#hazel and diluc
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witch-hazels-musings · 2 years ago
warning: hurt/comfort (reader believes the character doesn’t love them, rumors of loving someone else (D))(angst is very mild) 
includes: alhaitham(1,384), diluc (1,692), xiao (1,563)
character x gn reader | anthology | definition: “things better left unsaid”
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you loved him. You’d known for a while but kept quiet, save for telling a few trusted friends your secret. Beyond yourself, they knew how often you thought about him even when you didn’t want to, knew how you searched for him in the crowd even though there was no way he’d be there.
They knew, you knew, but he never did; and he never would --
-- this silly love of yours would have to stay silent
some things are better left unsaid --
You stood on your toes to reach the shelf above you. It took several attempts but soon enough the book was back in place and you moved on to the next in your pile. 
The library was quiet. Just the way you liked it. No overbearing conversations, no rushing of bodies as they made their way through the campus. Just silent stillness, and the scent of books. 
You made your way down each isle, adjusting and correcting books that were out of place until the stack in your hands was empty. Turning back, you made your way to your cart but stopped when a familiar figure caught your attention. 
Alhaitham, the most attractive academician you’d seen in the short years you’d been here. You were introduced to his existence a year ago when you took a linguistics class on a whim and, there he was, sitting to the side making it impossible to focus on the lecture. The amount of times you’d stop functioning because of him was enough to give yourself second-hand embarrassment. 
No one should be that attractive, you thought. 
After some time, you realized you were just staring at him, so you shook your head and stumbled back to the book-cart. Out of the corner of your eyes you saw several others in the library staring at him too. A stunning creature made their way over to him and you lost all nerve to watch. Picking up a pile of books, balancing them in one arm so you could put them back with the other, you turned to head down an isle but glanced back to see Alhaitham in a dialogue with a person far above your league. 
If there was someone he liked, it was certain to be someone like them. 
It wasn’t surprising how popular he was. With a face like that it was a shock he didn’t have twenty confessions a day. You tried to still your straining heart, did your best to ignore the sting in your eyes. It would make putting the books back a bit more difficult if you couldn’t see. 
You wandered through the isles. Careful to not make the floorboards creak to loudly as you scanned the authors names. “M ... Ma ...” Running your finger over the spines, you stopped when you found the right spot and slid your finger in between the two adjacent books. Making space, you reached for the book on the top of your pile and put it in its home. The rough leather tickled your skin as you ran it down the spine. Once settled, you examined the next book, unaware of the footsteps making their way toward you. “Ie... I -- oof.” You ran into something hard and just barely managed to stop the books in your arm from falling to the ground, “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t ---” 
Alhaitham was standing in front of you, eyes glaring at you and destroying whatever words were about to fall out of your mouth. His long, slender hand gripped the stack in your arm so they wouldn’t hit his torso. 
“H-hand --” you blubber out, he raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry!” Panicked, you apologized louder than you intended. At the same time, you twisted to the side and backed up so fast you smacked into the bookshelf. Several books teetered at your forceful jostling and came crashing down. Lifted your empty arm to shield your head, you close your eyes in anticipation of being hit. The books landed heavy as they fell to the floor but you didn’t feel any pain. When you opened your eyes, you jumped at the sight. 
Alhaitham’s body towered over yours, his arm was bent, hand balled into a fist and head covering you so the books wouldn’t hit you. You could feel his breath, see the darkness of his lashes, smell him -- you were sure you had a dream like this once before. He opened his eyes, wincing. 
“Archons, are you okay?!” you asked in a worried whisper. Without thinking, you lifted your hand to touch the back of his head. His hair was silky smooth; hair hypothesis confirmed, check. “Alhaitham, I’m so sorry.” you apologized, retracting your hand as he stood up to his full height. He rubbed the spot you touched making you feel even more terrible. You bit the inside of your cheek and lowered your head in shame. “I’ll pay for your check-up.” 
“What reason would you need to do that?” 
“B-because I got you hurt, its the least I could to ...” you explained. 
He examined his hand as if to check for blood and seemed satisfied to find none, “Healthcare in Sumeru is free,” he replied pointedly. In your state you completely forgot. It only made you more embarrassed. 
“... right.” You tried to play it off with a laugh but it came out strange, like you’d never laughed before. Archons, just let me die, you pleaded. “Anyway, I’m sure I was in your way. Let me clean up this mess so you can go on about your day.” 
“Did I say you were in my way?” he asked, watching you bend down to pick up the books that fell. 
“Well, no. I guess you didn’t, but ...” you shook your head as you placed book after book on your already heavy pile. Alhaitham’s feet moved out of view which made you happy and sad at the same time. You wanted to talk to him, wanted to hold his attention, but not like this. Should you say goodbye to him or ---? “Oh - um...” 
Alhaitham reappeared next to you, his hand reaching for the same book you were. You followed him as he stood up and placed the book back in its place and, without saying anything, he extended his hand down to you. Realizing he was asking for one of the books, you gave it too him and soon the two of you had the isle cleaned up. 
“Thank you. First you save me from the books, then helping me put them back. What did I do to deserve such a kindness,” you marveled, not waiting for a reply. “Anyway, I’ll be on my way.” With a small nod, you walked past him but didn’t make it very far. 
“Most people are wary of interacting with me,” he began, forcing you to turn back to look at him. His comment seemed so sudden, your expression doing little to hide the fact. “I’ve been told I am difficult to get along with. It is not in my interest to change what others think of me,” he looked at you and you pulled the books you still had closer to your chest. “Being social is not one of life's necessities. That is what I believe at least,” he took a step toward you and you took one back. The action made him pause. He looked to the left, jaw clenching for a second before his gaze returned to you. “I’ll occasionally go to the tavern for a drink after work.” He finished and you let the information digest. “Well then.” He turned and you were left speechless. 
Just as he was about to round the corner, you took several steps toward him, “Was that -” he twisted to look back at you, “are you inviting me to join you ...?” 
He smiled. The corner of his mouth lifting into a smirk, “Was that not obvious?” he answered before disappearing around the bookshelf and leaving you alone to feel the pressure of every author staring at you while you slowly combusted in the isle. 
You had liked him for so long. Had wracked your brain trying to find the best way to talk to him. All you ever managed was quick phrases and helpful recommendations when he was searching for something. 
You were sure he was the type of person to never show interest in anything other than his work or his books so ... why you? why all of a sudden?? what magical thing did you do to get his attention and how - how in the world were you going to keep it?? 
some things are better left unsaid, right?? 
You smiled politely to the customer before they turned and left the store. Their eyes gazing at the small bag you handed them moments ago. Whatever they would use that stone encrusted bracelet for, you weren’t sure, but it would look lovely nevertheless.  
Carefully, you started reorganized the jewelry in the case. No matter how diligent you were, there was no escaping messing up the display stands as you reached for ones further in. With a heavy sigh, you knelt down and pulled out the displays one by one. A container of rings placed at your side, a ornate necklace with a ruby balancing on top. Your hand passed over the felted shelf to remove the dust bunnies accumulating there. You were practically inside the large case when the door chime rang out. 
“One moment,” you maneuvered your arm to wave at the guest, to show them you were just on the other side. They didn’t say anything but you didn’t mind, you were cursing under your breath enough for the both of you. “... just go back ...” you huffed, finally placing the rings back in their proper place. With a click of the wooden door, you lifted yourself up only to have your heart leap out of your throat. “Welcome in, how can --” 
Diluc Ragnvindr was standing on the other side of the glass case. His eyes fixated on you - more than they ever had before. You felt faint. He pulled up his glove, scanning the case in front of him. 
