#hc | august.
acefms · 1 year
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001. typa girl / blackpink
i bring money to the table not your dinner, both my body and bank account good figure, thinking about me but there’s nothing to consider, if I let you in my circle you’re a winner.
002. god is a woman / ariana grande
and I could be all the things you told me not to be, when you try to come for me I keep on flourishing. when all is said and done, you’ll believe god is a woman.
003. bad girl / hallie
I’m the good kind of a bad girl, never giving up kinda bad girl. I’m gonna call your bluff if I have to, always give it tough ‘cause I have to. and I don’t need a man kind of bad girl.
004. one way or another / blondie
one way or another, I’m gonna find ya, I’m gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, one way, or another.
005. dead / madison beer
you say you can’t live without me, so why aren’t you dead yet ? why you still breathing ?
006. the man / taylor swift
I'm so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man, and I'm so sick of them coming at me again, ‘cause if I was a man then I'd be the man.
007. king / florence + the machine
I need my golden crown of sorrow, my bloody sword to swing, my golden halls to echo with grand self-mythology. I am no mother, I am no bride. I am king.
008. breakfast / dove cameron
so you wanna talk about power? let me show you power. I eat boys like you for breakfast.
009. panic room / au/ra
welcome to the panic room, where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you. welcome to the panic room, you'll know I wasn't joking when you see them, too.
010. karma / taylor swift
'cause karma is my boyfriend, karma is a god, karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend, karma's a relaxing thought. aren't you envious that for you it's not ? me and karma vibe like that.
011. tally / blackpink
I say "fuck it" when I feel it, ‘cause no-one's keeping tally, I do what I want with who I like. I ain't gon' conceal it, while you talking all that shit, I'll be getting mine. don’t apologize for my behaviour, if you're offended, I don't care.
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messiergalaxy31 · 6 months
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My piece for @hotguycalendar The Views of Hermitcraft! I drew The Astral Library, Season Nine's Nether Hub for the month of August. I've always wanted to draw it, so this was the perfect opportunity! This was a lovely experience.
The calendar is already out, so go check it out here.
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lqveharrington · 3 months
Dust Storm | W.H.B.
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summary: You and Billy get caught up in a dust storm while on a horse ride.
pairing: William H. Bonney x fem!reader
includes: slight angst, fluff, you and billy are engaged, not a lot of warnings 🤷‍♀️ let me know if i missed any !!
a/n: i had this sitting in my drafts for a billion years 😭 my bad bookies
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It had been days since that last dust storm blew in and the spirits in the small county of Talihina, Oklahoma were high. However, there was no rain insight. And with no rain, it left many farmers with empty fields, covered in dried-out dirt and sand. It especially hit the Ashford farm and ranch the hardest.
The Ashfords were the wealthiest family in Talihina. They were well known for being able to run a horse ranch and a healthy farm. The father, James Ashford, was in charge of both the ranch and farm, making sure everything ran smoothly. His wife, Josephina Ashford, better known as Jo, was known for helping around the town and giving to those in need. Luckily for the couple, they had two children who helped them with their work. They had a daughter and a son. You were the eldest Ashford child, and you had a bright future. You resemble your mother in all ways. You were the kind of woman to make young men turn their heads just by walking by. Unfortunately for them, you were happily engaged to one William H. Bonney. On the other hand, your younger brother looked like a replica of your father. Adam Ashford was eight years old with the same determination as his father, hoping to take over the farm and ranch when he got older.
But because of the dust storms starting up two years ago, it was harder to tend to the crops that would grow and bring the horses out of their stables. Before, you would help your father to tend to the horses when you weren't doing volunteer work, but with the constant dust blowing around the whole country, he banned you from leaving the house unless it was absolutely clear from dust. And for the first time in two years, James let his daughter out of the house. Only to run her mother’s errands, of course.
“In case of emergencies,” James tied a red bandana around your wrist as you took your mother’s list and woven basket from the kitchen table. “Wrap this around your head and cover your mouth and nose. I don’t want you to get hurt. And remember to come straight back from the markets—”
“Pa, I’ll be fine.” You squeezed her father’s forearm, kissing his cheek. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
He sighed and shook his head, “Okay.”
You squeezed his arm again before leaving, silently reassuring her safety. You took quick strides to the town center and watched the dust kick up with every step you took. The walk going to town wasn’t bad. The only downside was that there was no shelter for any incoming dust storms. Fortunately, the blazing sun was beating down on the earth and the wind was seemingly absent.
Upon reaching the town center you smiled at the sight in front of you. You found children running around with wooden toys their fathers made and their mothers gossiping about the recent family who left for California. It felt normal. For the first time in years, it felt normal to see mothers scolding their children for messing with drunkards sitting outside of the bars.
You shook your head before entering the town’s only grocery, the bell above the door ringing to alert the storekeeper. “Mr. Taylor?”
“Miss Ashford!” The storekeeper beamed at the young woman. “What brings you into town? I haven’t seen you and your folks for a while.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smile, “With all this dust, I would hardly expect anyone to be hustlin’ ‘round town.”
“What can I do for you?” He dismissed the comment.
“I’m in need of some of your delicious Fuji apples. My ma s'been craving them ever since Adam read a book about them to her.” You looked around the empty store. “Other than that, I can grab the res’ of the things myself.”
“I’ll be right back.” He knocked the wood on the counter, heading toward the back of the store. You watched him leave before heading into the different aisles, glancing at the brands and prices of the different items. In fact, you were so immersed in deciding which brand of vegetable oil would be best that you hadn’t realized someone new had entered the store until a pair of strong arms wrapped around you and spun you off the ground.
“Oh my god!” You clung onto the stranger’s arm, not wanting to fall face-first onto the ground. You glanced back at the stranger before gasping, eyes lighting up at the male. “Billy!”
“Afternoon, gorgeous.” He put you down and kissed your cheek.
You felt your face warm at the name and action, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “What are you doing here?”
“My ma sent me into town to get money from the bank.” Billy followed you around the store, his gaze flickering across your face. “Then I saw my favorite woman walk into town. I decided I could spare some time to talk to her.”
“Uh-huh.” You spun on your heel and peered into his eyes. “Did you get the money for your folks? Or did you forget?”
“You think so low of me, sweetheart.” He tilted your head up with his finger. “Of course I got the money.”
You hummed, giving him a proper look now. William H. Bonney was once a lanky boy in grade school. But he had definitely grown into himself. He got stronger and taller over the course of two years. The loose clothes he once wore now perfectly fit him, making you flush red each time you saw him. Your eyes then traveled from his fit shirt to his tattered, dust-covered boots. You frowned at the state they were in, but no one could do any better from the current weather the states were currently facing. Finally, you shifted your gaze to meet his eyes once more. His crystal blue eyes were such a beautiful contrast to the dust coating his dark jeans and his wavy brown hair. You swore you could get lost in them if it weren’t for him pulling you back to reality each time.
“You’re staring, gorgeous.” Billy grinned, earning a small scoff from his beloved.
“You’re impossible.” You shoved two bars of soap into your basket, heading toward the counter where the apples were waiting.
Mr. Taylor suppressed a laugh at the young couple, taking the basket from your arms. “That all for today, Miss Ashford?”
You hummed as you took your wallet out of your dress pocket, “How much?”
“$3.42 is the total.” He read off the cash register as you handed him the exact amount, trading it for the baskets of groceries and apples.
“Thank you, Mr. Taylor.” You smiled at him and moved to grab Billy’s hand as you left the store, intertwining them. “What’ve you been up to since I’ve last seen you?”
“Since last week?” Billy pulled you closer to him, squeezing your hand. “ Not much has happened since I visited your place. Just helping my ma in the fields like always.”
