lovesick-joey · 9 days
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fish n chips
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dingoat · 6 months
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I made a little bitty hawkbat out of polymer clay and now that he's reached his forever home I can share him here >.>
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ddeck · 5 months
i think corrie guard need to get a bunch of hawk-bats as pets. they would live on the roof of their barracks. fox would say its to keep the pests away (he just likes them). hound would try to train them to swarm around and carry away senators. it wouldn't work, they are untrainable. but he would try nonetheless
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askshivanulegacy · 1 year
Design Flaws
The snowy hawkbats should have been Cipher Thirteen’s first clue that this was a bad idea.
They were cute. Just like his own little hawkbat form, except white and fuzzy (not to imply that his hawkbat form was cute). 
Covered in a downy layer of fur, like the finest of winter fashion, they clung along the walls of the ice canyons as if they were granite slug-infested ferrocrete and not … frigid and forbidding wastelands (he wondered what they ate). They didn’t have the echolocation horn that he did, or the bioluminescent, environment-sensing fronds, but they did have the tiniest little, fur-covered triangular ears, which he, of course, did not.
With shorter, broader wings, and claws more like miniature icepicks than something reasonable, they nestled together in overlapping layers, covering the exposed, pale skin along the lower third of their wings in fuzzy warmth. Every so often the bottom layer of snow bats would take flight, maybe locating some kind of nourishment, before flitting sporadically back to take their place at the top of the column, tucking in and making the whole colony readjust as they chased the rising line of the falling sun. Neat.
Thirteen turned from the window and went to locate Watcher Five.
* * * * *
The fact that even tauntauns refused to traverse the landscape at dusk should have been Thirteen’s second clue.
“The sun’ll be down in an hour,” the animal keepers told them. “Tauntauns won’t do it. They won’t. Lookit ‘em. They know. It’s a five-hour trip anyway by mount. Did you try the speeder bay?”
Yes, they tried the speeder bay. All were down due to climate-related mechanical issues. That’s why they were here.
Five and Thirteen were forced to abruptly step aside as a tauntaun retreated, with loud complaints, into its not-all-that-warm, yet somehow preferable, stall in the ice cave.
Time for plan, uh. C.
* * * * *
They had, of course, what the tauntauns didn’t, which was thermal clothing embedded with thermal heat packs, specifically made for this planet, for this weather.
Well, Thirteen didn’t, not anymore, not for Plan C. But that was fine. He had thick skin and he’d flown in the cold before. Five packed a duffel with extra winter clothing and gear, while the monstrous, dragon-sized hawkbat looked on, and they were ready to go.
Intel, and Intel’s finest, don’t wait for daybreak.
Thirteen launched them into the fading dusk, and the winter air wrapped around his wings in a cold embrace. The low clouds on the horizon were tinged pink.
Three hours by air to the next installation, max. It would be easy.
* * * * *
Nobody told Thirteen that massive wings capable of resisting blaster bolts can still lose heat like a sieve. And so can large, unfurred ears, like the ears he has to accommodate the echolocation that he’s trying so hard to use right now in the face of the blisteringly cold wind and the downright blistering, driving snow.
The snow stings his eyes and sharp gusts batter them about in the dark. Thirteen does his best to smooth the journey for Watcher Five, and he thinks he succeeds, but he can feel the air yanking and shoving his wings, and it’s an effort to keep them even. His muscles tremble.
How long has it been?
Well, they’ll be there soon enough. If Thirteen is cold, then Five certainly is. He just needs to persevere a little longer.
Tiny icicles form on his eye ridges, and across the rim of his ears and inside them, from the steamy plumes of his hot breath. Not for the first time, he shakes his head to dislodge them, snapping his beak in futile annoyance and grimacing at the burning of his chafed skin. They interfere with his hearing - with what he can see in the sound. Far below, he perceives the slopes and edges of the landscape.
No base, yet.
A little further. 
His wings are stiff from the cold, and he pumps them regularly to keep speed and keep blood flowing. This is fine. He’s flown in the cold before. Not like this, but … still cold.
The wind howls and makes the icicles sing, and he shakes his head again. Five beats on the base of his neck. 
It’s fine. He screams into the wind to tell him so.
It bites back into his lungs.
It’s … painful the way the delicate fronds at the back of his head seem to transmit the frigid air straight into his skull. Had he ever had the problem before? He can’t remember. Maybe he should speak to Five about … a hat. A hawkbat hat. For a giant hawkbat.
The idea makes him chuckle. Oh, but this snow is annoying. It makes his eyes water. Five has goggles, doesn’t he? Thirteen needs those too. For now, maybe he’ll just close his eyes. He doesn’t need them, anyway, can’t see anything even with all the extra spectrums his eyes have access to. Premium design choice, and for what?
No, he can hear the landscape just fine.
The ache of his body fades into the wailing monotony of the wind.
An hour later - or is it minutes later? - he tries to open his eyes and realizes they have frozen shut.
Well, that’s … dastardly. And unfair.
A good shake does nothing for them, neither does a second, longer and more vigorous shake. He could beat the ice free, perhaps, with a wing, or a claw, maybe. But that’s not really conducive for flying or for passengers, is it?
Damn it, Five.
Well, he still has his ears. They’ll be there soon. Won’t they? He’s sure they will. How long has it been?
Five is still there. Isn’t he? He should be. He’d be an idiot if he let himself fall after all this time. Well, he’s wrapped up in enough thermals that they’d cushion the landing and he’d still melt a crater into the ice like a superheated meteor. It’s fine.
He thinks he feels Five patting his neck again. He thinks he hears Five saying something, which his giant ears would definitely pick up, even with the wind. Yes, it’s fine.
It’s fine. 
His wings are heavy. He beats them. He thinks he does. He listens, hard, for their destination to appear. He doesn’t hear anything.
The clouds muffle everything. Should he go lower? 
No, he can hear through clouds. He can hear through that annoying ringing, he can hear past the heaviness of his breath.
He can. He was made for this.
He was.
Except, he wasn’t.
He thinks of flying with a giant winged wolf, soaring among mountain peaks, under a clear, starry sky. She has the aurora wrapped like a shawl in her mane and her tail - the sparkling banner of a comet. He hears her, in the wind. Howling.
She was made for this.
Gradually, his head and wings droop. 
The flight comes to an abrupt end.
Thankfully, he doesn’t notice when he plows, headfirst, into the icy slope.
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clonetroopercantina · 2 years
327th Star Corps post #4
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7th Legion
The 7th Legion was a sub-unit of the 327th led by Commander A'den (CT-80/88-3009). This legion included the Hawkbat Battalion, and its troopers participated in the Battle of Saleucami.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
oh I need to talk about this samurai flick I was watching on the plane called Iwane Sword of Serenity. badass name right? you expect the main guy to have an equally badass sword style, like musashi's ten rings or something that plays with the concept of eternity and emptiness.
except no. 2 minutes in and it's revealed his true nickname is "catnap" Iwane and his style is described as a "lazy cat sleeping" while he obliterates dudes because he doesn't strike back right away and looks completely at ease. and then it follows that up with a cat meowing sound and the image of an adorable brown and white cat flopping over on tatami.
anyways it's rated 6.4/10 on imdb but that single introduction instantly boosted it to 10/10 in my heart
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mayxthexforce · 2 months
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Chase Piru and her younglings.
