#havent even seen the movie maybe i should idk
monkeesrainbowroom · 3 months
i love the tetsuo the bullet man theme by nin its like someone is banging pieces of metal together and drilling right next to my head. but music
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not-souleaterpost · 8 months
Ever wished that a trailer DOES lie?
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Didn't come up with some clever pun or whatever to express what I want so I'll put it bluntly: Does anyone agree that new Napoleon movie looks kinda lame from the trailers?
Like the first one was like the two types of cliche trailers one after the other - with all the "boom" sounds and mach cuts, while then doing the whole "eq-so-it-sounds-distant childlike song" thing. But what I found worse is turning Napoleon into Thanos (havent seen a Marvel movie after Iron Man 3, so I might be wrong) - but all the stoic cool guy one liners and weird self-agrandising cliche uterances - only to end with putting on the Crown on himself as if it was that stupid plastic gem-gauntlet... Should just have snapped and said "France Won" and go all the way while showing the Austo-Hungary disolve.
The second trailer seems to be more of the same, with even having the Black Sabbat song to make it artsy but not to artsy. Idk maybe I'm being to harsh and hypocritical, but aften then having the love interst say "look down at my crotch - I control you with it" - I just cant take it seriously - gives me flashbacks to being a kid and seeing my dad watch game of thrones and realises that half the charachters are screwing their sister and brothers cause thats the only way to make something "Mature"...
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But why am I writting a whinning post? Don't I try to make some contrived point in these? Yeah, at first I didint even want to post this, so I dont be one of these cynical movie guys, feel bad for these who now seemingly in nearly their fifties just whine about how bad hollywood is and how superheros suck while only reviewing them while their is a great new Scorsesse movie which they ignore- And instead of continuing this passive agressive attack on RLM, I better segway into my whole point: "The Killers of the Flower Moon" - A movie I recently saw and enjoyed quite a lot - surprisingly because I thought from the trailers "Yeah, Scorsee got old and is phoning it in" - cause from the trailers it just seemed like a generic by the numbers exploitation film, where victims kill their oppressors with the whole "happy ending" being both overly sweet and bitter - because how unrealistic yet saddistic it would be, even as a fantasy only leaving the reality of resentment and bloody revenge.
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But thankfully, it was nothing like that - so the trailer lied, and I was happy - or more happy that even when it lied I thought "well going to the cinema with friends is more important, and why not see a scorsse movie on the big screen, if he dies, or I, soon, I'll regret it, even if it was a piece of shit..."
So maybe that's the point I'm making - maybe a very weird and pointless one - but yeah, maybe Napoleon won't be as bad as I think? Even if it is a far-cry from the Napoleon Kubric would have made, Ridley Scott is still a director with a certain esteem, and who the hell didn't like Gladiator? Even still have an old VHS with a cutot of a tv-magazine of it that my father used to tape over to just pirate the movie old schoo way lol. Still, I'm not saying to mindlessly buy and watch everything - but to just think - maybe even a disapointing movie is worth the human connection one will make (cause who goes to the movies alone?) - so if somebody says "hey lets watch it, its like if the Joker was French" - why not, maybe even it will turn out to be:
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omegasmileyface · 10 months
ok i think its a good thing that sky high never got a sequel because they said what they wanted to say and explored their fun plot and setting in that movie and if they made a sequel it would be pulling at strings and a useless cashgrab and we would all have wished they would just let the fiest movie's closure rest. BUT. if i were in charge of a sky high sequel heres what it would be like
plot centers around the superhero community's weird thing where they feel more kinship with villains than civillians
thus, it starts with there being some serious schoolyard fight (maybe even... outside school hours?) between the protags and speed+lash, who are still sort of... majoring in villainy. protags get in trouble with administration for fighting, and theyre like "??? im sorry, these guys were being EVIL. you know. like VILLAINS." and the school is like What they do with their education is not up for us to judge. distrust sows.
will is dragged to a "party" (its like a bbq or something) that some of his parents' colleages are holding bc of like. a big. win. in superheroing. idk. anyway so there are a bunch of superhero families there in their civilian identities. will (and any friends that might have come) start talking to this other kid at the party
they ask why they havent seen her at school, and she says she doesnt go. why not? she scoffs and says that she would just be tossed aside in every class. protags tell her that the school is working (slowly... but working) on the sidekick/hero division thing. she says shed get tossed aside anyway. "why? whats your power? i promise you can make use out of any—" she doesnt have any powers.
oh! well. still. Ron Wilson didnt have any powers "yeah and he became a bus driver. i know Ron Wilson. hes a family friend. he shuttles superpowered kids around twice a day for minimum wage. even if you have an "in" in the community, if you dont have powers, youre just there to clean up ater people that do."
will thinks about it for a bit. he realizes he was sort of pushed aside before his powers developed... but it doesnt sink in and he pushes back (tells her he agrees but doesnt) because he was just so happy to get his powers. that couldnt be unfounded! and... and superheroes only step up because they have the power to make a difference. she should feel lucky that she doesnt have that responsibility attached to her life. she can go off and do whatever she wants without feeling bad about wasting power.
anyway laila gets radicalized again by this obviously. she is, in fact, now so against this division that she quits sky high and transfers to a civilian school to protest. she and will try to keep dating, but it really doesnt work with all that tension and they break up halfway through the movie.
the school laila transferred to is also the other girl's. lets call her toni. laila is really annoying to toni. whenever theyre away from observers, shes trying to use her powers to "help" toni, and other such annoying ally behavior. eventually, toni agrees to do a little interview on her experience with the super community if laila will leave her alone. laila agrees.
meanwhile, the rest of the friend group are having their own adventure discovering just how... ok the super community is with villains. obviously its not. like. ACCEPTED, thats why warren was so ostracized. but yknow. one day someone asks in mad science class if dr medulla is evil and he doesnt have a good answer. someone asks if lash and speed should be allowed to be the villains every time in save the citizen, and boomer says he cant force them to make their team choice. etc
laila goes in to interview toni at her house, in the process realizing that one of her dads— who was at that big superhero barbeque and whatnot— is a known supervillain. she panicks and awkwardly leaves the house trying to hide her discovery, and rushes to tell will
will doesnt know what to do with this. he attempts to subtly ask his mom, and gets an answer like "yeah, i dont get it. [sigh] but if he doesnt hurt anybody out of costume, and the others want him around... what am i gonna do about it?" he does the same with his dad, who says like "oh jimmy! yeah he was pretty cool in high school. definitely a rebel. i dont know why he got into the villain game, but its not my spot to judge him! just to stop him by force and send him to jail when its relevant."
will freaks out. this is all very strange. obviously there are problems with villainy, otherwise superheroes wouldnt exist! right? ...is toni going to become a villain? i mean, she hates the hero school system so much now, is she going to fight it when shes older?
ok im getting tired so im gonna fast forward through the rest and its gonna be all bones no meat. lets go
something happens to will that seriously injures him, and he thinks its toni's fault somehow. even as he recovers, it leaves him with a permanent disability that his powers dont help with. he considers himself useless again
laila and toni end up creating some kind of vigilante non-superpowered hero force, who swoop in to save the day alongside the powered heroes at the end of the movie
the protagonists discover that the super community doesnt differentiate between villains (fighting for the greater good but against heroes and/or the law) and villains (actually doing evil things) because hero licenses (which are a thing now ive decided) and villain classifications are given based on breaking the law
additionally, supervillainy, within certain ethical bounds (yknow if nobodys getting killed or anything) is sort of considered... a sport. half of major league superheroing is... recreational. like sparring.
but! and you'll never get this! non-supers described as villains get punished WAY WORSE than supers described as villains (again, within certain ethical boundaries)
laila plans to transfer back to sky high to encourage them to start a mandatory ethics course
whatever big fight scene ends off the movie, it has "villains" who have a sense of ethics fighting alongside less-legalist heroes, against actually evil villains and legalist "heroes". the villain-type students from the first movie (penny etc.), who still go to sky high, are fighting alongside the real villains until the end when they figure the whole thing out and decide to switch
will ends uo at the center of the Big Fight bc of course he does. he tries to fight Main Enemy (still havent decided at all who this is) on his own, for pride reasons and to prove that his new disability doesnt define him. but it does cause him to fail, and he gets ready to like. die in battle or something idk i never went to superhero school. but his friends save him, and he realizes that just because he cant shoulder as much weight as he used to doesnt mean he cant help in certain ways, and that even when he CANT help he doesnt have friends who are willing to fight for him and whatnot
its a disability metaphor. did you get that part? bc i believe the first movie was a disability metaphor.... except that the thesis was "simply stop being disabled" so im changing that.
also for legalism and police corruption. that too. there are two metaphors. :)
in the epilogue we learn that sky high is working to start providing course plans for students with no powers, and several adults in the community have become activists fighting for... i guess to make it so superheroes' and villains' intentions arent seen as an extension of lawfulness? idk this parts harder to solve. still
as for little details that arent plot-relevant:
theres strong subtext that ethan, magenta, and zach are all dating and thats fun
warren and magenta have joined a civilian poetry club that they go to after school
theres a student who exclusively refers to will as "billy"
there are NO REFERENCES TO MARVEL. i dont CARE if theyre both owned by disney. im keepin em SEPARATE. no cameos or easter eggs. you can have the incredibles playing on a tv somewhere but thats THIN ICE
there is however an astro boy reference :)
ron wilson bus driver reappearances. he refuses to take relevance in the plot hes just there. and big now.
i just think itd be funny if one of the characters had a Real Gun. i havent decided who or why
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cricket-reader · 11 months
hii!! love your writing its intoxicating!!! idk if you’ve seen the movie Easy A (if not DO IT!!! its on Netflix) but if you have i was thinking a fem (or gn if youre more comfortable with it) reader x bucky fic thats along that line where reader is like Olive and bucky is like Todd? maybe lots of angst/fluff/smut or whatever this prompt takes you. honestly anything as long as it has bucky comforting reader through whatever you choose? again if you havent seen then feel free to ignore this and thankya!!!
Easy A
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox | Taglist
Summary: after a truly awful date, you are comforted by Bucky. (High School AU)
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, non-con kissing (not Bucky), Brock Rumlow being a prick, fluff
Word Count: 3,470
A/N: Sorry it took so long. It took a while to find inspiration, but here it is! I hope this lives up to your expectations 💕💕
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How could life get so messed up?
You find yourself asking this question a lot lately. It was a simple rumour. Something that you could should have stopped—no, prevented.
In fact, you could have prevented all of this. So in hindsight, this is all your fault.
That doesn’t mean, however, that you deserved this… right? Sure, some people probably definitely thought you did. What, being the campus whore? The virgin slut.
It was a simple white lie. But it grew into something so much bigger. Something you could never outlive. Rumours spread fast. Especially on a campus. Almost like the wildfires along the west coast.
Despite never having sex in your life or even having your first kiss, you were the sluttiest, dirtiest, whore out there.
Whilst all that isn’t true, you sure felt dirty. It seemed as though everyone believed the rumours. Sure, you had done nothing to dispute them. If anything, you only encouraged them. That was just you being stupid, you realise that now. Despite all of that, you wished that someone could look through the stupid lies. Because everyone had to be idiots to believe them.