You nodded and looked toward the ground, watching the dust cling onto your leather boots and the bottom of your maroon dress. “The dust storm affecting your folks’ farm badly?”
“It’s affecting everyone, sweetheart.” He pulled you away from a stampede of running children. “No one can get any crops.”
“I know…” You muttered, rubbing small circles into his palm. You peered up at the bright sun, squinting at the beam. “You know what I wish for?”
“I wish for everything to go back to normal.” You adjusted your hat, the Ashford ranch coming into view. “The dust storms have ruined everyone’s crops. I can barely step foot out of my own house. There hasn’t been any rain since god knows when. My pa won’t let me tend to the horses. It’s madness, Billy.”
“M’sorry, sweetheart.” He kissed the side of your head. “I can’t promise everything will go back to normal, but in the meantime, I can find a way to ride horses with you. ”
“William, what’s that supposed to mean?” You squinted at him, his piercing gaze meeting yours. “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably not a good idea—!”
“Come on. We can ride the horses and be back before your folks worry.” He pulled you into the Ashford stables, taking the baskets from your arms and tucking them safely in a corner.
You bit your lip, looking at the groceries and then back at the brunette, cursing him for being so convincing. “Fine.”
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Laughter filled the air as you raced Billy through the back trails of Talihina, the generated wind blowing through your hair. It felt like you were both young teenagers who had no idea they were in love with one another, doing reckless activities until they were caught by one’s parents.
“Pick up the pace, Bonney!” You shouted as you saw Billy catching up, urging your horse to move faster.
A huge amount of dust kicked up with every stride the horses took, and if you looked back, you wouldn’t be able to see anything. Billy shook his head with a smile and copied you, finally riding beside the pair.
“Sweetheart, you know I can beat you in any horse race.” He chuckles as he brings his horse to a stop, wiping the sweat off his forehead. “You feel any better?”
You nodded and glanced to your left as you tugged on your horse’s reins, meeting his blue eyes. “I do feel better. Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He tipped his hat in your direction. “Ready to go back?”
Your smile slowly faded but nodded, “Yeah.”
“Hey, we don’t need to rush. We can take as long as we want to go back if you want.”
“I’d like that.” You guided your horse to head back toward the ranch. “In the meantime, you can tell me all about what you’re gonna do when your ma finds out where you’ve been all day.”
“I can tell her I’ve been with my girl all day.” He bit back a smirk when he saw your cheeks tint pink. “I think my folks love you more than me.”
You shoved his shoulder, your engagement ring glistening in the sun. “They should love me more than you. I think my Pa loves you more than me.”
“Impossible.” Billy took your hand and kissed the back of it.
The young couple took short strides on their horses as the sun slowly faded away. One could argue that the sun was setting, but it was still much too early for the sun to set.
“What time do you have on your watch?” You looked back at the darkening sky, picking up the pace.
“3 PM,” Billy muttered, looking into your panicked eyes. “We gotta go.”
The both of you started to rush your horses back as the wind picked up, dust blowing around them which impaired your vision. You hastily removed the bandana from your wrist and tied it around your head, keeping your balance. Billy kept one hand on the reins and shoved his own bandana up, covering his nose and mouth. The sky was now covered with dust clouds and the wind blew harshly against your backs, the mix of dry dirt and sand hitting their exposed skin.
“Are you okay over there?” Billy shouted over the blowing wind. “Y/N?”
“I’m fine!” You blinked away tears from the dirt that stung your eyes, squeezing your legs to make your horse move faster. You could just barely make out your family’s farm, but with each passing second it became more and more obscure.
“Sweetheart, we have to go to the stables! It’s closer to us than your house!” He veered his horse over to the left.
“I can’t! My folks will worry and—”
“Y/N!” He snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts. “Please!”
You quickly followed him and turned toward the stables. Billy slammed the front doors open, causing chaos to erupt inside. The other horses stood on their hind legs, thrashing as the harsh wind blew the dust inside. You raced inside as Billy jumped off his horse and slammed the stable doors shut, grabbing bales of wheat and shoving them by the front. You took deep breaths as you tried calming your own horse, resting your forehead against the head of your horse.
“This dust storm ain’t gonna go away anytime soon.” Billy rubbed dust off his face, removing his mask. “We’ll be fine in here.”
You nodded weakly, combing your fingers through your horse’s dusty hair. “We shouldn’t have gone out— I-I promised my pa that I’d be back—”
“Hey, look at me.” He went over and took your fidgeting hand. “They’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. When the storm eventually calms down, we'll head over to your place.” He slowly helped you off the horse and held your dirtied face in his hands, slipping your bandana off and wiping your muddy tears. “Okay?”
“Okay.” You took a breath, holding onto his wrists, following his breathing pattern. You rested your forehead on his, shutting your eyes. “Okay.”
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The dust storm only accumulated as time progressed. The field and crops were covered in piles of dust once more and the automobiles were suddenly buried underneath the dried dirt. Those who were inside any buildings had dust seeping through the smallest slivers, despite the taped downed windows and towels blocking the doors. It was as if the storm would never stop, deeply worrying the Ashford family for their daughter’s safety.
“James, you can’t leave!” Jo whispered toward her husband, arms crossed over her chest in disbelief. “It’s late and you wouldn’t be able to see anything with all of that dust blowin’. Adam worries for his sister, but imagine the grief if he lost his pa and his sister?”
“I can’t sleep without knowin’ if my little girl is fine, Jo,” James argued, tightly tying a handkerchief around his head. “If Adam wakes, don’t tell him where his pa went—”
“James!” She held his arm in desperation, holding eye contact. “The storm might end soon, don’t risk it.” She looked between his eyes as he glanced toward the backdoor. “Please.”
His gaze softened at his wife’s demeanor and pulled her into a hug. “I’ll wait.”
“Thank you.” She murmured, wrapping her arms around him. “When the storm dies down, you can go. I won’t stop you then… I worry about our little girl too.”
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The storm kept blowing until early morning. The crops were now either torn out of the ground or buried deep within dry dirt and families had given up on keeping the dust out of their homes. James and Josephina Ashford fell asleep at their kitchen table waiting for the storm to pipe down while you fell asleep in the stables in the security of your lover’s arms. William H. Bonney, on the other hand, stayed awake. He was constantly listening for the winds to quiet to let you know you could head home. In the early hours of the new day, Billy gently shook the woman beside him awake.
“Sweetheart, wake up.” He brushed the dust off that had fallen on you overnight, watching you shift closer to him. “Gorgeous.”
“Give me a minute, William.” You groaned, using his government name as a threat.
He chuckled and sat up straight, bringing you along with him. “The storm stopped, you can go home now.”
Your eyes shot open and you looked over at the male incredulously. “You should’ve said that first, idiot. Let’s go.”
Billy smiled as he stood, helping you up. He shook the final bits of dust off as best as he could and moved the hay bales away from the doors. Billy tilted his head toward you, silently signaling you to head home. You grinned and picked up your dress, racing over to the house without stumbling. You burst into the house and discarded the dust entering as well, finding your parents standing by the kitchen’s backdoor. James had his handkerchief tied across his face, triggering your tears.
“Y/N.” Her father let out a breath of relief and engulfed you in a tight hug. “You’re safe. You’re okay.”
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed into your father’s shirt, clinging onto him. “I’m so sorry, pa.”
“Why are you crying, sweet girl?” He rubbed your face. “What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t go straight home. I wanted to be out more, so I-I rode on the horses with Billy an-and then the storm started up. I shouldn’t have gone. I should’ve gone home right away. I should’ve stayed home. I shouldn’t have—”
“Hey, you’re alright.” James sat you down in one of the wooden chairs, removing his handkerchief from his face. “You’re safe. You’re home.”
