#hayley and kai
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slut4megantheestallion · 11 months ago
guys I'm n my vampire diaries era, like I lowkey miss the show and it just gave me memories on the first time I watched it I'm rewatching it the 2nd time but I also wanna write fics so when I have ideas I'll write, but if u guys have any request ask me 💗 also I watched a little bit of the originals but they took it off of netflix. These are the only characters I could think of and remember, but if there's another, please tell me so I could write them
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cancerian-woman · 6 days ago
Am I crazy or do the Bennett's give off only girls born into the bloodline vibes. Everytime I try to think of a male bennett witch my brain just goes blank
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I love talking about these underdeveloped witches. My shaylas fr. No, you’re not crazy. That’s exactly how it’s presented. The Bennett bloodline produces two things for certain: a.) a daughter and b.) a powerful witch no matter what. We can look at Sheila, Abby and Bonnie for example that’s three generations. If Bonnie were to have a child she’d be a daughter and witch.
TVD writers mishandled Bonnie and characters of color period because by TVDU’s rules Bonnie should’ve had magic as a baby. The Bennett magic is so strong to continue to exist within their thousands of descendants. It’s in their DNA.
Where Emily was killed she marked the Earth with power. We can assume when Bennett women die this is what they do with their magic. Who values their connection to Earth? Bennett Women. Abby’s transition was so hard because she lost her connection to Earth.
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Even the tombstones we were shown for the Bennett’s were both women. Ameila is Sheila’s mother actually. The only instances with male Bennett’s are: Stefan saying Emily’s brother helped them. It isn’t confirmed if he had magic though. Then in S8 in the flashback scenes we see some black men in the mix around the bell. However, they’re nameless and the Bennett’s are shown to prioritize women. Safe to say if a male happens (which is never) they don’t have the gift or are important. The women are the leaders here. That’s what matters the most.
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The greatest accomplishments in their bloodline are done by women. Here is a beautiful masterlist made by @roisy of Bennett spells/creations and then divided by spells Bennett women performed in the series.
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This is a random tidbit for me. But, I know the Old witches house was destroyed. I don’t think the Bennett witches would’ve wanted anyone in there but Bonnie or other Bennett witches. The series had so many vampires/white witches in there and people who disrespected Bonnie period. When Damon and Klaus were both threatening Bonnie in their space. Damon burned and Klaus felt physical pain but point remains that place belonged to the Bennett’s. It shouldn’t have been so freely used.
In smaller moments we know the Bennett’s were protective over their own kind. Emily wanted her descendants protected. Lucy turned on Katherine after figuring out who Bonnie was. Sheila and Bonnie self-explanatory. Abby lost her magic because she didn’t go back to her daughter. They didn’t gaf about Rudy lmaooo.
Last thought for now if the Bennett women were white they’d be considered the most OP family of this franchise. Narratively, it’s no reason why people weren’t praising Bonnie for her power or being a Bennett witch because they should be seen as royalty.
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drakoneve · 1 year ago
The Vampire Diaries Universe Masterlist
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Requests are OPEN. Who I write for listed below the cut;
Damon Salvatore
coming soon...
Stefan Salvatore
coming soon...
Tyler Lockwood
coming soon...
Kai Parker
coming soon...
Klaus Mikaelson
coming soon...
Elijah Mikaelson
coming soon...
Kol Mikaelson
You've Never Seen Halloween Town?
Rebekah Mikaelson
coming soon...
Hayley Marshall
coming soon...
Jackson Kenner
coming soon...
Marcel Gerard
coming soon...
Hope Mikaelson
coming soon...
Lizzie Saltzman
coming soon...
Josie Saltzman
coming soon...
Milton Greasley (MG)
coming soon...
Kaleb Hawkins
coming soon...
Rafael Waithe
coming soon...
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best-character-named-x-poll · 2 months ago
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have you done your daily click
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bosesmikas · 3 months ago
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Made this a while back.
make your own
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andreal831 · 10 months ago
Questions to think about: I know we don't have a direct timeline, but it's food for thought that 6 siphoners were born into the same coven in the same century (1800s) and probably within years of each other.
And that they were abused and abandoned once discovered before being kicked out - yet the Parkers kept Kai when it would have been much easier to do the same.
