#he also realized that they're a bit more alike than he would have thought (or liked)
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lovelywingsart · 2 months ago
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After Cams initial freakout on him, Saren would join them for a late night drink when neither of them could sleep, and they would just kinda… talk. It helped Cam get a bit more used to his presence, and it helped Saren get use to speaking in general.
But sometimes, he would learn something that made him realize a few things.
One being that Cam was alone just like he was until the Normandy, and he had very nearly taken that from them.
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project-sonadow · 1 year ago
My [15M] rival [15/50M] has been weirdly aggressive towards me ever since he lost his memories for the second(?) time. Should I be worried about him trying to kill me again?
A post on r/relationship_advice by u/Chili_Dog1991
EDIT 1: Stop saying I'm Sonic I'm not.
EDIT 2: Okay I am Sonic. I don't see how that matters.
EDIT 3: Stop trying to figure out which of my rivals this is.
EDIT 4: Stop telling me to contact the police about his attempts to murder me or his age. It's complicated in regards to his age but he's essentially 15 and I can already defend myself way better than the police can in regards to his murder attempts. Also the police would probably try to arrest me too because they're either useless or make things actively worse.
EDIT 5: Stop DMing me to ask how murder attempts can be fun. I shouldn't have to explain this.
EDIT 6: Stop implying I'm a masochist.
EDIT 7: Stop implying I'm an adrenaline junkie. If I just wanted adrenaline I've got tons of other people who could give me that.
EDIT 8: To everyone who actually responded with advice, thank you. I attempted to talk to him about it, we fought again, and it turns out he's been acting aggressive because he doesn't know how to show affection so he just defaults to violence. We ended up holding hands after we physically couldn't fight anymore. It was a great night and I think we're together now.
EDIT 9: Which of you motherfuckers sent this to Tails.
Hi everyone, using a throwaway account to make this post because my little brother knows my main and the embarrassment would kill me if he ever saw this. 
So for context, I've known this guy for a while now, at least in the context of my life. I've got a pretty hectic life and I'm a traveler, so I've met a lot of people and he's one of the few that's been able to keep up with me. Our first meeting was during a bit of a stressful time because he kind of inadvertently framed me for thievery (we look kinda alike and the police are stupid, it's not his fault but I was pretty pissed at the time) and got me arrested, so we ended up fighting about it in the middle of the street. I'm used to fighting and pretty good at it, so it was a surprise when he turned out to be basically my equal at it, which is pretty rare even among my other rivals. He got the upper hand on me for long enough that the police were able to arrest me again. I was pretty mad but also impressed. Our second meeting was even more stressful because I had just got out of jail after being arrested for the second time, and I was still angry about it so we fought again. I was about to win but then it turned out we were both in danger along with some friends of mine so we both left as fast as we could. Both of these times I could tell he was taking the fight seriously, but I could also tell he wasn't trying to KILL ME kill me. Y'know?
Anyway, in our next meeting he was definitely trying to kill me. Outright said it to my face. I won that fight thankfully, and I'm not even angry about it because a lot of people have tried to kill me over the years and also he has some kind of goal I was getting in the way of, and he didn't even succeed. He ended up changing his mind about that goal though, and when we next saw each other we were on the same side trying to deal with a mutual threat. 
And it was at that point I kind of realized I was in love. I've never really wanted a relationship because I thought it would get in the way of my lifestyle, but with this guy specifically it wouldn't be a problem. I would have told him about it, but then I thought he died and I didn't see him for a while. I wasn't too broken up about it because we only knew each other for a couple days, but I was still sadder than I thought I would have been.
He ended up coming back to life though, and he had lost his memories for the second time in his life (long story I'm not gonna get into) and he didn't really remember me anymore. I know from a mutual friend of ours that he remembered me well enough to be annoyed by my name, which made me irrationally happy, and I think he did end up getting his memories back, but when we first saw each other he definitely didn't know who I was. We fought again, it was a tie, and then we ended up teaming up to take down a mutual enemy again. 
Things have been a bit less chaotic since then. We've fought a couple more times but nothing serious, he's saved my life, I've saved his, you know how it goes. We haven't really talked about anything that happened, but that's fine because neither of us have ever been much for verbal communication and we understand each other just fine. I've tried getting over my crush on him, but that's never really worked because we see each other a lot due to our lifestyles and we have some mutual friends in common, and I like spending time with him anyways, even if we're just beating each other up most of the time.
Personality wise, he's basically my polar opposite, but we get on pretty well despite that. I think aside from my general attraction to danger and his ability to match me in a fight and a race that might be the main thing that draws me to him. I've got a lot of friends, but never one so different from me and yet so similar. He's just always been special to me.
But the main reason I'm making this post is because despite all we've been through, he still acts like we're enemies at worst and temporary allies at best. We fight almost every time we meet unless something less serious is going on, and he's pretty grumpy and mean to me all the time. I like this about him, but it does make me question if he even sees me as anything more than a rival, and I don't know how to ask him because we don't talk about weird emotional stuff. I also think that asking him directly could maybe lead to another murder attempt, which would be fun, but it's not what I'm looking for anymore. I don't mind all the fighting, but just once I'd like to kiss him on the mouth instead of punching his teeth in, y'know?
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coraniaid · 19 days ago
I'm doing a Buffy rewatch and it's made me realize that Giles has so many sweet moments with Buffy and Willow, but he never really warms up to Xander. Thoughts on why that is? Love your blog, btw! Your analyses are so insightful and interesting. Hence the question. :)
Thank you!
So ... the most obvious issue, I guess, is that Xander is the comic relief while Giles is responsible for keeping Buffy focused on her mission and aware of the dangers and risks involved. I mean that both in a narrative sense -- these are literally the roles the characters exist to fill -- and also in terms of how they both think of themselves as people. (I don't think you have to be too sympathetic to Xander to realize his humor is a coping mechanism: that he consciously works to be 'the funny one' because he doesn't think he can be as smart as Willow or as stereotypically masculine as he's been brought up to think he should be). And naturally that's going to put them in tension a lot of the time: see, for example, Giles snapping at Xander in What's My Line? when he doesn't take the Order of Taraka sufficiently seriously ("now isn't the time for jokes").
But beyond that, I think there are two or three different factors at play, which we can sum up as "Xander reminds Giles of himself when he was a teenager", or more generally "Xander is a teenage boy, a class of people Giles doesn't have much respect for", or -- taking that word 'class' a little more literally -- "Giles can be a bit of a snob".
Xander reminds Giles of himself when he was a teenager
Of course, on the surface Xander isn't much like Giles at all -- not the adult, educated, respectable Giles we see on the show or the more rebellious 'Ripper' we only hear about until Band Candy. But I think they are more alike than it might appear at first.
People sometimes talk about Giles's Ripper persona as if that's who Giles really is. Ethan Rayne does, in universe, and a lot of the fandom seems to agree with him. It's not really true though, I don't think. 'Ripper' is a mask, a construct that young Giles adopts precisely because it's not the sort of person he's spent most of his childhood being. And what was Giles like for most of his childhood?
Well, we know that he was forced to be more studious than he was naturally inclined to be (he admits in The Dark Age to having "hated [...] the tedious grind of study"). We know from Never Kill A Boy On The First Date that as a boy he wanted to be "a fighter pilot" (compare with Xander's fantasy about being a solider) or "possibly a grocer" (compare with Xander's actual eventual work). We even know, from A New Man, that he could be a bit of a class clown at times (in that episode he starts telling an anecdote about a time he played "a little bit of a prank with the [school's] dart board").
Who does that remind us of? Or what about other similarities: compare, for example, Xander rehearsing asking Buffy out (in Prophecy Girl) with Giles rehearsing asking Jenny out a few episodes later (in Some Assembly Required). Or in Season 6, compare Giles leaving Buffy -- for what Once More With Feeling tells us he believes is her own good -- with Xander refusing to fulfil his earlier promise to marry Anya, also ostensibly for her own good.
