#having a hyperfixation is a gift but also a curse
Sometimes I feel like I would rather fly to a foreign country just to talk to my online friends on here about Pokemon BW rather than wait until November after marching season for a certain family member of mine to get me connected with one of her acquaintances from marching band who is also into pokemon BW. Yes, my patience is that reduced!! I am kinda desperate here. :(
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cyzi4 · 2 months
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𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
How jjk characters would be with an autistic partner
Warnings: none. Just fluff.
Parings: Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Toge Inumaki, Maki Zenin, Satoru Gojo, Choso Kamo, Suguru Geto.
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~ 𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢, Hyperfixates with you
Yuji is always happy to hear about your newest hyper fixation and listen to you tell him every little detail. He loves listening to your rants and will probably try and get into whatever your new interest is.
“Yuji! This game is so good. The plot is so simple but its also really well crafted and the characters are amazing and theres one that I’d really think you’d like. You have to play it with me!” You beamed about your new obsession. Yuji listened to every little detail attentively. Your extensive knowledge on your favorite topics reminds him of how he obsesses over the human earthworm series. “That sounds so fun! We can play after training!”
He likes listening to all the random facts about your interests and he even gets into some of them himself so that you two can be even closer. He makes sure to do his own research on your interests so that you two can talk about them together.
~ 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨, both lack social skills
You and Megumi both lack social skills, although for very different reasons. You tend to not understand social cues while Megumi understands them, he just doesn’t care about them. However he’ll try to help you understand.
“Wait so I can’t say gn?” Megumi nods. “Some people think it means you don’t care enough to spell out the whole word” “but its more convenient?” “I know, but some people care about stuff like that” “oh..”
Megumi also makes sure to clarify what other people mean if you’re not getting it so you aren’t confused.
~ 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢, mute buddies
If you’re non-verbal, you two kinda have an understanding of each other. You two talk all the time through sign language and you always understand what he’s saying when he’s speaking in onigri ingredients.
“Tuna?” ‘I know. How is gojo even a teacher? Is he even certified?’ “Bonito flakes.” The others stared at you two. “I think they’re talking about gojo. I know a little sign language and they signed “gojo” “ Nobara stated matter of factly. “They’re saying Gojo’s an idiot.” Maki stated with a bland expression.
Sometimes, you do speak, however you speak just like inumkai with rice ball ingredients. He even tries to teach you how to speak onigiri.
“Bonito flakes?” ‘No, no’ “mustard leaf” ‘ohhhh. Tuna mayo.’ ‘Exactly.’
~ 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐙𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧, always stands up for you
Another one for if you’re non verbal. She is not afraid to get confrontational for you when someone’s bothering you. If someone even breathes in a slightly disrespectful manner Maki is staring them down with the most piercing gaze.
If it seems like someone’s invading your space, Maki will come over and physically push them out of your space. “You’re making them uncomfortable. Move.”
Someone messed up your order? Maki’s making sure they understood what you asked for. “They asked for no pickles.”
Someone speaking to you with an even slightly aggressive tone? “Speak to them like that again, asshole, and Ill make sure you never speak again.”
Maki will go to great lengths just to insure that you’re comfortable and happy.
~ 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨, comforts you during meltdowns + feeds your hyperfixations
Gojo always treated you with extra care, even before learning you had autism. He’s always been comforting towards you and does his best to help with your meltdowns.
“Shh shh. It’s okay my love. Come on, wheres that smile?”
Anytime you mention even the slightest thing about any of your hyoerfixations, Gojo will have a new gift centered around it in a heartbeat. You might end up running out of places to put these gifts so gojo keeps some as little reminders of you
~ 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐨, steals your stims
As a cursed spirit, he doesn’t even really know what autism is. He just knows that your cute little movements mean you’re excited with something, and he thinks its a good way to show when he’s excited with something.
You squealed in excitement when you saw that your favorite tv show was on and flailed your hands in excitement. Choso saw and copied your movements when he saw the tv. “Baby look, our shows on!” “I know!!”
You once asked him about it. “well when you’re happy, you do them, and seeing you happy makes me happy, so I do them too.”
~ 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨, appreciates your bluntness
Geto often doesn’t trust others initial inputs. He values your unfiltered nature and likes your blunt and truly honest opinion.
While you, Geto, and Gojo were making your way to the school, you started to take notice of Gojo’s posture. Geto noticed as well but didn’t think it was something to be brought up. However you did. “Gojo, you really need to fix your posture.” Geto slightly chuckled to himself as he watched Gojo straighten up his posture begrudgingly, slightly offended by your remark.
Another time, you and Geto were about to go on a mission when you started to take note of Geto’s appearance.“Geto your hair is getting extremely greasy. You should really wash your hair more frequently.” Geto was a bit taken aback but he was also quick to wash his hair.
…Geto also thinks that sometimes you can be overly blunt. But he loves you all the same.
