twelvetm · 5 years
@guvernantka​  ❤
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“  that  deep  &&  LOVELY  dark  .  we’d  never  see  the  stars  without  it  .  ”
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makethangels · 5 years
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       ❝ tatiana ! i’m so glad you’re here ! ❞ catherine rises to her feet, beaming as she goes to greet the younger woman. placing a polite kiss to each cheek, the english queen is still BEAMING when she pulls back. ❝ to what do i owe the pleasure ? did we have a meeting i’ve forgotten about ? ❞
@guvernantka​ // liked for a starter
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pastfound-a · 5 years
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@guvernantka : 💛 ( moodboard! )  —  a  moodboard  about  our  muse’s  relationship.
moodboard  meme.     accepting !
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sncwfated · 5 years
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"Wasn’t me. I didn’t touch ANYTHING - ” Both hands up, wearing his most innocent expression, even though he’s already guiltily toeing the shards under the carpet - Dmitry isn’t particularly keen to be flayed alive by the older grand duchess (or, even worse, Countess Lily) for the thorough DESTRUCTION of the vase that once stood upon the drawing room table. “ - That is entirely the work of your little sister.” Sniffs childishly. eyeing the mess of shards and flowers and dark patch of water soaking into the carpet. “And maybe Vlad. I’m just fixing the scene of the crime.” Blinks large eyes. “Cross my heart.”
@guvernantka​ hit the heart !
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songdreamt-a · 5 years
{ @guvernantka | werewolf sc }
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“I can’t--I can’t stay.” She’s already inching away. The full moon is tonight; she’s been feeling it for the past few days, now.
“I have to go.”
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ncvaflows-archive · 5 years
🎹 for olga!
Send in 🎹 for our muses to sit at a piano together!@guvernantka
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“And what will my dearest Tatya have this time, hm?” She teased stopping her playing on the instrument for a moment to beam at her sister before turning back slightly to let fingers fly across the keys as they sang out a bright cheerful melody for a moment then switching it out to a deeper more complex rendition of another song. Perhaps she was being a bit of a show off, but she dearly enjoyed her time at the piano and playing for her family. 
“Are we feeling a bit of Mozart this evening or perhaps Bach? Or perhaps it’s Tchaikovsky sort of evening with winter finally falling on us, hm?”
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signedfate · 5 years
          @guvernantka​ :  ❝ there is not a single day that goes by where i don’t think of what i’ve lost. ❞
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        it  takes  her  a  few  seconds  to  realize  that  the  other  girl  must  have  been  speaking  to  her;  it  was  harder  to  know  these  days  with  everybody’s  minds  wandering  and  words  spilling  out  unknowingly,  all  lightheaded  from  lack  of  food.   she  assumes  she  must  be  speaking  of  a  loved  one  ------  of  family,  and  for  a  moment  she  can  be  nothing  but  silent.   she’s  “lost”  people  too,  though  it  might  qualify  more  under  “left”  instead.   (  eurydice  was  a  hungry  young  girl  ---  a  runaway  from  everywhere  she’s  been  ).   the  only  people  she’s  truly  lost  were  her  true  parents  and  she  didn’t  even  know  them  or  what  became  of  them.   didn’t  mean  it  didn’t  hurt  that  they  weren’t  there  for  her,  though.   
❛    look,  i  don’t  wanna  sound  unsympathetic  or  anything,  but  thinking  about  them  won’t  bring  them  back  into  your  life.   that’s  not  the  way  the  world  works.    ❜   eurydice  turns  to  her  and  offers  her  a  filled  glass,  clinking  it  with  her  own.   ❛    best  you  can  do  is  keep  moving  forward.   whoever  it  is  that  you’ve  lost  probably  wouldn’t  want  you  to  just  sit  and  sulk,  would  they ?    ❜
some  meme  i’m  too  lazy  to  find.     not  accepting.
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russicnrat · 5 years
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@guvernantka​​​​​​​​  /  three words :  “You did what?”
