#he believes he is wrecked by sin
mrslittletall · 1 year
Me, staring at antis in the Binding of Isaac fandom. "Did you... did you even play the game...?!"
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Heyy bbg 😩
How was ur dayyy, mine was ok i went shopping 😘
Whats ur favorite colorrr, i like blue 😝
How would the boyz react to breaking the bedframe during sum rough... activities 😉😏😩😳
Dont forgor to drink water and get atleast 6 hrs of sleep pls 🥺
Heyyy! I am so sorry this took me so long to start on, I went a little MIA there, lol. So of course my first post of 2024 is OM smut lol Happy 2024 everyone! Now, on to the hcs! Mature content below the cut. Warnings for Levi's section, implied monster f*ck*ng, very slight.
This bastard makes no secret of how proud he is to make a mess of MC.
His reaction depends on the position, if the bedframe cracks while he is on top, then he makes sure MC's safe before continuing elsewhere.
MC's barely had time to comprehend that the bedframe gave way underneath them before Lucifer is scooping them up and resuming their activities on his desk or against the wall.
"Lucifer, did we-?"
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, my darling. Now, sing for me~"
But. If that bed breaks while MC's on top? That is a very different story.
"Look at you, taking me so well even the bed can't take it~"
"Go on, love, do it again."
Demon does not give a shit, clasps MC's thighs and holds them up while he thrusts up to meet their hips.
He may act mildly displeased at having to buy a new bed, but that aura of pure pride rolling off him the next day is fooling no one.
Let's face it, he's so sex-drunk he probably didn't notice. He's too busy overstimming himself to the point of tears, pretty noises pouring from his kiss-bitten lips with shameless abandon.
He's the Avatar of Greed after all, and here is his greatest treasure, all naked and pretty for the taking, giving him everything he could ever want. Why in nine circles of hell would he stop?
He'll fuck until the mattress hits the ground, or until MC tells him to stop, because he always retains enough of himself to keep them safe.
Once they're done and laying on a skewed wreck of a bed, sweat colling on their skin, that's when Mammon finally notices.
"Hey...what happened to the bed?"
MC chuckled, pressing a kiss to his brow. "You happened, baby."
His cheeks turned pink and he hid his face in their neck as though he could hide the blush from them. MC felt him grinning against their skin, until the reality struck him.
"How the fuck am I gonna explain this to Lucifer?"
He also wouldn't notice, but not for the reason you might think.
Usually, Levi is a very sweet lover, tends toward the submissive side and lets MC set the pace.
For their lovemaking to get to the point of breaking anything, it's because Levi has gone absolutely feral.
I'm talking more demon than anything else, growling and snarling instead of whimpered, sweet moans tumbling from his lips.
You'd better believe he'll break the bed, the only thing that will stop him is MC, and if they choose not to...
He'll break a lot more than the bed.
Believe it or not, I don't actually see this happening with Satan.
He's so cautious of his wrath around MC in the bedroom that I'm no so sure he'd even be comfortable playing rough.
The most that happens with him is toppling a pile of books or something. Once, he accidently knocked into a shelf and used himself as a meat shield for MC as the avalanche came down.
That made for an awkward evening when poor Beel come to the rescue.
Let's face it, if he did it, it was on purpose.
Asmodeus knows exactly what he's doing when it comes to MC's pleasure, knows exactly how to make them writhe just so that it was actually the human who let magic slip in their daze and cracked the bedpost.
The Avatar of Lust chuckled against their sex, his head buried between their thighs and his eyes alight with pure sin. "What else can I make you break, lovie?"
"Oh no sweetheart, don't apologise. Let me see how much more I can make you sing for me~"
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cybsoo2 · 4 months
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yandere bts profile
╰┈➤ synopsis — Stories of seven men living their yandere lives.
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!bts x reader
╰┈➤ word count — 4.3k
╰┈➤ content warning — murder, yandere behavior, stalker behavior, manipulative behavior, graphic depictions of violence, kidnapping, suicide, self-harm, vomiting, invasion of privacy, talk of religion
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—Kim Seokjin
yandere type — manipulative and overprotective
watch out for! — overprotection, isolating, self-imposing, monitoring, spy cams, invasion of privacy
Seokjin speaks sweet lies
He’s such a good liar that he’s even begun to deceive himself
He’ll tell himself these selfish sins are for the greater good
Misleading you and manipulating others is one of his many skills
Although he holds no affection for anyone else and is inclined to ruin their lives through manipulation, he doesn’t dare try it on you
Although the fate of your friends and foes is different, He’d never hurt you, wouldn’t lay a finger on you unless you asked
He doesn’t want your love to be a lie, to become warped and wrecked into images unknown
Instead, he leads you astray when you step too close to his sinful secrets
When a coworker with a crush comes too close for his liking, he’ll whisper the words, “He’s not good enough for you sweetheart.”
Your friends offer an invitation to get drunk one dark night, “It’s too dangerous to drink this late at night, stay inside with me instead.”
And maybe one morning, a slithering suspicion sits still in your mind
You ask him why he’s so protective, so passionate, so possessive, and he’ll tell you, “I love you like no other.”
Jin cares about your safety
He wishes you’d be healthy and happy all the time
Although, his methods of achieving this dream can have some consequences
He’ll worm his way into your life
He looms over you with a loving presence
But if he’s not careful enough, his ‘love’ can be suffocating
He monitors your actions, not stalking, but spying on you through other methods
He’ll set up cameras to make sure you don’t get hurt
Of course a fragile fawn like you needs him in order to survive
He takes the truth from your friends to figure out how you’ve been doing
He’ll read your messages to find the deviant souls that might harm you
He gives biased advice (Though you don't know it) in order to keep you close to him
Misleading your crushes by telling them that you’re already taken
He keeps you away from everyone else, so much so that some friends become distant and disturbed at the sight of him
Jin is willing to be whatever you what so long as he can stay by your side
He’ll be your friend, a brother, a lover
He’s perfect for you, if it weren’t from the looming sense of danger that falls in his shadow
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—Min Yoongi
yandere type — obsessive and possessive
watch out for! — murder, codependency, self-containment
Yoongi hides his true nature behind longing looks and a distant friendship
He keeps calm underneath a cold exterior
Yoongi stays to himself and watches you from afar
He may murder any pests that cross your path, but he wouldn’t dream of hurting you
You’d never assume he mutilates men and women while you sleep
He brings you glory through each slash and stab of scarlet
Yoongi just might be a cruel killer, but the worst types of killers are those who’ve become self aware
He holds a court of immoral justice in his head 
Killing based off bias, yet he can’t find himself to care
You’ve made him into a merciless man, which is why he can’t stop once he’s set his mind on something
He’ll put on a plaster face, he’ll be kind, and quiet, and normal 
Yet even if his body stays at shore, a selfish need sings him out to sea
Yoongi believes in codependency, you need him and he needs you
He may put himself in a position that demands him to be close to you
He could be a coworker, a classmate, or perhaps a neighbour
But you can bet that you’ve met him before
Yoongi is too dependent on the normality you two have to act on his obsession
He understands his sick self and knows the consequences if he confesses
Yoongi knows that he won’t be able to hide the horrors of who he truly is, so he doesn’t even take the chance
He believes in a loyal love and couldn’t lie to you if you had a real romance
He’ll take what he can get and make sure no one else can get in the way
His obsession is closed away in the corner of his heart (But that’s not exactly true since his whole heart belongs to you)
His passion is put on the shelf to collect dust in the dark
A distant dream that had no hope of really happening
It rots away in his ribcage, tearing him apart from the inside out
His sickness is a symptom of this strange fixation
He throws up three times a day
The bile burns through his throat and now drops of blood join the rest of his lost lunch
A running list of other side-effects include: sleep loss, hypersomnia, depression, loss of appetite, etc.
Yoongi is always wanting the dream that waits
Sometimes, he sees a sliver of it in his sleep
A feverish fantasy where you embrace like lovers and kiss without consequences
But then he wakes up to reality and wishes this illness had never infected him
Your love is like a leech, bleeding him to the bone and testing his tenacity
But then tomorrow arrives and he sees the smile he’s so lost in love with
His inertia is eternal and he’ll never give up what he has for his unlikely odds
Your life remains pretty much the same except for the missing men and women that hurt you many months ago
You would never suspect that the sweet, yet shy Yoongi has his heart in your hold
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—Jung Hoseok
yandere type — clingy, obsessive, and delusional
watch out for! — self-harm, suicide, dependency, delusion, mixing fantasy with reality, insecurity
Despite how intense his love can be, he never acts as more than desperate and delusional when it involves you
There’s no need to worry about mysterious murders when it comes to Hoseok
He doesn’t have the patience, planning, or guts to kill anyone 
He’d rather reap his worries and run away from the issue
He’s comes crying to you at the slightest inconvenience
You’re the savior of his soul who soothes all his sorrows
Such a saint you are, putting up with someone as pathetic and plain as this broken boy
Even when the roles are reversed and your upset under a burden of blue, Hobi will be your crying companion
He can’t help it, seeing you so sad evokes excruciating emotions
Someone as sweet as yourself doesn’t deserve to be depressed, which is why he’ll do anything it takes to be your sunshine in the storm
Hoseok is someone that clings close to you
Always following you around wherever you go and sticking by your side
Hoseok desperately depends on you, he may be your sunshine but you’re his hope
You’re the reason he’s like this after all
You gave him a glimpse of happiness, a unique thing in this large universe
He sees you as his angel, always right and a savior to the lovesick
Your kindness and compassion are what immediately intrigued him
But what made him unable to shake this obsession is how special you made him feel
You look into his eyes and you see him as an individual
You see his soul for all it’s crimson colours and still accept him
That’s when his delusion begins to distort the realm of reality
He truly believes you love him like he loves you
Why else would you take pity on a poor soul like him
His insecurities suffocate him, telling him he isn’t good enough for you
Yet you still stay, never once have you thought of the boy as a burden
This twisted love ties into his dreams
He dreams of the distant future: tangled in each others embrace, whispering your carmine confessions, and living out the rest of your lives as lovers
These fantasies feel so real that sometimes Hoseok swears they actually happened
That kiss you shared in the shadows last week? Totally real!