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laneydays · 2 years
ghost boy headcanons
billy showalter
adults and old people LOVE him. take him to meet ur parents, do it
but also hes the type to act way different with ppl his age than adults
kind of a smart mouth.... but in a cool kind of annoying way
twirls his hair a lot LMAO
crosses his arms when he's upset mad sad or annoyed
loves coca cola and root beer
adores dogs, his dog is his best friend
extremely supportive of queer identities even if he isnt queer himself
love language is acts of service
just loves to be helpful
feels bad if people do stuff for him though
griffin stagg
is lowkey a menace sometimes
but also a sweetheart
he likes weird unexpected shit for someone his age
incredibly smart but doesn't rlly know that
great at art
doesnt curse a whole bunch but when he does he curses like a sailor and he does it good
doesnt know how to match his clothes for the life of him
wears bandanas to pull his hair back, gets made fun of and called a girl for it
everyone just wants to kiss and hold him like a little kid, he doesn't understand it
doesn't like when people baby him
love language is gift giving, probably picks up random shit to give to you
"here have this rock" "i got a pretty flower for you" "i found a cola bottle cap"
you keep them all
vance hopper
adhd probably 
pinball hyperfixation need i say more
he's actually pretty chill when hes not angry. if u don't bother him he's real quiet
aromatic and asexual. no he wouldn't be a player
but also is open to meeting someone, whether its platonic or romantic (remember aroace people can still date)
tries to act tough but hes just a big nerd tbh
smoked a cig once. never again, hated it
gets very mad at people when they make fun of his choker, he gets embarrassed 
acts homophobic but he really doesnt care
would probably beat someone up if they made fun of a queer kid
that doesnt stop him from saying "thats gay" as a (joking) insult however
doesn't really have a specific love language, just anything to show you care he appreciates it quietly
not big on physical touch but he doesn't mind it 
collects vinyls
wears a looot of denim
finney blake
also autistic
space special interest
kind of good at drawing
literally wouldn't hurt a fly
his jokes are so unfunny that its funny
sounds like an angel when he laughs and looks like one when he smiles
and its hard to get a smile out of him
carries that little spaceship with him everywhere, freaks out if he can't find it
cant think of anything else for him
doesn't have a specific love language either, just anything to show that u care
bruce yamada
bro is not as good in school as everyone thinks he is
but tries very hard and does his best
really loves history
i feel like this is obvious but he collects baseball cards
flexes them on you every time you come to his house and it gets a little annoying 
is the nice guy of the friend group
probably the corniest person ever
is pretty funny but when he tries to be funny it doesn't work
love language is quality time definitely
also physical touch, just the little things though like touching shoulders or brushing fingers
robin arellano
wears his bandana literally every day and it smells so bad
says its to keep the hair out of his face
bro is gorgeous without it
his wardrobe is 70% sleeveless shirts
a huge showoff and a sucker for praise
laughs at potty jokes every single time
his humor is fake flirting
very protective but he isn't scary at all
fucks up the school lunch like its his last meal
probably complains about it though
can talk to literally anyone and everyone, its really nice
he's.... not great in school but he tries to be nice to the teachers
passes notes in class 24/7 and he gets in trouble so much for it
canon movie fanatic, loves watching them even if they suck
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your-local-dead-poet · 3 months
(today is my birthday, so birthday related hyperfixation post, I couldn’t help it)
Neil: My man Neil gets you a birthday card and forces everybody in existence to sign it.
“Who the hell is Greg?”
“Some guy I passed on the street this morning.” :D
He also gets you a paper crown and urges you to wear it the entire day. (social anxiety fears this man). If anyone makes fun of you they will get cussed out by Charlie. Neil buys an extra present, because he already knows that Charlie will be too busy (it happens every time).
Charlie: Charlie goes all out and starts planning a party a month in advance. This man loves to party and will look for any excuse to do so. It is held in the cave and it is the best party you will ever have. As for the present, he’s too busy planning the party so the present that Neil buys you is from the both of them.
Todd: When he first sees you he wishes you the shyest ‘happy birthday’ you’ve ever heard, honestly it’s adorable. He just enjoys the day because he likes seeing you happy. At the party he gives you your gift: a poem he wrote and a bunch of cool little trinkets he bought. Todd is very nervous that you don’t like it (you love it, this man is a master at picking gifts) and he will die if you read the poem out loud in front of the others.
Knox: Kinda guy to text you as soon as midnight hits, then be super proud of himself because he was the first one to wish you happy birthday. Him and Todd go shopping a week beforehand. Then at the party he gives you the present (it’s either one of those cursed thrift shop T-shirts or a book that Todd helped pick him out).
Pitts: Definitely in charge of the music at the party, I headcanon that Pittsie has the best music taste known to man. As a present he gives you a mixtape with songs that you like, songs that remind him of you and just general vibey songs.
Meeks & Cameron: They team for a birthday vlog (like dead poets in nyc) with Meeks as the narrator and Cameron as the cameraman. They also film the preparations for the party and the shopping with Todd and Knox. They ‘interview’ Mr. Keating who gives a heartfelt birthday speech. Also they are definitely next to your bedside to wake you up and sing the worst rendition of happy birthday you’ve ever heard. Queue Knox who comes in to tell them he was first.
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You said few months ago to aks your thoughts: what exactly do you mean by "Ozpin has long since given up on his task"?
I agree but don't have any coherent thoughts, except I also kind of think Oscar might've returned a spark to him ("You saved us," Ozpin also fighting the merge in the V9 Epilogue storyboard.)
Honestly this is a bit hard to explain bc I haven't touched RWBY in months (I'm neck deep in a batfamily hyperfixation), so my thoughts on this are VERY scattered, but I'll do my best to explain. I might come back and add any additional thoughts I might have.
Essentially, Ozpin doesn't really act like he's actively working towards his God-given task. Even if he is, I think he's doing the absolute bare minimum required of it. He's clearly tried before- if The Infinite Man is a 100% true story- but he labels that attempt as a mistake several times over. On top of that, he hasn't done... anything with the Relics after The Great War. The world was described as being in a time of 'unprecedented peace'- but Ozpin didn't DO anything with that.
I also think it's safe to assume that doing Lights task probably requires- essentially a cult dedicated to him. This is seen in The Infinite Man, since the woman Oz talks to mentions a 'final judgement', and the antagonist towards the end says that Oz's mere existence makes him a target. So it's safe to assume that pretty much everyone knew about his task at this time, and people didn't like the idea of it. I'm pretty sure it's also stated that this is the closest he's gotten to completing it. But as Ozpin recounts this, he repeatedly says that this was a mistake, and clearly regrets his actions here. He had good intentions, but it didn't matter in the end; the Circle was a mistake and he's asking for forgiveness.
On top of that, he says "Some people worship God's, while others insist we must be our own salvation. But the world doesn't work in absolutes, so why can't it be both?" This coupled with The Gift of the Moon and The Man Who Stared at the Sun as well as The Two Brothers heavily imply Oz believes that Light, or both of the Gods but especially Light, is selfish, petty, and that appeasing him not only requires heavy sacrifice, but hurts everyone else, and that humanity can replace the Gods; they don't need them.
The Academies themselves imply this too- they're safe Havens, Beacons of hope, keeping the world raised to shield them from destruction and providing Shade from the unforgiving sun (Light). They're symbolic, representing Oz's core values/beliefs, and one of those is that humanity needs to be shielded from Light. He very much also supports individuality, if the Great War is anything to go by plus the creation of the Academies. Something that, honestly, I don't think Light very much appreciates.