You sniffled, looking up at your mother who had tears in her eyes too. “I’m sorry, mama. I didn’t wanna worry you…”
“My baby,” She knelt on the ground, taking your hands in her own. “I’m just glad you’re safe. The worst didn’t happen. You’re here. You aren’t hurt.”
Billy knocked on the side of the wall, making his presence known. In return, all heads whipped over to him. “I brought the groceries your daughter bought the other day.”
“William, come over here.” Your father beckoned him over.
“Yes, sir?” Billy stood by your side, removing his hat.
James sighed, putting his hand out. “Thank you for watching over my daughter.”
“Anytime.” Billy shook his hand, bringing him in for a hug. “I would risk my life for your daughter every single time.”
You lightly sock his arm at the mention, lacing your hands together. “Thank you.”
“I mean, now that you’re here, why don’t you help clear the dust out of our house? I’m sure my daughter has brought in heaps of it from runnin’ in here.” Jo patted her future son-in-law’s shoulder.
You flushed red as Billy chuckled, feeling him squeeze your hand at the comment. “Of course, Mrs. Ashford.”
The young couple got to work clearing out the dust while Jo and James started preparing breakfast for the day. It would be a while until all the dust would clear out of the house completely, but it wasn’t the worst problem they had. The dust storm that day might have ended, but little did the Ashford family know that it would only be the true beginning of their hardships.
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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emonopolyman · 11 months
knight in shinning armour !
knight! abby anderson x royalty fem! reader
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HEADCANONS ! sfw only.
synopsis : none.
warnings : physical abuse mention. kissing. mentions of reader have a sister.
a/n : head canon only, but i may expand on some of these or end up writing a story based on this idea. if you like this please interact!!! loves!!
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₊˚✧ ゚  Knight! Abby who had just come back from a trip abroad, and is regarded as a high authority in your kingdom.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who gets assigned to watch over you, and you only. Which she finds weird but ultimately doesn’t protest.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who remembers you as the rude younger sister who would always bicker and annoy Abby.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who, still after arriving back from the trip, continues the bickering and beef you two have thus leading to a kind of hatred forming between the two of you even as she has to protect you.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who slowly picks up on the fact that your schedule always seems to have an excess amount of suitor dates, or manner classes. 
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who accidentally bumps into the Queen, your mother, coming out of your room one morning, obviously angry.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who finds you sobbing that same morning, a throbbing red mark on your cheek in the shape of a palm. 
 ₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who slowly warms up to you following that morning.
 Abby’s fingers tenderly grazed over the throbbing red mark, trying to apply the makeup smoothly even as your tears disrupt her process. She doesn’t want to tell you to stop crying, instead she wipes the tears and tries to continue her work. “I didn’t know your mother was so strong.” She broke the silence, feeling a need to fill the void of quiet sobs.
 “She usually isn’t just… I really upset her.” Your eyes fell to the floor, ashamed, as Abby kept your head tilted up with her thumb and index finger.
 “What did you do? If I may ask.” She moved to get more powder on the sponge, before dabbing it back onto your skin.
 “I…” You hesitated, “snuck out to see someone.” 
 Abby’s mouth moved into a grin, a mischievous look on her face. “Not that proper now, are you?” You grumbled at the question, not giving a proper answer. “I thought your mother was fine with you seeing bachelors? Your sister used to always sneak out at night before she was engaged.” Abby spoke, swiping the powder on your skin in soft sweeps.
 “I’m not like my sister. These people aren’t bachelors.” You sighed, the obvious truth still hanging in the air. Abby’s eyes studied you, seeing the way you looked ashamed of yourself- she decided to leave it at that, finding the way you seemed to halt your tears good enough for now.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who slowly becomes more protective over you, and ends up working overtime to watch over you whilst you go on dates with the boys your mother picks out.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who actively asks to hear about each date, and enjoys the small remarks you make about each boy which always makes Abby laugh.
 - Knight! Abby who notices how no one else besides her and your mum are allowed near your room.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who becomes so invested in your life that she actively can sense when you enter and leave a room.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who, after your first kiss, will suddenly become cold- never seeming to have any time to talk or help you anymore.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who ends up getting cornered by you when she enters your room one morning, and quickly confesses how much she wants you; leading to a heated make out.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who ‘accidentally’ stays in your room till late.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who pulls you into dark corners and forgotten sections of the castle for a kiss or a quickie.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who gets flustered easily and ends up almost revealing your relationship after you made a sly joke about how much she’s helped you.
₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who gets increasingly jealous of every suitor you see.
₊˚✧ ゚Knight! Abby who always intimidates any guy who tries to push it with you (leading to a celebratory thank you from yourself.)
₊˚✧ ゚Knight! Abby who always knows what you want or where you are, making it hard to keep secrets from her.
 ₊˚✧ ゚ Knight! Abby who is ultimately the best secret girlfriend ever! And definitely savors each moment with you like it's the last!
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@ emonopolyman 2023
tags : @feed-the-pumpking-patches @tonkaringo @lottiematthewsceo @bupropiongay @eepy-sleepy @abbysgirlx @lov3lylotus @sapphicxprincess @luluvstars @elliewilliamsmissingfingerss @k1mba @moon4tear @acc-cal @tinysocks0 @femmefelis @vulnerabil1ty @barbieisalesbian69 @a-m-e-l-i-a-1-4 @bupropiongay @information-learner
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🎧Elle the Space Unicorn's Masterlist🎧
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Reader inserts will have no descriptors, OFCs will be black and plus-sized(unless otherwise stated). I love being able to give girls/femmes who look like me the chance to romance some of their faves.
🎧Bless my current muse...🎧
I love to write fanfiction. Right now, my main muse is Henry Cavill. But I also like some Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan characters (see below who I will write for - send prompts or requests to @ellethespaceunicorn HERE).
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Buy Me A Ko-Fi? | AO3 | Author Recs | Fic Recs | Headcanon Recs | Fic Prompts | Fic Title Ideas | Words to use instead of ‘said’ | WIP List | 2023 Fanfiction Wrapped | 2023 Character Wrapped
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Masterlist is under the Cut...
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Sweet Treats Event 2024 Masterlist (COMING SOON)
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Bright Like The Moon (ongoing)
Love, Napoleon (ongoing)
Scrapbook (finished)
Daddy Knows Best (possibly on hiatus)
Don't Take My Sunshine Away (possibly on hiatus)
Touch and Go (possibly ongoing)
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest (ongoing)
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What Are You Doing, StepBro?
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Humphrey x Stepsister!Reader
Summary: You and Humphrey don’t have the best start, but before long you will reach an arrangement.
Hold Me Til I Scream For Air To Breathe
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sub!Clark Kent x Domme!Reader
Summary: Clark needs to give over to his submissive urges, specifically he yearns to be tied up and owned.
I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Napoleon Solo x Reader
Summary: Napoleon wines and dines.
Make That Kitty Purr {DARK FIC}
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU
Summary: Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend.
Make That Kitty Purr [Director's Cut] {DARKER FIC}
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU
Summary: Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend. This is the darker pre-edited version.
Some Things You Just Can’t Refuse
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dom!Clark Kent x Sub!Reader
Summary: A collection of first times with Clark Kent, and one last time.
Happy Birthday, Cupcake
Rating: General
Pairing: Clark Kent x PlusSize!Reader
Summary: Clark surprises you for your birthday.
Treat Me Like A Slut
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: August Walker x Reader
Summary: August has had enough of your antics, and you’re going to pay for it.
Sometimes The Silence Guides A Mind
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Summary: As you were getting close to Sherlock, he stops visiting. You pop over to Baker Street and share an eye-opening moment.
