#havent read the books or seen the movies because i know is not for me. but would i make fun of it? no
gilbirda · 4 days
Friendly reminder that making fun of media widely considered "cringe" and/or is (usually) loved by teenage girls or middle aged women doesn't make you more of an adult. It makes you a tar pit.
Yes, even beloved "Be cringe, be free!!!" and "Like what you like, it doesn't matter what people think!!!" and "Love colors and strawberry shortcake" and "men dislike when women celebrate feminity but i do what i want 🤪🤪🤪" influencers bloggers and youtubers. Shitting on "cringe" stuff only makes you disingenuous and hurt people.
You are a tar pit.
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hiddenbeks · 6 months
should i. study french. or go home and watch atonement
#el.txt#i have a french exam this week and i skipped several classes during the course bc they were so early in the morning#i just couldnt do it. so staying at campus to study would be the smart move bc i dont remember Shit#but i just got an email that the atonement dvd is now available at my local library..#never seen it before. even tho i know its like probably one of those films that everyone should see#but i saw a gifset of the fountain scene a couple days ago n was like. ok hm i really need to watch this (with bisexual intent)#feel like an uncultured fraud as a media studies major sometimes when there r so many like... iconic & classic movies i havent seen#and Yes movies aren't the only media that exists and i can be a media studies major who specializes in something else#and Yes one can also argue that there is no such thing as a definitive list of 'films/shows/books everyone should watch/read'#but still. i wanna watch more films. to broaden my knowledge on films. and because watching films is nice#also fun fact i'd never seen mean girls in its entirety before yesterday.#i remember seeing maybe half of it on tv when i was a kid#but my parents wanted to watch the news or sth so they switched the channel#then some time later i saw it was on tv again n was like 'oh hey i never saw this fully'#n one of my parents was like 'yea i sure hope so its a stupid movie' and changed the channel to watch the news probably#then i just forgot abt it until i finally watched it from start to finish yesterday with no one to interrupt me!!
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ive seen so many great headcanons for how wolf & snake met that i rly rly love but one that i feel doesnt get enough love in general is their actual meeting from the books, so i decided to recreate the scenes tht revolve around that :^)
from a narrative perspective i love the idea that wolf was the one who taught snake to be “scary” or “bad” in the first place.
snake was alone, afraid, and hated, and wolf came out of the blue to save him and teach him how to stand up for himself. this would give a lot more weight to snake’s “the world is a place where some people are scared and others are scary” line, and to the deep-seeded trust and confidence he places in wolf, and A LOT more weight to the crushing feeling of betrayal that follows when he discovers that wolf truly wants to change. that wolf HAD changed.
because, at this point, snake truly believed to his core that he was genuinely a “scary, good for nothing monster,” and he saw wolf as the only person who TRULY understood him.
and now, not only is wolf (in snake’s eyes) throwing away the entire thing their relationship was founded on, but he is now becoming something that snake doesnt see himself as worthy of, or even capable of reaching.
an entire LIFETIME friendship, built on the idea that it was them against the entire world, only to be completely upturned by wolf pulling a 180 seemingly out of the blue.
to me, that’s a very very strong narrative and foundation for their central conflict, as well as snake’s own internal conflict; adding to his own self doubt, self loathing, and general distrust.
SO YEAH i just wanted to recreate a couple scenes from the books that revolve around their meeting in some way because i like it a lot :^) and i know why it doesnt make sense in the movie’s canon but...... suspend ur disbelief for me just a bit lmfao
(also, if u havent read the books, the context for the last one is that snake was having a flashback/nightmare of being hit with a rake by frightened strangers when he was a child. i didnt rly feel like drawing that so it looks a little disjointed from the other comics but that’s what’s happening!)
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CARLOS AND MARRIED LIFE??? like give me all the little details!!
does he clean up after himself? does he squeeze the toothpaste from the middle? does he spill water every time he leaves the shower? does he take your makeup off for you when you're tired? does he even know how?
this sent me over the deep end. let me get into all the niche little domestic details:
he loves calling you his wife. the moment he said i do, you were always esposa. mi bella esposa. another favorite is amor de mi vida.
he always tried to help around the house. he tries to take turns with you when cooking meals. you had a little system. if you cook, he does the dishes, and if he cooks then you do the dishes.
he always tried to be organized, but he was always on the move he tended to leave a pile of clothes and other miscellaneous items right before he had to leave for race weekends. they were especially bad right before triple headers.
carlos buys two colognes at all time. one for him to take on the road, and one for you to keep at home. 'in case you miss me esposa.'
he also kept you in the loop as far as his schedule for the weekend goes. and his hispanic blood makes him nosy by nature so he also kept you in the loop with any paddock drama
carlos is a fairly private person when it comes to your relationship, but every now and again he'd love to just drop in the 'my wife' card in an interview or something of the sort.
he squeezes toothpaste from the bottom of the tube now. he used to do it from the middle but you would get so annoyed about it so he adjusted. he even rolls the bottom up when it empties out.
before bed, he always sets a glass of water by your bed for when you wake up in the middle of the night feeling parched.
he planned dedicated movie nights between race weekends, where you guys would agree on one movie you havent seen and watch it together. and if he was on a triple header, you both would make time to watch one together over facetime.
he reads more books now, and he loves sending you passages and quotes that remind him of you, or if its something he finds interesting, or something he knows you would find interesting.
he buys you a magnet from every place he visits. its a weird little collection you had, but he loved to help you add on to it.
