#he already sniffed out the first one day two after being home
molosseraptor · 22 days
doing crimes
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hyunniesgirl · 9 months
My cat likes you
Pairing: Lee Know x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: your cat is behaving strangely lately and a walk outside your apartment shows you exactly why.
Warnings: none
A/N: I saw a video on Instagram with a cat rubbing on the floor when they saw a cute guy and I was like "why is this so Lee Know coded?" And had to make something like that with him heheheh
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It's been a few days since your cat started behaving strangely, she'll wake you up early in the morning meowing at your room’s door. At first you thought she did that because she was hungry, but when you put food in her bowl she ignores it and keeps meowing.
You realized then, that she wanted you to follow her as she twirled and rubbed on the floor. She would wait for you at the door and would keep scratching it, waiting for you to open it.
“It's too early for a walk, Bo-mi”, you tell her, shaking your head and turning around, going back to your bed to try and sleep a little bit more before work.
She keeps insisting on the early morning walks, but you don't give in, you can't have her get used to going out when it's still time for you to be sleeping.
After a few days, Bo-mi starts having that same behavior late at night, when you are already in bed, ready to go to sleep. She meows for minutes straight until you get up and walk with her to the door.
“Bo-mi, we can't go out now, I'm already in my pjs”, you sigh, patting her. But she keeps scratching the door and meowing for you to go out. “Tomorrow is Friday, okay? So I can stay up late to take you out for a walk”, you tell her before going back to your room.
You spend the next day trying to figure out why she's acting this way. You think about the possibility of her being sick, but she's eating and drinking water normally and she's sleeping the same amount as she always did. Her last check up wasn't even two months ago, even so, you should definitely make an appointment with the veterinarian.
You arrive at home and Bo-mi comes running to you, purring and rubbing herself on you. After you pet her, she goes back to the couch, getting comfortable there again, she doesn't even try to go to the door. Why does she just want to go out when it's late? Or early in the morning? It’s just strange.
Thinking too much about it won't help you find out what's going on, so you give up on the thoughts and just go to the bathroom to take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes since you have to take the lady of the house for a walk in a few hours.
Everything kind of makes sense when you open the door and Bo-mi goes running to the corridor, however, she stops at your neighbor's door, sniffing a bit. The sound of the elevator takes you out of your thoughts and your cat walks in that direction finding a strange man coming out of the elevator.
He looks at her and smiles, trying to go past her but she throws herself in the ground, showing her belly to him and rubbing herself on the floor.
Before you can speak, the guy bends down, petting and making her meow. You look at your watch to see that he's arriving at the exact time that Bo-mi tries going out every night. The weirdest thing is that she hates strangers, especially men.
“I’m sorry”, you finally get out of your head to say something, “she has been acting strangely lately”
“It's okay”, he says, without looking at you. Hypnotized by your cat's little meows and cuteness. “I actually saw her on the balcony one of these days, but couldn't pet her because of the distance”, he chuckles. “What's her name?”
He finally looks at you when asking that and for a moment it seems like the world stops for the both of you. He's the most handsome man you have ever seen in your entire life, with cute boba eyes and an innocent look.
“It's Bo-mi”, you tell him, feeling your cheeks a bit warm.
He clears his throat, petting your cat for the last time before standing up again, fixing his clothes. He didn't look at you at first, but you are so pretty it actually left him speechless and that is a hard thing to achieve. He was even going to make a joke about cats, but couldn't even manage to get that out while looking at your face.
“I'm sorry to ask, but do you also go out around five a.m.?” You ask out of nowhere, making him look at you suspiciously.
“Yeah, why?”
“Because I think my cat is in love with you”, you tell him, pointing at Bo-mi, rubbing herself on his legs. “She always tries to go out around five in the morning or at this time of the night, I guess she wanted to see you again”
You really understand Bo-mi on that, you would also want to see him everyday if you had the chance.
“Oh”, he smiles, “I'm Minho by the way, I moved here two weeks ago”, he says pointing to his apartment.
“I'm y/n”, you give your hand for him to shake, “I know it's weird to ask this, but can I bring her out sometimes so she can see you?” You ask, shyly, making Minho chuckle.
“Yeah”, he nods, “maybe you can also meet my cats”, he says, feeling his ears warming up. “I mean, in a housewarming party, of course”, he completes.
“I would love that”, you smile and he feels like he could melt just with that, “I'll take her home now”, you catch Bo-mi in your arms even though she struggles to get out of your grasp and go back to Minho, “I'll wait excitedly to meet your cats”
Minho watches you go into your apartment, waving to him before closing the door. Now, how the hell does a housewarming party even work?
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daycourtofficial · 9 months
I Know Something You Don’t Know
Summary: Everyone else finds out you and Azriel are expecting a baby before you and Azriel do.
Author’s note: this is something? Isk where it came from, just went with it.
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Cassian loved calm mornings. Coming home from training, cleaning up, and enjoying a few hours of calm to himself. He usually just lounges about the house, in various rooms, soaking in the silence, thinking about his day, his family, anything really.
He was sure this was to be one of those mornings, until he hears you bustling down the stairs in a quick pace.
Upon seeing Cassian at the table, calmly eating his array of sausages and bacon, you give him a nod.
The general laughs at his brother’s mate, whose arms are full of supplies to do mother knows what.
“Do you still have a body under all that stuff or are you just a tent with legs now?” He asks, laughing.
“Har har,” you reply, walking briskly through the room, “I told my nephews I’d teach them how to set up a tent and I’m running late. Can you open the door for me?”
Cassian rises, obliging your request. He loved ribbing you, but he also adored you as a person and as Azriel’s mate. You and Feyre were the best people to have as in-laws, a sentiment his brothers likely don’t share about his own mate.
“Well, I hope you all have a great time camping, don’t get eaten by any bears, please.” He says, opening the door for you.
“Ah, we’ll just be in my sister’s backyard camping, but it’ll be loads of fun. See you later, Cass!” You say, walking through the door.
Once the door is shut behind you, Cassian freezes as your scent lingers in the doorway. Your usual scent, of course, with a very soft, delicate undertone of flowers mixed in. So soft, he didn’t notice it while you were here.
Cassian got the relaxing morning he thought he would. No one else came back to the house for several hours, an opportunity Cassian would usually relish and take delight in. Today his thoughts would only allow him to think of his brother and you and your babe.
His first thought was if Azriel knew, and knowing his brother, if he had any inclination you were pregnant, he wouldn’t have let you leave alone.
When the two of you mated, Azriel was insufferable. He was certain you would die from suffocation due to his hovering. On your first time seeing everyone after the frenzy, Cassian went to hug you and Azriel growled at him. You were incredibly patient and understanding, recognizing that it came from a mixture of his instincts to protect and his fear of anything happening to you.
It got so bad at one point you started bringing a spray bottle and would spray him when he was being too territorial.
Nesta and Feyre had walked into the house to find Cassian sitting at the table, pulling on his hair, a mixture of excitement and concern on his face. It was obvious he’d been sitting there for hours, his long forgotten breakfast gone cold hours ago.
“Cass, are you alright?” Feyre asks, coming to sit next to him.
Feyre’s voice breaks him out of his stupor, “Pregnant,” is all he can muster.
Fwyre looks at Nesta, “no no, not me,” Nesta replies, sniffing the air, “not you either.”
Feyre looks back at Cassian, “are you the pregnant one, Cass?”
“Azriel is.”
Feyre’s smirk drops from her face, “w-what?”
“Well okay not Azriel, but she is. She’s pregnant. They’re having a baby!”
Cassian feels ten pounds lighter being able to share this with someone. He jumps from his chair, standing in front of Feyre and Nesta.
“They’re having a baby, and neither of them know it.”
This day was absolutely rubbish for Azriel. Boring meetings, messy work, and stupid paperwork had him leaving early and staying incredibly late. All he wanted was to come home, eat dinner, and lay in bed with you on top of him.
He walked into the doors of the house, not expecting to find anyone, let alone finding his whole family in the foyer bickering like children.
“Okay but where will the banner go!” Cassian yelled at Mor.
“We already have a banner, we don’t need yours!”
“Yeah but I hand painted mine! I want them to know I was the first to know and that I’m the most excited for them!”
Feyre scoffs at Cassian, “if you’re the most excited, then why have Rhys and I already hired a team of nursemaids and nannies and have been gathering nursery supplies all day?”
Cassian rolls his eyes at his sister in law and high lady, “okay fine, you’ve spent the most money on the child, but I’ll teach them how to fly and all the best swear words.”
Mor starts to rebuttle, “yeah but I’ll be the best aunt, we’ll go shopping and,” she pauses, the first to notice Azriel’s return home, “Az, you’re home.”
All eyes snap to Azriel in the doorway, and he is no closer to figuring out what he’s looking at. Balloons are strewn about, as are streamers, there’s confetti, cakes, and what look like two banners that he can’t see what they say.
“What’s all this? Is it someone’s birthday?” He asks, walking forward and swiping some icing off a cake as Elain tuts at him and swats his hand.
“Uh,” Cassian replies, “it will be someone’s birthday.”
Azriel looks at him, “what does that mean?”
Cassian walks towards his brother, his arms outstretched, clamping down on his shoulders.
Looking him the eye, Cassian says, “do not freak out in that Azriel way you do when big things happen.”
Azriel scoffs, trying to shrug off Cassian’s hands. “I do not ‘freak out’,” his last words in air quotes.
Cassian continues speaking, “yeah says the guy who hid for two weeks when the mating bond snapped for him.”
Azriel opens his mouth to argue, but Cassian continues. “Speaking of, I saw your lovely mate as she left this morning.��
Azriel looks at Cassian, waiting for him to continue. “And after she left I realized there was a… scent.”
Azriel stiffens, his instincts kicking in as he responds, “what kind of scent?”
Cassian immediately shuts down Azriel’s thoughts, “whoa nothing like that, no. She’d never smell like another male, she’s too obsessed with you. No, it was a-a baby. She’s pregnant.”
As Cassian’s words were registering in his brain, Mor slowly lifted the banner so he could see that it said “Congratulations Bat Baby!”
Azriel looks at Cassian, deep-rooted fear of allowing his hopes to rise just to have them taken from him, “you’re sure? Absolutely sure?”
Cassian, unable to gauge Azriel’s reaction, replies with a quick, “yes.” Azriel wastes no time, sweeping Cassian up into a hug, lifting him off the ground. This show of affection was abnormal for Az, especially initiated by him, but Cassian gladly enjoys the moment.
Cassian can feel Azriel laughing into his chest as he sets him down, and everyone in the room is smiling at him, feeling his joy.
Azriel looks at Cassian, “but wait - do all of us know? Except for her?”
Cassian looks a bit sheepish, “well… maybe?”
Walking back towards the house, you walk through the open markets of Velaris, loving the smells of all the flowers and fresh bread. Walking through the vendors, several of them stop you, giving you gifts. You try to decline them, unable to accept their flowers, their chocolates, their breads. But they won’t let you give them back, and they absolutely refuse to allow you to pay for the gifts.
“I can’t just take these without paying!” You tell one vendor you frequent, Lila.
Lila scoffs at you, “it is called a gift! Have you never received one before?”
You roll your eyes, “of course I have, but this is different-“
Lila interrupts you, “it is not different. This is a gift. Accept it. Congratulations.”
You look at her in bewilderment, but a customer comes in at that moment and takes Lila’s attention. You walk through the market, your arms full of gifts from the vendors you frequent, confused as to why you have them.
You walk up the steps into the townhouse, toeing open the door after spending several minutes trying to find your keys.
“Honey?” You call out, removing your keys from the door. “The people of Velaris have gone nuts.”
You start making your way into the living room, still carrying what feels like 50 pounds of flowers. “They kept giving me things. We have like 20 bouquets and 10 loaves of bread!”
You feel him approach, helping grab things out of your arms and setting them down. “Did something happen and I missed it? Lila even congratulated me-“ Your words stop as you see the banners over the doorway.
“CONGRATULATIONS BAT BABY!” in beautiful writing, with little bats painted all over it.
Another one reads, “CONGRATS ON THE BAT!”
One written in what appears to be Cassian’s handwriting says, “I’M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE!”
You look at Azriel, still not understanding. “What’s happening?” You finally take a good look at him, and he is on the verge of crying.
“When you left this morning, Cassian smelled you. I didn’t want to get too excited until I smelled you myself, but oh gods.”
He wraps you in his arms, deeply inhaling you. “You’re pregnant,” he laughs into your shoulder.
“Pregnant?” You ask him, clearly not having heard him correctly.
You and Azriel stopped taking contraceptives a few years ago, knowing it would probably be a century before you had a baby of your own.
“Me? Pregnant?” He laughs, “yes.”
He pauses, thinking about something. “Is this still something you want? We jumped the gun a bit with the decorating, but I assumed because we talked before.” He looks into your eyes, “if you’ve changed your mind, that’s okay. We’ll figure something out. It’s-“
You cut him off, “I haven’t changed my mind, I’m just..” you trail off, looking around you, “amazed I’m the last one to know!”
The both of you laugh, Azriel grabbing your face and kissing you deeply. When you pull away, all of the inner circle has winnowed in, Cassian shooting off confetti.
“Surprise!” They all yell, laughing. The joy thrumming through the bond with Azriel is all consuming from both ends, and you’re sure everyone around you can feel it.
Cassian approaches you, embracing you in a big hug. He kisses the top of your head, then crouches down so he’s eye level with your stomach.
“Hi Cassian Jr.” he says. Azriel scoffs, pushing him so he falls on the floor.
“What? I figured it out, I get naming rights!”
“I don’t think that’s how it works, dummy.” Mor tells him, giving him a pointed look as she sweeps you into a hug.
“I’m so happy for you,” she says, pulling back to look at you. “Me too,” you tell her. She looks at Azriel, who has let the happiness fade enough for his instincts to kick in, “not happy to deal with him during your pregnancy.”
You laugh, “it’ll be a miracle if he lets me leave the house.” He scoffs, as if he’d ever let you out of his sight again.
Feyre approaches you, cradling Nyx in her arms. “They’ll be, what, a year and a half apart?” You smile at her, cooing at the baby in her arms. “They’re going to be best friends,” you tell her.
All of you spend the evening laughing, drinking, eating all the sweets Elain baked, and soaking in all the joy from the newest addition to the family.
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roosterforme · 6 months
The Younger Kind Part 55 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley can't get enough of the adrenaline rush that is accompanying his special mission, but he has reached the point where the excitement doesn't outweigh his desire to return home. Every day feels the same for you, until one of them starts to feel much worse.
Warnings: mentions of blood, pregnancy topics, potential pregnancy complications, swearing, angst, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4300 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Every day was the same now. Every morning started out with a hopeful feeling in your chest. Your engagement ring was still noticeable on your finger, although you figured that would fade with time as it became a permanent fixture. At first, you woke up to the delicious feeling of being pregnant and engaged to Bradley, but when you rolled over to reach for him, the rest of the bed was cold. The covers were untouched. His pillow was still in the exact same place you left it when you made the bed yesterday.
Tears stung at your eyes. You knew exactly how many days he had been gone, because the updated number was practically all you could think about. The days had become a week. Then two. And now that hopeful feeling was starting to vanish only to be replaced by dread almost immediately after you cracked your eyes open.
You whispered, "I miss you," and climbed out of bed without even looking at the vacant side now. You started to dress in your scrubs without a smile on your face, and then you went into the bathroom which was completely silent. You thought that if you just had an inkling, the barest idea of when Bradley might be returning, you'd feel much better, but you had no clue.
You and Noah had only had one brief conversation with him over the phone. The connection had been pretty bad, and you knew someone was sitting right there with him monitoring every single word. He'd told you that much before his personal phone had been taken away from him the day he arrived. You had to pause as you put toothpaste on your toothbrush, because the tears were going to start if you didn't get yourself under control. 
Bradley had hung up a few post-it notes around the house for you and Noah to find. Most of them were reminders of how much he loved you, but the one on the bathroom mirror took your breath away every time you saw it. It said April 25th with a heart around it. And above that'd, he'd drawn a crown. The fact that you had no idea how much of your pregnancy he was going to miss threw you off every single time. You ran your fingers over the note, but you didn't move it.
"Mommy?" Noah called out, and you heard him jump down from his bed. It was so obvious how much he missed his dad; he was extra clingy with you right now, even shedding a few tears now when you tried to drop him off before you went to work each day.
"I'm in the bathroom," you called out as best you could with your toothbrush still in your mouth. You opened the door so he could come in with you, and he immediately wrapped his arms around your thigh.
"Is it daycare today?"
You spit out the toothpaste and rinsed your mouth. "Yes, Sweet Noah. You have daycare today."
"I want to go to the park with you and Daddy."
That sounded so perfect, you wanted to scream. "As soon as Daddy comes home, we can all spend a whole day at the park. But not today." You didn't even want to tell him that you had to work an extra hour and a half and as a result would be picking him up later than usual. You agreed to cover some extra shifts all week long even though you were tired enough that you'd been passing out in bed right after Noah went to sleep each night. 
When he sniffed and looked up at you with watery eyes, you could barely handle it. Bradley had been gone for less than three weeks, but you were already getting a little desperate. You knew you would feel like a failure if you reached out for help at this point, even though Natasha and Penny had both been texting with you to check in. Bradley even had Tracy emailing you in case you needed anything, and you couldn't decide whether you had to make more friends to get him off your back or simply be appreciative that he cared enough to set things up.
"I know," you whispered to Noah, running your fingers through his soft curls. "But we can make ants on logs later. And we can take Skittles for a nice walk." When you said her name, the pup appeared in the bathroom doorway, her brown eyes also a little sad without her favorite person at home.
"I'm hungry," Noah murmured against your scrub pants. You bent to scoop him up into your arms and carried him to the kitchen where you got breakfast ready for everyone. It was going to be a long day for you, and you'd been so wrapped up in your feelings, you almost forgot you were going to have to see Casey. 
You groaned at the thought of her, and you immediately lost your appetite and scraped your eggs into the dish on the floor for Skittles to enjoy. After you packed yourself a lunch and got Noah ready, you realized you were kind of running late. Everything felt ten times harder when you had to do it all yourself. 
