#hd garhwali films
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
गूंदडु बणीगै हीरो  - गढ़वाली हास्य फिल्म अब HD में देखें! LIKE SHARE & SUPPORT!!!
Film Name: Gundru Banige Hero Writer and Director: Anuj Joshi Artist: Deepak Bangwal, Ramesh Rawat, Gokul Panwar, Abhishek Maindola, Urmila Kandwal, Premballabh Godiyal, Arvind Negi, Shivendra Rawat, Shamsher Thapa Type of work: Regional comedy film. Cameraman: Rajesh Raturi Music: Mak Studio Editor: Mohit Kumar Ex.Director: Mohan Lakhera Producer: Ravindra Lakhera Label: Himalayan Films Pvt. Ltd.
Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture. https://goo.gl/zz6di6
Recommended Hit Garhwali Movies: Ghanna grigit ar yamraj in HD: https://goo.gl/C1qGia Kamli full Garhwali Movie in HD: https://goo.gl/6p5mwG Kafal superhit Garhwali film: https://goo.gl/c4xVMa Gullu Comedy Garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/aGG35B Yad ali tehri full garhwali movie in HD: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk Manswang full garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9 Auji - Short Film HD: https://goo.gl/QiR7vN Auji – Documentary Film HD: https://goo.gl/zQSSXU Devotional Documentary Films - Nanda dhyane Bidai - Nanda Raj Jat Yatra: https://goo.gl/9SUcA1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Himalayan films Library:  Best Uttarakhandi Song collection by Singer: Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/anZahH Meena Rana Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe TOP 10 Garhwali Song - https://goo.gl/eAGwvs ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Enjoy & stay connected with us! ► Subscribe to Himalayan Films:  https://goo.gl/zz6di6 ► Subscribe to Hindu Sanskriti Channel: https://goo.gl/qT1TaA ►Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Himalayanfilm ► Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/himalayanfilms/ ► Follow us on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/HimalayanFilm ► Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Himalayanfilms ► connect us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/himalayanfilms ► Visit our Website: http://himalayanfilms.com/
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dailymarkhor · 8 years ago
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Latest Garhwali Songs 2017 |Teri Maya, Maya Ki Kungli, He Mera Honsi Non Stop Rameshwar & Pramila Must Watch Uttarakhandi Garhwali Full Hd Song Mix Teri Maya , Maya Ki Kungli, He Mera Honsi By Rameshwar Gairola & Pramila Chamoli @ Shree Film Arts ... source
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
#काफल HD #उत्तराखण्डी_फिल्म - हास्य से भरपूर एक रोमांचक गढ़वाली बाल फिल्म!
१२ साल का बेडू अपनी मातृभाषा गढ़वाली से इतना प्यार करता है कि जब उसके पिता उसे गढ़वाली छोड़कर हिंदी-इंग्लिश बोलने के लिए कहते हैं तो वह घर छोड़कर भाग जाता है जहाँ उसे मंगल गृह से आया एक अद्भुत प्राणी मिलता है... क्या बेडू के पिता बेडू से गढ़वाली छुड़वा पाते हैं...क्या बेडू का अपनी भाषा से प्यार रंग लाता है... देखिये इस फिल्म में!Visit for more videos: https://goo.gl/zz6di6
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
सुंदर-मधुर गढ़वाली गीत HD - उल्यारा मैंणों मा... गायक - जितेंद्र पंवार ।अविनाश ध्यानी । मन भरमेंगे
मधुर गढ़वाली गीत जो उत्तराखंड की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता का वर्णन करता है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को उत्तराखंड के विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक, प्राकृतिक रंगों को देखने के लिए जितेंद्र पंवार का यह गढ़वाली गीत अवश्य देखना चाहिए!
एल्बम: मन भरमेंगे
गायक: जितेंद्र पंवार, लता मंगेशकर, नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी, किशन महिपाल और मीना राणा
गीत: देवी प्रसाद सेमवाल
संगीत: कुंवर सिंह बबल, आलोक मालसी, अमित वर्मा, राज रावत, वीरेंद्र नेगी
संपादक: मोहित कुमार
निर्देशक: अनुज जोशी
एमडी: मोहन लखेड़ा
निर्माता: रविंद्र लखेड़ा
भाषा: गढ़वाली
कंपनी: हिमालयन फिल्म प्राइवेट लिमिटेड
दुनिया भर में उत्तराखंड की समृद्ध संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देने के लिए साझा करें। Like करें, Share करें और Subscribe करें. https://goo.gl/zz6di6
Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD:1.    एजा स्याली - जीतेन्द्र पंवार व मीणा राणा https://goo.gl/NNwXkL
2.    बिजुमा प्यारी- किशन महिपाल https://goo.gl/df3zdH
3.    सुरीमा.... - किशन महिपाल https://goo.gl/ctBEVK
4.    मेरा डंडा नागराज - मनोज मंद्रवाल https://goo.gl/WiqMF9
5.    समरे दया - किशन महिपाल https://goo.gl/4UkvCE
6.    मन भरमेंगे - लता मंगेशकर https://goo.gl/YbTTiJ
7.    बेडू पाको बारामासा - डॉ कमल खंडूरी https://goo.gl/D2Vhi3
8.    त्रिजुगी नारायण - नरेंद्र सिंह नेगी https://goo.gl/2tnrhT
9.    टिकुली बिंदुली - किशन महिपाल और मीना राणा https://goo.gl/M5QyK4
10.   देहरादून वाला हूँ HD - नरेंद्र सिंह नेगी https://goo.gl/JPhX4e
आपके लिए अनुशंसित वीडियो एल्बम गीत:
अब कथगा खैल्यो - नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी और मीना राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/F6XiXY
ऐ जाणु रे - गढ़वाली एल्बम - किशन महिपाल: https://goo.gl/SXrLO7
बिछना - साहेब सिंह रमोला का गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/5BtxL7
ग्वेर छोरा - आशा भोसले द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/5rdSxw
गोरिया रे - बलबीर राणा और बसंती बिष्ट का कुमाऊंनी एल्बम: https://goo.gl/HYhbPQ
हे निशा - मुकेश कटैत और दीपा चौहान द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/NqL2vH
हो जिया - किशन महिपाल और मीना राणा का गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/3As3ps
झांपा जजमनी - प्रेम सिंह गुसाईं और मीना राणा का गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/Rbt6OC
मोतीमां बौराणी - नैननाथ रावल और मीना राणा द्वारा कुमाऊंनी एल्बम: https://goo.gl/yJ0Cza
संगीत - याद आली टिहरी - नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/6pXqU7
मन भरमेंगे - लता मंगेसकर द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/scLCtH
मायाको मुंडारो - नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/NOE0zk
नौनी डंडा गौं की - वीरेंद्र राजपूत और मीना राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/PLMTsU
ओ नीरा - गजेन्द्र राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/Ktc0UP