he loved doing saturday cleaning with you. always saturday, never sunday, because you reserved sundays for relaxing and lounging around. he would put on your favorite playlist and he would help you clean.
carlos loves to shower with you, and not even in a sexual way. he just enjoys your company, enjoys the way your tiny hands feel against his scalp when you rub in his shampoo.
but yes, he also loves shower sex.
carlos doesn't have your skin care routine memorized, but he knows that eye cream, moisturizer, and a lip mask are important. he also knows that the tall bottle that reads cleanser is what to use to take off your makeup.
carlos loves playing with your hair, and even learned how to braid. he does it for fun, never fully committing and tying it off. he just likes to play with it.
carlos loves to take pictures and send it to you. whether its an awkward selfie on the plane, or of the view from his hotel room, he always texted you one. 'look at the view esposa!' 'te echo de menos :(' 'wish you were here mi bella esposa'
and at the end of the day, no matter where he was he always reminded you how much he loves you. he could be right next to you or in a completely different continent, he never failed to tell you. 'te amo mucho.'
all i want. all i need.
d's 2k celly
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
hello skye!! i love your writing, its so sweet :] coukd i req svt with an s/o that maybe is non verbal or doesnt talk that much when theyre anxious? or just minghao, woozi, and seungkwan if ot13 is too much! if u havent eaten yet, eat something even if its small when u see this!!
hello! i love your username btw! and thank you, im happy to hear you enjoy my writing <3 i hope you like this! you take care as well :) i wrote this with ot13 btw
seungcheol: he knows when you're anxious when you start being a bit more quiet than usual and he slowly approaches you on the topic. he'd sit down next to you and ask you what was wrong as he gently brushes your cheek with the back of his hand. you didn't have to tell him immediately, but he just would want you to know that he's here for you and that you don't have to bottle up your feelings.
jeonghan: he'd notice after a while that you'd get rather quiet and closed off if you got anxious. he'd try his best to make you feel safe and comfortable and you'd slowly learn to open up to him about your anxiousness and feelings.
joshua: similar to seungcheol, he'd be the type to notice the change in you immediately and try to figure out what might be triggering your anxiousness. would cuddle you and distract you by watching a movie or reading out a book to you, until you slowly open up to him.
junhui: a little cluless tbh. he'd think you were just tired whenever you'd become closed off and quiet. it was later that he learned it was because you were anxious and not tired.
hoshi: he's not really sure what to do. he thinks that maybe you're upset, that's why you're suddenly so quiet and not talking to him as much. "are you mad at me?", he asks you softly with a pout. "hoshi..no im not mad at you. shit im sorry im just...i don't know..anxious.." you explain to him. later he would make sure to be alert of when you might be anxious and would gently squeeze your hand to let you know that he was here for you.
wonwoo: i think wonwoo would understand how you kinda shut off and become quiet when you get anixous and he'd leave you alone, giving you your space. but he'd also make sure to be there for you and tell gently ask you what was wrong if he was really worried and you seemed a bit too anxious. he'd gently talk to you and try to understand what was making you feel anxious.
woozi: he'd understand and would give you space and time if you needed it. but if he saw you were getting a bit too worked up and anxious, he'd help you calm down, telling you to breathe and that he was here and was not going anywhere. you could tell him anything, at anytime and he'd be here for you.
minghao: whenever you got anxious and found yourself curled up under the blankets, minghao made you tea. he'd make you a warm cup of tea and sit beside you as you slowly sipped the tea, grateful to minghao for being by you. you'd slowly open up to him about how you were feeling and he'd hug you afterwards, telling you how proud he was of you.
mingyu: he's very worried. he would not understand it at first and he'd just think you were maybe mad or upset at him because of the sudden quietness from you. but he later understands that it's because of your anxiety he feels a bit :\ he'd then try his best to notice when you'd kinda space out and close off and try to get you to speak to him. again, he won't force you, just would cuddle you and tell you that he was here and you could tell him anything, no matter how serious or silly it was.
dokyeom: the moment he sees you a bit more closed off and quieter than usual, whether it be replying to his texts later than usual or leaving him on seen, he's running over to you. he'd bring a few of your favorite foods, snacks, or your favorite ice cream and sit down with you, engulfing you in a big warm hug and telling you that he was always on your side and you didn't have to worry. he'd gently reassure you and once you open up to him about your feelings, he'd hug you again and give you a sweet kiss on the cheek.
seungkwan: he'd understand and he'd kind of get it and understand how you were feeling and not prod at you to tell him. he'd give you your space but also make sure he was there for you and he'd cook for you or take you out and maybe even buy you flowers because he wanted to make you smile and help you feel better. he would check up on your throughout the day and make sure you were okay.
vernon: he'd be a little clueless but once he learns and understands, he'd be with you and try his best to comfort and talk to you about how you were feeling.
dino: he would be a little confused too as you why you had suddenly gotten so quiet or weren't talking to him like you usually would. qhen you finally pluck the courage to speak to him, you tell him he'd hug you and tell you how great you were doing. he'd make it a point to notice when you got anxious and shower you with extra love and affection as well, hoping to distract you until you were ready to speak or voice it out to him.
taglist: @joshuaahong @naaaaafla @daisycheols
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arthurtaylorlester · 8 months
spoilers (you already know)
back at it with some humming!