"I don't know how Bradley managed," you whispered as you zipped down the block in your car. A soft smile played at your lips as you thought back to how adorably hopeless he had been when you first met him. He hadn't eaten a good meal in probably months before you started babysitting Noah for him. At least he could cook a little bit now, even if he still couldn't figure out how to use his phone. 
When you took Noah inside his daycare, Casey's eyes were immediately glued to your ring as it shone in the sunlight. She slid the clipboard to you and watched you sign Noah in while you held his hand. Then you knelt down and kissed his cheek and whispered, "I'll pick you up later. I love you."
He smiled, and then you let Casey walk him inside. You stood there long enough to make sure he started to hang up his bag like you always did, and when she walked back out into the lobby, she was smirking. "Did Bradley leave you? He hasn't been here in weeks."
You rolled your eyes as you said, "He's deployed. We've been over this before."
She held up her hands in mock surrender. "I'm just saying, it kind of looks like he left you and Noah in the dust."
"In what world would that man leave Noah?" you practically shouted. 
"That's true," she replied with a smile. "Bradley would never leave his adorable son, but I could see him ditching you and your make believe baby."
You rubbed your temples and took your phone out of your pocket to check the time. You'd barely make it to work before the first patient if you didn't leave right now, but you couldn't help yourself. "I'm done, Casey. I've had enough. Which of the owners is here today? Because I'm not going to listen to you talk to me like this for one more minute."
Her face went ghostly white and she muttered something that you couldn't quite make out. "Speak up," you snapped. "Or apologize to me and don't bother talking to me again unless it's completely necessary."
"Great," you told her loudly. "Have a great day, and when I pick Noah up later, just keep your mouth shut."
You took in the stupid looking expression on her face before you turned to leave, storming out the door and across the parking lot to your car.
It didn't take Bradley long to get used to the sleek controls and seductive design of the sixth-generation fighter jet that everyone appropriately referred to as Shadowhawk. By the second morning on base in Yokosuka, Admiral Palmer was singing Bradley's praises. He showed up early and did as he was told, hoping to spend as much time in the air as he could each day.
It was an adrenaline rush every single time. He was going substantially faster than he ever did in a Super Hornet, and all of his readouts were being recorded. He had to pass a quick physical and stress test every morning before he was allowed to fly, and then he was hooked up to monitoring equipment and let loose. He and Shadowhawk were flying the same loop far out over the pacific ocean at insanely high altitudes, and each time he fell a little bit more in love with being in the air. He could maneuver through rolls and dive into an attack formation faster than he could even imagine. 
When he was flying, it was easy enough to focus on the task at hand. He knew if he wasn't one hundred percent focused, it would be dangerous. He might not snuff out the launched missile in time with his flares or his guns. He might lose sight of his targets. But as soon as he had any sort of mental reprieve, he was thinking about you and Noah and Skittles and his bungalow tucked away on a side street in Coronado.
"Fuck," he muttered as he unloaded from Shadowhawk one day just as the sun was setting. He was drenched in sweat and exhausted, and all he could think about was taking a shower with you before dragging himself off to his king size bed that always smelled like wildflowers and falling asleep in your arms. He let the peripheral staff detach all of the cables and heart monitor from his flight suit before he found an officer who spoke English. "Is there time for me to make a phone call tonight?" he asked. 
It was about three o'clock in the morning in California, and he knew he wouldn't be able to talk to Noah, but he was dying to hear your voice. He knew he'd wake you up, but the ache was so strong, he absolutely needed to if he could. He'd been allowed to make exactly one call so far, and that was already more than two weeks ago.
All he got in response to his question was a quick shake of his head. "Tomorrow," she responded. That's what they told him every day. The lack of communication felt like a prison sentence at times, but there wasn't much he could do but accept it. All of the data they were collecting as well as Shadowhawk itself were considered proprietary and top secret. He practically had to sign his life away every day before he was allowed to touch the thing.
"Tomorrow," he repeated. "But will it actually be tomorrow? Or does that mean a week from now?"
"Tomorrow," she said more firmly, and he thanked her quietly before heading up to the tower to debrief with the admirals. There wasn't much else he could do.
The next day was a lot more of the same, and the routine was starting to grate on his nerves now. The aircraft still felt incredible, beyond his wildest dreams. He was still happy to be here, but at the same time, he was ready to go home now. They weren't giving him any updates on the progress of this assignment or when it might end, so he just decided to approach Admiral Palmer directly.
"Sir, I'd really appreciate a ten minute phone call, if that can be arranged." Once again, it was the middle of the night for you, but Bradley needed it.
The older man eyed him closely and cleared his throat. "It's a liability, Lieutenant. I'm sure you can understand that."
Bradley felt his fingers flex into fists at his sides. "Sir, someone would be monitoring me the entire time. And I'm just asking to talk to my fiancée and my son. That's it. Any time of any day."
The answer of, "There's no guarantee," did not sit well with Bradley. He had to bite his lip until he was tasting blood to keep himself from talking out of order, but he was sure the other man could read the frustration on his face and in his posture. "Maybe a very brief call, but we could be wrapping up our preliminary testing on Shadowhawk any day now. Either way, I'm sure you'll be able to finish out this temporary assignment like a professional."
Bradley swallowed down every retort that came to his mind, saluted Admiral Palmer, and left for his tiny room in the barracks. But another week passed, and Bradley knew there was no end in sight. And perhaps no phone call either. 
"Is this normal though?" you asked Natasha over the phone one night after Noah was in bed. You'd thought about taking a long bath, but you were so tired from working late almost every day, you could barely hold yourself up. You were already in bed at 8:45 with your phone pressed to your ear. "I haven't heard from Bradley in almost a month."
The words made a lump form in your throat. It was actually twenty-two and a half days since he'd called. You needed to hear his voice. Noah was asking for him nonstop, and he had missed your most recent checkup with your obstetrician. The whole thing had been such a blur during your lunch break without him there, and you wanted to show him the new ultrasounds.
"Well, I don't think this assignment is exactly normal, you know?" she replied. "On a regular deployment, you'd be able to talk to him almost weekly. But this is something else altogether."
You made a soft sound. There had to be a way to make the time pass faster. If you didn't have to get Noah by six o'clock every day, you would try to pick up more hours at work. Maybe this weekend you could start cleaning up the extra bedroom that you and Bradley decided would become the nursery. You already promised Noah that you'd take him shopping for a Halloween costume, so at least that would entertain him for a little while. 
"Thanks, Natasha," you murmured to Bradley's best friend.
"Hey, if you need a little break this weekend, I'd be more than happy to come over and play with Noah on Saturday or Sunday," she said, and you sighed in relief.
"That actually sounds fantastic. I'll call you."
You ended the call a minute later, curling up in a ball of exhaustion as you tried to imagine where Bradley was and what he was doing. You were tired now as you tried to do the math to determine what time it was in Japan. Was he sixteen hours ahead of you? Something like that? You yawned and fell asleep with your phone on the pillow next to your head.
Then you heard your ringtone blaring in your ear, and you almost fell out of the bed as you realized your phone was so close to you. RESTRICTED CALLER. "Oh my god," you gasped, trying to answer the call while you saw that your battery was down to four percent because you never plugged it in. "Bradley?!"
"Bradley!" You climbed out of bed, your body immediately shivering as you were exposed to the cool air. Your nerves were frayed as you plugged your phone in and asked, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Baby. I'm so sorry I woke you up."
"It's okay!" you said, your voice sounding more like a sob as you sat on the floor. "I've been so worried about you."
His voice was a deep, familiar rumble as he said, "I've got five minutes. Tell me everything."
"We miss you, Daddy," you said, rubbing your hand low on your belly which was starting to feel a little tender as you got closer to thirteen weeks along. "Noah asks for you all the time. The baby looked good at the last appointment. But your best friend, Skittles, is barely holding it together."
"I missed your appointment," he said, his voice strained with emotion. "I should have been there."
"It's okay," you whispered. "We're doing okay." But you weren't. You and Noah thrived when you had his attention. You felt loved when he was home to hold you and whisper plans about the future until you fell asleep each night. "I just thought you'd be able to call more often."
"Me too," he said in a tone that sounded both annoyed and resigned.
"Do you know when you'll be home?" you asked in as hopeful a voice as you could manage.
"Soon, Princess. Soon. Now tell me everything about your appointment."
You gave him more details as you shifted around on the floor, and you told him that Noah painted a picture for him. Then you heard someone on his end of the call telling him that it was time to go, and you wanted to scream that it wasn't enough. But instead you let the tears fall down your cheeks, thankful that you at least knew he was safe. 
"I love you, Bradley."
"I love you too, Princess. I'll be home before you know it."
You dried your tears and climbed back into bed, and even though you weren't able to fall asleep again, you felt so much better. Your imagination drifted to thoughts of the baby in the nursery, all of you curled up on the floor for story time together. You would start getting the room ready this weekend.
On Saturday, you took Noah to the Halloween warehouse store that seemed to pop up overnight. "You have to hold my hand," you reminded him as he reached for every single display in the crowded store. There were so many aisles, this would probably take up your entire morning with him. He was keeping a running list of options that he liked for trick-or-treating, and you had to keep reminding yourself not to check the price tags. You'd put whatever he wanted on your princess credit card and call it a day.
"Mommy, let's all be dinosaurs," he said, pointing to a costume in his size. 
You glanced around the area and said, "They don't have any in my size. Can we pick something else?"
"I want you and Daddy to dress up, too," he whined, and you didn't want to have to tell him that you weren't sure if Bradley would be home in the next week and a half to accommodate that wish. 
"Well, I will definitely dress up with you, okay? Let's pick something out where you and I can match."
But he wasn't going to be deterred. He was demanding that all three of you match along with Skittles. You walked around the entire store twice before you found an option that he agreed upon, and you were smiling as you gathered the costumes in all of the necessary sizes. "This is perfect, Sweet Noah," you said as you looked at the costume for Bradley and laughed. You just hoped he would be back in time to wear it. If not, maybe you could ask Maverick. 
The sky was starting to look overcast, so you took Noah home for lunch and didn't feel too bad about keeping him inside for the afternoon, especially when it started raining. You set him up with his array of coloring books at the kitchen table and then went to investigate the extra bedroom. Nobody ever slept in there, so it was a bit dusty. There was basically no furniture besides the bed and an old desk, but it was cozy and perfect for what you had planned. 
Your muscles were sore from standing at work, and you were so tired, but you started moving the bed anyway. You'd have to tell Dr. Kelly and the others that you were pregnant soon. It was time now, but you kept putting it off, enjoying the secret that only you and Bradley really knew about. Plus it still got under your skin a little bit when you considered that other people would have a knee jerk reaction to the timeframe of when you got engaged compared to when you got pregnant. 
"It's none of their business," you whispered to yourself as you walked to the kitchen to check on Noah every few minutes. Then you went back to the bedroom and cleaned, moved things around and took measurements. "How big are cribs, anyway?" you mused before looking up some dimensions online. "Pretty big." 
It took some creativity, but you thought you'd finally sorted out where everything should go. Then you moved Bradley's random junk from the closet to the attic, wiping the sweat from your face with each trip. You kicked your way through the boxes where you'd found the USB drive with the video he made with Meredith. At first you grimaced and thought you might cry, but then you remembered the way he had smashed the stupid thing to bits in the backyard. You wanted him to come home. You needed him to. 
"Mommy?" Noah called out, luring you back into the kitchen. You were a mess, and when you noticed how much he was yawning, you silently rejoiced. 
"It looks like you could use a nap," you said as you kissed the curls on top of his head. He scrambled up into your arms and hugged you, such a tiny reminder of his dad, and you carried him off to his room. After a few stories, he was asleep as the rain picked up a little bit, and you knew this would be the perfect time to take a shower.
You moved Skittles' bed into Noah's room temporarily, and coaxed her in with a treat. "Keep him company in case he wakes up," you whispered, and she walked around in a circle on the plush cushion before settling in. Her crooked, purple bow made you smile. Everything in this house made you smile and think about Bradley. You knew he'd have even more ideas about a theme for the nursery, but you started to scroll through some inspiration online as the shower warmed up for you.
The water ended up feeling better than you anticipated. Your shoulders were sore. Your hips were sore. Every part of your body was aching. It seemed it didn't matter how much you were sleeping, you were still exhausted all day long. Maybe Dr. Kelly would reduce your hours and give you a break. You thought about sneaking home one afternoon a week to take a long nap before going back out to pick Noah up. Then you thought about how Casey hadn't said a single word to you since you told her you were going to her boss. Then you smiled. 
You were squeaky clean when you got dressed again in some old sweats and headed to the kitchen. Your stomach was growling, and you desperately wanted some coffee. "One cup is okay," you whispered, turning on Bradley's fancy machine while you made yourself a snack. You'd been meticulous about how much caffeine you were drinking, and Bradley helped by bringing home only decaf from the coffee shop. You downed the cup, and it was hot and delicious, and almost immediately you had to pee again. 
Your doctor told you that was normal as the baby grew and started to stretch things out. You passed Noah's bedroom door where both he and Skittles were still sound asleep as the rain splattered against his window, and then you went to the bathroom. When you wiped, the toilet paper caught your eye, and your hand started to shake. Pink. Blood. Just a little bit, but there was blood. 
"Oh no," you gasped, a dizzy spell overtaking your body. You'd read about this in your textbooks, and you knew it could happen, but you'd blocked it out of your mind when it came to yourself right now. You didn't want to be an example. You had to grip the toilet seat with one hand to keep steady as you wiped yourself again. There was more blood, a little bit less pink and more red this time. 
Your own breathing was too loud. It was echoing through your mind and through the bathroom, and you wanted to throw up. You eased yourself onto the floor and started to panic. The baby. What if something was happening to the baby? "No," you whispered, trying to ground yourself. Using the edge of the tub, you pulled yourself slowly to your feet, your head spinning more with every inch you moved. "No," you said louder. 
When you were standing on your own, you had yourself almost convinced you'd imagined it. You didn't feel bad. You were just a little sore. There couldn't be anything wrong. You reached for another piece of toilet paper and wiped, but the result was the same. 
Where was your phone? Who were you supposed to call? You walked around in circles around the house while your heart thudded a sickening rhythm in your chest. You paused, unable to locate your phone and convinced you were going to throw up. After you backtracked to the extra bedroom, you found it and unlocked it.
Natasha's name was right there in your recent calls, and you tapped on it before you could even fathom what you were going to tell her. 
"Hi," she said brightly when she eventually answered. "Want me to come over and play with Noah so you can take a break for a little bit?"
"Please," you gasped. "Please come over. Right now."
She must have sensed something in your voice, because hers turned serious as she assured you she was on her way. While you waited for her, you wiped yourself again and again before you made yourself wait in the living room instead of the bathroom. When she walked inside with dripping wet hair and concern on her face, you said, "Noah is still napping. I need to take myself to the emergency room."
Get to the hospital, Princess. This kind of scenario is very real and has happened to me. I will tread as carefully as I can. Please don't scream at me. We will hear from a doctor in the next chapter. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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syluscore · 1 year
~Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader~
Word count combined for both parts one and two: 8277
Content warnings: smut, sexual content, stalker leon, obsessed leon, male masturbation times 2, female masturbation, panty sniffing, nude taking, breaking into readers place, exhibitionist seemingly unknowingly but knowingly both times, voyeurism? maybe, reader and leon never actually talk
You didn’t mean to find out, it’s not as if you had been looking for anything. You didn’t even know there was something to be found at all. All you did was set up a couple of cameras inside your house to see what your cats did while you were away. The next day when you got a notification on your phone indicating a motion detected person, you thought great, the system is already bugged. How do they somehow mistake a cat for a person? It was a pretty cheap set up though so you guess you get what you paid for. 
When you clicked the notification and the app opened up, you damn near dropped your phone when you saw someone’s back facing the camera as they looked through your bookshelf. What are the odds the day after you get cameras, someone breaks into your house? You were ready to call the police to report that your cameras were recording your home being broken into when the figure turned around and that’s when you saw his face.
Leon S. Kennedy was in your house. You couldn’t believe it at first, so you sat silently watching him. You kept checking over your shoulder to make sure none of your coworkers saw what you were looking at. How would they react to seeing their superior wandering around some house on their coworkers phone? How do you explain something like that? Would you tell them the truth, fuck, would anyone even believe you? You fail at convincing yourself that that’s the reason you’re keeping this to yourself. Deep down you know you want to protect the man; at least until you find out for yourself what the hell he’s doing. What the hell is he doing?
He walked around as though he was intimately familiar with the place. He picked up the book you’d been reading off of your coffee table and flipped to the page you were on. He ran his finger down the page with a smirk on his face. Why in the world was he smirking at your book like that? As if this isn’t already fucking weird, but then you remembered. You stayed up late reading a few chapters and stopped when you had gotten to a smut scene. You wanted to properly enjoy it, so you put in your bookmark and were saving it for tonight.
He closed the book back up and set it down on your coffee table, exactly as you had laid it down there the previous night. He made his way to your bedroom and opened up the top drawer of your dresser. You blushed as he felt around your undergarments like a determined man on a mission.  He was somehow chaotically, yet methodically ruffling through the pieces of clothing. It seemed he was familiar with the items before him, that even through the chaos, he could recognize and log in his mind what was there. After he had finished going through the entire drawer, he sat his hands on the dresser top, tilted his head back with his eyes closed, and sighed, or at least it looked like a sigh. He closed the drawer and headed to the other side of your room.
He picked up the hamper holding your dirty clothes and poured it out over your bed and rifled through that too. Your whole body felt flushed as he continued his search. Once he was satisfied with his search, he just stood there with an intense look on his face. You watched as his right hand slid down to his groin and he palmed himself through his pants. When he pulled his hand away, even with the shit quality camera, you could see how hard he was. There was no more pretending to convince yourself that maybe he was doing research on you; no matter how out of the code of conduct it was. Leon seemed like the man to use any means necessary when gathering intel. So what information could he possibly find in your panties? 