Say something --- by the archons, say anything ... 
“H-Hello, Mr. Ragnvindr. How can I h-help you today?” shaking your head at how much you stumbled over your own words, you tried to put on a pleasant smile. When he glanced at you, you gripped the edge of the glass case for support. 
“Afternoon,” he began and you tried your best to listen without screaming. “I am looking for a gift.” 
“Ah- Well ...” you bit the inside of your lip, tilted your head, “If you’ll allow me some questions, I can find the best piece for you?” He nodded, once, and you set out to assist him. “All of our pieces are suitable for anyone. We take great care in making each and every one of them-” 
“Do you make these?” 
The question caught you off guard. Quickly, you shook your head, “Not all of them. I typically make the larger works, like these,” you pointed at a set of radiant broaches in the case over. They glittered in the light and made you happy to look at. “I’m building my skill to make finer jewelry like the rings, necklace pendants and the like.” You wanted to ramble on about your craft but forced yourself to stop. Diluc wasn’t interested in your work, he was here for a ... a gift. “Anyway, so, does this person prefer necklaces, rings, a bracelet?” 
“I’m unsure,” he glanced at you. Instinctually you swallowed and looked away. 
“Okay, well what color do they most often wear ...” 
The two of you went back and forth for a spell. You asking questions, pulling out pieces that he might enjoy and him giving his opinion, though it was very minimal. You did your best to be encouraging, helpful, even offering to wear a few of them so he could see what they would look like. It had been a while but, surprisingly no one interrupted you. 
This was certainly the longest conversation you’d ever had with Diluc. Most of the time, you managed to ask, “how are you today, Mr. Ragnvindr?” or “Do keep yourself safe on your travels,” with a soft smile and gentle wave. It was all you could do to keep your muscles contained - otherwise they’d move wildly about in your excitement. Your friends tried to strike up more in-depth conversations but you chickened out every time - cowered.  But right now it seemed easier to talk to him when you knew what to say without thinking. Jewelry was one of those things you loved. Helping people find the best piece was like a puzzle, a riddle no one else could solve. It was fun, and you were having fun helping him. 
“So, are we any closer to your perfect gift?” you asked with lightness in your voice. He rubbed his chin and shook his head. “It can be tough to decide. There’s no rush,” you smiled, a small chuckle floating from your throat. “What’s the occasion anyway, perhaps that will help us decide?” 
“Ah--” Diluc dropped his hand and cleared his throat. Confused, you took notice of his expression only to find his cheeks flush pink as he cleared his throat again. 
“... an anniversary ... maybe?” your throat felt tight at the realization. Of course he’d be here for something like this. A gift for his lover -- you heard rumors about him being with someone but it hurt to know it was true. He opened his mouth to speak but you couldn't bare to hear his answer, “If that’s the case,” you pressed on, praying your eyes would hold themselves together, “perhaps a paired piece would be best. You know, something the both of you could wear to let others know that -- um --” you blinked, bit your lip again and shook off the bubbling turmoil rising in your chest. “So sorry,” you held up your hand and reached for a cup of water on the back counter. With a large gulp, you pushed a lump back down into your chest. “So, does that sound good?” You finished, recomposed -- kinda. 
“That will do nicely.” 
“Excellent, then let me --” 
“May I ask for a paired broach set?” He pointed toward the broaches you hadn’t even pulled out. “Something practical would be best. Would it take long to make two pieces?” He looked back at you and you clumsily placed your glass on the counter. 
“N-No, It just depends on what they look like. Are you sure you want -- I mean, let me get my notebook.” You fought against your better judgement to persuade him toward something else. It wasn’t your place to question a customer; even if that customer wanted something you made to place on another. You were here to help him pick the best piece for his ... you had a job to-do. 
After several minutes of discussion, you had a sketch of the pieces and materials identified for each one. In his, a carnelian stone set in the middle, its reddish-orange hues certain to mimic the shine of his hair in the mid-day sun. While in his partners would hold a sunstone surrounded by golden filigree. Both would be able to rest nicely around the wearers neck, with, or without a tie. 
“These will take me about a week, is that alright?” you asked, jotting down more notes in your notebook. 
“I will return in a week then.” 
“Okay.” The two of you exchanged pleasantries. A bow from you, a nod from him, and after some unusual reluctance, he bid you well before leaving the store. You raced after him, locking the door so you could take a moment to let the tears you held back fall free.  
A week later and the brooches were done. They were some of your most beautiful work - considering the love you had for the owner, it wasn’t surprising that these pieces would be filled with your affection. 
When the day came, you couldn’t muster the strength to be there. Of course you wanted to see him, but there was no way you’d make it this time. Not in the exchange and the permanent knowing that he loved someone else. So, you asked your coworker to cover for you while you wandered around your house, depressed. 
A few days later you returned home after a long day. Today was your everything day, a day where you had to run from store to store to gather your weekly necessities, where you had to tend to yourself completely, and still work at the end of it all. You were exhausted, and just wanted to fall into bed. 
Luckily, you still hadn’t seen the owner of Diluc’s paired broach - you wouldn’t be able to handle it if you did. At least you could live one more day in blissful ignorance. 
You approached your apartment door. The small shelf of plants greeting you as you pushed the key into the doorknob. You were about to pass through when something caught your attention. Placed carefully behind one of the pots was a box, one you’d never seen before and one you certainly didn’t place there yourself. Shifting the items in your right hand to your left, you grabbed the box and brought everything inside. 
Kicking off your shoes, you rushed to the island counter in your kitchen. The bags fell over, an apple rolled to the floor, but you didn’t care. Quickly, you turned on the light so you could see the box in your hand. Your keys jingled as they slide down your finger, dangling on their metal ring so you could reach for the lid and pull it away. 
When you saw the goldened broach resting perfectly in the box, you crumbled to the floor. The sunstone glittered, the delicate designs that encased it brought tears to your eyes. “Why are you ...?” In the lid was a folded piece of paper that you practically ripped open to read: 
-- Diluc Ragnvindr
I apologize that I could not give this to you earlier. When you find this, I hope the message finds you well and ... conveys my intentions. If, however, they are unclear, I will explain myself further if you are free and would join me for dinner? 
Ill be waiting
Your heart was pounding, hands trembling as you reached for the broach in the box. Tears flooded your eyes as you searched for the clock in your apartment. 7:00pm -- was there enough time?? 
You didn’t wait, didn’t change, barely remembered to put your shoes on. The world was moving so fast and you were desperately trying to keep up. 
With tears drifting behind you as you ran, you prayed you weren’t too late as Angel’s Share came into view and you gripped the brooch tightly against your chest. 
some things are better left unsaid screaming from the heart
Xiao made it clear he didn’t want to be part of the human world. You knew that, knew he was selective in who he appeared before, who he shared his moments with. It was enough that you got to see him on the rare occasion you were spending an evening at Wangshu Inn. Most of the time you were passing by on your travels. If you had a spare moment, you’d head to the top to check in on him - unsure if he’d be there or not - while other times you swore you saw a shadow on the balcony looking down at you. Thought it was your wistful thinking he would be able to see you all the way down here - liking someone sure created powerful delusions. 
It didn’t matter if you liked him though. Xiao was a Yaksha, a protector of the land, immortal, and you were ... well none of those things. It was better to save yourself the embarrassment and him the discomfort. So you kept your love for him a secret. It was just better that way. 
