#hazy moos
hazyy-moomoo · 4 months
god ever since ive been staying in a place surrounded by alot of countryside ive been fantasising about being kidnapped and taken further into the middle of nowhere, its really hot over here + i get hot easily so i'd be wearing something thinner and a little more revealing than usual, i dont pass that well so the creepy guy would just think im some girl he can have his way with.. but when he finds out im a trans guy?? he'd have tons of fun misgendering me and teasing me for my body, making sure to grope me more than he would with a girl just so i dont end up forgetting just how curvy and round i am <33 he'd be there tugging on my nipples until i'm sporadically squirting milk onto the grass beneath me, but soon enough i'd be producing enough to be a real dairy cow on a farm <3 maybe he'd even threaten me and tell me that if i speak a single word without permission and don't moo instead he'd hurt me :3 under his control there'd be no way id be going home without my tits enlarged from the milk production and a baby pumped into me <3
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18+, minors DNI.
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merakiui · 7 days
Hey Mera, a yandere concept I haven’t seen too much, but thought you might find interesting—
So there’s this character in Overlord (anime) called Demiurge. It’s heavily implied he has a farm where he’s breeding humans and Demihumans… to skin them/their children and make spell scrolls from their skin.
Bottom line? Guy has a breeding farm. Imagination filling in the blanks? Him taking his favorite little human to breed himself.
👁 👁 breeding farm is such a yummy concept. Omg imagine it with hucows…… or any sort of livestock hybrid!! Maybe [insert twst character here] owns the farm himself or is employed to look after and tend to the hucows. Something something the milking machines break one day and require maintenance, so now he has to milk you by hand. Aaaa his face is so hot the entire time and there’s a very obvious tent in his trousers because you’re making such soft little moos every time he tugs on your teats to fill buckets and bottles of fresh milk. >_< it’s even more arousing if they’ve got you strapped to a machine that fucks into you to stimulate milk production and keep you docile while he handles you.
Aaaaa he’s just so enamored with the way your eyes get so hazy with pleasure, the way you’re so soft, tits heavy and full of milk. Maybe he steals a few sips for himself. >:) and when/if he ever got the chance to breed you…… he’s too obsessed to make it romantic, and maybe you don’t even care about that. He’ll take you right there in the stables, bending you over the railing while he pounds into you recklessly, hoping you’ll get pregnant and carry his babies and get even softer than you already are now. You were made for breeding; it’s what your body’s built for, isn’t it? Not that you’d protest against this when you associate him with relief and sweetness, as he always makes sure to diligently milk you when you produce so much milk it becomes uncomfortable.
But if it isn’t hucows……. in keeping with the recent chats of aliens!!!! Alien [insert twst guy here] who maybe is emperor or ruler of his species and he keeps a human farm, where they’re raised and bred like livestock, all for various purposes. Maybe he doesn’t even visit the farm very frequently because he’s so busy, but one day he happens to do so and he sees you and that’s it. He’ll have you. Forget breeding you with other captive humans. He’s going to breed you himself and keep you full of eggs just as nature intended. :) soft human mate……… full of eggs,,,, maternal…. orz
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cowshapedwoman · 2 months
Thinking about how much I wanna be a hazy cowgirl on a lil farm and be taken care of by a cute farmhand,,,,
Just mooing and bring praised and milked all day, being told how much of a good cow I am~
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justsescape · 5 months
Can a cow be too fat?
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Nyx had become a proverbial mountain of fat; her body filled the capacity of an airplane hangar. Rolling waves of skin resembled the dimples and folds of raw pancake batter as they piled themselves atop the concrete. Breasts -- each large enough to rival entire biplanes -- lurched themselves over the only thing bigger than them: her gut. Its rumbling was like thunder. Perhaps she had buried a couple of buildings underneath its weight.
"BWOOOOOOUUUURRRRRRRP-HYIUCK!" Nyx's head emerged from her body the same way someone's would if they were buried in sand at the beach. Every gaseous expulsion left the flabby flesh surrounding it rippling like a pond. "HIC! HIC-URP-HIC!"
Lips, dripping with drool, opened and closed rhythmically almost as if she was chewing gum -- not that she was chewing anything at all. At least, not yet. Her dull, hazy gaze craned upward toward a distant feeding tube connected to the ceiling. Unable to lift her tree-trunk arms, all Nyx could do to vocalize her appetite was belch, hiccup, or moo. Sometimes, all three at once.
The call was heard. The pipe descended. Nyx's gaping mouth wrapped thoughtlessly around it. Gulp... gulp... gulp... Drooping nipples lazily produced milk that ran like little streams down the folds of her lard-laden body. Her fat had long since found its way into her lactation: it wasn't so much milk that she was making as much as it was heavy cream. It clumped up in the countless crevices that wrapped around her entire gluttonous frame.
From Nyx's limited perspective, the world was but a pale, endless horizon of lard below, and a cold, metal ceiling above. The feeding tube delivered euphoric sensations. It was her escape. The bigger she grew, the more she pressed into the walls. The more she pressed into the walls, the less they could do to confine her. The less confined she was, the more she could grow. The cycle repeated. Fat was freedom.
