#hc traktor
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Zach Fucale is so comfortable person
I was VERY touched by the way he talked after the match with the crowd of young boys who surrounded him. He is incredibly energetic, kind and positive
#ravenpawtalks#hockey#khl hockey#kontinental hockey league#hc traktor#traktor hc#zach fucale#zachary fucale#hockey goalies#goalie love
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I need to know who everyone's favorite hockey player is...for science
please reblog with a pic. it would be greatly appreciated
#my favorite boys#anthony beauvillier#tito beauvillier#axel jonsson fjallby#axel jonsson fjällby#ajf#zachary fucale#zach fucale#chicago blackhawks#winnipeg jets#hc traktor#hershey bears
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Megyünk tovább
A lepopós Merci volt annak a korszaknak a Rolls Royce-a, kamionban. Mozaikszó, légrugós ponyvás pótost takart. A légrugó új invenció volt, ma már nincs is más. Azonban valami nem volt rendben vele, sok borult. A HC akkori vezetése meg volt győződve arról, hogy túl kényelmes, a sofőr elalszik benne, és kész a baj. Lófaszt. A Mercedes és a Kassbohrer közös, hamvába holt próbálkozása volt, kicsi, majdnem személyautó méretű kerekekkel, ma jumbónak mondják. Valamit elbasztak, szerintem a pót forgózsámolyánál, 70-90 közt elkezdett szitálni, táncolni, és mire a sofőr észrevette, már oldalán csúszott. Az biztos, hogy nem a keleti utakra tervezték, de a német autobahnon is láttam feküdni párat. Abba is hagyták.
Istanbulban mindig megálltunk vásárolni. Sajnos imádom a ropogtatni való magokat, földimogyoró, törökmogyoró, kesu, mandula, pekán, pisztácia stb. 1 kg-os törökmogyóróval indultam Ankara felé. Eszegettem. Valahol Aksaray környékén volt a TIR-parkoló, akkor máshol nem szabadott megállni, na ott már görcsölt a hasam pöttyet. Másnap átgurultam a Toroson (Taurus), Adana felé. Az átgurulás kissé eufemisztikus kifejezés, mert kb 2,5-3ezer méteres magasságról van szó, a tengerpart előtti gyapottermelő síkságon, vagyis 0 méteren fekvő Adanáig. Ott 3-4-szer meg kell állni, hogy a tüzesen világító fékek kicsit hűljenek. Lepisálni tilos! Azonnal szétpattannak. Adana után már göcseim voltak. Ma már tudom, hogy a mogyoró eltömíti a bélbolyhokat, akkor még nem tudtam. Osmaniye, Gaziantep, már ömlött a víz rólam, meg rázott a hideg is. Urfa előtt
ami ma már Şanlıurfa
azt éreztem, hogy végem. Még egy kibaszott darázs is bebaszódott az ablakon, és megcsípett a nyakamon. Meg kellett állnom. Az egyik kanyar után megláttam egy ismerős színű kamiont, zöld traktor, sárga ponyva. Végre!! Közelebb érve vettem észre, hogy jobb oldalán fekszik, egy lepopós Merci volt.
Korabeli, szar, de jellemző kamionos vicc:
Főnők, eltört a jobb tükröm. Cseréld ki! nem egyszerű, az egész szerelvény rajta fekszik... A srácnak szerencsére semmi baja nem volt. Cigit hozott (Marlboro), ezért két géppisztolyos török katona járkált körülötte. Gyorsan leterítettek egy pokrócot a lepopós mögé, és lefektettek. Akkor már talán kicsit szarul néztem ki. Kibaszott görcseim voltak. Az egyik török a katonai rádión beszólt valahova, aztán eltáncolták, hogy az urfai hegyi orvos kinn van terepen, estefelé jön le a hegyekből, akkor felvesz. Kemény, durva hegyek voltak, villogó fogú és szemű kurdok, még kardokkal és puskákkal járkáltak. Már sötétedett, mikor a Landrover hangját meghallottam. Az ember megnézett, aztán betoltak a Landrover hátsó ülésére, és egy óra múlva Urfában voltunk. Két napig voltam benn. A szobában volt még rajtam kívül egy olajmunkás, aki valami olajkút-robbanásnál szarrá égett, szegény szörnyen bűzlött, egy nagy gézzel volt leterítve a rácsos ágya, és csak nyögött néha, és bűzölgött. Egy emlékem maradt, mikor kicsit magamhoz tértem, ránéztem az ablakra, és gondoltam, milyen morbid, hogy fekete a függöny, egy kórházban, aztán meglibbentette a szél, és felszállt a száznyolcvanötezer légy, és kiderült, hogy fehér a függöny. Másnap délutánig minden váltás fel akart vágni, volt, aki már gumikesztyűben, szikével a kezében jött. Közben persze itattak mindennel, olajjal, gyógynövényfőzetekkel, teákkal.