There are also big similarities in how both Xander and Giles relate to Buffy. Crucially, both of them describe her as something they're not: a hero. Xander first, in Season 4's The Freshman ("When it's dark and I'm all alone and I'm scared or freaked out or whatever, I always think, 'What would Buffy do?' You're my hero.") and then in a more negative light Giles in Season 5's The Gift (he preemptively justifies his murder of Ben by telling him that Buffy "couldn't take a human life" because "she's a hero, you see ... she's not like us". He's talking to Ben here, but he could be talking to Xander too.)
So that's one factor: Xander reminds Giles of (what he thinks are) his own worse impulses. (I don't think that's a particularly fair assessment on Giles' part, of course. Xander is noticeably more open with his feelings than Giles can be, for one thing. But I think this is how Giles sees Xander.)
Xander is a teenage boy, a class of people Giles doesn't have much respect for
If Xander doesn't remind Giles of his own younger self, he surely reminds him of people he knew growing up. We know (from Season 4's A New Man) that Giles went to public school (i.e. a private, fee-paying school, probably a boarding school). Many public schools in England, even today, are segregated by gender, and (although I don't have the figures to hand) I'd expect the majority were when Giles was of school age, so probably everyone Giles went to school with was a boy.
And what does Giles think about teenage boys? Well, nothing very good. In Season 1's The Pack, he fails to see at first that Xander's been possessed, assuming all his new negative traits are just typical for a teenager:
"Xander's taken to teasing the less fortunate? And there's been a noticeable change in both clothing and demeanor? And, well, otherwise all his spare time is spent lounging about with imbeciles? It's devastating. He's turned into a sixteen-year-old boy."
Later in that same scene he announces that "testosterone ... turns all men into morons". Later still, in Season 3's The Prom, he is surprised by Buffy's classmates recognition of her work protecting them because he "had no idea that children en masse could be so gracious".
We don't really see much of Oz and Giles interacting (beyond Oz appreciating Giles's record collection in Season 4, which is arguably a bit of a retcon since a previous episode suggested Giles is still a fan of the Bay City Rollers), and Buffy doesn't really have any other friends who are teenage boys, so it's hard to be sure how much of Giles's attitude towards Xander is Xander-specific and how much is just Xander being a teenage boy (and thus automatically being suspect in Giles' eyes).
Giles can be a bit of a snob
One way in which Xander and Giles are noticeably not similar at all is their social background. Giles went to public school and Oxford (and it's strongly implied that his parents and grandparents did the same, since going to Oxford seems to be part of his training as a Watcher). Giles had a job (maybe) working for the British Library. Giles speaks several languages, including Latin and Greek. Giles never seems to worry about money at all: he owns a large house and buys new cars, even when he's supposedly unemployed, he's able to give Buffy a gift of a very large check without experiencing any obvious hardship.
Xander ... didn't and can't do those things. I'm not sure the show ever quite makes this explicit, but I get the strong sense that he doesn't go to college not by choice but both because he doesn't have the grades and his parents wouldn't (want to, or be able to) pay the fees. Xander's home life sounds terrible for a number of reasons, but one element is that his parents just don't seem to have the same level of wealth as Willow's or Cordelia's or even Buffy's.
Willow's parents are academics and Buffy's mom owns an art gallery (and her dad does ... something in an office that involves "quarterly projections"), but Xander? In Season 1 we learn he has an uncle (possibly the famous Uncle Rory?) who used to work in a computer research lab, albeit "in a floor sweeping capacity". In Bad Girls Cordelia tells him that she's different from him because "my father has a job". In Out of Mind Out of Sight he admits his mother never cooks and Willow wonders out loud if his parents even own a stove.
Xander is working class coded in a way that really none of the other characters on the show are. None of the other characters until Faith arrives in Season 3, anyway. And crucially Giles also doesn't seem to care for Faith: he treats her much more like Xander than he treats either Buffy or Willow (or even Kendra, who he seems to warm to quickly in her limited time on the show).
I don't know how intentional this is on the writers' part -- I suspect it isn't very intentional, honestly -- but it seems noticeable that Buffy and Willow are both (at least initially) well-behaved, rules-respecting children from stable homes whose parents have money and who encourage their children to take education seriously, and that they are all also fairly obviously Giles's favorites. Especially when you factor in Giles general air of mild (and sometimes not so mild) cultural superiority ("She's quite a good poet, for an American" in Never Kill A Boy On The First Date, say; or his complaint about a demon after money in Enemies being evidence that "no one has any standards anymore"; or his suggestion that Xander taunting the fear demon in Fear Itself is "tacky"; or his arguments with Jenny -- in which she repeatedly calls him snobby -- about the relative merits of rare, curated books as opposed to more accessible forms of knowledge; or his attitude towards Buffy's taste in fashion or music more generally).
And ... well, this is consistent with who the show tells us Giles is, right? Somebody with his background would be encouraged in all sorts of small ways from a very early age to look down on somebody like Xander. Somebody who doesn't go to the right sort of school or talk in the right sort of way or know the right things or have the right sort of parents. So perhaps it's no surprise that he does exactly that.
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relampagueando · 1 month ago
i got asked on ao3 recently why i thought matoba and natori are still Like That when it is clear that matoba wants natori to be his side piece and natori would be more than ok w/ that. i wanted to post it here too and also expand more bc i wrote my reply like 4 min before i went to work, and i've just tweeted similar things in bursts that i should probably compile the short answer is: bc their circumstances are stupid, and so are they long answer below the cut
on matoba
as much as i love him having been clingy and annoying and blinking morse code KISS ME to natori when they were teens, i think he was still considerate enough not to do anything about it bc he could see how jumpy natori was. how easy it would have been to lose him w/ the wrong thing said, the wrong thing done. better to just have his companionship in their ambiguity and plausible deniability of just how deeper he would prefer their friendship to be than to have nothing at all. esp for someone already as much of an outsider as matoba seiji - he's the clan heir, so he's getting primed for it; he's a teen, and besides his sister who hates him, natori is the only one around his age; he can see youkai, already a rare thing; and he can see them w/ exceptional power. their imbalance was predetermined when matoba met natori it would have especially been pointless to act upon any feeling when he is the matoba clan head. while as far as i've read the manga i don't recall them saying explicitly a matoba clan head has to be matoba by blood as opposed to marriage/adoption, i think it's an easy conclusion that blood would be prioritized since seiji is a matoba by name. he's probably gonna have to have beget a matoba heir and by blood is easiest, and natori has always been a rival clan, and they're both guys... the classic trope! but it has its place here, since they Are in jpn and on top of it they are in politics, and on top of THAT it's exorcist politics where as mentioned blood is going to matter. i actually think matoba wouldn't give a fuck about liking another guy - they used to be all over that in the yr 1545, why can't He in 20xx. granted he wouldn't be skipping about at pride w/ a rainbow flag over his shoulders; jpn's history w/ homosexuality has been Complex and it would also be in matoba's little proper traditional boy head. i don't know enough about this history to have any further comment on it, just my impression that, in the end, matoba isn't losing sleep over his natori dreams. also he is a spoiled brat. he wants that boy and he will construct intricate rituals to hold his hand and then, when natori inevitably puffs up like a kitten and turns red like his real shoujo maiden heart, matoba can safely say Just kidding! unfortunately for him, the clan/the world/NATORI would give a fuck if he admitted he's not really ever been kidding not even a bit
the pointlessness of having done anything about his baby crush stands when smth does actually pull natori away. which we are patiently waiting to find out: was it 1 singular event, or was it a continuum of realization that their methods of exorcising/youkai views were too incompatible? at any rate, now it's definitely too late to do anything! matoba is suffering not from internalized homophobia but internalized resignation that his life is not his own. duty is a weight and matoba is sisyphus w/ the fuckingfng boulder. the only thing that keeps his path crossing natori's is that the exorcist world is small, they are actually more alike than they think, and that singular incompatibility was not enough to undo all their other compatibilities - and so how much they still care about e/o
on natori
for natori tho, he was so unwanted as a kid that it has really fucked up his feelings forever. and it doesn't help at all that the person he is having even more complex feelings about is MATOBA..... he's hard to read; like is he trying to piss natori off bc he likes to, or is he being flirty? (the answer is both). and why would he be flirty? they are both guys <- bl manga protag natori shuuichi, who unlike matoba is absolutely going thru it, and part of it not just bc matoba is a guy but bc matoba is a rude little princess i mean brat. natori represses what starts to feel a little too intensely to just be friend feelings somewhere he can't reach. this has not worked so well!
