#hd projector screen
watthifi · 2 years
Designed for your home theatre or living room with VPL-VW590 provides an immersive home theatre experience with stunning detail and rich, faithful colour that make you feel as though you’re right in the middle of the action.
Product Details:
Projection Technology   : SXRD
HDMI    : 2
Dimensions (W x H x D) in cm      : 49.6 x 20.5 x 46.4
Resolution          : 4K
Price: ₹ 800,000
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rinkmason · 1 year
TMY Projector, Upgraded 9500 Lumens with 100" Projector Screen Review
Are you tired of squinting at your tiny TV screen, longing for a larger, more immersive viewing experience? Look no further than the TMY Projector, Upgraded 9500 Lumens with 100″ Projector Screen. This incredible product is designed to bring the magic of the big screen right into your living room. With its high brightness, impressive screen size, and convenient features, the TMY Projector is here…
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amazonprodacr · 2 years
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hueason · 2 years
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afreakingdork · 1 year
Crush Too Much - Part 17
RotTMNT Donatello x GN!Reader
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Warnings: Longing, Angst, Fluff, Embarrassment, Overbearing Siblings, Aged-up Turtles
Synopsis:  So you met a customer three times at work and that made a pretty big impression on you? That’s nothing to necessarily get worked up over, but when you’re all prepared to ask for his number the next time you see him and his brother gets involved instead, you might be in for something more than you bargained for.
“Ahem, my apologies for the delay. I’m sure you’re all curious why I’ve gathered you here today.”
Maneuvering around the couch with his nose buried into his notes, Donatello took a commanding spot in front of the projector. Tossing his head back and adjusting his neck, he prepared to launch into his annoucement when he noticed his family had not taken notice of his appearance.
“And that’s when Mrs. Sidorov’s cat was saved from where he got stuck in the drain pipe!” April had her phone held up high.
“Graham Cracker was really ok?” Raph sniffled as he poured himself over the back of the couch to get a better look.
“Yup! You know, some of my coworkers hate doing puff pieces, but when you’re a field reporter it’s kinda a nice reprieve from all the typical crazy.” From her crook sofa seat, April turned her head and softened at the tears in Raph’s eyes. “Aw, Raph! He's ok! Look, I got another one of him with Mrs. S.”
“Graham Cracker is a terrible name for the cat.” Leo shook his head from where he was taking up a third of the couch.
“No way! Food names are the best pet names!” Mikey waved a hand from where he was twisted with his legs hanging over the armrest in the final sofa position.
“You’re too far away to make that judgment and I didn’t say that.”  Leo leaned over his little brother’s head. “It’s a gray cat.”
“Then-” Mikey started and stopped, squinting. “Not brown or tan or even tortoiseshell?”
“When you’re right, you’re right. The cat’s gray.” April spoke matter-of-factly.
“You guys don’t get it! Graham Cracker is perfect just the way he is.” Raph huffed, kneeling down so his chin rested on the back of the couch.
“Cough, cough!”
“More like purr-fect!” Leo chuckled, reaching around to pat his older brother on the head.
Donatello slammed a hand against the projector screen which wobbled against the wall.
Leo turned his attention languidly. "Finally, do you know how long we’ve been waiting?”
“Do you-!?” Donnie hissed before catching himself. He took a deep breath and released it while flicking his hands to rid himself of the irritation. “As I said before, I’m sure you’re all curious why I summoned you!” 
“Actually I was wondering why we’re having a family meeting without dad…” Raph tipped his head from amongst the couch cushions.
“Oh yeah! Where is he anyway?” Mikey wiggled around until his head was butted up against Leo’s thigh.
Donatello thread his fingers and pointed two of them out. "I have distracted our esteemed father with an HD cut of his favorite shows and this isn’t necessarily a family meeting, if you-”
“Wouldn’t he be in here if he was watching his shows?” April leaned forward and motioned to the recliner.
“Raph, dare you to go sit in it!” From where his arm was still slung over the back of the couch, Leo poked his older brother.
“Dad’s chair!?” Raph slunk back further behind the couch.
Mikey snickered. “Maybe by thirty you’ll be brave enough!”
“If it’s so….” Raph’s head popped back up along with an accusatory finger. “Such not a big deal then why don’t you go sit in it!?”
All three members of the couch clammed up.
“I-I’m just so comfortable, I mean look at me!” Mikey cross his legs and gave an awkward smile.
Donatello slapped a hand to his forehead and dragged it down his face. “This was a terrible idea. You’re all dismissed.”
“Sweet!” Leo snapped to his feet until April caught his bandana tails.
“Where do you think you’re going?” She tugged down and he bent backwards at the movement. “I’m sure Donnie has something really important he needs to talk about if he called us all here. Isn't that right, Donnie?”
Frowning, Donatello sighed. “As much as it pains me to say so, yes.”
April kept hold until Leo reclaimed his seat.
With the group’s silence and attention finally garnered, the weight of what he was about to do began to sink in. Donatello cleared his throat and adjusted his posture nervously. The move caused several of his note cards to break free from their brethren and he waffled to pick them up. Crouched over a stray page, he pretended to look it over. “What I’m about to discuss with you is a delicate topic in regards to my person. I would…” He sneered slightly. “…appreciate it if you could exhibit, I don’t know, just an ounce of decorum, if that’s even possible.” He straightened and looked out at his family with a disarmed expression. “Surely I don’t need to remind you that you know me and that it wouldn’t come to this unless absolutely necessary.”
Seeing the display, everyone shifted. April and Leo's backs erected. With minimal trouble, Mikey spun around and tucked himself upright into the corner of the couch. Raph momentarily eyed the newly opened space, but decided not to crowd the furniture. Instead, the older sibling rounded the couch and plopped down cross legged in front of it.
Failing to reorganize his notes, Donatello dropped the arm clutching them to his side. “Though I’m not one to harp…”
Leo rolled his eyes and Raph sent an elbow back into his sibling’s leg.
“This is very very…. very difficult for me to do. That's three verys mind you.” Donatello got the comment out through gritted teeth.
“We’re here for you, Donnie.” April reassured.
“No jokes! Whatever you have to say, we’ll help however we can.” It was Mikey’s turn to snatch Leo’s tails. Leo gave a small yelp as he was tugged down until he was below his younger sibling’s gaze. “Right, Leo?”
Shrinking under Mikey’s intense glower, a brittle laugh escaped Leo’s throat. “Y-Yup! Whenever you’re ready, Don-tron!”
Mikey released his hold and Leo scooted closer to April who casually shoved him back into the center of the couch.
With his eyes glued to the floor, Donatello screwed his eyes shut. “It has recently come to my attention that I’m in love with Y/N.”
Raph was the first to move. The elder turtle sibling nearly bounced with excitement before clapping his hands over his mouth. From above him, April bit her lip and turned to Leo. Leo’s head lolled back and he threw his fists up in silent frustration. Mikey glowered at his sibling with such intensity that Leo brought them back down and mimed out an annoyed accusation at Donnie. Mikey’s cheeks puffed up with further displeasure.
Bringing his gaze up, Donatello saw his family all scramble to resume neutral positions. He huffed as his shoulders droop. “Go ahead less you all pop blood vessels.”
“FINALLY!” Leo groaned, collapsing over Raph’s form.
“What he means to say is, we’re glad you… finally figured it out?” April gave an awkward grin.
“Don’t listen to them, Donnie!” Raph cheered. “They don’t know what they’re talking about! I am so proud! My little bro's all grown up!” He then wiped a tear from his eye.