JOHN MY BELOVED !!!! youre so bitchy i love him
harpers hill mention omg (harpers hill hijinks coming soon)
“MY BOOK HMPH 😤” girl 😭😭
“i didnt realise” yes because you cant see and john is like really really dumb
it kills me that john is bitching about oscar not finding anything but like what information have you contributed in the last 3 episodes
ive missed bullying john
malevolent is a comedy and i will stand by that
mmm rain sounds
“can you imagine hahah” yes i can it was the best arc of the show send tweet
well you havent seen his face
whys john being so quiet all of a sudden?
“i suppose ill just watch again” SOMEONE IS A JEALOUS GIRL
arthur ignoring john….. the girls are going to DIVORCE
“not you sorry ^_^” and then he goes back to ignoring john?? girl
oh wait that was very sweet
sorry arthur speaking to john like that just destroyed me
“its not because i dont care 💛” “…yes?” oscar this isnt about you
poor guy though he must be so confused
arthurs tone changes so much when he speaks to john
someone get john a pair of glasses either that or he was too busy daydreaming to see the turnoff
oh of course john would want to split off because he hasnt ever seen a horror movie arthur if you die then it’s your fault for not showing him the movie 🙄
“we might have to sleep in the car” okayyyy
oh so now john wants to give him info because he deserves to know
aaaand now he doesnt want to tell him. we love a hypocritical king !!!
return of the canadian sourry
you dont need to sound so smug that he looks hurt john 😭😭
okay oscar love the existential crisis while reading very relatable
is he gonna say arthur is his purpose
oh for fucks sake
NOT THE SOFT “oscar”
ok oscar is def into arthur and arthur saying “i don’t believe in god” is like rejection. this is how unrequited blindfaith can still win.
also god believes in you? well john and kayne sure seem to believe in him for what its worth
oscar nooo dont devote yourself to arthur that never ends well
john i dont care about oscar either but you have got to stop laying it on so think jfc
john the undefeated more like john the opportunist
“woAH” same john same
oooh so john can see auras now basically?
what monster are we gonna find in the barn 👀
oh that sounds fun actually though /j
ok i love how prominent the dreamlands are this episode i was just thinking about how good it was
john just wants his alone time with arthur because he cant answer his questions
“i need another set of eyes” thats like the one thing john can do it must be kinda sad to like, not be able to fully do the one thing you used to be great at
“ *gasp* a forgotten one :0” john dont act like you know what that means
hey is john a forgotten one then. is he. is he though.
can everyone except arthur feel the weirdness of places
john its ok if you didnt see it you dont need to justify yourself ❤️‍🩹
john sounds almost scared to go in the basement lol
the stairs are gonna give out at a later date im calling it
what could possibly happen in the last 15 minutes
a door ajar omg is that a wtnv reference
did arthur almost die by getting crushed by a bunch of furniture
oh a barricade i know what this is about
oh happy halloween btw guys
my honest reaction too john
what… what did you just sink into….
oh hole in roof, cool
arthur pay attention oscar hes gonna set hjmself on fire on accident
the jarthur was too busy analysing the painting to pay attention to oscar
oh he wants to cut it off ok
jfc 7 minutes oh no
question: how strong is arthur physically
“A TOWEL!” “A TOWEL?” as i said a comedy
you know its weird that i can handle this fine but couldnt deal with the michael torture in the woe.begone finale
oh ok hes fine sort of ok
the music goes so hard again
that arthur was so scared
ok the arms alive run
or get john to arm wrestle it idk
“what thE fUCK WHAT THE FUCK” my daily vocabulary
and oscar was right :)
arthur you could at least carry him instead of dragging him that poor poor man
i find it amusing that this mostly happened because of jarthur studying a painting and ignoring the man currently in possession of their braincells
indeed what do we do now
and thats a wrap! oh boy what an episode i have THOUGTHTS (oscar is not surviving this)
i know like maybe 2 people read this type of posts but i enjoy making and reading them back. so if youd like me to keep going with these i will :)
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rachelgrey · 8 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions
thank you @good-enemy for the tag <3
coke or pepsi: coke
disney or dreamworks: sorry but i prefer disney i could name maybe like two dreamworks movies off the top of my head
coffee or tea: tea because coffee tastes burnt
books or movies: books
windows or mac: windows
dc or marvel: unfortunately i am a marvel fan
x-box or playstation: i havent used either of these in years
dragon age or mass effect: what
night owl or early riser: night owl
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: depends on the food but usually vanilla
vans or converse: docs
lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: ⁉️
fluff or angst: angst. hurt that blorbo you know you want to
beach or forest: beach
dogs or cats: dogs by default because im allergic to cats
clear skies or rain: clear skies but like the kind of clear skies when its sunny with no clouds in the sky but its chilly out
cooking or eating out: depends on the food
spicy food or mild food: mild food bc im a picky eater and also white
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: hanukkah
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold
if you could have a superpower what would it be: telekinesis but that might just be because im a jean grey girlie
animation or live action: live action
paragon or renegade: ⁉️
baths or showers: baths but unfortunately showers are more convenient
team cap or team iron man: i hate both of them
fantasy or sci-fi: anyone who knows me knows i am the biggest fantasy lover out there
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: idk i have a lot but i couldnt name them off the top of my head
youtube or netflix: youtube
harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson obviously. he'd also kick harry potter's ass but thats a whole other conversation
when do you feel accomplished: when i succeed
star wars or star trek: ive seen bits of star wars so that one
paperback books or hardcover books: hardcover books because they have built in bookmarks and also theyre pretty
live in a world without literature or music: nice try but no
who was the last person to make you laugh: i dont know probably my dad
city or countryside: city i love the city i am a big city person (i dont live in a big city)
favorite chips: baked lays
pants or dresses: pants
libraries or museums: museums we have no good libraries here
character driven stories or plot driven stories: oh thats hard. probably plot but i do love a good character driven story
bookmarks or folding pages: bookmarks
dream job: music therapist
what gives you comfort: my dog. also music
what are you currently having brain rot levels of interest over: the once upon a broken heart series by stephanie garber and also maisie peters's music
what is your current favorite song: coming of age by maisie peters
(added question) how many books have you read this year?
