#having people who look at my blog still amazes me in a very nice way
@scalls hi. you're awesome. thank you for liking my posts seconds after i post them. would you like a hug, cookie and adoption?
(and also seriously my blog is batshit why would be nice enough to actually like some of it /nm/pos/aff)
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galactic-rhea · 8 months
WDYM Anakin is Luke and Leia's dad
I dunno if this post will reach the Star Wars fandom but I hope it does because I'm sure you all will get a good laugh at me.
As of recent I have developed a good hiperfixation for Star Wars, the thing is I knew nothing. NOTHING about Star Wars besides the fact it had aliens and...a war...in space? And funny swords. And main character is Luke or something, I spent over 20 years ignoring anything about Star Wars and somehow missing most references out there.
And recently, literally less than a month ago I saw a gif and said to my partner "oh this guy this guy looks cool, this gif looks nice" and he said "Oh well, he's a good character." And it all developed into me watching Clone Wars, the animated series you know and...and I was kinda blown away, on my opinion the show IS GREAT. And I love every character and their interactions, I love how much they focus on side characters, and they all seem very well written. I got hiperfixated really fast and saw Anakin and I was like "Omg, babygirl. He's a blorbo now."
And because of the show, this was super unexpected, but somehow I also got, really got, into the ship with Padmé because omg, cool woman. Literal happy squeaky noises of someone who was in a bad state and needed some good ol' distraction and comfort.
Now, like I said I knew nothing about Star Wars as a whole. And I still haven't watched the movies, besides the ocassional gif?
So imagine my shock, my surprise, my...bewilderment when I realized.
"Wait a minute, LUKE IS ANAKIN'S SON?! HOLY-"
Ladies, gentleman, and others, I think I came very late to this party and I don't even know how it took me so long.
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Not only that, but because of this sudden love for the series, I went to my friends circle like "BESTIE, GUESS WHAT, I HAVE A NEW BLROBO AND A NEW FAV SHIP AND EEEP"
And my friends are like "omg that's amazing, what is it?"
I tell them, and of course they all know these characters and they all react like they know this very bad secret fact and I got told several times already "Please, don't watch the episodes 2 and 3 alone, it will hurt."
I feel like blissfully walking among rainbows and blue skies while everyone else know that my future is doomed. Somehow.
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(Uncomfortable silence)
Not only that, but then I spent a whole deal of time thinking "Where the heck I have seen these guys" cus there was some fmailiarity I couldn't just point out and then one day I woke up, brushed my teeth and of all sudden I realized and it was such a shock.
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Do you know how SURREAL is to get very into a character, and into a ship, and then realize they're the same from that super widespread meme that has been around for who knows how much time?
I swear I thought that meme was from some old medieval fantasy movies or something.
But alas, Star Wars now is EVERYWHERE. People do references to Star Wars ALL THE TIME and it's just now I'm catching them.
I got spoilers. From a meme. In a youtube review that had nothing to do with Star Wars hah. Everything is a spoiler, the world is an apparent spoiler. Now I'm here, trying to avoid spoilers from something everyone seems to know, even my family knows. It's so surreal and I wouldn't have it any other way 😂
Anyways, if you read until here, know that a wild ride still waits me, cuz I'm only starting Season 3 of Clone Wars and I don't plan to watch the movies until I finish the series.
And yes, I made this blog just to ramble freely about SW and draw stuff because it sparked my inspiration after a long art block.
Have this doodle I drew after watching the two first episodes, my offering for you reaching this far.
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Note: Wouldn't Anakin and Padmé's ship name be Animé? Cuz that's hilarious.
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nipuni · 3 months
Hello! Time for another blog post! I think my last one was two months ago and a lot has happened since 😊
We have been attending a ton of historical recreation events so I still have many photos to share, hope you don't hate those! It's been really fun! We are exhausted and all out of social battery however so we are taking it easy this month. Another thing that's been happening a lot is that even when we are not dressed in historical clothing we keep getting stopped by strangers on the street because of our everyday outfits, it's been like that for a couple of years now so we are no longer startled or nervous about it but it's happening more and more often now and it's so nice! we always end up chatting about the events we go to and our jobs and hobbies and exchanging contacts or they ask for photos and stuff! people are really kind and excited about it and I still find it so surprising in the best way. We grew up in a very hostile city and environment and that makes you paranoid and cynical so these interactions and response has been healing really. I know their words will stick with us for years to come 😭 Sadly the unbearable heat is starting though so that means our outings for the next three months will be limited to the crack of dawn and after sunset 😞 but at least the summer brings a lot of fruit with it so we can sit at home and eat pineapples and strawberries while we wait for autumn.
My family came to visit a few months ago too and we made them watch most of Doctor Who's season one to four and some of our favourite episodes from all the other seasons lmao. And much to our delight they really enjoyed it!! They both loved Ten the most and my step dad is now in love with Martha 🥰
We have also been watching the current season and it's been so fun keeping up with fandom theories in real time and talking about it and speculating with friends in person, it's the first time we get a chance to do it since we got into the series and we are enjoying it a lot!
We also watched season one of Jessica Jones and we loved David's performance as Kilgrave!! He stole the show for real. Kilgrave is such an incredible villain, one of the best I've seen and DT does such an amazing job portraying every aspect of him. He's detestable and volatile and frighteningly powerful and has such an intimidating terrifying presence in the narrative while also being pathetic and vulnerable and ridiculous and childish and so human with all it's worrying implications. It was just so gripping and I wish he had stayed for the rest of the show honestly!! Now we have to pick our next David Tennant series to watch! 😊
Also!! Dragon Age is back!! AHHH I wanted to thank everyone that commented on my last DA pieces, it has made my month to read the comments, I didn't expect so many people to remember my art or my character after so many years and it's so touching and flattering you have no idea 😭💘 I look forward to making more and sharing them with you all, I'm truly grateful for the kindness you've shown me both back then and now I hope you know.
I feel so spoiled lately with all these franchises that I love releasing new content!! I've never been in these many fandoms at once!! I have so many ideas to draw and keep jumping back and forth between drawings from different shows and games AAAAA it's a good and welcome change honestly, keeps me busy and inspired!
Anyway that's all for now I think! I hope you are doing well and this summer/winter is kind to you all ❤️
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dualityvn · 1 month
A little bit off topic from recent events, but Keith looks so beautiful.
Although the last post wasn't exactly happy or back to normal yet but I just want to take time to appreciate our sweetheart a little.
Keith looks like an angel. He always does. That was my first thought when I saw him in the flower shop, when he stood in my kitchen wearing Tenerbis's clothes(even if he doesn't like them really he still looked gorgeous), when he took me to dinner and rambled about flower language(I really find it interesting and sweet how he knows so much), and especially on that picnic in the forest where there was no one else(besides Tenten of course [cause I picked that option]). And when he was talking about that flower that's center resembles a bee's mate to attract them, only able to get pollinated if it does a good enough job I honestly found it a sad but deeply beautiful metaphor to himself or rather how he views himself.
He looked beautiful when he got a slightly new look, he looked beautiful with pink hair and honestly he looks beautiful with every emotion on display on his face. I find him stunning with a bright smile and those shining blue eyes, but I also find him breath taking even when he's angry or upset, when just his gaze could pierce trough my soul.
In the last arts he truly looked like an angry/hurt angel who slightly calmed down after destroying worlds.
And this is not specifically about his looks only. I know the words I used are usually to describe one's physical beauty but for Keith it's like he has that beauty in his soul, like even if his appearance changed 180° he would still be beautiful because it would be him.
(a little note to the dear creator, I am very sorry if I got something incorrect but I am writing this from plain memory and feeling, also english is not my first language. I have to admire the fact how you're handling this "drama" roleplay, you write every response with such care and feeling that at times I tend to forget that it is only roleplay and I get a tad concerned for Keith(or Tenebris when it was his case). It's truly amazing how much effort you put into the blog and keeping people updated on the progress too. I truly believe you made 2 of the most interesting and loveable characters(to me for sure did), perhaps in the whole visual novel industry too. This little ramble was just made because these past posts has really gave me a strong feeling towards Keith and I wanted to put it into words, I hope you don't mind.)
- C🌸
AAaa, thank you so much, C. You're way too kind. And don't worry, you didn't get anything wrong I don't think!
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"F-flattery isn't going to get me to act nice again!" - Keith
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⭐️ my void sucess story ⭐️
Hi Maya! I entered the void last night using this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/717982229971730432/fulfillment-x-i-am-technique) and this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/718301527748608000/shifting-recourses-wposts ) post, so tysm!
I won’t get to into it, but I am living my best life despite all the doubts I had about the void. I always knew it was real but I was scared I would not be able to do it. If you’re someone who struggles with the logic behind this phenomenon I suggest reading that post, and also reading @gorgeouslypink blog. I think both Maya and pink understand and acknowledge that this stuff “isn’t natural” (in a human and logical sense) but also encourage us to both appeal to our logical mind and spiritual one as well. But I kind of do want to breakdown what I did, bc it was always annoying how some anon stories didn’t explain what they did lol.
⭐️I suggest reading one peice of Neville Goddard’s work. You don’t have to of course. You don’t even have to apply loa, but trust me it’s the shortcut to this type of stuff. I really liked at your command, and the power of imagination if you want recommendations.
⭐️read this (https://www.tumblr.com/gorgeouslypink/710749646282227712/doubts )post about doubt by pink. Don’t just read it, understand and internalize it. If you don’t and keep re-reading it until you do.
⭐️use some subliminals if you want.i know people say don’t put methods above you, but ehhh :// I just like to listen to music and it won’t hurt as long as you know you choose if they work or not with your assumption. I really like slade, solar subs kira’s domain (yes the scammer but her subs still work pretty well) and v1per, but use whoever you trust
⭐️find logical reasoning to help you come to terms with the fact it’s real. Pink talks about some on her page, and so does Maya. I used the technique I shared in the first paragraph which reminds me of a lazy sats, and combined that with my subliminal usage and after a week it worked
⭐️shifting methods are your best friend. There are so many great methods so find one that resonates with you. Also the shifting community is very open minded and not limited in any way, which is nice. They’re also starting to talk about logic and the law which is awesome. Again this (https://www.tumblr.com/charmedreincarnation/718301527748608000/shifting-recourses-wposts) post has both resources for the logical and spiritual mind, stuff about the law, methods, and stories.
⭐️stick to 1-2 bloggers who help you feel the most motivated. Most bloggers say the something anyways so it won’t help you that if you read 100 bloggers instead of one. I obviously preferred pink and Maya but choose whoever you want!
Anyways, most importantly I manifested a complete change in my life. Nothing is the same so don’t limit yourself. From the way I look, to where I live, my career, age, love life, wealth, social life, family, friends, nothing is the same. Also I was 30 but I revised my age to 25. I’m just adding this so you know it’s not only kids dabbling in this special amazing ability! I also had very hard circumstances, ranging from poverty, assault, and depression. Most people in the world struggle, no one is struggling alone. Don’t let that victim mentality stop you from living your best life.
I know I say the same thing every time, but I’m genuinely happy and proud of you! Thank you for sharing all your amazing tips and recourses, and I hope you continue to always live your best life and it only gets better!
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cleake · 1 year
heyy i love your blog the fics are so cute!!! i wanted to kindly ask you if you could do a fic with neville? i love the way you portray him in your stories. usually others just write him off as sme shy weak boy but you portray him in such a special way, like yes he is shy but theres more to him than just loving plants and being inroverted, and i respect you so much for it. i was wonderng if you could do a big headcanon or fic centering around neville having a crush on the reader or him being the reader's boyfriend? i just miss him sm :(
Hello, dear. Your words made me feel very happy and appreciated, thank you very much. I would love to write more about Neville, he’s a very interesting character. So I’m back from the dead and my multiple months break from writing to give you some of this sweet boy. Thank you again, you’re wonderful <3
Warning: English is not my first language, please excuse any mistakes
Neville Longbottom having a crush on you
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-Neville felt like an outcast. He felt that he didn’t fit in with how he was, how he looked, how he behaved, or what he was interested in. He had bad experiences with trying to make friends, let alone trying to find someone that would be special to him. He was rejected, laughed at, and ignored by his peers and he stopped trying to talk to others. He still wanted to have friends, people to like him and respect him but he just feels that won’t happen, that he was a lost cause. So he went on through the years in Hogwarts being only a background character, nothing important.
-Then you showed up. And it was amazing for him. You were amazing.
-When Neville noticed you and you noticed him it felt like something finally clicked, that something finally happened in his life, that he wasn’t alone anymore. He felt like a person, someone with will and importance. You made yourself memorable to him by just being a good person, by being a friend and someone who didn’t see him as a joke. He was overjoyed. He felt like he had something that could make people like him. You made him feel like he was nice, like he was good and worth everything wonderful. He finally had a friend.
-But after some time of you being friends, of you two talking about your interests without any judgment, you making gifts to each other, you making efforts for each other, spending your time together, Neville had a realization to make. He loved you, he liked you and he wanted to be the reason you keep on smiling. He was terrified at the beginning. He was scared and felt so alone with that thought and feeling of loving you. This changed how he saw your relationship and he felt like that was a bad thing. He started to see you in a different light and it made him feel guilty. He started to notice the way you smiled, the way you looked at him, the way you laughed, the way your hair fell around your face, the way you stood, the way your hands touched things, the way your eyes looked so peaceful when you read or looked at something important. Like him. It was such a wonderful thing to witness your beauty in the simplest things, he loved it. But it made him feel so bad for thinking that way, you’re friends. You’re friends. Nothing more. And maybe he had to accept that fact, maybe he shouldn’t look at you in that way. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe he didn’t deserve to do that.
-Neville was so conflicted with his feelings and thoughts toward you, his days were filled with admiring you quietly, punishing himself for doing that, and then feeling alone and powerless. His mind was focused on you, he was thinking about you. And it wasn’t only the administration, he thought about you and how you’d react to him having those feelings about you, he thought about how he was disrespectful for doing such things. He was sure you’d be angry, upset, sad, embarrassed, disgusted, disappointed if you found out. He was so scared. But he loved you so much. He couldn’t help but smile when he thought of you, when you were near when you complimented him, praised him, noticed him. He loved you. And there was no way in denying it.
-He felt so much love and appreciation for you, he just wanted to cherish you forever, treat you like a god, worship you. He knew he was a bit dramatic in his feelings but he loved you so much he couldn’t help it. He saw you as something pure, wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous, and enchanting, he had to feel this way. He had to give you all the stars in the sky, all the pearls in the ocean, all the sunsets and sunrises. He knew you deserved it. But he didn’t know if he deserved you. And it made him feel miserable in his loving you. He didn’t know what to do.