“No, I think I would know more than any of you!” Leo grumbled, pushing off of Raph’s back roughly though his sibling didn’t budge in the slightest. “If we’re gonna throw anyone under the bus at this point it should be Dr. Heartbreak over here.” Leo jut an thumb back at Mikey.
“I didn’t tell him it was love!” Mikey squeaked at the allegation. “Plus it was you two-" He pointed a finger of one hand at Leo and the other at Raph. “-who were trying to use my fashion show as some sneaky matchmaking op!”
Leo gave a loud fake gasp. “El yo acuso! I would never!”
“Don’t play cute! You knew about it too!” Raph was sweating bullets.
“But I wasn’t going to do it and I told you guys not to!” Mikey rose incrementally out if his seat.
“You invited Y/N to the after party! How is that not participation?” Leo tipped over with narrowed eyes.
“He has you there.” April gave a knowing nod.
Mikey babbled out a series of incoherent syllables before turning a watery eye to the center of the room. “Donnie, tell them! I didn’t invite Y/N cause of that. Tell them!”
Having brought attention back to the focus of the discussion, everyone clammed up.
“Better?” Donatello asked dryly.
Everyone gave a single tight nod.
“The love part isn’t the issue at hand.” Shifting his weight from one leg to the other, Donatello cast his gaze down. “We have decided that we are going to be friends moving forward-”
“You confessed too?!” Leo scrambled forward so quickly that he hooked a spike on Raph’s shell and flipped over onto the floor. Now on his back, he gasped weakly.
“No, I did not.” Donatello responded, unperturbed.
Raph slide his hands under Leo’s shoulder and lifted him up. “Then how did ya come to that conclusion?”
“We finally discussed what we should be.”
“Isn’t it kinda hard to come to that conclusion when they don’t know the whole story?” April asked. 
“They know enough.” Donatello swept his flat gaze to April.
“But you love them?” Mikey jumped in.
"What difference does it make if I do?” Donatello winced and broke eye contact again. Feeling vulnerable, he wrapped his arms around himself.
The others exchanged looks.
“So, you brought us here to…?” Leo wheezed, shaking off a few lingering glares.
“Cutting Y/N out of my life again is out of the question. I agreed to the friendship terms. I need to rid myself of this accursed affection if I am to move forward. I already know the ins and outs of the neurobiology of love and unfortunately used it incorrectly-” Donatello grimaced. “-to talk myself out of my feelings before. I don’t… I don’t think I can handle discussing my misdeeds right now, so let’s just focus on the matter at hand.”
There was another heated exchanging of looks.
Getting to her feet and crossing the room, April placed a careful hand to one of Donatello’s arms. “Oh, Donnie… How long have you known?”
“Which part?” He kept his gaze away.
“That you were in love.”
“Since the after party.”
Mikey counted out on his fingers. “That’s… Nine? Days… I think?”
Donatello nodded.
Finally recovering from knocking the wind out of his own lungs, Leo was the next to approach his sibling. “And when did you and Y/N come to the whole friendship decision?”  
“Three days ago.” Donatello stiffened at the approach causing him to inadvertently leave April’s touch.
“Wait, you saw Y/N Friday?” As the timeline manifested in Raph’s mind, he also got to his feet.
“Yes! I needed help with my plants!” Feeling encroached by his siblings, Donatello took a few wary steps back.
“Hey, it’s ok.” April brought her hands up and moved closer to Leo. “We’re not interrogating you. Remember we didn’t know about this-” She thrust an elbow into Leo’s side when a chuckle started to escape him. “We’re just trying to get the whole picture.”
“Give me the whole picture on why everyone keeps hitting me.” Leo grumbled and retreated to the safety of the couch.
“I’m glad you’ve brought that up.” Donatello tipped his head down and reached behind his back.
April, being the closest, stiffened.
“Because I’ve prepared and in depth presentation to express that very thing!” With a swing of his limbs, Donatello turned on the projector which blinked open to show an active PowerPoint presentation.
“Oy vey!” Leo crumpled into the couch and tossed an arm over his eyes.
“As you can see here-” Donnie’s goggles came down and he positioned himself to the right of the screen. “We need to make sure everyone is on the same page. So let us start back at the beginning…” The slide turned over and a photograph of a store front appeared. “… at Lou, Mike, Tony, Tony's Pizza!”
April dragged herself to the couch in a similar that manner Leo had. Donatello began to drone on about the first time he met you. Raph, who was still standing, glanced between the presentation and his family.
“Data calms him down.” Mikey whispered, seeing Raph’s nerves. “He needs this.”
The older sibling nodded and took his earlier seat. With a furrowed brow, he squirmed until he was half facing the presenter while still able to see his family. Raph then mimicked Mikey’s tone. “This ain’t right. What are we gonna do, guys?”
“Which brings me to our first fated meeting: Jet Fuel Coffee Cart!” Donatello continued on obliviously, having now deployed a pointed extension on his tech-bō to direct attention on the screen.
“Oh, no, no, no.” Leo griped, his voice dipping to the same level. “I’ve done enough. I’m fine with the no meddling rule.”
“I’m pretty sure it was you who started the ‘keep Y/N around after the fashion show’ thingy.” Raph turned a dead stare to Leo.
“You say it was me, I say it was a group effort.” Leo shrugged with a smirk.
“Not this again.” Mikey slumped his shoulders. “No more blame. Are we seriously gonna help Donnie move on?”
Leo’s smile waned.
“New Jersey, enemy to not only to the casual New Yorker, but to Dream Vans the world over!”
“You would know best.” Raph eyed the middle sibling. “Does Y/N still love him?”
Leo twisted in his seat and gave a strained expression. “Nope! Nuh-uh! Not going there! I’ve kept my distance since throwing them a break-up party.”
Mikey cocked a curious brow.
“Don’t worry about it.” Leo waved the matter off without passing a glance at his younger sibling. He folded his arms until the persistent stares of his brothers wore him down. “Ok, fine! They were head over heels for Mr. Smarty Pants forever, but I honestly don’t know how they currently feel. I mean would you blame them if they moved on? It’s not like it was specifically anyone’s fault, bad timing let’s say, but let’s also say I have totally lost count of the number of wrongs Don’s committed. It’s basically criminal, but sorry, what was my point again?” Leo brought fluttering eyelashes to Mikey who pouted in return.
“It means we don’t know how Y/N feels. No matter how wrong we think it is, we can’t plan anything if they’ve moved on!” Raph frowned and gave a little dejected huff.
“We all saw how they were when they danced together.” Mikey murmured after a few moments of saddened silence passed.
Leo clicked his tongue.
“And while I’m not proud of what I did, I will say almost destroying Leo did have a certain level of satisfaction to it!”
“When you put it like that…” Raph hummed with mild frustration. “No, it doesn’t matter. We have to know for sure.”
“April.” Mikey leaned forward to look beyond Leo. The others followed suit. “You’ve been quiet.”
“I’m listening to both of you.” She pointed to Donnie, who was still passionately giving his presentation, and then twisted her wrist back to the brothers. “But I’ve also been thinking about something Donnie said.”
“Which part?” Mikey twisted his head and squinted at the projection in hopes of catching up.
“The part about New Jersey?” Leo croaked to himself.
“He said something about not being able to talk about his misdeeds.” April confirmed, bringing her furrowed brow up. “What do you think he meant by that specifically?”
“He’s got a ton of guilt.” Leo shrugged.
All heads swiveled to the middle brother.
“What?” Leo glanced around the group.
“What do you mean? I thought we went through the grieving process with him?” Mikey asked, dejection in his voice.
“We did.” Leo continued to look for a shred of understanding among his family.
“Then from what he thinks ge did wrong?” Raph looked to April.