“Thank you, I’ll make sure it gets there safely,” you professed to the inn owner with a small bow. She seemed pleased at your commitment and bowed with an equally pleasant smile. With swiftness, you turned on your heels and made your way to the elevator. The parcel fit nicely into your backpack, which you slung over your shoulder with ease. You waited patiently for the elevator to reach you and instinctually looked up at the balcony where the vigilant yaksha often stood. 
The creaking wood settled and you took several steps forward, keeping your eyes locked on the red-railed balcony. Suddenly, you were falling forward and you realized you had timed the elevator wrong. It still had several feet before reaching you. Shouting, you put your hands out to brace your fall when a gust of wind wrapped you up and set you on your feet. Your eyes were shut tight until cool hands touched your shoulders. 
Startled, you peeled them open and saw Xiao standing in front of you. He looked the same as always, if not a little worried. “Be careful,” he explained, holding you until you found your footing. The elevator finally came to a stop on the top floor, before long it began its decent.
“I’m sorry - I wasn’t looking,” Xiao didn’t say anything which you were glad of. If it were anyone else they might have scolded you but Xiao wasn’t like that. “Thanks,” you mumbled, embarrassed anyway. He let you go, moving several paces back to give you room. Your heart was pounding, but that wasn’t anything new when you were near him. He always managed to to set your body racing. 
“You’re here again,” he said, matter-of-factly. 
“Y-yeah. I had a delivery for Smile and h-he told me Verr Goldet had a p-package. Excuse me,” you coughed, swallowing to help ease your nerves. Adrenaline was rushing through your body so you did your best to shake it off. 
“Are you unwell?” 
“N-No, just recovering,” you chuckled, flashing a reassuring smile his way as you shook out your leg. He didn’t say anything else the whole way down which gave you plenty of time to return to as normal as possible. “Well, see you,” you said, waving to him on the elevator as you made your way down to the road. It was going to be a long walk back to the harbor but you didn’t mind. You enjoyed the walk - except when your path was blocked by bandits or hilichurls. 
You adjusted the pack on your back and began down the path when a gust of wind rushed past you. Confused, you turned investigate and were shocked to find Xiao walking slightly behind you. 
“X-Xiao?” He looked at you, making you pause. “Did - um - is everything okay?” 
“The road is dangerous. I’ll go with you,” he explained as he walked past you, taking the lead. 
“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” you tried to explain, rushing up to meet him, eyes scanning his features and becoming even more smitten by them. Xiao was by far one of the prettiest people you’d ever seen; from his eyes to his lips he was gorgeous. You licked your lips, prying your attention back to the road. “I promise I’m not as weak as I look,” you said, raising your arm to show him your muscles - if one could call them that. He simply huffed and continued to walk beside you.
Xiao wasn’t much of a talker. Even if he was, you wouldn’t know how to strike up a conversation with him. Would he be interested in the things you had to say? What enjoyment could he get in a conversation about mundane human things when he’s seen eons go by. You gripped the straps of your bag and tried not to let your thoughts get the better of you. 
The two of you walked in mostly silence. Every once in a while you’d make a comment about the scenery, ask a question about him which he’d give a curt reply to, or none at all. You did your best to stay positive but, before you knew it, the travel was over and you had reached the entrance to Liyue Harbor. 
“Thanks for escorting me, Xiao,” you thanked him, slipping the bag off your back. “Here,” reaching inside, you balanced the bottom of the bag on your leg so you could grab a small, wrapped item. It had broken in transit, but that wouldn’t affect the taste. “I made these this morning. Since I don’t think you want -- or even use -- mora, this is the best thing I can give you as thanks.” You handed the food to him and he took it without protest. “It’s a honey-lavender rice cracker, they are sweet which I know is your preference.” He opened the wrapping and pulled one out that wasn’t split in two. You could still see the indent of the lavender you pressed in the middle. Smiling, you put your bag back on and began to walk further down the hill. “Thanks again, Xiao Xiao,” you chuckled, waving at him from below. 
He didn’t follow you but you weren’t surprised. Xiao didn’t enjoy people so there was no way he’d willingly go into one of the busiest cities with you.
On your way, you passed by a familiar face who was looking at the hill you just descended. 
“Good evening, Zhongli,” you called out and he looked down at you from the top of the bridge. His smile warm, welcoming. 
“Evening,” he replied with a curt bow. You shuffled up to him, stopping just in front and gazing up at his face. He was already so tall but since he was higher on the bridge, he seemed even taller. “Returning from an delivery I see?” 
“Mhmm, just made it back and am on my way to drop off a book from Verr Goldet.” 
“I see,” he rubbed his chin, glancing up the hill before looking down at you, “What about your travel companion?” 
“Travel companion ...?” Confused, you looked back only to realize what he meant, “Oh, Xiao?” He nodded, “He wanted to walk me back to the city. He’s never really done that before but I didn’t want to press him, ya’ know.” 
“I see,” he repeated. After a moment of contemplation, his lips turned up into a smile, eyes glittering in the swaying lights. “It is unlike him to take an interest in the going on of humans. I am pleased to see him warming up to someone such as yourself.” 
“O-Oh, well I don’t think I’m all that special,” you played it off, your hand waving in front of your face. “He’s just being nice ...” your mask began to fade as the words fell from your mouth, “ ... just nice ...” You could feel Zhongli’s eyes on you so you quickly snapped back, “Sorry, Zhongli. I need to get to the book-house before it closes.” You bowed quickly before rushing off further into the city. 
Zhongli was astute so there was no way he didn’t notice how deflated you became. You’d never admit it to him, hell, you hardly admitted to yourself. Why would you? It was much safer to leave those desires of your heart in silence than let them be shared and destroyed in a matter of seconds. No, you’d keep the feelings you had in -- it was better that way. 
Zhongli watched as you made your way through the bustling harbor. He could feel the sadness wafting off you like mist from crashing waves. Zhongli had lived long enough to know what love looked like in a persons eyes - or how it felt on the wind. 
“Do not give up hope young-ones,” Zhongli hummed, head turning toward the small shadow on the hillside, “revelations may take their course in time. Isn’t that right, Alatus.“ The shadow faded but only after the figure it watched over disappeared from view. “Ah, fresh love,” Zhongli breathed deeply the air of evening waves with a knowing, energetic smile. 
some things are better in their own time
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lavandulawrites · 5 months ago
Hii! I saw ur post about short requests and am here to submit mine!
May I pretty please get a yan!Kinich, Yan!Cyno and Yan!Diluc with a darling who may or may not try to destroy anything they find around the house to annoy the yandere in hopes of letting darling leave(in darling's mind, if she shows the yan! that she is more trouble then worth it, maybe he will let her go)
Ty 4 reading my request!
Yandere Kinich, Cyno, And Diluc With a Darling Who Destroys Their Belongings
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Yandere Kinich, yandere Cyno, yandere Diluc x reader (all separate)
(Let me know if anyone wanna be apart of my taglist).
Warnings: imprisonment, possessiveness, obsession
Word count: 439
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You picked up yet another bowl and threw it as hard as you could against the wall. The green painted ceramics shattered in a pile on the floor. You scoffed as you picked up another and repeated the process. For each broken dish, your satisfaction grew.
You might not be able to escape Kinich, but you sure as hell would make his life as miserable as possible. As you held the expensive bowl over your head ready to throw it with all your might, the door flung open.
In stepped Kinich without his annoying companion. His hazel eyes narrowed as he scanned over the damage you had done to his dishes. “What the fuck have you done?” he hissed. You blinked as it was weird seeing him mad.
