#he accompanies him during the course of skyrim
fivehundredsporks · 9 months
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gonna use smn else to keep track of these bastards now!! but here they are anyway!
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bluegekk0 · 7 months
Idk why but for some reason the words I associate with Grimm and fpk are partner, lover, or boyfriend. Not husband.
I know you had the meme redraw of Grimm and FPK getting married with the officiant being Elderbug with the caption being "We have gay s3x" or something like that.
But anyway, are they legally married or did they just have a ceremony? How would it have gone? Would their wedding be based on weddings in Hallownest or something that Grimm saw in another kingdom?
I'm not sure how a legal marriage would work in Hallownest, especially since at this point it's just a bunch of independent settlements, as opposed to an united kingdom/country, but yes, they married each other shortly before they decided to try for a child, so about 2 years after they reunited.
Not much really changed for them when it comes to formality, mostly because I don't think that's really a thing in Hallownest, or at least in Dirtmouth (they don't even have a last name to share, among other things). I think they really just wanted to take that next step in their relationship, and "husbands" shows a much closer bond than "partners" or "lovers" (this one they never used, Grimm was especially against calling FPK his lover; it reminded him of his many casual experiences in the past, and he didn't want to ever paint FPK as just another lover of his).
As to what the wedding would look like... I think wedding traditions vary greatly between the different communities in Hallownest. Dirtmouth's traditions are nearly non existent since most of its population died or left Hallownest, and there are very few records on what a traditional wedding in that community looked like. The wedding between WL and FPK was completely different, soul and the Kingsoul fragments being a key part of it, and there was a huge event accompanying it, with many important guests from different kingdoms being present.
Despite his love for spectacles, Grimm wanted their wedding to be small in scale, more intimate, an idea FPK very much shared. One tradition I really like from Celtic rituals is handfasting, the act of tying the hands of the two partners with some kind of cloth or ribbon. So that would be a part of their wedding, the main element of the ceremony, very small in scale but one that carries much symbolism for them, signifying their eternal bond. I do love the idea of Grimm witnessing this tradition in another land and wanting to share it with FPK. The cloth used to tie their hands during the ceremony is basically their equivalent of wedding rings, and they keep it safely displayed in their house.
After the main ceremony, they would hold a small feast for the Dirtmouth community in the main Troupe building (by that point, the Troupe built more permanent homes and structures, as opposed to the tents they lived in prior). Or perhaps there is some kind of longhouse-esque building in the town where the residents gather for such events? I do quite like that idea, especially since my vision of the Hallownest region takes a lot of inspiration from Nordic/Germanic elements (playing Skyrim solidified that vision even further hahaha).
Of course, the actual feast would be significantly smaller in scale than the event held at WL and FPK's wedding, the Dirtmouth community was still very small at that point, so it was really just FPK, Grimm, their family and their friends, though they did also invite any newcomers - they value the community greatly, so they wanted their wedding to also bring the Dirtmouth folk together.
Then everything returned to normal, basically. Like I said, there were no formalities involved, they already lived together, and again, they had no last name to share. They did receive a letter from Lurien congratulating them on the marriage, with a small wedding present attached. I mentioned if before, but he's the only remaining Dreamer who is now the head of the City of Tears; he's on good terms with FPK and Grimm, the latter of whom he has a certain deal with, regarding Grimm's vampiric activities and the bandits plaguing the city. So he would eventually hear that the two got married, and would send them his best wishes.
And no, WL was not present at the wedding. FPK tries to stay on friendly terms with her but it's very clear that they're not close. She congratulated them but did not attend the ceremony herself, she was too occupied with her mansion court and its business, and besides, it would be incredibly awkward for everyone involved (and with FPK's history with her and their unhappy marriage, not to mention his fear of upsetting her that still resides in his mind years after they separated, chances are that her presence would ruin the special day for him). She was perfectly fine with it, though. By that point she had already moved on and had her own life, so she wasn't upset about the wedding or not attending it.
Side tangent, but I'm definitely steering FPK's dynamic with WL to be a bit more... distant, I suppose. Exploring what their marriage was like in the AU made me realize that them being close friends now wouldn't really make sense, if anything, it would be a bit unfair to FPK. That's not to say they dislike one another, far from it, but FPK definitely puts a lot more effort than he really needs to with maintaining the good terms. He'd be well within his right to just forget about her after how poorly she treated him while they were married, but I think him being slightly naive and too kind for his own good is a very interesting aspect of his personality. And while WL still has many regrets about her treatment of him, I think making their dynamic more distant would be better for both of them. No spiteful exes deal, no cliche hatred between WL and FPK's new partner, I think them keeping a distance is more reasonable and mature. So basically, instead of seeing them as friends, WL treats FPK and Grimm as special guests whenever they visit her mansion. Formal and a tad awkward, very fitting for her personality, but still showing good will on her side.
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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next // previous
may 25, 2021 1:00 p.m. grant's house
the following days are more or less identical to the previous ones, though now at least grant feels marginally better. if nothing else, he’s mostly capable of seeing now, so he can do something other than lay on the basement couch mired in misery and boredom. his eyes still sting and the left’s vision is blown out a bit, but things are greatly improved. besides, he also finds himself in an adequate mood after hearing the excellent health news he’d never expected to hear.
his first choice of activity would be to sneak upstairs and lock himself in the office to play any one game out of his extensive selection on steam–maybe skyrim, since it is quite a time sink–but he won’t. staying upstairs longer ups the stakes and chances of running into päivi, even though she’s away during most day for work, and he’s done so well avoiding her thus far.
he hasn’t seen her since the fateful night he at last called it quits. that’s an arrangement grant has no interest in upsetting. truthfully, he’d prefer to not see her ever again until the day she leaves the house.
out of sight, out of mind.
so instead, grant stays in the basement–with the door locked, of course–and drowns himself in reruns of his favorite shows and movies. first is mystery science theater 3000. it’s cheesy, funny, and so familiar to him that it requires little brain power to decode.
his cat accompanies him by sleeping peacefully on the middle seat of the couch and while one episode plays, grant decides to check his phone notifications.
he hadn’t been mentally well enough to handle them last week, then he wasn’t physically well enough to do it, and now he’s confident he hasn’t done a single thing but make a handful of phone calls since the night two odd weeks ago when päivi admitted that she cheated on him. if he waits any longer, he’ll never find the motivation to respond to everyone, not until another miracle strikes and he’s suddenly in a stellar mental state again.
some of what he finds is bullshit. useless notifications from instagram letting him know either someone liked his posts or that so and so posted on their story, from tiktok pinging him about all the videos his friends and family have sent him, and from reddit spamming recommendations.
but some of it is important, like over one hundred unopened messages in the family group chat and missed messages from his close friends asking him to hang out (subsequently followed by them asking him over and over if he’s okay after he never responded).
grant starts to turn off his phone, running out of energy to keep scrolling, but a curious message from an unforeseen sender catches his eye.
“hi! i know this is weird, me texting you and all right now…”
it’s from kirsi.
päivi’s sister.
“and sorry if this is crossing a boundary or inappropriate but i wanted to say that i hope you’re okay. i don’t want to bring everything up, you know, but obviously i'm aware of what my sister did. she told me about it and it pissed me off. and um that’s all, i just want you to know that i really do hope you’re doing alright and i'm sorry. i always really liked you, even though we only got to meet a few times. she did speak very highly of you and when i met you, i knew she was telling the truth. you're a good guy and you didn't deserve this.”
his chest tenses up and a powerful sense of dread washes over him. grant swipes beyond the text message, not sure what to make of it, and keeps scrolling desperately for something else to look at.
out of sight, out of mind.
the next text message he comes across is an automated message from his therapist’s office asking him to confirm his appointment.
“hello joseph, you have a 2:00 p.m. appointment with margot campalans on friday, may 28th. please respond to confirm or cancel the appointment. thank you!”
he sighs at the system's continued misuse of his legal name and reluctantly responds to confirm the appointment, then keeps scrolling down the list of notifications. he supposes he’s committed to this activity by now.
his phone halts on the last notification in the list. it’s an email from his master’s advisor asking about arranging a meeting.
fuck that. grant frowns and at last shuns his phone, tossing it face-down on the couch’s armrest.
out of sight, out of mind. that’s the plan to maintain his peace and sanity.
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callsignbaphomet · 4 years
Okay, so like I said on a previous post this is mostly unedited, messy and it certainly coulda been leagues better but I finally managed to write something so I’m not gonna complain. Also yes it’s their Skyrim versions.
Trevor was wrong, Ginger was wrong, Latoya was wrong, they were all wrong. He wasn’t getting any better, in fact, he could feel it was getting worse. Two days of a headache that was getting worse and worse especially during the day. Two days of a growing hunger that no amount of food could satisfy or stay down for long. He couldn’t even keep water down anymore. No matter how many hours he slept or rested he was still too tired. Moving felt agonizing at this point. It was now on the eve of the second day that he agreed to return to his home but no matter how much the others pleaded to accompany him he refused. Symptoms were bad during the night, but they were worse during the day and some company to make sure he arrived safely was the right course of action though he refused to let the group go out of their way just for him.
He felt it was a rotten thing to do, leaving without letting any of them know or saying good-bye, but he knew they would insist on going back with him so he did the only thing he could to avoid it. Jelani set off to the manor long before the sun rose over the horizon. It would’ve taken him at least four hours to reach his home so if he calculated it correctly he’d only be exposed to daylight for only half an hour. He could manage it; he’d been managing it for several days now. What was only half an hour more? So he grabbed his horse, his raven, and his belongings as quietly as he could and without a second thought rode off into the night. He rode for what felt like hours and hours. Eventually he saw the sun rising over the mountains that dotted Skyrim and forgot how much longer until he could see the manor in which he grew up in. The route didn’t feel right but it was familiar to him, he wasn’t entirely sure if he was near or far, the signs on the corners were a blurry mess, the letters melted into each other as he tried to focus his sights on them so he figured he’d go by memory but even that was failing him. So he continued to ride. If he had to guess it was almost midday now and he still hadn’t reached the manor. He was hunched over the horse, hands barely gripping the reins, and his eyelids felt heavy. At one point he could even swear he felt his heartbeat less and less as well as having difficulty breathing.
What could he have possibly been infected with?
Dagny crowed loudly as she took off to the sky and for that minute he woke from his daze long enough to see a blurry mess of buildings in front of him. Was it Falkreathe? Whiterun? Rorikstead? He wasn’t sure, he could barely make out anything in front of him and the more he tried to focus the worse he felt. Suddenly he felt as if he couldn’t breathe and in his panic he fell off his horse landing hard on the dirt road only a few feet away from the entrance to Rorikstead. Dagny flew down to her perch on the saddle and looked down at Jelani. She then swooped down to him and grabbed some of his hair with her beak and tugged on it like she normally did when trying to wake him in the morning but he wouldn’t budge. When that didn’t seem to work she cawed at him as loud as she could and tugged harder but there was no response.
“Hey,” A guard cried out as he ran towards Jelani, “Are you alright?”
No response. The guard looked around the area with his right hand hovering over his sword in case it was a trap or a robbery gone wrong and the attackers were still in the area. Once he felt it was safe he shoved Dagny away unaware that she has his pet, not a scavenger, and kneeled down beside him to check up on him.
“What’s happened?” Another guard asked as he walked over to the first guard.
“No idea. Wasn’t an attack from what I can see. No arrows, no cuts, and no blood anywhere.”
“Is he alive?”
The first guard placed his hand on Jelani’s chest to see if he was breathing but he couldn’t exactly tell. The second guard groaned out loud and moved the first guard, “Not like that, idiot.”
He placed his index and middle finger on the side of Jelani’s neck and checked for a pulse which he wasn’t finding any. After a minute he shook his head and the other guard understood.
“Oh, no. No, wait a minute,” The second guard said as he moved Jelani’s hair away from his face to get a better look at him, “I know him.”
“Who was he?”
“There’s a healer that lives near Falkreathe. Few years back my little cousins fell gravely ill and my aunt and uncle took them to his house. He had a little brother living with him. This is him, I’m sure of it. Grab the horse and follow me, I’ll send word to his brother.”
The second guard picked him up while the first one grabbed the horse’s reins and guided him into town. Once in town Jouane intercepted the two guards and asked what had happened and after briefly explaining Jouane paused for a moment. He couldn’t possibly leave a body out in the open, it was disrespectful to both the deceased and to the people living in the town. He asked both guards to follow him which they did. They circled behind the buildings and reached the back of Rorik’s manor and opened the cellar doors. Jouane knew Rorik never set foot down in the cellar so it would be the perfect place to leave the corpse until his family came to collect him, Jouane would explain to Rorik later, he always knew how to handle Rorik and just about everyone in town.
The guard that recognized Jelani volunteered to ride out to Falkreathe once his shift was over to alert Jelani’s brother of his passing and accompany him to Rorikstead.
Dagny hadn’t left the area. When the guard shoved her off she flew up to the roof of the inn and watched as they carried Jelani to the basement of the manor and left the horse, Bheka, near the cellar doors. Once she saw the guards and Jouane left she flew down to the doors and pecked at it as if knocking. She did that several times and each time waited for an answer but nothing came. After staring at the doors for a few minutes she looked up at Bheka and flew up towards the saddle and perched herself on the horn and waited.