-But then you showed something that was close to showing romantic feelings toward him as well and Neville got so excited and so happy, but at the same time so scared and nervous. He wanted to tell you how he loved you, he wanted to scream it, he wanted it to pour out of him so you could see it, he wanted to give you his heart. He wanted to say it and it ached him to death. He wanted to let you know. He was so enchanted by the thought of telling you that he got brave enough to tell you, not even thinking if you agreed or not, if you thought of him as weird and embarrassing. He got to tell you.
-One day he run up to you, his eyes wide, his lips parted, his breath coming out heavily from the emotion and adrenaline. He placed his hands on your shoulders, looking at you with a glimpse of something in his eyes that you just caught from time to time. Now it was directed at you and it was visible, he wasn’t trying to hide it anymore. He had to take a moment before he could speak. He didn’t care if anyone was close to seeing, he didn’t care if people were laughing at his emotions, he was here with you and that only made him feel safe. After a moment of him trying to find his words, opening and closing his mouth in hesitation and fear of saying something wrong he finally choked it out.
“I love you.”
It was quiet, shaky, and uncertain but it was said. He said it to you and he was worried. How will you respond? Will you be disgusted like he always imagined? He just realized what he had done to your friendship and that it won’t be the same after this. All that could save this moment was your response. And he was desperate for it.
-He loved you and he loved that you loved him. And it made him the happiest and the most grateful he ever was. He was ready to give you himself and his heart and you wanted it. That was the most beautiful thing to him. He was always overjoyed with you and you were a miracle to him that he’d protect and love to the end of his existence. He was ready to feel loved and appreciated, to be someone’s “one and only”, to be their heart and soul. And he always wanted it to be you.
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larytello · 5 months
I find it funny and sad how Tumblr users are SO CONDITIONED to English language as default they will just NOT interact with posts in other languages whatsoever, no matter how cool the thing is - not even a like and reblog without adding comments or tags to it
Small rant ahead with something that happened this week AND I SHOULD POST IT IN MY OWN LANGUAGE TO PROVE A POINT but I won't and it'll still prove a point.
I have a Paw Patrol sideblog. It's a very active blog where I post, reblog, receive lots of asks constantly, I post my art there, etc. I got more active followers there than here on my personal blog and that's saying something (my personal has over 10x more followers than the Paw Patrol one AND STILL that one is more active lmao). People are always liking the posts/reblogs, always adding a comment, always reblogging with comments and/or nice/funny tags, sending asks. Literally it's very active.
Last week I reblogged there a post I found, it was a video of a mom and her daughter playing together with Paw Patrol toys and a handcrafted Lookout Tower made out of cardboard. THAT TOWER LOOKS SO COOL. It's amazing and the mom made it herself for her daughter and they were playing together so happily. Naturally this reblog should get a lot of likes and some reblogs, right?
It didn't get any. It's the only reblog so far there that didn't get a single bit of interaction.
Do you know why?
The mom and daughter are Brazilians. They speak Brazilian Portuguese. The text in the post is in Brazilian Portuguese. I added a long comment myself ALSO in Brazilian Portuguese (it is my first language as I'm Brazilian too) saying how cool it was, joking about the prices of official Lookout Tower toys (absurdly expensive around here) and that I've been planning myself to also build the Lookout Tower and the Paw Patroller with cardboard as well but I'm still in the first sketching stages, but seeing her project really inspired me to go ahead and continue working on my own.
I even followed her blog and she followed me back too. She posts a bunch of cool stuff and toys and games she creates with her kids, it's really AWESOME. I could spend HOURS looking at their posts.
But as she posted in Brazilian Portuguese and I commented also in Brazilian Portuguese and added tags ALSO in Brazilian Portuguese, it looks like NO ONE BATTED AN EYE AT IT.
What, are y'all afraid of using GOOGLE TRANSLATE???? How the fuck do you think I learned English ON MY OWN to interact with people on the internet in the first place when I was like 13, 14 years old??? I didn't even have English teachers at school and high school, I legit learned on my own because the world wasn't interested in trying to communicate with me, I was the one who had to adapt to communicate with it all.
You don't even need to learn another language like I did! YOU HAVE ONLINE TRANSLATORS. Back in my time, Google Translate was ABSURDLY AWFUL when translating anything to Brazilian Portuguese and vice-versa (it still is, but way less awful now over the years it took to better itself about it).
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eunxhan · 8 months
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❝ Why are you with them? You should be with me instead. ❞
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Ꮺ Anon asked ⨾ always nice to see a new male/gn reader blog <3 since requests are open, can i ask for platonic yandere fushiguro megumi with a male!reader who's his older brother figure? (p.s. can i be 🦭 anon?)
Ꮺ Eun replies ⨾ I'm so glad to see my first request and 21 headcanons! Ah yes, this is my first time creating a blog because most works here always amazes me and i wouldn't mind giving it a try as well. I hope you do like my first work! And I'm so upset that i can't see the emoji anon, I'm so sorry. Would you mind having a different emoji?
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Ꮺ Disclaimer — I do not condone this kind of behavior in real life situations. Unhealthy relationship, possessive and obsessive behavior, delusion, thoughts of abduction and violence. English is not my main!
Reader & Genre ⨾ MALE!reader, PLATONIC
Words used ⨾ 8,600+ I lost count
Character ⨾ Yandere!Megumi Fushiguro
Links ⨾ My Navigation and Mandates
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Let's say you're around the age range with the third years and was in the Kyoto Goodwill event festival also, he wouldn't care based on how you approach him the first time. You were adored by Satoru and other students looking up at you, probably because of your brotherly behavior you do towards people.
During the event, you were still humble and caring despite having to go against him. You weren't the strongest but you weren't the weakest when it comes to using your techniques. During the event, you would approach Megumi with humble and caring attitude. You would recognize his strength and skill, but also that he isn't an invincible demon. You would treat him like you would anyone else, that's what keeps him on wanting to get to know you better. but you with a bit more caution due to his impressive skill. You would compliment him and encourage him, showing respect and admiration for his abilities. When it comes time to fight him, you would give it your all, but you would also recognize when you are outmatched and need to retreat or find a way to exploit a weakness.
Even when the enemies invade the event, you're focused on keeping others safe and sound. Putting Megumi beside you at all cost, making the younger male become awkward yet feeling touched. He still have his guard on around you after the festival although you'll noticed he would not go away, would not want to let you out of his sight. You would notice that he becomes possessive whenever you interact with the other students. You would need to be careful not to show a certain level of closeness with any other students, as it would make Megumi jealous.
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As time went by, you see him coming by to see you. Sometimes doing things just for your attention, he liked being praised by you, it gives him a sense of calmness whenever you approve of what he does. Of course his behavior changes when you act the same towards Nobara or Yuji, he wanted you all to himself.
I would imagine that Megumi would act very protective and doting around his older brother figure. He would be very clingy and probably not want his brother figure to leave his side. He might even go as far as to keep his brother figure from interacting with other people out of fear that he might lose him.
Megumi may also become extremely attached to his older brother figure, to the point of becoming emotionally dependent upon him. This can lead to an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship, where Megumi's happiness and self-worth are solely dependent on his older brother figure's love and approval. You noticed this behavior and you don't approve of it, yes it's adorable to watch but you don't want Megumi dependent on you but Megumi doesn't find it any less weird because he have never experienced this kind of affection.
Megumi would have a strong attachment and obsession with you, protecting you at all costs while also being possessive and jealous of others who interact with them. He would be protective and aggressive, and would likely go to extreme lengths to protect you and ensure they are safe from any outside threats. He may be prone to lashing out in jealousy and violence.
He tends to be easily paranoid, his life is already shit as it can be with all of these life threatening situations. Being stressed around people before and now with you in his life, he have gotten much worse. Please makes sure to reassure him in any chance you get. Of course he wouldn't abduct you, since well.. You have more brains than he have. Megumi can sometimes be extremely self-critical, even when his friend is trying to reassure him that you are doing fine. Often feels that he have to prove himself constantly to keep his older friend's affection, which can create a lot of pressure and potentially lead to emotional and mental burnout.
So the next best thing for him is being by your side, oh how would you find this suffocating? shouldn't you be grateful you have someone looking up to you to the point he would want to know your every move even all of the things you eat and used?
Protecting you and becoming jealous over the others who interact with you, taking your attention away from him. I wouldn't say he would do violence on you but he'll get aggressive, lashing out to the point he'll cry out of frustration on why you would want to talk to other people when you have him.
Megumi is very attached to his friend. He's protective and possessive of him, and becomes jealous if you gets close with anyone else. He's also very overprotective and will get extremely defensive if anyone badmouths you, even if it's not towards him directly. You're his number one priority, and he'll do anything to keep you safe.
Sometimes he would act emotionally distant and detached, keeping his emotions bottled up and suppressed until you give up on reassuring him and comforting him, once you'll stop and sigh on him. He would change drastically, asking you why would you stop? He may experience extreme mood swings and changes in behavior. Having obsessive habits related to you.
Megumi have some obsessive or possessive habits that manifest in non-violent ways. For example, he may keep a photo of his beloved on them, or write them letters, or keep a lock of their hair in a jar.
If you caught Megumi stealing your stuff, he'll get guilty and ashamed of it especially when you scold him like a little child. He will get all sulky til you let him off the hook. Next day you'll see him having the same thing that you were trying to find, acting as if he didn't steal it.
His older brother figure may need to tread carefully so as not to upset or anger him. You need to be understanding and respectful of his feelings, and try not to do anything that could provoke his jealousy and protectiveness.
Megumi would likely be very attentive to his needs, but also prone to overreacting or acting irrationally if he feel you are being slighted in any way. He might also be prone to expressing his affection with grand gestures or gifts, but also potentially be controlling or even manipulative at times.
Megumi is not physically violent, but he can be emotionally coercive when he feel like his love isn't being reciprocated. This blue haired male will also do anything in his power to keep his love away from others who might try to take you from him. Megumi often shows affection by being attentive and caring, making sure his love is comfortable and taken care of.
He wouldn't try to hurt someone else in order for you to stop talking to them, he would think about it though. Megumi would try different ways like manipulating you into thinking that the person is much worse.. If it's someone like Maki or Yuta, he'll just suffer by listening to your conversations. He hates people warning you about his behavior, you wouldn't leave him because of some silly rumors.. Right?
And if he upsets you based on how he acts around you? Megumi would likely feel immense guilt and regret if he upset his older brother figure. He'll become clingy or desperate for forgiveness, and may try to make it up to his friend by going to extreme lengths to make you happy. He might also become very emotional and unstable.
If you're uncomfortable yet maybe even be disappointed by his behavior, it could potentially lead to conflict and a difficult relationship. Megumi does not understand why you're not accepting of his behavior, and may feel hurt and rejected as a result. He have lost so many people already, why wouldn't you understand that this is for your safety? He doesn't find anything disturbing on what he does so maybe you should look through his own perspective. This could potentially lead to further emotional and psychological issues for him. He would become distant for the past few days, even if you try to reason with him, it would take days or weeks for him.
he is always on the watch for anyone trying to steal you away from him. He's very territorial, and can't stand the thought of losing his important person. He will go as far as using physical or emotional manipulation to keep his older brother figure in his grasp.
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toxicanonymity · 7 months
Hey, this person has directly credited you as their ideas for their character bots
[ Background: an account made AI bots of my fics and others to various extents. I had an anxiety attack quietly watching Tumblr melt down over this topic. When the dust settled, this post was the first and last I said about it to address continued inquiries. ]
unauthorized AI Bots of fics
Thank you everyone who kindly let me know about the >25 unauthorized bots using content from my fics.
Listen, I strongly relate to the desire to talk to these characters - I've said it before. I appreciate how invested someone must be to go to all this effort, and I appreciate the credit. But it's not right and I'm not comfortable with it. You may not realize what it feels like to the writer. It feels like a violation.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the first incident for me. Someone once made a bot of my fic 4 days after I publicly said not to in response to an ask. I didn't find out until it had almost 1k "chats" and you'll see I use that term very loosely under the cut.
I've said don't do this, and it's in my masterlist. I've even shared my anxiety about being so slow to update that people take matters into their own hands. I'm not really sure what else to say. I'm tired.
Please don't do this. And when you see chatbots built on fics, please alert the writers.
IMPORTANT The bots are down. I don't want the person to be harassed - i think that's obvious based on my tone from the start.
Beyond these, there were more bots from night walks, slasher, and stepdad, ones from Raider and Speakeasy and even a few from hypotheticals I published like when stepdad goes to jail for indecent exposure or when you aren't getting wet for raider joel.
Night Walks: Original, Soaked
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Left in Lincoln pt. 1; jalbird
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Slasher: Midnight Tow, Stop Playing
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Stepdad: Clock, Ring Doorbell
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Sorry I was too overwhelmed to do the IMG text on each of these but it's basically just snippets from the works listed.
After being contacted, the person copied and pasted a message to multiple writers saying they were sorry, didn't know what they were doing, were deactivating their acct. They asked to spread their message, and said have an amazing day/night.
Past Incident
IMGs: 1) I answered an ask August 16 saying no. The asker had "offered" to credit me. 2) August 20, someone made a bot without credit. This is worse imo and suggests trying to hide their actions.
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I told a lot of people about this, but it was an isolated bot unlike the profile discovered 2/23.
IMG: comparison of left in lincoln text to the bot.IMG: A seven paragraph narrative bot output. Obviously failed my test if you've read the fic.
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If you're not already on ao3, I recommend signing up. This isn't a threat to leave, but I may not put everything on Tumblr forever. My AO3 profile.
Edit: I like tumblr because I like answering lore and questions and getting thots, plus my blog is very multimedia with many awesome contributions from different people. Please help keep it that way, because your interaction is why I'm here. I value everyone's engagement here.
For many reasons, I'm less and less comfortable with Tumblr being the primary home for all my writing. I'm aware people can still take things from AO3, but not as easily. I'm trying to be nice by preemptively suggesting people sign up on AO3 if they want to read everything. If it's not worth the trouble to you, just don't do it.
Ty very much to those who have been supportive and checked on me. It means a lot. I will admit this made me put on a hat and cry in public lol.
feel free to rb this because idk if everyone realizes the extent of this or how jarring it can look.
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jamneuromain · 7 months
😍🕯🎉 with lloyd hansen 🫣
happy 500 followers, jammy! (it's me, petalj, from my main blog hehe) you deserve each one and more 🥰
Hi bestie<3 (yes I followed you right after I saw this request but it still took me forever to write....
okay so for 🕯 I present to you this small drabble:
Take Care
Lloyd Hansen x You
Warning: None?
Summary: He's going to take care of you.
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You look like as if you were about to faint any second now.
Which, to Lloyd's surprise, stirs the few drops of sympathy - if he still has it - at the bottom of his long-forgotten conscience.
He doesn't blame you, of course, since this funeral is lasting way too long for his liking as the priest drones on about good people going to heaven and blah blah blah. As you wipe your tears away with a handkerchief.