Thinking back on it, this all could have been avoided. If you didn’t tell your former best friend that lie, none of this would have ever happened. It was the snowball effect, and it had grown out of proportion.
It only truly hit you in the face when Brock Rumlow tried to make a move on you.
You didn’t put it past him to believe that you were really a whore. He was quite daft. Regardless, when he asked you out, you had foolishly believed that he liked you for you; not for your fake self. He took you out to eat at the fairly nice seafood place in town and everything. You should have known that it wouldn’t end well.
It started off fine. You both made small talk and ordered drinks and food. Then you saw Bucky. He was the guy you had liked for a long time, not that anyone besides your old best friend knew that.
He was singing a cheesy happy birthday song with his colleagues. You giggled at the sight, not expecting such a serious guy to do something like that.
It all went downhill from there.
You panicked when you saw your former friend, Sharon Carter, sitting at a table across the room. You knew that Sharon has had her eyes on Brock Rumlow for a while—since first grade to be exact. It evaded your mind until you saw her. You knew then and there the mistake you had made.
Even if she was no longer your friend, you felt horrible. Sure, she hadn’t been too friendly to you after all the rumours and lies spiralled out of control, but you were better than this. Surely there was some sort of girl code about this kind of thing, right?
“Shit… shit, shit!” you mumbled.
“What’s wrong?” Brock asked, confused at your sudden change in demeanour.
“Sharon is over there!”
You huffed. “She’s been in love with you since the first grade.”
“She’s my best friend.”
“I thought you two weren’t speaking anymore.”
“We’re not, but that doesn’t mean that she’s not my best friend or that I should be out with you.”
Brock frowns. “Her and I don’t have anything in common.”
“And you and I do?” This was such a bad idea. That was the mantra playing on repeat in your mind. This was a horrible, terrible idea.
“Yeah.” His voice wavered, cracking a bit. You could see his brain scrambling to come up with anything.
“Like what?”
“Like… I hate Kae too.”
You rolled your eyes. Kaecilius. The man that hated you from day one—ever since one of his Zelots—what they called themselves—overheard you talking to Sharon in the bathroom. A religious self-centred prick that thought his ways were better than everyone else’s. Nobody’s liked him.
You scoffed, “If that’s our connection, I should just date the entire school.”
“Haven’t you?”
That right there. It should have been a warning to you. But you just shook your head, brushing it to the back of your mind to focus on something more important: getting out of there undetected.
Before even eating your food, you managed to convince Brock to leave. It wasn’t soon enough because Sharon saw you. Alone with Brock. On a date.
The betrayal on her face hit you like a punch to the stomach. What even was your life anymore?
You both rushed out of the restaurant. Tears were threatening to escape from your eyes, but you willed them away.
“I’m sorry about that,” you apologised, walking to the car. You opened the door to get in, but Brock shut it before it even got halfway open.
“Uh, I’ve got something for you.”
You tilted your head, hoping it was something romantic.
He flicked up an orange gift card. “Two hundred dollars to The Home Depot,” he said with a big smile on his face.
Your face crumpled in confusion before the realisation set in.
This wasn’t a date. No. Of course, it wasn’t. Not really. It was a way to get you to–
“Bam,” he said, all smug. As if he has done something.
“I didn’t realise this was a–“ Now the tears really were starting to form. You didn’t listen as he explained himself. You didn’t care enough to hear what he had to say. You didn’t care because once you finally thought someone had shown an interest in you, it blew up in your face. Hell, maybe you’ve deserved it. Going along with all these rumours. It was bound to bite you in the ass one way or another.
You took a breath, resolving yourself to all the age old question. “So what did we do on this date?”
“Whatever two hundred bucks gets me.”
And with that he leaned in, grabbing your chin to push his lips against yours.
Warning signs flared in your mind. Just what the hell did he think he was doing? You pushed him away. “That’s not really how it works,” you tried to explain.
He wasn’t hearing it. “It’s okay,” he muttered before closing the gap again. You hit his chest, trying to get him off of you.
“Stop!” you cried out, so fucking done with today. “I’m not really having sex with people for money. I’m saying I’m having sex, but I’m not having sex for money.”
You didn’t know what about your explanation was lost on him. How he could listen to that and still continue, maybe he just wasn’t listening in the first place.
He leaned in again, trying to reassure you. And yet again you pushed him away. “Stop! No, no! Stop!”
“What? Come on just relax, babe. It’s alright.”
It was as if he didn’t hear you the first million times you said it. It was as if you didn’t repeatedly push him away. Or maybe he was just dumb enough to continue pursuing you when you clearly didn’t want it.
Whatever the case was, you didn’t care.
So, yet again, you pushed him away. His back hit the car, and you walked away.
“Come on, this is bullshit! I paid you.”
You turned on your heel and flicked the card back at him. “Well now you didn’t.”
He yelled after you, upset that he didn’t get what he wanted. Tears began trickling down your face.
You heard your name being called out, a familiar, friendly voice. You turned around to see Bucky, white button down and all, walking towards you.
“Bucky… hi,” you couldn’t hide the way your voice wobbled even if you wanted to. You saw his fists clenched as he watched Brock’s car skirt away.
“Hey, you alright?”
“What? Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m… I’m fine.”
He frowned, not believing you for a second. The moment you walked in with Rumlow, he was angry. Be it jealousy or knowing you deserved so much better than that prick–probably both—he hated watching you two together. It was wrong.
“You sure?” Bucky frowned. He hated seeing you cry. Especially over some jerk that didn’t deserve you in the first place.
You sniffed, rubbing your nose. This day has been so awful. You just wanted to go to your warm bed, curl up and cry. If god took any liking to you, you wouldn’t wake to see the next day. But why would he after all you had allegedly done?
“I uh, just got off my shift. If you uh needed a ride home,” Bucky offered.
Despite the fact that you had just been harassed by a guy you foolishly thought you could trust, you put your trust in this one. You just hoped Bucky was better. You had no reason to be weary of his offer. He had been nothing but nice to you even when the rumours and lies began their torrent on your life.
“Really? You wouldn’t mind?”
“Nah, plus my ma would kick my ass if I left you here alone.” The corners of his eyes crinkled as he chuckled. It was adorable. “Or my sister, or Steve’s ma. Hell, even Steve would try to beat me up.”
Now that was an image. Tiny, little, asthmatic Steve trying to beat up bulky, tall, strong Bucky?
You giggled in spite of yourself. Bucky always seemed to know just what to say.
You both climbed into Bucky’s car before he took off. It was silent for the most part, letting you think back to everything that had happened today.
You watched Bucky as his hands gripped onto the steering wheel. His mouth was set in a heavy frown, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head.
“What’s up, Buck?” You tried your best to sound like Brock’s actions hadn’t bothered you as much as they had.
He sighed, glancing at you for all but a second. He rolled up to a red stoplight and used that moment to look you in the eye.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Hmm? Oh, Brock? No, no, no. Not physically anyway.”
His eyes searched your face. He was clearly distraught. “I’m sorry.”
“What? Why?”
“I didn’t get out there soon enough, if I just got outta there sooner he wouldn’t have… and you wouldn’t have had to–”
“Light!” you nudged him.
“Right! Sorry.”
“And hey, it’s not your fault, Bucky.”
Bucky’s knuckles were white as snow. He was clenching his jaw so hard, you worried he might damage his teeth. “He wouldn’t listen to you. You said no. Multiple. Times.”
Your heart ached because you knew Bucky wasn’t going to let this go. Because he actually cared. His eyes stayed on the road, and you were surprised the asphalt didn’t spontaneously combust into flames with the ferocity behind his glare.
“But I got away, I’m okay.”
“And what if you didn’t, huh? What if I was too late? You deserve so much better, you hear me?”
You didn’t even realise he was staring right at you until you looked back at him. You were stopped at a stop sign. With no one behind you, he didn’t feel any need to keep driving.
His face morphed into pure horror as the tears began rolling down your face. You looked away from him again, to your lap this time.
“‘M sorry, doll. I didn’t mean to yell, I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head and laughed. What even was Bucky Barnes? And why the hell was he always so inherently good?
“Bucky,” you sniffed, “I’m not upset about you yelling. I’m… It’s just… you, you care? About me?”
His brows furrowed. “Well, of course I do. You’re a great person. Your sweet and smart—”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Come on. You’ve heard the rumours, James. You aren’t living under a rock and you’re not stupid.”
“Exactly, so I’m not stupid enough to believe the lies being spread around. What I can’t seem to figure out, however, is how you got mixed up in all of this.”
“It’s a really long story.”
Bucky shrugs, “I’ve got nowhere to be.”
That is how you and Bucky ended up on top of a nearby cliff, sitting on the hood of Bucky’s car, eating snacks you got from a gas station. You told him most of the details to your unfortunate series of events that led to this moment. Bucky only stopping you every once in a while to ask questions or make threats to anyone that he claimed deserved it.
You felt like a huge weight had been lifted from your shoulders. The best part of it was, you actually thought that Bucky believed you. He held no judgement and was a total sweetheart the entire time—well, besides the times when he teased you. But even then it was all in good fun.
You shouldn’t have expected anything less from the guy that was a complete teddy bear once you peeled back his intimidating layers. He was a good man, through and through. Nothing and no one could take that away from him.
When you finished, you leaned back to look at the stars. “If I ran away and changed my name, would you come with me?”
He chuckled. “I don’t know if that’s the best course of action to take.”
“What else can I do, Bucky? You’ll be the only person that believes me!”
“Maybe I’m the only person that needs to.”
“Yeah, right. What if my supposed sex life gets passed around so that everyone knows about it. Employers? Schools? The government? I’ll be screwed!”
“Why would the government care?” he guffawed.
“I don’t know, okay! Stop laughing at me, you jerk! This is a serious crisis.”
“Okay, sorry! Sorry!”
“It’s hard to believe you’re sorry when you’re still laughing.”
He calmed down enough to stop his laughter. “Look, you and I both know this won’t go away overnight. You did dig yourself into a pretty deep hole. I don’t know how we’re going to fix it, we just will, okay?”
“Okay, and what’s in it for you?”
He hummed, taking his eyes off of the stars to look at you. “Well… I get to help you. Maybe I’d get to spend more time with you too.”
“And why would you want that?” You look down at him, surprised to find him staring back at you.
He shrugs before looking back at the sky. “You’re pretty cool.”
“Mhm, and did you make this assessment before or after all these rumours started?”
“Way before.” He looks back at you. “Maybe that night I wasn’t ready for my first kiss. The night you covered for me, and you didn’t get anything out of it. You just did it out of the goodness in your heart.”
“I… didn’t think you’d remember that…”
“Of course, I remember. I’m practically kicking myself right now for not actually kissing you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
He hummed his agreement. Your heart beat faster as his eyes dropped to your lips only momentarily. If you had blinked, you would’ve missed it.
He cleared his throat and got up. You followed after him, frowning as he took a deep sigh. “What’s wrong?”
He looked back at you, anguished. “Sorry, I didn’t mean… I’m trying to do this right, y’know. I don’t want to pressure you or anything and this is all wrong.”
“I’m not following,” you cut his ramblings short.