Once the guard’s shift ended and his replacement arrived he made his way to Rorik’s manor to grab a single belonging from the corpse to bring with him as proof. As he turned the corner he saw the horse was gone but even more worrisome was that the cellar doors were wide open. He went down to the cellar but the body was gone. He was sure he was dead when he checked his pulse, there was no doubt about it. He frantically searched all over the cellar but to no avail. Someone either moved the body, Jouane had sent someone else to alert the family and they came to retrieve the body or he was still alive and awoke only to leave and was now wandering around the area quite possibly dazed and confused. The guard went back out and was going to find Jouane but a faint neigh caught his attention, he looked up towards the hills that adorned the northern side of Rorikstead and in the distance he made out what looked like a horse. He turned to the cellar and then looked up at the horse again weighing his options. He was well aware that sabercats roamed the wilds and a horse as beautiful as that didn’t deserve to be mauled to death by one of those beasts. He made his way towards the horse keeping an eye out and listening for trouble. Bheka seemed calm and was grazing away at the cool grass without a care in the world. On the saddle’s horn sat the raven he saw earlier, now he was sure the bird had belonged to the dead Redguard and he felt a pang of guilt rising from within for scaring it away from its former owner. Dagny kept her eyes on the guard and stood still, she almost looked like an adornment.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, there’s a good boy.” He clicked at the horse as he reached for the reins but was startled when he heard a branch snap behind him. He quickly turned around only to see nothing. Just shrubs, trees, and overgrown bushes covering the hilltop. It could’ve been a fox or a sabercat for all he knew. Whatever it was he wasn’t going to stay long enough to find out, as he kept an eye on the bushes he stretched his right arm and tried to grab Bheka’s reins but accidently grabbed the saddle’s horn where Dagny was resting. She pecked at him and cawed loudly which prompt the Nord to turn around and grab his hand, rubbing where the corvid had pecked him. It’d only been a warning peck but it didn’t hurt, more like startled him even more than he already was.
“Listen here, bird. I’m in no mood for games.” The guard said in an accusing tone as he pointed at Dagny. As he reached for the reins yet again he froze in place when he heard a low hiss coming from the bushes behind. Bheka snorted loudly as he stomped at the ground with his forelegs, the guard kept his focus on the horse as a jolt of adrenaline laced with fear traveled all over his body. The horse kept stomping at the ground, its ears were locked forward, nostrils were flared, and the whites of its eyes were now visible. It was scared of something that was right behind him and the horse was looking right at it.
His right hand slowly crept towards his sword. He had it all planned out in his head. With a single move he’d swing his sword as he turned to face whatever was behind him. He hoped that by swinging his sword he would injure whatever was behind him buying him time to strike a second and hopefully fatal blow. He was ready. It was a move he’d done dozens of times before. He knew the exact weight of his iron sword and the length of the blade by heart. He’d driven off many would be robbers and raiders in his time as a guard. This was his job; this was what he’d trained for. His hand had grasped the grip of his sword, all he had to do now was swing and turn his body with the momentum of drawing his sword.
He was ready.
He was also much slower than his stalker. A set of sharp and cold claws sliced the back of his head. The Nord lost his grip and balance as the pain quickly registered and all he could muster was a measly groan as he fell to his knees and watched the horse take off in a panic with the raven flying after it. As the pain intensified he could hear the attacker making their way towards him but before he could turn around his attacker grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled back as hard as they could. The guard lost his balance and fell back and finally laid eyes on his stalker.
There was a low grumbling snarl caught in his throat as he looked at the guard. He wasn’t exactly sure what was driving him but he knew he wasn’t able to take control, it was as if someone else had possessed him and he was helpless to stop it. The fear in the guard’s eyes aroused him far more than anything else ever did. His nostrils flared as he smelled the blood and it was driving him mad. The irony substance smelled sweeter than any mead or wine that ever passed his lips. He had to taste it. He didn’t know why and didn’t care to know either, he just needed to taste his victim’s blood, he was almost lusting for it.
“Please…” The guard managed to gurgle out as he brought up his left hand. “Stay away, please…”
He didn’t care for the man’s pleading, in fact, he was surprised to find himself feeling indifferent. He stood over the guard and sat on him as he watched him plead and beg for his life. It only made the blood smell twice as sweet and twice as tempting. He lowered himself and actually heard the man’s heart beating loud and fast, and then in one fell swoop he bit down on the guard’s throat as hard as he could. The guard struggled and tried to push him off but when he bit down again there was a loud crunch and suddenly the guard stopped moving. He paid no mind to it; all he could taste, and smell was that sweet blood that had been calling out to him. It was a sloppy kill and most of the blood fell to the ground but what didn’t he lapped up and sucked out of the wound in an almost animalistic and desperate manner. Once he swallowed the last bit of blood from his first victim Jelani somehow felt weaker than he had the last few days. He motioned to stand but fell back to the ground as his head spun. He lifted himself up but kept his head low as he swallowed the blood that was still coating the inside of his mouth. It was then he noticed his teeth, long and sharp fangs had replaced all four of his smaller and more blunt fangs. He rubbed each one with the tip of his tongue and finally processed that what he was tasting was blood. A cold wave of panic washed over him when he laid eyes on the body in front of him. He was starting to realize what had just happened, like a veil was lifted from his eyes and he was in control again. He managed to stand back up all the while keeping an eye on the dead Nord. With one hand he clutched his stomach, the other he used to cover his mouth. The guard was dead for sure and he was responsible for his death. Jelani could still smell blood and realized he was covered in the guard’s blood. His hands, bottom half of his face, and throat were stained red. He shuttered as he lifted his hand from his mouth and saw it was dripping with blood and that’s when he noticed claws as sharp as his fangs and interlaced between them were strands of the guard’s brown hair. They must’ve got caught when he slashed the back of the man’s head. Jelani covered his mouth again as he heaved heavily once again as if to vomit but nothing came up. He turned around to see where his horse had run off to. Thankfully Bheka hadn’t gotten far but as Jelani approached the horse it reared in fear as it snorted. Dagny seemed to be all right, she perched herself on his left shoulder as she usually did. He then grabbed Bheka’s reins and tried to calm the horse down.
“Bheka, it’s okay, it’s me. Please, it’s still me.”
After a minute Bheka seemed to calm down and once he did Jelani mounted his horse and road as fast as he could to the only place in Skyrim he felt he could be safe: home.
“Listen, you’ve been working on potions all day long. Night is still young, how about I make us some dinner and we can eat and drink out in the balcony. Stronghold can hold itself together for two more nights.”
“I am getting a bit tired.” Loke said as he put down the last sealed healing potion and gently planted a kiss on Nagronar. “Let me clean this up and I’ll help.”
Nagronar chuckled as he stood up, “Oh, no, you don’t. Clean up and meet me in the kitchen but you’re only going to watch.”
“I like more than just watching, you know.”
Caught by surprise by the comment Nagronar let out a hearty laugh which in turn made Loke smile sheepishly. As he was about to say something else they both heard the front door open and quickly close. There was only one other person with the key to the manor so Loke poked his head out of the alchemy tower and called out, “Jelani? Is that you?”
There was a moment of silence before Loke and Nagronar heard footsteps running across the wooden floor of the manor. As both men looked at each other in confusion Loke heard a door open and then close.
“Jelani?” Loke called out once again but there was no answer.
“That’s odd.” Nagronar said as he looked back at Loke who now looked worried. “I hope nothing happened.”
Loke carefully put all the potions and alchemical ingredients aside before he and Nagronar went down to the first floor to look for Jelani. The kitchen and greenhouse doors were wide open so he hadn’t hid in any of those rooms. The alchemy tower doors were also wide open, the only exception was the washroom but the doors had an odd creaking sound so he was certain his brother hadn’t gone in there. The only place left was the cellar. Loke reached for the handle and pulled on it, surprisingly it wasn’t locked and after a minute of reflecting on whether he should follow his brother or not he climbed down the ladder followed by Nagronar.
“Jelani, are you okay? What happened? Why didn’t you answer?” Loke called out as he reached the bottom of the ladder. He was still unsure if following him down was a good idea. One thing that Loke knew about his brother that no one else knew was that when he was a child he would often hide out in the cellar when he was either angry or upset. He often said the peacefulness and quiet of the cellar helped him think and calm down. Because of this Loke was worried. He slowly approached the wall that divided the old forge and the rest of the cellar. He didn’t want to intrude on his brother but his silence was making him worried, he wasn’t sure if he was hurt or if something had happened to him out there. He just needed to know if he was okay for him to relax.
“Jelani?” Loke called out once again.
“All right, but I just want to know if you’re hurt?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, can I go over to you? Is that okay?”
“I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Loke looked back at Nagronar, he was worried and confused as well but was also alert. Something didn’t seem right; Jelani was not violent, and he wouldn’t hurt anyone without any reason much less would he hurt his own brother. Loke then took a step forward and gently said, “I know you wouldn’t. I’d still like to get close to see if you’re alright. Can I?”
“Okay…” He finally conceded.
Loke slowly made his way around the wall and found his brother sitting on the floor with his head tucked between his knees. First thing he noticed was the blood on his clothes which made every alarm in him go off at the same time but he remained calm so he wouldn’t startle Jelani. He kneeled down in front of his brother and the smell of blood hit him hard.
“Are you hurt? Can I see?”
Jelani tried to stop himself from crying but he couldn’t any longer and began to cry as he recalled the events. He knew Loke saw the blood and assumed it was his and that he’d been injured somehow. He gathered himself as best he could and through tears and sniffles said, “It’s not mine. I—I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t. It was as if it wasn’t me anymore and something else took over.”
“You’re not making any sense. What happened?”
“I killed him. I didn’t want to but I couldn’t stop myself and when I saw the blood I completely lost control and then…then…”
Before he could finish the sentence Jelani leaned his head to the side and threw up. Loke quickly stood up and backed away as he saw the large puddle of blood. Nagronar moved in but stopped behind Loke when he saw the blood on the floor and the blood covering Jelani. Loke kneeled back down and wiped some of the blood from his brother’s mouth, he felt cold to the touch and could feel him trembling though he was almost sure it wasn’t because he was cold. With his thumb he raised Jelani’s upper lip further up and noticed the two fangs and then noticed the bottom two fangs and sighed. He could feel his eyes beginning to burn but he held it together for a little longer.
“When did it happen?” Loke asked in a whispering tone.
“Maybe there’s still time. Maybe a dose or two of cure disease might do the trick.”
“It won’t work.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Loke, I’m not a child!” Jelani yelled at the top of his lungs and then looked directly at Loke. His eyes were the same shade of blue as they’d always been but they had an otherworldly glow to them and the sclera had turned as black as the void. “Don’t lie to me. It’s too late, you know it as well as I do.”
“It’ll be alright, we’ve been through worse. We’ll get through this.”
“You have to kill me.”
“What!? No! No, don’t say that. It’s gonna be alright, I swear it.”
“I don’t wanna hurt anyone else! Please, just get it over with before I hurt you or anyone else!”
Loke reached forward and hugged Jelani as tight as he could. In turn Jelani broke down in tears again and returned the hug. Nagronar who had obviously heard the conversation between the siblings made his way over to Loke and kneeled next to them. He didn’t have to ask the blood covering the younger brother, the claws at the end of his fingers and the pleading began to make sense.
“You know,” He began, “I know a werewolf who is kind, gentle, and loving.” He paused for a second when Loke jerked his head towards him. He looked at him with pleading eyes but Nagronar gave him a small smile to reassure him. “They lost control once but they learned to gain control over their new nature and haven’t hurt anyone since.”
“Werewolves don’t need to kill people for their blood, Nagronar.” Jelani said as he leaned back and wiped his tears away.
“So we find a way. Besides, little brother, there’s plenty o’ murderous bastards out there askin’ to be put down, ya know.”
Jelani actually laughed a bit and leaned back while staring at nothing. Sure, he was a mercenary. Yes, it was true he took on bounties and most of them ended with the involved parties dead, but they were scum who robbed, killed, and hurt others just for a handful of coins or less. He had absolutely no problem raising a blade to end them but that was an agreed upon contract against raiders or in self-defense. He could still see the guard’s face and worse yet could still hear the man pleading for his life and the worst part was how he felt nothing when he killed an innocent man in cold blood. No remorse at the time, he just saw the man and acted upon what he felt he needed to do which would normally make him sick to the stomach.
“I’m tired.” He quietly said.
“That’s fine, little brother,” Nagronar responded before Loke could, “Go ahead and get yourself cleaned up. We’ll take care of the rest, all right?”
“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay.” Loke reassured him as well.
Jelani nodded and quietly stood up to go and wash up and get some clean clothes and hopefully fall asleep for as long as he could. He hadn’t been able to get a descent night’s rest since he’d fallen ill and after he threw up he felt he could sleep for years.
“I don’t know the first thing about vampires.” Loke admitted as he stood to get a cloth that was hanging off a barrel near the old forge. “All I know is they have to avoid direct sunlight and drink blood.”
“Hmm, I may know of someone that can give us all the information we need. In fact, a mutual friend of ours knows her.”
“Who? I mean, we can’t just trust anybody with this information. It’s hard for me but I can easily hide I’m a werewolf. Vampires, on the other hand, have their features out for the world to see. Nagronar, these Vigilants of Stendarr maniacs declared it open season on vampires since they attacked one of their buildings!”
“I know, shh, I know. Calm down. This didn’t exactly happen at the best of times but he’s one of the best at illusions. He’s smart, he’ll manage.”
“I know he is and I wasn’t doubting him…” Loke reached behind him for a bucket and began to mop up the blood on the floor. “I’m just—I don’t wanna lose him. I don’t want anything to happen to him. I don’t want him to have to go through anything bad!” Loke slammed the cloth he was using to clean up the puddle and sighed deeply as he tried to gather himself. Yelling, screaming and certainly making a bigger mess wasn’t going to fix the problem. He had to focus on trying to keep his brother safe or at least as safe as he could now. “I don’t know what to do.”
“I did say, ‘We’ll take care of the rest’, didn’t I, my love? At first light I’ll find the woman I spoke of and come back with everything we need to know. I’ll stay here for a few more days until things settle down. I’ll go and make sure all the windows are closed and while you finish up there.”