“Leo, you’re gonna need to expand on that.” April pushed her hands together and then apart in demonstration.
Rolling his eyes, Leo leaned back into the couch. “Look at it this way, he’s had nine days to totally over think this whole thing. We may have helped him process his heartbreak, but if he’s saying this now then he must not have realized his was suffering was cause he was in love until then. Meaning, depending on how long he’s been in love, he’s probably been tearing himself up realizing all the missed opportunities while also being pretty dang aware of how that must have felt for Y/N.”
“You all became pretty prominent at this point, but only Mikey was present the day of the third fated meeting…”
April pinched the bridge of her nose. “Oh, Donnie…”
“Then three days ago…?” A spark of understanding shined in Mikey’s eyes.
“I’m gonna bet he invited them over because he wanted to see them and this and that happened before some dramatic tension popping moment where Y/N finally needed to undo the whole, terribly named, 'un-duo' situation. Donald thinking he’d already quacked up the whole thing, probably rolled right over for friendship.” Leo pressed his lips together in a tight line.
“He’s gotta confess.” April decided, determination setting into her features.
“W-wait, what about Y/N’s feelings?” Raph brought his hands up anxiously.
“That’s what you took away from what I said?” Leo turned a arched brow at April.
“I know.” She turned, her lips tight. “It seems insensitive, but think, if they really are over him then this is their chance to formally reject him and hopefully both of them can actually move on. Maybe it’s just me, but if I was chasing some dummy around, even if I had gotten over them, I’d at least want to know if they actually had liked me the whole time! It would make me not always wonder if I was crazy. Plus, and again, might just be me, but these two have fate stink all over them. They basically can’t get away from each other. That’s gotta mean something.”
Raph’s eyes were watering and he brought a knuckle up to scrub at them. “True love always gets to me…”
Mikey gave a soft look to Raph before glancing at the screen. “He’s almost caught up!” Crossing his legs, he took his meditation stance. “What’s the plan?”
The group glanced at Leo who tried unsuccessfully to ignore the attention. “Please stop making me do this.”
“Just don’t be a jerk about it this time!” April slapped his shoulder.
“I’ll give you hints and nothing else!” Leo griped, rubbing the appendage. “What does this whole thing feel like?” With an outstretched hand, he twisted his wrist around the room.
“A family meeting, duh.” Raph responded blankly.
“What else?” Leo rolled his eyes.
“It’s kinda like a mixed up intervention since Donnie’s the one who’s having a ‘problem’ and wants it to stop, 'cept he called the meeting on himself…” Mikey mumbled with a creased brow.
April popped up with an idea. “Exactly! Let’s intervent this intervention!”
“Mhm!” Leo gave an approving hum.
“Huh wha-?” Mikey mouthed in confusion.
“Time for an April O’Neil recap!” She bounced and settled into her newscaster stance. “One. Donnie wants to make up for his mistakes.”
Raph brought up a single digit to count her down.
“Two. He wants to stop being in love so he can be a good friend!”
Mikey shook his head not at April, but the absurdity of the sentence’s content.
“Three. It’s not really tricking someone if they’re literally asking us for help.” She gave a wicked grin. “Good friends try to make up for mess ups, right Mr. Breakup Party?” She turned a knowing brow at Leo.
“There’s such a fine line between romance and friendship when you add a little feelings to the mix.” Leo winked.
“I don’t follow…” Raph stared at his three fingers in dismay.
April leaned over the couch to put a hand on the elder turtle sibling’s shoulder. “We’re gonna ‘help’ Donnie by 'recommending' he ‘make up’ for his mistakes to Y/N, but our 'suggestions' are gonna perfectly set the scene for him to confess.”
“That was a lot of air quotes…” Raph pursed his lips.
“Follow our lead!” Mikey sprung forward and grabbed the top of Raph’s head, pivoting it back to Donnie.
“And with that we are up to date!” Donatello turned to find his family facing him with smiles a little too wide. “Come on guys, I practiced to get the whole spiel under 5 minutes. Are your attention spans really that short?”
“Actually Donnie, I think we got it. We’re just a little, ya know, unsure of how to help.” April offered, shifting on her cushion.
“We are?” Raph looked up as if the ceiling could offer him an answer.
“First off!” The couch creaked under Mikey’s sudden jolt. “Why isn’t Cass here!? I mean, she’s the one of us that has a kid and all!”
“Future and present.” Leo chuckled.
“While she is also family…” Donatello swirled his hands, searching for the right choice of words. “Like dad, I wouldn’t say her idea romance is particularly synonymous with my own.”
April’s lips wrinkled. “That’s fair.”
“And…” Raph could feel the eyes on the back of his head as he began. “Just to make sure we’re on the same page…” The eyes all but bore into him.
“Go ahead.” Donatello urged.
“You gave this whole recap speech, but you need our help to get over Y/N?” The eyes seemed to let up and Raph resisted the urge to blot his brow.
“Unfortunately.” Donatello began and then feigned clearing his throat. “I’ve thoroughly researched the subject and though I appear to have cleared most of the steps. There has been abject failure on my part to actually move on which puts me at a loss.”
“But you didn’t cover those steps just now… did you?” Mikey asked, tapping a finger to his knee.
Lifting his goggles, Donatello narrowed his gaze at his youngest sibling.
Mikey puffed out his cheeks as wide as they would go.
“Hm, I suppose you were listening if you know that much.” Donatello turned and clicked the projector remote to the next slide which was blank. He then brought up his cuff and from it notes began to appear on the screen
With his back turned, the rest of the family squabbled in silence right up until the second Donatello turned around.
“Alright, here is a quick rundown which I will also explain.” Though he had addressed his family, Donatello’s voice hitched so he glanced back at the screen. “I’ve already been through the grieving process, a period of distance, and, as discussed, gone over the neurological components.”
“Woah, there, smart guy!” April called out, leaning forward. “There’s no actual time limit on those things. If you’re still struggling then you obviously didn’t go through the process enough.”
“No time limit, hm?” Donatello turned to stare at this notes.
Leo pulled on April’s sleeve violently. She, in turn, gently put her hand to his cheek before shoving it so far over that he bumped heads with Mikey.
“What I think-!” Leo began and all parties shot back to their respective spots as Donnie turned back around. “-April is forgetting is that you don’t really have the time to get over it, wouldn’t you say!?”
“Y-Yeah!” Mikey piqued. “You said you couldn’t cut Y/N out of your life!”
“Very true.” April bared a vicious grin which she slowly turned on Leo. “We can’t forget that, can we? But, we also can’t forget that letting someone move forward with a bad emotional basis is also gonna screw everything up!”
“I’m sensing something is up.” Raising a brow, Donatello waited for one of his family members to fess up.
Instead the four scrambled together as if they were posed for a yearly portrait.
“What makes you think that?”
“Us? Ha! Never!”
“We’re just here to help…! I think?”
“Why didn’t you use a theme on your presentation?”
All eyes pivoted instantly on Mikey.
“I didn’t want to overshadow the content.” Donatello took a single step forward. “A change in subject is a classic Mikey diversion tactic.”
“To be fair, it’s also just something he does when he’s distracted.” Leo shrugged his shoulders while both removing his arms from where they had snaked around April and Mikey.
“Out with it. Now.” Donatello took a few more steps until he was in the center of the room.
Everyone sent their gazes in different directions. Each with their own boiling point, Raph was the first to start sweating. He was then followed closely by Mikey, who began to bounce his leg. Leo twitched next, his hands shaking minutely. Finally, April, the strongest fortitude of the bunch, turned to look over her compatriots. She shook her head and stood to address Donnie in there stead.