“I’ve… I’ve liked you for a long time… I just didn’t say anything because… well, as Steve put it, I’m too chicken shit.” He chuckled. “I should’ve done it sooner, I guess.”
You didn’t know how to respond. You were speechless. You wondered just how different your life would be if he had confessed sooner. The fact that he felt anything for you at all was… it was… you didn’t even know.
“God, this is the worst possible time to tell you. I’m such an idiot! I’m so sorry, just forget I said anything.”
“What… what if I like you too?”
Bucky froze. All of him hoped that would be your response. Truly. But he didn’t want to take advantage of you. You had just gotten done with what was probably the shitiest date of your life. You had been ostracised by everyone else. And he was the only one who held an olive branch to you. It wasn’t fair to you.
“I… I can’t… not in my right mind would I ever dream of taking advantage of you like this.”
Your face twisted. “Take advantage? Bucky, how can you take advantage of me if I like you back?”
He sighed. “You’re not thinking straight. I’m just the first guy who wasn’t a complete dickwad to you, so naturally you would like me.”
“Bucky, stop. I have liked you… for a lot longer than I care to admit. This isn’t me being desperate for any positive human connection. I genuinely like you.”
He bit his lip, looking so conflicted it hurt. You wanted to ease his worries. He shouldn’t feel that way. Not when you truly cared about him and have for a while. You’d like to think you deserved something good in your life. And if that good just so happened to be named Bucky? Well… who were you to deny it?
You advanced toward him, looking into those pale, stormy blue eyes. He said your name, a warning tone lying underneath every syllable.
“Tell me you don’t want this, and I won’t push any further,” you murmured. You were so close to him you could feel the heat from his furnace-like body. He stared into your eyes, thinking about how damn lucky he was to have such a beautiful view tonight.
“You sure you want this?” Bucky just had to ask. He needed to be sure. He didn’t even know what this was. It could be just a simple kiss, maybe a one-night stand, or, if he dared to hope, a relationship. Whatever it was, he would take it. He would be grateful for the chance to hold you, to kiss your lips and maybe more.
“Have I not made it clear enough yet?” You smirked at him. Bucky’s tongue wet his lips, a moment you traced with your eyes. He was gorgeous.
His hands cupped your face as he leaned in. You both closed your eyes as your lips met. You let him take the lead, not one hundred percent certain what you were doing.
Most people when looking back on their first kiss, regale about how horrible it was. How awkward it was and how terrible it panned out.
You were not most people.
It was easy to follow Bucky’s lead as his lips moved against yours. You hoped you were doing good with your first kiss. You hoped he liked it. Because you really liked being kissed by him.
When you broke apart for air, you opened your eyes to see him grinning like a love-sick fool. It was so endearing that you pulled him into another quick kiss.
“I never thought I’d get to do that,” Bucky murmured against your lips. They were still held in an impossibly adorable smirk that made your insides melt.
You knew right then and there, you wanted him to be your first. Your first everything. Your first kiss, your first real date (because you sure as hell weren’t counting the shitstorm from earlier as your first date), your first boyfriend, your first lover.
“I really like ya, doll. Maybe we should do this again sometime?”
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “maybe I can skip the awful date next time though.”
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind… next time you could have a nice date. With a pretty nice fella if I do say so myself. He can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, but he’ll treat ya right.”
You smirked. “‘S that so? Maybe I’ll just have to go on that date and see for myself.”
He smiled even wider. You didn’t think it was possible. “Really? Does that mean you’d wanna go on a date with me?”
“Yes, you buffoon. I thought you were supposed to be a lady’s man.”
“Hey now,” he chided, “weren’t we just having a conversation about how awful rumours could be?”
You chuckled with him as he pulled you into his arms. He pressed a gentle kiss into your hair.
“I think we should get back before my parents send out a search party.”
He laughed and agreed. Bucky drove you back to your house. Instead of curling up and crying in your bed, you ended up smiling like a lovesick fool until sleep overcame you.
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Bucky Taglist: @harleycao @hallecarey1
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violetwitch12087 · 4 months
idk if this is where i’m supposed to ask BUT if you want to and have time to, i’d like to request a russell hayes story. maybe the storyline should go when they start high school since the movie is set when they’re finishing middle school, so i think it would be fun for the storyline to be the first day of highschool. and Y/N has known russell since middle school, and has always thought he was cute, but didn’t really want to say it because you know, people thought he was a little weird in the movie😭🙏 and maybe Y/N learnt how to skateboard for him over the holidays and try to impress him even though he already thought she was cool? if you need more of the storyline i can think of some
You've always had a thing for Russell, until you both went to highschool and lost your friends, but run into each other when you try to impress him with your skateboard
Familiar Face (Russell Hayes)
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Ever since I was younger, I have always had a thing for this guy at my school Russell Hayes also known as SpongeBob, he's really sweet and funny but the problem is that all my friends find him annoying and practically hate him because he always tries to follow us or mess with us, but school has ended and I have to go to high school, all my friends are either moving or going to the other high school across town so I'm all alone
I try to skate down the street, trying to keep my balance, I've recently gotten into skating because Russell used to skate all the time, and now I'm most likely not going to see him again, so I like to think about or do things that remind me of him
I sigh, trying to keep my balance and get better at skating, I pull up to school a bit early my nerves through the roof, I'm so nervous for my first day, I mean I don't know anyone here, I find my way through to the front where there is a water fountain, I see someone sitting against the ledge and my head tilts slightly, why does their hair look so familiar? the clothes do as well..
I move a bit closer, wobbling slightly on my board trying to get a better look, thats when his face finally comes into view, my eyes widen when i realize it's Russell, I clear my throat and pretend I don't see him I see his skateboard and realize he never got to see me skating, I try to get his attention and ride my skateboard past him picking up pace slightly, I'm too focused on him that i don't realize the rock that's about to go under the wheel of my skateboard sending me forward
I hit the floor with a "hmph" sound, I suddenly hear footsteps rushing towards me "are you okay y/n?!" I hear that familiar voice once again, I look up and see Russell hovering over me with a worried look on his face, extremely embarrassed I nod softly, and he extends his hand out to me which I gladly take and he hoists me onto my feet
I wince slightly at my left wrist, trying to shake off the slight pain, he reaches into his bag and pulls out a small ice pack from I guess his lunch and gently places it against my wrist, I blush slightly at the touch and look up at him "when did you learn to skate?" I hear him ask and i shrug "during summer, obviously I'm not that good though" I say embarrassed and he chuckles softly "don't worry, I take some tumbles here and there and I've been skating way longer" he reassures and I giggle softly "so, have you seen anyone here you recognize yet?" I ask and he shakes his head "nope, just you, all my friends went to the school across town" I nod softly "yeah, mine too" I say softly "but at least there's someone here I recognize" I smile softly and he smiles as well "yeah, I was a bit worried I'd be alone" he admits and I nod "me too" I reassure
He looks down at me and I eventually break the gaze, too nervous to keep looking at him, even being this close, I clear my throat and look down at the ice pack on my wrist, his other hand gently keeping my hand still, I blush slightly at the contact, realizing this is practically the first time I've ever been this close to him or touched him "does your wrist still hurt?" he asks, his lisp slightly showing once more and I realize how much I missed it, I shake my head "no, I'm okay now, don't worry" I reassure
"I'm honestly surprised you're letting me help you" he says out loud, removing the ice pack from my wrist and putting it back in his bag, my head tilts and I look at him confused "what do you mean?" I ask softly "well, y'know you and your friend group practically hated me" he chuckles slightly and I shake my head "I never hated you, and they just thought you were a bit agitating, but I actually really liked being around you, they would always just drag me away" I admit, he looks at me a bit surprised "you never hated me?" he asks and I giggle softly 
Shaking my head "of course not, I though you were really silly and funny, they just didn't realize how cute you are" the moment the word "cute" leaves my mouth I practically mentally beat myself up to death, regret and embarrassment fills me but he just blushes slightly "cute?" he asks and I quickly look away "i- yeah, I mean uhm, I don't- never mind" I just decide to shut up, not wanting to embarrass myself even more and he just smiles softly "thanks, I think youre cute too" he admits with a blush and butterflies erupt inside me "thank you.." I say softly and he nods 
"well, now that you know I don't hate you, what if we uhm... went skating together sometime? You can teach me a bit..." I ask shyly and he looks a bit surprised before quickly nodding "yeah sure, whenever you want to hang out I'll be there" he says and i blush, smiling softly "uh, great, I'm glad, also I'm sorry for the way my friends acted towards you" I say softly and he shakes his head "don't worry, you were never the rude one, you know that and I can't blame you for your friends decisions" he reassures and I blush, smiling softly "thanks, that means a lot spongebob" he smiles and chuckles softly "I'm gonna be called spongebob for the rest of my life aren't I?" he asks and I giggle
"well, these people won't call you spongebob since they weren't at our school, so I guess that'll be my personal nickname for you" I smile and he chuckles again "that's fine with me, I'd prefer you only call me that either way" he says and i blush, we sit in silence for a moment "I'm actually really relieved that I got to see you again" I admit and he blushes "you are?" I nod "yeah, I didn't wanna be on bad terms, and I just never got the opportunity to know you or anything, I really regret that" I say softly and he blushes, nodding in understanding "yeah, me too, there's some things I wish I should've just told you when I had the right opportunity."
My head tilts "like what?" I ask softly and I see his eyes widen slightly "w-well uhm, you know, that one rumor that spread in the beginning of the school year?" he asks, and I try to remember "the one that you liked me?" I ask and he nods "well, it wasn't a rumor... I told my friend I liked you and he spread it around" he admits, and my eyes widen "it wasn't a rumor?" I ask shocked and he shakes his head "well...do you... y'know still like me?" I ask and he blushes deeply, I then see a slight nod, butterflies fill me, and I smile brightly. 
"y'know, you could've just told me, I mean I've had a crush on you since I met you at that school" I admit and his eyes widen, his face turning red "r-really? you like me of all people?" he asks shocked and I nod "you're sweet, you're funny, and I feel like you're a lot more understanding then most guys" I say and he smiles slightly "well, thank you y/n.." he says softly and I smile "also, about those skating plans we made, can it be a uhm, date?" he asks shyly and I blush heavily before nodding "of course spongebob" I lean in and kiss his cheek gently.