The guilt of murdering the guard haunted Jelani for hours and after crying to the point of exhaustion he finally gave up and fell asleep. He wouldn’t be able to guess how long he slept. When he did awaken he remained in bed and after some time he fell back asleep and the cycle repeated. Through the haziness of being between sleep and awake he could sometimes tell Loke was checking up on him and would sometimes speak to him, whether he answered or not he was unsure but Loke felt calm which was a relief. After a while he could smell a distinct scent that arose whenever Loke was nearby. It was berries and rosewood with something else though he couldn’t quite pinpoint it. The berries and rosewood he could explain, their mother at one point in her life picked up the hobby of making scented oils, a hobby her eldest picked up from her. The other smell he couldn’t identify, it wasn’t a bad smell, it was familiar yet he could not identify it. He remained in that cycle of sleeping and awaking just long enough to fall back asleep though he wasn’t sure for how long it went on.
On a rainy sundown Jelani awoke and felt a certain jolt of energy writhing through his body like he had never felt before. He felt awake, strong, and aware of everything. He sat up on the bed and placed his bare feet on the wooden floor and was surprised to feel nothing. Not the cold of the air or the cold of the wooden floor and for a moment he thought back on all the times he’d done exactly as he was doing now and quickly put his feet back up due to the coldness of the floor. Yet there he was with his bare feet touching the floor and not registering the temperature. It felt odd. He then looked up at the roof and listened to the rain fall on it, a sound he heard many times through out his life but this time it sounded far more intense, as if he could really hear every drop hitting the roof. He kept staring and then he noticed just how sharp the details of the wood looked. The manor was far older than even his parents were and no amount of upkeep could possibly make the wood look like that. He then looked around and focused, everything looked much clearer and sharper. He could even read the titles on the spine of the books on the shelves at the end of the hall. It was then he noticed his entire bedroom was dark, not even a single little candle was on and he could see all of that as clear as if it was midday on a clear summer day. Jelani was astonished for sure but he was also nervous at these new revelations and somehow eager to discover what else there was. He finally stood up from the bed and he caught the faint smell of rosewood and the other familiar smell.
“Loke.” He thought to himself.
He made his way to the first floor and heard two voices speaking and a second scent hit him, this one was of pine mixed with what he guessed was body odor. He wondered if he could actually smell people’s scent.
“I’ll go put the horses away, dear.”
That was Nagronar’s voice. Jelani quickly made his way down the main stairs, across the dining room, then the gathering room and stopped at the entrance of the manor but didn’t see the orc or his brother. A few seconds later the door opened and Loke walked in covered in rain. He’d heard them all the way back there and they still hadn’t come into the manor. It was astonishing.
“Jelani? You’re awake! Are you alright?” Loke happily asked. He quickly took off the wet coat and furs and hugged Jelani.
Rosewood and that wild smell, his brother’s scent. As soon as it registered in his mind he smiled and hugged his brother back tighter than he had ever hugged him before.
“I am,” Jelani answered and gently pressed his forehead against Loke’s in that familiar way they always did, “How long have I been sleeping?”
“Three days and you awoke just in time.” Loke said as he grabbed a knapsack he’d set down when he entered the manor and quickly made his way to the gathering room but not before grabbing Jelani’s hand and pulling him with him. When they reached the room Loke sat on one of the chairs and sat Jelani next to him. Loke seemed oddly enthusiastic. Maybe he’d found a way to cure vampirism.
“While you were resting Nagronar got into contact with someone who knows a lot about things most of us don’t. She gave him several things to help us out. On the table right behind you is a wooden box with what looks like potions. I mean, technically they kind of are. Blood potions, it’s a much watered down version of blood but it is in no way a replacement for it, okay? You need actual blood from humans or mer to survive but those will help you keep what she called the bloodlust under control. You can feed every other night and she said you wouldn’t need to kill anyone for it. If you keep the supply of blood steady you just need one bite from anyone.”
“Wait a minute, wouldn’t I be turning people if I bite them?”
“Apparently it doesn’t work like that. Bites don’t infect. She said it was through consuming a vampire’s blood—she called it accepting the gift—whatever that means or by contracting sanguinare vampiris from a spell vampires use. Some kind of drain attack which is what I’m guessing happened.”
“What happens if I don’t feed or have access to any blood potions?”
“You can go three days before you succumb to bloodlust. It’s a survival state of sorts, from what I understood your body takes over and searches for sustenance. You’d be in some kind of hypnotic state. She said some vampires refer to it as ‘stage four’ and it’s dangerous. You’d try to find some blood no matter where it comes from.”
“Is that what happened? With the guard?”
Loke lowered his gaze and nodded.
“It wasn’t your fault, Jela. You couldn’t help it. If we try to keep it in check it won’t happen again. I swear it. Three days at the most, on the fourth day you lose control over yourself and may even be hunted down. Apparently illusion spells don’t work on vampires in stage four. She said most vampires use a type of glamour spell to hide their features or have a spell that emits from them to make others see them as still living.”
“Sounds easy enough. I’ve been practicing illusions since I was a child.”
“Exactly. But you don’t have to do that here, you’re perfectly safe here. She also advised against travelling during the day but if you absolutely have to you must cover up as much as you can and avoid too much time under the sun. She said exposure to direct sunlight is agonizing. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but you won’t be affected by the cold either.”
“Yeah, I actually noticed that a bit earlier. Actually, I noticed a lot of things sort of…changed. I can see, hear and smell…better? If that makes sense?”
“It…actually does. She also warned me that you’re far more susceptible to fire spells now and healing spells don’t work on the undead…but, she told me of a place where I can get my hands on some healing spells that do affect all manner of undead including vampires.”
“Did she say anything else?”
Loke groaned as he tried to keep his laughter down which wasn’t exactly working. “You’re not gonna believe this but you guys kind of have to sleep in coffins.” As he finished the sentence he covered his mouth to stifle his laughter.
“No, absolutely not! I am not doing that. You insufferable toad, stop laughing!”
“It’s not everyday, ya soggy sweet roll. It’s just every so often to keep your energy up or something like that.”
“What about food and water? Wait! Oh, please tell me I can still drink.”
Loke bit his bottom lip to avoid laughing again and shook his head much to Jelani’s disappointment, “No more need of food, water or alcohol. From now on the menu is blood and sometimes blood potions.”
“Son of a bitch…” Jelani complained as he threw himself back against the chair and sighed deeply. The spiced wine in the cellar he’d been saving and savoring after was out of his reach. He turned to Loke in the hopes that he was joking but the smirk on his face and the slow shaking weren’t filling him with much confidence.
“Well, not all is lost. You’ll stay young and gorgeous forever, little brother.”
“Oh, stop pouting. Here,” Loke turned to grab his knapsack and rummaged through it. He then pulled out a book that looked very weathered and old, and handed it to Jelani but before letting go his expression turned serious, “There isn’t much written on vampires, most of the information is word of mouth but it’s out there. There’s also a lot people out there who’ll hurt you or worse because of what you are. I don’t think I have to state the obvious but I still will, you have to keep this to yourself and know who you can trust. Part of me wants to lock every door in this house to keep you safe in here but it’s not fair to you. You’re so much smarter and better than I am so I know you’ll be alright, I trust you. But if anything happens I’ll always be on your side, no matter what.”
Both gave each other a smile and pressed their foreheads against each other’s. Jelani understood Loke’s worries and admittedly he was worried as well but Loke was right. Keeping him inside the manor for the rest of his life wasn’t the answer. He’d be back on the road again and off to find the group, whether he’d go farther than he usually did was still left up in the air. For now he wanted to stay home until he could understand his condition better and admittedly until he felt Loke was more at ease with the entire situation.
“I’ll go and start dinner.” Loke said as he backed away and playfully ruffled Jelani’s hair, “Nagronar’s gonna stay for a few days. You alright with that?”
“Aye, it’s a good idea.”
“I thought so too.”
Loke let go of the book and reminded Jelani about the potions as he left to go into the kitchen. Jelani looked at the book’s cover and the pages that had turned yellow with time and wondered how many people handled the book before him. It had that distinct smell all books have, a smell he loved and adored. To be able to experience the smell at the magnitude he was experiencing now made having been turned into a vampire almost a blessing. The book had certainly seen better days but it still held together nicely enough, still, he handled it with as much care as he could. He opened the book and saw the title that was written on the first page, Opusculus Lamae Bal.
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superbatbigbang · 5 years
The Superbat Big Bang 2019 Masterlist
We’ve officially come to the end of the 2019 edition of the bang. What a fantastic turnout we had: 27 teams posted, and all of our teams that went into art claims made it across the finish line. Our participants put in an amazing effort this year–I hope you’ll join us in giving everyone a hardy round of congratulations.
Click through and/or scroll down to see all of the work posted during the 2019 bang.
Week One
June 29th Detachment bonehandledknife, Sdiosb, SDeeyS (NSFW profile) Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 29k, Explicit (DCU) Bruce is politely poked in the cheek by a flying dick one night. Hijinks, and more worldbuilding than you can shake a dick at, ensue. fic on Ao3 | art by sdiosb | art by SDeeyS (NSFW) | masterpost — June 30th Again I Go Unnoticed Sam4265, TKodami Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor/Bruce Wayne, 42k, Explicit (Smallville) Bruce Wayne moved to Smallville when he was eight years old, beginning a friendship with Clark Kent that would come to define the world. But for now they’re just teenagers in love with all the wrong people, running in circles until they finally find their way to each other. fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost — July 2nd The Incandescent Rose truc, lesbidar Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Terry McGinnis/Dana Tan, 9k, Teen and Up (Batman Beyond) Terry McGinnis (the new Batman) impulsively asks marriage proposal advice from his mentor and grumpy father figure Bruce Wayne. When the older man describes a proposal in which he had been yelled at and abandoned, Terry can’t help investigate the matter by seeing some of Bruce’s most knowledgeable friends and family members. This search prompts someone else into action. fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost — July 4th Flowers in the Dustbin G.G. Kinko (Cheese_kun), magpiebee, SDeeyS Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 9.6k, Explicit (No Specific Continuity) Bruce, now in his early sixties and married for nearly twenty years, was caught off guard by a sudden thought that he suddenly hated the sight of Clark. In an attempt to salvage a marriage that was threatening to fall apart due to Bruce’s sudden indifference, he booked a vacation to remake the bond…from one landmark to the next. fic on Ao3 | art by magpiebee | art by SDeeyS | masterpost — July 5th Mercy for a dreamer Dino_Cattivo, Jayjayverse Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 25k, Not Rated (No Specific Continuity) Clark is happily married to Bruce. But his husband starts acting strange and Clark gets suspicious. At first Clark suspect Bruce of cheating but there is something bigger at work here affecting everyone around him. And Clark is set on finding out what it is. And with every piece of the puzzle he finds the situation just gets more confusing. Clark just wish he could wake up from all of this and go back to the times before everything fell apart. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost —
Week Two
July 7th The Game of Love Kaizokuhime, lovelastart Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 12k, Explicit (Alternate Universe) In WayneTech VR Augmented Gaming, a guild of superheroes has arisen who volunteer to help police that reality. One of these superheroes, Superman, has had a crush on his fellow member, Batman, for many years, but thus far has had little success on asking him out, even as fellow guildmembers. How will their relationship progress? And how intimate can they truly become without knowing the other’s identity offline? fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 12th Recontre Icedlemon, Ms. 3, Santheum Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 13k, Teen and Up (DCU, Alternate Universe) Life has a way of bringing people together, even if they’re from different planets. fic on Ao3 | art by Ms. 3 | art by Santheum masterpost — July 13th The Opposite of Love Butterflyslinky, mirybdraws Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, 10k, Explicit (Alternate Universe) Twenty years ago, Batman and Superman formed a bond to stop an alien threat. Now that Bruce wants to get married for real, he and Clark will have to travel to an alien planet to break that bond. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost —
Week Three