It's your grandfather's funeral, after all.
Lloyd bounces his foot on the marble floor.
He is not sitting among the common folks. Hell no.
He reserved himself a seat on the second floor, a perfect spot to place a sniper rifle - which he did, by the way, in case anyone dares to disturb the peace of this boring-ass funeral, but also to watch and observe.
If it weren't for this old man saving his ass a couple of years back in Nigeria, he wouldn't even bother.
Yet, he's here anyway. Fulfilling his promise to "take care" of your grandfather's family after his death.
Lloyd pops a bubble gum into his mouth, blowing a pink bubble when the priest asks you on stage, to deliver a few words before the casket is buried.
This is going to be fun. Lloyd thinks to himself, snapping a picture of you with his phone, and sending it to his investigator.
Now, should he tie you up with a red ribbon or a black one?
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You murmur "thanks" to the last guest at the door. It's been a long day and you should probably head to your family house for the small gathering and receive another round of "I'm sorry for your loss".
But you want to spend some time alone, with your grandfather's body. For this could very well be the last time you could see his face.
As you close the door with a heavy thud, someone clears his throat behind your back.
It seems you have one last guest left.
"Thank you for attending the funeral, the gathering is at our family house on Blackcast Road in about half an hour." You manage a small smile, "Mister...?"
"Hansen." The moustache man in a black turtleneck replies, "Your granps is a nice guy."
"Thank you, Mr. Hansen." You shake his hand. Boy, he has a strong grip.
"No need." The smile on his face seems inappropriate for a funeral - or someone who has come to say goodbye. Lloyd widens his grin, "I'll see ya' later, sweet cheeks."
Red ribbons would look amazing on you.
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Find Jammy's 500 Follower's Celebration here 👈
Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox 👂
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meowmeow-motherfucker · 5 months
Covenant- Chapter 10
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Summary: With the five year anniversary of the attack on New York approaching, Odin and Fury come to the agreement that an arranged marriage between Asgard and Earth would show good faith toward all future interactions. When Odin refuses Jane’s candidacy, Agent Coulson is tasked with finding a suitable wife for the prince of Asgard.
Pairing: Loki x OFC Claire Fisher
Word count: 13k (prepare drinks and snackies as always)
Chapter warnings: I...I don't really have much for this one. It's 13k of Claire and Loki being horny on main for each other. Dirty talk, oral (f receiving), p in v, somewhat public sex (there are guards outside the room), with a sprinkling of domestic fluff and bickering.
Taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @gigglingtiggerv2 @icytrickster17 @mysteriouslyfriedjellyfish @lokislilkitten @justjoanne242 @amlocked @ddmariegirl @mags-04-blog @sharris8 @meepycheep @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @the-fantasy-loving-angel @jaidenhawke @smolvenger @ladymischief11
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist! Thanks for coming along on this journey with me! Buckle up gang :D
Read this fic on AO3.
“Alone at last, little wife.” Loki purred as the heavy door to his- their chambers closed behind them. Claire smiled over her shoulder at him, the feral look in his eyes sending a thrill up her spine.
“Without breaking the rules, you mean,” she laughed as he pulled her flush against his chest. She draped her arm over his as he buried his face in her hair, kissing at the hairline behind her ear. “You gonna show me around?” she asked, drumming her fingers on his metal vambrace.
“You want a tour?” he seemed surprised.
“Of course,” Claire replied. “After all, you got to see my living quarters. I’m curious.” she felt him exhale against her skin, and he released his hold on her.
“Very well,” he chuckled before gesturing to the room they stood in. “As you can see, this is the sitting room,” he indicated the plush couches in front of the fireplace. A healthy fire crackled in the grate, throwing dazzling light on the lavish dining table and chairs in the southeast corner. Claire could already imagine having intimate breakfasts there. Tall windows bracketed the fireplace, looking out onto the city below. Beyond the windows, Claire could make out a railing. “Whenever I- or we, rather- have guests, this is where we will meet with them.”
“Is there a balcony?”
“There is,” Loki replied. “Would you like to see it?” he purred in her ear.
“Yes please,” Claire grinned, enjoying the feel of his thumbs as they brushed the backs of her arms. “I’m sure you have an amazing view.”
“It is quite stunning,” Loki replied, taking her by the hand to lead her out onto the balcony. Claire leaned over the railing, drinking in the view. The city lay spread out far below, faint strains of music from the still on-going feast drifting up on the gentle breeze. Small dots of light twinkled in the city beyond like stars in the sky. The moon was almost full, shining down on the people below. “Are you pleased?” The touch at her waist was gentle, long fingers casting through her gown to the sensitive flesh beneath.
“It’s beautiful.”
“The balcony extends around this corner to the bed chamber,” Loki said. “Would you like to see it?”
“Is that the next stop on the tour?” Claire asked flirtatiously, turning to face him.
“It can be,” Loki smirked. “Unless of course, you have something else in mind. You did say you were debating.”
“Well,” Claire sighed, running her hands up his arms. “Look who paid attention.” Loki grinned as she linked her hands behind his neck.
“I must admit I’m curious how your thoughts align with mine.”
“Then lead the way,” Claire smiled. “Although…” she murmured, eyes glinting mischievously as she glanced at the wall beside the balcony door. “The wall looks nice. And since we already know you can pick me up...”
“I agree, but for the future, little wife, not tonight.”
“Aw,” Claire tutted. “Well that’s okay. I had other plans anyway.” she winked at him, giggling when he backed her against the wall and sealed his mouth to hers. Long fingers dug into her hips, bunching the smooth fabric at her waist so tight Claire feared it might rip. His ceremonial leathers creaked as she pulled him as close as possible.
At long last they could act on the desire they’d held back for so many weeks. Teeth gnashed as Loki pressed against her from hip to shoulder, his large hand cupping her face as he kissed her possessively. Claire threaded her fingers in the hair at his nape, gasping into his mouth as he reached down and brought one of her thighs up and over his hip. His fingers explored beneath the fabric, marveling at the feel of her bare flesh as he opened her to him.
Loki growled deep in his throat as he dug his fingers into her thigh, the cool night air raising goosebumps on her bare flesh as he pressed against her intimately. Claire gasped at the feel of him, a thin beading of sweat gathering at her neck as Loki rolled his hips against her core.
“Shall we go inside, little wife?”
“Yes please.” Claire pleaded, dotting the sharp line of his jaw with heated kisses.
“You don’t wish to continue the tour?” he pressed against her once again, grinning with delight when she whimpered and dug her little nails into him.
“Show me later,” she nipped the lobe of his ear, his leathers creaking as she tightened her grip. “Loki…”
“A poor husband I would be if I did not see to my wife’s needs,” he captured her lips in a dizzying kiss before hefting her into his arms. Claire wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her soft lips teasing at his collar as he carried her along the balcony to the double doors around the corner. Her deft fingers worked beneath his collar, and Loki staggered as she sucked a mark into the sensitive curve of his neck. “Let me walk, woman, or we won’t get far.”
“Walk faster then!” Claire protested, laughing when Loki pressed her against the wall once more. He sank his weight onto her, adoring the feel of her hands in his hair as he mapped her thighs with his hands. He groaned as chills ran down his spine, grabbing handfuls of her ass as she pulled him closer with her powerful thighs. One of her hands skimmed down between them and began working to open his trousers.
“Damn it-” she muttered when she couldn’t find the clasp. He was wearing too many clothes!
“What do you need, little wife?” Loki couldn’t help but tease her. He pressed a kiss against her neck, enjoying the way she trembled around him.
“Your dick,” Claire teased, rolling her hips against his and making him gasp. “Please.”
“I like hearing you beg for me,” Loki murmured, reaching for the door knob to let them inside. He held her against him with an arm around her waist and kicked the door shut behind them. “But you’ll need to wait just a little while longer.”
“Whyyyy?” Claire complained as he carried her further into the room. The massive bed took up a large part of the room, along with two armoires, and two room dividers. Claire spied her vanity tucked behind one of the dividers. A fireplace cast flickering shadows on everything, but Claire could also see two dark doors branching off of the room.
“Because…” Loki shuddered as sharp teeth clamped down on his pulse point, sending chills racing along his spine. “Such a menace,” he grunted as his wife’s luscious thighs squeezed his waist. Her eyes had become glazed with desire, the heat between her legs calling to him like a beacon. A lesser man would have given into temptation and thrown her on the bed by now. Her wicked mouth was trailing bites down to his collar bone, dissolving his restraint with each little nip. “We have-business to attend to-before we forget ourselves.” The bed was looking more tempting by the second.
“Right,” Claire pulled away slightly, her chest heaving as she tried to focus on not ripping Loki’s clothes to shreds. “How are we doing this?”
“I have several ideas, but please-” Loki pleaded, his hands curling into fists as he fought the urge to rip her dress clean off her delectable body. “You still wish for the contraceptive we discussed, yes?”
“For now, yes please.” Claire replied. “Do you need anything from me?”
“Not at all. It’s already completed,” Loki shook his head, a small smile flitting across his face. “It seems we were meant to continue the tour. I’ve just realized I forgot the vials in my study.”
“You have a study?” Claire asked. “You really are an old man.” she snickered, undeterred by the annoyed look Loki shot her.
“I shall not dignify that with a response.”
“Technically you just did,” Claire smiled as Loki clenched his jaw in frustration. “You like me. You said so.” Loki huffed, his green eyes rolling so forcefully Claire half expected them to pop out of his skull and roll away.
“This way, you absolute menace.” he replied, a muscle ticking in his jaw as he fought the smile that threatened. He led Claire out into the sitting room, opening another door to their right.
Bookshelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling, an ornate wooden desk standing sentry in the center of the room. Two windows flanked a door immediately behind the desk, the balcony and railing visible in the moon light beyond. Loki crossed the room, pulling a small box from a high shelf. The golden box glowed in the dim fire light coming from the small fire burning in the fireplace, the delicate whorls of its design appearing to ripple as Loki opened the box and showed her the contents. Inside on the plush green velvet, lay two glass potion bottles- both small in size. One was tall and slender, the other bulbous with a slender neck. An eerie blue glow emanated from the bottles, not phasing Loki in the slightest as he handed her the bulbous bottle and took the slender one for himself.
“You made these?”
“I did,” Loki confirmed, fingers clasping hers as she turned the bottle this way and that. “You will need to drink it in its entirety. There may be some discomfort.”
“Will I die?”
“What?” Loki looked concerned. “No, of course not. You won’t be harmed at all, I swear it.”
“I was being sarcastic, mischief, it’s fine,” Claire downed the blue liquid in one gulp, grimacing as it fizzled and burned its way down her throat. Her throat burned like she’d swallowed freshly dispensed Coke, making her cough as the burn settled in her belly and made her eyes water. “See? No biggie.” she managed. “Why do you have one?”
“You thought I would put the onus solely on you?” Loki asked, one perfect brow castigating her. How he was able to convey so much in an eyebrow was annoying, honestly. Everything about the man was perfect.
“Um...yes?” Claire said, even as his perfect lips sealed around the bottle and its contents disappeared into his waiting mouth.
“Forgive the trite saying, but it does take two, yes?” Loki’s eye twitched as he fought a grimace. “Norns, I forgot how foul this tastes.”
“Well, yes, but...still unexpected. Male birth control is practically unheard of on Earth.”
“That defies logic. Men have the capability of impregnating-” Claire gagged, holding up a hand to stop him.
“Don’t say impregnating-”
“Well it’s true,” Loki shrugged. “It seems illogical, and frankly, idiotic, to prescribe birth control to women when they can only carry one pregnancy per year-” Loki paused. “Unless your species is more prolific than I’ve been led to believe.”
“No, no, you’re right,” Claire nodded, swallowing against the rising burn in her belly. “Twins are always a possibility, but that still only counts as one.”
“Oh gods, twins,” Loki paled, sitting on the edge of his desk. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
“Well, at least we don’t have to worry about that for a while, but-” Claire blanched, his face paling. The burning was inching its way up Claire’s esophagus, and her concern was steadily growing. “Loki?”
“Is it supposed to keep burning? It feels like heartburn but-” a loud burp escaped her, relieving the burning sensation in her throat only to cause a new burning in her cheeks. “Ugh, why does it taste like broccoli?!” Claire cringed, groaning as she shook her head. “This is probably the least attractive thing I could be doing- stop laughing!”
“I am sorry,” Loki didn’t sound sorry at all, the ass. “I am used to the odd side effects seidr can incur, but broccoli is new.”
“This isn’t how I thought this was going to go,” Claire found herself laughing despite her embarrassment. “Can I- I’d like to brush my teeth please. I am not kissing you with broccoli mouth.”
“Of course! Your things were brought over during the ceremony,” Loki said as he led Claire back to the expansive bedroom, showing her the armoire just inside the door. “This armoire is yours. All of your things are inside. Your toiletries will have already been placed in the en suite, through that door there.”
“Awesome. This is the easiest move I’ve ever had,” Claire joked, quickly searching out her things in the bathroom. She scrubbed her teeth clean quickly, glad to be rid of the odd burning. Hopefully no other weird side effects would crop up. “You’d better fucking work. We are not having any babies yet.” she poked at her lower belly with meaning. Not that she doubted Loki’s skill, but it never hurt to be too cautious right?
She left the bathroom, finding Loki waiting patiently.
“Do you feel better?” he asked. Claire nodded, fingers digging into his shoulders as Loki’s mouth latched onto her collarbone. His arms wrapped around her like a favorite blanket, warm and comforting and perfect. “Shall I help you select something for bed?” he murmured against her skin, making her knees weak as he sucked a mark at the hollow of her throat. Claire had worried the mood was spoiled by her broccoli burps, but found her desire returning twofold as his hand teased the small of her back.
“I- have something picked out already- hng-” Claire shuddered as his large hands clutched at her possessively, bunching the fabric of her dress at her hips as his mouth traveled down her chest to tease the valley between her breasts. Her pussy clenched in anticipation, soaking the already damp material of her panties. “Help me out of my dress?”
“I’d be delighted,” Strong arms lifted her, cradling her against his chest as her arms wound around his shoulders once more. He carried her behind one of the dividers, turning her before he set her on her feet so that her back pressed against his chest. “To think you have looked like this all day, and everyone deigned to keep you hidden from me. I should have them all flogged,” Loki groaned appreciatively as he watched his hands roam her figure in the mirror. His large hands squeezed her breasts before sinking down to her hips. Claire whimpered as his hands squeezed her flesh, sending a fresh wave of desire through her. His pupils were dilated, eyes flooded with desire for her. Loki unclasped her necklace and set it atop the vanity, breath warming her skin as he nosed at the newly exposed flesh. “These jewels suit you,” he murmured, lips once again exploring the sensitive expanse of her throat as her head fell back against his shoulder. One of his hands caressed the column of her neck as the other skimmed down the fabric of her dress. Claire cried out as his hand cupped her sex, the friction and tantalizing heat making her all but froth at the mouth. “You should always be adorned so. On my honor, you’ll want for nothing.” he promised, admiring the sight they made in the mirror as he pressed kisses along her neck. She shivered in his grip, making him smile.