There ya go! I hope ya like ittt im taking more submissions sooo🙀
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miss--river · 1 year
at first i wasnt going to watch the new trigun because i just didnt feel the need or the want to watch it. personally i dont like how vash looks like a kid (at least to me.) im not a fan of the animation style. im also really disappointed that milly isnt in the show.
after i got done rewatching the OG anime and the movie after... idk how many years its been since i last watch it tbh. i just started googling random things i had questions about in the trigun universe that really doesnt matter. one of the search results was a reddit link to r/trigun and the title of the post is "TRIGUN STAMPEDE is TERRIBLE"
the reddit user goes on to explain why they think the show is terrible but... everything they listed as reasons for the show being terrible were things that actually happened in the OG anime. and i cant talk about this post without mentioning that this person was unironically calling OG vash 'alpha' and the new vash 'beta' and 'imposter'. their reasons were he's a cry baby, there's no way he had no bullets in his gun, he's a try hard, he's too much a spazz, ect. they said all of this AFTER stating they went back and rewatched the first episode of the original anime but its like, did they REALLY watch the first epsiode? because vash is all of those things right from the start. he screams, he freaks out, he cries, he has no bullets in his gun, he's just a complete and total dork.
honestly i could just feel the anger from this person seeping through the post as they stated that no one should watch the show and if you want to get into trigun, the reboot is not the place to start. they talk about the show as if the original was this perfect gem and to be honest, while yeah, the original show kicked ass and we all loved vash for who he is, the show wasnt perfect at all. there are even things said in the original that just wouldnt fly today, things that vash himself has said and done that would get him possibly cancelled.
after reading that post i decided that maybe i will give the reboot a watch, try it for myself. i had only seen gifs of it so far at the time of reading the post and to me the show honestly didnt seem that bad. i may not like the animation style but its perfect for such an animated person like vash. milly may not be in the show but i shouldnt let that spoil the experience. vash may look more like a child compared to how he looked in the original anime but that doesnt mean the design is bad.
so i gave the reboot a watch (8 episodes are out at the time of writing this, only 6 of them dubbed so i havent seen 7 or 8. i dont have hulu or anything so im watching on an anime website.) and im not really good at giving in depth reviews but for what the show is, i really like it. it's a different spin on things and if thats what people are upset about then thats on them. i still prefer the original anime and the things i dont like the reboot are still things i dont like but the show is still great on its own. if you're against the reboot but still want give it a try, watch it with an open mind. it's still the same vash that we know and love, he just looks different.
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mikka-minns · 8 months
Opinions on characters: Kiryuu Nanami, Saionji Kyouichi, Tatsuki Shiori
Thank you for the ask! Im guessing its for the ask game(the general opinion is included so yeah) Sorry i didnt answer until now😅
Kiryuu Nanami
General opinion: She is everything to me. Her mere existance confirme half of my theories about Anthy and Akio.
She is a queen. She didnt deserve this.
The reason she isnt in the movie is because she realised the truth about Ohtori in time and when things started to go back to their bad nature she was able to leave.
She is the perfect first character to find out about Akio's abuse because she lived with one of his victims, he ruined her life in-directly and was about to make her another one of his victims. Her character and story are perfect, i would change nothing about her.
(i have a big post about her, Anthy and Shadow Girls to write so stay tuned for that)
A ship i love: i cant decide if i like the idea that Nanami is aromantic or a lesbian(so probably both) and i dont have a ship with her i realy love. I like Nanami x Kozue a bit, mostly for the parrallels, but i have my own problems with Kozue(which is its own topic), so im not sure how much i actualy ship it. But then again, most of my Rgu Ships go under "after 15 years of therapy they can actualy date", so... Who know.
A non-romantic relationship i love: her friendship with Utena and Anthy and her friendship with Saionji. I wish she got a chance to apologize to Anthy once they were both in a good place and far away from their brothers. For Saionji, i hope they got to meet after he left Ohtori with Juri and Miki. If he grew as a person(which is necessery for escapong Ohtori) he would be a great big brother. Also, the egg episode realy sells me the idea he is her brother figure. "No appreciation for brotherly advice".
A NOTP: Nanami x Touga and Nanami x Akio(OBVIOUSLY). I havent seen anyone ship it and GOOD. That is a one way ticket to hell. I Also dont like Nanami x Saionji, but thats mostly personal opinion cuz i see them as siblings. Might Also be the age gap but idk.
My biggest headcanon about them: as i said, SHE LEFT THE OHTORI NOT LONG AFTER THE SERIES FINALE! She is also an animal person but is not used to them because of her family(cats trigger he trauma too). Once she and Anthy make up, BECAUSE THEY WILL, Anthy  lets her spend time with her animal friends, maybe even helps her adopt an animal of her own.
An idea for fanfiction: Nanami meeting with everyone from Ohtori after they escape, exploring their relationships once they arent under control of their abusers.
(this one is in my WIPs, i Just have to finish it) Weed bride. Anthy and Nanami smoke blunts together along with everyone else. They Also take over Ohtori. I dont wanna spoil anything.
Something that makes me think of them:
Songs "Oh no!" and "Family jewels" by Marina and the diamonds, "allies or Enemies"(about her and Touga) and "Take me to War" by crane wives. And a few more but this is on the top of my mind.
Kyouichi Saionji
General opinion: He was the perfect first antagonists for the series. He is so pathetic, no one takes him seriusly, which is a perfect foil to Akio being adored and trusted by many characters.
He most likely isn pure evil as he is still a child, but he should defenetly be taken responsible for his actions(abuse of Anthy).
A ship i love: touga x Saionji but ONLY AFTER 20, NO, 40 YEARS OF THERAPY! They both hurt each other, they should solve their problems. I wish we saw Saionji's Thoughts about Touga in the movie, but hey, we cant have everything.
A non-romantic relationship that i love: as i said, he would make a great brother to Nanami. As i doubt either of them will ever see Touga again, they could help each other with the trauma. Saionji defenetly has family problems, everyone does in Ohtori.
I also like his friendship with Wakaba, i dont ship them tbh. I feel like she can put him in his place with ease(she beat Utena up as a petty joke).
Not realy a positive relationship, but his rivalry with Utena is very intresting. He is like a trashy version of her. Their straight love intrests are each other's real crushes, but they project. This would all be solved if the world wasnt homophobic. I want them to fight, middle-school-girl style cuz Saionji would get his ass handed to him.
A NOTP: saionji x Akio (OBVIOUSLY) and Saionji x Nanami (again, its just my personal preference)
My biggest headcanon about them: he projected Touga onto Anthy. Thats what kinda stings about how he treated her. Its obvious that relationship was going nowhere, but he never even liked her for her and so it was Just cruel.
He feels as if he isnt good enough for people around him and was at some point jealous about Touga's relationship with Akio cuz it seemed like Touga was so much more mature that he was getting attention of another adult.(angsty i know, but its based on reality)
A fanfic idea: him and Nanami meeting again(as you can see, im very normal a out them)
Maybe an AU where he and Touga dont go so off the edge ti become the pricks they are in the canon and instead Run away with Nanami and live as a little family(THIS SHOW HURT ME, OKAY)
In weed bride, Anthy wrecks his shit cuz he was with Touga and she was about to end Touga so obviously he will get some too. (that fic is Just pure crack)
Tatsuki Shiori
Something that Reminds me of them: tbh i cant think of anything right now.
General opinion: gurlfailiure. I love her. Just another child in a cruel world. She only had the worst adults to look up to and so she hurt the Ones she loved the most. She has room to grow and redeemed herself, she is only a child after all.
I think her place in the movie was great because of that. (i think her role was methaphore for what happend after the series finale, Just like with everyone else)
A ship that i love: i like Juri x Shiori and kinda Shiori x Kozue(both girls are disasters) but i wouldnt say i love either of those. Again, years of therapy, then they can get bitches.
A non-romantic relationship i love: not sure
Maybe her relationship with Touga cuz i dont see it as a real romance. I like it for the narrative(its not realy healthy) and how we found out a lot about Touga trough it.
I think her relationship with Ruka was a perfect example of an older guy messing with a younger girl. Toxic and cruel.
A NOTP: Shiori x Akio (look i have to make sure its known i do not unde any circumstances support these Ships) and Shiori x Ruka(he is an abusive asshole. A mini Akio, if you will)
My biggest headcanon about them: she is queer and full of internalised homophobia. She loved Juri but she is Just another pawn in Akio's game and so she could do nothing but hurt her. I dont think they made up after the end of the movie, im not even sure Shiori escaped, so idk if they even met after.
She liked Touga less because he is a prince and more because he is like a rose bride(like her, in a way) but is not a girl so its fiiine(side eye).
A fanfic idea: i dont have any right now
Maybe exploring her movie role and/or her mindset trough a fanfic?
Something that Reminds me of them: again, not sure.
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kurjakani · 1 year
Alright quick question..we have similar taste in fictional men and I’ve never watched Bleach before should I start it so I can obsess over Mayuri as well?
HMMMMMMMAH rly hard to tell. Ok sorry bleach fans i love u but im gonna shit talk this show a bit. Pls dont read if u cant handle me rambling abt my personal experience w a show meant for 15 year old boys. I actually love it deeply !!!!!!! I enjoy ir a lot!!!!! However. I really struggle w watching the show sometimes. Its over 300 eps + the movies which i havent even gotten started with. It's difficult bc theres a lot of cool moments too but good lird esp at tge start the fights consist of characters deciding that they have more soul power bc of some memory they had and beatinh eachother. Everyone is confident there is character variety but everyone is like supposed 2 be a huge badass and idk thats just not my type of media (which is why orihime is actually one of my favourite characters bc she stands in such contrast w her confidence issues and damseliness. Also Ishida i love Ishida i love his arc in the umm when they had the bounts and his self reflection about his inabilitu to help the others + hes always rly analytical in fights. Mayuri too bcs all of his power comes from thinking & experimenrting & PREPARADNESS. I dont remember him ever mentioning soul power bc hes like only talking about technique. Zaraki is also incrhesting bc he is overpowered, but to a point of ridiculousness and where he has an one punch man styled conflict w being unable 2 find someone he has fun fightinh w) i like casts full of losers and freaks. Talking of freaks Tite Kubo is one and will NOT stop making fucked up jokes, esp about girls. His humour is shit theres been like. One scene where i laughed out loud and it was bc ichigos dad pelted him w no mercy bc hes used 2 him being able to fight but ichigo was just tired and he flew thru the room thats fr the only time ive laughed. Theres a lot of rly dark topics also treated very lightly, including when it comes to Mayuri??? Esp his treatment of Nemu. As far as ive seen!!! The storyline has an interesting end in the manga tho and like it seems more thoughtful but ive yet to see that. But the treatment of Nemu as a prop to show how awful Mayuri is and to also be fanservice rly. It frusturates me. Theres so much like, interesting stuff you could do w her character. Again tho im at ep like 180 so maybe there will be!!!! For the good tho Tite Kubo has just. Theeee most incredible eye for character design in my eyes hes so fuckinh good its ridiculous. Even a lot of the side characters are mega memorable and its no wonder a lot of thr characters are absolutely iconic. Also the show definetly gets better the beginninh is just so. Slow. As u can prolly pick up from my earlier notes there are a couple characters that i fuxking loooove aside from Mayuri. As for mayuri he is fuckinh viile and they make some gross jokes abt him too but he is so. Ill b real hes just sexy and also transformation coded so. Literally childhood fave chinhands emoji idc. There also are some great interactions between characters!!! Thr main characters rly care abt eachothef and are so devoted 2 taking care of eachother and i think thats lovely. They can be cranky and mean but theyre always worried for eachother and rwady to help and i think thats just so sweet i like that dynamic. Sorry i di have more to say abt the show as u can see i have some big big emotions abt it and i care abt iy sm but it also often frusturates me deeply a lot of tje time. Its a show you endure. Thank god it jas a dub bc i am watcjing it while knitting / drawing etc.