July 14th Clark Kent, of Krypton TerresDeBrume, stuvyx Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 98k, Mature (DCU, Alternate Universe) Batman crashes on Krypton a few days before the Turn of the Year celebrations and Kal-El’s life takes a sharp turn to the left, on a path that will ultimately lead him to becoming Clark Kent. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 15th Through a Glass Darkly susiecarter, lesbidar, Santheum Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 111k, Explicit (DCEU) Post-BvS AU: Batman killed Superman—and then Metropolis was wrecked by Doomsday, not long before Steppenwolf arrived and conquered the world with innumerable swarms of parademons. Bruce’s nightmare has come true, in every way but one: what’s left of humanity is fighting to survive in a hostile wasteland as Steppenwolf manipulates the power of a pair of mother boxes to gradually reshape the planet to serve his needs. But rumors of a threat that could be greater still are finally forcing Bruce to consider taking truly drastic steps. Like bringing Superman back from the dead. fic on Ao3 | art by lesbidar | art by santheum | masterpost — July 16th Bodyguard missigma, Ischa Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne/Female OC, 12k, Explicit (pre-New52 Comics) Today, it is not Batman who is under attack, but Bruce Wayne. Mired in a court battle, he fights to keep his company out of bankruptcy and himself out of jail. But that fight is quickly forgotten as he barely survives an assassination attempt. Clark rushes to his side in Gotham City. With the help of Dick Grayson, he comes to the terrifying conclusion that not only is someone trying to ruin Bruce Wayne, but that person must know his true identity. To protect Bruce, Clark appoints himself as his bodyguard. Despite Bruce’s protests, he accompanies him as Bruce attempts to rebuild his tattered reputation with a new business deal. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 18th Alternative Beginnings Ischa and Icalynn, with-your-poncho-on Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 25k, Explicit (Alternate Universe) In which Clark’s parents sell the farm and join the circus to keep Clark safe and Dick and Clark grow up as brothers. When Clark is sixteen he falls in love with the very handsome Thomas Kane–but as suddenly as Kane joins the circus he disappears, leaving Clark without a word and brokenhearted. Five years later they meet again in Gotham on the day Dick’s parents die. Clark, feeling guilty about letting the Graysons die and determined to not fail Dick, leaves the circus to get Dick back–and get some answers from Bruce Wayne. But of course Bruce Wayne isn’t the only one with secrets. Meanwhile Dick is out for revenge. He wants the man who killed his parents: Tony Zucco. Dick’s and the Batman’s paths are about to cross. fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost — July 19th I Would Go In Chains (Just To Set You Free) BatsAreFluffy, adumbtree-draws Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 23k, Teen and Up (No Specific Continuity) After an offworld mission goes horribly awry, Clark begins to wonder if the past is really behind him and Bruce. And what better way to deal with the issues than with planetary peace talks, forced transformations, and a psychic bond that doesn’t allow for lying? fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 19th I’ve Seen Your Flag On The Marble Arch minT (justiceleague), mirybdraws, Dino_Cattivo Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince/Lois Lane, Past Clark Kent/Diana Prince, 18k, Mature (Animated Movie Verse) He draws Clark to sitting position and pulls him close, hands on either side of his head. He feels the rise and fall of Clark’s chest against his body, and he doesn’t let go because he needs to feel it, to be sure. There’s a crackle over their comms, and Barry’s voice cuts through the noise around them, jarring. “Holy shit, are Batman and Superman hugging?” A reimagining of the events of - and preceding - the Death of Superman, if Clark had fallen for Bruce instead of Lois. fic on Ao3 | art by mirybdraws | art by Dino_Cattivo | masterpost —
July 20th Faal Dovahkiinro Wund dippkip, liodain Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 19k, Teen and Up (Alternate Universe) Ever since that fateful day in Helgen, it seemed Clark’s life in Skyrim was doomed to be anything but simple. Dubbed “Dragonborn” but offered little guidance, Clark must muddle his way across the unpleasantly cold countryside with only his reticent friend Bruce for company. Together they will hunt down a serial killer, save a young boy’s life, and kill a few dragons along the way - all in a day’s work for the Dovahkiin. fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost —
Week Four
July 22nd A Knight’s Heart LilisBooks, carry-on-my-wayward-artblog, boomdeyadah Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne; Lex Luthor/Clark Kent (one sided), 15k, Mature (Alternate Universe) King Bruce is fighting a war he has no desire to be in whatsoever, especially since the war cost him more than he could’ve ever thought, just before it all began. Clark is just a knight fighting for what he has lead to believe is right, unsure of the reasons behind the war King Luthor has against all kingdoms. Is when these two men met that their beliefs are shaken to their core and the connection they share is more than it first leads the eye. This is a tale of knights and Kings, of war within kingdoms and a search for truth and justice with a tad of love along the way. fic on Ao3 | art by carry-on-my-wayward-artblog | art by boomdeyadah | masterpost — July 23rd A Beautiful Lie Killer_Rabbit_of_Caerbannog, JolBalrok Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, minor Clark Kent/Diana, minor Clark Kent/Lois Lane 16k, Explicit (DCEU with nods to Injustice) ‘Pet Sematary’ Barry had said, and Clark wonders if he’d somehow been right about that and he’d come back to life… wrong. False memories tangle with whispers in his head, a future Darkseid promises him, and through it all Clark tries to remember that in this world, his world, he doesn’t know what Bruce Wayne’s kisses taste like. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 24th Supplicant Holdt & spacewolfcub, Ms. 3 Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Pamela Isley/Bruce WayneBruce Wayne/Other(s)Clark Kent/Other(s), 51k, Explicit (DCEU Alternate Universe) The training and scars of Nanda Parbat run deep— Bruce has always fought the demons that make him want to stalk the night and rend pain unto the deserving. After a decade of trying to stay afloat, using BDSM as both punishment and moral compass, he turns to The Agency. Through them, he finds Mistress Ivy, whose Services help him keep ahead of the encroaching darkness… until he finds his lifeline gone without warning when Ivy’s extreme methods and poison play are revealed and she is exiled. The Agency has a reputation to uphold, secretive as they are. For years, they’ve offered him a chance at salvation—for a price. It is no different now and Bruce grasps desperately at their offer. Can the Service Provider known as Mr. S, the so-called “SuperDom,” help him rein in the Bat? fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost — July 25th The Words We Never Said Mechformers, susscx Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 13k, Explicit (DCEU) Bruce is done pining. It is time to move on, time to heal and live out the rest of his life away from the man of steel. But what is two lovesick puppies to do, when they both need each other, as they need air to live? Misunderstandings are bound to happen, feelings trampled and cast aside as the two greatest men alive try to figure out the ancient wonders of confessions. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — July 26th The Shape of my Heart Brenda, Selofain, carry-on-my-wayward-artblog (CrocInCros) Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 27k, Explicit (DCEU) Bruce is impossible, stubborn, willfully self-destructive, and so self-sacrificing it's a wonder he hasn't suffocated under the weight of it. And Clark is stupidly, dizzyingly, crazy about him. Or, post-Justice League, five things Clark learns about Bruce that make him go all heart-eyes, and the time he finally does something about it. fic on Ao3 | art by Selofain | art by carry-on-my-wayward-artblog | masterpost — July 30th The Greatest Way lesbidar, haljords (barrybinary), androbeaurepaire Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 17k, Teen an Up It’s Diana that ascertains their problem. She has an uncanny way of discovering truths that are best kept buried. After a year together, Bruce and Clark are having troubles. To save their relationship, they agree to answer a series of questions designed to foster emotional intimacy. It goes about as well as you’d expect. fic on Ao3 | art by haljords | art by androbeaurepaire | masterpost —
July 31st No More Heroes (In a World so Cold) ComposerofDiscord, SDeeyS Hernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom, Pre Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 27k, Teen and Up (DCAU/Justice League: Gods & Monsters) Clark and Bruce are visited by an Amanda Waller from another world. She asks for their help with her Superman, Hernan Guerra, who has gone rogue. Clark accepts, and Bruce goes with him When they arrive, Clark wishes to see who Hernan is and what he has done, while Bruce investigates the day Hernan went berserk. With what Bruce has gathered from his investigation and what Clark has seen of Hernan, they must decide who they can trust in the GnM universe: Waller or Hernan, or is there something much larger at play? fic & art on Ao3 | masterpost — August 1st A Golden Bell Hung in My Heart cattyk8 Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 9k, Explicit (DCAU and DCEU Mashup) After finding themselves transported to Faerie, Superman and Batman must navigate an enchanted forest in order to get themselves back to their own plane of existence. Which would be easy enough—they’re not the World’s Finest for no reason, after all—if not for the fact that they’ve been cornered by a unicorn attracted by Superman’s virginity. Of course, who better to pop the Man of Steel’s cherry than Gotham’s Dark Knight? fic & banner on Ao3 masterpost — August 3rd that dwell in dust flirtygaybrit, g.g. kinko, TKodami Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 53k, Mature (DCEU) Things are different after Clark Kent returns to the world: tainted things are made beautiful once more, a long-dormant seed begins to grow, and eventually, nature reclaims its own. Or: Clark plants a garden, Victor keeps a terrible secret, and Bruce faces the consequences of bringing someone back from the dead. fic on Ao3 | art by TKodami | art by G.G. Kinko | masterpost — August 4th Extra Art for The Game (of Love) lovelastart Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, art only art of game characters | flying dance — August 4th Catch a Falling Star architeuthis, G.G. Kinko, mashimero Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, 22k, Explicit (DCEU) Bruce is in the middle of a stakeout when Clark returns from an offworld mission, full of ideas. fic on Ao3 | art by G.G Kinko | art by mashimero | masterpost — August 4th On The Cusp vesper_house, milki3way Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince/Lois Lane, 47k, Explicit (DCEU Alternate Universe) Clark’s life isn’t what he imagined it would be. Instead of having a flourishing journalism career, he makes coffe at the Typewriter - coffee shop owned by Lois, his old crush who’s currently dating Diana. He’s lonely, he’s broke, and the only thing that makes him happy is his charity work. However, it takes just one day to turn everything round. Internet fame, investigations, billionaires with secret identities and homeless cats follow through. fic on Ao3 | art on tumblr | masterpost — August 5th Rewrite the Stars crypt_mirror, albilibertea Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, ~20k, Explicit (DCEU Alternate Universe) Clark Kent the Superman, Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight, their soul marks fated them to be together. But fate and destiny seem to have other plans. Even as they play their part, they pay the price. Could they ever rewrite the stars? fic on Ao3 | art on Ao3 | masterpost —
Inktober & Art Prompt Challenge
alienswearglasses (ComposerofDiscord) | When All I Wanted Was You: Day 12, Restraint ariesnohope | Week Six: Snow Day carry-on-my-wayward-artblog | morning kiss, kryptonian styled batsuit, Couch Cuddle, Kidnapped!, Day Four: Rescue, Day Eight: Rainbows, Disco! dino_cattivo | Day One: Capes, Day Four: Rescue, Day Five: Space, Day Eight: Rainbows, Day Nine: Sun, Day Ten: Watchtower, Day 11: Feat of Strength, Day 13: New Costume, Day 15: Interrupted, Day 16: Bat Gadgets, Day 17: Kryptonite, Day 18: Blindfolds, Day 20: Last Son of Krypton, Day 22: Tentacles, Day 23: Flying Together, Day 25: On a Farm, Day 26: Tender Embrace, Day 29: Inopportune Robin, Day 30: Low Effort Joke, Day 31: Soft Vore kaizokunohime | Day One: Capes, Day Two: Masks, Day Four: Rescue lovelastart | stabbed, Day Two: Masks ms. three | superbat practice, Day One: Capes, Day Two: Masks, Day Three: Costume Switch, Day 12: Restraint sdeeys | Good Morning Kiss+Manly beard, Day Six: Teamwork, Suit Porn + Swing Dance, Day Three: Costume Swap, Day 12: Restraint, Day 31: Soft Vore steals-thyme | Week One: beards (manly), Week Two: Kidnapped! sunaddicted | Day One: Capes, Day Three: Costume Switch, Day Five: Space, Day Six: Teamwork, Day Seven: Alleyway, Day Nine: Sun, Day 12: Restraints, Day 13: New Costumes, Day 14: Notebook Doodle, Day 15: Interrupted, Day 16: Bat Gadgets, Day 17: Kryptonite, Day 18: Blindfolds, Day 19: Bad Disguises, Day 20: Last Son of Krypton, Day 21: The Dark Knight, Day 22: Tentacles, Day 23: Flying Together, Day 24: A Stately Manor, Day 25: On a Farm, Day 26: Tender Embrace, Day 27: :peach emoji:, Day 28: NSFW Bars in unlikely places, Day 29: Inopportune Robin, Day 30: Low Effort Joke, Day 31: Light Vore
And that is it for the 2019 Superbat Big Bang! Please be sure to drop our authors and artists kudos, likes, and reblogs and let them know how much you enjoyed their hard work!
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shellheadtmarc · 5 years
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During the First Era (1E), the social landscape of Tamriel was a different place.  Dragons dominated the Nords of Skyrim, spurring the creation of the Tongues who learned to battle them in their own language, the Thu’um.  The Nords were at war with literally everyone, being transplants from the frozen-over continent of Atmora.  Races such as the Dunmer and Imperials didn’t quite exist just yet, in their stead and leading to them the Chimer and Nedes.  And there were more groups of elves, the most mysterious among them the technologically advanced and atheistic Dwemer.
They made their home in Dwemereth - later called Resdayn and then Morrowind - and spread outward from there, as far as Skyrim and Hammerfell.  While most elven races are drawn to magic and given to looking to some higher power - be it the Aedra, Daedra, an avatar (such as the Silvenar), or to the later Tribunal, the Dwemer made use of magic, of course, but spurned the so-called gods, convinced they were nothing but ascended mortal beings themselves, and that anyone, with the right combination of things, could also become a god.
In fact, that was the Dwemer endgame.  To wake, as they said, from the dream of living, to end the dream, and to become part of a giant brass god, with the intention of using the earth bones - literally - to do that.  Chief among attempting this was Kagrenac, the Chief Tonal Architect, who possessed tools with which were intended to manipulate the Heart of Lorkhan.  Whether he succeeded or not is up for debate, but one thing is certain:  Every Dwemer on Nirn, without warning, disappeared.
Some say Azura, angry with them, spirited them away to a secret place in Oblivion, to sit and rot for eternity, never to be a part of Nirn again.  Some say Kagrenac succeeded, and they all joined as one with their brass god, achieving their goal.  There are as many theories as to what happened to them as there are questions, and no one particularly has weight over another.
What is known is that the Dwemer were a race of squabblers who failed to agree on much of anything but the waking from the dreaming.  A decades long war broke out over the rare mineral Aetherium, which possessed incredible magical properties.  Displeased with the First Council between the Dwemer and the Chimer, the Rourken Clan left Resdayn to settle elsewhere.  Legend states that Hammerfell - Volenfell in Dwemeris - was founded when the leader of the Rourken Clan threw his hammer Volendrung, and built the Dwemer city where it landed.
Not everyone was keen on waking from the dream of mortal life, however.  There were those that opposed what Kagrenac was attempting to do, and sought to stop the tools from being used on the Heart.
Tnathas is the son of a former Chief Tonal Architect, and a talented one in his own right, outshining his father in nearly every way, yet entirely too eccentric to be the next in line gunning for Kagenac’s job.  Unlike most Dwemer, who were incredibly secretive and secluded from the rest of Tamriel, he’d had itchy feet and a rebellious streak in his youth (that he never truly outgrew), at first sneaking his way to the surface to the outside world, and then brazenly flaunting it, disappearing for weeks from any Dwemer city, instead spending his time with the Nedes and Nords and Aldmer and Chimer and all the other hodgepodge of peoples that lived on the surface.  While creation was his passion, and he excelled at it, sometimes an elf has to do more than sit in a forge all day.
