#haven't seen those guys since august 2023
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guiltasaparasite · 8 months ago
Guys, this isn't funny anymore! Where did you put the rest of the Metalocalypse fandom?
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listieshadows · 1 year ago
Listie says something about every movie she added to her spreadsheet in August 2023
So, like, as only the second entry in this series, and from such a new account on top of that, I doubt anyone's really wondering why it took so long for this to come out. And, well, the answer is really short and simple—I took my advice from the first entry and got a Letterboxd account.
I guess I'll be posting all of my thoughts about the new films I add to my spreadsheet there, then. But since I already had a majority of this post typed up, I may as well go ahead and finish it off. Send it off proper, y'know?
Transformers (2007)
Date watched: 2023-08-02
And here's me continuing to watch the Transformers movies after seeing the original 80's film back in July. 'Cuz, I mean, with how far removed that one is from the rest of the films...
But anyway, Michael Bay's Transformers! It's honestly not as bad as the Bay hate train I was on in, like, 2017 made it seem. Like, I still think the design of the Transformers is a little too complicated, but whatever. I got used to it.
In hindsight, Bumblebee pissing on a guy isn't even in the top 10 dumbest moments in this series. "I ate the whole plate" still remains an iconic moment, though—thanks, Lindsay.
Cocktail (1988)
Date watched: 2023-08-04
Patrick (H) Wilson said in his Letterboxd review of the film that it takes a turn the moment it gets to Jamaica. I think it turns a little earlier than that, 'cuz lemme tell you, the slight whiplash I had going from a dramatic scene to the opening bars of gawddamn "Kokomo"...!
I'unno, it's just damn something to me to see the dramatic beats in this movie and consider that I knew it best for launching songs like "Don't Worry, Be Happy".
Hardcore Henry (2015)
Date watched: 2023-08-07
See, this is a film I actually already had on my spreadsheet, but not the part that counts. So here it is now.
I get why people don't like this film. I do, honestly. But, gawd, to me, it's just fun. Dumb, fun and damn unique. I ain't never seen another movie like this—and maybe that's a good thing, 'cuz if I had motion sickness it would've taken me way longer to watch this thing with all the breaks I would've need to take, I swear.
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009)
Date watched: 2023-08-07
This is one of the three Transformers movies I saw in theaters back when they came out, and literally the only things I remembered about this movie before watching it again were Megan Fox's boobs bouncing in slow motion in the climax and the line "I AM DIRECTLY BENEATH THE ENEMY SCROTUM." And, I mean, there was other stuff, too, but I honestly thought a lot of it happened in the next one, like the panty shot of that one girl who turns out to be a Decepticon.
And it's funny that those are among the only things I remembered this movie, 'cuz I did not have as much horny brain back then as I do now, so for those to be the things that stuck out in my mind...
Oh, and of course Megan Fox on the bike—which I thought was how she was introduced last movie, so maybe these movies jus' all kinda blend together for me.
Any case, it's not the worst thing, either. A step down from the first, sure, but compared to how things are gonna go, this is like a stairstep compared to going off a cliff.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-09
It's a good flick, but if this is really how the teens of today talk, then, gawd, I already felt a million years older than the current generation, so this doesn't help at all.
But at least I got to experience to rush of hearing SLACKCiRCUS's cover of "What's Up?" playing on the big screen in a room full of people who haven't spent as much time online as I have. That was damn magical, right there.
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (2011)
Date watched: 2023-08-10
Before this movie, everything I thought I remembered about this movie was from the previous movie, like the ass/panty shot to introduce the replacement for Megan Fox. And after watching this movie, realizing that this is where that happens is really the only thing I gained.
Well, I did get to see Optimus Prime merciless kill Leonard Nimoy-bot begging for his life. That was funny.
Phineas And Ferb The Movie: Candace Against The Universe (2020)
Date watched: 2023-08-11
It took me so long to watch this movie because I didn't wanna watch it until after I finished Milo Murphy's Law, which I didn't wanna watch until I finished Phineas And Ferb, which only took me so damn long to finish because I was lazy, and then when I did finish Milo Murphy's Law it took me so long to watch this because by that point it was Fall and I didn't wanna watch this until it was Summer again, and so here I watched it exactly one year after I watched Phineas And Ferb The Movie: Across The 2nd Dimension.
