#hazel had had a more stable life so of course she's more well adjusted
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tootiredtocares-blog · 7 months ago
Hazel is way more nicer and likable than timmy that and timmy is awful person this shut up why are you pitting two bad bitches against each other they would have been friends
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Let’s talk about the Vaincre trade:
(As I am writing this, only the first full chapter, July, has been published)
I’ve said before that I’m fairly certain it’s going to be Leo, but I want to walk through the thought process that got me there (this is long and unedited. You’ve been warned).
First, since this is going to be such a major plot point, I think it’s going to be a character who’s inner circle had at least a minor spotlight in the first chapter. These were Coops, O’knutzy, O’darwin, Thomas & Noelle (do they have a ship name???), Regulus (tho he’s obviously disqualified for not being a pro player rn), and Cole (with a bit of Dumo).
Additionally, I think a key component of this plotline will be developing characters so that they can stand on their own once separated from a crucial relationship (thematically, it makes the most sense to me).
With that in mind, let’s do some quick (yeah lol prob not quick) disqualifications from the list:
Remus: I know this is a more common theory (and god would it hurt) but Remus’ storyline is already jampacked with living up to the standards of the league, team, and public, as well as adjust to a new relationship dynamic with Sirius. On a more heavy note, Remus will have to navigate how playing hockey will interact with the trauma of Greyback’s attack and the resulting injury. I’m sure most of us inferred that this would be a plot point, but the idea was solidified in a snippet of Remus and the team discussing predictions for the top teams of the season.
Sirius: while narratively, I actually think it would be fascinating to see the lions learn to be a team without their leader and to see Sirius have to learn that there are other parts of the world he can trust, this one falls apart in both logistics and clues Hazel has already given us. Truly, I cannot imagine a trade in which it would make sense for the Lions to give up their beloved, talented, effective captain and first line center, especially after he just led them to Stanley Cup. And when someone asked Hazel about (I believe) what relationships would be highlighted in Vaincre, Coops made the list with the qualification that their storyline would largely center around Remus’s adjustment to the team. A Sirius trade requires long-distance Coops angst which, while possible, would be both difficult and against the spirit of the statement.
O’Darwin and Thomas & Noelle already have long-distance angst happening in July, so trading either Kasey or Thomas would miss some of the emotional punch we know Hazel is going to give us.
Cole: I mean, the kid’s a rookie. It doesn’t really make sense. Threads seem to be being set up with the Dumais’ baby sitter and maybe one of the new PTs? (I don’t remember exactly where I’m getting this from, but I’m near certain it was from Hazel’s tumblr). It seems like physical encounters are going to be a big thing with both of these relationships, plus all the obvious great storylines of a new rookie getting comfortable in the team, make it unlikely Cole will be the trade. Not to mention, there are no guts to punch with Cole. We love him already, but he isn’t close with anyone on the team yet. We’d feel disappointed, not devastated, if he got traded. We all know Hazel’s going for devastation.
Dumo: this one approaches probability for me. Dumo would be heartbreaking for every member of the team, but especially Sirius and Logan. It would also sort of follow through on a previous idea from a rough draft of SW where Dumo has a career-ending injury. All the players would have to learn to navigate life without a father figure, and it would break down the system of where many Lions rookies live. But this one’s all speculation, at least as far as I know. It’s not hinted at in July, and I can’t think of any snippets that suggest Dumo. Plus, it feels like all of the main POVs have been set up in July, and we know from the dreaded “of being a lion” snippet (in which said player gets called about the trade) that we do get POV chapters from the player who’s traded.
We’ll get back to O’knutzy later. First, some people who aren’t on the list that I feel are worth discussing briefly (tho these are unlikely for the reasons at the end of Dumo’s):
Kuny & Nado: Now, I remember Kuny’s “no trades, no trades” thing from Hazel’s tumblr. It hurts. It feels like foreshadowing. But, remember, Hazel has also said that these boys will both play a more secondary role in Vaincre. They’re both safe.
James: I go back and forth on this one all the time. Thematically, separating Sirius and James would be both heartbreaking and deeply interesting. James was a major force in bringing Sirius out of his shell, and Sirius would have to learn to maintain that without his best friend always by his side. James and Lily are also suspiciously absent from July. I know Hazel said they’re on their honeymoon, and I’m not disputing that in any way, shape, or form. However, it does provide ample excuse to become a new POV in August. However, I can’t find any snippets to really support it. And, just, in general, James as a character in Hazel’s fics (or at least in Solntse and SW) provides a stable backbone for the other characters. He’a developed as a character but stable and happy. This could be the thing that changes that, but, at the very least, it doesn’t fit the narrative role he serves in SW, and I think it would change the feel and character dynamic of the fic as a whole (not just of the team) too much for that to be the choice.
And then there’s O’knutzy:
Going into Vaincre, I asked myself: what are everyone’s plotlines going to be? Remus will adjust to the team and playing Greyback. Sirius will largely be his support system, tho some stuff may be done with his relationship with Regulus and/or moving on from any semblance of his parents’ influence. Dumo will welcome rookie Cole onto the team. James will be a new father. Thomas and Noelle will have long-distance relationship feels. Kasey will adjust to O’darwin, and probably also deal with his reoccurring injury.
And the cubs? Are in a happy, stable relationship with everything they’ve ever wanted. The seeds to a storyline regarding whether or not they choose to come out was definitely hinted at in July, but I don’t think it will be their sole focus. Thankfully, there is nothing pressuring them to come out currently. They think about it. They long to do it. But nothing has changed since the end of SW/CtC. If one of them was long-distance, that would change the dynamic. When you can always go home to your two loving boyfriends, it doesn’t hurt quite as bad when you can’t be affectionate when out with them in public. When you’re only in the same city for a day or two roughly every month (depending on which team the trade is with), every second you could spend holding them and don’t hurts more and more. Whether I think they choose to come out or not, I really don’t know. I think so, but I’m definitely not sure. But the real question is, which cub goes away and prompts this?
If it’s a cub, it’s definitely Leo. Hazel posted a snippet that just...says so much.
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Do I even need to explain? She practically told us. I’ve spent over an hour analyzing nearly every prominent Lion when Hazel practically told us Leo was going to be the trade with this right here.
But I do have more to say. I don’t think either Finn or Logan would work well as the trade. The plot of them being separated was well explored in CtC, and I honestly just don’t think it needs more examination. They learned to cherish each other, talk to each other, love each other freely and honestly. Them being separated again would just hurt. It wouldn’t serve a narrative purpose.
On the other hand, I do think Leo’s character could actually benefit from some time alone. He had barely a few months as a full-blown adult, working in the NHL, before he entered a committed relationship with his two lovely boyfriends, both of whom had had years more time to live with and explore themselves (tho it’s not as if they were doing that freely). A couple of months or even years dating long-distance could force Leo to have some more adventures on his own and come into himself more. Then, he can fully return to his boys, his “long-lost lover[s],” and be more stable in his love.
In a similar vein, Logan and Finn have only had short amounts of time to make their leg of the relationship stable and happy in comparison to the time they spent yearning or heartbroken. Even in CtC, their reflex is to go to Leo first, which is, of course, perfectly fine and lovely and adorable, but I think they need to spend some time unlearning that knee jerk reaction.
Then, when Leo comes back (because one way or another, in canon or in my head, he will), all three are confident in themselves as individuals and in each leg of the relationship as well as the three of them as group. No one and no couple n e e d s anything, but they come back together because they all love each other, more than anything.
That’s what I think will see in Vaincre. At the very least, it’s what I want.
Vaincre is by the one and only @lumosinlove
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snowstories · 4 years ago
Percy Jackson but it’s an overly complicated horse movie:
After Sally murders her abusive husband in self defense, the Jackson family could really use some money for a good defense lawyer. Unfortunately, they’re flat broke. So when Percy’s deadbeat dad contacts him and offers to hire Sally a good lawyer in exchange for Percy coming to spend the summer on his ranch, he’s actually desperate enough to take the offer. 
Once there, however, it turns out that (of course) his dad doesn’t want to reconnect with him, but rather, has landed himself in a bit of trouble. A neighboring ranch, ran by his younger brother Zeus, has gotten their prize horse Lightning stolen. Zeus thinks Poseidon had his son steal the horse to sabotage the ranch’s chances in the upcoming race, but Poseidon swears up and down that he had nothing to do with it. So now Percy’s gotta prove his innocence, and prove that his suspect, his dad’s other brother Hades, who runs his own ranch as well, did the stealing. Also yes he’s definitely one of those ~magical~ horsewhisperers what do you take me for?
My lack of English horse terminology and lack of knowledge on how horse racing or ranches or horse things that aren’t riding schools (or whatever you call manages in English) work!
Grover and Annabeth the stablehands at Poseidon’s ranch. Annabeth’s been trying to prove her worth as a dressage rider for ages now, but nobody (especially not her mom) acknowledges her talent. Grover just wants to vibe with the horses and did not sign up for any of this nonsense. 
Rachel as the rich horse owner who rents a place at the stables for her horses. She does western and/or cross country but her dad keeps trying to push her into dressage.
Petty Horse Girl Drama(TM) between Annabeth and Rachel.
Hazel is having a whole entire separate horse movie play out and this one’s as stereotypical as they get. After the untimely death of her mom she’s taken in by her father, where she has to adjust to country life. She’s having trouble fitting in, but then forges a magical bond with the ranch’s fastest, but most difficult horse. Can she convince her father that she and Arion can win the race, even with Hazel’s lack of experience and Arion’s lack of manners? And more importantly, will her brother stop accusing the neighbours of trying to break into their house?
Jason’s fast on his way to becoming an Olympic jumping rider, just like everyone always wanted, but really? He just wants to run a manage. Better yet, he wants to teach at a manage without actually running it. He just wants to work with kids man.
Talia is dead scared of horses after she fell off one as a kid and ended up breaking her leg. She’s Not Having A Good Time.
Hades obviously had nothing to do with Lightning being stolen. It was actually Ares, which everyone finds out after Clarisse snitches on him right before the race.
idk where Luke is let’s just assume he’s on a much deserved vacation.
Speaking of Clarisse, her dad’s trying to make her into a jockey, and she’s trying very hard but it’s. not working. She’s just not built for it. Which is one of the reasons Ares ends up stealing Lightning. Clarisse, having a sense of morals and also half a braincell, realizes this is a terrible idea and finally works up the courage to tell the wannabe detectives right before the race. She eventually figures out she likes driving horses way more than racing and is infinitely better at it too.
Blackjack is either a gigantic Friesian horse OR a very very stubborn Shetland pony and absolutely nothing in between.
Percy absolutely fed Blackjack sugar cubes because he didn’t know any better until Annabeth saw and practically had an aneurysm. 
That stable with the flesh eating horses from Battle of the Labyrinth still exists in this AU and everyone desperately tries to avoid thinking about or mentioning it.
Hazel gets a truly scary amount of increasingly tacky rhinestone-covered, bright pink horse girl shirts. 
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bookworlders · 5 years ago
the wedding date - chapter 5
percabeth fake dating!au part 5!!!
part 1 
Cabin 3 was unrecognizable from when they had arrived the night before. Annabeth’s suitcase had erupted and her makeup and hair appliances now littered every flat surface. Thankfully, Percy had vacated their room to hangout with Frank and Leo so she could ready in private.
