#he always avoids talking about eric at all cost
frootyrooties · 11 days
it’s so funny the way my boyfriend gets jealous of eric. like the last conversation we had about him he was like all “if we ever had a son, i’d name him stewart because i know how much you like that guy.”
he’s not just some guy, babe, he’s eric guitar god stewart.
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keiththecat · 1 year
The Tortoise and The Hair
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader (You)
Summary: You've been hunting with the Winchester brothers for a while, and you've developed feelings for the older Winchester. Unbeknownst to you, he has feelings for you as well. Will you both admit to these feelings when a coincidence brings emotions to a head?
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: 18+, cursing, male nudity (shower), pistol mention, knife mention
Author's Note: This is my first every fanfic! Y/N is your name, y/h/c is your hair color, and italics are thoughts. The mentions toward male nudity are not super detailed, but the mentions are there. Feedback is welcome! Thanks for reading <3
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of the related characters. The Supernatural series is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW Network. This work of fan fiction is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit of any kind from this story. All rights of the original Supernatural series belong to The CW Network.
AO3 link here
"You've got to be kidding me." You run your hands through your hair in frustration.
"Sorry, Y/N, looks like another day without a hunt," Sam continues scrolling on his laptop, hoping he can find something to prove himself wrong, even if just to make you happy.
"There's got to be something. Come on, Sam, I can't be stuck here in the bunker again."
It's been weeks without a hunt. Not a single one. Sam has kept busy with research, but you've been itching to get away. Chuck only knows what Dean's been doing, he's been avoiding you every second of every day. You've even been starting to wonder if you should move out of the bunker and go back to your solo hunting ways. Your stuff is always mostly packed, you could be out of here in less than 3 minutes. Sam being like the brother you never had is the only reason you haven't yet. Well, that and your crush on the older Winchester.
"Y/N," Sam sighs, closing his laptop and crossing his arms on top of the table to look at you seriously. "There's more to this than just boredom, isn't there?"
You scoff, "of course not. I'm just bored. And itching for kills. You know me." You lie through your teeth, hoping Sam will accept this answer and drop it.
"Y/N, you know you can talk to me."
You stare at each other for several painful seconds before you break. "Fine. I just feel like Dean hates me."
Sam places his hand on yours. "You know that's not true. Why would you think that?"
You roll your eyes. "Come on, Sam. He avoids me at all costs. He doesn't even come out for meals together anymore. Let alone not talking to me, he doesn't even talk to you if I'm around! He just motions for you to follow him to another room. You can't honestly say he's happy I'm here." You get up to start walking away when you both hear Dean's yell from down the hall.
"Son of a BITCH!"
With one look at Sam and panic in your eyes, you both take off running.
A few moments earlier....
Another boring day. Alone. Ever since you moved in months ago, Dean just can't seem to bring himself to have any one night stands. He tries his best not to ignore why that is. He'll just keep avoiding you and quietly checking with Sam about what's going on, if there are any leads on hunts, how you're doing...
No. He doesn't want to spiral down this hole again. He can't follow through. Bad things happen when he and Sam get involved with anyone. He won't subject you to that. Maybe if he keeps avoiding you, you'll get sick of it and leave the bunker, minimizing your risk of being targeted because of them. He's upset enough that Sam refuses to do the same, instead being nice to you all the time. Hell, you and Sam are practically inseparable, you even have movie nights together.
Maybe he can make his feelings for you go away if he avoids you enough. He can stop thinking about how you light up a room when you laugh, instantly making his mood brighter. Or how your cooking always smells the most delicious, even the most simple foods weave a decadent smell throughout the halls. Or how you're always waiting at the bottom of the stairs after the brothers run for supplies, smile on your face and arms wide open to hug Sam.
Maybe if I stop ignoring her, I could fall into those arms, hold her close, smell that enticing perfume of hers up close...
Somehow you've managed to integrate yourself into every aspect of his life, despite his attempts to keep you out. He's constantly finding your post-it notes with cute doodles in the most random of spots, inside kitchen cabinets and books that have been untouched for months. He even found one under the sink one day, a stick figure drawing wearing a trench coat, an arrow pointing from the word baby to the figure. Sam had to explain that one to Castiel, who then laughed and asked you excitedly if he could keep it.
He shakes his head and runs his hand down his face, as if that will clear the thoughts.
I need to think of annoying things about her. Reasons to keep my distance. Come on, there's got to be something.
And then it hit him. Your hair. Your beautiful, y/h/c hair that he would love to run his fingers through. No, not beautiful, he reminds himself, annoying. It's everywhere, even in rooms you don't frequent, even in rooms he's sure you've never been in.
He'll just have to hang on to this annoyance until he can think of more. If he can manage to think of more. This is useless, he sighs, grabbing his things to take a shower. At least I know I can waste time relaxing with a hot shower and not run into her there. He double checks to make sure the coast is clear in the hallway before heading toward the shower room, hearing muffled voices further down the hall but assuming it's you, busy helping Sam with research.
He gets to the shower room and sets up his things. He turns on the hot water, and steam starts filling the room immediately. He undresses, stepping under the water and letting the heat relax his muscles, tense from his endless debate about his feelings. He grabs his soap bar and starts cleaning, but he feels a tug when he starts to clean his member. Confused, he looks down, finding a long hair knotted around his most sensitive part.
He yanks on the hair, finding it stuck. He yanks harder, feeling a small sting followed by relief with the tension breaks the hair. With the hair pinched between his fingers, he brings it up closer to look at it under the light. He assumed it would be one of Sam's. They mix up their clothes in the laundry sometimes, it would make sense for it to be Sam's hair. But no, luck has never been on Dean's side. The hair is very distinctly from your head.
How did her hair even manage to get there? Damn it, I can't even escape her here... By myself... In the shower... When I haven't been around her for weeks.
He feels the frustration building and his fists clenching. Frustration at not being able to avoid you, at not truly wanting to avoid you, at his member having some semblance of contact with you but nowhere near the contact he desires. It builds and builds until he explodes, "Son of a BITCH!"
Sam rushes ahead of you toward Dean's yell, pistol already in his hands and raised by the time you both reach the shower room, ready for whatever fight he may find. You have a silver blade in your hand, fists raised, eyes scanning for a threat.
"What? What is it, Dean?" Sam asks urgently, not seeing any outward threats to everyone's safety. Dean spins around at the intrusion, eyes widening. You swear you see panic in his eyes when they connect with yours, then Dean frantically grabs his towel, wrapping it around his waist to hide his lower half. You try your hardest to stay focused and not get distracted by his bare chest.
"What is it? Look at it!" Dean yells at Sam, shoving his right hand toward Sam's face, thumb and pointer finger pinched together.
Sam slowly lowers his gun, looking between Dean's hand and his eyes several times in disbelief. "You yelled about a hair??"
"Look at it!" Dean insists, "it's hers!" He gestures toward you with his hand, still holding the pinched hair.
You furrow your brow, "so? It's just a hair? I have a lot of it. I'm sure that's not the only one in here."
"It wasn't just in here. It was wrapped around my head!" Dean yells.
You and Sam look at each other, shrugging. "I fail to see the issue here," the younger Winchester states.
"You know," Dean continued, "my head." He emphasizes the last word with a gesture toward his lower half.
You and Sam look at each other again, eyebrows raised, then Sam throws his head back and bursts into laughter. You lock your eyes back on Dean, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Dean's face is red with anger and what you think might be a touch of embarrassment. "Sammy, it's not funny. It was knotted and I had to pull it! What if it did any damage?"
"Oh, well Chuck forbid my hair do damage to your most prized possession," you mumble under your breath. Sam hears you, making him laugh even harder, doubling over and wiping his eyes.
"What did you say?" Dean asks, dropping his hand and, finally, the hair.
"Nothing," you say, looking away.
"That's it. Sammy, grab her. We're shaving her head," Dean threatens, taking a half step toward you.
"Dean, come on," Sam says, still lightly laughing. "You have to admit, it's kind of funny."
"Is it, Sammy? It's bad enough I can't stop thinking about her all the-" Dean stops himself, slamming his mouth shut.
Your jaw drops. You swear time stops. Have you been wrong this whole time? Could it be possible he has feelings for you too?
Dean quickly leaves, while you stand there frozen in shock. Sam watches his brother go, then turns to you, "you okay?"
"He likes me too, doesn't he, Sam?"
Sam just looks at you silently for a moment, then puts a hand on your shoulder. "I swore I'd never say anything. He thinks he's helping to protect you. He's... not good at this kind of thing."
You're in shock. Or dreaming. There's no other logical explanation. You're thrilled because he likes you too, but also heartbroken that he thinks this is protecting you. You, a hunter for your entire life, who did it all by herself until running into the Winchesters, who took down vampire nests and demons and everything inbetween with minimal or no injuries, are seen as weak in his eyes?
Leaving Sam behind, you storm down the hall to Dean's bedroom door and pound on it several times. "Go away, Sam," you hear through the door.
"It's me. We need to talk."
After several long seconds, you resign yourself to accepting he's not going to open it. Just as you're getting ready to leave, it opens just enough to reveal Dean, stone faced and fully dressed, wet hair sticking up at odd angles.
"Can I come in?" You ask. He wordlessly opens the door a fraction more and steps to the side for you to enter.
You walk past him a few steps and turn toward him as he closes the door. "I know you're better with actions than with words, so I'm gonna talk and I just want you to listen, okay? I'm not weak. I don't need you to protect me. I can make my own choices. And I choose you. And I'm not going to pretend to know what could happen in the future. But I know that if you watch my back and I watch yours, we can handle anything this world, Heaven, or Hell could throw at us."
You slowly drift closer to him as you continue, "I won't pretend to know every little thing about you, but I do know you, Dean. I know how loyal you are. And how you will always put yourself in harm's way to protect those you care about. How you blame yourself for every loss. How you like to sit outside on quiet nights and look at the stars, enjoying the peace that has been so rare in your life."
You're in his space now, and you reach up to place your hand on his cheek. He leans into your hand, closing his eyes. "I don't know how to do this, Y/N."
"Me neither, Dean. But how about we take a leap of faith together and we can figure it out?"
He opens his mesmerizing green eyes, and you notice unshed tears building up in them. Then, faster than you can blink, his lips are on yours.
You always thought the cliche of seeing fireworks was just that, a cliche. But you'll be damned if you're not seeing entire light shows behind your eyelids right now. Every nerve ending in your body lights up as if on fire. Arms wrapped around each other, you and Dean are pressed so close together, not even air can pass between you. He licks your lower lip, asking permission, and you open without hesitation. Your tongues battle for dominance until you can't breathe, and you break apart, both gasping for air.
"So I guess that's it then, huh, sweetheart?" he rasps, smirking, leaning his forehead on your own.
"Guess so, tough guy. Who would have thought my hair would be the key," you laugh.
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doyozen · 2 years
ROOM 37. haechan
part 3. 4.3k words.
playlist here
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in which she falls for the guitarist next door.
ft. jeno, renjun, jaemin, yangyang, xiaojun, kun, soobin, winter, yeji
genre enemies to lovers, band au
warning contains drinking, smoking, mature content, haechan is an asshole at first
❝that attitude of yours is awful,
lee haechan. i don't care how
hot you are.❞
❝you think i'm hot? how sweet.❞
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though it was impossible to stay as far away from haechan as she could, considering they were neighbors, youngmi made a mental note to avoid him at all costs. it didn't take long to make that decision when she remembered how he acted towards her whenever they came face to face.
"they're being dramatic, youngmi," eric jumped in, "they're not the best but they're definitely not as bad as these two are trying to make them seem."
not too long after winter and yeji ranted about the friend group, haechan was spotted with the other three laughing and talking, a sight youngmi thought she'd never see since all three times he's looked at her it was a blank face with seemingly no thoughts behind it.
it almost upset her, the thought that he only looked at her with genuine vacancy.
she hadn't realized she'd been staring when he turned his head directly towards her and the smile on his face faded. in the same moment, 'why'd you only call me when you're high?' by arctic monkeys began playing, a song youngmi really enjoyed but couldn't seem to now because she was feeling her face heating up from embarrassment.
before she could fully process what had happened, soobin came up behind her and held a cup to her, startling her. "sorry, here."
"thank you!" she thanked, taking a huge swish of whatever dark liquid was in her cup. with instant regret, she held back a gag and felt her eyes water, wishing she'd taken a smaller sip and didn't try to look confident in front of soobin. luckily, he didn't seem to notice.
youngmi could clearly hear many people singing the lyrics to the song playing. with as many people as there were cramped together in the place, most of them looking to be hype-beasts and like they listened to lil pump, she hadn't expected it but definitely wasn't complaining.
"do you like arctic monkeys?" soobin asked as if he'd read her mind.
youngmi nodded, "absolutely. i feel very safe here."
soobin chuckled and remembered they're one of the bands he noticed in the stack of records she'd given him. the thought made him smile, that she wanted to introduce him to her type of music. moments later, sunny and yangyang finally came trailing up to the group right when youngmi had started to think they were never going to.
"oh, funny seeing you here," she joked to her best friend.
"sorry, i talk too much and he just listens. i couldn't help myself," sunny laughed, "these are my friends by the way. soobin, eric, yeji, and winter. people, this is yangyang."
a small chatter of 'hey' was heard amongst the group, yangyang shyly lifting his hand to wave. sunny brought it upon herself to grab erics cup out of his hand and sip on it. "is the bitch here?"
about to ask who exactly who 'the bitch' is, soobin spoke up. "yeah, over there." his finger pointing in the direction of haechan, it didn't take long for youngmi to realize 'the bitch' in question is just her brother.
"ah, he's always around those assholes. i guess it takes one to know one. youngmi, stay away from them, i beg you."
"we gave her that talk already, don't worry." yeji nodded, flipping dark her hair over her shoulder as sunny sent her a thumbs up.
"i don't know about y'all, but it's very boring standing here, so if you'll excuse me," the girl grabbed a hold of both yejis and winters hands, pulling them up from their positions leaning against the table, "we're gonna go dance."
she sent a quick wink to youngmi and then they were gone. eric apparently wasn't much of a dancer, so he insisted on staying put and monitoring his house as it was where the party took place. he and yangyang found themselves in a conversation, so now it was just soobin and youngmi.
it was too obvious sunny knew to get them alone.
awkward silence filled the air even over the loud music, neither of them really knowing what to say for a moment. once the alcohol slowly, but surely began to enter youngmis system, her nerves finally calmed and now had the urge to dance. "do you dance?"
"hm? oh, um, i don't usually. but i can, if you want to." she could tell he desperately wanted to say no, as he knew where the conversation was going. she didn't want to make him uncomfortable but confidence finally grew within her and didn't want to miss an opportunity.
"i kinda do. with you, if you're comfortable." she suggested, her tipsy eyes looking up at his, making it impossible for him to say no.
"for sure!" he hesitantly agreed, their hands found each others and now they were leaving the table they hung out at to where sweaty and drunken bodies were moving to the music.
the previous song was over at this point, and 'she's my collar' by gorillaz began playing which made youngmi want to dance even more as she turned to face soobin. goofy smiles were plastered on their faces as they made small movements together, occasional giggles at each other when they realized how bad they both are at dancing. but neither of them cared too much. they just wanted more than to stand there awkwardly next to each other.
the three girls quickly noticed the pair, them going shy when they started to cheer them on loudly with yells and whistles. youngmi cheeks going red, turning and hiding her face with her hair.
"they're enjoying this more than we are!" soobin shouted over the music, weakly moving his tall body around to the music as the girl found herself laughing at his attempt.
this went on for hours. sunny ended up getting black out drunk to the point where nothing she said made sense, yangyang getting distracted by random girls flirting with him he hadn't even ended up drinking himself like he planned to. because of this, he had to be the one to drive youngmi home since she'd completely forgotten she took her own car and ended up drinking.
luckily this time she stopped herself just before her limit and wasn't wobbling around everywhere like a toddler. by the end of the night, her feet were killing her and she simply just wanted to go home.
"you're not driving, right?" soobin asked her as they stood outside together, people passing them and going home themselves.
"nope. that one is." youngmi replied, referring to yangyang who was leaned against the head of her car, scrolling through his phone as he waited for her.
"good, i had fun."
"me too-"
"alright! give me my friend back," youngmi was cut off by the sound of sunnys voice as her arms wrapped tightly around the girls body. "don't drink and drive. i love you."
youngmi chuckled, "i won't. i love you too. bye guys." the older unleashed herself from youngmi and gave her one last goodbye, sending a smile to soobin before walking to her car.
yangyang sighed of relief as she opened the passengers side, him getting in the drivers side and the two buckled themselves in before he started the car. growing more and more tired by the minute, youngmi found herself drifting off during the drive and before she even knew it, they were in front of her house.
she looked at yangyang, "are you good with walking home? or do you wanna spend the night?"