He hurriedly made his way over to your desk and pulled a small box out of the back of the bottom drawer. Your eyes widened as you knew immediately what was in that box. He opened it and ruffled through the polaroids, until he found the one he was searching for. You could barely make out what was on it, but you knew those pictures well. It had to be the one of you sitting in front of the floor length mirror, legs spread, two of your fingers in your mouth, showcasing the lacy purple matching panties and bralette. 
��Oh my god,” you accidentally said aloud, before quickly looking around to make sure no one heard your outburst. Satisfied you were still alone, you looked back at the man on your phone, knowing what he had been looking for. He knew you were wearing that set today. Not as if you had a special occasion to be wearing something so pretty and extra, but sometimes, a girl just needed a confidence boost and this morning you decided that this purple set was that. And he fucking knew it was missing, he knew you were wearing the thing. 
You tried to comprehend why he would do something like this. It’s obvious he’s done it many times before, with the way he navigated your house with ease and had a mental note of every single undergarment you owned. Was he stalking you? Was he obsessed with you? It had to be something along those lines for him to break into your house and rummage your panty drawer. To care about the book you’re reading, especially to check where you were at in the book. He obviously felt some sort of way towards you, now you had to find out why and what the extent of this whole situation truly was.
You’d hardly talked to Leon. You’d spoken a couple of times, but it was usually in a group or very public setting. How had he formed such a fixation on you? From what you’d heard around your department, he had been through some extremely traumatizing missions and was more of the loner type. Although, everyone around here is pretty messed up considering we work in the business of protecting the population from bioweapons and such. We’d all seen many things beyond comprehension, we all had our demons, but I don’t think anyone else was inside a subordinate's apartment touching their panties. Or maybe they were, you weren’t sure what you understood anymore.
You continued to watch Leon on his little adventure in your personal space. He had laid down on your bed, over top the dirty clothes, and was stuffing his face into your pillows like a puppy or something. He unbuttoned his shirt and ripped it open to expose his chest. Your jaw nearly dropped as his hands made their way to his belt. He quickly undid his belt, following with the button on his jeans and the zipper coming down quickly afterwards. He slid his pants and boxers down just enough for his big, hard cock to spring free.
He slowly starts to pump up and down his cock with his hand as his head digs deeper into your pillows. Your mouth ran dry and heat went rushing straight to your pussy. You couldn’t stop internally asking yourself what the fuck was wrong with you. Why are you aroused by this man in your house, jerking off in your bed, without your permission. How could you allow yourself to feel this way? He was a pervert, a weirdo, a creep, a stalker, but fuck was he pretty. Especially pretty with his dick in his hand, giving himself pleasure. You could feel how soaked your panties had become, your cunt feeling claustrophobic, trapped inside the fabric.
His hand left his cock for a few moments as it dug through the clothes surrounding him until he pulled up a pair of your dirty panties. He brought them right up to his nose and you could visibly see him inhale deeply and his cock jump as he did. He wrapped the panties around his hand and brought it back to his cock to resume his movements. He was jerking himself off using your panties and you had never felt more aroused in your entire goddamn life.
His pace was quickening rapidly and his hips kept bucking up into his hand. His other hand grabbed the pillow from beside his head and he began literally smothering it over his face. You could see him losing all control, he had to be super close to cumming. Maybe he was into some sort of breath play, or maybe it was the smell of you. He was sniffing your panties, so why wouldn’t he also enjoy breathing in your scent off your pillows. Why are you rationalizing or trying to explain the train of thought inside this man’s mind? Why do you love it so much?
Your thighs were clenched together painfully tight. It was taking everything in your power not to pant and whimper at the sheer need to feel some sort of friction on your needy, begging cunt. Part of you wanted to run off to the bathroom to give yourself some relief that you desperately needed, but the other part of you wouldn’t allow you to move from where you sat. You couldn’t miss a single second of the show happening on your phone screen. 
His hips were rutting up into his quick moving hand so fast, you knew he would be cumming any second. And fuck you couldn’t wait to see him cum. Suddenly he was holding his hips up off the bed, back arched, hand movements so sloppy, as his cock twitched and shot the ropes of his release all over his chest and abdomen. Watching him cum had you rubbing your pussy down against your chair, trying to find some sort of relief of your own, but you quickly stopped yourself before anyone could come around the corner and catch you.
He laid on your bed for a minute, face to the side buried in your pillow, panties laying over his freshly spent dick, his chest rising slower and slower as his breathing returned to normal. Once he caught his breath, he used your panties to clean his cum off of him before he secured his pants and started tossing your clothes back into the hamper, hiding your panties covered in his cum in the mix of them. He made quick work of fixing up your bed and putting the box of your explicit polaroids back into your desk. 
As quickly as he had shown up on your cameras, he was gone. You felt like you could breathe again, but the ache deep in your core persisted and only worsened anytime your brain flashed back to Leon’s cock in his hand. Pumping up and down, up and down, up and down, fuck snap out of it! You were so aroused by Leon’s behavior and you felt ashamed. But as you started to process the depth of what had just happened, you realized that he was obviously as fucked up as you were, all things considered.
You couldn’t believe it, but you can’t wait to see when he’ll come again. If you’re lucky, maybe he’ll even show up again tomorrow. You want nothing more than to watch the show put on unknowingly just for you. And you’ll be damned if you don’t leave a surprise for him to find on his next visit. No one ask you what the cats were doing, you wouldn’t have any clue where they were all this time.
After the events of yesterday, you’d been too distracted to get any real work done all day. You were skittish waiting for a notification to alert you of your special visitor. You were running out of nails to chew on, the anxiousness making you feel like an absolute wreck. At least the anxiety was keeping you awake and alert, considering you could hardly sleep last night in anticipation. Not only had you put a lot of thought into your gift for Leon, but so much work as well. You just had to have him right where you wanted him.
Last night when you were leaving work, Leon was in the entryway chatting with a couple of your coworkers. Well, they were doing most of the talking as Leon politely nodded and acknowledged what they had been saying. His eyes wandered off until they fell on you walking through the lobby, heading for the main doors. Your eyes met and he held your stare. You played it off as you smiled and waved at him, continuing for the doors. His eyebrow cocked in confusion as he gave you a small wave back. You weren’t ready for him to know what you knew, but you also wanted to somehow acknowledge him. Maybe to fuel his obsession, you weren’t sure exactly why.
You hurried home embarrassingly fast, almost falling flat on your face as you excitedly unlocked and threw the front door open. You quickly dropped your stuff off on the table and shed yourself of your shoes and jacket before rushing off to your room. Everything looked just as it should, but you just had to find that little bit of physical proof that he had really been here. Maybe you were going through some sort of lack of dick psychosis and your brain was providing you with wonderful, erotic delusions.
You emptied your hamper out over the bed, throwing anything that wasn’t that small piece of fabric out of the way. And then you finally had it and held it within your two hands. Without a doubt, everything you had seen was so very real. Your cum covered panties looked so beautiful, so fucking delicious as your fingers rubbed in the dried up substance.
Nervous to execute the plan you’d been fantasizing about at work since you’d caught Leon on your cameras, your hands were shaky as you tossed the panties on the bed and made way to the bookshelf in your main room. You haven't used your Poloroid camera in such a long time that you weren’t sure where it would be exactly, but you just had to take some pictures for this man. You ransacked and shuffled things all around the shelves until you finally found the treasure you’d been searching for. After making sure it had film ready, you headed back to your bedroom.
Satisfied with the lighting in the room, you unbutton your blouse leaving it pulled open yet still tucked into your shirt, leaving your bra covered chest on display. You point the camera directly at your chest. Snap. You wait for the little print to pop out before laying it on your desk and working on your next photo. You got down on your knees, tight skirt covered ass sticking out towards your floor length mirror, soft thighs and curves perfectly posed in the reflection. You angle the camera just right and snap. You hiked your skirt up mid ass and spread your thighs wide, showing off your panties in the mirror. Snap. You hike your skirt all the way up your hips and sit on your ass, legs spread open, and remove your blouse. Snap.
After a while, you’ve snapped all sorts of pictures, experimenting with what poses and positions looked the best. You’d tossed a few fails away, but were ultimately happy with the collection showing off your undergarments. But it wasn’t enough for you. You laid back on your bed, throwing your bra off somewhere so that you were just in your underwear and snapped another picture. You snapped a picture of the wet spot on your panties, before dipping your hand beneath them and running your pointer finger over your clit, snapping another picture. You shivered when your finger made contact. You felt edged after the events of the day.
You removed your hand from under your panties and pulled them to the side, exposing your aching, wet cunt and of course, snapping another picture. You brought your finger back to your clit, flicking it, lightly running circles around it. You snapped another picture and knew that if you applied any more pressure you’d be done for, but you weren’t quite ready to be done yet. 
You gathered your wetness on two fingers before slowly pushing them inside your needy hole. Your back arched as the pleasure instantly flooded your senses. You slowly pumped them in and out, letting little whimpers slip as you were far too worked up to keep quiet. When your two fingers were buried in your cunt, you snapped another picture, before continuing fucking yourself at a steady pace. You needed to cum so badly, but the need to display yourself for Leon was far fucking stronger.
Your wetness was slipping out of you and running down your thighs, creating a wet spot on the sheets beneath you. A great photo opportunity, of course you fully utilized this. You removed your fingers from your pussy and used your thumb to swirl your arousal around your fingers. A wet string hung between your two fingers and you snapped a photo of your fingers coated in your wetness. You brought your fingers to your mouth and started sucking them clean, moaning at the taste of yourself and snapping a photo.
It had to be enough photos, you’d find some you were pleased with to leave laying around for him to just happen upon. You tossed the camera to the side of your bed and covered yourself back up with your panties. Your hand slipped under the waistband and you quickly swirled your finger around your clit, eliciting that sweet, sweet pleasure. You were determined to come in your panties so that Leon could find them.
Your mind flashed back to Leon laying in the exact same spot as you are now, jerking his cock with your panties. You wanted so badly to help him, to wrap your lips around that pretty cock until his eyes rolled back in his head and you could taste his cum as he let himself explode in your mouth. He’d grip your hair so tight, tell you how good of a girl you are, how good you feel wrapped around his cock, how good you take him. Just the thought of Leon alone had you trembling beneath your touch, back arching off the bed as his name slipped from your mouth between moans as you came inside your underwear.
You ran your fingers over your clit until the overstimulation became too much. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d come so hard and so quickly. Eventually you came back down and got up off the bed, placing everything in your hamper but laying your freshly used bra and panties on the top. You’d lay in a different spot on your bed tonight so your wet spot would be there for Leon. You laid the Polaroids haphazardly across the desk for him to find nice and easily too.
Now you’re sitting impatiently in your office chair, hoping, maybe even praying, for the man to make a visit to your house. It was getting later on in the day than it had been for his visit yesterday and you were starting to lose hope. You were finally starting to focus on work when a notification on your phone had you nearly jumping out of your seat. Motion detected. Perfect.
You quickly opened the app and the live camera feed came to life across the screen. Leon was walking through your living room, looking around for anything out of place. His brows furrowed in confusion when he opened your book and saw you hadn’t made any progress. Oh well, you have been very busy. Now it was just time for him to discover what had had you so caught up last night. He lazily walked into your bedroom and scanned around, freezing when he saw some new cluttered papers on your desk.
He walked over and upon discovering they weren’t just little slips of paper, he quickly pulled out your desk chair and fell back into it. He quickly spread the pictures all around, flipping through them, staring and admiring each and every single one. It felt like he sat there and looked at them forever before he finally stood, heading towards your bed. 
He threw the duvet cover back and stared down at the wet spot on your thin, fitted sheet. He quickly turned and looked at your hamper, immediately recognizing what was laying right on top. He reached over and picked up your panties, bringing them to his nose, and deeply inhaling them over and over again. You could see how hard he was from all the gifts you’d left for him and it had you growing increasingly hot all over your body. He walked back over to your desk and sat your panties down next to the photos. He stood there for a few minutes scanning over everything that was displayed in front of him.
Suddenly he was staring straight into the camera. Your heart stopped as you stared right back at his face. Did he really just find the fucking camera? Could he sense you watching him? Fuck, you had to be in deep shit. What would he do now knowing that you know? Would he realize you left all of that stuff there specifically for him? With the bullshit you pulled, maybe you wanted him to know. A smirk slowly grew on his face as he grabbed the panties and one of the photos before sitting himself back on the bed, immediately staring back into the camera.
He laid the panties and photo next to him as he undid his belt at an agonizingly slow rate. You were in a trance, hypnotized by the show being put on before you. He completely shed himself of his pants and boxers this time as he spit down onto his cock and brought your panties to it. He pumped himself all the while it felt like he was staring straight into your soul. The mixture of shame and arousal had your entire body on fire, feeling like you might combust at any second.
You don’t know how much time passes while you stare at Leon staring into the camera while pleasuring himself, but he doesn’t break the stare as he cums right onto the photograph he’d brought to the bed with him, some spilling on the panties as well. He got himself dressed and laid the cum covered picture of you and your panties back on the desk. He stopped and looked back into the camera one last time, shooting it a wink, and then he was out the door once again.
You were quickly jumping up from your chair and heading to the bathroom to collect yourself. That really just fucking happened. He knew you were watching, knew he had been caught, and knew he was jerking off right into the camera. What the fuck were you going to do now? You thought you’d have your fun with this while he didn’t know, considering what he’d been doing without your knowledge for god knows how long. But he caught you just as you had caught him.
The day goes by in a blur. If you thought you couldn’t focus before, you definitely couldn’t focus for shit now. When it’s time to head home, you’re practically throwing yourself into your jacket, tossing your things together, and heading for the front doors as fast as you possibly could. All you had to do was make it out of the building, then you’d be alone with your thoughts and could think of some sort of plan for what you were going to do now. But of course things never work out as you would hope.
As you’re making your way through the lobby, your gaze locks into a pair of pretty blue eyes loitering near the front doors. You shift your eyes away as you take a couple more steps, but you can’t help but to look back at Leon as you get close to the doors. This time he shoots you a big cocky smile and waves at you. You aren’t sure what to do, so you give him a small, nervous smile back as you push through the front doors and out into the fresh air. 
You feel yourself let go of a breath you were unaware you’d been holding in. You turn your head and look back through the windows on the front of the building and see Leon still staring at you. What do you do? You feel like you might throw up, so you do the one thing your legs will allow you to. You hurry the fuck out of there and rush your ass straight home. You were so fucked.
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desiderio-dixon · 7 months
Pairing : Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Genre : fluff!!!!
Warnings : pregnancy, pet pregnancy, mention of dog being malnourished/neglected (surviving on their own for an undisclosed amount of time), established relationship, lmk if I missed anything!
Word count : 700ish
Summary : Life gets a whole lot busier with a newborn and a litter of puppies.
A/N : I may build on this little universe more in the future but I just had to get the initial idea down!
The day you found Dixie, you were already six months along. Waddling through the forest, trying to track down a wild horse some of the kids had seen. Instead, you found a beautiful border collie. She was skittish at first, tucking her head down and pushing her ears back when you extended a hand towards her. She appeared to have been on her own for a bit, though a ragged collar still hung proudly on her neck. Splotches of blood had matted into her fur, and she was a small bit underweight. You were deadset on taking her home.
After much patience, baby talking, and gentle steps forward, she trusted you enough to allow you to grab a hold of her collar. It'd be an uncomfortable walk home, pregnant and crouched over to keep a hand on her collar without affecting Dixie's comfort level, but it would be worth it.
Daryl was initially quite frustrated with you when you got home. If he had it his way, you'd never leave the walls of Alexandria. And now here you were, coming home all excited to tell him you'd risked your life for a dog.
He couldn't stay mad for long though, especially not when he'd already gathered up a dog of his own. Now you had two, a matching set.
Dog and Dixie were two peas in a pod, spending all their time playing and cuddling alongside one another.
You were only a few weeks further along than when you'd found Dixie, when Daryl called out from the garage. When you'd successfully waddled your way there, you were puzzled at the scene in front of you.
Dixie, on her side on the floor, and Daryl holding her leg up, staring at her swollen belly with an incredulous expression. "The hell? She pregnant?" He asked.
Just then, Dog trotted into the garage from behind you. When he spotted Dixie, he immediately went to her, sniffing her belly and whining at Daryl's hand. He nudged Daryl's hand away with his snout, placing his own head protectively over Dixie's stomach.
"Guess we forgot to get her spayed, huh?" You joked, rubbing your own distended belly. Daryl sighed, standing and walking to you, his boots making heavy thumps against the concrete. Reaching you, he placed his hands alongside yours, stroking the stretched skin gently.
He dropped his head onto your shoulder. "It's gon' get busy in here."
'Busy' wound up being an understatement. Dixie had her four babies just two weeks before you gave birth to your baby girl. Between the ever present whining of the puppies, and wailing of your baby, you were spread thin.
Daryl tried his best, cleaning all the puppies' constant accidents, and still changing diapers. He was tired. It was obvious in the way he dragged his feet, the way he rested his head on the back of the couch whenever he had a spare minute. Now, two months post-partum, things weren't too much easier.
You walk out to the living room, baby tucked cozily into your arm. Daryl sits on the floor next to the makeshift nest for Dixie and her pups. The puppies are a bit older now, rambunctious and playful, so they climb over each other to nibble on Daryl's outstretched hand.
He must hear you enter the room, because he pauses playtime to turn to you. "Ya alright?" You nod, gazing down at the sleeping baby in your arms. You tiptoe quietly over to him, setting yourself down gently so as to not wake the baby.
Dixie sleeps on her side, letting out soft snores. Tired mama, just like you. You use your free hand to run over her fur smoothly. Daryl places his hand on your thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles.
The puppies bound their way to your lap, sniffing gently at the sleeping bundle in your arms. It's early morning, sun having barely risen. It casts an orange glow over the living room, allowing auburn tinges to peek through Daryl's hair. Gazing at him, you feel so lucky. Lucky to have such a great man to father your children, one who will always protect and never harm. A big, strong man who touches you with such gentle hands, and whispers loving words to your daughter.
Yes, it's busy. Sometimes you cry. But in this moment, the quiet business of dawn, you've never felt more grateful.