The kiddos: Kennan Taanzer (white human boy), Genel (duros, female, originally gender unspecified), Jiro (Iridonian Zabrak boy) Nable (blue skinned boy), Sidirri (human girl), Seddwia (Twi'lek girl), Onkya (Mon calamari, male, originally gender unspecified), Jevik (originally unnamed, dark-skinned human boy), Treka (originally unnamed, Togorian female, originally gender unspecified)
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irrfahrer · 10 months
15.) What were they like as a child in their crèche?
From the age of six months to seven years, Ziv was known to be a very weak and easily exhausted child who would be gently picke dup by her clanmembers and carried everywhere so she would not be too easily exhausted or get sick. At that time she was very quiet and while not espcially amused by being handled like a oversized puppet by her clan-siblings, she was allowing that because her siblings were stronger and bigger than her. In the same manner due to he rmindshield, Zivs inner uncomfortableness was hardly picked up by her clansiblings and small children are not always especialy elegant with their usage of words. To avoid beeing this often babyed by children of her age, Ziv would redraw to the Temples archives and read which played in her natural antisocial tendencys. When she hit a growing spurt at five years old and entered puberty, the sudden stabelizing of her health gave Ziv enough self confidence (and bodily strenght) to actually say out loud that she does not want to be handled this gentle anymore and if she was not heard she would start to bite to make her point. She had given up on explaining her standpoint by talking by (although that was just the time where she and the children would ahve been in the age in which they had learned articulating their needs and wants perfectly, but Ziv was jaded in waiting for her siblings to understand her) now and would very often be seen reading or training to keep up this strenght that helped her showing her standpoint. She talked much, but she was nost discussing but stating and ordering. This formed Ziv into a very solitary young girl, and she build up a habit of "if things should go right, she would do so on her own by herself". Naturally this lead eventually to the happening with Joon and was the reason why she was send to the AgriCorps: As a way for her to learn to communicate with the world (plants as an example) and connect with it.
However, just because Ziv and her siblings had no proper way to communicate, does not mean she does not love them or that she was not just as loved. Ther is and was love, but they were not communicating in the same ways and that lead to great misunderstandings and some grudges (mostly on Zivs side). She would even say she loves Joon, even if she also would glady rip his face off with her claws. But in general- thats just how siblings are.
On the other hand: Ziv was in the Hawkbat Clan, so the living together of all the twenthy children of the Clan was also rather explosive and tempramentful from the beginning. The members of the different Hawkbat Clans are known to be creative, caring, determinated and very intelligent and have the potential to be mischievous, if not even very cunning just as the animal Hawkbats who are considered to be  elegant animals but also an animal on whichs bad sides one should never end up. In a group the animals were strong and could take down any prey. They adjusted to the life on planets like corouscant through intelligence and teamwork and became the symbol of many pirate-groups due to their slyness and ableness to adjust to their changing enviorment (Like hawkbats adjusted in Legends to the new biological components on Coruscant after the Yuuzhan Vong War). The animals personality features are very good features to have in a personality as learning children, especially the social side of it, but also give birth to very colourful characters in adults- Like Ziv is one obviously, who is with her intelligence, willingness to serve the community (or flock if one wants to stay in Hawkbat terms) and determination that often grows into cunningness a typical personality found in a Hawkbat Clan. The task of growing up in such a Clan is to balance those features- to make sure that ones determination does not grow into obstinacy, to make sure that ones caring nature does not grow into giving oneself up for others, to make sure ones creativeness and mischief does not grow into cruelness. Eventually the children had loved eachother and lived with eachother, but considing the corefeatures in their personalitys they always had been a hard to manage bunch and naturally considering this features, they did held grudges longer than nessecary.
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amarcia · 9 months
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Sometimes a family can be your dad, your estranged Jedi mom, and her Padawan you adopt along the way.
Characters from my jedi romance post because I could not stop thinking about them!!!
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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Dorj An'yr, and later his son Arok An'yr, are flyfish hunters (local name for a hawkbat-like creature that tastes like a fish) They're skilled pilots as they follow after the migrating flocks every year. Dorj met Jedi Knight Nan as she was sent to oversee the sector of the galaxy he lives in.
Nan Syal was a freshly appointed knight when she was sent as a part of a group to tighten Jedi presence in the rim. The council thinks it was a mistake in retrospect, because she returned pregnant a couple years later.
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Arok An'yr is a flyfish hunter not a fisherman not a fishmonger get it right okay!! He did not manage to sneak into the Jedi temple to speak with his mother but he managed to sneak into a Jedi courier ship to do basically the same, so it all worked out in the end. He is as force sensitive as a floor-board.
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Volm Ru is a Padawan of Jedi master Nan Syal, she literally wants nothing to do with any of this. Her signature trick is that she walks out of the room and disappears. She once claimed to know farghul to impress someone and now hopes to never meet anyone whom actually speaks the language.
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charmwasjess · 11 months
If there’s a legit good reason why Qui-Gon chose to specialize in form IV, Ataru, the Hawkbat lightsaber form, aside from the simple, likely fact that he did it to troll his old Master Dooku (who outright calls the acrobatics of the form “ridiculous,”) I’d like to hear it. By which I mean I’ll write you a post about it.
Ataru is fast, aggressive, and inclined to treat the battlefield as a 3D space where the air is just as comfortable a place to be as on your own two feet. A direct response to Soresu, the “defense is my attack” form, Ataru flips that into “attack is my defense.” (We won’t talk about Makashi’s contribution to the conversation: “no defense whatsoever, but think fast, I just threw a dinner fork at you so hard it stuck in your metal arm!”) 
Of course, the most recognizable and classic application of Ataru is Yoda’s; we see him whizzing around people’s heads like a little green hummingbird in his AotC and RotS duels. Qui-Gon’s version looks nothing like that. If we weren’t told, I think it would be hard to guess that those characters are using the same form. In Duel of the Fates, Qui-Gon has to move down or over those infamous walkways repeatedly. He just jumps them: no flips, no aerial maneuvers, no bouncing off the walls. And this isn’t simply a practical choice for his age and build: Jocasta Nu is running up walls and leaping out of skyscrapers at easily aged 40 years older than Qui-Gon, and for all Dooku’s bitching over Ataru acrobatics, he does more flips to simply avoid walking down a few stairs than Qui-Gon, Master of the flip form, does in his entire time on screen. 
And yet, on some level, all of that makes perfect sense for Qui-Gon. Who better to completely subvert a form? This is a character who is contrary as fuck, full of wonderful contradiction, who blends lightsaber theory centered on attack and aggression with literal meditation. While the most notable scene, actually kneeling in the pose and everything, is in TPM, he does battle meditation repeatedly on a mental level in the Master and Apprentice and Padawan novels. (And it rightfully freaks out Obi-Wan.) Qui-Gon takes Ataru’s “your whole body is a weapon” and doesn’t apply that to somersaults, but rather, to moves like punching Darth Maul off a balcony as we see him do in Duel of the Fates. He fights in a way that throws himself bodily up against obstacles. You can see the same physicality of his relationship with his weapon in the scene where he is simply burning through the blast doors in TPM. We’ve seen Jedi cut through things on screen other times, but that scene is remarkable and memorable for Qui-Gon’s level of intensity. He is the battering ram. 
And we could loop back into lineage, couldn’t we? Qui-Gon stands in a line of Jedi with unconventional relationships to their lightsaber forms; their choices are formed in context of and in conversation with each other. Those backward, momentum-gaining swings from Duel of the Fates look very familiar, but who trained Qui-Gon? (And who notoriously had a problem with Ataru and might've pushed his student on some workarounds or encouraged him to cut out bits he didn't like, such as aerials?) And speaking of, is it a stretch to think that Dooku’s own casual backflips are less a considered choice and more an old habit, being himself trained by a Master who has only a theoretical relationship with gravity? 