"i was hoping you'd ask that, i really don't wanna walk." the girl chuckled at the way she'd practically read his mind, the two immediately jumped out of her car. seeing as she was his ride to the party and she left him to be the one to drive back, it was only fair to offer him staying for the night.
a huge sigh left youngmis lips as she entered the comfort of her home, throwing her shoes aside and running to her room to strip of the clothes she wore and change into something more comfortable. she then lazily wiped off her makeup and tied her hair up before walking back out.
she was about to call out for yangyang to sleep in her bed while she slept on the couch, but as she entered the living room, the boy was fast asleep with half of his body off the couch and parted lips and light snores coming out. she couldn't fight laughter as she covered her mouth to avoid being too loud, grabbing the blanket folded neatly on the side and placed it over him.
with one last big yawn, youngmi went back to her room and flopped onto her bed. it was nearing one in the morning and she was easily exhausted, falling into deep sleep the second her head hit her pillow.
a cloud. purple and blue scenery surrounding her with pretty flowers lying neatly against her body. a smile appeared on her face as she sunk even further into the cloud and admired setting of her sweet dream and molded the fluffiness of the cloud in between her fingers.
this is such a good dream. she was so deep in her sleep and would truly lose her mind if something were to wake her up right now. after a long day into the late night, she deserved this. she definitely deserved this. it would truly be such a shame if anything were to waken her.
her vision suddenly went black and she was back in her slumber before a noise shot her straight up into the air, eyes still closed as the sound of a guitar soon came into her ears. her puffy eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the dim lamp next to her bed and began to regain her consciousness.
"what the fuck?" youngmi mumbled to herself, looking at her phone to see the time reading 4 am. the sound of the guitar didn't stop, she knew exactly where it came from, and she slowly began to grow angry at it.
i can't fucking take this anymore.
she'd been very patient, and nice, and respectful. never once complaining about the obnoxious guitar playing and music blasting right next door. it's only been a week, she'd thought she could be used to it by now, realizing after day 3 he was never going to stop, but she hasn't adjusted to it and he hasn't stopped either. it just made her more and more annoyed.
maybe she was feeling a little stupid thinking he'd stop eventually, the entire floor was used to it at this point.
the girl jumped out of bed, throwing on her slippers and stomping out her room with closed fists, seeing her best friend still sound asleep on the couch, she got a little jealous. "how the fuck are you sleeping through that?"
disregarding the thought, she flung open the door of her apartment and went straight into the hallway, feet landing right in front of room 37. lee haechan. nothing was stopping her now, she wasn't thinking at all when she raised her fist and banged as hard as she possibly could on his door for a good ten seconds until the sound stopped.
faint footsteps were heard, getting closer until they stopped and the door was swung open. a confused haechan stood on the other side, getting ready to ask what exactly the girl was doing there but she beat him to it.
"for the love of god, i'm begging you to keep it fucking down. i have a pounding headache and i came home exhausted, i am so sick of hearing your shit every. single. night. you're probably the biggest arrogant asshole i've ever met, do you think people wanna hear your average guitar playing? because they don't, show some fucking respect."
was it really about the noise by the end of her rant? honestly, not really. she was tired and hungry and still a little tipsy along with the pounding in her head. she overall just had enough.
he looked completely blank, and youngmi didn't know how to take it. there was no way of telling what he was feeling as he stared at her all the way until she was done speaking. she expected him to say something, anything, but nothing came out.
he just shut the door in her face.
...let me repeat that, he just shut the door in her face.
defeated and even more angry than before, youngmi huffed as loudly as she possibly could and stomped right back into her apartment before she allowed herself to do or say anything even worse.
fuck you, lee haechan.
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"why did na jaemin, who i never speak to unless absolutely necessary, ask me if you were single?"
youngmi almost dropped the phone in her hand as she rummaged through her clothes, the sentence being the very first thing sunny said when the other picked up the phone. "no way he said that... did he?"
"yeah, he most definitely did. i genuinely didn't think he or any of them noticed us at the party but... should i tell him yes?"
"well, it's not just because of the party. i ran into all of them at my job yesterday and i don't know, we talked for a bit. they somehow convinced me to see them play this weekend." the girl huffed.
"dude, na jaemin has the hots for you. he's not one for relationships though so please be careful if you decide to mess around with him. also! i hardly ever attend my brothers gigs but let's go together, yeah? witness the mess together."
"yeah, of course. i'm not really interested in jaemin, though. still trying to get to know soobin."
"how's that going?"
"it's good, he's really sweet but we haven't really had a chance to hang out. i'm thinking i should invited him with us this weekend."
"do it babe, i'll bring eric so i'm not completely third-wheeling," sunny replied, "are you busy by the way? if not, let's chill right now."
"i can't, i'm meeting up with an old friend."
the older cooed, "aw, okay, have fun!"
youngmi said a quick goodbye before setting her phone down to change. something about the fact that the attractive boy she met the day before asking about her to her friend made her quite flustered. she was super shy as is, and never usually had guys be curious about her, so not only was she investing into soobin, she had this keyboard player wanting something to do with her.
however, she kept sunny's, winters, and yejis words imprinted in the back of her mind. she already knew haechan wasn't the nicest person, however the others didn't seem as bad as she expected them to be, but it was hard to tell when she hasn't known them for long. the last thing she wanted was a guy solely wanting just to sleep with her.
soobin seemed like the complete opposite of that kind of guy, and she may have been making a mistake being so loyal so early into whatever they were, but she couldn't find it in her not to be.
the girl through on something after stripping from her sleepwear, already having decent hair and makeup before heading out the door.
excitement filled her body as she was on her way to hang out with one of her best friends whom she hadn't seen in years. there's no exaggeration when saying she truly didn't and never had a lot of friends. she had a solid friend group through out middle school, and some of high school, but quickly grew out of them as they all turned out to be people she really hated being around.
youngmi took yangyang under her wing when they were just 13 and then xiaojun took them both under his a few years later, then it was that way ever since.
the restaurant they were meeting at came into sight quicker than expected. the pair wanted to see him straight after their shift the day before, but both agreed that they were too tired to do so and they'd just do it the day after.
the two boys already being seated, a big smile fell onto youngmis face as she spotted them. xiaojun didn't waste a second standing up to give her a comforting, tight hug.
"getting started without me, as usual," she joked when she noticed there were appetizers on the table.
xiaojun laughed as the two sat down. "you know yangyangs impatient."
it was true, yangyang had this thing where he had to have some sort of snack before every meal. the two teased him for such a habit from the very beginning, and he learned to just take it. every restaurant they went to together consisted of the boy getting too full on appetizers to finish his main dish.
"he was just telling me what's been new since i've been gone. you got your own place?" the eldest questioned.
youngmi nodded, "yep! just a small, cheap apartment. nothing crazy, but it works."
"nice, nice. and you've been seeing some guy...?"
about to ask how in the world he could've possibly known about her love life, youngmis eyes slowly shifted over to yangyang who sat right next to her. he innocently sipped his soda while his eyes avoided her. "we were catching up, and it slipped. my bad!"
the girl sighed and looked back to xiaojun. "i guess i'm... seeing him. honestly, we still hardly know each other i just thought he was really cute and wanted to get to know him."
"really? what's his name?" youngmi couldn't tell whether he was genuinely curious or being a tad bit protective as he usually was. she was never interested in boys for most her life so whenever she even briefly mentioned one, they immediately had questions.
"soobin. you'd like him."
xiaojun hummed, "would i?"
"yes, you would."
a playful smile spread over xiaojuns lips as he lifted his glass to take a swig from it before youngmi spoke up again. "you guys wanna go to a bar to see a band play this weekend?"
"what band?"
"um, this guy in my apartment building is in some band and they said i should go see them play. so naturally, i'm inviting you."
yangyang frowned with confusion before turning his head to her. "are you talking about haechan? don't you hate-"
"we should go, because we like bars and music. strictly."
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"you mean.. the boys of south korea?"
"...that's their band name?"
on the other end of the phone, soobin let out a light chuckle at her reaction. "yeah. when they started playing it sparked a some controversy, but the refuse to change it."
"okay... yeah, them. i didn't even know they were in a band to begin with, but i don't know, they seem decent."
the boy nodded, forgetting he couldn't be seen. when he didn't answer, youngmi spoke again. "but you know them way better than me, so i should trust your word more, huh? we don't have to-"
"no! no, i'd love to. i mean their music isn't really my thing but it doesn't matter if i'm with you. i really appreciate the invite."
youngmi smiled at the response before shaking her head to herself. "okay, i'll see you tonight."
she hated to admit it, but she was actually expecting a good show from the group. she knows what she said to haechan, that his guitar playing was merely mediocre, but she didn't think so at all. as much as she hated hearing it every single night for hours, he was admittedly good at it.
she was mostly surprised that she'd never even heard of them, as sunny explained that they played at bars all the time and youngi and yangyang spent too much time at bars strictly for the food and occasional drinks. black cat bar was already quite popular, so when the six of them arrived, the place was already packed.
as they sat down, youngmi watched from her seat as the four at the small stage in the front set up their equipment. haechans black hair and piercings shimmered under the stage light with veins prominent from his hands as he adjusting the tuning pegs on his guitar.
"i used to be so jealous of him when we were younger," sunny leaned in and said to youngmi, snapping her out of her thoughts, "i wanted to play guitar too but he would always tell me to get my own thing, so i changed my mind."
"you'd be a hot guitar player," youngmi replied, sunny grinning and playfully shoving her shoulder.
"hi everyone," the groups head turned to the front, where renjun was speaking through a microphone, "i'm renjun and we are the boys of south korea. we hope you enjoy our performance, and have a good time. thanks for coming."
then their first song began playing and the six of them ordered their meals and got their drinks, enjoying the song playing in the background. "they're not bad." xiaojun commented, the others silently agreeing.
"as much as haechan annoys me, i have to admit his little band is pretty good. mostly because i just like this genre of music." sunny nodded, sipping on her vodka soda.
"what kind of music do you like, soobin?" xiaojun asked the boy.
it was pretty clear he was asking questions to get as much information on soobin as possible, as he usually did with the very few guys youngmi brought around. soobin lifted his eyes, taken aback from the sudden question.
"hm? oh, um, i'm not too big on punk rock, if that's what it's called. i'm more into like, pop and indie."
xiaojun nodded and silence filled the air before everyone broke out into laughter at the awkwardness. soobin, very confused on what was funny about what he said, furrowed his eyebrows. "what? what's so funny?"
sunny huffed a breath after her giggles, reaching over to pinch his cheeks. "you're too cute."
"holy shit, sunny, you're brother is actually sick on guitar." yangyang complimented, the attention was off of soobin as everyone turned their heads to the stage, where the part of the song was a solid 30 seconds of just lead guitar.
his dark wavy hair flopped just above his eyes, his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth in concentration and his body glistening with sweat. he was easily so attractive in that moment, you could hear some girls whistling which only further boosted his ego into a smirk. everyone was looking at him. whether it was the guitar or the guitarist himself, every single pair of eyes in that bar were just on him.
for the first time ever, sunny was actually cheering him on and when haechan looked up to see her, a genuine smile formed over his lips. their relationship was never great but they were siblings at the end of the day, the least they could do was support each other.
sunnys shouts turned into the entire bar cheering and clapping, even his own bandmates until his solo was over.
"god, he's so-" stopping herself immediately, youngmi shut her mouth quickly before a compliment was about to slip out of her mouth. one that wasn't necessarily about his guitar skills. "he's alright."
the girl had almost forgotten that there were even other people in the room, feeling a nudge from her left from soobin. "i've been listening to the records, by the way."
youngmi smiled. "really? how do you like them?"
"they're different, in a good way. in the best way, honestly. i know i said i wasn't big on rock and stuff like that, but i can definitely see why you enjoy it." he explained. she both admired and appreciated his honesty, noting that it was very new to him.
the six ate and laughed for most of the night all the way until 'the boys of south korea' stopped playing. that was when it was nearing eleven pm, where the bar was closing early for once and everyone had no choice but to go home.
this was truly the most youngmi ever left her house, let alone with the friends she never had just a month ago. she was slowly but surely coming out of her shell.
as the pack picked up their things and left the bar, they were met outside with the band themselves as the friends playfully cheered them on. jaemin was clearly enjoying it too much, while haechan wandered off a bit and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out from his pocket.
"you came!" the hyper boy exclaimed to youngmi, about to sling his arm over her shoulder when he was stopped by sunny. "hey, leave room for jesus. i don't want you corrupting my girl."
jaemin scoffed before following it up with a chuckle. "didn't you know? i'm pure, never even hugged a girl." he teased.
sunny fake laughed and made mocking noises towards him before reverting her eyes to jeno and renjun, who stood just next jaemin. "anyways, thank you guys for coming. how were we?"
"amazing, holy shit," yangyang breathed, "for a local band i was really impressed."
"you guys were great." youngmi chimed in after gaining the courage to speak up amongst the group. they thanked her and yangyang, smiles on their faces while jaemins eyes scanned youngmis body like she was the first girl he'd ever seen.
she was clueless of this, but soobin watched intently as a frown subconsciously fell over his face, youngmi almost jumping in surprise when his hand found hers and pulled her even closer to him. it was unexpected, but she surely wasn't complaining.
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part 1
part 2
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byenycfm · 1 year
Sample OC App and Acceptance. Thank you, Art for letting us post your app as an example!
Name: Art
Age: 30+
Pronouns: She/her
Timezone: GMT+1
Triggers: N/A
Where did you find us? Nikki found me first xD
Character name: Zach Reve Sanders
Age: 29
Pronouns: He/him
Room #: (Refer to the Building Directory for vacant suites) 504
Preferred FC: Evan Peters in AHS: Cult (specifically)
Previous Occupation: Video game programmer
Desired Connections: twin brother - Eric
Marital Status: Single
Children: N/A
Years Residing at The Wexley: 29
Zach is a loner but no need to join a rescue team – he likes it that way. He hates crowds and having to deal with strangers, even talking to his neighbors drains Zach's social battery. The only person whose company he actually enjoys and feels comfortable in is his brother. He's intelligent and observant, but also rather grumpy and stubborn.
Having famous parents might sound fun to some people, but the Sanders brothers have learned what its downsides are. Avoiding unwanted attention and having their pictures taken even when they wanted to hide under a rock has been their reality, and they had no choice but to accept it, especially since their parents loved being in the limelight. Eric decided to take advantage of that start while Zach chose a more solitary lifestyle.
Playing video games, reading, and watching movies were his favorite hobbies and made it easier to stay away from the spotlight. The rest of his free time wasn't so free - his parents made sure Zach had attended all the classes they'd planned for him. He didn't protest since a good education sounded like a much better start than relying on his parents' fame or connections. He finally decided to become a video game programmer, bringing his main hobby to the next level (pun intended).
When Eric moved out and their parents decided to buy a house in Los Angeles, Zach thought it would be a good idea to move from the loft on the 9th floor to a studio, which was far more suitable for him. Even though he and Eric remained in touch no matter what and their parents would visit them whenever they were in New York, Zach appreciated how quiet and peaceful his life had become.
The last message he'd gotten from his parents was a picture of them on their vacation in Asia, sent to him and Eric on a group chat. Then the last message from his brother read "I'll come to the Wexley as soon as I can". Suddenly, everything he had was hope that, somehow, they had managed to survive and that his brother was still alright and he would see him soon.
If you heard him speak it probably was a swear word.
Despite his avoid anyone's attention at all cost rule, he has been dyeing his hair blue for years. You'll probably get a whole "thanks a lot" from him if you get him a box of hair dye.
Speaking of which, that's the main reason he sneaks out from time to time.
Counts days since he'd gotten the last message from his brother.
Misses his favorite computer games and movies a lot.
Always wanted to have a dog. Last year he found a stray puppy and brought it to the Wexley building with him. The dog's name's Doom Slayer.
His brother calls him "Rio".
What went through your head when you realized that zombies were real?
"Who the fuck cares."
What do you miss most about life before the world ended?
After what seems an eternity, Zach looks away and shrugs.
Have you ever seen a zombie close up?
"Yeah, right before we got trapped in here. They're everywhere, it's hard not to meet one."
0 notes
witchling-valkyrie · 3 years
Alright friends, lemme hit you with some Chenford thoughts on 4x08
I’m seeing a lot of hate about this episode. On the surface, I can completely understand why people are upset. But looking deeper into the meaning of what happened in last night’s episode, I can see a lot of trauma responses and potential build up for the Chenford future.
So, here are my thoughts from a writer, actor, & trauma survivor POV. 
The Rookie has taken upon itself to tackle a lot of hard issues that are not warm and fuzzy since early in season 1. We knew that Tim had an abusive past, and I did not expect Genny’s visit to be old stories about his childhood and overall goofing with Chen. That’s just not realistic, in my opinion. Would it have been lovely? Absolutely! But I wasn’t holding out for that. 
When you’re in an intense emotional conversation -- especially one that you did not necessarily choose to have, in a high-stress situation that you are not emotionally prepared for -- words and thoughts WILL slip out without you thinking about them. Trauma often brings out emotions and past versions of ourselves that we cannot control in the moment. 
So. Some examples of this: 
1) When Tim let it slip that he’s seeing someone. He was addressing his sister in a high-stress situation. If you have siblings, especially ones that you have a tense history with, it’s common to immediately snap back at them to prove them wrong. Like Tim snapping to tell Genny that he’s not single when she accuses him of still being single due to his trauma. (And yes, it was a cheap shot. But like...siblings make cheap shots.)
Eric Winter is notoriously good at giving us subtle hints of how Tim feels in his facial expressions. When you watch this scene closely, you can clearly see on Tim’s face after Lucy’s reaction that he realizes he hurt her, and that he regrets saying it that way.  Because that is NOT how he wanted her to find out. They’re friends (& more than that, let’s be real), and he had no intention of telling her that way. What I see the writer’s potentially doing here is setting up an emotional moment where the dams break completely for Tim and Lucy, where they really just need to talk about EVERYTHING. The almost kiss. Tim dating someone else. Their feelings for each other. Literally get it all out there. Which is gonna lead to some of that sweet, sweet tension we love. We shall see. But my point is, Tim was snapping back at his sister in an emotional moment and accidentally hurt Lucy. That makes perfect sense to me, emotionally. 