फुलमती - आकाश भारद्वाज और मीना राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/xImUc1
सलाण्या स्याली - नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/KpsKHQ
सूरिमा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/Xj7k2M
सेमान्या बोजि - किशन महिपाल और मीना राणा: https://goo.gl/Zj0qv7
सनका समलौण्यां ह्वेगे - दिनेश कैंतुरा और मीना राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/fqODkz
त्यारा सौं - रज्जू बिष्ट और दीपा चौहान द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम: https://goo.gl/C9jZED
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नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी गढ़वाली वीडियो गीत: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL
किशन महिपाल गढ़वाली गीत: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd
गजेंद्र राणा गढ़वाली गीत: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp
वीरेंद्र राजपूत गढ़वाली गीत: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z
प्रेम सिंह गुसाईं गढ़वाली गीत: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu
साहब सिंह रमोला गढ़वाली गीत: https://goo.gl/anZahH
मीना राणा गढ़वाली गीत: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd
दीपा चौहान गढ़वाली गीत: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR
बसंती बिष्ट कुमाऊंनी गीत: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe
टॉप 10 गढ़वाली गीत: https://goo.gl/eAGwvs
हिमालयन फिल्म्स की गढ़वाली फिल्मे:-
घाना गिरगिट अर यमराज HD: https://goo.gl/C1qGia
कमली - गढ़वाली मूवी HD version: https://goo.gl/6p5mwG
काफल - सुपरहिट गढ़वाली फिल्म: https://goo.gl/c4xVMa
गुल्लू - हास्य गढ़वाली सिनेमा: https://goo.gl/aGG35B
याद आली टिहरी HD पूर्ण गढ़वाली फिल्म: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk
मनस्वांग पूर्ण गढ़वाली फिल्म: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9
औजी - लघु फिल्म HD: https://goo.gl/QiR7vN
औजी - डाक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म HD: https://goo.gl/zQSSXU
Devotional Documentary Films - Nanda dhyane Bidai - Nanda Raj Jat Yatra: https://goo.gl/9SUcA1
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हमारे नई विडियो की जानकारी के लिए हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें - https://goo.gl/zz6di6
उत्तराखंडी संस्कृति से जुड़े रहने के लिए हमसे जुड़ें!
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►वेबसाइट: http://himalayanfilms.com/
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
रूप रंग तेरु प्यारु - उत्तराखंडी गीत | गायक: नंदन जखमोला और कनिष्का नेगी | दीपू जानवी | प्रीती || 4K HD Video song Visit Himalayan films Channel for Latest Uttarakhandi song - https://goo.gl/zz6di6
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himalayanfilms-blog · 8 years ago
डण्डा चली जोला मेरी सुरीमा HD promo.... किशन महिपाल का नया गढ़वाळी विडियो गीत | हिमालयन फिल्म्स We are going to release 'Sureema' album's new Garhwali song on your own YouTube channel 'Himalayan Films' on Friday 7th April 2017 at 6:00 pm. So don't forget to subscribe us and must watch and enjoy this most melodious folk song...stay tuned. Subscribe us for the latest update: https://goo.gl/4JcCs0
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcFfXnAqWno)
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
Ye Maulyar Ye Maina - Melody King Jitendra Panwar and Poonam Negi Garhwali song!
Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD:1. Aija Syali DJ Song by Jitendra Panwar & Meena Rana   2. Kaile Baje Muruli by Gopal Babu Goswami
3. Bijum Pyari by Kishan Mahipal
4. Sureema... by Kishan Mahipal
5. Mera Danda Nagraj by Manoj Mandrwal
6. Samrai dya by Kishan Mahipal
7. Man bharmege by Lata Mangeshkar
8. Bedu Pako Baramasa by Dr. Kamal Khanduri
9. Trijugi narayan by Narendra singh Negi
10. Tikuli Binduli by Kishan Mahipal
11. Dehradun wala hun HD– Narendra Singh Negi:
For free Subscription click here:  
Recommended best Garhwali Video Album songs:Ab kathaga khailyo - Garhwali Album by Narendra singh Negi and Meena Rana:
Ae Janu Rey Album hit Garhwali songs by Kishan Mahipal:
Bichhna - Garhwali Album by Saheb Singh Ramola:
Gwar Chhora - Garhwali Album by Asha Bhosle:
Goriya rey - Kumaoni Album by Balbeer Rana and Basanti Bisht:
Hey Nisha - Garhwali Album by Mukesh Kataith and Deepa Chauhan:
Ho Jiya - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana:
Jhampa Jajmani - Garhwali Album by Prem Singh Gusain and Meena Rana:
Motima Baurani - Kumaoni Album by Nainnath Rawal and Meena Rana:
Music - Yaad Aali Tehri - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi:
Man bharmege - Garhwali Album by Lata Mangeskar:
Mayako Mundaro - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi:
Nauni Danda Gaon Kee - Garhwali Album by Virendra Rajput and Meena Rana:
O Neera - Garhwali Album by Gajendra Rana:
Phulmati - Garhwali Album by Akash Bhardwaj and Meena Rana:
Salanya Syali - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi:
Sureema Garhwali album:
Semanya Bouji - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana:
Sanka Samlaunyan hwege - Garhwali Album by Dinesh Kaintura and Meena Rana:
Tyra Saun - Garhwali Album by Rajju Bisht and Deepa Chauhan:
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Himalayan films Library:  Best Uttarakhandi Song collection by Singer:Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs:
Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs:
Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs:
Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs:
Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs:
Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs:
Meena Rana Garhwali Songs:
Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs:
Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs:
TOP 10 Garhwali Song -
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy & stay connected with us!► Subscribe to Himalayan Films:  
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
Kumaoni Bhakti Song - Almora ki nanda devi by Bishan Hariyala || Himalayan Films बिशन हरियाला का प्रसिद्ध कुमाउँनी भक्ति गीत - अल्मोड़ा की नंदी देवी!  