“I don’t need jewels,” Claire mewled, her body arching into his touch. “Just need you.”
“You have me, little wife,” Loki pledged. “Shall I leave you to dress?”
“You haven’t undressed me yet,” Claire sassed him. “Care to fix that?”
“You’re right,” Loki smiled. “Allow me.”
“O-okay,” Claire managed. Her head was still spinning like a top. Loki chuckled as he helped her balance, sinking down to gather the hem of her dress in his hands. Slowly, gently, he brought the material up her body, savoring every dip and curve of her form as his hands traveled up her legs to her hips, her chest, and finally up and over her shoulders. Claire shivered as the cool air met her exposed flesh, goosebumps erupting in the absence of fabric and Loki’s hands. The chill was short lived, as Loki let her dress fall from his hands and pulled her against him, heat from his body seeping into her as his eyes roamed her exposed flesh with a fervor that made her heart skip a beat. Fingers dug into her hips greedily, thumbs mapping the hollows of her hips as his mouth traced her collar bone.
“You are stunning.”
“And you’re overdressed.” Claire murmured as Loki captured her lips.
“So I am.” Loki’s breath warmed her skin as he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her scent as his fingers teased along her lower back. Her hands found the release on his epaulets, sending his cape cascading to the floor behind them. Her nimble fingers brushed his hair back when it fell in his face.
“What happened to your helmet?” In between their second and third dance, the golden horns had disappeared.
“Astrid will have collected it and sent it to be polished,” Loki murmured, pleasant shivers coursing down his spine as her fingers teased the hairs at the back of his neck. “Why do you ask?”
“I think the horns are sexy. They seem like they’d make great hand holds.” Loki’s stomach clenched as Claire winked at him. Impatience growing, Loki undid the strap over his chest and let it fall to the floor.
“We shall have to test that theory.” he said as he shrugged off his overcoat and let it fall as well, the butter soft leather hissing as it pooled at their feet.
“I’ve always wondered what this is for.” Claire muttered, running a finger along the gold swoop on his chest.
“It is meant to protect my heart,” Loki explained. “It unclasps here,” he showed her the discreet fastenings at the shoulders of his leather tunic. “The tunic unlaces on the sides.”
“Oooo let me?” Claire asked, reaching for the tight lacing on the side closest to her.
“Of course,” Claire stepped closer, her fingers making quick work of the lacing that bound him. It fit him snugly, as did everything he wore. Claire couldn’t help but admire the craftsmanship of the garment, eyes traveling along the stitching as her fingers worked. Unable to resist touching him any longer, Claire slipped her hand in the space created between the leather and fabric. Loki was silent as she leaned against him, letting her explore the dips and peaks of muscle with her hand. A breathless gasp escaped him as her fingers teased along the rise of his pants, and a smile bloomed when he glanced at her with hunger. As much as she wished to explore further, she slowed. He was still far too dressed. “Would you prefer I walk in front of you? You didn’t like it when I walked up behind you earlier.”
Loki was surprised by the question. No one ever asked him such things.
“Please.” Claire crossed to his other side without a word, unlacing the other side of his leather tunic quickly.
“I’m guessing this goes over your head?”
“It does.”
“Alright, handsome, arms up,” Claire lifted the tunic over his head, the firm leather creaking as she set it to the side. “Better?”
“Much, thank you.”
“What comes next?”
“Who,” Loki corrected, grinning when she scrunched her face in confusion. He licked at her lips, swallowing her confused ‘huh?’ as his fingertips dug into her soft skin. He dropped the kiss, dipping his face into the full swell of her breasts and sucking mouthfuls of each between his teeth. He eased himself to the floor, digits trailing along her flesh in tender worship. The fingers she’d settled on his shoulders twitched, quiet moans escaping her as he placed light, teasing kisses just above her panty line. “Your question should be: ‘who comes next’. And the answer is: you.”
Deft fingers inched between her thighs, setting her nerves ablaze through the thin material of her panties. The hand on her hip grazed over the inked whorls of her tattoo as he held her steady, clearly curious but singularly focused on his task.
His fingers swept her panties to the side, exploring her wet heat with practiced ease and making her breath catch in her throat. Her clit bloomed under his touch, demanding attention. Claire relaxed in his grip as his hand moved deeper between her thighs, her feet shuffling apart to allow his better access as he teased her flesh with kisses. His long fingers sank deep into her channel, deep-rooted pleasure electrifying her as he began to stroke her inner walls, stealing her breath and making her clamp down on his shoulder for a semblance of control.
“Loki-” His breathless chuckle against her belly told her he’d heard her pathetic mewl, and another finger joined the first. Her head fell back, the sight of her her heaving chest giving Loki a delightful view when he glanced up to see her overwhelmed with pleasure. A slight adjustment exposed her pussy to his gaze, and gods, she was everything he could have hoped for. “Please…”
“Please what, little wife?” he asked, knowing full well what the beauty in his grasp wanted, and that he’d give it to her, along with anything else she desired. “You want my mouth on you? Or perhaps you wish to stop?”
“Don’t you fucking dare-fuck!” she trailed off in a breathless moan as he latched onto her clit, lavishing the delicate bud with a swirl of his tongue. He growled as her fingers buried in his hair, pulling him even closer as he found the most sensitive spot deep inside her. “Oh my god!” she gasped, her thighs trembling as he took her apart.
Yes, He praised as she gushed around his fingers. Come for your god and make me yours.
“I can’t- Loki!” Claire warned, her legs quickly losing their ability to hold her upright.
“I meant what I said-” Loki’s arm shifted, circling her waist to keep her upright as she slumped against him. “I will not let you fall.” Her nails dug into his shoulder as his thumb circled her clit once more, making her twitch in his grasp. She muttered something unintelligible, the fingers still buried in his hair grabbing a fistful as her glazed eyes met his. “What were you planning to wear to bed?”
“It’s a sur-priiiiisedon’tdothat!” Claire twisted in his arms as his fingers trailed up her spine, her oversensitive nerves protesting the light touch. Loki’s hand withdrew instantly, coming to rest at her elbows.
“Do you wish to stop?”
“Nooooo,” Claire whined. “Just really sensitive. Need...five minutes…” Loki grinned indulgently, his eyes going soft at her pleas.
“Very well, little wife. I will leave you to put on your surprise.” his eyes roved over her form hungrily before he stepped away, disappearing from her view with a satisfied strut.
Loki: 1, Claire: 0
Getting dressed on shaky legs proved a difficult challenge. Claire learned she needed extra support in order to step into the bottom half of her ensemble, and moving her head too quickly brought her dizziness back in full force.
She managed to get dressed, stealing out from behind the divider and making her way to the sprawling bed with shaky legs. She could make out the sounds of Loki getting changed in his private dressing area. As she climbed onto the bed to wait, she couldn’t help but wonder what Asgardian pajamas looked like.
He could still taste her on his tongue. Her needy cries, the way she’d clung to him…
He was desperate for more.
He left his discarded clothing in heaps on the floor, uncaring for once about tidiness. As he selected his night clothes he heard Claire settle on his bed and hurried his movements, eager to taste her again. A flick of his wrist brought the fire back to life, casting long shadows upon the walls as he stepped out from behind the partition.
And what a sight greeted him. Claire knelt on the large bed, hands on her thighs as she waited for him.
“Hey mischief.” she said softly, a catlike grin lighting her face.
“Hello menace,” Loki returned the smile, coming to a stop at the foot of the bed. “What is this?”
“Part two of my super secret plan to seduce you. What do you think?” she held her arms out to sides, allowing him to inspect her. Sheer black leggings covered her legs from ankle to thigh, with a gap before the undergarments around her waist and hips. A halter style top adorned her chest, with a low cut neckline that let him see the tattoo between her breasts. Fabric covered her arms as well, from her biceps to her wrists. Loki was intrigued to see loops of the fabric around her middle fingers, accenting the new wedding ring on her left hand. The black sheer fabric lent her skin a warm glow in the firelight, tantalizing him with hints at what he knew he would find underneath.
“It suits you,” he purred. “Although I despise it on principle for hiding your body from me.”
“Not hiding- enhancing,” Claire corrected, grinning wolfishly. “You said you wondered how my thoughts aligned with yours.”
“I did indeed.” the dark rumble of his voice sent shivers down Claire’s spine.
“I’ve decided I’d like to play a game.”
“You wish to play a game?”
“Now?” Loki balked.
“Mm-hmm.” Loki’s eyes lingered on the swell of her breasts, the way the black fabric clung to her thighs and hips like a lover’s grasp. He burned with desire at the sight- his fingers itched to trail down her soft skin to explore her hidden depths more thoroughly. But...he’d waited this long- what was a little while longer?
“Very well, little wife, what shall we play?”
“About that,” Claire squirmed with excitement, and Loki had a passing thought that she meant to pull out Monopoly. Surely she wouldn’t- how could she expect him to focus on strategy with so much luscious skin on display? “I want the rematch you promised me.”
“Now?” he found himself repeating.
“Yes,” Claire grinned, “But there are rules- sexy rules.” Loki huffed in chagrin, throwing up his hands in defeat when she did not concede.
“I’m listening.”
“Every time you pin me, you get to remove one piece of this,” she held her arms out again, accentuating the gesture with a roll of her hips. “Every time I pin you, I get to remove one piece of clothing from you.”
“You’ll yield again, little wife.” dark promise dripped from each guttural syllable, and Claire’s pussy throbbed impatiently.
“Since you’re so confident…” Claire bit her lower lip as she gazed up at him with anticipation. “You should give me an advantage.”
“Oh, I like this,” Loki chuckled darkly, pulling his under shirt over his head and mussing his hair. “Satisfied?” the garment fell to the floor in a heap
“Not yet,” Claire grinned. “C’mere.” Loki knelt on the bed in front of her, body poised to attack.
“A moment, please,” he asked, large hands cupping her face to press a toe-curling kiss to her lips. He pressed against her deliciously, his body heat seeping through the thin material as she trailed her hands up his thighs to tug at his hips. Claire rose up on her knees, hands mapping the defined muscles of his back as his slow, deliberate kisses made her dizzy. Loki released her, his thumb caressing her lower lip gently. “I have wanted to do that since you walked into the temple,” he confessed. “Now we may play your game.”
“And here I thought you were trying to distract me,” Claire smiled. “Trying to lull me into a false sense of security so you could stab me in the back.” she snickered.
“That’s such a boring form of betrayal,” Loki said gruffly as he trailed his hands over the dips and curves of her body. “I’d never stab anyone in the back. I would simply-” his hands clasped around her thighs, and quick like a viper, he pulled her legs out from under her and sent her sprawling onto the bed. Claire’s breath escaped her with a quick oof and before she could fight back, he’d pinned her to the bed. “Lay them flat upon it.”
“Shit.” Loki laughed heartily as Claire realized her miscalculation.
“What’s happened, menace? Your carefully calculated plan hasn’t worked?” he asked, his smile splitting his face as he fingered the edge of fabric covering her arm. “I’ll take my trophy now, if you please.” Claire clicked her tongue in annoyance.
“Oh fine,” she grumbled. “Can we adjust real quick?” she asked, moving her legs to wrap around his waist when he lifted off of her. “Thanks.” she murmured as he pulled the fabric from her arms and tossed it aside.
“Of course,” Loki muttered under his breath when his eyes landed on her bicep tattoo. “’I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep’- what is your obsession with Robert Frost?”
“It’s motivating!” Claire protested, fingering the lines of text on her arm. The line, from the famous poem Stopping by Dark Woods at Midnight, had struck a deep chord in Claire at a young age. After her mothers death, she had wanted to give up. But the burning need to bring her mother’s killer to justice pushed her to keep going on her darkest days.
“If you insist,” Loki replied with a shake of his head. “What now, little wife? Do we need to reset?”
“No need,” Claire grinned, turning him onto his back with a quick maneuver and lowering herself onto his lap, directly over his groin. A choked gasp escaped Loki as she ground her barely dressed center on the hardened length inside his pants. “Doin’ okay there, mischief?”
“Gods, you are such a menace,” Loki grunted through clenched teeth, grinding his hips upward as he chased sweet friction. “Though I can hardly-unf- complain.” his fingers dug into her hips, promising marks to delight her for days to come. Claire ran her hands up his chest, settling her weight above him.
“I win.” she said smugly. Loki chuckled, wrapping his arms around her back.
“How about a draw?” he tugged the sheer top over her head, leaving her bare from the waist up. Above him, Claire gasped dramatically.
“You cheated!” Loki mimicked her gasp, rolling them over to tuck her into his side.
“God of mischief!” Claire couldn’t even be mad at him, because he distracted her with a burning kiss. “I could kiss you for an age,” his velvety voice rumbled deep within his chest, raising goosebumps along Claire’s neck and arms as he mouthed a line of kisses down her throat. His large hands clutched at her sides, long fingers digging into her ribs as he explored her soft skin. Claire dug her fingers into the meat of his shoulders, sighing as his kisses bloomed heat across her chest. Claire decided she enjoyed Loki’s kisses- he mapped her skin like a foreign soil, his lips and tongue calling her desire forth from its slumber as her skin warmed. They were just as she’d hoped, as focused and intense as he was in other areas, and her clit bloomed with promise. Loki palmed her breast, melting Claire’s core and sending a pulse of desire through her body. He paused, pulling back slightly to inspect her nipple, frowning slightly in confusion at the little silver balls he saw there.. “Is this- is this metal?”
“Oh yeah,” Claire laughed. “Surprise, my nipnops are pierced.”
“I…have never seen anything like this in all my life,” Loki admitted, exploring her tender flesh with his thumb. “Is this a custom on Midgard?”
“I guess?” Claire replied, arching her back to press her breasts further into his hands. “Lots of people have piercings but it’s not like a right of passage. It’s-ah-personal preference.”
“How in the nine did I miss these last night?” Loki murmured to himself as he rubbed gentle circles over her delicate nubs with his thumb. “Fascinating.”
“To be fair, you were kinda distracted,” Claire offered, enjoying the pleasurable shivers his actions were sending up her spine. “You know, it’s super fun when hot guys put them in their mouth.”
“Is that so?” Claire whimpered a confirmation as he did as she asked, her hands tightening around his shoulders. Her hands slid down his arms, grasping his biceps as he lowered her back onto the pillows. She welcomed his weight as he continued his exploration of her nipples, his tongue navigating around her piercings with delightful precision. She brushed his long dark hair out of the way as he released her nipple with a wet pop. “Are there any more piercings I should know about?” he asked as his long fingers played with the metal balls.