*Also I’m sorry, when you first start dating someone, do you immediately tell your siblings & your friends? I usually don’t until I’m sure about a person, but maybe I’m just weird? This is what I figured when it came to Tim not telling people he’s dating Ashley. Or maybe he doesn’t like her that much--or both, it’s NEW. Also in general, Tim is canonically a very private person, so do with that what you will. * 
2) Genny came to Tim at the only time she knew she could actually get him to talk to her about something really, really important. Tim also notoriously avoids strong emotions at all costs, because the poor baby has been through so much. He was ignoring Genny’s texts and calls (which YES, those are his boundaries, and are 100% valid due to the trauma he’s suffered don’t get me wrong), so at work was the only way Genny knew how to reach him. From Genny’s POV, she really needs her brother’s help. Being the only person handling a dying parent is hard enough--but add on the trauma? Oof. You’re probably gonna beg someone for help, even if you know it won’t be easy for the other person to help you either. 
Genny also wants Tim to heal from trauma the way that she has (or is in the midst of). And perhaps she is going about it the wrong way (can’t help someone who doesn’t wanna be helped, amiright?) but when you’ve been through an intense trauma like that, and you see someone you love in pain, are you really gonna stand by and not try to help that person at least a little? You don’t always know “the right way” to go about it. You just do what you think is best at the moment. Maybe that ends up being the wrong thing, but you do the best you can. 
Genny clearly cares about her brother and wants him to heal. We don’t know enough about her to really go in depth into her thoughts, but her coming to Tim at work is not some flippant “hey get over your trauma bro and help dad” thing. Phrases like “stop being so emotional” or “get over it” are typically used in those situations, trust me. 
3) When you see someone you love in pain, it’s only natural to want to see them smile. To see them breathe easier and calm down. Knowing that Tim has family trauma and is clearly uncomfortable with this situation, Lucy tries to lighten the mood with fun conversation here and there. When she realizes that that isn’t working, she stops. Genny kept twisting Lucy’s well-intentioned conversations into ways to get Tim to talk to her, and that’s not Lucy’s fault. When she realizes that this conversation is happening and there is nothing she can do about it, the best she can do is try and be there for Tim in that situation (and y’all know Tim is not a person who likes to let people help him in any way). 
4) Okay. The Tim Test comment. Lemme first ask you this: have you ever had one of those moments where something you’ve never quite understood FINALLY makes sense? 
Lucy is a psychology graduate with two psychiatrist (or psychologist? Can’t remember) parents. I promise she’s been unintentionally (or probably intentionally, too, sometimes) analyzing Tim’s behavior to figure out why he is the way he is. Tim Tests show a really specific behavior of Tim’s that are not in line with the kindness and caring he shows on a regular basis. So of course, Lucy, this little cinnamon roll who is totally in love with this broody but incredibly caring guy who literally dug her out of the ground with his bare hands, is gonna have an ah ha! moment when she realizes why Tim Tests exist. 
You can physically see the moment Lucy realizes she said that aloud. She winces a little, and immediately dismisses the subject before Genny can pry further. Because she knows exactly how Tim is going to take what she just said, even though it is 100% not how she meant it to come out. She totally meant to keep that realization to herself, but words slip out in intense situation and with ah ha! moments, unfortunately. 
Now beyond the highly-emotional shop ride, I wanna bring up the differences in emotions and facial expressions when Lucy talks to Tim back at the station.
Lucy openly addresses that she knows she’s crossing a line & to please hear her out -- which first of all, if a huge improvement from when she followed Tim in season 1 to tell him he’d regret helping Isabel. Different situation, sure, but she is clearly stating now that “hey, I know this is crossing a line here and I’m giving you a chance to shut me down before I go on.” 
But of course Tim doesn’t shut her down, because he values her opinion and cares about what she has to say. The tension immediately deflates from his face because he trusts her. He wants to hear what she has to say, because he knows her opinion matters to him. 
Now that emotions are no longer high, Lucy can clearly articulate what she feels about the situation and her advice based on her years of psychological study, and how well she knows Tim. And with emotions no longer high, Tim is willing to listen and let his genuine logic and caring take over instead of his emotions reacting to trauma.  Which is HUGE because Tim, again, is a very “I take care of other people, people don’t take care of me” type of person, because that’s all he’s ever known (Dad. Sister. Isabel. Everyone). So him actually standing there and listening to Lucy’s thoughts and opinion (and uhm, actually taking that advice) is huge to me. 
And then he watches her walk away with hearts in his eyes because he’s like “hahaha how does my wife know me better than I know myself what the fuuuuck.” Genny totally notices that and I want her to bring them up in the next episode so bad. 
SO that’s my two sense on this episode. If you disagree, that’s fine! I don’t want to argue with anyone about any of this, but I’m def open to conversations about it. Hope this was helpful to some people though!! 
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dauntless-gothamite · 3 years
Prove Them Wrong [8/?]
Fandom: Divergent Pairing: Eric Coulter x Fem! Reader Summary: Y/N is a Dauntless transfer from Erudite, and she has a drive, an ambition that sets her apart--it always has, even back in Erudite. She brings her perseverance (and need to prove others wrong) to Dauntless when she transfers, and she uses her mind to make her way through the initiation process. Along the way, she makes friends and enemies, and she finds herself comfortable around the man most people in Dauntless avoid at all costs: Eric Coulter. A/N: sorry I didn’t post this earlier, I have been super busy with midterms. anyway, I hope you enjoy!! also, I drink my coffee black, Eric drinks his coffee black, and in this little segment, so do you :P (although tea is better imo coffee is what happens here lol)
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You woke up to the smell of strong coffee filling the room. You groaned as you came to, the pain from your fight earlier hitting you all at once. You were disappointed to find out that the bed you were lying on wasn’t as soft as you’d originally thought--you must have truly exhausted earlier. That didn’t stop you from lying there a moment longer, though; it was still amazing compared to the bed in the transfer dorm. I’m not in the transfer dorm, you thought, sitting up abruptly, making your head pound. The events from after the fight came back to you, and you took a deep breath as you pieced together everything that had happened and could identify your location with confidence. Rising, you yawned a little bit and, remembering Eric’s rules, smoothed any wrinkles on the bed before exiting the room. Eric turned around when you opened the door, sipping a fresh cup of coffee. “You’re up, good. We leave in thirty minutes for the game, so take some time to wake yourself up. Also, tell me what you’ve thought of in terms of strategy.” You blinked at Eric in shock; he was unbelievable. You had just woken up and hurt from head to toe, and his only concern was whether or not you’d come up with a strategy. Your shock faded as you remembered who you were dealing with--what else were you expecting the steely leader to do? 
“Right,” you said, standing awkwardly until he walked over to the table where he’d been working and gestured for you to take the seat next to him. “So I was thinking that we should do something rather unconventional for defense: we could send one of our team over to their side, not to capture the flag, but to shoot them if they get too close to ours. That will create tension among their team; they will think their own teammates are shooting them. Also, for offense, we should create a group that charges, constantly overwhelming their defensive lines, and a smaller group to sneak by the perimeter while they’re distracted and steal the flag,” you said.
“Not bad,” he nodded, turning back to his work. “Where do you see yourself in this plan?”
“I was thinking of joining the smaller group that captures the flag.”
“You think you can get past people with all of your injuries?” he asked. 
“I think so; I’ll ask someone to cover me. Besides, if this is the last thing we will be scored on for the physical training, I’m not going to finish stage one resting where it’s comfortable.”
“I like this plan, I think it could work,” Eric replied, and you smiled a little bit.
“Was that a compliment I heard?” you said, forgetting that you weren’t just talking to a friend for a moment. 
“Something like that,” Eric replied. “Don’t let it get to your head, initiate.” You smiled a little more and as you were about to reply, you yawned.
“Sorry,” you said. “I’m still a little tired. I’ll be fine in the field, though!” you added, realizing he might put you in a defensive position if you didn’t seem like you were up for the challenge of capturing the flag. 
Eric raised a brow challengingly. “I can see that.” After a moment he said “I’ll cover you. In the field,” he explained. 
Surprised, you said “Are you sure the rest of the team won’t need you doing something like charging their base?” you asked, knowing that the sight of Eric sprinting towards them would make most initiates turn the other way.
“Don’t argue with me,” he replied, but there was no malice in his tone. 
“Aye-aye, Captain,” you sassed humorously in response.
“And don’t sass me, either,” he added, taking a sip of his coffee, which you stared at longingly. Coffee, tea--both sounded good right now, a nice warm beverage full of caffeine. Eric must have caught you staring because when he set the mug down, he said “Something wrong with my coffee, initiate?” in a mocking tone. 
You scowled and replied “No.”
“Then what is it?” 
You looked at him tiredly; he was really going to make you say it. “Is there any extra coffee?” you asked.
“There’s a whole pot,” he said, making no motion to get any, simply turning back to his work. 
“Can I have some?” you forced out, slightly embarrassed, but pleased when Eric rose and poured you a cup of coffee. He brought the mug over and set it in front of you,almost, but  not quite, slamming it on the table. “Thanks,” you muttered, reaching forward to take a sip. As Eric punched information into his tablet, you couldn’t help but giggle to yourself.
“What’s so funny?” Eric scowled, looking up.
“Nothing!” you said, but the grin on your face betrayed you. He waited for you to explain, and finally you said, “Ok, it’s just that I was thinking about how you’re probably updating the scoreboard right now, and it would be funny if an initiate’s coffee etiquette was part of the scoring system,” you admitted. “It’s dumb, I know; I’m not awake enough for serious thoughts beyond winning the game.” You expected Eric to be glaring at you, but a small smirk graced his lips as you looked at him.
“That would be quite ridiculous,” he said dryly, returning to his work. But you could tell he found it a little bit funny. “Are you sure Peter didn’t hit you too hard on the head earlier?”
“Honestly, no, but if I experience any symptoms of a concussion I’ll get it checked out,” you replied glumly; you really hoped you didn’t have a concussion. 
“I… wasn’t expecting a serious answer,” Eric said awkwardly.
“Hold on,” you said, piecing it together. “Was that supposed to be a joke? Did you, Dauntless leader and everyone’s scariest trainer, just make a joke?” You laughed, and you weren’t sure, but you thought that maybe there was a pink tinge to Eric’s cheeks. 
“I can make jokes,” Eric scowled. “Leaders joke; Max jokes all the time.” You tried not to laugh at his defense. “Although,” he added, “most of Max’s jokes are terrible. They all go like this: ‘What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? Supplies!’ or something similar.”
“Wow, that really is bad,” you muttered, to which Eric nodded. “It’s the same type of jokes my dad makes. His favorite is this one: iron, arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium all form a band. Their genre of choice is heavy metal,” you said, and Eric pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. 
“Let’s go,” Eric said, standing. “I have to pick up some equipment before we meet up with everyone else and board the train.” After taking a final sip of your coffee, you stood and followed him out of the apartment. 
Everyone was gathered around Four and Eric, both of whom were holding duffel bags full of some kind of weaponry, and as the rattling of the train got louder, the group started running to board. It was only once you were on the train, standing with your friends, that you realized Tris was missing. “Where’s Tris?” you whispered to Christina and Will. 
“She got knocked out during the fights today, remember?” You paled, remembering a couple people carrying her out of the training room while you were busy stretching. 
“And she’s still in the infirmary?” you asked, shocked. 
“Yes, but that’s not the worst of it,” Will said. “Eric said she’s done.” 
“No!” you said, horrified. “She can’t be--I didn’t even get to say goodbye!” You felt horrible; while you had been resting in Eric’s large, comfy bed, Tris was stuck in the infirmary. Worse, you were drinking coffee and joking with the man who had condemned your friend to a life among the factionless while your other friends had been saying goodbye to her. A wave of hurt swept over you, a feeling like betrayal sneaking into your veins as you looked over to where Eric stood by Four. Four, who was leaning out of the door, hand extended, ready to pull somebody up. And the next moment, Tris was there, in the train with you. You exhaled in relief, reigning your scattered emotions in.
“Who let you out?” Eric’s voice echoed throughout the train car from where he’d walked up behind you.
“I did,” Tris replied, her voice even as she stared Eric down.
“You did?” he asked as he stepped closer into Tris’ space, his tone full of mocking disbelief. Silence fell for a moment before Eric nodded and said “Okay,” before turning his attention elsewhere. You exhaled, surprised by his uncharacteristic passivity but happy that Tris wouldn’t be leaving Dauntless. Across the car, you caught Four smiling ever so slightly, and you looked between him and Tris, observing their flirtation before Four broke eye contact with Tris to attend to his duties.
“The game is simple,” he said, dropping bags like the ones Eric had grabbed onto the train floor where they landed with a thud. “It’s like capture the flag.”
Leaning down, Eric grabbed a type of gun you hadn’t seen before from one of the bags, and as he straightened he said, “Weapon of choice” while holding the gun up for the initiates to see. 
“You call that a gun?” a Dauntless-born muttered to Peter, snickering. Her smile dropped in an instant, though, as Eric shot something into her leg and she dropped to the ground. Eric let her suffer for a moment before grabbing the dart he’d just shot at her from her leg and holding it up. 
“Neurostim dart,” he explained. “It simulates the pain of a real gunshot wound. Only lasts a couple minutes.” He paused while everyone absorbed the information, and looking around you saw some initiates looked horrified while others seemed excited. While the pain from earlier hadn’t subsided and the last thing you wanted was to add the feeling of a gunshot wound to it, you couldn’t help but be excited: you had a plan, and you were feeling pretty confident in Eric’s ability to cover you while you grabbed the flag. “Two teams,” Eric continued. “Four and I are captains.”
“You pick first,” Four nodded to Eric. 
“Okay,” Eric said, scoping out the initiates around him. His gaze landed on Edward for a moment, but it was all for show as the then called out “Y/N.”
“I’ll take the Stiff,” Four said as you made your way to Eric’s side. You smirked at Tris, who had a faint blush on her cheeks as she joined Four on his side of the train. 
“Oh,” Eric drawled. “Picking the weak ones so you’ve got someone to blame when you lose.” You paled ever so slightly--you didn’t think of Tris as weak, and you hoped she didn’t think that you did just because you were on Eric’s team. 
Before you could think about it too hard, Four replied, “Something like that.”
Then, a moment later, a voice from further ahead on the train called out, “Get ready!” and you prepared to jump, mouthing “Good Luck” to Tris, who was the only one of your friends that you could see, before jumping into the darkness and landing on a rough patch of grass and dirt. As you rolled to lessen the impact on your knees and stood, you looked at the group circling around you, and right across from you was Eric. The two of you held eye contact for a moment before Eric clapped his hands together and said “Alright, here’s the plan: we send a few people to their side who will find good hiding spots--move if necessary--who will shoot at them as they run by, making them think their own team is shooting them and causing conflict for their team. A few people also stay back to guard. A large group will charge once the flag is located, and your job is to keep charging, over and over again. You get shot, take the dart out, stand up, and charge again. Divide up into groups,” Eric ordered, and people split up. Only a few people were left in the circle at this point.
“Which group are you going to be in?” Peter snarked a few feet away from you. “You’re in no shape to charge and the people shooting from behind enemy lines have already left.”
“Don’t worry about me,” you smirked. “I suggest you get to the people who are charging, though, if that front goes down when you’re just standing here, that would be so embarrassing for you.” Behind you Eric stifled a laugh as Peter stalked off with a scowl. 
“So you’re just sending him to where he’ll get shot the most?” Eric said with a chuckle once Peter was out of earshot. 
“Exactly,” you smiled. “Besides, I know for a fact that several people on Four’s team don’t like him either, so there’s a good chance they take the chance to shoot him while they have it.” You looked up at Eric who was actually smiling, shaking his head slightly. 
“That is brutal; I like it. Now let’s get going; I have a couple guesses as to where Four would have hidden the flag,” he said as he led you into the woods where the two of you crept along the tree line. 
After about twenty minutes of searching the terrain, you spotted the unmistakable glow of Four’s flag. “Eric!” you whisper, coming to a halt, pointing to the flag. He whipped around and closed the distance between the two of you with two steps and peered over your shoulder as you lowered your arm. You could practically feel his lips pull themselves into a satisfied smirk. 
“Nice work,” he whispered back. “You ready?”
Nodding, you replied, “Yeah, let’s do this.”  Crouching down, you worked your way towards the flag, first using the bushes and trees and then using large metal crates strewn about the field for cover while Eric followed closely behind. You peeked out from behind a crate, finding that it was the last one between you and the flag that could offer protection from the members of Four’s team that were spread out, ready to defend the flag against the next charge from your team. The echoes of a loud battle cry rang out, followed by feet hitting the ground, and you smiled at your team’s timing as a large group rushed towards Four’s flag, distracting the defense momentarily. While they processed the loud group running at them full force, you saw an opportunity, sent a single curt nod to Eric, and ran. 
Your legs burned, every pain in your body flaring up for a moment before fading beneath the adrenaline, and you saw one of Four’s teammates level their gun at you. You braced yourself for the impact, but it never came. Instead, they moaned out in pain and dropped, a dart lodged firmly in their bicep. You smiled as the image of Eric crouched behind a metal crate taking out anyone who raised a gun at you came to mind, and somehow you managed to run even faster, a rush of ecstasy and anticipation taking over your entire being. 
