#hc au quentin
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nartblartmallcop · 2 years ago
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I'm not the same man I was before I haven't changed my perception I haven't lost my protection I haven't lost, haven't lost, haven't lost What I have, lost intentions I'm not the same boy I was before But I've not changed my desires I've not extinguished the fires I haven't lost wide eyed wonder I haven't lost, haven't lost, haven't lost That stupid fear of thunder I'm not the same ghost I was before But I still converse with the spirits When people talk I don't hear it I walk through doors when no one sees me I disappear, I disappear, disappear Whenever it may please me
smth for dhmis day <3 song reference here is Same Man I Was Before by Oingo Boingo
also im sorry tumblr refuses to let me fix the formatting here <3
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thesoulesscollection · 2 years ago
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*Me realizing I made a very noticeable height difference but kinda digging it*
Decided to use the height comparison for fun and to visually see my Hc vers. Again it's kinda funny to see
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 years ago
Do you have any specific HCs for Aunt May & Peter's uncles in the Spider Nephew AU?
I have so many ahhhhhhh. ive cover a few on this blog with head cannon asks. but here is some nonspecific ones:
Aunt May has a bridge club she goes to every Thursday night to play bridge. some of the older women there get a little wild, and turn it into gambling. she will deny ever gambling. (but she wins very consistently and has a few rules for herself to keep from loosing a ton of money this way. Its hard to explain but its similar to how my family does. you go in to spend $5 for the night of fun as a fee for the fun and then once you win the $5 back you pocket that and only play using the money you have won.
Tinkerer is the only one who knows where Quentin's dads grave is.
Quentin learned to bake from an older latina woman who lived in his building growing up. shes also the reason his dragons look the way they do based on the stories she shared with him while baking
Montana has photos of everyone that he is steadily adding to his photo album that he made when first making up the cover story for peter.
Flint and O'hirn still have no idea that peter is not related to Montana
Electro has stormed a football field with a crowd more than once.
if you wanna know anything more focused or specific please ask.
Im pretty sure a lot of my head canon content is under: #head canon ask
or look in the archive under ask post type~
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valloninfo · 24 days ago
Le suspense reste entier dans ces quarts de finale des playoffs de hockey sur glace ! AprĂšs une victoire convaincante lors du premier match, le CP Fleurier n’a pas rĂ©ussi Ă  confirmer face au HC Vendlincourt hier soir. MalgrĂ© une rencontre disputĂ©e et un combat acharnĂ©, les Fleurisans se sont inclinĂ©s lors des tirs au but (3-2), laissant ainsi le sort de la qualification entre les mains d’un troisiĂšme match dĂ©cisif. Un match intense jusqu’au bout DĂšs l’entame, le HC Vendlincourt a imposĂ© son rythme. Ryan Vermeille a ouvert le score Ă  la 13e minute, profitant d’un excellent service de Luc Girardin. Le premier tiers-temps a Ă©tĂ© marquĂ© par une intensitĂ© physique notable, avec plusieurs pĂ©nalitĂ©s de part et d’autre. Le deuxiĂšme tiers-temps a vu une accumulation de pĂ©nalitĂ©s, ralentissant le jeu des deux Ă©quipes. Aucune des formations n’a rĂ©ussi Ă  faire trembler les filets, mais la tension est montĂ©e d’un cran. Dans l’ultime pĂ©riode, le CP Fleurier a Ă©galisĂ© grĂące Ă  Quentin Pecaut en supĂ©rioritĂ© numĂ©rique (45e). Puis, Nigel Tissot a donnĂ© l’avantage aux visiteurs Ă  la 52e minute. PoussĂ© par son public, le HC Vendlincourt a trouvĂ© les ressources pour revenir au score Ă  moins de deux minutes de la fin, grĂące Ă  Arthur Pouilly (58e). Direction la prolongation ! Une issue cruelle aux tirs au but La prolongation n’ayant pas permis de dĂ©partager les deux Ă©quipes, c’est aux tirs au but que la rencontre s’est jouĂ©e. AprĂšs plusieurs tentatives des deux cĂŽtĂ©s, c’est finalement le HC Vendlincourt qui s’est imposĂ©, scellant ainsi le score Ă  3-2. Un match dĂ©cisif Ă  ne pas manquer ! Le CP Fleurier devra maintenant jouer son va-tout ce samedi 8 fĂ©vrier Ă  17h30 Ă  la patinoire de Fleurier. Une victoire permettrait aux hommes de Nico Motreff de dĂ©crocher leur place en demi-finale et de poursuivre leur aventure en playoffs. Les supporters sont attendus en nombre pour pousser leur Ă©quipe vers la qualification ! Rendez-vous ce samedi pour un duel qui s’annonce palpitant !
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krizs-main · 2 years ago
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We as a society are missing out on the fluffybird content that can be derived from the love short
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when-hyperfocus-hits · 2 years ago
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I drew some Quentin and Aaron!! I know a lot of people like the "Quentin fathers Aaron" headcanon, and I agree.