All this to enjoy just another example of how personal the lightsaber forms can be to specific Jedi, and what wonderful fun it is to unpack the ways they use them differently because of their unique personalities and lineage.
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theetherealbloom · 1 year
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Chapter One: The Mercury Keeps Rising
Summary: After aiding the Republic and the fall of the Empire, you left the Jedi Training Clan on Bogden 3 to help families in need of medical care with the call of the Force. You are a kind, warm-hearted healer on Nevarro, treating the citizens and albeit the bounty hunters as well. Imperial remnants still linger in the shadows, waiting to strike at the perfect moment. Leading you to assist the Mandalorian with rescuing the Child has somehow led you to your biggest adventure yet.
Paring: Din Djarin x Empath!FemReader
Warnings: Violence, Age–Gap Romance, Angst, FLUFF, Eventual SMUT, Swearing, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Crying, Suggestive content, Flirting, People pleasing, Flattery, Blood, Blasters, War, Religion References, Aliens, Sith, Character Deaths,
Word Count: 6.7k
A/N: YA’LL IM BACK TO WRITING MY SOUL OUT HERE YAY! I feel like this is gonna be a weekly updated fic or updated twice a week if I’m feeling speedy hehe. Did I turn to the Enneagram again? Yep! You are an Enneagram Two for this fic! Yay! (Cause I’m an Enneagram Two :>) And Din is an Enneagram One, so ya’ll are romantically compatible. Anyways, my thoughts and explanations are gonna be in the end notes! Leave a comment to let me know if you want this series or if I should scrap it. :)
Song: The Great War by Taylor Swift
Next Chapter | Series Masterlist
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Just a little longer now… Shouldn't be much longer. Wait, what is this about? You’ve been having trouble sleeping since you were young. The nightmares were nothing new, but the sharp flares in your chest and side kept bothering you recently. Your nervous system's acting up and now being awake feels unsafe as you lay there in your cot, clutching your chest, feeling each breath that escapes from your nose and out through your mouth as you stare at the ceiling above you.
You were a long way from Bogden 3, where you were raised. Nevarro wasn’t the ideal place to hide. It was situated within a sector of the Outer Rim Territories, in a system with a singular star and asteroid fields. An ashen world of black sands, with rocky and volcanic terrain that consisted of regions of rocky flats and hills along with vast fields of lava, which contained lava rivers both on the surface and underground. 
The planet became a bounty hunter hive after the fall of the Empire. The Bounty Hunters’ Guild owns hubs throughout the Galaxy. One of such hub is located on the Outer Rim planet Nevarro, which functions as a cantina. The cantina works around the clock, has its brewery, offers a wide selection of drinks with snacks, provides coolness from the air conditioner, and is a favorite place for rest and meetings of bounty hunters.
By some luck or the unknown ways of the Force, no one had recognized you nor put a bounty on your head yet. After aiding the Republic during the revolution against the Empire and after the Battle of Yavin as a healer and a medic, you left to medically aid those in need after the war. If you were being honest, you missed your friends in the Soaring Hawkbat Clan and the people who raised you. However, you knew that what you were doing needed to be done. 
Droids may sometimes be unreliable, and no matter how sophisticated technology becomes, there is no substitute for the human touch. No droid, no matter how dexterous, can offer compassion. It might be able to store and process more medical information, but only people can offer a truly sympathetic ear. As one of the few who possessed the knowledge to provide primary care to the sick and wounded, Greef Karga eventually established a small medcenter a few blocks away from the cantina.
You decide to push yourself up and away from your cot, seeing the glimmer of light peek through the window. Cleaning up, getting dressed, and after quickly eating a piece of purple fruit, you sling your brown satchel over your shoulder and hurriedly make your way to the medcenter. As you enter, you greet the 2-1B droid which had modular limbs that allowed them to use a range of surgical tools and other medical instruments based on their patients' needs. You made your way over to your desk, setting down your bag and then sterilizing your hands afterward.
Different energy and buzz were happening around Nevarro. As you patched up one of the Trandoshan and sold them a couple of cans containing bacta for a good amount of credits, you had overheard them talking about receiving a job from the Client and planning a flight to Arvala-7. Living on this bounty hunter-infested planet taught you to listen for information and to use it to your advantage when necessary. They were usually given a holopuck, a simple holographic device used to display an image of the quarry and the bounty payout. However, they were only given a tracking fob, the Trandoshan briefly flashing it to you before tucking it away in their belt.
The next few hours were spent treating different families with various illnesses and injuries, then sending them off with some medication and a specific date to return. This was your usual routine, nothing new to note except for that tiny piece of information from earlier.
The sound of the doors hissing to life causes you to turn your head. If you were being honest, this was the last person you expected to show up in your medcenter. Your mouth gaped open as you take in the sight of the tall and imposing figure in front of you. The unmistakable shape of the Mandalorian helmet and polished silver causes you to nearly choke on your saliva.
“Do you have any bacta spray?” The sound of his rough and modulated voice causes you to try and gather your composure as he walks towards you, which proves to be slightly challenging. You clear your throat and look at his vizor, “Yeah, let me just go to the cabinet to get some.” He doesn’t respond, leaving you to awkwardly stand there for a few more seconds before moving to retrieve the bacta spray.
You usually aren’t this nervous or anxious around anyone, but the Mandalorian was completely different. As you rummage through the cabinet, you try and fight the overwhelming urge to sense his feelings, but it is no use. He radiates with deep hurt from his past but tries to bury his soul in the dark. This Mandalorian weights living heavy on his spine. A man who has created mistakes grips at them until his hands are bruised and burning. You wince at that, nearly dropping one of the bacta sprays but manage to catch it, turning to the Mandalorian keenly observing you as you make your way over to him, trying to ignore the waves and streaks of grey and silver glowing around his figure, you quickly hand it to him while saying, “I hope three is enough for now.” 
He curtly nods, “How much?” You shake your head, “You don’t have to pay. It’s fine.” The slight tilt of his helmet almost causes you to blush, you feel his curiosity and concern, “I insist.”
You blink and shake your head again, “Nope. Just… be careful on your journey. That’s enough for me.” You sense his confusion and interest before he turns and walks away, leaving a trail of gray streaks only you could see, hearing the slight clink sound of beskar, and the doors closing.
Once you’re sure he left, you bring both of your hands to the side of your face, using two fingers to rub into your temple, sighing in embarrassment and disappointment for allowing yourself to nearly reveal who you truly are. Having strong Force empathy abilities involved picking up impressions of an individual's feelings and general emotional state. There was no explanation for the aura you could see around individuals, a specific color for each living creature that encompasses their character, personality, morals, past, present, and sometimes, a rare glimpse of their future emotions.
You try and ground yourself by closing your eyes and breathing, controlled and steady breaths of air as you reassure yourself that you’re safe. The peace doesn’t last long, as flashes of visions begin to cloud your periphery. Loud explosions on Nevarro, blaster fights, the unmistakable loud cries of a child, and the Mandalorian at the center of it all. You fall to your knees, clutching your chest tightly and the other to hold your upper body. You sensed the dark side, anger, fear, aggression, and a lust for power from this planet long before, but now you sense there is something much more sinister approaching.