Then, you heard someone groan as though they’d been punched in the gut, and you had the sinking feeling that it was Eric; it sounded like him. Urgency seeped into the space that confidence had occupied moments ago, and you pushed yourself to the brink as you closed the distance between yourself and the flag, wrapping a fist around it and letting out a triumphant yell. Holding the flag above your head, everyone stopped shooting, your team cheering in approval and slowly gathering around you. Eric stood up and walked over with a smirk and yelled “That’s how it’s done!” sparking a new round of cheering amongst your team. As everyone congratulated each other, Eric winked at you as he took the flag back to fold it up and put it away, causing you to smile happily. You did it--your plan had worked, and you’d won the game. For a little bit, it felt as though you’d never come down from this high, and as your friends gathered around you, you smiled even wider. 
After walking with the crowd for a bit, you realized you weren’t headed towards the train; instead you were walking towards a building and you saw silhouettes on the rooftop. 
“Ready to go home, Dauntless style?” a tall guy with dark curly hair asked as he sidled up next to you. 
“I guess,” you said, raising an eyebrow. 
“I’m Uriah, by the way,” the boy said, holding out a hand, which you shook. “Nice win, by the way,” he smiled. 
“Thanks. I’m Y/N,” you smiled back.
“So what faction did you transfer from?” Uriah asked you after a moment. 
“Erudite,” you said. “You?” 
“I was actually born into Dauntless,” he answered. “So,” he started as the two of you climbed the last few sets of stairs to the rooftop. “Have you ever been on a zipline before?”
“I’ve read about them,” you answered. 
“Well, you’re about to experience it for real, come here.” He led you to a harness where a bunch of other people were waiting and pushed to the front. “So put this on, and I’ll hook it up to the line. This,” he held up a metal triangle hanging from a wire that connected to the harness and provided friction against the zip line, “is what you’re going to need to pull to stop, so make sure you grab it early.” As he spoke, he got you all hooked in, and with a smile he said “Alright, off you go,” and sent you flying over the edge of the building with a gentle shove. Your scream turned into laughter, and Uriah and the others on the rooftop cheered as you soared through the city, whipping past buildings that appeared more beautiful now than you’d ever remembered them being. You replayed the moment of victory in your mind, and the image of Eric winking pushed its way to the front of your consciousness, adding a faint blush to your wide smile--thankfully, no one was there to see it. 
Soon enough, you saw the ending and reached for the metal triangle, pulling down hard. Coming to a stop before the brick wall, you unhooked yourself from the zip line and landed among a crowd of cheering dauntless, Max and Eric included. As you walked into the Dauntless compound, a wave of exhaustion overcame you, and you yawned as you passed Max. “Nice work out there,” the Dauntless leader said. “Eric told me about your strategy; we could use more of that in Dauntless.”
“Thank you,” you smiled at Max, pleased.
Max simply smiled in response and said, “Now, get some rest. I heard you’ve been through the ringer today, and while you’ll have a slightly less rigorous physical training schedule for the rest of your time at Dauntless, don’t think it gets any easier--you’ll need your strength for tomorrow.”
“Yes sir!” you said playfully, turning to make eye contact with Eric, who gave you a small smile.
“Nice work today, initiate,” he said stiffly, and you smirked a little--you knew that he knew your name, yet he still chose to call you initiate, at least when he was in front of others. 
“Thank you, sir,” you said, placing extra emphasis on the word sir; two could play that game. You could’ve sworn his eyes sparkled and his grin widened as you replied, but it was nearly imperceptible. 
With a final nod, you kept walking towards the dorm room, ready to lie down and let sleep take over. 
Tag List: @shykoolaid, @taina-eny, @parabatai-winchester, @marvel-ousnesss, @kid-from-new-zealand, @polychr0matic, @maan24, @abysshaven, @darkenwolfie, @adaydreamaway08, @ssa-volturi
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xsavannahx987 · 2 years
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The following days went by hectic, between shifts at the laboratory and relaxing evenings. Although we didn't go out often, I would text the girls at least one message a day, promising to spend an afternoon of female-only shopping as soon as possible. Travis was calling me too, during lunch break at work. He was a computer technician and mostly took care of cleaning the network of viruses and Trojans. In every phone call from him, he kept asking me what Cullen and I were up to that night, when he interrupted us and I, each time, just replied that we were talking, but he insisted and I misled the subject. As for Cullen, we were talking and he was telling me about his day. He had recently become a captain, making a great career leap in a short time, thanks to his leadership skills during the last mission. "I'm very proud of you," I told him in one of our last phone calls and I heard him smile. Knowing him I am sure that he is blushed, the strong and brave Cullen, at the same time shy and sweet. I loved his temper, although I never told him. Winter came and with it the bitter cold of Copperdale that I had not forgotten. The city streets began to freeze in the darkest hours, forcing the salt spreaders to work at a frantic pace to avoid accidents. The shop windows had begun the Christmas setting and a thousand colored lights brightly lit the main street. I had always loved Christmas and finally this year I would have spent it differently, in the company of my closest friends and not alone, in a university dormitory with the few left for the January exams. The first snow of the year appeared on a late November night. I woke up in the morning when the pure white blanket had already covered everything, muffling my town like a glove. The sun was shining on the snow as I made myself breakfast tightly in my fleece pajamas. As I left Copperdale to head to Oasis Springs, the environment changed and the snow slowly disappeared and the rain began to fall heavily as I approached my destination. My colleagues were already in turmoil for the upcoming Christmas holidays and they all seemed happier. I sipped a hot coffee in the mess hall in the company of Mindy and Celeste before being joined by Sophie, who announced she was pregnant and therefore she would take a long time off from work. The working day began like this, with that good news. I went downstairs to my research station and was stopped by Eric, the most coveted guy in the whole lab. The youngest of my colleagues all wanted a date with him, but Eric seemed to want to avoid workplace relationships at all costs. "Hey Hailey," he greeted as he joined me down the hall. "Hi Eric. How are you? Did you hear about Sophie?" "Yes, I was told! Good for her! Listen, I wanted to ask you something ..." he cut short. "Tell me how I can help you" "It's not about work. I wanted to ask you if you'd like to get something to drink one of these evenings. Without obligation, a simple outing with colleagues" he announced, punctuating the words so that I could fully assimilate the request. "I don't ... I mean, ok," I replied, not quite sure I had given the correct answer. "Wonderful! Shall we do it tonight? I am sending you the address of this place that it has recently opened" "All right!" and I hurried away. An outing among colleagues. What could be so wrong? Eric was undoubtedly a handsome boy, green eyes framed under thick raven-black unruly hair and an olive complexion. Polite, witty and sociable. A simple outing with colleagues, nothing strange.
The appointment was in a new restaurant outside the city in the style of the 50s, with a large luminous sign. Eric was leaning against his car, a late-model black pickup truck. "Hi" he greeted me when I approached him. "Just us?" I asked, expecting to see some other colleagues arrive as well. "Unfortunately yes. You don't mind, do you?" Maybe I should have known right away what trouble I was getting into, but I wanted to believe in Eric's good faith and so I didn't let the news that it would be just the two of us shocked me. We sat at the bar and had something to drink. I had no intention of drinking more than I should, then having to drive back on the icy roads. So I just ordered a non-alcoholic beer, although the taste didn't really impress me too much. We didn't talk much, but I noticed that Eric was just staring at me, as if his gaze was radiographing me. I tried several times to ask him about his private life, but Eric always misled the subject, sinking him on futile speeches. "I'm going to the bathroom for a moment," I announced at one point, thanks to the non-alcoholic beer. Once in the bathroom I remember sending a message to Summer to let her know what I was doing and getting the reply the phrase "Don't be silly. I don't like the way you describe this guy. Make up an excuse and leave." Everything that happened after I got out of the bathroom is hazy and confused. I remember eating and finishing my beer while Eric kept asking me some ambiguous questions. I started to feel bad. My head was spinning and I remember feeling the cold air on face and the sound of a large car door closing beside me. "I'll take you home baby" Eric's voice, so distant, so different from what I was used to. I see my house, I put the key in the lock, but it is as if I were looking at the scene from above. I'm not the one who governs my body. I feel Eric's hands searching my body, greedy and his tongue fills my mouth. What is happening? Why do I indulge him? I don't want it, I don't want him. I would like to rebel, but I can't!
Everything happens so quickly. The rustle of clothes falling on the wooden floor of my bedroom, Eric's fingers sinking into my naked skin, more and more greedy, and his body pressed against mine. "Leave me!" I think "Let me go! I don't want to" but I continue to indulge his will, unable to resist, unable to control my body. The acrid taste of his member fills my mouth, I feel it slip between my teeth, it almost suffocates me. His moans ... The next instant a pain tears me apart, as if my body breaks. He penetrates me violently, without any haste, front and back, with force as he squeezes my wrists and pushes his weight to completely block my body. "Oh yes, beauty! Let me enjoy!" murmurs in my ear. I close my eyes as my body continues to not respond to my commands. I just want it to be over quickly. "Save me!" I think "Cullen ... save me"
I remember the violence continued all night, only as the new day dawned, satisfied and contented, Eric walked away, muttering something like "See you at work, honey." He left me like that, naked on the completely unmade bed, my skin covered with his acrid humours, my head that slowly stopped spinning fast, giving way to the bitter truth: he had abused me, but I didn't know how he had done it.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
👁‍🗨 +
Carol's 1st impressions on Serendipia group?
My muse first impression
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She turned red imidiatly thinking back to it....
“Well my first meeting with Damián was... quite something... I was just done bringing some reports to Mr. Crewel and then got lightly pinned to the wall by him... seeing him look down on me and let loose with all his flirts.... it definelty brought me out of concept and.... umm... I must admit he has been stuck in my head since then... he is pretty handsome and part of it kind of... got me interested lets say... um that Is all I want to say before I emberass myself... “ She put one of her hands where her heart is and took a deep breath.
“My first impression on him makes me think we could get along well. I could talk to him well about plants, romance novels and views. Although I have to admit I feel guilt given I was a bit wary of his claws.... just bad memories... I was attacked by a bird as little kid and have scars from it but... I don’t want to judge him or mistrust him cause of this memory... I think he could be a good friend if he stays this pleasant.”
“I feel sort of protective of him. I heard some people do dumb comments and I scolded them for it... also I can relate to being a bit awkward. In all seems nice but I am unsure if we would be close... I rather just stay the one to keep others not harming him with words.”
“I am....a bit taken aback by him... like what we share is a love for meat and an interest in horror but some of his behaviour concerns me a little. which is why I keep my distance. Although I do trust Damián when he says that Sin does well in the Medical way.... maybe I just need to give him a chance to get to know him.”
And for Fun sake doing the NPCs as well:
“I met him when I got introduced to Damiáns cat care and I was a bit confused with how cat like he behaves but he always seems to run away... I hope I didn’t scare him and he saw my strict side while learning one day...it happens a lot that people fear me after this so I am so sorry if that is the case....”
“Didn’t meet him much but the times we did we had some good chats about the things I teach usually or plants... But I don’t know much about him.”
She stayed silent for a while... “He tried to kiss me once and since then I did my best to avoid him at all cost lets say that... this one is dangerous and I am not dealing with that... at least not as persistant as Yasuno is with me but still... it makes me unconfortable... I want to save up my first kiss for someone I really love and wanna be with....”
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open-three-inches · 4 years
ponyboy’s coming of age headcannons🤍🤍
when he’s fourteen his favourite songs are my generation by the who and don’t think twice it’s alright by bob dylan
 the gang tease the hell out of him for liking bob dylan
 they call him a hippie
 this changes when he first hears led zeppelin on the radio in the late 60s, his soul literally ascends from his body when he hears robert plants voice for the first time 
 he shoots up in height at around fourteen and half
 by 15 he’s taller than Soda
 Soda hates it lmao
 grows to be about 6′1
 is terrified of spiders
 soda always gets rid of them for him
 but soda will also chase ponyboy around the whole house with the spider
 ponyboy once gave soda a black eye after he got a spider thrown on him
 he says in was an accident but honestly didn’t feel guilty about it lmao
 darry thought him how to drive
 sodapop came for ‘entertainment purposes’
ponyboy did eventually learn how to drive but it cost him almost losing his life
not from almost crashing or anything, just from darry almost strangling him out of frustration
also has a real dirty mouth
like cursing
he's the worst out of the whole gang for it 
he is such a pretty boy and has most of Tulsa in love with him
he’s pretty dumb and doesn’t realise how good looking he is though
 for example curly flirting with him for years before they got together
 disaster bisexual omfg
 lowkey a hopeless romantic too
 will think nonstop about the boy who held the door open for him or the girl who served him in a restaurant lmaooo
imagine the sass of eric forman, harry potter and jess mariano all rolled into one
that’s ponyboy
everyone thinks he’s really nice but then he’ll hit someone with a roast that is so fuckin good that they will cry for the person who was insulted 
its steve getting roasted most of the time
 he’s really really witty
 becomes a lot more outspoken as he gets older
 very talented at hot wiring cars
still hates fighting but has and will break anyone’s nose if he feels the need to
 has his first kiss at 14 with a girl named betty
 he dated her for a while 
 he dated a good few people in his teenage years
 once he went skinny dipping with his then boyfriend and got caught by police and was brought home in a cop car
 darry hit the roof 
 steve claims the greatest moment of his life was ponyboy being led into the curtis house by a policeman soaking wet and half naked
 never really fell madly in love with anyone he dated though
 until his junior year when he suddenly couldn’t get curly shepard out his  head
 loves animals
 darry wont let them get a pet but ponyboy feeds stray dogs and cats around tulsa
 he has a name for every single one
he considers them his pets.
 in 1967 he cuts school to listen to sgt pepper by the beatles 
 he figures its the greatest album ever made
but he’s really stubborn and won’t admit for months that he likes the beatles after all the shit talking he did about them.
 he gets high for the first time with curly and they listen to the album again
 a stoner. 100%
 he cuts back on smoking cigarettes but gets high all the fucking time 
 has a stash under his mattress for when darry or steve are really pissing him off
has a really good group of friends 
they’re the same age as pony so it’s different to the curtis gang
he considers them brothers anyway so they don’t count
 they get into a lot of shit together
 soda thinks all the stuff they get up to is hilarious 
 darry is tired
 his best friend is a girl named juliet
 lesbian + bi duo
 juliet has common sense, something which ponyboy lacks, so they work well together.
 they talk about girls together
 juliet has a girlfriend named flo and they’re very much in love <3
 ponyboy will third wheel them sometimes lmao
 like he did with johnny and dal
him and curly finally start dating when ponyboy’s 16 going on 17
it surprises him how quickly he fell in love with curly
they’re both absolutely whipped for each other
darry and soda don’t really like curly but pony makes it clear they have to just put up with him
curly doesn’t exactly help, pissing darry and soda off seems to be his favourite pastime
they open up to each other about everything 
pony tells curly all about windrixville
 he thinks about johnny and dally a lot still
 he still has johnny’s letter inside the gone with the wind
 it’s really important to him, it comes with him to college.
 speaking of which, he goes to columbia university in new york
 full scholarship bby
 wasn’t going to go due to the fact it was so far from home, and he didn’t want to be that far from his family
 darry found out and almost killed him
 they had a talk about it though
 it was sweet and it helped pony feel better about leaving tulsa
 he also graduated from high school top of his class
 sodapop bawled at his graduation and two-bit made a poster for him
 he went to see his parents after his grad
 he really did wish they had been there for it
 curly didn’t see him graduate either which really hurt ponyboy
 they had gotten into a big fight a week or so before
 the reality of ponyboy leaving tulsa had been the elephant in the room for a while, but both of them were just avoiding it
 eventually tensions rise and both of their emotions explode
 they say things they regret and curly storms away from ponyboy
 curly later gets hauled in for getting into a bar fight
 so he misses ponyboy’s graduation
ponyboy loves curly more than anything and he knows curly loves him just as much
but he also knows it won’t work
so he visits curly in jail 
he keeps his emotions under control while he’s there like he always has had to do living on the east side
he tells curly that he’s leaving in a few weeks 
curly, who has always been closed off about his emotions, pleads with ponyboy to stay through tears
ponyboy loves curly but he can’t stay in this town anymore
and curly can’t seem to bring himself to leave it
so they break up
he cries himself to sleep most nights after
sodapop helps him through it 
he tries not to think about it though, making himself busy with packing and getting ready to leave for new york
he sees curly once more before he leaves
he’s out with his friends for the last time before he leaves when he sees curly, fresh out of jail, with some of the shepard gang
their eyes meet and they hold each others gaze for a few moments
ponyboy breaks it
he can’t quite find the strength to talk to curly
he finds himself wondering for months after what would have happened if he had just talked to curly that night
ponyboy can’t help but hope that curly will show up the day he’s meant to leave for college and everything will be okay again
he doesn’t
both of them are to stubborn for their own good
he leaves new york just after his 18th birthday
his brothers hug him tighter than ever and ponyboy almost changes his mind about leaving right there and then
sodapop, through his tears, swears that if ponyboy doesn’t call them everyday he’ll hunt him down in new york and kick his ass
steve wishes him well and looks almost misty eyed
ponyboy of course makes a smart comment about this which leads to steve rolling his eyes instead
not in a mean way though, almost sentimental, like he’ll actually miss ponyboy 
he drives around the town one more time before he leaves taking in everything and the memories, good and bad, he associated with his home
it’s a bittersweet feeling to leave behind his childhood but ponyboy thinks he’s ready
he almost drives to curlys just to see him one last time
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helloyesthisisdado · 4 years
dado goi thoughts
hello all dado follower since dado has hit the mile stone dado will be revealing his thoughts on all the goi that he can find on that one page on scipnet yes.
pls do not ask dado how he got on scipnet.