भजन: अल्मोड़ा की नंदा देवी संगीत और गायक: बिशन हरियाला एल्बम: पुज पाट (ईष्ट देबोंक भजन) भाषा: कुमाउँनी निर्माता: रविंद्र लखेड़ा लेबल: हिमालयन फिल्म्स दुनिया भर में उत्तराखंड की समृद्ध संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देने के लिए साझा करें। Like करें, Share करें और Subscribe करें.
========================= बिशन हरियाला की अन्य कुमाउँनी भक्ति गीत:1. अल्मोड़ा की नंदा देवी - बिशन हरियाला 2. नैनीताल की नैना देवी - बिशन हरियाला 3. दुनागिरि की माता भवानी - बिशन हरियाला 4. मांसी की भूमियां बाबा- बिशन हरियाला 5. चम्पावत को गोलू देबा - बिशन हरियाला 6. जागर गोलू देबा - बिशन हरियाला 7. धात लागी रै देवी बाराही - बिशन हरियाला 8. जय माता गर्जिया - बिशन हरियाला ९.  दौड़ी दौड़ी ऐजा बागेश्वर - बिशन हरियाला Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD:1. एजा स्याली - जीतेन्द्र पंवार व मीणा राणा
2. बिजुमा प्यारी- किशन महिपाल
3. सुरीमा.... - किशन महिपाल
4. मेरा डंडा नागराज - मनोज मंद्रवाल
5. समरे दया - किशन महिपाल
6. मन भरमेंगे - लता मंगेशकर
7. बेडू पाको बारामासा - डॉ कमल खंडूरी
8. त्रिजुगी नारायण - नरेंद्र सिंह नेगी
9. टिकुली बिंदुली - किशन महिपाल और मीना राणा
10.   देहरादून वाला हूँ HD - नरेंद्र सिंह नेगी
--------------------------------------------------------- आपके लिए अनुशंसित वीडियो एल्बम गीत:अब कथगा खैल्यो - नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी और मीना राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
ऐ जाणु रे - गढ़वाली एल्बम - किशन महिपाल:
बिछना - साहेब सिंह रमोला का गढ़वाली एल्बम:
ग्वेर छोरा - आशा भोसले द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
गोरिया रे - बलबीर राणा और बसंती बिष्ट का कुमाऊंनी एल्बम:
हे निशा - मुकेश कटैत और दीपा चौहान द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
हो जिया - किशन महिपाल और मीना राणा का गढ़वाली एल्बम:
झांपा जजमनी - प्रेम सिंह गुसाईं और मीना राणा का गढ़वाली एल्बम:
मोतीमां बौराणी - नैननाथ रावल और मीना राणा द्वारा कुमाऊंनी एल्बम:
संगीत - याद आली टिहरी - नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
मन भरमेंगे - लता मंगेसकर द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
मायाको मुंडारो - नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
नौनी डंडा गौं की - वीरेंद्र राजपूत और मीना राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
ओ नीरा - गजेन्द्र राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
फुलमती - आकाश भारद्वाज और मीना राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
सलाण्या स्याली - नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
सूरिमा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
सेमान्या बोजि - किशन महिपाल और मीना राणा:
सनका समलौण्यां ह्वेगे - दिनेश कैंतुरा और मीना राणा द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
त्यारा सौं - रज्जू बिष्ट और दीपा चौहान द्वारा गढ़वाली एल्बम:
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- नरेन्द्र सिंह नेगी गढ़वाली वीडियो गीत:
किशन महिपाल गढ़वाली गीत:
गजेंद्र राणा गढ़वाली गीत:
वीरेंद्र राजपूत गढ़वाली गीत:
प्रेम सिंह गुसाईं गढ़वाली गीत:
साहब सिंह रमोला गढ़वाली गीत:
मीना राणा गढ़वाली गीत:
दीपा चौहान गढ़वाली गीत:
बसंती बिष्ट कुमाऊंनी गीत:
टॉप 10 गढ़वाली गीत:
--------------------------------------------------------- हिमालयन फिल्म्स की गढ़वाली फिल्मे:-घाना गिरगिट अर यमराज HD:
कमली - गढ़वाली मूवी HD version:
गुल्लू - हास्य गढ़वाली सिनेमा:
गूंदडु बणीगै हीरो HD - गढ़वाली हास्य फिल्म:
याद आली टिहरी HD पूर्ण गढ़वाली फिल्म:
मनस्वांग पूर्ण गढ़वाली फिल्म:
औजी - लघु फिल्म HD:
औजी - डाक्यूमेंट्री फिल्म HD:
Devotional Documentary Films - Nanda dhyane Bidai - Nanda Raj Jat Yatra:
===================================== हमारे नई विडियो की जानकारी के लिए हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें -
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
Beautiful garhwali song - Ularya maino ma HD by Melodius King Jitendra Panwar| Avinash Dhyani
The beautiful melodious Garhwali song which describes the natural beauty of Uttarakhand. A must watch song for everyone to see the different colours of Uttarakhand.
Album: Man Bharmege
Singer: Jitendra Panwar, Lata Mangeskar, Narendra Singh Negi, Kishan Mahipal, and Meena Rana
Song: Devi Prasad Semwal
Music: Kunwar singh Babla, Alok Malasi, Amit Verma, Raj Rawat, Virendra Negi
Editor: Mohit Kumar
Director: Anuj Joshi
MD: Mohan Lakhera
Producer: Ravindra Lakhera
Language: Garhwali
Company:  Himalayan Film PVT LTD
Subscribe us for the latest Update: https://goo.gl/zz6di6
 Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD:
1.   Aija Syali DJ Song by Jitendra Panwar & Meena Rana   2.   Kaile Baje Muruli by Gopal Babu Goswami https://goo.gl/ureE2w 3.   Bijum Pyari by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/df3zdH 4.   Sureema... by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/ctBEVK 5.  
Mera Danda Nagraj by Manoj Mandrwal
https://goo.gl/WiqMF9 6.  
Samrai dya
by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/4UkvCE 7.  
Man bharmege
by Lata Mangeshkar https://goo.gl/YbTTiJ 8.  
Bedu Pako Baramasa by Dr. Kamal Khanduri
https://goo.gl/D2Vhi3 9.  