Este valahára megmordult a gyomrom, berohantam a függöny mögé a taposós vécére, és szörnyű kínok közepette megszültem egy pár centis cuccot, onnan minden oké volt. Másnap visszavitt a doki a Landroverrel a lepopós mellé, beültem a Mercibe, és indultam, kicsit gyengén, kicsit fehéren, kicsit remegve. Irány Bagdad.
Következő részünk tartalmából:
Mosul, Bagdad.
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Invader Zim has once again over taken my brain. Bringing back some old ocs for a series of Random fun facts/Headcannons! Going by category with Headcanons about Irk/Irkens, then Hives, then Characters. If they are AU specific I'll mention which AU (Mainly the 18 Years Later Au by @messinwitheddie ).
Irk/Irken HC: (these are general HCs I have about Irk and Irkens not Au specific)
Irk is the third closest planet to a Massive blue star.
Most Fauna is nocturnal and requires a Massive amount of nutrients to survive.
The atmosphere is very dense and the storm clouds are Nitrogen
Infact Nitrogen is the basis of the planet much like how earth is Oxygen based
As such the seas are Liquid Nitrogen
Irkens are a subterranean species that adapted to the surface
Despite this Modern Irkens still retain hyper sensitivity to light in general
Irkens are built to thrive in specific roles and their species often develops mutations to fill these roles
Irkens are much Like ants or Bees in that they have Hive structures.
Before the first civilization on Irk most Hives were a Queen and her Drones/mates and Smeets.
Females were even rarer before the first True Hive occured.
The pheromones that assigned early Irkens roles are still dormant in modern Irkens.
It is almost unheard of for these pheromones to reactivate and release save a few cases since the rise of Civilization
Irken reproduction is incredibly dangerous and often fatal for female Irkens
Irkens have Massive swarm with the average size being between 80 and 100 smeets
Birthing a swarm over 250 is high risk and often fatal
Few Irken women ever have more than 2 swarms. The third is fatal except in a few incredibly rare circumstances
Specific Hives:
Hive Traktor: 18 Years Later AU
The birth place of Cyder and Irk's various alcoholic drinks
Tallest Flapjack was the world's first Gourmond and often liked to travel to Hives across the globe to taste their delicacies. In return he created the World's first International and Trans Trans Continental trade Route. He had a mutation that gave him 8 eyes and a hyper sensitive palate.
The most common mutations in Hive Traktor are not visible traits. One makes the Irken's bones incredibly durable and allows more Muscular growth than usual. Another is an actual sense of smell, touch and sight that allows them to pick up the slightest change in atmospheric pressure and accurately predict weather patterns.
Hive Traktor is the reason the 5 Star Alliance fell to ruin. Tallest Olst was a power mad dictator that drove his own Hive to ruin. But not before he slaughtered Tallest Aria of Hive Octave and collapsed ever possible entrance and exit to Hive Geo.
Tallest Olst singlehandedly destroyed 3 Hives. He is at the Tallest Table in the afterlife and will never leave. Forever trapped at the table unable to enjoy any of the food and power he had in life. The entirety of Hive Traktor despises him
Hive Geo:
Some irkens born to Hive Geo never see Moonlight as they never leave the Caves and Mines of their Hive.
I changed the main mutations of this Hive. The main mutations present are Albinism, Gem like Eyes, and Echolocation. Most Mining drone have a mutation where they have no eyes and see with radar. This allows them to find veins of ore and gems in the walls.
The last Tallest of Hive Geo was Tallest Vista. He was a Chimera who absorbed his entire swarm. He had patches of every different skin color possible in an irken. He was Nicknamed the Irken Rainbow by Tallest Uthril of Hive Sol. Vista was incredibly kind and caring towards his Fellow Irkens and his Hive flourished under him. But his kindness killed him.
Tallest Vista caught Miner's Rattle. A Splooch Infection from exposure to various trapped gasses in the Mines. He was unable to do anything as Olst collapsed the Enterances and exits to Hive Geo. Vista quickly realized that if Hive Geo was trapped so was Hive Octave. Vista sent all his Miner's towards the Tunnels heading for Hive Traktor. Hoping they could dig his Hive out while he took a significantly smaller force to Try and get a single tunnel to Hive Octave.
Vista Failed. The small team found another pocket of Noxious gasses. This one combusted and collapsed the tunnels behind then.
This triggered a complete collapse of Hive Geo. Killing everyone inside and cutting off Hive Octave from any assistance.
Tallest Aria: 18 Years Later Au
Final Tallest of Hive Octave.
Aria had a Partner, a short Drummer named Pitch. The two had a swarm with a surrogate.