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pyssball · 3 months
cold rush .ᐟ sebastian vettel
a/n: first instalment of the series, im so excited ! starting with seb bc hes my absolute fav. this bit takes place back in 2023 solely bc i want this to align with seb actually being in Sweden for an actual, not made up reason. i hope you guys like it 🫶🏻
word count: 1.3k
no warnings for this chapter 💌
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January 20, 2023
Three hours after she responded to his text, Sebastian started planning the date.
Sure he had a week’s time in between now and then but he enjoys having everything they could possibly want or need ready for use when they need it.
He and Jenson sat on the patio of Seb’s home, sipping alcoholic drinks, “So I was thinking about snowboarding.”
As soon as the word ‘snow’ left Sebastian’s lips, Jenson shook his head, covering his mouth his the back of his hand, “She gets cold way too easy.” he spoke, “Plus you know Mark will give you hell for taking her out in cold weather.”
Sebastian thought for a moment before shrugging a reply, “He’ll get over it, I’ll just tell her to bring extra layers.”
Jenson chuckled, finishing off his glass, “Yeah, like she doesn’t pack enough already. Took her to Greece for a week and she brought like thirty-five outfits. And not to mention she’s hard-headed, she’ll wear two coats and make you carry a third while you guys are there”
“Doesn’t hurt to have options.” the German joked before taking a rather large swig of his drink.
“Sounds like you two are perfect for each other then.” Jenson swatted at Sebastian’s arm playfully before rubbing the palms of his hands into his thighs and standing up, “I think I should get going mate, you have fun planning and uh, carrying extra coats around” the Brit winked as he finished the statement.
He and Sebastian shared a hug and a few more laughs before he left, Sebastian cleaned up the liquor and beer bottles before snuggling into bed, searching on his phone for snowboarding lodges.
January 27, 2023 (4:32 p.m)
Chloe woke up just before the plane landed, she peeked out the window to see snowy mountains and a pink and orange sunset. As she got off the plane and went through customs all she could think about was Sebastian. She hadn’t seen him since his retirement party and this was the first time since then that their schedules have lined up. She walked to the entrance, looking for Seb’s car, his face, his hair, something.
“Come on, Seb, where are you?” she mumbled under her breath, she heard a chuckle from behind before she whipped around to see Seb standing behind her, grinning ear to ear, with a bouquet of daisies.
Her eyes went wide with excitement and surprise when she saw him, “Sebby!” she shrieked, immediately pulling the man into a hug and squeezing him tight. Seb chuckled and hugged her back equally as tight, “Hi, schatz. I missed you so much.” he said as they swayed back and forth still embracing one another.
Chloe pulled away from the hug, grabbing his face and pressing a kiss to his lips, “I missed you too, you have no idea.”
Seb gestured the flowers towards her as they walked to the car, not getting the reaction he hoped to get from them, “Oh my goodness, Seb, they’re beautiful.”
He smiled as she sniffed one of the flowers, “Smell good, I hope?” he joked.
She nodded, “Home now, I’ve been in these clothes for a day in a half, I need to shower.”
“That and we need to rest for snowboarding tomorrow.” he glanced over to her to see her reaction
Chloe stopped in her tracks, “Snowboarding?” she looked at him as if he had three heads.
He chuckled at her expression, “Yes, snowboarding, it’s part of our big date.” he winked.
She giggles as they reach the car, Seb reaching around to open the passenger door, “I thought Mark said no more activities in the snow after I rammed that sleigh into the barn?”
Seb shrugs at the question, “Good thing Mark isn’t here then, huh?” he places his hand on her thigh as he gets into the car, settling into his seat.
January 30, 2023 (8:36 a.m.)
The feeling of cold air hit her arm before the fact that Seb wasn’t in the bed with her did.
She sat up, moving her messy brown hair from her face, shivering as more of her skin was exposed to the cold Swedish air. She made a few noises of pain as she stretched her arms and back before whispering to herself, “Sebby..”
Seb peeked his head from around the bathroom door frame, his hair was wet, “Good morning, liebe.” he said softly, “I just took a little ice bath outside, sorry if the noises woke you up.”
She blinked at him, “An icebath? Since when do you take ice baths?” she giggled at the thought of one of Seb’s former team or teammate convincing him take one in the first place.
“Charles told me to try it” he shrugged, “You should try it, helps with moodiness.” he winked before going into the kitchen to start preparing breakfast.
Chloe, left gobsmacked about the comment, follows him in an overshirt t-shirt and a pair of boxers, “You did not.”
“I did and I apologize.” he turns to her to press a kiss to her cheek, smiling as he did so.
“Maybe I forgive you.” she smirks, looking up at him while wrapping her arms around his neck.
He smirked, reaching behind himself to reveal a bowl of strawberries, pushing it into her hands, “How about now?”
Her face lit up as she grabbed the bowl from him, nodding frantically. He looked lovestruck for a moment, he just starred at her, admiring her cuteness.
He caught himself when he nearly leaned in to kiss her, he cleared his throat and rubbed his hands together, “Now hurry and eat that so you can get ready to leave for snowboarding!”
She did a tiny hop before making a squeal like sound, “I forgot that was today!” she quickly finished the strawberry she had in her hand and shoved the bowl back into Seb’s hands.
She ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind her, a couple seconds later the shower could be heard running. The suddenness of her actions made Seb laugh to himself as he finished the strawberries.
(1:47 p.m.)
After 4 hours of pure goofiness in the snow, the pair decided it was time to head back home and get ready for the dinner reservations Sebastian had made the week prior.
“That was so fun!” Chloe giggled as she placed a light kiss on the German’s cheek as they walked to the car after their outing.
“Even though you complained about being cold the entire time?” Seb teased as he opened the passenger door, putting his hand on the small of her back as she got in.
Chloe rolled her eyes at the comment, pulling her coat tightly around her, “Not my fault you decided to take me to one of the coldest places known to man.” she spat back.
“Well you can’t say you didn’t enjoy it, you just admitted it was fun.” he chuckled. Seb’s hand ended up resting on her inner thigh once he started driving, looking at her at every stop light or sign as she rambled on about her job.
He starts admiring the way her skin glows in the sun, how she talk with her hands, the facial expressions she makes while impersonating other people in her stories, how her Scottish accent gets thicker as she talks more.
He completely understands all the comments he sees on posts about her talking about how beautiful and funny and smart she is. He had never really thought about how much he liked her until now, her company was the best possible thing for him.
He wanted nothing more than to make her happy, to make her feel loved, to take her places she’s never been, to experience new things with her and now that they both finally had some down time, they were definitely going to make the most of it.
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thank you for reading, darlings ! remember to like and reblog ! i’ll give u a smooch if u do, luv u all !
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shakespearefreak · 2 months
Samantha and Nellie’s Northwoods Adventures
As I’ve already mentioned, last weekend Samantha, Nellie, Kaya, and I went to my family’s Cottage in Northern Wisconsin! 🌲 Samantha had visited the Cottage with me when I was little, but a lot had changed since she (and I) had last been there; and this was Nellie’s first time ever! Sam described it to her as being like a smaller version of Piney Point, where Nellie had joined her and Grandmary on vacation after being adopted into the family. I already shared photos of what Kaya did up North, so now here’s Sam and Nellie’s Northwoods adventures!
We left in the afternoon, but the drive to the Cottage is four hours(!), so it was already evening by the time we got there. In keeping with Cottage traditions, I rang the loud, clanging ship’s bell 🔔 that’s mounted on a pole near the door to announce our arrival to the forest and the few neighboring cabins. That first night, we really only had time to unpack and get settled before going to bed.
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The girls were so excited they stayed up late into the night, snuggled into their sleeping bags, talking in low tones and giving the occasional hushed giggle.
Despite the late night, we awoke bright and early for the first full day.
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Breakfast somehow tastes especially delicious when eaten in a cabin by a wide window with a lakeside view.
After breakfast, I was mainly occupied with taking the pictures of Kaya and swimming 🏊, so the two girls were left to their own devices for most of the day, but Nellie did join my mother, stepfather, and me on the pier later on.
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Nellie stood on the pier, staring out at the bright blue sky over the deeper blue of the waters.
We also discovered a perfectly doll-sized chair that matched the bigger ones, so of course I had to take advantage of that!
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She relaxed in the chair in the warm early evening sunlight, listening to the waves lap at the wooden planks.
The next day, I was so exhausted that I ended up sleeping into the early afternoon, and by the time I woke up the sunshine had been replaced by a wet, cloudy sky. Samantha passed the time painting 🎨 on the deck (Virginia had kindly allowed her to borrow her paints and easel) until it began raining 🌧️ in earnest.
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The gray day was a little disheartening, but Samantha made the best of it with Virginia’s borrowed paint set (though she did have to duck inside with the painting still unfinished when the occasional light spotting of rain turned into a regular drizzle).
After it began to pour, we went back inside and made popcorn 🍿 before retiring early.
The last day seemed to sneak up on us before we knew it. It started out gray again, but Sam and Nellie decided to take a walk with Jip 🐕 anyway, and while they were playing ball the sun came out again.
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Jip was full of energy, so they decided to tire him out with a game of keep-away. Sam and Nellie tossed the bright red ball back and forth, Jip running back and forth between them, following the ball’s progress and occasionally leaping up in an attempt to grab it out of the air. Finally he caught it and paraded around proudly with it, then sat down to chew it and refused to relinquish it for several minutes until he was convinced the game was over.
After a short rest, it was time to head back inside to pack up again and begin the long journey back home.
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The sun had come out during the game, and both girls were feeling hot and winded. They sat down on a fallen birch to catch their breath, grateful that they’d brought along a big jug of iced tea*. Jip already seemed energetic again, wagging his stubby tail and sniffing eagerly through the dead leaves. “I think he tired us out!” Nellie laughed, a little breathlessly. They sat and drank their tea, listening to the sounds of nature (and the occasional sharp bark from Jip when he saw a squirrel), reluctant to leave… but eventually they went back inside to pack and say goodbye to the Cottage. 
“I hope we can come back next year!” Nellie remarked, watching the Cottage dwindle down the road behind them, before disappearing around a bend and being lost to sight.
*I realized after taking the photo that their mugs of tea look kind of like beer steins, but I promise they’re not 😅
(In case anyone was wondering what Samantha's finished painting looked like!)
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I’m thinking of covering my poor attempt at a birch tree in the lower left with something else… a pine tree perhaps, or maybe just re-painting the trunk so it’s brown instead of white with black marks… though then I’d have to make it much darker than the surrounding dirt, to make it stand out. I’m open to suggestions!
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mountsmase · 16 days
Ok 1
Imagine him being sick
Maybe you two have just started dating. He is at home with a fever or something, but he doesn't tell you until the evening cause he knows you're at work and doesn't want to disturb you. His mum calls him, but he tells her there's no need to drive up to Manchester cause he'll be okay soom
When he knows you're out of work he calls you and tells you he is not too good and asks you if you can go over and stay with him a bit, maybe his temperature got higher and he neatly fainted so he understood he needs helps, ans you obviously ran there.
You spend the evening on his sofa cuddling up and end up falling asleep there cause he is lazy and doesn't have the strength to go upstairs
And maybe the morning after you're woken up by the door bell ringing, amd his parents are there,so you have to meet them for the first time🤭🤭🤭
Okay I love this 🤭
Maybe when his mum offers to come up to look after him he says that he’ll be fine and that he’s feeling okay but he’s secretly hoping that you’ll be able to look after him and he doesn’t want his mum to worry about driving all the way up when you’re just around the corner 🤭 and he’s been wanting to spend a bit more time with you (maybe you’ve been so busy with work that you’ve not been able to spend a lot of time together recently) and even if he’s sick he’s looking forward to finally seeing you 🥹
As soon as he texts you to say he’s not very well you’re rushing home, quickly changing and packing a bag ready to spend a couple of days with him and then you head over, stopping at the shop on the way to get stuff to make him soup for dinner and other bits and pieces you might need to take care of him (some pain killers, medicine, his favourite chocolate etc)
When you get there you let yourself in with the key he gave you and as soon as you see him you can tell that he’s really not well ☹️ he’s still in his training gear from physio that morning, looking a little pale but his cheeks are flushed, just looking really tired and when he speaks his voice is croaky, telling you he has a sore throat and he’s sniffing a lot
all you want to do is hold him and nurse him back to health 🥺
You go to greet him with a kiss but he doesn’t let you, not wanting to get you sick as well so you begrudgingly give his cheek a quick peck before helping him off the sofa, he protests and you’re half tempted to let him sit back down and snuggle up next to him but you take him upstairs and run him a bath, hoping it’ll help and sooth his aching muscles
He sits in it for a while with you staying in the bathroom with him, giving him a little head massage when he asks you to help him with washing his hair 🥰 you basically just pamper him loads, helping him do some skin care when he gets out of the bath, getting him changed into some comfy clothes before putting your own pjs on and heading back down stairs - you wanted him to get into bed, telling him you’d bring his food up for him but he wanted to stay with you 🥺 so you grab the duvet and pillows off the bed and go back to the living room, setting the sofa up like a little make shift bed and you wrap him up when he sits down before heading to the kitchen to start on his soup
You eat together and snuggle up to watch some TV and when he falls asleep you don’t have the heart to wake him, you’re both basically ready for bed anyway and you have the duvet and pillows down hear already so you decide to leave him be and fall asleep too
His parents showing up in the morning is obviously such a surprise 🙈 neither of you had any idea they were coming so you open the door thinking it’s some sort of delivery but they’re stood there just as confused as you are because they thought Mason would open the door not you - who’s stood there in one of their sons hoodies and a pair of pj shorts.
They know who you are though, instantly recognising you from the photos Mason has shown them - he talks about you all the time - and they quickly greet you with hugs, letting them selves in
You’re over come with so many nerves, not really knowing what to say but they help you feel at ease, chatting away with you as you lead them through to where Mason is still laying on the couch
He’s just as surprised as you are but he’s grateful to see them, practically holding you to him when you offer to leave so he can spend some time with them, the last thing he wants is for you to go home because just having you around made him feel so much better yesterday 🥺 you spend the rest of the day at his house, talking to his parents and looking after mason as best as you can and his parents fall in love with you instantly 🥰 seeing how well you’re looking after their boy and how much you clearly mean to him
and Mason can’t stop thinking about how much he loves you either 🤭 even if he hasn’t told you yet - that can wait until he’s feeling better and you’re alone again - but he’s certain 😌
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fever-fluff · 11 months
Home V
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Word count: 3.2k (Not Proof Read) Azriel is butting heads with his new companion, being forced to recognise some hard truths...
Part IV , Part VI
The waves crashing against one another was a sound she hadn’t realised she’d missed so much in her time away. Brien had taken up post beside her, finally moving away from their guest for the first time since that night. She had felt his reluctance to carry out their journey after she had woken him for the terrors that had plagued his mind. It wasn’t the first time he had dealt with them, she supposed. But the undiluted fear that had come off him in waves was unlike anything she’d ever felt before.
So, she had silently requested Brien to accompany him when she couldn’t. And now that they’d made t to the swelling ocean, his anticipation to slip away had turned into a desire to run from what he’d promised. She’d smelt the shift so intensely that she almost felt bad for keeping him here. But their work was more important than running from inner demons, at least to her anyway. Besides, there was no telling whether he’d return to Indere to Mor, and she couldn’t allow someone a new friend held so dear decide to disappear into his shadows.
She moved away from them towards the cove they’d need to complete the journey from, walking down the steep rocks she’d passed so many times she didn’t need to follow Brien’s lead anymore, but his presence in front of her was a welcome one. They’d spent centuries together, sometimes it only being the two of them, and he had become apart of her just as much as she for him.
Aodhan was talking to Azriel behind her, explaining how they’d cross safely without fear of the swallowing waves beneath. “You’ll have to fly on the currents, making sure to take the ones sweeping up and avoiding those that’ll push you towards the swell. It gets easier as you do it, but winnowing is out of the question. There’s wards up that haven’t been broken longer than I’m alive.”
“And another reason Mor wouldn’t be able to cross regardless of whether she was allowed to or not.” He’d already pieced together that it was too dangerous to carry another fae as you navigated the currents. Aodhan nodded in confirmation, “We’ve had sailors and other fae try to cross before, whether they knew the islands were inhabited or not, we don’t know. Their secrets went down with them to the bottom of the sea.”
She was still looking towards the sound of the sea when she’d heard his next question. “Which still doesn’t explain how you’re crossing…” She smiled, not straying from her position, but pulled a sharp whistle to Brien who was preoccupied with sniffing around something to her right. Her voice cut loudly to the howling wind that had picked up as if it sensed the oncoming flight, “I can’t let you in on all my secrets just yet Shadowsinger.”
Brien moved to her feet, his physical body shifting into something else, something entirely magic. It swirled around her, climbing from her legs upwards and taking whatever was physical of her with it. There was no sign of her feet beneath her, not feeling of them either. They ceased to exist, as did the rest of her body as Brien climbed and climbed. It was always terrifying, feeling everything she was and is being turned into what felt like nothing. Brien had reached her neck as she bid her goodbyes, “I’ll see you both on the other side,” and the very last of her body was engulfed.
There was never any memory of what had happened once her consciousness was consumed. She had been something, then wasn’t, and until Brien decided to place her back in the physical world she did not exist in and shape or form. She always thought maybe one day, if Brien ever decided to, he could just allow her to be that way for eternity. She didn’t know if he could form his physical body without bringing her back, and never thought it necessary to find out. 
The return of her was always more tedious than the consuming, taking longer as if Brien wanted to make sure he didn’t forget to form a toe or a finger on the way back. Azriel and Aodhan hadn’t made it over yet, and she wondered if he’d actually attempted to make a run for it when she had disappeared. But the beats of two pairs of wings from the sea was enough to confirm her thoughts wrong. She sat perched on a rock, Brien wrapped loosely around her shoulders, purring loudly. He always craved the closeness of it after, as if he missed her presence in the short time she wasn’t there. Aodhan and Azriel were panting from the exertion it took to cross over, she wondered if either of them had gotten close to being swallowed on the way over.
She stood as the caught their breath, moving to greet the two of them on home soil. Home. It felt good to be able to call the ground she stood on that. The chieftains were right to call her, it had been far too long.