Nyx swelled like a balloon connected to a garden hose.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
I Knew You Were Trouble (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: One of the cats is definitely more trouble than he’s worth
It was one of those hazy summer mornings, one where the mist rolls over the hills and across the rivers, more akin to steam rising off of a boiling pot than anything else. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, welcoming in the day after the long hours of darkness that had encompassed Wabang. 
It was already warmer than usual as Rhett entered into the barn, which by now was sweltering, overwhelmed with the smell of hay, horses, wood and rope. Despite the heat, Rhett loved those smells, those that were familiar and comforting.....just like home. 
“Alright you old bat,” Rhett said, teasing Abigail, the dairy cow Cecelia had taken in. “I’ve gotcha, I’m comin.” 
All morning long, Abigail had mooed away in the pasture with the bull she had mated with, her calf coming by to nurse for a few hours. Some other ranchers would have found it a nuisance, but the way Rhett and Royal saw it, the less work they had to do. 
Rhett immediately set to milking Abigail, the cow standing dead still as he worked. He had been so focused that Rhett hadn’t realized the tiny mewing that had been coming from the hay. 
“Well, well,” he said with a grin. “What are you doin here?” 
The six week old calico kitten tottered in, mewing like crazy as he put his little paws up on the metal bucket and pawed Rhett’s bootlaces. Out of all of Tiny and Willy’s kittens, this one in particular had a habit of following Rhett around to the strangest of places. 
“You hungry?” Rhett asked. 
He kept a close eye on him while he worked, but the kitten was clearly impatient enough to start climbing on the bucket. He curled his little body over the rim, his little tail dangling behind him before he splashed down in the milk with a loud *PLOP!* and another tiny mew following in its wake. 
“Alright, c’mere you little bugger,” Rhett said, reaching in to fish him out. 
Rhett’s big hand scooped him right up, the poor little kitten mewing again, his fur soaked with fresh milk. Rhett carefully dried him off with a rag he kept in his back pocket as the kitten’s fur began to stick up at odd angles. 
“You’re more trouble than you’re worth you know,” Rhett chuckled. 
The kitten mewed as though he understood before Rhett placed him in the breastpocket of his shirt, the little one wriggling around before settling in and staring up at Rhett. 
Rhett smiled and shook his head, heading right back to the house with the bucket in his hand and the kitten tucked in the pocket against his chest. When he entered through the front door, there you were, in the kitchen just having made breakfast. The smell of bacon and eggs was still fresh in the air as Rhett set the milk bucket down near the stove to be boiled and pasteurized. 
“Looks like you had a morning,” you chuckled. 
“Doesn’t even begin to describe it darlin,” Rhett answered. 
You laughed as the kitten stuck his little head out of Rhett’s shirt pocket, looking around and pricking up his little ears. You carefully lifted him out and handed him to Rhett who in turn went to the living room and placed him in the basket beside his brothers and sisters. 
“Little guy’s more trouble than he’s worth,” you chuckled. 
“Said the same thing to myself darlin,” Rhett said, pulling you close and kissing the side of your head. “Think we should give him a name yet?” 
“We’ll decide that when the time comes,” you answered. 
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hazyy-moomoo · 4 months
i dont usually get smart thoughts but like.. why isnt it normalised to see women as cows anyways?? I'm just a pair of udders <3 men shouldn't have to buy milk when their sluts are right there yknow?? call me a pick me girl but im not like other girls, I'd let a man milk me for his morning coffee as should every girl and id happily moo for him while he does it <3
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18+, minors DNI.
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Goodness, you're so hot, and so easy~ All you'll be good for is svering, and being served. Beached on your soft, fat belly, taking copious amounts of food from one end, and copious amounts of cock from the other; you'll drive all the girls and theys wild, you cute, braindead moo...they'll all love you, and cherish you.
Sure, they're using you as a bloated fucktoy, but they'll keep you clean, and give you plenty of kisses as you're fed, and dive down to make you moo and jiggle yourself, so much so that when you're not being used or filled, you'll BEG for it. A horny, slutty cow, begging to be stuffed full again. Nothing but an endless life of pleasure for you, cow. All you deserve. Dumb, horny, pleasure~
It sounds like your mind is already melting, buckling under the weight of how fucking heavy you'll be as we swell you out with food and sex. Dumb you down with a constant buzz between your thighs and a constant stream of brainrotting cow, feedee, fat hypno, of endless porn for you to aspire for. You'll be the curviest, heaviest, hottest cow of all, with a slutty bimbo personality to boot, and the finest milk around~
Wanna hear something, sweetheart?
You're already a dumb, hedonistic cow. You went over the edge a while ago.
I'm just morphing your body to fit your mind~
Moo. Be hungry. Moo. Be slutty. Moo. Be fatter. Moo. Moo. Moo~
Please! Keep morphing me! Keep pushing me further in the rabbit hole of being a fat milky slutty cow. Mooooo💕.
God I’m sitting in my living room right now and I’m just snacking. Your right, I need to always be eating. I get just so distracted and hazy when I’m not eating. I wish someone was here to pour food down my throat and use me like cow I am. Moooo~💕
God your right my mind is gone. I’ve given in. I love to eat and fuck and suck. God cuties watching porn and using me to get themselves off? Pleasse 🥺 mooooo~💕.