Aria used to be a selfish and moody Irken. She often snapped and intimidated to get her way. In her pursuit of Pitch, Aria changed for the better. But her biggest turning point was when she nearly lost Pitch during birth.
They lost 73 out of 99 smeets and Pitch nearly bled to death. Aria spent 3 days desperately trying to save as many smeets as she could while trying to keep her Love alive. It gave her some perspective on how her own actions affected others especially those under her.
Aria gave her Hive a public apology for her previous behavior and restarted her regime from the ground up. She made major changes to many of the laws in her Hive to ensure her people were better cared for and heard.
Her downfall began when she suggested ending a tradition in the 5 Star Alliance. Specifically the use of 2 separate fertility festivals to separate "desirable Irkens" and "Defective Irkens". She suggested simply eliminating the second festival and letting everyone participate in 1 big festival.
Tallest Olst of Hive Traktor saw this as both a personal offense and a possible way to grab power. He tried to rally the other Hives against this suggestion only to discover that he was entirely unsupported. Hives Sol, Opal, and Geo agreed with Aria.
Olst would later Poison Aria under the guise of an apology. Using Aria's love of noodles to kill her painfully. Pitch would then fly into a rage and brutalized Olst with her own bare hands as the drone from Hive Octave slaughtered the tall members of Olst's party and retreated. Pitch died not moments after Olst, impaled by one of Olst's loyal generals.
Olst survived only a few days after. Just long enough to trap Hive Octave and Hive Geo in their Hives.
Hive Octave had lost all their Tall drones to Olst's generals as well. Leaving them leaderless. Even after 3 fertility festivals no new Tallest entered the world.
Aria's Neice, Flit, Became The Almighty Smallest when no Tall Smeets remained after 4 years.
In Death Aria haunts Irk, Finding any Irken related to her Hive, and very specifically her Love Pitch. She gladly assists any of Pitch's descendants when she finds then.
The best example of this being @messinwitheddie Tallest Dava.
Flit, The Almighty Smallest: 18 Years Later Au
The last Ruler of Hive Octave. While Aria was the final Tallest is was her dear neice Flit who ruled until none but herself remained.
Flit was born without legs a few years after Aria's own Swarm reached Aprentice age. Flit's mother, Aria's only surviving swarmmate, died giving birth and only Flit survived.
Aria and Pitch raised Flit. Aria even made Flits first pair of Prostetics.
Flit had a deep connection to the Strings the Weaver wove. Hearing them in songs all around her. Flit was a Talented Oracle because of this and tried desperately to turn her abilities to help her Hive.
Aria was stiff with Flit. Always seeing her dead sister in her niece. Aria always regretted the distance she created between them.
Flit has an uneasy relationship with Aria. Neither know what to say to the other as both feel guilty for failing the other. But Flit Loves her Coddle Drone a lot and always respected her.
Flit was the last irken left Alive in Hive Octave. A combination of Disease, famine and declined birth rates killed the Hive in a matter of decades. No new Tallest was ever born and Flit remained alone in the Shell of her Hive until she perished on New Years.
Flit did not pass to the Tallest Table immediately after death. Instead Flit was pulled into a horrible vision of Irk's Future. She saw the Control Brains and Smeetries. The pain inflicted to other species. The complete loss of Irken culture and Diversity, the smog that blanketed the moons and sun from the sky, and the loss of all life upon the Irken surface. She saw the statue of the Colossus being pulled to her knees by an unholy beast of metal and flesh. And as the Colossus fell, a spike through her head, Cyder pouring forth, the ground beneath them split and the sun burned through the smog, engulfing the battlefield whole
Flit arrived to the warm greetings of her dead Hive with a mission. She had a spot reserved at the Tallest Table, but she gave it to her Drones instead.
Flit spends her eternity trying to reach the mind of a living Irken in the modern Era. Desperate to halt the destruction of Irk and Irkens as a whole.