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es see pee foundation: dado does not like the es see pee as they love to steal fine dado product and or threaten dado over email. alex ya va university: dado personally not interreact with them but has tried to sell the fine horses to them as he think they would like the high power horse. i think they could be good dado friends. ambrose restaurant: dado since change opinion on them and think they r wonderful place to eat at, great food for dado and is now business partner of dado. anderson robot: dado has tried and tried to work with them but they always say "mr dado u r so unprofessional at the robot" even though dado make fine robot like tsar roomba. they r not very nice. are we cool yet: dado does not know how to feel about the are we cool ppl as many of them hate dado but some do not hate dado. the are we cool ppl sometimes prank dado and dado does not like that. the black queen: dado wishes to not talk about the black queen as they do not like dado for some reason, dado does not know why. chaos insurgency: ppl who are better then the es see pee and dado like to pay them to go hit ppl, but still sometime steal dado product but dado is forgiving man and they do good job, dado like them. chicago ghost: dado once made a cigar for chicago ghosts and dado think "hmmm chicago ghost very cool" but then dado watch ghostbusters and dado no longer like them. church of broken god or something: dado is very on edge with religions especially the crazy cult kind of ppl but these guys are very friendly towards dado and do not mind him, dado will sometimes fund their crazy ongoings. the church of the second high tooth: dado does not like the cults. dado: idk why dado on goi list but dado like himself. u trust dado. dr wondertaintment (tee em): dado love the dr wondertaintment (tee em) and dado strives to be like them with all whimsy (tee em) and fun, but dado is not good at making the toy sometimes so he leave that to them. favourite dado partner. the factory: dado number one enemy as dado hate the factory and wish dado could punch them into the sky with dado boxing glove. dado wishes they suffer for long time. five church: dado does not like cult as he stated before and this no exception but dado find it funny how they worship the starfish like the patrick star from spunch bob. maybe they r funny ppl. gamers against weed: dado think the fact they r against weed is good thing as dado does not like devil lettuce, so dado support them but when dado try to enter chat room it fill dado pc with the weed so dado think the es see pee is attack them, they r cool ppl. global occult coal miners: just as bad as es see pee if not worse as they actively want dado heads, very bad and dado does not like it when they raid warehouse or threaten dado customer. do not threaten dado customer. dado stillnot consider them number one enemy. gru-p: dado had run in with gru-p when he make product for the russian but other then that no bad quarrels with the gru-p, dado hasnt heard from them for while though. circus of quiet ppl: dado is mortal enemy of circus as they ruined his moon fort and forced him to fight the spaceman in fisticuff (which dado won) dado wishes to not intrude on their business though. maybe could repair relationship. the horizon something (dado forgot): dado does not attempt to speak with them and wishes not to. ijamea: mmm dado love jam, very tasty. manna charity foundation: dado loves support charity like the good businessmen who r rich should, donate many product and money to them as anonymoose, very good ppl dado support. martian cottage and grimdark: dado does not know how to feel about them as they tried to hack dado, steal his product but also willing to work with dado??? dado have many bad experience though so he is 50/50 on them. nobody: dado cannot read into nobody as they are nobody. oria: who? oneiroi collection: helped dado with his dream marketing which is very good at selling the product to higher entity, dado like them as they r helpful for dado to further market in dream. pattern screamers:
dadafuiasfhiafhnidhfajkbfajgbgadgasjkgbahdgbgjkabgjlalgbadghlalgah srry hamster on keyboard. prometheus lab: dado similar to them, maybe dado even worked for them before is where dado got his keyboard from as well, dado miss them sometimes. sharkic cults: dado hate cults and dado hates sharks, dado does not like them at all. snake hands: dado feel bad for the walking library ppl with the snake hands and wish he could help them cure snake hands but dado is banned from library like what the? dado is try to help them and they treat him poorly. the shark punching centre: dado supports their cause 101% as dado hates sharks and sharko, dado donates 10% of his money made to them so they can punch sharks and sometimes dado will punch sharks. great people. uiu: hahahahah wizard police cannot touch mighty dado business, dado still hate them though as they will actively look for dado product that have been sold and take them away!!! wilson wildlife solution: very great ppl, take care of the horses (dado offer to replace before) and very kind ppl. dado wishes he could meet the tim wilson man in person but dado is very busy all the time. dado like them. three moon ppl: dado tries to avoid at all cost and they could spell end to dado business! very bad ppl, dado do not like, hate them alot. █████ industrial: dado pity them as they try to take the easy way out, big hole left in market and dado sometimes will try fill it in but he is not good at filling them in. dado wishes he could help. atf: evilest company run by evilest man (except factory) wishes to abuse customer base, does not respect customer either. dado does not like the atf. atari arcadia: dado think the arcade making and the game making is a very good idea for the business venture and maybe dado should reach out to them?? dado will try later, possibly good business partner. deer college: dado funds them in return dado get to help with school food menu full of yummy dado food, also dado will sometime teach the class there and is like "i am dado i teach u the magic pill and stuff" nice place to be. daevites: dado does not like the evil cult. eric: dado see alot of his younger self in eric so dado sometime reach out to him in time of the need and will offer help and maybe even the free dado product (wow) and also offer him support on his own things. just girl things: dado once tried break into market but did not agree with founder of just girl things so dado cut the ties and never talk to them again, does not like dado either. light courier enterprise: make the good product that dado like to keep and also spread a good message, very truthful and good ppl. lord blackwood: one of dado good friend who will share the tale that inspire dado to make a product, also look after robert mitchell when dado cannot. parawatch: the dado arg did not go over well, dado apologies to parawatch.net. not on good terms with dado either, will not come back. saturn deer planet guy: dado will sometime talk to them but dado is like "u r so evil and mean, dado is not like the evil and mean ppl" so dado block them. scarlet king: dado is not on good terms with red king man, dado try sell to him before and all he did was try and kill dado so dado will not try again. totleighsoft: dado once tried to invest in them but all they did was scream hazard at dado so dado gave up. dado glad he did not invest as they make the bad product. the going to hell ppl who made the puppy machine: also dado enemy, dado does not like or understand the product they make and wishes they go bankrupt or something soon. ok that is all goi dado can think of, dado hope u like his list and thoughts on the matter.
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Somebody Loves You | Kevin Moon (The Boyz Imagine)
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Bandmates au! in which Kevin finally realizes that the love he’s looking for is standing right here beside him. 
Genre: angst, fluff at the end, friends to lovers au, bandmates au.
Words: 1.6k-ish? 
All she could remember were the tears on his face. 
And then, then came the heartbreak. Along with that, the sad songs bouncing off his piano keys like soulful siren singing melodies about the dead and haunting her in her sleep. The floor was always littered with crumbled paper and when Y/N had enough courage to smooth one out, realized that they were nothing more than lyrics singing of a broken heart. 
The break up had come unexpectedly. A quick slap in the face, as she liked to call it. But after that day, Kevin was never the same. Oh he tried, tried his best to fake it behind a cracked mask that always managed to crumble half-way throughout the day, but Y/N knew him like the back of her hand, knew exactly the slightest microscopic expressions that shifted in his face, which made her even more aware of his countenance every single time. 
One time, she found him curled up on the corner of the couch in their small practice room -- tucked away in one of the school’s back buildings that nobody ever ventured to -- with tears cascading down his face in crystal translucent jewels, carving paths along his cheeks and dripping off his jaw as he kept his eyes averted from her own. 
“Kevin,” Y/N sighed, before plopping herself down next to him, “did you eat?” 
The young man shook his head. Of course he hadn’t. Nothing much interested him these days. 
She made a frustrated sound, “you can’t keep doing this to yourself, you know.” 
“It hurts,” came his murmur, words choked with tears. 
“I know it does Kev, but--” Y/N’s hand landed on his shoulder in a soft, warm caress, “you have to move on. She has.” 
He sniffled for a few minutes more. Then, he wiped his nose with his shirt sleeve, gladly accepting the tissue she provided him upon noticing his struggle, “thanks,” he merely mumbled, a breath of words so quiet and weak she feared he might break in two.
“Come on,” Y/N’s hands went to cup his face before pulling up the corner of his lips with her thumbs. She grinned at him, “smile. Come on, it’s not the end of the world. You have me.” 
A tear-filled chuckle escaped his chest, “yeah,” the corners of his lips tugged up slightly, “yeah I know.” 
The next few weeks were swamped in a constant routine of practice and attending lectures whenever they weren’t too wiped out afterwards, which Kevin accepted the distractions with open arms. Slowly but surely, Y/N watched his expressions clear, his eyes getting lighter and lighter, chuckles coming a little easier to him now, and smiles gracing his face more often times than not. It was relieving, to say the least. Y/N’s heart couldn’t help but jump up in happiness whenever she remembered how far he’d come from the broken mess Kevin once was, though these facts were things she kept hidden like a secret she would carry to her grave.
She’d never tell him; how he’d stolen her heart, and that now she was his entirely if he wanted. No. She couldn’t, never had even before he even started dating his ex back then.
So imagine her shock when Kevin bounded up to her after her Marketing class to tell her:
“Miha texted me.” 
Y/N blinked for a few seconds. The name was enough to make her stomach drop. 
“What?” a frown fell like a dark shadow over her face, “What did she say? What did she want?” 
He shuffled from one feet to another, clearly sensing the unfriendliness emanating from the girl before him, "well, she said a lot of stuff...about how she misses me. And how she wants to talk to me, clear things up because they way we left it was--" his words stopped short upon noticing the scowl spreading over Y/N's face faster than he could utter Miha's name. Instead, he asked, "what? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're not going to meet her, are you?" Were the only words that she managed to splutter out of the multitudes of protests ringing through her mind.
"Well," he scratched the back of his head, looking strangely embarrassed, "I don't know, I thought maybe I should go, we didn't have any closure and--"
"Are you insane?"
Kevin blinked, "no, I just thought--"
"She broke your heart," Y/N shook her head and her fists impulsively clenched at her sides in hopes that she wouldn't sock him one. Frustration flared through her, "she broke up with you and left you in this mess by yourself. You-- You were terrible Kev, you weren't eating and you barely slept. Why would you want to go back to that?" She searched his eyes, attempted to seek out what was going on inside his brain, "why would you?"
"Look Y/N," she watched as Kevin's expression hardened, "I'm really grateful for you, I am. But it's no big deal, okay? It's just a lunch to talk things over."
"Just a lunch?" She laughed, though it sounded empty, "there's no such thing as 'just a lunch'. "
"Why do you even hate her so much? She didn"t do anything to you--"
"You know what? No." Y/n threw her hands in mock surrender, "you do what you want. I'm done. I want no part in this."
"What's wrong with you?" Kevin's voice rose with his anger. It was clear that he was just as rattled as she was, "why are you acting like it's such a big deal?"
How dare he say that.
Anger vibrated through her chest. Invaded her lungs.
Suddenly, it gelt all too hard to breathe.
How dare he, when all she had done was be there for him? When she had vaught him with open arms and nursed his bruised heart back to life.
How dare he.
"How dare you," her voice shook with restrained anger, "how dare you say that when all I've done was for your sake?"
"Y/N I didn't mean--"
"Yes you did!" She cut him off with a yell as tears pooled from the corner of her eyes, "you meant every single word and I'm not having any more of it! You--" she let out a slow, shaky breath through her mouth, body practically vibrating with rage, "you don't even see me, not in the way that I do.”
"What do you mean--"
"I love you, alright?" Her hand tugged at her hair, "I always did, Kev. And seeing you so broken, I hated myself for it. It hurt me as much as it did for you. I'm not going to stick around just to see it happen again."
And before waiting for Kevin to answer back Y/N swivelled on her heel and marched away with her head held high, even as tears wlowly dropped down her cheeks and her heart shook every step along the way.
For the next few weeks, Y/N aboided Kevin at all costs.
Not only was she swimming in huge embarrassment at the prospect of having confessed her somewhat undying love for him, but it did not help matters that she couldn't erase the image of his closed-off, hardened expression as they argued back and forth.
It was obvious whom he'd chosen to side with. Y/N wasn't supposed to feel bitter -- actually hated herself for being so petty -- but she couldn't help it. It was like his presence was a ghost that haunted her every day life, a constant reminder that he wasn't here anymore.
So Y/N avoided the band practice room like the plague, skipped classes they shared, so much so that their drummer -- a cute quirky freshmen who went by the name of Eric -- decided to confront her right as she was about to exit her statistics course.
"Why aren't you coming to band practice lately?" Eric asked as he followed Y/N's footsteps echoing down the hall, "something's wrong. You wouldn't be acting this way otherwise. Tell me."
"Nothing's wrong," she muttered while dragging her feet, attempting not to scowl at the wall before her.
"Sure, of course nothing's wrong," Eric rolled his eyes, "that"s why you're sulking like a five year old child."
"Just leave me alone."
"Is this about Kevin?"
She stayed quiet. Reacting to his statement would just confirm his suspicions.
"It is, isn't it?" Eric continued while the girl struggled to keep her face void of emotion, "he's been acting all weird too. Hasn't been practicing as much, and apparently he's still talking to that ex of his-- which, by the way, I do not approve of -- but he looks off, Y/N. Like he doesn't even want to hang out anymore."
"Not my problem."
"Y/N," a hand fell upon her shoulder then. Eric squeezed her softly, "I'm not stupid. I know you guys fought for whatever reason. But for my sake, please come back. Come and and talk to him," he paused, then added a soft, "please."
Usually, a few prods from Eric here and there would prompt Y/N to make the first move. But not this time. She wasn't about to apologize to Kevin for having done nothing wrong. If anything, she was the one who should be apologized to!
Instead, Y/N took this chance to call up her mother who laid just a few hours away in the suburbs, asking if there was any possibility for a visit. A break would do her some good and by the older woman's delighted tone on the other side of the line, Y/N guessed that it would please her mother just as much. The older woman didn't hesitate to gush at the many dishes she would prepare for her only daughter, prompting Y/N to smile despite all the circumstances.
Trust her mother to make her feel loved when nobody else could.
And so, it was a few days later when Y/N packed her things for the weekend. She ambled out into the shared common room, bid a casual goodbye to her flatmates, before starting towards the train station, her heart already lifting with hope with every step that brought her closer to home.
Only for that hope to shatter when a familiar alto burst through the air.
Turning towards the sound, the said girl's eyebrows stitched into a frown upon noticing Kevin's figure running up to her as if he was the one about to his miss train.
"What do you want--" she didn't even have time to finish her sentence when Kevin's arms snatched her over to his chest, one of his hands weaving into her hair before he tilted his head and crashed his mouth down onto hers.
"Wha--" the words choked up in the back of her throat as Kevin moved his lips onto her own in the most sensual dance with a desperate, almost aggressive need. His hand at her waist tightened, slipping underneath her shirt and causing her to gasp, electric tingles shooting up her spine.
He kissed her with ardour, with a passion she didn't know he possessed. He kissed her until her knees felt weak and until her head spun deliciously from his attacks; mouth suckling onto her bottom one, nibbling at the skin and -- impulsively -- Y/N couldn't help but kiss back.
A growl vibrated through his chest at her response and she almost fell, pliant in his arms. His tongue pushed at her mouth, delving in without warning and eliciting a soft whimper from the said girl as her own arms slithered their way up his shoulders and into his hair. 
He was everywhere. His scent. His taste. He tasted so familiar and warm and just--just Kevin. 
She hadn't realized that they'd been moving until her back collided with the cold, cemented wall of her apartment building, the contrast of its iciness and Kevin's warmth sending another surge of hot desire through her chest.
"Don't leave me," Kevin breathed through multiple kisses, his voice hoarse and rough from their kiss, "don't leave. I'm sorry."
It took ever ounce of Y/N's brain cells to figure out what he was sorry for.
"For what?" She mumbled against his mouth.
He drew back with a soft sigh and a whine almost crawled up her throat at the loss of heat. Pressing their foreheads together, noses touching, he murmured, "for everything. For not listening to you, for not seeing you, I-- I was so stupid for taking you for granted and it's only when you walked out on me that I realized--" he exhaled shakily, "that I realized how much...how much I loved you."
Closing her eyes to let his words wash over her wounds, she felt like pinching herself.
It didn't seem real.
Kevin didn't seem real.
And as though she yearned for that clarification herself, her hand reached up to press her palm against his cheek. 
The man's eyes closed, taking in the feel of her skin, her warmth, against him.
And when he opened them once more to find her brown orbs swimming with flecks of sudden affection, he couldn’t help but lean forward again.
"I'm sorry," he pecked her mouth chastely, "I'm sorry," his kisses trailed over her jaw, up her cheek while he kept on muttering a string of apologies that caused a troop of butterflies to flutter through her stomach. Her hands fisted through his shirt unconsciously as Kevin continued showering her face in a rain of kisses that left her heart cartwheeling in her chest, heat springing through her cheeks at the way their bodies practically molded into each other. 
His firmness pressed against her curves. Sensual heat pooled at the bottom of her stomach. 
“Please just--” Kevin’s alto broke at the last word, “just don’t leave.” 
To be fair, she wasn’t actually leaving for good. But it seemed like Kevin had understood it all upside down, for he thus nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck and hugged her close as though fearing that she might disappear at any given moment.
She took a deep, shaky breath. Let it out slowly through her teeth, “I’m not going anywhere, Kev.” 
She felt him pause, “why are you all packed then?” 
“I’m just going to visit my mom for the weekend.” 
Another pause. Then: 
“Oh. Fuck.” 
Laughter bubbled straight out of Y/N’s lips the moment Kevin lurched back to gaze at her with wide-eyed panic reminiscent to that of a young deer in the headlights. He was just too adorable for his own good and while she pitied the fact that Eric had merely dramatized the situation of her leaving, she was grateful. Kevin would never have acted so impulsively if he wasn’t desperate.