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misqnon · 2 months
yeah i definitely liked sanuso more than i liked sanji. before... before i came to like sanji. i don't think i was rly an Actual Fan though. seeing fan content of sanji (shipping content included) is part of what made me grow to like him. so ur right that a ship i like with characters i dont like would make me grow to like the characters!!
tashigi and reiju is so insanely good.. theyre perfect for each other...
robin definitely would notice but it would have so much more impact to have luffy intervene imo?? he is probably the most important person to both of them (arguably true for all the crew) and also he just . idk hes emotionally intelligent. hes perceptive. people dont give him enough credit. luffy is not stupid!!!!
"he and robin can be similar and enies lobby is what made everyone love her more…" YEAH EXACTLY!!! there doesnt need to be a whole arc but just show us that he isnt JUST the cool guy. i need him to cry .... i need emotional vulnerability.. please oda ..... on my knees begging for this. PLEASE Oda...
"already there babes 🫡 just doing my part" thank u
"DID. DID THEY ACTUALLY CALL HIM TRACE HEATFIST IN THE 4KIDS DUB…ARE U SERIOUS RN…IVE NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE PLEASE SAY SIKE." YES THEY ACTUALLY DID. its a stupid change but HIS VOICE IS SO COOL... theres a scene where he and luffy meet on alabasta n luffy is like: hey, trace?! and trace is like "yours truly 😎😏🔥 hey luffy, whats up? 🔥🔥💪✨" and i fucking Fell In Love on first listen. i have the biggest . fattest crush on 4kids ace. why is he so suave. why is he so cool. pathetically showing my love for the worst dub's version of the best character
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i was so relieved that luffy sounded different that i can forgive anything else. i don't care if the acting is worse...
AT A CHRISTIAN GALLERY???? ur so brave
"i will share embarrassing stories like my life depends on it"
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(hoping i havent used this image before)
"BUT IM TOO BUSY READING ONE PIECE" good point... reading both would be hard.. /gen
"lion…and wings…so u want to be a griffin 👁️" i did not realize this. but yes i GUESS I DO?? i like manticores and unicorns the most out of any fantasy creature but i could never be a manticore bc it means i keep my face.. and unicorn.... doesnt have cool paws... oh and i love dragons... i WOULD be a dragon but i would like to be like. fluffy.. i want to be fluffy..
"DIDN THE BEAT OUT ZORO IN THE POPULARITY POLLS ONE TIME" YEAH HE DID... i dont know maybe i just missed it?? there were a lot of ppl there... and my memory is kinda hazy.. i will be on the lookout for law next time i go to a con
"WRONG bangs my sanji gavel." I FORGOT U WERW THE SANJI MAGISTRATE..... please forgive me....
that is so cool 🥹
"also sanji’s love for mice/rats makes me fucking insane bc its the cutest thing on earth." I KNOW RIGJT... like hes a cook.. he should hate them... but he doesnt!!! hes super fond of them!!! because he had mice friends at the lowest point in his life!!!! GOD.. i also used to love mice so . thank u sanji. representing rodent lovers. im having too many moments lately where i relate to sanji.... former sanji hater becomes sanji
"they’re all expecting sanji to freak and kill them and then they walk in and he’s made them tiny stir fry and is calling them cutesy names." STOP THATS SUCH CUTE IMAGERY 😭😭😭 sanji would never hit a woman mouse.
"also all the fan content ive seen where ratatouille is his favorite movie. ANYONE CAN COOK!!!!! 😭" IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
"we turn a sad into a frrAAANKKYYYYYYYY" HSJDHS
"should i send some on discord as well. is that how i break the ice. images of sanji with his ass up in the air (my collection)" YES..... YES DO IT.... in return i will sned... uhmm... law!??
ok but sanji in glasses. even at the peak of my sanji hatred i begrudgingly admit that he was very attractive in those glasses...
LOOK AT HIM SOB... whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???
heres this loser
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i have this sanji saved bc he looks so pathetic and sad
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omg nooo how did choso get in here ...... noooo ...... that was a big accident.... completely an accident.... not on purpose at alll........
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usopp out here converting more ppl to sanji likers than i am…smh. i do love the way sanji backs him up so often in canon tho, its very sweet
the entire crew IS important to both of them but arguably he is the only person on the crew they would listen to in a situation like that is luffy yea. he’s the mutual friend that they both love deeply and loves both of them deeply even tho they hate (“hate”) each other. AND he’s emotionally intelligent and wise!! yea!!
joining u in the begging for sad zoro. campaigning for abusing zoro in the next chapters. ready to make this meme real
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NOT TRACE HEATFIST…his voice did seem cool tho ur right. i like to imagine he speaks with the emojis like you typed them. (“how are you saying that out loud-”) is the crush only on 4kids ace specifically..sorry sorry TRACE. IS IT ONLY FOR TRACE
dragons. [breathes in] dude i love dragons so fucking much. i watched that documentary animal planet or discovery made where they said dragons lived in the prehistoric time with t rex and shit and BELIEVED IT FOR SO LONG. also obsessively played httyd games on the internet and other Dragon Themed Things. and i had legend of spyro: a new beginning for the gamecube and it was like my first ever video game i owned myself that wasnt a hand me down and i beat it literally 9+ times…after 9 i stopped keeping track..i loved spyro and CYNDER so much. CYNDER WAS SO COOL. THAT WHOLE GAME WAS SO COOL. just last year i started playing flight rising (but i fell off lmao)
“former sanji hater becomes sanji” KJSDBDNKJSN YEAH relating to sanji is half of why i love him. and the amount i relate to him is. way far more than i thought i would ever relate to. the pervert stereotype anime character of any given show. so mad…but also i love him a lot 😭 has become a bit of a comfort character for me UNFORTUNATELY…but i relate to his passion and his low self esteem and his self sacrificial nature and his (percieved) gender issues and even his stupid easy-to-fall-in-love shtick. god. anyways
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“sanji would never hit a woman mouse.” sanji vs. minnie mouse his hardest battle yet
dude. thank you for saying that bc. when sanji had those fucking glasses on as mr. prince in alabasta. i was simping just a little bit. and mad about it.
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this outfit was gay as hell by the way. like how am i supposed to believe that is a fuly straight man-
“whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???” it 1000% was down to him leaving the crew and needing to be rescued and learn to love himself and live for himself. robin and sanji are my two favorite strawhats and GOD THE SIMILARITIES ARE BRUISING. have u seen that post where its drawings of each of the strawhat “rescue teams” of arlong park, enies lobby, and whole cake?
law 1: edgy. flipping u off. deranged. a bit evil looking. kinda hot
law 2: naptime. flourishing. in his lane. never done wrong in his life. thats just a guy
here are a couple more one piece memes i have collected. i will be sending u a discord message...soon
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Tagged by: @thevoiceofthanatos​
Favorite color: warm bright yellow, mustard yellow & old gold, and just yellow in general. its a good colour. it makes me happy
Currently reading: idk, probably star trek fanfic my friend @rubbertplant​ was writing to give my opinion on it. i often read through my own stuff too lol, like whoah i wrote that??? ADHD has taken everything from me including my capability to read though, for real. ive been thinking of trying to listen to some audiobooks recently though, this cannot continue... its just that i also have no ears disease so idk how well that would go. determined to try though
Last song you listened to: havent been listening to music so much bc ive been playing videos instead but my last.fm has all my spotify listens so itll stay up to date on whatever i listened to last. currently seems to be “please play-bite” by pinocchioP. i often just let spotify play me whatever it recommends anyhow so theres variance. and i only started this account like a few months ago max so its not really a full picture of my music-listening
Last movie (in theaters): its not really a movie, but if it counts, the first ginga nagareboshi gin stageplay (recorded and released in finland in theaters with subs)
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ginga was always huge in finland for some reason. idk. the anime is so violent though that i got really afraid of bears for some reason. theres so much blood... i never read the manga either i just knew of the anime and partook in my share of wolf roleplays (dogs were uncool! so i didnt do dog roleplays. iirc that really was my reason).
heres some funny wolves from my wolf rp days
2010. one of the first things i coloured digitally... i painstakingly cleaned the scanned pencil lineart with a mouse
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2011. i had gotten my first drawing tablet as a birthday/xmas gift and practiced a ton around this time (more than just wolves lol)
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Last series I watched: trigun stampede. even changed my phone bg into vash... but millions knives is probably my favourite. he just does everything wrong and makes his life worse. and everyone elses life too bc he sucks. but hes multifaceted so hes also my meow meow and whatever. i hope a ford explorer drives over him
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if it counts though, ive seen some star trek TOS episodes and movies because my friends have been watching them. im not super into it but its always fun to hang. i also dont watch a lot of stuff. i dont even know what i do. guy who doesnt read or watch things but listens to jerma videos on youtube without actually looking at them while i “draw” and “write”
Craving: food honestly. i should cook something lmfao. i also want soda so bad but i dont have any. id make some tea but its disgustingly warm in my house so i only want cool drinks. could kill for a nice milkshake or a smoothie rn i think
Tea or coffee: tea... im the only finnish person who doesnt drink coffee for real. also got really into loose leaf tea bc i befriended a chinese lady who is really into tea and has a tea shop in the city near where i live
Currently working on: drawing this and trying to think how i want to do it. somehow want to incorporate flat colours and maybe shade his body naturally, and make the blood look realistic instead of flat colours... hmm not sure yet what i want to do
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other than that im trying to proofread the chapter of my ryanyuri fanfic i already published because theres a lot of typos and strange sentences in there but its been a chore bc my body breaks down when it gets too warm smfh... not looking forward to when my apt goes over 30 degrees celsius it is unlivable. im also trying to complete a “lookbook” of my tnb sims. but i always start huge projects that take three million years to complete and im really slow lmfao
Tag people you’d like to get to know better: i could just ask these questions from everyone i talk on discord with. fuck my friends i know irl or otherwise, only asking people who r my friends through tumblr. no need to do this though. also this isnt probably meant to be answered so long-windedly... thats just me. i cant answer with one word i gotta write an essay. heres three tags though @basslinegrave​ @vita-divata​
(record scratch before 3rd tag) and @rubbertplant​ bc they were streaming a game in discord when i started typing this and i was like hey wanna do it and they were like yeah
i expect replies on my desk by 5pm TOMORROW!!!!get to work!!!! no i jest, do it or dont, i dont mind either way, just if you feel like doing this. if you see this and want to do it feel free to consider yourself tagged. godspeed
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ess-presso · 1 year
hello ess !
that fic rec sounds wonderful im v excited to read :) my turn: paper rings by apricusapollo (zar just reblogged this rec so maybe u already saw it but it sounds so good) but for good measure heres another: 10 things i (dont) hate about you by kjms (jegulus 10 things i hate about you au)
tay time <3 i almost do, today was a fairytale, & forever & always !
chatty time!
that line about harry becoming RAPIDLY obsessed with draco will never not make me feel insane. how did jkr (derogatory) even write that it sounds like something from a fic fr.
your star converse sound so cool, i think ive seen someone wearing the same ones around and they were so cute. i love them
i love the trojan horse & the story of troy too <3 it was prob one of the first myths i learned and the rest is history. also did u know that some people thought the trojan horse was REAL? like. people in my GREEK MYTHOLOGY course. maybe thts just a common misconception or something but idk. i find it very funny
little women 2019 is SO good. i love the entire cast sm and the vibes are just astronomical.