#wow thats a lot#invader zim#the 5 star alliance#Hive Geo#Hive Traktor#tallest Olst#Tallest Flapjack#Tallest Geo#Tallest Aria#HIve Octave#Pitch#Almighty Smallest Flit
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By: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The rampant rumors of the return of the Hartford Whalers following the defeat of the arena proposal in Tempe, Arizona has just one salient point, money exists in Connecticut, primarily in Greenwich, the home of high finance. After that, there is nothing to suggest that there is even the faintest hope that NHL hockey is returning to Hartford. Listen to our long-time source, who wishes to remain anonymous. "While I think the fans, and the media, get suckered into this every time it surfaces, the only reality is the hedge fund money in the Greenwich area. They have the sort of money it would take to bring hockey to Connecticut. Still, Gary Bettman, the NHL commissioner, has shown zero interest that he wants to vacate Arizona, no matter how obvious it may seem. "Once you get past that, there are too many other negatives. There's no regional TV network, no new building in sight, the Boston Bruins, and the player pool is diluted now, are four I can name off the top of my head, and there are more. It's a pipe dream and fantasy. The politicians are looking to get their 15 minutes of fame." Outgoing Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin and Governor Ned Lamont did themselves no favors by violating Bettman's primary rule of no public pronouncements. He dislikes owners-in-waiting, who are too loquacious. Former Quebec City Mayor Régis Labeaume (2007-2021) blew it by going public. They're still waiting to hear from the NHL. Relocation is a possibility, not a certainty, and given the owners and potential suitors who have tried to outwit the Commissioner are gone from the scene, i.e., original Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes and Jim Balisilie, the Blackberry founder who's bankrupt and gone. Yet Bettman is still here and in the NHL Hall of Fame. So if you're betting on this one, put all your chips on Bettman and no team in Hartford. PLAYER MOVEMENT Ex-Hartford Wolf Pack, Vitali Kravtsov, has left the Vancouver Canucks, where the New York Rangers sent the Russian after they traded him at the trade deadline for Will Lockwood. Kravtsov departed Vancouver and is headed back to Russia again after signing a deal with Traktor Chelyabinsk (Russia-KHL) for a third time. Jonathan Marchessault, the ex-Connecticut Whale, who the Rangers misevaluated the undrafted QMJHL free agent product they had signed. He scored 32 goals and led the team in his rookie pro year in Hart City. The thought was that he would only be an AHL player. Whoops? After scoring in a 6-0 series clincher Monday night, he is now heading to his second Stanley Cup final appearance and just completed his second conference final to play the Florida Panthers for the Stanley Cup. Marchessault is making $30 million with the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Vegas also has as a backup goalie Jonathan Quick (Hamden/AOF), and their coaches are ex-Whalers assistant John Stevens Sr. and goalie Sean Burke. CONNECTICUT CONNECTIONS Scouts are ex-Whalers Jim McKenzie (Pro Scout), Connor Jones (Amateur scout), the former Quinnipiac University/Sound Tiger, and ex-Whaler, Alex Godynyuk (European scout). The Florida Panthers have ex-Yale goalie, Alex Lyon, ex-Hartford Wolf Pack/Ranger Marc Staal, former Sound Tiger Carter Verhaeghe, and former Whaler coach Paul Maurice, ex-Pack Sylvain Lefebvre is the Panthers' assistant coach. Pro Scouts Sean Backman (Cos Cob/Yale/AOF) and P.J. Fenton. Ex-Pack Yevgeni Grachev was the first mercurial Russian in Hartford before Kravtsov. He had a short stay. He switches Russian KHL teams from HC Vladivostock to Amur Khabarovsk. In the IIHF World Championships, Canada won the gold medal. Ex-Pack Sammy Blais scored twice, including the first goal in a 5-2 win over a pesky German squad. In the semifinal, Blais scored a perfect top-shelf goal from the right wing that helped Canada to a 4-2 come-from-behind win over Latvia. The US bid to play Canada for the gold medal was derailed by Germany in a 4-3 overtime win in the other semifinal by Frederik Tiffels, ending captain Nick Bonino's (Unionville via Farmington/AOF) journey as they went home without a medal losing to tourney co-host Latvia 4-3 in the bronze medal game. EX WOLF PACK Ex-Pack Andres Ambühl, 39, and his Swiss teammates lost in the quarterfinals, and has played in a record 131 WC games for the Swiss. The Quebec Remparts opened the Memorial Cup in fine fashion with an impressive 8-3 win over host Kamloops Blazers, who the Pack's Dylan Garand played for last year. The Pack's Matt Rempe's former junior team, the Seattle Thunderbirds (WHL), took on future possible Wolf Pack teammate Brennan Othmann and the Peterborough Petes in their first games for each team and won 6-3. Othmann had one assist and was a minus-two. The Petes also feature Devils draft pick Chase Stillman, Kamloops came back in their next game, wiping out Peterborough 10-2. Then Monday, Quebec beat Kamloops 3-1. MORE EX-PACK Ex-Pack Ty Ronning and Stefan Matteau Jr., a Wolf Pack training camp invitee several years ago and son of the former Ranger, Stefan Sr., who was a Wolf Pack promotional guest earlier this year, were both released by ERC Ingolstadt (Germany-DEL). Ronning signed with Eisbären Berlin (Germany-DEL). Ex-Pack Jake Elmer leaves HK Nitra (Slovakia-SLEL) for Odense (Denmark-DHL). Cédric Lacroix, an ex-Sound Tiger, and late Wolf Pack training camp cut two years ago, who played this year at Grand Rapids (AHL), Toledo (ECHL), and Trois-Rivières (ECHL), signs with Vorarlberg (Austria-IceHL) next year. Cole Maier (Taft School) heads from