Something was going on to produce that many siphoners in one century yet Kai was the only modern one discovered and handled differently. I talked with other bloggers and believe that the Gemini Coven was so big that it might've spread out across the country and it was over the years that their numbers got smaller and chose to stick in one place (Oregon). As for why there were so many Siphoners to form the Heretics? Another theory was talked about combining the idea of a supernatural power vacuum and why the coven's lifespan was tied to the leader - as that's an incredibly risky choice to make.
By this logic - the Gemini's learned that kicking siphoners out was a bad idea with the risk of vampirism but accepting them was still a big no-no.
Hi! Sorry it took me so long to answer this. I haven't rewatched TVD in a while so I had to look up the timeline myself.
To me, the siphoners represented mentally ill or disabled individuals and how they were treated by society and even their families. They were born a certain way and cast aside because of it. This would also track with how they were abandoned in the 1800s but it was less acceptable for the Parkers to do so with Kai. Kai was born at a time where it wasn't acceptable to abandon a child but at the same time it was not socially acceptable to be a siphoner. So he was kept but still excluded.
I also think this goes into the fact that there were probably a lot more siphoners than even the Gemini Coven realized. People used to do all sorts of things with children who were born "different." I could even see them attempting to bind their children's powers or even kill the children in order to hide the fact that their child was a siphoner.
I've said it in the past that I think it was very strange that the first ever heretics were all from the same time period and it was 800 years after vampires were created. Practically, there would have been another siphoner who was turned in 800 years. But that could go to my previous point, that it was common practice to kill the children when they started to exhibit signs they were a siphoner.
But I love the idea that there was some supernatural disaster happening at that time and "nature" produced so many siphoners to combat this. I wish they would have gone more into a storyline for them. Or even, like you pointed out, why would the Gemini Coven design themselves the way they were. It was super problematic and likely would have taken some incredible evil they were facing to make them make that choice.
The Gemini Coven was such a mess and I really need more of their backstory to understand why they were so messed up.
Thanks for the ask! I need to spend more time thinking about TVD. I tend to just stay in TO.
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perseephoneee · 2 years ago
whoops sorry for being inactive I’ve been disassociating too hard.
anyway I did a dumb thing and went to a vampire diaries convention with my bestie and here are the photos
(also keep internally screaming over Daniel Sharman he’s my fav)
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footballerimaginess · 15 days ago
If possible a valentines day blurb with Havertz where you have your first kiss together on valentines day? Thank you!❤️
Word Count: 113 The news of Kai being injured had come out, you were absolutely devastated for him, he had worked so hard this season just for it to come down to a crashing down. You have been speaking for months now. “Hi” you whispered as you made your way to his house, he looked sad and not himself. “Sorry about your injury” you told him as he shrugged casually. “It’s okay, thanks for coming over. Sorry it’s not the best Valentine’s Day.” Kai sighed, as you shook your head at him for talking rubbish. “It is fine” you smiled as you leaned in for a kiss nervously. “That was perfect” he whispered into your lips.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year ago
26 - Blasts From The Past
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Part 27
Family is More than Blood
@secretdreamlandmentality @icefrye19
Salvatore School - current timeline
"I can't believe mom did this to us. Does she not believe we are strong enough to handle this?" Alina snapped, laying back on the couch in front of the fireplace.
Missy was standing by the fireplace. "She had a valid point with you being pregnant."
"Since when has being pregnant in this family ever stopped mom from kicking ass!" She snapped to her twin.
Hope huffed. "Enough both of you. We can be angry with our parents after we rescue them and the Saltzman’s from the prison world."
"How are we even supposed to get there though? Mom took the Ascendant with her, didn't she?" Missy shrugged her shoulders with a questionable look.
The oldest Mikaelson daughter spoke up again. "I took the one that Alyssa created so we’ll just use that one.”
Footsteps came into the room quickly to show the three Mikaelson that it was Andrea. “Hey, Henrik keeps asking what is going on and my parents just saw me checking on Rapunzel and Charming.” She said pointing over her shoulder with her thumb.
“We can’t keep a secret from them I guess. But they’ll have to have us help if they want to know what has happened.” Hope crossed her arms over her chest not backing down.
Suddenly they heard the wind blow into the room and Jaocb and Hayley were standing beside their daughter now. Hayley put a hand on her hip eyeing the future Tribrid. “Oh we believe you, Hope. Now what exactly happened to your Heretic mother and Hybrid father.”