“You got us.”
The other boys stiffened like boards.
“We just…” She gave them all another look, this time telegraphing reassurance. They relaxed slightly, but glanced at each other curiously. “We think you’re going about this the wrong way, D.”
Donatello’s shoulders rose at the claim.
“Being in love is something you should enjoy, not something you should toss aside like a used tissue. Seriously, you said it was nine days, right? And where has that got you? You’ve been miserable for most of it, huh?”
Startling at her question, Donatello looked away. “Not, all of it…”
“When you were together?” She responded with a dry knowing tone.
“But that’s-”
“Inappropriate? Wrong? Not cool? Yeah, it can be, but if you think past all your overthinking, did they ever seen uncomfortable?” April put her hands on her hips.
Lowering his head, Donnie reviewed the footage. “Only when we discussed our status.” Bringing his gaze back up, he remembered something else. “Especially when I mentioned properly apologizing.”
“Speaking of, and let’s table the love bit for just a moment. That seems like a sore subject all around.” April closed the gap between her and Donnie in a few steps.
“I need to do it right.” He responded, eyeing her warily.
“Now, this is just a guess, but it seems like that’s more of a pressing issue for you, hm?”
“I consider the two connected, but not intertwined.”
“Ok, stay with me here, but we all know the scientific lengths you’ve gone to excuse your feelings…”
Donatello’s guard went up instantly.
April shushed him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Here’s something that might not have popped up because it’s more of a ‘you gotta know’ kinda thing, but that crazy passionate love tends to burn brighter when there are obstacles.”
“I understand you’re going for some sort of long point here, but I’ll need you to elaborate on that part.”
“Ok…” She looked to the side and curled her bottom lip up into the corner of her mouth. “So, in a regular relationship there’s all these butterflies and giggles when it’s new and thrilling, yeah?”
“I suppose.” Donnie shrugged.
“This is exactly why you need some normalized love experience.” April gave him a dead eyed stare before shaking it off to regain her composure. “Anyway, when love is thwarted the like lifespan of infatuation is extended! Basically, because it’s not working out is why you can’t move on.”
“Uh huh…?” Donnie leaned away from the touch unconvinced.
“Nope!” Twisting her hand, April snatched his bicep and dug her fingers into his muscle.
“Ow! What are you-!?”
“Bringing the point home!” She shouted before leaning back and using her grip on Donnie to toss him towards the sofa. He stumbled the first few feet and then collided with the cushions. “Get him situated, guys!”
Raph stood on command and picked up his brother to seat him correctly. Leo pretended to dust off Donnie’s shoulders and Mikey stood only to take a seat on the opposite side of the couch next to his Donnie.
“Alright, fools! Listen up! Donnie!” April turned her still outstretched arm into a direct point.
“Yeah?” Donatello paled, at a complete loss.
“I propose that you haven’t been able to get over your love because you’re the obstacle getting in its way! Because you’ve been stumbling around with your feelings, they’ve never been given a chance to breathe or chill! That is compounded by this whole self-imposed apology thing you got going on. So, until you make it up to Y/N then you aren’t even gonna start to move on. Which brings me back to what me and the guys were trying to keep under wraps.”
Donnie blinked and slowly moved to look at each of his brothers individually. Mikey gave him a beaming smile. Leo shrugged with a lazy smirk. Raph passed a sheepish grin between his twiddling fingers. Still stunned, Donnie swept the same owlish gaze back to April.
“The proposition is simple: go have fun with Y/N with some activities we cooked up to make it up to them. In doing so, you’ll get to associate your love with some good vibes and then you’ll be naturally ready to let go. If you’re keeping track, that’s an April O’Neil three-for-one special, you’re welcome!” She then ended her presentation with a sharp snap and a pointed wink.
There was silence for a moment before Mikey started a slow clap. Leo and Raph joined in and kept going until Donnie joined them.
As it tapered off, Donnie leaned forward and stared at the tingling hands in his lap. “Do you really think that will work? I need you all to be honest. I need…” He closed his eyes and winced at the minor headache coming on. “I can’t mess this up.”
“You won’t.” Mikey draped himself over Donnie. “You’ll just have to let that big brain of yours take a itsy bitsy break.”
“Do you even know me?” Donnie shook his head, his voice tight.
“Remember when you were on that dance floor?” Leo bumped shoulders with him. “Let yourself have something like that and it’s a shoo-in!”
“You know…” Raph started with a mumble before he regained his voice. “After you and Leo fought, when I walked Y/N home, we talked just a little bit. I knew how much they cared about you and I wanted to say something like ‘because you guys care about each other it’ll all work out,’ but they kinda took the words out of my mouth. I think… No, I know they just want to keep sharing those happy times with you. That’s probably why they keep coming back for more.” Raph feigned slugging Donnie’s shin. “Even though we’re family and there's a bias, I feel the same kinda way. When we have bad moments, it doesn’t negate the good ones. It doesn’t mean it has to keep being bad. You keep making good memories to chase all the bad ones away.” Raph paused and looked to Donnie with renewed determination. “Rather than being sad about not knowing something, what matters more is how you react when you discover it.”    
Silence followed for a moment and Raph stared into Donnie’s rapidly watering eyes until Mikey sniffled. He then turned to find his youngest sibling outright sobbing.
“Ya big galoot!” Leo cried, launching himself at Raph. “Not a dry eye in the house! Where have you been hiding all that wisdom?!”
“Seriously, I thought I had it in the bag and you totally one-uped me!” April used her sleeve to dry her eyes.
“You all, just don’t listen enough. Raph’s got tons of good wisdom to drop!” The elder turtle sibling twisted between eating up the praise and bowing his head with humility.
“Fine.” Donnie swallowed hard, blinking away any errant moisture that threatened to fall. “I’m convinced. What did you all have in mind?”
“Let’s round table our ideas.” April walked over and leaned against the armrest nearest Mikey. “Mine’s gotta be last, who’s going first?”
“More wisdom!” Mikey hiccupped in a cheer.
“That means you, big guy!” Leo confirmed, giving Raph a final pat before reclaiming his spot on the couch.
“M-me?” Raph spun around to face his family. “We were… pitching what again exactly?”
“Su-wing and a’miss!” Leo chuckled, sinking deeper into the cushions.
“Activity ideas for Donnie to make it up to Y/N, remember Raph?” April widened her eyes at him in an attempt to jog his memory.
Raph tilted his head at her before turning his still confused gaze to Donnie. “A gift is always good, right?”
April slapped a hand to her forehead while Mikey patted her shoulder.
Passing only a glance to the pair on his right, Donnie turned his attention to Raph on his left. “I depends on the content.”
“A gift that says ‘I’m sorry.’” Raph hummed with closed eyes. “No.”
Donnie raised a curious brow.
“A gift that says ‘I’m sorry’ from Donnie! That’s totally different!” Raph perked up and leaned forward. “You’re a big ‘make a gift’ kinda guy and your techy gizmos are… mostly fine, but getting something against character would really show how sorry you were!”
“How does pouring hours and hours into a technological wonder not show dedication?” Donnie scoffed.
“’Cause it’s too big! It’s gotta be something small, off the cuff kinda.” Raph brought an arched finger up to his lips. “You gotta win it.”
“Win it?” Donnie’s head jutted back at the unexpected note.
“Yeah! Bring ‘em to the boardwalk and win 'em a prize! It’s perfect! It’s out of character so it’ll be an awesome surprise and it’s something they can look back on and go ‘that’s the cute thing Donnie got me, oh wow!’” Raph put on a voice and brought his clenched hands up to his cheek with faux fluttering lashes.  