just on top of the crush, i think natori would also be grappling w/ if he even feels that way bc he's finally found someone who can see youkai and is around his age. bc god knows him chasing after takuma and yorishima isn't gonna do anything. matoba in shambles that natori likes older men. anyway. on top of That, too, is natori's mopey Everyone hates me and wants to leave me that ultimately haunts all his interactions, esp as a teen. even if matoba can see youkai, he isn't branded by one (except matoba's brand is the eye, the target, that he will have to wear one day, but that he was also born w/. natori just couldn't see it. i digress). matoba has an entire clan around him and natori has no one; matoba cannot possibly understand natori, and vice versa - or so natori thinks. their imbalance was predetermined!!!
their biggest hurdle is ofc their way of exorcising differing from e/o, bc tho they are both men they are first and foremost exorcists. matoba has no qualms about the means taken for the end, doesn't give a shit about youkai being sentient. natori meanwhile is trying to be #nice. matoba would have been fine, delighted really, if the matoba clan took in a woobie still unconfident natori bc it would have meant literally having him at his side, but natori is so prideful and determined to keep being alone - both for pride and his childhood fears - that he does not join the matoba clan. he has to do what he can, how he wants, and do it alone. and when it comes to matoba, he has to be strong, too, and not let himself be affected by how matoba goads him or just generally exists somewhere he can never reach. he loves matoba, but not his methods, but the methods comprise half of who matoba is. there's no getting around that. so natori has to keep the distance between them unless he starts to compromise his beliefs or dust off his repressed feelings. instead he has to wait for matoba to go away before divulging unprovoked to anyone in his vicinity, by which ofc i just mean poor natsume, Btw the way matoba likes cats. And i thought he'd wear a hat when he exorcised bc it's just one extra little safety precaution. And we're not really rival clans not anymore. And and and. then he turns around after his first delicate momence w/ matoba in god knows how long and says directly to him, bearer of the burden and curse, A burden can be shared. ok girl. what am i supposed to make of this. an olive branch offered, a hope for reconciliation and closing the distance he himself is far likelier to have put between them than matoba, who has always known what he wants but has been kept from it by life and natori's own frustrating Standing There emoji self....
and now natori is an actor-model-singer! the only other careers he could have possibly chosen that doomed him to be more cognizant of his relationships than matoba's heirdom. even w/ his burden proposal, he can't do much more than just say gay things to get matoba's and my hopes up. that's a lie, he can also act upon those gay things. and he has! not joining the clan but helping matoba out... remembering things about him... stealing him from his house and they just let him apparently....
but these still aren't the bow-wrapped conclusion they need after w/e happened between them to have the rift to begin w/. they need a bit more of a push. w/ their circumstances, it wouldn't be smart to do more; matoba's clan is still v important to him, and natori still hasn't found his full confidence/sense of self. but they want to. my god they want to
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misc-obeyme · 2 years ago
politely requesting the brothers and newly dateables reacting to mc proposing to them? alternatively, how each of them would propose to mc okaythankyou
Hi there, anon!
Ahh this made me feel things while I was writing it lol. I did their reactions to MC proposing to them. I didn't really go into how MC did it, really just their responses to the proposal. So you can kind of imagine how it happened.
Thank you for the request!
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GN!MC proposes to the characters
Warnings: a surprising amount of crying lol, some kissing and such
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He's so overcome that he forgets himself for a minute. Can't speak at first, just blushes a lot and gets that frown he gets when he's feeling too much emotion. Once he recovers from this initial flood of feeling, he's going to accept.
He's a little annoyed that you beat him to it. He likely already had plans to propose to you first. But he's so happy at that moment, he's willing to overlook it.
Definitely will get a little cocky. Of course you chose him to be your husband. Who else could it have been? After all, you're already wearing his ring, aren't you, MC? Thinks it's cute that you thought you didn't already belong to him.
If you're around other people, he will allow himself to get a little affectionate with you in the moment. Accepts your ring, lets you put it on his finger, kisses you briefly. But later, when you're alone, he is going to worship you. Because when it comes down to it, Lucifer wants nothing more than for him to belong to you.
Shocked at first. Did not see it coming at all. Watch as his blush slowly deepens and his eyes gradually get watery as the realization of it washes over him.
When he can finally think again, he's so overwhelmed he still can't say much. Starts out just saying "yes yes yes" over and over again. Quietly at first, but then it increases in volume until he's fighting really hard to hold back his tears.
Eventually the happiness takes over and he starts laughing, too. Now he's laughing and crying and mumbling and he finally just throws his arms around you. He's so happy he starts swinging you around. Has the biggest grin on his face even though its still streaked with tears.
Mammon doesn't care where you are or who you're with, he pulls you into a deep kiss right there. All he sees is you and the future you're going to have together. Ya don't know how happy you've made him, MC. Doesn't want to let you go, needs to hold you for a while and just let it all sink in.
He's confused at first. Is this really happening? Are you sure you're asking the right person? Please, MC, you can't be serious!
You might have to reassure him that you are, in fact, being serious. Once he believes you, he's going to get so embarrassed. Blushes profusely and covers his face with his hands. Peeks at you from between his fingers. If you're really really sure, then yes of course he'll marry you!
If you ask in a way that has something to do with one of his interests (for example, you got a ring for each of you and they're labeled as player one and player two), he's going to gush about that for quite some time. It's easier to talk about how you asked than what you asked.
After Levi manages to calm down a little bit, he's going to want you to hold him close. He's still blushing like crazy and probably nervous about the whole thing, but he's also so happy you want to marry him.
Oh, MC. You have no idea how he's dreamed of this moment. Pulls out the ring he was planning to ask you with. Great minds think alike.
He's ready to exchange rings with you. He's not too overly demonstrative with his feelings since he's so used to attempting to keep his anger in check, he kind of suppresses everything. But you can still tell how happy he is. It's clear by the way he's looking at you with shining eyes.
Pulls you in close to him and whispers in your ear that marrying you would be a dream come true. Digresses quickly into romantic poetry. Don't interrupt him, just let him have this moment to recite poetry to you.
Satan's feelings are fully revealed when he refuses to leave your side for days. Constantly holding your hand in such a way that your rings are visible. Kisses your fingers on purpose and lingers over the ring on your finger. Make him blush like crazy by doing it back.
Instant tears. Completely surprised, completely overwhelmed, doesn't even know how to react. Covers his mouth with both hands while the tears stream down his cheeks, stares at you with wide watery eyes.
Finally finds his voice and just repeats your name over and over. Oh, MC, MC, MC! Of course he'll marry you! Yes a thousand times yes! Flings his arms around you and covers you in kisses. He's so happy and he doesn't have any problem expressing his feelings. Let him shower you in love. Prepare yourself for later because he's not going to let you go for the foreseeable future.
Slip that ring on his finger and watch him just beam with happiness. It's so beautiful and you're so beautiful and he's so beautiful! This is truly the most amazing moment of his entire life.
Which means he's going to make the actual wedding surpass it. Goes into wedding planner mode as soon as he has his composure. Don't worry, Asmo will include you in every decision. Wants it to be absolutely perfect, but also wants it to be all about the two of you.
Another crier, but he's quiet about it. Doesn't explode or gush or say much, but there are absolutely tears dripping down his cheeks. Brush them away gently to make him smile. Then he'll be able to compose himself enough to actually answer you.
You really want to marry him? Because nothing in the three worlds would make him happier, MC. He folds you into a hug and doesn't let go for some time. Needs to process what just happened.
