5 posts
Calamity Delivery God at your service! Call @ 090-XXXX-##3X * Only 5 Yen! * {Affiliated withTōrō rp}
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
yabokuto · 11 years ago
Blending in behind the crowd was an easy, yet very simple task for Yato since he was usually ignored by humans. The cause of this was because he's a god, but his royal status has been bunked down a lot since he's ended up in the woodland area. Since the raven haired male enjoyed people watching he sat up in the trees, napping, spying, and even throwing whatever he was able to reach at someone passing by.
Soon he grew tired of people watching since nothing interesting was coming out of it until he spotted a female girl with her hood on. Sitting up in the tree he watched her as she began to look frantic. The panic Yato saw in her eyes could be worth something so he jumped from tree to tree as quietly as he could, landing a few yards behind the girl.
Walking up behind her, quietly, Yato placed a hand on her shoulder lightly, "Haha! How funny of you to get scared so easily just by someone touching your shoulder. You might as well loosen up a bit before you pass out from being scared so easily."
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Forest Fright || open
Woods were not a problem for Kido.
Though she had lived in the city for quite some time, forests were nothing new to her. They were actually quite ideal for her. Not many people lived in the woods, meaning she didn’t have to worry about maintaining her eye power if she didn’t want to be bothered. It was also usually dead silent, meaning she didn’t have to crank up the volume on her headphones. The trees even shaded her, allowing her to keep her hood on without sweating constantly.
But these woods seemed to be rather…unique.
The woods were eerie, to say the least. It was as if she had been thrown into some horror movie as a cruel joke. The endless tree branches and foliage blotted out the sun, the buildings around her were worn, and each and every animal was determined to make a terrifying noise when she walked by.
Not to mention the fact that there were, you know, dead people everywhere.
Cold chills ran down her spine almost every other second and her dark eyes darted from side to side, focusing on the spirits the moved around her in the clearing. Everyone acted completely normal around them, but she knew she’d never really get the hang of living with ghosts. Even though they looked strikingly similar to similar people, the very idea of being near them terrified her.
In the midst of her frantic thoughts, a hand brushed her shoulder, and the green-haired teen stiffened immediately. Teeth chattering, she glanced back at the newcomer, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking too much as she stammered, "W-Wh-What do you want from me?"
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yabokuto · 11 years ago
Send me a ◙ with a character and my muse and I'll tell you if I ship it.
Or if you want to rp with me
Sound fun?
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yabokuto · 11 years ago
☠ Drabble list-- You can send one anytime.
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yabokuto · 11 years ago
屋台 // Open
The raven haired male stood up from a nearby bench and stretched out his arms and legs. Since he apparently fell asleep on said bench without realizing it, he rubbed the back of his head and had an ill look on his face. The bags under his eyes were rather dark, but disappeared once he awoke more. Yato blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes, continuously yawning away his drowsiness. 
Finally he was finally able to pull himself together and began to walk around. The town was quiet, but somewhat lively. Yato's hands were in his jacket pockets as he walked quietly. From what he figured his presence was still unnoticed to people, which shouldn't shock him this much, but people actually noticed him. Just by making eye contact with a few strangers, them smiling and waving politely at them made him feel a bit uneasy. Yato was used to being unnoticed, but sometimes being noticed had its perks.
Realizing he hasn't eaten anything since he awoke from his slumber, he walked up to an open Yatai that was cooking fresh food. With little Toroyen in his pocket, his meal choice was limited. Even if his meal was small, he stomach was still happy that it got to eat. As Yato was scarfing down his meal, someone that was seated near him stared at him with a weird look. The raven haired god swallowed what food he had in his mouth and blinked over at the person staring at him with a slight annoyed look.
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"What do you want!? You're not getting any of my meal! I paid for it myself!"
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yabokuto · 11 years ago
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{ hello hello new friends! i'm miumarie and i (obviously) rp yato here! i'll be posting an opener soon after i figure out a better (?) prompt or get an idea for it. But!! in the mean time the first 3 people who like this will most likely get a starter if they're okay with small paragraphs/one liners! if you ever want to get into contact with me just go to my tumblr or twitter! you're also welcome to follow them as well! }
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