Trijugi narayan by Narendra singh Negi
https://goo.gl/2tnrhT 10.                Tikuli Binduli by Kishan Mahipal
11.                Dehradun wala hun HD– Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/JPhX4e
 For free Subscription click here:  https://goo.gl/zz6di6
 Music - Yaad Aali Tehri Garhwali Album’s other super hit songs:
Bhainti ja: https://youtu.be/6GEo7H0Z29Y
Teeri bajara: https://youtu.be/M3Cw8vEfQkU
Byola bani ki: https://youtu.be/pZZgVHG3cw0
Pani chauchdi pani: https://youtu.be/xzYPOMLsBNQ
Jara mathu - mathu kari ki: https://youtu.be/ndfXWJc-Nfo
Tehri duban lagaun chha beta: https://youtu.be/lNILe3NA6r0
 Recommended best Garhwali Video Album songs:
Ab kathaga khailyo - Garhwali Album by Narendra singh Negi and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/F6XiXY
Ae Janu Rey Album hit Garhwali songs by Kishan Mahipal: https://goo.gl/SXrLO7
Bichhna - Garhwali Album by Saheb Singh Ramola: https://goo.gl/5BtxL7
Gwar Chhora - Garhwali Album by Asha Bhosle: https://goo.gl/5rdSxw
Goriya rey - Kumaoni Album by Balbeer Rana and Basanti Bisht: https://goo.gl/HYhbPQ
Hey Nisha - Garhwali Album by Mukesh Kataith and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/NqL2vH
Ho Jiya - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/3As3ps
Jhampa Jajmani - Garhwali Album by Prem Singh Gusain and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Rbt6OC
Motima Baurani - Kumaoni Album by Nainnath Rawal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/yJ0Cza
Music - Yaad Aali Tehri - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/6pXqU7
Man bharmege - Garhwali Album by Lata Mangeskar: https://goo.gl/scLCtH
Mayako Mundaro - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/NOE0zk
Nauni Danda Gaon Kee - Garhwali Album by Virendra Rajput and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/PLMTsU
O Neera - Garhwali Album by Gajendra Rana: https://goo.gl/Ktc0UP
Phulmati - Garhwali Album by Akash Bhardwaj and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/xImUc1
Salanya Syali - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/KpsKHQ
Sureema Garhwali album: https://goo.gl/Xj7k2M
Semanya Bouji - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Zj0qv7
Sanka Samlaunyan hwege - Garhwali Album by Dinesh Kaintura and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/fqODkz
Tyra Saun - Garhwali Album by Rajju Bisht and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/C9jZED
 Recommended Hit Garhwali Movies:
Ghanna grigit ar yamraj in HD: https://goo.gl/C1qGia
Kamli full Garhwali Movie in HD: https://goo.gl/6p5mwG
Kafal superhit Garhwali film: https://goo.gl/c4xVMa
Gullu Comedy Garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/aGG35B
Yad ali tehri full garhwali movie in HD: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk
Manswang full garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9
Auji - Short Film HD: https://goo.gl/QiR7vN
Auji – Documentary Film HD: https://goo.gl/zQSSXU
Devotional Documentary Films - Nanda dhyane Bidai - Nanda Raj Jat Yatra: https://goo.gl/9SUcA1
 Himalayan films Library:  Best Uttarakhandi Song collection by Singer:
Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL
Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd
Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp
Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z
Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu
Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/anZahH
Meena Rana Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd
Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR
Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe
TOP 10 Garhwali Song - https://goo.gl/eAGwvs
 Enjoy & stay connected with us!
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
Ranikheta Ramdhola - Hit Garhwali song by Kishan Mahipal |Arist – Ankita, Prem, Ramesh, Narayan
Album: Semanya Bouji Singer: Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana Song: Kishan Mahipal, Madan Duklan, Dr. Preetam, Geerish Sundriyal, Vijaylakshmi Gusain, Music Composition: Sanjay Kumola Dance Director: Ankush Saklani Sub Director: Govind Negi MD: Mohan Lakhera Producer: Ravindra Lakhera Language: Garhwali Label:  Himalayan Film PVT LTD
If you like the song then likes, comments, and Share it to maximum to Promote Uttarakhandi Culture in the world. For free Subscription click here:  https://goo.gl/zz6di6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD: 1. Kaile Baje Muruli by Gopal Babu Goswami https://goo.gl/ureE2w 2. Bijum Pyari by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/df3zdH 3. Sureema... by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/ctBEVK 4. Mera Danda Nagraj by Manoj Mandrwal https://goo.gl/WiqMF9 5. Samrai dya by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/4UkvCE 6. Man bharmege by Lata Mangeshkar https://goo.gl/YbTTiJ 7. Bedu Pako Baramasa by Dr. Kamal Khanduri https://goo.gl/D2Vhi3 8. Trijugi narayan by Narendra singh Negi https://goo.gl/2tnrhT 9. Tikuli Binduli by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/M5QyK4
Semanya Bouji Garhwali Album’s other super hit songs: Semanya bouji: https://youtu.be/kmEjsZIoNFo Ranikheta Ramdhola: https://youtu.be/bOlLPbQhJeo Sunind ratyon ma: https://youtu.be/hCmR-coQgFw Las Kamari: https://youtu.be/L3rPWzw_PVc Runmun – jhunmun: https://youtu.be/PKjMqqVftqc Rashmi Chhori: https://youtu.be/zph8zRLLc0k Taun ki dalyon: https://youtu.be/mLvOF-vtWVU Krishna Rey: https://youtu.be/msiZaqYBCVc
Other Recommended Garhwali Video songs for you: Ab kathaga khailyo - Garhwali Album by Narendra singh Negi and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/F6XiXY Ae Janu Rey Album hit Garhwali songs by Kishan Mahipal: goo.gl/SXrLO7 Bichhna - Garhwali Album by Saheb Singh Ramola: https://goo.gl/5BtxL7 Gwar Chhora - Garhwali Album by Asha Bhosle: https://goo.gl/5rdSxw Goriya rey - Kumaoni Album by Balbeer Rana and Basanti Bisht: https://goo.gl/HYhbPQ Hey Nisha - Garhwali Album by Mukesh Kataith and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/NqL2vH Ho Jiya - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/3As3ps Jhampa Jajmani - Garhwali Album by Prem Singh Gusain and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Rbt6OC Motima Baurani - Kumaoni Album by Nainnath Rawal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/yJ0Cza Music - Yaad Aali Tehri - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/6pXqU7 Man bharmege - Garhwali Album by Lata Mangeskar: https://goo.gl/scLCtH Mayako Mundaro - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/NOE0zk Nauni Danda Gaon Kee - Garhwali Album by Virendra Rajput and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/PLMTsU O Neera - Garhwali Album by Gajendra Rana: https://goo.gl/Ktc0UP Phulmati - Garhwali Album by Akash Bhardwaj and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/xImUc1 Salanya Syali - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/KpsKHQ Sureema Garhwali album: https://goo.gl/Xj7k2M Semanya Bouji - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Zj0qv7 Sanka Samlaunyan hwege - Garhwali Album by Dinesh Kaintura and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/fqODkz Tyra Saun - Garhwali Album by Rajju Bisht and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/C9jZED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Best Garhwali Movies by Himalayan films Kamli full Garhwali Movie: https://goo.gl/KExY5r Kafal superhit Garhwali film: goo.gl/c4xVMa Gullu Comedy Garhwali movie: goo.gl/aGG35B Ghanna-Girgit-ar-Yamraj – Garhwali Comdey Movie: https://goo.gl/T9p0gY Gundru Banige Hero: goo.gl/CIt3Ic Yad ali tehri full garhwali movie in HD: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk Manswang full garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9 Auji - Short Film: goo.gl/QiR7vN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Himalayan films Library: Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/anZahH Meena Rana Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe TOP 10 Garhwali Song - https://goo.gl/eAGwvs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture. YouTube:  https://goo.gl/zz6di6 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Himalayanfilm Google+:  https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Himalayanfilms LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/himalayanfilms Twitter:  https://twitter.com/HimalayanFilm Website: http://himalayanfilms.com/
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
Kathak and Bharatnatyam Dance on Narendra singh negi Garhwali song!