It had been awhile since she’d gotten dolled up to this extent, curling her hair, a full face of makeup, and heels. Annabeth hadn’t gotten this glammed up since Piper and Thalia moved away.
Annabeth went out with Rachel occasionally, but it was always to some hipster dive bar in the Village where a flannel and jeans would suffice. Sometimes, if Annabeth was going straight from work to meet Rachel, she’d even try to make herself look worse coming from a day at the office to fit in with Rachel’s grungier friends.
It was nice to take time to do her hair and mix-and-match and pick out an outfit that matched with the bachelorette party sashes Leo had acquired for them. Getting ready was especially relaxing after she had taken the best shower of her life. It was a much needed hot, relaxing session after the day they had all just had.
After brunch, all of the wedding guests had returned to their rooms to change, and rest up for an afternoon of camp activities.
Annabeth set down her curling iron, and shook her arm out, sore from their first activity after brunch — archery. Annabeth had never been spectacular at it in camp, and the years removed their camp training days had made her worse. Not as terrible as Percy, though. Annabeth spent the morning laughing at the cute face he made while he aimed for the targets.
Annabeth finished curling her hair, and got to work concealing a scratch on her arm.
After archery, a group had taken an excursion to the training arena to spar.
“Who’s next?” Annabeth asked, eyes sparkling as she swiped sweat from her brow. She held out her hand and helped Jason up.
“Hades, Annabeth,” Jason muttered, sheathing his golden gladius, “Can’t even give me a break on my wedding weekend?”
Annabeth grinned, “I was already going easy on you, Grace.” She looked around for her next opponent. Piper, Hazel, and a group had gone to the stables to groom the horses. Leo sat, bruised, physically and his ego, on the sidelines nursing a scrape on his arm. Frank messed with the straw poking out of one of sparring dummies, and refused to make eye contact with her. “Come on!”
“I’ll have a go,” piped Percy, standing up from the bench where he’d been sitting with Nico watching Reyna and Thalia spar across the arena.
Annabeth shot him a look, “Really Percy? It’s alright. These guys are just babies.”
Percy stood directly in front of her, “No, for real, I’ll spar with you.”
“Percy, no it’s okay,” Annabeth sheathed her knife in the holster of thigh, “We’ve all trained to sword fight since we were kids at this camp, it’s—”
“You scared?” Percy said, his wagging eyebrow challenging her.
Annabeth gaze darkened, “Alright, then.” She unsheathed her knife, “Pick your weapon.”
Percy picked up a bronze sword from the chest Chiron had brought out to the sparring area, swinging it back and forth testing its’ weight, “You alright with those little knives, Chase?” He stood in front of her.
Annabeth unsheathed another, “Perfect with them. They let me get closer to my opponent.” She stood directly in front of him. Thalia and Reyna had paused their spar to watch.
Percy grinned, “Rules?”
Annabeth twirled the knife in her left hand, using them to point to the markings on the straw covered sparring arena, “First person to step out of the boundaries.”
“Not to the death?” Percy grinned at her.
Annabeth smirked back, “Ready, Jackson?”
The two faced each other within the ring and fell into a fighting stance. Annabeth beckoned him with her hand to make the first move. Percy made the first strike, and Annabeth parried him with a basic block, but Percy struck again, this time disarming Annabeth. Her knife cluttered to the ground. Annabeth raised an eyebrow, her face failing to conceal the shock.
“Jason, I think she really was going easy on you,” Percy said, sweeping up her knife and tossing it back to her. “Don’t you dare go easy on me, Chase. Let’s call that a warm-up round.”
Annabeth’s expression was unreadable, “Fine, let’s go again.” This time, Annabeth made the first move, which Percy smoothly blocked.
Suddenly, they were dancing. The clang of bronze against bronze and the whip of blades flying through the air filled the training arena. Every strike from another was met by a perfectly in sync parry. They fought as if choreographed, his body occupying the space hers was in seconds before being interrupted by the clang of metal. Annabeth didn’t know if she was fighting against Percy or with him. He seemed to know exactly what her next move would be.
Annabeth’s muscles burned in a way she hadn’t felt since her camp days — the exertion required of an equally adept opponent. No one had matched her combat skill like this since, well since Luke, who had taught her to fight in the first place. Fighting with Percy was a dance, and she didn’t want the song to end.
Annabeth knew that she wouldn’t be able to outpower Percy, not due to her own strength or skill, but because she was three rounds of sparring in and he was fresh. His technique was a little rough around the edges, but his natural skill was apparent. Annabeth noticed this in his stance, and they way his arms extended when he swung his blade at her.
She would have to end this round with strategy. He had caught her off guard with his skill when he disarmed her in the first round when she was going easy on him, but now she truly was exerting herself. Percy was having fun, too much to stop or give in. She could tell from the way he almost had her disarmed a couple times, but also eased up just in time for her to inter his saber with one of her knives. How dare he go easy on her now, Annabeth thought as she swung her blade as his throat.
Clang! Percy blocked it. She saw him grin and couldn’t help a smile from spreading across her face.
But she had a plan. Percy swung his sword at her, and Annabeth resisted the urge to block, just for a second, but that was all it took. Percy’s arm faltered, just for a second, when she didn’t move from his attack. The tip of the blade grazed her arm. That second hesitation was all Annabeth needed to get close enough to shove Percy off balance and take a step out of boundaries.
Jason and the others whooped and cheered from the sidelines.
“That’s what you get for going easy on me, Jackson,” Annabeth said, holding out her hand.
Percy shook it, and didn’t let go, “Believe me, I wasn’t.”
“Where’d you learn to fight like that?”
“I’m an actor. Years of stage combat classes.”
Annabeth finished concealing the scratch on her arm, and began tidying up her mess of makeup and clothes around the cabin.
After a couple more rounds that afternoon (Percy and Jason fighting round after round until eventually calling a tie), they left to meet up with the stable group in the woods for a game of capture the flag — bridesmaids and dates against groomsmen and dates. Annabeth’s team won, of course. “I always have a plan,” Annabeth said with a wink. That plan had just so happened to involve Percy as bait and a distraction while Annabeth claimed Jason’s flag right from under his nose.
A walk through the strawberry fields in the afternoon had allowed Percy to bond with her camp friends. They all seemed to love him, and she did as well the more she got to know him. Percy was charming and funny and retorted back to her witty remarks with clever jibes at her that made her laugh. They hung back from the group on the walk and Percy told her about his mom, Sally, who raised him as a single parent and faithfully supported his acting career, and his stepdad Paul, who was an English teacher.
Annabeth justified it as informing Percy on the need-to-knows of being her fake boyfriend, but the sun and the smell of strawberries had her spilling tales of her stepmom and the rough years with her dad and the move from Virginia to San Francisco that made her summers at camp the best times of her childhood.
When they had returned from the strawberry fields, Jason and the groomsmen had invited Percy for a couple of beers down by the lake. Annabeth said goodbye to him with a kiss on the cheek to get ready for Piper’s bachelorette party.
That had been an hour or two ago before Annabeth had taken the best shower of her life, and washed away the grime and sweat of the day. It had been an amazing first day of Piper and Jason’s wedding weekend, participating in her favorite camp activities and getting to know Percy — bringing him as her date was a great idea from the looks of today.
Annabeth looked in the mirror hanging against the wall next to the door of Cabin 3 and adjust the bridesmaid sash over the short black dress she wore. Piper had no idea what was coming for her for her bachelorette party.
sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoyed xx
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ashleyswrittenwords · 6 years ago
How To Be A Queen [Part 5]
Summary: Princess Zelda is at a loss. Her handed royal responsibilities have begun to weigh heavily on her and she is eventually backed into a corner. Live a life she loathes or run away from everything she’s ever known? Navigating life is hard, and Link forces her to learn that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Warning: None.
Part 1
How To Be A Queen
The babbling brook rushed by me as I let my toothbrush rinse in the water. It was cold, yet refreshing and I took my time. The weather was growing drier with the passing days and I reflected on what Link had told me about the upcoming snow. We would have to get heavier coats. It had already been snowing in the Lanayru region. Snowfall seemed to follow, but not catch up to us. Link had been perfectly content with that. I, on the other hand, housed a desire of seeing it up close. Fields of snow in my novels described it being peaceful and tender. Malleable. I wondered if it was true.
I placed the toothbrush back into a leather wallet tied to my belt. It was one of the few things I fought about keeping to myself. That and a bar of soap. I cupped my hands to gather water and splashed my face in hopes of getting rid of the night’s grime. My next goal was finding a hairbrush because apparently that wasn’t a priority for soldiers. Something I didn’t understand was why not? It wasn’t like Link’s hair was cropped or shaved. It was just long enough to tie back. I couldn’t recall a time it wasn’t. One of my duties as a Royal Showcase was meeting newly inducted Royal Centuries. It happened every other year and I had always dreaded the occasion. I would have to dress in uniform and Father would give the same old motivational speech as the men barely out of boyhood would just stare silently. It was always an awkward affair. It hadn’t occurred to me until now that Link may have been among them with the same military shave. No locks to peek out from under his beret and nothing to just barely scrape his neck.
Wait, what?
I shook my head and stood up.  
“Are you ready?” I said, turning to my own tour guide. He was supposed to be a bodyguard, but that role was quickly turning into a variety of other responsibilities.
“’Been waiting on you,” he stood up from the log with a grunt. Our temporary campfire had long fizzled out and our mats were rolled into a big pack along with some food and other things Link was more familiar with than I. It had been two days since we left the castle and though my body ached from the unusual activity, I had never been more happy. Happy that my wanderlust was being satisfied and happy there wasn’t a set itinerary. Link had asked time and time again where I wanted to go first. And though I knew much about the map of Hyrule, I wasn’t sure of the places. “Surprise me” was what I usually replied.
“So, where are we going?” I asked.
He stretched out his shoulders, “I don’t know.”
“You… don’t know?”
“You said to surprise you.”
“But,” I frowned, “Just tell me the name.”
“I’m sorry, your Majesty. I’m on special orders.”
“You are unbelievable,” I tried sounding serious, but my laughter escaped me.
Link was looking down at me with a cracked grin. He slipped on the pack not without adding the bow and quiver to the straps. “I want to carry the bag,” I insisted, crossing my arms as I did.
He watched me closely, “Yeah, no. Your thin royal ankles will snap if you tried.”
I huffed, “No! That’s not true! I can carry my own thank you very much. And besides, if you’re going to be the bronze of the two of us” – he scoffed – “then let me do something.”
“Hm,” he hummed, unstrapping the bag unceremoniously and holding it out. “Well? Come on.” I glared at him and slipped my arms through the straps. The bag felt bigger than it looked on Link. “You can let go nOW,” a let out a high-pitched yelp as I felt the bag turn into a boulder and yank my shoulders downward.
Link busted out in a fit of laughter, even doubling over before me. I scrambled upward, almost tripping as I did. “Are you… are you okay?” Hylia, look at him! He can’t even speak. “Hey!” I shouted, “That’s not funny!” My cheek felt scorching.
“Okay, okay!” He quieted down, “I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
“I am!” I could tell there was another bunch laughter twisting his gut.  My lips quirked to the side as I thought and I rummaged through the pack. “Here,” I said, lifting out a weighty pan, “I’ll carry this then.”
“A skillet?” He asked deadpanning as he gathered up the bag once more, “You’re going to carry a cast-iron skillet.”