And now, she knew that these feelings were actually reciprocated.
“Stop,” Kevin brought her back, pecking at a spot right underneath her jaw as she kept on laughing, “stop laughing. It’s not funny!” 
“Oh my-- Oh my god. You thought I was leaving for good, weren’t you?” Y/N tried, and failed, numerous times to force the laughter down though it was proving to be quite difficult. 
Her heart felt so much lighter than just a few minutes ago. It was soaring through clouds, literally floating up to the heavens in happiness.
“I got scared okay?!” Kevin prodded at her tummy, face dropping into a pout, “I thought you were never going to come back because of--because of what happened.” 
“I’m not that dramatic.” 
“I know, I’m usually the drama queen.” 
“So,” a teasing smile lifted at the corners of Y/N’s lips. Her eyes narrowed towards his, mischief dancing in her eyes, “you love me, do you?” 
“You’re never going to let me hear the end of it, are you?” 
“Nope,” she singsonged, “it’s too adorable to forget.” 
“Hmph,” Kevin groaned slightly and she shivered at the contact of his lips against her collarbone. He lifted his head to kiss her cheek softly, mouth traveling over to land on her lips then, “as long as I get a girlfriend out of it, I’m okay with that.” 
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friendlyfrat-boy · 3 years
Kyle Dies Chapter 4
Sugar? Sugar!
TW - Major character death, gore.
Characters: Stan Marsh, Butters/Victor Chaos, Kenny McCormick, Eric Cartman, etc.
He was supposed to be saved. Stan was supposed to stop  Clyde and everything would have gone back to the way it was always  supposed to be. But reality was a cruel mistress, and with the twitch of  a finger, everything ended.
With Stan still in the past, a  paradox in time was created, forcing him to merge with his younger self  in order to continue existing. But the cost was steep, and he wakes up  forty years in the future, in a place that no longer resembles anything  he has ever known. Faced with a world that could best be described as a  dystopia, Stan has no choice but to attempt to return to the past once  more in order to set things right, once and for all. But with Kenny on  the run from a fascistic theocracy led by guess-who, he has no choice  but to become a fugitive to avoid those he used to call his friends. At  his side, his only real ally appears to be a certain Butters who can't  make up his mind on who he's supposed to be.
Will they ever  succeed in making the world right again, or should they just give up,  even if it means dooming everything and everyone they once held dear?
“Yeah, I’d like a kosher burger with some kosher fries, and then a glass of kosher milk with it. And-, and can we get some desserts? Yea? Okay, okay, ummm…” Butters squinted hard at the menu in his hands, poking his tongue out thoughtfully. “...Ice cream? Kosher ice cream? Y-, yeah, two of those! You want one, right Stan?”
 Absently, Stan nodded back at him. “Sure.”
 The waitress at their side nervously scribbled down their orders, her eyes constantly glancing at Butters. “Will that be all, sirs?” Something in her voice made it very clear that she had many questions to ask.
 “Yeah,” Stan replied. “Thank you.”
 She gave a curt bow and then disappeared. Stan watched her as she went. Who designed that uniform? Not only was the shirt just on the edge of bursting open, but the skirt was both way too tight and way too short to possibly be comfortable. It wasnät like the restaurant was of that sort either. There were plenty of kids and families, even including a small play area for children. 
 Hell, if Stan just focused a little on one of the many fathers, it was clear that they weren’t paying attention to the waitresses. Their attention was placed firmly on the food. 
 Chastity. What a strange thing. 
 Following that line of thought, could it be that the waitresses were purposefully dressed seductively, all in order to test the patrons?
 …No, that couldn’t be it. It was much more likely that it was just an ineffective marketing scheme that had fallen flat but they couldn’t afford or bother to change the outfits. 
 “Can you believe it, Stan? She didn’t recognize me at all! Oh boy, I can’t wait for that burger. Last time I had me a good burger was back when I was a kid. Same with ice cream, now that I think about it. An’ also milk. Man, there sure are a lot of things I haven’t tried in a while, huh?”
 Stan couldn’t bring himself to tell Butters that she had probably recognized him but chosen not to say anything out of fear. Butters was, by all means, one of the most recognizable faces around, and not because he didn’t look somewhat plain (characteristic scar barred), but rather because his face was plastered on almost every building in the city. Whether it be proverbs, quotes or calls to join the military, he was practically everywhere. Removing his uniform had done a lot to change his aura of authority, but it didn’t change his face in the least.
 “Yeah, I guess so.” Stan glanced at the nearby tables. People were chatting and talking relatively pleasantly, only stopping to look nervously at Butters. By the looks of it, nobody dared pay too much attention to them. “Okay, listen. Before we do anything else, I need you to tell me where Kenny is.”
 “Kenny’s the one who invented the time machine that sent me back in time to begin with. I was going to save Kyle, but…” Stan shook his head. “It isn’t important. What is important is that we find Kenny again. He-, he doesn’t work for Cartman, does he?...”
 Butters smiled sheepishly and waved his hand. “Nah, Kenny left ages ago. After Kyle died, Kenny went away pretty quickly. I think I remember he went to Nebraska or something? Once Eric heard about it he went to go fetch him, but Kenny didn’t like what Eric was doin’, so he left for Canada. But that was loads of years ago, yanno?” 
 “Do you know where he is now?”
 Butters pulled his lips tight. Right as he was about to say something, the waitress arrived to place their drinks on the table. “Oh, thank ya.” Carefully, he sipped his milk before looking back up at Stan. “I think I do, yeah. But Eric doesn’t. Cuz, like I said, Kenny didn’t like, well, any of this, but he left me a lil’ note on the promise that I don’t show anybody else. I wasn’t even supposed to tell anyone else, but I don’t think you count, right?”
 “Of course I don’t, I’m his friend!” Stan said with as much conviction as he could muster. 
 Again, Butters smiled at him. “Well, gee, that’s good to hear. It’s kinda hard to trust people nowadays, but you’re real neat, Stan.” Still smiling to himself, Butters grabbed the knife he’d been given. Then, while Stan stared at him, he began poking around the upper part of his right arm, until he arbitrarily chose a spot and stabbed himself. 
 Before Stan could tell Butters to stop, the man had cut through his own skin, placed his knife to the side, and then began digging through the hole. “Let’s see here, I remember putting it… Ah, there it is!”
 He pulled out a small, blood-stained plastic bag, barely bigger than a matchbook. 
 “God fucking damnit Butters, what the hell are you-,”
 Carefully, Butters opened the small bag and removed a little piece of paper from within. “Here ya go! Now, you’d better make sure not to get that revealed to any-,”
 Stan grabbed Butters’ arm and pressed a napkin against the bleeding wound. “Fucking hell Butters, why would you do that?! Waitress? Waitress!” A curly-haired waitress turned to them with harelike eyes. “Yeah, you. Go get us some bandages, will you?”
 Grumbling, Stan turned back to Butters, who watched him owlishly. “What is it, Butters?”
 “No, I just…” Butters glanced off.
 Well, that wasn’t an answer. Damn Butters. Couldn’t he just keep his all-important notes in like a normal bag or something? Did he really have to be so dramatic?
 After less than a minute, the waitress returned with a small first-aid kit in hand. Stan took it from her and fixed up Butters. Sure, it was only skin-deep, but even such a small wound could easily become infected under the right conditions. Considering that he had cut himself with a fucking restaurant knife, there could really be anything in there. 
 By the time he had finished with the wound, the food had arrived. 
 They dug in.
 And it was…
 “What the fuck? How is this so good?!” Stan exclaimed. Sure, he hadn’t had anything to eat in several days, but that didn’t explain how tasty this damn food was. Glancing up, he found  Butters in the throes of a similar delight, eating his burger sloppily with both hands. He grinned broadly at him. 
 “Yeah! Eric set really high standards for food cuz he likes it so much. I remember him telling me once that he’d like to be able to enter any restaurant in the country and exit with a smile on his face. Though, he hasn’t left his house in like thirty years, so I don’t think he really cared about it all that much.”
 Stan scoffed. “That’s two good things about this future, then.”
 Butters stared at him strangely. “Well, that’s kind of harsh, Stan.”
 “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
 “It’s just that, well, things aren’t all bad, you know? And it’s not like I’m just saying it ‘cuz I’ve been in charge of a little too much ‘round here, but sustaining authority over an entire country needs a bit more than just threats and murder. Like-, well, we haven’t been in those parts of town, but poverty is next-to erased cuz it isn’t very profitable in the long run. People work better and harder if they’re happy and healthy. It also makes our occupation seem cooler to surrounding countries.”
 For some reason, Stan wanted to disagree with him. The proxy-leader of a fascistic empire was eating burgers and trying to convince him that it wasn’t all bad, and yet, Stan found himself unable to muster any words. 
 “There’s also very little criminality,” Butters said with a resolute nod. “Ah, well, I mean, there kinda is, but it’s all state-regulated, you know? Like, if someone’s gonna die, we decide who and how.” His eyebrows squished together. “Gee, that didn’t sound all that nice… B-, but it’s true! Drugs are also legal for the most part, though they’re as heavily regulated as any other addictive substances.” A strange smile found itself onto his lips. “See? It isn’t all that bad!”
 Stan turned away. Over by the play area, kids jumped over each other, running up and down stairs and tumbling down slides. 
 “I’ve only been here for like a day, Butters. I don’t know all that much, but can you really say this is a good future considering what happened to South Park?” Finding his footing, Stan puffed out his chest. “And what about that war, huh? There was nothing like that in my timeline. Sure, things might look a bit nice on the surface, but who’s to tell what’s going on beneath it all? How many people a year are quieted, all to ensure the ‘safety’ of the country? How about corporal punishments? Conscriptions?”
 “There are faults to every country-,”
 “Sure, but at least they accept that they do have them,” Stan argued hotly. “What about this place? Can you give one real critique of its actions? What about its laws? Think about the wars you’re currently entrapped in and tell me they aren’t a waste of time.”
 “It’s a very complex issue-,”
 “Then make it simple!” Stan cried. “Aren’t you supposed to know all about these kinds of things? About all the armies and what good comes from the wars?” A fire churned in the pit of his stomach. “Tell me, Butters, how many years have you been in a state of war so far? How many battles have you won or lost?” He glared at Butters. “How many good men have you lost so far?”
 Butters faced him bravely. “The war has been going on in greater or lesser forms for twenty-two years, ever since public unrest grew too great to ignore. In order to handle them, Eric made the decision to avert attention. We had intended to wait a little longer, but there really was no choice. Since then, we have directly waged battle in seven countries, including France, Germany, Canada-,”
 “Q-, quiet!” Stan said. “Just-, just be quiet, okay?” Butter’s jaw clamped shut. “You… ‘had no choice’?”
 With sudden uncertainty, Butters nodded. “Y-, yes, that’s right.”
 “You’re telling me there was no fucking way you could just step down and let the country govern itself again? You’d rather send soldiers to die in some stupid diversion-tactic than let the people exercise their right to choose their leader?”
 Again, Butters nodded. But a thought clearly passed through him. “Well, the war really isn’t too bad.”
 Stan could feel the sweltering fire in his stomach bristle. “Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
 “Most of them weren’t Jewish.” The way Butters said it, with such complete, total apathy made the fire in Stan’s chest lurch painfully. “Eric was really quite clever about it, cuz we had this huge population of really stalwart Christians and agnostics and atheists and all that, so he made the neat little choice that those people would get shipped off first. If you were a real honest believer of the true faith, or if you had some other family situation to handle, you’d get a pass. But not the non-Jewish. It’s almost a little funny, cuz we make this whole game about how we’re getting back at Germany, but at the same time, most people on the front really don’t wanna be there.”
 Stan watched Butters for a few seconds, feeling how the heat in him gently died. Faced with a moment of silence, Butters continued.
 “Yeah, that’s also a funny thing, cuz Eric didn’t like how I was acting at first, he said I was ‘way too fucking toasty,’ so he sent me off to the front lines. We were kinda currying up favours with Israel there at the beginning, so I helped around with subjugating Palestine once and for all. I really wanted to go home after that, but Eric told me I could only get home once I ‘achieved some authoritah’, so I worked my damn hardest at getting it. It took a couple ‘o years, but here I am!”
 Stan swallowed dryly. He took a sip of his drink. “That’s great, Butters.”
 An awkward silence fell over the table as neither of them could bring themselves to say anything else.
 In the heat of a dark fire, Stan asked, “Tell me, Butters, if this place is so cool and awesome, how come you’re helping me at all?”
 “Didn’t I tell ya? I owe you one for getting me ungrounded,” Butters stated simply.
 “Yeah, I heard you.” He spoke as though possessed - as though he wasn’t confronting his only ally in the world. “But how can I even know if that’s true? You changed awfully quickly, even for you. With your background, how can I know you’re not fooling me by pretending to be Butters in order to make me drop my guard and tell me all my plans and secrets? How can I know you’re Butters and not Victor Chaos?”
 Butters stared at him with a black, soulless gaze, and for once, his right eye was as dead as his left one was. “I guess you just can’t, huh?” 
 A shiver tore across Stan’s back. 
 And then the waitress arrived with a plate full of ice cream and Butters’ face lit up in such unbridled, childish glee that all tension just melted. If you simply looked at what information Stan knew about Victor, there was no chance in hell that such a fascistic war-veteran could possibly act at being Butters. When it came to Butters, there was no pretending. 
 Butters shoved a large spoonful of ice cream into his mouth and squealed in joy. Stan gently face-palmed at his previous thoughts. 
 “...You don’t mind if I’ve committed a few war crimes, do you?” Butters asked through a mouthful of ice cream and chocolate sauce.
 Stan’s mind went blank. “...Excuse me?”
 “Yeah, I’m not sure why or how, but anytime I shoot somebody, no matter where I aim, I always hit them in the weenie. That wasn’t really a crime in and of itself, but a few years before the war started, Eric went out of the way to make it a war crime to shoot people directly in the willie. I’m not really sure why he did that - d’ya think he’s ever been shot in the weewee?”
 Slowly, carefully, with utmost methodology, Stan took a sip of his drink. It was all he could do to keep himself from showing his emotions violently. “Listen, Butters, no matter what you’ve done, it’ll all get erased when we’re done anyways. It’s okay. Just… Just try not to do it again, alright?”
 Butters practically lit up. “Wowee, thanks, Stan! I was kinda worried about the destruction of Christian and Islamic holy houses using modern napalm, but it’s neat to hear you’re so open-minded. In war times, do as the warrers do, right?”
 “Yeah, of course, Butters.” Stan silently got back to eating the ice cream, chanting in his mind that it didn’t matter since this future would anyways be changed.
 …But what if it didn’t change? What if the Kenny of this world had never made a time machine or Cartman found them first? If the latter happened, Stan seriously doubted he’d get off on account of sentimentality. More likely, Cartman would demand whatever he wanted from him and he wouldn’t have any choice but to give it. And Butters…
 The man in front of Stan happily licked his plate clean.
 -Butters was, despite everything, just a man. 
 They could probably get to Kenny somehow, but even then there was a chance that he wouldn’t even help them, or he might already be dead.
 Sighing, Stan let his gaze fall to the table, where he once again noticed the little note Butters had kept within his arm. He’d forgotten all about it, hadn’t he? Well, no time like the present. Stan reached out and grabbed it. But right as he was about to unfold it, he noticed Butters looking forlornly at Stan’s almost-full plate of ice cream. Wordlessly, Stan slid it over to him. 
 As the other man went at the ice cream with the vigour of a sugar-frenzied kid, Stan unfolded the small note.
 ‘Going to Canada. Dn’t tell Cartman. Fatass’ gonna have me killed. Come if you wanna do good.
PS, be nice to Stan
 Stan glanced across the table. Be nice to Stan, yeah, alright.
 Turning over the note, Stan found an address to somewhere - hopefully where Kenny was staying. But it really was just as Butters had said. Kenny had, for apparently no specific reason, gone to Canada of all places. 
 “Hey, Butters?”
 Butters looked up from where he was gorging himself on way too much ice cream. “Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Wassup?”
 Stan paused for a few seconds before speaking. “Uh, yeah, any idea how we’ll get to Canada? We should probably leave as soon as possible before Cartman tries anything fucking stupid.”
 “Canada? We’re going there? Oh, boy! Yeah! Yeah! That’s gonna be so fun! I haven’t seen Kenny in like a million years! Holy moly! Gosh! Man! We can take my private jet, yeah? I drive planes sometimes! Eric told me it might come into use so I made sure to do it and also drop loads of bombs everywhere which was pretty neat!” 
 Now that Stan was actually looking at Butters, he was able to notice that the man was, indeed, trembling. Eyes wide, grin on full display, he looked about ready to explode. 
 “We-, erm, if we use your private plane, we’ll get noticed, and Canada will probably not let us in. If we’re lucky, depending on national relations, we might not get shot down. We’ll need to get in there at least semi-legally. If we have two separate governments after us, our chances are even slimmer than they already are.”
 Butters blinked slowly at him, like a drunk frog. “Oh. Uhhh. Yeah! I mean, I feel like you’re wrong, but since you’re saying it, I’m sure you’re right. Yeah, yeah. Yeah!” Butters nodded broadly. “Plane go fast. Yes.”
 “...Sounds great. Say, where’s the nearest airport?”
 “Very near, yeah. We can go fast. Yup.”
 A waitress carefully approached them, noticing how their plates were empty. “...Would you like your receipt?”
 Stan turned to her, removing his attention from his sugarfrezied friend. “Yeah, of course.”