“It’s no fun if I tell you.” Claire teased. Loki chuckled, pinching her taut nipple between his fingers and making her gasp.
“I suppose it’s not,” he mused. “Though I can only imagine where I might find it if I do.”
“You’re a smart man,” Claire panted, writhing as his fingers tightened. “I’m sure you can figure it out.”
“Indeed,” Loki purred, leaving heated trails on her flesh as his hands moved lower. “But first I wish to inspect this,” His warm hands grasped her hips, turning her so he could see the tattoo that graced her hip and thigh. “This drawing-” Claire bit her lip as he tugged the material at her hips clean off. Loki hummed, tracing the delicate, tiny leaves at the top of her tattoo with his fingertip, seemingly unaware that she was in danger of creating a puddle on the bed sheets. “This flower…it does not come off?”
“No, it’s permanent.”
“What sort of ink is permanent?” Loki murmured, following the whorls of the design with his fingers and making Claire’s brain short circuit. Her clit was throbbing with need under his prolonged attention, and she was starting to feel impatient.
“It gets injected under the skin. We have special artists-” Claire whimpered as his large hand clamped around her hip, kneading the flesh appreciatively. “We go to that draw on our skin with a needle.”
“And this is done willingly?” Claire nodded.
“It can take a while, too. Large pieces like mine usually take several hours. Mine took six hours total- two for the line work and then four more for the color.”
“I would not have guessed mortals were capable of withstanding such torture.” Loki mused, manipulating her skin to move the flowers as he drank in the sight of her tattoo. “You are full of surprises, little wife.”
“I try. But it’s not that painful- some places hurt worse than others, but it’s kinda nice, actually.”
“Nice,” Loki scoffed to himself. “I see,” he muttered, tracing his fingertips over her satin panties to the lower edge of her tattoo at the top of her thigh. “The detail is exquisite, I must admit. My scars look nothing like this.”
“Yeah, the artist I went to is very talented- wait, your scars?” Claire lifted her head to ask. Loki put a large hand between her breasts, urging her to lay back down.
“It is irrelevant,” he waved her concerns off, trailing his hand down her smooth skin and setting her nerves on fire. His finger hooked on the material on her thighs, giving them a gentle tug and making her pussy clench with anticipation. “These are impeding my appreciation of your body, little wife. May I remove them?” Claire opened her legs, letting him slip the flimsy material down her thighs. The drag of the material combined with his fingers had Claire biting her lip, a delighted sigh escaping her as his mouth began to explore the revealed flesh. His lips resumed their work from earlier, heated breaths warming her skin as he held her to him with strong hands. Claire felt her body going lax under his attentions, her core growing slick with need as he pressed hot kisses to the tender flesh of her inner thigh.
The first touch of his fingers to her sex was like a jolt of electricity, making her restless and impatient. It had been so long since she’d been intimate with anyone; she was half expecting Loki to complain about finding cobwebs between her folds. Claire was woman enough to admit she’d been thinking what it would be like to feel those gorgeous hands of his on her, specifically his long slender fingers in her pussy.
“No more metal?” her husband remarked, a hint of a smirk coloring his velvety voice. “I am almost disappointed.”
“I’ll admit I thought about it,” Claire managed to say as his thumb made lazy circles on her clit. “Supposedly it makes orgasms feel even better.”
“That is a delightful thought,” Loki said coolly, as if he wasn’t driving her mad with his finger teasing her folds. “One we can discuss further at another time. No more thoughts tonight, little wife.” he slipped a finger inside her slick channel, eyes going dark with desire as she moaned. Her hands dug into the sheets as he pleasured her, hips squirming as her body begged for more.
His lips closed around her clit as a second finger joined the first, and Claire stopped thinking. His broad shoulders rasped delightfully against her inner thighs as he settled on his stomach, wrapping an arm around her thigh as he pressed open mouthed kisses to her sex. Her thighs squeezed his body, feet bracketing his ribs as waves of pleasure wracked her body. Loki grinned as her desperate sounds reached his ears, his other hand holding her in place as she pleaded for more. Her delightful gasps and moans turned into breathless wails as her orgasm approached.
“Oh fuck-” Claire gasped, fingers closing around a fistful of Loki’s hair as her body wound tight. Loki’s eyes flitted up to see a delightful sight: Claire’s face was flushed, bottom lip drawn between her teeth as her hands grasped her breasts. Chest filled with pride, Loki sealed his lips around her clit and pumped her sex faster. “Loki!” the needful cry of his name had him grinding his cock on the bed. He groaned as her release soaked his chin, burning with the desire to seat himself inside her and make it happen again.
He worked her through her orgasm, waiting for her trembling to subside before sliding his body up and over hers. He shed his pants quickly, kicking them aside before returning to Claire’s side. Her flushed skin had pebbled over and she was beginning to tremble more from cold than his touch.
“Forgive me if i seem impatient, little wife,” Loki murmured against her skin as she curled around him seeking warmth. “I have thought of little else but burying myself in your cunt since your delightful display last night,” Claire had lost the ability to form words after her second orgasm, able only to offer a choked moan in response. “Has it been on your mind as well?” He asked as he palmed himself, smiling knowingly when her fingers dug into the plush blanket beneath them. His long fingers pumped the column of flesh between his legs leisurely, green eyes traversing the length of her sprawled body hungrily.
His cock sat heavy between them on her belly, and he hissed as her dainty hand closed around it. Just the feel of it in her hand made Claire's mouth water.
“Impressive.” Claire murmured, tugging him down to her level by the nape as he sank his fingers inside her aching pussy.
“It’s all for you, little wife.” he managed as she worked him in time with his hand. His fingers found the secret spot deep within her and she gushed again, thighs quaking around him as she mewled.
“I feared you would be a bore, but imagine my surprise-” Loki grunted, taking his lip between his teeth as she circled the tip of his cock with her thumb. “You are intriguing-and beautiful-” another grunt as she squeezed him. “And you are merciless with a blade,” he gasped as he captured her lips. Breathless gasps filled the space between them as they clung to each other and sought revelation. “Are you ready, little wife?” Claire whimpered below him, gyrating her hips in desperate search of friction. “Say it.” Loki pleaded breathlessly as he settled between her thighs.
“Give,” Claire beckoned to him with grabby hands. “Please.”
“Surely you can do better than that.” Loki chuckled, taunting her with a slow drag of his hips.
“Give me a break,” Claire fought a shiver as her sweat began to cool without him next to her. “You broke my brain.”
“Have I?” Loki shifted again, making her whine. “How rude of me.” Good god, his cock was impressive. Long, thick, and heavy, it nearly reached her belly button. Loki shifted, his heated skin rubbing against the senstive inner thighs as he pressed as close to her as he could.
What do you know? It did reach.
“Quit teasing. You've been eye-fucking me for days.” Loki withdrew his fingers, leaving her empty as she trembled. He reached up to pluck at her pebbled nipples as he lined up his cock with her entrance.
“So I have.” Loki took his cock in hand again, teasing her soaked entrance with the tip to coat himself in her wetness. One hand closed around her thigh, making Claire shiver as the head of his cock slipped inside her. His thumb still toyed with her clit, keeping her right on the precipice as he worked himself deeper.
“Stop fucking teasing me, I swear to god-fuck!” Claire spilled over the edge, her back bowing as she trembled through the onslaught of pleasure. Deep in the throes of her orgasm, Claire tugged at Loki with desperation and he obliged, seating himself fully inside her and making her eyes roll back.
Long and thick, Loki’s cock was perfect- as if handcrafted by master craftsmen in the art of female pleasure. She felt so full; each careful thrust threatened to make her eyes roll back in her head. Loki grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, opening her thighs further to press even deeper. Flesh met flesh and Loki groaned, leaning over to capture Claire’s lips with his own. Claire whimpered into his mouth as her walls clenched around him. His weight pressed her into the soft bed as his strong arms caged her in, breathless kisses collecting her sighs like tokens with each thrust of his hips. All Claire could do was hold on.
She’d thought about this a lot in the recent weeks- the decadent slide of Loki’s skin on hers, the overwhelming pleasure as Loki’s cock worked in and out of her weeping sex- but her imagination fell flat as every nerve in her body flared to life under Loki’s skilled hands.
Her fingers wrapped around the thick muscles of his biceps, enjoying the way they flexed as he moved. His long hair swayed as he moved, eyes closed as he groaned appreciatively and buried his face in her neck, pressing heated kisses to the skin there. Her silken pussy was so tight and welcoming, and if Loki had his way, he would spent an eternity between her thighs. Loki kissed her ravenously, looping one of her legs over his arm and hiking it higher. Claire brushed his hair back, anchoring his mouth to hers as he brought her close to orgasm again.
Holy fuck, she could get used to this. If this was her marital duties, it would not be a hardship.
“Enjoying yourself?” Loki asked, sounding slightly winded. Claire wasn’t able to form a response, as he timed his question with a slow drag of his hips. Claire brought his mouth back to hers, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Christ, the strength of him. “Come for me again, little wife.” he pleaded against her mouth, enjoying the sting of her nails in his flesh as she fell apart around him.
Loki ran his hands down her delectable curves, lifting her bottom half and squeezing her thick thighs together before slipping back inside her. Claire spasmed around him, her hands grasping at his thighs as her breasts bounced with each thrust of his hips.
“Oh fuck- oh, you’re so deep-” Claire panted, her legs trembling in Loki’s grasp. Loki groaned, throwing his head back as he bottomed out. The wet slap of skin filled the room as he fucked her with abandon, the pair of them submitting to pure animal instinct as they chased the end.
They worked together in perfect harmony, hands grasping flushed skin and sweat mingling as heated words and kisses were exchanged.
Claire thought she might explode at any moment. Loki surprised her by pulling out, leaving her empty and desperate with need. She moaned as Loki pushed her knees toward her chest, legs high in the air as he slipped his cock back between her folds. He teased her with small thrusts, caressing her labia and clit with his cock. Claire squealed when he finally slid back inside, chills creeping down her spine as the head of his cock struck her g-spot, the veins and ridges of his perfect cock hitting every sweet spot inside her.
“Oh god-” Claire sobbed as Loki’s targeted thrusts inched her toward the finish line.
“Yes,” Loki groaned, grinding his pelvis against hers. “Uh...du føler deg...så bra.”
“Fuck…” Claire whimpered as he thrust again, sending a shock wave through her body. “Yes- right there!” she gasped, clinging to him for dear life as he hit her g-spot again and again. Above her Loki was panting hard as he chased his end, his breathless grunts primal as he drove deep inside her. Claire snaked her hand between their bodies, her clit throbbing as she worked herself to completion.
“Uhgh- gods, yes!” Loki gasped as he burst, Claire’s orgasm triggering his own. Her fluttering walls clenched so tight Loki saw stars, her silken muscles wringing every last drop of his spend from him. Loki felt as though the breath had been driven from his body, his lungs burning as his higher brain came back online. Claire was still spasming around him, the tight heat of her slick channel rippling with each ragged breath she drew. “Are you alright?” Eyes still closed, Claire nodded, her wild hair fanned out like a halo on the pillows.
Loki pulled out slowly, releasing her legs from their contorted position. He dotted a kiss to the inside of her knee as he massaged her thigh. Though she’d clearly enjoyed herself, he worried he may have been a bit overzealous.
“You don’t have to do that.” Claire murmured, one tired eye cracking open to peer up at him.
“Simply a precaution,” he replied absently, releasing one leg to massage the other. Claire watched on in a daze, exhaustion from the day and several great orgasms catching up with her. Loki watched her chest rise and fall as she lay comfortably among the pillows, blue eyes drooping and unfocused as she fought sleep. A small smile played at his lips as he reached for the blankets to cover her up. A pearl of his spend glistened upon Claire’s sex, and Loki abandoned the blankets to brush his thumb through the mess. “You make a beautiful sight, little wife,” Claire jerked when he thumbed her clit, a breathless gasp escaping her kiss-swollen lips as her tired body perked up at the promise of added pleasure. “Forgive me, I could not resist.”
“S’okay,” Claire murmured. “Wanna be the big spoon?” Claire asked as Loki brought the covers up around them.
“Pardon?” Loki looked up at her as though she’d grown a second head.
“C’mere,” Claire chuckled. She turned away from him to lay on her side, and tugged him closer so that he lay directly behind her. “Like this.”
“Ah, I see,” Loki said as he slid his arm around her middle, holding her solidly against him. Fuck, being caged in by all that muscle was nice. “I think in this instance you would be the tea spoon and I am the soup spoon.” he remarked, making Claire laugh.
“Something like that,” she nestled deeper under the covers, enjoying the warmth and feel of his soft skin against hers. “It’s been a while since I’ve cuddled with anyone. It’s nice.”
“It is.” Loki said softly behind her.
“Been a while for you too?” Claire guessed. Loki shifted, his thigh pressing against the back of hers.
“Most of my bed partners did not wish to stay, or I did not wish them to stay,” his hand settled on the swell of her hip, kneading the soft flesh. “I could not say when this happened last.”
“Yeah, me neither.” Claire sighed as his hand wrapped around her middle again. His breath teased the back of her neck, the steady pace of his breathing comforting as he held her.
“How are you feeling?” Loki asked, studying the rise and fall of her shoulder as she breathed. It still felt surreal to be with her, without worry of being discovered. Her skin was soft and supple against his, and her decadent perfume still lingered. He already held such affection for her.
“Good,” Claire chuckled as he squeezed her gently. “Sore, but good,” Loki hummed behind her, his breathing beginning to even out. “Loki?”
“You surprised me too,” Claire murmured. “People kept warning me about you. I’m glad they were wrong.” Oh.
“Thank you.” Loki wanted to say more, but his throat was oddly...tight?
“You know, it’s kinda funny...women back home complain about how awful their husbands are, especially when they’re pregnant, but I have a feeling you’ll be great.”
“Men on Midgard truly have no idea how to treat women, do they?”
“Nah, they suck.”
“Things are different here,” Loki rose up on his elbow. “Here, men- or the decent ones, at least- respect women. I understand you have concerns about-”
“A lot of things-”
“Yes, and I can appreciate that. But the social contract is different here. The men protect, and provide, and women-”
“Have the babies.” Loki huffed a laugh; he could practically see her roll her eyes.
“Obviously, little wife,” he chuckled. “But it’s more than that. Here, women are respected for their ability to bring life into the world. Without you, there is no future.”
“God damn right there’s no future,” Claire grumbled, making Loki laugh louder. “That sounds...not so bad.”
“Get some rest, little wife. When we decide the time is right, I will look after you.” Loki settled back into the pillows, grinning when she rolled over to cuddle with him. She hitched one leg over his, hugging him with one arm as she rested her head on his chest.