Also, Oz's inner circle doesn't really seem like Light followers to me. They follow Oz, and they believed his story of "The Gods cursed me for failing to stop Salem"- something that doesn't exactly paint them in a good light. The Gods don't seem to matter at all to them, just that they... exist. They also weren't aware of Oz's task, just that Oz wanted to keep things peaceful; not necessarily united, but peaceful. I also wouldn't call Oz's circle a cult either, since imo they really don't fit the bill to me, and it wouldn't make sense if they fit the cult BITE model since it'd hinder more than help, though the group IS dysfunctional.
Also, Oz knows how impossible the task is, knows it's just not possible to appease Light.
I do think he USED to work towards the task, but likely hasn't in a long time. I believe he's trying to keep Salem from the Relics because he believes that a second rebellion would never go well, and Remnant is free enough as is, even if he's essentially still chained via his immortality. Salem sees the Relics as a sort of Sword of Damocles- a constant threat looming over the world. And they are- but I think Ozpin also sees them as tools that could help the world.
Basically I think Oz has come to the conclusion that the world is free enough as is, and that rebelling against the Gods again will end very badly (as it had for Salem), while Salem believes that the world is still in chains. Oz's fears definitely aren't unfounded- after all, the Gods pretty much played with him like a toy by repeatedly reviving and then killing him.
Oz has pretty much completely lost faith in the Gods, if he had much to begin with, and the only reason I believe he followed his task initially was likely due to fear and believing Salem hates him, rather than out of any real devotion.
Oh and, I almost forgot- the tale of the two brothers is widely regarded as a fairytale on Remnant, and the main characters had to be TOLD about them, so it's safe to assume they're not nearly as widely known anymore, and we haven't seen any evidence of anything religious surrounding them yet. So there likely isn't any widespread religion about the Brothers, and if there is a religion, it certainly isn't large. There's definitely no mention of any in-universe backlash of including a supposedly widespread religion in a book of fairytales (and I say this because I've seen people say that it's a widespread religion like Christianity, when there's nothing implying that it currently is. During the time of The Infinite Man? Yeah, but not in the modern day).
Soo, there's my analysis on Oz and if he's still working towards his task and what his thoughts on the Gods are.
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residentdormouse · 5 months
In another round of 'Mouse is Over-analyzing Gale Scenes Too Much'
Honestly, I feel stupid for not fully getting this in the first run. (Am I now playing the same Tav, with mostly the same choices, to capture clips that I missed before I fully realized this was going to be a massive hyperfix? Psh. No! Can't be.) But to be fair, I had no real knowledge of this game, or DnD at all for that matter, coming into this. All I knew is Tumblr kept posting about this one damn vampire, and I was curious what the appeal was. Nobody ever told me there was a wizard that was bound to take over all my thoughts...
Anyway, digressing.
So, you're all tadpoled, right? Scrambling around after surviving the crash, and being dumped straight into goblin, siren, hag, absolute bullshit and what have you. There's a nice down moment at camp, and you decide to go talk to the cheeky wizard that has caught your eye.
Weave lesson? Sure, why not? You love listening to him enthusiastically ramble on. Ridiculously endearing, truth be told. And what could it hurt? Yeah, you got your magic, but it's unpredictable. A gift and a curse. With things as they stand, you and your hodgepodge band of lovable rapscallions could use all the help you can get. (Yeah, yeah. Half-elf wild magic sorcerer. Fell right into that seeming majority of Galemancers with this one.)
But then... Poof.... Strange purple nonsense...
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Did you do that? Gods, what's going to happen this time?! Damn this wild magic... Or is this just the start of another new predicament in the ever growing madness that is your life now?
But then you look over at Gale. He's not worried. He's beside you, and it's comforting. Instantly.
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The little smile that takes over here... The slight shift in expression from unease to solace. Serenity. Just from his reassurance and proximity. Testing the waters. Teetering the outskirts of a bond that is just beginning in it's formation.
I don't know why, but this one hit me hard today.
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Also bonus point observed:
"Most pleasant, in fact. Most welcome."
While not the outcome you envisioned, your feelings are accepted. Not just accepted. 'Welcomed'. The prospect of a connection between you brought him a feeling of elation. A warmth that radiated from the inside out and wrapped around the both of you with a blissful tingling sensation.
...but only for a second...
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General feeling of intimacy? Sure. It's one of the many benefits of being connected to the weave. Letting your imagination go where it will? Fine. It could be indulged; what does it really matter anyway. But wait, there's reciprocation? Moment shut down immediately.
Mystra, you jealous bitch....
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silverskye13 · 2 months
this is literally just rambling, but hey, DnD talk!
so my friend group decided hey, we should start a DnD campaign - two of us have starter kits, so lets choose some premade characters and go!
i was 100% going to choose the premade paladin (human paladin lesgo) but- we forgot we needed a DM,, so that's now me??
i volunteered but i gotta learn how to do literally everything- my knowledge is all theoretical, and i'm only the DM because i have the "most experience" (read: i've played a single DnD session).
so let's go, i've started hyperfixating on learning to DM and i'm trying to not let the image of paladin helsknight invade my brain,,, im doing a premade adventure,, i cant insert characters my friends dont know in a premade adventure as npcs,, i must resist
anyway, we'll see when the animatic pops back up, because wow i'm focused on this
(also, i feel honour bound to have a nod to your ocs and/or helsknight/tanguish in a future campaign. what DnD race would tanguish be, do you think?)
Hey good luck with the DnD-ing!! Being Thrown Into It is nerve-wracking, but I always found DMing very fun :3 there is just something so appealing about writing a story with other people, about building a sandbox and narrating while others play in it. Just remember to keep it loose and not over plan too much, let your players go off the rails some. It's amazing what they'll come up with!