Manitoba to Nuremberg (Germany-DEL) next year; Sampo Ranta, after one year and a minus-11, leaves the Colorado Eagles and heads to MODO (Sweden-SHL) as he joins the large AHL contingent to Sweden. Ben Tardif, who played with Hartford for 15 effective games mid-season before being sent to the Jacksonville Icemen after playing out West for the Colorado Eagles (AHL) and for their Double AA affiliate in Utah Grizzlies (ECHL), is heading to Europe and KooKoo (Finland-FEL). Tardif, Ranta, and Maier make 23 AHL'ers heading to Europe. PLAYERS MOVING AROUND The Islanders sign for next season Kyle MacLean to a one-year, two-way deal for $825,000K-NHL/$82,500K-AHL and Daylan Kuefler completing his junior career playing for Kamloops in the aforementioned Memorial Cup to a three-year ELC deal at $925K-NHL/$82,500K-AHL.Both players will likely be in Bridgeport in the fall. Roman Kinal, the former UCONN Captain, signs an extension with the AHL San Jose Barracuda. Alex Gagnon of Division III independent Albertus Magnus College (New Haven) becomes the 26th Division I or III player to head to Europe. He joins teammate Charlie Risk in going to Mont-Blance (France-FFHG Division-1). The Division I player conference pro signings breakdown is as follows; Hockey East-37, NCHC-36, CCHA-31, Big Ten-29, ECACHL-24, and AHA-20, NCAA Independent schools-13, and just one is transferring to the Canadian college school or university system. Division III is 31. Undergrads leaving school early are 37. In-school transfers, 47, and grad transfers, 38. Ex-CT Whale Kelsey Tessier retires from hockey as a champion after two years with the HC Rouen Dragons (France-FREL). The team won their 17th Magnus League title in the 100th year of French hockey. Sam Bitten, the younger brother of Will Bitten, will join his older brother in Springfield next year. He played with HC Plzeň (Pilsner) this last season. He has played all of his pro career so far in Europe. CT HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY NEWS The CT high school hockey landscape was changed dramatically with the announcement that two of the Big Four, West Haven and Hamden, have downgraded their programs to Division-2 after 75 years as Division I powerhouses. West Haven went co-op last year with Seymour, Oxford, and Shelton and finished 3-17 with their only D1 win of the three they had was against an out-of-state opponent, St. Domenic (Auburn, Maine). The Hamden High Green Dragons, another part of the long-time unique high school hockey clique along with West Haven, Notre Dame-West Haven, and Fairfield Prep, were the Montreal Canadiens of high school hockey in the late 1960s through the 1970s into the late 1980s. Much like West Haven, they have had dwindling numbers after a sub-par season of their own with its three wins-two over West Haven and the other against Sheehan of Wallingford, have had just six coaches in the program's history. The local involvement in hockey, trying out for their teams, has not been good, and both towns' youth programs have begun admitting kids from neighboring towns over the last several years to pump up the numbers. So Hamden could be next in line in a few years. West Haven AD Joe Morrell Jr., who was the head coach for 21 years of the Blue Devils (one of six coaches in the program's history) after being an assistant coach at cross-town rival ND-WH for six years was matter-of-fact regarding this momentous decision. "It was a tough decision to make, a very tough pill to swallow. Put a lot of time coaching and playing for this program, we were in agreement-to be able to compete we had go to Division II. Some day we will be back at Division I." The current WH coach is Steve Harris, who played four years at ND-WH and a PG year at Gunnery (Prep) School (now Frederick Gunn School) (Washington) before playing Division III at Johnson and Wales (Rhode Island) and is set to remain was all in with the tough decision. MORE HIGH SCHOOL NEWS A far cry from 30 years ago, when Connecticut held the Connecticut Classic at Ingalls Rink at Yale against Massachusetts schools. The West Haven Blue Devils won its last title in 1994, and then WH head coach Art DeLucia forecasted the program's decline when he saw the youth numbers then and stepped aside. He told this reporter then, 'We graduated the smartest championship team academically ever and likely the last WH school championship.' It led to the West Haven AD, the late Tom Hunt, with DeLucia's resignation letter in his back pocket trying to back door in, now out of high school hockey Steve McCarty, then the WH assistant coach, to become the head coach. Hunt ran afoul of the WH Board of Education, who requested an open process in the coach selection. That led to the three-year tenure of former New Haven Blades and Nighthawk player plus former NHL defenseman Gordie's Smith's tumultuous reign and conflicts with Hunt. Smith's brother is Billy Smith, the great Islanders goalie who won four Stanley Cups. Morrell followed Smith. A sad day indeed. HOME HARTFORD WOLF PACK Read the full article
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via hc_traktor’s ig; nov. 13, 2020
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These are so aesthetic I’m having trouble teasing him (the aesthetic is ‘minimalist post-Soviet grunge watercolor brush painting’) but it’s nice ‘video game armor that only covers your thighs and panties’ works for hockey too
#hc traktor#ilya karpukhin#aka Karp#i couldnt think of a way to introduce that his name is Karp that would be as funny as his name being Karp
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Seeing Russian players doing well in the NHL at all times has made me think about the KHL more often. Too bad all of their highlight videos are unavailable in the U.S. Thanks, KHL YouTube channel, for being absolutely useless.