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After a few days, you intercepted a transmission from the Mandalorian successfully capturing the bounty from Arvala-7, and must be directly given to The Client. While the Mandalorian was gone you had been secretly training, meditating, and gathering more information about whoever this Client may be, allowing the Force to guide you to the path you must walk on.
You step out of the medcenter to see the Razor Crest preparing to land on the settlement's spaceport and disembark. You toss the hood over your head and use a scarf as a mask, hiding in the shadows, watching the Mandalorian and a hover-pram pass you by swiftly and you catch a glimpse of a green creature inside. Your mouth slightly drops open in shock and the quiet feeling of the Force settles inside of you as you eye the baby.
You follow the two of them from a distance, not wanting to be noticed or seen. The Mandalorian turns right into an alleyway, and you wait a few seconds before trailing him. You hide behind one of the stone pillars, keenly observing his movements. The Mandalorian pounds loudly on a metal door and a TT-8L/Y7 gatekeeper droid,  a simple photoreceptor mounted on a retractable eyestalk. The Mandalorian shows a disc as proof of identity. You notice The Child reacts in surprise as the droid retracts.
The door unlocks, and you realize you must follow them without getting caught. Your eyes close as you calmed yourself, deep breaths in and out, registering the light and sound waves around you, every particle and atom. Tiny pieces of music, notes in the air that only you can hear, each sound of your heartbeat, you hold my breath and try to swim. Making infinite room for hope and oxygen, every cell across your skin comes to life, and slowly willing the light particles to bend and render you invisible to visual and audio detection.
When you open your eyes, you silently gasped, seeing a pair of Remnant Stormtroopers exit the house, and watching The Child lowers its ears and head. Your hands clench in a fist so tight you reminded yourself to breathe, following after the Mandalorian and the Stormtroopers before the door slides shut behind you. Inside the corridor, one of the stormtroopers roughly yanks the Child's cradle. Your eyes narrow in agitation and annoyance, the Madalorian is quick to say, “Easy with that.” To which the first Stormtrooper snarkily replies, “You take it easy.”
The stormtroopers lead you to a frail old man who you assume to be the Client and to a familiar-looking doctor on the side, the Client is delighted, “Yes!” He holds the tracking fob and approaches the Child, “Yes, yes, yes! Yes.” The Doctor begins to scan the child with a device, eventually, the scanner beeps to his delight, “Very healthy. Yes.”
The Client stands taller to speak to the Mandalorian, “Your reputation was not unwarranted.” The Mandalorian isn’t the least bit flattered, opting to question him, “How many fobs did you give out?” To which the Client responds, “This asset was of extreme importance to me. I had to ensure its delivery. But to the winner…” He walks over to the desk, bringing out a large container, “Go the spoils.” After a few buttons are pushed, the sides of the container bloom open to reveal bars of Beskar. The Mandalorian comes closer to the center table, holding two bars of beskar as you frown in disappointment.
“Such a large bounty for such a small package.” The Client says, and the Child cries and coos for the Mandalorian as he is taken away by the doctor. He can’t help the guilt that bubbles inside of him, he asks, “What are your plans for it?” The Client isn’t amused by his inquiry, “How uncharacteristic of one of your reputation. You have taken both commission and payment. Is it not the Code of the Guild that these events are now forgotten?”
Two more Stormtroopers appear from the room to the right, standing behind the Client, “That Beskar is enough to make a handsome replacement for your armor. Unfortunately, finding a Mandalorian in these trying times is more difficult than finding the steel.” With that, the Mandalorian places the two pieces of Beskar inside the container. No longer speaking and leaving with his prize as you follow him outside undetected.
Once you were in the main streets of the city, you pull back your cloak and render yourself visible, watching the Mandalorian walks through the marketplace and down the steps into the sewer below. You feel the heavy weight on your chest, unsure if the emotions you feel are coming from him or if they are your own. You shake your head and make your way to the Cantina, needing a drink after all of the information you’ve gathered.
You were taught about Master Yoda, a legendary Jedi Master and stronger than most in his connection with the Force. Small in size but wise and powerful, he trained Jedi for over eight hundred years, playing integral roles in the Clone Wars, and helped in the upbringing of Master Luke Skywalker, to which your clan members were deciding to join him or not. Could this Child be another one of his kind?
The Cantina doors opened and you were immediately greeted by Greef Karga, “Well, look who we have here our favorite medic! Never thought you’d step foot in this place.” You shrugged in response, trying to shake off the stares of the different guests in the Cantina, “I gotta support Mikgel from time to time. Besides, he said he owed me a free drink.” You walk a bit closer to Greef Karga’s table as he asks, “Why would a woman like you, so carefree spirited need a drink?” 
You sit on the other side of the booth, placing both of your arms atop the table, “Would… finding out about Imperial Forces hiding in out in a safe house on our planet count?” Greef Karga chokes on air and winces, you tilt your head down and raise an eyebrow, “Did you think you could keep this from me? What the hell are they doing here?”
He regains his composure and leans forward to whisper his reply, “I never intended to keep it from you. I was trying to protect you.” You scoff in disbelief and annoyance, “Protect me?”
To which Karga says, “Yes! Protect you, if they knew who you were and what you are they’d–” You rarely get angry, always choosing to see the good in people, but you sense the feeling of Karga’s greed and mixed lies.
You raise your hand, palm facing him, “Don’t lecture me about something I’ve lived and fought through. Giving them your services makes you an accomplice, a rat, and a damn coward.” The taste of acid and the waves of color that is radiates off of Karga is a mix of a bright lava orange and red, his simmering anger hisses at you, “Look who’s to talk. Hiding all your life. Running from your own future. Isn’t that a bit selfish and cowardly?” You deflate at that, understanding that he is partially right.
But before you could respond to the sound of the doors hissing open, you turn your head to see the Mandalorian entering the cantina, which silences its patrons as everyone gazes at him. Completely decked out with shiny new armor, he is completely unbothered as he approaches the table where you and Greef Karga are conversing. Karga heartily laughs, “Ah! Mando! They all hate you, Mando. Because you’re a legend!”
You try and get out of the booth and leave but Mando uses his right hand for you to stay put, so you settle back down again. You raise your eyes to hear the raspy voice of the Mandalorian confront Karga, “How many of them had tracking fobs?” Greef Karga scoffs and gestures around the Cantina, “All of them. All of them! But not one of them closed the deal. Only you, Mando. Only you.” The Mandalorian looks at you, “What about her?” To which you look up at him and frown, “No. I’m just a medic getting a drink after a tough day. But congratulations, I guess.”
Greef Karga continues, “And with it, the richest reward this parsec has ever seen. Please sit with us, my friend.” The Mandalorian obliges and unclips his Amban sniper rifle, placing it on the side of the couch before you move a little to the right to give him room to sit next to you. He took up almost half of the booth with his width and physique. You feel your left arm warm up with how close he was, the comfort that allures you to his orbit was unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. You choose to look straight ahead, trying not to acknowledge him pressed up beside you, luckily Greef Karga opens his mouth to talk, “They’re all weighing the Beskar in their minds, but not me. No. I, for one, celebrate your success. Because it is my success as well.”
Your right leg bounces up and down in anticipation Karga continues, “Hell! Even I’m rich.” He chuckled and digs into his breast pocket to reveal the two bars of Beskar he was given by the Client. You roll your eyes in annoyance, but the Guild Master says, “Now, how can I show my gratitude to my most valuable partner?”