But I just need to be hungrier. Moooo~💕 I need to be fatter. Moooo~💕 I need to be slutier. Moooo~💕 I think I know how to help myself do that last one.
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(She/her early in transition. Not a guy)
Hope this captures how much of a needy slut I am. God I need someone to come play with my tits. Make my milky cow tits bigger and use my mouth.
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cowshapedwoman · 1 month
I want to write longer moo posts more but it’s soooo hard to
When I think mooo thoughts like about having a cute farmhand gently yet firmmly milking mee, or being pet and told howw good of a cow I amm, my head gets hazy and fuzzyy and when things are hazzy it’s harder to wwrite
I’ll doo my best though mooo moo mooooooo
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sunkingwrites · 2 years
<.YES.>    <.NO.>
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Are you going to press that?
Your save file hasn’t been doing too well. There was that one time you forgot to water your crops in favour of going mining, but you ended up finding a ruby for your favourite villager.
You could still press the button; you’re free to reset everything at any given time.
You could restart, skip the tutorial during the first cutscene, and reintroduce yourself to that villager with the prior knowledge that they love rubies. 
You would be ahead if you pressed it. Knowledge of secret foraging spots and what to buy first in the shops for maximum crop yield. 
If it's just your appearance you want to change instead of resetting your save file, that's entirely possible as well, for the correct sum of gold; usually around 15 million. But hey, apparently that's the price you have to pay to magically change your bone structure and the choice to wear either a skirt, pants, or shorts.
You know about the want and reward system designed to keep you playing. You don't completely understand why or how it works, but as you steal a look out your curtained window, realisation dawns- you can see the sun peeking through the trees around your yard.
A release of dopamine; you feel a strange sense of pride knowing that you spent the whole night completing achievements that could only be earned through hours on the game or with cheats. Even as you pause your gameplay for only a minute to take a sip of water, you itch to get back. The longing for digital rolling hills and twangy townsquare tunes has your eyes glued to the screen, the game is pulling you in, all wavy pixels of nature and farmland-
You're back to playing.
It’s been a while since you last came out of your room. There’s an empty water bottle on your desk that you rationed to avoid going to the bathroom, and a bag of chips: barbeque, half-eaten, pushed off to the side. You haven’t checked your phone since you saw the sun coming up hours ago. You can guess who would’ve tried to contact you, and none of them own the game.
They would just distract you.
There’s a hazy idea in your head of what day of the week it is, so you bring up the calendar on the bottom right of your screen; it’s two days past what you had thought. A twitch of panic has your hand momentarily frozen on the mouse, but you’re brought back to the farm as a cow moos in what you interpret as it needing to be milked. 
Problems, responsibilities, and prior engagements don’t hold any weight of importance or urgency as you scale a mountain on the outskirts of town. You’re after a special kind of crystal that you overheard the town’s storyteller raving about. 
Your eyes are unfocused, your throat is dry, and your fingers feel as if they could cramp up at any moment- then they do. Pulling your hand away from the keyboard to massage it, you hear a faint cry from your overheating computer. You’re falling. Your character is dropping through the air, a tiny computerised scream retching itself from the body of pixels, until…
You tilt your head back to take in the view of the ceiling and contemplate the damage, a small, disappointed sigh moves past your lips. You click onto the menu screen, a hopeless gaze.
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<.YES.>     <.NO.>
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Twisted Gif Set: Rough Sex 1.C
Perhaps attempting to steal from a flaming pirate ship would've been a good idea for Imogen if she cmae prepared, instead she stumbled upon mighty Grimmhorn and his infernal lusts~☆
(Rough sex and Non-con, maybe mindbreak if you're up for it, have fun!)
Rough Sex: 1C
Imogen was beyond relieved when her plea for a parlay had been heard. The fiendish foes of the flaming pirate ship was far from the ghost crew they'd been told to expect—but a ship was a ship, and any ship was a way off this island and toward their destination. All she needed to do was convince the captain that they were worth keeping around, and they'd be home free—and with a little mental magic, she could ensure they'd be sailing comfortably.
Unfortunately for her, mind tricks didn't exactly work on the captain.
"You stupid cow~!" the hellish minotaur captain bellowed out in a roar that shook the interior of his cabin, and made Imogen shudder with every fiber of her being. "You dare try and trick me?! You fool~!! Now you'll pay the price~!! Take it, you dumb bitch~!!"
As if Imogen had any other option—the minotaur had utterly overpowered her the moment she'd tried to slip into his mind, and with his incredible strength he'd held her firm as he'd ripped the clothes from her figure, spun her around and shoved her up against the wall, and slammed every last inch of his two-foot-long bovine bitch breaker into her folds! It was a wonder she hadn't lost her mind on the first thrust, just her voice—screaming so loud she couldn't hear the conflict continuing outside.
"You wanted a parlay—well, here it is~!" Grimmhorn snarled into her ear, and Imogen gasped as she felt one of his powerful hands wrap around her slender neck and shoulder, holding her firmly in place as he railed on her—his every thrust felt like a punch to the gut. "You get to live~!! From now on, you are my cow~!! Mine to fuck and breed and break however much I want~!! Now moo, you dumb cow~!!"
His command was followed by a firm smack to her ass—in the moment, Imogen wasn't sure whether it came from his hand or just his crashing hips as they smacked against her. The lavender-haired sorceress cried out in pure desperation, her voice shaky and broken. "P-Please~! N-No more~! N-No mo-OOOO~!!"