Already thinking about wedding cake, though. And other such wedding food. Discuss this with him right now, it's very important. He's going to want input from all his brothers on this stuff, too. It's also kind of a tactic to help him calm down, he's still pretty overwhelmed by his love for you.
In the end, Beel's going to carry you off somewhere. Depending on where you were when you asked, he's going to want to find somewhere quiet and private because he just wants to kiss you over and over. Can't believe this has actually happened. Takes some time for it to really become reality to him.
Completely blindsides him. He's so surprised he doesn't know what to say at first. You've made him speechless. You might think he's just still half asleep, but no he is wide awake.
Quietly asks you if you're sure. Are you sure you want a lazy demon like him for a husband, MC? Are you really sure? He needs you to confirm.
When he finally realizes that you are serious and you want to marry him, his eyes get real wide and he says yes very firmly with a faint blush on his cheeks. Gets demanding. Give him that ring right now and then give him a kiss. Or ten.
Okay but also he's the baby of the family, so be prepared for brothers trying to take over wedding planning. Belphie lets them do it, too, for the most part. However, he is picky about things and will veto any and all of their ideas. You have the last say in the end.
Assuming that it's okay for him to marry a human and that there's no issue considering he is the next demon king and all of that, he's going to tear up immediately. As is so often the case, Diavolo is going to try very hard to keep his composure even though he's feeling all the feelings.
Successfully manages to hold back his tears, but does not succeed in holding back his signature laugh. Because he is delighted. Most likely never expected to be proposed to. Might have been scheming to propose to you, but this really is much better.
Takes your hands and meets your eyes. Yes, of course he'll marry you, MC. Nothing could possibly make him any happier. He's got a big smile and his gold eyes are shining brightly.
He's going to want to make a big announcement to anyone nearby because he wants everyone to know how lucky he is. But later, when you're alone, he's really going to let himself feel everything. Can't keep his hands off you for the next little while. Might even fall to his knees at your feet. Just wants you to know how much this means to him.
Oh… Oh, MC… rarely does something take him by surprise, but this… he was not expecting. You've flustered him. Take in that cute blush and happy smile.
Accepts graciously. It would be an honor to marry you. Out of all the people you could have chosen, he's overwhelmed that you've chosen him.
We know he's not one to be making a lot of fanfare about things, so this moment is quiet and sweet. Only later, when you're alone, does he get clingy with you, holding you close, kissing you constantly. Won't let you go for some time.
You're going to have to talk Barbatos out of catering the entire wedding himself, though. Initially won't trust anyone else to do it. If you can get Simeon to help, he might give in. You might just have to let him make the cake in the end.
He's barely able to keep it together. Holds a hand to his mouth as he feels his eyes filling with tears. He manages to keep it in, wanting to stay composed. Can't stop thinking about the perfect life you'll have together.
Says yes firmly, gripping your hands like his life depends on it. MC, he has never known such happiness. You mean so much to him, but he never dared to imagine such a future with you.
Laughs as you put the ring on his finger. He's so happy he can't stop smiling. Wants to tell everyone you know, but he's not going to be overly demonstrative about it. He's quiet in his happiness, pleased just to be by your side. And his bright smile is enough to indicate how he feels.
Of course, when Simeon gets you alone, that's when he keeps you in his embrace. Covers you with kisses. Needs to be near you, to feel you close to him, to make sure you're really real and this is actually happening. Might ask you to tell him again that you want to marry him - he likes to hear you say it.
Did not see it coming. Would never expect you to choose him. So his first reaction is to be conflicted. He desperately wants to say yes, but he's aware of the fact that you are still a regular human. Can he really handle another loss when you inevitably age and pass on?
In the end, though, he knows he can't say no. He loves you too much and here you are, risking everything by asking him to marry you. He's not going to crush you like that just because of his own concerns about a far off future.
If somehow you find a way to become immortal, this won't even be a thought. It's yes immediately and he's so thrilled - laughing at you for being so bold. He definitely gets cocky about it, amazed that you could choose him over everyone else.
Solomon acts all confident, but later on, when it's just the two of you, he is going to put his head in your lap and cry. For a long time, he never thought this was something he could ever truly have. And yet here you are. He's overwhelmed by the happiness of it.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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vidavalor · 2 years ago
Here's a thought... the protective wing moments aren't actually totally what Crowley is describing in the scene in the pub, from what we have seen of them, but it is pretty obvious that Crowley's talking about when he fell in love with Aziraphale, soooo... what if the wing moment in Eden wasn't the vavoom moment? What if S2 is trying to tell us that it was during The Flood? And... maybe what if it's a S3 flashback scene?
Crowley says this about this moment we all know was about him lol and not just from films...
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They *look into each other's eyes* being the key thing here, right? And also *both* of them, ideally. It is a *shared* moment. The thing about the wing protecting scenes is that, in both of them, both Crowley and Aziraphale look straight ahead at the first celestial and, later, rain, storms. There is a storm and there is, for *one* of them, a sudden canopy, each time, but it's not the both of them *together* forced under a canopy from a sudden storm and then looking at *one another*, right? But when else could this have happened that is mentioned in S2? The Flood. Mentioned in the Job minisode.
Aziraphale shows up and says "It's you. Oh, dear me, haven't seen you since what... The Flood?" and Crowley agrees but also the scene we've seen so far circa The Flood is the "you can't kill kids" bit of it, which thematically ties to the Job episode. We didn't see The Flood itself (yet).
Aziraphale is *sure* by the Job era that Crowley won't kill Job's kids-- children or goats alike. Crowley makes an effort to fake it but it's the events of The Flood that led them to team up in the Job story. Yeah, running into Crowley before the start of it would maybe count but also if Crowley had then just left after that conversation, how would Aziraphale be so sure by the Job era that Crowley wouldn't kill the kids or animals? He wouldn't be, right? Crowley had to have stayed during The Flood. He then would have been there with Aziraphale, with both of them trying to save as many as they could, when the sudden storm forced them at one point to take shelter under a canopy, probably with some they were trying to rescue and, unlike during the celestial storm or in Eden, they weren't looking out at the storm but, finally, into one another's eyes and... vavoom.
They knew they were made for each other.
(Adding to this theory is that when Crowley tries his Awning of a New Age to make Maggie and Nina fall in love, it's a steadily increasing storm until he *accidentally weathers too much and turns it into a flood*, almost as if he's thinking about him and Aziraphale and it causes him to mess up his miracled weather... however? It also *still worked*, since even if Maggie and Nina didn't get together exactly yet, this is the still their vavoom moment.)
Crowley and Aziraphale both had moments of attraction and shielding one another with a canopy in scenes before this-- Before the Beginning and Eden-- but they both actually fell in love during The Flood and Crowley knows it. He knew it then and he knows Aziraphale knows. Maybe it took forever for them to admit it to themselves, especially Aziraphale, but they both know now in the present in S2.
So Crowley is all ok, so you want a romantic scenario for us to make Nina and Maggie realize they're in love? Let me describe the moment *we* did. Work with me, Angel, I'm trying to be romantic here...
Aziraphale: But they're humans, not us, dear, doesn't seem very likely. Jane Austen!
Crowley: We are way more like the humans than you think and we are on a date in the pub and I'm trying to talk about when we fell in love and was hoping for the sparkly eyes and the melting sigh and an "oh, Crowley" and what I got was "not likely". Brb throwing myself off the roof.
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Vavoom. Sorted.
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frostedsketches · 14 days ago
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Wow, it's been a minute! But I'm back ^^ this time with some of the baby twins meeting the rest of the family as well as some slight redesign for them all to make them match Pinkie just a tad 🤏 They all arrived together at Sugarcube Corner one day to meet their new family members and to help take the load off of the two beyond exhausted parents. Of course as soon as they arrived, Marshmallow and Strawberry decided to be perfect little angels instead of the screaming terrors they were prior, at least for longer than they would with Pinkie and Cheese, and just long enough to give the family a chance to bond with them.