“You don’t know what Kai was like, Hayley. Rae showed me what he did at Jo and Alaric’s wedding. He didn’t care that he stabbed his sister with a knife. He just wanted to be the leader no matter the consequences to others. He’s ruthless.” Our Uncle J explained to his wife.
Missy walked over to the three. “Okay, so let’s do the prison world spell and rescue them.” The front door of the school opened and everyone turned their heads not expecting to have anybody else coming into the room at that moment. Dorian came inside and had someone wearing a light gray suit and tie following behind him.
"Fam, meet - Joshua. Old friend of Ric's. And drumroll, please. He's also an expert on prison worlds. I told him about our problem." Dorian explained with the three Mikaelson’s trying not to give him a concerned face.
The man that had dark almost black hair stepped to Hope who was holding the Ascendant asking and she reluctantly gave it over. "Do you mind if I? Thank you so much. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. It is in pieces. Oh, my…"
He gasped hearing a faint sound from inside. "There's a linking spell on this. It produces a, a faint hum, like a, like a melody, if you, if you know what to listen for."
Andrea leaned in to listen but was confused when he snatched it away from her ear. "You clearly don't. When the Saltzmans performed their spell on-on this ascendant, they were being tied to another. Hold this." But he tossed it towards her chest.
Alina grunted, raising herself from the couch. "So what exactly does that mean we need to do, Mr. Joshua?"
"That witch of yours didn't send them to, you know, a new, empty prison world. She sent them somewhere, somewhere far older and much more dangerous. And you're going to need my help to get them out." Kai turns his head towards the pregnant werewitch clasping his hands together.
Hayley could feel the unspoken tension in the room so she looped her arm through Kai's and began leading him away with Dorian. "Dorian, why don't you show Ric's old friend around a bit while we gather what we need, yeah."
"Sounds good." The clearly compelled human said leading the pair away from the group.
Jacob waited until they weren't in ear shot whispering to his three nieces. "How the hell did he get out but they didn't. We have to tell your mother somehow before things get out of hand here."
"It's not good if he's here." Andrea added on shoving her hands inside the pockets of her jacket. "Do you think he knows that we know?"
Missy gulped nervously. "I hope not. Otherwise we're screwed."
"Look we all know Kai is here and that he's a threat to the school sp this is what we are going to do. Uncle Jacob, you and Hayley make sure he doesn’t do anything to destroy the school. Andrea, we're gonna need your help with the Ascendant and that leaves the rest of us to break the spell and bring everyone home." Hope declared to the group who were all in agreement.
An innocent voice met their ears. "What about me?" Henrik was peeking his head around the corner.
"You little brother have the most important job of all…staying out of trouble and watching your baby brother and sister for us." Alina moved in between her sisters picking up her brother in her arms even though her belly was making it more of a challenge now. "Can you do that for us, Hen?"
He nodded with a smile. "Yeah."
"To bringing the family back." Jacob stuck his hand out and everyone placed their hands on top of his declaring back to him.
"To bringing the family back!"
Raelyn’s pov - prison world
Klaus and I had headed back to the Salvatore house and Josie had gone off to find her father. Kicking opened the front door I stomped through the house not caring if we were being loud. Throwing my hands up in the air I grumbled. "I can't believe I let him get away with the Ascendant. Stupid, stupid, Raelyn. I let my gut down just a wee bit and he double crossed us again!"
"Rae, there's nothing we can do about it now. But I agree that he will get what he deserves when we get out of here." Klaus told me lifting his chin up hearing something in the distance. "Someone else is here."
Whipping my head around I throw some of my hair in my view seeing someone run around the corner revealing Alaric and Josie. Yet Josie was dressed in all black clothing and her eyes were darker than normal. Rushing over to the pair I noticed the familiar dark veins growing on her forehead and her body. "Josie, what the hell happened to you!"
"Someone told me the only way to get us out of here without the Ascendant was to take the black magic." She responded dryly.
"Kai Parker you son of a bitch!" I cursed under my breath until I noticed who was missing. "Wait Where's Lizzie?"
Alaric dropped his shoulders. "We found her on the side of the road in a crashed police car with Sebastian. I patched her wounds but she's resting now."
"Sebastian?" Klaus raised a brow at the former vampire hunter.
Turning my head slightly to my husband I answered. "Has dark hair like Damon but an accent like yours and-"
"And he's a bad boy." Alaric interrupted me.
Klaus nodded. "Ah I see now."