“This way,” I started walking while mimicking fighting an imaginary opponent, “I can fend for myself and help.”
Link choked on a laugh, “Oh, Princess, what would I do without you?”
I feigned contemplation, “I dare say you’d be out of the job, Captain Link.”
“I dare believe you are right, Princess Zelda.”
I turned to find the oddest look in his eyes and in that moment I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not.
  As we walked further down the beaten path we passed by impossibly tall trees. They loomed over us like giants and their shadows constantly fooled me into thinking midday was dusk.  The smell of pine filled my senses and I breathed in deeply, closing my eyes all the while. I agreed to myself that I loved it.
“You know, people get lost here all the time,” Link spoke.
I looked at him strangely, “In this beautiful place?”
He nodded reassuringly, “When it gets dark no starlight gets through the canopies and those unprepared don’t realize where they’re going. Just beyond us is the Lanayru Wetlands and there have been men who lead their horses straight into the bog.”
“That’s horrible.”
“It is,” he agreed, “But nature is a teacher. She can be as cruel and unforgiving as she is motherly and kind.” The beauty suddenly felt foreboding.
“Wait, there’s wetlands ahead?” I should have noticed in the frozen mud under our feet. The day wasn’t getting any younger either.
“Oh, yes, but don’t worry. There’s a stable up ahead we can take lodging in.”
I raised my eyebrows, “A horse stable?”
“Basically,” Link adjusted the straps to a more comfortable position, “They’re meant for travelers in between villages. They have a place to sleep and a place for your horse. Convenient, easy, I wouldn’t say the most comfortable, but better than the dirt.”
I listened and nodded. Made sense to me.
“I’m hoping there won’t be a lot of people out this time of year,” he mumbled. No, I don’t think that would be good. We were days from Castle Town, but close enough for people to hear rumors. I gulped and wouldn’t let my mind stray.
By the time we arrived, the sun was beyond the hills to the west. I made sure to pull the cloak’s hood over my head again. We couldn’t afford being asked questions now. I shuddered while feeling the winter wind penetrate my clothes.
“You’re cold?” Link asked suddenly as we approached the lit building.
“Yes, how could you tell?” I said, my voice wavering with the goosebumps on my arms.
“Your nose is pink,” he said, stopping before the stable. “Stay here, I’ll pay for your bed.”
I didn’t stop him and stood by the horses. They had thick blankets laid over their backs. One of them closest to me neighed and shook her mane. I smiled and pulled my cloak close. I whispered a hello and reached out to touch her snout. I actually wasn’t sure if it was a mare, just a feeling. She pushed into my hand and I laughed. I had always loved horses, such large and gentle beasts. Anju had once told me they were just big dogs. Anju, my thoughts turned to her. I hope she made it home safely.
“She’s sweet, isn’t she?” A voice said behind me.
A woman was sitting at the campfire. I hadn’t noticed her when we walked in, but I wasn’t the most observant in the first place. I smiled politely, “Yes, she is.”
She waved me over, “Don’t be a stranger, now. Come over here in the warmth.” I eyed her a moment and drew my arms into my chest. “Do you prefer the cold?”
I shook my head and shuffled over. I felt like a shy child.
The warmth hit me. I sighed in bliss and sunk down onto a tree stump opposite of her. I glanced from the fire to her, she was writing in a small book. She was an older woman, not old per say, but older than Link or I. She had a mature beauty that struck me. The woman was a brunette, tanned skin with calculating hazel eyes. Her cheekbones were high and a feeling of jealousy harbored in me. My cheeks still clung to my prepubescent fat.
“You aren’t from here, are you?” She looked up. I hoped she didn’t notice my observations. The question hit me suddenly. Did she know who I was so quickly? She laughed lightly, “It’s okay child. I’m no witch. I’m guessing from your accent.”
“O-oh!” I said, blinking in surprise, “No, I’m not.”
“Where are you headed, if you don’t mind me asking?”
I’m not a good liar. I’m not a good liar. I’m not a good liar.
“Um, my cousins. I’m headed to see my cousins.”
She smiled, “How nice!” She leaned in with a mischievous grin, “And who is that strong lad that came with you?”
My mouth went dry.
“Her fiancé,” a familiar hand wrapped around my shoulder and a shiver traced down my spine.
“Is that right?” The woman looked excited, even clasping her hands together.
“Yes, we’re so excited to let her family know. Isn’t that right, honey?” I could feel their eyes on me and I just nodded. “As you can see,” Link continued, “She’s exhausted from the journey. So you’ll have to excuse us.”
“Of course,” the brunette woman said, “Perhaps we will cross paths again.”
I stood up with Link’s arm now around my shoulders. “Perhaps,” he was smiling sweetly at her, but his tone didn’t match his expression. Once we were out of earshot he leaned in and whispered, “That wasn’t being hidden.”
I ignored how hot his breath was on my ear. “You didn’t tell me I needed to be hidden. We were having a normal conversation.” Link didn’t say anything, but I could tell he was annoyed. However, I was annoyed too. Talking to people was a part of the experience, right?
“Just… be more careful. Please.”
I nodded and quietly said, “Okay.”
We would through the stable, bidding hello to the keeper and Link guided my to the back. There were a series of about nine or ten beds. None were divided by anything, not even a curtain. I looked around the room, there were a few men gambling in hushed whispers and another in the corner reading. The ceiling was tall, with wooden rafters supporting the room. A spiraling staircase led to another floor for what I supposed was the keepers’ quarters. Link and I made eye contact and he offered a small smile. I reciprocated, happy to be in a warm room. He motioned towards a bed next to another with our bag already on it. Instantaneously I flopped onto the bed like a sack of potatoes and my tense back decompressing.
“I missed this,” I said, muffled into the mattress. Surprisingly, the sheets smelled good.
“Does it meet your standards?” Link chuckled and I heard him going through the pack.
“Yes,” I nodded, really just smushing my face further into the cushion, “I wish I were cleaner though.”
“You’ll have to wait for that, unfortunately.”
I drug myself up to the edge of the bed and started untying my boots.
“Link,” I whispered.
“What?” He said while chewing on something. Jerky I supposed. “Are you hungry?”
“No, well yeah, but that isn’t my question.” The light was dim in the room, but I saw him looking expectantly. “Should I take the hood off?”
He casually looked around and thought. “You’ll be okay. No one seems to care too much about why we’re here. I spoke to some of them before trying to find you. Everyone is simply waiting to leave in the morning.”
I shrugged the hood off and the top layer of my clothing, leaving on my long sleeve undershirt. I went for the belt buckle, but Link’s hand stopped me. He wasn’t meeting my eyes. “Zel, they won’t care for us, but they will notice a woman stripping her clothes off.”
Oh, no.
My face heated up. I’m so dumb. I pulled the covers from under me and tucked them above my head. I’m not even going to both with the pants. It was growing chillier anyhow. I peeked above the layers of blankets, refusing to ignore the rumbling in my stomach. Inelegantly, I popped my arm out with the palm out. Link was examining the blade of his claymore with a piece of flint in his hand. I finally got his attention. “What?” He seemed amused.
“I’m hungry.”
He pulled a package of dried meat from the bag and handed me a few strips. I chewed them under the blanket. What an experience this was! I’ve never been able to eat in a bed before. Now, I can almost forget about taking my pants off in front of a room of men.
He went back to the blade. “Is that what you do for fun?” I asked.
Link smiled and shook his head, not bothering to look away. “Then what do you do for fun?”
He leaned back onto the bed’s headboard and looked thoughtfully at the rafters, “For fun… I’m not sure. I’m competitive so I suppose I enjoy sports. I did competitive archery as a child. That turned into training. As corny as it sounds, I like the art. The way of the sword, the history of the bow, it really piques my interest.” I groaned, “That’s why Uncle likes you. You’re military nerds.”
We laughed together. Someone from across the room shushed us and we quieted to a whisper. “So, when did you enlist?”
“At 15, so 8 years ago now?”
“Why so young? You’re 23?”
“I needed income to support my sister after Mom died and someone scouted me for archery. I am, why do you seem surprised?”
I shrugged under the sheets, “Thought you were older. My last guard was much older than you. He had a wife and children with grandchildren on the way.”
“Well, Zelda, sorry to disappoint,” he feigned a depressed sigh. I gawked and had to hold back a fit of snickering, “That’s not what I meant! I was surprised how close in age we were is all. You know I’m only 3 years younger, right?”
“Are you really? Thought you were 35 at least.”
“I take offense to that.”
I curled my legs underneath me. “I am old for a high princess, though. I might as well be 35.”
“How are you old?” Link slid the flint against the edge of an arrowhead, making a light scraping sound. “The council of advisors believes that by the time they’re 30 women cannot have children. They’ve been pestering Father about heirs since I turned 16.”
Link raised his eyebrows, “Oh.” He looked up with a twisted expression, “Wait, but then you have ten years to kill by that logic.”
I shook my head, “It’s a process evidently. Father has been resilient of it before, but he’s been coming around to it recently with how much he talks about grandchildren and whatnot.”
“Then, what?” He asked, “Do they assign someone?”
“Ew, no,” I involuntarily grimaced, “I’m not sure, but I hope that’s not it. My mother was from a neighboring province and she met Father from some kind of political event.”
“Were they happy?”
I paused.
I adjusted my pillow to face the rafters. “I’ve been asking myself that since I was old enough to read a romance novel.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“I’m not upset. Just reflecting.” I sighed. “I would very much like to be happy. Happy beyond doubt.” Link had grown silent and I felt him watching me from his own bed. “Tell me about how you became my guard.”
“Okay, um,” he breathed in loudly, “I enlisted at a good time. They rushed my squad through boot because of that Gerudo rebellion usurpers in the desert. I was pushed into combat maybe 6 months after I got to the castle training grounds.”
I had forgotten about that. “At 15?”
“Well, I turned 16 not long after boot started. It didn’t help much, I was still one of the youngest there.”
“Then what?”
“I had to do things I didn’t necessarily want to do. I did what I thought was best for my brothers and my captain took notice,” he shrugged, “I don’t believe I deserved a promotion so early on, but some other things happened, and I wound up in front of your uncle’s desk. Two or so years ago I was told you were my charge, and yeah.”
“Hmph? Does my military history astound you, Majesty?” He lowered his voice at that last word.
I laughed, “No. Wait, I mean yes it does. I mean, it’s fine!” I groaned and disappeared under the covers, “I’m sorry. It’s very interesting. I’m just tired.”
“It’s fine. Go to sleep.”
“I think I will.”
I watched as he pulled out another arrow to inspect, “You should sleep as well.”
Link shook his head, “No, someone needs to watch the stuff.”
“I’ll stay up with you then.”
“No, you’re not. I paid for the bed and you’ll use it.”
I sleepily smiled, “If you insist.”
Not a minute later passed until I was sound asleep.
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wee-chlo · 6 years ago
Sitcom AU where after Five disappears, Reginald has an epiphany and commits to being Less of a Dick. It’s rocky going, because Reginald is still a stiff, socially inept curmudgeon who is terrible with children but his efforts include:
Awkwardly attempting to use the names Grace gave them. Eventually becomes so obviously painful that they all just give him an out and decide the number system is just a bunch of nicknames.
Giving Grace a room and more autonomy while also maintaining her upkeep so that she’s sharp as a tack well into their late twenties. Wins points with everyone with this but especially Diego.