Her pleas, though, broke as she felt his cock slam hard into the back of her womb—and as she felt his molten hot cum erupt into her, she felt the moan come out unbidden and unwanted. But try as she might to resist, she couldn't stop herself—her lips parting in a wanton moaning like a cow, her body shuddering as she felt herself filled, over and over again, her eyes slowly going hazy as the pleasure overtook her own pain and anguish.
And Grimmhorn, grinning wickedly, pulled his new cow away from the wall and towards his bed, eager to continue his work.
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hypnolurker · 1 year
Melanie Moo-ves to Greener Pastures
Melanie was disgusted by the place they took her. Several burly men had grabbed her, injected her and thrown her in a van. After the long drive, most of which she spent unconscious, they arrived at this place. It was like a sort of farm filled with naked women.
What she hated was how they all acted. They wandered around the field pathetically like animals, jaws hanging open and tits hanging down. It made her shiver. This was debasing and a disgrace to all women. What could be wrong with these demented women? Why didn’t they try to escape? She saw guards nearby but surely some of them would at least try…
She wasn’t so lucky. When she first arrived she had only a view of the field from the barn where she was more closely monitored. Along with a few other new arrivals she was subjected to horrible torture. They fucked her in the pussy and ass with sex toys of increasing sizes, gradually stretching her holes and blurring her vision as she screamed for mercy. Every time she screamed they whipped her. She still screamed though…she couldn’t bare this…
Every morning an injection, followed by a feeding. She wasn’t fed normally like she would have dinner at home, her food here came in a trough where she would have to bend down alongside the other women and cover her face in food as she gobbled the bland slop to satiate her intense hunger.
This made her thirsty. Regrettably. She didn’t want to be thirsty. If she wanted to quench her thirst she was only able to do so by suckling on a hollow phallus filled with something that was like water but didn’t quite taste right. Still she impaled her face on the thing, often pushing other women out of the way desperate for a drink.
On top of the drugs and the training was conditioning. ‘You are a dumb cow. You have no brain. You are always horny.’ They repeated it over and over and it swirled around in her head, never quite managing to shut it out. Even when they stopped conditioning her she could hear the incessant mooing of the women in the field.
It was degrading. She felt so angry and yet she could also feel something growing within her. The drugs they pumped her full of numbed her. Everything seemed hazy and days passed so quickly. She would look out from the barn and yearn for the freedom of the field where the mindless creatures wandered. She didn’t think of them as women, not after watching them for long enough. They didn’t speak to each other or do anything other than crawl and eat really.
She wondered if they still could speak. After weeks of this training…or months…or…she wasn’t sure how long but after this amount of time her tongue was limp. She hadn’t conversed with the other women in here as any time she tried they would shock her or give her another fucking session. Those were becoming worse as well. Whatever the drugs were they didn’t just numb the pain but they also made any stimulation more intense. Each time they fucked her holes now she moaned in pleasure. It made her feel sick but at the same time she thrived on the shallow comfort of incredible the orgasms they gave her.
More days passed and she still stared at the field, hopeful she would be allowed to wander there soon. She could see one of the other women there now, she looked so peaceful and happy compared to when she was first brought in and kept in the farmhouse. All that pleading and begging and crying…she could remember when she used to cry. She wasn’t sure why she did it anymore. It was so easy just to get fucked and suck and be a dumb animal.
She had recently taken to mooing instead of talking when she was fucked or sometimes just because she had a thought and wasn’t sure how else to express it. It just felt right. She could hear the other girls mooing. It must be right. They were like her. She was like them. They were all cows. Horny cows who lived to be fucked.
One of the men came to her not long after and lead her out into the field. She was so pleased to be able to wander with her fellow cows. The man even unzipped his pants and let her suck his dick. It was difficult as the other cows all gathered around, mouths open and drooling as they desperately clamoured for a taste themselves and she pushed and kicked them away. It was like that whenever one of the farmhands was nearby, they were all so horny and dumb.
She watched from her pen as a van arrived and struggling women were led to the farmhouse, smiling. Soon they would understand that they were mindless cows, just like her.
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cowsaves · 2 years
What Love Breeds - Ch 10
No wonder Essie was running dry.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
Essie is wiped again, and again, and again. For the next five consecutive days, Essie finds herself in that blank white room until a pink spiral windmills her brain to nothingness. Amelia’s interns return her to her pen a giggling mess, the barn darkened with artificial night and the rest of her herd deeply asleep. They no longer connect Essie to her IV, the equipment removed from her pen entirely. With her regiment of growth shots finished, her food specifically engineered for her, and mind purged, there is no longer any use for it. It has the interns asking why they didn’t wipe her in the first place, though they know better than to say as much anywhere near Dr. McCarthy. Essie wobbles to the ground and under the cover of deep blue lighting, her body takes her to a gentle rest as if primal knowledge of the night sky feeds it instruction. The transformations of her body, though, are anything but gentle. Her additional supplements have kicked in, and by nightfall, her tits are sloshing with the extra growth.
And, just as it has every night for the last month, the barn door creaks open. A lone man hurries through the rows of stalls, glancing over his shoulder and hustling silently to his destination: Essie’s stall.
