foryouthegays · 1 year
i think mary star stable online has a crush on mc
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demegod-dess · 3 months
I FINALLY FINISHED THESE TWO. AFTER TEN THOUSAND YEARS. In all seriousness idk why it took so long I just kinda took a break for a while mb. Also forgot to write it down on her thing but Meeshell is prob an ambulatory wheelchair user and otherwise would usually have some form of knee/leg support / mobility aid when on land :3
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wndrflgrl · 11 months
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not immune to pretty girls
by extension that means she's not immune to other amys---
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
love being the one dude who never gets new f/o's LMAO
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bastardblvd · 11 months
They don't celebrate Christmas, they celebrate Ratmas.
Instead of St Nick, it's St Vermin—a man dressed in raggedy black sweats (who might thaT be i wonder lol). He comes through whatever opening your house might have. Chimney, window, your loose floorboards.
He brings gifts, for sure but they're more like the kind of gift you'd find in a lost and found box. Last year you're pretty sure the half set of airpods was the one you'd lost at the gym a few months ago
No reindeer, just rats. They swarm the man's body and carry him from house to house throughout grimetown. If you listen closely, you can hear the approaching squeaks (it's hard to tell, especially if you rent from Sukuna. Could be the pipes for all you know, or just the local rats)
And instead of leaving out milk and cookies, you better be sure to leave out four lokos (red bull works too) and some sort of cracker, chip or cheese—unless you want both St Vermin and his bustling rats to raid your fridge and cabinets for the offering you clearly forgot to put out.
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
MTMTE 41-43
oh right I forgot about Thunderclash's death scare
Nautica with an entire gaggle of freaks in her room, just freakin it up
“Why is everyone being silly today?” Today???
hdfjsk I forgot that Brainstorm doesn't know how money works
aww Swerve misses Ratchet...
we did it, we finally made exactly one (1) step of progress in the actual quest what with the knights and such
oh right, Roddy's desk doodles that turn out to be a copy of the map that the matrix had, if I remember correctly
oof, Nautica and Firestar are making me have high school flashbacks lmfAO
oh, Thunderclash was also drawing the map. The same map, or part of the map and Roddy's got the other half? Fuck I was almost proud of myself for remembering a minute detail lmfAOsjadfk
I barely remember what these weird little parasite things are, I just remember that they feed of charisma and die immediately when Roddy and Megatron walk into the room lmAO
“Oh, and First Aid's there too- the poor man's Ratchet-” don't be fUCKING RUDE, SWERVE LEAVE HIM ALONE
I do find it unbelievably funny that the best way to deal with the Gender Conundrum that Simon Furman forced upon this transformers continuity is to just. Downplay it as much as possible and not make a big deal out of explaining why the robots use more than one set of pronouns, especially since the entire fucking reason we have this problem in the first place is because Furman could not stop himself from making a big deal out of it and creating a lore explanation instead of simply being normal about it lmfAO that's honestly why it matters so much that Anode's explanation for going from he to she was just “I found out that girls exist and thought they were pretty neat,” like that was truly all it took this whole time and Furman never had to do All That Shit
Skids is real sweet with Nautica
Jesus, rip Skystalker. Poor Firestar has clearly never had to deal with this kind of gore before lmAO
Thunderclash's speech here is simultaneously funny because of how overly heroic and perfect he's being and also genuinely touching lmAOgdfjks I am not immune to Thunderclash's pull... “For every act of aggression there are a thousand acts of kindness, for every hateful word, a million declarations of love” is hitting me particularly hard after having been on Twitter for the last few years. Like yeah yeah bird website bad (or I guess it's the letter website now but I'm gonna be real I'm calling it Twitter forever) but like actually, I'm not just dunking on it for laughs, it is a website designed to thrive off of negativity and it is also unfortunately the best social media platform available so it's the only place you can reliably find everyone from all over. So for a lot of us, our only option for keeping in touch with a lot of our friends and peers has just been forcing the most soul-draining bullshit in front of our eyes for years and it's hard not to start thinking that the world is just an inherently awful place, but it's not. We're just being shown so much of the bad at such a constant rate that we forget that there is just as much good, the good isn't an outlier, it's just getting buried by algorithms. It really doesn't help how much other websites are also going down this road of “all attention is good attention and making people upset gets the most attention so we'll just constantly churn out rage bait so our funny little engagement number go up”
like. I'm reading all this explanation on “personality ticks” and thinking back to Ratchet checking everyone for “super scraplets” and First Aid being like “really? That's the best you could come up with?” as if it was too stupid and yet here we are dealing with this
I do love how it was a group of nobodies who saved the day from the charisma-eating parasites, good for them, good to know if all our showoffs can't handle a situation, team nobodies has still got us covered lmAO
aww good for Firestar and Nautica for starting to put in some genuine effort in their relationship
oof hgdjfks and on the other hand we've got Cyclonus and Tailgate not quite putting in enough effort, Getaway has thoroughly sunk his grimy little claws into Tailgate's heart at this point, noooooooo
ooh Swearth is next hell yeah
I said it before but I'm still so glad for the new holomatter avatar designs lmAO granted not all of them are winners, I'm gonna be real Rewind's avatar is kinda boring, but they're still leagues better than the old designs
“Bluestreak said you don't look very twenty fifteen-y.” casually crumbles into dust lmfAO this DID come out in 2015 huh... that's almost a decade ago........