“Y/N sounds nothing like that.” Donnie retorted with a sneer.
“Oh, and it’s gotta be something soft and huggable!” A huge grin spread across Raph’s face.
“Shall I win one for you too?” Donnie mocked Raph’s earlier fist to cheek move.
“I mean… if you wouldn’t mind and maybe saw one that would go with my style…” Raph squirmed in place to temper his excitement.
“We’ll see.” Donnie gave his elder brother a little kick before looking at the siblings on either side of him. “Who’s next?”
“Since Aps got last, I’ll go second to last! Keep ‘em guessing! That means Mike’s up to bat!” Leo waved Donnie’s gaze to the other side of the couch.
“Heh, heh, heh.” Mikey faked a nefarious chuckle with an L-shaped crook of his finger and thumb framing his chin. “You’re in luck because I have just the idea.”
“Skeptical, but go ahead.” Donnie waited with an even stare.
“Kinda like what Raph was saying about out of character, you really wanna show how sorry you are? Then you gotta show that tender belly!” Mikey leaned forward and poked Donnie’s plastron around where his stomach would be.
“I dislike where this is going…”
“Geology.” Mikey turned a wicked smile up to his brother.
Donnie balked.
“You gotta take ‘em to the Hall of Gems and Minerals! If they know anything about you, they’ll know that’s a big deal!” Mikey grabbed Donnie’s arm and shook him.
Swaying back and forth, Donnie groaned. “But it’s the worst type of science! The only boring kind!”
“Exactly!” Mikey snickered.
“I hate all of this.” Donnie slumped.
“Apologies aren’t supposed to be easy!” April mused.
“Ugh, you know it’s bad when I’m almost looking forward to Leo’s terrible ideas.” Donnie swung his head to look at said brother.
“Pfft, you don’t know what you’re talking about!” Leo used the springs in the couch to bounce up and land on his knees with blossoming enthusiasm. “Alright, picture this!” He thread an arm around Donnie’s neck and pulled his brother until their cheeks slammed together. “You totally crush them!”
“When was the last time we had you tested!?” Donnie hissed, trying to wedge his hands between their faces to free himself.
“About five years ago!” Leo’s grip tightened. “Pay attention! We’re talking ice skating! Is the rink open yet? Oh, whatever use Case’s rink! Ping pong! Rock climbing! Axe throwing! Whatever and you try to give them a total beat down.”
“Uh, Leo I don’t think that’s quite what we’re going for…” Mikey worried, his hands out.
“You’re deranged!” Donnie flailed and managed to only partially get his head free which instead locked Leo’s arm around the middle of his face, silencing him.
“You all aren’t thinking of it in Donnie terms though! He’s terrible at sports! He’s gotta go all out, get fully cocky, and then crash and burn spectacularly!” Stars shone in Leo’s eyes and his free arm reached out to some imagined movie screen. "It’ll crack Y/N right up, they’ll end up winning no matter what, and also have the lovely satisfaction of knowing that you went all out and they still beat a ninja!” With his spiel done, Leo released his brother.
Donnie wheezed and gasped for breath while clawing over his body to rid himself of his brother.
“That might actually work.” Raph nodded with an amused upturn to the corner of his lips.
“Can we play ping pong after this?” Mikey ruminated.
Regaining enough oxygen to speak, Donnie shot Leo a seething glare before turning to April weakly. “Please tell me your big finale is better than any of this detritus.”
“Yup.” She closed her eyes and gave a single tight nod. “I’ve got it in the bag!”
Donnie gave a wave of his wrist for her to go ahead.
“A walk in Central Park.”
The four brothers all tilted their heads in sync.
“That’s it?” Leo whined, throwing his arms out. “You stole what could have been my sweet finish for that!”
“It’s a guarantee” April shrugged as if there were no contest.
“In comparison it does seem rather tame…” Donnie rubbed the back of his head, still sore from the headlock.
“I don’t know, it sounds nice.” Mikey shifted, looking between parties.
“Just trust me.” April stood and followed Mikey’s gaze. “Nah, you know what? Trust all of us. You gotta do each one of our suggestions to the fullest and only then will you totally make it up to Y/N!”
“All of…” Donnie mouthed and glanced around is dismay. “Can’t I put my own spin on each?”
“Nope!” April took a single step forward to put her foot down. “Ex-act-ly what we said! You wanna ‘do it right,’ right?”
“I do.” Donnie replied bitterly.
“And you came to us because you need help, right?”
“That is… correct.” Donnie struggled through the confirmation with disdain.
“Because, your way isn’t working?” April bent over at the hips to get to eye level.
At first Donnie resisted the gaze, but eventually crumbled to return it. “It was not.”
“Then give our way a chance. You might be surprised with the results.”
“I…” He broke eye contact to look around. “Think I’d like to lie down and think this all through.” Donnie drooped as he allowed the weariness to show on his features.
“Of course.” April bobbed and took a step to the side, allowing him a clean exit.
Everyone watched as Donnie draggd himself from the couch and kept the slouched posture and he headed for the exit. He paused just before hitting its threshold and spoke without turning. “Thank you all. It… means a lot.” He then continued his trek without waiting for a response.
Quiet settled in for a moment until April shifted her weight from one foot to the other and gave a resounding thumbs up.
Leo leaned forward and fist bumped it with a thumbs up of his own. “Nice save. Respect.”
“Did we do it?” Raph wondered, a nervous edge to his voice. “Didn’t you say there’s a chance he’ll get over it?”
“There is always that chance.” April turned and gave a soft smile to the elder brother. “We set it up the best we could and now it’s up to Donnie.”
“We were never gonna force him.” Mikey clarified.
“Oh, good then.” Raph nodded. “I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to handle it if they don’t end up together though!”
“Same, but because it’ll mean I went through all that pain for nothing!” Leo whooped in feigned pain and collapsed across the couch with his head falling into Mikey’s lap.
“In comparison to what you caused…” April leaned over him with a cocked brow.
Leo chuckled nervously.
“Yeah… I got a good feeling about this time.” Mikey turned a smile to where Donnie had departed.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 8 months
{R/n is talking with her co-worker with a prototype holo-projector, luckily they can't see things on R/n's end.]
R/n: Okay, I'm firing it up get ready.
(Pushes Blazar's hand away whenever he tries touch her tablet's screen.)
R/n: Okay, 3. 2...And-ON!
{Blazar jumps back startled when a strange glowing person suddenly blips into existence, he stood in front of R/n protectively but reluctantly calmed down when he saw how unfazed she was.]
Coworker: ...Okay, you can see me right? I'm not just formless static blob?
R/n, adjusting the setting a bit: Nope, you're in almost perfect HD!
Blazar: Hrm....
{Blazar is curiously staring at the projection confused, he waves but the person doesn't react, he cautiously gets closer and noticed the person was transparent; The ultra curiously reached out and poked them, Blazar oh'd in awe when the person shimmered and sparkled, like they were made of water and kept poking them; all while R/n choked back laughter and kept talking to her coworker.]
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seased · 2 months
apparently miku expo has switched from projector to LED screen… idk maybe its something about the cyberpunk training i was raised with but i am more willing to respect projector as “real” more than LED screen even if its HD
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nani-nonny · 10 months
The gears in my head are gearing and clunking because @snipersiniora got this playing in my head on replay for a hot minute now from this post
I suppose this counts as Across the Spiderverse spoilers if you haven’t watched it…? So SPOILERS?
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I can see it so clearly in my brain and I wish I can project it on a screen for you to see
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Do you see the gears? Do you hear me sweat?/j
I’m foaming at the mouth just thinking of the cinematography
Miguel telling Miles he’s an anomaly and not meant to exist??? F!Leo telling Lil Leo that he’s nothing and a danger to his family?