Jason Shaw licks his lips, his fingers twitching at his sides. He’s so close to what he desperately needs. He whispers, “Essie, wide awake.”
Essie bobbles into an upright position, her eyes bleary and drool drying against her cheek. She blinks her vision into focus, a dull smile growing into place as she recognizes Jason. For the past four to five weeks, this would’ve been where Jason put her into trance. Where he made sure that she would remember nothing about what was to come, only the deep sleep she’ll return to once he’s gotten what he craves. But, evidently, it was too much for her. She was still the same, difficult girl they’d worked so hard to fix, her memories sticking together and giving her migraines. But now, once her mind has been wiped into oblivion? Well, she might be just right.
Jason commands, “Follow,” and undoes the latch on her gate.
She’s automatically obedient and at his heels. Jason weaves them through the barn to the emergency exit he’s had conveniently disconnected from the alarm system. He pushes past it and brings Essie into the pasture, the true night sky above them and a warm breeze filtering through the grass. He pushes Essie down to her knees and positions her arms at her sides to support her. Her eyes are hazy and half-lidded, just as they should be by now. Jason joins her on the ground and is palming her tits within the same moment. His throat burns with anticipation, but he forces himself to double-check his work.
“Essie, where are you right now?” He asks, his voice sharp and desperate.
“Uh,” Essie says. The longer she spends trying to answer his question, the further from it she gets. “Huh?” she giggles.
“Oh, yes, baby. You’re perfect,” Jason hisses. Essie blushes and opens her mouth as Jason takes her dripping tit between his lips and all Essie can do is moan. He sucks hard and fast, her sweet milk coursing through him, and groans against her flesh. His free hand wants to find purchase on her other tit, gripping tightly as his body goes rigid with pleasure, but he knows from experience that’s a mistake. He can’t afford to lose a single drop of her, not at this point. He’s too far gone.
The longer Jason drinks, the further Essie spreads her legs. Her pussy is soaking wet and oozing onto the patch of grass beneath her. Each tug at her tit has her cunt throbbing and leaking. Essie tries to spread herself as far down as she can to reach the grass, the dirt, anything to grind against, but her body won’t lower itself quite far enough. She humps against the air, the warm breeze stimulating her just by its gusts, and moos mournfully into the open sky. Jason locks his other hand on her thick, jiggling thigh and presses his weight against her. Her milk dribbles down his chin as he gasps for breath, licks his lips, and wraps his mouth around her once again.
In the early weeks, his jaw would tire at a certain point. Jason brought a thermos along for all he couldn’t take into himself directly. Though, the thermos quickly became problematic at work. He’d gulp it back, his mind quickly becoming addled with the need for more, and excuse himself for the day under the pretense of a headache.
Now, though, he was free to take as much from Essie as he desired.
As Jason feels her tit’s stream thinning, he moves on to the next. Essie’s moans are louder now that her mind is free of itself, pleasure and bodily experiences the only thing left in her pretty little head. The more she pants the more milk she pushes through herself and into Jason. She grunts shakily through her open mouth as her tongue hangs loose, her noises nothing more than primal. Jason swallows over and over, unaware of his own grunts as his dick hardens between his legs, straining against his slacks. He takes both hands to either side of her breast and squeezes, concentrating her gush to the back of his throat and feeling its warmth flow through his body. Essie’s moans become high, whining moos as Jason comes close to draining her. As her body drips dry, Jason releases Essie and revels in her taste. The sweet, fruit-like quality of her thick, creamy milk wraps itself around his own mind and his cock. After five days of restraining himself, waiting for Essie to be completely and totally wiped when he drank from her again, he feels his head drifting toward the stars dotted above. Slowly, his breathing evens to the rhythm of Essie softly mooing over herself. Looking down at himself, Jason registers the surges of milk that darken his shirt, and the tip of his dick wetting his crotch.
Jason’s mind is spinning and his urges are not satisfied. He clumsily removes his belt and tosses it into the grass, yanking his pants and boxers to his ankles as he pushes Essie onto her back. She lands in the grass with a soft thud, her legs still bent at the knees. Jason stumbles down to her and lifts her hips to meet his thighs. His mind is clouded with the taste of Essie, with the feel of her between his teeth, with every part of her soft flesh. Without ceremony or thought, he thrusts fully into Essie’s sloppy wet cunt. She moos as her eyes roll back in her head, the fullness she didn’t know she needed finally inside her. Jason starts pumping into her frantically, building speed as the euphoria of her milk fully hits him. He pants with his mouth open wide, tongue dangling, like a cow in heat. Essie mirrors him below, his drool landing on her stomach and rolling up towards her chest and face. White droplets of milk bead at the points of her nipples, the sight pushing Jason to bottom out inside her. Essie cries out as his hips slap against her, his dick penetrating her deeper than Essie’s ever known. Or, deeper than Essie can remember.
Jason cries out as he finishes inside her, his massive load consuming them both. His own scent mixes with Essie’s and draws the pair closer. Essie, still panting, grinds down against his cock as he softens and draws himself from her. They’re both painted in his sticky white fluid, trails of his cum stringing from her to him like webbing. Jason wipes himself on his boxers and pulls his pants back to his waist, commando. His mind is clearing slightly, his desires sated for the moment, as he tells Essie, “Up tall.”