The uniforms are worn during ‘school hours’; otherwise the children can wear what they like. Grace is given leave to take the children out for day trips and the first one is to go out and get them whatever clothing they want. Allison, Klaus and Vanya ask if they can get makeup. “Ask your mother.” “Of course!”
Sadistic abusive testing is completely done away with but the children are still trained in combat techniques, teamwork, strategy and tactics, etc. for the future. The creepy posters are taken down though. 
Giving Grace and Pogo leave to celebrate things like holidays and birthdays (hitherto dismissed as pointless waffle). Reginald rarely attends these festivities, but at least one of the children will usually have something for him. As the years pass, more of these gifts are actively used, worn, or put in places where they can be seen.
Coming clean about Vanya’s powers. Vanya goes no/low contact for years but she’s told about her powers in a way that doesn’t trigger every trauma she’s ever had. He makes sure she’s aware that she can keep the violin. She does.
After Klaus’ first (and successful) stint in rehab, he very reluctantly agrees to family therapy despite constantly insisting that he is not their father, he is their guardian, there’s a difference, they are his wards and charges, not his children. Results are mixed but predominately positive. The therapist is very straightforward about the consequences of his actions.
As a result:
Luther and Diego still snipe at each other but it’s more friendly and brotherly. Both of them are better adjusted emotionally and engage in vigilante crime-fighting antics together. They bicker about who’s the sidekick. Luther lives in the mansion, Diego has his own apartment and receives a stipend from Reginald for expenses. 
Luther is more mature, not mutated, and has a much more relaxed relationship with Reginald and his family in general. For awhile he didn’t really have much aside from training and crimefighting so the others encouraged him to get a hobby. Grace taught him how to cook and bake. He also adopted a puppy he named Orion. He has no authority over his dog. He initially intended to train Orion has a sort of sidekick attack dog to fight crime alongside him but then Orion curled up next to him on the bed that first night and he realized that if anything happened to Orion, he would kill everyone in the tri-state area and then himself. Orion stays home and keeps Pogo company.
Diego’s relationship with Eudora is still somewhat tumultuous but his emotional stability means it’s still pretty positive, with Luther and Diego having a much less abrasive relationship with the local police. Diego and Eudora still go on dates sometimes but not consistently. He doesn’t go on dates with anyone else though.
Allison is still a starlet but her relationships with her husband and child are much healthier and she uses her Rumor power much less. She used it pretty liberally early on but conversations with her family made her realize it wasn’t appropriate. She lives across the country but keeps in close contact with everyone and visits for holidays. She doesn’t receive a stipend, but did early on in her career. She and Luther have long since decided that they’re better as friends, and she encourages him to find someone because he really does need that kind of support and intimacy.
Klaus succeeded in kicking hard drugs and while he’s still a shameless pothead and disaster gay, he’s also much more stable. He’s an actor at the theater with plenty of friends and is a staple designated driver and mom friend of local gay bars and raves. He lives in the manor, where he and Luther have become very weird friends as Klaus tries to get Luther out of his shell. Klaus was most recently in a production of Les Mis as Grantaire. Everyone, including Grace, Pogo, and (reluctantly) Reginald, attended. Reginald declared it “surprisingly adequate”. It was the nicest thing he’d ever said to Klaus. 
Klaus got a Siamese kitten on a lark after Luther adopted Orion. Her name is Schatz and she is an absolute terror but always comes when Klaus calls her and will frequently ride on his shoulder like the cutest parrot in the world. 
Ben is alive and is going to college to be a nurse. He still lives at the mansion but actually does pay rent (not a lot, but still) and works as a bicycle courier on the side. He and Klaus are besties; Klaus drags him to every gay bar in the city and he has lots of admirers. Klaus also hooks him up with the therapist he started seeing after rehab. For therapy. Not for romantic liaisons.
Vanya’s therapy actually works because she knows why she needs it. She goes off her power-inhibiting meds, starts taking meds that will actually help her, and retreats to a quiet, isolated place to focus on learning how to control her powers without hurting people. She went no/low contact with the others both because of her hurt and anger and because she didn’t want to hurt them while she experimented. She doesn’t write a tell-all book, and Reginald quietly sends her a stipend to live on while she trains herself.
The Story
Instead of Five dropping in right before Hargreeves’ memorial service, he drops in right before the family’s “Welcome Back, Vanya, We’re Still Super Sorry and Love You Very Much” party as Vanya finally feels comfortable enough to return to the mansion. 
Everyone is still outrageously distracted from Five’s Very Important Mission accept for Hargreeves, who immediately pulls out the uniforms he’s had prepared for them for just this instance. Five’s is too big. Five puts on the school boy uniform and is very weirded out when Reginald apologizes because he assumed Five wouldn’t be a literal child when he returned but he really should have been better prepared.
“Dad, you told the therapist you got rid of those.” “I lied.” “.... alright, asked and answered.”
Instead of being distracted by things like trauma, dysfunction, drug abuse, etc., everyone’s distracted by mundane, goofy nonsense. Luther is set up on a blind date by Klaus with the girl who played Eponine, and is reluctant to leave when Five tries to drag him out of the restaurant. Allison’s husband has the flu so she can’t leave, she doesn’t know anyone here and who would take are of Claire? “... HOW ABOUT MOM, ALLISON?” 
Klaus helps for awhile but is immediately distracted by a very cute soldier in line to discuss a prosthetic leg who introduces himself as David Katz. Five admits through gritted teeth that yes, he has a great smile, but you know what he’ll have in a week if we don’t get this done? A really bad case of death.
Vanya’s better but then she meets Dave’s sister, Esther, and becomes as distracted as Klaus and Five wonders if it’s not too late to just let the apocalypse happen.
Only Reginald is helpful but even his assistance is limited because he basically hasn’t left his manor in actual years and looks like he’s straight out of a Dickens novel. Grace is only moderately more believable. Pogo is a monkey.
On the plus side, the group is much better at working together because despite deciding that brutal psychological abuse wasn’t the best way to go about things, Reginald still made sure they were prepared and well-trained. Hazel and Cha-Cha are still terrifying but Klaus isn’t kidnapped and they’re sent scurrying away after the attack on the academy.
Eventually, Five learns that Hazel and Cha-Cha weren’t sent to ensure the apocalypse but to attempt to instigate it because it’s basically been stopped in it’s tracks by the Hargreeves family being Weird-But-Chill instead of Insane-and-Dysfunctional. However, between Hazel becoming both infatuated with Agnes and increasingly disinterested in causing the destruction of the world as we know it, Cha-Cha not really getting any backup, and the Umbrella Academy’s impressive (if frequently distracted) competence, it just becomes a big circus of black comedy, slapstick, and slice of life nonsense with Five and Reginald trying and failing to get the others to keep their eye on the birdie for longer than six minutes at a time but everyone’s too distracted by things like cute girls and anatomy tests and families and being really gay.
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Chapter Nineteen- Aegan
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Aegan dashed to Azriel’s side as the male crumpled in the snow. The darkening stain of blood beneath him crept across the snow, mingling with that of the others sprawled across the snow. 
“Mother above,” she heard Sasha wheeze, as the two of them crouched next to Azriel’s body. He was, somehow, still clinging to life, but it was obvious he would die if they didn’t act soon. 
“We need to bring him back to the cabin,” Aegan told her, although it was more for herself. “I think we have bandages in one of the cabinets.” 
Scooping her arms under his body, she hefted Azriel into his arms. In the back of her mind, she thanked the years of training she had received from Ironcrest- he was definitely heavier than Estelle or Bones. 
He let out a whimper as her hands pressed against one of his wounds. It broke her heart to see him like this- the powerful Spymaster of the Night Court, reduced to a bleeding mess of a male. This never should’ve happened. If only she had acted sooner, then he might’ve been alright. Would be standing with them, his usual grumpy self, but at least he would be safe. 
She pushed the thought out of her head. Right now, keeping Azriel alive was more important than her self-loathing, 
“You lay Azriel down somewhere, and I’ll grab the supplies,” Sasha told her, before winnowing them back to the cabin. “And try to stop the bleeding while your at it.” 
She did not need to be told twice. One solid kick had the door swinging wide open, Aegan not bothering to shut it behind her as she carrying Azriel to his room. Unlike her, he had an actual bed- one that was high enough that she didn’t have to lower him that much for him to drop onto the mattress. 
The male let out a scream as she applied pressure to one of the deeper wounds. Aegan had no idea on what she was doing- healing was never her thing, That duty always fell on her mother, whose nimble fingers would have a cut sewn shut in seconds. Her own fingers were too shaky with the needle- troublesome, when it came to stitching up gashes in flesh or in clothes. 
Sasha winnowed into the room, her arms full of first aid supplies. “Keep your hands right where they are” the redhead told her. “That’s it, keep applying pressure.”
If it was an attempt to ease her mind, it didn’t work. Aegan knew her whole body was practically shaking in fear. They might’ve had a shaky start, but Azriel had become someone she could trust- hard to find something like that where she came from. And if she lost him… it would be like losing her mother all over again. And it would be entirely her fault. 
His shadows swarmed around the room, as the Spymaster thrashed against his sheets. He was still awake, but his hazel eyes were filled with pain. “Please,” he whimpered, trying to shift away from Aegan’s touch. “Make it stop.” 
“Hang in there,” she told him, although it fell on deaf ears. Whacking her with an arm, she was sent tumbling backwards, his gash once again bleeding profusely. 
Aegan took in a deep breath to steady herself, before turning to her shadows. “Hold him still,” she growled as she got back on her feet, not bothering to hide the frustration in her voice. She knew he was in pain, but it would’ve been nice if he at least cooperated. 
With his new dark bonds shackling him to the bed, the two females could go back to work. Sasha’s hands glowed brightly as she healed the worst of the wounds. 
“He’s going to need to see a better healer,” Sasha informed as she removed her hands from his side. “My magic and stitches can only do so much.” 
Aegan merely scowled. “The healers in these mountains wouldn’t dare help Azriel, knowing that he works for Rhysand.” 
“Doesn’t the highlord have some allies in Illyria?” 
She watched her thread her needle once more. “Only when Rhysand’s here. As soon as he’s back in Velaris, Illyria might as well be another court. They ‘forget’ that he has control over the mountains.” 
Sasha scowled herself, but remained silent as she continued working. It didn’t take her long to finish the wound she was working on, but they both knew two other gashes laid somewhere on his chest. They’d need to take off his armor if they wanted to treat them. 
“How’d you reckon we take this off?” Sasha asked, fingering the dark leather. “I’ve never undressed any Illyrian in anyway before.” 
Aegan skimmed her eyes over his body. “Start with the buckles at his sides,” she told her, fingers flying to release the small silver buckles hidden by a flap. “Then release the ones close to his collar.” 
Together, they loosened the armor, and pried it off of him. The two stab wounds stood out against his tan skin, blood concealing his Illyrian tattoos from view. 
Sasha pursed her lips. “He’ll definitely needs to see someone else- do you know anyone close by who could help?” She asked as she placed her hands on the wound closer to his shoulder.
Aegan wished she did. Not many Illyrians liked her during her time here, and the few who did were either dead or had forgotten her. It would only be a waste of time- something they barely had- to look for a healer. 