However, once war broke out between the elves and Nords of Skyrim, he found himself in a bad way, injured in a battle he wasn’t even supposed to be present for and destined to die a slow, agonizing death, until chance brought him to a shard of Aetherium, and skill and innate genius formed that shard into something that kept his heart beating and him steady on his feet.  It’s here he finds his It - that life-changing thing that shifts his focus from self-absorbed creation and hedonism to something more altruistic (and uncharacteristic of a Dwemer) and decides that if no one else is going to call Kagrenac out and stop him from the insanity of the brass god, it’ll have to be him.
So - as the supposition that the Dwemer had learned to open pocket planes of Oblivion is a correct one - he installs himself a lab in one, shuts himself in, and gets to work.
When he exits again, it’s the 4E, the city under the Velothi Mountains on the eastern border of Skyrim has fallen to ruins, and there’s nothing to be heard but the chug of sick, aged machinery and steam hissing from punctured and degraded pipes.  All the Dwemer on Nirn, not long after he has his epiphany, vanish.  And there isn’t a single clue as to how or where.
Tnathas is of average height for a Dwemeri:  Dwarf is a misnomer, as Dwemer were of average height, comparable to the modern Dunmer, Breton, or Imperial.  Dwemer itself is a Aldmeri word, translating to either “Deep Elf” or “Deep Folk”.  The Dwemer, in truth, referred to themselves as the demeed or as a duuma.  While shorter than Nords, Orcs, and Altmer, he’s by no means small.  They are, for all practical purposes, of the same strain of mer (literally “folk”) as the Chimer/Dunmer, and it’s speculated that they might actually be branches of the same group of elves.  Mention that at your own peril.
Elves, obviously, possess physical differences from the races of men, and Tnathas is no exception.  He’s a physical mishmash of everything you’d expect from any type of elf, from the pointy ears to eyes that echo the Ashlanders with their black sclera (though his irises are golden - something of a common Dwemer eye color).  They are also longer lived than the races of men, though for Tnathas, time has passed incredibly differently, from the time he spent in his pocket plane of Oblivion.  He’s still on the uphill climb to middle aged for a Dwemer, though he’s closer to the crest of that hill than he probably wants to admit.  
Unlike most Dwemer, however, he’s not overly fond of billowy robes and elaborate hairstyles and facial hair.  It’s a habit from all the time he’d spent playing adventurer among the other races of the 1E.  He keeps his hair short, his beard short - sporting only three golden beads hanging from braids - and as his flavor of being a tonal architect favors a more hands-on approach, and he’s never, in any part of his life, been a rare figure in a forge - it serves a practical purpose, as well.
In truth, he looks a lot like a blend of Altmer and Bosmer characteristics, minus the height and the antlers, and it’s incredibly easy to convince yourself he’s either an exceptionally short Altmer, or an exceptionally tall Bosmer - and one that doesn’t follow the Green Pact, at that.  He doesn’t necessarily volunteer the fact that he’s a Dwemer, as a little poking around once coming topside has shown him that doing that is an incredibly bad idea.  
The most notable feature, however, is the inset of some strange, glowing blue disk in a housing of the tell-tale golden Dwemer metal that sits in this chest.  It itself is made of Aetherium, an incredibly rare mineral found sporadically in the deepest reaches of Dwemer ruins - most easily in Blackreach - also known as Fal’Zhardum Din (literally “blackest kingdom reaches”), an underground hub connecting several Dwemer cities.  It’s magical in nature, incredibly hard to work with, incredibly volatile, and it’s part of what’s keeping him alive, thanks to an injury received during the war with the Nords in Skyrim during the 1E.
As a Dwemer, he also possesses a trait called The Calling.  Practically useless now except as a method of interfacing with the animunculi that still toil in the ruins of Dwemer cities, it is something of a psychic hivemind or link all Dwemer can tap in to, something of background white noise in the mind unless one focuses in.  Useful, for a race as secretive as they were, and good for use in a loud forge, but now?  When you’re the only Dwemer left standing, it’s just another reminder that your people are gone, you failed to perhaps stop Kagrenac, and you are, for all practical purposes, the only Dwemer left - possibly in any plane of existence.
Blacksmith:  As stated before, Tnathas is a gifted blacksmith, preferring to do his own work in the forge rather than leave it to apprentices, and also with using his own two hands to see his designs from drafts to finished products.  This has, since coming topside and to Nirn once more, been an incredibly useful talent to have, as it means he can find work when he needs to that isn’t of the stabby variety.
Mage:  Like most tonal architects, he’s skilled in some forms of magic, such as the schools of destruction and conjuration, as well as the use of musical tones to control machinery.  Mostly used for engineering and assistance with the machinery the Dwemer were famous for, he can use it for combat in a pinch if pressed, though he prefers the bow and light, one-handed weapons.
Aminunculi:  As a Dwemer, he’s probably the one person left walking Nirn that won’t be attacked in a Dwemer ruin - at least by the constructs left behind.  Someone wishing to explore those ruins (though it had better be a good reason, and certainly better than money, if they expect him to take them into the ruins) couldn’t ask for a better person to watch their back, because with Tnathas, it’s probably safer than walking through Whiterun.  He can also repair and reconstruct constructs, as well, and has a modified construction spider that accompanies him nearly everywhere.
It should be stated outright that Tnathas is an atypical example of a Dwemer and should be seen as an outlier.  He’s talkative, he’s loud, he’s brazen, he’s arrogant - but not in the ways one expects an elf to be arrogant.  He’s social and has no issue mingling in and out of crowds of different people from all over.  In short, he’s a bit of an oddball when held up against the rest of the Dwemer, who were secretive and closely guarded every secret they had.  Where they were somewhat amoral, he has a moral compass that drives him, and he will, as best as he can judge, try to do the right thing.
He ends up in jail a time or two because of this, and because he can’t keep his nose out of things.
He’s something of a dry-witted jokester and a straight-forward plainspeaker all at once, which is evidence of his mingling Dwemer socialization and being immersed in cultures other than his own for long periods of time.
He tends to refer to places by their old names, before he gets a handle on the new ones, because those are the ones he knows.
Markarth was a bit of a nasty shock the first time he stepped foot inside.  He’s used to it now, but he can remember when it was still a Dwemer city that would have never allowed the hodgepodge of people inside that live there now.
He can navigate through Fal’Zhardum Din blindfolded even in its current state of disrepair.  No he has no idea how that dragon got in there, don’t bother asking.
His ultimate goal when discovering the Dwemer are gone is to find out why and where.  Eventually he’ll get sucked into other causes to champion or oppose, but at the onset, his biggest driving force is to track down every scrap of information from the 1E that he can.
He has no permanent set lodgings, at least not for a while.  Instead he moves from place to place while he hunts down information that’s still extant on what happened before the Dwemer disappeared.
He is available as a companion for a dovahkiin!  Probably not a good one, he’s a smartass, and he’s kind of eh on most factions.  And he’s a loudmouth and shouldn’t, under any circumstances, be taken to Windhelm.  And he can’t be romanced by slapping on an amulet of Mara, you gotta actually work for it.  But he’s a companion nonetheless.
The only real faction or group in Skyrim he’ll be interested in becoming a member of himself is the Dawnguard.  Vampires are always a menace, and destructive, and while a cure would be preferable, if it’s vampires or the people of Tamriel, the people of Tamriel win out every time.  He’s not much of a team player, even now, but he can make an exception for Isran and his little group in Fort Dawnguard.
Factions he’s fairly neutral to cool on are the Thieves Guild and the Companions.  He has no real strong opinion the Companions, other than it looks like a whole lot of muscle, not a lot of brains, but you really can’t expect more than that from a fighters guild, really.  The Thieves Guild...Well.  It’s right there in the name.
The College at Winterhold does have a nice library.  He’ll give them that.  He also stans Urag gro-Shub.
And he’s not a fan of the Dark Brotherhood at all.  Or the Morag Tong.
As for the civil war, he has no horse in that race, and won’t get involved unless he has to.
And it goes without saying in general once he knows all about the Aldmeri Dominion, they are free at any point in time to kiss his supposed to be extinct ass.
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settingtrends · 7 years
hiiiii friends! your pal is back with some fics she thinks you should 23948514% give a chance!!!
If you give any of these a read (and even if you don't, but you still read on ao3), please remember to leave kudos and comments on fics you read!! They're actions that take .5 seconds and they mean loads to the authors :)
You Holy Fool by chasingxrabbits
Liam is a good kid, on the right path until he finds something wicked making a home in his church. (A slightly religious AU where Liam has a moral dilemma and Louis is falling head over heals for the curly headed sophomore.)
Unfathomable Distances  by chasingxrabbits 
A Skyrim AU where Liam is the reigning prince of Falkreath hold. Zayn is one of the palace guards. When Liam's best friend and Thane to the hold, Louis, contracts a mysterious illness, Liam is left with a choice. Does he leave Falkreath City in search for a cure, and who could (or would) ever accompany him on such a tumultuous journey?
Can't Help Falling in Love With You by eternallyunleashed 
In the 18 years he's been alive Zayn has learnt to deal with the insane amounts of anxiety and stress that life threw his way. It was always easy to stay back and pretend he was invisible. After agreeing to Harry's idea of an internship he realizes all his hopes of maintaining a quiet simple life as he works towards Med-school get tossed out the window. Liam Payne enters his life. Zayn can't put a name to all the whirlwind of emotions that threaten to rip his body apart by just being near Liam, but he is certain of one thing. The mere thought or sight of Liam makes him lose the ability to breathe.
For Liam his goal is pretty simple. Ever since he laid eyes on Zayn, who looks like sin in human form with eyes that threaten to rip a man's heart out, he knew he had to have the boy. He needs him more than he's wanted anything in his entire life. Otherwise his red hot desire for the boy might just take him to his death.
The author also has drabbles that are super cute and fluffy so when the fic gets real angsty (which it does, bud), you can just read the drabbles to ease heartache, ya feel?
Intoxicate Me, Mesmerize Me, Obliterate Me by eternallyunleashed (WIP)
There was a certain heat obtained from rebellion that even the actual throes of heat never sparked. Keeping up an image of perfection; being the good kid, the perfect son to the Mayor and Chief of Police, the city of Lincoln’s sweetheart omega, it was all taxing to Zayn. Walking the thin line of danger was exhilarating. Was it coincidental that this danger happened to be an attraction to a certain alpha who was none other than the leader of the South Side Vipers gang, who seemed to despise him and the part of town he came from? Probably not. But when had anything ever stopped Zayn?
Tangled Up in You by marcel
It turns out Zayn’s flatmate is essentially a disney prince. Zayn wonders how this became his life.
Never Be Alone by sunnysideup (WIP)
Liam and Zayn have been undercover police officers for several years, and they've got out of messes, serious messes, before.
Except that was together, now they're in a mess again but this time they're apart and Zayn has to find a way to save Liam who knows that even as Zayn tries, his own fate is sealed.
Or is it?
Baby all I need is Time by sunnysideup
Liam's just your average, too average, 13 year old who wants something better, but mainly to be 30.
Then it happens, overnight and things are as complicated as you can imagine.
Push by sunnysideup
They're playing in Sheffield during the TMH tour when suddenly OT5 get body-swapped for some reason and it's a scramble to find out who's who before they go onstage....this is what happens...
So Take me To the Paradise in Your Eyes by deniallisstrong (WIP)
hey, what’s up? he tries. No, too simple for being a number he stole off of a textbook.
i think fate meant to bring us together ;) No. That one, on the other hand, is way too much. Shaking his head to clear out all of his other terrible ideas, he tries one last time. hey, i think u forgot to clear out ur old textbook haha. cuz ur number was still in there. my friend said i should text it, so... hi lol
(Or, where Liam finds Zayn’s number in his textbook, and Louis prods him until he texts it. Things go downhill from there) [A Fetus Uni AU]
Snapshots by lazydaisy
Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam are graduating high school and are looking back on the past fondly. Zayn is valedictorian and writes a secret speech that he won't even let his boyfriend Liam read before the big day. Love, friendship, and dreams are heavy in the budding summer air.
Mind over Matter by lazydaisy
Liam accidentally tells his mom that he and Zayn are dating, and she demands a visit. Zayn goes along with it. 
Falling in Love With a Stranger by livingforamiracle
Zayn's having a terrible day, but one beautiful and caring stranger somehow changes it all around, turning it into one of the best days of Zayn's life.
It’s Always Been You by livingforamiracle
An AU where Liam consistently goes on bad dates only to realize that his favorite dates are the ones where he's holed up in his flat with his best friend Zayn.
Longing to Belong (to You) by Pluie13
“Awww, aren't you two domestic?” Louis mocks, while Liam is brutally brought back to reality. Oh, yeah, right, Zayn doesn't like him like that.
A Full Course Meal by LibbyWrites
Liam had been dreaming about having his own restaurant for a few years. Money was always an issue, though, so when he heard the Food Network was recording a few episodes of Chopped in his city, he let his best friend talk him into participating.
Many things could go wrong along the way; from ruthless rivals to impossible ingredients, from unforgiving judges to his own mind getting in the way. He spent long nights fretting about the possibilities and still, he never could have guessed what Chopped really had in store for him.