She wobbles to her full height, squirming and shifting from leg to leg as she does, his cum dripping down her thighs. She stumbles into Jason’s chest, her tits already filling once again thanks to her increased supplements. They leave two more blots of milk on his shirt, and Jason leans down to kiss the top of her head. “Good girl,” he murmurs. She quivers in his hands.
Leading Essie back to her stall, Jason feels more solid and aligned than he has all week. He settles her into her pen, and she curls back to sleep without instruction. He admires the way she functions now, simply listening to her body and following its simple commands. He latches her gate and works his way across the building to his office, grounded enough that he might be able to get some actual work done. At least, until dawn, when the insatiable urge finds him once again.
When Tommy enters the barn the next morning, the herd is still drowsy, lazily chewing through their breakfast. He carries Essie’s on its own platter, her supplements chunked throughout it to meet McCarthy’s prescription. This is day six of her new diet, and if her body produces according to plan, it should be a pretty prosperous milking. She might even overfill her quota. Walking down the aisle, Tommy hears a slapping sound he’s familiar with, and knows someone is in their pen fucking their brains out. He just didn’t expect it to be Essie.
Her tits are dripping with a combination of sweat and milk as Essie pounds herself back and forth on her wall-mounted dildo, her eyes focused on some point in the distance as she moos with satisfaction. Tommy chuckles to himself. He knew one of the side effects could be increased arousal, but this was something else. He snaps a quick, blurry picture and sends it off to Amelia. “Working like a charm, huh?” he captions it. Amelia sends back a crying laughing emoji, and Tommy snorts. He stands patiently at her gate as Essie shudders herself into an orgasm, collapsing forward with her ass still filled in the air as the strength leaves her body.
“Hey, girl.” Tommy whistles for her attention as he finally comes inside. Essie lifts her head up, and hits Tommy with a bright smile. She giggles, and Tommy laughs with her. “Having a good morning?”
Essie nods, and crawls free of her dildo as if it weren’t even inside her. She goes to Tommy’s leg and nuzzles against his coarse jeans. “Alright, alright,” Tommy says. “Eat up and we can get started.”
He places her breakfast at his feet. Essie shoves her face into the plate, stuffing it with the earthy grass and its bright pink pockets of vitamins. She’s shoveled it all down her throat in record time, and Tommy pats the padded mount for her to climb on up. Essie drags her body into position and Tommy settles himself onto his stool with the bucket beneath her. In the two hours dedicated to milking, Essie doesn’t stop producing for the entire duration. As Essie comes close to filling his entire five gallon pail, Tommy calls for another.
“Hey, fellas,” Tommy shouts to the farmhands around him. Most are finishing off, dismounting their cows and sanitizing their stations. He loads the next bucket beneath Essie. “We might have a record breaker here.”
A cluster of farmhands come to Tommy’s fence.
“Gee, Tom, what’d you do to her?” one asks, a cocky grin on his face. The others laugh amongst themselves and gesture to Essie’s open, panting mouth, still producing grunts and moos as if the previous night never ended. “Now, you could put her in a porno.”
Tommy works Essie non-stop, stroking down her breasts and squirting thick flows into his quickly filling pail. He chuckles and shrugs. “She’s on a special diet. Dried up for no reason.”
“You sure fixed her!” another whoops, the others joining in. Essie’s audiences keep watch as Tommy fills that bucket to the brim and calls for a third. The longer she goes, the less of Essie seems to remain. Her eyes dull and unfocus as they did on her dildo, and she holds perfectly still if not for her heavy panting. One of the farmhands, Vincent, goes a step further and comes inside. The others protest, wanting a clean, untouched game. Vincent swats them off and sticks two fingers in her cunt, curls them, and pulls free. Essie moos lowly and wiggles as much as she can for more stimulation, but Vincent holds his fingers to the other farmhands. “Wettest cow I’ve ever seen!” he laughs.
The others erupt as Vincent rejoins them, the joke funnier the longer Tommy goes. But, Essie slows as they fill half of their third bucket. Tommy takes the pail from beneath her and sets it next to the first two.
“How much do you think that is, boys?” Tommy asks, his hands on his hips. Numbers are thrown out, anywhere from twelve to fourteen gallons. Tommy comes to Essie’s side, patting her ass proudly. “Not fuckin’ bad, huh, girl?”
Essie struggles against the mount, not remembering how to free herself. As Tommy helps her down, she nuzzles against his leg. Tommy checks Vincent’s handiwork and sticks his own fingers in her cunt, pulling free with an even thicker glob than Vincent had.
“What do you think? She deserve some love?” he asks the crowd. They shout and holler, and Tommy puts his hands up. “Alright, alright. She’s earned it.”
Essie smiles at all the happy faces on the other side of her pen. She must’ve done a very good job. She feels a light beaming in her chest, delighted to have made Tommy proud.
Tommy commands, “On all fours,” and Essie easily drops into stance.