“The closest thing I can think of is Velaris, but he’s not stable enough to make the journey,” she finally responded, keeping her hands on his wound. She was glad she wasn’t wearing her gloves- the brown leather would’ve been stained and ruined by now. 
Azriel twisted to look at her. He had been silent for a while, the rising of his chest the only sign he was alive. “Velaris?” He clarified quietly, his nostrils flaring. 
Aegan nodded, adjusting slightly to give Sasha more room. “They’ll have the healers there to help you.”
He sighed. “I’ll be fine,” he protested, turning away from her. “All I need is rest-”
“You’ll die if you don’t go” she growled back, her irritation getting the best of her. “And if you die, the whole inner circle will be after me. Do I look like I want that?” 
Silence greeted her. Not that she needed a response, but keeping him talking was the only thing Aegan could think of to keep him conscious. Glancing over at him, she was relieved to see that he was in fact, still awake, even if he was scowling at her. So it was back to their usual bickering, then. 
“Alright, last one” Sasha told her, joining Aegan at her side. Naturally, she had saved the hardest one for last- this one was the deepest, and most likely had more damage than the other two. “I’m going to need you to hold him still.” 
She merely nodded, and stepped out of her way. She locked eyes with Azriel, before grabbing one of his hands. “You ready?” 
The Spymaster tensed at the sudden contact, his fingers interlacing with hers nevertheless. “Ready as I’ll ever be” he murmured back, before yelping as Sasha began her work. 
“What’s going on?” Aegan asked her. Azriel hadn’t been like this with the others- did Sasha mess up somehow?
Her friend’s gaze remained on the wound before her. “The blade managed to rip open an artery- and some other body part, by the looks of things. It’s going to take me awhile to stitch everything back together.” 
No wonder he had been bleeding so profusely. Yes, he was stabbed, but it was like a fountain of blood gushing from his side. “Will he make it?” 
Sasha’s hands lost their glow, a needle replacing their magic. “Depends.” 
“On what?” 
She shot her a look laced with dread. “If he’ll survive the trip to Velaris.” 
Aegan felt the blood rush from her face. That was another thing to worry about- even if they made it to the City of Starlight, Azriel might not make the journey. It was a long one, even if Sasha winnowed both of them. That amount of energy she would need to make a single trip was tremendous- it might kill them both. 
Azriel gripped her hand, a question in his eyes. She must’ve been lost in her thoughts for a while- Sasha had stepped out of the room, maybe to clean the blood off of her hands. She should too, but someone had to keep an eye on the Shadowsinger. 
She squeezed back, before sitting on the corner of the bed, her wings close to her body. “You’ll be okay,” she whispered to him, looking down at her scarred palms. 
���You don’t sound so sure.” 
Aegan shot him a glare, although it fell as quickly as it came. “Once you’re in Velaris, I’ll feel better. You’ll have access to a healer, and I won’t have to play nanny until you feel better.” 
The shadowsinger rolled his eyes. “You’re so caring, Aegan. You’d be a great mother.” 
She would be a terrible mother, with all of her issues, but she heard the sarcasm in his voice. Of course they agreed on that subject. “More caring than those Hybern Fae we bumped into. What happened out there?” 
Azriel’s eyelids fluttered shut. “Let’s not talk about.”
Was the mighty Spymaster...  embarrassed? Nevertheless, she didn’t push it, only sat quietly on the edge of the bed. “Well, I have to keep you talking somehow,” she mumbled, picking the blood out from under her nails. 
Azriel didn’t respond, but she knew his gaze remained on her. Normally it would’ve bothered her, to have him just stare at her, but he had nothing better to do. So she didn’t snap at him, and merely let the silence eat away at her. 
~Azriel’s POV~
She didn’t budge from the corner, her eyes fixed on the opposite wall. She reminded him of a statue- one with wings that shifted every once in a while. 
Unconsciousness was creeping up on him, his head a heavy weight on his neck. “Tell me about your mother,” he suggested, Aegan’s head whipping towards him in surprise. “You said you had one.” 
She let out a sigh, before positioning herself to face him. “My mother’s name was Elra. I never knew my father, only that I was never meant to happen. My mom and I lived in this cabin, a mile or so from Ironcrest,” she told him, her eyes shutting slowly. “It was a safe haven, I think. My mother hated that camp- hated that they took her wings from her, that they basically exiled her for her powers.
“Of course, I didn’t know this when I was little. Hell, I didn’t know Ironcrest existed until I was twelve. My mother was doing a pretty good job at distracting me from that evil. She taught me how to read and write, showed me all the birds in the forest, and even tried to teach me how to paint, but I was never a patient child. 
“It was my mother who showed me how to use my powers- we were the same, after all. She’s the only reason my wings managed to survive the clippings.”
Azriel looked at her curiously. “What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Her blue eyes snapped open, a dark look flashing in them before disappearing. “They came for me, as they did with all girls when they start bleeding. I had never seen or heard of them before, so of course I didn’t put up a struggle when they led me away to Ironcrest. That’s when I first saw the camp- it hasn’t changed much, trust me.
As I was saying, they led me to camp, to join a large group of girls. Many of them were crying, so I asked one what was wrong, and that’s when I knew I had to escape. 
They took one girl at a time, usually going by first name, since many of us didn’t have a last name. I was third in line. I watched them lead each girl away, and I heard the screams ripping through camp. It was horrifying, you know. I was young at the time, and had never really been exposed to the world outside of the forest, more so an Illyrian war camp. 
“I didn’t know what was going on at the time, but I was sure of one thing- I wouldn’t let them take my wings away from me. So when they got to me…” she trailed off, watching as black talons erupted from her fingertips. “I lost it. I kept shredding until they stopped coming. After that, I was left alone until someone- I forget who- offered to train me as a soldier.” 
Azriel stared at her in awe. Only twelve, and she had slaughtered grown men. Not just men, but trained Illyrians who were bred for battle. “And then?” 
The corners of her mouth twitched. “I began my training. My mom was all for it, surprisingly. I guess she thought I would have a chance of living a normal life,” she continued, before her eyes fell downcast. “Clearly, that backfired.” 
She continued with her story, telling him how she met Sasha, and how they tried to kill each other at first. “Of course, we then begrudgingly decided to become friends, as we really only had each other.”
“Is it true, that Sasha is related to Amarantha?” 
Aegan nodded. “She was the youngest sister of the three, but was ultimately kicked out  when she didn’t show any power- a failure, to her family. They practically chased her off of Hybern, and she came here, of all places.” 
She continued to talk about her and Sasha, smiling softly to herself as she told stories of their adventures. Then, she talked about training, and how Kallon’s father had always threatened her and drove her mad. The rite, and how she had mauled his chest with her talons. When Azriel questioned why, Aegan merely stated that he had gotten in her way. 
Aegan then fell silent. The black talons disappeared beneath her skin as she released his hand to clasp her other one. Obviously, she was hesitant about what was next- the King of Hybern. Despite him nagging Rhys for days, the highlord had never told him- anyone, for that matter- her connection with the dead king. It must’ve been bad, if even Feyre didn’t know about it. 
“I don’t know why they told him about me. I knew he had some influence over the camp, but I never suspected that they wanted to kick me out- I might’ve been a pain to the camp leaders, but I was loyal. I guess I should’ve suspected that they would stab me in the back some day,” she told him bitterly, her wings flaring slightly in irritation. “They sent that bastard after me-”
She paused suddenly. Her shadows whirled around the room, a reflection of what was going on in her mind. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it-”
Ignoring him, she continued, talking about the day he snatched her away. How he had a new, creative torture for her each time he ‘visited’- he was never really there, but still managed to keep an eye on her from far away. 
She spoke of the times he blinded her, took away her food, send others into the dark forest, only for them to pass right through her. As a result, she had cut those two twin x’s into her palms, in some desperate attempt to wake up from this nightmare. And when she saw the blood run down her skin onto the ground, she knew it was all real. 
“After he died, as you well know, I was released. Naturally, I went to my mother’s cabin, but it had been burnt down, with my mother’s grave next to it. Sasha was missing, and there was no way in hell I was returning to Ironcrest. 
For the next 6 months, I disappeared into the mountains, and prayed that I got the chance to destroy that war camp. I met Bones, and for a while, it was just the two of us. And then Nesta came into my life.” 
She fell silent after that- there was no need to go on. Azriel knew what happened next. 
Footsteps echoed in the hallway. Both of them snapped to attention as Sasha poked her head in the doorway. Her dark eyes fell on Azriel, obvious relief flooding through them. “Oh good, you’re still alive,” she said, leaning against the doorway. “We need to discuss our next steps.” 
Aegan stood up from the bed. “We’ve already agreed to go to Velaris. What more is there to discuss?” 
“When we return to the mountains- why are giving me that face?” 
Her back was to him, but his shadows told him of the regret on her face. What was she planning?
His partner took a deep breath in. “I’m staying here.” 
“What?” Sasha hissed. “What do you mean? You have a chance to return to our friends, and you turn it down?”
Aegan sighed. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
The two females stared at each other, before the redhead exhaled sharply, and beckoned her to follow her. As they exited the room, Aegan casted him a glance. No emotion marked her face, save for the silent goodbye her eyes sent to him before she turned away.
For a while, he sat in his room, staring at the ceiling. His arms were still bound to his sides, preventing him from getting up to hear what the two were discussing.
 His shadows, on the other hand, were still free. He sent one shooting through the door, watching as it disappear down the hallway. Then, he waited. There wasn’t anything else to do, really, besides groan at the spreading pain in his side. 
Minutes passed before Sasha and Aegan returned. By then, he already knew that Aegan was staying here to monitor Ironcrest, while the other would winnow herself and Azriel back to Velaris. Sasha would then continue Nesta and Estelle’s training, and not return to the mountains- at least, not until Aegan came to get her. 
“I’m assuming you already know?” He heard one of them say. 
The world spun around him, but he managed to spot the two females standing at the foot of his bed. “Can’t blame me for being curious.” 
Sasha shriveled her nose. “Aren’t you nosy?” She commented, but patted his foot nevertheless. “I gathered most of your belongings already. You and I will leave in a few minutes.” 
That soon? He would think they’d let him rest before making the trip. 
“The sooner you get to a healer, the better. The Inner Circle does need you alive, after all,” Aegan reminded him, her voice no more than a whisper- not too different from his own. 
Azriel sighed. “Can you at least release my arms? I don’t like feeling trapped.” 
His partner cocked her head, a look of confusion gracing her face. “You are free, Azriel. I released you as soon as Sasha finished stitching you up.”
Sure enough, his arms lacked the shadowy ropes that bound him to the bed. Still, it was nearly impossible to even lift his arms off of the mattress- maybe he really did need to see someone.
A strong hand gripped his shoulder. Sasha loomed over him, her dark eyes filled with worry. “Take it easy, Az. We can’t have you ripping your stitches-”
He flung one of his legs over the bed. Then the other. He didn’t want their pitiful looks- weakness was never his thing. But as he somehow managed to sit up, a small part of him agreed with their pleas for him to stay down. It was like being shot by a crossbow again. His knees buckled beneath him, Azriel crumpling to the floor as darkness consumed him once more. 
~Aegan’s POV~
The two stared at the fallen shadowsinger for a second. “To be fair,” Sasha began to say as she carefully picked him up off of the ground, “we did tell him to stay still.”  
Aegan sighed. “He’s definitely lost too much blood- the sooner we get him to Velaris, the better.”