I did it digitally this time, since I wasnt feeling up to coloring traditionally for 3 hours after a long exam :'(
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yanderes-galore · 4 years ago
Dead By Daylight Masterlist
Multiple Characters
Yandere! Haddie Kaur vs Yandere! Felix Richter Concept - (Waterfront Massacre AU) (Rivalry - Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Oni vs Steve Harrington (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! DBD! Leon + Jill with Survivor! Darling (Romantic - Sharing/Poly) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Frank Morrison vs Yandere! Ghostface (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Dwight + Jake sharing a Survivor! Darling (Romantic - Sharing/Poly) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Dead By Daylight x Alice In Wonderland Concept/Ideas (Including Mad Hatter! Ace, Alice! Kate, and Cheshire Cat! Nea) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! The Trickster vs The Shape (Romantic - Rivalry) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Frank + Julie Concept (Romantic/Platonic - Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! The Unknown vs The Shape (Michael Myers) (Platonic/Dubious (Unknown)/Romantic/Dubious (Myers)) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! The Entity with Survivor! Darling (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! The Entity with Killer! Darling (Dubious) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yui Kimura
Night Out Yandere! Yui Kimura (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Yandere! Yui Kimura HCs (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dwight Fairfield
Survival Yandere! Dwight Fairfield (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Haddie Kaur
Yandere! Haddie Kaur with Survivor! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Quentin Smith (DBD)
Yandere! Quentin Smith Concept (DBD) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Steve Harrington (DBD)
Yandere! Steve Harrington Concept (DBD) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Nancy Wheeler (DBD)
Yandere! Nancy Wheeler Concept (DBD) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Vittorio Toscano
Yandere! Vittorio Toscano Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
James Sunderland (DBD)
Yandere! James Sunderland (DBD) Prompts 8 + 38 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Jill Valentine (DBD)
Yandere Tarot Prompts - James Sunderland (DBD/Silent Hill): Judgement, The Lovers, The Moon (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! James Sunderland (DBD) Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! DBD! Jill Valentine with Fog Veteran! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Leon Kennedy (DBD)
Yandere! DBD! Leon Kennedy Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Jake Park
Yandere! Jake Park Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Jake Park Prompts 3, 10, 60 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Kate Denson
Yandere! Kate Denson Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Ace Visconti
Yandere! Ace Visconti Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Gabriel Soma
Yandere! Gabriel Soma with Survivor! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Ash Williams
Yandere! Ash Williams with Timid! Darling (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Executioner/Pyramid Head (DBD)
Torture Yandere! Pyramid Head (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Pyramid Head (DBD) Concept (Dubious) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Cannibal/Bubba Sawyer (DBD)
Family Yandere! Leatherface (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Leatherface/Bubba Sawyer Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Trickster/Ji-Woon Hak
Yandere! Touch Starved Trickster Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Ego - Yandere! Trickster (Ji-Woon Hak) Reaction/Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! God of Desire! Ji-Woon Hak Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Trickster Prompt 22 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Trickster with Singer! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Demogorgon (DBD)
Yandere! Demogorgon Concept (Pet-Like) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Ghost Face/Danny Johnson (DBD)
Yandere! Ghostface (Danny) with Darling related to Billy/Stu Concept (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Buying Time - Yandere! Ghostface Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Ghostface (DBD) Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Alphabet - Ghostface (DBD) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! DBD! Ghostface Prompts 13, 35, 53 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Danny Johnson with Coworker! Darling (Pre-Fog/Trial AU) (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Ghostface (Danny Johnson) with Defiant! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Huntress/Anna
Idle Yandere! Huntress Thoughts (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Huntress Reacting To a Flirtatious! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Alphabet - The Huntress (Anna) (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! The Huntress (Anna) Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Nemesis/Nemesis T-103 (DBD)
Yandere! Nemesis with Survivor! Concept (Romantic (?)) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Legion
Yandere! Frank and Susie with Darling who left their group (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Chimeric Horde! Legion Concept (Romantic?) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Frank (Legion) Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Frank Morrison being protective/possessive (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Alphabet - Frank Morrison (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Frank Morrison Prompt 26 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Frank Morrison Prompts 7, 15, 47 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Branding - Yandere! Frank Morrison Short ("Romantic") [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Shape/Michael Myers (DBD)
Yandere! Michael Myers with Shy/Emotional! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Alphabet - DBD! Michael Myers (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! DBD! Michael Myers Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Mastermind/Albert Wesker (DBD)
Yandere! Albert Wesker (DBD) Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Doctor/Herman Carter
Yandere! Herman Carter (The Doctor) Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Herman Carter Prompts 8 + 41 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Knight/Tarhos KovĂĄcs
Yandere! Tarhos KovĂĄcs Prompts 7 + 12 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! The Knight/Tarhos KovĂĄcs Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Trapper/Evan MacMillan
Yandere! Evan MacMillan (The Trapper) Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Evan MacMillan (The Trapper) Prompts 11, 23, 61 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Platonic! Evan MacMillan Concept (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray
Yandere! Chucky Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Pig/Amanda Young
Yandere! The Pig/Amanda Young Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Amanda Young Prompts 9 + 42 (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Nurse/Sally Smithson
Yandere Alphabet - The Nurse/Sally Smithson (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Plague/Adiris
Yandere! The Plague/Adiris Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Unknown
Reoccurring Nightmare - "Yandere!" The Unknown Story (Dubious Intentions) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Ticking Down - Yandere! The Unknown Scenario (Dubious) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! The Unknown pretending to be someone it's not (Dubious) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! The Unknown Concept (Dubious) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Singularity/HUX-A7-13
Yandere! HUX-A7-13/The Singularity with Android! Darling (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Spirit/Rin Yamaoka
Yandere! Rin Yamaoka/The Spirit Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Dredge
Yandere! The Dredge Concept (Dubious) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka
Yandere! The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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speckeltail · 2 years ago
dbd au where your favorite (or the most interesting) survivor became a killer instead?