You falling asleep in his arms after crying out your confessions? Definitely happened according to Hoseok!
But when these fairy tales fizzle out, Hobi is left with lost dreams and a broken heart
Falling down from heaven, he’s struck by the hard-hitting truth
You don’t love him and even if you did he wouldn’t deserve it
He cries and tries to cut himself clean
Emptying out the red as it runs down the drain
He lets out the pain on his pinkening flesh
One day he may fall too far
Running the red blade over his arteries until all he can see is black blood
But he’s hopeful for now, this imaginary event would only happen if you turned to hate him
Screaming that he’s a psycho and a sinner
Crying cause you can never be alone, him always at your side
Telling him how much you hate him
Saying you wish to never see him again
It would take a lot for Hoseok to fully lose his heart
And the loss of your love is the one thing that would sink his sorrows
Without your light to guide him, it would send him overboard into the black abyss
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—Kim Namjoon
yandere type — manipulative and devotee
watch out for! — collector, murder, manipulation, worship, extreme obsession
Namjoon worships the water you walk on 
Yet this twisted type of religion isn’t right, it isn’t even real
In his mind, you’re an angel of purity and perfection 
You’re the cause of every good event that happens to him
You single handedly uplift his life and give him guidance 
And he’s just happy to be the devotee to his one and only divine
As aforementioned, Namjoon is a collector
His entire home is a museum of memories
Tiny trinkets are stacked on shelves, and useless objects are crowded into of the corners of his room
But every piece has a purpose, each and every object leads back to you
Outsiders may say he’s a hoarder, but Namjoon remembers why so many red bottles are shoved under his bed
You endorsed a beauty brand and he bought out the entire stock
Now every time he does his nightly routine, he can sense the faint feeling of your skin on his
Shoved in his drawers is the jewelry you just wore
Replicas of bronze bracelets or ruby rings
He wears noir necklaces like a noose around his neck
Chained up under your control, you decide his destiny
When he wears copies of your clothes, sometimes he feels slightly closer to you
Like he can hear you whispering right from wrong in his ear
Telling him what to do and how to do it
Namjoon doesn’t think for himself
His emotions are almost artificial, only responding with empathy when it relates to you
He’s lost interest in the social scene, but still goes out to keep connections
He talks to people only to take their trust and ask for favours in the future
It’s common knowledge to anyone that Namjoon is easily infatuated with you
He doesn’t try to hide it and uses peoples intrigue to gain intelligence
But the occasional onlooker will sometimes sense that this isn’t just a common crush
They might’ve found out about his stash of souvenirs stuffed up in his attic
Perhaps it was how obviously anxious Namjoon gets when you’re not near
Or maybe they noticed the lovesick looks he wishes your way
But when Namjoon finds out he’s got a follower, he knows what he has to do
He’s not big fan of murder, it takes up too much time and it’s a mess to keep hidden, he’d rather it be fast and efficient
So he sends his sins out to sea
He has no time for torture and no desire to drag this out
Namjoon ties up his victim in twine ropes 
The ropes wrap around the writhing fool
Tether twisting around their throat and cutting off their cries
The rope scratches scarlet off the skin, leaving long lines that bruise purple and pink
Namjoon ties a brick to their ankles, bringing them back down to the dark
It’s the murder of a man who knew too much, sinking out in the open ocean with all their knowledge never to be known
The weight of Namjoon’s actions never wrestles with his heart
Uncaring and callous, he never stops to consider that these heinous acts hurt his humanity
Because in his brown eyes, this is all your doing
You told him to get rid of the fool that fell too close to your godly grace
You can do no wrong so this must be the new morality
Namjoon will protect your perfection by never letting any noble men come too close
Your sweet love must be kept a secret, no other weakling worthy enough for it but him
And even though dark doubts still taint his thoughts, Namjoon will spend the rest of his worship proving he’s your lovesick slave
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—Park Jimin
yandere type — clingy and psychotic
watch out for! — isolating, self-harm, murder, suicide, dependency, jealousy, hysteria, insecurity, kidnapping
The gods gave Jimin a gift
A double wielded sword weighted with the opposite ends of emotion
His feelings are feverish and burn with a bright intensity
It’s all a sliding scale for him, switching out his soul for whatever worth
All-consuming emotions are what drives him
Day by day, Jimin is mostly described as empathetic and enthusiastic
And while Jimin is an awestruck soul, he also hides his more dark desires
Your love sets him alight
Melting away his walls to reveal the real monster
Violent thoughts flow thoughts his veins
It’s like a venom, monopolizing his mind and evoking his red wrath
Jimin isn’t an apathetic man, he cares too much about the things that make him tick and the love his lusts after
He’s incapable of indifference, always so engrossed in his emotions and their outcomes
Loving him would be like locking yourself in with a lion
Jimin worships you like you no other and makes you feel like you’re alone in ardent
But the burning candle that controls his heart will always end up blinding you
He’s too dependant, always running after you and following like a poor puppy
He’s too jealous, scared you’ll be stolen away by any other man
He’s overly enthusiastic, lovesickness so suffocating you have to beg to break free from his hugs
Jimin takes you two to solitude, liking to rest in your warmth without any else’s eyes on you
While the long list of turmoil may taunt you, it’ll only get worse when he’s upset 
Jimin has widespread worries that you’ll leave him like everyone else
Insecurities lay intimate in his mind and he’ll only ever speak them to his soulmate
He’ll spend countless days crying and trying to seek your sweet reassurance
When these dark doubts are ripe and rip his heart apart, you better not set him off or else the consequences are grave
When he’s like this, clinging to you and crying his heart out, it’s best to shush his sorrows and hold him to your heart
He’ll bawl his eyes out into your blue sweatshirt, white knuckles wrapped around the familiar fabric
He’ll try to hide the hiccups in the crook of your neck, slightly embarrassed for his emotional outburst
Jimin lies limply in your lap, tired out from all the tears but too vulnerable to let go
He chases away the cold in your warm embrace
You speak lovely lies of how you love him 
If this is all insanity and you truly don’t love him, then this outcome would be very different
Was it a rash rejection? Or careless cruelty too much for his heart to handle?
Either way Jimin would explode in a case of confusing emotions
He’d swipe the silver blade down to the bone, bleeding out all over the bathroom tile and trying to tell you how much he loves you
“I’m nothing without you and I won’t let you leave.”
“I’d kill to keep you, I’d die if you don’t love me.”
The universe is always against your relationship and if a situation where to arise where he can’t keep you, he may just kidnap you instead
A much more morbid scenario might even involve suicide
You escape and Jimin must now spend eternity alone
He’d wake up at death’s door with pills pouring out his mouth
A terrible taste lays on his lips and his stomach is swimming in poison
A life without his love is a life not worth living
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—Kim Taehyung
yandere type — devotee and stalker
watch out for! — murder, stalking, invasion of privacy, voyeurism, collector, murder-suicide, insecurity, monitoring , worship
Taehyung is a cruel romantic
His thirst for your entirety is insatiable
This growing greed is what makes him so bold
He takes risks none of the other boys would dare to dream of
Of course, he didn’t always act so impatient
This restlessness for your red romance had started small before it spiraled into disarray 
Subtle acts of stalking or stealing is how it all began
He just wanted to feel close to you, whether that be through physicality or by objects tainted with your touch
Taehyung is a collector of lost possessions and missing moral
But it didn’t take much time before he grew tired of absent objects and started stealing glances of you instead
He watches as you wander under the moonlight
Your features burning like fire in his brain
You’re so memorable under the moon that he can’t help himself  from painting 10,000 pictures of your perfection
Taehyung sees himself as an artist and you his muse
His drawings dictate your every move, illustrate your emotions, and reflect your beauty
The days spent drawing last from dusk to dawn, and although he could never be bored of staring at your face and flesh, an emptiness begins to claw at his chest
It creeps in from the corners of the room, a cold wind that washes over him and makes him shiver
It takes hold of your image in his mind, making each brushstroke dull and distorted
Your pretty portraits lack your warmth, as does our poor Tae
He’s persistent in his pursuit of lifelong love, and he won’t stop waiting until your his to take
If Taehyung were to actually take part in your life, you’d live an endless eternity of claustrophobia and catastrophe
It may take some time, but you’ll begin to see the signs of your impending downfall before you can stop it
Taehyung’s love is tender and touching
It’s make anyone awe at the sight, but they don’t understand what goes on in the shadows
You’re an inspiration for his art, so much so that your home starts to look like a house of mirrors
Every element of your eternity must be captured, from the bare bones down to trailing patterns at your fingertips
He studies you like a statue
Staring at you all day, swearing at himself whenever he has to blink
Taehyung believes that your bare beauty is an eternal enigma
Your one in a billion and must be treated as such
He tries to show you his distorted devotion everyday, and this may be the only amount of pure peace you get
He makes you feel special, a divine entity the deserves everything you ask for
You were crafted by the gods themselves just for his sweet satisfaction
You were made for each other and nothing can change that… until it does
Taehyung’s always had a hunch that men and women all over the earth were jealous of your relationship
They try to tear you apart, saying your tainted by his toxic touch
He’s running out of time, slipping through the sands of the hourglass
Lost in their lies, he takes you to the one place where no one can separate your souls, heaven
Taehyung likes to think it’s romantic even, like star-crossed lovers born to be destroyed
He doesn’t flinch in the face of death
He’s so lost in his sick sense of delusion that he honestly believes you two are tied between the stars
Tangled up in each other, meant to meet in every timeline and be lovers once again
Both your sad sorrow would soak the bed he holds you in
He calms your cries with a hand held up to your trembling lips
The shivering steel of the gun touches your temple
He says that death will not be dark with him to guide you
You won’t feel the Reapers cold caress when he’s here to hold you
Taehyung gives your lips one last quiet kiss
Breaking apart only to breathe and whisper the words, 
“I love you in every universe.”