tagging @henwilsons @napollya @thegoosewitch and whoever else is interested
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basilbunnii · 7 days
what are your relationship hcs for ninajack?
chat this deleted my work so this is way more delayed than played
but thank you for asking
more under cut im a yapper abt them </3
so as kind of a foundation i think nina and jack have a super opposites attract relationship and i kind of touched on that in my phys hc post (check that out if you enjoy this content bee tee dubs)
for example, nina is super duper messy while jack is obsessively organized and clean from being an ocd doctor man
they really level each other out in an almost healing way and that's part of why i love this ship sm lmao
nina keeps jack from trying to be painfully perfect and he keeps her from being dangerously reckless and laidback
they also fit under a princess and knight in shining armor type thing for me personally— and yes, i will explain LOL
nina, after being in a super neglectful and abusive relationship with jeff, gets to be with jack who's more attentive and caring towards nina, making her feel more like herself and leads her to being more in tune with princess treatment
jack also has relationship trauma, which i think anyone could guess if you've even just heard about the background story that the person who made sally's story made and not just seen the low quality mask photo story
(for those who DONT know that story and dont want spoilers for it i do suggest leaving the post now and reading it because it is a pretty common reference for the creepypasta fandom and i will be referencing big plot points)
so having the sacrificial college girlfriend (whos name i would look up but im currently on a roadtrip with shitty service) jack isn't used to getting anything back in return and/or being treated nicely without something sinister being behind it
but nina loves super unconditionally— which immediately contradicts that train of thought which would ultimately lead him to trusting her more and more over time til they're just at a point where they can both love each other without fear of the other person being similar to their past experiences and that's just so heartwarming urgrgrhh
the knight part really comes into play with nina being a bit clumsy and reckless because jack is constantly having to basically baby proof her experiences because she is so prone to creating problems
moving on— jack finds little acts of service that nina isnt really used to to show his love
like he'll make her a meal or get her jewelry or whatever just to make her day because its not something she got with jeff at all
which its more like it makes her month because she will not stop talking about it to anybody who will listen
that's just how she is— she loves very loudly
which is COMPLETELY NEW to jack considering that the sacrificial college girlfriend (i still havent googled her name my signal is somehow worse) was truly just there to lead a lamb to the slaughter
so when nina is actively seeking his affection and caring and loving for him it is such a new experience that i would think he wasn't quite sure what to do
guys hes a nerdy medical major white guy first and a demon second in my books he is an awkward man
but there's a want to be perfect for nina so he really fakes it til he makes it
but then nina is also a super-people-reader so when things dont line up she's immediately on his case
"hey man i thought you barely had any experience why are you good at kissing are you lying to me"
and then he gets a little embarrassed by it and hes like "i have no idea what you're talking about i'm just paying attention to your reactions"
she still doesnt believe him fully but she accepts it
they do cute shit together too
like they'll watch movies and tv and stuff together and cuddle
or nina will dress him up and buy him clothes (because like i said in the past post, jack is very copy and paste easy outfits and nina is obsessive with accessories and big outfits yada yada yada)
he'd probably let nina do just about anything tho as long as shes having fun and close to him hes pretty content
god i feel like i still have more lmk if you want more urgrgrhnmmhmf
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starscelly · 2 months
What are your most important hockey movies? (Or media in general) I am trying to watch more stuff that is out of my known bubble. Thanks
i fear i'm Pretty Basic when it comes to general hockey media but 1000000% recommend watching and reading "the russian five"!!!! i held out on doing it for so long bc i knew it would drive me insane and i was Right. so goooood. the editing of it is also really engaging and fun off the bat if ur someone who normally doesn't get caught up in like. Doc Style Things (me)
i think "red army" is also a good companion watch for after that!!! for more of a view of What russian hockey was like at the time
(i have reading "larionov" and watching "cold war on ice" and "ice-breaker: the 72 summit series" on my List for other possible good companions if ur interested in the soviet hockey of it all but i havent gotten to those yet so can't Personally Vouch)
also ik ur a stars fan but if u have never seen it.... come weep at the dallas stars "we're not going home" (2020) bubble cup run youtube unlisted doc with me.... please... my most important hockey media
"untold: crimes and penalties" is a fun doc on netflix abt a minor league team that was a. very violent b. owned by someone who's first line in their wikipedia says he is a convicted felon and associate of a crime family. but ran by his son! who was clueless in every way! pretty interesting
and then a bit more of a time commitment than the others because its a whole Show but. junior league is a russian drama that follows a team with a new coach trying to make the junior league so they can keep playing as like a career and all their interpersonal Dramas and Romance but Also Hockey As Well. There's 6 seasons but not all of it is available in english (yet! hopefully) .... use the link if inch rested its the only english version beyond early 1st season but keep it Hush Hush as the last channel that was uploading them like a year ago got taken down dlkfjsdl
i'm also assuming you've seen/know of shoresy but if u have not. that's less of a time commitment bc its newer and also a jared keeso show so. Shorter Episodes By A Lot. funny! silly! underdogs!!!!