[and imma be real honest, you can bury fun little NPCs wherever you want. You're the DM. They're a gift for You. Helsknight is the paladin I'm currently playing in my Curse of Strahd campaign. I put fanfic characters in a homebrew one shot I did once. The world is literally your oyster. Plus you get to give them cool fantasy names :3]
And! I'm not sure! I think he would make a pretty good elf race. Drow is a bit cliché. Maybe Shadar-kai, the fancy new Shadowfell elves. Tiefling would also work pretty well, if you want something a little more standard!
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breakoutime · 4 months
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HUEHUEHUE OC TIME! I think I may have posted her in this blog long ago but I tried to re-draw her and update her design a bit. Info under read more cuz im sure nobody really cares :V
My Hades game OC is a character I keep revamping for whatever my newest hyperfixation is, so her name isn’t really ancient Greek-y...
ANYWAY, this is Natalia Naves. She has a lot of lore, but it’s pretty stupid, if I’m honest. Most of it came from me not wanting to make her a shade in Hades I because it made me sad to think she was dead LOL.
But to try and make it short: she is a mortal who, through a series of bad luck, ended up in the underworld. She helped Zag with his escape attempts, and later Zag convinced Hades to at least give her a job, so she became another guard like Achilles.
She is some sort of demigod, as she is Aphrodite's great-great-great-granddaughter. I never liked how women were only granted incredible beauty when related to the gods, so Natalia was instead gifted with strength and fighting skills. In terms of personality, she is quite awkward. She was not socialized properly, so she tends to say inappropriate things. She looks tough, but she is actually very shy and not very smart, to be honest. BUT she is a friend with a heart of gold when you get to know her.
ALSO, she is kind of a self-insert, so she also has my terrible AMAZING taste in men. To make it more fun, the in-universe explanation for her crushes is that she is actually cursed by Aphrodite. You see, she never truly fell in love while on the surface, and of course, Aphrodite can’t have that. So she cursed her to fall in love with the most unavailable/most unlikely person to return her feelings ever. She fell in love with Hades when she met him. NOW thanks to Hades II, a new unavailable/unlikely love dropped, so now she is also in love with Chronos, which she has no idea how to deal with.
UGH, I could say much more about her, but this is already too long. If you've got this far, then u can send me a message saying the secred word 'meriwihihi' and a pic of your Hades OC, and I promise to try my best to make you a quick sketch of them :3 I love spreading OC love uwu
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wynnyfryd · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @thefreakandthehair @stevethehairington @wormdebut @just-my-latest-hyperfixation and @morningberriesao3 thank you loveliess
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
27 dresses starring katherine heigl and james marsden
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stranger Things <3 My fics are all pretty exclusively Steddie or platonic Sstobin as the main focus, but I like to play around with the background ships - the best part of being super into a show with 14000 characters is you have so many opportunities for weird pair-ups
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
No Son of Mine
relax (lay it back)
TITS! magazine
Monsoon Season
relax (that's that)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to answer every comment I get because like, thank you for taking the time to let me know you read and liked my story you didn't have to do that and I love that you did
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
mmmm. I don't- HAHAHAHA okay wait, I was about to say "I don't really do unhappy endings" because I don't, but I did do a single angsty ending microfic as a personal challenge back in July
at the bottom you'll find all our friends
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
weirdly enough I think it was the sex tape fic I wrote for @inklessletter lmao that fic turned out so much more 'aggressively married' vibes than I originally planned. Just absolute sap city
Satanic Ritual: DO NOT WATCH!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hope not lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
ADHD crack smut with a heart of fluffy gold
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written exactly one chapter of one crossover, which is a modern Stardust AU where Eddie is Tristan, Steve is the star, and 1980s Indiana is on the non-magical side of the wall. Also Eddie was trying to find the star so he could grab a chunk of it and barter it for a new electric guitar lmao. I really loved the premise I came up with and thought the first chapter was great; unfortunately the fic is fuckin cursed and will never be finished (by me. if anyone wants to take a swing at the story where I left it off feel free!)
stupid fucking star stuff
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
See #8
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! @gorgeousgreymatter-x and I co-wrote the first installment of the yogi steve vs adhd eddie series as a birthday gift to @flintandfuss <3 we broke each other's brains with our linear vs non-linear writing styles lmao but it was a really fun project
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started working on this goofy little crack fic forever ago where Steve was a member of the snooty grandmas-only Loch Nora Gardening Club, and he was all stressed out because the ladies had beef with the neighboring town's club and had somehow put Steve in charge of operation "publicly humiliate them by throwing a better annual fundraising party"
and then Eddie, being the impulsive horny dumbass that he is, was jokingly like "hey, you could come to my garden party some time" and Steve's like "you're in a gardening club?" "yeah, technically! sure!"
then Eddie drives him to Indy and pulls them up to this shady little sex club called The Pleasure Garden and Steve gets gently bullied by a drag queen lmaooo
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue dialogue dialogue. Also I think in weird synesthesia (some words taste bad, some memories smell like cinnamon, ya know what I mean) so I feel like my imagery toward the fun and funky side
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
All the silly important shit that goes around the dialogue. And writing a seamless big group scene - more than four people in a conversation and the pacing gets so ssx tricky
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Mmmm. I mean, I tend to avoid it unless the fic/character actually requires it. Like I did a Robin POV fic where Robin would think certain curse words in different languages because it seemed fitting for the girl who's fluent in four languages, ya know? Ooh, I do also love a good "character royally botches what they're trying to say" moment so foreign language phrases are fun for that
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm really just unreasonably proud of myself for writing almost 30,000 words of continuous story in 30 days. I've been trying to do that for years and never even come close
okay sick thanks for letting me ramble incessantly about myself this was fun!
as usual I'm late to the tag party but tagging a couple people anyway <3 @steddieas-shegoes @thisapplepielife @wormdebut @aidaronan @gorgeousgreymatter-x
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wilsons-journey · 1 year
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Some Lore:
Valefor hates Crows. Because he never can tell, if it’s just a bird or one of his Boss Crows keeping an eye on him.
That one is called Israfil, Leader of a small Organisation called "The Black Oni”. Only a few people have ever saw the head of this group.
