, and hates being in total darkness. Both the “not being able to see his surroundings” and “not being able to see what might be lurking in his surroundings” aspects of that last one really get to him, he always sleeps with the bedroom curtains open to let the moonlight in. His wife had to make a rule for how many stuffed animal comfort objects he’s allowed to have on the bed at once. Tell him a decent enough scary story and he’ll have trouble sleeping for a couple days. He’s a bit of a mess.
   Thomas isn’t afraid of much, actually. It’s a perk to being mostly emotionally dead. He’s afraid of losing his dog, abandonment, and snails. Snails are just gross. Slugs are even worse. He’s not gonna scream if he sees one, he just really hates them.
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