"Someone's here." Josie informed us before I spun around on my feet and saw my eldest daughters standing in front of us.
My daughter asked. "What happened to you?"
Josie told her. "I broke the Sandclock."
She gasped in regret. "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry."
Alaric and Klaus both shared the same confused look seeing us talking to a wall. "Honey, who are you talking to?"
Josie replied. "Hope she's astral-projecting."
Alaric warned her. "Listen, you have to warn her about Kai."
Hope knitted her brows. "Why? What happened?"
"Kai went into the Malivore pit, and we think he's trying to get to the real world." Josie explains.
My daughter bites her lip admitting my worst fear. "Actually, I think he's already here, pretending to be someone else. Kai's at the school….and just to point out mom this wouldn’t have happened if you let us help in the first place."
"Hope Andrea Mikaelson we're not talking about that right now and I stand by the decision I made-"
Alaric cut me off. "Hope? Listen to me, Kai's incredibly dangerous. You have to get him away from the school now."
Josie waved her hand, sending her off, turning back to our group. "Good luck, Hope. We need to do whatever it takes to get out of here."
"Josie, let me take the black magic from you and do the spell." I take her hands in mine eyeing the black veins that were visible, remembering all the trauma that was created when I had the same thing happen to me.
Klaus raised his voice at the mention. "Absolutely not, Raelyn. It could kill you!"
"And it will kill her if I let her do this. I'm not the weak siphon I used to be anymore." Flashing my fangs to my husband I focused my attention back to the girl. "Josie, please. I don't what I would do if I did nothing when I have lived through this myself."
She squeezed my hands walking away to get the things for the spell. "I'm stronger than you think Aunt Raelyn."
"We do the spell." Alaric nodded following after his daughter to check on Lizzie. "And I'll stay behind."
Nik placed a hand on my lower back sensing that I didn’t like the way the plan was going. Slumping my shoulders I ran my fingers through my hair feeling my stomach twisting in knots. “Rae, she’s young and like Josette. She will be able to do this.”
“I know, Nik. I still don’t have to like the idea.” I mumbled reaching down for his hand and he looped his fingers through mine. He squeezed my fingers before we vamped off to find the others and get out of this prison world once and for all.
Missy’s pov - Mystic Falls current timeline
Hope, Alina and I had met back up with Kai leading him into somewhere he believes there was a magical device we needed at. But it was just to keep him away from everyone else. Hope stared at him when he questionably looked around the storage area. “This doesn't seem like much of a spot for a powerful magical artifact.”
I snapped remembering the story of what Bonnie did to him when we were kids. “Neither does a stuffed teddy bear.”
“That's very good.” He chuckled.
Hope explains going over to a crate in search. “Dr. Saltzman hid what we need in one of these crates, so Look for the Salvatore logo.”
“It's a good thing there's not, like, 400 crates in here. Eeny, meeny, miny, crate. When you say Salvatore logo, you mean, like, that thing with the "S" and the squiggle?” Kai chuckles, turning his back to the three of us. Hope raised her hand using her magic, launching a piece of wood toward his back but he stopped it. “And so it begins.”
“Ascendo.” I raised a hand throwing a crate at him but he raised his hand smashing it with magic.
He got to his feet running towards me. “Nice try.” I vamped him against the wall where he grunted until he kicked me in the stomach harshly.
Alina growled, running head toward him and throwing punches at him. He blocked a few of them until she grabbed his wrist chanting a spell to block his powers even though he was a heretic like me. “Phasmatos tribum, exum sue, redem su pas quo-“
“I thought your mother would have taught you better and remember I don’t fight fair.” He grabs her wrist siphoning from her where she lowered herself onto her knees and he pushed her down onto the floor.
Hope snapped her fingers and managed to break one of his knees for a second. “Errox femus.” She then took the chance and kicked his other leg out.
Kai swiped her leg out from under her through. She fell on her knees and kicked his leg again but it was clear that he could have moved away from her advance. “You could have blocked that.” Hope pointed out when he sat upright from the wooden ground.
The psychopath dryly laughed at us. “Yeah, you're right. I-I just wanted you to think you were doing a good job.”
Hope stepped a few steps away from him. “You're not trying to beat me.”
Kai grunted getting to his feet, smirking at the triplets proudly. “Oh, no. No, not for a a few more minutes. Because right now, Alyssa Chang is performing a spell that will sever my connection to the prison world.”