Don't Take Your Eyes Off It
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Steve Rogers x Black!Fem!Reader 
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you have a surprise for Steve!
Don't Kill My Vibe
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Clark Kent x BestFriend!Black!Fem!Reader
Summary: You help Clark ease the pain of his broken heart.
Forever And A Day
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Geralt x Black!OFC
Summary: Geralt and Lavinia share a passionate reunion.
An Angel Without Wings
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Frank Castle x Unnamed!Black!OFC
Summary: When she needs him to take control, he’s there for her.
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Fifteen Minutes
Character: Walter Marshall x Unnamed Black!OFC
Rating: Explicit
Summary: What Walter does with 15 minutes of his time.
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Pairing: Syverson x Reader 
Rating: Mature
Summary: When an unexpected pregnancy rocks your already uncertain world, you decide the best option is to run. Apocalypse AU.
Pretty As A Picture
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Summary: What started as a hobby day in the park turns into Lloyd Hansen showing you why taking photos of strangers is a bad idea.
Something Old, Something New
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Nick Fowler x Reader
Summary: Your childhood best friend invites you to your old vacation spot for her wedding, and you have been catching up with your first crush: her recently divorced big brother Nick.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Older!Black!Fem!OFC
Summary: At a New Year's Eve party, Ransom Drysdale's life is forever changed by a chance meeting with Ivy Kensington.
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My Little Strawberry
Pairing: Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches)
Rating: Mature
Summary: A follow-up to Shape Up. Sy has a conversation with his baby girl while she’s still in your stomach. 
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Doing Something Unholy
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Charles Brandon x Reader
Summary: This is a prompt fill for some teasing of Charles Brandon and then him taking over.
Praise You
Rating: General, pure fluff
Pairing: Clark Kent x Insecure PlusSize!Reader
Summary: Clark Kent loves everything about you, especially what you think are your flaws.
Get My Pretty Name Outta Your Mouth
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Reader
Summary: You hate everything about Detective Walter Marshall. He feels the same about you. Now, kiss!
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Cpt Syverson x Black!Reader (Peaches)
Summary: Syverson and his girl, Peaches, try and trim his beard without causing a ruckus. Spoiler alert: they fail.
Follow-up to Shape-Up: My Little Strawberry
The Paganini Problem
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Wife!Reader
Summary: Being Sherlock’s wife proves to be difficult when a case stumps him.
Power Play: After Hours
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Assistant!Black!Reader
Summary: What happens when Lloyd sees you, his assistant, in something other than what you usually wear? Well, you should be worried about what he does when he sees you.
No Good Deeds
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Landlord!Ari Levinson x Reader
Summary: Moving out on your own is challenging, but your landlord, Mr. Levinson is kind and helpful. But he may want more from you than your tenancy.
Executive Temptation
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: CEO!August Walker x Employee!Reader
Summary: You’ve caught the eye of CEO August Walker. What happens when he asks you to go to his private office?
A Duke and His Duchess
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Soft!Dark!Lloyd Hansen x Chubby!Black!Fem!Reader
Summary: The night takes a dark turn when you are harassed at the club, but Lloyd comes to your rescue.
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Walter Marshall - Hobbies
Lloyd Hansen - Family, Quirks/Hobbies, Sleep
Lloyd Hansen - What happens when reader starts dressing to match lloyd?
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Walter Marshall (Night Hunter)
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Clark Kent (Man of Steel, BvS, Justice League)
Humphrey (Stardust)
Charles Brandon (The Tudors)
Mike (Hellraiser: Hellworld)
Napoleon Solo (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)
August Walker (Mission: Impossible - Fallout)
Will Shaw (The Cold Light of Day)
Sherlock Holmes (Enola Holmes films)
Captain Syverson (Sand Castle)
Evan Marshall (Blood Creek)
Melot (Tristan and Isolde)
Thomas Apreas (Hotel Laguna)
Chas Quilter (The Inspector Lyndley Mysteries)
Stephen Colley (I Capture the Castle)
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Lloyd Hansen (The Gray Man)
Andy Barber (Defending Jacob)
Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out)
Steve Rogers (Avengers films)
Curtis Everett (Snowpiercer)
Ari Levinson (The Red Sea Diving Resort)
Nick Gant (PUSH)
Jake Jensen (The Losers)
Frank Adler (Gifted)
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Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Charles Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
Steve Kemp (Fresh)
Max (Sharper)
Nick Fowler (The 355)
Lee Bodecker (The Devill All The Time)
Chris (Destroyer)
Justin Capshaw (Law & Order)
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Let me know if you wanna be added and for what plz, so far only these categories 😁 Let me know if you ever want to be removed!
General Fanfiction (Everything)
Henry Character Fanfiction
Chris Character Fanfiction
August Walker
Bright Like The Moon
Love, Napoleon!
Daddy Knows Best
Don't Take My Sunshine Away
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest
~Please DON'T ask me to tag you in a series that you've never 'liked' or 'reblogged'. It's just kind of rude. Also, don't ask for an ETA on the next chapter.~
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*Blog Header, Cover Art for fics, Masterlist Header/MDNI 18+ Banner, Support/Reblog banner and Masterlist Dividers made by me in Canva*
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beadsandboops · 11 months
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LOVE WINS (it didn't win)
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himborobot · 11 months
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happy pride
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 22 days
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Part 25
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Series Masterlist
Part 24 🟣 Part 26
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Fluff, ongoing vampire shenanigans, mentions of drug abuse/overdose, mention of attempted suicide, addiction, tragic backstory, more of August's completely unwarranted hatred of jellybeans, angst, Mike being an idiot.
Word count: 4.5k
A/N: So... we'll finally find out about that 'queen' thing, and some more about Mikey (who's also going to cause another angsty moment...) We'll also meet another coven member...
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @ellethespaceunicorn @summersong69 @mis-lil-red
@sillyrabbit81 @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld @proud-aroace-beastie
@plaidcat4815 @wa-ni @lovemusicpart2 @lizzystuffsthings @manysecrets2020
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“Queen?” you blurted out as you stood there, practically nailed to the floor, eyes wide, mouth open, shocked. Next to you, Mike had his fists clenched tightly at his sides, and a look on his face you couldn’t quite decipher.
“Vampires are a dramatic bunch,” Melot explained patiently. Yeah, you’d noticed. “I’m sure you’ve become at least somewhat familiar with your role in the coven hierarchy?”
You nodded quietly.
“Ours is a small family,” he continued. “But there were — and there undoubtedly still are — covens so large they could populate an entire town. Which they did. In those cases, the coven hierarchy was of paramount importance to keep the peace, and it functioned much like a court, hence the name.”
“As I have told you before,” Sherlock added, “the job of keeping a coven in check typically befalls two individuals. It is common for those individuals to be the eldest vampires in the family.”
“Or,” Charles continued, “as appears to be our case… a pair that connects on another level.”
“No,” Mike muttered in a broken voice. “No!”
All eyes turned to him, but it was you who asked. “What’s wrong, Mikey?”
“He doesn’t get to have you like that, I don’t want it,” he whispered, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
“There’s not much you can do, Mike,” Melot said. He reached for Mike’s arm, but it got slapped away by a very upset Mikey.
“Why do I never get her? I found her! Without me, you wouldn’t even know her! And I don’t even get to… Why am I nothing special to you?” Oh, good grief!
“Mike,” you hissed angrily, “not this again!”
“Shut up!” you cried out, feeling the strange tinge to your words only after you’d spoken. “You do not get to stand there like a whiny little child and accuse me of lying!”