“Till’ we meet again my dearest divine.”
His last moment with you is a memory of red redemption
With his thumb triggering the gunshot, he blows your brains out on the back wall
You’re head snaps back from the force and lays limply on your shoulder
Blood bleeds down and begins to soak the sheets
Taehyung chokes back his cries with his hand still holding the steel
He takes your cold corpse in his tender embrace and readies himself for a restful end
He lays down dark kisses to the bullet wound that tore open your temple
He weeps away his heinous actions and with you still held close to his heart, he puts the last bullet in his brain
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—Jeon Jungkook
yandere type — impulsive and delusional
watch out for! — murder, suicide, dependency, kidnapping, delusion, hysteria, impulsion
Jungkook is just a boy with a broken heart
Still learning the differences between desire and devotion
He twists the two into one, his passion is painful and his innocent intentions begin to wither away
That fiery fondness that once burned so bright now sends smoke signals of death and destruction
But what really matters is what moment of massacre you met him
Was it when he was still a shy soul? Susceptible to sin but also ready for redemption
Or was it when he was a man? Matured into murder and wrapped up in wrath
If you arrived early in the timeline of terror, then you’d probably be childhood friends
Playing pretend in a world without worries
Lost in a little kids imagination, you play house, yourself as the wife and him as the husband
This is when his kindergarten crush would begin to grow
As a child you’d call yourselves soulmates, but an adult eye would sense that someone was seriously wrong
Jungkook would throw tantrums whenever you left to leave, and when he didn’t get what he wanted, he’d turn to violence
He’d begin to grow dependant on his only friend
Playdates would pursue sleepovers which would then turn to him refusing to ever leave your side
Scared that you’d be snatched away if his attention fell too far
And as you grew up, got to know more about the horrors and hormones of the future, you’d eventually find yourselves as high-school sweethearts
Jungkook just like his old self, only better at hiding the bloodshed
The obsession would only grow as you get older
More things threaten your relationship and his anger and anxiety amplify 
But your impression of the innocent boy still stays the same
Sure he may be more dependant and delusional then most men, but he’s still your sweet boy
If an artist were to paint a portrayal of a lost lover, it would be Jungkook
Every day is a dream, you drink in his devotion and bathe in bliss
He washes away all your worries and takes on all life's labours
Your life would look pretty normal only because Jungkook’s good at burying all the bodies and biting back his paranoia
But when you bottle up your emotions for years on end, it’ll eventually explode in your face
Jungkook has always been impulsive, acting on his anger and making irrational decisions
His rage causes him to run on a rampage, killing anyone that could come too close
His fear tells him to hide you in the house and cut ties with the outside world
Jungkook is determined to obtain the life and love he obsesses over
Which is why when things don’t go his way, his has a fit of hysteria 
His tempers turns up to 100 and he may try to kidnap you
He’s abandoned all rationality and is recklessly driving your relationship off a cliff
His thoughts are so stubborn and he won’t stop once he’s set on a solution
No planning or preparation is taken in advance
He’s in a fit of frantic fear and reality is slowly slipping
Illusion is in his lungs, he can’t understand that he’s undoing all his progress thus far
So set on the end goal, he can’t see the death and decay until he holds it in his arms
It’s a sudden slaughter and he’s doesn’t processes your passing until you’re pale and purple
After a rainy night spent sobbing and still clutching your cold corpse, he comes to a conclusion
He can’t live with his actions, he’s a monster in a man’s body
He feels sick in his skin, he tries to scratch it off
Peeling off the pink to reveal the red undertones
His hands are still sore from the force he gripped your throat with, he tries to take those off too
He’s disturbed by what he’s just done
Jungkook gathers your blue body in his arms and takes you to the bathtub
He dies by your side, drowning in devastation
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most to least dangerous — jungkook, taehyung, jimin, hoseok, namjoon, jin, yoongi
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved ‎
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doumadono · 1 year
Sinful Sunday thought!
I believe that Geto Suguru is exactly the type of guy that, by the time you tell him ‘I love you’, starts fucking you harder. I don’t know🫣
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I need to agree with you, Nonnie, I strongly belive it would make him going feral!
Geto's anything but gentle
Whenever you fuck, it's rough and hard. It's the kind of sex involving hair-pulling, skin-biting, and fast-paced fucking
You’ll fuck basically anywhere, on any surface, up against any wall
It's a relentless thrusting that doesn't let up until you're a whimpering wreck beneath him
Geto's possessive - he marks you with love bites, making sure everyone is aware that you belong to him. He doesn't mind who witnesses it - he's determined to proclaim to the world that you are exclusively his
He has a very high sex drive and can go for multiple rounds
He loves having a hand around your throat as he fucks you, he loves to feel the blood rushing under his hand
But what truly arouses him is when you express your love for him verbally, which never fails to excite him immensely
"I love you," you whimper softly as he thrusts into you during a very slow, passionate sex
He pauses, gazes down at you, and a mischievous grin slowly spreads across his lips
“I’m gonna pound ya so good, ya hear me? I want you to tell me how much you want it, how much you want me.”
Geto lifts up your thigh for better access to thrust deeper into you, digging his fingers into your plushy flesh, thrusting hard and fast, the bed starts swaying back and forth with his thrusts
“I’m going to fill you to the brim, doll."
His words become more jumbled as his flesh continues to vehemently smack against yours, your pussy tightening against his rapidly moving dick as your orgasm washes over you, his following not long after
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anantaru · 1 year
i think summer is the worst season for any sexy activity with thoma (also considering his pyro vision), yet slow lazy sex might be the solution? just laying on your sides, facing each other, his cock squeezed between your walls, as you share lazy kisses and slowly grind on each other till reaching the orgasm?
cw. sweaty s3x, wet n messy, fem! reader
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everything around you feels distant, to a certain degree frangible, like you’re suddenly disconnected from gravity, but the dense, humid air was heavy at the same time.
you can barely breathe by this, the summer in inazuma was on its highest point by now and simply walking outside had been a quite difficult task to accomplish, considering the enormous heat wave which was making it tough for most people.
do consider this, but your boyfriend thoma wasn't a great fan of it either, keeping in mind that he was a wielder of the pyro element. yet he'd never pass up on an opportunity to be intimate with you, not even this bothersome weather would make him rethink his craving.
his cock was also trying to get your attention, and you slowly slither your hand down south to take it in your palm, it's achingly hard, almost sore, and wet with his pre cum. thoma helps you instantly, wrapping one hand around your leg so he could part them without trouble before lining you up with him.
you’re wetter than usual, your slick mixed with prospering sweat that made it all the more easier to have him slip inside of you, his warm, heavy erection sticking on your walls to a more intense degree, soaking in your liquids, sliding up so fucking strongly when he fucks into you right away— shallow, small thrusts penetrating your insides, his lower belly hitting your clit, his happy trail gathering your slick.
such a mess, but you like it, bite back a moan too when he smirks into your lips before suckling on your tongue.
both of you are shining, and suddenly the warm weather didn't appear as a meaningful problem anymore when he holds your legs apart while you smother your digits down, twisting your fingers over your tits, putting on a show for him, the crevice and outlines of your chest luminescent with your sweat. and thoma closes the distance of your frames, it’s not difficult when you soak into him, rubbing your clit and aching to cum already— you’re a lot more sensitive now and just know it’s because of the heat.
yet he’s so skilled at fucking your little pussy into his girth when he wrecks your cunt, out of breath, his heaves and small whines aflame, eyes aglow.
he’s into it now, wait— scrap that, he always was, your used hole, soaked in that particular way, it's so wet and messy, pheromones and sinful words of praises charging up the stifling bedroom, a swirl of sweltering air happening next.
maybe, only maybe, the weather in inazuma wasn’t as bad as some might believe.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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thera-daydreams · 2 months
ᱬ The Darkling x Scarlet Witch!Reader ᱬ
[aleksander morozova x wanda maximoff!reader]
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Warning: This will be very canon-divergent, considering that it will be a fix-it fic for the Darkling's story. Will contain elements of violence, manipulation, and gore present in the series. Plus, mentions of depression, trauma, regret (as W. Maximoff) and the inclusion of possible adult themes in the later chapters.
Majority of this will also be based on the Netflix show since I haven't read the entire books yet. There may be inaccuracies and a whole lot of changes. You have been warned!
Otherwise, proceed and enjoy! ♟️🌹
(Sidenote: So... okay. I'm deciding to write this and make it a formal fanfic—as per previous post one and post two—because I seriously cannot sleep with the overwhelming inspiration I'm getting from shipping these two characters. Aleksander and Wanda are practically the same person in different fonts. They both did shitty, selfish things but I need to give them a happy ending. Together. Somehow. And hate it or love it, I firmly believe this idea should be shared to the world. If you know my other JJK fic, you'll know Wanda is an obsession of mine. Also, also, also! Please bear with me if updates are scarce. I'm juggling my academic review, work, another unfinished fic, and my daily fangirling. 🥹)
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1. once upon a dream
Aleksander had dreams of you long before he even knew you. Maybe it was the stress of this neverending war. Either way, you weren't real anyway... were you?