Valefor is one of them. But he is bound to Israfil in a very special way,...  No matter where he goes, Israfil knows where his little soldier went. He holds the life of this Charr in his hands - all because of a pact that was once formed as a gift. And later turned into a curse.
So when his Master is calling, he has to follow. No matter what.
The Sylvari in the last Panel was Valefors travel companion (His name was Tiwa). But he died years befor Valefor joined the “Black Oni”. But Valefor visits the grave of his old friend at least once a year. Telling him about his life and singing a little song.
And even in the afterlife his deceased friend hopes that one day Valefor will be free again - Able to travel the world, like they did years ago.
Free and without any chains.
It was not that lore Comic I was mentioned recently, but I found this sketch I totally forgot about. So I finished it today ;v;
Little out of Guild wars lore below:
As I mentioned before, Valefor is originally not home to Tyria. So I’m not 100% sure if his lore suits into the Guild wars lore (But I need to put somewhere my hyperfixation for this OC - I still have no Idea how I want him to look as a Oni. And did I mention I suck at drawing human? ;A; still need to learn,...)
Well,... in this lore Israfil is also a Demon - a very powerful one. More powerful than my interpretation of the “Oni” to which Valefor originally belongs.
His travel Companion Tiwa on the other hand, was a Lung dragon. In my mind Lung Dragons are free spirits that love to dance and make music. They welcome everyone - even the gloomy Yokai.
Ah and important to mention: They all possess over a human form.
- random rambeling end.
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riddle-me-ri · 9 months
About the Blogger Meme
Aww this was so fun thanks for tagging me @finniestoncrane 💚
Star Sign(s): Scorpio is the only one I'm aware of lol and even then I don't think it fits me 🥴
Favorite Holidays: Definitely has to be Halloween, love the spooky season.
Last Meal: enchiladas (for dad's bday lunch)
Current Favorite Musician: my *current* favorite musician right now will have to be this band called Valley of Wolves. I have been listening to them on repeat for months at this point asdfgg but I have way too many favorites in general to list and it's all over the place lmao
Last Music Listened To: ...That's Entertainment by Valley of Wolves
Last Movie Watched: Violent Night with Finnie and Marchie and omg it was such a badass movie I was completely taken aback by how good it was adfghhjk
Last TV Show Watched: mmm....I watched Judge Judy with my step mom? I don't watch a lot of TV rip
Last Book/Fic Finished: The Red Queen by Christina Henry
Last Book/Fic: this maybe because I'm sleep deprived but umm does this mean like the last one I read but didn't finish? Cause I got a few books a couple weeks back and I've read various fics and headcanons I've lost track of lmao
Currently Reading: two books at once...bad idea I know rip but...Cursed an anthology series by Marie O'Regan and Paul Kane AND Looking Glass by Christina Henry (also a collection of stories so that's how I can read both rip)
Last Thing Researched For Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: I had to look up references for an art gift I'm doing, someone jumping out of cake lmao
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: I, too, will have to choose creating the Arkham Asylum discord server with finnie 💚
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have a Resurgence: hmm...I'm honestly not sure like...the fandoms I was in were often kinda small and it was back on dA and no one could get me to go back there so yeah...ehhh not sure about that one lol
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish Did: I'm not sure if it had a big or small fandom at the time, when it came out I was slowly taking a break from fandom culture, but I'd love to partake in the Telltale's The Wolf Among Us/Fables fandom (more leaning into telltale's version since it's been years since I read the comics rip) but definitely expect me to hop on board when the second game drops asdfg
Tempting Project You're Trying to Reign In/Don't Have Time For: my personal storyboards which are coming along slowly but surely lmao, so definitely trying to reign in.
Tagging: @lovesick-on-the-loose , @callsigncrash , @letshaveadepressionparty , @fallingpapersnow , @lonleydweller , @thesquishypenguin , @master-of-fear-s-husband , and anyone else who would like to do this is welcome to and no pressure to those that have been tagged to do it! 💚
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neighborlywelcome · 10 months
Hi! If it isn't too much trouble, may I get a romantic tadc + platonic wh matchup, please? Thank you so much in advance!
I'm agender, bi, use they/she pronouns & can be matched with any. I work at a cat cafe & I'm a big animal lover general. I'm a bubbly & easy-going person, yet also highly ambitious & competitive at times & tend to curse quite often.
I value justice a lot, so I'm not one to play unfairly. I enjoy writing poetry, video games, shopping & wearing makeup. Currently hyperfixated on anything horror or supernatural. I'm a very cuddly person & my main love language has to be gift giving. I collect several things, including jewelry, stickers & a crystal collection, I'm especially proud of. I'd love a partner who's loyal & a little protective, when needed & my fav date would be exploring an abandoned building together or going to the funfair.
Thank you! Your blog looks lovely, by the way!
Hello! Absolutely you can! Thank you for your request and your kind words!!! :)
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Zooble would be a perfect match for you! You’re different in a lot of ways, like Zooble is more grumpy/uncaring while you’re bubbly and ambitious. But you also have a lot in common, like cursing a lot and you both value justice. (Zooble was quick to shut Jax down when he was bullying Pomni, so when push comes to shove I believe they can stand up for what’s right and they don’t tolerate nonsense like that.)
Zooble is one of those people that just hates everyone, but once they open up to you, they soften up a lot! I can see them easily going from tolerating your company to becoming close with you, even if they show their appreciation in small, subtle ways.
They like animals a lot more than people since they’re less annoying so they adore the cats you surround yourself with! I can also see them relating to the cats a bit too much lol.
Horror and supernatural stuff is right up their alley since they’re not easily scared and they seem to type to enjoy that kind of stuff too. Exploring an abandoned building, especially if it seems haunted, sounds like the perfect date idea with them.
It’ll take them awhile to get used to your affections like cuddling and gift giving. They probably don’t know how to respond to being gifted things since they’re not used to it, but rest assured they love everything you give them. They’ll probably just thank you by giving you something in return, probably something to add to one of your many cool collections!
Lastly, they like indulging in your hobbies like playing video games together or doing makeup. They’re not competitive so they’ll enjoy watching you do your thing most of the time, nor are they great at makeup. But they’ll let you teach them or experiment with doing makeup on their face, which is bound to be fun with all the shapes. (They wouldn’t be caught dead let anyone else touch them like that, so it’s a high honor.)