“She can’t do that. She’s not strong enough on her own.” I attempted to remain calm.
He tilted his head to the side. “Yeah you make a good point. Unless I brought over an extra source of magic that would make her have the power of a thousand year old witch.”
“The Hollow….we sent the stake into his prison world, not a new one.” Alina smacked her forehead in regret and I could hear Hope’s heartbeat increasing in fear just the same.
Raising my hand I choked Kai where he grabs his neck even though I couldn’t kill him. “You really are a psychopath if you’re willing to let our mother die. And for what just because you find enjoyment in it. You already took away Josie and Lizzie’s mom.”
“Nobody’s been on my team my whole life, Meli. So forgive me if I don’t see the whole desire to feel bad for what I’ve done.” He clasped his hands together pushing through the pain that I was causing him. “But you should be more concerned with the fate of your mommy since that place was created for me, once she's done…”
“The world will disappear. Along with everyone inside of it.” Hope put the pieces together through a sharp gasp and her heart skipped a beat.
“Oops.” Kai just simply smiled.
Alina waved her hands and shoved him against one of the wooden posts trapping him there with large metal chains. “Remember this Kai Parker. If my mother doesn’t kill you for what you did to our family then mark my word I certainly will!” She stomps up to him grabbing his chin in her freehand flashing her werewolf eyes sounding just like our father.
The three of us quickly rushed back to the school as fast as possible, finding Alyssa sitting in the center of a candle circle and a spell book at the end of her knees. Hope ran forward but she smacked into a barrier spell. “You really are a basic witch.”
I begged the witch not wanting to see our family die because of Kai Parker. “Alyssa, please.”
“I don't want them back. Not now, not ever.” She scoffed.
Alina snapped at her. “If you finish that spell, you'll kill them all. Are you that stupid to believe that nobody would get hurt!”
She mumbled looking away from us. “He didn't say anything about that.”
“Well, think about it. If you sever the connection, the prison world collapses. Everyone in it will die.” Hope lowers herself on a knee trying to talk her out of this idea. “Look, I know that you're angry, and I know that you want to hurt them.But you're not a murder. Trust me, you don't want to be responsible for someone's death. It stays with you. You carry it forever.”
Alyssa stepped away from the Ascendent until the pieces started turning without her doing anything. I gasped seeing a bright flash covering my eyes before I saw Lizzie and Alaric sitting on the floor. “Oh my god. You guys are alright.” Bolting forward I tackled the pair in a bear hug each.
Another flash occurred and we saw our father come back next. He got to his feet rushing to Alina who hugged him tightly. “I’m here, Lina.” He whispered hearing another flash of magic and we saw our mother snap upright with a gasp crying happy tears when she saw we were all there.
“Mom!” Hope flung her arms around her crying for a moment hearing a final flash noticing that it was Josie. The Saltzman girl rose to her feet smiling at our group until all of us embraced each other in a family hug.
Raelyn’s pov
Sliding on one of Nik’s sweatshirt over my head I was so tired from the day we had. Tying my hair up in a messy bun walking through the old storage facility where Alina had informed us they had trapped Kai Parker. “Are you ready to do this, Alaric?”
“It’s time to put an end to our suffering. He took too much from the both of us.” He responded by showing me a metal tall pickaxe in his right hand. He let the end of the blade slide across the ground creating sparks until we reached where Kai was chained up.
Kai sent me a puppy face. “Awe Rae Rae, great I was hoping to see you.”
“You tried to get one of our students to kill us all, you psychopath.” I got in his face harshly grabbing his shoulders and he winced when I used his blood boiling spell against him one final time. “Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox….any last words, cousin?”
Kai gasped when I removed my hands, sighing in relief. “We could have been a good team, you and I…And you won’t be safe after I’m gone.”
“Ric, get it over with.” I stepped backwards, shoving my hands in the loops of my jeans glaring at my cousin. “You are finally getting what you deserve!”
Kai chuckled at Alaric. “Given all we've been through, this feels a little anticlimactic. Don't you think?”
“Not to me. This is for Jo.” Alairc raised the blade behind his head and he swung it, cutting his head off.
Laying on the bed alone in our bedroom I was just resting with my eyes closed. Klaus was downstairs reading to Rapenzal and Charming like he had done with all of our kids when they were babies. Someone knocked on the door and then I opened my eyes seeing it was Alyssa and she closed the door secretly locking it behind her. “Hi Mrs. Mikaelson, I just thought I’d come by and apologize for what I almost did tonight.”