Sasha waved off her concerns. “Oh, you mother hen. He’ll be fine- we were just about to go anyways.” 
She smiled grimly. “Need any help packing?” 
Her friend shook her head. “Already finished. I didn’t bring too much with me, anyways.” 
Aegan poked her head out into the hallway. Sure enough, a leather sack sat next to the front door, pockets overflowing with supplies and food. 
Something scuffled against the wood behind her. Sasha had lifted Azriel to his feet, as was half carrying- half dragging him across the room.
“Cauldron, he’s no lightweight, that’s for sure,” she grunted, shooting Aegan a pained grin. “What do they feed him in Velaris?” 
She rolled her eyes, before wrapping her own arm around his waist, grunting as his limp body leaned onto her. Sasha wasn’t joking about how heavy he was- it amazed Aegan that the Shadowsinger could even lift off. His wings had to be strong, and judging by the thick muscles that twitched under her fingers, she knew they were. 
“Easy now,” Sasha told her as they squeezed him through the doorway. It was difficult maneuvering him around the limited furniture they had- every so often, they would knock down the occasional chair or plate. 
“I’ll clean it up afterwards,” Aegan assured her when Sasha asked if she needed help picking up the mess. “Besides, I’m going to be here for a while- I’ll have the time.” 
Sasha merely arched a brow. They were standing outside, knee deep in snow. “I still have no idea what you meant by ‘unfinished business’. You better not destroy Ironcrest without me.” 
Aegan grinned. “I would never. Besides, I still have to gather more information about this Hybern group we ran into today,” she told her, before squeezing Azriel on the shoulder. “Make sure he gets better, okay? Rhys would have my ass if he didn’t.” 
Sasha cocked her head slightly, but didn’t say a word as she winnowed away, leaving Aegan in the snow.  
Alone once again.
She turned her head towards the forest they had emerged from. Hopefully, that Fae was still there, lying face first in the snow. That was her only source of information- for now. Knowing Hybern, there was more to be found, hiding where you least expected them to be. 
The Fae was greeted to an unfamiliar room. He didn’t remember how he got there, or how he was tied to the wooden chair in the center of the room. There was only one window situated near the ceiling. If he freed himself of his bonds, he could escape-
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” 
That voice. He had heard it only once before, when his unit had been attacked. He thrashed in his chair, desperate to find that Illyrian before she surprised him. 
And from the darkness, she emerged. 
She was no small, dainty female like the ones in Hybern. She was by many means bigger than him- her figure reminded him of the soldiers he had seen departing for Prythian a month ago. And the thirst for blood thirst in her eyes scared him shitless. 
A blade twirled around in her palm. “You know, this blade is supposed to have some sort of magical property” she murmured, her icy blue eyes boring into him- he couldn’t find the bravery to return it. “It has served the male you cut down today very well for hundreds of years.”
She then frowned slightly. “I don’t know how to use that, of course, but a blade’s a blade, right?”
Suddenly, she surged forward, causing him to let out a shriek. Instantly, excuses for her not to flay him poured off of his lips- his superiors would’ve been disappointed. 
She grabbed his chin, and forced him to meet her gaze. “What did you say?” 
He gulped. “I- I have a family?” 
Her eyes narrowed. “Then I suggest you cooperate, before they find your corpse in separate pieces instead of one.” That blade pressed against his cheek, something wet dribbling down his skin. He didn’t know if it was blood or tears. 
The knife then left his skin, much to his relief. But it dove down, digging into his thigh. He let out a scream as the blade tore through skin and muscle, before hitting bone. 
The Illyrian smiled, her eyes turning black. “Shall we begin?” 
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xeocx13 · 6 years ago
The Feeling of Home
The first time Violet had asked Minnie to dance with her, her heart drooped like a flower longing to see the sun.
While Violet had known Minnie most of her life, the aspect of dating was still a huge adjustment yet one she could get behind. Finally, she found someone she could confide to; share her deep secrets to, and to able to rely on. So many people had left her that finding someone who was stable and trustworthy was hard to come across and couldn’t be more happy or grateful.
It was late morning when Violet strode into the twin’s bedroom, holding some coloring supplies in one hand. Minnie was sitting on her bed, strapping on her boots. The sight made Violet smile. She closed the door behind her.
“Hi,” Violet started quietly.
“I’m going out hunting with Brody. Can you even believe this?” Minnie said, smashing her foot into the boot and adjusting the strap.
Violet walked to the twins’ desk and dropped the art supplies.
“What’s wrong with hunting?” she asked.
Minnie scoffed, full attention on tightening her boots. “Of course you don’t get it. You like hunting. It’s so vile.”
Violet frowned. “Minnie. I could switch with you—“
“No, no, don’t bother. Marlon hates it when we swap shifts.”
Violet was quiet as Minnie finished getting ready and stood from her bed. She noticed the staring and frowned slightly at the shorter girl.
“What’s up?”
Minnie scoffed. “Don’t bullshit me, Vi. What’s going on?”
Minnie could read her so easily. Nothing ever got past her and if it did, it never went far. Minnie was always one step ahead of her. Even as little girls before Ericson was in the picture, Minnie called decided for her sister and Violet where they were going, what they would eat. She seemed to have an innate ability to read a situation and see what would be best for them. While intimidating, Violet was in awe, even as a child. The clip in pocket suddenly felt heavy as Minnie stared her down. It was unnerving.
“Minnie, it’s nothing,” Violet smiled quietly. Approaching the taller girl, she suddenly felt smaller than what she already was.
She grabbed Minnie’s hand. “Just make it back safe, okay?”
Minnie rolled her eyes. “Vi, you’re such a sap. I’ll be fine.” Minnie dropped Violet’s hand. “Now, if you aren’t going to what’s bother you, I’m going to leave.”
“I didn’t know you were in such a rush,” Violet quietly teased.
Minnie sighed. “Vi—“
“I wanna try something.”
This stopped the taller girl. She blinked at her outburst and stood up straighter. “Oh. Okay.”
Violet took a deep breath. “Remember that spring formal? Back before the outbreak?”
Minnie groaned as a small smile tugged across her face. “Oh god! The one where Andre was trying to grope every girl he could spot?”
“Yep,” Violet smiled, “And Shelly punched him so hard it broke his braces?”
“Poor Shelly. I think she might’ve broken her wrist from that. Andre was fucking predator though,” Minnie replied, a nostalgic look on her face as she looked up at the room covered in Sophie and Tenn’s drawing. Violet wrung her hands together.
“If I had known any better, I would’ve asked you,” Violet said, taking another step to the ginger. Minnie raised a brow in question.
“Asked what?”
“To dance.”
The room suddenly stilled, the breeze from the battered window stopped momentarily as if someone had ceased a breath. When did the room get so small?
“I know we’ve only been dating for a few months but—“
Minnie shook her head. “No, no. It has nothing to do with that.” She sighed and dragged a hand across her face, like a mother dealing with an intolerant child.
“Vi, do you even know how to dance? I mean, that’s not you! That’s not us!”
Minnie sighed again when she Violet shrink into herself again, hands digging into her pockets. She brought a freckly hand across her face and swept away from stray blond bangs.
“Look, you’re cute and all. But Violet, you know that’s not you. Don’t be a sap. We can make out later if you want, if I’m up to it.”
Violet’s eyes lit up slightly as Minnie’s lips ghosted a kiss across her cheek.
“Now get your ass in gear, those plants aren’t gonna grow themselves.”
“Well, they kind of do.”
“Shut up.”
The raid was over, their friends taken, and everyone was looking to fight back. The courtyard was a disaster as Willy mourned over his friend’s corpse. Rosie would occasionally catch a scent, Ruby trying to clear up the clutter and put out the fires.
Violet helped all she could, finally emerging from the basement after she helped AJ drag Abel and tie him up. She frowned when the boy insisted that he stay until Abel woke up or when Clementine came to see him.
Clementine was taking time for herself, processing the events from last night and was nowhere to be found. As much as Violet ached to see her. . .girlfriend(?), she knew that if Clementine wanted to talk to her, she’d seek her. Still, that did not stop her from going to Tenn’s room and asking for his art supplies and disappearing for the next few hours.
She found herself at Clem and AJ’s shared bedroom a few hours after they returned from scouting out the boat. She raised a fist to knock on the door before it suddenly burst open and AJ sprint past her.
“What’s with AJ?” she asked, closing the door behind her.
Clementine sighed and raised a hand to her face in distress. “He just…needs some space.”
The two chatted for a bit, Violet quietly admitting her confusion over reuniting with Minnie in the woods and though how much she despised Louis, she missed his presence.
“We will get them back, Vi. Louis, Aasim, all of them. I promise you,” Clementine said, bringing a hand up and resting it on her shoulder. Violet shuddered at the younger girl’s touch and felt the pin tap the inside of her rib. She shrank a little and took a step back.
“Um, I, uh, made you this,” Violet said quietly, reaching into her pocket and holding out the pin for the girl. She didn’t look at Clem but felt the pin be removed her palm.
She smiled and chuckled under breath. “Stars?”
“Yeah, so you, you know, never forget the night,” Violet finished awkwardly, finally looking up to the girl who was admiring the pin. She watched as Clementine moved her fingers across the pattern. She gasp quietly but didn’t look away when Clementine caught her eye and smiled.
“I never will.” And she clasped the pin on her jacket.
Violet continue to stand there awkwardly and looked down at her feet. She had asked Minnie this before and was shot down, almost immediately. Why wouldn’t Clem do the same? Minnie was right in some way; dancing was vulnerable and intimate, two traits Violet never actively expressed.
She looked up as Clem watched steadily, smiling still. God, she was so pretty…
“What is it?”
Violet sighed and awkwardly fiddled with her hands. Here goes nothing…
“I wanna try something. And you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. I mean, because it’s a really stupid idea now that I think about it, and—“
Violet stopped and held her breath, scared that if she let go, Clementine would not catch her. She had not left yet so that meant something, considering her nonsensical rambling. She reluctantly held out a hand and took a step back, braving herself to meet the younger girl’s eyes
“Do you wanna dance? You know, with me?”
The room suddenly stilled. Violet felt everything slow down and suck back up into her head, feeling dizzy all of a sudden. All of it was too fast, too similar to when she had asked Minnie the very same question a little over a year ago. She didn’t, couldn’t, admit it then but Minnie’s stare and scoff at the offer hurt more than she had thought. Clementine and Minnie were so very much alike and yet, so very different. Clem searched her eyes as if not believing what she was hearing yet behind the brown hazel pools bloomed into something powerful, intense even.
Her blank and intense stare that only might’ve lasted a moment disappeared as a smile etched across her face. Stepping forward, clasping the blonde girl’s grimy hand, and drawing in close. Violet felt Clem’s hands settle naturally at her hips as her own hands rested on her shoulders, the two began to sway in sync.
It was daunting, seeing and feeling Clementine this close. She could see every mark, every scar and speck across the girl’s face, almost like a painting. Her eyes dropped down to the girl’s lips for a moment, remembering the previous night. This feeling, Clementine’s smiling face and eyes, the way her hands would adjust every so often on her hips as if wanting to feel the shape of Violet, it was overwhelming perfect. So this is what it’s like…
Violet smiled back at the girl, now causing Clementine to look away almost bashfully. It was only for a moment before she decided to return the smile back in full force.