And all that run-on sentence just to say, "Damn, they still got it. And it's jus' damn fun to see these characters again, too."
Also, I don't know how much I entirely buy the head canon I saw that Vanessa is a lesbian, but I like the idea, so I'll accept it anyway.
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (2014)
Date watched: 2023-08-13
I remember when I saw this movie in theaters with my family, I was joking with some stranger beforehand that this was gonna be the start of the "Mark Wahlberg trilogy" after the Shia LeBouf one had come to its end.
Imagine my surprise, then, when the movie ends how it does.
Also, RIP T.J. Miller, and heck on that one "Romeo & Juliet law" guy. I can't believe I had to look up Texas state penal code. Gawddamn.
Dreamgirls (2006)
Date watched: 2023-08-16
I came from Eddie Murphy, stayed because it was real good, and spent a lot of time in-between stuck on the thought that we're supposed to think that Beyoncé isn't a good singer.
Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
Date watched: 2023-08-17
I don't like to get mad at movies, 'cuz I'm still real regretful of the days when Douglas "Funnyman" Walker was the single biggest influence on how I discussed film, but, gawd, this one jus' kind of overwhelmed me with nonsense to the point where I did.
Remember way back at the top, when I said that Bumblebee pissing on a guy wouldn't even be in the top 10 dumbest moments? I think this movie contains most of them, if not all ten. I mean, this is a movie that starts with drunk Merlin and digs deeper rapidly from there.
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves (1997)
Date watched: 2023-08-18
I watched this ahead of the podcast Escape From Vault Disney, so allow me to present my answer for the "what's the attraction?" segment.
As a new method of transport, one of the Disney parks is gonna install a huge bubble machine, where you can hop in and get blown around to a different land at random. And there's only a 10% chance you'll get dropped in a bowl of chip dip and hafta avoid getting vored by giant teen-age girls.
Alternatively, the damn tiki statue gets installed looming over the castle like it's Chicken Little.
Bumblebee (2018)
Date watched: 2023-08-21
Honestly, the best Transformers movie. And I'm not just saying that because it references ALF twice. It's very charming, not even despite, but because it's a largely cliché take on "kid makes friend with a beast" movies, especially the ones that came out in the 80's.
Like ALF.
Super Mario Bros. (1993)
Date watched: 2023-08-22
Look, as an adaptation of the games, yeah, it's dogshit. But making the near impossible attempt to put that aside, it's not that bad. Not, y'know, great, but I think this film's badness is blown way out of proportion. Even if a lot of it doesn't 100% work, I feel like I gotta give it some credit for trying to put its own cinematic spin on what are pretty non-cinematic games.
And seriously, I was not prepared for when the Twin Towers started decaying.
Sonic The Hedgehog (2020)
Date watched: 2023-08-24
Y'know, I've eaten at Olive Garden before, but it was so long ago that I can't remember how any of it actually tasted. I just remember that the game I was playing on my DS before and afterwards was New Super Mario Bros..
Anyway, this is a movie about the fastest thing alive where he spends, like, a third of the movie's runtime in a truck passenger seat, and also he has the same voice as Dewey Duck. Some people say this is better than Birds Of Prey? Man, it's fine, but calm the hell down.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (2022)
Date watched: 2023-08-25
Yeah, this is the better movie of the two. Since all of the introductions out of the way, it allows for so many more elements of the games to be included, and naturally it makes it feel way more like a Sonic movie than the first's whole "family road trip movie" vibe.
And all the credit to Jim Carrey, really. I wish he'd gotten to wear a fat suit like he wanted, but seriously, if you were gonna have anybody playing against anthropomorphic cartoon animals, you may as well get one of the most cartoonish men alive. Even if I did end up variously hearing a lot of Count Olaf or The Grinch in his performance.
Anyway, see y'all in Sonic The Hedgehog 3 when we finally get to see the big screen debut of what is clearly and obviously Sonic.EXE~.