The Only One Who Takes You Home by ziamruinedmylife
“Maybe we should make this a weekly thing,” Zayn suggests softly, pressing the words into Liam’s hair. “… the lunch or the sex?” Liam isn’t opposed to either. “Both,” Zayn decides, pressing a kiss to Liam’s forehead. “ ‘s that alright with you?” Liam pauses, tapping a finger under his chin, pretending to think deeply before sighing. “I guess I can pencil you into my very busy schedule.” “Thank you for your sacrifice, baby,” Zayn mocks, and Liam laughs. “Anything for you,” and it’s truer than Liam would like to admit. He really would do just about anything for the older man, and it should terrify him, but because Liam is an idiot, he’s not scared at all. Falling is fun, he thinks, that is, until you hit the bottom.
the fluffiest stripper AU in which businessman!Zayn and stripper!Liam have a lot of feelings and they both get more than they expected.
you could be my cure by jmcats
The thing is, Zayn is almost overwhelmingly certain that he’s only ever fallen in love four times but he thinks this is the only one that actually counts
(alternately: Nothing about Zayn is traditional, especially not the way he falls in love with Liam, or everything before and after that)
These Faded Stars Along Our Horizons by ch3stpaynes
Zayn isn't used to this; the buzzing feeling that comes along with pinched grins, cherry red lips and eyes like Sunday morning coffee. He's used to smogged out cities, not enough oxygen between each breath and perhaps a few spliffs with the boys when the weather isn't absolutely dreadful.
we are the quiet ones by englandziam
Zayn feels invincible, in the midst of this small town with a couple of best mates and literature students who seem to get him. He misses home but as every day approaches these people feel less like strangers and more like family.
(Or a University AU where Zayn is an English student and Liam is the football captain).
i wanna see you bright by englandziam
Zayn notices the fond smile smearing crinkles round Liam’s eyes when he realises Zayn is wearing his football shirt, his fingers fisting the crimson material pooling at Zayn’s thighs. He wears it a lot, the ‘PAYNE’ written over his back a little comforting when Liam isn’t there, or when they’re out and everyone is cosying up to Liam at the bar, or trying to dance with him. (Not that he needs to worry – because Liam holds his hand the whole time and always interrupts with tiny kisses wandered over his cheek and dipped into his hair).
A short sequel to we are the quiet ones
i could drink a case of you by englandziam
Liam is a firefighter. Zayn is an art journalist, and neither of them do this - (until they do)
This Is What Makes Us Girls by ziammehome
“Liam, have I corrupted you more than I thought?” Zayn teased, sounding impressed from the side of the pool.
Liam shrugged. “Maybe I was was just waiting to be corrupted.”
Tunnel Vision by scottmcniceass
In which Zayn is an award-winning popstar with a knack for getting himself in trouble, and Liam is the bodyguard he didn’t want to hire who has a few problems with staying professional.
Floating On The Water by scottmcniceass
Liam just wants to get through his last summer working at Malik Resort before University without incident. Of course, life is never that easy, and he ends up getting roped into giving the bosses son, Zayn, swimming lessons. That wouldn't be so bad, if Zayn didn't happen to hate him so much.
Can I Keep You by scottmcniceass
Liam is always trying to do what's best for himself and his daughter, but raising a kid on his own at twenty-two, on top of juggling school work and a full-time job, isn't easy. Zayn just wants a chance to show Liam that he's not going to walk out on them. And Liam's daughter, Emma? She just wants to keep Zayn.
Have You Tried Turning It On and Off? by goddess_julie
Zayn works at the Genius Bar at Apple. She's visited by a lad named Louis who claims to be gay but wants to know if she's single. She fixes peoples Apple problems and in the meantime, fixes a problem she didn't even realize she had.
What the Words Means by SoftlyandSwiftly
Zayn's been a little (a lot) in love with Liam for so long now that he doesn't even really think about it anymore. It's just a constant hum in his veins, and he's fine with it he swears, even though Liam has no idea. But then a certain word slips out of his mouth, and well things change. 
honey, you’re familiar by tachycardia
It's December, two years after the end of One Direction, and Zayn moves into Liam's neighbourhood. Secret-dating, post-band fic.
Only you can set my heart on fire by Rosesnfeathers
“And even Liam Payne is on the list man! How funny it would be Payne, playing The Pain!”
Zayn quickly raises his head towards Louis and he feels his own face fall at those words. Knowing that Louis’ would see it, he tries to busy himself by looking at his phone and drinking coffee but, it’s too late. He sees his friend looking at that big poster on their wall, the cover of the first issue of The Pain, and then looking back at Zayn. He does that a few times before finally speaking.
“Oh you didn’t!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Zayn works for Marvel Comics and maybe has the biggest crush on actor Liam Payne. What a surprise it is to him when his comic, blatantly inspired by Liam himself, is going to be on the big screen and Liam is the one chosen to play the main character.
Light a Candle for the Fallen Angel by chocobubblepanda
“Liam?” I ask to the gloom, my voice cracks. There’s no answer. I take a step back while frenetically looking everywhere. I try to reach for my back, but there’s no metallic grip, there’s no sword. Whatever is out there, moves again among the shadows, brief as the blink of an eye, perturbing like a wolf’s howl. I’m terrified. I’m sure by now that it is a demon. It may be Liam and if that’s the case, I fell into his trap like a complete fool.
(Or the one were a mere human named Zayn investigates his father’s death, and when every human and every angel turns their backs to him, the only option left is asking for help among the demoniacal side. And it is here where he encounters a young, mischievous demon named Liam...will he be able to help him? Will both of them act as their natures dictate?...)
Twelve (formerly Hello Twelve, Hello Love) by watyonameisgurl
In which Zayn comes back to him slowly…
When Liam and Zayn were 12, Zayn suddenly went missing in the middle of the night. With no leads, no evidence of a break-in, and no requests for ransom the police eventually concluded that Zayn simply ran away and they closed the case. His family never believed it and neither did Liam.
10 years later Liam gets held hostage during a bank heist only to find that one of the robbers is Zayn. But he doesn’t seem to recognize Liam or even his own name. Liam tries to track Zayn down on his own, hesitant to involve the police who in his experience have proved to be untrustworthy more often than not. But then Liam starts noticing strange things in his apartment. His bedroom door closed halfway when he’s sure he left it all the way open; the tv remote sitting slightly further to the left than where he usually leaves it; a stray hair on the floor, darker and shorter than his own. At first he assumes it’s just the other boys messing with him but the longer it goes on the more he starts to wonder if he might actually be going crazy.
He doesn’t realize until it’s too late that while he’s been busy searching for Zayn all this time, Zayn has already found him.
Taking a Chance (Going the Distance) by transteverogers
Liam loves acting and singing so when he gets casts as the lead in the school's play Hercules, he's excited to say the least. Until he finds out who his love intrests is.
(AKA the one with every cliche of popular!liam and nerdy!zayn with just a dash of high school musical thrown in. With lots of miscomunication and cupboards, too)
Steady to the Shore by transteverogers
Liam's verified on twitter and everything but somehow he's failing english.
(AKA the one where they're both sorta famous and go to the same uni and Zayn tutors him and there's a lot of pinning going on)
Nobody Knows You Baby (The Way I Do) by transteverogers
Zayn and Liam accidentally get nominated for cutest couple at school and Louis makes a bet with them that they won't win.
(AKA the one where everyone was betting and nothing is accidental)
Life by transteverogers
Liam Payne is Donny High's own sport protege and Zayn Malik is the lucky (read: unlucky) journalism student who gets (forced) to interview him
(AKA the one where Liam's sweeter than he looks, Zayn's a little judgmental and miscommunication's a bitch)
Let Me Treasure You by transteverogers
Liam's a douchecanoe and Zayn really doesn't want to like him, but maybe it can work out?
(AKA Liam's a pressured son of Zeus, Zayn's the new Aphrodite kid and Harry knew all of this would happen before it did)
Four Arrows (Led You to Me) by transteverogers
An au where people get tattoos of their soulmates and everyone works in a hotel
(AKA the one where I wanted an excuse to do handy man!Liam and soul mates)
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arakhiin · 7 years
Skyrim Romance Review
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, took the world by storm in 2011 with its free-roam method, legendary music, and dynamic environment; the game did pretty well despite being released in the same year as Batman: Arkham City, Portal 2, Dark Souls, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution; titles that are critically acclaimed and far superior in graphics, animation, and gameplay compared to the most recent Elder Scroll installment. Less than a couple of months after its release, Bethesda introduced the Creation Kit which allowed players to modify the game to their liking.
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The Skyrim community has never been more alive with the accumulation of talented writers, programmers, modders, and designers; banding together to create free AND high quality content that enhances the user experience on the game. SKSE, RaceMenu, SkyUI, patches, and FNIS are essential mods to download as most aesthetic and immersion-enhancing mods support them, some would even require SexLab that can be downloaded from a separate site (Loverslab.com). One of the most downloaded mod of Skyrim is ‘Alternate Start – Live Another Life’ where the long introduction of Skyrim is replaced by the Racemenu, and the player beginning at a locked cell where they have to approach a medium-sized Mara statue to choose their origin story. ENBs may not be the most downloaded mod, but, everyone who has downloaded one can agree that it can improve people’s Skyrim experience, why not many people download ENBs is due to the complexity of having to download a third-party application, and altering the SkyrimPrefs folder, unlike the RealVision ENB where you simply have to download via NMM or Mod Organizer and voila. There are many impressive and large quest mods such as Bruma and Enderal that completely changes Skyrim, and there are the fair-sized quest mods such as Helgen Reborn and it is equally as amazing. The Skyrim modding community is also famous for unique custom-voiced followers, some hot and some that looks badass, most of these follower mods have personal quests that allows the player to better understand the characters like Inigo and Vilja. In 2014, a small team of ambitious Skyrim modders decides to create Skyrim’s largest follower mod focusing on character development and romance.
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Despite having a marriage system in Skyrim, the game failed to deliver character and relationship developments between the player and NPC, a point in which the Skyrim Romance team focused on producing for this mod. Skyrim Romance has been founded by Mara (not the Skyrim Goddess Mara though), the newest (and  their biggest) update on the mod was on May 2017 called Skyrim Romance 3.0 where they fully released an upgraded Bishop: new voice actor, outfit; added three major NPCs, post-marriage content, post-Alduin content, animations, and much more! The mod’s target audience is Skyrim’s female community and therefore all 100 newly added NPCs of the mod refers to the Dragonborn as “she” and would cat-call or address your player as a feminine i.e. princess. The mod completes every female fantasy such as: going to a magnificent ball with a handsome knight/(in this case) Paladin who pays for the expensive ballgown of your choice, a handsome and flirty bard that dedicates a song to you during his concert, and a ragged ranger who accompanies you which is the biggest mistake of his life due to the never-ending jealousy, and torment of not being able to bed your sexy ass-that is until after you’ve visited at least three main town and she finally agrees. The mod requires (like many major mods) SKSE, SkyUI, FNIS, Racemenu, SexLab, plus Realistic Ragdolls with Force, XP32 (mainly for physics and skeleton), Shape Atlas for Men/Schlongs of Skyrim, and UNP/CBBE (the last two are mainly for better experience of SexLab).  There are sex options in the mod, however the player can simply turn Bishop down if they do not want to participate. There are always three choices for the player when responding to the characters of Skyrim Romance, this is to allow the player freedom to create the personality of their character and see how Bishop reacts to a sarcastic, nice or flirty Dragonborn.
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To begin the mod, the player must meet Bishop outside the Sleeping Giant Inn at Riverwood and accept his request to help him find his companion, Karnwyr, a beautiful brown wolf with custom textures. The player can flirt, ask questions, speak, trade items, and disband with Bishop, however, the player cannot ask him to do something because it is against his nature. To progress the mod, the player must speak to Bishop recurrently and trigger events found in different cities of Skyrim. The player can show interest but not pursue romance of any npc from the mod except for Bishop. Over the course of your journey, Bishop realizes his growing feelings and tries to deny it though eventually he lets his lust for the player trickle out: complimenting her, kissing her, sleeping with her; eventually he admits that he “love[s] you”, and he wants something more than casual sex. On the 3.0 update, Bishop marries the Dragonborn and has a child with her, Bishop is still recruitable but the son, Julian (named after someone dear to him) is not. To prevent incompatibilities and problems in the marriage system, the mod does not replace the player’s current spouse (if they had one) or force the player to kill or divorce their spouse, instead it has a new NPC to wed the two characters in a private wedding ceremony at a chosen custom location completed with a bittersweet atmosphere, and sweet music. Upon having a child, the player can watch Bishop bond with the son through short cutscenes, the player can interact with the kid such as speaking to him, asking him questions, or getting him to go to bed. Outside the mod, Bishop reacts when the player leaves to defeat Alduin, you can find him back at the Sleeping Giant Inn after the quest where he will drunkenly patronize you. The following paragraph will contain spoilers on the mod.
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Bishop is a rugged ranger who travels only with his trusty wolf. Not much is known about him except that he is sharp-mouthed, handsome, charismatic, and over-powered with the bow and dagger. Trust comes hard to the ranger considering that he grew up surviving for himself and his siblings with no support from his parents. He stole a dagger-the one he currently uses- when he was a kid, joined banditry, made trouble for a renowned Paladin, and crossed paths with a sadistic band led by Thorne -who you later stumble upon in a dungeon near Falkreath-. Upon marriage, he reveals that his parents cared little for his siblings and him, his father going as far as sleeping with one of his brother’s (Jack) fiancé then murdering the him after he tried to duel the father. Bishop trained so once he was 17 he avenged Jack along with the help of his half-brother, Jules; freeing himself and his nine siblings-who were none too pleased- Jules was the only one that truly followed Bishop away from the nightmare and stayed with him. The two brothers lived a life in poverty, they developed their charisma-which you’ll be able to observe when he barters for a room at whiterun- through days and days of bartering for food and money, used their skills in battle to become mercenaries and eventually banditry. One fateful day, Jules betrayed Bishop and their bandit group for the sake of his own family, unfortunately, it was too late that by the time Bishop realized his brother’s intention…he was gone, killed by the bandits, killed by him. The only memento of Jules that Bishop had was the wolf ring that he made; and when Bishop parted with it to the player, it’s a symbol of a new beginning for him.