“I’m not accu—”
“What part of ‘Shut up!’ do you not understand?” You were fuming. Beyond angry. But before you could give Mike the tongue-lashing of the century, you had a chuckling August to deal with. You whipped your head around to look at him and stared him down. “Clearly you won’t act your age, so I’ll have to take a page from Sherlock’s playbook. August, go to your room, and stay there until I’m done here. Now.” He vanished immediately, accompanied by a frustrated groan, and you turned your attention back to Mike.
“When I found out you were all vampires, I pushed everything I’d ever been taught about your kind since I was a child aside in less than a day because I didn’t want to lose you. And when the others asked me to enter into this arrangement with you guys, I held it off because I didn’t want to hurt you. I asked Sherlock if I could give you boyfriend privileges to make this whole thing easier on you. When you ran away because you were shocked I kissed Sherlock, none of them would feed because they missed you, and I suffered because of you. And when August un-vampire-married me from you, I was scared to death because — again — I didn’t want to lose you.” It was a miracle you weren’t crying yet.
“And you have the fucking audacity to ask me why you’re nothing special to me? Are you fucking serious? I owe this all to you, Mike! You are the reason I have my family! You brought me home!” Your voice broke on that very last word, and your next words came out as no more than a whisper. “When I tell you I love you, I mean I love you exactly as much as everyone else. Not in the same way, no, but exactly as much. And every time you try to say that I don’t, or every time you act like you don’t believe that, you’re accusing me of lying. And I don’t appreciate it. So, there.”
He looked at you, but didn’t say anything for a while. “You’re right,” he finally mumbled. “I know you’re right, I just…”
“Shh,” you said as you gently trailed your fingers over his cheekbone. “It’s okay. You can’t help that you feel this way, I know that. But the way you communicate it needs work.”
He leaned into your touch and smiled. “Can I stay with you tonight, please?”
You glanced around at the others, until your eyes reached… August. “I thought I told you to stay away until—”
“You were done here, yes,” August snapped. “You’re done here. If you weren’t, I wouldn’t be here, princess. I physically couldn’t leave that room.”
“Sweetcheeks please answer my question or I’m going to get really annoying,” Mike said, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
“You’re always really annoying, Mike,” August grumbled.
“Stop saying that! He’s not, and you know it! You love him too, August!” You reminded yourself that he’d just dodge whatever object you’d hurl at his head, and stood still. “It wouldn’t kill you to tell him that every once in a while!”
“It just might,” Melot chuckled. “We’ve never pushed it, we have no idea of knowing what would happen.”
“Well, I’m pushing it! You, August” — you poked his cheek — “are going to be nice to my Mikey, or it’s wrist and couch for the foreseeable future, because I can guarantee you I won’t be in the fucking mood!” Yeah. You just said that out loud. In front of everyone.
“Speaking of feeding,” Charles intervened before August could blow up at your threat — and maybe rightfully so; threatening to withhold sex was immature and manipulative, sure. But you didn’t want to sleep with a bully, and that was your right, right? “I’m not asking for your services, sweetheart, I’m merely suggesting we relocate to the kitchen, because the two of us are starving, what with Priya feeling under the weather and all.”
It stung, in a way, that Charles wasn’t asking for your services, despite having only just met him. Melot’s polite nod didn’t help much, because one look in his eyes revealed that he would be more than happy to request your assistance. It bothered you that he didn’t ask…
The kitchen was beautiful; bright, spacious, modern, opening into a large yet cozy dining room with the biggest table you’d ever laid eyes on, with more chairs than the family would ever need. One of them was occupied.
“You must be the new addition to the family,” he said as soon as you saw him, and he rushed towards you, faster than humanly possible, but slow enough for you to see him coming. “Napoleon Solo, enchanté.” You got a hug and a kiss on each cheek from him.
“I must say I’m almost disappointed I’m of a dissimilar predilection than my brother,” he said as he let go of you, only after inhaling deeply. “You smell divine.”
“Eh…” you stammered, feeling heat rise up to your cheeks in a staggering tempo.
“Tone it down, Napoleon,” Melot said. “And nice to have you here, we didn’t hear you come in. Please use the front door next time.”
“I’m sure you knew I was coming, darling,” the man teased. Everything about him was smooth to the point of being slick, and maybe even a little beyond that. “Though it’s incredible what you two little hermits fail to notice when you’re off in your own worlds.” He gestured at two large takeout bags on the kitchen island.
“How…” In a house full of vampires, Napoleon just managed to sneak in himself and a mountain of food, completely undetected?
“Incubus,” August said softly. “They — we, if you must — have a tendency to fly under the radar. No one sees an incubus unless they want to be seen.”
“Oh, God knows I have no problem being seen,” Napoleon said with a flirtatious smile. “Though I’m unusually dressed up for the occasion.”
“You mean you’re wearing pants for a change?” you said before you could stop yourself. What the hell were you doing? You didn’t even know this man! The laughter from the others around you, Napoleon included, told you that you were right, though.
“Please, join us!” Melot gestured at the dining room before reaching for the bags on the counter. “This should be enough food for everyone.”
While a seemingly endless stream of boxes and containers emerged from the bags, your curiosity got the better of you, and you asked a question you’d been carrying around for a good while now — ever since August had mentioned that there had been no need to call Charles and Melot about your visit.
“Oh, that,” Melot himself answered when you finally asked about all the ‘already knows’ that had been thrown around. “I am blessed with the excruciatingly splendid gift of clairvoyance.”
“As in; you can see the future?”
“See would not be a technically apt description, I suppose,” he answered in between greedy bites of the dumplings on his plate, “it’s more of a feeling. But in essence; yes. That’s why there’s a room ready for you. Feel free to do whatever you want with it.”
“Wait… I get my own room?” You’d more or less expected to be sharing with… any of the guys, really.
They all looked at you, clearly confused by your confusion. The silence was a little awkward — something that hadn’t happened in a while back at the apartment.
“As far as we’re concerned, darling,” Sherlock answered, “this is your home as much as it is ours.”
“And we understand the need for privacy and your own space as much as anyone else,” Charles added. “Perhaps even better than most. No matter how close your family is, it’s nice to be able to retreat to a space that is completely your own.”
“Use this summer to make it right for you,” August chimed in. “Melot wasn’t kidding when he said, ‘whatever you want’. Paint, furniture… Just let us know, okay?”
They had to be joking, right? Not that it looked like they were strapped for cash in any way, but… Panic suddenly reared its ugly head, and your thoughts were spiraling. Why did it suddenly feel like you were being abducted by five vampires and two incu— eh… Incubi? Incubuses? Either way… In a big, scary-looking house in the middle of nowhere? You didn’t even know exactly where you were… How would anyone ever find you here? And it’s not like you had family to go back to… You—
“It’s alright, love,” Marshall said, gently patting your arm. Mike, who was sitting to your right, took your hand. “It’s a lot to take in, I suppose?”
You could only answer with a nod.
“Okay, so, you’ll just stay with me tonight, and then we can take a look at the room tomorrow, and we’ll give you a tour of the house, if you want?” Mike squeezed your hand, making you look at him, his bright smile almost bringing you to tears.
“That sounds great, Mike… It’s kinda been a long day.” You sighed, squeezing Mike back before letting yourself fall against him and leaning your head on his shoulder.
“We can watch movies in bed?” he suggested. “I’ll scavenge for snacks!”
“Jelly Beans are in their usual place,” Melot noted dryly while August, clearly fighting to hold back a response, dropped his head into his hands with a loud groan. “Dip is in the fridge, tortilla chips are in the drawer opposite it.”
“How did you kn—” Right. Clairvoyance. Melot smiled back at you. He was handsome, he seemed kind, but he looked so… “How old are you?” you blurted out, much to everyone’s enjoyment.