and then if u enjoy Romance i did rlly like "the cutting edge" (even tho there's not. much hockey if we're being real) and the book "icebreaker" BY A.L. GRAZIADEI. THE GAY ONE. not the Other One.
and i think that's all i got in me??? i hope this helped!!! i feel like i'm definitely forgetting some but. if anyone else has any other recommendations or further Thoughts please feel free to add to this/reply with them!!!!! <3
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soaps-mohawk · 20 days
*rises from the dead* hey girlies
i've been traveling and conversing with distant family members I dont remember for the past three days so I havent rly been able to sit down and read anything or CHILL. I might literally explode. my social battery was not built for this. crcb on sunday gonna be healing me
OTHER THAN THAT how you been doing?? 😊😊
btw I'm curious, what's your take on ppl in the cod fandom (or just any fandom in general) who maybe have not played the games but have a good understanding of the characters/plot/everything by consuming fanfics/watching clips or playthroughs/reading rants/whatever else??
im tired i can't think HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT WHATEVER!!! 🫶🫶
— 🌒 !
Hey!! It has been a while hasn't it!! I've been so out of it this week with everything going on.
Omg traveling is fun, but I get you on the exhausting part. I'm over it after a couple days. I was meant to be at home and cozy in bed 😂
I don't really have much of an opinion?? I've gotten into fandoms I knew nothing about aside from things I'd seen in the fandom (don't look at my early Bad Batch fics 🫣) but I usually inevitably end up watching the show or movie or reading the book or playing the game. At least familiarizing myself with it.
That being said, you can definitely tell when fans and creators haven't played the games or watched playthroughs and only know about the characters through the fandom/fanfiction. It's pretty obvious even when they don't specify that.
I don't really care either way, really, so long as the people that aren't familiar with canon don't start getting pissed because people are writing the characters as they are in canon and then go into people's inboxes or comments complaining that the character "wouldn't do that."
It's fandom. Interpret the characters how you like 🤷‍♀️ just don't bother others about it.
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Ok watched spiderverse 2 again here's some thoughts in no particular order (spoilers and long post ahead):
- peter b is reading a book called "how to talk to kids" at the very end. Presumably because may can't speak yet and Gwen and Miles were zapped away I choose to believe he was reading this so he can go talk to Miguel LMAO
- I fucken love the way spot, after he powers up, move around via just like... sliding around in the air basically with his bad posture like he's hung from strings like a puppet
- when gwen is drumming at the opening and when spot gets zapped both are intercut with frames from later in the movie and also later in the future. I'm guessing spot got a glimpse of canon events but when Gwen was doing her intro it was phrased like a retrospective- but unlike most intros it didn't have a shot of a new spiderman comic being thrown on the pile. So when was she doing this retrospective? I hc she'll pick back up at the end of the third movie
- someone needs to make procreate brush packs for each universe/character PLEASE
- ok the "watercolor" effect being a mood ring is incredible but I havent seen anyone talking about the sort of abstract animation?? It almost reminds me of like experimental film from the impressionist/dada/supremetism eras, you can see it synced to the drum in the intro and also in some of the backgrounds during her big speech
- also during the Guggemheim fight when the Renaissance Vulture was like "you call this art?" And Gwen was like "well we're talking about it aren't we" YOU'RE SO RIGHT GWEN I AM KISSING YOU ON THE LIPS
- the shaky 1st pov cam when Gwen's dad sneaks up on her both times reminded me of when Miles accidentally watched kingpin kill perfect Peter? Idk if it was exactly the same I'd have to go back and rewatch but UGH it really gets that Gwen's dad has two sides too and the cop side isn't really human almost, lurking in the shadows, silhouetted
- also Gwen's dad just being a shit cop, giving her mixed instructions, raising a weapon at an unarmed person who is trying to communicate, firing warning shots, yelling the Miranda rights over her which is not how its supposed to be given
- contrast that with Jeff who literally never pointed a weapon at anyone and went charging after spot with his bare hands, is casual with his spiderman. I mean even when Jeff was talking about Miles not capturing Spot correctly it was lighthearted and joking, he's actively not going by the book, he's keeping the squad off of Spiderman's back, he apparently talks to spiderman about his family troubles???