 “Great, um, that’ll be 759 sheckles.” 
 A small slip of paper was placed between them, listing what they’d eaten. Stan removed his wallet from his pocket, opening it wide. As expected, it was only filled with American holo-dollars. He removed one and held it up to her. “I’ll assume you don’t take these?”
 She froze in place, eyes quickly darting around before finally falling on Butters. Her voice fell to a hushed whisper. “Sir, I’d recommend you remove that from view or I’m sure you’ll get in trouble.” A strange fear found its way into her voice. “Please.”
 “...Of course.” Quietly, Stan placed his dollars back in his wallet. He turned to Butters. “I guess you’ll pay for this one.”
 Butters blinked at him, apparently only now brought back to reality. “My turn for what-now?”
 “To pay,” Stan said simply. 
 “...Pay?” He glanced at the waitress and then down to the table, where the receipt lay easy. “Oh! Pay! Right, gotcha!” He stared at the receipt for a few seconds. “Um, pay - how?”
 Stan felt his brows knit together. “Dude, you’re fucking-, just pay, man.”
 Butters shook his head back and forth. “I ain’t got no money, Stan. Well, if ya think about it, what use would I have fer money anyways?”
 “To-, to buy things?”
 “Don’t get me wrong or nuthin’, that all sounds neat, but other people could just get that stuff for me, you follow?”
 Stan burrowed his face in his hands. Great, just great. Now they’d have to spend all their damn time washing dishes all because Butters is a fucking hermit. Goddamnit. 
 “...So you two can’t pay?” the waitress said with suspicion. 
 “Yup, that’s right!” Butters said brightly.
 Gently, Stan placed his forehead on the table and began banging his skull against it. Great. Great. Great. Just awesome.
 “Then, I’m afraid I’ll have to-,”
 “Say, missy, how ‘bout I give you something of equal value?” 
 Stan glanced up and found Butters giving him a strange, lopsided smile, as if to tell him ‘it’ll all be alright. Don’t worry.’ Somehow, Stan couldn’t really believe him.
 “...Equal value?”
 Butters leaned back casually. “Yeah! Most people don’t know nothin’ about it, but I’ll let you in on it.” He smiled in a way Stan had only seen him smile a few times before. “Have you ever heard of NFTs?”
 A strange sensation of hopelessness gripped Stan’s heart and he felt oddly resigned to his fate.
 “NFTs? What’s that?”
 “You’re tired of this job, aren’t you? Always servin’ people, never gettin’ served yourself or anythin’. But that can all change! If you just listen to me, I can get you some good motherfuckin’ money.” What happened after that point was a blur, and Stan decided pretty early on that he’d better plug his ears, lest he should suddenly get an urge to lose what little money he had. Even then, by the end of it, he felt an extraordinary urge to make money and invest it in sketchy schemes.
 Looking at the starry-eyed waitress, it was clear that she was far worse off. “Hang-, hang on, I need to do some stuff.”
 And with that, she ran off, probably to unwillingly relinquish all her earthly possessions in exchange for a wiener-dog dressed as a Swiss yodeler. 
 “Alright, let’s go!” Butters said after it all, taking to his feet and stepping away from the table with a confident swagger that certainly wasn’t there before. Lost in the reverie you might have after watching a family home burn down, it took a few seconds before Stan stood up and scampered after Butters.
 And off they went to the airport.
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
How about Little Mermaid AU! with Kyo? Basically, he’s Ariel and his s/o is Prince Eric in this case, and she’s the princess of the kingdom. A SFW scenario with them would be cute! It doesn’t have to be the whole movie at all, but maybe just the part where Kyo sees her for the first time and then saves her. After seeing her, the only thing he really wants is to be with her. Thank you! I’ll always enjoy your writing!
I loved this idea so much, bby! I’m sure it’s obvious if everyone just looks at my blog. So thank you for making this request. It’ll be followed soon with another one bc a friend of mine (Biz) added in a req for a continuation and I’m all for it.😂🍉🍉🍉 
Chances: Merman!Kyōjurō x Princess!F!S/O (Mermaid AU, SFW Scenario)
Warning: Depictions of drowning Word Count: 1989 (I usually don’t add a word count for reqs, but this one is special bc 1989 was when the Little Mermaid movie came out.)
The party was already in full swing around (Y/n); wine, champagne, and sake flowing on board the ship as everyone celebrated the high of the youngest prince’s seventh birthday. People laughed and danced, twirling around in circles while the band played the most elegant of waltzes.
People milled about her, sending her graciously flaky smiles and sinking down into low bows when they came across her. She was getting so tired of it; having to return their gestures, having to fake a smile each and every time, and always having to make idle conversation— when all she wanted was to be alone.
More so because of the fact that she was incredibly drunk, and didn’t want to end up embarrassing her entire family. Even though she was a princess, she had no excuses of acting like a deranged lunatic on her brother’s birthday.
She had no excuses to act like a deranged lunatic. Ever.
So, she found it better to hide, rather than to try and tame the need inside her that screamed at her to let loose and have fun. And that was how she found herself making her way over to the quarterdeck of the ship— silently hoping that she would find her much needed solace there.
Thankfully, she did find it empty of any uncouth men and women who couldn’t find it in themselves to get a room for their… proclivities.
It wasn’t that she looked down on them, she just didn’t particularly like it when they cut into her alone time. Especially when they did it within the castle walls, or anywhere else that was her family’s property.
Unfortunately, there weren’t any chairs that had been set up there, so she had to make do with standing against the banister and clinging tightly to it— if only to help keep her balance. Because it was either she chanced sitting down on one of the barrels that dotted the area, and risked ruining her dress, or she braved the last few hours standing up and keeping her dress as immaculate as she could.
She chose the latter; even throwing her head back and savoring the salty sea air that cooled her warm cheeks. But the craned position was making the bun—that her hair was in— droop down and tug at her scalp, so (Y/n) reached up and quickly pulled the hair pin that held all of it in place.
In her tipsy daze, she looked down at the bejeweled pin in her hand and scoffed— making a face at the glittering object, before tossing it off the side of the ship.
Her eyes followed the silver object, watching with inept fascination as the light glinted off of the jewels and the shiny body altogether. However, when her gaze landed on the spot where it was supposed to land— she immediately stifled a scream when she saw a mane of fiery hair poking out from the water.
“M-man overboard!” She whispered at first, not believing her eyes at all— especially when the person looked right up at her, his matching fiery eyes widening in surprise before he grabbed the hair pin in the air and dove back down beneath the dark depths of the sea.
(Y/n) could only shake her head and close her eyes, trying to make sense of what she had seen— but not finding any logical explanation as to why a man would be in the middle of the sea, at night even.
Only a crazy person would venture out when it was that cold and dark, especially with the foreboding feeling of a thunderstorm rolling in.
Meanwhile, Kyōjurō’s heart was racing frantically as he clutched the glittering object that his princess had thrown overboard. He had been following her with his eyes all night long, watching how she smiled and interacted with all of the people around her— acting so gracious and humble, even as everyone called her by her title.
Even though she smiled, however, the merman could still see the tinge of sadness that were evident in her eyes— making her look so forlorn and lonely, despite all of the smiles and kind words that she doled out to everyone.
To say that he had been completely enamored by her would have been the understatement of the century. And, with the way that his heart was beating inside his chest when their eyes connected, he could even say that it was love at first sight.
He clutched the ornament closer to his chest, biting down on his bottom lip as he swam under the gargantuan boat— well away from her sight, but still close enough for him to see her the moment he resurfaced.
Maybe he was being crazy for completely disobeying his father’s orders, but he would be damned if he didn’t admit that he wanted to see her again. Hell, he wanted to go up to her and talk to her— to ask her what her name was, and what it was like to have been freely able to bask in the sun.
He wanted to ask her so many things, that he knew that an entire lifetime with her wouldn’t have been enough to get all of his answers. Because that was just it: an entire lifetime wouldn’t have been enough for him, if it meant that he could spend it with her.
All of a sudden, loud thunder-like claps sounded above Kyōjurō; well out of the water, and higher up than the boat. It had him jumping in surprise before immediately resurfacing, just to find out if his princess was safe.
His eyes instantly sought her out from where he broke the surface of the water, lightly being rocked by the waves as he managed to see her profile being illuminated by the overhead lamps.
She looked even more breathtaking than when he’d first seen her, especially with her hair loose like it was at that very moment.
He felt his heart lurch once more, making him lift his right hand up and cup it the spot where his chest was throbbing in the most pleasant way possible— pressing the item she’d dropped against his skin and stifling a smile as different colors illuminated the night sky above them.
No matter how beautiful the fireworks were, however, they were still nothing compared to the young woman’s beauty; and the young merman found himself always looking back at her, even though he kept forcing himself to look up and enjoy the rare show of lights in the sky.
However, it was when a big explosion at the front of the ship happened that he grew panicked; hearing the frantic shouts of humans as he saw orange flames quickly lick up the tall masts that held up the sails of the boat.
His eyes immediately shot over to where his beloved was, wanting to cry out to her— to tell her to jump and that he would catch her— but he was too tongue-tied to even say anything. So, he had no choice but to follow her movements along the side of the boat, dodging people left and right as she called out a garbled name.
She sounded so fearful and panicked that it had him frowning but, no matter how much he wanted to help her, he also couldn’t risk being seen by anyone else.
He had already been breaking so many rules by just being there in the first place, and if he were to be the reason why humans found out about his people, then he would never be able to forgive himself.
So, with one last worried glance at her, he forced himself to dive back down— before the first of the humans jumped off the ship and saw him there.
Everything inside him told him to stay and wait for her, but the more responsible part of him was screaming at him to go deeper and avoid being seen at all costs.
All he could do was tighten his grip on the pin in his hands, staying as deep as he could while watching so many humans jump off of the ship— seeing their legs kicking beneath the surface of the water, and waiting in tense silence for even a sliver of that dress she wore.
If he was not mistaken, it was called a kimono— as he’d heard the term be thrown around when he’d spied on another, much smaller ship.
The merman circled around the ship many times, waiting anxiously as more and more people jumped overboard as the ship went up in flames. And he felt his chest tighten up when he saw the familiar kimono that he’d been waiting for.
Only, no matter how hard the person tried to kick themselves to the surface, they still got dragged down to the bottom of the sea.
Kyōjurō then swam up to get closer to the young woman, quickly noting that she had opened her mouth and had lost all of the air she’d taken in before falling in the water. Her hands flailed aimlessly on either side of her, helplessly trying to make herself rise up to the surface while she tried to keep kicking her legs.
Only, no matter how hard she tried, she still kept sinking. And it didn’t even take a second for the young merman to make up his mind. Just as (Y/n) was losing consciousness, he pulled her to his chest, swimming as quickly as he could to an area that wasn’t dotted with other humans— and breaking the surface of the water.
He should have been overjoyed to have her in his arms, but all he could feel as cold, deep-seated fear as he tried to shake her awake— even going as far as to tap her right cheek lightly; to no avail.
Her head only lolled to one side, while her eyes remained closed.
Trying to shake her awake once more, he found himself near-desperate as he shook her harder. “Wake up, wake up, princess.”
Still, no matter how heartfelt his pleas, she wouldn’t open her eyes. It wouldn’t have been a cause of much panic if she had just been unconscious, but the blue tinge that was slowly starting to discolor her initially pink lips had him near tears.
He knew he had to get her out of the water as quickly as possible, so that was how he found himself fighting against the waves as he struggled to bring her to land— as he couldn’t dive back underwater with her in his arms.
It took the better part of an hour but, thankfully, he’d reached an empty beach where he let the waves wash them over to the shore— struggling to pull her up to a much drier area with just one arm holding her, as he used his other arm, as well as his tail, to drag himself up the sand.
He was so tired from swimming against the waves that he could only let himself fall back against the dry ground, while he pulled his beloved princess closer to his chest— if only to warm her up from the chill of the night.
Before he could stop himself, however, he was already leaning up and pressing a kiss to the top of her wet hear— smiling as he felt his lips tingle at the very brief contact. And softly, he sighed as he wrapped his other arm around her.
He closed his eyes then, smiling sadly as he whispered, “I would give everything to stay right beside you, princess.”
Kyōjurō sighed under his breath, sounding much more tired than he really let on, as he lifted a hand up and toyed with the ends of (Y/n)’s hair. “If only I could promise you that, I would. You would never have to feel sad or lonely again.”
And softly, he added, “If only I could be part of your world.”
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magic-belodie · 4 years
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I finished Nathaniel’s route of MCLLL episode10. It cost me 1096 AP I got the illustration with Eric. Here is the summary:
(I have chosen different outcomes each time I play. So in the summaries there are more things different than the part with your lover.)
You start this episode in the snake-bar. You come there to have a fine evening with Rosa and Alexy. Rosa comes inside. You and Rosa ask the bar tender where Alexy is. It seems that he quits his job four days ago. Then Alexy comes inside. He tells you he got a new job. Alexy’s new job is head of surveys at the AMG-BBPC agency. His job is actually to suggest paths for improving the product that take into account the expectations I identified via the survey. Alexy got this job with meeting other people with Grindr. He is meeting a lot of people with it. So Rosa ask if he is missing Morgan. Alexy says no. They just didn’t want the same thing out of life. Then Alexy ask how Rosa and you are doing. It is going good with Rosa. She is having few regular customers. And with Thia and Leigh is everything going well. You tell Rosa and Alexy who well it is going with the café. And then you tell them how it is going with Nath. He is still busy on the same undercover case. Alexy ask if you are not worrying about Nath. You say that you try not to think about it and that it is reassuring that Eric is always close to Nath. And that goes really well. But you are afraid that he doesn’t have any time for you anymore. Then Alexy get some drinks and gives his number to a guy he just met at the bar. Then you asked them if they heard about Priya’s new case. They read about in the paper. They think it will be a difficult case. I choose in the last episode to testify. Rosa thinks that as long as you stick to the truth, nothing will go wrong and Priya will handle it. Then you take another round and go home. The next day starts. You are at the café. You get a message from Rayan. He asks you to come see him. You go directly to him.
At Rayan’s house. When you see him, he looks terrible. Rayan ask if you heard what happened. You tell him that Priya told you before it was in the news. You can choose if you want to tell Rayan about the testifying. I choose not to. Rayan finds it a bit strange that you already know about it because of the secrecy that is bound to this case. Than he tells you that he gets a lot of mails with threats and the other university who wanted him has turned him down because of this. He asks you to testify with what happened with Marina. You say that he first needs to tell what happened in his office. He tells that he called her there to avoid turning her down in a crowd. He explained the situation to her, and then she seems flattered and left without a word. And since then he hasn’t seen her. I say then yes to testify on what I have seen with Marina in episode 8. Rayan thinks that Renate is behind this. He wants to talk with Marina. He asks if you can talk to Marina to get her to the café. I said yes. So I go to find Marina. Rayan thinks she will be at the library.
You go to the university. In front of it, there is a big crowd protesting. The Directer tries them to calm down. You walk to him, ask what he thinks of all this. He thinks that Rayan sometime is very close with his students. And they had no choice, to suspend him until the court settle this. He goes back to his work. You go to the library.
At the library, you see Marina directly. You ask her to talk with Rayan at the café. She first wants to discuss this with her lawyer. You leave the library.
When you are at out of the library, you call Rayan and told that you didn’t succeed. Then you see Nina. She looks really sad. Raphael turned her down. You go shopping with her to cheer her up. You get to choose your outfit. I got the outfit for Eric’s illustration. Nina goes home a lot happier. You go back to the café.
At the café. You see Dambi, you tell her what happened with Nina. She thinks Nina will be soon over Raphael. Dambi tells that Hyun didn’t bring any cupcakes. You try to call Hyun, but he didn’t answer the phone. The story will speed up to the end of the day, and you go home. When you got home, Nath isn’t there. You be alone for hours and have been worrying sick. You even called Eric. But he didn't answer. Finally, Nath comes inside. You are happy to see him, but also mad that he let you wait so long. You have a little fight about how less you see each other. Nath ask you to go to a restaurant with him the day after tomorrow. You two go to bed. The next day will fly by, and then you are on the day of the date. 
You get up and go to the café. Nina seems to be normal again, and you get a call from Dan to meet him. So you go to him. Dan wants you to own more than one gallery. I turned him down. He’s saying that he is disappointed, but that it won’t change the partnership. You go back to the café. When you are at the café, you see Eric and Nathaniel. Nathaniel is there to tell you that he had to go away a few days with the undercover job. So he won't be able to make it to the date and won't see you for a few days. You hug Nath tight and he goes away. The story will speed up to the end of the day. At closing time, you will see Eric. Eric asks for a coffee. While he waits for the coffee, he helps to close the café. Eric says that he can go in Nath’s place to the restaurant. So you two go to the restaurant.
At the restaurant, you tell Eric why you needed the night out with Nath. But now in stead you have a nice evening with a friend. Eric also really tries his best to reassure you. After diner, I choose to let Eric drive me home and got the illustration with him. And then the episode ends.
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athrialuxegna · 3 years
Stronger than she thinks Part 2
Triggers warning: mental and physical abuse, violence, swearing
Part 1 | Part 3
Fanfiction | Archiveofourown | Wattpad
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It was 6 a.m when I walked out of the cafeteria and nearly choked on my saliva when I saw Eric and Brent. They were laughing at some joke. I couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge in my stomach. If only Eric knew what monster Brent was. Who was I kidding! Eric would not give a shit about this. They stopped in their tracks when they notice me. My face contorted with disgust at the sight of Brent’s horny eyes looking up and down my body. A cold shiver ran down my spine.