Mando cuts to the chase, “I want my next job.” Greef Karga takes a sip of his drink before placing it down on the table, he eyes him with confusion, “Next job? Take some time off. Enjoy yourself. I’ll take you to the Twi’lek healing baths.” You frown at that and Mando doesn’t seem to care, “I want my next job.” Karga sighs, “Sure. Fine.”
“You hunters like to keep busy, right?” Karaga says with an amused tone, “Well, these are all far away.” He places a bunch of holopucks on the table and the Mandalorian reaches out to grab one, “The further, the better.” Karga smiles, “Well, take your pick. You’ve earned it.”
Mando places the holopuck on the table and it whizzes to life, showing an image of a Mon Calamari. “Ah. That’s the best one of the lot. A nobleman’s son skipped bail. Looks like you’re headed to the ocean dunes of Karnac.”
The Mandalorian doesn’t say anything and simply takes the puck and moves away from the table, grabbing his Amban sniper rifle, seemingly satisfied with his pick. You turn to watch him go but he freezes, and you use the force to reach out what he’s feeling, to be flooded with waves of guilt. Your eyebrows knit together as you hear Mando ask, “Any idea what they’re gonna do with it?”
Karga is packing the rest of the holopucks, “With what?” The Mandalorian turns to face him, “The kid.” Karga shakes his head, “I didn’t ask. It’s against the Guild Code.” Mando’s voice goes deeper as he points out, “They work for the Empire. What are they doing here?” You raise your eyebrows at Karga, as you smile smugly at him, “I asked the same thing.” To which he says, “Are the two of you working together? The Empire is gone. All that are left are mercenaries and warlords. But if it bothers you both, just go back to the Core and report them to the New Republic.”
You rolled your eyes and the Mandalorian grunts out, “That’s a joke.” Greef doesn’t give a remark about his statement, instead, he says, “Mando, enjoy your rewards. Buy a camtono of spice. By the time you come out of hyperdrive, you will have forgotten all about it.”
The Mandalorian doesn’t reply and simply takes his leave. You shake your head, scoffing at Karga and he calls out your name as you near the exit, “I suggest you keep yourself out of sight with those Imperial troops. For your safety, of course.” You say nothing and leave the Cantina, you feel the ground shaking under your feet and feel the pressure building until you can't breathe.
You shake your head, and the temptation of the dark side calls to you, to give in to your rage and hatred, you internally fight it off, gritting your teeth as you say, “No.” You catch your breath and focus, rationalizing your decision to break into the Imperial Remnant safe house to save the Child, then you will yourself to move towards the medcenter.
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You swiftly walked towards your desk, grabbed your satchel, and opened the flap of the leather. Finding the fabric that wraps around the object you were searching for, you pull it out of the satchel and unwrap it. The lightsaber hilt that you haven’t touched since the day you left the clan, weighs heavy in your hands but the familiar cool touch of silver and gold metal forged into one grant you a sense of comfort. You wrap the hilt once more, not yet needing your lightsaber, placing it inside your satchel and instead arm yourself with a blaster. As you were gathering a few bacta sprays, the double doors sounded open, you don’t look over your shoulder as you say, “We’re closed for the day.”
“I need your help.” You feel your eyes expand and widen, the familiar voice of the Mandalorian causes you to wince a little bit as you turn to see his figure standing a few feet away from you.
You try to act nonchalant ask you ask, “What did you um… need?” Mando steps a bit closer to you, which causes your back to hit the cabinet door, his grave voice echoes through the modulator, “I need your help with rescuing the kid.” You swallow away your nervousness, “What? Why would you ask for my help?”
“You never showed up to the Cantina until today. You were asking Karga about the Imperials and you were curious as to why there were here. You never carry a weapon with you so I’m assuming you’re about to infiltrate their base. It looks like our interests are aligned,” Mando stated plainly as you quietly shook your head, “You don’t know me. So why trust me at all with this?”
It takes him a moment to form a response, you watch as his shoulders rise and fall with every intake of breath, then he says, “I’ve heard the good you’ve done for the people of Nevarro. No judgment or malice. Sometimes giving them medical care for free. You’re right, I don’t know who you are or what you’ve done before. But right now, I do know you’ve only done the right thing. So, I’m asking for your help.”
You were startled by his response, completely breathless by his honesty and directness. You had thought he didn’t know who you were, just some medic around Nevarro, plain and simple. But it seems the Mandalorian also keeps tabs on the citizens around the town.
The color aura of the Mandalorian returns as you blink at him, feeling his emotions bouncing off of him and you becoming the receiver. Sparks of white and silver illuminate him, sensing his sincerity and need to save the Child. You lick your lips as an anxious tick and then nod, “Okay. I’ll do it. What’s the plan?”
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The sun was beginning to set, casting shadows on your figures as you swiftly walk down the marketplace and down the alleyway to see the giant green metal door to the Imperial safe house. You make a right to find the hovering pram in the dumpster, and you feel his rage beside you. Like wildfire within him, mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke. It's fight or flight buried in his mind as alarms will sound.
You both climb up to the rooftop of the building across, positioned on his stomach, using his sniper rifle to listen to his targets. Clicking the side of his helmet to which the device whizzes and the static could be heard as you lay flat next to him. You figured he was listening to the targets and waiting for him to relay the information. After a few seconds, the Mandalorian quickly says, “We need to get the kid out of there before they leave.” You nodded as you lifted your hood up, “Okay.”
You both climb down off the rooftop. The Mandalorian bangs on the green door and is greeted by the gatekeeper droid. However, the Mandalorian violently grabs the stem, causing it to screech and rips off the droid's head, causing it to short circuit. He quickly walks away to the side, causing the two stormtroopers to come out to investigate. 
One of them tells the other, “Check the perimeter.” 
You and the Mandalorian plant a grav charge on a nearby wall, he grabs your wrist to hide behind another wall, “Cover your ears.”
You follow his instructions, using both of your hands to cover them, the beeping chirps louder, then sparks begin to fly, blowing a hole in the Imperial compound. Alarms are blaring, as you both walk into the corridor, positioning yourselves and waiting for the stormtroopers to advance.
The yellow lights flicker and eventually short-circuit, catching a glimpse of sparks flying on the side of the wall. You see the stormtroopers pass you and the Mandalorian to inspect the giant hole in the wall, using the flashlights on the side of their blasters to find nothing.
You both appear from behind the stormtroopers, the Mandalorian shooting the both of them from behind. Another stormtrooper enters the corridor and finds his fallen comrades, one of whom has a smoking hole in his chest. The Mandalorian once again appears from the shadows, knocking him down with his blaster and shooting him as well.
So far you hadn’t even needed to draw out your blaster, Mando is truly skilled. You walk through the corridors of the facility, checking each corner for stormtroopers. You and he venture deeper into the compound where he traps a fourth stormtrooper with his grappling cable and stabs him with his vibroblade. 
You shoot a door open and the stormtrooper manages to get a hit on this shoulder pauldron, causing him to jerk backward but manages to shoot the stormtrooper inside the laboratory. You both walk inside and you spot the doctor and an IT-O Interrogation Unit. The doctor begins to plead for his life, “No, no, no, no, please. Please. No. No, no.” You raise your blaster to shoot down the IT-O Interrogation Unit, watching the pile of junk collapse on the ground. 
Mando raises his blaster to shoot at the doctor, but he begs you both once more, “No, please. Please don’t hurt him. It’s just a child.” You and the Mandalorian walk toward him and he continues to plead, “Please. No. No! Please. No. No, no.” Mando grabs him by his chest and shoves him to the side, causing him to fall to the floor. He points and clicks his blaster at him, and he curls into a ball with his arm stretched out begging. You make your way to the machine keeping the child, finding him deep asleep.