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There’s more to Bishop than meets the eye, he’s your typical Coodere guy; at first he is cold and distant, later he tries to act cool and rebellious, just to impress you. He does not understand the purpose of helping other people and ticks him off whenever you attempt to do pointless quests such as killing random npcs, or fetching heirlooms, this leads to him trying to seduce you into leaving Skyrim with him just to avoid the War and your fate as Dragonborn. Bishop is not just another Batman, he has his flaws such as being a terrible drunk, openly-jealous, always picks a fight, and has “Florence” for his middle name. To you he can be your knight in shining armour, your guy next door, your best friend, your guardian, he can be the light when you are at your darkest pit of loneliness and depression, he can be who you need him to be. But think what he can be to your child, a loving father who is willing to provide everything for his kid even if he has nothing, he spends his free days at home nurturing your child, he would make sure that he grows up to be modest, strong, smart, generous, and better than himself. That is who Bishop is, because he would never wish upon anyone to experience what he had when he was a kid, a childhood devoid of happiness, and surrounded only by the harsh realities that life would ever offer.
For the last three years, the Skyrim Romance community have grown to thousands of active followers on their website (SkyrimRomance.com) creating amazing stories, beautiful screenshots, and artworks. With Skyrim Romance finally fully released, the following updates related to the mod are simply bug fixes, the team announces a long-time planned mod that centres one of the major NPCs in the Skyrim Romance mod, Cael, a young forsworn man and the chief’s son. The mod, called Forbidden Love, is currently in the works with the team looking for extra helping hands in writing, voice acting, art, animation, video editing, and textures. The SR team aims for the Forbidden Love mod to be “five times larger” than Skyrim Romance, with new enemies, music, locations, armour, and races being announced in the span of 2 weeks. If you prefer the knight, another team has taken upon themselves to join the Skyrim Romance community to work on a Casavir Romance mod which is currently on 50% completion, they are also looking for volunteers for graphics art and voice actors. With Skyrim Romance’s success, the team pushes on with greater motivation and innovation to expand the world of Bishop and Skyrim Romance, there is no doubt that the future of Skyrim Romance will strive.
Skyrim Romance mod website|Join the fantastic community!
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pixiedurango · 7 years
Reckless idiots? No, that’s my friends!
I was asked to write a piece for the wonderful @ladydragon1316 including her OC Deanne, a blind dragonborn from Skyrim and I am very proud of myself that I finally managed to put something together. I hope it fits into her main story and helps to push it further. It’s been more than 5 years I obsessed about Skyrim and never wrote any fics about it, so I had to keep the lore to a minimum and focus on the interaction between Deanna and Brelyna. 
 “Gone.” Brelyna quietly reported, coming closer back from the direction where the window was.
“Stubborn!” Deanne murmured and shook her head. “Stubborn and stupid. Only J'Zargo?”
“Onmund's with him.” Brelyna shortly rested one hand on Deanne's shoulder. “At least that.”
“You think they'll be able to find Orthorn?” Deanne asked. The older apprentice was their only hint and not finding him anywhere within the college had been the start of everything. “I mean Skyrim's so... incredibly huge.” 'Huge, dangerous and mortifying', she completed in her head.
“Gossip always travels fast.” Brelyna replied and she tried to put some confidence into her voice which definitely was not felt but she wanted to cheer her blind friend up. “An apprentice from the college of Winterhold? Traveling all alone, asking nosy questions? Maybe, if they are lucky enough, they'll meet someone who put them into the right direction.” “Still they have no idea what they are getting themselves into. Not to mention it's not their task to go after those books at all. The college surely will send someone to find them back.” Deanne was more upset than she wanted to admit. The two were her friends after all. Having not only disobeyed strict orders but also were about to get themselves into trouble if not grave danger without being prepared for... whatever it was.   The Khajiit had been pestering them for days whenever they sat together after they had learned the books were stolen. Whether it was for study or during their pastime, there was no way they would speak about anything else but the stolen books and how to retrieve them. Oh, how much J’Zargo just wanted to storm off to find them back. To do just... anything. They all knew that the books were needed to continue their education and they all desperately wanted that to happen as soon as possible, but still there was none of them nearly half as enthusiastic as J'Zargo had been. And after learning that Orthorn was obviously involved in all this and had gone missing, the thing was settled for J'Zargo. He just had to go and find the renegade.
Onmund had always been quiet but Deanne was even able to sense without seeing his face that he did not wished to leave the College at all. Only he would never leave his comrade alone and so, after having not been able to convince the girls to come along with them, Onmund had sighed deeply and had packed his bundle with a stoic face, knowing he'd be the only one to accompany J’Zargo  on his self assigned mission. The Nord was loyal to the core and when he would let J'Zargo run all alone and something would happen he could never forgive himself for letting down a friend. That was why he had followed the Khajiit: Loyalty and friendship. Everything was better than letting J'Zargo run off into the unknown all by himself. Unsupervised, which was probably the worst because he meant well but most of the time his choices of approach were a bit... unwise. To put it politely.
Brelyna was still browsing randomly through some of the old tomes they had collected in order to find hints on how to retrieve that books back which were so desperately needed when suddenly a parchment, neatly folded fell from the book where it obviously had been stuck between pages.
“What's that?” She let the book aside and picked up the page from the floor. Of course Deanne had not seen it so she explained. “A parchment falling from the book. It looks not ancient. More like something that has been forgotten recently between the pages.”
Deanne could not deny it, she felt a rush of excitement all in a sudden. Could it be a hint? Something that would actually help them? Or was it only some random note from someone studying the scripts before them? “Which of the books you found it in? And what does it say?” Asking the important questions first so she could be of any help.
Brelyna turned the tome so she could read the title. “Necromancy across Skyrim – a  brief history.” She mumbled. “I don't even have a clue why we took it with us in the first place. I fail to see the connection to the lost books but I remember Urag putting it on the pile when we he told us about Orthorn.” While her mind was still busy digging in her memories of that day her hands already had unfolded the parchment. Her excitement was turned into frustration the second she realized that the note was encrypted and a little curse in Dunmeris slipped from her lips.
“What?” Deanne heard the frustration in her friend's voice. “Tell me Brelyna! What does it read? Is it not helpful?”
“Maybe if we can decipher it. It's only a page full of numbers and signs.” She explained to her blind friend. “Also I can feel a sting of magic around it.”
“Why would anyone encrypt and seal a mere note with magic? Why the effort” Deanne mused. She held out her hand to feel the magic flares rising from the parchment herself. “Protection spell sealing a mind boggler. That's why you can't read anything.” She observed. “Can you counter the spells?”  
If anyone among their little circle, it was Brelyna. She would know where to find the right spells and be able to use it.
“I'm already going through my notes.” The Dunmer apprentice ensured her companion. “Let me try those. I feel the protection spell is not very skilled. No master would conjure such a raw, weak mess. I hope it's not getting us into the danger because it's so poorly performed. The one that confuses our minds will probably fade away like all illusion spells tend to do. That's why there was put a protection spell on top. To... box the illusion.” She took the parchment and carried it a few steps away onto a window sill so no one could be harmed while she was trying her counter spells. It took a few attempts but finally Brelyna was able to break the protection seal and when she had the note back in her hands she could actually watch the encrypted note putting itself back into reasonable words.
“I recognize it's Orthorn's writing.” In her excitement she grabbed Deanne's hand. “I really think we found something!” “What does it say?” Emotions were rushing through Deanne and she honestly was not sure how to feel. “Does it help? Girl, tell me!”
“It's a bunch of notes that make no sense at all but there is a clear mention of Whiterun and a place nearby called Fellglow keep. Orthorn is an idiot! Forgetting something like this in a book everyone can find.” Brelyna nearly giggled over how stupid she found the older apprentice obviously was.
“If it was a note only for his eyes and not supposed to be found why would he cast protection spells upon it?” Deanne asked with a shrug. The logic was not appealing to her but Brelyna laughed out loud.
“Because he can! I do this all the time. No matter whether it is a laundry list or the things I'm supposed to buy for the kitchen... I cast spells on everything and use every chance I get to practice. I've seen others do that, too. I'm not surprised or worried. Orthorn is a dumb tool though... forgetting something like that when it's vital for him to stay undetected.”
Deanne sighed, at least accepting Brelyna’s explanation and she made a mental note to add this to her practice, too. But now other things were more important, no matter whether she liked it or not. “So J'Zargo and Onmund are out there, clueless and stumbling across Skyrim while we know they have to turn to Whiterun?”
Brelyna nodded with a sour face. “Basically, yes.”
“Can we send a raven or a messenger?” Deanna asked with a voice as small as she felt and she already knew the answer would be probably not the one she'd prefer to hear.
“Really, Deanne? You would just send them a raven?” Brelyna grabbed both of her friend's hands. “I understand you feel uncomfortable with the idea of going back out there. But this time you would not be alone. I would be with you. And Onmund and J'Zargo. We can be your eyes and protect you if needed. Just think a moment. I'm sure you'll know what is the right thing to do.” Brelyna was scared to her bones, too. Especially the vague hint regarding necromancy made her feel ice cold and petrified. But it was their friends out there, probably running into death if she and Deanne would not come after them. Together they maybe would stand a chance to get out of this without permanent harm.
It took Deanna a long, a very long moment of consideration before she softly freed her hands to cup Brelyna's cheeks and rest her forehead to hers. “We better be in a hurry to catch up with those two reckless idiots, don't you think?” And after all, returning to Whiterun would probably mean she could meet Vilkas again... at least something to look forward to.
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raindrenchedstories · 7 years
Skyrim Verse. A partnership formed
Mugs banged loudly against tables. Two people called for the guard, two more cheered the brawling duo on. The resounding crack of skin smashing into skin rung through. The man, a Breton, the woman assumed, crumpled into a heap. Screaming; “I yield! I Yield!”
Holly shook her hand in the air, a few bruises but no worse for the ware. “Great! Now how’s about you actually pay your damn tab, and we’ll call it even eh?” She grinned wide as the man began shelling money forward.
The Argonian woman pocketing each coin quickly. She gazed about the room suspiciously with every small bit of coin. Probably watching for members of the thieves guild. It didn’t matter to Holly really. A small smirk on her face as the womans counterpart slowly waved the crowd out.
A quiet exchange of coin, and the womans business with “The Bee and the Barb” concluded. Really, that was all Holly was. A sell-sword. A mercenary for hire when things got too ugly for people to deal with it themselves. A cheep one at that.
Mercenary work wasn’t really common for wood elves like herself. More thieves and other sneaky work. Spineless sorts of things. Holly frowned on such practices. If you were going to take someones money, do so from honest work, or just rob them face to face.
She guessed it was the result of living with nords for so long. Technically she was more Nord than elf. Thanks to the Silverhound family reputation. Mercenaries all of them. Men, women, elves, orcs, it didn’t matter really. They were family. Even when they weren’t.
Holly always suspected there was something wrong with the nord she called ‘Father’. Too kind to be real honestly. With a low hum, she shut her eyes, listening to the soft prattle of the tavern.
Since stepping off that ship from Highrock, and entering Skyrim, work had been both plentiful, yet meek. What she wouldn’t give for a high paying job for once. That said, the free mug of ale was going down nicely. If not a little sharp.
A clumsy clattering of a lock caught the woman off guard. Her eyes snapping to the door way. What looked to be a young man stepped in. Exhausted, battered, and clearly hurting for coin. It didn’t take someone from the thieves guild to see that much.
“What kind of town has a ‘visitors tax’! That’s robbery I tell you!” He complained. For a well toned man like himself, The brute sure was noisy. Holly grunted.
“Damned fool.” She grumbled. Almost instantly she regretted that decision as a guard soon passed by, having to inspect the damage from the brawl.
“Hail! Companion.” Holly locked up. The only reason a companion would travel all the way to Riften would most likely have to do with the bloody thieves guild. Probably that new little Kajit they had among their numbers. Cheeky thing really.
The man sheepishly shuffled his feet laughing. “Not so loud please. I’m not here on business.” The man smiled a bit, glancing around the room. Already two of the less reputable folk had their eyes on his pockets. One more had her eyes on his throat.
Pitiful really. “Don’t keep it quiet friend. The companions are a well respected people. Hold your head high.” She chimed in. A small sigh escaping into her now empty mug.
She assessed the lad one more time.  Olive skin, built like a brick house, favouring heavy armour, custom sword, most likely skyforge steel. The part about him most of the ladies caught was the emulate of Mara.
One of the bolder ladies sidled up smiling softly to him. “Is... is that an emulate of Mara?” She poked the pendant with a playful smirk. Frowning as he lowered her hands away from his person. A polite smile on his face.
“Well, yes. However, I’m not interested just yet. I just wear it for protection.” He backed away slowly as the woman eyed him.
Slowly, Holly rose to her feet. Intending on just leaving the bar and making her way elsewhere. Hopefully there was a caravan or something in need of body guard. Free food, drink and of course, good pay. What more could a merc like her ask for?
“Ah! You there.” The man called out.
Oh sweet mother night no. Holly kept on walking. No. As far as she knew she had no dealings with this man. Or the Companions. Did she step on the wrong job perhaps? No. No she was sure she hadn’t.
“Miss elf! Please wait.” A large mitt of a hand rested on Holly’s shoulder. Holly had many choice words for this lad. Many questioning his sanity and overall sense of survival. Instead however...
“Were you talking to me?” If she were questioning his sanity, Holly had to question her own twice as hard in this moment. Blinking in confusion at her own words. The man pulled a few septims from his pocket with an honest grin on his features.
Perhaps he forgot where he was standing. Or maybe he didn’t care much. “Yes! You’re Holly Silverhound yes? The mercenary warrior?”