(3.9k words)
2. coincidence
The Black General finds himself magnetized by the seemingly inconspicuous gardener in the Little Palace. He gets to know you, contemplating life. Just when he thought you were just a strangely wise, young otkazat'sya woman, he finds out why exactly you decided to work in the Little Palace.
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3. reflection
You are confronted by a certain Shadow Summoner about your motives in bringing the kids to the Little Palace. He realizes that you've loved and lost so deeply, eerily the same as he had. Perhaps that's the reason why he was so drawn to you; he could see his reflection in your eyes. But the more answers the Darkling got, the more questions he had. Unfortunately for you, Aleksander was a patient and persistent man who would stop at nothing to get what he wants.
(4.8k words)
4. haunted
You were no powerless otkazat’sya, Aleksander finds out the hard way. He’s pushed you too far, and he’s left to deal with the aftermath of the new knowledge he half-regrets he gained. On the other hand, you see something bad about this new world that wished you had never seen.
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5. ?
... more chapters?
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"No more magic." You swore to yourself after the madness that you'd spiraled into; the chaos you'd wrecked upon the Multiverse under the influence of the Darkhold. Now, you had destroyed the Darkhold in every universe.
The last universe that had a Darkhold? Safe. Book of the Damned, gone. It was a land with no heroes, gods, or sorcerers... just... normal people and... Grisha? Either way, it was time for your atonement. Your repentance for your mortal sins.
But when you save and bring three orphaned Grisha children to the Little Palace, working as an otkazat'sya gardener to secretly keep an eye on them, it turns out that a certain Shadow Summoner begins to have his eye on you, instead.
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taglist: @idohknow @robertthehoover @the-desilittle-bird @pearlstiare
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hwajin · 1 year
#! — [ talk ] yang jeongin
— fem!reader // nsfw // oral (f receiving), this is honestly so rushed and barely proofread i'm sorry 😭 req!
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Jeongin had never seen you like this. Face flushed in utter darkness, colour continuing down to paint at your neck, your hands aching to hide yourself behind them – only because he had been curious of your wishes.
Admittedly, the both of you were new to being intimate with the other. It had clicked well the first time, surely, yet there were things unspoken and hidden behind secret thoughts and shy fantasies. Thoughts and fantasies you were eager to explore when the time was right, though that didn’t make the matter all the less nerve-wrecking – it was embarrassing admitting to ones likings and most sinful dreams, even with a close loved one, with a person as trustable as Jeongin.
He had been littering you in kisses, trails of wet on cheeks, shoulders and nape, on the expanse of your chest, the curves and dips of waist to hip. And if he was told it took one sentence merely to seemingly ruin you, to take any form of boldness out your body he would have not believed it. He would have laughed as the disbelief had set in his body, watching you with aghast eyes as you grew a stuttering mess.
“Tell me what you want, baby.”
One sentence only, barely spoken loud enough to register, hushed against the flesh of your stomach. By that time there hadn’t been an inch unkissed, Jeongin’s lips reddened, your body littered in flower shaped bites. You had tensed up, looked down at the man between your thighs in utter loss for words – wanting to tell him that you wanted everything, any and all if it was from him, yet not finding the words to. Wanting to tell him that if it came to him there was nothing you didn’t want, that your wishes could run beyond sane imagination – though you said nothing at all. Merely looked and blinked until he had found your eyes, questioning look within them, utterly surprised to see you like this.
Ever since Jeongin had met you he’d admired your confidence. Your boldness to speak your truth when needed, to stand up for yourself without a helping hand. You’d been the one who approached him first, turning him into a state of flusterness nine times out of ten, and he’d always loved it. Though if someone was to ask him now – he might answer to like this side just as much. Was so new to seeing you like this, especially when it came to him, that it got him chuckling in his place which only caused you to run redder, darker. To convert his eyes off him, groaning in flooding embarrassment.
“I don't know you like this at all... it's cute.”
Teasing tone lacing his voice, and you whined out in frustration. The spreading timidity wasn’t in your control, and you’d liked it much better off, would like it much better if you could simply speak your mind. If you could blurt out all the anarchic thoughts that coursed your head, or if Jeongin, at least, didn’t take notice of your state. Though it was much to late for that.
“C'mon baby...”, continuing his way down your body, kissing in between his words – your body grew hotter in anticipation or in embarrassment, you weren’t all too sure by now, "...I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me.”, locking eyes with you from beneath, his darkened on your flickering ones, and you urged to shut them. Urged to convert your gaze anywhere that wasn’t him – because truly, he was at fault. Jeongin’s hands, warm and grasping at your body, his wettened lips on most sensitive spots – it all drove you to a place of wordlessness, of embarrassing shyness and insanity. He was the reason you were unable to express a single word and yet he was the one wanting to hear all of them.
“Tell me.”
Voice so tantalising heat shot right to your core, and you closed your eyes after all – it was easier to utter words that way, surely.
“Eat me out.”
Voice so silent Jeongin nearly overheard it – yet he smiled to himself in mischief, watching your ever darkening grimace of shame, the way your eyes wouldn’t open still. Not too big of a wish if both of you were honest, and if it came to Jeongin he'd be ready and on your knees for you whenever you'd ask him to, doing whatever you asked him to. Yet it was something new for you altogether – that was nothing but a valid reason for your state. Though Jeongin was compassionate with you. It didn’t take him long to settle between your legs, parting them in the process, earning easy access to your wettening core. A sight new for him and it needed Jeongin a pair of seconds to recollect himself, to collect his fallen jaw and widened eyes before he lowered himself core level, slowly. Taking in your scent, feeling your body tensing up. Connecting tongue to slit, experimentally first, surer then when your hips grinded against him softly. And it didn’t require him much explaining – attentive eyes on you entirely, watching your every move as he tongued and sucked at your clit, left butterfly kisses around areas most sensitive, groped at your thighs to keep you down, or closer to him. It didn’t require him much explaining because with every of his antics your voice grew in volume, with ever of his kitten licks your face turned into one of contortion, with every inserting finger he added to drive you closer to release your body tensed and tightened, trembled against the mattress until you saw white, until Jeongin’s tongue and fingers, his touch grew sheer painful to bear, until oversensitivity got a hold of your body and weakened limbs, minds.
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@etherealeeknow @linoskitty @unexceptional-h @rseanne @es-kay-zee @urcracksisx @jeyelleohe @yunkiwii @etheralsung @nyrasneedy @seochhj @spidercomics @chans-starlight @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @sstarryreads @svintsandghosts @bokjaz @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus
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spirit-jello · 7 months
ZB1's kinks
Forgive me for I have sinned- probably gonna do it again though ngl. Was inspired by another post where they did top three kinks! Go follow them: @melobin
Kim Jiwoong→ Ddlg(Not literally) kink. He absolutely loves pampering you and taking care of you, and when you’re having sex he makes sure you’re comfy and having a good time being fucked dumb. But when you’re bad, he does the traditional daddy discipline- spanking. God does he love spanking you. He adores seeing his hand print on your ass.
“You gonna be a good girl for me now? Or does daddy need to spank your little clit too?”
ZhangHao→ Dacryphilia kink. There’s two ways this could happen, either dom Hao or sub Hao, there cannot be in between😭. Dom Hao loves seeing you cry, whether it’s from his words or his cock fucking into your tight pussy with no mercy. Just imagine you humping him naked while he’s fully clothed begging for his touch.
“Aw~ is my slut getting worked up already? I told you, you have to get off yourself before you can get my cock. Unless you want me to punish you? I’ll even let you choose; edging or overstimulation.”
Sub Hao, though, cries at the littlest things. Just you giving kitten licks to his tip makes him whimper. You love teasing him, palming him through his boxers as he bites his lip trying not to cry, but tears start to spring to his eyes as you suck him off. Then he starts whining and lets out sobs as you refuse to give him a break after he already came. Guess you have no room for mercy either.
Hanbin→ Edging kink. Goes both ways, but either way he’s the dom. He’s obsessed with ruining your release, hearing you beg for him. He isn’t going to budge until you’re wrecked, almost in tears from frustration. Only then does he fuck you roughly and give you permission.
“So good to me hm~? Ok baby, cum.” 
Right after he gives you the go ahead, you release on his cock.
But he also edges himself in a way; as he’s putting all his focus on you, he holds off on touching himself no matter how hard he is. But it just makes it all the more satisfying when he feels his cock pushing into your pussy.
Matthew→ Muscle/Size kink.  He loves you no matter what body type you have, but either way he works out often to be able to pick you up easily, fucking you hard all the while holding you up. He absolutely adores your flushed face when he shows off his muscles, relishing the way you look at his abs as he takes off his shirt. 
“Like what you see baby?”
He would tease you, but you both know he enjoys it just as much. 
Taerae→ Humiliation kink. Now he doesn’t do it on purpose, but for some reason he always has an urge to give you hickies where it’s clearly visible, right before you two go out somewhere. Not to mention he loves slapping your ass in public, teasing you nonstop.
“Are you needy, cutie~? Do you need my help?” 
He would say embarrassing(sexual) things about you to his friends, knowing how you secretly like it as well. Not just public but verbal humiliation as well. Believe it or not, he adores your flushed face as he degrades you.
“Such a messy slut hm? Imagine the others seeing you like this; a cockhungry whore.”