jumanji is SO fucking funny. ill never not lose my shit at the weapons valet part its just. so dumb i love it
americans being a novelty there is SO funny. youd think that they wouldnt be here in canada but oh. they so are. i think a lot of americans (at least west coast americans where our accents are fairly similar) think canadians are like. identical to them. but that is so wrong we habitually will make fun of anyone with an american license plate up in canada.
my cats! the oldest is named pixie. (she was really tiny when we got her & i was obsessed with fairies when i was younger lol) and ive had her since kindergarten. so like a LONG time. shes a mean old lady now but i love her. the other two are siblings! theyre a few years old but still act like kittens & their names are mike and el (yes after the stranger things characters i dont wanna talk about it) which is very unfitting because the cats are SIBLINGs but the characters are in a relationship. (for the record i suggested artemis and apollo as names but was swiftly shut down. i have a family of haters)
and yes we dont get snow here. at least my part of canada. i live at pretty much sea-level on the coast so its just rain sadly. but pretty much like. every other part of canada will see snow in the winter at some point or another !
and pansy x percy? wait i kinda love that. never wouldve thought of them together but they actually sound cute.
fuck james marry sirius and KILL remus?? honestly respect. (and "mummy's got a job to do" REAL LMAO)
and omg starting with the silmarillion? that is BOLD. i havent even touched that book yet. from what ive gathered via osmosis i think it can almost be read as an encyclopedia for tolkien's world. so its just a lot. godspeed with that!
and yes. the shadowhunters chronicles is based on hp fanfic. BUT i read somewhere it was actually draco x ginny so every day i pray thats true. (hey another rarepair) but fear not the series is actually good. and theres like a million sequel & prequel series within it so you dont really have time to think about the incest .
and yes podg! the movie with ben barnes is a HORRIBLE adaptation. like its so different from the book so beware. but its still mildly entertaining bc ben barnes is gorgeous so.
"drunk procrastinator" being ur movie title is so real. cue me every weekend when i have a big paper to write or something.
and yes! cats! you should get one. they will change your life i swear.
the amortentia trope is SO good. i eat it up every time. same with the veritaserum. bonus points if theyre doing a veritaserum drinking game/truth or dare>>>
thats actually a pretty useful weird talent. running late and need breakfast? cereal.
and yes! thats a gas station order! your best friend being your chauffeur REAL. i dont drive so my best friend is my chauffeur & im the gps & dj.
poppies & lavender are so nice. i have a ton of lavender in my garden and its so nice in the summer when it blooms. hydrangeas are so pretty too. the colours are absolutely gorgeous
pluto! i love pluto sm. one of my fav planets (i refuse to say dwarf planet. shes not a dwarf in my heart shes huge) aside from maybe neptune.
and oh my god. a phone call during a funeral? the ring tone being BABY GOT BACK? idk how you survived. i would have been mortified i could never show my face again.
saxophone is so nice. sometimes all you need is some smooth jazz and a massive glass of wine or something.
answering questions time:
poutine! omg im so glad you asked me this question. in short its just french fries covered in gravy and cheese curds. a lot of people think it sounds gross/think it looks gross (it does look...questionable sometimes) but i SWEAR its so good. very good comfort food & and strangely good when you go to the movies.
unpopular marauders opinion......hmm. maybe that barty would be well suited as a ravenclaw? i know his house has never been confirmed but he canonically got 12 OWLS so the boy is SMART plus he SLAYED being the DADA prof. (not that other houses arent smart. u know what i mean) (but i still love him in the slytherin gang. they have my whole heart)
unpopular opinion about life: its okay to be weird and just silly sometimes. some people are just so caught up in being "normal" that they forget that we're all just. people. like its okay to be silly and live our lives the way we want! (maybe not an unpopular opinion but i know there are people out there that are just. really stuck up & could do well to remember this LOL)
dream car - i dont drive so IDK LOL but ive always liked colourful cars. like give me a bright red or forest green or cobalt blue car. theres a SEVERE lack of colourful cars on the road nowadays its so sad.
i havent seen the apprentice! i dont watch a lot of reality tv in general but from what youve told me about it i might have to check it out cause it sounds entertaining.
i totally believe in soulmates both platonic and romantic. like theres gonna be people you meet in your life that youll click with instantly and theyll become a part of u in a way even if you drift apart etc. like my best friend is prob my platonic soulmate. ive known her for quite literally my entire life (i think i was only a few months old when i met her) and shes literally my sister .
hidden talent: maybe not exactly a hidden talent but im really good at geoguessr ! oh also i can untie almost any knot. i guess thats more of a hidden talent. kinda useless but really handy when my converse laces arent cooperating.💪
favourite villain: prob either loki or darth vader. in a way theyre both anti-heros and i personally love morally grey characters so🫶
ive never had my heart broken! i probably internalized effy's "nobody breaks my heart" from skins too much so. i simply dont let myself get close enough to people so i dont get hurt. works every time👍
ever broken a heart: i think i did indirectly whoops. but luckily only once. long story short one of my friends liked me on & off during high school, i got confrontational while heavily under the influence and told him i didnt like him that way. he DID ignore me for the rest of the year but yeah. the rest is history. i think he came out as gay recently so. good for him!
your question time!
favourite greek god/goddess?
fav marauders fancast(s)?
hogwarts house?
fav greek myth(s)?
soldier, poet, king? (praying youve seen this trend)
one thing you cannot leave the house without?
if you were from the percy jackson universe who would be your godly parent?
top 5 albums of all time?
do you believe in soulmates?
thats all for now. talk to u again very soon🕺
bee bee bee hello i missed you n i love u <333
on god , i love these type of stories that are partly based on taylor songs . paper rings is one of my favourites on lover , so this is going into my marked for later ! & i love 10 things I hate about you too !!!! (cameron is my favourite character . HE LEARNT FRENCH FOR HER!!!) your fics recs are absolutely stellar!!!
here’s one for you - (‘unbreakable heaven by sequin haze’ - based on ‘Cruel Summer’ , ft friend-with-benefits Jegulus & trans regulus !!! )
tay tay -
i almost do - WOLFSTAR - i think of it as wolfstar because to me it’s basically sirius to remus while he’s in azkaban ‘i bet sometimes you wonder ‘bout me’. And i very much think that remus has dreams about sirius touching his face and asking him to try over again , and remus is 🤏 this close to saying ‘okay’.
today was a fairytale - JILY - i think it’s so inexplicably joly after their first date !!! ‘this magic in the air // must have been the way you kissed me’ that to me is their thoughts in canon, after they kissed for the first time on their date. (also james’s smile would so take lily to another planet , just saying)
forever & always - JEGULUS - I can just imagine james telling reg ‘forever and always’ and then reg being in his head like ‘you promised me forever’ and james going away like a ‘scared little boy’ because reg got the mark. it hurts my poor little jegulus heart.
chatting <333 -
ISN’T IT ??? the woman was so concerned about making her characters at hetero as possible that she just made them gay squared. (and the amount of people i’ve seen asking for the fic when this quote is in a tt. like , babe , no it’s from the og books .)
I LOVE MY STAR CONVERSE TOO !!! very cute indeed they’re amazing . (still my red ones beat everyone and everything >>>)
people think the horse is real ?? like do they really have that little faith in the human race?? in the middle of the war being like ‘wow there’s a giant horse at the door of my city ! this isn’t suspicious at all , let me bring it in !’ is something someone would actually do 💀💀💀. like bro no , give homer his credit.
I LOVE LITTLE WOMEN SM TOO. I watched it for emma , and i came out in love with timmy & flo.
jumanji is honestly such a comfort watch it’s one of my forever favourites.
nah americans are genuinely so annoying sometimes. like especially the piss annoying tourists , always standing in the way. like i’ve heard too many of them correct the way brits pronounce things ( honey , it’s aloominum not aluminium. STFU BITCH) and when they start talking so you talk back and ask where they’re from , why they always say ‘dallas , texas.’ like bro was giving me her gps location , why not just say ‘america’ ??? (the worst one was when i saw someone say that ‘the ancients didn’t build stonehenge aesthetically’)
PIXIE , MIKE AND EL???? THAT’S SO CUTE AND ADORABLE OH MY GOD. (i agree artemis and apollo would’ve been a fucking amazing name.your family just don’t get it.) my friend actually has a cat named pixie who is also a mean old lady!! this pixie fuckin hates me she tried to scratch my guts out once. but i think she’s warming up to me now , because she took 10seconds to do that last time instead of her usual five.
bee u live in the 1% of canada that doesn’t get snow !!! ULTRA-RARE POSITION IN LIFE ACHIEVED !!!
i never would’ve thought of pansy and percy either, but i was scrolling and came across it , and i’m a pretty open-minded girl, so i was like ‘why not’ and i was pleasantly surprised. (here’s the fic i’m talking about - ‘the secretary by pacificrimbaud’ it’s really good !! )
fucking james marrying sirius and killing remus is the most controversial decision i’ve ever made , but i STAND BY IT.
for now i’m just staring at my copy of the silmarillion willing it to become smaller. idk if my brain can handle more than like a page a month.
AT LEAST IT’S NOT RON X GINNY !!!!! maybe i’ll give it a shot one day many years in the future. it seems like there’s at least 50 books and she’s… still not done.
i’ll read the book first , then , as i always do. I’ll watch he movie , but only for ben barnes. I love him.
DRUNK PROCRASTINATOR FOR THE WIN. ( me on the roof rn trying to write my paper that was due last week. and the other one that’s due tomorrow! hopefully lu shows up soon with the monsters and good vibes!! he has no homework (he does his stuff on time) so he’s just gonna be keeping me company.)
CATS CATE CATSSS . studying with one purring in your lap sounds so peaceful !!!
amortentia trope >>>>>>> (i’m actually writing a scene in the quaffle & the snitch , where reg is dared to make james fall in love with him. like a bet movie. i’m loving it already.) I LOVE THEM SO MUCH HONESTLY !!! ‘you love me ?? you’re lying.’ ‘i’m on veritaserum you dumb fuck i’m NOT. lying.’
cereal is my go-to for breakfast, but sometimes i do get apple turnovers on the weekend with my chauffeur. (i’ll be referring to the best friend as either ‘chauffeur’ or ‘lu’ (which is my nickname for him) because typing out ‘my best friend’ is going to take forever.)
thank fuck i got the gas station order right. lu is ordered to be my chauffeur. sometimes we go on midnight grocery runs to the big tesco. (once got drunk and bought the entire stock of lurpak. thankfully there were only four tubs !! (lurpak is rich people butter btw) ) i’m the dj , which is mostly tay tay. he involuntarily knows all the words to shake it off and my tears ricochet now.
YOU HAVE LAVENDERS IN YOUR GARDEN????? THAT’S SO AWESOME ???? they look so nice but i kill a lot of plants. but maybe i’ll buy another bouquet and keep it alive this time??
(and the baby got back was so embarrassing it’s UNREAL. but it was lu calling to ask if i wanted pizza , so at least i got pizza ?? )
jazz and wine and a best friend to dance around the kitchen with >>>>>> life made .
reviewing your q’s . -
poutine sounds amazing , people are just haters. why do americans hate on poutine when they have ‘jello salad’ like god hates a country but it ain’t canada , sweet pea.