You feel the Mandalorian break at the sight, alarms are still blaring, but it's too late for holy water now. He points the blaster, angrily asking, “What did you do to it?” He doesn’t get an immediate response which causes him to repeat the question harshly, “What did you do to it?” The doctor shakingly replies, “I protected him. If it wasn’t for me, he would already be dead! Please! Please. Please.”
The doctor whimpers as you quickly grab the Child and leave with the Mandalorian. You make a right but here the doors open, Mando grabs you and presses you up against a wall to hide behind some of the storage crates. You suddenly feel nauseous and can hear your own heartbeat flutter as you register the cool kiss of his armor against your warm flesh. You close your eyes as you feel the rise and fall of your chest and hear Mandos’ quiet breathing.
You try to push down your powers and senses, not wanting to feel his emotions at this particular moment right now. You feel the strings and waves radiating and intertwining with yours, the silver wisps curling with your bright shining colors. You tightly shut your eyes, hoping that you were almost out of this compound.
Suddenly, you hear the Mandalorian whisper, “They’re gone.”
Your lashes flutter as you open your eyes to meet his gaze through his vizor, there is a spectrum of color, surrounding you both. Your mouth partly opens to say something but there is no sound. For a moment, you believed he felt something too, the pull of gravity within your orbit. However, Mando pulls away from you and the colors disappear once more as if it was never truly there.
Neither of you spoke as you trail behind him and walk into a storeroom. The unexpected sound of the door opening catches you and Mando off-guard as two stormtroopers with flashlights attached to their armor try to shoot you both down. One of the stormtroopers says, “Split up. We’ll flush him out.”
You see their flashlights give away their positions, giving you and him time to defend yourselves. You turn to your left to give Mando the Child, letting him carry it, and make your way to the other stormtrooper.
“Give it up. There’s nowhere to–” You hear the groan of the stormtrooper being taken down by Mando, and you do the same to the other one, hitting him over the head with your blaster before knocking him out completely.
Another stormtrooper announces his arrival, “Hey!” To which you grab Mando’s Ampan sniper rifle on the floor, electrocuting him with the fork end of the device.
As you both exit the storeroom only to run into a stormtrooper. You both exchange gunfire, the sharp whizzing sound of blaster fire echoes in your ears, and the Mandalorian shoots him down. A second stormtrooper blasts his way through, and he unleashes his flamethrower on the second stormtrooper, scorching him. The Child looks away as this happens. The charred stormtrooper falls to the ground.
You groan in annoyance, “How many are there?” Mando hums, “Way too many for the Empire to be considered gone.”
You follow him and enter the meeting room with him holding the Child. Seemingly empty you walk straight to the exit doors, however, they open to reveal four more stormtroopers, “Freeze!” You three are completely cornered, “Don’t move! Hands up!” One of them yells, “Drop the blasters!”
You glare at the stormtroopers as Mando speaks calmly to them, “Wait. What I’m holding is very valuable. Here.” Mando gestures to you to do the same as you get down on your knees to place your blasters on the ground and he gently places the Child on the floor as well. “Now turn and face me!”
A stormtrooper commands, but neither of you moves, allowing yourself to have faith in the Mandalorian’s plans. You watch him clench his fists, and you hear the device on his arm chirp to life. “Stand up!” They command once more but you don’t follow their orders. A beat passes. The sharp sound of whistling birds creating fireworks as he unleashes them onto your enemies, you hear them groan in pain as it takes out all of the stormtroopers.
Mando gently picks up the Child and his blaster to which you grab your blaster from the floor, quickly exiting the compound. You walk side by side with the Mandalorian through the streets of Navarro, feeling the menacing stares of each bounty hunter. You spot their tracking fobs have been reactivated, loudly beeping as they point it towards your direction. Soon enough you are surrounded by several armed bounty hunters.
You spot Greef Karga stepping into view, “Welcome back! I’m surprised to see you ask for help from our talented healer. Now put the package down.” You analyze the several bounty hunters, trying to find an escape. “Step aside. I’m going to my ship.” Mando said, and Karga softly chuckles, “You put the bounty down and perhaps I’ll let you pass and our medic can be easily forgiven, after all, she’s done for the citizens of this town.”
Mando doesn’t relent and states, “She and the kid are coming with me.” You turn to look at him in surprise that he wouldn’t just leave you here to face the consequences of your actions. “If you truly care about the kid and her, then you’ll put it on the speeder and you’ll let her walk away as if none of this ever happened and we’ll discuss terms.” An R6 astromech droid, on the speeder, turns its head.
“How do we know if we can trust you?” You asked and Karga scoffs, “Because I’m your only hope.” You watch Mando walk over to the speeder and you feel your eyes begin to fog with oncoming tears. Karga says your name, “Walk away and we’ll discuss this later.” You clench your jaw and glare at the bounty agent before turning your back toward him, and placing your hand on your blaster as you sensed it, the tingling in your spine and throughout your body.
Mando whirls around and shoots at the other bounty hunters, jumping onto a repulsorlift vehicle carrying luggage. You quickly take cover and shoot down the other bounty hunters running towards the Mandalorian and hopping onto the repulsorlift. Deep and commanding, he demands the astromech droid, “Drive!”
The droid shakes its head in disapproval and Mando raises his blaster at him, “Drive!” The astromech screeches in fear and drives the repulsorlift vehicle while you and Mando are shooting down as many bounty hunters as you can.
You aim for the sniper above and shoot while Mando covers the ground as you drive by. The astromech is shot down by Karga, you see bright yellow sparks and you hear the droid power down. You hear Mando whisper, “Are you okay?”
To which you hum and nod, “Mhm. I’m fine.”
It’s now deadly quiet as the rest of the hunters step closer toward the repulsorlift. The fork end of the amban rifle peaks through the luggage as Mando aims and blasts bounty hunters into ash. Different species groan and clamor to hide behind various objects.
“That’s one impressive weapon!” Karaga states and Mando’s voice booms as he announces, “Here’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna walk to my ship with her and the kid, and you’re gonna let it happen.”
“No. How about this? We take the kid and the medic, and if you try to stop us, we will kill you and we strip your body for parts.” Karga says menacingly, and suddenly you feel someone pull your leg, dragging you and you yelp out in fear and surprise.
Mando is quick to your aid, using the butt of his rifle and then shocking him with the fork of his weapon, completely stunning the first bounty hunter while you shoot down the second.
You spot the rest of the hunters advancing towards you with their weapons, firing every part of the speeder.
Greef Karga yells, “Don’t hit the target or her!” As a last resort, Mando activates his flamethrower, which causes the bounty hunters to fall back for a moment, only for it to run out of fuel. You lay down next to the Child, craning your head to the right to gaze at his peaceful sleeping form.
You feel the sudden weight of Mando hovering over you and the kid, trying to protect both of you til the end. You hear the Child coo beside you and smile in adoration.
You reach into your satchel and dig for the lightsaber hilt, readying yourself to defend Mando and the Child the moment it comes down to it. Without notice, you hear the whooshing sound of rockets streaking through the air to hit one of the bounty hunters straight through the chest. Fortunately, several fellow members of the Mandalorian Tribe, donning jetpacks and blasters, come to your aid, taking out several bounty hunters.