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-25
A preface: during the scene before the credits rolled, I came up with two jokes I wanted to say to my friends to refer to the "secret military force" or whatever that was being talked about. I decided to go with the second and say "G.U.N" since it was a runner for me that the film that the main character and his little brother would refer to themselves as Sonic and Tails.
Now, look, up until this movie's climax, I was willing to call it the second best of the modern Transformers films. Yes, even with the presence of Pete Davidson, and with how most of the Maximals end up superfluous, and with how the villains turn into absolute cardboard during the climax, which just largely consists of CGi flopping around on a dull, grey landscape. I liked the first two acts a lot, and I felt the material there was a lot stronger than a lot of the Bay films.
But then imagine how much worse this movie got for me when it turned out the first joke I thought of that I didn't go with because I thought it'd be too obvious turned out to be true and that it was actually G.I. Joe.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
Date watched: 2023-08-26
Sure, it might be Illumination's best movie, but for me it still just largely amounts to someone jangling a keyring of Mario-branded baubles in my face for 90 minutes.
Mortal Kombat (1995)
Date watched: 2023-08-28
As I'm writing this, it's been a month since I saw this movie, and I'm only now getting around to writing about it so I can post this. At this point, I don't really remember much about it, which you can also blame on the fact that I was really tired for some reason the first time I sat down to watch it. Seriously, I had to stop and pick it up later, and I have no idea why.
I'll say this much about this movie—I was probably being too hard on it when I watched it. Like, I was stuck on this mentality that, "Oh, this is a famously bad movie. Not as much as its sequel, of course, but it's not good, and I should probably just view it that way." And I regret that. These days I try so hard to has little bias as possible going into movies, so I don't know what I was thinking acting like that.
It's an enjoyable movie. It really is. Whatever it gets wrong about the games, it's not so egregious that it destroys the movie. Honestly, I'd rather it get a couple of things wrong than be so committed to being faithful to the games that it forgets to do anything else all that well. Lookin' at you again, The Super Mario Bros. Movie. So, whatever. I can live with it.
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, probably less so, but I'll see what I think if I ever watch it.
And also, of course the soundtrack CD by The Immortals that scores part of this movie is amazing. "OOOOHHH, CHINESE NINJA WARRIOR, SUB-ZEROOOO, WITH YOUR HEART SO COLD....!"
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fullserviceportland · 1 year ago
PDXblackout Resource Guide
Yet Another Resource Guide 2023 AUGUST 22 - 14:44 PST ...in no particular
Department of Human Services SNAP is going to be very key in getting the most out of this guide. You will need to apply for it if you haven't already, and make sure that you're in communication with DHS to keep your benefits active. The golden ticket we will be looking at is the benefits verification letter. You're going to need that.
Google Drive / Photos Create a Google account. Access http://drive.google.com and http://photos.google.com to bring up these tools I'm telling you about. Take pictures with your phone of any documents you possess which will be important in this undertaking. This includes and is not limited to a driver's license or state issued ID, social security card, birth certificate, Portland Rescue Mission ID, SNAP Benefits Verification Letter, meeting sheets, this method may not be for you, but consider it, since it worked and is working for me.
Oregon Health Plan If you see me with some nice headphones, it's because I pursued getting my insurance to pay for them. Flex funds are really useful, I'm still learning about them, I've seen people get an array of help from this one resource. OHP pays for my nicotine products, my medication, my doctor visits, my dental visits and no telling what else. Get. The. Free. Insurance.
Billie Olegard Dental Clinic I had a pretty severe dental issue and thought I was losing my teeth. In two appointments this dental clinic that is right next to the outpatient classes totally took care of it, didn't cost me anything out of pocket except my time and acceptance. It's still a dentist's office. Kelly the dental hygienist is awesome.
8x8 Richard Harris Building Laptops can be checked out from the case manager office. Supported housing is the basis of our programs, the Mentor Program and the 8x8 Community Program. My case manager and the other case managers have been pivotal in my success. We are able to receive mail. A form was filled out for me that guaranteed I had been homeless and I was able to go get my state ID made with just my birth certificate for free, I got that at the 8x8. If you have a supported housing apartment, use it.