“Christine, long time no see.” Brent’s smirk was full of himself.
He had me cornered. Eric was staring at our exchange. It was really bad. If I backed away it would give too much information and the same if I retorted. Ugh, one week of more or less peace wasn’t enough. I became a real ninja since my encounter with Eric. I have succeeded to avoid both men, but my luck was wearing off today.
“My life was brighter without the sight of you. Such a shame you just ruined it.” My sarcastic tone enraged him, his ears turned red and his eyes shot fire. Good. Then he smirked. Oh, crap.
“You know you miss me, Chrissy.” His voice was hushed and seductive.
All color was drained from my face. My nails were digging in my palms, blood slowly spilling from the crescent wounds. This nickname rang a bell. He had called me that when he was all over me. I bit my lip so hard I tasted blood in my mouth. Motherfucker!
“I have something better to do than talking to a prick like you.” I hissed back, turning on my heels.
“You’re so hot when you’re angry Chrissy.” He called after me.
A wave of entangled emotions was bubbling inside of me. It won’t be long before I break down. I began to run when I turn the corner. I went straight to the roof. The rain was pouring hard. Thick drops fell on my face and soaked my clothes. I screamed at the top of my lungs to the raging sky. I couldn’t take his attitude, his face nor his fucking nickname. I took out all my pent up anger and desperation onto the wall beside me. My knuckles hit the wall harder and harder until my knees gave out.  I imagined his face, as bloody as my hands, as shattered as my soul. I wish I could just disappear or forget what happened. Hot tears were streaming down my cheeks. Okay, maybe I was not drained yet.
“Why did you do this to me?” I asked to the raging sky, defeated.
“Why who did what to you?”
Eric’s deep voice startled me. He was standing right at the door, the only escape from the roof. Wonderful. I sighed deeply. I am so fucked, I thought. I felt like I was ready to jump from a cliff without a safety net awaiting me at the bottom. Everything was crashing down around me. I had nothing to lose now. Still, a part of me refused to admit what happened. My bruised ego wasn’t willing to let go. I closed my eyes a second before answering, my back still facing him.
“It’s none of your concern Eric,” I replied dryly.
The tears had stopped as soon as I heard his voice. I appeared weak enough right now to not turn around crying my eyes off. Eric came in front of me, crouching down to be near my level. His eyes more intense than usual as if he was trying to read my thoughts. I wished I wasn’t in the cafeteria earlier. I wished Eric would just ignore me.
“I know this is related to Brent.” I hold my breath at the name. “Tell me, Christine, what did he do to you?” His cold voice chilled me to the bone.
I shivered but held his gaze nonetheless. I shook my head in complete denial. Eric was the last person I wanted to confess to. Eyebrows furrowed and teeth clenched, I held my ground.
“Nothing.” My voice was surprisingly strong.
Eric huffed then closed the gap between us. His breath fanned my face, our noses nearly touching. My breath quickened at the sudden intrusion into my personal space. Tears brimmed in my eyes and I cursed my body for trembling like a leaf. Eric’s eyebrow quirked up, his piercings glistening at the movement. His icy blue eyes tore into my soul, curiosity burning inside them. However, his face was void of any emotion.
“Now, tell me why are you in such a state? You can’t fool me, Christine.” His low voice reached a deeper octave.
Seconds passed, I couldn’t bring myself to tare my eyes away from him. Even though I hated him to follow me up here. Didn’t he have better things to do? I closed my eyes and whispered finally.
“Brent raped me.”
My surrender cost me a lot. It was the final straw, the confirmation that my life became a living hell. Silence followed my confession. I found the courage to open my eyes. Eric was fuming, his gaze fixated on the ground. A hole would appear any second in the concrete at this point. His clenched jaw and fists told me that he was on the verge of losing his self-control. I didn’t know if it was a good or a bad thing. Was he angry at Brent for doing this? Or was he angry because Brent might lose his job as his consultant? So many questions swirled in my mind when his sharp voice cut the dreadful silence.
“Monday night,” I replied curtly, not trusting my voice further.
“Son of a bitch.” He muttered under his breath. “We have to report to Max. Brent has to respond to his crime.”
His words held a finality that scared me. Will he report with or without my consent? His entire demeanor screamed that he was ready to bolt for Max’s office any second. I shot him a wary look and shook my head. It can’t be happening so fast. I hadn’t processed the whole thing yet.
I needed some time to prepare myself for the incoming battle. Should I say the truth or should I lie? An investigation won’t do anything without my word. Brent set up the whole thing, there was no proof. Unless… I went to the infirmary to be examined. No way, no one would ever touch me again or see my lady parts.
“Max won’t know anything. Brent can’t be judged for his crime because of the circumstances.” I retorted with annoyance.
“What circumstances? Rape is rape for fuck’s sake.” Growled Eric.
“You wouldn’t understand because I can’t even figure it out myself,” I admitted bitterly. “Cowardice is my crime.”
“What do you mean?” Something flickered in his eyes.
“While he was…” I trailed off. “I couldn’t move a muscle, my body won’t cooperate. I was helpless, an empty shell. I could just watch and... feel.”
The words ran out of my mouth before my brain could register. I wished I could disappear or that Eric would magically teleport somewhere else. I felt my cheeks burn from embarrassment and shame. I lowered my gaze onto the floor, I couldn’t look at him after saying this.
“It is pretty common during a traumatic experience. Your brain shuts down to protect you, it’s a defensive response.” He explained with a rather know-it-all voice.
A surge of unknown anger bubbled inside of me. His nose side triggered something deep. I huffed and threw my arms around to avoid punching him. His psychological bullshit wouldn’t help me to get rid of my guilt.
“I was a coward nonetheless and I’ll remain as long as I can’t forgive myself. Where’s the Eric I know, the ruthless leader? He would just say to suck it up and get on with my life or I would end up Factionless. Why do you care anyway? Just throw me over the roof already to end my misery!” I yelled.
Eric stood still, unfazed by my sudden outburst. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and waited until I calmed a little bit. His eyes boring holes into my skull.
“Enjoy, this is the only chance you’ve got to shout at me.” He smirked briefly. “No matter what you think of me Chris, this is part of my job to ensure the security of all Dauntless members. The only way to protect you and other women is to send him to justice.”
I growled inwardly. He was right. Brent should be stopped as soon as possible. He could do worse in the meantime. I sighed deeply and bowed my head. I was conflicted. Part of me wasn’t willing to give in. My intimacy had already been violated. I didn’t need a nurse looking down there now. I was selfish, I knew, but it was easier to ignore it than to face it. Tell me about being Dauntless, huh.
“I’ll tell you when I’m ready to report this,” I muttered.
Eric’s lips twitched up at the corners in an almost genuine smile. My heart skipped a beat at the sight, his face always tight and closed was a bit relaxed. Bewitched Eric returned. His changing demeanor was unnerving, I didn’t know what to expect next.
“We should go back inside to take care of your knuckles. Unless you want to catch the flu.”
He turned on his heels and stalked away. He didn’t seem bothered by the rain drenching his clothes and hair. I followed him down in the compound. The cold hallways made me shiver. My soaked clothes clang awkwardly to my body. I certainly looked like a penguin with a stick shoved up his ass or a pathetic excuse of a cowboy, walking after hours of riding a horse. We didn’t say a word until he took a turn I hadn’t expected. He was leading me down the leaders’ quarter. I stopped dead in my tracks.
“Why do you bring me here?” I questioned warily.
“You prefer Marlene’s questioning?” He retorted coolly.
I began to walk again. Marlene was the head of the infirmary, a curious young woman who couldn’t hold her tongue. Eric’s smirk returned to his lips. He was himself again. Good. We entered his apartment. It was huge, tidy, and neat as if no one lived here. There was classical furniture, a black leather couch, a table, a full bookshelf. Three closed doors faced us, which lead to the kitchen, the washroom, and the bedroom, I presumed. Eric went into one of the rooms to get me spare clothes.
“You can use the bathroom to take a shower and change. We’ll take care of your knuckles after.” He pointed to the door closest to me.
I nodded and took the clothes from his hands. He disappeared quickly through the same door. I guessed he had a bathroom connected to his bedroom. Perks of being a leader. The hot water hit me and washed my emotions. Reality dawned on me. Eric knew. He was the only one other than Brent. How will it go between both men? They were working together, how was this supposed to go well?
I hoped that Eric would not do anything impulsive. It would only worsen the situation I was in. I didn’t even know what was the law regarding rape. Did it even exist? I wasn’t sure. Rape was a rare occurrence in Dauntless, exceptional trials that I’ve never seen in my twenty-five years here.
I tried to escape from my thoughts while drying myself. I get changed. Eric gave me one of his shirts, a large hoodie, and jogging. It smelt like him, his scent surrounded me. A mix of mint and leather. A strange sense of security settled in me. A knock on the door resonated.
“Are you finished?” Eric asked through the door.
“Yes, you can come in,” I responded, slightly surprised by his thoughtfulness. He could have barged into the room with no care in the world. We were in his apartment after all.
The door opened and Eric walked in. He changed into a similar outfit to mine. I couldn’t recall the last time I’ve seen him in anything other than his leaders’ attire. His tight shirt outlined his toned chest and his jogging hang low on his hips, I could catch a glimpse of his smooth skin. I adverted my eyes elsewhere, disturbed by my wandering mind. I was raped a week ago and I drooled over him. Something was definitely wrong with me. Did Brent hit me too hard?
I’d lie if I said that he wasn’t handsome, but Eric was Eric. He was untouchable, a leader, and most importantly the bearer of my secret. I needed to suppress the reminiscence of my crush on him. It wasn’t the time nor the best circumstances and, let’s be real, Eric could have any other Dauntless girl. So why bother with me?
Eric opened a drawer and took a first-aid kit without glancing at me. I had washed all the dry blood from my hands. The cuts were visible now. I let him take care of them. His rough hands were gentle and he kept space between us. I appreciated the gesture even though his changing behavior unsettled me. He bandaged my hands then cleaned all the supplies.
“If you want to fight find a real opponent. Next time the wall will win. Your bones are not that tough.” He remarked, his eyes resting on me.
“I wish I could kill him with my bare hands but it would do me no good.” I huffed while rolling my eyes.
“You could call me next time.” His voice light as a feather.
“What? You’ll do worse than the wall, Eric.” I responded, crossing my arms over my chest.
His laugh filled the bathroom. I’ve never heard it before. I was stunned for a second, processing what I was witnessing. I must’ve looked at him like he had grown two heads because he composed himself and raised an eyebrow.
“What?” The ghost of a smile lingering on his lips.
“I’ve never heard you laugh before,” I said without thinking.
His serious expression returned as well as his cold blue eyes. The Eric I knew was finally back.
“Now get out of here. I have work to do.” He dismissed.
I was about to leave when I look at him with worried eyes. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Come on, I won’t do anything about your secret without your consent.” He practically growled.
“Thanks, Eric.” I nodded slightly then walked out of the apartment.
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Once alone dread fell onto me. I went to the tattoo parlor, my safe haven. Tori was cleaning her stuff when I walked in. She smiled at me and beckoned me to come with her to one of the tattoo stalls. I joined her and sit on the tattoo chair as if I belonged in here.
“Hey, Chris you want something today?” She asked, taking a sit by the chair I sat on.
“Yop Tori. I think I’ve got an idea.”
I explained to her what I wanted. She drew the design, it was better than what I have expected. The buzzing of the machine soothed me. It was a tough pleasure to get tattooed. The needles were in and out of my skin, the dull ache growing in my back. Tori hadn’t talked since the beginning.
“Now, would you tell me why you’re wearing man’s clothes and have your knuckles bandaged?” She asked out of nowhere.
I tensed slightly then relaxed not to mess up the tattoo.
“I ended up getting caught in the storm outside. Someone get me spare clothes. ” I answered carefully.
Tori hummed in response. Silence fell upon us once again. I must have fallen asleep because Tori woke me up by shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see a large smile on her face.
“Good nap, sleeping beauty?” She mocked.
“Sorry, I won’t do it again,” I replied, stretching my sore muscles.
“Don’t do promises you can’t keep, Chris.” She laughed.
Every time Tori tattooed me I fell asleep in no time. I smiled and get up to see my back in the mirror. The beautiful Phoenix, wings spread, was looking back at me. It was stunning, the fine details made it seem real. A masterpiece that took my entire back. Satisfied and happy, I turned to Tori.
“This is wonderful. Thanks, Tori.”
She nodded and was called by another customer. I waved goodbye and took my leave. I didn’t know what to do on my days off. Even more so now that I didn’t have any friends to spend time with. I missed hanging around with Jenna and Kate. I have encounter neither of them since their visit in my apartment. A dull ache crushed my ribcage, I was alone. Brent took everything from me. He took more than my innocence, he destroyed my life. I couldn’t trust anyone, not fully at least. There will still be a doubt, a “what if” that will ruin my relationships. I wandered in the Pit like a lost soul. It was becoming full. I sat on a rock and watched Dauntless members passing by.
A hand fell on my shoulder. I jerked away and turned around to face Four. My eyebrows furrowed as my heart calmed his frantic beats. He looked tired, working in the control room took its toll on him. He seemed more dynamic when he was training the initiates. He arbored a somber expression, his eyes boring into mine.
“Chris we have to talk about something. In private.” He muttered.
I gulped, it wasn’t something good. Four had to know something to appear out of nowhere to talk. He had seen something. Cameras were all over the compound. Brent couldn’t avoid all of them. I didn’t want anyone to see what happened. If they were a trial, it would be watched by so many people. My body shivered and I get up to follow Four in an empty hallway. We stood a few feet apart, staring at each other, choosing our words carefully.
“Chris, I saw what happened Monday night. Eric and I were talking about the next initiation when the screens showed you and Brent.”
Eric knew before I confessed. I felt betrayed that he didn’t tell me. I swallowed thickly and shook my head. The situation was getting out of my hands. I needed to get out of here. The pitiful gaze Four cast on me made me sick. I couldn’t take his soft eyes. I turned around and ran as if I was chased by a werewolf.
I turned the corner and crashed into a strong body. My eyes settled on Brent. He had his arms wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling. His intense brown orbs plunged into my emerald irises. My body stiffened and I wriggled in his grasp to get free. It only made him tighten his grip.
“Oh Chrissy, I knew you would run after me.” His low voice rang in my ears.
I tried to pry him away from me to no use, he was way too strong. His lips graced my neck, a cold shiver ran down my spine.
“Brent get off me. I don’t want you.” I growled.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway. Brent let me go and I bolt out of here. Eric was right. Brent had to be brought to justice or he will continue. I went into my apartment and closed myself for the rest of the day. I didn’t eat this evening. I was feeling sick at the idea of explaining what happened to Max and the other leaders. My night had been restless, haunted by horrible nightmares.
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
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Stephen Dixon is a serious man. He worked his way up through the ranks at one of the local news stations to broadcast manager for the daily news itself. He handles all the behind the scenes set up, determining what gets aired and what doesn't. He takes his job seriously and doesn't leave much room for any sort of slack. When he met Eloise, he had been scoping out the college for future graduates for their internship, helping them jump start their futures.
They hit it off and got along well. Eloise was actually the one to ask Stephen out for an official date, which he said yes to. They dated for 6 months before he convinced her to move in with him when she graduated.
Working together started off well. Eloise was eager to please as she learned the ins and outs of the business and the field. Stephen helped her get the job so she could support herself and better her craft. His philosophy, which he never told her, was tough love. He cared about her, never gave her too much praise or affection. He wanted her to be more independent than that, at the cost of their relationship.
Stephen was mostly disconnected from her during the day, only really spending time with her when they would go out for lunch. Even then, it was mostly work talk. When they were home is when they would relax and he would mostly listen to whatever Eloise told him. He has told her on several occasions that she talks too much sometimes, but tried to frame it in a way that wasn't serious. Which he isn't good at. Eloise would just brush it off anyway and continue to talk.
On their 3 year anniversary, Eloise questioned him if he had thought about the future for them. Stephen had, at his own pace. He'd played around with the idea of asking her to marry him, but naturally Eloise beat him to the punch on it. There was no official proposal, just a discussion of where they wanted to go with their future. Stephen had it planned well in advance, but tried to make adjustments on the fly to match up to the unpredictable nature of Eloise.
It was always so sudden, her ideas. He wondered if she was trying to divert his attention from something. That suspicion didn't bother him until she brought up that she thought she could be bisexual, talking about a woman she had been in love with. Stephen didn't know what to say, he pushed the situation away and just tried to play it off like it hadn't happened. But, Eloise was upset by that. By that point, as Eloise was avoiding him and even staying out and coming home later from work, he figured that was it. She was cheating on him with a woman. It was unacceptable, on every level. She was talking about their future together, there was no need to play with this notion of sexuality. Not unless she was unhappy with him.
It was confirmed for him when she didn't come home one night. And even more so when he confronted her and told her to either focus on him alone or leave, and she left.
Stephen still works at the news station, but as far as anyone is concerned, he and Eloise had never been together. He chose to not acknowledge her, ignoring her very existence.
He is a very controlling, and stern man. He cares deeply for Eloise, but the appearance they uphold is more important to him than their relationship. He is also extremely passive aggressive, silently fuming until he comes to explode about whatever is bothering him.
Name: Stephen Peter Dixon
Face claim: Eric Dane
Age: 43 (38 when he and Eloise broke up)
Height: 6'2"
Sexuality: hetero
Occupation: Broadcast manager
Eye color: blue-gray
Hair: short, dark brown, mostly gray
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