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Cloudy Quartz may be strict and look a bit daunting, but she can't resist her grandbabies. I imagine she was always a bit more calm and collected as opposed to standoffish like her husband, but still with a bite that others wouldn't dare mess with.
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Igneous may be gruff and he may not want to admit that he's overjoyed to hold his grandson, but deep down he's loving every moment of it. When his fillies were little, I imagine he wasn't the best dad to them, insisting on putting them to work and disregarding how they may feel. . . that is until Pinkie got her cutie-mark and he realized how happy she was now compared to before, and in turn realized the negative impact he was putting on ALL his kids and how happy they all could be if he was better to them. From then on he's tried his best to make up for those early years and be supportive and understanding through all his littlies differences and non-rock-related interests. Also, his hooves are a dull pink, and his hair used to be the same color.
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Limestone was skeptical at first to these new tiny additions to the family, as well as Cheese Sandwich before them. But after spending a bit of time with them, she reluctantly agrees that they're alright and maybe their dad too. She often thought Pinkie and Cheese were too alike. . . until she fell in love with Short Fuse, a pony scarily similar to her own personality, and now she can't really use that excuse.
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Maud was the first to meet the twins, having been with Pinkie at the hospital the day they were born as emotional support. She was the one to travel back to Rockville the next day to inform the rest of the family of their arrival. As usual she doesn't show her adoration for the two, but she feels it with the strength of ten buffalo. Will probably not be drawing Maud a whole lot LOL.
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Marble came all the way back from Diamond Dog Country to meet the twins of her twin as soon as she got word of their arrival. This is why it took the family about a week and a half to arrive at Sugarcube Corner to assist with the newborn foals, they were waiting for her to get a leave from her teachers and take the multiple trains it takes to return to Equestria. All the trouble and the speaking she had to do was worth it to see her little nephews.
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And now that the fam is here for the week and to take over caring for the twins primarily for the day, Pinkie Pie and Cheese are evacuating the scene, off to FINALLY, after many sleepless nights, SLEEP for as long as they possibly can! Nopony to disturb them, nopony to take care of but themselves, and Cloudy, Igneous, Limestone, Maud, and Marble are more than happy to manage the foals while they get some much needed rest.
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galaxy-fleur · 3 months ago
Hi hello! I recently found your blog through x reader tags so I'll just say that i looove love how you're writing Leon, peak in character!
That said, i wanted to ask, from a realistic standpoint, do you think it's *better* or more in character if his partner or s/o is a civilian or someone in his line of work like an fellow agent or something?
Thank you very much!! That's the biggest compliment to me honestly, I wanna do this man justice whenever I write for him (even if I lovingly bully him in the tags lmao) I do have stuff in the works that I'm excited about sharing, but life just keeps getting in the way...
Anyway, as for your question, while I do understand why some would make the argument in favor of a relationship with someone who's not burdened by all the struggles of a life similar to his, I am always more inclined to picture him in a relationship with a colleague instead. Now, that doesn't mean that it's impossible for Leon to build a healthy and meaningful relationship with a civilian! There will be pros and cons for both of these options. I suppose it's up to your personal preference to decide which is better.
That said, I'll babble a bit on my own thoughts here!
See, the reason why I prefer the fellow agent scenario is because I think Leon would be better off with someone on equal ground with him. Someone who understands all the ins and outs of this lifestyle, and can approach these difficulties with understanding rather than hurt and confusion (which wouldn't be wrong emotions to feel btw, but I'll get into that later). Long stretches of time away from each other, injuries and recovery from said injuries, the hurdles of responsibility and loss. All of these things would be big issues to deal with in a relationship with him. It's not easy to be away from someone you love. It's not easy to see them hurt and struggling. And it's definitely not easy to be their rock when they can't afford to be there for you emotionally.
A fellow agent wouldn't be completely exempt from these issues, either. It all depends on their inner values and personality, after all. A civilian s/o can be more understanding and patient than an agent who has a tendency to be reckless and blunt, for example. It's not all black and white. It's just that someone in the same field as him is more likely to be considerate about these things, without Leon having to explain himself.
Another thing is safety. Sure, Leon would probably teach a civilian s/o self-defence and make sure they can take care of themselves just fine. But they're still not as capable as a colleague or a partner. Leon would still be the protector between the two. And, don't get me wrong, Leon likes being the protector (a bit too much but I won’t go into that here), but I just feel like he deserves someone who can protect him in turn. Someone who can watch his back and shield him when things get hectic. He may not realize it himself, but having someone there who can keep him safe as much as he keeps them safe, would be very beneficial to him.
And the final point is the most glaring one in my opinion. Confidential information. Leon deals with it on a daily basis. He has many things he is legally restricted from sharing. No matter how much he may love his s/o, it's just out of his hands. It can be something small and inconsequential, but it can be something really big, too. It would be stressful for him and his s/o alike. Leon is not the bad guy here for simply following his rules, and his s/o wouldn't be in the wrong for feeling hurt and betrayed by finding out that he kept stuff from them over and over again. It's a messy situation. It's also kinda why I usually picture his s/o as a fellow DSO agent, and not just someone in a anti-bioterrorism field. He'd still need to keep secrets from them, unless they work in the same line of work. Secrets are always a heavy burden for both parties involved.
Again, all that to say: Leon very much can have a genuine and meaningful relationship with a civilian. It'll just take a lot of work and communication.
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estrella-zoe39 · 1 year ago
having orv thoughts. specifically the kim namwoon and kim dokja parallel thoughts. so im deciding to put this anaylsis of them i made a while ago here on tumblr dot com because,,,, god they kill me. this very obviously contains spoilers for like, a good latter chunk of the novel so i would only read this if you have like read the whole book or atleast uptil chapter 480 because upon reading that ONE line, i broke and made this.
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Analysis: The reason KDJ hates KNW so much is because he sees parts of himself in KNW that he hates. The part in which they both believe themselves to be "evil". The part in which they both delude themselves. And he hates KNW even more because in TWoS, KNW realises this and works on it.
Often in media, most people tend to hate characters that in essence, are most like them. The reason half the playerbase hates Mishima in P5 is because they see themselves in him. The weak, cowardly, attention seeking, and annoying part of themselves relates to Mishima. They don't like that about themselves because those aren't traits to be proud of. And oftentimes, people escape to medias like books and games to escape reality, not to be confronted by it.
KDJ once saw a part of KNW that admitted that he was a person deluded by a false sense of justice to escape the real world. A boy who had to grow faster than everyone else. A boy living in delusions to escape the real world. It hit KDJ, hard. He saw himself. He saw the ugliest traits of himself laid bare on the table. He hated it. So, he hated KNW too. He called KNW an unforgivable "character" because he knew deep down, it was what he hated most about himself.
Progressing through these scenarios though, KDJ realized. He realized his own delusions, his own pain. He realized he too grew a bit faster than the world around him. And confronting KNW was the last nail in the coffin. To admit that he is like KNW. To admit he went through that pain like KNW did. To admit KNW went through the same pain he did. And that's why he hated him, because while escaping reality, he saw a boy just like him in reality, and hated him because he IS that reality KDJ so desperately needed to escape from. KDJ growing and admitting they're the most alike is BEAUTIFUL and a scene I've wanted to see for so long.
Edit: I failed to mention this, yet, KDJ was and still is also so terribly jealous of KNW. KNW, had everything KDJ wanted at the time, which is YJH. To be in a world in which KDJ can have someone to rely on. KNW had that, with YJH, LJH, and Uriel. Yet, KDJ didn't. KDJ had to be in this ugly, disgusting world that he hated because no one around him cared for him. The only thing that could possibly care for KDJ was YJH, and when he saw KNW be greeted with open arms. He was jealous. He was jealous someone so much like him could get love from who KDJ needed it the most from.
