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wildetuinplanten · 2 months ago
Hazelaar, Corylus avellana
De hazelaar is een struik die eigenlijk in iedere tuin past. De struik zelf is meerstammig op den duur en kan wel 6 meter hoog worden en ook zo’n omvang krijgen maar is heel goed te snoeien. Heg in Normandië, links hazelaar rechts meidoorn Hij werd en wordt dan ook veel toegepast in gemengde hagen, iets wat je de laatste jaren weer steeds meer ziet toegepast. Hij zal dan weinig vrucht dragen…
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twafordizzy · 3 months ago
Legendarische boom: walnoot of okkernoot
bron beeld: boomzorg.nl De okker- of walnoot is een 10-20 m hoge boom, die veel werd aangeplant in Europa. In de legendes had de boom iets halfslachtig: geluk en vruchtbaarheid brengend, maar ook ‘des duivels‘. Het walnotenblad is oneven geveerd, meestal met drie paar deelblaadjes, in totaal zeven, een heilig of geluksgetal. Een bladsteel met zeven deelblaadjes behoort bij de kruidwis…
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fabiobruna · 6 months ago
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Bijzondere vrucht
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bbqbastard · 2 years ago
Gemakkelijk de beste gerookte chocoladesaus maken voor bij churros
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noots-fic-fests · 5 months ago
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Behold: The Prompts!
We've been spoiled rotten this year with *26* marvelous prompts - a special treat for our 5th annual Fic-O-Ween Fest! How the time flies!
Less than 30 days before posting begins, so get those ideas brewing! As always, late posting is allowed but please don't post early! Write just one, nail all 13 days, or attempt all 26 prompts! Any and all combinations are welcome.
If posting on AO3, please also make a quick Tumblr post with the link so it can be shared here. Or, send me a link via Discord or Tumblr so I can create a post for you.
Happy Autumnal Equinox! The fest approaches!
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orriculum · 2 years ago
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nikarie5 · 1 year ago
Pumpkin Spice - drabble
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Rating: General Audience - there are ships, and they have sailed. General description: Zoo trip with a toddler. Bonus material: Toddler is better at art than the author is. Thanks to @lumosinlove, @noots-fic-fests, and @hazelnoot-analyst
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Cap and Loops join James and Lily on an excursion, taking not-quite-3-year-old Harry for his first visit to the zoo. At the zoo shop afterwards, Harry doesn’t want a little lion toy, but instead hones in immediately on a giant stuffed red panda. “Sweetie, it is bigger than you, you won’t be able to carry him home.”
"‘Sa colour ‘a punkin spice. ‘Sa best spice. Like Momma's hair. Gonna call her Pie." Sirius and Remus sneak the purchase through while James and Lily are preoccupied with getting Harry to use the bathroom before they head back to the car.
"Tanks Unca Pafoo’! Tanks Unca ‘Oops!" ---
Unca Pafoo! Unca Pafoo! Pie painted you a picture! For your fridge! 'Sa burnt pumpkin pie!
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[Picture description: 44 inch stuffed red panda sitting on a wooden table with its paws folded as if silently asking you to admire its artwork. The artwork is in front of the stuffed red panda, a crinkly A4 sheet painted with abstract swirls of olive green and orange paint.] *This was a "get well" picture made for me by my friend's three year old. It really is titled burnt pumpkin pie. Pie is actually called Panda Roux, and you can find their cousins in zoo shops around the world or online. They provide excellent lumbar support. **Most of my submissions from here on out are likely to be short, or silly and very low effort, and there is only one that might maybe be in French...
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autisticlenaluthor · 1 year ago
goodnight to everyone except for people who pronounce Reeses like 'rees-EEs', people who label foods as 'good' or 'bad' in the year 2023, people who genuinely like Lip Gallagher in the early seasons of shameless, people who willingly eat blue cheese salad dressing, and people who say 'omg im so sorry for the mess!!' before showing you the cleanest fucking room you've ever seen
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ladymdc · 2 years ago
You are loved!!!! I put a soft cozy weighted blanket and a Hazelnoot on you
😭♥️ thank you friend. I am feeling very comfy & loved— and so is Hazelnoot.
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elcielicious · 6 months ago
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iindigenize · 2 years ago
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upthehillnsfw · 3 months ago
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Commission for the Hazelnoot server on Discord!
Based on Sweater Weather by lumosinlove🏒
Click for full version / Alternative
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wolfstarlibrarian · 2 months ago
9 books to read in 2025 (sweet + spicy)
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Thank you SO much to @eyra for tagging me! I love an excuse to talk about books.
I had SO much fun reading these books I'm excited to share them, so pretty please let me know if you read any of them? I might put anon asks back on because I'm so eager to discuss them. Also, all of these books have HEAs.
Also, I'm working on related marauders lists for almost all of these, so stay tuned!