But don’t be fooled, as he always apologizes profusely afterwards; he never thought of treating you that way before, til you brought it up to him. At first he wasn’t sure he’d be into it, but quickly learned he liked it a bit too much. 
Ricky-> Bondage. He fucking loves having you blindfolded and tied up just for him. He'll find even the stupidest excuses to 'punish you'.
"Baby~ You know I hate when you disobey.. It hurts me just as much as it hurts you."
Thats a fucking lie; you both know he absolutely loves having you tied up all pretty like a present, having a vibrator on your clit and nipples on the highest setting.
"Acting so good for me; too bad you disobeyed my rules."
After edging or overstimulating you multiple times, only then does he fuck you hard as a reward. And of course the aftercare is always him overly pampering you.
Gyuvin→ Fuckin Sadist. Whether he means to or not, the man tends to mix pain with pleasure. When it’s on purpose, he loves to spank you, both on the ass and pussy. Loves using nipple clamps on you, or bonus- you got nipple piercings as a surprise, him liking it way more than you thought he would, which was already a lot. 
“All for me baby? Fuck~ you’re just begging for me to ruin you.”
When it’s unintentional, it’s usually because he grips your hips leaving bruises, or continuing to fuck you hard after you’ve already had three orgasms. And yet, he doesn’t notice because he’s like a dumb puppy, needy for his girlfriend nonstop.
“Haah~ So fucking good~ Fuck yes-”
Either way though, you get a good fucking, even though sometimes you may pass out. Best aftercare ever though.
Hope you enjoyed horny Zerose~
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theoryofthemultiverse · 4 months
I know this is probably out of character for him, but... Imagine Dr. Ratio being flustered about having a crush, but only when no one is looking. Bonking his head on his desk, writing poetry only to hide it under various books, getting snappy and mean with others because he's so confused over his own feelings. Like, yeah, he knows what it is, but *why*? There's no conclusive data to tell why he feels this way! His crush is just like any regular person, surely there must be some pattern or combination of factors that can explain this!
Ladies and gentlemen, this right here…
Honestly I had a thing in my drafts and I wanted to pin point it too so thank you for getting that stone rolling. I don’t actually believe it would be so much out of character for him!
Veritas Ratio would be agitated. A crush? On a normal person? It cannot be. He was set on dying alone, toxically thinking no one could ever match his intellect, so he would surely never fall for anyone would he?
Oh he was so wrong. When he met his crush he instantly viewed his crush as an ordinary person. A person that wouldn’t play a big part in his life’s strategy. Well you can give him 0 points for that because that mindset was gonna be obsolete when he finds out this person possesses an ability that he finds fascinating, utterly fascinating.
Like his crush f.e. being extremely good with emotions, just being very kind, or having any other personality trait that makes them special, that makes them themselves. Also preferably a trait that he doesn’t have, at least not this strongly.
For example, he might be creative to some point, but if he met his crush who had their own imaginative view of the world, that probes him to change his perspective from time to time. Also with a person that is not a genius there would maybe come a certain simplicity to said perspectives which he could find fascinating either.
But nevertheless the reason, because as we all know, love just strikes at the most coincidental moments with the most different of people:
He would still be confused. Himself a man of pure focus that is really never wavering suddenly finds himself to be staring inside his book and committing a (at least to him) sin, by only reading superficially. All while he also then catches himself to suddenly just let his eyes run over the paragraphs, thinking he is reading but in the meantime his thoughts run back towards his crush.
Poor man read enough books about it to know what it is for sure so at first he’d be the kind to gaslight himself out of it.
„No you are not in love, they are just a nice person, this is it. You are thinking about what they did that made you think about them, not them personally.“
Save to say that doesn’t work long and then, like this dear anon said he would hit that head on the tabletop, or sink under the water of the bathtub. Because he realizes he has no chance in fighting this.
And Veritas, a man of reason, would search for said one. He would do a complete psycho analysis first of himself and then of his crush to find out what about them makes him go oh ever so crazy.
Because he simply couldn’t continue to work this distracted. He feels like a fish out of water. Also we know he is not the kind of person that would leave this untouched. He might be embarrassed but he knew if he couldn’t continue his work productively soon then he might get an existential crisis.
So he copes with it, not sure if with poetry (if so he would do it in Latin to make sure no one accidentally reads it ;) or also, and he really really thinks 10 times about it before giving in to his love wrecked brain’s desires, sculpting his crush.
His students would be confused with him as well because they might just find him to be a pinch too less strict. So when he is distracted with thoughts of his crush he might let one or two mistakes slide. But everyone knows to better not ask him about it, or he is going to snap.
All in all he is going to try to get closer to his crush then, to find out more about what they did to him. And while he might also do that to desperately find flaws in his crush, it would just make him fall harder…
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giantmushyfriend · 9 months
One of the many fan theories that will absolutely wreck me any day of the week is the theory that when Aziraphale sees Crowley in Rome for the first time since the resurrection, he asks Crowley if he's still a demon because Aziraphale wants to believe that Crowley may have been Risen. Because in Aziraphale's eyes, he knows deep down that Crowley is good, even if Aziraphale knows that, based on what he has been told, Crowley shouldn't be. He knows Crowley doesn't belong in hell and doesn't belong working for Satan, but because of this divided thinking he's been imprinted with, it means that Crowley automatically belongs in heaven. And if the resurrection was meant to forgive everyone of their sins, anyone who asked for forgiveness, then why was Crowley still on earth as a demon?
I can't help but yearn for a line in a fic that goes something like, "If all sins were forgiven with the death of Jesus, why was Crowley still here? Why had he, who was inherently good, been left? Why had the person who had deserved forgiveness the most been left behind? Aziraphale, in that small tavern nestled within the streets of Rome, glances towards the ceiling and the creator he's fought not to question this entire time, 'Why not him? Why didn't he die for the forgiveness of of all your creations?'"
We've seen this paradox of Aziraphale, an angel of the Almighty herself, losing his faith and a demon who still has his. And I need it so biblically for it to be explored more.
It would kill me, but I would devour it.
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purple-obsidian · 3 months
I'm back in your inbox again. Hello 👋
Been thinking about your ak jason todd and you've mentioned that his men know about her. They're intimidated by him and for good reason. But, hear me out, is Jason still working with scarecrow in your story?
Maybe Scarecrow is looking for the weakness in what seems like the arkham knights flawless armor. Maybe one of Jason's men isn't so loyal, or maybe scarecrow uses fear gas to get it out of them.
But I'm thinking how badly Jason would react if the reader was even in the slightest bit of danger or even vaugley threatened by scarecrow, even in passing. (Or slade, or even one of his men.) I think there'd be a bullet involved before the sentence is even over. Cause no matter how he treats her, she's still his person.
hello my friend! <3
in my little au, my fics 'say it back' and 'let go' happen just after the events of arkham knight, so jason is no longer working with scarecrow. i imagine that gotham is still a wreck, and jason hasn't yet transitioned to being red hood. so he's 'found' himself enough to have helped bruce in the end, but he's still harbors a crap ton of resentment and anger towards him and the others, and is still not above using lethal violence against those he thinks deserve it.
in my mind, this time period here is extremely tumultuous for him as he struggles to redefine and analyze what his goals and plans are now. like, if you're familiar with ATLA, i liken it to prince zuko getting physically ill after letting appa free. a sort of crisis of his self image. joker spent so much time convincing jason over and over how batman left him, abandoned him, telling him that bats was the enemy. and jason believed it, but when push came to shove, jason didn't exact his revenge. this turmoil inside of him, along with the unprocessed trauma of jokers multitude of atrocities, is what fuels a lot of his anger and unpredictability. his hired men are left over from his militia, he kept a handful of his most trusted guys on his payroll to help solidify his authority in gothams underworld. however, in my version of events, jason and reader were reunited back when he and scarecrow were still working together.
so, back to the original question. if earlier on, scarecrow had found out about reader, [and you're right, he had to trust some of his men to help keep her safe, so they could of had the info squeezed out of them. or maybe they were loose-lipped and talking shit, who knows.] no way crane could've resisted the temptation.
i think we can all agree that jason would use lethal force to protect reader. his own sins against her be damned, just because he's treated her like shit doesn't mean he will allow anyone else to threaten her or even touch her.
if it were dr. crane trying to use his fear gas on reader, jason would kill him on sight. no questions asked.
if it were someone less dangerous, like one of his militia getting too comfortable with reader, i see a possibility of him taking his time. we saw in 'let go' that he has some dark urges inside of him to hurt others the way he's been hurt. don't know if he'd actually have it in him to brutally torture someone, but if reader was injured, assaulted, or seriously harmed, who knows.
an important thing, though, is that i think jason would feel guilty after. not for killing them, not if they hurt his person. he'll be able to live with that just fine. but anything that prolongs their suffering i think he would feel remorse for, later on, when he's had more time to heal. more than anything, it will scare him to look back on it and know he's capable of such evil.
there would be a rare moment of vulnerability between jason and reader after he's eliminated the threat and can check and make sure readers okay.
if reader were suffering from fear gas, he would take her somewhere private and hold her close, not letting go until the toxin is out of her system, even if it's hours. most likely blaming himself the whole time and triggering him to spiral further down his path of self-hatred.
in the case of his militia men, they would be knocked out, and jason would get reader to safety asap. if reader has severe injuries, he may chance setting foot in a hospital, even though it reminds him of arkham. if the injuries are less severe, he would probably lock her up somewhere safe while he 'takes care' of the perpetrator, later returning to reader with bloody hands and eyes full of fear.
no matter the outcome, poor jay would be extra protective over reader for a while, second guessing who he trusts to leave her with and who is vetted enough to guard his safehouse when she's inside.
gahhhhh you're making me want to replay the games to brush up on the lore. its so tragic, jasons story. my heart hurts for him.
i would apologize for such a long-winded, unorganized response to a simple question, but i know you're just as obsessed as i am 😈
xoxo sid
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
That spring, Steve’s mom finally gets tired of getting cheated on and files for divorce. His dad is a dick about it and hires a bunch of lawyers to ensure that she basically leaves with nothing. Worse, he fights her for custody of Steve and taunts her with the fact she’ll never see him again - because why would any teenager want to give up everything, just to rough it out with their train-wreck of a mother? But jokes on him cause the judge basically leaves it up to Steve, and Steve would rather stomp on his own balls than get stuck with that asshole. Even if it means having to leave the big house and his car and starting over in a new place where nobody knows him.