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blackwolfstabs · 8 months ago
Frank x Joey Headcanons
(requested by @screamqueen10)
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──────── GIFs are not mine
their relationship started as part of a "job" they were assigned. they had to pretend to be a couple, but as the charade went on for more than just a few days, they started to realize just how compatible they could be together.
they're actually very much alike, so they butt-heads ALL. THE. TIME. Frank has more resentment, whereas Joey has more regret, which leads Frank to seem more aggressive, arrogant, and asshole-ish. Joey finds it hard to see herself as a "good person" but compared to Frank, she is lmfao.
they understand each other on a deep, personal and emotional level, due to their backgrounds, so that connection is what carries their relationship.
when they call each other's names it's never a chill, relaxed response. it's always shouting:
"Frank!" "WHAT?!"
"Joey!" "WHAT NOW?!"
they also do the "parent" thing with each other, where they don't respond after the "what?" - they will stay silent until the other physically goes to where they are. and then they're even more pissed.
their first kiss was Frank protecting Joey. they were between a rock and a hard place and had to be convincing:
Frank stood in front of Joey, his back to the crowd that judged their every move. They were outnumbered by far, and by the gangsters blood-soaked jackets, the smallest mistake would have them wearing it fresh. "Kiss me," he ordered. Shocked by the demand, Joey blinked at him, wide-eyed. "What?" Frank's heart was pounding so hard, he almost didn't hear her question him. But at the feeling of burning gazes and an indistinct whisper, he grabbed her and pulled her into him. They were locked at the lips. The alarming feeling of panic and shocked flooded through her simultaneously, however, Joey didn't pull away. Frank's head tilted to secure the kiss, and she followed him, closing her eyes as his arms slipped around her waist to corral her lower back. She kept her touch somewhere between light and convincing as she made herself embrace him as well. But enough was enough, when she broke away and found the posse over yonder accepting their "claim." Frank didn't seem too pleased with it either as he sighed with a flushed complexion. "What the fuck was that?" she hissed, subtly wiping her lips with her wrist. "That was saving our asses," he growled and left her to get back on track with the mission.
Frank steals and hides Joey's candy, and Joey steals and hides his glasses. they make fun of each other for it.
Frank's actually pretty good at cooking, so he'll make dinner. In return, Joey does the dishes.
when Joey got badly hurt, Frank managed to bring a calm and compassionate approach, trying to console her but telling her she's going to have to walk him through what to do. this is/was a big turning point in their relationship - it made Joey actually feel safe and comfortable with him.
they adopt a German Shepherd off the street that follows them around everywhere.
when Frank first met Caleb, he couldn't bring himself to talk to him, because of his guilt from leaving his own son. Joey was able to talk to him about it in a way that made him be able to deal with it.
acknowledgeable interaction between them (based off of the events in ABIGAIL:
FRANK: "I'm... sorry I bit you." JOEY: "No, you're not." FRANK: "I'm not."
i hope you enjoy these ScreamQueen! tbh this was harder than i thought, hence the constant explanations haha. i find it difficult to see these two in a romantic relationship, willingly, so i think having it play-out as going from pretending to reality was a reasonable approach 😅
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firstprincehornyramblings · 6 months ago
WIP Wednesday 09-04-24
COME GET YALL JUICE. Or something, I'm sorry, it's the middle of the night. Huge shoutout to @onthewaytosomewhere for tagging me in this and giving me the idea to queue this now so I won't have to catch up after work tomorrow. Snippets under the cut, not for nsfw reasons, just because they're a bit long. That's right, snippet(S), plural, because I have three wips again. And while I haven't worked on Watersports Firstprince anymore (everyone boo'd - promise I'll get back to them) I did start some George Villier's rambling because @firenati0n inspired me (everyone cheered)
Without further delay ;
Cursed Alex x Witch Hen
“Me, make it weird?” the brunette laughed, pouring his coffee and stirring it, clearly having realized that Henry wouldn’t make eye contact. “You won’t even look at me. I just…don’t get what I did wrong? I mean, did you not want it? Were you too drunk? Cause I really didn’t- I wasn’t trying t-” “Alex,” Henry made sure he looked up for that, waited for the other man to make eye contact, “You didn’t do anything wrong,” he did his best to make sure his voice was reassuring, “I just think, obviously you’re going back to Texas when we’ve…finished up,” he waved a hand, “And sex can be intimate or pointless, things like kisses and touches are- well, more intimate. You don’t kiss a prostitute, do you?” “I- I don’t know the answer to that actually,” Alex chuckled, sipping his coffee. “Of course you don’t, look at you,” the blond sighed, “Obviously you’ve never been in that situation. Not that there’s… anything wrong with it. I don’t mean to imply sex work is wrong, I know your whole bit is very open minded. And I assure you I agree with you, so I’m not insinuating that partaking in either end of that transaction is shameful. I’m just calling it what it is, a purchase, a business deal, and I can’t imagine a world where a man who looks like you would need to pur-” “Henry?”  While the blond had been rambling, Alex had stepped closer. He’d set his mug down on the counter halfway and put less than a foot of space between them. It made Henry jolt a bit when he looked up from where he’d been fiddling with his apron, eyes wide at the sudden closeness, like he might be bitten. “I don’t know ‘cause I’ve never been in that situation. But I thought about it,” Alex nodded as he spoke, “And yeah, I would,” his voice was softer, smooth and warm. One large hand lifted to run a finger under the other man’s chin, tilting Henry’s face just a few inches higher before he leaned in and pressed their lips together gently.
Some George musing, and while it's third person POV, this entire fic will be from George's point of view. A peak inside his mind, so now is where I say- Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this fic are those of George Villier’s and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the author.
When George selected the members of his bedchamber, he’d chosen three men and three women, each alike only in eagerness to please him. Not one of his choices looked the same or had similar preferences. It was very much like going to the market and picking six different types of fruit. Why should he deny himself anything when every flavor of nectar running down his chin was just as delicious as the others? Lying on the silk sheets of his bed, warmth from the fire and hands all over his body to keep him warm. This was what George deserved. He’d earned it; paid his dues. Every shudder of pleasure payment for the lies he’d told, blood he’d shed, and every slight he’d faced. Sometimes he led the night’s activities. There were times when George would place each of his pets in a line and work his way down until his cock was soaked and exhausted. To have each one of them begging for just a touch, happy to satisfy him with no regard to their own pleasure. That was power. It would be a lie if George said the proclivities of his sex life weren’t a power play. It would also be untrue to say he didn’t very much enjoy that. He didn’t want to be defied, and certainly not in the bedroom. Total submission, only rebellion against his wishes if he asked for it, when he wanted to fight for dominance. His pets knew that; it was how they came to be his. George didn’t bother to know their names, he assigned them: Pet one, pet two, pet three, pet four, pet five, and pet six. The numbers were arbitrary; they held no rank or status. In fact, his favorite often changed. Pet three was lovely, nearly as beautiful as his master, that was why George had chosen him. Skin that looked and tasted like caramel, long dark lashes, dark curls and a strong build. Most often George kept him close, dressed him in silks, chose him for conversation. But right now, pet five was the most favored.
Okay that was super long, thanks for sticking around pals. TIME FOR A TAG LINE UP:
@taste-thewaste @eusuntgratie @henrysfox @thighzp
@softboynick @catdadacd @sheepywritesfics @henryspearl
@basil-bird @caressthosecheekbones @henfox + literally anyone else I'm sleepy and forgot, or anyone who sees this and wants to tag me, I love reading yall's stuff. <3
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ccstiles · 3 days ago
More Nydia posting bc I love her so muchhhh
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↑ recently out of the closet Nydia
I also wanted to share some lore on it all!
!!(I'll be referring to them pre-transition as Odysseus with he/him, and post-transition as Nydia with she/her)!!