“I’m sure they’ve mentioned I was born somewhere in the seventh century,” Melot answered, an amused smile faint on his lips. “So I assume you’re referring to my age when I was turned into a vampire?”
You nodded quietly, still scared that you had in any way offended him with your question, even though his behavior suggested nothing of the sort.
“I was just about nineteen when that happened,” he answered, his smile widening. “Don’t worry, I get that question a lot. I’m technically younger than Mike.” August couldn’t hold back a scoff on that one. “August, that’s not fair. I’ve had fourteen hundred years and change to grow up. And to say I grew up in a different time than he did would be quite the understatement.”
“Right. Seventh century…”
“I’m from Cornwall, born and raised in the Dark Ages,” he continued with a smile. “I’d been married for nearly six years when I died. Or… didn’t die. Ask me about all of it, later, I’ll gladly answer any of your questions. Right now, I’m fairly sure Mike needs you.”
Mike’s room was everything you expected it to be: Dark walls, LED-strips in rainbow colors, and more tech than was reasonable for anyone but a guy in his late teens or early twenties. The only thing missing was a TV, but upon closer inspection you formed the suspicion that the outrageously expensive-looking piece of furniture at the foot of the bed would play a major role in the solution to that problem. Seconds later, Mike reached for a remote on the bedside table and… yep. TV ascension commenced immediately.
“Hey,” he said almost apologetically when he saw your ‘this is fucking outrageous’-look. “I used to have one just standing there, but it broke!”
“And what were you doing that caused it to break?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. It wasn’t hard to guess, but it was always fun to watch him squirm and wriggle his way out of the predicaments he created for himself.
“Ehm, I’d rather not say,” he tried, but you were having none of it.
“Who were you fucking?” His eyes widened at the question, and his ears turned red the same way they always did when he was world-class embarrassed.
“Don’t get mad, but…” The perfect recipe to make someone mad in advance, honestly. “I don’t remember their names. It was years ago.”
“Their? Their? Names, plural?” you squealed, hoping the others wouldn’t hear too much of this conversation. Before you left the kitchen, August had been kind enough to let you in on the fact that this house was significantly more sound-proofed than the apartment — it wasn’t much of a surprise: the apartment was a rental, and the walls were barely thicker than a slice of prosciutto — but you weren’t entirely sure what that meant…
“I’m really not sure how you didn’t expect this at least a little,” Mike teased you as he dropped the snacks on his bedside table. “Oh no, the kinky little fucker I’m dating has experience with the odd threesome. Foursome… Actually, I’m pretty sure some of them qualified as orgies, or at least gangbangs, I—”
You lunged forward, pushing him down on the bed and sealing your mouth over his. “Shut up,” you said when you eventually had to come up for air. “I don’t need to know the names, or the stories! You’re mine. You’re my kinky little fucker, understand?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said in a serious voice that he could hang on to for about a tenth of a second before breaking down laughing. “Come on, Sweetcheeks, let’s get snuggling!”
You ended up in a familiar position: snuggled into Mike’s side, in the middle of a comfortable pile of pillows and blankets that he had gathered in the blink of an eye. For the first time since you had arrived at the house — mansion, whatever — you felt at home, although your thoughts kept racing as you tried to process everything that had happened that day. But it was okay. You had your guys, no matter how confused you were on the subject of exactly how many of them there were at this point.
It wasn't too long before one of the ones you were sure were yours — Marshall, to be specific — knocked on the door of Mike's room.
“Everyone dressed?”
“Even if we weren't, you could still come in,” Mike answered.
The door opened slowly, and Marshall carefully stepped into the room, as if he was afraid to disrupt whatever you had going on in here. “Hey,” he said to you, “how are you doing? It's a lot, we know… Maybe we should have given you more of an introduction?”
“I'll be fine,” you assured him. “I just wasn't expecting this house, and then Priya, and the fact that I now have my own room here…” You weren't entirely sure why that got to you the way it did, but it was weird to you in a way. When you moved into the apartment, you'd had your own room —although it had taken some serious work to convince Jenelle and Rose that you weren't, like, moving in-moving in with Mike. Not in that way, anyway. It had been a matter of convenience; they’d had a spare room, and you'd needed one since your bitch of a landlady had decided to kick you to the curb. Back then, you had even insisted it was a temporary solution. It wasn't. Not anymore. And especially not now that you had been given a second room in another house. One you also didn't have to pay for…
“Please don't worry about the money,” Marshall whispered. He was next to you, his arms wrapped around you, and his head resting on your shoulder. “I'll just leave the two of you to it. Get some sleep. Oh, and… Sherlock wanted me to tell you to take any time you need to get used to this, and to get to know the others. No need to rush into anything.”
He pressed a kiss to your temple, and then he was gone.
“I know you're already starting to feel it with Mel,” Mike said softly. You couldn't help but feel that he was judging you somehow. “I do get the feeling you're not entirely sure about Charles.”
“August would be ecstatic if that never happened, right?” you chuckled nervously.
“Oh, I don't doubt it. But everything will work itself out on that front in whatever way,” Mike replied. He pulled you closer, tracing soft circles on your back with one of his fingers. It tickled, made you shiver — which, in turn, made him laugh.
“Mike,” you started, somehow almost desperate to change the subject. “Why is your bed in the corner?” Back at the apartment, his bed was in the corner of his room as well, but that was to make room for his desk. This room was big enough to fit a desk on either side of the bed if he put it in the center of the wall.
“Eh…” Mike hesitated, clearly uncomfortable with whatever story was attached to the answer to your question. “Alright. I was homeless for a while, before Marshall turned me. It was right after things went south with Hedwig. I guess I just feel unprotected when I don't have a wall behind me. Or in front of me, that's okay too, weirdly enough.”
“That sounds fair,” you said. “It's not that I thought it was weird, by the way. I was just curious.”
“I know, Sweetcheeks,” he chuckled softly. “Can I tell you the rest of my story?”
You nodded furiously — you were in a curious kind of mood, after all, even after all the information that had already come your way. You just didn't seem to be able to stop yourself.
“I'll spare you the tale of Hedwig and the Downward Spiral, if that's okay with you? It's mostly drugs and partying, anyway… There was this one night that's kind of important, I suppose.” He sighed. “It was May 24th, 1985, I don't know why I remember that, but I do. Things were bad, really bad. You can't imagine how bad, honestly… That particular day, I OD'd on heroin. And before you ask: It wasn't an accident.”
It was like the ground — the bed, everything… — had been taken out from under you and you were freefalling into darkness. “No my God, Mikey!” Turns out that, entirely conform your every expectation, fighting back tears was pointless when the love of your life — one of them, anyway — told you that he'd tried to take his own life at some point.
“It's okay, Sweetcheeks,” Mike said as he put a hand against your cheek, wiping a tear away with his thumb. “In the end, it was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Until you showed up, anyway.”
“That's really sweet,” you said, not wanting to ignore that comment, but there were more pressing matters, as far as you were concerned. “But what happened next?”
“Marshall found me,” he said with a smile. “I'm still not entirely sure how I'm still alive… I don't think he knows, either. I remember waking up in his bed. He told me he took me home because he didn't want me to die there. He never really expected that I would survive.”
“Jesus Christ,” you muttered after you finally sucked in a breath. It was Mike's turn to cry now, and you gently kissed away a tear that ran down his cheek.
“After I woke up, I begged him to kill me. I just couldn’t do it anymore… Obviously he didn’t. Instead, he offered me a way out — a real one. A permanent one. Said he couldn't bear to lose me.” When he inhaled, you noticed how shaky his breath was. It wasn't something you'd heard in his voice yet. “He promised me forever without drugs, and I knew he meant ‘forever’ literally.”
“So, that's when he turned you?” you asked breathlessly.