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Eddie is sweet, caring, and reliable and will definitely be drawn to your positive, caring nature. You’d be great friends for sure!
One of Eddie’s favorite things about you is your love for collecting things! He’s very proud of his stamp collection himself and could spend hours going through it with you while also looking at your stickers and crystals and whatever else! He’ll even ask if you can trade every now and then, mostly stickers for stamps since they’re pretty similar.
Eddie is a notorious scaredy-cat and is not a big fan of horror movies or anything spooky scary like that but he’ll be eager to learn more for you! He needs to work on his bravery anyway so he’ll ask you questions about supernatural topics until he gets too frightened to hear any more.
He’s a good listener in general so if there’s anything you need to talk about, he’s your guy! He’d happily hear you out on any pressing issues like moral debates and offer some of his own advice. As the town’s mailman, he knows a thing or two and has many words of wisdom to share!
Did you know Eddie does drag? I’m sure that means he loves makeup and shopping too so it’s a great pastime for the two of you to do together. He may not seem the type, but he knows a thing or two about style!
And best believe he will read any poetry you write! He is an expert on letter-writing (which he claims is very nearly the same thing) so he will gladly read your poetry, complimenting the parts he likes and offering critique should you want it.
Overall, Eddie is a loyal and great friend who’s here to help you through thick and thin. No matter what, you’ll always have this mailman in your corner!
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cookii-moon · 1 year
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@squib-2006 honkai IS amazing I love it so much the story the characters guehdhehhb
It’s mostly just a silly fun idea rn with barely coherent concepts tumbling around my mind, sadly I don’t think anything will come out of it bc I don’t think there’s much demand for it :( the curse of having a special interest and a hyperfixation that are worlds apart.
so obviously the origin story for ninjago would need to be altered a bit, like instead of the overlord it was some sort of herrscher-esque (though much more powerful) conscience that awoke and with it started the endless honkai as this AUs form of the balance yk yk.
Anyways just like in the game the honkai are a constant force that evolve and change, but instead of the silly abstract monsters and zombies we see in the honkai universe they take on other forms like stone warriors, nindroids (via corrupting the code or whatever) yada yada (maybe the serpentine?? Toying with the idea that a sentient species was born as a result of the honkai or even honkai infections in humans) with the battle between the FSM and the overlord and the first serpentine war being major honkai eruption events that resulted in the birth of the herrschers and their successors one by one, i e, the elemental masters.
I don’t really know how the fsm would work in this universe, maybe as like a fruit of like an equivalent to the imaginary tree or whatever and used his creation powers to craft the land and humanity was then born, but upon doing so the overlord (I feel like they’d have a different name since it’d be more of a sentient entity, maybe the overlord themself was like also a fruit of the imaginary tree?? And essentially the first herrscher??) also came into being and with it the honkai were born and spread across the island. The fsm saw this disaster and he gathered some people he saw potential in, gifting them temporary powers either in the form of artifacts or whatever to help him fight back the honkai spread. In this universe they were actually successful in killing the overlord (for good. Kind of.) and the honkai vanished
…until only a few years later when a massive energy spike disrupted the entire world, and one of his generals (I e one of the first elemental masters) became the first, well, originally human herrscher. The honkai came back in full force and more herrschers were born from both strangers and allies alike until the entirety of the dark island side of ninjago was compromised and the fsm made the decision to seal the herrschers and break apart the island to prevent the spread, essentially abandoning that part of the population (were there survivors? Is there still civilization on the dark island that managed to beat back the honkai and start villages and communities that are bitter and consider the currently sealed herrschers their chance at vengeance? Who knows!) and trying to forget.
fast forward to the serpentine war. The serpentine being either another group of people like usual or having smthn to do with the honkai, I dunno. I think the honkai approach is more interesting personally and like exploring a sentient and fully intelligent honkai being but I’m not sure. The serpentine and humans are afraid and tense and Chen pulls strings (Chen might be like a sort of herrscher Stan but for his own ambitions in this AU instead of anacondrai stan) and it erupts into a war. Wu had been preparing since in this AU Morro would become a herrscher host after the whole golden weapons fiasco and he, knowing the last time this happened was aware that it could signal an oncoming of honkai formed the elemental alliance as a countermeasure (with the elemental alliance essentially being Valkyrie equivalents given special powers, weapons, artifacts etc. to help the fight against the honkai) (also not fully related but this is honkai x ninjago so yeah wu kills Morro so now Morro is justified) though unlike with the FSM this alliance would be much less strained and more friendly, with many familial bonds being developed while they fought side by side. At first they just dealt with the occasional stray honkai and politics and such, until Chen initiated the war. At some point Earth (no clue what the master of earths name would be here - it’s worth noting that in this AU none of the EMs are inherently related since herrschers jump between hosts and don’t need blood relations to do so, though some might be for plot purposes) begins to feel sympathetic for the serpentine, jumpstarted by Chens influence, and defects to fight on their side of the war, at some point being awakened as a herrscher or causing a herrscher awakening (why not both? The EA (omg that’s actually the abbreviation for elemental alliance that’s hilarious) being forced to watch as one of their own becomes a herrscher as a result of betrayal (maybe they were super close to earth..) and getting caught in the middle of a massive honkai event that decimates the environment. No longer is it about the war, the humans and anacondrai are both trying to flee and save as many of their own as they can now that the herrschers are going ballistic at each other, having completely forgotten anything else around them… mmm… delicious angst)