F!Leo being unnecessarily a dick to Lil Leo saying shit that doesn’t make sense? Are you kidding? /hj
Miguel slamming Miles into that train thing (I don’t remember what is is) and F!Leo slamming Lil Leo into the ground with his sword pressing against the younger’s neck? Chilling.
Stick a port in my brain so I can connect to a projector you need to see this shit in HD/j
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anotherwvba · 9 months
Challenge Accepted pt. 9
The living room of Mika and Skye's Campus Lodge apartment was a harmonious blend of two distinct worlds. On one side, the walls were adorned with posters of anime posters for "Sailor Moon" and "Pretty Cure," shelves upon shelves of manga and blurays, a display of meticulously arranged anime figures, model kits, and statues, and a few autographs from her favorite seiyuu.
On the other side, Chicago sports memorabilia took center stage. The walls had a pair of jerseys, a Bulls and a Blackhawks, hanging side-by-side, along with a Cubs World Series pennant. A small bookshelf held two autographed balls, a football by the Bears and a basketball by the Sky, and a small Chicago flag nestled between them.
The furniture was comfortable. The WVBA supplied a pair of recliners, a cozy couch, and a coffee table that currently held an array of Filipino snacks. Mika had just finished preparing turon, a sweet banana roll, and kwek-kwek, quail eggs coated in seasoned orange batter.
Just as Mika was setting down a bowl of shrimp chips on the coffee table, there was a knock at the door. "Ah, perfect timing! Come in, come in!" Mika exclaimed as she opened the door to find Cutie and Niki standing there.
Cutie walked in holding a six-pack of Fanta Melon Soda. "My parents sent these from home to celebrate my win. Thought I'd share the love!"
Niki feigned a wounded expression. "Are you ever going to let me live down our match, Cutie?"
Cutie chuckled, "Oh, of course I will, Niki. Right after I knock someone else out!"
Niki playfully shook her fist at Cutie, "Oh, you're just asking for it today, aren't you?" The room erupted in laughter.
Mika, still beaming, turned to her guests. "Salamat for coming, you guys! I really appreciate your help with this anime party."
Niki shrugged, "Hey, I'm no expert like you two. I mean, I've only watched stuff I grab at Walmart like 'Naruto' or 'My Hero Academia.' But I'm happy to help!"
Cutie's eyes sparkled. "I'm so thrilled you asked us, Mika! But I've got a quick question. Um, have you considered... cosplay?"
Mika's eyes widened, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree. "Cosplay? Bakit hindi ko naisip 'yun? We have so much to do!"
After a few hours had passed, the atmosphere in the apartment was buzzing with excitement. Mika sat in the floor, her tablet sitting in her lap, while Niki and Cutie were lounging on the couch. Now, they had a plan… and full stomachs.
"Those snacks were amazing, Mika! I've never had Filipino food before, but I'm a fan now," Niki exclaimed.
Cutie chimed in, "Hai, those quail eggs were something else. So good!"
Mika beamed. "I'm glad you both enjoyed them! Now, let's recap. For the anime party, we've got four hours in the gym. We’ll start with 'Cowboy Bebop,' then  'Ranma 1/2' and ‘Attack on Titan.’ From there we move on to 'Pretty Cure,' 'Death Note,' 'One Piece,' 'Bubblegum Crisis,' and 'Gundam Wing,’ in that order."
Niki's eyes widened. "Wow, that's an eclectic mix! Something for everyone, huh?"
Cutie was equally impressed. "It’s got classics and modern hits. I love it! Now, here’s what I’ve got for the guest list. There’s the three of us, obviously, Skye, Joe, my brother, and Disco. I say we invite Hippo and Bull, too.”
“I knew King Hippo was an anime fan,” Niki says matter of factly, drawing an odd look from Mika. “Look, IT sent me to help him get Crunchyroll to work on his TV.”
“Ah. Makes sense,” Mika nodded. “But, Bald Bull?”
“Oh yeah!” Cutie smiles, “He gives me a shopping list of model kits to bring back every time I visit family. He loves, and I mean loves, Gundam.”
Mika clapped her hands together. "Alright, then! The more, the merrier!"
Niki leaned forward, her eyes twinkling. "On the technical side, I can handle sending out digital invites and I’ll make sure to add that cosplay is allowed. And for the screening, the gym already has a massive projector screen that lowers from the ceiling. I'm thinking of… borrowing… the 4K Ultra HD projector from the arena and bringing the Dolby Atmos speakers we use for outdoor shows. The specs are just… ah, so good!"
Cutie and Mika exchanged glances before bursting into laughter. "You really geek out over this stuff, don't you?" Mika said.
Niki shrugged, "Hey, if you're going to do it, do it right."
Mika then clapped her hands together again, "So, what's everyone wearing for cosplay? I’m breaking out my Sailor Moon."
Niki shook her head, "I'm going to sit this one out. Never cosplayed before and don't have the time to put something together."
“Don’t worry, Niki,” Mika chimed in. “I love sewing. We’ll get you ready for the next cosplay opportunity.”
Cutie pulled out her phone and started swiping. "I'm torn between my Spike Spiegel and my Kamen Rider Kivala." She showed pictures of both costumes to Mika and Niki.
"Wow, both look amazing!" Niki exclaimed.
Mika was intrigued, "Kivala? What anime is that from?"
Cutie chuckled, "Actually, Kivala isn't from an anime. She's from a live-action show called 'Kamen Rider Decade.'"
Both Mika and Niki leaned in, suddenly curious. "Live-action? Tell us more!" Mika urged.
Cutie grinned, "Well, it's a tokusatsu show, a Japanese genre featuring superheroes, special effects, and lots of action. Maybe we should consider a tokusatsu party down the road?"
Mika's eyes sparkled at the idea, "That sounds like another epic gathering waiting to happen!"
Niki nodded, "I'm in, as long as there are snacks like today."
“Oh no,” Cutie shakes her head. “I can’t cook. You know that, Niki. I can burn water.”
“You’ll never go hungry as long as I’ve got a kitchen.” Mika stood up, her eyes shining with gratitude and excitement. "I can't thank you both enough for helping me plan this. It's going to be an anime party for the ages!"
Cutie and Niki joined in the excitement, their faces glowing with anticipation. "We wouldn't miss it for the world," Cutie said.
And so, the trio sat there, their hearts full and their minds racing with ideas, each one contributing a piece to what promised to be an unforgettable night.
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Hey Awesomely Bad fans! We’re prepping for our show at Ret-Con  coming up on the 24th, but we’d like to also take a moment to answer some of our most asked questions and give a small peek before the Awesomely Bad curtain with answering in way too long detail these three questions:
“Can you upload the music videos you show to youtube?”
“Where can I find these music videos?”
“How do you find this stuff!?”
“Can you come to [x] convention?”
Here’s the short answers:
First: No, we will not be uploading any videos ourselves, copyright bots would flag nearly everything if we even attempted to try.
Second: We provide the playlists as a means to try and help people find the artists and songs we share and many can be found officially or unofficially online.
Third: Years of deep diving into the Japanese music scene and recommendations from others.
Fourth: You can usually find us at our home convention of Animazement, but we will always share on our social media pages which events we will be hosting Awesomely Bad at.
Now for the much long involved answer to all of this:
Not much to add to the first point, but copyright strikes on songs are a nuisance to deal with and Japanese entertainment companies are very big on their bots flagging their content when it appears in videos on places like Youtube.