Central City Concern Recovery Center Stephanie and Anthony have teamed up to do some really awesome stuff for me. It's really important to learn how to show up for our schedules on time, reducing tardiness is part of reintegrating back into a standard level of society.
NARCAN Nasal spray NARCAN is available for free through Old Town Clinic and other agencies. Normally it takes about four of them to work, so if you're going to use them, use a lot of them! The NARCAN training video is on YouTube. Watch it several times if you plan to use NARCAN. It's important to follow all the instructions!
Blanchet House Free meals, hygiene items, peer support.
Portland Rescue Mission Free meals, socks, but most importantly they will make an ID card for you on the spot even in the middle of the night. I got mine while I was still using and I've still got it to this day. It will have your picture and name on it. Not many questions asked. It meant a lot to me and I was able to pick up prescriptions with it. You will need this specific ID when you receive services from PRM.
Union Gospel Mission I stayed at UGM's LifeChange program for a total of about two weeks. I didn't stay, but I've stayed tied in with those guys and they're on my side. They also offer free food services throughout the week.
St. Andre Free food, fill out a form get a food box, Father Tom prayed with me when my grandmother was passing away, genuine people, good coffee.
TRIMET Requires ID, SNAP benefits letter. Take the required documents to the TRIMET office at Pioneer Square and ask for an Honored Citizen pass. They will take your picture and probably give you the rest of the month for free. You can ride all the bus lines, the MAX and the streetcar with this pass. It is absolutely essential if you're starting completely over like I have.
Transitional Projects Showers, mail services, laundry, and to me the most important aspect was that they made me an ID specific to TPI services. I haven't been to TPI since I got clean, but they did matter in my addiction. They also offer a locker service but I never really used it.
RentWell Online class usually takes 6 to 8 weeks, I was done with the coursework in 4 days. They help you get and keep housing and teach you about tenant law! Now I have a RentWell case manager.
Community Volunteer Corps Take advantage of the opportunity to participate in CVC. It is my opinion that the point of CVC is to leave for work sober, be productive and give back, then come back, together, still sober. Work together, make it fun, and be on time. The reference letters are different for everyone. Don't cheat the system.
Employment Access Center The EAC is providing services to me for the next two years according to Will, my EAC worker. They've helped people get shoes, clothing, cell phones, bills paid, and more. My first day with them they helped me get signed up on iMatch through Oregon Works and although I have a different resume prepared, we created a new one, too. We're going to be working on cover letters and figuring out what my goals are and actually achieving them.
Nike BIKETOWN Access for All The Nike bikes are still free at the time of writing this. Just upload your benefits verification letter to their Access for All page and fill it out, creating an account, all that goodness.
Multnomah County Library, Kenton and Hollywood Locations https://multcolib.org/services The library offers a tech lending program that at the time of writing this just sent me a laptop and a mobile hotspot. It takes a while to get the equipment, but you can apply for free. Do you have a library card? It's crucial. I got mine made, originally, with my Portland Rescue Mission ID card! Free printing services are offered, which I used to print off the standard readings for Brothas and Get Your Fix. I've also used it to print off stuff I wanted to read like free stuff listings on Craigslist, song lyrics, and education information.
William Temple House Their food bank is still a huge asset for me, and if you've never had them then on Tuesday morning, if you're first, they'll give you a total of twenty five dollars in vouchers to their thrift store, but the most important service I've received from WTH has been from Emily, where she signed me up using their address for a year long HOP card pass. You've gotta have a HOP card with the Honored Citizen.
MHACBO While pursuing a certification, I found the oral health training and other online classes. I accomplished something by doing this, and earned a continuing education credit.
TextNow When I first got here all I had was a phone that I wasn't the original owner of, and it couldn't get service. Thanks to Wi-Fi and TextNow, I was able to send text messages, make phones, and have a phone number for free. There are advertisements built in.
211 I've called 211 several times especially recently, they provide me with an operator who's entire job is based around helping people get in touch with the resources they need.