“Uh thanks Alyssa. But it’s really not necessary. It was Kai just being his usual self. Thankfully we won’t have to deal with him anymore.” Sliding to the edge of the bed with my legs hanging over the side.
She crossed the room holding something behind her back until she was standing so close I could almost fall back onto the mattress. “Speaking of Kai he asked me to give you a message with this…” She revealed the white oak stake from behind her back pushing me down onto the bed.
“Urgh Alyssa!” I groaned holding the tip of the stake with my hands while she tightly held the top end just to the side of my heart. “What are you doing?”
The young witch pushed the tip of the stake into my chest where I grunted in some pain. She gripped her nails into the stake and I gasped for air seeing her eyes turn bright blue reminding me of the Hollow. “The Hollow wants you to suffer. Louvre, louvre animo. Pemet you accesses…Dedisco.”
I kicked the witch in the gut and she fell onto the floor giving me the chance to grab the stake in my hands. Standing above her I gasped feeling my wound healing slowly still in shock. “What the hell was that for, Alyssa!”
“It doesn’t matter. I just want you to answer one question.” She scrambled to her feet standing away from me and her eyes returned to their normal color. “Who is Klaus Mikaelson?”
Knitting my brows I started to answer her but paused thinking really hard about that name. Yet nothing was coming back to my memory so I had no choice but to reply with the response. “I’ve never heard that name before in my life. I don’t remember anyone named Klaus Mikaelson.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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lesbiansaltzman · 1 year ago
TVDU (The Vampire Diaries Universe) SHIP BRACKET
ROUND 1, BATTLE 14: Bonkai (Bonnie Bennett x Kai Parker, The Vampire Diaries) VS Klayley (Klaus Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall, The Originals)
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wouldvecouldveshouldve · 8 months ago
I think Taylor could do a collabd with the lesbian queen singer idk her name
me when lesbian queen singer
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rockclimbinglover12107 · 2 years ago
My fave Tvd characters ( or ones that I don’t actively want to murder )
Please bear in mind that this is just my opinion and you can like whoever you want. Also this list only includes characters from TVD and one from TO.
1. Katherine Pierce
I absolutely loved Katherine, to the point where I lost interest in the show soon after her death (although this was more due to decline in quality). I liked her in s2 for her power and iconic personality / quotes, as well as her complex, interesting history. As the seasons progressed, I also felt sorry for her, especially when they screwed her over at the end of her life in s5, just to bring her back and ruin her again in s8. I understand that her character had flaws but I am still mad that she went to hell but flipping Klaus Mikaelson didn’t. Another thing that made me enjoy her was the brilliant acting from Nina Dobrev, who shone in the role of a badass yet glamorous villain and brought real personality to the part, despite her lazy and inconsistent storyline. She was a funny and iconic character, who was screwed over by everyone she ever met including her own father, all of her boyfriends and her doppelgänger and suffered to much for a 17 year old girl.
2. Rebekah Mikaelson
Rebekah always intrigued me, even though I found her annoying on my first watch of TVD, mainly due to her constant misguided loyalty to her brother. However, I came to realise that she was a victim of Klaus, just like everyone else, and that he was abusive and controlling towards her. After realising this, I was able to fully appreciate her character and the way she only wanted love and roasted the MF gang on many occasions. I especially enjoyed her sisterly relationships with Freya and Hayley and wished that she had become friends with Katherine, because that pairing would have been legendary.
3. Freya Mikaelson
She was the only reason that I managed to make it through any of TO and it was refreshing to see another powerful main witch aside from Bonnie. As I mentioned above, I loved her relationship with Freya and Hayley and liked her protectiveness. However, her loyalty to her family sometimes annoyed me, as I couldn’t stand her brothers. She deserved better than the Mikaelson men and Hope, who, from what I’ve seen, is the most annoying, whiny, overpowered teenage girl in the TVDU.
4. Matt Donovan
Everybody hates on this guy and I don’t understand why. He was just a normal teen with an absent father and an irresponsible, mostly absent mother, whose sister died when he was young, along with half of his friends. In my opinion, his dedication to staying a human and sticking to his morals was admirable and his relationships with many of the girls were cute and non-toxic. People only hate him because he isn’t some angsty, rebel heartthrob and happened to dislike many of the fan favourites.