5+ HCs
I misread this as "killer becomes survivor" I am so sorry
I did a lot of thinking about this, and it revolves around Pustula/Blighted Cosmetics. The Blighted Cosmetics are canonically the result of the Blight experimenting on his fellow killers, turning them into (even more) twisted monsters.
Trapper has a Blighted Cosmetic. It's free real estate. So now, with backstory out of the way, the actual headcanons
The Entity doesn't like blight. It's an irritant and can spread and become like an infection, which is why it recruits its survivors and killers into hunting down and eliminating the pustula blooms in trials. This extends to cleansing its killers of blight!
Sometimes it goes too far. Sometimes, it puts a toy back in the wrong place-- the campfire instead of a realm, and the world unconsciously adapts around it.
Enter Eric McKenzie. It's a shit cover name, but in his defense he had like two minutes to come up with it? Also, the survivors seem to buy it hook, line, and sinker, so he doesn't think about it too hard anyway.
He bonds surprisingly quickly with the altruistic survivors; normally, he's the bane of their existence. But now, he's the one taking protection hits and shielding them from the killer... he's not sure what to think about it.
He "escorts" survivors through the Fog when they go to forage, with the excuse that he's a big, physically imposing man and if they run into trouble he's a more immediate target. In reality, he wants to keep tabs on everybody.
Jake figures it out almost immediately. Quentin figures it out within 30 minutes of talking to him. Meg figures it out after a few trials. They all individually think they're keeping a secret (except Jake, who just doesn't give a shit). Evan thinks nobody's figured him out yet.
When the Entity notices its mistake and pulls him back to the right side, restoring him to... the hooked monster he usually looks like, it's hard for the survivors who grew close to him to readjust. Evan doesn't. He readjusts just fine.
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double-croche1 · 3 years ago
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[CANNES 2022] Le Festival de Cannes est désormais terminé. On a vu pas moins de 97 films (dont les 21 de la Compétition), toutes catégories confondues !
Voici le classement de nos films préférés parmi ceux-ci, avec les dates annoncées de sortie en salles.
1. ‘R.M.N.’ de Cristian Mungiu (SOC, 19/10) 2. ‘Pacifiction - Tourment sur les Ăźles’ d’Albert Serra (SOC, 09/11) 3. ‘Leila et ses frĂšres’ de Saeed Roustaee (SOC, 24/08) / Prix Fipresci 4. ‘Le Serment de Pamfir’ de Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk (QR, 02/11) 5. ‘Esterno Notte’ de Marco Bellocchio (sĂ©rie, CPR, 08/03/23 sur arte.tv) 6. ‘La Femme de TchaĂŻkovski’ de Kirill Serebrennikov (SOC, 15/02/23) 7. ‘Joyland’ de Saim Sadiq (UCR, 28/12) / Prix du Jury 8. ‘Godland’ de Hlynur PĂĄlmason (UCR, 21/12) 9. ‘Retour Ă  SĂ©oul’ de Davy Chou (UCR, 25/01/23) 10. ‘Nos cĂ©rĂ©monies’ de Simon Rieth (SC, 03/05/23) 11. ‘Un beau matin’ de Mia Hansen-LĂžve (QR, 05/10) / Label Europa Cinemas 12. ‘EO’ de Jerzy Skolimowski (SOC, 19/10) / Prix du Jury 13. ‘Close’ de Lukas Dhont (SOC, 01/11) / Grand Prix 14. ‘La Conspiration du Caire’ de Tarik Saleh (SOC, 26/10) / Prix du scĂ©nario 15. ‘Les