#khl#traktor chelyabinsk#lokomotiv yaroslavl#ska st. petersburg#dinamo moscow#dinamo minsk#kunlun red star#dinamo riga#jokerit#spartak moskva#slovan bratislava#vityaz#hc sochi#torpedo nizhny novgorod#severstal cherepovets#cska moskva#avtomobilist yekaterinburg#ak bars kazan#metallurg magnitogorsk#lada togliatti#Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk#Ugra Khanty-Mansiysk#avangard omsk#admiral vladivostok#barys astana#Amur Khabarovsk#Salavat Yulaev Ufa#sibir novosibirsk
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Oh. My. God
I have a lot of emotions from this vacation, TOO MANY ACTIVITIES. But I am so glad that I visited the Ural Derby. It was an incredible match, THE ARENA IS VERY LOUD, THE ATMOSPHERE IS CRAZYYYYY
#ravenpawtalks#hockey#khl hockey#kontinental hockey league#traktor hc#avtomobilist hc#hockey players#zach fucale#maxim shabanov
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Saat ini Traktor Nusantara (Astra & Sumitomo Corporation) sedang membuka posisi HC untuk penempatan di Head Office - JIEP, Jakarta Timur dengan detail sebagai berikut: *Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding* - Bachelor degree (S1) in Psychology with min GPA 3.00 - Max 27 years old - Experience with social media for sourcing - Familiar with Online Test (OLT) for hiring (Cognitive, Personality & Performance Test) - Understand applicant tracking system & candidate database for placement. Untuk apply dapat mengakses: https://www.traknus.co.id/career/category/talent-acquisition-and-employer-branding #lowongankerja #jobvacancy #lokerjakarya #infolokerjkt #lowkerjakarta #lokerjabodetabek #astravirtue #lokerjakarta #loker https://www.instagram.com/p/CVxcp2fv5VQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pasta took 1st place in the 50th annual Golden Hockey Stick Awards.
He’s won 2 years in a row.
Final results (top 10):
1. David Pastrňák, Boston Bruins (NHL) 659 bodů
2. Jakub Voráček, Philadelphia Flyers (NHL) 552
3. David Krejčí, Boston Bruins (NHL) 518
4. Tomáš Hertl, San Jose Sharks (NHL) 360
5. Ondřej Palát, Tampa Bay Lightning (NHL) 353
6. Pavel Francouz, Traktor Čeljabinsk (KHL) 334
7. Martin Nečas, HC Kometa Brno 250
8. Ondřej Kaše, Anaheim Ducks (NHL) 234
9. Martin Erat, HC Kometa Brno 226
10. Milan Gulaš, HC Škoda Plzeň 199
11.-50. Can be found here: http://zlatahokejka.eu/pastrnak-obhajil-triumf-predcil-voracka-i-krejciho/
Golden Hockey Stick is an event awarding top 10 Czech hockey players* (+ best sledge hockey player/woman hockey player/ junior hockey player), the 1st getting the Golden Hockey Stick award.
*As voted by sport journalists, former players, national team coaches, etc.