It wasn’t enough though. Violet, feeling brave all of a sudden, drew in close and engulfed the girl in a warm embrace, continuing to sway back and forth. The way their bodies almost slipped into each other as easily and perfectly as a puzzle piece.
This, this, felt like home. Finally, here was someone she rely on and count on. The disbelief and awe that shook Violet to her core when Clementine returned the next day after they kicked both her and AJ from their school. Though her heart ached for Minnie every so often, seeing the girl in such a skewed state of mind and now, feeling Clementine pull Violet even closer, the starry night sky pin brushing against her skin, none of it seemed to matter.
The first time Violet had asked Clementine to dance with her, her heart swelled like a flower in full bloom.
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nikkalia · 6 years ago
Gotta Get It Right, Ch. 9
TITLE: Gotta Get It Right
SUMMARY: Aleksa lives as an Inhuman at SHIELD's beck and call, but dreams of another life have her questioning everything she’s ever known. Just when she's settled into a life of peace and quiet, she's called back to duty. Enter Loki.
PAIRING: Loki/OFC RATING: Mature NOTES/WARNINGS: Trigger warning: mentions of dubcon, violence, PTSD, sexual assault, and physical abuse in later chapters.
We’re baaaaaaaccckkkkk! Classes are done, and by the gods, I’m a college graduate. Finally! Only took 24 years....but I digress. We now return you to the adventures of Aleksa and the Mischievous Dork!
Tumblr masterlist Also on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/15409323/chapters/39845370
Feedback is always appreciated (just being an attention whore screaming for comments/reblogs)
Tags: @christy-winchester @hovianwookie86-captainxev @wolfsmom1 @fadingcoast @fandom-and-feminism @igotloki @MischievousBellerina @odinsonobsessed
Aleksa watched quietly as two guards moved along their patrol route, thankful that the back halls were monitored less frequently than the corridor she’d been led through from the dungeons. Accessing the ventilation systems was far easier than anticipated and the large conduits gave her quiet and unrestricted access to her goal. The waves of nausea that had plagued her since awakening had subsided, thanks in no small part to the bits of bread and meat she’d managed to pilfer from the kitchens. The pain was easing as well, a sure sign that her body was adjusting to whatever changes terragenesis had brought. She made a mental note to demand removal of the Kree implants when she got back. Provided, of course, that she was able to secure her objective.
It was close. She could sense the energy radiating off of it along with dozens of other objects suspected to be held in the vault. Perhaps something else would be of enough interest to the Council for her to buy her way out of her contract and vanish for good, maybe to some backwater third world country. Wakanda was nice, she’d heard.
A squad of soldiers arrived and drew her attention. They were more heavily armed than those standing watch over the vault, speaking in hushed tones. Aleksa was barely able to make out what was said but understood the implication.
Time to go.
The larger patrol moved away, dividing themselves down different corridors as they traveled.
Longer I’m here, the more complicated this gets, she thought, slinking down the shaft. No one said Malik needed to know if or when I got back...there.
Just beneath her lay the inner vault. The hum of power was nearly deafening. All of Aleksa’s concentration became focused on suppressing the noise until she determined where her target was. Once located, she recalled an old mantra to drown out all sound and dropped into the room. Drawing a deep breath, she concentrated on the energy patterns of floor and walls, noting the changes in color and intensity until she was confident of where everything was: the doors, the guards on the other side, additional ventilation shafts and hidden rooms.
A lack of distinguishable security measures concerned her as she snuck along the floor, passing artifact after artifact. The concern was short lived as the doors to the vault swung wide, admitting Loki and a pack of guards hot on his heels. Aleksa swore under her breath, breaking into a full run to her destination. The glowing blue cube sat on its pedestal, mesmerizing her as she reached out to take it.
“Stop!” Loki shouted, Aleksa’s hand hovering over the cube. He approached slowly, followed by the guards, their weapons leveled on her. “You won’t survive if you touch that. You've no idea the power it holds.”
“Oh, really?” Aleksa smirked, looking at the cube and back at Loki, daring him to continue moving forward while she scanned the room again. None of the possible exits were going to be accessible from where she stood. The only option was behind her but there was no guarantee that there was an exit on the other side of the grating. “Better to burn out than to fade away,” she muttered and reached for the cube.
Before Loki could stop her, the soldiers behind him opened fire. An explosion of blinding blue light knocked them all to the floor. Slowly, he stood, trying to shake off the effects of the blast. Taking a cautious step forward in the rubble, he saw the woman laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, the Tesseract glowing in her hand. He stopped as she rose, watching in awe while her eyes shifted from the same blue glow of the cube to gold to the hazel he’d seen when they met.
“Give me the Tesseract,” he cooed, “and no harm will come to you.”
Aleksa just stood there, her brain racing to keep up with the volumes of information being fed into it. She thought she heard Loki’s voice, but wasn’t sure she understood the words. The sound of rushing water caught her attention, spurring her to the newly formed opening in the vault wall. A river flowed below her, awakening memories of home. Loki stepped back when new strands of blue light began swirling between them. Aleksa’s eyes went wide, a sly grin crossing her face as the room disappeared behind a widening circle of blue and white. She watched in awe as light gave way to greens and browns. While the homes she’d known were gone, she was certain she was looking at her birthplace.
A portal without a sling ring. Huh....why do I know that?
Aleksa blinked and the portal started shrinking. When the circle closed, Loki was almost directly in front of her, his hand outstretched. “You can’t hope to control it. Give me the Tesseract and I’ll send you home.”
“Already got a ride, thanks.” She spun around and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying backward. “That’s twice,” she laughed.
Loki scrambled to his feet, watching her move to the other side of the hall only to launch herself through the open wall. When he saw her again, she was emerging on the bank opposite the palace, flipping the cube in her hand before taking off in a sprint across the plain. 
“I want her brought back alive,” he growled. He turned back to the guards, all staring in shock. “NOW!”
Aleksa was able to hide easily enough from the ships patrolling above her and the two ravens sent out from the palace now and again, but her progress was slowed by the sheer amount of energy she had to expend to shield the surges of power the Tesseract would put out. She felt sure that if she could sense it from a distance, so could Loki. She was hopeful that the proximity of the Rainbow Bridge and observatory housing the Bifrost was helping to mask it, but couldn’t risk being discovered. The more she felt her own energy draining, the more she concentrated on her memories of the rescue plan and made for the fields between her and the hidden portal.
The portal. There was no guarantee that it still functioned, that the intervals were still stable, or how long she’d have to wait for it to open. Even if it was operating as normal, she had no way to know who would be waiting on the other side, if anyone. There were just too many question marks for this escape route to work.
Another skiff roared over her head and she dropped to the ground. Perhaps commandeering one of those ships would prove a better option. Find a transport off Asgard and vanish into the universe. Surely, someone else would want Loki’s magic cube as badly as he did.
She grinned as she looked around and saw no signs of pursuers, then gently slid the Tesseract out of its pouch. It glowed brighter in her hand, sending a sensation of warmth through her body. Mesmerized by the changing light floating in front of her, she stared into the cube, imagining all of the places she could go. Her eyes fluttered closed as she relaxed, focusing on where in the universe she wanted to be. She held the Tesseract out in front of her and allowed the energy to surge through her, willing the portal into existence.
White light began to arc around the cube, sending sparks into the air. Aleka’s eyes opened as the portal widened, giving the faintest glimpse of the ocean stretching into the distance. Sand appeared next, then the familiar beach grass and fencing. She stood, stepping toward the portal while watching her home materialize in front of her. The shouts of soldiers distracted her, sending the portal to another location. When she turned back, Aleksa saw sands scorched black and structures smoldering in the distance.
“No! Nononononono!” she screamed, falling to the ground. The portal hissed shut when the Tesseract dropped from her hands and rolled into a boot. Aleksa looked up to see a large, heavily armored man towering above her.
“Back you go, dearie,” was the last thing she heard before the world went dark.
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opheliagardinier · 7 years ago
grape expectations
Heyo, here’s my fic of a side RP with Wyatt. This fic is the prequel to my challenge two point five fic which I should have done soon.
Anyway, thank you so much to Ester @wyattschreave for the wonderful RP- it was a wild ride. But I had a great time!
Word count: 3032
Tumblr media
I'll be there with the sulfuric acid. Don't forget the body.
Wyatt Schreave was a difficult man to find. After looking nearly everywhere I could think of I ended up sending a note to his room, asking him to meet me in the stables. I wasn’t sure whether or not he’d come but I hoped he’d set a little bit of time aside for some random girl he’d never met.
After a quick stop in the kitchens, I made my way to the stables, showing up right on time. I clicked my tongue at the horses as I entered.
“Hello, babies.” I cooed at them, not seeing any sign of Wyatt.
Unexpectedly his head poked out of one of the stalls. Thankfully it didn’t startle me the way it normally would have.
“Well, hello to you too.”
“That wasn't meant for you.” I laughed slightly, giving him a curtsy. Wyatt was definitely Ben’s brother. “But hello, Prince Wyatt.”
Wyatt walked a little closer to the entrance of the stall that way he could see me better. His hands brushed against his pants before he reached up to pet the horse.
“Are you Lady Ophelia or another Selected I’m bumping into?”
“I'm Fee.” I nodded, getting close enough that I was in the shadow of the horse. “But sorry to inform you that I may have forgotten the body.”
“May I?”
Wyatt looked between the two of us as if he were debating whether or not to say yes.
“What do you say, Altivo?” He pet the horse's neck. “Want to let our guest pet you?”
Altivo moved his nose near to Wyatt’s head and exhaled loudly. Wyatt tsked at the horse, rolling up one of his sleeves, before disappearing for a moment.
“How about now?” Wyatt asked, coming back with an apple.
Without hesitating, Altivo took the apple and gobbled it up. Wyatt to rolled his eyes at the horse then gave me the go ahead. With a chuckle, I reached up and began stroking Altivo.
“Hey there, you're quite the handsome boy, aren't you?” I clicked my tongue at him.
Altivo continued munching on his apple as I pet him. When he had finished he began sniffing around Wyatt, who pushed his snout away. Wyatt explained to Altivo there were no more apples.
“Hey!” Wyatt exclaimed as Altivo tapped his head with his snout. He let out a grunt but then retrieved another.
“We should walk off before he asks for more,” Wyatt told me, shoving his hands into his pockets after he’d given Altivo the second apple.
“All right.” I nodded, giving him a smile. Before following Wyatt out of the stall I reached into my dress pocket and pulled a few grapes out to feed to Altivo.
“You carry those with you all the time??” Wyatt’s eyes narrowed at the sight of the grapes.
I looked at Wyatt like he was insane, but realised it must have looked funny to him.
“No, who does that?” I shook my head with a chuckle. “I knew I was coming to the stables so I came prepared.”
He momentarily gave me a look of surprise but then let out a sigh of relief, telling me he’d been worried for a second. Wyatt spun on his heels, heading out of the stall.
“As much as Ben loves grapes, I’d be creeped out if you were that obsessed with them.” He pretended to whisper over his shoulder.
I mean I was obsessed with grapes. My entire life had kind of revolved around them up until the Selection.
“I'm pretty sure everyone loves grapes,” I replied, following him. “But don't worry, the only mammals I enjoy feeding them to is horses- and guinea pigs... Fine any animal that'll eat them.”