Mike nodded almost solemnly. “Yep. When we got started, anyway. He helped me stay clean during the process, too.”
“Process?” It only just occurred to you that you'd never bothered to ask how ‘turning into a vampire' actually happened.
“Okay to make this totally weird for a second, because I need that after this complete sob fest of a story,” he said, smiling as he wiped the tears out of his eyes. “You have no idea how accurate your description of garlic as a ‘vampire contraceptive' was. You have to kind of… try. Like you would be trying to conceive, except the end result here was not a baby, but me as a vampire. I'd personally say that's preferable to having a baby, but I'm not sure all the others would agree with me.”
“I’m fairly sure August would propose there's absolutely no difference between the two,” you laughed. “But at least there's no pain involved, right?” Right?
Much to your dismay, Mike laughed. “Ask Marshall about the first time I took a bite out of him. That'll answer your question.” He ran a hand through his hair. “As for the transformation… I can't say it's pleasant, but it sure as hell felt a whole lot better than the aftermath of an overdose of heroin.”
“What does it feel like? Turning into a vampire, I mean. Not overdosing on heroin, I don't think I really want to know.”
“Understandable, it’s pretty brutal — the, eh, the overdosing. But I love your curiosity regarding the other thing.” He winked at you, a cheeky smile on his lips. “I can't explain to you what happens, exactly — but we have a professor who definitely can, so ask him if you want to know — but it kinda feels like… I don't know, it's uncomfortable. The first part feels like the flu, but I got it especially bad because I was also going through withdrawal. That's usually the stage in which people end up at the clinic with Sherlock. The process can be reversed at that point.”
He paused for a moment, screwing his eyes shut, as if he was trying to remember. “After that, I remember the fangs. Wildly uncomfortable sensation, by the way—”
“Your teeth changing? I can imagine…” you interrupted, shivering at the thought. Little did you know…
“Hah! You wish! They're brand new, baby! Which means your old canines are super-duper totally in the way. Remember the last time you lost one of your baby teeth?” You shook your head. That was ages ago. “Right, I didn't remember it either, until it started happening again. And then I also remembered that for those baby teeth it had sucked about ten million percent less. And the amount of fucking time it takes to gain any control over them…”
“How long before you have like… fully functional fangs?”
“Happens over the course of, like, a week, maybe two? Apparently you can feel them forming in your skull, when you're not preoccupied with withdrawal symptoms. Ask Marshall or Sherlock about that. Or Melot, if you dare. I know he had his pulled and/or filed down on several occasions.”
“Sherlock mentioned they grow back,” you remembered.
“They'd fucking better, or you'd starve to death if you lost them,” Mike reminded you. “You need the venom. Can't just suck blood through a straw and hope for the best. Like, with the supplemental approach thing Marshall talked about a while ago, they supplied bags of donated blood, and we had to bite those. It was messy and… Alright, doesn't matter.”
You noticed not only that Mike's storytelling became more and more animated and enthusiastic as he explained more about the process, but also that he'd switched to saying ‘you' — as if he was speaking directly to you. Maybe he was. Maybe you wanted him to.
“So, after they've wormed their way out, your whole face is sore — and then you're left with two completely unmanageable, uncontrollable murder weapons in your mouth… I ate ice cream and apple sauce for at least a month after they first came in: I bit my tongue several times a day, and my lip, too…” He chuckled. “And here's the smart part: The gory cravings kinda stay away until you're mostly done. As if your brain waits for all the equipment to be installed before it flips that switch.”
“And then you ambushed Marshall in a dark alley?” you joked.
Mike shook his head. “Can't ambush him, he can read my mind. Which I didn't know about at that point, by the way. He let me suffer for a week before I finally dared to admit to him that the human food wasn't cutting it anymore.”
“And then you mauled him?”
“Something like that. He told me to give in to my instincts. Apparently, they're usually correct — and they were for me as well, but… In my defense, the instructions were not exactly idiot-proof. When he told me to give in to those instincts, he didn't mean ‘unleash the kraken', but more like… ‘follow the teeth'. That sounds crazy, but I promise… You'll see.” There it was again. You. As in you-you. And you-you wasn't ready to make any promises just yet.
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autismguy55 · 4 months
controversial, but: jack being irish is a very common headcanon and i honestly just can’t see it. in chapter 2, jack says “we’re english, and the english are best at everything.” if lotf takes place in the 40s-50s like many assume, the irish war of independence had only happened about 20 years prior and ireland was freshly liberated. i’m sure we all know the atrocities the english committed against the irish, and i just don’t think an irish kid would say “the english are best at everything,” especially so soon after ireland gained independence. i don’t mean to bash anyone by the way, this is only my opinion
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lowcallyfruity · 7 months
To you they are NPCs… but to me… they are wonderful characters with personality who deserve the world (I am severely attached to them please help)
🤪😋 Noble Bell incorrect quotes <3
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acefms · 1 year
🍉 : which of the four seasons suits my muse best, and why?
Ace: Spring. The perfect weather for long dog walks as it’s warm but there’s still enough of a breeze to make it bearable. For late night drives with the window rolled down, a chilled playlist humming from the car stereo as he sings along and stops off at 7 / eleven for a slurpy. Outside drinks with friends and walking home slightly tipsy as the evenings slowly start to get lighter. He absolutely loves it.
August: Spring. A lighter wardrobe and lighter mood, though warmer there is still a chill in the air reminding you that not everything is as it seems. Days spent hidden in beds of flowers, a reminder of the past and how even after a cold winter, life can regrow. The best season for fresh starts, which she’s had a lot of.
Atlas: Spring, ironically. It’s the best time of year to take long drives out of the city on his motorcycle. The best time of year for early morning runs and late night workouts. While his demeanour reflects a gloomier season, he definitely enjoys spring the most.
Kyro: Summer. A literal ray of fucking sunshine. The fighter seen on tv a far cry from the true man behind the intimidating facade. Long days training with sweat dripping, a cold drink of water quenching your thirst. The most sociable you’ll see him is in summer.
Landon: Winter. It’s the easiest time of year to avoid people. It’s late nights alone at a bar with only his thoughts to consume him. Sitting in the quiet of his room, the cold nip in the air familiar and welcome. Its heavy jackets and hoods up, water splashing as heavy footsteps land in puddles as he takes quick strides through the city. It’s driving in the car late at night as rain splats against the windscreen. It’s nights spent with strangers in his bed to keep him warm.
Luna: Autumn. Spooky season is her favourite time of the year. While she loves the social aspect of summer, she thrives in the darker nights and gloomy atmosphere. The crunching of leaves beneath her feet and drunken fright nights with her friends.
Sofia: A mix of Autumn and summer. Dressing up for fall is always her favourite, and it’s prime coffee season. Though she also enjoys the summer for the days spent sipping on wine and the more carefree attitude of most people. Sofia is definitely more relaxed in the summer, though more settled in Autumn when she can curl up with a good book or sit and play the piano for hours on end.
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changanomaly · 8 months
Anyways. Dundie imagines and hcs and other things that pop into my brain about them because I think about them a lot and I hope someone out there cares as much about them as I do or likes them a normal amount and would also be as interested in reading this bullet point list I've made
They're very, very queer. I am just unable to tell you in what way but they ARE trust me
Duncan fell first AND harder. Sadie admits to it first.
They're long distance but they both always try to meet up whenever possible- esp Duncan, not that Sadie doesn't try bc she does but! there was this one time in like Christmas break where Sadie got a phone call from prison and it was Duncan telling her that he fit himself in a suitcase and illegally got into her hometown but don't worry he's gonna break out (she ended up getting him out instead)
Sadie (and Katie who she brings along when she can which is often) do Duncan's nails. He's been doing them himself prior and they're chipped and gross looking and are obviously ONE COAT only which they both say is stupid if he's picking BLACK nail polish like smh
I think Sadie, while bringing out his nicer side, brings out Duncan's awkward side just as much. She swoons easily over him but she's equally as unintentionally charming as he is smooth and it catches Duncan off guard.