🌶️ = the more peppers the spicier it is
🍭 = the more lollipops the sweeter it is
Captive Prince: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
This series is one that ifykyk. It's a dark, dramatic, sexy mlm series set in a pseudo historic age and WOW. If it was a fic it'd come with tons of warnings and tags, but there's also an underlying softness between the main characters. Lots of angst and drama and characters you can't help root for. DEFINITELY an 18+ rec so please proceed accordingly.
Johann: Vampire Mates: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
I already rec'd one of the books in this series here, but this one is tied for my favorite. A modern soulmate/vampire au that's got humor, the CUTEST cinnamon roll who's inexperienced (and hundreds of years old), a russian mobster, and just enough angst to make me you ache.
Boystown Heartbreakers: 🌶️🌶️ 🍭🍭🍭
If you're a wolfstar fan, then you'll absolutely adore this friends-to-lovers modern story about a hairstylist who is so worried about dating his DROP DEAD GORGEOUS best friend. All the internal turmoil paired with a book boyfriend you'll absolutely love, and lines that actually had me laughing out loud makes this one of my top reads for the year.
The Charm Offensive: 🌶️🌶️ 🍭🍭🍭
This one totally surprised me with how well it dealth with mental health issues in the middle of a VERY charming story about falling in love with someone (when it's literally your job to help them fall in love with someone else). A bi-awakening and oblivious pining gem. If you want more fics that feature a reality show check out this rec list.
Myles Below Freezing: 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
Okay can someone alert the Hazelnoot server? Because this one feels like a cross between Solntse and Sweater Weather. Myles (a cinnamon roll, nerdy Remus IMO) has to solve a murder mystery at the South Pole while trying not to fall for the sweetheart Russian Alexei. The banter is incredible and honestly my friends and I need a second book about the lesbians in it. Forced proximity, oblivious DATING, anxiety rep, action and chase scenes, cuddling, and locked-in together all in one.
Sapphire Sunset: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 🍭🍭🍭
If you don't know Chris Rice, he's the gay son of Anne Rice (author of Interview With A Vampire) and thank god he's followed in her footsteps because his romance books are SO good and intense and yet fluffy? It's a ton of drama about an ex-marine and a hotel heir and a family scandal for the books. Feels delightfully like an age-gap modern Drarry book.
Lightning Born: 🌶️ 🍭
A friend recommended me this Frankenstein mlm retelling, and I was like "ew, no". However, I was completely surprised by how much heart it had, and how much it reminded me of R/S. Amnesia (due to ya know, dying), forbidden love, some serious angst, and thankfully a HEA that includes lesbians getting to live out in the tropics.
Honey Girl: 🌶️🌶️ 🍭🍭🍭
This is the only book on the list with wlw as the main pairing and by god, it's beautiful. The writing style gripped me on the first page and I've been recommending it to everyone since I've read it. Imagine waking up in a hotel room in Vegas, by yourself, with a wedding band on your finger and a note. The whole book feels like an intimate love letter and it should absolutely be on your TBR.
On Writing
No spice or sweetness in this non-fiction book, because it's a book by Stephen King on writing. Whenever I talk to anyone who's struggling with their craft I always recommend this book. It's short, to the point, and will leave you feeling much more confident in your abilities while helping you improve your writing. 10/10.
Okay well I hope you enjoy these recs! I've turned on anon asks so please share your thoughts or your own recs as I'm always looking for new books and fics to read. (We'll just ignore how long the TBR list is already...)
Tagging: @thedrarrylibrarian @wolfstarwarehouse @wolfstarmicrofic @pancakehouse @imsiriuslyreading @lavenderhaze @rainbowrowell @gayliketheancients @brandileigh2003 @mrtellmeafckingsecret @imjusthereforwolfstar And ANYONE ELSE who also love books
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polldermodel · 28 days ago
Ik maak warme chocolademelk voor jullie! Is ook geheel vegan te verkrijgen als je dat wil! Kies een topping/smaakje:
Niets erop of erin!
Alleen slagroom!
Slagroom en marshmallows
Alleen marshmallows
Slagroom en siroopje (hazelnoot of vanille)
Smaakje (hazelnoot of vanille) zonder slagroom
Slagroom, karamelsaus erover, stroopwafelkruimels erover
Likeurtje erin, zonder slagroom
Likeurtje erin, met slagroom
Chilipeper erdoor, geen slagroom
Slagroom met snufje kaneel
Mag ik de chocolademelk ook koud?
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thatssomuchlove · 4 months ago
Fic-o-Ween Day 1
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For Fic-o-Ween 2024 put on by @noots-fic-fests! All characters by @lumosinlove
The first (and hopefully not only) chapter inspired by the Mafia AU invented on the Hazelnoot discord server:
Sitting on the couch in his apartment living room, Leo was interrupted from struggling not to let his eyes skip lines during a very suspenseful moment in his book when he heard a loud crash from the kitchen. He jumped up and swung around the door jam to see all his nice pans on the floor…again.