Earth is eventually killed (The new host is chosen surprisingly quickly as a little girl… cough cough Lilly cough cough) and the serpentine are sealed (maybe alongside other ems? I dunno, the war is messy and I don’t feel like fleshing it out too much) using the same techniques the fsm used to seal the herrschers on the dark island and all is well until suddenly the time twins cause a massive honkai event and become herrschers - intentionally - and the ea manage to like I dunno subdue them boring answer or snap them out of it but realize they chose this route yada yada angst betrayal sadness trust issues blah blah blah after a long fight since they lost most of their numbers (I only highlighted earth and an anonymous em but there were probably casualties, not all ems will be herrschers simply because that’d be too many herrschers and it’d get stale) yeah it ends in the time vortex but Krux breaks free of it using herrscher powers or whatever Acronix was in a coma or smthn so that’s why he didn’t do the same and then Krux begins his evil master plan of conquering the world using an army of controlled honkai and his own herrscher powers (somehow Krux is able to control himself as a herrscher I dunno I told u this is ideas jumble)
yeah uh anyways Wu is like “finally it’s over” then Lilly in a far off city hears him and throws a temper tantrum to which he goes “OH MY GOD WHAT THE HECK NOT ANOTHER HERRSCHER” and he gets there and it’s just a child causing mildly threatening honkai quakes. Thought she might have caused her parents to abandon her. She’s not doing any massive damage right now and Wu knows that some people would argue it would probably be better for the world in the future to.. coughs.. LOOK GUYS THIS IS A HONKAI X NINJAGO AU I HAVE TO SAY IT it would be better to just to get rid of her now so that they don’t have to deal with another major honkai event in the future (plus she’s an orphan) …but Wu doesn’t have the heart to do that again after everything he lost to the war and with Morro and he can’t bring himself to ever be able to justify that action while looking at this abandoned child who just so happened to be a herrscher so Wu does what Wu does and that’s take her in and bring her to the monastery. (god Wu’s becoming the Fu Hua of this AU isn’t he… I mean he’d be a less cold fu hua but still)
Lilly is a unique case in that she’s been a herrscher since she was a child and Wu is likely trying to tutor her in either restraining or controlling it so she’d eventually grow to have more of a control over her powers somehow, though she’d still be capable of getting lost in them and basically tethers on a brink between the honkai influence and her humanity and physically can not tell the difference between them, so she’s still fairly destructive and can be dangerous. Lilly still does everything she does in canon though maybe with more like character arc n stuff but she still dies young. Either due to her unique herrscher case somehow or honkai infection or whatever. But it doesn’t pass to a new host entirely.
Cole is one of the rare cases of being a blood relative to a herrscher (since Lilly is important to his character and Lilly has her own story so) He’s not.. fully.. a herrscher?? But also he’s not NOT a herrscher. He does have an inherently shorter lifespan because, yk, kinda human + kinda god of honkai thingy doesn’t mix well and he probably suffers some form of long term honkai infection that will slowly claim his body. Nobody really knows the extent of the whole partial herrscher or just honkai thingymajig (and that’s my way of saying I don’t feel like figuring it out.) it’d probably tie into his plot with Lou n stuff. Lou knows obviously, I dunno if the ninja (or even Cole himself) would. He had a honkai outburst after Lilly’s death and that’s how Wu found him (Wu wasn’t aware of Cole since Lilly cut ties with him before that so that she could lead a normal life and he wanted to honor her wishes as best he could, and also bc Lilly knows Wu knows she’s a herrscher and she wanted to protect Cole from the consequences of that if anybody else found out and decided to take drastic measures)
Kai and Nya are mostly ordinary asides from Ray and Maya being survivors of the EA who were proficient in creating weapons used by the elemental alliance. Oh yeah Ray and Maya were still kidnapped by Krux in this btw, and Kai and Nya still have the plots they have in the show. Just like most of the ninja they eventually become herrscher hosts (or just Nya so that Kai can be the token human in all universes, but I don’t know.)
Jay was still raised by Ed and Edna in the junkyard. Lib was probably turned into a herrscher after his birth and decided she couldn’t raise him or went missing for other reasons after the war, possibly went insane. Anyways I feel like Jay might have been a child herrscher kinda. He’d just randomly go full electric and his parents chalked it up to a weird quirk. Somehow. He has no clue of this and it only gets worse as he grows up and he starts feeling scared of himself and runs away without a goal except to protect his parents and then he meets Wu. He probably was given an herrscher core instead of being,like “natural born” since I don’t think he’d get to be in any major honkai events in the desert but I dunno, so he’d probably have an alternate persona.
Zane I have two ideas for: 1. He was a child from the serpentine war who survived but with severe honkai infection and had cybernetic replacements to prolong his lifespan, with a herrscher core being used to power him as some sort of experiment. The core and stuff made it so he didn’t age. 2: he was built entirely as a robot, the herrscher core being used as a power source but as a side effect caused him to gain a conscience. He probably doesn’t remember anything of the herrschers/his previous life beyond flashes. The herrscher core gives him his ice power thingymajig.
I’m gonna b honest I have NO CLUE about Lloyd. Like at all. Cshfhsf I’m sorry-
I feel as though with herrscher powers n stuff -
Cole would have powers for the most part since S1 but not really on a herrscher scale bc yknow. Lilly and what not. I think he’d have a herrscher awakening but not as the herrscher of earth but like an offshoot.. like maybe in S5 with his ghost thingy..? And obviously S13.
I think it’d be funny if Kai is the token human and just relies on Valkyrie weapons n stuff. No powers for him. :) but if he did have one it’d be s7.
Nya was ALWAYS a Valkyrie in this AU but she didn’t think she was a herrscher for like the longest time up until S5. Here she makes the choice to try and seal her herrscher self away nd keep going as just a Valkyrie but eventually gives into it during S14.
Zane regularly experiences snippets of his prev life that he’s forgotten or sights from his herrscher core as like a special nifty power or whatever but his first outbreak was during S3 and he had a worse one in S11 where his memories, ironically enough, were instead reverted back to whatever his old persona was and he became the ice emperor over the poor never realm and introduced the honkai to them.
Jay I dunno really since he’d have an alternate persona and it’s hard to cram that into his focus seasons. No clue how the seasons plots would go at ALL in general.
..this post was way longer than I planned but yeah scrambled mess of thoughts. Also might not make sense since I’m only on Taixuan Dream story wise so. Yeah. This AU would have a ton of hurt/comfort, angst and character interactions and stuff though bc yk it’s a honkai AU. I have no clue how the plot would go pls help this post alone took forever. I didn’t even mention garmadon and his whole situation because I dunno.