- have I mentioned I LOVE MUSICAL MOTIFS????? Seriously they’re always good (fuck Wagner everyone knows Toby Fox invented the leitmotif) I mean everyone noticed the horror style Prowler stinger but even more characters got some: Gwen got a Little Rock theme with a guitar lick that echoes the ‘spi-der-man, spi-der-man’ song, Miguel’s distorted synth whine, the interesting mouth and bells percussion that Pav gets (good job Hollywood avoiding the exotic Asian pentatonic lick for once), at the end when the 42 prowler reveal slowly changed the prowler stinger into a human scream???? There’s probably more but I’d have to go back and watch it again again lmao
- I really love how Miguel is kinda goofy. He’s aloof and over serious but he makes mistakes and shows other emotions despite his best efforts. His flaws are shown off in his very first interaction, with his unwillingness to ask for help despite the fact that he knows he needs it. He’s frustrated. He’s got group object leader energy. It makes it so much more lovable that he’s susceptible to quips and he also gets knocked down and messes up and shows up and has his quirks that everyone puts up with. THATS how you make an interesting, relatable, lovable antagonist. Perhaps it worked too well LMAO
- I am an Oscar isaac simp I gotta go rewatch moon knight
- when miles was swinging around with gwen he passed a truck called "redex" bc gwen rejected him lmao
- theres an 8 clearly visible in the background of earth 42? Wacc
- the Spread Your Wings, Man scene focusing on the plastic wrap on top of the Alchemax flowing in the wind like it’s an ocean?/??? I really hope they call back to that imagery later because it clearly means something and I need to know what
- I’ve got an inkling of something that specifically revealing one’s spider-dentity to a loved one is some kind of anti-canon event, like maybe it’s the thing that fixes the destabilization? I mean we’ve seen that it’s ok if loved ones figure it out themselves (or if they then die, like uncle Aaron) like it’s a clear theme that miles keeps trying to tell his parents, and then Gwen tells her dad, which causes him to quit the force, thereby averting the canon event of him dying indirectly??? Also, it’s implied that the MJ of 1610 sold out Perfect Peter Parker to Fisk, leading to his death, ALSO also, gayatri probably figured out Pav’s identity right before HIS world destabilized??? Idk lmao
- I hope spiderbite/Margo and Jess get proper intros I can’t wait
- the background spider hockey girl has my heart, I couldn’t stop looking at her during the chase scene
- God I need to watch moon knight again
- when mj moved into mays room to greet them she lifted a picture frame back up as she moved in the door? What's up with that???
- not Spanish originally starting as a too-relatable joke that Miles gets a B in despite his mother speaking Spanish at home as well, not living up to his expectations, and then 42!Miles presumably speaks more/better Spanish due to being closer to his mom because his dad died???
- not miles aceing ap physics and ap studio AT THE SAME TIME in his SOPHOMORE YEAR free my boy from grounding he’s done nothing wrong
- btsv’s main villain is gonna be the sat I’m telling you
- most importantly: what was up with the Comic Code Authority’s seal being shown after the studio logos at the beginning??
Did that happen in the first one??? Why would it be there??? The cca has obviously been defunct since before superhero movies were really a thing. Famously, the cca seriously censored a ton of content, causing Marvel to be unable to portray darker stories involving drugs and other more mature themes, which they wanted to do with many superheroes including Spidey??? Is the Spider Society secretly the cca, censoring storylines that they think shouldn’t be portrayed, including darker timelines like 42? There was also issues with the convoluted Spider-Man comic lines going through unsatisfying ‘resets’ to keep Spider-Man relatable, without evolving the character into anything too far away from the OG Spider-Man, ie young, relationship issues with MJ, nerdy, tragedies etc. this is the detail that had me wondering the most because it was so clearly displayed right at the beginning, and the cca was generally a shameful part of comic book history in which publishers submitted to satanic moral panic. Like, not really something that reads as a cute little callback to an era of comics like he use of Ben day dots or misaligned printing or the onomatopoeias??
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raven-the-claw · 10 months
the remus lupin reading challenge because i couldnt find one so im making it myself:
1. The Picture of Dorian Gray
no explanation needed.
2. Heartstopper
anyone who says nick and charlie are jegulus variants is wrong. THE VANS TO HIS CONVERSE HELLO ARE YALL BLIND??
3. The Secret History
havent read it myself but i'll trust booktok on this one
4. Anne of Green Gables
lily made him read it but he ended up loving it
5. Six of Crows
he would read it and i dont give a single shit about your opinion
6. The Perks of Being A Wallflower
there is something incredibly remus about this book. also dont read it if u ever wanna feel happy again.
7. The Song of Achillies
again, havent read it myself, but i know its gay and sad and thats pretty much remus so yeah.
8. Call Me By Your Name
i just started reading it so i dont really know much about it but i know enough to say that yes remus would read this
9. Pretty Much Anything By Jane Austen
listen, i personally cant understand A SINGLE FUCKING WORD jane austen is saying bc english is not my first language, but remus probably could.
10. The Hunger Games
this one does not give remus vibes but i feel like he would love it
11. Dead Poets Society
the movie is better tho
12. Little Women
i have absolutely no fucking clue what the hell this book is about but ive seen it everywhere so why not
13. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
idk how, idk why, but he would read it and you cant convince me otherwise.
14. Red White and Royal Blue
mY life is the crown, and yOurs is POLITICS. and i will NOT trade one prison for anOTHer.
15. If We Were Villains
again, no fucking clue what its about saw it everywhere so yeah.