“Well yes but-”
“I’d like to hire your services!” He pushed the coin straight into her hands smiling brightly. “Here! Miss Barkeep? Two mugs of your strongest ale! As well as two rooms. We may need it.”
If her jaw could have dropped lower, it would have made it to the floor twice over by now. “So... You’re claiming to be the ‘dragon born’. As in your family literally-”
“I try not to think about it.” The man, Shanadoh apparently, beamed. He gazed into the mug of ale with a sigh. Absentmindedly listening to Holly as she spoke.
The woman had never seen someone so dimwitted in all her life. “You’ve been hitting the ale a little too hard my friend.” She moved to stand only to be pulled by her belt back into her seat.
They’d taken the conversation to his room as opposed to the lower floors. Though, with the way things were in Riften, Holly almost knew someone was listening through the closed door. She gave him a halfhearted glare.
“Hold on. I know how this all sounds. I really do. But I can prove it. Meet me outside Riften tomorrow. If by then you’re still not convinced, I won’t pester you again.” His expression had turned more sullen, stern. Enough to make Holly question herself.
“...Fine. Tomorrow. Now then if you don’t mind, I have a bed calling me.” She forced her way to her feet and out of the room. The smell of wet wood that accompanied any waterside building making her drowsy.
Or perhaps someone slipped something into her drink. That could be a thing too. Opening the door, Holly could just faintly catch the patter of feet on the dampened wood. “Keep your coin hidden tonight, friend. Just a bit of friendly advice.”
Sleep came surprisingly easy, further supporting that ‘drugged’ theory of Hollys. That said when she awoke, there was no sign of theft. No coin missing, nor items. Perhaps things were a little better than she’d assumed.
Tearing the scratchy, uncomfortable bedding off her body, the woman pulled her clothing on, slinging her sword over her hip.  Finally she managed to open the inward facing door, and trip over a warm, smooth mass. “SON OF A-”
There, laying half naked at her door, and surrounded by multiple shaking guards, was the man from the day before. His hands caked with dirt, and small amounts of blood. Not enough to signify any sort of death.
The pendant still hanging off his neck. He groaned to life, one red brown eye focusing on her. Next, he gave notice to the guards. “...NOW you take notice? I tried to flag you bastards down several times last night.”
“B-by order of the-” One of the braver guards started up.
He was silenced as the man pulled himself up, dumping Holly head over heals. “NO! No. I didn’t kill anyone. I didn’t hurt anyone. You’re not arresting me.”
“Didn’t hurt anyone? So I assume that’s jam on your hands then?” Holly chimed in. Righting herself.
“Oh no, it’s blood. I just winged him. The fool was attempting to empty my pockets during the night.” The man shrugged. “And I called the guard. They didn’t show.”
“It’s RIFTEN! Home of the thieves guild! What did you expect?” Holly shrieked. Only to find herself with a now filthy mitt of a hand covering her face and mouth.
“Quiet dog!” One of the guards barked.
“Wolf.” Shanadoh corrected. At that moment, Holly’s stomach went cold. Taking the hint right there. Her would be employer was a werewolf. And openly so.
“You’re too-” Another guard began.
“I’ll pay you to keep this quiet... Or we could do this the fun way.” Shanadoh interrupted once more. The guards shuffled back. Soon nodding and sheathing their blades. Each guard was payed a fair bit. Far more than Holly thought the man had on him.
“Now then! You wanted me to prove I was the dragon born yes?” Shanadohs eyes lit up like tiny candles. Leaving Holly to back away slowly.
“Not until you put on some clothes you don’t.”
That sound. Like thunder crackling into the air. A swarm of small birds took off in scattered directions for fear of another blast. The treetops swayed with each syllable. Holly just hugged the strap of her pack to her shoulder.
“Okay~ So. Why do you need me exactly?” She blinked over as the top of one particular tree lost most of the snowfall that had landed the night before. Sadly on some unsuspecting rabbit.
Shanadoh just laughed. Taking a swig of water from a skin on his hip and clearing his throat. Holly almost assumed for another blast. “Well, apparently I need to get some horn of a mr. Windcaller. Who ever that was. However. It’s in a tomb. And... I don’t like going to tombs alone.”
He reached a hand out, smiling brightly. “So...I started asking about competent mercenaries. As I don’t want to take my brothers or sisters into this. Just... the Companions are losing too many people as is. -ahem- Any how, a little black Kajit said you were good at what you do.”
“Middy~” Holly groaned. “Okay fine. But you’re paying me on the daily. Shouldn’t be hard for you hero adventurer types. Now should it?”
“...No deal. I pay you the same time as I get paid. We split what we find fifty fifty.” Shanadoh folded his arms, forgetting the handshake for now.
“...Seventy five percent. That’s as low as I go.” Holly scowled.
Giving a shrug, Shanadoh pulled the pack over his shoulder. He made his way back to the path, boots crunching in the snow.
“Wait... So are you agreeing or...?” Holly started to follow with a bit of a prooud grin.
“Leave.” Shanadoh spoke firm. Not bothering to stop.
“Huh?” Holly paused. Standing in the snow as a mysteriously cold breeze battered her skin.
Shanadoh finally paused, turning with the expression of a man with more to say than he was given credit for. “I won’t be extorted. I’ve paid you more than enough to prove I have the coin. Perhaps too much.”
He shifted the pack on his shoulder a bit. “Perhaps too much. Fifty fifty is good money. Enough for a horse. A house. And food a plenty. Any more than that, and you’re wasting my time.” He turned away once more. Taking in the cent of cold pine, before continuing on his way.
“Now. Go. Or I may get peckish.” He growled.
Holly bit her lip. Thinking things over. Adventuring. Being next to the legendary dragon born. Hell dragon bones alone fetched a damn good price. “WAIT!”
Shanadoh paused. Red eyes focusing on her slowly. Holly took another breath. “Thirty five. LESS than you offered me before.”
That warm smile started to return in just a flicker, before being hidden behind the scowl again. “Why? You that desperate for work?” Shanadoh turned away, starting to storm off again.
Holly was no fool however. She’d made her way back into his good graces. “I think you know why.”
He finally broke down, laughing softly. “Pfft. Fine fine. Fifty fifty. No more. No less. Now come on. We’re a LONG ways from where we’re headed.” He started to storm of once more. Holly following behind closely.
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monkeyandelf · 7 years
New Post has been published on Buzz News from Monkey & Elf |
New Post has been published on https://www.monkeyandelf.com/fade-to-silence-review-early-access/
Fade to Silence review (early access)
This week’s Premature Evaluation sees Fraser swap a regular Scottish winter for an eternal, supernatural winter that has destroyed humanity in survival sandbox Fade to Silence. Festive!
I really should be playing games about sunshine and whimsy with warm colour palettes and chipper NPCs — here, in the depths of winter, it’s gloomy enough as it is. Fade to Silence has huskies though! Well, they’re wolves, but they do pull sleds. Isn’t that lovely? Winter’s not all bad. Yes, Fade to Silence is a relentlessly miserable survival game set in a post-apocalyptic frozen hellscape, but I’ve always wanted to ride a sled, and I like to think that I’m not the sort of person who would let the end of the world stand in the way of his dreams.
The sled was gone. Again. And with it, the wolves. A blizzard had swept in as I searched the area where I left them, blinding, freezing and slowing me down. With snow up to my knees I trudged through the wilderness, hoping that maybe I could get back to the base. I was starving too, of course. I’d foolishly left all the food in the sled. I kept walking, but I was never going to make it back in time. The white void took me.
I’m not going to blame the sled for my demise. Not entirely. Besides, it’s hard to hold a grudge when I have another five lives, or when there are so many other dangers to worry about. Aside from the occasional bird or deer, almost every creature in the game is some sort of mutant-monster-demon-thing that may or may not come from a giant floating chunk of a city, suspended upside down in the air. They look a little like Dead Space’s beasties, but not nearly as sneaky or aggressive. They do sometime pop out of the snow, though. Snow’s the real danger. Well, it’s a byproduct.
The horrendous cold is a significantly greater threat than any monster. Away from a fire, it’s freezing, and it gets colder still when the sun goes down. It’s utterly deadly during a blizzard. Even brief journeys require the occasional stop to find or erect a shelter and then place a campfire. There are a few buildings with steel drums that can serve as temporary camps too, letting you craft and pass the time during a storm or when it’s dark. It’s a constant threat, though.
I wanted to build my sled straight away, obviously, but it quickly became clear that I’d need quite a few resources, probably a follower and definitely a wolf. Since it’s a single-player game, you can’t rely on other players to help you build up a settlement or take on the increasingly tough challenges, but you don’t need to go it alone, either. Fade to Silence’s hook is that it’s a group survival game, not unlike excellent zombie sandbox State of Decay.
Unfortunately this is also one of the least developed parts of the game, with only three recruitable followers. Four people in a hut isn’t even a party, let alone a community. Even so, these followers do shake up the most boring part of the survival cycle: gathering basic resources. Followers can be sent out of the settlement to do tasks like hunting deer or felling trees in specific areas where the flora and fauna haven’t been corrupted, and inside the settlement they can build structures and defences as well as doing a spot of crafting.
While this removes a lot of the drudgery, it also means that you have to make sure that your followers are protected, well-fed and warm. It’s another vulnerability, even if it makes life easier. Too often, survival games conflate inconvenience with challenge, but Fade to Silence feels no less brutal for the loss of that grind. Some of it’s still there; it’s just optional. So you can go out and shoot arrows at deer or chop away at a tree, and there’s loot out there waiting to be discovered, but these activities are a handy way to speed things up in a pinch rather than a constant necessity.
Actually managing these followers is a joyless task. Fade to Silence’s interface is almost as big an obstacle as the weather. When menus do actually work — which they most often don’t — they are slow and frustratingly inconsistent.
When I placed my first hut, for instance, I was told that I couldn’t assign a worker because I didn’t have any. I had one standing right next to it. Then I hit repair and he started building it. With building number two, he started automatically. While that can be done from the settlement menu, you have to physically bring a follower to a resource spot if you want them to start gathering. That worked about 50 percent of the time for me.
Followers can also be brought out on expeditions, helping out in fights. They are largely useless, serving either as a distraction or an occasional increase in damage, when they can hit something. They are also continuously getting stuck on the admittedly very rough terrain. Thankfully, they have something akin to Creepy Watson syndrome, so they do typically appear when they are needed.
I still wish they could do all of my fighting for me, frankly. When you happen across something a bit unfriendly, you can and should lock onto it. If you don’t, you’ll just stagger around like an idiot. The first problem is that this makes the occasional fight against multiple enemies a right pain in the arse, especially when there’s no way to quickly switch targets unless you’re using a controller. Unfortunately, locking onto a target comes with its own problem: a fixed camera that manages to obscure everything. It’s a cinematic angle that’s completely useless for combat.
With tighter controls and an improved camera, the fights would be significantly better than what most survival games offer. It’s what you’d expect from a third-person action game with blocking, dodging, timing your parries and chaining together attacks, light and heavy. It’s simple and the enemies rarely pose a viable threat, but slick animation, kinetic attacks and grotesque monster designs keep things interesting. Compare it to something like Conan Exiles’ poorly animated Skyrim-like flailing and it’s a serious improvement.
My closest brushes with death in a fight have usually been down to performance, despite the dodgy camera. Even on the lowest settings I was rarely getting past 40fps and it never settled. The lowest settings also introduce a whole bunch of visual glitches, so it’s just not worth it.
I persevered however not just because I really wanted that bloody sled, but because Fade to Silence does feel like a genuine attempt to avoid a lot of the more staid traditions of survival crafting affairs. And its goals seem lofty — it’s not just games like State of Decay that it evokes, it’s also reminiscent of bigger, open-world games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, too. It’s a cold, desaturated game, but it’s also hauntingly beautiful at times, and there’s a flashiness there that’s not often seen in early access sandboxes.
A few hours in I did at least have to mute it. Ash, the protagonist, is a pretty quiet, stoic fella, but he’s accompanied by the voice of the terrible nuisance who brought him back from the dead (for some reason). I get the intent and it worked well in The Darkness and its sequel, where Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk and a million other bands) lent his pipes to the titular antagonist, but here it’s just aggravating. It’s like inviting a toxic League of Legends player to watch you play a single-player game. Despite resurrecting you whenever you die (until his final life is spent), he’ll constantly try to get you to kill yourself. It’s just this relentless, negative voice echoing around in your head and most of us probably have one of those already.
No longer pestered by that disembodied voice, I got back to work, eventually finding some wolves when I cleansed a corrupt totem near one of the bosses. Maybe they were inside it? Anyway, treasure acquired. It had all been building up to this, so I was giddy with anticipation as I made my way back to the settlement to build their pen. It came with a ready-to-go sled, which I promptly jumped on… and which teleported me outside of my base. I stood there and watched as my wolves ran off, leaving me to face an invading force of monsters. It was not great.
My second attempt also teleported me outside of the settlement, but this time I was able to follow the wolves who, as it turned out, were heading towards the sled. So the sled also teleported out of the settlement but to a different place. It was all, and continues to be, incredibly confusing. Much like driving a sled!
Yes, sleds are awful. The worst mode of transport, unless you have flying reindeer. I did not. Like The Witcher 3’s Roach, the wolves sort of have a mind of their own, but it’s even more pronounced. As we sped through the decayed forest, I offered them suggestions about where we might go, and they just did their thing, which mainly involved getting stuck on everything. They got stuck. The sled got stuck. The reins got stuck. Walking would have been faster. Then, finally, I was forced off my sled because the wolves didn’t like the area ahead of us. I got back on to turn them around, but was immediately ejected again.
As I stormed off, leaving my obstinate pets behind me, I couldn’t have known it would be the last time I’d see them. Twenty minutes later I’d be a frozen corpse.
Fade to Silence is out now on Steam for £22.49/$26.99/€26.99.
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