HE WOULD SLAY AS A RAVENCLAW !!!!! and he slayed as a dada professor too !! (but he did traumatise my boy neville so minus one point for that) (he slays as a slytherin too , because i like him to be a part of that friend group , yk?)
YES DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! the world would be a better place if people stopped trying to make everything the same !!
when i was younger , i wanted a pink car. now i just want lu to drive me around forever. his car is black , so unfortunately not colourful .(the lack of colour on the streets should be a crime.)
THE APPRENTICE IS SO WORTH IT !!! i love it so much it’s so funny honestly watch it watch it !! New eps every thursday (watch season 17!!)
yes soulmates are platonic and romantic!!! i met lu in primary , and i think i’d just about die if he were to leave me . like he is life i love him , i’d kill for him.
I just searched up what geogueser is , and i’ve found my new hyperfixation !!! will be updating with my skills on this later. (i wish i had your lace-untying skills. 90% of the time i’m in 70 different positions before they’re actually untied.)
‘Luke i am your father.’ that’s all for this one.
love that you’ve never had your heartbroken !!! ( I have , last year. from a girl called victoria , who’s actually kind of a dick now that i think about it. can’t believe i was crying over some random bitch. lu & monster are the only consistent things in my life!!)
nah your friend a piss-bag for being all ‘ooh you don’t like me , WELL I DON’T LIKE YOU.’ that’s rude. if he was a real one , he would’ve stayed. bro came out as gay ?? i’m waiting for his apology 🤨🤨🤨.
my q’s !! -
god - apollo // godess - artemis. i love those two a lot actually. the sun and the moon >>>>>
now , vis a vis fancasts. i love andrew & ben , not dane . i love the edits of atj , he has such a big range of scenes , and i think some of his scenes are very james ! but my default james is this guy - (search up mo malik on tt if you don’t wanna click the link , it’s the pinned video on @motheh0e account with around 8.4 mill views.)
full respect if people don’t imagine him though ! as for reiky, i keep seeing him bent over some ladies knickers , and it makes me laugh a lot . but he could be james too , definitely!! he’s not my default though. My fc for evan is hugh laughton-scott , and for barty it’s maxen danet fauvel. (ik i spelt it wrong , i’m on the roof rn give me a second) & for pandora it’s elle fanning , and for lily , annalise basso. for pete , lewis capaldi is my favourite, his character is what imagine peter to be (if peter was good ). BUT MY FAVOURITE BY FAR IS OF COURSE REGULUS BLACK AS MR TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET!!!! i live for this one. whoever fc’ed him , i wish them only good things in life.
3. GRYFFINDOR !!!!! RAHHHHHHHHHHHH. (my first one was a slytherin but i lied on a tonne of the q’s and got gryffindor on my second account so I’M A GRYFFINDOR .)
4. orpheus and eurydice kills me every fucking time man. like if he’d just waited for one more second. they’d both be alive. but he loved her too much not to look at her. (trojan horse is a close second of course !!)
5. soldier . i see everyone talking about king and poet , but where’s the stuff about the noble soldier ??? (i wanted to be king and the almighty ruler so i’m a bit pissed. might pull a macbeth.)
6.phone . (obviously, but i’ll give you another few because that was too obvious.) purse (i lost it like three times this academic year already) & my bingo tickets from three years ago in which i won a tenner (reminds me of gold times.) also my planning notebook because i get a shit tonne of ideas on a walk. OOOH OOH ALSO MY HEADPHONE . need to bop out to taylor , of course.
7. just did the quiz and got athena ! not bad , if i do say so myself !!
8. folklore , evermore , 1989 , lover & rep. (all taylor but i have other faves. but without these i’d die.)
9.yes , of course !!! i think soulmates are there , very much. for example , lu is very much my soulmate , platonic , and i’d do anything for him. absolutely anything. ANYTHING . (for reference, i’d only ever share my food with him. )
q’s for your next journey to my ask box -
top 5 albums ?
hogwarts house ?
divergent faction ?
favourite fun fact ?
soldier , poet or king ?
gold or silver jewellery?
taylor or lana ?
cruel summer vs don’t blame me.
my tears ricochet vs the great war.
favourite candle scent?
pet peeve ?
what makes you laugh the most ?
do u have a middle name ?
how common is ‘eh’ and ‘hoser’ in canada ?
(that’s all for now bee , but i shall be awaiting your reply like a wife waiting for her soldier husband to return from war. don’t die on the battlefield, bee . come back soon !)
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lovelyabyss · 2 years
comfort dashboard game uwu owo oo wow (tagged by @exmoth) comfort movie(s):
bedknobs and broomsticks maybe? i mean, i love it to bits but haven't really seen it in years bc who tf owns vhs anymore. there's something great about mixed media movies with the live-action and animation, and the practical effects esp the finale. *chefs kiss*
v for vendetta - probs should revive the watching on the 5th tradition i had prior to the end times but it's not really what id call a comfort film tbh? just honorable mention i guess
comfort food:
egg rice fersho- sunny-side up mixed with shoyu and rice, good shit.
supreme pizza- the lazy fuck's choice of all your major food groups
some chicken tendies are good now and then
comfort show(s):
star trek tng, ds9, voyager gets a special mention but not really. ds9 is by far my fave star trek bc of all the complexity of it, and it's somewhat less cheesy than tng? not real sure how to describe, havent watched any in ages. enterprise is nice but ive only just finished the whole thing
leverage is gr8 too bc thw whole robinhood thing but i havent watched recently
comfort clothing:
wide neck shirts made of thin airy cloth- which is why i love and miss my old wornout tshirts now that i cant even handle anything above 80 f, fuck im old and tired
hoodies but only when the temps 76 or below and i know im gon be there longer than an hour or two
i miss my old gi pants bc they were like airy capris rip
comfort songs:
kataomoi - aimer -always help ground me and restore me from motion sickness and bad feels. steady beats and soft vocals are the best rad. p sure this is my only remaining constant bc otherwise i just go thru new shit like every couple weeks until the good chemical hormones wear out on em
comfort games:
runescape (rs3 and osrs) - can't go wrong with a classic. first real online game i played and i always come back to it, dont think i can go back any further really
pokemon sapphire and emerald, also pearl - intro'd to sapphire around the same time as rs, wayyy back in the day, love pokemon to this day. pearl was a lot later on but damn, good games. sapphire was the gateway, emerald was a rejuvenation of my love for the franchise- moving animations when they came out in battle, trading, shinies, the battle frontier, fuck yeah. miss those days gaming.
idk who to tag no one else i know besides the frend who tagged me is really a mutual and active lmao
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cyanlastride · 7 months
rewatched snowpiercer, what a fucking banger
between this and parasite, this bong joon-ho guy sure is something, maybe ill watch his other films too
still gotta watch makoto shinkai's other films too
oh god im becoming one of those people who watches movies for directors and actors rather than just "idk it sounded cool"
i guess ive already been doing that with tarantino
fuck i still gotta watch kill bill pt 2 too
oh and i should definitely add edgar wright to the list, havent seen shawn of the dead or hot fuzz
oh god i havent even seen the new scott pilgrim animated series and i fuckin love scott pilgrim
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handdrawnfantasma · 11 months
making another Extremely Niche AU under the readmore bc the concept just exploded into my brain and if i do not put it out somewhere in the ether my head will EXPLODE but afaik none of my usual AU criminal crowd (tm) have seen the pink shark movie yet
okay but seriously i’ve accidentally tripped into DESPERATELY needing a holy grail war AU lmao like. the building blocks are all already there. the master-servant pairups and pre-requisite parallels between those pairups are all already baked in, this is all low-hanging fruit thematically speaking, both canons even have knights and playing with the concepts of heroes and monsters as a major flavour, i dont even have to REACH here
i havent decided if this is just straight-up the nasuverse or if this is just nasuverse-flavoured nimonamovieverse but ANYWAY Ambrosius is a ridiculously perfect fit as the master from a redonkulously old-ass mage family who has been preparing his entire life for this but similarly to Rin cannot actually turn himself into enough of a machine to be a truly “great” mage. obviously summons the Saber class and just to add another layer of delicious fucked-up-ness to the fucked-up souffle i am creating and really hammer home the parallels HGW AUs excel at OF COURSE it’s Gloreth he’s summoning, like let’s make this even more uncomfortable for everyone by summoning your literal fucking old as balls ancestor
meanwhile Bal is absolutely from outside all this secret mage nonsense world but for this to work he needs to have enough magic circuits to make him a viable candidate for the grail to dump Command Seals onto and since i have the keys to the AU im saying that he has an ASTONISHING amount for someone from the outside. idk exactly what his Deal is yet im still cooking but i think Valerin is kind of vaguely a Waver-esque figure in this AU, from an ancient and powerful mage family herself but has made enemies bc she wants to reform a whole lot of This Bullshit, actually, and she idk saved Bal’s life when he was a kid and he had Some kind of brush with the world of magic that he legitimately should Not have survived?? and so idk maybe they have a vaguely Kiritusugu-Shirou situation going on, again, not entirely sure, still cooking. EITHER WAY THO Valerin still gets murdered on the first night of the HGW and Bal still happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, accidentally summons Nimona (who doesn’t seem to know or care WHAT Servant class she is if any and also like arturia pendragon my beloved can’t go into spirit form (bc shes not a spirit huehuehue)), chaos and shenanigans ensue as these two try to survive the HGW and find out who actually murdered Bal’s kind-of-sort-of foster mother in cold blood and also Nimona is totally out to BREAK the HGW right from the outset im just saying
for extra Drama(tm) Bal and Ambrosius still know each other and are still dating before the HGW kicks off but are both completely oblivious to the other’s involvement in the world of magic and so they both get the absolute shock of their lives the first time they inevitably see each other with their Servants (and then yet another shock when both of their Servants go NUTS as soon as they lock eyes on one another, kill bill sirens blaring) and so this is entirely detrimental to any possibilities of working together at least at first (Gloreth v Nimona cage fight, terrible attempts at solving centuries-old issues with the power of incredible violence)
a running thing is everyone trying to figure out What Class nimona is and not being able to get anywhere bc she seems to have features of all of them and that’s BEFORE getting into the shapeshifting??? eventually people figure she must be either Archer or Berserker via process of elimination after seeing everyone else’s Servants but spoiler alert they are still Wrong, she is an outside-context problem
Ambrosius probably still ends up being responsible for Bal losing an arm at some point, sorry guys this is a Canon Event(tm) (EDITED BECAUSE I JUST REALISED I AM VERY DENSE TODAY bc after posting this and going to make dinner i realised that ur command seals show up on ur dominant hand. it happens bc of Bal’s command seals. like Ambrosius did not go into it INTENDING to cut the entire fucking arm off or even part of the arm off but that is what ends up happening when things somehow Escalate Quickly. (his actual intent was probs to get Bal to just give up his command seals bc then he’d be out of the war, what he did not count on was a) that Bal is still determined to find out who actually killed Valerin and bring them to justice bc by this point he is probably a legit suspect and has been dodging arrest for days and he KNOWS he is not going to find out who killed her unless he sticks around in this stupid mage world for a bit longer, and b) that by this point Bal has already bonded with Nimona and giving up his command seals would feel a lot like betraying her, which?? no??? (this of course has a heaping of delicious irony added on top of it when it transpires that actually Nimona can get by quite well without any Command Seals holding her anywhere, ut-oh))
the Director is pretty much literally Kirei Kotomine here by which i mean she’s supposedly the neutral Overseer for the HGW but is actually breaking so many rules bc she has her own Servant (Assassin just to be REALLY on the nose), and ALSO Valerin’s Lancer-class Servant that she stole from her on the same night she murdered her and took her Command Seals. is Worryingly invested in Ambrosius winning the HGW
idk who the other Masters are, Todd maybe??? (with a Rider-class Servant???) and maybe Meredith from the comic (with a Caster-class???) to round things out??? who knows who the mysterious 7th Master is
anyway this fic is absolutely also an excuse for a Gloreth redemption arc, nothing like being summoned to a time a full millenium after you’re dead and seeing the full ramifications of just HOW MUCH the legacy that came out of something you did as a scared kid turning on your friend fucked literally everything up not least the descendant that summoned you
im finally running out of steam now thank the lord but im also now turning over and over the conviction i have that nimona would absolutely DESPISE the very CONCEPT of the Command Seals and how this could be an in for some spicy Drama... i am Considering...