Steve never met his mother’s side of the family in California. All he really knows is that the family disapproved of her marriage. There’s a story about his aunt coming to visit once on his birthday when he was like five, but she got in a fight with mom and she’s never been back. So Steve doesn’t even think about them when he tries to imagine what he and his mom are going to do on their own. He imagines her selling her car and the other gifts dad put in her name over the years to rent a decent apartment somewhere, maybe in Indianapolis or Chicago.
He’s really shocked one night when she announces that she’s been in touch with her family, and she she asks him about how he feels about moving to California to some sleepy little town called Moonwood. She tries to enthuse him about it by going on about how beautiful it is there, right at the edge of the national forest, but Steve’s more concerned with the fact that they’ll be living with people who hate them - and in the sticks too! Its two hours to the nearest mall! How’s he gonna find a job in this place? And what about school?
But Steve looks around at the hotel they’ve been staying in and the paper thin smile she fixes on her face to try and hide her broken heart from him and how fucked everything is, and he just wants her to be okay.
They move to California, and the one bright side is the relatives turn out to be not all that hateful. There’s awkward tension and a shit load of history there for sure, but from the minute they pull up to his grandparents house the door is thrown open and they’re welcomed with open arms. His grandpa seems a little stiff at first, but Steve gets the impression its because he doesn’t know what to do with himself as Steve’s mom and his grandma hug each other and cry. The weirdest part is when they start speaking in a language Steve’s never heard his mother use before.
Later his aunt tells him it’s lythan, but she just laughs when Steve asks if that means they’re from Lithuania. Apparently lythan is a very old language that started in romania and is only spoken today in two places. Here, and some village in romania that an ancestor immigrated from.
None of this is making sense to him but he’s just happy his mother seems happier and that he has help taking care of her, since she’s still pretty broken up about the divorce. She’s always been a passionate woman his mom. The kind of person who believes in soulmates and love at first sight. She’s always told him that when he meets the one for him he’ll know it in an instant and that he should hang on to that person with his whole heart. Which sounded great and all when he was a kid, but honestly just makes him sad now when he looks at how things turned out with her and his dad.
The first week after they get there, Steve cant sleep and catches his mother, his grandmother and his aunt talking in the kitchen late one night. He overhears her say that she knew it was a risk being with his dad, but that she’d have regretted it more if she didn’t follow her heart. Even if she wasn’t the one for Steve’s dad the way he was for her, she’d always be grateful because she has Steve. But she doesn’t want him to grow up feeling like he has to change who he is and like he always has to be the one giving to someone else just to be loved.
For the first time since the divorce Steve is almost mad at her - wants to shout it’s too late mom! - but the feeling passes as quickly as it comes. He’s just sad, for them both. But he hopes things will be okay here and that this can be a new start. It could be worse right? At least he gets a room to himself. Yeah it’s kinda weird that his aunt still lives at home and nobody seems to have a problem with that, or is talking about what his moms plans are like they expect that she’ll just be there forever now. But he figures they’re all just focused on making up for lost time right now.
And his grandma says that people in Moonwood stay close to home anway, and that most of them spend their whole lives there without leaving. It shocks him to learn that she’s never been further outside of town than to the edge of the national forest.
His second worry, about finding a job, gets resolved by his his grandfather - who runs a soda shop on the beach. There’s not much traffic durring the off season, but in summertime the redwoods draw a fair number of tourists. Steve’s kept very busy scooping up ice cream and making root beer floats while he flirts with the gap year girls who come through in groups, to backpack through the forest. He’s just turned eighteen and he’s never had much of a problem picking up girls so he has a few flings. He gets invited to parties on the beach and ends up doing a lot of hiking that summer in his downtime. But then fall rolls around and with fewer and fewer groups of tourists passing through Steve finds himself at loose ends.
School starts up again and he realizes that maybe it was a mistake not to put more of an effort into meeting local kids and making a few connections beforehand. Schiller High is over in the next district, and Moonwood is so far out the kids have to be bussed in. Steve’s a little nervous about starting a new school in his senior year but he tells himself it’s just one year. One year and then he has no idea what to do with himself after that, but at least he won’t be forced to attend school anymore. Still, he begs his mom to let him take their car to school the first day so that he doesn’t have to be the oldest kid on the bus. He’s pretty sure that’s a social constant even out here in the middle of nowhere.
Schiller seems pretty normal at first. It’s about the same size as his school back in Hawkins was. The school receptionist calls in some guy named Tim to show him around his first day and make sure he gets to all his classes. Tim’s alright, but Steve can see the neon nerd sign blinking above his head and plays it cool. He’s not an asshole or anything, he just doesn’t want to close any doors before getting the lay of the land. Steve just wants an easy year and he’s not gonna get that if he’s hanging out with a bully magnet - sorry Tim. Plus, Steve’s not exactly thrilled about the way Tim talks about ‘moonies’ - which is apparently what other people call people from Moonwood, instead of hicks or whatever. Steve doesn’t bother telling Tim that he’s technically a moonie now too.
His aspirations to plant himself firmly in the middle of the student social hierarchy and go unnoticed for the next ten months involve finding a group - or a pack as his grandfather weirdly put it when he assured Steve he’d find his in no time and start to feel more at home once school started. He asks Tim about the school’s athletic teams because being on a team with a bunch of other guys will basically do the work for him. There’s a swim team that Steve is definitely going to try out for. He’s not sure about basketball. He only got started back in Hawkins because his dad thought it was manlier than ‘playing’ in the pool. But he likes it okay, and Tim says the Schiller team has actually won a few regional titles.
Even though it’s his last year Steve figures it can’t hurt his college applications to be on a winning team for once. He probably won’t to start or anything but he thinks he has a good shot of seeing some playing time.
“I would stick with swimming if I were you. There’s no way you’re getting on the team.” Tim laughs. “The head coach is a moonie and he only ever picks guys from Moonwood.”
That doesn’t seem very legal, but that’s not Steve’s problem. He figures Tim is probably exaggerating anyway, just salty that the coach is giving a little extra focus to the guys from the less privileged side of the tracks.
Until Steve actually sees Billy and some of the other guys from the team.
It’s just before lunch when Steve and Tim have stopped by Steve’s locker. A blond kid in a red and white letterman jacket appears at the mouth of the hall, flanked by two other guys. It’s like something out of a movie the way the hallway clears for them and the other students gaze at them with awe filled expressions as if they’re watching a parade of olympians pass through.
“That’s Billy Hargrove. He’s captain of the basketball team.” Tim answers the unspoken question in Steve’s glance. “Don’t get on his bad side. He’s pretty much the top dog around here.”
Steve doesn’t need Tim to tell him Billy runs things around here. The guy is built like the terminator. Like someone who has ascended above mere mortals and wouldn’t be out of place among the gods. He’s built like a man, Steve finally settles on with an prickle of embarrassment hot in his chest. Steve’s a guy and he doesn’t go out of his way to look at other guys a lot, but he appreciates the things about them that are enviable.
Only envy is the furthest thing from Steve’s mind when he first sees Billy. It’s like time slows for Steve. His mouth gets dry, and he thinks to himself that Billy Hargrove is beautiful, and he wonders what that’s like. Steve knows he’s good looking. This isn’t some self depreciation bullshit, it’s just inexplicably different somehow the way he looks at Billy and thinks he finally understands what real beauty is. The way he instantly wants to get closer to him, reach out and touch. Billy has none of the unfinished awkwardness of a teenager. He’s a poster child for physical perfection that Steve is convinced walked off of a poster taped up on somebody’s wall, and has no business walking down the halls of an American high school. Seriously. How is this guy real?
He spares a quick glance for the other two guys with Billy - Dave & Chet - just long enough to confirm that he’s fucked. If these are the kinds of guys they’ve got on the team, Steve has no chance of seeing anything but a bench all year.
Billy and the other two stop at a locker not far from Steve’s on the other side of the hall, but not before Billy’s gaze does a casual sweep around the hall - very much a king surveying his kingdom. Steve fully expects that gaze to pass right over him just as unimpressed as it does everyone else, but to his surprise Billy’s gaze locks with his and sticks.
A little tingle dances up Steve’s spine and he sucks in a breath. He can’t tell what color Billy’s eyes are from this distance - at first he thinks they are something light, like a blue or grey, but then the corner of Billy’s mouth tilts up in a smirk and the light hits them a certain way and they look almost gold as he runs his tongue over some very white fangy teeth. Jesus the guy has some chompers on him.
Steve’s not afraid of a fight but it’s profoundly unsettling to have some dude literally licking his chops at him like he can’t wait to take a bite of the fresh meat. He’s pretty sure he just landed himself on Billy Hargrove’s shit list and he has no idea why. Fuck his life.