Crimes du futur’ de David Cronenberg (SOC, 25/05) 16. ‘Tori et Lokita’ de Jean-Pierre et Luc Dardenne (SOC, 05/10) / Prix SpĂ©cial 17. ‘Sans filtre’ de Ruben Östlund (SOC, 28/09) / Palme d’Or 18. ‘La Nuit du 12’ de Dominik Moll (CPR, 13/07) 19. ‘Rodeo’ de Lola Quivoron (UCR, 07/09) / Coup de cƓur du jury 20. ‘Les Huit Montagnes’ de Charlotte Vandermeersch et Felix Van Groeningen (SOC, 21/12) / Prix du Jury 21. ‘Ashkal, l’enquĂȘte de Tunis’ de Youssef Chebbi (QR, 25/01/23) 22. ‘Funny Pages’ d’Owen Kline (QR, 22/05/23, OCS) 23. ‘Les Pires’ de Lise Akoka et Romane Gueret (UCR, 07/12) / Prix Un Certain Regard 24. ‘About Kim Sohee’ de July Jung (SC, 05/04/23) 25. ‘Radio Metronom’ d’Alexandru Belc (UCR, 04/01/23) / Prix de la Meilleure RĂ©alisation 26. ‘As Bestas’ de Rodrigo Sorogoyen (CPR, 20/07) 27. ‘Chronique d'une liaison passagĂšre’ d’Emmanuel Mouret (CPR, 14/09) 28. ‘Sick of Myself’ de Kristoffer Borgli (UCR, 14/06/23) 29. ‘Les Cinq Diables’ de LĂ©a Mysius (QR, 31/08) 30. ‘Les Nuits de Mashhad’ d’Ali Abbasi (SOC, 13/07) / Prix d'InterprĂ©tation fĂ©minine pour Zar Amir Ebrahimi 31. ‘Moonage Daydream’ de Brett Morgen (SM, 21/09) 32. ‘Dalva’ d’Emmanuelle Nicot (SC, 22/03/23) / Prix Fipresci & Prix Fondation Louis Roederer de la RĂ©vĂ©lation pour Zelda Samson 33. ‘Irma Vep’ d’Olivier Assayas (sĂ©rie, Ă©pisodes 1 Ă  3, CPR, 07/06 sur OCS) 34. ‘Un VarĂłn’ de Fabian HernĂĄndez (QR, 15/03/23) 35. ‘Goutte d’or’ de ClĂ©ment Cogitore (SC, 01/03/23) 36. ‘Aftersun’ de Charlotte Wells (SC, 01/02/23) 37. ‘Les Bonnes Etoiles’ de Hirokazu Kore-Eda (SOC, 07/12) / Prix d'InterprĂ©tation masculine pour Song Kang-Ho 38. ‘Les AnnĂ©es Super 8’ d’Annie Ernaux et David Ernaux-Briot (QR, 07/09 sur arte.tv, 14/12 au cinĂ©ma) 39. ‘Feu follet’ de JoĂŁo Pedro Rodrigues (QR, 14/09) 40. ‘L'Eden’ d’AndrĂ©s RamĂ­rez Pulido (SC, 22/03/23) / Grand Prix Nespresso 41. ‘Trois mille ans Ă  t’attendre’ de George Miller (HC, 24/08) 42. ‘Le Barrage’ d’Ali Cherri (QR, 01/03/23) 43. ‘Les Harkis’ de Philippe Faucon (QR, 12/10) 44. ‘Tout le monde aime Jeanne’ de CĂ©line Devaux (SC, 07/09) 45. ‘De Humani Corporis Fabrica’ de VĂ©rĂ©na Paravel et Lucien Castaing-Taylor (QR, 11/01/23) 46. ‘Alma Viva’ de CristĂšle Alves Meira (SC, 12/04/23) 47. ‘Fumer fait tousser’ de Quentin Dupieux (SM, 30/11) 48. ‘L’Etrange Histoire du coupeur de bois’ de Mikko Myllylahti (SC, 04/01/23) 49. ‘Falcon Lake’ de Charlotte Le Bon (QR, 07/12) 50. ‘FiĂšvre mĂ©diterranĂ©enne’ de Mahah Haj (UCR, 14/12) 51. ‘When You Finish Saving the World’ de Jesse Eisenberg (SC) 52. ‘Domingo et la brume’ d’Ariel Escalante Meza (UCR, 15/02/23) 53. ‘Mariupolis 2’ de Mantas Kvedaravičius (SS, 16/10, arte.tv) 54. ‘Don Juan’ de Serge Bozon (CPR, 23/05) 55. ‘El Agua’ d’Elena LĂłpez Riera (QR, 29/03/23) 56. ‘Babi Yar. Contexte’ de Sergei Loznitsa (SS, 14/09) 57. ‘Plus que jamais’ d’Emily Natef (UCR, 16/11) 58. ‘Le Bleu du caftan’ de Maryam Touzani (UCR, 22/03/23) / Prix Fipresci 59. ‘Les Amandiers’ de Valeria Bruni Tedeschi (SOC, 16/11) 60. ‘The Stranger’ de Thomas M. Wright (UCR, 19/10) 61. ‘Chili 1976’ de Manuela Martelli (QR, 22/03/23) 62. ‘Decision to Leave’ de Park Chan-wook (SOC, 29/06) / Prix de la mise en scĂšne 63. ‘Mon pays imaginaire’ de Patricio GuzmĂĄn (SS, 26/10) 64. ‘La Montagne’ de Thomas Salvador (QR, 01/02/23) / Prix SACD 65. ‘L’Envol’ de Pietro Marcello (QR, 11/01/23) 66. ‘Tirailleurs’ de Mathieu Vadepied (UCR, 04/01/23) 67. ‘Enys Men’ de Mark Jenkin (QR) 68. ‘L’Innocent’ de Louis Garrel (HC, 12/10) 69. ‘Showing Up’ de Kelly Reichardt (SOC, 03/05/23) 70. ‘Plan 75’ de Chie Hayakawa (UCR, 07/09) 71. ‘Le Parfum Vert’ de Nicolas Pariser (QR, 21/12) 72. ‘Elvis’ de Baz Luhrmann (HC, 22/06) 73. ‘Hunt’ de Jung-jae Lee (SM, 14/06/23 en DVD) 74. ‘Riposte fĂ©ministe’ de Marie PerennĂšs (SS, 09/11) 75. ‘Sous les figues’ d’Erige Sehiri (QR, 07/12) 76. ‘Un petit frĂšre’ de LĂ©onor Serraille (SOC, 01/02/23) 77. ‘Imagine’ d’Ali Behrad (SC) 78. ‘Nostalgia’ de Mario Martone (SOC, 23/11) 79. ‘Armageddon Time’ de James Gray (SOC, 09/11) 80. ‘Nos frangins’ de Rachid Bouchareb (CPR, 07/12) 81. ‘Butterfly Vision’ de Maksym Nakonechnyi (UCR, 12/10) 82. ‘Corsage’ de Marie Kreutzer (UCR, 14/12) / Prix de la Meilleure Performance pour Vicky Krieps 83. ‘Revoir Paris’ d’Alice Winocour (QR, 07/09) 84. ‘Novembre’ de CĂ©dric Jimenez (HC, 05/10) 85. ‘War Pony’ de Gina Gammell et Riley Keough (UCR, 10/05/23) 86. ‘Stars at Noon’ de Claire Denis (SOC, 03/05/23) / Grand Prix 87. ‘La DĂ©rive des continents (au sud)’ de Lionel Baier (QR, 24/08) 88. ‘Men’ d’Alex Garland (QR, 08/06) 89. ‘FrĂšre et sƓur’ d’Arnaud Desplechin (SOC, 20/05)  90. ‘Coupez !’ de Michel Hazanavicius (HC, 18/05) 91. ‘Burning Days’ d’Emin Alper (UCR, 26/04/23) 92. ‘God’s Creatures’ de Anna Rose Holmer et Saela Davis (QR, 26/05/23, OCS) 93. ‘Rebel’ de Adil El Arbi et Bllall Fallah (SM, 31/08) 94. ‘Harka’ de Lotfy Nathan (UCR, 19/10) / Prix de la Meilleure Performance pour Adam Bessa 95. ‘Top Gun : Maverick’ de Joseph Kosinski (HC, 25/05) 96. ‘Dodo’ de Panos H. Koutras (CPR, 10/08) 97. ‘The Silent Twins’ d’Agnieszka SmoczyƄska (UCR, 01/05/23 en DVD)
SOC : Sélection Officielle - Compétition UCR : Un Certain Regard CPR : Cannes PremiÚre HC : Hors Compétition QR : Quinzaine des Réalisateurs SC : Semaine de la Critique SM : Séances de Minuit Nos chroniques de ces films sont à retrouver dans les articles Daily #1 à #11 sur notre page dédiée. A&B
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nartblartmallcop · 2 years ago
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many thoughts on the alternate versions of the trio and what they get up to. brain full to bursting
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thesoulesscollection · 2 years ago
Outfit Hcs; Young Quentin
This had been on my mind for a while and I wanted to share this with you'll. Mostly I wanted to do this for fun really. Some may not be 100% accurate to the time periods or to my vers. Of Quentin but still. I may try to find more later on
As well, I Hc that he grew up with the fashion trends of the 80s to 90s as an older teen to young adult to his mid/late twenties.
But mostly (unfortunately for him, I guess) had to given most of the time being given hand-me-downs
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sinale · 3 years ago
〔 Cargando Blog.... Personajes Canon 〕
─────────────«ᔇʞ Ëąâ±âżá”ƒËĄá”‰Â»
Todos son semicanon (combinando lores de comic, pelĂ­culas, etc) pero si gustas uno en especĂ­fico se puede al igual que adaptarlo a diferentes temĂĄticas, what if, AU, etc.
La mayorĂ­a los manejo como bisexuales pero si tienes duda en alguno no temas preguntar.