“Azriel” his body turned to her attention, “welcome to our home.”
Azriel never, never, wanted to agree to a race like that again. After he had gotten over his spluttering about how Brien had practically eaten her in a wave of pure magic, Aodhan had insisted that it was the best way to cross, that it would take his mind off the sheer force that would be beneath him. But it had done no such thing, and he’d nearly toppled through the rough wind too many times and fell straight into a watery grave. Dancing with death had always been easy for him and his brothers, but that was sheer stupidity.
But, looking at where he’d be stationed for the next while, he understood what that graveyard beyond the cliffs was hiding.
He felt it in the wind, soft and warm unlike the ones he’d just flown through. Lush green covered the sloping sides of the tops of the cliffs above him, a colour so inviting he felt the itch to roll in it like he were a dog. Trees of every kind seemed to guard him on both sides, and the sounds of running water filed his ears from somewhere. There was a quiet here he had never felt before, there was no inkling of being alert for oncoming dangers from somewhere. This place was a land that felt like he had passed on, but the aches in the muscles holding his wings and the tightness still filling his chest from a lack of air grounded him from thinking he had truly died going over the water.
They had begun to walk inland, passing floral and fauna that had gone undisturbed for centuries, unperturbed by their trek and seemingly unaware of the predators they could be. Azriel had never seen the likes of it -even Velaris, the city which held an imaginable number of dreams and hopes couldn’t hold a candle to the utter surrealness of this place.
Even watching her as she walked among paths long trodden into the earth, her steps were lighter than before. Like she had nothing to fear behind the bends ahead or the treeline to her side. Brien didn’t walk as closely to her either, shifting between prancing legs and swift wings as he basked in the afternoon sun overhead. The stopped slightly as they came to a dip in the land, the expanding view of her land filling his vision. She nodded towards Aodhan, “Fly ahead and let everyone know we’re back.” His arrival with them a silent command between her words was not lost on him as Aodhan unfurled his wings and split through the air, the gust he left behind making Azriel plant his feet more firmly in place. Before he had even looked to the sky, Aodhan had flown out of sight.
“Sometimes I forget the strength he has until he takes off.” The fondness in her voice was contagious and Azriel found himself smiling along. “You must be proud.”
Her face had tilted towards the sun to take in the heat as she sighed, “You have no idea.”
“When he was fifteen, he’d crash landed into the roof of our home, falling into where I was sitting trying to enjoy a glass of wine after a long day. It took him a week to repatch the hole. But the entire time all he could talk about was how fast he had flown and how he’d become faster and faster.” They were walking side by side now, his attention raptly on the joy she seemed to light up with as she gave him a laugh, “I couldn’t even be mad about the roof, or that he could have hurt himself. He seemed so happy in that moment that all I wanted from then on was to keep it that way, that he’d never feel bad about being who he was.”
“His happiness meant your happiness” Azriel thought back to Nyx, already noting the familiar feeling he had for his nephew brewing in his chest. “My brother, he has a little one now with his mate. I’m certain the whole family would tie the stars on strings for him if it’d make him smile.”
“It’s terrifying, thinking what you’d justify to bring them happiness. Everything is fair game when it comes to them.” her sentiment was horrifyingly true for Azriel. If anything -or anyone- ever got in the way of Nyx, not only would Feyre and Rhys burn the world, the rest of them would destroy whatever ash was left over in their wake. The air had turned tense around them for a moment until she spoke again, “It’s the reason I’m doing this, pushing to open the boarders that is… Aodhan, like many of the younger ones, is restless. He’s never truly seen the rest of the world. And this peace we’ve created, it’s become suffocating for them.”
She made to grasp his hand, gripping his fingers with hers stiffly, as if it would convey how much resolve she had in her to make this happen. “Children of peace are so different from children of war, Azriel. He – they – need the freedom we’ve kept from them for too long.”
He wanted to believe her, truly. But he’d seen so much of the ugly side of the world that he couldn’t bring himself to stop the words spilling from his mouth, “The world isn’t as welcoming as you think. It’s not as beautiful as here, the wounds are still so fresh from everything that I doubt even the next few centuries can fix it. Too much blood has been shed…”
“And yet your sister tends to those wounds not far from here, doing the work so many before have been too scared to even consider a possibility.” Something hard had entered her tone, and he felt himself wishing to take back his words if only to remove it as quickly as it had come, but he persisted. “She’s creating trade routes, what you’re implying is opening up a world, an unknown world, to the rest of us. You can’t possibly think it will end in peace…”
“She’s connecting worlds, how is that so different from what I want?”
“You know damn well how different it is. You’ve been cut off from the rest of us for centuries! You hid during wars that the rest of us bled for, how welcoming do you think our world will be to yours once they realise you have come out of everything unscathed while the rest of us clawed our way out of hel to rebuild what was left?” She’d ripped her grip from his at that, eyes hardening and levelling him. Even though he knew she couldn’t very well see him, Azriel had a mind to take a step back. “Do not try to educate me on political matters I am damn well aware of Shadowsinger. I see now I should have let you slink off in your fear instead of having Brien watch you like a dog.”
Azriel bristled at her admission, “Fear? Do you think that was what that was?” the distance he created closed instantly as he matched her stance a hair’s breadth away, “I have come here, an unknown territory with unknown fae, unguarded and you believe I am afraid?” His wings had spread wide, shadows pouring from them steadily as if to snuff the light that surrounded the two of them forever in a sea of darkness. But the female in front of him didn’t cower, didn’t balk at his act of dominance as so many others had.
“I have been alive for over seven hundred years; I know fear when I smell it. And the stench of it smothers you Azriel, whether you realise it or not.”
The hitch of his breath seemed to pull her from the fight she seemed so wound up to have, and she sighed when he answered her with a growl. “Azriel, I am not ignorant to what fae outside these islands may think. But this is the only step forward. If you do not want to help, then that is your choice, and you may leave whenever you want. But do not shut a door you haven’t properly opened yet.”
As she stepped away from him and the wave of shadows around them, turning to begin the walk again, Azriel felt himself torn in two. He was still angry, her implication still stinging fresh, but he hadn’t lost himself enough to forget the rest of her words. So, begrudgingly, he made to follow. Brien had flown back in between it all probably to ensure his masters safety and now slunk in between her steps, chuffing at him as if it was his fault the mood had turned sour. He growled back lowly at the disrespect, but the familiar had already taken to ignoring him in favour of watching a butterfly in the nearby brush.
Azriel wasn’t sure what to expect with his arrival, newly announced as it was. For somewhere so disconnected, surely a newcomer would warrant some type of wariness in the form of unchecked violence should the need arise. But, as they reached as small town that she had told him was one of many that sat on the outskirts of the main part of the island, he was met with very much the opposite.
Fae with wings very much like Aodhan’s had come out in groups to get a glance of what they’d heard to be an emissary of the known world. Small children, more than he had ever seen in one place his entire life, huddled in groups or at the legs of who were most likely their parents as he passed through beside her. Their whispers reached his ears quickly.
Gods, look at his wings…
Mom, why do they look like that?
Dad, why does his wings look different to ours?... He’s not fae like us son, he’s a foreigner. What’s a foreigner? Ahhhh, it’s someone who comes from a different place than you do… Oh….
Do you think he can fly in the rain?
Wonder where he’s coming from? Probably the continent, it’s where Danu was last visiting.
He looked to her in question of the last whisper he listened to, “Danu?”
“An honorary title, it’s what most fae will use instead of my given name.” He hummed his understanding, “So should I be using it as well?”
She threw him a shrug as they entered one of the buildings, “If you want, it makes no difference to me.”
The building turned out to be a tavern of a sorts. Bottles lined the shelves behind a counter, and tables with precarious looking stools littered the rest of the floor. But she made for the back of the room, pulling back a piece of fabric to reveal a better looking table and chairs made for those with wings more private than the rest of the place. Danu, he supposed it would be best if he honor her name here for the good graces of the rest, motioned for him to sit while she went to grab the bottle and two tumblers the barkeep had left on the counter without a word.
Pouring what looked to be whiskey for each of them, she lifted her glass in cheers to his and downed it in one go. It burned his throat as fire would going down, hitting the base of his stomach far harder than any liquor in Rita’s ever had and he found himself staving off a cough.
“Uisce thine, one of the best things to ever grace the world of drinking.” Azriel didn’t really agree with her sentiment. If either Cassian or Nesta got their hands on the likes of this, well, there wouldn’t be much to keep the chaos that would ensue from happening. “Perhaps you should keep this on the island.” Their spat from earlier on seemed to be a matter of the past for her as she laughed in understanding. Pouring a second round, she began to tell him more of her home and how to navigate it. “Muintir na Lasrach are an old race, they predate even some families of high fae and our customs are much different to yours.”
He listened closely to how they didn’t believe in the mother creating the known world, and how the phoenix was one of four gods who had given up a single feather to create them from fire, wind and clay. “Like the phoenix, they’re incredibly selfish down to their very nature, so I’d be careful if you decide to venture outside of political connections and who you choose to do that with. Male and females alike are extremely territorial if they’ve claimed someone for themselves, and because you’re an outsider death wouldn’t be too harsh a punishment if you put a foot wrong.” Azriel felt his stomach drop as the memory of Rhys swearing him off Elain resurfaced. He’d made the mistake of coming between fate once before, he wouldn’t do it again. “No mates. Noted.”
Her brows pulled together in rebuttal. “There’s no mates on the island, at least not in your knowledge of the term. Everyone here chooses their partner of their own accord, no fate involved. They’re just extremely territorial is all I’m saying.”
Azriel didn’t know how to comprehend what she’d admitted. Regardless of whether they believed in the mother or not, how could there be no semblance of mates anywhere. “How is that possible?”
She made to pour one last drink for them before they’d go to an inn for the night, “A story for another time. Drink up, and I’ll tell you the rest of what you need to know after we’ve had some stew.”
Pronunciation of words
Muintir na lasrach —> mwin-ter na lass-rock
Uisce Thine —> ish-kah chin-a
Aodhan —> a-dawn
Taglist @mis-lil-red, @justdreamstars, @florencemtrash
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~1.7k
Summary: You find out Wanda’s bad habit and put a stop to it. 
A/N: The other reason why Wanda would end up couched. 
Warnings: Angst.
Wanda sighed in annoyance as she looked to the group of men she’d been with for far too long. She wondered how despite being in the business for years, there were some things that she could neither change nor avoid in order to be respected. She was fine with drinking, as long as it wasn’t an excessive amount. A drink or two while discussing business wasn’t that big of a deal to her. As long as she didn’t come home drunk and disorderly you didn’t mind too much either.
Unfortunately, another habit she needed to fit in and talk shop was smoking. She refused to smoke cigars because they smelled and tasted foul, but she hadn’t been able to refuse the occasional cigarette from someone. She hated every second of it and knew you would be pissed, so she tried to keep it from you and limit it to one whenever she felt the pressure to smoke.
She should have known that any attempt to keep things from you would only backfire horribly.
Wanda was already tense from the poor negotiating skills of her employees when she arrives home to see that you’re already there. She panics slightly as she realizes that she didn’t beat you home in time to shower and brush her teeth half a dozen times like she usually does after she smokes. Wanda doesn’t get a lot of time to consider how to sneak upstairs without having to get too close to you when she sees the door to the mudroom open. She watches as Boone runs out first and starts to open her door to get out so she can greet him like she normally would.
“Hi, buddy.”
Wanda scratches the shepherd behind his ears and she tries not to notice how he’s sniffing her a little more than usual. It’s at this time that she remembers that she has the rest of the box that had been gifted to her in her pocket. She couldn’t throw it away in front of them, and she now had almost a full box on her for you to find. She just manages to make her expression neutral as you stick your head out the door with a smile.
“Hey there, I’m making dinner, but you’re home earlier than I thought.”
Wanda just smiles as she waves you off and heads over to you with a sigh. She figures she might as well get this over with. You’re bound to be angry at her, but she knows that being upfront about it usually gets her off easier than trying to hide this would.
“You’re the best. I wanted to--.”
“Oh wait, sorry one second!”
The oven timer goes off signaling that something’s ready, and you run back inside to grab it. Wanda sighs in relief as she follows after Boone who’s already running for the kitchen. You’re pulling the green beans out of the oven that you’ve made to go with one of Wanda’s favorite dishes. She nearly cries when she realizes what you’ve cooked for her, and when she spots what she knows is cheesy bread she’s going to eat way too much of she nearly loses it.
You’re going to be so mad.
“Sorry about that. How was your day?”
You place the baking sheet on the counter before putting the contents in a bowl and covering it so they stay warm. You shoot Wanda a curious look as she just shrugs despite looking tense about something. You figure it’s work related because it usually is, and you frown as you think of how you can cheer her up.
“It was stressful, nothing new unfortunately. How about you, detka?”
You smile as you turn back around from putting the bread in the oven. You groan loudly and dramatically as you check on the chicken that cooking on the stove. It’s not quite done, but luckily you won’t have to wait long. You smile at Boone who’s sitting outside of the kitchen wagging his tail like a good boy. He’s not allowed in the kitchen while you’re cooking. Not since you’d tripped over him and cut yourself.
“It was okay. There was this one client though, he smelled so bad I struggled to get through the appointment.”
Wanda doesn’t even have time to wonder in what way before you’re telling her with a disgusted look. She really wasn’t getting away with this, was she?
“The room reeked of cigarettes for the rest of the day. It was awful.”
You frown when Wanda seems to tense even more and you watch her eyes dart toward the stairs as she offers you a smile that you see through immediately.
“That’s the worst. Is there anything I can help with?”
You watch as your wife only takes a step closer to you to glance over the counter. You shake your head because you’re nearly done, but your smile disappears when your wife nearly flees for the stairs. She can’t seem to get away from you fast enough.
“No, thanks. I’m almost done!”
Wanda nods at this as she takes a step back and tries to retreat as gracefully as possible. She needs to burn her clothes and wash her hair, so there’s no trace of her misdeeds left for you to find.
“Okay, well I’m going to shower really quickly, but I’ll be back soon.”
Now you were really confused because Wanda never showered before dinner. She liked to shower right before going to bed, or right after waking up. The only other time she showered was if something had happened from work that she needed to wash away. This thought makes you suspicious and you decide to test your theory by shooting your wife a questioning look.
“Do I have to wait until after to get my kiss hello?”
Your suspicions grow exponentially when Wanda hesitates as she considers this. She sighs inaudibly before turning back toward you with a smile that doesn’t quite hide her nerves.
“Of course not.”
Wanda walks toward you and around the kitchen counter to meet you for a quick kiss. She watches as you smile in return and she leans in and decides to count to three before breaking away.
Your wife is remarkably tense as she approaches you for a kiss in a way that’s similar to how you’d imagine someone approaches a sentencing. You don’t understand what’s wrong until she’s within reach, and it’s confirmed as soon as she kisses you.
Despite the smell of dinner cooking and the residual smell of smoke you have from work, you notice that the latter grows as Wanda leans in. You realize that she must have been around some people for work who had been smoking. This was annoying, but you weren’t too upset about that. This changed as soon as she kissed you. She tasted like smoke and you’re pulling away before you can stop yourself. You don’t miss Wanda flinch and you know that your suspicions are correct as soon as she takes a step back.
“Have-have you been smoking?”
You don’t really need an answer. You basically have it, and when Wanda refuses to look at you it’s confirmation. You aren’t sure where to start there’s so much you want to say, but the first question you ask is arguably the most important.
“How long has this been going on?”
Wanda hurries to explain herself and reassure you that it’s only been a few months. She hasn’t been hiding this from you for years, not that she could, and she doesn’t even do it that often. This is maybe the fifth time? She doesn’t say this though as she tries to justify her idiotic decision.
“No, no. I just—I had to for work is all, but it’s not that often. I--.”
Wanda doesn’t get to finish her sentence before you’re shooting her a glare and shaking your head at the troubling words. You don’t care why she started smoking, but you sure as hell want her to stop.
“I don’t care how often it is, Wands! It’s horrible for you and you need to stop.”
Wanda’s reaching into her pocket for something as she shoots you a sheepish look that you miss. You’re too focused on the pack of cigarettes she takes out, and you’re grabbing them from her almost immediately.
“They’re filtered…I think that’s better?”
When you grab the box from her and raise your arm she flinches slightly. She thinks you’re going to throw them at her, but as she watches you chuck them into the living room, towards the fire place, she’s only slightly less terrified as she turns back to you.
“That doesn’t fucking matter! They’ll kill you, and unless you want to sleep on the couch indefinitely, you’ll stop now. Are we clear?”
Wanda just nods silently as she meets your glare with an anxious look. She’s really fucked up this time, and she’s tempted to apologize and sleep on the couch tonight just to make you less mad. You don’t let her get away with not speaking, and you cross your arms as you stare her down.
“I’m serious Wanda. I can’t be married to you if you keep doing something this reckless.” 
You knew your reasoning was slightly hypocritical, but to you there was a huge difference between what Wanda did for work and this. Sure, she led a dangerous life, a reckless life on some days, but that was a choice that you’d come to terms with. You just asked her to be careful and not put herself in any more danger than strictly necessary. She agreed to this and you’d put your faith in her that she’d do as you asked. This was not what you asked, and the fact that she voluntarily did something that was arguably more dangerous than getting shot, at least long term, was something that you wouldn’t tolerate.
Wanda just nods again in understanding before she sighs in defeat. She hates that she’s upset you, but she’ll do anything she has to in order to make it up to you.
“Okay, I’ll stop. I promise.”
You smile at this and on instinct, you start to lean in to hug her, but you stop short. You sigh before waving her back towards the stairs, and she catches on quickly.
“Go shower and get rid of the smell. Then come back down here and eat dinner with me.”
Wanda smiles widely before she runs up the stairs to do as you ask. She’s more than happy to clean up and get on your good side. Not to mention she wants to eat dinner.
“Yes, ma’am.”
You roll your eyes as you watch your wife leave before you turn back to the oven. You turn it off but leave the bread in before putting the rest of the food that’s not on the stove back in to keep it warm. You sigh in defeat before you shake your head at your ridiculous wife.
“Smart ass.”