50,000+ बहुमूल्य सब्सक्राइबर को हिमालयन फिल्म्स की सप्रेम भेंट! नरेंद्र सिंह नेगी के गढ़वाली गीत "झगुली कण्ठ्याली" पर पहली बार कथक एवं भरतनाट्यम नृत्य! 
हिमालयन फिल्म्स के 50,000+ सब्सक्राइबर होने पर हिमालयन फिल्म्स आप सभी के प्यार और आशीर्वाद के लिए आपका ह्रदय से धन्यवाद करता है।
Singer: Narendra Singh Negi and Geetika Aswal
Artist: shivangi Saklani, Aarohi Lakhera (katthak), Aakrti Lakhera & Khushi Bisht (Baratnatyam),
Executive Director: Mohan Lakhera
Dance Direction: Neelam Tomar
Cameraman: Rajesh Raturi
Editor: Mohit Kumar & Vibhor Saklani
Producer: Ravindra Lakhera
Director: Anuj Joshi 
Label: Himalayan Films
Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD:
1. Kaile Baje Muruli by Gopal Babu Goswami https://goo.gl/ureE2w
2. Bijum Pyari by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/df3zdH
3. Sureema... by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/ctBEVK
4. Mera Danda Nagraj by Manoj Mandrwal https://goo.gl/WiqMF9
5. Samrai dya by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/4UkvCE
6. Man bharmege by Lata Mangeshkar https://goo.gl/YbTTiJ
7. Bedu Pako Baramasa by Dr. Kamal Khanduri https://goo.gl/D2Vhi3
8. Trijugi narayan by Narendra singh Negi https://goo.gl/2tnrhT
9. Tikuli Binduli by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/M5QyK4
Recommended best Garhwali Video Album songs:
Ab kathaga khailyo - Garhwali Album by Narendra singh Negi and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/F6XiXY
Ae Janu Rey Album hit Garhwali songs by Kishan Mahipal: goo.gl/SXrLO7
Bichhna - Garhwali Album by Saheb Singh Ramola: https://goo.gl/5BtxL7
Gwar Chhora - Garhwali Album by Asha Bhosle: https://goo.gl/5rdSxw
Goriya rey - Kumaoni Album by Balbeer Rana and Basanti Bisht: https://goo.gl/HYhbPQ
Hey Nisha - Garhwali Album by Mukesh Kataith and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/NqL2vH
Ho Jiya - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/3As3ps
Jhampa Jajmani - Garhwali Album by Prem Singh Gusain and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Rbt6OC
Motima Baurani - Kumaoni Album by Nainnath Rawal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/yJ0Cza
Music - Yaad Aali Tehri - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/6pXqU7
Man bharmege - Garhwali Album by Lata Mangeskar: https://goo.gl/scLCtH
Mayako Mundaro - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/NOE0zk
Nauni Danda Gaon Kee - Garhwali Album by Virendra Rajput and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/PLMTsU
O Neera - Garhwali Album by Gajendra Rana: https://goo.gl/Ktc0UP
Phulmati - Garhwali Album by Akash Bhardwaj and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/xImUc1
Salanya Syali - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/KpsKHQ
Sureema Garhwali album: https://goo.gl/Xj7k2M
Semanya Bouji - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Zj0qv7
Sanka Samlaunyan hwege - Garhwali Album by Dinesh Kaintura and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/fqODkz
Tyra Saun - Garhwali Album by Rajju Bisht and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/C9jZED
Best Garhwali Movies by Himalayan films
Kamli full Garhwali Movie: https://goo.gl/KExY5r
Kafal superhit Garhwali film: goo.gl/c4xVMa
Gullu Comedy Garhwali movie: goo.gl/aGG35B
Ghanna-Girgit-ar-Yamraj – Garhwali Comdey Movie: https://goo.gl/T9p0gY
Gundru Banige Hero: goo.gl/CIt3Ic
Yad ali tehri full garhwali movie in HD: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk
Manswang full garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9
Auji - Short Film: goo.gl/QiR7vN
Himalayan films Music Library: 
Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL
Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd
Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp
Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z
Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu
Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/anZahH
Meena Rana Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd
Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR
Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe
TOP 10 Garhwali Song - https://goo.gl/eAGwvs
Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture.
YouTube:  https://goo.gl/zz6di6
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
किंगरी का झाला घुघूती, पंगरी का डाला घुघूती | किशन महिपाल के गढ़वाली गीत Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture. https://goo.gl/zz6di6 Album: Ae Janu Rey
Singer: Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana Music: Kishan Mahipal, Nand Kishore Hatwal, Madan Duklan, Vijaylakshmi, Vijay Vashist Music Composition: Sanjay Kumola Camera: Kishan Mahipal, Harish Bhatt Dance Direction: Ankush Saklani MD: Mohan Lakhera Director: Kishan Mahipal Producer: Ravindra Lakhera Language: Garhwali Label:  Himalayan Films Pvt. Ltd.
Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD:
1. Kaile Baje Muruli by Gopal Babu Goswami https://goo.gl/ureE2w 2. Bijum Pyari by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/df3zdH 3. Sureema... by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/ctBEVK 4. Mera Danda Nagraj by Manoj Mandrwal https://goo.gl/WiqMF9 5. Samrai dya by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/4UkvCE 6. Man bharmege by Lata Mangeshkar https://goo.gl/YbTTiJ 7. Bedu Pako Baramasa by Dr. Kamal Khanduri https://goo.gl/D2Vhi3 8. Trijugi narayan by Narendra singh Negi https://goo.gl/2tnrhT 9. Tikuli Binduli by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/M5QyK4
हमारी हर विडियो की जानकारी आपको सीधी मिलती रहे इसकेलिए सब्सक्राइब करें! सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें - https://goo.gl/zz6di6 ===========================
Ae Janu Rey Album’s other Super hit songs:
1. Masma geet  https://youtu.be/EYyCnm8qztY 2. Aey janu rey  https://youtu.be/ufTRgIBCdKs 3. Syali bampali https://youtu.be/WNk7fHenUAE 4. Ghughuti     https://youtu.be/HIvbFgv0qsA 5. Rongpa geet  https://youtu.be/GhJL4Q1A-9Y 6. Badoi rey  https://youtu.be/RBtOebgVG04 7. Paisa paisa  https://youtu.be/VOmS2ZQ4Qd0 8. Debtaun ka thau https://youtu.be/0Zm-bylpCe0
Hit  Garhwali Video albums for you:
Ab kathaga khailyo - Garhwali Album by Narendra singh Negi and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/F6XiXY Ae Janu Rey Album hit Garhwali songs by Kishan Mahipal: goo.gl/SXrLO7 Bichhna - Garhwali Album by Saheb Singh Ramola: https://goo.gl/5BtxL7 Gwar Chhora - Garhwali Album by Asha Bhosle: https://goo.gl/5rdSxw Goriya rey - Kumaoni Album by Balbeer Rana and Basanti Bisht: https://goo.gl/HYhbPQ Hey Nisha - Garhwali Album by Mukesh Kathait and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/NqL2vH Ho Jiya - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/3As3ps Jhampa Jajmani - Garhwali Album by Prem Singh Gusain and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Rbt6OC Motima Baurani - Kumaoni Album by Nainnath Rawal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/yJ0Cza Music - Yaad Aali Tehri - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/6pXqU7 Man bharmege - Garhwali Album by Lata Mangeskar: https://goo.gl/scLCtH Mayako Mundaro - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/NOE0zk Nauni Danda Gaon Kee - Garhwali Album by Virendra Rajput and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/PLMTsU O Neera - Garhwali Album by Gajendra Rana: https://goo.gl/Ktc0UP Phulmati - Garhwali Album by Akash Bhardwaj and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/xImUc1 Salanya Syali - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/KpsKHQ Sureema Garhwali album: https://goo.gl/Xj7k2M Semanya Bouji - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Zj0qv7 Sanka Samlaunyan hwege - Garhwali Album by Dinesh Kaintura and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/fqODkz Tyra Saun - Garhwali Album by Rajju Bisht and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/C9jZED -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Best Garhwali Movies by Himalayan films
Kamli full Garhwali Movie: https://goo.gl/KExY5r Kafal superhit Garhwali film: goo.gl/c4xVMa Gullu Comedy Garhwali movie: goo.gl/aGG35B Ghanna-Girgit-ar-Yamraj – Garhwali Comdey Movie: https://goo.gl/T9p0gY Gundru Banige Hero: goo.gl/CIt3Ic Yad ali tehri full garhwali movie in HD: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk Manswang full garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9 Auji - Short Film: goo.gl/QiR7vN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Himalayan films Library:
Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/anZahH Meena Rana Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe TOP 10 Garhwali Song - https://goo.gl/eAGwvs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Like the video, share the video to promote Uttarakhandi Culture. Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture. YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/channel/UClp-m... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Himalayanfilm Google+:  https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Himalaya... LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/himalayan... Twitter:  https://twitter.com/HimalayanFilm Website: http://himalayanfilms.com/
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
तैं ज्वानि को राजपाट - #नरेन्द्र_सिंह_नेगी गढ़वाली गीत, अभिनय - #संजय_सिलोड़ी और #पूनम_पांडे
Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture. https://goo.gl/zz6di6
Tain jwani ko rajpat - Garhwali Song by Narendra Singh Negi | Sanju silodi & Poonam Pandey
Album: Salanya Syali
Singer:  Narendra Singh Negi, Geetika Aswal, and Manju Sundriyal Songs-Music: Narendra Singh Negi Music Composition: H Sony (Pumpum) Editor: Nagendra Prasad Director: Anil Bisht MD: Mohan Lakhera Producer: Ravindra Lakhera Language: Garhwali Label:  Himalayan Film PVT LTD
For free Subscription click here:  https://goo.gl/zz6di6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Salanya Syali Garhwali Album’s other super hit songs: Tain jwani ko rajpat: https://youtu.be/091VPdp4r_8 Chal mera thaula: https://youtu.be/Xs0Be2GTPbk Batu chh samwar: https://youtu.be/KwfU54k2ZxA Sya kani dyuti: https://youtu.be/nv7EXg23lu0 Binsiri ki bela:  https://youtu.be/6pcBT0CxeoI Min ta Samjhi: https://youtu.be/5_eGbgrGV_4 Jhaguli kanthyali: https://youtu.be/SieLfQ6O4sQ Tum bhee sunna: https://youtu.be/RLytYtfc_QA