Duncan grew out his mohawk after the show because at some point Sadie was trying to braid it while they were hanging out in this awkward point between their like friends and their feelings blossoming. She was a bit sad that she could barely make it into a braid and he. HE REMEMBERS!! and it's only barely braidable but it made Sadie sooo happy
Duncan and Sadie both like being little spoon. THEY TAKE TURNS!!
Sadie made him a little friendship bracelet and he's like so attached to it. He made her a skull in return and AUGHH they're so cute
In terms of love language, Sadie's the type to like giving words of affirmation (she really likes expressing herself verbally, always speaks what's on her mind about him and it's often nice, makes cute nicknames) and Duncan's the type to enjoy gift-giving (he's spraypainted her so many murals in random alleyways) (they both love that abt each other btw.)
Sadie calls him various things. "Duncey" sticks, obviously, but she's tried stuff like "pumpkin" and "sweetie" which he seems to like. She calls him snookums sometimes too and he comments on how they sound old and married. She blushes, he blushes, and they stare for a bit before going back to what they're doing.
Duncan tries to respond back by calling her stuff like his "main squeeze", "sunshine" and "charmer". He also lets her call him by his middle name when they're alone. (I think it's Tate. He looks like a Tate.)
Duncan thinks it's kind of corny but sort of endearing but. They do good night and good morning texts (Sadie initiated and he thought it was adorable and they haven't stopped since)
Duncan usually just sends her pictures of his random alley murals but figured out how to send stuff over to her house and mailed her a brick that he spray painted a small mural on for her. She has it on her desk (which she thanks god can hold it).
Sadie always ends up giving him small trinkets she like to make in return. Made him a little skull pin and gave it during Christmas and he's keeps it wherever he goes even when he doesn't wear it.
Duncan tries to tease her all the time and it seldom works and she usually replies in earnest which flusters him real bad. It's so damn cute.
But when he gets her OHO he gets her GOOD. She starts blubbering about and giggling. Which still flusters him so bad.
This especially happens when they watch horror movies together. Sadie's scared of most of them and clings onto Duncan for dear life when they watch it at home and like. He thinks it's so cute aghh!!
Their future domestic life is kind of bliss. They share an apartment, have a cat and a couple lizards and spiders, maybe. Whenever it's the other's turn to cook they always hug em from behind.
Whenever they visit each other or get to meet up they always leave something with the other person by accident. Duncan has multiple of Sadie's jackets and wears them sometimes and keeps forgetting to return them. Duncan usually leaves his shirts but Sadie actually remembers to return them.
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honeynclove · 5 months
noble bell npc hcs
me n @localanimeidiot’s hcs that we’ve been working on since like…. mid October 😭😭 sprite edits were done by us both
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robinette auclair - student council aide
transfem lesbian <3 18 NO IDEA what a student council aide does but I googled it and got… nothing! so in my mind she does what a treasurer does which is maintain financial records / work with the budget / plan fundraisers etc she lives close to the school in the city with her mother <3 they originally lived in a small town near fleur city when she was little and moved after the death of Robin’s father to be closer to family and so her mother could get a better job her mom either owns a local business or works high up in a big one and helps sponsor school events + taught Robin how to handle money properly and is partially why Robin got the treasurer spot very silly but also very competent has a gf based off of esmerelda ‼️ CANNOTTT flirt for shit tho. girl is NOT smooth she is very fashionable though :]
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august lavigne - student council vice president
transmasc 18 as well gay and in love with Rollo Flamme 🤢 idk it’s just a silly (not) unrequited crush he’ll probably get over it hopefully Lives in that same small town mentioned before, more specifically though it’s based on the town from beauty and the beast and we hc Vargas to be from there along with many ocs!! his family owns a small winery that dates back a few generations his family is HUGE tons of cousins aunts and uncles etc has a tooth gap and is insecure about it, covers his mouth partially when he laughs he had braces to fix it, but stopped wearing his retainer after and the gap came back his home is like… an hour drive from nbc so he stays in the dorms
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best friends !!!
were originally childhood friends when they were little they would play in the vineyards together <3 WERE HEARTBROKEN WHEN ROBIN HAD TO MOVE <//3 they don’t recognize each other when they meet again at NBC, but they do become fast friends one day one of them shows a childhood photo and the other goes… “HEY THATS ME” …/hj probably bc they were little still identified with their agab and added to the whole not recognizing each other thing attached at the hip it’s rare to see them without the other because robins family lives in the city she’ll go back to her home over the weekends instead of staying at the dorms and her mom insists August stays with them <3 her mom ADORES august rollo not so much Augusts family returns this kindness and invites Robin and her mom over during holiday breaks <3 overall very wholesome
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greenish-black hair? yellow eyes??? bird name???? potential history of deadbeat dadism?????? ( cough malleus cough ) MAYBE HER DAD ISNT DEAD /j 😭😭 I pinky promise Crowley isn’t her dad
if anyone actually read this who wants part two and three 😬😬 also I posted this unedited and unchecked so if there’s any errors do please ignore
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athenepromachos · 1 year
Givin' it LARGE 🥵🥵🥵
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sepptember · 12 hours
hey yew 😈😈😈😈
second of all
𝐦𝐨𝐦 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐦 𝐠𝐚𝐲 — request the reader coming out to a character or characters.
coming out to fuckin. dallas WINSTON 😡 as bi as his sibling !!
Dallas is probably really ooc in this, which I'm so sorry for sugar! I'm also sorry for how long this took me to get out and make. thank you for taking part in my event, I love you 🫶🏻
꒰ warnings ꒱ — mentions of homophobia, again, probably ooc Dallas, probably got away from me a little.
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I personally think Dallas was very like “Okay? idgaf who you kiss 💀” when it came to other people, because he really doesn't.
In his mind people are people. (not in a “be whoever you want 😊” kind of way but in more of a “this has nothing to do with me?” kind of way.)
But I think with you being family and coming out, it's very different because that means it's a lot more personal.
Especially because of the decade and how homophobic people are. 
And he's very quiet at first, and you can't really get a read off of his expression. At first you might think he's upset because Dally has a resting bitch face.
He likely doesn't really know what to say, he's likely a little uncomfortable but not because you're like bisexual, but more so because you're his sibling and that is like a big deal and he doesn't know what is right or wrong to do. He loves you a lot (though he doesn't say it often, he creates you a lot like Johnny but probably rougher and more bitchy). 
That's a moment where he gives you one of his extremely rare hugs. And not a side hug, which you get more often, but a genuine, tight, completely trapped in his arms hug.
He doesn't really say anything about it after, but he definitely is more open to when other people ever mention it or it's like talked about. 
Will probably (aka definitely would) fuck someone up for you if anyone said anything.
I feel like he probably yapped about it to Johnny because I like to think Dally would talk and talk and talk and Johnny just listens. Then it just completely slipped out and Dally didn't really notice. 
But Johnny, the sweetheart he is, does not mention it to anyone. (And not because Dally lowkey threatened him about what would happen if he did, even though Dal knew he wouldn't).
But Dallas overall is understanding and supportive in his actions rather than through his words!
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augustonly · 2 years
in the weeks after sam leaves stanford, he's so careful to never let dean see him naked, locking the door when he showers and even getting changed in the bathroom. dean, who has a phobia of his family members experiencing privacy, is extremely concerned until he finds out that what sam is hiding is a butterfly tramp stamp
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