He shook his head as he pulled you into a tight embrace. “You could have gotten hurt. It seems that I must remove some of your privileges” he mumbled into your hair.
The General Mahamatra had a large storage space within his home filled to the brim with weapons. It was his priced collection.
The room was without any windows and lighting was poor. You let your hands run against the spears that were against the far wall. You curled your hand against one of them and lifted it out from its holder.
You bent it over your thigh and with all your might you managed to snap it in half. You tossed it aside as you picked up the next spear and snapped that one as well.
“If you think this is going to make me let you go, you are wrong [Name]” his voice broke you out from your trance.
Diluc were really starting to get in your nerves with his constant worry over your being. You hated how he treated you like a delicate flower, afraid you would fall apart should he handle you roughly.
So with anger boiling inside you, you decided to venture down into the wine cellar. Rows upon rows of various wines littered the space. They were all neatly sorted from date to date, and flavour to flavour.
You picked a bottle up and smashed it onto the cold ground. Watching the red liquid pour it from the broken bottle filled you with great glee so you repeated the process over and over. It wasn’t before you heard the heavy door open that you stilled in your movements.
“What have we here?” Diluc’s deep voice filled the space. He clicked his tongue. “You should’ve said you wanted more enrichment, my dear” he smiled gently. “Come let’s go upstairs, it’s getting late.”
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701 notes · View notes
queenpiranhadon · 8 months ago
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- Love Like You, Rebecca Sugar
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I...write for pretty much anything! You can check my fandoms list through the main navigation on my intro post!
Here are the ones I'm most comfortable writing for though:
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ➜
› My Hero Academia / Boku No Hero Academia
› Jujutsu Kaisen
› Spy x Family
› Demon Slayer
ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ ➜
› Harry Potter
› Riordanverse (check my fandoms list to which series I've read)
› The Inheritance Games
› Keeper of the Lost Cities
› The Hunger Games
ᴛᴠ ꜱʜᴏᴡꜱ + ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇꜱ ➜
› Avatar the Last Airbender & Legend of Korra
› Lego Ninjago
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɢᴀᴍᴇꜱ ➜
› Stardew Valley
› Genshin Impact
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ᡣ𐭩 = romantic pairing; ✩ = platonic pairing, ✿ = x another character (usually canon ship)
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ➜
› ⎸ Bakugou Katsuki ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Kirishima Ejirou ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Takami Keigo / Hawks ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Todoroki Touya / Dabi ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Aizawa Shouta ✩ ⎸ Hitoshi Shinsou ✩ ⎸ Todoroki Shouto ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Midoriya Izuku ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Eri ✩ ⎸ Ashido Mina ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Jirou Kyoka ✩ ⎸ Asui Tsuyu ✩ ⎸ Yaoyorozu Momo ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Usagiyama Rumi ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Gojo Satoru ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Sukuna Ryomen ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Itadori Yuji ✩ ⎸ Fushiguro Megumi ✩ ⎸ Nanami Kento ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Geto Suguru ᡣ𐭩 ⎸
› ⎸Kugisaki Nobara ✩ ⎸ Maki Zen'in ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Anya Forger ✩ ⎸ Yor Forger ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Loid Forger ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Kamado Tanjirou ✩ ⎸ Hashibira Inosuke ✩ ⎸ Agatsuma Zenitsu ✩ ⎸ Tomika Giyu ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Uzui Tengen ᡣ𐭩 ⎸
› ⎸ Kamado Nezuko ✩ ⎸ Kanroji Mitsuri ✩ ⎸
ʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ ➜
› ⎸ Sirius Black ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Fred Weasley ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Remus Lupin ✩✿ ⎸ James Potter ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Hermione Granger ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Luna Lovegood ✩ ⎸ Ginny Weasley ✩ ⎸ Nymphadora Tonks ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Percy Jackson ✩✿ ⎸ Grover Underwood ✩ ⎸ Nico DiAngelo ✩✿ ⎸ Will Solace ✩✿ ⎸ Jason Grace ✩ ⎸ Leo Valdez ✩ ⎸ Luke Castellan ✩ ⎸ Frank Zhang ✩✿ ⎸ Carter Kane ✩✿ ⎸ Walt Stone ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Annabeth Chase ✩✿ ⎸ Piper McLean ✩ ⎸ Thalia Grace ✩ ⎸ Hazel Levesque ✩✿ ⎸ Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano ✩ ⎸ Sadie Kane ✩✿ ⎸ Zia Rashid ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Jameson Hawthorne ✩✿ ⎸ Grayson Hawthorne ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Nash Hawthorne ✩✿ ⎸ Xander Hawthorne ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Avery Kylie Grambs ✩✿ ⎸ Libby Grambs ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Keefe Sencen ✩✿ ⎸ Fitz Vacker ✩ ⎸ Dex Dizznee ✩✿ ⎸ Tam Song ✩✿ ⎸ Kesler Dizznee ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Sophie Foster ✩✿ ⎸ Biana Vacker ✩✿ ⎸ Marella Redek ✩✿ ⎸ Linh Song ✩✿ ⎸ Juline Dizznee ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Finnick Odair ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Peeta Mellark ✩✿ ⎸ Haymitch Abernathy ✩ ⎸ Coriolanus Snow ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Katniss Everdeen ✩✿ ⎸ Rue Barnette ✩ ⎸ Cressida ✩ ⎸ Lucy Gray Baird ✩✿ ⎸ Johanna Mason ✩ ⎸
ᴛᴠ ꜱʜᴏᴡꜱ + ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇꜱ ➜
› ⎸ Bucky Barnes ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Stephen Strange ✩ ⎸ Tony Stark ᡣ𐭩✩✿ ⎸ Peter Parker ᡣ𐭩✩✿ ⎸ Steve Rogers ✩✿ ⎸ T'Challa ✩ ⎸ Peter Quill ✩ ⎸ Thor ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Natasha Romanoff ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Yelena Belova ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Kate Bishop ✩ ⎸ MJ ✩✿ ⎸ Pepper Potts ✩✿ ⎸ Shuri ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Aang ✩✿ ⎸ Zuko ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Sokka ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Iroh ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Katara ✩✿ ⎸ Toph ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Cole Brookstone ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Kai Smith ᡣ𐭩✩✿ ⎸ Zane Julien ᡣ𐭩✩✿ ⎸ Lloyd Garmadon ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Jay Walker ✩✿ ⎸
› ⎸ Nya Smith ✩✿ ⎸ Skylar Chen ✩✿ ⎸ Pixal Borg ✩✿ ⎸
ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɢᴀᴍᴇꜱ ➜
› ⎸ Sebastian ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Sam ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Alex ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Krobus ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Haley ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Leah ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Sandy ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Maru ✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Diluc Ragnvindr ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Zhongli ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸ Kaeya Alberich ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Tartaglia ᡣ𐭩✩ ⎸
› ⎸ Beidou ᡣ𐭩 ⎸ Klee ✩ ⎸
You are totally fine to request for any of the characters in the fandoms listed, but these are the ones I'm the most comfortable with :)
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ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ➜
› ⎸ x reader ⎸ fem, gn, male readers ⎸ gore/blood ⎸ AU's ⎸ family relationships - ex. Dad Aizawa, brother Megumi ⎸ character x character ⎸ friend relationships (you and Haymitch are best friends) ⎸ character x character family relationships (Weasley twin shenanigans) ⎸ poc readers ⎸
ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ➜
› ⎸ smut ⎸ racism in a positive way ⎸ homophobia in a positive way ⎸ incest + stepcest ⎸ sexism in a positive way ⎸ slander to any religion or culture in a positive way ⎸
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ➜
› If I don't answer a request- I promise I don't hate you I'm super slow I'm sorry 😭
› I will not write any requests I am uncomfortable with.