New Garhwali songs in HD: Tikuli Binduli – Kishan Mahipal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0xDbZuaAuI Man Bharmege – Lata Mangeshkar: https://youtu.be/afHihdzyZac Sunind Ratiyon ma – Kishan Mahipal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=843jK8ZoXxY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Recommended Garhwali Video songs for you: Ab kathaga khailyo - Garhwali Album by Narendra singh Negi and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/F6XiXY Ae Janu Rey Album hit Garhwali songs by Kishan Mahipal: goo.gl/SXrLO7 Bichhna - Garhwali Album by Saheb Singh Ramola: https://goo.gl/5BtxL7 Gwar Chhora - Garhwali Album by Asha Bhosle: https://goo.gl/5rdSxw Goriya rey - Kumaoni Album by Balbeer Rana and Basanti Bisht: https://goo.gl/HYhbPQ Hey Nisha - Garhwali Album by Mukesh Kataith and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/NqL2vH Ho Jiya - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/3As3ps Jhampa Jajmani - Garhwali Album by Prem Singh Gusain and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Rbt6OC Motima Baurani - Kumaoni Album by Nainnath Rawal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/yJ0Cza Music - Yaad Aali Tehri - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/6pXqU7 Man bharmege - Garhwali Album by Lata Mangeskar: https://goo.gl/scLCtH Mayako Mundaro - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/NOE0zk Nauni Danda Gaon Kee - Garhwali Album by Virendra Rajput and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/PLMTsU O Neera - Garhwali Album by Gajendra Rana: https://goo.gl/Ktc0UP Phulmati - Garhwali Album by Akash Bhardwaj and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/xImUc1 Salanya Syali - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/KpsKHQ Sureema Garhwali album: https://goo.gl/Xj7k2M Semanya Bouji - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Zj0qv7 Sanka Samlaunyan hwege - Garhwali Album by Dinesh Kaintura and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/fqODkz Tyra Saun - Garhwali Album by Rajju Bisht and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/C9jZED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Best Garhwali Movies by Himalayan films Kamli full Garhwali Movie: https://goo.gl/KExY5r Kafal superhit Garhwali film: goo.gl/c4xVMa Gullu Comedy Garhwali movie: goo.gl/aGG35B Ghanna-Girgit-ar-Yamraj – Garhwali Comdey Movie: https://goo.gl/T9p0gY Gundru Banige Hero: goo.gl/CIt3Ic Yad ali tehri full garhwali movie in HD: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk Manswang full garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9 Auji - Short Film: goo.gl/QiR7vN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Himalayan films Library: Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/anZahH Meena Rana Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe TOP 10 Garhwali Song - https://goo.gl/eAGwvs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DON’T FORGET TO LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT. हमारी हर विडियो की जानकारी आपको सीधी मिलती रहे इसकेलिए सब्सक्राइब करें! सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें - https://goo.gl/zz6di6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like the video and share the video to promote Uttarakhandi Culture. Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture. YouTube:  https://goo.gl/zz6di6 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Himalayanfilm Google+:  https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Himalayanfilms LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/himalayanfilms Twitter:  https://twitter.com/HimalayanFilm Website: http://himalayanfilms.com/
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
Latest uttarakhandi song! पहाड़ी ऐ ग्याई पहाड़ मा - डॉ0 कमल खंडूड़ी गढ़वाली गीत
Song: Meru Pahar Kumaon Garhwal (Pahri ae gyae pahar ma) Singer & Lyrics: Dr. Kamal Khanduri Artist: Balwant Singh and Naveen Khanduri Music: KCK Camera: Soni Kothiyal Recording: Melodica Studio Dehradun Editor: Mohit Kumar Producer: Ravindra Lakhera Label: Himalayan Films Pvt. Ltd.
=========================================== SUBSCRIBE US FOR THE LATEST UPDATE: https://goo.gl/zz6di6 ===========================================
Dr. Kamal Khanduri’s Other Latest Garhwali song: 1. Bedu Pako Baramasa - https://youtu.be/WEnxzj0mARM 2. Balo Kanheya - https://youtu.be/NOScay7J0QI 3. Sakyon Bati - https://goo.gl/sh2eNT
Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD: 1. Kaile Baje Muruli by Gopal Babu Goswami https://goo.gl/ureE2w 2. Bijum Pyari by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/df3zdH 3. Sureema... by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/ctBEVK 4. Mera Danda Nagraj by Manoj Mandrwal https://goo.gl/WiqMF9 5. Samrai dya by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/4UkvCE 6. Man bharmege by Lata Mangeshkar https://goo.gl/YbTTiJ 7. Trijugi narayan by Narendra singh Negi https://goo.gl/2tnrhT 8. Tikuli Binduli by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/M5QyK4 9. Rup Rang Teru Pyaru - Nandan Jakhmola & Kanishka Negi - https://goo.gl/VCVcF4 =======================================
Follow us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture. YouTube:  https://goo.gl/zz6di6 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Himalayanfilm Google+:  https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Himalayanfilms LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/himalayanfilms Twitter:  https://twitter.com/HimalayanFilm Website: http://himalayanfilms.com/
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
Enjoy Latest Romantic Garhwali Video song - Rup Rang Teru Pyaru in Full HD 4K Video quality. Like Share & comment!!
Song: Rup Rang Teru Pyaru
Artist: Deepu Janvi (Pammu) & Preeti
Singer: Nandan Jakhmola & Kanishka Negi
Lyrics: Nandan Jakhmola
Language: Garhwali
Music: Vinod Panday
Recordist: Devesh Rawat
Makeup: Manisha Manu
Camera: Akash “Akki”
Editor: Mohit Kumar
Director: Rampal Bharti
Producer: Ravindra Lakhera
Lebal: Himalayan Films Pvt. Ltd.
Recommended Latest Garhwali - Kumaoni Videos Song 2017 Full HD:
1.   Kaile Baje Muruli by Gopal Babu Goswami https://goo.gl/ureE2w2.   Bijum Pyari by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/df3zdH3.   Sureema... by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/ctBEVK4.  
Mera Danda Nagraj by Manoj Mandrwal
Samrai dya
by Kishan Mahipal https://goo.gl/4UkvCE6.  
Man bharmege
by Lata Mangeshkar https://goo.gl/YbTTiJ7.  