Luckily a lot of labels have been doing better about making their artists' music and even music videos available for streaming online, Sony Music Japan no longer geolocking content a few years ago made a lot of videos available in high quality uploads on youtube. Some suggestions that may help you find certain videos may involve using an online translator and searching for the artists or the song title by its Japanese name. Another helpful thing for finding Japanese music videos is to include “PV” in the search. “PV” is short for “Promotional Video” and is the moniker used in Japan for music videos. Unfortunately this doesn’t mean that every music label has made their artists available and some older music labels, like EMI Japan, got absorbed into another company leaving a lot of older videos in possible rights limbo. Most older official uploads from before 2013 may only be available in lower quality uploads. Also plenty of music artists end up switching to a different music label over their careers as well. This is why you can’t find good uploads of most of the popular Kishidan or DJ Ozma’s videos we show officially online.Plenty of other videos have been uploaded by fans as well, but the video quality of these uploads varies a lot and more than not, the videos are usually poorly encoded video files that aren’t usable for the show. Other times you will find videos in decent quality, but they’ll also be hard encoded with karaoke style subtitles in a variety of languages on the video; this is also unusable for the show.
Believe it or not, there’s a lot more to Awesomely Bad than just downloading videos online and putting them on a screen for you all to enjoy. We also strive to try and find the best quality version of videos to show. Trust us, you would not enjoy 240p potato quality video blown up onto an HD Projector screen. This has led to your Awesomely Bad hosts over the years to acquire official home video releases of various music videos, usually issued on DVD with a CD single or put together with other music videos on DVD. These also can range in price from $20 to $60 before import shipping costs to obtain. And the older the release, the harder it can be to get ahold of, leading to having to use third party service to help obtain auctions or purchases on Japan only markets like Yahoo Auctions Japan. We mention all of this, because we’ve done all of this to bring you the videos you love! The photo here is your main host Kurt’s collection of official releases of various music videos featured in Awesomely Bad over the years. Your other hosts have also helped obtain official videos, and sometimes we have been lucky to have other people who have harder to find DVD quality releases provide us with the videos. In fact, an old Awesomely Bad favorite will now have a new higher quality video for future presentations after it was provided to us recently, so look forward to that!
As for finding Awesomely Bad content, it’s also tougher than you think, your hosts go through deep drives into the Japanese music scene looking for videos, and for every great video we find, there’s easily a half dozen or more videos that aren’t very funny in the way that works for the panel or they only have a short moment or two that’s worth showing; which is what lead us to creating the Badulator for some of those moments. We also do take suggestions as well now and then, but there is a good chance we probably know about it; but sometimes even we get surprised, so you never know.
Lastly, we do get asked about presenting at various conventions, especially ones we presented at in the past, if we’ll be at them or come back to. Believe us, we had fun in the past at events like Dragoncon, Sakuracon, and Katsucon; but traveling to so many events throughout the year on your own dime can get pretty expensive and at most we get a discounted or free badge for our work hosting an event. That still leaves hotel, travel, and meal expenses and an increase in the costs of all of these things over the years, plus your hosts are not young 20 somethings anymore either; so we’ve slowed down on many events we appear at. At this point we’re normally guaranteed to be at both Animazement in Raleigh, NC and Otakon in Washington DC. These are the two conventions your main host prioritizes attending and we appreciate both conventions wanting to have Awesomely Bad as an event every year. But we are appearing at a new convention in a few weeks, so there’s always a chance for us to pop up at other shows again too!
Time to wrap this up, and if you’re still reading this far, I hope this helped you have a better understanding of what we do here with this panel and what we strive to achieve with it. Hope to see some Awesomely Bad fans at Ret-Con and whatever other events we go to! Be safe and may Daigo Stardust always shine down glitter on you.
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uksresort · 2 years
The Best Features of Essential Equipment for Conference rooms
The Best Features of Essential Equipment for Conference rooms
You may be done with the tedious task of planning corporate events and selecting a venue, but the planning process doesn't end there. In an environment that clears the mind and uplifts the spirit, Best Resort Khopoli provides comprehensive personal and business services in its conference room. The room is well-equipped with state-of-the-art communication systems and presentation facilities.
Use our conference room for boardroom meetings and corporate seminars with a wide range of executive classrooms for business clients. The UK resort conference venue is well equipped with the necessary tools and equipment for conferences, with large conference rooms with U shape tables, projectors, screens, adequate lighting, and most other equipment available upon request.
What Facilities are Provided at UK Resort for the Conference Room?
Organizations receive more services than ever thanks to greater video and audio technology. It is important to install a complete audio/visual system for the use of the room. UK’s Meeting Resorts are designed with business travel in mind and have flexible spaces to host any type of business meeting. We put at your disposal all the necessary equipment as well as a team of experts to make your professional events a success.
Whiteboard with Pens 
You may need to make some notes or pictures on a whiteboard to help explain a topic in more detail.
Conference Table
As the dominant focal point of most meeting rooms, conference tables are a big deal. They are a meeting place to exchange ideas, share points of view and participate in debates.
The Right Chairs and Table  
Consider the chairs and tables and how they will work in the space. Is the table too large to make meetings feel personal? Are the chairs uncomfortable, causing people to lose focus during the presentation?
High-Back Chairs
A professional meeting room will have about matching chairs to fit around the table; everyone is going to be sitting like a boss in plush, high-backed chairs. Keep it slick with matching chairs or glam it up with mixed designs.
Digital Audiovisual Projector
The most recent alternative to overhead projectors is the digital presenter (DP). DPs use video camera technology for screen projection, displaying graphics, images, documents, and other visual aids on the screen.
Sound System
If you have all the modern conveniences in your room, but you have a poor old speaker that makes a cracking sound, it's time you thought about some replacement because it's going to play hard with your company's name. Invest in a great audio system.
A phone will be a necessary device for your Conference Room. Buy one that has a good sound system and microphone so the whole room can hear it. Also, sync your intercom system with it, in case you want to call someone else from the office. You don't want to be seen running out of meetings and doing menial jobs.
Wireless System
This has become a necessity not only for the space but also for a corporation in general. The main reason is that it offers portability. You don't need to carry your electronic device or look for LAN cables in completely different places. It stops these wiring hassles and is simple for your employees too.
The Right Projector and Viewing Window 
Is there anything more annoying than broken technology? Do not believe it. So take a look at the room where you are hosting the meeting and make sure you have the proper equipment needed. Small details with great importance.
High-Definition Video Cameras
Clarity is the goal, and video technology has progressed to produce the highest-quality images. HD cameras deployed at strategic points within the area can capture and stream the conference as it takes place. One of the biggest challenges in recording business meetings is finding a camera that can capture everyone and everything in the conference room, we recommend using a 360-degree conference camera.
The Right Software
The modern A/V Conference Room in Khopoli equipment is sophisticated. Although it usually has a simple interface, it requires the
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watthifi · 2 years
Enjoy an epic viewing experience with the Epson EpiqVision Mini EF-12 Smart Streaming Laser Projector. Whether you’re binge-watching your favorite TV shows or hosting an outdoor movie night, the portable Epson EpiqVision EF-12 Streaming Laser Projector makes it easy to stream bright images from virtually anywhere in your home.
Product Details:
LCD: Full HD
Screen Size: 60” screen @ 1.33 m
Brightness: 1,000 lm / 500 lm
Projection Lens: No optical zoom / Focus: (Auto)
Price: ₹ 145,999
0 notes
vaibhav-888 · 3 days
How do I integrate technology in office interiors in Delhi?