But he figures there’s nothing he can do about it but ignore it and hope that Billy decides he’s not worth the trouble. Steve turns to shut his locker, sending the message with his back that he doesn’t care about the dude giving him the crazy eyes and that Billy doesn’t intimidate him. His sweaty palms tell a different story, but that’s for Steve and only Steve to know.
As he leaves, he can feel Billy’s eyes burning into his back like lasers.
So much for going unnoticed for the year.
Now with Part 2
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theysaidhush · 5 months
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➝ Felix x Reader
➝ If loving him makes you a sinner you are willing to spend eternity in Hell.
➝ smut
➝ wc. 502w
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"It hurts…"
"Hurts so good doesn’t it?"
It was a little game between you two. One that some would call weird. It was all about endurance. And at this point it was just about stubbornness. Like thousands of clouds obscuring the sky, your mind was foggy and your brain mushy. You couldn’t tell when it started, but you did want it to stop. No matter how wrecked you were feeling or how painful the ache between your legs was begging you to end it all.
You were usually so in tune with your body. You knew each and every inches of your own skin, where it tickles, when you’re about to get sick. But for him you were willing to sacrifice yourself, to put this gut wrenching pain under layers of pleasure. Too much pleasure.
"You’re the one who wanted to play."
Felix made sure to remind you that you chose this for yourself. That he wasn’t towering over your body because he wanted to. You caused this for yourself. Sweet talking your way towards your own bed, giggling and kicking the sheets as he was throwing himself at you.
It was playful at first. You just wanted to be intimate with him, there was nothing wrong with being intimate with your boyfriend - soon to be husband because life is short. You ignored his warnings, closed your eyes when he mumbled how he could not stop once he started and acted like you were ready. Huh, you thought.
He praised you with his deep voice and brought heaven to you as you felt him move his fingers inside of you; it was the first. He devoured you, tongue warm on your fold and saliva dripping like honey; it was your second. He whispered sweet nothings as he pounded into you, cupped your face with his hand as he smiled sweetly.
"You’re doing so good…"
"Being so nice and tight for me…"
It was your third. Then your fourth. And maybe your fifth. But certainly not your last.
He gasped and whimpered, closing his eyes as your shaking fingers reached for his freckles, tracing constellations on his skin.
He filled you up until you were feeling full and satiated, and even after.
Slow and loving thrusts turned into fast, rough and needy one. For the first time you saw him high. High on you as his fingers marked your skin and his sweat dripped down your chest. He was relentless, moaning, chasing his own pleasure.
You wouldn’t believe someone who would say that Felix can be like that. He is your angel, your fairy, your galaxy. But now he’s nothing more than a devil, a nymph, a black hole. He sucked you in with his looks and now you might as well not get enough of him. Never ever.
As if being under his body was a curse - it was a sin, and you were willing to be a sinner, if only to get to touch him one more time.
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creativewaygrace · 5 months
Bible Verses About Witchcraft
1 Chronicles 10:13- Saul died for his unfaithfulness to the Lord because he did not keep the Lord's word He even consulted a medium for guidance.
1 Samuel 15:23- For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.
1 Samuel 22:23- Stay with me. Don't be afraid, for the one who wants to take my life wants to take your life. You will be safe with me.
2 Chronicles 33:6- He passed his sons through the fire in Ben Hinnom Valley. He practiced witchcraft, divination, and sorcery, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did a huge amount of evil in the Lord's sight, angering him.
Leviticus 19:31- Do not turn to mediums, or consult spiritists, or you will be defiled by them, I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 20:6- Whoever turns to mediums or spiritists and prostitutes' himself with them, I will turn against that person and cut him off from his people.
Leviticus 20:27- A man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritists must be put to death. They are to be stoned; their death is their own fault.
Revelation 18:23- The light of a lamp will never shine in you again and the voice of a groom and bride will never be heard in you again. All this will happen because your merchants were the nobility of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery.
Revelation 21:8- But the cowards, faithless, detestable, murderers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.
Galatians 5:19-20- Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions.
Galatians 5:19-21- Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing and anything similar. I am warning you about these things, as I warned you before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Micha 5:10-12- In that day, this is the Lord's declaration, I will remove your horses from you and wreck your chariots. I will remove the cities of your land and tear down all your fortresses. I will remove sorceries from your hands, and you will not have any more fortune tellers.
Acts 19:17-20- When this became known to everyone who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, they became afraid, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high esteem. And many who had become believers came confessing and disclosing their practices, while many of those who had practiced magic collected their books and burned them in front of everyone. So they calculated their value and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver, in this way the word of the Lord flourished and prevailed.
Isaiah 8:19-22- When they say to you, "Inquire of the mediums and the spiritists who chirp and mutter, shouldn't a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead, on behalf of the living? Go to God's instruction and testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, there will be no dawn for them. They will wander through the land, dejected and hungry. When they are famished, they will become enraged, and looking upward, will curse their king and their God. They will look toward the earth and see only distress, darkness, and the gloom of affliction, and they will be driven into thick darkness.
Isaiah 19: 1-4- A pronouncement concerning Egypt: Look, the Lord rides on a swift cloud and is coming to Egypt. Egypt's idols will tremble before him, and Egypt will loose heart. I will provoke Egyptians against Egyptians, each will fight against his brother and each against his friend, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. Egypt's spirit will be disturbed within it, and I will frustrate it's plans. Then they will inquire of idols, ghosts, and spiritists. I will hand over Egypt to harsh masters, and a strong king will rule it. This is the declaration of the Lord of Armies.
Acts 8:9-13- A man named Simon had previously practiced sorcery in that city and amazed the Samaritan people, while calming to be somebody great. They all paid attention to him, from the least to the greatest and they said, "This man is called the Great Power of God". They were attentive to him because he had amazed them with his sorceries for a long time, but when they believed Philip, as he proclaimed
Deuteronomy 18:10-14- No one among you is to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery, cast spells, consult a medium or spiritists, or inquire of the dead. Everyone who does these acts is detestable to the Lord, and the Lord your God is driving out the nations before you because of these detestable acts. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. Though these nations you are about to drive out listen to fortune-tellers and diviners, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do this.
Isaiah 47: 8-14- So now hear this, lover of luxury, who sits securely, who says to herself, I am, and there is no one else. I will never be a widow or know the loss of children. These two things will happen to you suddenly, in one day, loss of children and widowhood. They will happen to you in their entirety, in spite of your many sorceries and potency of your spells. You were secure in your wickedness, you said No one sees me. Your wisdom and knowledge led astray. You said it yourself, I am, and there is no one else. But disaster will happen to you, you will not know how to avert it. And it will fall on you, but you will be unable to ward it off . Devastation will happen to you suddenly and unexpectedly. So take your stand with your spells and your many sorceries, which you have wearied yourself with from your youth. Perhaps you will be able to succeed, perhaps you will inspire terror! You are worn out with your many consultations. So let the astrologers stand and save you, those who observe the stars, those predict monthly what will happen to you. Look, they are like stubble, fire burns them. They cannot rescue themselves from the power of the flame. This is not a coal for warming themselves, or a fire to sit beside!
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bitethedustfools · 1 year
New sagau idea? Part 2
Decide to make part 2 because i have bunch of ideas that probably might inspire you and i do feel these kind of stuffs need to be explored more. Fyi, I don't play genshin but i do know some from watching people gaming. Apologizing once more of these kind of idea/au exist as well.
Decide to make part 2 because i have so many ideas.
1) A violent and heartless player
You play Genshin Impact to pass time and are also a very violent and aggressive player where you'll always yell and throw items to vent or throw insults under your breath, and then back to gaming. In short, It's like a Call of Duty toxic player went into Genshin Impact.
Falling to death or drowning angered you to the point of banging your head and cursing. Not to mention, walking in the game angered you too because the characters were too slow!
You suck at first; impulsive action is not the best choice when you're angry, but you are in some way adaptable. You decide that your anger will be the source of your motivation to go through everything, so everything works out in the end.
Insulting is your mother tongue, so that means the characters and even the NPC are not spared as well. Most of your vicious, colorful insults and hurtful comments went toward people whom you hated and annoyed the most.
You remember the time when you laughed at Timmie's dumb dead birds and wished you had an option to push him off the bridge. His dad probably sensed he was a little b*tch back when he was a baby and went out to get some milk and never come back.
You sometimes intentionally let them die in a fight or or do something all in the name of experiment. You would even build a prison for them in the serenitea pot and just do the f*cked-up stuff that's possible in this game.
So one day, you broke your gaming setup due to your outburst, and somehow you woke up in Teyvat.
You didn't believe it was reality, and you still treated them as characters. Besides, they looked stupid with those stupid clothes on. They would stood out like a sore dumba$$ if they walked around in your world like that.
Anyway, killing Hilichurl or other small enemies is no problem for you. Committing a crime doesn't bother you. You probably don't bat an eye on killing people as well. Besides, all of this is just a game to you.
They're not real to you.
Their death is their fault for picking a fight with you. Should have just looked away instead of approaching you. Not your fault their feelings hurt.
Archons wanted to smite you, and somehow you managed to escape them and deal a few harmless blows. Not that it matters; you will be the one to seek them out and fight them when their backs are on you, and the cycle will repeat.
How you're still alive using a measly weapon because you don't know how to use claymore, polearms, and etc. is beyond you. But hey, anything is a weapon as long as it deals damage and even if it don't, you are still satisfied from letting all your anger out.
Nevertheless, all of the nations are in turmoil, and the culprit is none other than you.
The characters will definitely hate you, or maybe they feel ashamed and insecure about themselves because they want to fix themselves. Some acolytes and the people who believe in justice and peace had 'kill on sight' pinned on your back. They don't even believe that you are a god. God don't act like this.