(also going to be referring to Vasileios as Penelope since this is in the POV of Ody/Nydia)
- Ody didn't have any sort of inkling that he was trans until the Trojan war
- the reason for this is because as a kid, he was surrounded by lots of strong women, so he didn't really have a sense of being different because he equated himself with these women
- when he went off to Troy, it was like an ice bucket was thrown on him, because he was suddenly surrounded by men and only men (I know there were women slaves, but I'll just say that they had to stay in the camps of whoever owned them, and Ody didn't have any bc they're a #1 wife lover)(also Athena didn't spend a whole lot of one on one time with him, she mostly left him alone to help Diomedes, or she was on Olympus, not allowed to help the war)
- he started to realize that he felt different compared to the other men. At first he thought it was because of his size, but realized that it wasn't so, as he was as broad as Agamemnon and Achilles was much lankier than him (he was still a literal short king lmao)
- he just ignored the thoughts because he had to focus on the war strategies that had to be done in a lesser and lesser time frame as the war dragged on
- finally at the war's end, Ody had completely forgotten about the feeling, and while he was celebrating with everyone over the win, he got to talk to Helen
- he had gotten to meet her when he was a suitor, but didn't get more than a few quick conversations, as his attention was quickly taken by Penelope
- as the two conversed, Odysseus started to feel that weird feeling come back, but in a different way. Instead of feeling alienated and different, he felt so much more comfortable with Helen, like he and her were alike
- the thoughts confused him, and he tried asking Athena about it but she didn't know what to tell him
- he ignored the feelings again on the voyage back, too busy trying to get home (and not dying via Poseidon)
- it wasn't until he was on Circe's island that he had his epiphany
- ...Circe clocked his ass immediately- (sorry this is getting long) hence why she listened to him and let his men go
- I have a hc that Ody and the crew stayed with Circe for a bit to restock their ship and get some rest before their trip to the underworld
- because of this, Circe had a bit more time to give Odysseus a few pushes to help him realize for himself
- insisting for the nymphs to help him bathe and telling them to shave his beard, take care of his hair (which was now really long), and give him a longer chiton to wear
- when he saw himself in the mirror soon after, he had 2 thoughts:
He felt a sense of right
And then a horrible sense of wrong as his mind processed how comfortable he felt
- he felt like he was going insane until Circe came in to comfort him (was she waiting for it or did she just hear his crying? The world may never know...)
- she comforted him and listened as he unloaded all the wrong feelings he felt
- she then comforted him, saying that the feelings weren't wrong, they were just different
- Circe basically explained what trans people were, and that it was ok for Ody to be feeling this way
- after that, the two had a long conversation on what to do, how to talk to the crew, and all of that (Circe also helped her pick out her new name, Nydia)
- before the crew left, Circe gave Nydia a transformation potion, and instructed her to take a couple of drops every day. This way, the potion would work gradually and not all at once (she explained that this kind of transformation needed time so that Nydia could properly adjust)
- so yeah, Circe was Nydia's estrogen dealer lmao
- coming out to the crew was a bit harder, but Nydia knew that they all respected her as their captain, so there weren't any complaints (and if there were, well let's just say that they went out like Elpenor via the rest of the crew)
- not many other major things happened afterwards, although at one point Eurymachus cornered Nydia a few months later and taught her how to properly take care of her long hair (Ctmine had taught him) since Nydia hadn't been taking care of it properly
That's all for now!
Edit: I was looking for a link to this one post I saw and I finally found it! You guys should really check it out bc it's an analysis on why Odysseus, in ancient Greek times, was actually really feminine
( @bigidiotenergytm thought you might wanna see this :3)
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alarrytale · 6 months ago
Fascinating how things are so different for H & L. I think someone mentioned this earlier too. I see why even the public has concluded that L is gay. I’ve seen so many posts now. One thing funny, a man stands next to L and there are fanfics written about them, dating comments, etc. Then when H stands next to a guy, nothing. But boy when he stands next to a woman he’s automatically dating her. That’s just the natural sense of things across the fandoms forever. It’s even how things are seen outside of the Larrie fandom. All the public and solo Louie comments cracked me up yesterday and it just made me realize, Larries aren’t the only ones who think L is gay. An overwhelming amount actually. I just wish both would normalize friendships with women in their groups but also I see where fans jump to the stunts conclusion right away too. I get why but it still would be nice if people would relax a bit with that thought. It gives off misogynistic vibes. I love Krystle & Helen’s friendship with Louis, just like I love Sarah’s friendship with H. More of that please. Though there are still a handful of weirdos that believe Krystle & L are in some sort of relationship. At least those people usually get called out right away.
Hi, anon!
It's so funny, because Louis was so loud and flamboyant until about 2013, so everyone clocked him as gay back then, fans and gp alike. They didn’t with H necessarily. Then everything turned on it's head when they went solo. Harry was the gay and feminine one, and Louis the laddy, brash and masculine straight one. So now there are people who read Louis as straight, which is beyond me. They must have come in late to fandom and never experienced Louis before he was harshly closeted and started repressing himself. What we got a glimpse of yesterday of Louis was how it was everyday before 2013.
I want them to normalise the relationship with women too! However, as long as hshq encourages the speculation and feeds into it, by actually have him do PR relationships/beards, fandom is going to be vigilant everytime there is a woman in his vicinity who fits the stunt profile, which OD does. It's just how it is.
With Louis it's very possible to normalise his relationship with women, and i think we've come far already. The louies who are pairing him with his female crew members i think is shipping them, more than actually being convinced they're together. They're trying to will it into existence. For people to think L is with a woman, he actually has to show some form of PDA for people to get that they're an item. He can hang around most women without fandom frenzy. For someone who apparently couldn’t keep his dick in his pants in 2015, he sure seems celibate now lol.
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boltlightning · 1 year ago
What things have you watched for more Davenport stuff, and what did you think about it?
I'm considering buying a DVD set of Smash, and see if I can watch 10 percent, The Wedding Date and Next of Kin online.
I've already seen Kingsman (not just for him), The Journey of Mary Bryant but have yet to watch The Talented Mr. Ripley.
lmao. the amount of time i have spent on this dude...i'm gonna put this below a cut on the off-chance this won't show up in the tags, but here, in an orderly categorized list, is what i've watched for this dude
i would recommend:
p.irates of the caribbean — lmao
the t.alented mr ripley — this movie is not scary but it is haunting. it will stick with you like carrion to bones. highly recommend
why w.omen kill — he and lucy liu steal the show in season 1, which is very good, and he's the narrator in season 2, which is less good, but still entertaining. this show is so so good. please watch it
the incredible journey of m.ary bryant — it's probably a whole hour longer than it needs to be but everyone is putting their whole hearts into their performances
haven't we met before? this extremely cute commercial with f.elicity jones — it's five minutes long. it's adorable. it's even a little saucy. he's got the smash-era hair without being in smash. very good.
the m.oth 1997 — this was very early in his career and you can really tell, but he is adorable, and the writing itself perfectly embodies that hokey, melodramatic period drama bullshit that i so love
e.roica 2003 — 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 THE 19TH CENTURY FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
i wouldn't recommend, and he's not in them very much, but they're alright:
the m.orning show — check for triggers. he's only in the first season but he's great. and it turns into a soap opera in the second season on and not in a good way
k.ingsmen — justice for my guy. RIP
p.irate radio — b.ill nighy is great in this! jdav is in a gorgeous longcoat. but then there is the misogyny
a u.nited kingdom — gorgeous film, killer cast, oversimplification of history but very good for what it is. jdav leans into the sneering brit archetype so hard it makes you realize he definitely could sound more sinister than he already does, he just rarely drops his voice to the bottom of his register
i wouldn't recommend, but you may like them if you go in with more information:
s.mash — given all the talent on this show, it is baffling that it's so bad. jdav plays a genuinely awful man who is by far the most interesting character in the show, which means every conflict centers around him, and not always in a good way. watch this show to see jdav handsomely draped across furniture serving cunt alongside c.hristian borle and a.njelica houston and m.egan hilty and enjoy some of the the greatest musical performances ever conceived. ignore everything else. it is not worth your brain cells
the w.edding date — maybe the worst romcom i've ever seen? jdav is adorable and playing an atypical idiot. he has more chemistry with the romantic interest then the actual lead, to the point where i thought they'd end up together
f.lashforward — i enjoyed this show and will be thinking about it for a long time. it's a nostalgic 2000s 24-alike, but it won't be for everyone. his character is very sweet, which is a rarity and a boon.