Bedu Pako Baramasa by Dr. Kamal Khanduri
Trijugi narayan by Narendra singh Negi
https://goo.gl/2tnrhT9.   Tikuli Binduli by Kishan Mahipal
Recommended best Garhwali Video Album songs:
Ab kathaga khailyo - Garhwali Album by Narendra singh Negi and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/F6XiXY
Ae Janu Rey Album hit Garhwali songs by Kishan Mahipal: goo.gl/SXrLO7
Bichhna - Garhwali Album by Saheb Singh Ramola: https://goo.gl/5BtxL7
Gwar Chhora - Garhwali Album by Asha Bhosle: https://goo.gl/5rdSxw
Goriya rey - Kumaoni Album by Balbeer Rana and Basanti Bisht: https://goo.gl/HYhbPQ
Hey Nisha - Garhwali Album by Mukesh Kataith and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/NqL2vH
Ho Jiya - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/3As3ps
Jhampa Jajmani - Garhwali Album by Prem Singh Gusain and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Rbt6OC
Motima Baurani - Kumaoni Album by Nainnath Rawal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/yJ0Cza
Music - Yaad Aali Tehri - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/6pXqU7
Man bharmege - Garhwali Album by Lata Mangeskar: https://goo.gl/scLCtH
Mayako Mundaro - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/NOE0zk
Nauni Danda Gaon Kee - Garhwali Album by Virendra Rajput and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/PLMTsU
O Neera - Garhwali Album by Gajendra Rana: https://goo.gl/Ktc0UP
Phulmati - Garhwali Album by Akash Bhardwaj and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/xImUc1
Salanya Syali - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/KpsKHQ
Sureema Garhwali album: https://goo.gl/Xj7k2M
Semanya Bouji - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Zj0qv7
Sanka Samlaunyan hwege - Garhwali Album by Dinesh Kaintura and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/fqODkz
Tyra Saun - Garhwali Album by Rajju Bisht and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/C9jZED
Best Garhwali Movies by Himalayan films
Kamli full Garhwali Movie: https://goo.gl/KExY5r
Kafal superhit Garhwali film: goo.gl/c4xVMa
Gullu Comedy Garhwali movie: goo.gl/aGG35B
Ghanna-Girgit-ar-Yamraj – Garhwali Comdey Movie: https://goo.gl/T9p0gY
Gundru Banige Hero: goo.gl/CIt3Ic
Yad ali tehri full garhwali movie in HD: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk
Manswang full garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9
Auji - Short Film: goo.gl/QiR7vN
Himalayan films Library:
Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL
Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd
Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp
Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z
Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu
Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/anZahH
Meena Rana Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd
Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR
Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe
TOP 10 Garhwali Song - https://goo.gl/eAGwvs
Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture.
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himalayanfilms-blog · 7 years ago
Kaile Baje Muruli (Remix) by Gopal Babu Goswami || most famous Uttarakhani song || Best old garhwali - kumaoni song || Hit garhwali song || 
Song: Kaile Baje Muruli… Artist: Ankita Patwal & Mukesh Sharma Lyrics & Singer: Late Gopal Babu Goswami Remix Music: Sanjay Kumola Recordist: Pawan Gusain Makeup: Shivender Rawat (Shibbu) Cameraman: Rajesh Raturi Production Manager: Puran Thapa Editor: Mohit Kumar and Vibhor Saklani Director: Anuj Joshi MD: Mohan Lakhera Producer: Ravindra Lakhera Label: Himalayan Films Pvt Ltd. दुनिया भर में उत्तराखंड की समृद्ध संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देने के लिए साझा करें। Like करें, Share करें और Subscribe करें. https://goo.gl/zz6di6 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended best Garhwali Video Album songs: Ab kathaga khailyo - Garhwali Album by Narendra singh Negi and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/F6XiXY Ae Janu Rey Album hit Garhwali songs by Kishan Mahipal: goo.gl/SXrLO7 Bichhna - Garhwali Album by Saheb Singh Ramola: https://goo.gl/5BtxL7 Gwar Chhora - Garhwali Album by Asha Bhosle: https://goo.gl/5rdSxw Goriya rey - Kumaoni Album by Balbeer Rana and Basanti Bisht: https://goo.gl/HYhbPQ Hey Nisha - Garhwali Album by Mukesh Kataith and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/NqL2vH Ho Jiya - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/3As3ps Jhampa Jajmani - Garhwali Album by Prem Singh Gusain and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Rbt6OC Motima Baurani - Kumaoni Album by Nainnath Rawal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/yJ0Cza Music - Yaad Aali Tehri - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/6pXqU7 Man bharmege - Garhwali Album by Lata Mangeskar: https://goo.gl/scLCtH Mayako Mundaro - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/NOE0zk Nauni Danda Gaon Kee - Garhwali Album by Virendra Rajput and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/PLMTsU O Neera - Garhwali Album by Gajendra Rana: https://goo.gl/Ktc0UP Phulmati - Garhwali Album by Akash Bhardwaj and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/xImUc1 Salanya Syali - Garhwali Album by Narendra Singh Negi: https://goo.gl/KpsKHQ Sureema Garhwali album: https://goo.gl/Xj7k2M Semanya Bouji - Garhwali Album by Kishan Mahipal and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/Zj0qv7 Sanka Samlaunyan hwege - Garhwali Album by Dinesh Kaintura and Meena Rana: https://goo.gl/fqODkz Tyra Saun - Garhwali Album by Rajju Bisht and Deepa Chauhan: https://goo.gl/C9jZED ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Best Garhwali Movies by Himalayan films Kamli full Garhwali Movie: https://goo.gl/KExY5r Kafal superhit Garhwali film: goo.gl/c4xVMa Gullu Comedy Garhwali movie: goo.gl/aGG35B Ghanna-Girgit-ar-Yamraj – Garhwali Comdey Movie: https://goo.gl/T9p0gY Gundru Banige Hero: goo.gl/CIt3Ic Yad ali tehri full garhwali movie in HD: https://goo.gl/k7BUEk Manswang full garhwali movie: https://goo.gl/2i2Or9 Auji - Short Film: goo.gl/QiR7vN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Himalayan films Library: Narendra Singh Negi Garhwali Video Songs: https://goo.gl/RqPMZL Kishan Mahipal Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/Coh7Vd Gajendra Rana Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/AB0wTp Virendra Rajput Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/KQSv3Z Prem Singh Gusain Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/xuuBxu Sahab Singh Ramola Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/anZahH Meena Rana Garhwali Songs: https://goo.gl/9vY7kd Deepa Chauhan Garhwali songs: https://goo.gl/CPPdyR Basanti Bisht Kumaoni Songs: https://goo.gl/bhnXTe TOP 10 Garhwali Song - https://goo.gl/eAGwvs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Like the video and share the video to promote Uttarakhandi Culture. Subscribe us to stay connected with Uttarakhandi Culture. YouTube: https://goo.gl/zz6di6 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Himalayanfilm Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Himalaya... LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/himalayan... Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimalayanFilm Website: http://himalayanfilms.com/
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