His roommate looked up at him with wide eyes from where he stood by the coffee maker, “I swear I didn’t touch it!”
Leo sighed, “It’s not your fault, Finn. That rack keeps falling down because apparently these wall anchors do not hold their advertised weight!” He huffed. The cabinet space in their tiny New York apartment was abysmal, so hanging up his pans like they do in those fancy kitchens with marble counters or copper detailing seemed like the best option.
“Could also be these shitty walls,” Finn chirped and tapped the wall behind him.
“Yeah, that too,” Leo returned Finn’s grin and could tell he was also thinking about how well they can hear the music from the online Zumba class that one of their neighbors attends religiously. “I’m just going to have to get a stud finder at the hardware store. You have a drill, right?” Finn grimaced and shook his head. “Then a drill set, too.”
Finn clapped a hand on his shoulder as he brushed by with his travel mug, “I would offer to go with, but I’m headed into the office.”
“What? Finn, it’s Saturday.”
“A journalist never rests!” And he was out the door.
Leo looked at the small tear through the dry wall from the anchor being ripped out forcefully and sighed again. He stacked his pans on a clear spot on the counter and went to collect what he needed for a walk to the hardware store.
The bell on the door jingled overhead as Leo entered the shop. The closest one he could find on maps seemed to be a family-run place without much information on the page at all—just the open hours and a handful of reviews, no website or pictures of the inside. Leo would have to agree with kathybee309, it was surprisingly warm and inviting as soon as he stepped inside. He couldn’t see the check-out counter from the door, but clear, handwritten indices at each aisle directed Leo to the stud finders. He was holding two options in his hands, trying to think of a reason he shouldn’t just get the cheapest one, when a soft voice spoke up to his right.
“Are you finding everything you need?”
Leo noted an accent and looked up quickly only to almost drop what he was holding. The employee that spoke to him was decently shorter than him and had a combination of curly chocolate hair, bright green eyes, and prominent muscles—truly the way his heavy apron cinched around his waist and barely covered the width his denim-wrapped thighs was criminal—that had Leo a bit weak at the knees. “Umm, hi, yeah I think I’m um good,” he stammered. “Just,” a nervous laugh, “trying to decide.” Leo held up the stud finders and tried to make his smile friendly and not as painfully awkward as he currently felt.
The store employee walked closer to him and examined the options in his hands before meeting his eyes again. At this distance Leo could read his nametag: Logan. “What are you working on?”
“Oh, I’m just trying to hang up my pans. The darn wall rack keeps falling out, so I decided to go a little more heavy duty than dry wall anchors.” He held up one of the stud finders and tried to joke, “need some studs.” Logan gave him a smile, small and breathtaking.
“Well, they’ll both work for that, but this simpler one should be sufficient,” Logan tapped his finger on the cheaper one. Yeah, Leo would say that they were working just fine considering the person in front of him. “Is that all?”
“Yep,” Leo nodded, no thoughts in his brain.
“Trés bon, you can follow me back to check out.” Logan jerked his head back the way he had come and started down the aisle. Leo hurriedly put the other stud finder back and trailed after Logan, almost tripping when he noticed the way his ass moved in those tight jeans. He kept his eyes fixed on the back of Logan’s head for the rest of the short walk to the register.
It wasn’t until Leo had closed his apartment door behind him that he realized that he completely forgot about the drill. He leaned against the door and cursed quietly. At least this time he would be prepared for the hardware store hottie and maybe not make quite as big of a fool out of himself.
He had decided to give it a day, with the hope that Logan would not be working so that he could avoid further embarrassment. The other half of his brain really wanted to see the hot employee again, convinced that this time he would be able to successfully flirt.
“This is a terrible idea,” Leo murmured under his breath as he rounded the sidewalk and came upon the beautifully carved dark red-brown doors set into the corner of the building.
He beelined to the drill section upon entering and luckily didn’t have as much trouble choosing this time. He came from a Milwaukee household. His eyes bugged out a bit when he saw the prices, “Jesus, that’s expensive.” Good thing his new job paid pretty well.
“We actually have a sale going for those right now.” Leo jumped at the voice behind him and turned to see a familiar, unfairly handsome face.
“Logan, hi,” Leo recovered quickly and came to the conclusion that he would have been far more disappointed to not see Logan today.
“I feel a bit at a disadvantage with you knowing my name when I don’t know yours.”
“Oh lord, where are my manners? My name’s Leo,” and he reached out to shake Logan’s warm, callused hand. He couldn’t squash the urge to explain himself, “I realized yesterday that a stud finder is a little useless without a drill and screws .”
