egyptroyal · 6 years
Starting Late | +14 ||
@astatheloner​ | @rxversxng​ | @jonesiianto​ | @red-eyes-minnie​ | @zombiegirlrp​ | @lostwanderinghearts​ | @smithjanesarah​ | @guvernantka | @doctor-of-fair-play | @hcpebound | @holmestheheart | @cricketandcelery | @travel-hopefully | @jennymaltzurrak |
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“You expect me to believe that?” Emily asked them, clearly letting the situation she found them in register and settle in her mind than what they claimed had happened. Claimed. She didn’t believe them on their explanation for the simple fact that it didn’t line up with the case. They had to be connected somehow and yet, this could have been the fact that she couldn’t get a read off them and that didn’t sit right with her.
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urbxnlegxnd · 6 years
@hcpebound - plotted
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The man had finished (so far) what he had to do for Lena workwise while she just seemed to be currently lost in paperwork. He needed to get her out of the office at some point. However what he was looking forward to was the fact that Kara was coming! The woman he had met on that day and had a brief blast with in Jitters. And she was bringing donuts! Sweet! 
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rel-el · 6 years
A wild @hcpebound appeared!
Seeing that symbol had always been hard for Ariella. Once, so long ago that it almost felt like a dream, her father had explained to her that it was a symbol of hope where he was from and that was why their family wore it proudly on their chest. But everything had changed since back then, for reasons unknown to her her mother was gone and her father didn’t recognize her and this strange blonde woman ran around using her mother’s name.
Rel glared the woman in question down. She knew stealing was wrong, but Klarion had always told her that she had to take what she needed because no one was going to help her out. And he was right, in ten years no one but him had ever offered her a hand up, so when the opportunity had presented itself, she’d grabbed a fist full of cash from the hotdog cart on the corner and taken off down the alley. It was just her luck that the guy’s yelling had brought a hero type down on her. Not wanting to reveal her powers, she whipped around and raised her fists, prepared to fight.
“I’m not scared of you.”
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sagittula · 6 years
hcpebound started following sagittula
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“If I were you, I’d be careful where you go wearing that symbol. In these parts at least.”
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forthewinn · 6 years
@hcpebound gets a plotted starter 
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Winn leaned back in his chair as he watched the clock. Kara was coming back today, and that on its own was something that he was looking forward to. Sure he should be focused on his job, but the past months without her were not the same. She always made the room brighter, and was the only one who could answer the phones without getting stressed out. Looking towards the elevator as it opened, he smiled as he saw his best friend. Getting out of his chair he began fast walking towards her. “Kara, hey.” 
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@hcpebound for that starter we talked about
Okay, so aliens weren’t even that shocking anymore.
Was that crazy? Yeah a little bit. After all, growing up Barry had thought a lot about aliens and what they would be like and how to communicate with them. What it would be like when they finally met. Then he had met Kara, and following that the Dominators, and everything he had ever thought about aliens was...well it was incredibly wrong honestly.
So yeah, Barry’s world was altered a bit from that. But he was still surprised when alien after alien started popping up in Central City. And it wasn’t this...massive invasion force like with the Dominators. He had no idea what was happening here. It was...well it was confusing, unpredictable, and it took the team way too long to figure out that these guys weren’t even from their universe.
With it finally worked out, Barry had Cisco help him, breaching him to the same Earth that they had determined they came from: Earth 38. After some bickering, and Barry entrusting the safety of the city to Ralph and Caitlin’s Killer Frost, jumping through the breach with Cisco at his side to appear right in the middle of Kara’s apartment...again.
“Kara? It’s me. It’s Barry.”
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technorganiic-blog · 6 years
‘ dont forget to tell someone you love that you love them, thank people who deserve to be thanked, be more patient on people having a hard time, be more considerate, understanding, and be kinder, always. ’
more popular text post starters // still accepting ;;
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          ❝ — i thought we didn’t decide on who deserves what? ❞ brainy responds, a brow lifting. ❝ but yes, i do believe that the benefit of the doubt, as you say, is required in most situations? ❞ then again, he’s slowly learning that it’s not as easy as one would think. humanity really does make it difficult some days.
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frozendoppleganger · 6 years
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“I know it might be shocking to you, but for once, I’m not doing anything wrong.” She’d actually been trying to lay low for the time being.
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winniisms · 6 years
send “💋” to kiss my muse out of nowhere
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      For a moment Winn was taken ABACK. He´d been talking about something just a minute before, something important? He couldn´t quite say. It felt like his brain was wiped the moment her lips found his.