if you actually read all this then thank you for getting through the Mess of me exorcising this from my brain, that was extremely lush of you :’)
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sungbeam · 11 months
Me when serpent and dove: 👁️👄👁️⁉️🫣😱🫵😐💔🤯⁉️🤡
Like man just because you’re going through Jichang brain rot doesn’t mean that you have to give it to me too 👹/j
AND THANK YOU I KNEW YOU’D UNDERSTAND THE SUNSET LINE LIKE THERE WAS A REASON I HIGHLIGHTED IT 😭 but Ofc I’m insecure so I always downplay what I like so that no one else can make fun of it cause I already made fun of it myself #copingmechanisms #earlybirdgetstheworm 🥲 I’m glad you get it like I do tho 😔🫶
It’s so sad that you haven’t read for fun in a while tho 😭 BUT YOU’RE JUST LIKE ME FR CAUSE IDK THE QUALITY OF PRINTED LITERATURE THESE DAYS IS JUST BAD 😩 Like FR a double whammie smh you got the same boring plot and the same boring covers 😔💔 IT’S LIKE- WHY WOULD I PAY $20+ FOR A BOOK THAT I PROBABLY READ 3 TIMES BEFORE JUST WITH DIFFERENT NOUNS IF I COULD READ A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN ONESHOT BY SUNGBEAM HERSELF?? I hereby declare this tomfoolery yessir
AND YOU HAVENT WATCHED MIRROR MIRROR WITH THE STUNNING LILY COLLINS AKA MY FAV NEPOBABY??? I was actually gonna send the link for the opening scene but no one cared to post the opening scene on YouTube but they bothered to post the FULL MF MOVIE 💀💀💀
I would send the link but it seems that the paste thing timed out and I don’t want to leave the Tumblr app (rip mobile) again cause it will refresh everything (yes this is my second time writing this) so just look up mirror mirror opening scene on YouTube 😭
AND THANK YOU POOKIE I’M GLAD MY IDEAS WERE GOOD ACTUALLY LMAO 🤭 and nooo I haven’t watched rescuers even tho it does ring a bell 🤔
And ok??? Damn I was just making sure I had all bases covered just in case you were being a perv like smh idk your life 🙄☝️/jkjk SJFJEJR
Oh and I haven’t watched secret invasion but I kinda just thought abt it cause yk superheroes/marvel LMAO but have you watched ‘the boys’ on Amazon prime? It was actually pretty interesting (even tho TW it’s way more explicit in the blood, death, and sexual aspects and it did take a hot sec for me to get used to it 💀) but I actually would recommend it just be weary of those warnings 🫡 also you might’ve even seen a reaction vid from it since it got pretty popular on tiktok/twt 😭
Also also hopefully this isn’t overstepping or anything but I wanted to let you know that you’re not alone and I really related to your ‘scroll past this’ post :( it’s kind of hard not feeling that way and I do kind of get impostor syndrome too just cause I feel like I can never accomplish anything and I can never make it to people’s expectations of me but honestly I think I just need to be kinder to myself? And you should too! Something I do to remember that I have to be kinder to myself is by imagining my inner monologue being directed to the younger version of myself. I went through a lot when I was a kid and I just know that if I say what I say to myself/about myself to my younger self then it would completely destroy me. And if it would’ve destroyed me then, why wouldn’t it destroy me now? And it’s cause it does. It chips at me, albeit slowly. And then I’ll just absolutely break down one day. But we’re on this earth too short to be hurting and anxious and insecure all the time. When you feel overwhelmed it’s good to just… back away for a bit. Maybe cook, get some ice cream, take a walk in the park, just sit outside and breathe. Ground yourself and remind yourself that although you’re not perfect, no one is. You can always be a happier version of yourself though so just do what feels right at the moment and live in the moment :) I don’t want to downplay your pain at all but I really hope that I could provide at least a smidge of comfort since that’s what I do when I’m really feeling down (esp existential rip) :,)
- If you have breath you have purpose. You are an instrument, a testament, that these minutes can be survived. (Raquel Franco)
Love, 🌷 anon
LISTEN. serpent and dove has been hiding in my drafts folder since JUNE I HAVE BEEN EXERCISING A LOT OF SELF CONTROL OKAY :l
NO CUZ i do that too 😭😭😭 #copingmechanism frfr cuz if i already clown it then ur clownery will have no effect skfnkenff
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TEARS ! anyways,, , ahem yes i do appreciate that sunset line, it makes me feel something for once so thank u ma'am 😔 WAIT I JUST SAW THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM SKDNSKDM AHAHHAHAHA when the worm = dignity 💔💔💔
HELPPP DONT SAY THAT UR GONNA MAKE ME SEVERELY DELULU ABT MY WRITING ABILITIES 🤡🤡🤡 no but i FEEL u, like i find books that im intrigued by, but a lot of them are just copy paste of each other and they never intrigue me and r ALWAYS in some form WEIRD or PROBLEMATIC 😭😭 like why would i pay money for ur copy paste covers when i can find that for free on wattpad /hj tho there r some books w those kinds of covers that r like that lol emily henry i hear is pretty good and i can't wait to finally read her shit 😔 once i get my shit together skdnkenf
blr is going down hill and FR WHY DO THEY RESET FOR ASKS LIKE CAN I NOT DRAFT AN ASK IT TAKES COURAGE AND TIME AND CAREFUL CONSIDERATION— lmslmflenf LMAO 😭😭😭 OKAY I'LL LOOK IT UP LATER 🤡 AHHAHAHA when they said, if we're gonna pirate, we're gonna go all the way !!!
takes one to know one abt the perv life 🤨🤨🤨 ANYWAYS 😁🤸‍♀️
OMG I've seen clips of the boys and it's low-key like 😭😭😭 scary skfnkejfk i mean like, the main blonde hero dude is TERRIFYING and i mean that in the best possible way. i watched a video essay on how to make a terrifying villain, and they used the boys as an example, and i had to look away from some of the parts just cuz it was so violent, and his SMILE IS O_O FRIGHTENING.
GIRL IKIKIK THEY JUST POSTED TEASERS OF THE THREE CONCEPTS !!! ITS CALLED "PHANTASY" AND TBH I THOUGHT OF DANNY PHANTOM 💔💔💔 low-key if kev came back w the blonde hair he could totally pull off danny phantom, i don't make the rules— i think my favorite concept look so far is love letter !! but i think as more is posted i'll def change 💀 we'll see 💀 NO FR IST REALLY PULLING A FASTBALL ON US FOR THIS??? like HELLO?? they're literally supposed to cb in TWO WEEKS AND I NEED TIME TO SCREAM AND YELL AND MENTALLY PREPARE AND FIGURE OUT IF IM GONNA CAVE AND BUY AN ALBUM—
ahh thanks tulip 🥺 i really appreciate u saying all that, and ,, yeah,,, i never really thought abt like if i was speaking to my younger self like that and it really does put things into perspective. i've become the person who i despised yet was desperate to please when i was a kid, and that's ,, awful. it's awful esp since i can't run away from myself like i could those people from my past. im sorry u went thru shit as a kid :( ig we find our own ways to cope and grow and try to move on, and maybe we won't always make it out of the woods immediately. i used to think i had a pretty good view of myself, and then i realized it was all just a cover-up? like it was a mask on top of a mask and it was fake and it was just covering up all the truly damaged parts of me like a bandage over a bullet wound. yeah fsfs! i forced myself to step away that day. i actually went and cleaned my bedroom workspace up w like noise cancelling headphones on and it made me feel so much better. bro fr like,, when do we not feel existential atp, sometimes i feel like im not actually "go w the flow" but "i don't care enough anymore"
— Promise me not to hide yourself when you're in pain, it's unfair that we laughed together but you cried alone. (unknown) ❤️
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ozlices · 1 year
can you tell me your favorite song? movie? show? food? thing to do when you're bored? if you've ever gone to the beach? what kind of ice cream you'd get from an ice cream truck? your favorite school subject back in the day? your favorite color? what fictional world you would live in if you could? (or go back and forth like an inuyasha situation?) if you like soup, what kind is best? do you like pb and j? if you could, would you want to be a singer? what kind of music would you put out? (i'm sorry i'm not good at this but hopefully these questions are distracting)
song: idk im kinda in-between favorites at the moment, honestly? maybe pulse of the meteor by *luna right now.
movie: howl's moving castle
show: atla
food: rice and brown gravy with chicken or roast
boredom hobby: depends on where i am,, defaulting to proseka at the moment. i havent rly had the energy for my creative hobbies much lately
yes i've been to the beach. not in many years, though. i miss it. one of my calm places is at the end of the shoreline with the water crashing over my ankles. that's one of the few places i've felt true peace.
ice cream: the powerpuff girls ones
favorite subject: writing
favorite color: sky blue
fictional world to live in: post-ending pandora hearts bc id be oz's parent when he's reincarnated, of course. or, botw. i like to imagine living in a nice little cottage in the forest right next to satori mountain sometimes. it's nice to imagine getting to take a hike up there, and then just sitting under the cherry blossom tree, and feeling at peace.
potato soup best soup
yes i like pb and j
i do sing. i haven't posted any covers on this acc yet (i posted some on my prev acc back in the day & i sometimes post small ones on my priv twt), but my singing is actually one of the few things im confident in. or, i was, the depression ive been in the last few years has made it difficult to keep up so my voice is rusty now, but i do still really like singing when im able to,, ive been told many times i should pursue it, and ive thought about it, but. ive had people like. demand me to sing stuff for them before, and the thought of being seen as a showpony by a lot of ppl stresses me out. i have tried to start cover channels numerous times, though
ive tried to write music before, actually. ive only ever ""finished"" one song and it was an instrumental made in a very basic program. i would love to make music even if i didn't post it anywhere. it's difficult for me to write full songs, but i have numerous poems i could just do little songs w ig. piano is my favorite instrument, so i'd probably mostly have soft, very emotional piano songs. also a lot of those crystally sounding instruments, maybe some strings since violin is my second favorite instrument.. and then some random occasional angry rock ballads.
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