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đŸđŸ—ĄïžLoki Laufeyson + Tom Hiddleston
đŸ”źâš•ïž Dr. Stephen Strange + Benedict Cumberbatch
â‡ïžđŸ—Ąïž Sylvie Laufeydottir + Sophia di Martino
â™Šïžâ™Łïž Gambito/Remy LeBau + Gaspard Ulliel
âšȘ🐯White Tiger/Ava Ayala + Maite Perroni (No para Ship)
🌌🚀 Nova/Richard Rider+ Liam Hemsworth
đŸ”źâ‡ïž Misterio/Quentin Beck + Jake Gyllenhaall
đŸœâš›ïž AntMan/Scott Lang + Paul Rudd
âš™ïžđŸ’  IronMan/Tony Stark + Robert Downey Jr (Semi-exclusive)
đŸŒȘïžđŸ’š Makkari + Lauren Ridloff (No para Ship)
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「 ░╎DC
đŸ”„đŸ„ƒ Lucifer Morningstar + Tom Ellis
🐈‍⬛💎 Catwoman/Selina Kyle + N/A (Semi-exclusive)
đŸ—Ąïžâšœïž WonderWoman/Diana Prince + Gal Gadot
đŸŒȘïžâšĄ Flash/Barry Allen + Grant Gustin
🩇🌑 Batman/Bruce Wayne + Ben Affleck
đŸȘ¶âš” Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl + Sophie Turner
❔🟱 The Riddler (Nygma) + Zachary Quinto [Vrs. Batman desenterrado]
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「 ░╎Boku no Hero
Bakugo Katsuki - BNHA
Takami Keigo (Hawks) - BNHA
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「 ░╎The Witcher
đŸŽ™ïžđŸŽ” Julian Alfred Pankratz (Jaskier) + Joey Beatey
⚔đŸș Vesemir + Colin O'Donoghue
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「 ░╎Star Trek
đŸ––đŸ» S'chn T'gai Spock + Zachary Quinto
đŸŒ‘đŸ©ž Khan Noonien Singh + Benedict Cumberbatch
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「 ░╎Good Omens
🐍🍎 Anthony J. Crowley + David Tennant
đŸ•ŠïžđŸ—Ąïž (Aziraphale) A. Zira Fell + Michael Sheen
đŸ•ŠïžđŸŽș Archangel Gabriel + John Hamm
đŸȘ°đŸ‘‘ Beelzebub +. Anna Maxwell Martin
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「 ░╎ Full Metal Alchemist
đŸ”„ïżœïżœïżœ Riza Hawkeye + N/A
đŸŠŸđŸ›Ąïž Edward Elric + N/A
đŸ”„đŸ’„ Roy Mustang+ N/A
「 ░╎Otros
đŸ”„đŸ Loki Laufeyson (Record of Ragnarok) + 2D/ Harry Lloyd
đŸ”„âš”ïž Loki Laufeyson (Mythological V) + Tom Hiddleston
đŸȘ¶đŸș Icaro (mitologĂ­a) + Chris Pine
đŸŽŒđŸ’” Orfeo (MitologĂ­a) + Tom Hiddleston
đŸș🐍 Medusa (MitologĂ­a) + May Calamawy
đŸŠđŸ›Ąïž Bastet + May Calamawy
đŸȘ¶đŸŒ“ Sergey Razumovsky (MG) + Sergey Goroshko
âš™ïžđŸ›Ąïž NĂșmero 17 (DBZ/S)
đŸŸâš« Sirius Black (HP) + Ben Barnes
đŸ—ĄïžđŸ§â€â™‚ïž Thranduil (TH) + Lee Pace
đŸ’€âš™ïž Percy (Vox Machina)
🕔đŸȘ“ Number Five (TUA) + Aidan Gallagher
â­•đŸ”” Connor RK800 (DBH) + Bryant Dechart 
⌛🌐 Dr Who + David Tennant
👑💀 Prince Hal (HC) + Tom Hiddleston 
đŸ’€âšœïž Sir Thomas Sharpe (CP) + Tom Hiddleston (No para Ship)
🌑🇬🇧 Jonathan Pine (TNM) + Tom Hiddleston
🔎💀 W. Sherlock S. Holmes + Benedict Cumberbatch 
🌑🏮 Anakin Skywalker + Hayden Christensen
đŸ”„đŸč Atreus (GoWR) + N/A
👑🌑 Prince Richard III (HC) + Benedict Cumberbatch
💀👓 Ronald Knox + N/A
đŸ’€â™Ÿïž Ciel Phantomhive + N/A
đŸŒ€đŸ”„ Sypha Belnades (Castelvania) + N/A
đŸČđŸ—Ąïž Daemon Targaryen + Matt Smith
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
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cosmicheartz · 6 months ago
Sharing some of my Camper Psi Power hcs ( mainly related to the future au )
Excluding Raz bc I don’t hc that outside of hydrokinesis he rlly learns any new powers ( maybe a few? But idk I think his current power set is solid ) and Lili bc I also think her power set is solid ( I do however hc she has herbakinesis which is a fan power of mine related to herbaphony )
Some notes before you read
1. assume most of the characters have baseline powers like astral projection and telepathy ( I might mention if a character has a telepathic link with another one though )
2. a couple powers are fanmade/unofficial ( particularly Electrokinesis and Audiokinesis )
3. Powers in bold are specialities/main powers
4. I’ll update this with the other campers once I get ideas for their powers
5. some powers campers had ( like levitation ) didn’t carry over in adulthood for various reasons
6. This is slightly subject to change ( ie I might add powers to certain campers )
CRYSTAL: Levitation, TK, Psi Punch ( with rainblow pin effects ), Mental Projection, Telepathic link with Clem and Phoebe, Clairovoyance
Clem: TK, Psi Blast, Telepathic link with Crystal and Quentin, Electrokinesis
Elka: Precognition, Clairvoyance, Mental Projection, TK, maybe Levitation?