› Happy requesting ~
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Genshin Impact Masterlist - One Shots/Drabbles
Updated: 18.11.2024 🔞 = mature Other masterlists: mother masterlist, Genshin Impact Masterlist - Series
Genshin Charachters
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Nothing today...
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A Gesture by @witch-hazels-musings (added: June 7th, 2024)​
↳ “Reader gets a blister on their foot, Genshin men notice and provide respite from the discomfort”
↳ Diluc, Xiao
🔞 An angel clad in wings by @masuchu
↳ “What happens when you gift your boyfriend a rather… provocative photo?”
↳ Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Ayato, Al Haitham, Kaveh
How you made at me, 'cuz I'm a cunt, bitch? by @staryuee (added: June 4th, 2024)​
↳ “You wouldn’t call yourself rude just…”free-spirited” and liberal in your word choices”
↳ Childe, Ayato
I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you (and I) by @kleewie (added: June 4th, 2024)​
↳ “Could I request Kaeya and Diluc's little sister making them lunch boxes because she's always worrying about their health?”
↳ Eula, Xiao, Thoma, Ei, Furina, Navia, Wriothesley
Kaeya & Diluc w Sibling!Reader by @genshin-obsessed
↳ “Could I request Kaeya and Diluc's little sister making them lunch boxes because she's always worrying about their health?”
↳ Kaeya, Diluc
Look, but don't touch. by @mrpenguinpants (added: July 29th, 2024)​
↳ “You're the only one who's allowed to touch him. Likewise, he's the only one that's allowed to touch you.”
↳ Childe, Scaramouche, Pantalone, Dottore
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Nothing today...
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Intoxicating by @xiaowhore
↳ “Your boyfriend dumps you and says he doesn't love you anymore. of course, being the petty bitch that you are, you have to prove that you don't need him in your life either. and of course, intense emotions often lead to rash decisions, so you go to a bar in hopes of finding a new man.”
Lunch Break by @earthtooz
↳ “In which: you don't visit Wriothesley during his lunch break after last night's argument, so he goes to the court of Fontaine just to see you.”
May life treat you better next time. by @xxakoip (added: June 4th, 2024)​
↳ “The Grim Reaper, the embodiment of death itself. If someone told you a year ago that your heart would beat faster for such a monster, you would probably call them crazy and run away. Unfortunately for you, they would be 100% right.”
No Title 1 by @blushfwul
↳ Pulling Wrio by his tie to kiss him, maybe even him using it on the wrists later..."
Unspoken Thoughts by @thesparklingwriter (added: July 28th, 2024)​
↳ “Reader goes on a blind date with a Karen.”
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None today...
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Code Red. by @phoenixblaze1412
↳ “Fem reader who has a terrible mood swings during her period?”
No-no Word. by @phoenixblaze1412 (added: July 30th, 2024)​
↳ “Now, Zandik established a rule among the rest of his segments that no one is allowed to cuss whenever you're in the room.”
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None today...
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A Leyline Incident by @genshin-scenarios (added: July 30th, 2024)​
↳ “A leyline mishap has transported you and Wanderer into his memories – aka back to when he was still Kabukimono.
This'll wear off in a few hours, but you don’t know how long you can last when Wanderer’s acting like this.”
PDA w/ Wanderer by @sixosix
No Title 1 by @phoenixblaze1412
↳ “Inspired by Wanderer’s bday letter"
No Title 2 by @sharkssharka
No Title 3 by @lustlovehart (added: June 4th, 2024)​
↳ “The ballader has quite the habit, and you're curious as to how deep into it he is, so you take it upon yourself to find out.”
No Title 4 by @primofate (added: June 7th, 2024)​
↳ “Scara who has been taken care of by Nahida, meets a girl who he falls in love with. You know the whole "I don't need anyone" turning into "Yeah maybe I deserve this" but slowly.”
Sparks amidst the snow by @silkjade (added: July 30th, 2024)​
↳ “He meets you again for the first time since erasing himself from Irminsul, and new hope flickers in the barren cold.”
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Nothing today...
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No Title 1 by @jinxlixir
↳ “In which Childe is really in love with you"
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Nothing today...
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Home, Your Arms by @freillette
↳ “The tired Iudex only yearns to be in your arms."
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Nothing today...
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Jealous Zhongli by @augustinewrites (added: July 28th, 2024)​
↳ “Nestled right in the heart of Qiaoying village sits a cozy little apothecary run by you and Zhongli. ”
No Title 1 by @dragon-ascent (added: June 7th, 2024)​
↳ “Imagine how curious Morax must have been about humanity when he first began ruling over them.”
No Title 2 by @dragon-ascent (added: July 28th, 2024)​
↳ “He finds her skill at textile design impressive but he can't help but feel a bit jealous that a creation of fabric and cotton stole his beloved.”
No Title 3 by @dragon-ascent (added: July 29th, 2024)​
↳ “Headcanon that Morax can flirt like CRAZY…except he's not really aware that he's flirting; he's just being sincere.”
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In the warmth by @satori-runa (added: Nov 18th, 2024)​
↳ “You are genuinely wondering why your captain doesn't show more skin despite Natlans hot temperatures.”
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quimichi · 1 year ago
I would like to ask for an appearance matchup for One Piece, Genshin, Haikyuu, and Hxh.
Here's a Pic Crew
My actual eye color is Hazel and my hair is more highlighted. I am petite, 5'1, small on top medium bottom. Personality wise I am pretty shy and nervous until I get used to being around a person then I get loud and talkative. Also Thank you in advance!
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A/n: awwww what a cute picrew! The knife tho-
ONE PIECE - Sanji 《Runner up: Koby》
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GENSHIN IMPACT - Diluc 《Runner up: Lyney》
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HXH - Kurapika 《Runner up: Shalnark》
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HAIKYUU - Hinata 《Runner up: Yamaguchi》
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kasuna-kotonoha · 11 months ago
Which siblings from Genshin would you want to see in a hypothetical Fandom Siblings React fic? Feel free to nominate other sets if you have them.
Other included pairs are
Shin Tsukimi and Kanna Kizuchi (Your Turn to Die)
Gin and Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Bungo Stray Dogs
Sunday and Robin (Honkai Star Rail)
Sokka and Katara (Avatar: The Last Air Bender)
Tanjiro/Nezuko and Shinobu/Kanao (Demon Slayer)
Sae/Makoto and Goro/Futaba (Persona 5) (Yes I know Futago siblings is a headcanon)
Nico di Angelo and Hazel Levesque (Heroes of Olympus)
Ruby and Dia Kurosawa (Love Live Sunshine)
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cloudwisp · 1 month ago
hi hello hazel I'm just stopping by to
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because hadjkghdjksaghk your tags on my little Diluc blurb???? So kind and sweet and made my day to wake up to 😭💙 I hope you have a fantastic week - and I'm excited to be mutuals and learn more about you and Wrio (that art you have as your header is stunning btw, the hand on your lower back?? <33)
Omgosh the gif!! HAHA hello Crow & thank you for dropping by, I’m so happy to be mooties with you too!! That Diluc ficlet really moved me, I enjoyed it sm especially when it’s during the early stages of a relationship. And ty for the compliments on my selfship art hehe, have an amazing week ahead <33
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faerieluvss · 2 months ago
Your tags on Harbinger Diluc made me giggle 🤭🤭🤭
The next chapter is written, need to edit, hope you like it!!