“I’ll hold you to that,” she murmured, glancing up at him as he wrapped his arm around her. “Good night.” she let her tired eyes fall closed and wiggled closer. She could hear his heartbeat now, and his body heat was soothing. So comfy...
“Good night.” The excitement of the day (and night) caught up with Loki, and he drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Loki wasn’t sure how long he slept, but he came awake when he felt Claire stirring beside him. Loki was a light sleeper to begin with, and having a new person (however welcome) in his bed was going to take some getting used to.
In the dim light remaining from the fireplace, he saw Claire’s form as she got to her feet.
“Are you alright?” he asked in concern when several of her joints popped.
“Yeah I'm okay,” Claire chuckled as she rummaged in the dark for clothing. “It was just my hip.”
“Are you certain?” Claire laughed quietly as she pulled a night dress from her armoire. Claire laughed as she slipped the night dress over her head.
“My guy, you literally bent me in half, my joints are gonna make some noise,” she tugged the fabric down over her hips as she yawned. “I promise I'm fine. Did I wake you?”
“I’m a light sleeper.”
“I am not,” Claire chuckled. “Usually once I’m out, I’m out, but I'm kinda hungry. Can we go get a snack?”
“Of course,” Loki got out of bed and pulled a pair of loose pants up over his hips. “We can have Astrid bring something.”
“Oh no, that's okay. What I want is really easy and I can make it myself. Can you show me where the kitchen is?”
“You wish to make it yourself?” Loki asked skeptically.
“Yeah, it's just toast. I don't want to wake someone up to make it for me. Please?” Though he was still confused, Loki relented and pulled on a loose pair of pants and a tunic. He helped Claire find her slippers before stepping into his own, and they set off to the kitchens together. Loki led Claire down the torch-lit hallways, ignoring the questioning looks they got from the guards they passed.
The kitchen was several floors below theirs, tucked behind the great hall. Though the large hearth still crackled merrily, the room spread out before them like a ghost town. The warm sepia-toned walls danced with distorted shadows of the various pieces of equipment strewn about the room. A dark alcove branched off one side of the room, the walls lined end to end with crowded shelves. Bundles of herbs hung from the ceiling of the alcove, lending an earthy smell to the room.
“Normally there are cooks here, but it's rather late, so we have the room to ourselves.”
“Let's get to work then.” Claire grinned, eyes scanning the room for a toaster. Or bread. Or anything she recognized. Claire barely recognized anything. There were familiar looking pots and pans suspended above the prep table in the center of the room, and utensils in a vase on a nearby counter. “Um...”
“What do you need, little wife?” Loki asked indulgently.
“Bread, butter, cinnamon and sugar. Also a toaster,” Loki looked at her strangely. “Do you guys not have toasters here?”
“What is its purpose?”
“...making toast...”
“It only has one purpose?”
“Well you can put other stuff in it like poptarts-” Loki grimaced, a memory of Thor sharing a poptart with him arising unbidden. “Not a fan?” Claire decided it might be best to start with the shelves.
“They are far too sweet for my taste,” Loki followed after her, his hand drifting across her lower back as he walk behind her. At the other end of the shelves, he began opening jars to find what she needed. As a prince he'd never prepared meals for himself except on the battlefield, and even then it was rare. He was as lost as Claire, both of them opening jars and frowning at the contents before moving on the next. “Perhaps it would have been faster to wake someone.” Loki chuckled as they struggled to locate everything Claire needed.
“Maybe,” she admitted guiltily. “Normally I'd have this made by now. Sorry I made you get out of bed.”
“It's alright,” Loki replied. His gaze dropped to the tantalizing cleavage her loose gown showed. The full swell of her breasts were visible, the outline of her piercings just barely visible through the fabric. “I struggle with sleep at times. Besides, the view is enjoyable.” Claire snorted.
“Still?” She asked with a laugh.
“Of course. I told you we would have fun, did I not?” Loki winked at her, proudly presenting a jar of...sugar bricks?
“You did.” Claire replied, butterflies coming back to life in her belly. Loki had already fulfilled his promise multiple times.
“Of course, if you are sore-”
“Well yeah, but the good kind,” Claire laughed. “You know I'm kinda surprised.” she glanced over at him, his lithe form covered mostly in shadow. Bathed in darkness, with only his eyes reflecting light, he almost looked like a cryptid lying in wait for her. Being a frost giant, Claire supposed, he technically was a cryptid.
A really hot cryptid.
“About what?” Loki’s smooth voice pulled her from her thoughts, and Claire turned back to the shelves grateful he couldn’t see her blushing.
“You not liking poptarts. I kinda pegged you as having a sweet tooth. Aha!” Claire set aside the jar of cinnamon sticks, wondering where she'd find something to grind them.
“I like some sweets, but not those horrible things. They are too...” Loki paused as he searched for the right word. Together they took the jars to the prep table. “Artificial.”
“Oh for sure, especially if it’s made in the States. We like our sugar,” Claire laughed as Loki left her side to search the collection of tools on the counters. “Have you tried anything else from earth?”
“Apart from the honey between your thighs, I have not.” Loki said, sliding the bread he'd found down the table to Claire. She gaped at him, giggling when he smirked unapologetically. He looked every inch like the cat who ate the canary. It was a well-deserved look.
“Okay point for you, that was smooth as fuck,” She flicked the towel covering the bread in his direction, sending a cloud of flour into the air. She spied a familiar looking block of wood and pulled a knife from it, pointing at him with the tip of it. “Do you want any?”
“In the kitchen?” Loki chuckled, his voice light with a glimmer of mischief. “How daring.”
“I meant the bread, mischief,” Claire cackled. “I'm open to the other thing too, but let me get this in the oven first. Er...on the fire?” she guessed as she realized there was no oven, only the crackling fire and the assortment of pots above their heads.
“Very well, I will try whatever it is you're making.”
“It's great, you'll see. Is there a cookie sheet?” With another search of the kitchen, the couple was able to find something resembling a cookie sheet and put the bread over the fire to toast. Loki helped her gather the butter from the larder under the floor. Claire thought she would find the archaic food prep annoying, but found she enjoyed the simplicity of it. It was nice, making something simple with someone she cared about. Claire and Loki chatted as they worked to grind the cinnamon sticks and pulverize the sugar bricks. The soft bread, Loki explained, was baked fresh every morning with flour from locally grown wheat, eggs from nearby farms and salt from mines in the south. Claire was astonished there were no preservatives or chemicals, and said as such. She didn't have an answer for Loki's confused 'why would there be?'.
“Still nothing?” Loki asked as she poked at the dubious looking almost-toast.
“I think it needs a few more minutes.” Claire poked the bread once more for good measure before pushing the griddle pan back over the fire.
“Excellent.” Loki cleared a space on the prep table before grabbing her by the waist and lifting her like a sack of flour. Loki's large hands traveled from her hips, grasping at the swell of her breasts as he captured her lips. Claire parted her legs to let him step closer, winding her arms around his broad shoulders as his tongue massaged hers. He grasped at her greedily, tugging her hips toward the edge before tugging her dress down to bare her chest. Loki’s mouth latched onto her nipple, suckling like a man dying of thirst and sending a throb of pleasure directly to her clit. Claire ground against the firm counter beneath her as Loki switched his attention to her other nipple. Her spine bowed as strong hands at her back pulled her bodily into him. Cool air assaulted her flushed skin as he released her, kissing a heated path up to her neck.
Claire urged him along, slinging one leg over his hip and pulling him closer as he captured her mouth. His teeth teased her lower lip as he pulled back, rough hands skating down her thighs as he dropped to his knees. Claire offered passing thanks to any deities listening that she hadn't put panties on.
Loki's broad shoulders forced her thighs apart, his large hands digging into her thighs as heated kisses marked a path along her flesh. Claire cried out when he licked a wide stripe along her sex. His hands tightened their grip, pulling her just to the counter’s edge as he took her clit between his lips, spelling out pledges of devotion with his tongue. She was sweet like honey, just as he'd said, with a slight tang from his earlier release. Her core was already molten, her silken muscles clenching as he pleasured her. Glass jars clanked together noisily as Claire’s hands searched for purpose on the slick surface beneath her, her panting breaths echoing as she basked in his attention. Loki looked up at her, his cock twitching at the sight he beheld.
His new wife was a vision, her eyes closed in rapture with her head back, her desperate sounds filling the air. Her long, tussled hair was wavy from her wedding braids, the strands floating around her as she writhed. The scintillating metal of her piercings was largely obscured by the silky strands, but the sight was enough to spur Loki on. This delectable creature was his. To bed...to breed. He dug his fingers deeper into her flesh, pulling her more firmly against his mouth with a groan. He was determined to wring every possible ounce of pleasure from her body. A choked gasp tumbled from Claire's lips as she dug her fingers into his mussed hair. She pulled him deeper into her slit, the ridge of his nose pressing against her clit as he suckled her tender flesh.
“Come for me, little wife,” He pleaded, lapping at her clit and making her thighs tremble around him. “I would wear your honey on my skin.”
“Oh my god,” Claire sobbed, her body jerking as her orgasm slammed into her like a linebacker. Loki suckled her clit as she bucked, holding her in place as he tortured her with pleasure. “Loki-” “Delicious.” Loki praised, rubbing her hips with his thumbs as he kissed her heated flesh. He rose leisurely, licking his lips as he ghosted his hands over her curves. Claire pulled him down to kiss him passionately, crossing her ankles behind his back.
“Fuck me, please.” she begged breathlessly against his mouth, pulling him closer with a needful moan. The heat of her called to him like a siren, his cock straining to fill her again.
“You should eat first,” he grunted. “You need your energy, darling,” Claire groaned against his skin, continuing to pepper convincing kisses along his neck. “I will happily bed you again once you've eaten.” He bargained.
“Alright, fine. Can you grab the toast? I don’t think my legs will hold me up right now.” Loki dutifully retrieved the toast from the fire, and together they slathered the slices with butter before sprinkling sugar and cinnamon over the top. Loki grabbed the plate in one hand, setting Claire back on her feet with an arm around her waist.
“Come, let's get you fed so I can devour you.”
“Mmm yes please,” Claire let Loki guide her out to the great hall, which was blissfully quiet and dark. Out on the terrace, they ate on a stone bench, shoulder to shoulder beneath the stars. The moon shone full and bright overhead, and Claire marveled at the beauty above them. Glittering stars decorated the backdrop of nebulae and swirling galaxies like confetti on a tabletop. “It's beautiful here,” Claire sighed happily, dusting crumbs from her fingers as she leaned against Loki. She'd consumed her toast quickly, her tired body needing the energy just as Loki had said. Loki hadn't complained about the toast once, so she assumed he liked it. “I've never seen anything like it.”
“If you'd like, I can take you to the observatory so you can see them up close.” Loki promised.
“I'd love that,” Claire smiled. “Did you like the toast? It's not too sweet?”
“I quite like it,” Loki said. “It is sweet, but not overwhelmingly so like your planets accursed poptarts.”
“My mom used to make this for me a lot growing up. It's a comfort food.”
“Comfort food? That's not an expression we have here.”
“Really?” Loki nodded. “It's something familiar and full of love that makes you feel safe and warm. Like a hug you can eat,” Claire smiled warmly. “What's your favorite thing to eat?”
“Almond cake,” Loki sighed wistfully. “I haven't had it in years. But it reminds me of being a boy, and how simple things were then.”
“See? Comfort food. I ate so much of this stuff when I was a kid.”
“I can see why,” Loki said. “It is delicious. Though not as delicious as you.” he praised, raising her chin with his fingers to kiss her swollen lips.
“So smooth...” Claire sighed.
“Shall we to bed, little wife?”
“Yes, please,” Claire begged, fingers digging into his shoulders as she clung to him. While Loki was fixated on her mouth, she slung a leg across his thighs and mounted him, settling her weight in his lap. “Want you.”
“Darling if you don't let me get up, I won't be able to take you to bed,” Loki chuckled.
“So don't. That pillar looks nice.”
“Another night, darling. Our first night shouldn't be spent where others can easily spy.” Claire groaned in protest, but allowed him to steer her back into the kitchen. Loki set their plate on the empty counter space he'd cleared earlier, the memory sending a thrill through Claire's body. The report she'd received had been a great start, but clearly Loki was into more than the report entailed. He seemed like a service top, and judging by his hand on the small of her back, he couldn't keep his hands off of her. Claire knew just how skilled those hands were and had zero complaints, even though the feminist in her piped up that she was more than capable of walking on her own. Claire took his hand in hers as they walked back, enjoying the way his hand dwarfed hers. The guard outside their door opened the massive door for them when they returned, closing it after them when they crossed the threshold.
Loki pulled her against him the instant they reached the bedroom, large hands roaming over her body as he buried his face in her neck. Claire dug her fingers into his arm as he anchored her body against his, a whimper falling from her lips as he teased her labia through the fabric of her gown.
Pulling free of his grasp, Claire pushed Loki onto the bed. Though surprised, he quickly recovered when she climbed in his lap and kissed him. Clothes were discarded quickly between kisses and before he knew it, Loki lay at Claire’s mercy on his back. Settling on her haunches, Claire ran her fingertips along the length of his torso. Luscious alabaster muscle lay beneath her fingertips, perfectly aligned like a decadent mosaic of masculinity.
“Are you satisfied, little wife?” Loki asked with amusement, her hands sliding down his chest as he sat up. “Or would you like to inspect me more?”
“Hey, I let you inspect me the first go 'round,” Claire replied, pushing him back down. “Fair is fair.” Loki laughed, smiling wolfishly as her fingers teased the trail of dark hair leading to his cock.
“Apologies, my lady,” he relented, threading his fingers together behind his head. “You're completely right.” If she wanted control, he'd let her have it. Loki was delighted to find Claire had a sexual appetite to match his own. He'd hoped of course, that this marriage wouldn't lead to a complete derailment of his life, but this was an intriguing development that he hadn't forseen.
He hissed as her plush lips closed around his nipple, her fingers continuing to map out the rippling muscles beneath her. She released him from her mouth, leaving a line of bites and soothing kisses on his skin as her mouth followed the trail her hands had marked. She straddled a thigh, shifting her weight to press her bare sex against him.
“What happened here?” She asked softly, her finger ghosting along the faded scar on his abdomen.
“An injury from battle. It's old.” Loki replied casually.
“Older than me?” Claire guessed teasingly. Loki snorted dryly.
“Twice over at least, if not more.”
“You're pretty hot for an old man.” Claire groaned appreciatively as he pressed his thigh against her harder.
“I assume that to mean you find me attractive.”
“Bingo,” Claire sighed, draping her hair over one shoulder. She moved her hips, grinding her wet heat against the meat of his thigh, leaving a trail of arousal on his skin as she leaned down to kiss the flesh beneath her palms. “Wouldn't be this wet for just any old man.”