Tommy takes his two glistening fingers and slides them back inside her. Essie moos in quick succession, another each time Tommy thrusts inside her. The audience beyond her fence is whistling, cheering, shouting for her. Essie feels lightheaded, a pure joy overtaking her. She clenches around Tommy’s fingers as he adds another, three pumping in and out. Her happy moos are desperate for more attention, for more inside her. That need only lasts another moment as Tommy uses his other hand to rub her clit in swift circles. Essie flexes her muscles in her position as her body wants to press itself against Tommy as firmly as it can, but her conditioning overrides it. She can only take so much more, though, as Tommy adds a fourth finger and increases the speed against her clit, sending tingles throughout her limbs and her belly tightening with the stimulation. Essie clenches around him, her eyes rolling back in her head, and lets out a loud, wailing moo as she cums for the second time that morning to raucous cheers.
The crowd disperses, and Tommy orders Essie to, “Open wide.”
Her mouth falls open and Tommy puts his fingers in, wiping them clean on her tongue and drying them against her bare back. He nudges her chin until her mouth is closed, and allows her out of her position. Essie sags to the side with her legs spread wide, her cunt sopping down her thighs and her body nearly exhausted with this morning’s efforts. The food chute powers up for the herd’s second feeding, and a member of the vet staff comes to Essie’s stall with her next tray.
“Here you go, Tommy,” Reid says, passing the platter off. “Wow, what’s with her? She sick or something?”
Tommy shakes his head and claps Reid on the shoulder. “No, no. Just had her reward for a job well done. Thanks for bringing this out.”
Reid gives Tommy a salute and is on his way. As Tommy lowers the tray to the ground, Essie catches a whiff and comes to it with renewed energy. She eats as if starving, as if she hasn’t had the same meal just two and a half hours before.
As the herd head out to the pasture for their free roam, Tommy takes his lunch break with Amelia and Jason in Jason’s office. For the past week Jason has brushed them off, claiming to catch up on numbers. But his mood has improved, Tommy notes, as they chow down on executive meals prepared by the cafeteria staff. Yet the nervous tap in his foot hasn’t disappeared, and he drinks his glass of sparkling water with a wince. As if it’s missing something.
“Good milk sesh then, Tommy?” Amelia asks from her cushioned seat at Jason’s desk. Tommy sits beside her, Jason at the head.
Tommy nods. “Better than ever before. Never seen anything like it, frankly. She put out around twelve gallons.”
Amelia stops chewing, her teriyaki chicken falling from her fork. “Twelve?”
Tommy nods. Jason says nothing, eyes pinned to his white rice.
“Okay,” Amelia says, laying her fork on her tray, “Maybe we’ve overshot this. That’s way too high. We’ll make adjustments, starting with her afternoon meal.”
Jason starts, “I don’t think–”
“They get fed, what, around five? I’ll make sure the dose is cut in half by then. I had no idea she would produce twelve gallons, Tommy. I thought you said she was running completely dry?”
Jason tries again, “I’m not–”
“She was,” Tommy continues. “I don’t know what happened, honestly. She was producing next to nothing, maybe a couple quarts in the afternoon. But by morning? Bone dry again.”
“This is abnormal. I think we might need to run further tests, honestly. Maybe it’s something genetically we missed. I’m not sure. I’m passing this along to Webber as soon as I dig my phone out of my pocket, fucking skinny jeans–”
“Leave it alone,” Jason snaps.
Amelia continues to take her phone into her hand, eyeing him. “It’s just jeans, Jason. I’m not going to kill anyone.” “Don’t fucking lower her diet,” he raises his voice. “Leave it exactly as is.”
Tommy glances between Amelia’s arched eyebrow and the grind in Jason’s jaw. He says, “Jay, you know she can’t keep up with this much milk. We’ve tried it before. Eventually, their bodies tire out, and we’re lucky to get half a pail per day. They can’t produce twelve gallons without spreading it out over the course of milkings.”
Jason doesn’t look at either of them. His fist is clenched against his desk as he stabs into his styrofoam plate. “Her diet doesn’t change. She needs to stay at this amount.”
“May I ask why, your lordship?” Amelia remarks, lowering her phone into her lap.
Jason glowers. “Because it doesn’t. End of discussion.”
Amelia and Tommy glance at each other. Tommy waits for Amelia to make her move, but she silently readjusts her fork and continues her lunch. Tommy swears she chews louder, though.
He clears his throat. “Well, I was thinking, with her production up and as wet as she is now, it might be time to debut her in the playpen.”
Jason takes another bite as well. He nods with his mouth full.
Tommy goes on, “Maybe pair her with Harper, since they have some kind of chemistry or feud, somehow.”
Jason swallows gruffly. “No, not Harper. Warm her up to the playpen first. Send Harper in there, and Essie might never go back in again.”
“Her mind is about goldfish-sized. Should be fine,” Amelia counters. She doesn’t look up from her lunch this time.
Jason says, decided and sure of himself despite his trembling fork, “I have other plans.”
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tagged by @teyvat-writer, thanks mate! :3c
Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don't reblog.
ok so the problem with that is that a) i don't follow rules b) sry no GOOMT spoilers 😔 and c) my gift to u is DEFINITELY more than one sentence from my roboblorbo au, pls enjoy :)
“You are NOT throwing it away,” hissed a harsh whisper that was only heard thanks to the animatronic’s microphone connection to the monitoring room. “You brat. It’s FINE. Stop fucking touching my THINGS!”
“I didn’t know he could say ‘fuck’,” remarked a surprised guard. “You sure he’s allowed to do that?”