- Hazel ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
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teeheeehee tysm for likening my little tags!!
lovelovelove how you write diluc with such care, brings me much joy as a diluc enjoyer <33
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ao3feed-dilucnkaeya · 5 months ago
Whumptober list!!!
Read on AO3
by Seaweedbrain_Scara
Prompt list for what you’ll be expecting for Whumptober
Words: 249, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Whumptober 2024
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians (TV 2023), The Inheritance Games - Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Arlecchino (Genshin Impact), Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Freminet (Genshin Impact), Frank Zhang, Collei (Genshin Impact), Will Solace, Tighnari (Genshin Impact), Xander Hawthorne, Kinich (Genshin Impact), Leo Valdez, Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Nico di Angelo, Lyney (Genshin Impact), Charlotte (Genshin Impact), Jason Grace, Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Percy Jackson, Sethos (Genshin Impact), Original Characters, Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Cyno (Genshin Impact), Nilou (Genshin Impact), Piper McLean, Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact), Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact), Sarah (Percy Jackson and the Olympians TV 2023), Magnus Chase, Diluc (Genshin Impact), Carter Kane, Albedo (Genshin Impact), Hazel Levesque, Kaveh (Genshin Impact)
Relationships: Arlecchino & Clervie (Genshin Impact), Arlecchino & Columbina (Genshin Impact), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Freminet & Columbina (Genshin Impact), Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Ajaw & Kinich (Genshin Impact), Calypso/Leo Valdez, Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc/Jean (Genshin Impact), Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, Nico di Angelo & Hades, Cocoa Puffs & Nico di Angelo, Nico di Angelo & Hazel Levesque, Charlotte/Lyney (Genshin Impact), Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace, Faruzan & Scaramouche (Genshin Impact), Cyno & Sethos (Genshin Impact), nico di Angelo / original male character, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Cyno/Nilou (Genshin Impact), Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Xiao | Alatus/Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact), Raiden Ei | Baal & Scaramouche & Yae Miko, Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro, Carter Kane & Sadie Kane
Additional Tags: Whumptober 2024
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ch4rryc0smos · 5 months ago
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❝ 'cause you know me better than i know myself! ❞
𓇼 — i'm not the most... aesthetic, with ships, and all, and girl, is this WORK. but i'm doing it. i want a nice and organised blog alright. chat we can do it !! subjected to change ofc
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♡ — kenji sato ༝ hazel vellichor ⋮ 🪻🥀 ⌇ emethyst ⌇ kenzel ♡ — sal fisher ༝ sage valencia ⋮ 🎸💌 ⌇ sapphirerald ⌇ valsher ♡ — art donaldson ༝ marion rosevelt ⋮ 🎾🖋️ ⌇ masterpiece ⌇ artion ♡ — ivan ༝ ember sinclair ⋮ 🪩🎤 ⌇ ivamber ⌇ sinclaivan
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── .✦ MULTIPLE ╰── ﹙ genshin impact ﹚ ⿻
♡ — zhongli ༝ viatrix ⋮ to be named ♡ — kamisato ayato ༝ navodya adlea ⋮ to be named ♡ — diluc ragnivndr ༝ s'ena lavanyah ⋮ to be named ♡ — xiao ༝ anissa ka'rem ⋮ to be named
╰── ﹙ dear evan hansen ﹚ ⋆
♡ — connor murphy ༝ blaire callahan ⋮ 🌑🌕 ⌇ murllahan ⌇ connaire ♡ — evan hansen ༝ blaire callahan ⋮ 🖊️✉️ ⌇ blaevan ⌇ callansen ♡ — connor murphy ༝ blaire callahan ༝ evan hansen ⋮ 🍀🍁🍂 ⌇ blairevannor ⌇ murllansen
╰── ﹙ resident evil ﹚ ☆
♡ — leon kennedy ༝ soleil viella-eirian ⋮ 💿🥂 ⌇ sunlit dusk ⌇ soleon ♡ — carlos oliveira ༝ soleil viella-eirian ⋮ 🐈‍⬛🕸️ ⌇ moonlit dawn ⌇ carleil ♡ — luis serra ༝ soleil viella-eirian ⋮ 🍾🎱 ⌇ rhythmic sunray ⌇ soluis
╰── ﹙ cookie run: kingdom ﹚ ♡
♡ — pure vanilla ༝ jasmine ⋮ 📜🪶 ⌇ morning rhapsody ⌇ pure pepper ♡ — dark cacao ༝ jasmine ⋮ 🗝️♟️ ⌇ midnight rhapsody ⌇ cacao pepper ♡ — pure vanilla ༝ jasmine ༝ dark cacao ⋮ 📜🪶🗝️ ⌇ starlit requiem ⌇ dark pure cinnamon ♡ — elder faerie ༝ rosemary ⋮ 🍸☘️ ⌇ imperial divinity ⌇ saffron faerie ♡ — mercurial knight ༝ rosemary ⋮ 🦢⚔️ ⌇ silver faith ⌇ earl knight ♡ — elder faerie ༝ rosemary ༝ mercurial knight ⋮ 🦢⚔️🍸 ⌇ saintly creed ⌇ elder saffron knight
ch4rryc0smos © 2024
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natsuyuki-w · 9 months ago
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< back to the file cabinet All of the fics are not mine!
⁕ a safe place | showing to tighnari ; kaveh and kazuha their teapot space | by bedobaloons ⁕ campus encounters (pt iv) | cyno, alhaitham, kaveh uni!au | by ariiadnes ⁕ floral crowns | al-haitham; cyno; kaveh; tighnari | by hikari3601 ⁕ kissing you | kaeya; diluc; hat guy; arlecchino; al-haitham, suggestive | by ordowrites 
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fanfictions (sfw)
xiao ⁕ his supernova | fluff to angst, x gn!reader | by yoistars ⁕ reach for me | modern au, x fem!reader | by andimlonely
kazuha ⁕ it has to be you | photography major! kazuha x gn!reader | by alcsec
kaeya ⁕ a traveler’s love | adventures with husband!kaeya and diluc, traveler gn!reader | by mya-valentine ⁕ frost nipping at your nose | warming you up, x gn!reader | by glassrowboat ⁕ protection ritual | confession, gn!reader | by witch-hazels-musings
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< back to the file cabinet
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witch-hazels-musings · 1 year ago
this is what it feels like
warning: sfw, fluff, comfort | seeing them after a long time apart
includes: Albedo, Childe, Diluc, Thoma, Zhongli, Xiao
character x gn reader |  anthology | short read
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You could feel your heart, how it thrummed in your chest and fluttered slightly when you picked up the pace. The closer you got to your destination, the more painful the waiting became. You wanted to be there, wanted to see him with eyes you swore were growing cloudy and getting more challenging to keep clear.
You were ready, so you practically ran.
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Sounds of whirring machines spilled into the hallway. They mingled with the swift, drumming pace of your footsteps. A voice, his voice, slipped through the cracks in the door and you pushed forward, ignoring the kind strangers who greeted you.
There was only one thing - one person - on your mind.
"It may be that a miscalculation occurred; I would recommend we review more closely the --" Alebeo paused mid-sentence and lifted his head from the bent-back notebook he was previously reviewing. The student who was sitting in the chair next to him saw you as soon as you stepped through the door. They glanced at Albedo and tried to hide their smile.