“I'm truly touched.” Loki hummed, sitting up to grasp her hips and pull her closer. Claire shushed him, cupping his face as she kissed him fervently. Loki's grip tightened on her hips, his cock straining toward her heat like a compass finds true north. Claire slid an arm around his shoulders, pressing against him to fully straddle his thighs. Loki's hands moved to her ass, guiding her down onto his cock as they shared open-mouthed kisses. The couple moaned in unison as she settled against him, fully seated on his dick. “Du tar meg så godt,” Loki murmured, his forehead resting against hers as she rolled her hips. “Like you were made for me.” he groaned, overcome with pleasure as Claire took control and began to ride him.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Claire moaned, tits bouncing as she fucked herself on his dick. Loki could feel her wetness on his lower belly, the slick mess squelching as their bodies collided again and again. “You're so deep, holy shit. Kiss me.” Her hand found the base of his skull, pulling him in for a heated kiss. Loki groaned into her mouth, thrusting into her heat and making her tremble around him. Claire’s body went lax and she melted into him, her pleasured moan muffled against his shoulder as she gushed all over his cock.
“Faen-” Loki’s body jerked as she nearly ended him. She clung to him like a koala as she caught her breath, and Loki was content to let her. “Are you satisfied? Hmm?” Loki asked, kissing her shoulder as he brushed her sweat-damp hair to the side.
“Not yet,” Loki grunted when Claire pushed him back onto the pillows. “Ever had a girl on top?” She asked breathlessly. Gods, her breasts were hypnotizing as they moved with each decadent roll of her hips.
“Not like you.” Loki praised, eyes half lidded as he gazed up at her with awe. Claire laughed breathlessly as she leaned back, resting her hands upon his thighs as she rolled her hips. Loki bit his lip as he watched his cock disappear into her slick channel with each pass of her hips, driving his desire to the boiling point.
He'd bedded many, but all his partners had touched him with reverence for his title, his body. As such they let him direct the pleasure, which was enjoyable, but this...Claire took her pleasure in her own hand, without shame or waiting for him to gift it to her.
Loki liked this give and take they'd found so naturally, and wondered if it would always be like this. Gods, how many times had he had her this night? Loki had lost count. Above him, Claire began to bounce, pulling a ragged moan from his chest as his balls tightened. He grasped at her hips, driving his hips up into her and giving himself over to the pleasure she gave him.
“I'm gonna come again, oh god,” Claire wailed, her head falling back in abandon.
“Do it,” Loki commanded breathlessly. “Let the guards hear how well your husband fucks you.” Claire whimpered, her hips jerking as she fell apart. Her hips shuddered and she cried out, bracing her arms on his thighs as her pussy squeezed him like a vice. Loki continued to thrust, chasing his release within the valhalla between her thighs.
“Fuck. Yes. Loki!” Claire's broken cries broke the dam inside him and he pulled her down onto his cock as he came, a breathless, jagged shout of completion escaping him. Claire's hips still moved, her clit rubbing against his pubic bone as they both fought to catch their breath.
Loki’s bones had stopped working. He wanted to move, to return the soft kitten kisses his wife was dotting along his hairline, but his strength was depleted.
“You okay?” Claire asked, her hand soothing his heated brow as she looked at him with concern. “Did you die?”
“No, I haven’t died-”
“Well you can’t blame a girl for worrying. You are-”
“Yes, yes, I am old,” Loki huffed, trying and failing to summon the strength to turn onto his side and unseat her. “Honestly, woman.” Claire’s unrepentant giggles made him roll his eyes even as he checked her over.
“You’re cute when you’re grumpy.”
“We should probably go to sleep. You're going to be very sore come morning.” Ignoring her comment, Loki massaged her hips where his fingers had no doubt left marks on her delicate flesh.
“Worth it,” Claire moaned as she slumped forward onto his chest. She'd made no move to pull off of him, his cock still deep inside her well-fucked cunt. “I think I'm gonna like having a sexy husband.” She said sleepily, pressing her sweat-slicked body against his as she wove her arms around his neck between the pillows. “Can we cuddle?”
“Shall I be the soup spoon?” Loki asked as he pressed a breathless kiss to her temple.
“Mmm yes,” Claire sighed, moaning as Loki rolled them onto their sides. A trickle of wetness trailed from her pussy when he pulled out, and she whimpered when Loki's fingers trailed through the mess. “I like the way you hold me.” she admitted as she edged closer to sleep.
“Do you like the mess we made, little wife?”
“Yes. So hot,” Claire mumbled, making a small noise of complaint when Loki shifted her to put his arm beneath her. “M'not ready for babies yet, but fuck, I like the practice.”
“As do I,” Loki purred as he brushed her wild hair from her face. Another kiss found the bolt of her jaw as he molded his chest to her back, nestling within the blankets beside her. “As do I.”
Translations: (Norwegian)
Du føler deg så bra- You feel so good
Du tar meg så godt- You take me so well
Faen- fuck
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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The Pull: Steddie x Succubus reader
Summary: You move to Hawkins after spending the last decade in New York City hoping to have a peaceful and quiet next few years flying under the radar only feeding when necessary and making everyone you spend a night with forget you. But when you arrive, you feel a pull from two men like you’ve never felt before. As soon as you feel it you know flying under the radar here wasn’t going to cut it, you had to find them. Masterlist.
Warnings: Not very many for this chapter, sexual themes, language. But future chapters will have rough smut, dom/sub dynamics, M/M/F threesome, demon sex, and I’ll probably add more once I post the actual chapters.
Also this is my first fic not only in this fandom but in MANY years so please be nice to me, feedback would be amazing too I’d love to hear what people think. I hope you enjoy!🖤 (also shout out @bimbobaggins69 for helping me understand how to format my fic on here and giving me the confidence to do so🥺)
You watched them quietly, perched on a tree branch outside the window of the large house. They were both sprawled out on the bed, still naked after they had just been ravaging each other moments ago. The longer haired one with the tattoos on his chest who looked like he just walked out of an MTV music video ran his fingers through the hair of the other boy, who looked like some kind of Prince Charming in a fairy tale. They were an odd pair, you thought, that was part of what drew you to them. The stark contrast of light and dark, both ends of the spectrum. Over the time you had been watching them you’d noticed a few things about them, the tattooed boy was very dominant when they were intimate with each other he was very much in charge, but the few times when you braved watching them out in public you noticed that Prince Charming was much more level headed and in control of his partner. It seemed they balanced each other out well despite their physical differences.
That’s not truly what drew you to them though, when you first felt them you didn’t even know what they looked like yet. You had just arrived in Hawkins, a small town in Indiana, a fresh start. You had spent almost the entire last decade in New York, under your latest identity but the people around you changed, aged, and you didn't, so before they noticed you would move on, again and again for as long as you can remember you have existed this way. Indiana is a state you’ve yet to live in, and having spent the last ten years in busy New York you choose a quaint small town to settle and the moment you drove past the welcome to Hawkins sign you could sense them.
You had never felt a pull like this before, so you immediately followed it, and what you found was two very attractive young men who were absolutely enthralled with each other, but each of them had something they desired, something they felt was missing… a woman. They wanted a woman to join them, you could feel their need and their want to share that with each other. Not that their sex life wasn’t phenomenal because it was, if it was just any two human males wanting to find a third you wouldn’t feel it this strongly but these two were passionate and they were extremely horny just from watching them you felt like you were gaining energy every time. But watching was getting old, you hadn’t fed since you arrived in town almost a week ago, no one could measure up, you needed them and you needed them soon.
The next day you sat in the small apartment you had charmed the property manager into giving you the keys for trying to come up with a plan. You had two options, you could either just burst into their house and tell them the truth about who and what you were (which you’ve never done you aren’t sure what it is about them that has you even considering it) OR you can run into them in public, stage a meeting and go through the motions of getting them into bed with you without telling them what you were and erasing yourself from their memories after.
Option one was sounding better and better… you never had a desire to be with the same person twice, no one ever having a long lasting effect on you, so why do these two boys who you have yet to even speak to have you reconsidering that? You needed to know.
So you made a decision, probably a stupid one, but a decision nonetheless. Getting dressed in a short skirt and a tight tank top, you slipped your shoes on and walked out the door. Before you could talk yourself out of it you got in your car and drove in the direction of the large house you’ve spent so much time outside of recently, determined to be on the inside this time.
“Babe, I’m telling you, I saw that girl again yesterday when we were walking out of the arcade with the kids! I don’t know how you haven’t noticed her ANY of the times? We have a hot stalker and you’re oblivious” Eddie said with a huff plopping down on the couch next to his boyfriend
Steve scoffs “Dude, babe, we do NOT have a stalker, let alone a hot one. It’s probably just a girl you haven’t seen before that has HAPPENED to be in the same place as us a few times”
“No Steve, I’m TELLING you, this girl was watching us, I looked over at her and she just kept staring right at me and didn’t even move or blink dude it was like she was a statue. The most gorgeous statue I’ve ever seen but still, a statue”
“Okay? So a pretty girl stared at you and now she’s stalking us??” Steve looked at his boyfriend with an amused smile on his face before laughing
Eddie rolled his eyes “I don’t know why you’re laughing at me, I already told you I also saw her at the store when we were grocery shopping in the parking lot, and I saw her outside the diner the next day. I’m NOT crazy dude she is REAL”
“Okay, fine, say she IS real, why would she be stalking US?” This makes Eddie think for a moment because why would she be stalking them? He’s not sure.. but he knows he really wants to find out next time he sees you. “Okay that’s a good point but still, I’m gonna try and talk to her next time I see her”
“Yeah okaaay Eds if she’s real I’m sure you’re really gonna chat her up with your lady killing skills” Steve snorted
“You know WHAT HARRI-“ He was cut off by the sound of the door bell “whose that? I didn’t think we were expecting anyone?”
“We weren’t, I’ll go see who it is” Steve said as he got up to walk to the door. When he opened it to say he was surprised would be an understatement, one of the prettiest girls he’s EVER seen, maybe the actual prettiest girl he’s ever seen is standing on his doorstep looking at him with the sweetest look he’s ever seen.
“H-hi, can I help you?” He asked, and before you could answer you heard loud footsteps come bounding into the entryway “Babe, who's at the door-“ he’s stopped in his tracks because standing there, living and breathing and very real was YOU, the girl who he keeps seeing everywhere, who has been haunting his dreams, standing on their doorstep.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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multi-fandom-agereg · 27 days
thank you for 300+ followers! (Long post)
thank you for 300+ followers?? Holy crap that's a lot of people!
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(smiling friends oc: Noah he/it.) he can't spell. But he tried! 🖍️
Seriously though, thank you guys so much for the support on the blog. 300+ is insane and I never thought I'd get that far.
This blog is almost 2 years old, and I've been active on it for a year creating content for the agere community. In the beginning I didn't have a plan for what I wanted this blog to be. This blog was first created because when I first stumbled onto Tumblr, Tumblr made me create an account to view more content I wanted to see. I remember the first thing I've ever searched on here was Sally face agere content.
I left tumblr alone after this, but something told me to get back onto Tumblr and I did. And now I'm here. I do not really check my followers to see how long they've been following me, but to everyone who followed me from the very beginning, thank you.
Id also like to specially shout out to @dragon-queen21 , @xdeadxxeyes , @beaistiny and @red-panda-agere
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To Mayliz/dragon-queen21 : to the most amazing person I've ever met, thank you for sticking around for as long as you did. You've always engaged with my content and I can't think of a post you haven't liked. You like my posts all the time, and when I was at my lowest at times you were there to comfort me (even if I didn't know what to say, but i still read them) I'm happy we've met and became mutuals. To someone who shared interests with me at the time (one piece) to someone who I've came around to call a friend, thank you. I can't express it through actions, but I hope words mean something
To xdeadxxeyes: to my pretty cool mutual, thank you for sticking around as well. I don't exactly remember how we met, but I'm pretty sure we met around the time we were posting total drama island stuff. You are a pretty cool person and you're very nice to me and I'm so happy we've got the chance to meet. :] also another plus, we both like Jjk and resident evil 🙌 so that's awesome !! My DMS are always open if you'd like to ramble about those topics with me (also by that way I'm able to get to your requests faster) since i know you requested some stuff 🏌️
To Beatrix!: we met when we were both posting Scott Pilgrim content! We aren't mutuals but I adore your content and was honored when you requested me awhile back. You seem like a very sweet person and I'd like to thank you for requesting me a few times. Your blog is very comforting and I love looking through it sometimes. Your posts are always a delight to see when you post/reblog/etc:}
to Nebby: I'm not sure when we met exactly, but I do know that we both have an interest in Honkai star rail 🦸 you guys were just amazing to talk to. When we commissioned you guys , y'all were very patient with us. And honestly? We were grateful you were 🤍 your art is so yummy and your commissioned art piece for us is one of our favorite pieces we have. Your art that you made for us is in a personal folder of ours and we can't wait to commission you again in the future. (To everyone who reads this, please go show your support! Their art is so good and they're a delight to talk to imo)
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and most importantly, I'd like to thank the rest of my mutuals and my followers. Thank you for staying around to see all the dumb posts I post. I don't know how to thank you for all your constant support on this blog. This blog feels very personal to me, and I can't believe it's almost 2 years old now. Happy (early?) birthday to this blog) 🎉
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booksandabeer · 2 years
I love your blog and I love how much work you put in when someone ask you to recommend fics for them, you’re truly beyond AMAZING! Just getting that out of the way.
And now, can you please tell me your favourite underrated stucky fics. I know this might be too big of an ask because there are SO MANY out there, so just tell me a few if you don’t mind.
Thank you so much ❤️
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Hello Stranger!
Thank you for the ask and your very kind words! ❤ It's so nice to hear that people like my rec posts because they really do take a surprisingly large amount of time to put together. Anyway, I'm not complaining & this is a lot of fun for me, so on to the recs!
I struggled a bit with how to define "underrated" and I think everybody has their own ideas of what exactly that means. Also, the Stucky ship has been around for more than a decade (even longer if you count the comics), so creative output and reader interest will fluctuate and ultimately decline over time. A Stucky fic posted after 2019--no matter how insanely good it is--will never do the numbers it would have done in the Golden Age of 2014-2018. So, for the purpose of this list, a fic written in 2016 with 15K hits or less does qualify as underrated, while a fic posted in 2021 with 10-15K would not.
Also, as always, this list is by no means an exhaustive one.
the wrote and the writ by declanlynchsrack | G, 10K
Author's summary: Bucky’s crying before he’s off the boat and he’s the least surprised out of anyone to realize it.
He’s always been a softie, a leaky faucet, and the war hasn’t changed that, so he doesn’t know why the sob that smacks him startles him bad enough that he grips the strap of his bag doubly hard, ready to swing it around like a battering ram, ready to find that cloying, invisible enemy. He’s not being ambushed, on his belly in the muck and camellias, cypress hanging low, moonlight casting an eerie smile upon Lake Como like it’s enjoying the hell out of muffled gunshots and the wet grunt of lifeblood spattering onto the undergrowth.