       Then he kissed her back.
     Which, to be fair, was maybe a little more desperate than it should have been. And then he realized what was happening and his brain went into panic mode.
    “What…?” Winn pulled back, shaking his head, slightly out of breath. “What…was THAT?”
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fatalheat · 6 years
❛ Nobody really wants to keep secrets, not even the dead.. ❜
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“You saying we got Zombies now?”  The thought was both exciting and horrifying. Zombies burned... right? Not as good as vampires, but close. Though almost as bad as puppets.
He hated puppets.
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the-bctman · 6 years
❛ i’ll be down before you can say… mixed vegetables? ❜
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“Why would I say mixed vegetables?”
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amazonexile · 6 years
‘ there’s still room for adventure & there is no one i’d rather have by my side. ’
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Diana smiled. “Me neither, Kara,” she replied. “I’m proud to count you among my friends.”
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goldenfatale-moved · 6 years
2, 9, 13, 27
the be honest meme.  // accepting
2. Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why?
Ehhhhhh..... Kind of. It’s not so much of aesthetics (like i do not care if you do small font or not, or have icons. I will generally format to match you, or format to match my own.). Personally I prefer iconless threads to ones with huge pictures/gifs. Mostly I’m looking for style of writing which isn’t really an aesthetic thing, it’s more seeing if our writing is compatible. 
I HATE overly edited stuff - I once had a reply I had to ask someone to send me a screenshot of because all their “________” text was formatted outside of tumblr in a special font and just showed up as boxes and symbols at my end, which while it looked cool on their browser/blog, it did not translate well over to the dash or on reblogs.
9. What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
I don’t mind it. It’s all about comfort level really. Personally I don’t practice it  - tried it once with a rare crackpair ship (like super unlikely to ever be a pair considering they weren’t even in the same show), but then my partner went and redid all our plots/threads with another person who wrote the same muse as me. So that was kind of a turn off because it was uncomfortable, and to have someone redo not just one theme/plot/thread but like... thirty of them with their new partner and never respond to our threads which had 100s of notes of back and forth, yet still tell me they wanted to write/ship.... that was shit.
13. Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
Yeah a few times. Mostly I just kinda go... there’s a lot of other things I could be doing instead of writing. Figuring out that balance was important - at one point I put a lot of pressure on myself to answer all threads within like 48 hrs tops (HAH). 
Even now though, I still consider it here and there. I have blogs I’ve put on hiatus and check in now and again, and not a lot draws me back to them.
27. Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back?
Really depends. If I thoroughly enjoy their writing/blog then yes. If it’s someone I’m hoping to write with and they don’t follow me back, then I eventually unfollow them. Same goes for people who follow me then unfollow me. I’ll unfollow back. Mainly because a) clearly they’re not interested in writing with this particular muse and b) with how often blogs are mutuals only these days, I’d just rather not accidentally “break” rules if I send a meme in or comment on stuff when they’re a mutuals only or private blog. 
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urbxnlegxnd · 6 years
"To health, happiness and good days."
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“I could drink to that! Amen, girl - amen!” Lee stated with a bright smile and raised his glass towards her. “Cheers!” 
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anansixpowered · 6 years
🎉 (on the cheek~)
Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve.
Amaya smiled warmly and returned the gesture without hesitation. “Happy New Year, Kara.” She said warmly.
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wcightofthcworlda · 6 years
best moment of the year?
end of year asks // still accepting ;;
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          honestly, it’s a mixture of two things tbh – after a year of not going to church (i quit my old one) i was feeling kind of lost so i was invited to join my sister’s one and i did, and - to put the next part into context - i’ve been doing mission work across scotland for a few years but have always wanted to go abroad, and i had looked into going on one two years previous but ultimately didn’t get to go because of stuff that led to me quitting - so basically, i was really interested again and another opportunity came up and i felt like i should go, but the dates that i would need to put in for annual leave were already taken so i couldn’t go. a literal day after i became an official member of the church i went into to work to find out that the colleague that had the dates i would need had moved service and my manager phoned to say that the dates were now mine. long story short, with the financial help given to me from my new church, i was able to go to italy and spend a week there with two other guys from my church (and one of my closest friends was also a member (neither of us knew that we were going to be there so that was a fantastic reunion in a different country (lol)) and for me that was both my greatest moment of my life and a massive achievement as i rarely go outside of my town due to my anxiety yet i was able to get myself to a new country and actually enjoy myself. i’ve never felt so at peace with my faith, who i am as a person, and the friends that surround me. so… yeah. naples 2018 was it for me.
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