Dogen: Blastokinesis, Zoolingualism, Invisibility
Kitty: Confusion, Levitation, TK, Mental Connection, Telepathic link with Franke
Franke: TK, Clairvoyance, Telepathic link with Kitty, Figment Projection
Phoebe: Pyrokinesis, Levitation, Mental Projection, Audiokinesis, TK, Telepathic link with Quentin and Crystal
Quentin: Levitation, TK, Cyrokinesis, Telepathic link with Phoebe and Clem, Figment Projection
Elton: Zoolingualism ( aquatic animals/creatures only ), Hydrokinesis, Levitation, TK, Herbaphony
Milka: Invisibility, TK, Shield, possible Zoolingualism but only for felines
Vernon: TK, Shield, Mental Connection
Mikhail: TK/Telekiliminator, Psi Punch, Telepathic link with Maloof
Maloof: TK, Telepathic link with Mikhail, Mental Projection?, Psi Blast
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red-doll-face · 5 years ago
red-doll-face slasher blog masterlist!
Hello! Welcome to my blog! This is my masterlist, where you will find almost every piece I’ve written. Each piece has additional warnings at the top so please check those!
Updated: 07/21/21
A small legend: 
gn: gender-neutral
tm: trans masc
afab: assigned female at birth
f: fem reader
m: male reader
nsfw: content that is usually sexual in nature
hcs: headcanons
pieces: usually 180-1800 word drabbles
Jason Voorhees
First Kiss gn
Giving a Lap Dance gn 
Slashers Getting Pampered gn 
Slashers x nervous Reader gn 
Jealousy hcs m
Slashers as DBD Killers gn
For you. f (mentioned) pt.1
Dedicated To You.  gn (no mentions of gender) pt.2
Sanguine gn
Mojito gn
Rob Zombies Michael Myers 
x clumsy goth Reader gn
x Reader (related to Loomis) gn 
Slashers x nervous Reader gn
Full Course gn slight nsfw
Michael Myers
Taking Care of Sick S/O gn
x Magical Girl!Reader gn despite prompt
Giving a Lap Dance gn 
Slashers Getting Pampered gn
Slashers x nervous Reader  gn 
Mark of Incision f nsfw  (a 6 chapter au for michael myers: a little ooc AO3 link)
locked in. pt.1 gn
keeper. pt.2 gn nsfw
Under a Blanket of Blue gn nsfw
Heavy Metals gn 
A Friend from Work gn
(There is another section for Michael below, the difference being Dead by Daylight standards bc I know some people don’t play this game. It’s not that good. 😔)
Bubba Sawyer
First Kiss gn
Sfw and Nsfw hcs f nsfw
Domestic Fluff hcs gn
x Magical Girl!Reader  gn
x Feral Alt s/o gn
Giving a Lap Dance gn 
Slashers Getting Pampered gn
Slashers x nervous Reader  gn
Right Action gn nsfw
Angst Prompt 37 gn
Free Room gn nsfw
Billy Lenz
Sfw and Nsfw hcs f nsfw
x shy goth Reader gn
x trans masc Reader tm 
x reader who loves plants gn 
Sleeping Dust Bunnies gn
Vulnerability gn nsfw
Lent tm
Angst Prompt 23 gn
Asa ‘The Collector’ Emory
x Detective!Reader gn
x Blind Singer!Reader gn
x Reader who attracts bugs gn
Lovely Letters gn
Anything gn
By Similar Methods gn
Catalogs gn
I Don’t Live Today gn
Thomas Brown Hewitt
First Kiss gn
Sfw and Nsfw hcs f nsfw
Slashers Getting Pampered gn
Slashers x nervous Reader gn
Jealousy hcs m 
In the Middle of May afab nsfw
Harry Warden
Nsfw hcs gn nsfw
x clumsy goth Reader gn
Slashers as DBD Killers gn
Light Headed gn nsfw
Daniel ‘Candyman’ Robitaille
x Reader with allergies gn
Brahms Heelshire 
Slashers as DBD Killers gn
Dead by Daylight Killers
Max ‘The Hillbilly’ Thompson Jr.