g.uernica — i would rate this movie a c- but jdav's accent in this needs to be heard to be believed. also burn gorman is there. burn my beloved
you should not watch:
he was in a netflix western set in australia that was so bad i'm not going to bother looking up the name. it is GORGEOUS but you should watch this movie muted and with the captions off and you will inevitably come up with a better plot. listen to a little bit of his accent though.
don't watch smash. please god. don't do it. i know what category i put it in but don't do it. listen to me. i'm begging you.
i have heard good things about w.hy women kill and g.uernica though! and i've been trying to track down the m.oth, they've been on my list forever. definitely let me know about 10 percent, i have no way of finding that as an american lol
july 2024 edit: list has been updated. still haven't tracked down 10 percent <3
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risingsh0t · 3 months ago
hi alyssa i hope ur well!!!!! i was thinking for the oc relationship asks 1-4, 23, 27 for olgielogan and mariah/davrin if ur still taking these !!!! 🥀💌😌
thank you leg!! i've missed logan/olga and ofc mariah/davrin are giving me brainworms rn 💖
how did they meet?
olga x logan: olga's research and knowledge of the infection is what drew the WLF to her initially. her skills as a neurosurgeon were valuable too, so ofc they'd want an alliance. protection for her is part of that bargain and naturally logan is assigned as the leader of that patrol 😌
mariah x davrin: pretty standard to the game itself! nothing more exciting unfortunately... she needed a warden and he was recommended <3
how long have these two characters known each other?
olga x logan: oh god, hold on i have to do math. based on the timeline i have of logan's time in the WLF + their current life in new harbor, i'd say they've known each other for about 5 to 6 years!
mariah x davrin: i'm gonna be honest, i tried to find a timeline about this but i couldn't 😭 it would be the in-game answer, which all i can find for sure is that it's within 9:52 dragon, so...perhaps a year? maybe a bit less?
what were their first impressions of each other? how does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
olga x logan: god i think they were both annoyed by the other at first. like he knew she was intelligent, but thought she was spoiled. and she thought he was too guarded and an ass 😂 they both know each other a lot better now, backstories included, so they understand each other in a way that others don't.
mariah x davrin: at first, the usual stereotypical things about crows and wardens...though mariah was attracted to him immediately (who can blame her). now, they've come to realize that they both run deeper than the surface and are alike in many ways.
how would they describe each other if asked? physically? in personality?
olga x logan: logan would say she's beautiful, intelligent, and capable. olga would say he's handsome, stubborn, and introverted. olga would probably say a lot more than that too, but i'm keeping it simple!
mariah x davrin: honestly i think they're both extremely cheesy. they'd both say the other is stunning and like no one else they've ever met. i also see them as more of a private couple, so they wouldn't go on about it if someone else is asking.
do they have any mutual friends? mutual enemies?
olga x logan: her enemies are his enemies 💘 mutual friends is a small group, mostly down to cyrus, darcy, and maybe a couple other people in new harbor.
mariah x davrin: mutual friends are the veilguard ofc, eldrin, evka & antoine. i don't see davrin considering many of the crows to be His friends tho. mutual enemies are the usual! the evanuris, venatori, antaam, darkspawn, etc.
how far would they go for each other? would they risk their own lives for each other?
olga x logan: i absolutely think they're both the type of people to risk their lives for one another. probably on a pretty equal level. and i don't think there's much they wouldn't be willing to do for the other.
mariah x davrin: godddd. mariah is more stubborn in this area in that she doesn't want him to risk his life for her, she's the "i want us to live for each other" type. they absolutely would risk their lives if it came down to it, but that's not what she wants the goal to be. and davrin tries his best to get into that mindset too.
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4ssun · 2 years ago
not an ask but a "comment" because cas has me 🧍‍♀️.
firstly. yn is so irrational that i'm literally pulling strands of my hair out. but love is a strong emotion so i can understand to some extent? that doesn't excuse the amount of things she's done without proper consideration though..
uhh ok. the letter was probably about beomgyu leaving? (maybe quitting twitch and moving onto school studies) hence why chapter 26 is named "moving on".. and that's gonna be so hard to read bcs whenever i read anything ab recovery the tears FALL
27 being named "first love" is probably about felix because of the stems saying "still in love" (unless the chart was made on a website and the website didn't have a "still friends" option or something) or maybe it's a realization that though felix was an era of her life, beomgyu was her first true love?
i can guess 27-28 but don't want to put too much thought as twenty seven is most likely a reunion and twenty-eight is going more about that? the last chapter is more of what i wanted to focus on though because it's simply "cas" so i thinkk it's them dating again and just playing the sims together? like a timeskip? maybe there's a plot twist last second and the ghosts in the room they're playing the sims in go on stan twitter 🤨 (jokes but idk what to expect anymore)
something i was so mad at was yn completely skipping over the love confession and hating beomgyu... like yes that's understandable but PLEASE use empathy in this situation. you are no better than him, doing an impulsive stream because you think it's what's best.. both of them had better options yet decided to take the probably worst one and then yn completely looks past how she's just repeating in gyu's steps...
^^ seriously though because gyu let his love for yn take over and risked losing all his friends, lashed out on them, didn't let them see what he was thinking, and then runs away. yn closes up and is risking losing *everyone* because of love??
if the ending wasn't a happily ever after and my interpretation of 28 was wrong would i be mad? no... not really. if they did just leave each other as a past asset of their live and move on, i would accept that.. i feel like they both harmed each other without trying (excluding gyu being cold at the start) and both saw the major consequences. if they learn from their actions and 28 is just yn playing sims and reflecting on the times i would be okay because it's character development 👍👍
but if it was a happily ever after i would be happy too (as long as it's a timeskip because i can't imagine the ending being like 2 days after the implied unalive mention)
still would be okay with anything you write though 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
(this has got to be my favorite ask ever because you kind off?? read my mind?? in some ways!!)
i want to actually analyze a bit of what you said and offer you (and anyone else) some hints on the future chapters! to keep this from being a long paragraph of wall, i'll put a cut here!
yn and beomgyu are very alike in ways that you mentioned. both are impulsive, deeply feeling, and extremely irrational beings. but they are also different, yn is more openly emotional as we've seen with how she describes how she feels and shows her emotions outwardly. beomgyu, however, is not the same. he tends to not show his emotions (aka his initial coldness to yn) unless they're dragged out of him (keeho getting him to admit jealousy) and when he goes all out, he goes all out. hence his anger towards yeonjun. this will be touched on in chapter 28, which is a gyu-centric chapter.
the letter will also be touched on! but do keep in mind, in yn's emotional state and how she tends to be impulsive, her reaction to the letter might not make sense to someone who isn't irrational with how they respond when upset. also, it will be explained why yn doesn't react to beomgyu confessing that he loves her and how that ties in with his letter. (i can't wait hehe.)
i will say your theory for chapter 26 is spot on! however, i will say you're wrong about the character doing the tasks you mentioned. i don't want to give away too much but i literally was like 😲 when you said that bc that's exactly what happens hehe.
chapter 27 is about felix and yn! not gonna give spoilers on that one though... any ynlix shippers around?
chapters 28-29 are gyu-centric chapters, so if you wanna know why beomgyu decided to become dumb: those are the chapters for you!! can't wait to see how y'all react to that.
your views on yn and beomgyu are pretty much spot on. they both have made some very stupid decisions and are now reaping the consequences of those. however, i promise this story has a "happy" ending. will it be the traditional one of many smaus? probably not.
chapter 30 is also spot on in terms of plot with "someone" playing sims, but i don't wanna spoil it! my hint for you here is just to remember: everything comes full circle.
thank you so much for sending this ask! it's literally my favorite ever and i'm so flattered that you care about my smau enough to analyze and find theories!! <3 i hope these last 5 chapters do you justice.
(i gotta reblog this onto the writing blog though, so that hopefully everyone else can see it! this is my main hehe.)
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