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aishangotome · 4 months
Alfons Sylvatica: Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Kate: Wait a minute! We have to meet up with Roger!
Alfons: He'll be fine on his own.
He pushes me into the carriage and shouts into the air.
Alfons: Roger, just go back to the castle!
(Just go back...!)
Alfons: There, now we can relax. Let's go.
Alfons gets in after me and slams the carriage door shut. The carriage starts to move.
(I hope Roger heard that...)
Alfons: It's fine. He's not a child.
Alfons: He's the kind of man who enjoys a barbaric sport like boxing, you know? He won't die even if you kill him.
In contrast to me, who keeps looking back in worry, Alfons is sitting comfortably in the opposite seat.
Kate: But, asking him to come with me and then going home first is a bit...
Alfons: Ah ha! You're still so damn serious.
Alfons claps his hands.
I sigh at the familiar gesture, not even angry anymore.
(It doesn't look like he'll stop the carriage... And as Alfons said, Roger will probably be fine.)
(I'll apologize to him profusely later...)
I switch my mind from the sudden return to the castle and look at Alfons in front of me again.
The scene I saw earlier, the story I heard--I had countless questions about him.
Kate: Why are you calling yourself a noble, Alfons?
Alfons: ...Well, it just happened.
Alfons: I heard that those so-called nobles live amusing and ridiculous lives.
Alfons: I was trying to get in good with a pediatrician and get some scraps from the nobles' houses, but then the doctor died during a house call to Lord El's mansion.
Kate: What!?
I open my eyes wide in surprise at the shocking episode.
Alfons: I was thinking about what to do from the next day, when Lord El asked me to live in the mansion.
Alfons: So I just settled in.
Alfons: He said it would be disgraceful to be by El's side without a proper title, so I just called myself a noble.
(Wow, that sounds like a lie...)
Truth is stranger than fiction... This story embodies that saying.
But the scene I glimpsed tonight gave credence to his explanation.
Kate: The reason you're doing that for the people in the slums...
Kate: Is it because you know their... suffering and pain?
Alfons: If your theory that those actions are "for them" is true, then maybe it is.
"If so," "maybe"--the usual phrases that conceal the truth.
Kate: ...You always dodge the question like that.
I turn away, and suddenly...
Alfons: Hehe, don't pout your lips like that.
Kate: ...Huh?
He pokes the tip of my lips, and my heart jumps.
Alfons: I feel like kissing these lovely thorns.
(I've been through more intense things than having my lips touched--)
(Why am I... so nervous about something so trivial?)
I know that words like "cute" and "kiss" are lighter than "hello" to him.
I glare up at Alfons, and
Alfons: ......
Our eyes meet, and my heart skips a beat again.
(Alfons is making such lover-like gestures...)
Sweet illusions come flooding back, and my eyes are involuntarily drawn to his lips.
Alfons: ...Do you want me to kiss you?
Kate: What!? N-No...!
Alfons: Don't get so worked up. If you want to do it, you can.
Kate: I don't want to!
Alfons: Yes, yes. So, did you find my weakness?
Kate: ...
(Alfons always changes the subject like this...)
(It makes me feel embarrassed, like I'm the only one taking it seriously.)
(This is what's really sly about him.)
My cheeks are still flushed, but I try to ignore it and clear my throat to speak.
Kate: ...No, not at all. Because you told me so easily, it means...
Kate: Being an orphan and abusing your powers in the slums can't be considered a weakness, can they?
Alfons: Well, who knows?
Alfons: I don't know if anyone else besides El and Roger knows that I was an orphan.
Kate: What!?
(...That's a lie, right?)
Kate: Victor and William don't know either...?
Alfons: Well, those two might know.
Alfons: Jude might have sniffed it out, too, but that's about it.
Alfons: If it were spread around in social circles, it might have the effect of further eroding my already non-existent credibility, wouldn't it?
(He told me so easily... So then...)
Kate: ...Do the people at the tavern and your "friends" know?
Alfons: Ah ha! Of course not. We don't reveal our identities to each other more than necessary.
Alfons: Reality is not necessary for a convenient relationship.
(...So that's how it is.)
It's probably common knowledge among the members of "Crown," but whether it's due to lack of interest or manners, information about Alfons isn't openly discussed.
He doesn't reveal his identity at all to the people with whom he shares his rotten private life.
So it seems.
Kate: ...Then
Kate: Why did you tell me?
"Reality is not necessary for a convenient relationship."
(If those words are true, then my relationship with him is different from the others...?)
I stare at Alfons, my heart pounding for some reason.
Alfons: Hmm, well...?
He puts his hand on his chin as if thinking--.
Alfons: ...Well, who knows? I don't know either.
He laughs lightly and shrugs.
Alfons: Maybe I was moved by your tearful determination to follow me all the way to that place.
(Oh, so... There wasn't any special intention.)
(But still... There's no doubt that Alfons told me the truth.)
With a faint smile on his face, Alfons looks out the window.
(That smile doesn't look happy at all.)
(But... This smile is... somehow)
(It feels like Alfons.)
This thirsty smile, with his lips twisted in self-mockery, somehow suits him.
Thinking about that... my heart lifts a little again.
It's like my fingertips brushed against a mirage.
Like I found the tail of a rainbow.
It's like I was able to grasp the shape of something uncertain.
Kate: ...I'll stop sneaking around and trying to find your weaknesses.
Alfons: ...Huh?
Kate: I'm more interested in your true feelings than your weaknesses.
Kate: I want to face you properly, Alfons.
Alfons: .............
The words spilled out before I even thought about it.
And as soon as I said them, I felt like my feelings had taken a clear shape.
(I... want to know more about Alfons.)
(The more I know, the more I want to know the true nature of this mysterious person.)
Kate: So, if I can get to know you better,
Kate: I don't mind being your "exclusive" Fairytale Keeper.
Alfons: ...Oh?
The corner of his lips curves sensually.
Alfons: So, I assume you're okay with doing this kind of thing with me?
Kate: ? W-what...?
Suddenly, a breath drew near—and before she knew it, Alfons' eyes were right in front of hers.
Kate: Huh!?
Kate: Th-that's... different!
She hurriedly pressed her hand against Alfons' mouth, stopping his kiss.
Alfons: ... Heh
But he wasn't going to back down that easily—his warm tongue licked the palm of her hand that she was pressing against him.
Kate: H-hey...!?
She reflexively pulled her hand back, and Alfons laughed teasingly.
Alfons: You can't resist things like this, so I was thinking of using that as your weakness, you know?
Kate: I-if you don't touch my nape, I can prevent this with my willpower!
Alfons: I doubt you were able to prevent it completely just now, though?
Alfons leaned over me, his hands on either side of my legs, watching me with amusement.
His red tongue darted out from between his thin lips.
I feel like prey—about to be devoured at any moment.
Alfons: That's right. The other day, when we did something naughty behind the bar, I wasn't using my ability.
Alfons: Didn't you end up melting into a gooey mess?
It's Alfons' fault
It's my fault
It was that strange smoke
Kate: B-But, that was... something, some weird smoke...
Alfons: It seems that scent draws out the desires sleeping in one's subconscious.
Alfons: It means that Kate secretly desired to be pampered and spoiled... doesn't it?
Kate: ...
Alfons is probably looking at me with my ears burning red, rolling his eyes with amusement.
Alfons: So, what will you blame it on now?
Kate: ...hm...!
Before I knew it, both of my wrists were restrained, and my lips were stolen in an instant.
Kate: Hmm...n...
I try to resist, but my restrained hands won't budge.
I'm pulled closer, and my butt almost slips off the seat.
Kate: Ah...n...!
His tongue knew exactly how to indulge in pleasure, and her body melted after being touched countless times.
Finally freed, her right hand couldn't bring itself to push his away, instead clinging to his frock coat.
Alfons: It's because I was flustered by the strange sight, because the carriage was shaking...
Alfons: If you need an excuse, I can give you plenty.
Alfons: If you don't resist, it might damage your dignity, and I wouldn't want that.
Alfons: You can keep pretending to resist like that forever, if you like.
His left hand stroked her thigh, then pulled up her skirt.
Kate: Oh, no... no, no...
My heart pounded with anticipation, and a wave of pleasure washed over me.
Alfons: It's only going to be less than a month anyway... Let's have some fun, Kate.
His sweet, husky voice sent a shiver down my spine.
Alfons: Because you like feeling good, don't you?
Kate: N-no, I don't...
He wasn't touching my neck.
But I couldn't bring myself to reject his outstretched hand.
(I don't like feeling good.)
(I wasn't that easy.)
(This is just because it's Alfons...)
I'm being influenced by him, my sense of morality is warped and twisted.
It's all Alfons' fault.
(Always like this... Because of Alfons, I'm drowning in pleasure, losing my mind...)
(I have no idea what Alfons thinks or feels about this...)
(I've never had the time to even try to figure it out.)
I want to see if this person who says they "love pleasure" actually feels good -
That thought emerges, further warping my sense of ethics.
Kate: Ah... N-No, this is wrong... Not in a carriage like this...
Alfons: ...Then, where should we do it?
I realize that I've already consented to this act, and my whole body burns with shame.
Alfons: Your bed? But... Can you hold out that long?
Kate: Ah... I...
His lips gently touched my parted lips.
Sealing my excuses.
Alfons: Shh... You don't have to answer me directly.
Alfons: It's easier if you can blame me later, right?
He slowly pulls up the hem of my skirt.
The cold air brushed against my legs, and I gripped my skirt tightly.
Kate: W-wait a minute. Really, not here–
Alfons: Ah ha!
Alfons: How can you say no from the start when you haven't even done it yet?
Her hand was brushed away, and the hem of her skirt was lifted up to her waist.
Kate: Ah–
I tried to hold back his fingertips from trying to penetrate even deeper, but then---
Kate: Kyah!?
Alfons: Oh
The carriage wheels jolted with a loud thud.
My hips, barely on the seat, were lifted off the ground, and I lost my balance, throwing myself into the chest of Alfons, who was seated in front of me.
Kate: I-I'm sorry––
The moment I tried to hastily pull away, he firmly clasped my waist and placed me on his lap, smiling broadly.
Alfons: See...it's all the carriage's fault that you're getting so worked up in this place...
Chapter 10
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
Enchanted AU: Christmas
Of course we had to get a special banner for the season :)))) I have a little bit written so I'm working on figuring out a proper posting schedule. I'll release that as soon as I have it.
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Part 1 | Part 14
Part 15
It seemed that after getting confirmation that Christmas plans were a go, Daniel was much brighter. He was fluttering around the flat murmuring comments to Sassy who sat snugly in his hold. He would then pause and listen before fluttering off somewhere else. Max watched them tensely at first, mentally reminding Sassy of their pact and secret. He only calmed down by the second day when he seemed that Sassy indeed hadn’t spilled the beans.
It was now the fourth day and Max was used to the flurry of activity that Daniel seemed to be creating. He’d spent the day yesterday locked up on his sim so that he wouldn’t sit and watch Daniel float about. Daniel had also been spending a lot more time on his phone, and then complaining that he needed to charge it more often and ‘what was the point’. It had taken all Max’s energy to refrain from pointing out that just because Daniel didn’t find the need for the device before didn’t mean it wasn’t working.
But either way, Daniel was on his phone more. Speaking with Grace, Michelle and his nephew Issac before calling Sophie and sitting on the phone with her for a while.
Today though, today Max was confused and more than a little impressed. He had woken up to singing, which wasn’t unusual by any stretch. But there was something different about this song. Max took a sip of his morning shake and stared into his living room. Jimmy and Sassy were walking around with little aprons on their waists, it was adorable. He grinned.
Yesterday Daniel had asked him if he would be home, and told him it would be cleaning day. Max had offered to book his usual cleaning service then shrugged when Daniel declined. He’d not thought anything of it since. He did, however, ask if there was anything Daniel needed him to do and Daniel had merely said that he had already figured it out. Now, Max was wondering if maybe he should have prodded a little bit more and asked a few more questions.
Daniel was still singing, but Max couldn’t understand the words. He was glowing a little bit and the air felt charged with… something. There was an inaudible pop, the kind you felt in your ears when you went to a higher altitude. Max faked a yawn to get rid of the feeling and almost dropped his shake at what he saw. 
There were small balls of floating light. They looked similar to sparkles at the end of well..sparklers. The wand-like fireworks that the boys love to play with. Sassy got close to one and sniffed it curiously, it bobbed over her before bouncing away. There were about ten of them in total and they hovered close to Daniel. 
“Ok everyone, we know what to do.” Daniel sang, his smile was joyous and his eyes were a little wide with disbelief and a little pride. Daniel clapped his hands twice and the lights scattered. Jimmy took off, following the largest one into Daniel’s bedroom. Max looked between the still singing Daniel who had started to fold the blanket that usually lived on the back of the couch, to the light ball that was bobbing in and out of all his trophies. Was that a new shine on each one?
He placed his almost empty cup on the countertop and went down the hallway to the bedrooms. His sim room remained untouched, the door locked. But his bedroom was a small flurry of activity. The bed was being made by two baubles and another was placing a few scattered things back in his closet. Max blinked in surprise, completely taken aback. He walked to the doorway of Daniel’s room to see something similar happening. Jimmy sat on the floor by the door watching as the blinds were closed and… dusted? Daniel’s bed was spread and his laundry was tucked away into the basket. 
Max wandered slowly back to the living room. His home was being cleaned by magic? His home was being cleaned by magic. Is this what Daniel meant about cleaning? He rubbed at his eye with the heel of a palm, the metal of his bracelets clinking at the movement, then walked back into the kitchen where he seemed to be mostly out of the way. He went to grab his previously forgotten glass only to pass through air. His glass was gone, even the ring of condensation was missing from the marble countertop. Max blinked, there was a bauble in the kitchen, he watched as his now clean and dry glass floated to the open cabinet and the door closed.
He grabbed his phone and opened the groupchat with Lando and Alex and did the only thing he could think of. His brain felt fried. It was too early for this. Daniel is cleaning my apartment with magic?
Lando was the first to reply with a simple; ‘yeah that checks out.’
Which…he wasn’t wrong. Daniel was a magical being, and Max kinda forgot that moving tattoos and talking to animals weren’t like normal human things.
At least he could trust Alex for levity, ‘at least you don’t have to call the cleaning service this week’
And yeah, that was also true. Bright sides and all that. 
Max realized belatedly that Daniel’s singing had stopped. He looked up and around to see if there were any more changes and to maybe get a glimpse of one of the lights again. The apartment was spotless. It wasn't as if it was desperately in need of a cleaning before, but there was something impossibly squeaky clean about it now that Max couldn’t quite put his finger on. He knew it was the magic component but it was still odd to see something so fantastical used for something so domestic. 
He stepped into the living room and looked around at the morning light glistening off of his trophies and other reflective surfaces. Even the air smelt cleaner, it was like waking up in the mountains after a heavy snowfall. Fresh. 
Daniel was nowhere to be found though, not in the cat nest, not on the balcony. Max turned to the couch and a fond smile settled on his lips. Daniel was curled on the couch, asleep. Jimmy curled up on the arm of the couch by his head and Sassy was laying loaf-like on the back of the couch. She moved though, when Max noticed her. She walked off of the folded blanket then nosed it in Max’s direction. He could take a hint.
Lifting the blanket carefully, he unfolded it then laid it over Daniel’s sleeping figure. Max wondered if he’d ever used that much magic before, if that's what he needed ‘Jessie’ and ‘Rii’ for. Max watched him for a few moments, the rise and fall of his chest and the soft snores. Before he went to inspect the rest of the space. Everywhere was clean; the bathrooms and the other guest rooms. 
Everywhere except Max’s sim room, he opened the door to find the space untouched, everything was exactly where he left it. His WDC trophy/book end/fake lamp that sat on his red bull fridge was still vaguely tarnished from not being polished often. The room also smelt the same– completely different from the rest of his flat. And for that Max was extremely grateful.
He settled himself in the chair and turned on the system, ready to kill some time.
Part 16
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kyokittymeow · 19 days
First School Day (Time Twins Kids!)
I realised i never posted this fanfiction here...so here you go
"No, I don't want to! I don't want to!"
Krux slipped out of the tight and absolutely hideous shoes once again, while thick tears ran uncontrollably down his cheeks. "I don't want to go there!"
Today was the twins' first day of school. Krux had a stomachache the days before and hadn't slept well. He definitely didn't want to go to this school.
Alex sighed, crouched down and gently cupped his cheeks. "But Krux, every child has to go to school. And you're not alone. Acronix is ​​with you."
His younger twin hopped back and forth impatiently, he had already put on his school uniform. "Can we finally go?" he grumbled. "Just a moment, Nixie," Alex replied tenderly. She took the shoes in her hands. "Why don't you want to put them on?"
"Because they're uncomfortable!" Krux whined. "And that stupid clothing too!" He tugged at the sleeve of the scratchy fabric. He wanted to take everything off and throw it on the floor. "All children wear this school uniform," his mother explained. "That's just the rules."
Krux sniffed. "But I don't want to..." Alex wiped the tears from his face. "Now please stop crying. You don't want the others to see you like this, do you?"
Krux didn't want to see those other children at all. He didn't want to go to that stupid school. He just wanted to stay at home where he felt safe. Why was he being forced to do something he didn't want to do?
"Come on, put your shoes on," his mother told him. "Otherwise we'll be late." The boy realized that it was hopeless. No matter how much he resisted, he had no chance against his mother.
He reluctantly put on the shoes and pulled a face. "Good." Alex was relieved to have been able to convince her stubborn son after an hour. "Now we have to hurry."
She took Krux by the hand and almost had to pull him outside. Acronix trotted impatiently ahead of them. "Finally! That took soooo long!" Krux's stomach grew heavy as they left their house behind them and walked to school. Alex was almost running while she dragged Krux behind her like a stubborn donkey.
"Now stop acting like this. We're really late!" she scolded. He could sense that her patience with him was slowly running out. "Mom, not so fast..." he whimpered, struggling to keep up with her. He didn't like this rush. It made him terribly nervous.
"I can't do anything about it. Whose fault is it that we're late?" Alex replied sharply. "That's mean..." Krux grumbled. "It's Nix's fault too, because he was too lazy to get up."