First Kiss gn
Sad Hc gn 
Frank ‘The Legion’ Morrison
Nsfw hcs gn nsfw
x Male s/o with a dog m
Killers x sweet Reader gn 
Red Strings gn
Snow Blind afab nsfw 
Michael ‘The Shape’ Myers
x Reader slapping their ass gn
My Blue Heaven gn pt.1
Blues in the Night gn pt.2
Drabbles gn
Sad Hc gn
Danny ‘The Ghostface’ Johnson
x Magical Girl!Reader  gn
x Male s/o with a dog m 
Killers x sweet Reader gn
Bargaining with the Devil gn nsfw
Nothing More  gn
Drabbles gn 
Anna ‘The Huntress’
Kiss Prompt 11 gn
Kiss Prompt 47 gn
Kiss Prompt 50 gn
Drabbles gn
Evan ‘The Trapper’ Macmillan
x Male s/o with a dog m
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Sad Hc gn
Drabbles gn
Susie ‘The Legion’
Nsfw hcs gn nsfw
Fluff Prompt “Can I uh kiss you?”  gn
Pretty Little Black Eyes gn NSFW
Amanda ‘The Pig’ Young 
Sad Hc gn
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Fluff Prompt “Are you tired? Here, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.” gn
Angst Prompt 17 gn 
Joey ‘The Legion’ 
Killers x sweet Reader gn
Philip ‘The Wraith’ Ojomo 
Killers x sweet Reader  gn 
Sad Hc gn
Kiss hcs + blurb gn 
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Pyramid Head ‘The Executioner’
A Case of Bleeding Flesh gn
Sad Hc gn
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Kazan ‘The Oni’ Yamaoka
Sick Reader hcs gn
Sad Hc gn
x Reader slapping their ass gn
A Star in the Night afab nsfw
Bubba ‘The Cannibal’ Sawyer: 
Sad Hc gn
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Rin ‘The Spirit’ Yamaoka:
Adiris ‘The Plague’:
Caleb ‘The Deathslinger’ Quinn:
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Ji-Woon ‘The Trickster’ Hak:
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Nemesis T-Type ‘The Nemesis’
Fluff hcs gn 
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Already Yours angst gn
Herman ‘The Doctor’ Carter:
x Reader slapping their ass gn
Dead by Daylight Survivors
Dwight Fairfield
First Kiss  gn
x Killer s/o gn 
Sad Hc gn 
Core gn nsfw
Angst Prompt 17 gn 
David King
Gratification gn nsfw
Quentin Smith
General cute hcs gn
Sad Hc gn
Angst Prompt 7 gn 
Claudette Morel:
Sad Hc gn
Meg Thomas:
Ace Visconti:
Feng Min:
Laurie Strode:
Jane Romero:
Yui Kimura:
Zarina Kassir:
Cheryl Mason:
Élodie Rakoto:
Steve Harrington:
Sad Hc gn
Yandere Prompt ‘You’re all I ever think about’ gn 
Jeff Johannson:
Kate Denson:
Yun-Jin Lee:
: Let me know if any of the links aren't working. Please read warnings at the top of each post I don’t mean to upset anyone. Thanks for reading !! :
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valloninfo · 1 month ago
La patinoire de Fleurier a vibrĂ© vendredi soir devant prĂšs de 300 spectateurs, venus assister Ă  une rencontre haletante entre le CP Fleurier et le HC Saint-Imier. Un duel Ăąprement disputĂ© qui s'est conclu par une dĂ©faite des Fleurisans aprĂšs une sĂ©ance de tirs au but fatale (5-6). Un premier tiers sous tension Le match dĂ©bute sur un rythme Ă©levĂ©, et ce sont les visiteurs qui ouvrent le score en supĂ©rioritĂ© numĂ©rique grĂące Ă  Feusier Jan (9'55). Le CP Fleurier rĂ©agit et parvient Ă  Ă©galiser par l’intermĂ©diaire de Florent Marthaler (15'46), bien servi par Robin Fuchs. Le premier tiers se termine sur un score de paritĂ© (1-1), laissant prĂ©sager une rencontre disputĂ©e. Une deuxiĂšme pĂ©riode riche en rebondissements DĂšs la reprise, Saint-Imier repasse devant grĂące Ă  Pellet Jonathan (24'26). Mais Fleurier ne lĂąche rien et profite d'une supĂ©rioritĂ© numĂ©rique pour recoller au score par Quentin Pecaut (26'34). Cependant, les visiteurs prennent l’ascendant et inscrivent deux nouvelles rĂ©ussites signĂ©es Vallat Yoan (31'32) et Feusier Jan (35'46). À la deuxiĂšme pause, le CP Fleurier est menĂ© 2-4 et doit rĂ©agir. Un final haletant La troisiĂšme pĂ©riode voit les Fleurisans redoubler d’efforts. Dylan Matthey-de-l’Endroit rĂ©duit l’écart (45'12), mais Saint-Imier riposte immĂ©diatement par Vuilleumier Fabio (46'53). Kenny Camarda relance le suspense en marquant Ă  la 52e minute (4-5), avant que Kenny Huguenin n’égalise dans la derniĂšre minute de jeu (59'37), arrachant ainsi la prolongation. Une sĂ©ance de tirs au but fatale MalgrĂ© plusieurs opportunitĂ©s en prolongation, le CP Fleurier ne parvient pas Ă  faire la diffĂ©rence. La dĂ©cision se joue donc aux tirs au but, oĂč le HC Saint-Imier se montre plus rĂ©aliste et s'impose finalement 5-6. Si la dĂ©faite est cruelle, le CP Fleurier a montrĂ© du caractĂšre et prouvĂ© une nouvelle fois sa capacitĂ© Ă  rivaliser avec ses adversaires. Nul doute que les Fleurisans auront Ă  cƓur de rebondir lors de leur prochain match.
0 notes
krizs-main · 2 years ago
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I Know What You Are 😐
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