Albedo twisted and your eyes met.
"Hi," you said with a small wave. Panting, focused on the man you'd dreamed about seeing for days. Now that you were here, however, it was hard to move again. Was it appropriate for you to be here, had you interrupted something important?
You let your one-track mind get the better of you again.
Albedo let the notebook slide into the ready hands of his student. His gaze locked, taking all of you in.
You laughed, relieved, "I'm home," you professed with a smile and opened your arms as Albedo left his work behind to greet you with a wanting embrace.
You better return to me - I promise
The promise you made over a week ago swirled in your mind. You'd let the scene play out so much that it was starting to twist and distort into fallacies and imaginations untrue to the source. However, nothing dared warp the feeling of his lips when he pressed them to your cheek and whispered, 'Don't make me wait long.' Those recollections lived on in destitute moments just before bed and the bittersweet seconds of rising from it.
But, now. Now the boat was pulling into port and you could hardly contain your excitement.
Would he be there? Would he be the first thing you see when you docked?
You were desperate, hopeful, but most of all, you were tired of feeling lonely.
The dock appeared slowly. You scanned the sturdy boards for him and rushed to the other side of the bow to get another view. No matter how hard you looked, you couldn't find him. You jerked forward as the boat docked and wasted no time making it to the pier below.
With your bag slung over your shoulder, you ran into the thick of the crowd. Eyes scanning, head on a swivel as you searched for him. People glanced your way but kept on. One woman looked at you with knowing eyes - eyes that lamented, 'You're looking for your lover too, aren't you?'
You turned to look down the stone harbor but couldn't see him. Disheartened, you let your bag fall to your side.
Then, like the whistling wind of the sea, you heard your name. Snapping your head to the left, you saw a man standing at the top of the stone hill, chest heaving, shoulders rising and falling, and eyes zeroed in on you.
"Ajax!" You called back, dropping your bag where it was and rushing up the hill to meet him. He did the same, and as you ran toward each other, you crashed into him like a wave. Childe hoisted you in the air. The momentum carried the two of you toward the water, but he never let you go. "I've returned. As promised," you told him, tears bubbling up in your eyes so you hid your face against his shoulder.
"So you did," he replied, kissing the top of your head and tightening his hold on you as if his hands were making their own vows to never let you go again.
It had been weeks since the two of you had seen each other. Weeks since you had woken up next to him or found him lost in thought in his study. Countless hours had gone by since you heard his voice or felt the warmth of his touch. You were desperate for it but also nervous to accept it again.
Distance was meant to make the heart grow stronger, right?
As you paced back and forth across the floor, you were starting to regret your decision to hide in the upper room of Angel's Share. Charle's assured you he'd send Diluc your way, but what if they got busy, what if Diluc realized he needed to walk back to the Winery? You should have gone to the estate instead of concocting some elaborate surprise - especially when you were terrible at them.
Shaking your head, you made for the door. Unable to keep the antsy tingling of your nerves from taking over, but the moment you grabbed the doorknob, heavy footfalls made you freeze and you were just fast enough to stumble back when the door swung open with immense force.
Your alarm was replaced by overflowing elation at the sight that greeted you. Diluc's hand gripped the doorknob, his eyes held pools of desperation as they looked at you, as they searched your face, pleading to reassure him that you were, in fact, not a dream.
"I'm home-" you started but he cut you off by pulling you into a suffocating hug. His body leaned into yours, his palm cupped the back of your head and his other gripped the back of your clothes. You returned the hug with just as much fervor.
Pulling back, you pressed your hands against his cheeks and found his lips like one finds a flicker of light in utter darkness. You heard the sound of the door slam shut but didn't care to pull away enough to look. Diluc's fingers tugged at your hair while he kissed you with famished lips.
"I hate when you leave," he professed when he let you finally catch your breath, his eyes heavy, lost in you.
"I'm not fond of it either," you admitted and let your fingers rest against his chin. "Did Charles tell you I was back?"
Diluc shook his head, his lips brushing over yours and placing several more heated kisses against them, "I heard you."
Furrowing your brows, you pulled away even though he tried to chase you, "Up here? That could have been anyone," you chuckled.
"No one else's footsteps sound like my dreams," he explained and you answered him with a trembling lip and a warm, forever, embrace.
It had been nearly two weeks since you'd been near Thoma. Since you'd received the comfort he was so keen on giving. Since he reminded you of the qualities you forgot when he wasn't around. Since you could caress his face and have him touch yours.
Each night was more challenging. Sending letters was too slow. Hearing updates from others felt impersonal. You wanted to see him, wanted to hold him, wanted to hear him. So, you picked up the pace and apologized to the attendants you waved off so you wouldn't get distracted.
Your chest tightened the moment you saw him. Even when you tugged at your clothes to create space, it wasn't enough to alleviate the pressure building inside your ribcage. Your heart ached. Involuntary tears ran down your cheeks. Taking a step toward him, the wooden boards beneath you creaked and, though it was small, quiet, impossible to detect even for you, Thoma stopped what he was doing and turned toward the noise.
Confusion shifted to disbelief until realization set in and the pounding sound of his footsteps made their way toward you.
Thoma wrung his hands on the towel tucked into his pants so that when he made it to you and slid his arms under you to lift you into the air before letting you fall toward him, against him, in his arms that felt so much like home, he made sure his hands were clean and void of any stain that could tarnish you.
"I missed you," he proclaimed, one hand flush against the back of your head while the other kept you as close as it could.
"I missed you more," you admitted and held onto him with no intent of letting go.
You pressed a finger to your lips to hush the receptionist whose eyes lit up at the sight of you. "He's in his office," they whispered with a smile. You nodded and crept further into the parlor. The halls were coated in familiar scents. Scents you associated with the resigned archon who walked them every day.
When you got to the door, you lifted your hand to knock, hesitated, then let your knuckle rap against the door one, two, three times.
"Enter," the voice on the other side said, so you did. "I have yet to sign off on the procession request. The contract is of issue, which I will review with careful consideration ..." Zhongli explained, and you stifled a laugh.
He was turned away from you. His elegant chair turned to face the window. A steaming cup of tea had been left abandoned on his desk - a clear sign he was lost in thought.
When you were close enough, you slid your hands around his face to cover his eyes. Without missing a beat, Zhongli said your name, ruining the surprise.
"How did you know it was me?" you asked as he twisted in his chair to take your hands in his and hold them tenderly against his lips.
"I would recognize the sound of your footsteps even if time had taken all my senses," he professed as if it were a simple fact, as he kissed the tips of your fingers in adoration. When he looked at your face you were trying your best to keep your eyes upward to stop the tears that fell because of him.
Because of the love of him.
"I missed you dearly," he added, his thumb caressing your cheek to wipe away the warm tears.
"I missed you. So much," you mirrored and wrapped your arms around his shoulders even as he rose to his full height to draw you nearer to him.
The marshland smelled just the way you remembered, the clinging warmth of it lingered on your skin. After being on the dry, salt-biting sea for so long you could feel yourself reacclimating to the climate.
It had been weeks since you last saw him.
You almost couldn't stand it.
The tower that was Wangshu Inn lingered in the distance but no matter how close you got to it, the further away it seemed. You were frustrated, anxious, ready to climb to the top and wrap your arms around the man who invaded your thoughts more often than you thought possible.
You imagined him, remembered the comfort of him, could recall the lingering presence of him - like something familiar was hovering in the edges of your view, but you could never quite place it. He was always there - or, at least, the intensity of your love for him felt that way.