16. Animal Farm
he TOTALLY would read banned literature the chaotic academia king he is <33
17. The Book Theif
it just makes sense
lmk if i forgot something
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Hey so. its been a while. I havent had a lot of energy these past few weeks and when I did I didnt really wanna spend that energy on this bad book series, but its the weekend and its been wayyyy too long and I need to finish ACOMAF before shit starts falling out of my sieve of a brain. As always, I am motivating myself with the prospect of contuining to work on a proshot of the takarazuka production elisabeth after this, the 2014 flower troupe one specifically ^-^ or maybe I'll watch a fucked up black and white movie from the 20s thats two and a half hours long, we'll see
Today we're reading chapter 53, the precursor to The most infamous chapter 54. Im not gonna lie, I kinda forgot most of what happened last time. There was a mate reveal, Rhysand was being really pathetic which made him hot to me for the first time in about 600 pages of me knowing him, Feyre was super pissed so they sent her to the mountain cabin to cool off a bit and paint, i think thats it
is it just me or is it kinda weird that Feyre is fantasizing about green grass and flowers and flowing rivers when the NC so far has been defined by being a very wintery place. Like yeah, obviously they have seasons in the solar courts but like, theres a lot of mountains which means a lot of snow, its the most nothern court etc
And Feyre didnt like winter in the first book because she associated it with bad times at the cabin so that makes sense but idk. I feel like if youre retconning her so much already you could easily wrie something about how she actually likes winter now that she has the power to withstand it or something but no, sure, have her fantasize about very spring-y weather in the book where the spring court gets demonized to hell and back why not
'[Rhysand] would give me the money for my shop, for what I was offering would cost nothing. Maybe I would sell my paintings to pay him back the money. Because I wanted to do that under any corcumstance, soulmates or not.' I was gonna write something snarky about Feyre in ACOSF but then it hit me that shes never going to have financial independance from Rhysand ever again and now Im just sad and anxious for her
(sry, im too lazy to translate this whole paragraph rn) '[Rhysand and I would do a bunch of fun stuff that couples do.] Never again someones slave or whore.' Its so wild to me that shes saying all this about the guy who made her his slave and whore MULTIPLE TIMES AT THIS POINT. like hey sarah, do you think your readers dont remember all that? do you think constantly calling back to it will make them forget somehow
Ive seen some people describe this book as gaslighting and honestly, its not even that its just lying. this story is just a bunch of lies that keep contradicting or otherwise disturbing eachother because the person telling it isnt even a good liar
Okayyyyy this chapter was a lot shorter than anticipated can you tell i dont plan these out at all but i dont feel like doing more than this and also while I was reading i got a really good idea for an Anastasia AU for a different fandom im in and I keep getting distracted and I wanna start working on it as soon as possible. And also, I'd like to be focused when I finally read that most infamous of chapters, thank you and good afternoon
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Two mini reviews, partly brought to you by tumblr autosaving - Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. I wasn't sure what to expect; I really liked The Sunbearer Trials (Ive not yet read the sequel), and DNF'd Lost In The Never Woods because it was the wrong type and intensity of dark and spooky for me at the time. Cemetery Boys is a freaking delight. Maybe my least favourite part was the villain reveal, it made sense but either it wasnt foreshadowed enough or I just wanted better for that character? idk. But this isnt primarily a plot book, its a romance, and its a story about community and acceptance, and figuring out how you fit into the world when you're not the shape you're expected to be. And it did really well with both those aspects. I also appreciate that with so many stories, real and fictional, about people who have to leave their communities to find themselves, I appreciate a story of someone who never once thinks maybe I need to leave, and instead forges on to create space for himself in his community and his heritage. That's not everyone's story and thats totally fine. Our experiences are diverse and we deserve diverse stories. Its all good. As for the romance, its really believable. Its quite an opposites-attract situation, from Julian's aggressive queerness and non-issue with Yadriel's transness making his albeit and unexpected presence a breath of fresh air to Yadriel, to their growing understanding of each other's lives and admiration for the strength of each others convictions. (When Julian is upset about his friends and Yadriel nevertheless pauses to set that boundary about ghost-safety, that was hot.). And the ghost aspect! (this is not a mini review anymore lol). I was not really sure how that was going to go, and then cheering for them, and then wondering what the heck they were gonna do about ongoing ghost-itude and the finiteness of that situation, and actually I really liked how it went. The romance and how they push each other and grow to understand each other is fun, romantic, sexy, heartfelt. Remarkably sexy given that one of them is a ghost who cant be touched. (Spoilers for a sec - the scene on the car where Yadriel reaches for Julian's jacket to pull him closer and there's nothing there to grab? Oh that feels like grief.) The book is quite a bit about grief. Missing parents, missing support networks, missing opportunities to be yourself and be accepted. Its about a guy who can communicate with ghosts and its set around Dia de Meurtos, there's grief themes.
I also really love Maritza, showing off another aspect of (gender) non-conformity, that its not only trans people who have trouble fitting fairly strict defined roles. (Julian's friends do so similarly). Almost all the Spanish I picked up from context, but how Julian refers to Yadriel at the end I knew I had to look up that word specifically and oh my heart. Overall really enjoyed. probably 9/10 second, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. I havent read the books/comics, I have seen the movie. This show....for at least the first half I had no idea what the rules of the universe were or what exactly was going on or what themes exactly were being explored. I was definitely entertained though. The last few episodes manage to make sense of the first few and deliver on those themes in ways I quite liked. I liked that Ramona is the "manic pixie dream girl" and then almost immediately gets upstaged for that role by Envy Addams. I normally am annoyed at stories in which some boring guy "gets" the manic pixie dream girl and certainly doesn't appreciate her - you know the kind who goes on reddit and complains that she wont stop talking about slugs or decorates their whole house in anime? And I know scott pilgrim is a comment on that trope. I like how its about scott but its not really about scott. Largely its about Ramona and her friends (and her exes). And the others recognise that scott isnt so great, or so smart, and also that if Ramona likes him thats cool. He can be a "lovable idiot" and shes not automatically making a mistake with him. If they're happy they're happy. (and of course the ways that *could* go wrong, but arent destined to). Plus the music is fun, the visuals are bright and pretty. It might lean overstimulating for some people, I had to stop and think about my spoon levels between episodes. Thats what I got for today. Two very different fun stories I recommend like 8-9/10, not perfect but a damn good ride.