His eyebrows went up as he repeated the word “mammals” back to me.
“Yes, mammals.” I rolled my eyes, causing Wyatt to scoff.
“Alright. If I may ask now, why did you request to meet me? And why here? You sure we're not hiding a body?”
“Like I said, I had trouble acquiring the body, but I asked to meet here because it was the only place I could think of where we might not run into your brother.” I looked around as if to make sure Ben wasn’t with us. “I need your help with getting back at your brother.”
“Really, is that so?” Wyatt asked, looking intrigued.
“Okay so "get make at him" might be taking it too far. But the other day he scared me and I want to scare him back.” I smiled, nodding at him. “And your mother may have told me you could help.”
“My mom suggested you come to me?” Wyatt asked, with a grin spreading across his face.
Queen Isobel had been the one to give me my idea surprisingly. I’d told her about how Ben had scared me in the wine cellar a few nights previously and she’d unexpectedly revealed that like me her son also scared easily.
“She did,” I smirked. “Although she said there may be a price for your help.”
Wyatt removed his hands from his pockets to adjust his cuffs. With a smirk, he told me he was listening. It sort of felt a bit like a business proposal- only we were in the stables rather than an office somewhere.
“I'm thinking pigeons,” I told him- then expectantly waited for his reaction.
“Care to elaborate?” Wyatt asked, raising his eyebrows.
I could see the shared family traits between him and his brother. Both boys seemed perpetually in a good mood between their smirks, chuckles, and senses of humour.
“So your brother hates birds- somehow more than I do- And I was hoping that there could somehow be about a dozen or so pigeons in the garden while he happens to be there one day. With lots of bread of course.” I explained, giving Wyatt a sweet smile, as I continued following him.
“His hatred of birds...yeah,” Wyatt said with a smug grin.
He stopped walking as we made our way out of the stables. One of his arms crossed over his chest while he positioned his elbow on top of his forearm in a way that he was able to reach up and pensively rub his chin with his hand.
“Any particular reason you want to go with pigeons? Is it a gag I’m not getting?”
“His hatred is justified.” I shuddered. “But I figured pigeons because they're fairly common and who's to say they couldn't wander into the garden on their own?”
Wyatt thoughtfully tapped his chin another moment.
“Good thinking. This is what I ask in return. When you finally reveal yourself, you must act surprised by all the pigeons and say “Look at all those chickens!” There was a shift in his tone as his voice went higher to capture the essence of what he wanted me to say.
Wyatt dramatically pointed to a spot in the garden before turning back to me with an aura of seriousness. “Can you do that?”
Well shit. This was like a negotiation. Of course what he wanted me to say wasn’t too ridiculous but it also wasn’t something I was especially keen on. To “get back” at Ben I was willing to say some silly line about chickens, but I couldn’t let Wyatt know that right off the bat. He had to work for it a little at least and convince me to say yes.
“I'm fairly certain your sister would do this without that little addition.” I narrowed my eyes at Wyatt, slightly biting my lip. “What do you get out of having me say that?”
“But Hazel isn't here right now offering help, is she?” He smirked. “And I get the pleasure of knowing vines are being spread as they should be. Plus, it'll be hilarious.”
“I asked you for help, remember. And who's to say your sister wouldn't help me- minus the condition you have?” I tilted my head to the side and raised an eyebrow.
It was true that I would likely be able to get his sister to help me, but if she was anywhere near as hard to track down as Wyatt that would be problematic. There was also the added issue of another person knowing my plan, which was much more important than the risk I ran of not finding Hazel.
“But you must agree my condition will make it a much better experience,” Wyatt argued.
“Better for which party?”
“Uh…?” He said, before adding with some reluctance. “Both?”
He had a point there, I’d give him that. In the chaos of what I planned me yelling about chickens would only add to the fun. But I couldn’t concede yet.
“And you're determined to have me scream about "chickens"?” I asked, making air quotes with my fingers.
“Yes! The pigeons are the chickens.” He exclaimed, before narrowing his eyes at me. “Wait, do you not know what I'm referencing?”
“I do in fact know what you're talking about, but I'm just asking if you're really sure out entire arrangement should be dependent on me making a reference.” I sighed, then shook my head. “And just for the record, I'm pretty sure those are geese in the video.”
A look of disgust crossed my face at the mention of geese. I couldn’t stand the creatures with their chasing and hissing and general bitchiness as an animal. Besides, I was more partial towards mammals- and marsupials- basically anything that didn’t honk and have a name that rhymed with moose.
“They were geese, but we agreed on pigeons already.” Wyatt reminded me as he seemed to notice my reaction. “We could make them geese, but it doesn't look like you're too fond of them.”
“No geese!” I blurted out, before continuing in a more level tone. “Anyway, fine, I agree.”
I held out my hand but he didn’t take it.
“Oh no, now I want to know the geese trauma story.” Wyatt grinned.
“They hiss and they're angry and mean.” I told him, waving my hand around a bit because I just wanted him to agree “So do we have a deal?”
Wyatt raised an eyebrow at my vague explanation as he glanced down at my hand. Sensing that I wouldn’t tell him more he sighed and took my hand.
“Fine, don't tell me.” He said, with a mischevious glint in his eyes. “I know where to get the pigeons.”
Excellent! I smiled at him. Those had been the exact words I’d been waiting to hear. Things were coming along nicely.
“So I'll leave the pigeons up to you. But I think I'll need your help getting Jam into the garden without him getting suspicious”
“Why would he get suspicious?” Wyatt inquired, tilting his head. “I mean, in theory, you asking to meet him wouldn't be that weird. Unlike asking me when we hadn't even met.”
“And yet... You still came.” I smirked. “What's that about? Shouldn't you have been more suspicious?”
With a chuckle, he began walking again. Why does he keep walking away? Doesn’t he know I have shorter legs and it’s not exactly easy to keep up with him, especially in these shoes?
“Why? I doubted I was going to be the buried body. “ He glanced at me in amusement. “Besides, what was I supposed to say?”
How about no? No is a relatively simple word. Hell, even a toddler can say it.
“'Oh so deeply sorry Lady Ophelia, but you're being creepy so no thank you. I will not meet you at the stables.’” Wyatt said in a dramatic English accent, taking a bow. He then cleared his throat and switched back to his regular voice. “And yes, I turned into a British Prince to make it sound somewhat nice. That wouldn't have translated well on paper though.”
“Well, you know what they say.” I shook my head at him. “Curiosity killed the cat. And if you weren't going to be the buried body then do I even want to ask what lucky person was going to get to play that role?”
“I don't know, you were the one who sent such a vague note first. And the full sentence is actually: 'curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back'.” He paused awkwardly. “That's the satisfaction of figuring out what made him curious in the first place of course.”
“I'm pretty sure "satisfaction" wouldn't have brought you back if I had murdered you in the stables…” I squinted at Wyatt. “Just saying.”
“Are you confessing to plotting against the monarchy?” He asked, giving me a falsely serious look.
“Sureeeeee,” I told him in a sarcastic tone, rolling my eyes. “Of course. I won't even kill a bug, but clearly, I'm only I'm the Selection it strategically off each one of the Schreaves.”
“Have you never killed a mosquito?.”
I shook my head. Killing bugs wasn’t exactly my style. I was more of a catch and release person. Bugs were important parts of the ecosystem, and besides, why should it have to die because someone found its very existence offensive?
“I've never intentionally killed anything.”
“Wait, wait, you're seriously telling me if a mosquito stands right on your arm, sucking blood out of you, you just watch her do that and let her be?” Wyatt chuckled.
I uncomfortably rubbed my arm at the thought. I liked mosquito bites about just as much as the next person.
“Well no,” I answered. “I'd try and brush her off.”
“She'd...probably keep trying though.” He shook his head in disapproval. “Anyway, we got sidetracked. Getting Ben to the gardens. I think you can be in charge of that.”
“Yes, well- it's not her fault she drinks blood, is it?” I told him with a tilt of my head, before nodding. “But you're right. I'll find a way to get him to the gardens and you deal with the pigeons. Will they be on standby or do you need advance warning?”
Wyatt went silent for a moment as he considered. He turned away from me to look around the garden.
“This might be complicated…” He said.
Eventually, he turned back around to face me. He pointed off into the distance and asked if I saw an oak tree. I nodded in response, telling him I knew which tree he meant. Wyatt looked back towards the tree.
“I can't believe I'm doing this…” He mumbled under his breath, turning to face me once more. I'll need you to bring him under that tree. Do you think you can handle that?”
“Why that tree in particular?” I asked, giving him a curious look.
His gaze returned to the tree, only this time he seemed to look at it with an expression of fondness.
“Nothing really, but I'm pretty used to climbing it…” Wyatt sighed. “And I know without a doubt that the leaves hide you well. Ben won't even notice I'm there waiting.”
“Oh, so you'll be there?” I smirked.
Of course, he would be. Why on earth wouldn’t he want to witness all his hard work first hand?
“Oh, I’m sorry, if you want this to be a private encounter....” Wyatt chuckled, teasingly raising his eyebrows at me, before adding. “It’s fine if it is. I don’t have to be there. I can figure something else out. If there’s something I’ve got when it comes to this stuff, it’s creativity.”
“How is it that you turned something so innocent into something so dirty sounding?” I laughed, shaking my head.
“I mean,” He began, with the raise of his eyebrows, lifting his hands in fake surrender. “It was just a question.”
“Don't worry, I think it will be very G-rated, so no need for the privacy.” I rolled my eyes.
The most risque it had gotten with Ben was me holding onto his arm. Wyatt had absolutely nothing to be worried about.
“If you say so…” Wyatt smiled, looking back to the tree. “Then we’ve got a plan.”
“It seems we do.” I laughed softly, thinking of his unfounded worry. “Thank you for your cooperation.”
Wyatt nodded and looked back at me.
“And remember, I’ll be there.” He pointed to the foliage of the tree. “Hidden between a bunch of tree branches. I expect you to keep your end of the bargain.”
“Got it. I'll do my best.” I nodded, then giggled slightly. “But if I forget it's probably because I'm caught in the moment.”
“Of course.” He let out a laugh with a huff. “I'll consider forgiving you if that happens. Anything else you need me for?”
“Forgiveness is all a girl could ask for.” I winked at him and clicked my tongue, then looked back towards the stables. “Unless you want to give some horses grapes then I think that was everything.”
I wasn’t sure if he knew, but I’d actually been going to the stables the past few days. Being around all the horses made me feel a bit more comfortable than relaxing in the Women’s Room or being cooped up alone in my bedroom. Being outdoors reminded me of home.
“I should actually get those pigeons ready.” His head cocked to the side as he looked towards the stables and cracked a smile. “But don't give Altivo more food. I kind of already spoil him enough.”
“That sounds like a good plan.” I beamed at him. “Don't worry, there are other horses I can spoil with grapes. I'll just spoil yours with petting.”
“I... guess that's fair.” Wyatt nodded with some reluctance. “I'll send you a note so we can agree on a date for our pigeon fest later this week.”
I already had an idea which day would be perfect for our little operation. What better way to spend my birthday than watching Ben freak out over pigeons? It was like a little gift from me to me.
“Sounds good. Thanks for trusting me.” I smirked. “I'll see you later.”
I turned and walked back towards the stables. I was proud of me- proud of us. If everything went according to plan this could very well be one of the greatest things I’d ever witness.
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