“The A.I. learned it,” replied one of the Attendant’s techs, his eyes glued to observing Moony stalk determinedly for the controversial cup. “We haven’t been able to erase it from their system.”
“It’s not your business anyway, Sunny!” continued the argument through the hazy audio. “I really don’t care if you think it’s gross!” Snatching it up with his star-lit fingertips, Moony spun around and began to stride quickly for a nearby silken drape to escape on. Unfortunately for him, his daytime alter-ego was going to have none of it. The pretty Northern Lights simulation flowing through his glowing body jerked, staggered, and swung about-face; he was being manipulated back to the light switch. 
“Ngh— STOP! STOP!” Moony’s hushed tone growled the entire haphazard way, the cup jostling about in his hand this time (and so worrying the techs). “You’re going to SPILL IT!”
The daycare saw light, as well as the robot now donned in summer colors and an unchangeable expression that strongly contrasted with his present mood. “SPILL IT?! SPILL WHAT, MOONY??!” Sunny’s static and toothy grin shrieked, clutching it by its capped brim with the least amount of fingertips he could safely get away with and jutting his arm at full length, though the distance barely long enough for his circuit’s sanity. “It feels HEAVY!! Like it’s FULL to the BRIM!! What’s IN ther—“
A pause. He was listening to a response coming from within that the humans weren’t privy to; but all of a sudden, the Daycare Attendant jerked into action, stamping his feet and flailing his unoccupied fix arm about in an agitated dance. “EWWWW!! EW EW EW, MOOONY, EW!! WHY are you LIIIIKE THIIISS?!” Sunny cried, stomping circles in place. “NO! NO, I DON’T wanna hear more!! MOONY, NO! DON’T TELL ME MORE—“
Too late. Whatever Moony said must’ve been pretty serious, cuz it seemed to have been the catalyst that turned Sunny’s animated mourning dance saga into a sort of rather violent version of the Hokey-Pokey. Four out of the five humans watching really tried not to laugh while Sunny’s worst day ever continued without their sympathy. “MOON-EEEE, YOU CAN’T DOOOO THAAAAT!! You’re gonna get us in TROUB-BLE and— NO! NO, WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME MORE?! STOP, you’re— MOO-HOO-HOO-HOOOON-EEEEEEEEE-EEUUHHH, GRROOOOOSSSSS!!”
One of the guards chuckled. “Oh, man. I wonder what’s in it?”
“Slushy from three months ago,” dryly answered a tech’s mumble. “Moony’s been keeping it for Monty.”
“For Monty? Why?!”
wouldn't YOU like to know, weather boy ;)
tagging if y'all feel like it: @lfthinker @canadian-riddler @acapelladitty @twinvictim @baronvonriktenstein @amandabe11man @dinoswordsb @magnolian-gold @georgiespapers and hrgghg it's 2a and i RLY need to sleep i'm sos orry for forgetting people dlkdflgflk ilu NIGHT
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coyote-kiddo · 3 months
just wanted to pop in and say i love how u edit photos! the soft hazy and almost blurry look is so babyreg coded i love it 🥺
thank you moo :D
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hazyy-moomoo · 5 months
Umm hucows need Men to shamelessly stare at their udders while they're in public its good for their health actually (its me btw im hucows)
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18+, minors DNI.
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julierysava · 7 months
🐄🌌 Moo-ving Through the Milky Way: Exploring the Cosmic Connection! 🌟🚀
Hey there, Tumblr pals! 🌈🐮 Today, we're embarking on a cosmic journey to explore the fascinating connection between cows and the Milky Way galaxy. Join me as we delve into this celestial mystery and uncover the wonders of the universe! 🌌✨
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🌟 Galactic Grazers: Did you know cows have a special place in the cosmos? In Hindu mythology, the cow is revered as a symbol of motherhood, nourishment, and abundance. Some ancient cultures even believed cows were celestial beings, with a direct connection to the heavens above. 🌟🐄 #CosmicCows #CelestialGrazers
🌿 Stardust Suppers: Every atom in our bodies, including those in cows, was forged in the heart of a star billions of years ago. That means when we enjoy a glass of milk or a juicy steak, we're quite literally consuming stardust! Talk about a cosmic connection at the dinner table. 🌟🥛 #StardustSuppers #CosmicCuisine
🚀 The Milky Way: Speaking of cosmic connections, let's talk about the Milky Way galaxy! Named for its hazy appearance in the night sky, the Milky Way is home to billions of stars, planets, and cosmic wonders. It's a vast and beautiful tapestry has inspired awe and wonder for millennia. 🌌🔭 #MilkyWayMarvels #StellarSpectacle
🌾 Heavenly Herds: In some cultures, there's a belief cows are guided by celestial forces as they graze under the night sky. Whether it's the twinkling stars or the gentle glow of the moon, cows are said to find comfort and guidance in the cosmic canopy above. 🌟🐮 #HeavenlyHerds #StarryGrazing
Let's celebrate the magical bond between cows and the cosmos! Share your thoughts, cosmic musings, or favorite celestial cow tales in the comments below. Let's keep the cosmic conversation moo-ving! 🌟🌿 #CosmicConnections #MilkyWayMysteries #MooAndTheStars 🌌🐄
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