Title: Tech-Savvy Spaces: Integrating Technology in Office Interiors in Delhi
In the bustling business hub of Delhi, staying ahead of the curve often means embracing the latest technological advancements. When it comes to office interiors, integrating technology isn't just about keeping up with trends—it's about enhancing efficiency, productivity, and the overall work experience for employees. From smart lighting systems to interactive displays, there are countless ways to incorporate technology seamlessly into office interiors in Delhi. Let's explore some innovative strategies for integrating technology into the workplace.
Smart Lighting Solutions: Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the ambiance and mood of a workspace. In Delhi's fast-paced environment, where natural light may be limited, investing in smart lighting systems can significantly enhance the office environment. Consider installing sensors that adjust lighting levels based on occupancy and natural light conditions, maximizing energy efficiency and employee comfort. Additionally, programmable LED lighting fixtures can create dynamic lighting effects that promote productivity and well-being.
Interactive Digital Displays: Replace traditional whiteboards and flip charts with interactive digital displays that enable seamless collaboration and presentation. These interactive screens allow employees to share ideas, annotate documents, and brainstorm in real-time, whether they're in the office or participating remotely. In Delhi, where remote work and virtual meetings are increasingly common, interactive displays facilitate communication and collaboration among dispersed teams, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
Integrated Audiovisual Systems: Create immersive meeting experiences with integrated audiovisual systems that deliver high-quality sound and video conferencing capabilities. Equip conference rooms and meeting spaces with state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment, including HD projectors, video walls, and surround sound systems, to facilitate engaging presentations and discussions. With the rise of hybrid work models in Delhi, where employees may be working from both home and office, reliable audiovisual systems are essential for seamless communication and collaboration.
Wireless Charging Stations: Keep employees powered up and connected with wireless charging stations integrated into office furniture and workstations. In Delhi, where smartphones and other devices are essential tools for staying connected and productive, providing convenient charging options can enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. Incorporate wireless charging pads into desks, conference tables, and communal areas to ensure that employees can easily charge their devices throughout the workday.
Smart Furniture and Accessories: Upgrade office furniture and accessories with smart features that enhance comfort, convenience, and functionality. Consider investing in ergonomic chairs with adjustable settings, height-adjustable desks, and monitor arms that promote proper posture and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal issues. In Delhi's competitive business landscape, where employee health and well-being are top priorities, providing ergonomic workstations demonstrates a commitment to employee satisfaction and productivity.
IoT-Enabled Environmental Controls: Create a comfortable and energy-efficient workspace with IoT-enabled environmental controls that optimize temperature, humidity, and air quality. Install smart thermostats, occupancy sensors, and air quality monitors that automatically adjust environmental conditions based on occupancy and user preferences. In Delhi, where extreme temperatures and air pollution can impact employee comfort and productivity, IoT-enabled environmental controls help create a healthy and productive work environment.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Explore the potential of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies to enhance employee training, design visualization, and customer engagement. In Delhi's diverse business landscape, where innovation and creativity are highly valued, incorporating VR and AR into office interiors can differentiate your business and provide a competitive edge. Whether it's using VR for immersive training simulations or AR for interactive product demonstrations, these technologies offer exciting opportunities to transform the workplace experience.
By integrating technology into office interiors in Delhi, businesses can create modern, efficient, and engaging work environments that foster collaboration, productivity, and innovation. Whether it's leveraging smart lighting systems, interactive displays, or IoT-enabled environmental controls, embracing technology enhances the office experience for employees and reinforces Delhi's reputation as a dynamic and forward-thinking business hub. One can achieve these by getting in touch with the renowned design and build firm such as Flipspaces, who can help you with the same.
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aegisav · 8 days
Enhance Your Home Entertainment with Aegis AV
Experience Cinematic Excellence at Home
Imagine turning your living room into a state-of-the-art private cinema where every movie night becomes an unforgettable experience. At Aegis AV, we specialize in creating bespoke home theater systems that bring the magic of the big screen directly to your home. Our offerings encompass a wide range of high-performance audiovisual equipment designed to deliver the ultimate entertainment experience.
High-Definition Projectors and Screens
At the heart of a great home theater is a high-definition projector and screen setup. Aegis AV offers top-of-the-line 4K Ultra HD projectors that provide stunning picture quality with vibrant colors and sharp details. Whether you’re watching the latest blockbuster, binge-watching your favorite TV series, or enjoying a live sports event, our projectors ensure you see every detail with crystal clarity.
Our projector screens are designed to complement the high-resolution output, offering various sizes and formats to fit your space perfectly. With options for fixed, retractable, and motorized screens, you can choose the one that best suits your home theater design and usage.
Premium Sound Systems
Audio quality is just as crucial as visual performance in creating an immersive home theater experience. Aegis AV provides advanced surround sound systems featuring the latest Dolby Atmos and DTS
technologies. These systems deliver rich, dynamic audio that brings every scene to life, with deep bass, clear dialogues, and precise sound effects.
Our surround sound setups are meticulously designed to provide a true 360-degree sound experience, making you feel like you’re right in the middle of the action. From subtle ambient noises to powerful explosions, our audio systems ensure that you hear every detail exactly as the creators intended.
Custom Seating Solutions
Comfort is a key component of any home theater, and Aegis AV offers a range of luxurious seating options designed to enhance your viewing pleasure. Our home theater seating solutions include ergonomic recliners and theater-style chairs that provide superior comfort and support.
Available in various styles, materials, and configurations, our seating options can be customized to match your home theater’s aesthetic and your personal preferences. Many of our seats come with integrated features such as cup holders, storage compartments, and USB charging ports, adding convenience to your cinematic experience.
Integrated Control Systems
Managing your home theater system should be as enjoyable as using it. Aegis AV offers integrated control systems that allow you to manage all your audiovisual equipment from a single interface. With a universal remote or a dedicated app on your smartphone or tablet, you can easily control your projector, sound system, lighting, and more.
Our control systems are designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring that even the most complex setups can be operated with ease. Whether you’re adjusting the volume, switching inputs, or dimming the lights, our integrated control solutions make managing your home theater simple and hassle-free.
Acoustic Treatments
To truly optimize your home theater experience, it’s essential to consider the acoustics of your room. Aegis AV offers custom acoustic treatments that help enhance sound quality by reducing echoes, reverberations, and unwanted noise. Our acoustic panels and soundproofing solutions are designed to blend seamlessly with your home theater decor while providing significant improvements in audio clarity and immersion.
Expert Consultation and Installation
Creating the perfect home theater involves more than just choosing the right equipment. It requires careful planning, design, and installation to ensure that every component works together harmoniously. At Aegis AV, our team of experts provides personalized consultation and design services to help you create a home theater that meets your specific needs and preferences.
Our professional installation team handles every aspect of the setup process, from wiring and mounting to configuration and calibration. We ensure that your system is installed correctly and performs optimally, so you can enjoy a hassle-free and immersive home theater experience.
Ongoing Support and Maintenance
Your home theater is an investment in your entertainment, and we are committed to ensuring that it continues to perform at its best. Aegis AV offers comprehensive support and maintenance services to keep your system running smoothly. From routine check-ups to troubleshooting and upgrades, our team is always available to assist you with any issues that may arise.
Transform your home into a cinematic haven with Aegis AV’s high-performance home theater systems. Our range of advanced projectors, premium sound systems, luxurious seating, and integrated control solutions ensure that you enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience in the comfort of your own home. With expert consultation, professional installation, and ongoing support, Aegis AV is your trusted partner in creating a home theater that exceeds your expectations. Experience the best in home entertainment with Aegis AV today.
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donnacorless · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BELINK Portable Pico Video Projector MK2000 for iPhone and Android.
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raedmansy · 9 days
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