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For a moment, Dmitry wonders if it’s worth repeating ( after all, he’s never been the type to reap advice when independence has gotten him this far ), but the box nestled in his pocket, growing heavier by the second, protests this notion. He inhales sharply, gaze cautiously skirting the room behind the grand duchess before he drops a hand into his coat and withdraws it with an unprecedented delicacy, fingers gently prying open the lid. It’s perhaps the most valuable thing he’s ever owned, even more so than the stolen necklaces and bracelets he used to sell in the black market, and the thought of it resting boldly on Anya’s finger is enough to make him smile. Nervously and for mere a second at most, but he’s certain that detail isn’t missed by Tatiana’s keen eyes.
“I bought a ring.” It’s an unnecessary confirmation, but saying it aloud almost makes it feel more REAL. And with that, he shuts the box hastily, weighing it in his palm before he finally musters up the courage to confess why he’s really come to her in the first place. “But I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”
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skyfulcfstars · 5 years
@guvernantka <3′d
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      persephone grins almost conspiracy-like, and offers out her hand.
     “sorry for callin’ on you so early, but i could use some help in the garden and thought you might like to help?” in which case, she’ll send her home with more than she could ever want in the bounties of her momma’s garden, enough to feed her and her siblings for ages. but she also knows how much tati takes care of them, and knows she could use a break. this is what she offers.
   “hermes offered to keep an eye on the others, if you’re worried. think he might be teachin’ them trouble.”
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nikolacvna-archive · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOML!!! you deserve the world and i hope ur year is even better than the last 💜
that’s the dream, isn’t it??  thank you prue, you’re a doll!!
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singsfree · 5 years
[ 𝚃𝙴𝚇𝚃 ] i really do owe my life to the aesthetic
[  TEXT : Tatiana  ] does pinterest count ?
[  TEXT : Tatiana ] bc if so, same.
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inmydrcams · 5 years
@guvernantka​ said: “No, we are not ordering tickets to Nevada so you can go to Area 51.” @ ANYA
          ❝ But Tatyaaaaaaaa!” Of course she’s whining, she expected Tatya to be blissfully unaware of the Area 51 thing and that she would just spring it up there, possibly not even then. She would just sneak out and see what was the whole storming thing all about!  ❝ Come on, they’re definitely hiding something there and if there’s enough people going there and putting some pressure on the US government they will have to do something about it! ❞  Well, not quite, but no harm in trying.
              To be fair, she is not as gullible as she’s making herself sound, she pays more attention to the situation in Russia than her sisters think even if she acts as if she doesn’t. She knows very well how a large crowd can easily become nothing, but she’s curious. Nastya wants to take her camera and take some pictures, maybe do a blog post if there’s something interesting enough. But telling anyone it’s for any reason other than her being a brat will fly over everyone’s head, they think she’s still little shvibzik and she will play her part flawlessly.  ❝ You get to see a desert, Tatya! How many times have you seen the desert? We can even drop by Vegas and I won’t tell anything to Nana. ❞  Can they? She has actually no clue how far Vegas is from Area 51 but it seems like a good argument to try.
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pastfound-a · 5 years
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        ❛    i  don’t  remember  everything.   sometimes  i  get  flashes  of  something  in  my  mind...  in  my  dreams,  although  they  tend  to  go  as  quickly  as  they  come.    ❜   she  can’t  clearly  remember  her  father’s,  her  mother’s,  or  her  favorite  maid’s  faces,  but  every  now  and  then  it  was  like  she  could  hear  them  in  the  back  of  her  mind.   ❛    some  days  are  clearer  than  others,  though.    ❜
@guvernantka !    starter call.
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songdreamt-a · 5 years
{ @guvernantka | sc }
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“Doubt comes in, and my heart falters and forgets the songs it’s sung...”
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ncvaflows-archive · 5 years
❝ did i wake you? ❞ for olya
“no.” a half glare was sent at the tiny dark figure of the french bulldog currently residing on its mother’s lap. “ortipo’s snoring did. although by extension of him being yours…then yes.” 
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not that she really minded. ortipo was one of the darlings of the household and everyone had been secretly glad tatiana had gotten him despite not getting permission to do so. the dog was rather adorable fast asleep on her sister’s lap, which was why she was only slightly bothered at being woken. “but not really. it gives us some time to talk and for you to explain why you’re up still. what is on your mind?”
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miiirrorbcll · 5 years
@guvernantka liked my Bandstand starter call !
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“Soon you find you don’t even know how many years you let go, the chance is wasted in so many ways.”
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