That’s done. He’s safe.
An AU in which Bucky--minus one arm--comes back from the war and Steve never got to go, and never became Captain America. A scrappy little story that is at once full of emotion and yet completely unsentimental. This story socked me on the jaw, tackled me to the ground, and then sat on me while twisting, twisting, twisting my arm behind my back. It also has one of my favorite descriptions of the SteveBucky dynamic I've ever read: "They’re all roughed up, the two of em, a pair of old marble statues weathered by time and harsh touches, but they know each other’s chinks and foibles and can side-step them with grace while still treating the other about as delicately as they’d handle a sack of potatoes." !!! If you prefer, you can also listen to it here: [Podfic] the wrote and the writ by quietnight
Hollywoodland by romanticalgirl | E, 69K
Author's summary: In 1930s Hollywood, the world is run on the studio system. Stars are told who to date, what to wear, what to say, and how to look pretty doing it. The only way you can really do what you want is if you don't get caught.
Steve's dating Peggy, which works out because she's married to Sam, even though it's not legal. But it's the perfect cover for the fact that Steve's gay. He's managing just fine skirting the system to find companionship, but then he meets James Barnes and life gets a lot more complicated.
If you know anything about me and my love for Golden Age Hollywood, then you won't be surprised that this pushes all of my buttons. This is loosely inspired by the real life relationship of Cary Grant and Randolph Scott (the exact nature of which we will probably never know, but let's just say it was most likely not strictly platonic). Is the world the author created here entirely realistic? No--and it's not intended to be. While it is indeed rooted in many of the horrible realities that queer people and POC have faced in the past (and are still facing today), it's a slightly kinder version of it that allows for a hopeful, if not a strictly happy ending in the traditional sense. A sumptious story with gorgeous art.
make progress together by frankoceansmoonriver | E, 24K
Author's summary: He feels like Steve’s mistress. He feels hollowed out. He feels like a jammed gun still trying to go off. When he’s not with Steve he convinces himself he’s ruining Steve’s life, and though he tries, he’s too selfish to stop. When he’s with Steve, he’d fight God himself to keep it, this tangible perfection that makes him drunk and anchors him in ways he did not know existed.
Or, the one where they both survived the war, Bucky loves Steve now, has loved Steve since he was fifteen, and the year is 1945.
This is a story that I have reread many, many times because it is the perfect wish fulfillment fic for me. It's the slightly unrealistic, or one could also say: optimistic version of what I imagine would have happened had Steve and Bucky both survived the war. That's not to say that this fic doesn't have its very angsty moments, but ultimately, this is a story about love and hope triumphing in the face of adversity, and sometimes you just want to see good things happen to good people. I know some readers may find the formatting and the non-linear structure challenging, but this is a beautiful story and I really urge you all to give it a try!
I'll Light Your Way Home series by BeaArthurPendragon | M-E, 69K, 5 parts
Author's summary: Two lost Vietnam vets find each other in a Hell's Kitchen gay bar one hot September night. This is how they find their way home.
A pattern emerges! Can you tell I'm really into (No Powers) AUs set in the early to mid 20th century? Well, here's another one, but we're actually moving into second half of the century, specifically to 1969, for this one! Bea is quite possibly my favorite Stucky writer and I have recommended her stories many times to anybody who will listen to me. It's debatable whether or not she actually counts as "underrated", I guess, but it is my personal opinion that her fics should have ten times the kudos/comments/hits they do and that she deserves to be up there with the "big names". This story in particular just completely won over my heart with its gorgeous (but not ostentatious) writing, its confident and mature characterizations, and great eye for historical detail. I *cannot* recommend her fics enough. /unabashed fangirl moment over.
The Northern Lights by ThisChairIsMyHomeNow | M, 21K
Author's summary: “I can’t feel my face,” Steve shivers.
“I can’t feel my left arm,” Bucky says, deadpan. Steve barks out a laugh. It’s all white puffs of vapor in the chilly air.
“This the spot?”
“Nah,” Bucky pants, breath ragged from the long ascent up a mountain. “Almost there.”
A post-CW canon-divergent story that the author jokingly describes in their author's note as "gay superhero reluctantly gets therapy in the jungles of Wakanda, then goes on a covert road trip." And yes, maybe I wouldn't put it quite so flippantly myself, but it's not... untrue. And yet there is so much more depth to it. If you like a Bucky who takes back his life, his identity, and his future on his own terms, a Steve who isn't reduced to being his recovery prop but instead gets to shine in all his glorious, intense, stubborn Steve-ness, and a Sam & a Natasha who aren't just window dressing for the SteveandBucky-Show, this is for you! Cap Quartet Road Trip where all four members get their moment to shine--what are you waiting for?
Misplaced Pencils | T, 13K & and our words would take us 'round the world | T, 13K by Somanywords
Author's summary:
Steve and drawing throughout the years. Also Bucky.
Bucky is two years old when he learns to talk.
I've spent a good 30 minutes debating with myself which one of these two I should include here, and then I just threw up my hands and said "why not both? Both is good!" So here they are, two beautifully written mid-length full-arc (childhood to sometime past TWS, where they diverge from canon) fics that I love both equally. These are standalone stories and are not set in the same universe, but they do read and feel like companion pieces to each other because both stories are told through the lense of Steve and Bucky's respective artistic sensibilities and how they use their art as a framework to make sense of the world. Misplaced Pencils gives you artist Steve who, from a very young age on, has always tried to understand the world by taking it apart into its visual components & falling back on a fixed set of questions that help him to categorize and compartmentalize the people he encounters and the emotions he feels for them (just like he will later do in other areas of his life). Only that there is of course one person who's always refused to fit neatly into just one of his categories. and our worlds... on the other hand, gives you storyteller Bucky who's constantly talking, singing, writing. Who, in the end, can't help himself but narrate even his own fall and who is later delightfully affronted by his own narrative arc in a "if I had been the one in charge, I would've written it better!" way. Both of these stories are very dear to my heart and they deserve a million more hits.
+ Bonus!
Fics that definitely could/should be on this list but that I've recced before:
You are here by dharmashark
A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall by DisraeliGears
Prisoner One by ancientreader
As Time Goes By by Trouble_With_The_Snap
new topography series by brideofquiet
What I'm Looking For series by TessaBennet
Welcome Home, Son series by BeaArthurPendragon
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I'm slowly working my way through my rec asks, so please be patient with me! Next up: Road Trip fics!
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jovrien · 1 month
Yo yo so I went over my drafts and found a post I’ve written last April but idk why I didn’t post this.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ yapping alert! It’s all nonsense. I’m just posting this for my future self lol
Something bothers me and the Holy Spirit is pestering me to write this shit on tumblr for my peace of mind so here goes.. (Oh btw this post is nonsense and quite lengthy but I just wanna shit it outta my mind so I could finally let go of whatever this is. And oh I’m kinda drunk lol)
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But first lemme confess something lol I have a crush on the guy on this photo. I took a screenshot of this pic last March 26, I stare at it every morning and damn I still feel the same to this day lol am I.. am I.. still okay? 🤭
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Damn this bro is too fine I wanna look exactly like him on my next edition reincarnation 🙂‍↕️
Moving on..
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So I’m just new to this whole Astrology shit and as a Capricorn Sun/Virgo Rising, I can say it’s pretty accurate how they described me as having a straight nose, good forehead, and a person who is neat freak lmaooo 😆 crazy 🤭 so yeah I never really gave a flying fuck about Astrology because I thought it was a bit ‘girly’ or something only girls do, but it all changed when last December 30, 2023, I saw a Tiktok about the Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) finally ending their 16-year struggle since 2008. I mean, the last 16 years truly made me realize a lot of shit, and I lost A LOT. The last one taken away from me was my dog (Gisele Heart Particles Nougat Shamcey Chamyto Chimmy 2010-2023). So yeah, it was quite a relief knowing that the cycle is coming to an end and that the next 20 years is gonna be rosy for the Cardinal Signs. But there’s one more boss fight before Pluto finally leaves us Cardinal Signs for good as it’s going to retrograde back for a just a few months (September-November) and then GONE FOREVER.
Btw, astrologers are saying that the Fixed Signs are gonna go through shit in the next 20 years, but please don’t be afraid if you’re a Fixed Sign (especially if you’re a nice person).
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So yeah, I found myself crotch-deep into astrology and found out that my ruling planet is Saturn 🪐 and that meant instant karma in both directions. And this is what bothers me because it means I have to be a good guy all the time! I mean, I’m actually a good guy because I’m kind to animals and the needy, and my secret Spotify Progressive House playlist is just 💯 👌🏼 sorry I digress lol
What bothers me is that they are saying that I shouldn’t do bad things because karma would bite me in the ass. And I have been losing sleep because of that. You see, I’m addicted to doing bad things (no, not the criminal bad things fyi. I’m a very lawful person). The things I do are too extreme that it causes panic in heaven 😝 jk
Okay while writing this post I found this comment on a Tiktok vid that made all my worries disappear
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Bing Bong! Amazing how the Universe answers my questions right away. 😈 Now that I don’t have to worry about guilt (On so MANY occasions I made people do the unthinkable. I fucked my friend’s partner during a threesome) So yeah.. now that the fear of being karma’d is out of the way, lemme tell you (yeah you sleuthing relative who haunts my blog!) the best thing about being a Capricorn ruled by Saturn - we are divinely protected by Karma. It’s like having a Doberman on a night walk around the block.
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I have thought of the times when people were mean and really really bad to me even if I only showed them kindness so Imma list the karma they got. (btw I’m gonna have to change some details about them so it isn’t too obvi who they are)
1. This person humiliated me in front of people (worst thing that was ever done to me), then two days later bammmm the most devastating thing happened to his wife and kids which left him in extreme pain and distress for a few months.
2. This woman hated me for no reason, talked shit about me, then a few days later she was diagnosed with cancer.
3. An evil person who did me super dirty was humiliated on a national level lmao imagine being in the news for the wrong things you did.
4. I was never bullied when I was a kid, but there was this classmate in grade school (24 years ago) who was so jealous of my Nokia 3210. She intentionally sat on my backpack, broke the screen, and even though I was fuming, I didn’t hit her ultra wide face with my hand. A few days later I heard from a classmate that she was going through shit at home because her mom found out that her dad was having an affair lmao 🤣 I stalked her IG just now and found out she’s battling with extreme obesity. Oh nooo karma is a cat purring on my lap cherryt 😝
I could go on writing (20 or more) about how people who did me wrong got bitten by karma but that would make me seem immature, childish and vindictive so imma just end this nonsense here. Ciao 🍻
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sweetmariihs2 · 7 months
Look at what arrived today 🫶🫶 (there's still more on the way but they didn't arrived yet)
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Unfortunately there's only one page where Cedric is in, in the Wassailia magazine. Today I discovered that each magazine revolves specifically around that theme, so in a Wassailia themed magazine there will only be Wassailia themed activities. I don't know why I thought that there would be activities unrelated to the main theme. All of the Wassailia magazine pages are related to Wassailia, the same way that in the costume party magazine the activities all talk about this topic. I guess it makes sense.
In my country there's only 5 available magazines to buy. Two come together (these ones), other two also come together, and there's one that I'm almost DYING to put my hands on that it's the Cedric's apprentice magazine and it's available to buy separately.
Also we got an extra content about what happened to Cedric in the first Wassailia episode! He probably spent his whole holiday in his workshop. Sofia came to visit him and she gave him a snow globe as a gift and he loved it💗
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That's the only image of him that we have. I don't know if I should share the whole magazines because I'm afraid of being accused of piracy😭😭😭
But I don't know, the magazines are from 2016 and it's a hell to find their content. I literally had to buy them to see what's inside! And you can say "well if the fans want to see what's inside then yes they should buy it," but it's really difficult to find, and I know that there are people out there who really wanted to own them but they can't since it's not even selling anywhere anymore. I don't know about your contry but in mine there were just 5 available and I bought all of em, and that's because I searched for hours. While I do have some of them and I can share, which is something that I saw some other magazine owners refusing to do.
And I really don't blame them, since some posts that I found were indeed from 2010's and at that time those magazines were still being produced. They wanted to support the artists involved and that is honestly a very noble thing to do! That's why I'm torn too, because I'm an artist myself and it would be nice to have my work properly sold and not just shared everywhere with absolutely no remuneration.
But yeah, after years since those posts were published, now I'm in the STF fandom and searching for all possible Cedric content and merch I can find on the internet and it's being such a torture to search for these magazines since they're not produced, commercialized or even remembered anymore. Some of the images I have are so poorly photographed and framed, poor lighting, bad quality camera, and I can't even know the context behind the illustrations because most of the time there is no information or even the complete image! Which makes me a little mad because if at the time the magazines were being produced, if fans had saved images or shared the magazines, we wouldn't have had so much trouble finding them today. It is obvious that after years on the market, products are being destroyed and becoming more scarce. The main audience for these magazines are children and the magazine encourage children to cut, paint and doodle, so many copies of these magazines simply ended up in the trash or are completely torn up. It's the correct way to use them after all.
It's almost lost media, but luckily there is still someone somewhere in the world who has them in their entirety after more or less 10 years since they were published. Many of the collectors from 2016 today may not even have their collections anymore, as was the case with a blog that unfortunately lost its collection in a flood and which had some of the magazines. I am literally so amazed by the fact that I have discontinued and untouched products in my hands, and in my language, which is even more unlikely to happen. There's only three left to arrive!
I think I should share these images while I can, as later there may not be any more copies available to buy or even view. If fans are no longer going to be able to buy it because of its rarity, then I at least think they should see what's inside. And the rarity it's not even because they're coveted products, it's just that they're forgotten! People care so little about them that it's starting to disappear and no one will care enough to sell or share it, as is already happening now. After all, it's just a silly Sofia The First activity magazine, but it's very important for us fans, at least the few who know about its existence. And all the copies available for viewing or sale don't even pay the artists anymore, as it's been around for many years and these products are surrounded by resellers. There is no longer any way to buy from the artists hoping that they will get a return, because they won't, the 2010s are over and so are the magazine publications.
I'm really thinking about sharing them, but I'm afraid of being misinterpreted or accused of disrespecting those artist's work. Disney it's literally not producing and selling them anymore at all, and they're really hard to find to buy, so I guess that sharing while I can is a viable option, and it's an act of kindness for other fans, who won't go crazy wondering what's inside knowing that no one has ever shared it and they won't ever do. I really wish 2016 fans had shared it at that time because today we would have images of copies that are no longer available for purchase. Real rare stuff!
So yeah, please tell me your opinions about this... I'm really afraid of doing something I shouldn't and disrespecting those artists in the process. But at the same time, well... they're not involved in this anymore. So I don't know.
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