Acronix pouted, insulted. "Not true!" He nudged him with his shoulder. "Very true!" the older one contradicted and returned the nudge. "Stop arguing!" hissed their mother. "We don't have time for that."
Acronix stuck out his tongue at him before rushing forward again. Krux grunted angrily. It was Acronix, who was whining about being too tired to get up. He had almost fallen asleep during breakfast and was just dawdling around. So why was it all Krux's fault?
However, he quickly forgot about that when the school building came into view. Huge and threatening. Krux would have loved to turn around and hide under the covers in his bed. "Look, everyone's already here!", Acronix remarked and pointed to the many children who had gathered in the yard in front of the school.
Krux swallowed fearfully. He didn't want to be surrounded by so many strangers. "From here on, you can do it on your own," said Alex. "I'll pick you up after school." Krux's eyes widened in horror and he clung tightly to his mother's dress. "No, don't go! Why can't you come with us?" There was never any mention of her not accompanying the two of them to school!
"Parents aren't allowed in school," she explained gently.
"Besides, that would be really embarrassing!", Acronix interrupted. "Can we go now? We're the last ones!"
But Krux couldn't move an inch. His eyes filled with tears again. "I don't want to..." he whimpered. "It's not as bad as you think," Alex assured him. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it."
Krux doubted that. What could be fun in a place where you were forced to go every day?
Alex hugged her sons tightly and kissed each of them on the head, causing Acronix to grumble in annoyance. "Have fun, boys," she said, ruffling their black hair. "And be good."
Acronix freed himself from her embrace. "Yes, yes. See you later!" He sprinted across the yard towards the group. Krux's eyes widened. "Hey, wait for me!" A little more hesitant than his brother, he let go of his mother and hurried after him. But as he approached the many students, he slowed down and almost ran back again.
Desperately, he turned to his mother and was a little relieved that she was still standing in the same place. "Brother!" Krux turned to his younger twin, who held out his hand. Krux gratefully grabbed it and held it tightly.
He was so glad that his brother was with him. Without him, he probably wouldn't have even made it to school. Actually, he had made it his duty to always look after Acronix, since Krux was the older one and had a certain protective instinct. But he was also happy when Acronix was there for him and took on the role of 'big brother'.
Krux suddenly noticed a child with blonde braids staring at the two of them. He instinctively turned away from her and hid behind his brother. He hated being stared at like that. It only made him more nervous.
"Hey, you there!" she suddenly called. But Acronix didn't seem to notice her. Either he was lost in thoughts, as he often was, or he couldn't hear her because it was too loud because of all the chatter. For Krux, at least.
In any case, he didn't want to answer her. Why should he? He didn't even know her. But the girl didn't let up. "Hellooo? I'm talking to you!"
Acronix flinched as if he had just woken up from his dream world. Maybe he really had dozed off for a moment.
Krux had often seen him sleeping in the strangest positions, even while standing. How he managed that was still a mystery to him.
"What is it?" Acronix asked the blonde girl. Krux stared at her suspiciously. He was sure, she would say something mean now. "Are you twins?" she asked. Acronix nodded. "Yep!"
"Who's the older one?", she asked.
Acronix smirked and pointed at Krux. "Krux is older by three minutes!"
She giggled. "Having a twin must be so cool!"
"Yeahh..." Acronix said hesitantly. "Not always. He can be so annoying sometimes!" The blonde girl laughed again.
Krux blushed and stared at his brother grumpily. That's not true! You're the annoying one!
He huffed, but didn't said it out loud. Acronix grinned cheekily, as he already knew, what his twin was thinking about this.
Krux relaxed again, as the girl didn't ask any more questions. Although, you couldn't call it relaxing. His knees were weak, his hands sweaty and his stomach was rebelling. He hoped to be able to go home as soon as possible.
The teacher, who was standing in front of the school, asked for silence and then led her students into the building. Krux held Acronix's hand tighter. He almost stumbled as his brother impatiently squeezed through the crowd.
"Nix...!" he whispered annoyed. But his twin ignored him and pushed his way forward, with Krux in tow, attracting a few annoyed looks.
The school already looked terrible from the outside, but it was even worse inside. It smelled musty, the floorboards creaked with every step and it just looked shabby. Krux felt uncomfortable. He definitely didn't want to stay here.
The teacher led the group up a few stairs until they reached a room that must be the classroom. There were wooden tables - as well as chairs, a blackboard, a desk at the front and a few windows.
Now they were allowed to choose a seat. Acronix immediately stormed towards a table that was almost at the front and where they would be directly in the teacher's field of vision. Krux sighed heavily. He himself would have preferred a seat in the last row where he couldn't be seen. But his brother had already made up his mind. And he definitely didn't want to be separated from him.
He followed him a little more slowly while the rest of the students also chose their seats. A boy was about to sit down at the table that Acronix had in his sights. His younger twin reared up threateningly in front of him. "Go away! This is our place!"
The blond stared at him, insulted. "But I was here first!"
"I don't care!" Acronix replied stubbornly. "My brother and I will sit here! Right?" He turned to Krux, who, however, looked at the floor in shame. He was so embarrassed. Why did his brother always have to be so impulsive?
"Why doesn't he say anything?" asked the blond boy. "Can't he talk?" He grinned mockingly. "My brother can talk very well!" Acronix's eyes flashed angrily. "He just doesn't talk to idiots like you!"
The boy's face changed as if he was about to cry. He silently turned away from the twins and looked for another seat. "Hehe! I showed him!" Acronix said triumphantly as he sat down. "Did you see his stupid face?" His eyes shone with pride.
Krux, however, felt a little sorry for the boy. "You shouldn't have said that, Acronix..." he said quietly. "That was a bit mean." Acronix crossed his arms rebelliously in front of his chest. "But he was mean to you too! He's not allowed to do that!"
Krux shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind." He was used to others teasing him because he was different from the others. Quiet, reserved... weird.
"Krux is so weird," they always said.
"Why doesn't he ever talk?"
"Why doesn't he play?"
"Why is he such a bore?"
"Krux is a crybaby!"
"He definitely has no friends..."
Krux's hands were shaking. He quickly banished the voices from his head and concentrated on what the teacher was saying. "Now that you all have chosen their seats, I would like everyone to introduce themselves by their names."
Krux's eyes widened in horror. Introduce yourself?! Did that really have to be? He hated speaking in front of so many people, even if he only had to say his name.
But he had no choice, because the teacher was already going through the first row.
Krux's heart was pounding in his throat. His voice would probably fail anyway. But that would be even more embarrassing!
"And now to you two," she said kindly.
Krux swallowed when he realized it was his turn. His hands were sweating with nervousness, and the expectant looks of the other students didn't make it any easier. His throat was dry, and he swallowed hard again.
"K...Krux..." he managed to say. Probably no one understood that, but he didn't care. He had no desire to get to know anyone in this class, or even to become friends.
The teacher nodded, her gaze was gentle and encouraging. Many people had given him that look, and he hated it. As if he were a poor, vulnerable lamb that needed to be looked after very carefully.
Whatever. He had that behind him now and could breathe again.
Acronix then spoke up. Much louder, so that Krux flinched a little. He had always had sensitive ears.
When the introductions were over, the teacher explained a few other things. What subjects the students would have, how long a school day would last, what they had to bring with them, and so on.
Krux noticed that Acronix wasn't listening and was instead staring out of the window as if spellbound. He wondered what he was actually seeing there. He was probably dreaming again...
"Has everyone understood that so far?" the teacher asked after her speech. The children nodded and answered her question in the affirmative. "Very good. Then I look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow!"
Krux breathed heavily. He had made it. The squeaking of chairs and the chatter of students filled the room. Acronix jumped up. "That was boring enough to fall asleep!" he said.
Krux also got up and looked at him surprised. He hadn't really thought about sleeping, he had been too tense for that. "I just want to go home..." he muttered exhaustedly. The first day of school had clearly been too much for him. He was already getting stomach cramps when he thought about tomorrow.
How was he supposed to get through this with his constant anxiety attacks? He wasn't even able to utter a sensible word. And then all the children would make fun of him. Krux sighed as he imagined the worst scenarios in his head.
He barely noticed Acronix leading him out of the school. Only when the sunlight shone in his face did he look up. A few parents had gathered in the yard to pick up their children. They rushed happily into the arms of their father or mother.
Krux looked frantically between the many adults, but couldn't see his mother anywhere. She promised she would pick us up!
Just as he was about to burst into tears, Acronix suddenly called out: "There's Mom!"
He pointed his finger into the crowd, and sure enough, her mother was standing there. She waved to them with a smile. Krux immediately rushed over to her and hugged her tightly. He was so relieved to see her. Now everything was fine again.
"Hey, kids! How was school?" she asked her sons while hugging them tightly. "Scary..." Krux whimpered. "Sooo boring!" Acronix answered. Alex blinked in surprise. "Didn't you like it?"
Krux shook his head hastily, and Acronix shrugged his shoulders indecisively. "It was okay..." Alex sighed slightly. "You'll get used to it...I hope."
When he got home, Krux immediately slipped out of his scratchy uniform and put on something comfortable. He folded his school clothes neatly and laid them on his bed. Acronix did the same, but left his uniform carelessly on the floor and stormed out of the room again. "I'm starving!"
Krux's stomach tightened when he thought about food. This event had taken away his appetite. Nevertheless, he obediently went into the kitchen and sat down at the set dining table.
When the little family started eating - except for Krux, who just listlessly poked around with his fork - Alex asked: "Tell me. What have you been up to?" Acronix shrugged his shoulders as he greedily devoured the pasta. "Not much," he said with his mouth full.
Her mother raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Not much?" she repeated. "How was the teacher? Is she nice?" Her gaze now wandered to Krux. He nodded slowly. "Yes..." Alex put on a worried expression. "What's wrong? You hardly touch your food."
Krux felt the tears welling up inside him. "Not hungry," he said. Acronix glanced at him sideways, but said nothing. Her mother was silent for a moment before asking, "Are you not feeling well?"
Krux swallowed. A big lump stuck in his throat. "Can I go to the room...?" He knew she didn't like it when they didn't finish eating. "Very well," Alex answered gently. Krux stood up and pushed the chair to the table before hastily running into the room he shared with his brother.
He closed the door and threw himself on his bed. He quickly wrapped himself in the blanket and began to cry quietly. Krux just wasn't ready for school yet. This step was definitely too big for him.
His chest tightened just at the thought. Sobbing, he buried himself deeper under the blanket, as if he could protect himself from all his problems that way. Maybe he could somehow avoid school tomorrow. He could pretend to be sick, would his mother buy that?
Suddenly Krux heard the door open quietly. "Krux?" his mother's gentle voice rang out. "Do you want to talk?" The boy was silent. What could he say to her? Alex sat down on the edge of the bed and waited patiently.
"What happened?" she asked after a while. "Was someone mean to you?" Krux thought back to the blond student who had made fun of him because he didn't want to talk. But he hadn't cared about him at all.
"No..." he muttered.
"Then what is it?" Krux fell silent. "Please look at me," Alex asked. Hesitantly, he threw back the blanket and sat up. Her gaze softened and she wiped the tears from his face.
"I don't want to go to school..." he whimpered. "Why not?" Krux looked desperately at his hands. He didn't know how to explain it. "Are you afraid?" she asked. Krux nodded slowly. "What are you afraid of?"
Another hesitation. He sniffed and said quietly: "It...it's all so new...and strange...and I don't feel comfortable." Alex nodded understandably. "You don't like change, right?"
"You're afraid of new things because they're foreign to you, right?"
His mother pulled him into a loving hug. "Listen to me, my boy. Not all change is bad. There are good changes too." Krux snuggled up close to her and looked up at her in disbelief. He didn't understand what was good about it.
"You'll learn a lot of great things and make friends," she continued. "You'll have fun."
"I'd much rather stay with you," he whined. "I know, but you have to learn to get along without me sometimes," she explained. "I can't always be with you, my darling."
Krux shuddered at the thought. He never wanted to be separated from his mother. The idea was horrible.
"Brother...?" Krux looked up when he heard Acronix's voice. The younger one stood hesitantly in the doorway, unsure if he was allowed to enter. "Is everything okay?" He blinked worriedly. Krux slowly shook his head.
"It'll be okay," Alex said to him. "Today was probably a bit too much for him." His little brother sat down next to him and wrapped his arms lovingly around him. "Don't worry, Mom, I'll look after Krux!" he explained.
Krux smiled, for the first time today, and returned the hug. "Thank you, brother." Having a twin was the best gift in the world, and he was so grateful for it.
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anabdaniels · 9 months
Family reunion
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Paring: Agent Whiskey x Female Reader (works for plus size reader)
Word counting: 1.7k
Rating: +18
Warning: Clothed sex, squirting, fingering.
A/N: This is the part 2 of Choosing gifts.
Main Masterlist | Cowboycember Masterlist
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“Honey, calm down.” Jack said probably for the fifth time.
“I’m trying, but it’s not that simple.” You sighed while Jack parked in front of his family’s ranch.
“Darlin’ ain’t the first time you spend a day with my family.” He said while turning off the car.
“But it’s the first time I'm doing it on Christmas and after finding out that a few of your relatives don’t like me.” You raised your eyebrows, making Jack chuckle and cup your cheek with his hand.
“Just to remind you that just less than half of my relatives will be there because not even my parents like their siblings and my mother already told you that if was a choice, I’d be the one kicked out of family parties instead of you.” You couldn’t hold a quiet laugh since your mother-in-law in fact had told you that.
“Alright, you’ve made a good point here.” You finally agreed shaking your head.
As you two got out of the car, Theo, the family dog was the first one greeting you, followed by the figure of your sister-in-law, already looking excited and not thinking twice before wrapping her arms around her brother.
“Hi, little one.” Jack said while also holding Julia tight as it always happened between them.
“I was missing your old ass.” Julia said pretty sincerely, making him chuckle.
“We saw each other yesterday, Julie.”
“I don’t care. Your Mary Poppins service in my childhood is showing its consequences now.” She winked with a smile, looking very much like Jack, then letting him go and turning to you “Hi, sister.” She said already hugging you tight, making you smile widely, besides being only 15, Julia seemed to like a lot to spend time with you.
“Hi, darling.” You hugged her back, feeling Theo sniffing both of you animatedly.
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Exactly as Jack had told you a hundred times, everything worked amazingly; all his uncles and aunties were amazing with you, just like his parents and cousins, you felt more at home than ever and Jack’s mother spent the whole day talking about how much she loved the necklace you gave her.
After an enjoyable cozy day, you and Jack were back home, accompanied by the tone of gifts his family had given to both of you, letting everything on the living room floor and getting comfortable on the sofa.
“I wonder if your mother had taken off the necklace.” You said with a soft chuckle taking off your shoes.
“Knowing her, I’d say that our dear Olivia will stay with it for a week.” Jack affirmed while letting his hat resting on the coffee table “But now we need to talk about your Christmas gift.” He said with an excited expression.
“Yes, we need, because I’m dying in curiosity.” You said holding your hands together.
“Gimme a second.” He walked through the hallway and entered his office. No more than two minutes later Jack was back with a box of considerable size and sat next to you. “I hope I got the best option.” He said while giving you the gift.
“Knowing your skills to choose gifts, I already know you’ve made an amazing choice.” You answered with an excited smile while carefully opening the wrapping paper, getting more curious when it revealed a white paper box with no identification and not thinking much before removing its lid, smiling widely as you saw the content of it. “There’s no way.” You said while grabbing what was inside the box, a deluxe edition set with all seasons of your favorite show ever. “Jack Daniels, you’re the best husband in this world.” You left your gift on the coffee table and leaned forward, sinking between his arms and holding him tight.
“I’m glad you liked it, honeybee.” Jack pressed a kiss on the top of your head with both arms around you.
“I loved it.” You affirmed sincerely and leaned your head back to look at him “And I should warn you to not have high expectations about your gift.”
“Just the fact that you spent time on it is more than enough to already make me happy with it.” Jack said with a warm smile, kissing your forehead.
“Very well then.” You smiled and got up, grabbing him by the hand and walking upstairs. Once in the bedroom, you made him sit on the edge of the bed. “You wait right here, ‘cause we don’t want any spoilers.” He nodded promptly despite dying out of curiosity and with what you had in mind. You walked inside the closet, feeling butterflies in your stomach with the realization of what you were about to do. Trying not to overthink it, you got dressed, took a look to make sure your hair was in place, and then took a deep breath to create the necessary courage. “Close your eyes.” You said before taking another deep breath.
“Alright.” Jack answered closing his eyes, dying in curiosity about what your plans were and completely clueless about what could it be. You walked inside the bedroom, trying to keep your composure and control your mean thoughts that insisted on telling you that you were being ridiculous doing that. Jack tilted his head slightly when he felt the familiar weight of your body on his lap and couldn’t resist his curiosity anymore, opening his eyes and smiling widely as he saw you in that black lace nightgown, looking like the best thing he had ever seen in front of his eyes.
“I tried to think about an actual good gift, but I couldn’t think of anything, so…” you got interrupted by Jack’s thumb resting on your lips.
“My love I can assure you that nothing in this world could be a better gift than my dear wife looking so beautiful.” Jack answered sincerely resting both hands on your waist, caressing the sides of your body. “Just for the record, I don’t mind getting the same gift next year.” He stated while shamelessly checking out your cleavage.
“You’re way too kind with the pathetic things I do.” You said quietly, looking down.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Jack grabbed your face between his hands “Don’t talk like that about such an amazing surprise and your amazing look. You’re a stunning woman and for sure the best gift I could ever receive.” Before you could form a retort, he leaned forward and kissed you, passing one arm around your body and pulling you closer, letting you feel the restrained erection inside his jeans, giving you the assurance that he meant every word he said.
Before you could realize it, Jack’s hands were all over you, groping hands full of your curves as he kissed all over your jaw, neck, and chest, inhaling deeply to enjoy the scent of your skin mixed with your perfume. Laying one hand on your hip, Jack smirked against your skin as he noticed you had nothing under the nightgown, making Jack even more turned on. With no ceremony, Jack undid his belt and zipper, freeing his throbbing cock and looking at you with a desirous gaze.