You watch in awe as the Mandalorians skillfully use their weapons in taking out the remaining bounty hunters, the head infantry lands close to the speeder and says, “Get out of here! We’ll hold them off!” To which Mando replies, “You’re going to have to relocate the covert.” The head infantry responds, “This is the Way.” And Mando echos back, “This is the Way.”
The firing continues and Mando carries the Child and helps to pull you up. You and the Mandalorian board the Razor Crest, but are soon cornered by Greef Karga, “Hold it right there.” You both turn to face Karga as he states, “I didn’t want it to come to this. But then you broke the Code. And you,” he turns to talk to you, “Since you’re with him they will come after you too now. And the Imps will soon follow.” You raise your chin as you steadily replied, “Let them try.”
The Mandalorian uses his grappling hook to trigger the carbonite chamber, unleashing some tibanna gas in an attempt to blind Karga. You expertly doge his attempts to shoot at you only for you to outstretch your hand, using the Force to let his weapon fly out of his hands, he stands there completely stunned and Mando uses his blaster to shoot him off of the Razor Crest.
The hatch closes and you strap yourself in, the Razor Crest takes off, watching the other Mandalorians provide covering fire through the window. You comfortably soar into the skies of Nevarro. You spot the head infantry flying beside the ship and salute him before flying off.
The Mandalorian makes a remark, “I gotta get one of those.” And you snort in amusement. The Child is seated beside his lap and is reaching for something. The Mandalorian unscrews the metal ball on the stick and gives it to him to play with before taking the Razor Crest into space.
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End Notes:
You are a force-sensitive empath! HORRAY! 
You can force cloak yourself because this skill tends to come to people as more of a natural talent, for it is extremely difficult to learn otherwise; thus, the reason the ability is rarely seen.
The reader is an Enneagram 2! You are a part of the Heart Center; The benevolent, embrace of the good in other people, engage in every emotional love, you experience and feel their emotions more than anyone else. Helpful, natural nurturers, understanding, generous, supportive, mistaken as the passive, embodiment of what love and embrace look like.
The Mandalorian is an Enneagram One personality type with a Nine wing. Enneagram Ones belong to the body center, along with Eights and Nines, and they naturally make decisions based on gut instinct. The Mandalorian likes to feel in control, particularly of his physical environment. For Enneagram Ones, freedom and independence are important.
All will be revealed in the coming chapters! I can’t wait for you guys to read them AHHHHHH
Thank you for all the reblogs, comments, feedback, and likes! Ya’ll really are too sweet and I truly appreciate your kind words. SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!
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@wastingspaces @avengersheart @lunatic1012 @keepingupwiththeskywalkers
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dapurinthos · 10 months
The Padawan carries a small trash bin with one hand. Their other is held in a loose fist. They set the trash bin on the floor beside them.
Anakin’s arms are crossed, annoyance and tampered aggression in his stance. “What is this about?”
The Padawan uncurls their hand to show an egg resting on their palm. They purse their lips slightly and it starts to rise before coming to a rest beside their face. It rotates in the air, following the natural path of the Force to form its own ecliptic path, moving around the Padawan’s head like a halo.
They jab a finger at it. “This is your dai.”
“That’s an egg.”
“It’s a metaphor.” Their scowl is uncannily like the one Master Nu wears whenever someone is too loud in the library halls, right before swooping down on them like a hawkbat spotting a particularly delicious shadowmoth.
Or a sheepish Qui-Gon Jinn, who had eventually found himself not so much banned from the archives as severely unwelcome to the point where, if he wanted anything, Obi-Wan was the one who had to retrieve any materials and take responsibility for them because Qui-Gon had inherited his grandmaster’s lack of care for the materials.
“Okay,” Anakin says, “that’s my dai.”
The Padawan exudes annoyance, more directed at their self than at either Obi-Wan or his Padawan.
“Kodaih?” He steps in.
They tilt their head, thinking, and then nod. The egg stops in its motion, resting off to the side of their face, just above the trash bin. “Nev dai kat kodel.”
They raise their hand and clench it into a fist.
The egg breaks, splattering yolk and albumen into the air. Obi-Wan manages to catch himself before he flinches too fully.
“Padawan, what—” He is interrupted by the Padawan scowling at them. They hold up a single finger. The resemblance to Master Nu increases.
“Nev dai kat kodel on the Dark Side,” they say, fiercely, the remains of the egg slowly dripping down to the trash bin. Their eyes flicker toward it, and then back, before bowing solemnly.
The remains of the egg fall down into the bin, released from the Force. The Padawan nods, picks up the bin, and leaves Obi-Wan and Anakin behind.
dialogue notes using dai from the @dai-bendu-conlang in a sort-of extended concept way, moving from how it means 'force/centre' to a generalized mind/soul when used in the form of 'the dai of [person/s]'.
thus, nev dai kat kodel is 'this is the soul/mind(brain) of us, the jedi.' if i've got the tenses and pronouns right.
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dingoat · 1 month
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Iokath (aka 'damn that's a big droid')
Drawing over screenshots with the way things REALLY played out for our kids
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palpipeen · 1 year
Caf Delivery Service - An Update and a Rewrite (And a preview!)
Arright so, stuff under the cut, minors DNI etc etc
Okay so shit has been. Really rough with this new job.
But ey, I gotta have hobbies still.
Outside of art, I'm trying to get back into writing. Which again - hard. But recently I got a comment on AO3 about the Caf Delivery Service fic, and if I'm thinking about coming back to it.
To those wondering: yes, I do intend to. But, it's getting rewritten, and while Barista is still essentially a reader...she's becoming an OC. But only in name, because I can't make myself do another fic in second person for the time being. I'm sorry to those who aren't too keen on this kinda thing, BUT Barista (who's name for now is going to be Piper) will still be the same. Just a bit more of her feisty side is gonna be showing through. Hopefully it'll be as funny and enjoyable! Speaking of...here's a preview!
“In your dreams, vod.” Hound paused, clearly watching Piper as she blankly stared at one corner of the now empty cart. She could practically feel him watching with the intensity of a hawkbat. But she wasn’t about to look at him. Especially not after she heard the hiss of his helmet seals. “Looking for something on your cart? Or are you still freaked out from last time?”
Don’t look don’t look don’t look -
“Oh c’mon, not even going to peek?”
“And give you the satisfaction?” Piper tipped her chin up belligerently, eyes still closed. “Not a chance.”
“This isn’t my caf.”
With how fast her head snapped round to gawk at Hound, Piper was shocked her neck didn’t snap. But the flash of guilt was immediately covered by concern and a little bit of fear as Hound’s gaze locked onto hers. With practiced ease he used his thumb to pop the lid off his caf, lifting it and making a show of inhaling the steam. There was a concerning amount of that, because for whatever reason, Hound liked his caf bordering on scalding.
With his eyes still locked on Piper’s, Hound drank said nearly-scalding caf in about fifteen seconds flat.
With a long-suffering sigh, Piper pressed her fingers to her temples once he slammed the cup down, “Do I need to call a medic?”
“Mm-mm,” Hound shook his head with a far-too-pleased smirk. “Not for me, at least. Maybe for you once you talk to the Commander and have a heart attack.”
“I am not -- you are such a -- rrgh!”
“Down, girl.”
“You’re a goddamn nuisance.” There wasn’t any heat in Piper’s words as she smirked at Hound, pushing her cart towards the only door in the room besides the elevator. “I’m bringing you iced caf next time.”
“Pot meet kettle!”
Hope y'all have enjoyed! Thanks for your patience!