this fuckin rendition of the Cheers theme, fuck off lmAO
oh that's right, First Aid had to go do combiner shit for a minute lmAO
it's weird seeing all the human-sized holomatter avatars next to Rodimus, I frequently forget the robots are giant since it's mostly just them interacting with each other
I do think it's interesting that Swerve's avatar gets split into three different facets of himself, I've said “we stan a multitalented king” but I guess we're taking that to its extreme here huh lmAO
god. I hate that I still find Roddy's holomatter avatar hot lmfAO I am forever afflicted with this curse. I wanna run my fingers through his stupid mullet
gonna be real, Bluestreak is kind of a random pull for this issue but I appreciate it nonetheless because his avatar is very cute
aww Skids... come on buddy it's not your fault you couldn't have known anything was wrong
man, poor Swerve. I fuckin get it though, I didn't quite get as bad as almost dying, but being covid-conscious plus a bunch of personal losses and tragedies have left me rotting in my house for years and all that lack of self care left me with three kidney stones, one of which was so intensely painful it traumatized me into taking better care of myself last year and the other two I've been battling as I've done this reread. Shit's rough and it is so easy to not take proper care of yourself when you're too physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained
still so funny that all the Swerve recap pages were just canon, like no this is plot relevant, remember these
something something meta commentary on how MTMTE, much like the sitcoms Swerve loves so much, is also a story about misfits and failures who are trapped with each other and get on each others nerves but they overcome various obstacles and, in the end, they come to like each other. I don't have to brain power right now to do it justice but yeah, that is absolutely what this comic is to me, same hat Swerve
I really do like that Cyclonus likes Swerve, I definitely noticed at least a couple little background moments throughout the comic with them interacting and I love that it culminates into this moment where Cyclonus can just come out and say it
uuuuuUUUGHGFSND that little group picture with Ambulon, Ratchet, and First Aid still kicks my ass
oh shit that's right, the bullet that was a message from Dominus, I completely fucking forgot
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lemillionism · 5 years
sherose replied to your post: “ My last two brain cells died with my quirk. ”
Eri vc: I-I’m sorry for taking so much away ; w ;
Eri: I bring you Quirk
Mirio: :D
Mirio: D:
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@loveleftbehind cont. from (X)
Gundham watched Tak pet the baby goat with that little smile normally reserved for his animals, having to hold back the mother goat that he had been petting at the party planner’s comment of being a mother. “It is a jest, I assure you.” He explained to the momma goat, it being enough to calm her down, but not to take her eyes off of Tak...
“He does seem rather taken with you love, though I do not believe his mother would be too keen on you taking her place.” He says with a little laugh, the momma goat giving a huff of agreeance from where he was currently scratching her head. “Is- oh!” The breeder gets cut off in his question by another baby goat leaping on his back where he sat crouched towards the ground, it giving a squeaky little baa of triumph as if Gundham was a mountain to be conquered. 
He just laughed at this, attempting to reach around and remove the goat with little success. “Is there- Is there any other animal you wish to see?” He asked as he attempted to twist his body about, the goat simply shifting about on his back so it was just out of reach every time. “Love, help-”
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falsementor · 2 years
the implication that macaque just let himself be tied up is so funny to me
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skruttet · 3 years
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snufkin is NOT having a good time on this beanstalk gdjfsk
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sensesdialed-aa · 3 years
(Do you think Peter's nervous that he might join the "Peter Parkers with back problems" club too?)
at the rate mcu peter is going he's going to need a back brace by the time he reaches 20 or some shit i s2g
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chaoticsue · 5 years
the way louis was staring at his rope tattoo for so long the fan had to keep yelling at him to pick a tattoo
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chaninfused · 4 years
did u watch the opening of finding skz video?? look at them having their own roles & ngl the whole video is hot 😳 also i wanna talk about sniper! hyunjin as well as strategist! minho,,, im honestly 🥵🥵🥵 thirsty for them,,, both of them gave me chills 😔👌🏻 - caeliman minho anon
I didn’t watch it yet 😔 but from what I’m seeing on my dash, they !! 😳
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
hgdfjks ok wait i forgot abt how ik min would be super good at videogames
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airxn · 5 years
“Merry Kat-mas.” The blonde smiles placing a bottle on the counter with a smile towards her friend. “Bailey’s red velvet. I give you myself and booze for Kat-mas.” She hated the holidays so maybe she could get drunk enough with her bestie that she could forget all about it.
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       Oh Iras– should he tell her? Maybe he should tell her… It would also be a dickish thing to tell her. She went out and got him a gift ( which included herself, but that WASN’T the issue ). How could he say he didn’t drink? Well, it was because his brother wished him not to do so. This didn’t count right? It was named after that cake that wanted to pretend it wasn’t vanilla, but it was vanilla.
       Hopefully she couldn’t see the distraught lingering in his placid expression.
    “ If this is what Kat-mas is all about I don’t give a fuck about Christmas. ” Came a hearty chuckle. Maybe Christmas would be a little interesting this year… Patting Katia on the back, he swept the bottle off the counter– it was do or die now.
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farharbour · 5 years
god what i wouldn’t do rn for a warm buttermilk biscuit with a little bit of strawberry jam on it
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