“I promise you I’ll give you all the attention you deserve later, honeybee, but I need you now.” Jack said in a hoarse voice, pressing a gentle kiss on your lips, taking a moan from both of you as he rubbed his cock against your wet cunt, slowly sliding inside you.
Your hips involuntarily moved forward to meet his thrust, making you clench around him and grab the collar of his shirt tight. Heavily carried away, Jack grabbed your hips, making you move at a steady pace on his lap, giving you not much options beyond whimpering and contorting on his lap, leaning your head back with your eyes closed hard.
“Fuckin’ Christ, I’m starting to love Christmas.” Jack said in a heavy breath, admiring the vision of your body bouncing so beautifully on his lap. Eager for everything he could get, Jack slid the shoulder slings of your nightgown down your arms, gently pulling the fabric of your cleavage carefully, releasing your breasts and grabbing both of them, thumbing your nipples and kissing every inch of skin around and between your breasts.
To be honest, you didn’t expect that to have such an effect on Jack, and it was ruining any self-control you could have, making you ride him intensively, sinking your hips on his lap, taking every inch of him inside you unbelievably effortlessly, as you kept your head leaned back and your fingers twisted on the collar of his shirt.
Immeasurably catch by the whole moment, Jack was aware that at every move of your hips accompanied by those sweet moans, his rationality was being thrown out of the window and he knew that holding back wouldn’t be possible for much longer, so Jack took the most reasonable decision, moving one hand to between your legs and rubbing your clit at the same time he leaned forward and kissed you, everything at once almost overwhelming you and pushing you over the edge, resulting on you whimpering against his lips and clenching unbearably much around his cock as you felt your body making his jeans wet as you sank into your orgasm. Completely mesmerized by everything going on, Jack let himself go, moving both of his hands to your back to keep your body pressed against him. He bit your lower lip softly while erratically thrusting deeply on you, strongly sinking his hands on the soft flesh of your back as he came, filling you up while letting out a hoarse groan.
Keeping you in his arms, Jack let his body collapse back on the bed, letting you rest comfortably on his chest as both of you got your breaths back. After a few moments, he caressed your hair and kissed your forehead while nestling you better in his embrace.
“Sugar, can I ask you something?” too lazy to do anything else, you simply nodded and waited for him to proceed “Don’t wanna sound like a leech, but I’d love to have the same gift for my birthday.” You couldn’t hold back a genuine laugh at his brutal honesty, shaking your head slightly and getting more cozy against him, aware that he was serious about it.
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thedemoninmywalls · 4 months
This fic is a roleplay between myself and @dokukoi! They wrote Rire and I wrote Aro <3
It was small things, at first. Spelling of words being slightly changed, the color of things being just slightly off. Light switches being reversed. Just tiny things that caught Aro's attention for a second. Things you could easily chalk up to needing more sleep.
Lately, though, things have been different. Everything has been different. The location of buildings have swapped with the ones next to them, the personalities of her co-workers and friends were off, and it seemed like she saw more and more violence in the streets each day. Aro felt like everything she knew about the world was slowly changing to be what it shouldn't be.
Everytime she brought it up to someone though, they reacted like she was the strange one—the world has always been like this! Why was she just now questioning it? It was getting harder to keep going through her daily routine without question.
A few things had stayed the same, despite that: she got home at the same time, and the same man was always waiting at her dinner table, drinking tea.
Today, it… smells like coffee, instead. Huh. Rire swirls the teacup, lifting to smell it before drinking it as if a fine wine. "You're back. How was work, pet?"
"It was fine," Aro answers. She puts down her purse and takes off her shoes.
"I saw a fight on the street today. Two women, clawing at each other. I thought about calling the police, but just hurried home instead."
She feels a little guilty about that.
Sniffing the air, she's surprised by the different smell. "Is that coffee?"
"Humans are really a pathetic lot. Entertainment is all they're good for," Rire turns his head to face Aro's direction. "Interesting, though, that you left them to gouge out their eyes. Has that bleeding heart of yours finally bled dry?"
He looks at his teacup—his expression hasn't changed from his signature smug smirk. "As usual. Why, did you want a cup?"
She frowns at the comment about gouging eyes - hopefully that isn't what actually happened. She probably should have called the police.
"No," she answers his question, sitting at the table across from him. "It's just…different. I thought you preferred tea."
"No, I've always preferred coffee," He arches an eyebrow. "I don't expect much from you, pet, but I thought you were capable of remembering that much."
Rire leans forward, a grin spreading on his face. "I can think of many ways to jog your memory if your little mind is already failing on me."
Aro unconsciously leans back, unnerved by his rows and rows of sharp teeth. She squints at him suspiciously.
"You're messing with me," she says cautiously. "I don't know how, but you're messing with my head…making me think I'm crazy. You must be."
"Please. All over a cup of coffee?" Rire chuckles, leaning back. He takes a sip from the teacup before continuing. "You're paranoid. There's much more fun ways to break your sanity, to make you squirm, to make you scream—why in Hell would I choose a cup of coffee over all those? I simply just enjoy coffee, pet, like I always have. If you'd like for me to break you, I'd be more than happy to. Eager pets get rewarded, after all."
"Thanks, but I'll pass," she frowns, standing up. "And it's weird to have coffee in a teacup. I'm gonna go make dinner."
She heads into the kitchen and starts opening cabinets, looking for the ingredients she wants. All of the ingredients are there, but the packaging and brands have been swapped. What was once sugar was now pepper, and what was baking soda was now salt. It doesn't seem like a single product wasn't touched.
As Aro goes through her kitchen, she finds that everything has been swapped around or changed in some sort of way. Even things that she thinks at the first glance are the same have been changed, however little.
Rire minds his business at the table, sipping on his coffee nonchalantly.
"Hrnnngh…okay, I can do this…" Aro tries to work with her misbehaving kitchen, opening up random products to confirm what they actually are, trying to memorize what is now in what. She gets progressively more frustrated as she tries to put a decent meal together.
"Wait, I thought that was the - fuck, that was salt!" Aro desperately tries to salvage the remains. This is impossible!
Rire looks over, chuckling. "What, have you started to forget how to cook, too?"
He stands up, leaning over her shoulder to look at the ruined dish, then at the ingredients she had pulled out. "Mixing up things that have always been the same is quite the feat. I'm almost impressed."
He takes the cookery from Aro, starting to add and mix in the swapped ingredients as if it's how everything's always been. "Go lay down. You're so incompetent that you can't cook a simple meal—it'd be a shame for perfectly fine food to go to waste because of it."
"I'm not - It's just --" Aro tries to make sense through her frustration and embarrassment. She grabs a bag of pepper. "This used to be sugar! I know it was! Pepper doesn't go into bags! I'm not making this up!"
"As far as I can remember, humans have bagged pepper for years. Since the Romans," Rire doesn't look up from the dish as he fixes it. "I admit, it doesn't make much sense, but humans don't challenge the status quo much… which is why it's obvious you need to lay down."
Rire looks over his sunglasses at her. It's an order, not a suggestion.
Aro knows that look very well, that look he has when his patience has run out. She decides that this particular battle is not worth fighting. So she takes a deep breath and concedes.
"Fine, fine…just…call me when dinner's ready…" She turns on her heel and leaves the kitchen. She goes to her bedroom to change out of her work clothes and put on more comfortable pajamas.
Over the next 30 minutes or so, the house begins to fill with a delicious smell. Eventually Rire calls for Aro—as she walks to the kitchen, the delicious smell gets stronger…
…but on the kitchen table, instead of two plates of a gourmet dinner, there's two plates of a squirming mass of… well, it was hard to tell. It looked fleshy, but it was alive, moving. It was coated with a gray gruel that looked entirely inedible. The dish made squelching and squeaking noises—almost like a small scream—as it writhed around on the plate.
"Spaghetti." Rire states, as if anyone with two eyes would look at whatever this was and agree with him.
"…You have got to be kidding me."
Aro makes a face at the meal. "I dunno what demons eat in Hell, but humans generally don't eat food that's trying to crawl off the plate."
"This is perfectly normal spaghetti," Rire picks up the fork and twirls some of the fleshy mass around it. He eats it. Higher-pitched squeaks—screams—came from it as he chews. "Demon cuisine is much more refined and usually has long pig as the main meat."
"It's generally polite to at least try whatever's made for you before sticking your nose up at it," Rire nods towards the chair. "I'd say this is far more edible than whatever you were trying to make earlier."
"It's literally screaming. Can't you hear it?"
Aro looks sickened, but she sits down and picks up the fork. Maybe it doesn't taste as bad as it looks? But she's nervous to even stick her fork in there, for fear of hurting it….whatever it is, it's clearly in pain, which makes her nauseated.
"That's normal. It's been noted in thousands of human gastronomical texts over the years that the screaming enhances the flavor of the spaghetti. Have you never eaten spaghetti before?"
It does, in fact, taste like a decent plate of spaghetti, but the texture is gag-worthy. It feels like eating paper pulp, with every other bite a node of something pops and lets out liquid. The gruel on top of the flesh feels like sandpaper in her mouth. The screams with every bite doesn't help.
Aro barely gives it a lick before giving up and standing up from the table.
"Now you're just making things up. Spaghetti doesn't scream!" She throws up her arms in exasperation. "And I don't have money to order pizza…maybe I can find the cereal?" She goes digging in the cabinets again. Rire rolls his eyes. "You're being ridiculous. How pathetic is it for a demon to know more about humans and their culture than a human living it? If you don't believe me, go look it up. I have better things to do than lie to you about coffee and spaghetti."
Thankfully, the cereals seem to be untouched. Until Aro opens it, that is—one is full with writhing bugs, the next, parts of dead, small animals, and the rest are filled with similarly gruesome things. When double-checking the cereal boxes, they've been changed to reflect their newly discovered contents.
Aro quickly puts away the cereal boxes before she throws up right then and there. Isn't there a single edible thing in this house?? Ignoring Rire, she continues searching until she digs up an old box of granola bars. At least, they better be granola bars. She ravenously wolfs one down without checking the box.
They taste like granola bars, and the texture seems fine.
Rire laughs. "I never thought you would be so picky with what you put in your mouth. Beggars can't be choosers, can they?" He stands up. "If you're so unsatisfied with my cooking and what you have in the house, why don't I take you grocery shopping?"
The way Rire smiles at her sends a shiver down Aro's spine.
She tries not to let him get under her skin.
"I already went grocery shopping this week," she points out firmly. "I don't have money to buy new groceries….unless you're willing to pay?"
"That is what, 'I take you,' implies, doesn't it?" Rire keeps the same smile on his face. "I suggest you take it before I change my mind—otherwise it seems you'll starve for the rest of the week, if you're so picky that not even cereal is up to your low standards anymore."
She opens her mouth to argue, again, but realizes there's no point. Her cheeks burn with frustration and embarrassment, his constant negative comments wearing down her willpower.
"Fine! Fine," she grumbles. "Lemme get my shoes and coat - and we'll go shopping."
"Alright. Don't take too long, or I might change my mind." Rire waits by the door for Aro to get ready. She hurries on her shoes and pulls on her coat - and they head out to the nearest grocery store. At least that's where Aro assumes they're going, and she heads in that direction.
Rire walks by Aro's side as they head towards the grocery store.
The walk starts normally, although It feels like the walk is way longer than normal. As they walk, the people around them get more hostile. Every accidental bump elicits some sort of nasty remark, and people shove and push around the two without so much as an 'excuse me'. There's several yelling matches going on. Rire seems unfazed by all of this.
Aro finds herself subconsciously walking closer to Rire, almost clinging to him, to try and avoid confrontation. She's afraid of all the hostility and nastiness going on around them, and she feels like he will protect her, somehow. She's always tried to see the good in people, or at least give them the benefit of the doubt. But now she doesn't understand why people are acting like this - why does it feel like the demon is the only thing in her life that makes sense right now?
"Are you scared?" Rire looks down at Aro, amused. "You've walked these streets a dozen times, haven't you?"
A man punches another out cold. He lands on the ground with a crack. Rire steps over the man's body without even looking at it.
"This is the world you live in, not Hell. It's nothing to be scared of. As soon as a scared little puppy like yourself stepped into Hell, you'd be flayed alive."
Despite Rire's words, the confrontations get more and more violent as they walk. It seems like the grocery store is nowhere near in sight no matter how far they walk.
"I-I'm not scared," Aro mumbles, clearly lying and still clinging to him.
She tries to steel her nerves and ignore the violence going on around them. She looks ahead, searching for the refuge that is the grocery store - it's always on this street! Where is it?!
"I've seen abandoned kittens braver than you right now." Rire grins. He's clearly enjoying Aro's fear.
He deftly weaves through the crowd bordering on a riot. A broken glass whizzes by Aro's face. Swings that miss their target just graze by Aro, and knife stabs hook themselves on her clothes instead of the flesh they aim for, leaving cuts and holes in them.
No matter how violent their surroundings get, Rire walks through with ease. The same can't be said for Aro—despite her clinging onto him, she's a hair's breadth away from being dragged into one of the skirmishes. Until someone grabs her ponytail and yanks her back.
She crashes onto the ground, in the middle of a mob. There's a few people next to her that have already taken quite a beating, sobbing and writhing on the ground.
"GAH!" Aro shrieks as she's suddenly yanked back, landing hard on her butt. Panicking, she tries to jump up and get away.
"Rire!" she calls to him, scared that he'll keep walking without her.
Aro can see Rire standing just outside of the mob. He makes no move to help Aro.
One of the assailants kicks Aro in her side, sending her back down to the ground. The other victim gets a boot ground into their face. They yank Aro by her hair and hold her, while others punch, scratch, and kick at her face and upper-body.
The mob is loud, and it's an assault on the ears. They yell obscenities between themselves and egg each other on. It's hard to pick out exactly what they're talking about due to the sheer volume of voices; sometimes, it doesn't even sound like gibberish.
"Stop! Lemme go! Stop it!" Aro holds up her arms to shield her face and tries to kick at the people hitting her. The attack is so chaotic she can barely tell where she's being hurt. She screams for Rire and can barely be heard above the crowd.
When she manages to crawl away from her attackers, beaten and badly bruised, Aro tries to reach Rire - the only familiar face in the crowd.
Rire smiles. Once she gets closer, he steps his heel on her hand, grinding into it. He crouches down with the same smug smile. Rire digs his nails into her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes.
Crowds weave around them. It seems everything is back to normal. People talk on the phone or to their friends. Couples and friends laugh as they pass, holding hands. Just people going about their ordinary life. Ignoring Aro beaten, bloody and bruised in the middle of the street.
"Pathetic," he sneers. "Nobody wants to help you. What makes you think I'd save you from the horrors of the world, if not even strangers think you're good enough to help?"
By now Aro is sobbing and shaking uncontrollably, too terrified and in pain to answer him. She just tries to pull her hand out from under his shoe.
"P-Please," she begs helplessly. "Please stop--!"
His grin widens as he digs his heel in further. "You're all alone in this world. Strangers won't help you—your friends, family, they won't help you. You're as insignificant as a human gets, an ant. An ant that comes marching toward poisoned honey. You're delusional—you like this situation that you're stuck in, pet. That I'm stuck in."
Suddenly, Rire stands up with a sharp kick in her side. "Get up and stop making the sidewalk even dirtier. I think I've had my fun—and gotten my point across into your thick skull."
Still sobbing, Aro slowly raises herself to her feet, holding her side where she was just kicked painfully. Everything hurts, but she stands there waiting for his next orders. She's starting to believe his cruel words, his relentless bullying, because she has nothing else to cling to. By now she's forgotten her hunger, now she just wants to go home. She wants to feel safe again.
He looks over her, satisfied. Without a word. Rire puts his hand on the small of her back. He pushes her back towards her apartment, against the flow of pedestrians. It's as if she's not there—nobody looks at her, and they weave around the two like there's an invisible forcefield. Their smiles and laughter, their normalcy, almost seem mocking.
The walk back is shorter, and Aro finds herself being unceremoniously shoved into her apartment sooner than she would expect. "Go clean yourself up."
Grateful for being released, Aro hurries to the bathroom. She peels off her dirty, torn clothes and steps into a hot shower. Here, at least, it feels normal. The blood and dirt are washed away. When she gets out of the shower, she tends to her injuries - medicine and bandages on her cuts and bruises, a bag of ice for her crushed hand. She changes into fresh pajamas and washes her face. She feels a little better now, a little more human. Still hungry, though.
When she walks out of the bathroom, Rire seems to have disappeared. There's another delicious smell wafting through the house. This time, when Aro goes into the kitchen, there's a decent meal sitting on a plate. The portion is small; just enough to barely satiate her hunger.
Aro stares at the food warily. There must be some sort of catch - maybe it's drugged or poisoned or will make her throw up immediately. Is it worth the risk? Should she just ignore it? Even if she goes into another room she can't take her mind off the meal sitting right there, so close. Hating herself for having so little willpower, she sits down and takes a bite. When there's no immediate adverse effects, she gulps down all the food and licks the plate clean.
It's just normal food. Why was she so paranoid? Her kitchen is clean; everything that she had taken out to cook, or looking for cereal or granola bars, had been put back. Everything was still scrambled, but it was put back neatly. Back to a state of normalcy.
Aro finishes eating and feels tired. Her apartment suddenly feels too big, too empty. Too quiet. She crawls into bed and begins shivering with fear and anxiety. After everything that happened today, the last thing she wants is to be alone. She desperately wants to feel safe again.
After Aro fell asleep, everything seemed to go back to normal. The next morning everything was completely normal, except for one tiny thing: the date read back to a month ago. When everything had started changing slightly.
Her kitchen was normal, people were usually nice and polite, and everything was exactly as it should be. When Aro got home, Rire was sitting there, drinking tea. Perfectly normal; well, her new normal.
It just felt like she lost a month of her life. It's not like it hadn't happened—nasty bruises and cuts were all over her body. Particularly, her hand—but no bones were broken.
If she ever questioned Rire about it, he kept a straight face, his smile, and told her that she must've dreamt it up. Humans often have vivid dreams like that; not common, but not unheard of, either.
It was just all in her head.
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