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celynsdream · 2 years
Initiates | Wards
Below is the brainstorming I've created as to give more development for the Initiates of the Order of Jedi. Feel free to use in your writing, but please make sure to credit back to this post or tumblr. If not, I will not hesitate to remove all resources.
A Jedi Initiate, Jedi Trainee, Youngling, or Ward referred to a Force-sensitive child who was undergoing the early stages of Jedi training or currently residing in the Créche, at a Jedi Academy. Initiates are found at early ages, typically a few months to up to three years, by Jedi Recruiters and Finders, such as in the case with Master Koon’s Finding of Padawan Tano and Master Kenobi, and are brought to the Coruscant Temple for initial placement and care. 
Initiate Clans:
All Initates are placed into Clans within their third year of life, and placed into care of various selected Créchemasters until they become Padawans. It is typical for a Clan to remain close even throughout adulthood and Padawanship, interchanging Padawans for training, and relying on each other for missions over other Jedi. Below is a list of known, and current Initiate Clans:
Bear Clan
Bergruutfa Clan (Most librarians/archivists come from this Clan)
Boma Clan
Clawmouse Clan
Dragon Clan
Heliost Clan
Katarn Clan
Savrip Clan
Soaring Hawkbat Clan (Most pilots/Aces come from this Clan)
Squall Clan
Thranta Clan
Tra’cor Clan
Wuulf Clan
Vorpaak Clan (Notorious for producing the Disaster Crew)
Once an Initiate is placed into their Clan, they started their education, typically around the age of five-six standard years. Those aged three-four years are introduced to ideas necessary for their future education, such as numbers and alphabet, and are more play-orientated than the older Initiates. They also start learning the basics of the Jedi Code and the Three Pillars of the Order between various games.
Initiates aged five-eight are considered Junior Initiates, and follow a set schedule, varying days based on Clan, but it rarely changes. Upon waking, the Initiates are led in morning exercises, including a fifteen-minute meditation session. In the mornings, Clans engage in Force studies, usually games meant to help them develop control, such as the “Feather Game”, or “Catch”, under the watchful eyes of their Créchemaster and Padawans doing Créche duty. Before lunch, the Initiates settle down for a fifteen minute meditation session, led by one of the Junior-Créchemasters. Around midday, the Initiates head to the refectory for lunch and story-time, usually about a Jedi of old, then shift into physical training under the watchful eyes of the Initiate Battlemaster, Jardin Eldil. They learn the basics of the six accepted forms of Lightsaber combat, followed by another fifteen-minute session of movement mediation. Once they return to their Clan-room, they engage in crafts or games for an hour, before they return to learning the history of the Order. Around five-six o’clock is dinner for the younger Initiates, then they return to their room to do one final relaxation meditation session, followed by a short story, then get tucked into their beds.
Initiates aged nine-twelve are considered Senior Initiates, and follow a little bit of a less intense schedule than the Juniors. In the mornings, they wake up on the call of an alarm clock, versus being individually woken by the Junior-Créchemasters, as the Junior-Initiates get. A Junior-Créchemaster leads them through morning exercises and meditation, then the Senior-Initiates head to their classrooms for history, mathematics, science, political sciences, including one elective class they choose. Around midday, like the junior-initiates, they head to the refectory for lunch, but while the juniors are having their story time, the seniors are working on their assignments from that morning. After lunch, they attend classes taught by the Initiate Battlemaster, switching over to actual lightsaber work over the six accepted forms, then doing a movement meditation session after their physical training. Once returning to their Clan-room, they help out with the care of the younger initiates because arts-and-crafts can stress anyone out, then finish up their assigned assignments from that day’s classes. Around six-seven o’clock is dinner for the Senior Initiates, then they join the younger initiates for their evening meditation, but while the juniors get tucked into beds, the seniors are given thirty minutes to do what they want before lights out.
At the age of twelve-thirteen is when things start to change for their schedules. The initiates turning twelve that year are given the date of their Gathering, then are permitted to attend classes and seminars in whatever order they want. There’s no set schedule for these initiates anymore, due to them preparing to take the Initiate Trials at the end of the year, hoping to move onto Padawanship. These Initiates spend most of their days studying to prepare for their Trials, knowing that their results will forecast their future path in the Jedi Order. Before these Initiates take their Trials, they participate in the Gathering, a ceremony that had been passed down through the Order for centuries. They are escorted by a Jedi of a higher rank, typically a Master or Senior-Padawan, and travel to Ilum, where they would undergo unofficial trials of trusting their instincts and overcoming inner and outer obstacles in search of a kyber crystal that is fully theirs, in both Force and physical being.
Wards are Initiates that are not Force-Sensitive, but live in the Temple. They’re taught the same as the Initiates, usually coming from Corps families or those killed in action, or are even Temple-stork babies. However, the difference comes that when the senior-initiates shift over to preparing for their Trials, Wards change their focus to their future adulthood paths. 
Wards are taught the Jedi traditions, and even as adults, they’re common sights at ceremonies all over the various Temples. Most of the staff, or senior members of various organizations, celebrities, radio hosts, etc, are Wards from various Temples, and sometimes… there can be a decade or two old rivalries between certain Wards that always lead to interesting meetings. 
Wards filter into branches and careers all over the galaxy, and are certainly not held to the same behavioral standards/oaths of the Knighthood, so most Wards do end up having families throughout their lifetimes. The Jedi temples, all across the galaxy, are known to provide a safe place for children to grow up and learn and become strong good adult figures, even in war-torn environments, but the High Council strictly regulates how many Wards to Initiates are accepted each year, unless there’s a particularly good reasoning that the regulation limit won’t work. 
The typical regulation numbers are 25-30 Wards, 30-50 Initiates plus their staff and instructors, at any one time.
The Initiates aged eighteen months or less wear cream-colored onesies, done in patterns to handle their developing forms. The amphibious babies wear waterproof cream-colored onesies, also to handle their developing forms.
The Initiates aged twenty months to eight years wear cream-colored tunics, brown leggings, and soft kidskin leather boots, with a brown leather chest harness for the Crèchemasters’ leash usage to clip onto.
The Initiates aged nine years to thirteen wear cream-colored tunics, brown leggings, brown leather boots, and a colored belt that corresponded with their future path.
Crèche Life:
The Crèche is the full name for the Initiate Wing, though it is more commonly referred as the Initiate Hall, and the term Crèche is used in reference to the nursery. In all Initiate rooms, except during nap times, the sound of cheerful voices and playful kid-voices can be heard from even outside the rooms. There’s always some sort of activity going on down in the Initiate Wing, which contributes to such a permanent joyful atmosphere for all those even walking past.
Jedi Councilor, and Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is the youngest known initiate to ever be brought to the Coruscant Temple. He was rescued from Stewjon by Councilor Plo Koon at the age of a month, and quickly enfolded into the Vorpaak Clan.
The most chaotic Clan in all of Crèche-history is the Vorpaak Clan, though they have produced some of the most skilled Jedi of the age. Notable members included Shadow Quinlan Vos, Ace Garen Muln, Healer Bant Eerin, Peacekeeper Reeft, and Knight-Ambassadors Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Temple-stork babies are those that were dropped off at the closest temple’s front door, much like the image of the stork bringing babies to their true families.
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clonetroopercantina · 2 years
Clone unit of the week: 327th Star Corps
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Led by Jedi General Aayla Secura and Clone Marshal Commander Bly (CC-5052), the 327th fought on numerous planets throughout the galaxy during the Clone Wars, including Quell, Maridun, and Felucia.
Keep an eye out for more 327th-themed posts throughout the week!
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