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cwilbah · 3 months
tagged by @sickfreaksirkay thank youu <3
Last song listened to - set me free by jimin because i re-watched this dance cover. it's one of my favourite covers i love the person covering jimin:
Last Book Read - 'making edwardian costumes for women' by suzanne rowland. it's been sitting in my room for like two months now lmao i need to take it back because i read it front-to-back and i don't need it anymore but my uni's library is out of my way</3
Last Film - good question… i don't know lol it's been months since i've seen a movie so i dont remember orz
Last TV - hannibal because my sister is bingeing it right now and i watched some of it out of curiosity. i'm not a tv show person so it was .. interesting. i see why people like it but i think im just a watch-the-same-things-over-again person </3
Last Video Game- lotro, to claim the free mount giftbox on my main toon and also to log into my other toons on laurelin so i dont get kicked out of the kins
Last Thing Googled - 'how to make photocard holder kpop'. i don't have any pcs on me (theyre all with my albums back home so i might buy replica ones on etsy) but im looking at ways to spice up my backpack. it only has pins and i want more stuff on it!!! i think i just need to go get a plastic folio thing, sew a rectangle, cut it out, put a keychain on it and boom simple pc holder.
Last Thing Ate - tangerines 🍊 but these ones seem to be hit or miss lol one will be good and the next will be kinda weak and shitty. i have a whole bag so i'm going to eat them all anyways
Sweet Savoury or Spicy - sweet always!!!!! you will have to pry chocolate out of my cold dead hands
Amount of sleep - last night i got like 4 hours :'( i miss having black out curtains so badly. i could sleep through anything and now if its 9 am and the sun's bright out, i'm awake
Currently Reading - i'm always in a perpetual state of reading le morte darthur. one day i will get through it!!! i just have to get through the first couple paragraphs first 🧍‍♂️
Currently Watching - im in the middle of watching run bts episodes because i am so incredibly far behind. like when the hell was there 155 episodes??? i just finished this special ep specifically:
on my to-watch list is teen wolf.. i will get to that eventually. probably in may or june when uni's done. i can't get into something new this month, i have to do my assignments that are all due in 19 days :X
Tagging - @danshine @ba-sil @wei--wuxian @permafrost7767 @cooliostarstache @cantofworms and anyone else i havent tagged but wants to
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lehhoh7822 · 7 months
asking about the legally blonde fics 🙄 (JOKING i actually really want to hear about them. please?)
THANK YOU its not letting me add a cut guys..... i would if i could..... long post??
alright hi i write legally blonde fanfics after being involved in a production of it earlier this year and. well.
like i think my fanfic is very ehhhh for most people because i like essentially getting to write completely different songs and then having to integrate them into canon if that makes sense?? based solely off the musical, like, none of pilar margot serena really have ANY established backstory and i havent seen the movie or read the book in such a long time. so what i mean is that i get to write this horrifying piece about someone experiencing parentifcation in an abusive environment and then try to integrate that character into the more canonised characterisation.
i guess the reason is like. of musicals, legally blonde is very.... i don't know, its pretty solid in terms of content for the musical. its absurd like most musicals which kind of facilitated me and my friend (im gonna @ their dead blog from when they were like 12 @kittykatturtles-blog) to make crack theories and then give me things that i wanted to extrapolate from it. I guess the other thing about these fics is that i want to write about how. fucked a lot of rich people are. i think part of this is coming out of the dsmp fandom or engaging with it more critically in terms of a fandom and being able to recognise the kind of repetitiveness of a lot of fanfictions in a very... trope esque way? like there are so many fics which are basically the same and a lot of those feel like they didn't have anything to say or think about in terms of the characters.
i think the other part of it which matters to me is being able to write about themes which are genuinely really serious, and at times intimately familiar to me; exploitative religious groups, familial abuse, dissociative identity disorder, and more, without the worry of too heavy scruntiny. like i remember when i was writing for dsmp i always got kind of scared of writing something too serious and having people like like. oh my god. hes a MINOR. YOURE KILLING ME. the whole point of the stories aren't just that bad things are happening or that these characters are justified or whatever, it's about. how do you keep going? how do you keep loving? how do you explain yourself.
i think something thats super important to be is character autonomy. it rings pretty bad for me when a traumatised or disabled is given no action on their end at all for anything, making them a hollow slate for the abled characters to support and research and worry about and lie to. to me, as someone who is traumatised and is disabled, that kind of dynamic is gross to read about. so its important to me to be able to write about, even if it cant exist in real life, the idea of supportive people who are also kind of fucked up and having to acknowledge the real hopelessness of complex issues is something i want to depict in my writing.
for a lot of people, for most i think, when terrible things happen they can't just stop and they somehow have to keep on going despite the world feeling like its stopped turning for them. and i think a lot of bad things do happen to people when they are still young. one of the worst years of my life was when i was 12 and its genuinely quite hard to top it. trying to write the spiky complex feelings of self hatred and confusion and injustice you can't place and hopelessness is cathartic to me and i think its important for me that it exists.
the other thing is that. like by the nature of my writing, this is leading to a better future. im a pretty slow writer, and i can't be hyperfixated on the story i need to just be continually trying to think and work on it. but because we know; we know they make it to college, we know they have friends, and in this i know that they can make it to adulthood, its an assertion, from me as a writer and from me as a traumatised disabled person that i will make a better future and the worst parts of your life will not definte them. idk.
this is the link to the first two fics and im writing a new one as we speak
if you want to hear more about ttolt characters (we have pilar, serena, margot, elle, serenas parents and brother, pilars infinite fucking siblings and parents, and a few others) then send me asks about it. PLEASE dear god
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