The Wanderer 4th betrayal definitely happened, and Dottore clones definitely got hunted for sport because they annoyed you Does the Fatui wants to recruit you? You don't know, depends. Do they believe you are the god they worshipped? Also, don't know. Not like you care though.
No one can wreck havoc and commit more sins than you. You, a single person, broke Teyvat's peace and order effortlessly than the fatui with just impulsive anger and chaotic energy.
And if one day you realize that you actually have blood on your hands, you'll probably shrug it off and say it doesn't matter.
If you go back to your own world, no one knows what you have done. Who's going to tell the police? The dead people you stabbed out of annoyance? Those fiction characters that had animosity toward you?
No, will there even be someone alive in Teyvat if you were to return?
2) Streamer and gamer player.
In which you are transported into Teyvat along with some game skills, menus, and anything relevant to a game. That includes the chat box.
You learned that you were still streaming when you got sent to Teyvat, and everyone in the chat can see you. Cool, so it's not a dream; it's real, and instead of playing, you are the player! Where's Aether/Lumine? Why are you here? "AIYO!?? We got to see DAT CAKE!"
You are not aware that you looked like an idiot talking to yourself unless pointed out by the chat. It seems that the chat sees you as part of the game, which means that they can see the characters and NPC thoughts and words while you see them as a normal person.
Cool. Now you have to have the chat got your back, or else you're doomed. Dead. Unable to be revived. You're not sure if you can do that, but you're not willing to try.
Another problem that arises is that the chat tends to troll you or bombard you with loud sounds. It makes it harder to trust them or focus on what the characters are saying when they did this.
Sometimes you beg the chat, like they are some sort of sadistic god looking down at you from above the clouds with their chins high and a sneer.
All because you want some goddamn money because apparently, if they donate money, it instantly becomes moras and you're broke as fuck like cmon, help a fricking clown out.
Strangely, despite everything looked real, you have the physics of a game. The things you find in the game work if you try hard enough. For example, glitching under the Mondstadt's land. With these kinds of things, you don't need to walk when you can just glitch and get sent flying across the nation. Just making use of this bug makes your life easier.
Oh, how did you get stuck on this cliff while you were trying to use another entrance to Sumeru? That's right, it's an experiment to see if it works.
"Don't laugh, chat; I'm doing this out of curiosity and for you. Youre the one whos suggesting this."
The characters in Teyvat thought you were a rather peculiar person, talking to yourself at random times, and you seemed to know too much even though you didn't do any research, merely fighting hilichurls and robbing back the bandits–
–Oh Great Archons! You can fly!? No? It's a glitch? Well, they don't understand enough to understand you, but hey, that's so you. Keep up being weird, player.
Maybe the things you do are… unique and can be considered divine in their eyes. After all, who could walk on air like you do? Or bringing people back to life and knowing so much? No one could do that, so you must be a god!
As a matter of fact, you remind them of a certain figure. That's right! The creator! The creator acted like you too. Always talking to this thing called "chat"
"Um, no, I'm a gamer and chat is chat."
You fail to take into consideration that while everything looks like a game in your eyes, the people are definitely real, and this is what they thought of you.
3) Killer player
You don't play Genshin Impact, but you are quite resourceful, cunning, and deviously smart. You know this game is quite famous, and coincidentally, the prey you aimed to take life is playing it too.
In order to get closer to your prey, you must be fluent in their language. You listened to all that your prey blabbered and what they showed with an interested smile. You even question them once in a while to get them going all for the sake of learning the prey's personality and schedule and how you want to unalive them.
When you did kill your prey and accidentally broke their computer/laptop in the process, you got transported to Teyvat. In a way, you had stolen your prey's fate instead.
(The characters had mistaken you for their creator before but dismissed it because you lacked a certain presence. However, you do feel familiar with them because you sometimes watch over the game when your prey has played before.)
Now, you heard interesting things about this game, and you grew more interested when the characters interacted with you. How amusing! The characters had no idea you were a very sinister and cunning person behind a weak and polite persona.
In terms of healthcare, they are leaning toward supernatural stuff, and the medicine using materials found in this world is also effective. However, they seem to be lacking in a certain area that needs surgery.
Most deaths were common due to hilichurls and bandits, or those whom they called the Fatui, so they wouldn't be examined too closely. You doubt that they even have something that closely resembles fingerprint identification, judging by the lack of technology..m
…Which means hiding and killing is much easier than in your previous world.
Teyvat is such a nice place to have entertainment. It didn't take too long for you to settle here and get comfortable.
Monstadt is a city known for freedom and peace; however, once you arrive here, every night, no doubt a single person will go missing or be found dead. You are normally a silent killer, but you couldn't resist letting them know. Their expression thrilled you.
All those knight roaming around at night, and they couldn't even save a single person. What a pity.
In Liyue, the funeral parlor became rich all thanks to these crimes you were committing. Does a certain acolyte know what you're doing? Maybe not, afterall, there are more ways to kill a person than just a sword and poison.
Accidents could happen, you know? falling off a cliff, in the wrong place at the wrong time, being mauled by animals where people conveniently are not near, or dealing with the wrong person.
Inazuma is much more easier; their deaths could be pinned on one person who is also the source of the nation's tense atmosphere. Hatred, anger and fear rose with each crime you committed, but there is no evidence that you did it. After all, what could a weak and polite person who looked like they couldn't wield a sword do?
Plenty actually. Not that they know.
Sumeru is quite nice. Full of gifted scholars and intelligent individuals. You thought it will be a challenge seeing as you have similar minds and yet, most disappointed you.
All these smart people, and they couldn't string the murder together. Maybe you don't kill the right one which mean the don't care. Oh? Then should you kill the one with that grey hair? He seems to be someone of importance.
You made Akademiya your target. You must admit that you learned quite a lot of precious knowledge in this place. While youre here, might as well pretend to be one and use this time to gather infos.
They did not know and realized how you got into the Akademiya or how you had disguised yourself as one of the scholars. They don't know how you got through security or how one by one are slowly not attending the class or the expedition.
They said that acting confidently like you belong there and becoming part of the background like a plain NPC is always the key to infiltration.
And oh, even if they get suspicious and point that out to you, you know what to do. Lying, speaking half the truth, and gaslighting are also languages you are quite good at.
And Fontaine, oh, Fontaine. A nation that is known for justice when, in fact, it's not always about justice but entertainment. It is a nation that indirectly challenge you as well. Entertainment? Why, you know what kind of entertainment you shall give! It will be something that everyone remembers for the rest of their life.
You are like Jack the Ripper, never caught and never punished. Did the Archons ever suspect you? Who knows. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.
All you know is that you have an alibi to back you up and a likeable and underestimated personality.
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radioappleheadcanons · 7 months
Part three! (here are parts one and two) This one is a bit more Vox-heavy than the others, but that's because I couldn't think of any other things, they'd have issues over once they worked through the things mentioned in the first two parts. So, picking up where we left off.
A large portion of the city got to see Vox freaking out and yelling at Alastor, demanding to know who his supposed rival is and why they got to make demands of him. One-half of the viewers are convinced that Alastor must have done something because Vox would never be upset that he's not a rival. Now, he clearly just wants to know who it is, so he can hold them against Alastor. The other half read the room a bit better and insisted that no, Vox is actually just upset that he's been replaced. It starts several wars within the Vees fandom, which usually Velvette would be angry about, but honestly, she's having too much fun watching it. If it starts really hurting them, she'll do something but for now, she is just watching the chaos, trying to get a feel for it.
But no matter what side they’re on, they all want to know who the person Alastor was talking to on the radio was, and who, if Vox was to be believed, got to negotiate the terms of his forgiveness with Alastor.
But then Vox just shows up in person, insisting that he's there to help. Literally everyone knows he's not, but they can't do much about it, because he does have a live stream going. With a lot of annoyance, they give him a tour. He tries to bribe several people to tell him who the rival is. No one does. They just roll their eyes.
RadioApple has mixed feelings about it. On one hand, Alastor loves attention. He thrives on it. On the other hand, this really isn't anyone's business and he'd prefer if it had never gotten out. Lucifer is in a similar boat. They talk about it, deciding that they simply aren't going to address this. It's not the greatest idea but they know that feeding into it will just make it worse. So, Vox has doubled the doubt of drones he's got watching the hotel, and now they have people showing up to try and scope them out. Thankfully after kicking a few of them out and wrecking the drones they get the point across.
Meanwhile, after dealing with it a bit, RadioApple decides that it'll be funny to mess with people. So, they have Lucifer use a voice filter and do Al's radio show. They have Alastor, sans fillters, answer the phone when the sins call Lucifer. They enjoy the sheer chaos, and no one puts the pieces together, because the sins aren't talking to sinners, and the sinners can't even get to the other sins. Alastor in particular enjoys watching people fail around like a bunch of headless chickens trying to figure it all out. But they also just never mention it again, which just makes everything worse because they now have no leads whatsoever at all and everyone is just wondering if maybe Alastor was just screwing with them.
Only he definitely seems to be in a better mood and refers to whoever this person is sometimes. Eventually everyone (-vox) accepts that they're not getting answers. and then the world rival changes into a partner, and everything loses their mind because WHAT? Surely you don't mean the same mysterious rival right? No? You do? Okay well, what does that mean?
People are finally desperate enough to try to get information out of the others, which is a mistake because the others make it to mess with them. So, there's a lot of ‘Oh the Roach King? Yes, his Raoch Queen is wonderful’ or ‘Oh Strawberry Pimp’s latest commitment, yeah they hot together’ and the like.
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