5. Vicki Donovan
The writers really looked at this girl in s1 and were like “Let’s make her life as miserable as possible”. She grew up with terrible parents, had a drug problem, dated pre-redemption arc Tyler Lockwood, became a ripper and then died at the hands of a 100 year old monster. The worst part is that people dislike her because they found her issues “annoying” but then praise characters like Stefan, Klaus and Damon who all had serious mental illness as well.
6. Lexi Branson
She was a friendly and supportive person who died too soon and should have stayed on the show longer. Her attitude towards Katherine/Elena could have been interesting and her hatred of Damon was hilarious.
7. Elena Gilbert
Although I could hardly stand her in s4&6 and especially s5, I thought that she was an interesting character in the early seasons with a somewhat nice personality and a sense of nobility that many characters lacked. She doesn’t deserve all of the hate that she gets but I definitely understand why people don’t like her. I also think she should have been more sympathetic of Katherine and Rebekah, but I think that her feelings and opinions were always heavily manipulated by the Salvatore brothers.
8. Kai Parker
He brought some much needed excitement and comic relief to the very dreary s6 and he treated Katherien with the respect that she deserved. However, he suffered from the fact that he was a newcomer in the time when the show’s spirit started to die.
9. Jenna Sommers
This poor woman was left to look after two traumatised teenagers, after her only sister died, and put up with the constant drama of Mystic Falls. She was one of the few innocent people on this entire show and she deserved a happy ending, instead of being killed by a man she had never done anything to.
10. Hayley Marshall
She was interesting and funny, although she was sometimes annoying, and she put Caroline in her place when she was being particularly annoying. Every time she defied Klaus or Elijah I was like GO GET IT GIRL! However she, like Katherine, had a terrible taste in men, seeing as she went after the Mikaelson brothers.
These are all of my fave charcters on TVD. Hope you like at least one of these people.
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azurecanary · 2 years ago
Arch enemy duos that i would've paid the full amount of my savings to see the full potential of:
Kira vs Theo (Teen Wolf)
Scott vs Theo (Teen Wolf)
Bonnie vs Klaus/Kai (TVD)
Tyler vs Hayley (TVD/TO)
Daisy vs Ward/Hive (AoS) (she should've been the one to kill him tbh)
Oliver/E1 Laurel vs E2 Laurel (Arrow)
Heretic Lizzie vs Tribrid Hope (Legacies) (i will never forgive the writers for ruining this epic setup with the stupid slave bond)
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lavendaers · 6 months ago
@hiddenpxpercuts hayley marshall for kai parker
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"look." hayley shook her head, arms crossing over her chest. "i'm running late to my job so what do you want? something wrong with your car or?"
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andreal831 · 10 months ago
Do you like the character of Kai Parker?
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My feelings for Kai are similar to my feelings for Lucien. I love/hate him. Honestly, they are basically the same character.
I love them as a villain but hate when people try to defend them or make them into something they just aren't. They are just uncomplicated serial killers who take joy in the pain and suffering of others. And that can be entertaining in fictional worlds.
Kai does not get a shred of redemption. His only slight redeeming qualities are his somewhat emotions he begins to feel after he kills his brother. And even these emotions aren't enough to stop him from being a terror to everyone. He kills his sister while she is pregnant at her wedding. He is a terrible person who abused everyone he came in contact with.
Yes, he's funny and yes, he's attractive. But he is a villain through and through. It doesn't matter that he has a sad childhood. It doesn't excuse everything he did after that. His anger wasn't just towards those who hurt him as a child, but everyone he came in contact with.
Again, I liked his character for what it was. I liked that they never tried to redeem him and he just died. And even when he came back, he was still awful. I've seen he comes back in Legacies, and I cheated and googled that he does die again, which I love. I know most of my favorite characters are villains and I love to deal with that complexity, but I also love a good, simple villain. Especially in a show with so many "morally grey" or "complex villains." Sometimes we just need someone to be uncomplicatedly bad. I also think they needed a character like Kai in TVD after the Mikaelsons left. I know they had Silas but I was a little disappointed in Silas, he almost felt too juvenile. Whereas Kai was over here actually making me worried for my favs while at the same time being entertaining.
Basically I love the character, he doesn't rank high for me in favorites, but I enjoy the seasons he is in.
Thanks for the ask!
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vicontheinternet · 10 months ago
Amanda reminds me of haley from criminal minds and no I wouldn’t explain it
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