"Almost there," you promised as you climbed one of the red bridges above the streams surrounding the marsh.
"Took you long enough," a voice answered, making you spin on your toes to see its owner.
Xiao stood at the bottom of the bridge, arms crossed, eyes falling to the ground while you stared at him in disbelief.
Was it really him, or was it another figment of your desperate imagination?
When his eyes met yours, you knew. You knew it was real, and so you ran to him. Xiao caught you like wind rushing through his hair, and you slid your fingers across his back to remind your hands what he felt like.
"Aren't you going to say it?" he asked, gruff and close as he pressed his forehead against your neck.
"Say wh--? Oh, sorry," you laughed, overwhelmed with love and joy, "I'm home."
"Welcome home."
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bunny-rambles · 2 years ago
💌 Send this to the nicest people you know or those who have a good heart. Me and your fo/s loves you <3 💌
I can’t tell you how much I smiled when you I got this omg thank you so much, Hazel <33
still can’t believe one of my biggest inspirations for even starting this blog is saying such sweet things to me OTL
I haven’t checked in for a while - I hope you’re doing okay !!
You too are also one of the nicest individuals I’ve had the pleasure of knowing 🩵
Diluc loves you so much (and so do I ehe)
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nerdyladyrebel · 2 months ago
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Thank you for the tag my dearest @starmocha 💗
💍 Sylus (Lnds); Diluc (Genshin); Thoma (Genshin); Steve Rogers (Marvel);
not me picking all the characters that could protect and take care of me.
💤 I toss and turn alot but I usually get the best sleep on either my back or front.
I'll tag @witch-hazels-musings @tetsuskei @tbaluver. Feel free to participate if you want. 😊
I have no idea how this works so here we go 🫠🙃
@amathslutsguidetofandom @xoxunhinged @pepperyduck @ltash @mall0ww @v1x3n @xxshadowbabexx @celestialprincesse @erinfern0 @m00nxghost @chamomiletealeaf @soap-ify @gluttonybiscuits @tomiesdiet @cinnamorollcrybaby
first, search your name + [aesthetic] on pinterest and add the first 4 pics 🌌
then, name 5 fictional characters you'd marry in a heartbeat 💍
lastly, which position you sleep in 😴
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simon riley (duh)
gojo satoru
nanami kento
levi ackerman
erwin smith
I mostly sleep on my back and right side :)
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hazelhavoc · 2 years ago
Hello! I'm Hazel. I'm 21 and female, and I have a lot of OC's!
This is for Genshin Impact!
I have some OC's (that I may add to in the future).
If you'd like to roleplay with me then you can message me. But first-
I only do literate, no * or stuff like that (I'll write an example).
I'd prefer it to be on Discord.
I only write as my OC's. I feel very comfortable with them. You can be just canon characters if you'd like, I don't mind. If there are lots (like battles was stuff) in a scene, I'll do my best to help you.
This is going to be a one-on-one roleplay. No groups, it's too chaotic for me.
You have to be at least 19+ age range.
No minors, because I will be doing dark themes, NSFW, and the like. And no, I will not make exceptions. (Please don't lie to me about your age, that's just fucked up and I'll immediately block you if you do.)
You have to have knowledge of Genshin Impact and shit, don't interact if you barely know anything about it.
You have to put in just as much effort as me. I don't want to come back to a half-assed reply. Especially since I write A LOT. It would just discourage me. 50/50 is preferred. Don't force yourself to write if you don't want to.
If you have OC's, that's alright too. Just ask me before you randomly throw them in. I'll be showing you my OC's in advance before we start writing. Just know that I do still want you to control a canon character-
COMMUNICATION IS KEY. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid of me either, haha. I just have to be firm.
And please don't ghost me, several people have done that and it just hurts. Tell me if you're going to be gone for a while, or if you want to change the rp, or you just need a break.
We can talk outside the roleplay! I don't mind, exchange UID's if you'd like (if we're on the same server).
I have mostly caught up to the story. I haven't done the recent interlude or main archon quest with Dainsleif. I take my time during each update, and I don't like rushing. Getting rid of the content will just put me back in a stump, and I'd take another several month long break. So please don't spoil me, I'd appreciate it.
I don't ship cc x cc. I never have. It just doesn't appeal to me. It's alright if you do, but I don't like talking about it since it's not in my field of interest. The only types I like is sibling/familia with cc's. Unless a romantic relationship is stated to be canon by the developers then I won't step into it haha.
I only roleplay on Discord. One of creates a private server, to keep it nice and neat.
I love the characters - Itto, Zhongli, Alhaitham, Cyno, Dainsleif, Kazuha, Kaeya, Ayato, Xiao, Diluc, Venti, Dottore, Beidou, Yae Miko, Dehya, Yelan, Ningguang, Sara, Jean, and a couple of the Fatui Harbingers featured in the Lazzo video, though I don't know if you'd want to know since they haven't had any characterization in the story yet.
We'd have to talk a bit before writing, such as your own limitations, boundaries, and the like as well!
Now, here's an example of my writing that involves one of my OC's.
Aere watches as the sun goes down over the mountains, leaning on the railing of the ship as they get closer to Liyue harbor. A small grin slips onto her face as she stands straighter, rushing down the steps of the Crux and standing near where the ship docks. She'd hitched a rid with Captain Beidou, after some convincing that she wouldn't be a burden or complain. Her word was true, keeping mostly quiet through the entire trip. Aere makes sure to check her bag, mentally noting everything she has just in case she forgets anything. After seeing that everything is in order, she closes the bag and waits.
Staying near the edge so she's not in the way of the people rushing around. An attentive gaze follows each motion, every detail noted down. She'd made a lot of artwork recently of the ocean, regions passed, and people's she's seen.
Aere looks up at Beidou walks down the stairs, having left steering the ship to her right hand. "I see you're eager to get off. Want stable ground instead of a rocking boat?" Beidou laughs, resting her hands on her hips. Waiting patiently as Aere takes out a small book and writes down her response. 'It was a fun trip, if I could, I'd stay- but I've wanted to come here for a long time. Thank you again, Captain Beidou!' Aere shows her, instead of a smile- the artist ends up having an arm wrapped around her shoulder. A friendly side hug that has Aere staring blankly in shock. "You don't hav'ta keep thanking me! You're always welcome on my ship. I'll see you another time, Aere!" Beidou let's go, patting her shoulder firmly a couple of times before moving to direct the others to grab supplies and items, and put them in the port.
Aere smiles softly, keeping her small book out, and setting the pencil in her right pocket. Taking a deep breath, she takes her first step into the bustling harbor.
I'd write more of course, but that's how I write as a general example!
I hope you consider it. Message me if you're interested! Or if you aren't, but you want to spread this, then you can reblog too!
See ya! :]
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mako-yaki · 3 years ago
For @witch-hazels-musings
The things you do to Diluc is unreal. The second he hears any mention of you anywhere, his heartbeat picks up and he feels warmth spread across his entire being in a good way. Heck, even the simple mention of your name has him smiling "like a lovestruck idiot," according to Kaeya. And Diluc Ragnvindr, for once, in his twenty over years of life, doesn't argue with Kaeya, because the younger is indeed right. He's in love with you with everything he has and more, and he'll never break the promise of protecting you, for he doesn't ever want to lose you.
Because losing you will also mean that he will lose himself again. Diluc had lost himself once, when he died, and you were the one who brought him back to life. So if he is to lose you,
this time around, he'll join you.
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