Logan turned to the opposite shelves and scanned them for a second before picking up a box of screws. “These should work well for dry wall and studs.”
Leo offered a winning smile, “What would I do without you?” and took the box from Logan, quite possibly deliberately brushing their fingers together.
Logan looked up at him for a beat too long before stepping back. He cleared his throat, “Just doing my job. Do you need anything else?”
After taking a quick survey of what was in his hands—drill, drill bits, screws—Leo responded, “nope,” and followed Logan to the counter. In effort to keep the conversation going as Logan was ringing him up, he commented, “the front doors are gorgeous.”
“Merci. That was a long project, but one of my favorites. I can’t stand painted front doors.”
Leo chuckled, “Neither can my mama.” He looked behind him in the direction of the front of the store, “I can’t believe you made them,” turning back to look at Logan again, “y- that’s incredible.”
He was rewarded with another small smile, but this one had a tinge of something sad, “Oh I didn’t do them on my own. I was mainly helping my father. This whole store was his passion project.”
“Hell of a successful passion project, I bet I’d be astonished to see what he could accomplish with his day job!”
Logan’s smile twisted confusingly wry, “His day job wasn’t as important to him,” then that same sadness again, “But we’ll never really know what all he could have done, he passed several years ago.”
Trying to temper his shame of talking with Logan about his dead father with the fact that Logan brought him up, Leo erased the shock off his face and brought one hand up to squeeze Logan’s shoulder, “I’m sure he feels at peace knowing you are carrying on the legacy of what he loved.”
“Well, he’s not the only legacy-carrier, are you Lo Bear?” a voice called, and a young woman emerged from the back. Leo dropped his hand. If he hadn’t already guessed that they were related from her statement, he would have known just by looking at her. They could have been twins, but her green eyes were piercing through him where Logan’s were a warm, solid weight.
Logan, with color on his cheeks, huffed, “Leo, this is my sister Noelle.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Noelle.”
“Likewise,” she cocked her head at him. “What brings you here this fine Sunday morning?”
“Oh, just trying to hang stuff up in my kitchen. Not enough cabinet space.”
“An eternal struggle in Gryffindor.”
Leo chuckled, “Yeah, I’m finding that out.”
“Did you move here recently?”
“Yes, actually I moved here only a few months ago.”
“For a job?”
Leo was starting to get slightly unnerved by the accuracy of her guesses but tried not to let it show, “yes ma’am.” Logan had finished putting his things into a bag and pushed it his way while glaring at his sister. He looked between the siblings for a second before politely saying, “well I’ll let y’all get back to work. It was nice to see you again, Logan.”
Logan turned back to him and his gaze softened, “come back any time, Leo.”
As soon as Logan heard the sound of the door swinging shut behind Leo, Noelle jumped up and hastily looked around the store, but it was empty. She turned back towards Logan, who furrowed his brows at her.
“Thank god I was here today. You need to be more careful, Lolo.”
“Quoi?” Logan looked around in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
“Are Jackson and Evgeni here?”
“Ouais, of course. What’s going on?” Logan’s eyes started darting around the store and his fingers gravitated towards the handgun strapped to the underside of the counter.
“Nothing right now.” Noelle flashed him a quick smirk, “I thought you were just flirting with a customer and wanted to come out and see, but then I got a good look at him. The tall blond cutie pie is not what he seems, he’s the newest detective on the Gryffindor police force.” At Logan’s wide eyes, she tacked on, “Ouais, the ones who would have us in handcuffs if they even so much as caught a whiff of what’s going on.”
“Merde,” Logan breathed out. While he wouldn’t have pegged Leo as a cop in a million years, he could see how his underlying air of quiet confidence would make him an effective detective. Still, he seemed too genuine to be at the shop secretly sniffing around for a case, and Logan had a good bullshit detector, “I will be more careful, Noelle, but I don’t think that’s why he was here.”
“I trust you, Logan, just don’t let that pretty smile blind you.” Noelle ruffled his hair and stepped back, “I’m gonna head back to Maman’s. I love you.”
“I love you too, Nolly.” Logan waved goodbye and waited until she was out of sight before he sat down with a loud exhale, running a hand through his hair.
He wished that knowing Leo was, in essence, his enemy had halted his fantasies about the man altogether, but it had unfortunately and predictably only intensified his desire. It was unusual for him to feel a connection with someone so quickly, without really knowing them at all, but Leo was special somehow, just like… Logan shook his head.
Why was such a seemingly sweet guy working for such a corrupt system? Why did Logan have the urge to trust him anyway? He opened his laptop and set to find out everything that he could about Leo, the new detective at GPD, for his family’s safety, of course.
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noots-fic-fests · 8 months ago
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Get in that spooky season...
Prompts are coming after O'Knutzy week finishes!
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