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By: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The rampant rumors of the return of the Hartford Whalers following the defeat of the arena proposal in Tempe, Arizona has just one salient point, money exists in Connecticut, primarily in Greenwich, the home of high finance. After that, there is nothing to suggest that there is even the faintest hope that NHL hockey is returning to Hartford. Listen to our long-time source, who wishes to remain anonymous. "While I think the fans, and the media, get suckered into this every time it surfaces, the only reality is the hedge fund money in the Greenwich area. They have the sort of money it would take to bring hockey to Connecticut. Still, Gary Bettman, the NHL commissioner, has shown zero interest that he wants to vacate Arizona, no matter how obvious it may seem. "Once you get past that, there are too many other negatives. There's no regional TV network, no new building in sight, the Boston Bruins, and the player pool is diluted now, are four I can name off the top of my head, and there are more. It's a pipe dream and fantasy. The politicians are looking to get their 15 minutes of fame." Outgoing Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin and Governor Ned Lamont did themselves no favors by violating Bettman's primary rule of no public pronouncements. He dislikes owners-in-waiting, who are too loquacious. Former Quebec City Mayor Régis Labeaume (2007-2021) blew it by going public. They're still waiting to hear from the NHL. Relocation is a possibility, not a certainty, and given the owners and potential suitors who have tried to outwit the Commissioner are gone from the scene, i.e., original Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes and Jim Balisilie, the Blackberry founder who's bankrupt and gone. Yet Bettman is still here and in the NHL Hall of Fame. So if you're betting on this one, put all your chips on Bettman and no team in Hartford. PLAYER MOVEMENT Ex-Hartford Wolf Pack, Vitali Kravtsov, has left the Vancouver Canucks, where the New York Rangers sent the Russian after they traded him at the trade deadline for Will Lockwood. Kravtsov departed Vancouver and is headed back to Russia again after signing a deal with Traktor Chelyabinsk (Russia-KHL) for a third time. Jonathan Marchessault, the ex-Connecticut Whale, who the Rangers misevaluated the undrafted QMJHL free agent product they had signed. He scored 32 goals and led the team in his rookie pro year in Hart City. The thought was that he would only be an AHL player. Whoops? After scoring in a 6-0 series clincher Monday night, he is now heading to his second Stanley Cup final appearance and just completed his second conference final to play the Florida Panthers for the Stanley Cup. Marchessault is making $30 million with the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Vegas also has as a backup goalie Jonathan Quick (Hamden/AOF), and their coaches are ex-Whalers assistant John Stevens Sr. and goalie Sean Burke. CONNECTICUT CONNECTIONS Scouts are ex-Whalers Jim McKenzie (Pro Scout), Connor Jones (Amateur scout), the former Quinnipiac University/Sound Tiger, and ex-Whaler, Alex Godynyuk (European scout). The Florida Panthers have ex-Yale goalie, Alex Lyon, ex-Hartford Wolf Pack/Ranger Marc Staal, former Sound Tiger Carter Verhaeghe, and former Whaler coach Paul Maurice, ex-Pack Sylvain Lefebvre is the Panthers' assistant coach. Pro Scouts Sean Backman (Cos Cob/Yale/AOF) and P.J. Fenton. Ex-Pack Yevgeni Grachev was the first mercurial Russian in Hartford before Kravtsov. He had a short stay. He switches Russian KHL teams from HC Vladivostock to Amur Khabarovsk. In the IIHF World Championships, Canada won the gold medal. Ex-Pack Sammy Blais scored twice, including the first goal in a 5-2 win over a pesky German squad. In the semifinal, Blais scored a perfect top-shelf goal from the right wing that helped Canada to a 4-2 come-from-behind win over Latvia. The US bid to play Canada for the gold medal was derailed by Germany in a 4-3 overtime win in the other semifinal by Frederik Tiffels, ending captain Nick Bonino's (Unionville via Farmington/AOF) journey as they went home without a medal losing to tourney co-host Latvia 4-3 in the bronze medal game. EX WOLF PACK Ex-Pack Andres Ambühl, 39, and his Swiss teammates lost in the quarterfinals, and has played in a record 131 WC games for the Swiss. The Quebec Remparts opened the Memorial Cup in fine fashion with an impressive 8-3 win over host Kamloops Blazers, who the Pack's Dylan Garand played for last year. The Pack's Matt Rempe's former junior team, the Seattle Thunderbirds (WHL), took on future possible Wolf Pack teammate Brennan Othmann and the Peterborough Petes in their first games for each team and won 6-3. Othmann had one assist and was a minus-two. The Petes also feature Devils draft pick Chase Stillman, Kamloops came back in their next game, wiping out Peterborough 10-2. Then Monday, Quebec beat Kamloops 3-1. MORE EX-PACK Ex-Pack Ty Ronning and Stefan Matteau Jr., a Wolf Pack training camp invitee several years ago and son of the former Ranger, Stefan Sr., who was a Wolf Pack promotional guest earlier this year, were both released by ERC Ingolstadt (Germany-DEL). Ronning signed with Eisbären Berlin (Germany-DEL). Ex-Pack Jake Elmer leaves HK Nitra (Slovakia-SLEL) for Odense (Denmark-DHL). Cédric Lacroix, an ex-Sound Tiger, and late Wolf Pack training camp cut two years ago, who played this year at Grand Rapids (AHL), Toledo (ECHL), and Trois-Rivières (ECHL), signs with Vorarlberg (Austria-IceHL) next year. Cole Maier (Taft School) heads from Manitoba to Nuremberg (Germany-DEL) next year; Sampo Ranta, after one year and a minus-11, leaves the Colorado Eagles and heads to MODO (Sweden-SHL) as he joins the large AHL contingent to Sweden. Ben Tardif, who played with Hartford for 15 effective games mid-season before being sent to the Jacksonville Icemen after playing out West for the Colorado Eagles (AHL) and for their Double AA affiliate in Utah Grizzlies (ECHL), is heading to Europe and KooKoo (Finland-FEL). Tardif, Ranta, and Maier make 23 AHL'ers heading to Europe. PLAYERS MOVING AROUND The Islanders sign for next season Kyle MacLean to a one-year, two-way deal for $825,000K-NHL/$82,500K-AHL and Daylan Kuefler completing his junior career playing for Kamloops in the aforementioned Memorial Cup to a three-year ELC deal at $925K-NHL/$82,500K-AHL.Both players will likely be in Bridgeport in the fall. Roman Kinal, the former UCONN Captain, signs an extension with the AHL San Jose Barracuda. Alex Gagnon of Division III independent Albertus Magnus College (New Haven) becomes the 26th Division I or III player to head to Europe. He joins teammate Charlie Risk in going to Mont-Blance (France-FFHG Division-1). The Division I player conference pro signings breakdown is as follows; Hockey East-37, NCHC-36, CCHA-31, Big Ten-29, ECACHL-24, and AHA-20, NCAA Independent schools-13, and just one is transferring to the Canadian college school or university system. Division III is 31. Undergrads leaving school early are 37. In-school transfers, 47, and grad transfers, 38. Ex-CT Whale Kelsey Tessier retires from hockey as a champion after two years with the HC Rouen Dragons (France-FREL). The team won their 17th Magnus League title in the 100th year of French hockey. Sam Bitten, the younger brother of Will Bitten, will join his older brother in Springfield next year. He played with HC Plzeň (Pilsner) this last season. He has played all of his pro career so far in Europe. CT HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY NEWS The CT high school hockey landscape was changed dramatically with the announcement that two of the Big Four, West Haven and Hamden, have downgraded their programs to Division-2 after 75 years as Division I powerhouses. West Haven went co-op last year with Seymour, Oxford, and Shelton and finished 3-17 with their only D1 win of the three they had was against an out-of-state opponent, St. Domenic (Auburn, Maine). The Hamden High Green Dragons, another part of the long-time unique high school hockey clique along with West Haven, Notre Dame-West Haven, and Fairfield Prep, were the Montreal Canadiens of high school hockey in the late 1960s through the 1970s into the late 1980s. Much like West Haven, they have had dwindling numbers after a sub-par season of their own with its three wins-two over West Haven and the other against Sheehan of Wallingford, have had just six coaches in the program's history. The local involvement in hockey, trying out for their teams, has not been good, and both towns' youth programs have begun admitting kids from neighboring towns over the last several years to pump up the numbers. So Hamden could be next in line in a few years. West Haven AD Joe Morrell Jr., who was the head coach for 21 years of the Blue Devils (one of six coaches in the program's history) after being an assistant coach at cross-town rival ND-WH for six years was matter-of-fact regarding this momentous decision. "It was a tough decision to make, a very tough pill to swallow. Put a lot of time coaching and playing for this program, we were in agreement-to be able to compete we had go to Division II. Some day we will be back at Division I." The current WH coach is Steve Harris, who played four years at ND-WH and a PG year at Gunnery (Prep) School (now Frederick Gunn School) (Washington) before playing Division III at Johnson and Wales (Rhode Island) and is set to remain was all in with the tough decision. MORE HIGH SCHOOL NEWS A far cry from 30 years ago, when Connecticut held the Connecticut Classic at Ingalls Rink at Yale against Massachusetts schools. The West Haven Blue Devils won its last title in 1994, and then WH head coach Art DeLucia forecasted the program's decline when he saw the youth numbers then and stepped aside. He told this reporter then, 'We graduated the smartest championship team academically ever and likely the last WH school championship.' It led to the West Haven AD, the late Tom Hunt, with DeLucia's resignation letter in his back pocket trying to back door in, now out of high school hockey Steve McCarty, then the WH assistant coach, to become the head coach. Hunt ran afoul of the WH Board of Education, who requested an open process in the coach selection. That led to the three-year tenure of former New Haven Blades and Nighthawk player plus former NHL defenseman Gordie's Smith's tumultuous reign and conflicts with Hunt. Smith's brother is Billy Smith, the great Islanders goalie who won four Stanley Cups. Morrell followed Smith. A sad day indeed. HOME HARTFORD WOLF PACK Read the full article
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October 10, 2014 KARPOV Valeri Yevgenievich Karpov was an ice hockey player who played in the Soviet Hockey League and National Hockey League. He competed for Traktor Chelyabinsk and HC CSKA Moscow in Russia before moving to North America. He returned to Russia in 1997 spending 3 seasons with Metallurg Magnitogorsk and helping them win the RSL title in 1999. He was inducted into the Russian and Soviet Hockey Hall of Fame in 1993 and retired in 2005. In the summer of 2014 during a brawl in his house he took a hit to the head and had a bad fall that resulted in a coma. He underwent 2 trepanning surgeries but didn't regain consciousness and died on 10 October 2014.
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Traktor showing off the Ural region’s vast tracts of land
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