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eldritchborn · 5 months
Each muse as a romantic partner
Omeluum: a very loving partner, but has to have such feelings exposed to it because love and such relationships are not something illithids generally understand given their teachings and societies. Would doubt and fear inability to return such feelings unless worked through this. Only negative is can be a bit overprotective in certain circumstances. For sure capable and even happy with settling down sort of life.
Kasaen Char-Throat: Fun and affectionate, but has a fear of commitment due to her lifestyle and her pact / patron + the curses that kind of comes with that. She'd love to have a long term relationship and maybe even settle down when much older, but she's also aware that the possibility might not quite be there. She requires someone willing to work with her in regards to a lot of things regarding her life and things she has little control over.
Hermaeus Mora: yeah I'm putting him on the list. The lucky ones are anyone seen as a temporary amusement and otherwise disposable later. To actually somehow gain its long term interest, it is possessive. It's nature is hoarding and controlling knowledge, unless some major factor was in play something else gaining equal attention would meet the same fate. At least it's a God of Knowledge so probably not going to get bored.
Slate: TERRIFIED of commitment due to past regarding those they have loved either being killed just cause they loved them, or loved one betraying and using them. Fine with flings, but any discussions of something deeper without properly giving time for Slate to work past the past will result in defensive, panicky aggression often in attempts of one they have gotten closed to will hopefully hate them cause that hurts less / makes more sense to them or fleeing. (Someone please help them)
Valtiel: I'm going to be real I have no full clue. Attentive? Protective? Lovingly worship or the interest in such back? That's the most I've got cooked for them but I think he deserves something
Chaos: Actually quite a loving partner. Fun, gives a lot of attention when not literally time blind and becomes hyperfixated on some project (they know this is a bad habit but working in dark labs and without need of sleeping or eating doesn't help). They can be a lot to handle energy and interest wise, and sometimes a bit too focused on desires, but can work past these easily enough.
Renzo: For sure a fling dude- could potentially be in a long term relationship but this would require someone of equal boldness and willing to handle the havoc himself and his life brings, and someone not interested in settling down of any sort probably.
Gideos: Affectionate, passionate, and a gift lover- giving and receiving. Would potentially be able to settle down in time but current state needs ones with interest in adventure and with no issues getting into potential trouble or dangerous situations. Wants a high energy, blood rushing sort of deal.
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kairoseas · 6 months
Welcome to the blog! My name's Kore, and I write a lot of one-off posts about itafushi, sukufushi, satosugu, and a ton of others! Below are some navigational links to assist with whatever you're looking for here! \ ( o w o ) / take your time looking! ( May take a mature turn at times, so 18+ content present, this is your warning. ) Fiction does not affect Reality, DLDR, old internet, anti-anti. This is my content, and my safe space, and let's keep it that way. Do not repost or rewrite my content. Also interested and have shipped: Joshneku, Soriku, Akeshu, MadoHamo, KyoSaya, & have a simple love for my queen Makima & my manwhore, Satoru. We keep it simple here. Currently hyperfixated on JJK.
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Character Analysis & Adoration Ryomen Sukuna Satoru Gojo Suguru Geto Megumi Fushiguro Yuuji Itadori Character Ship Posts
Itafushi ^ Fushiita Satosugu Sukufushi Sukugo Sukuita Public Playlists Sukugo
Roleplay Partner (Discord) Search Here! Pinterest Here! Other Blogs: @yaburne (aesthetics)
Other Stuff Reblogs Asks All Original Posts ^ ASW!JJK ( A Softer World JJK edits ) Drabbles AUs Sukufushi Reincarnation au content Curse!Satoru & Geto Sensei Popular Posts "Sensual Sukuna" "What's gayer than possession?" & ^ pt 2 "Dressing up Megumi" Yuuji's disassociating ^ pt 2 "Nightmares post Shibuya" Yuuji's shoujo romance. Poetic Sukuita Sukuna's relationship with gifting clothes
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Borders lovingly created by saradika-graphics! Check them out!
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mymindisacage · 6 months
ignore how my book is named after a julie album
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Dear Diary,
Dreams die here. Dreams die in North Canton, Ohio. And not fun dreams, not the ones where you're like: "I wanna be a doctor!", no. Dreams of living. Dreams of actually being a normal fucking person. Those dreams die.
People curse you for telling your story and claiming it's not realistic, so let me spoon-feed you the truth: This isn't some sob story. This isn't a sad tale you hear on the news of some girl who killed herself, this is real life. My real life. And you're just afraid to believe it.
You're afraid because you know it'll happen to you.
Sylvia Iva Kuznetsova
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psych fiction, realistic fiction, first person pov, original character pov, original characters, no fandom/non fandom
north canton, ohio; irwin, pennsylvania; russian/slavic roots; german/european roots; language barrier
angst, deteriorating mental health, family issues, family tensions, family deterioration, pov starts off normal, gifted kid burnout, wlw relationship, queer representation
suicide, self-harm, major character loss, substance abuse, eating disorders/disordered eating, sexual assault/rape, i think im forgetting something
author has adhd, author forgets about story, author focuses more on thinking of story content rather than creating it
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hey guys im rivers. if you dont know me from tiktok, my tags are @mymindisacage (my main) and @mymindisacharger (my spam). this blog exists simply to dump EVERY SINGLE DETAIL about my original characters in a place where it actually has a chance to survive.
if you're interested in me as an individual, please go to my blog @mymindisacharger.
i have autism and adhd, which results in my art being a way of expressing myself. my book is also my special interest, and currently my hyperfixation. other hyperfixations i have are:
physical disability, epidemiology, neuropsychology [ 13 / 3 / 24 ]
feel free to submit any asks about me, my book, or my characters!! ^__^
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ill be using tags to distinguish one post from another!! :3 my tags can and will be expanded upon, but here are the basic ones:
# — 🌐 ꒰ gen. info ꒱
# — 🌐 ꒰ chapter ꒱
# — 🌐 ꒰ character ꒱
# — 🌐 ꒰ ask ꒱
# — 🌐 ꒰ art ꒱
# — 🌐 ꒰ important ꒱
# ꒰ a daisy pusher ꒱
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