Old Town Clinic Get a primary care physician, get nicotine replacement, be honest about your medical conditions. I always double check with my case manager if I'm going to miss something, but he always tells me that medical appointments are a solid reason to miss check-in.
Social Security Administration There was totally some police type activity when I went up there, but everything went fine overall. It was a little stressful, they asked me to take my shoes off, but it didn't cost me anything and I made it out without confrontation. They gave me a piece of paper that day which would let me get a job, and my social security card was in the mail about a week later.
Right 2 Dream 2 This is a homeless shelter beside the Yellow Line MAX at the Moda Center. The table there and the fridge there sometimes contains food. I stayed there the night before I went to Hooper. The higher ups there like recovery, feel free to check the fridge.
Cash App Functions as a bank account, easy to transfer funds, free debit card.
Chime Functions as a bank account, free debit card.
Alano Club of Portland Recovery meetings every single day without regular exception. 909 NW 24th Avenue
Sunshine Division My first day at the 8x8, Michael went and got me a food box from Sunshine Division. At the time of writing this, I went and got one today, too. Good solid consistent resource. You're not going to feed an army with a food box from Sunshine Division, but it's worthwhile.
Affordable Connectivity Plan Government assistance for individuals that qualify, that provides us with free phones and phone service. Free phones and service can be obtained from Assurance Wireless, Excess Telecom, and Cricket Wireless.
CCC ROC Clothing closet, ask a mentor or case manager about it.
Salvation Army on Killingsworth Awesome food bank, has a clothing closet too.
DoorDash At the time of writing this, DoorDash is my only employer. I was so excited when my background check came back fine. It took a while to get accepted, but I've been able to pay for things by delivering DoorDash orders. I've used my personal Trek bicycle, Lime scooters, Spin scooters, and mostly the Nike BIKETOWN bikes to deliver orders.
Home Forward Housing vouchers are a thing out there, so when the wait list opens up, apply. Sometimes they bump people up on the wait list based on their situations.
Alcoholics / Narcotics Anonymous There's a hotline we can call for all the different areas. Going to meetings, working the steps, living a life in recovery, has been the cornerstone of keeping me clean. I have a couple different apps on my phone, but there's one each of AA and NA that helps me find meetings based on criteria and location.
Nicotine Gum I smoked as many cigarettes as I could when I first got here. I still smoke, but I smoke a lot less than I did. Nicotine products have been a huge part of that, and OHP pays for it.
Bombas Free socks.
BottleDrop Whether your coping strategy is to take a sober friend with you, wearing headphones, or something else, have a serious and well enforced plan in effect if you plan to turn in cans and bottles in Portland. There's people smoking fentanyl everywhere, people trying to sell drugs, people walking around naked, it's insanity. I've walked out of the line and left my cans a couple times or more. Also if you aren't careful they will make your room stink. Anyways, Rite Aid and Whole Foods accept cans, and the BottleDrop at Delta Park is my personal favorite, but the one at 122nd has a machine that counts them for us, we just pour them out on a conveyor belt and it's kind of cool to watch. It isn't pretty, but this is how I paid for a lot of stuff while I've been here.
DMV2U Input your identifying information and become able to set DMV appointments.
Lynn on the 7th floor She's been giving me free tobacco since I got here. This could end at anytime and she would be at no fault, she is an angel for doing this and you are not guaranteed anything. At the time of writing this the free tobacco and papers hours are 1100 to 2000, or 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., please do not harass her, but she will help you.
Dollar Tree Affordable food, locations are convenient, sells can openers although they break, sells batteries, accepts food stamps, sells ramen noodles.
Goodwill Bins Buy electronics and other goods by the pound. Grab bags of hygiene supplies for around ten dollars a bag. Easily get a hundred bucks worth of hygiene stuff for ten bucks.
Straightway Services Located on Vancouver way, food bank service on Wednesdays.
Project 529 Register your bicycle with pictures and serial number and description, get a certificate of registration. Check the serial number of bicycles to see if they are reported stolen within the system.
SOLVE I signed up to be an event leader for Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism when I first got here and the date snuck up on me, then I had to actually go do the event. We didn't do it again after that but we had a great time and the event was a success. It's part of my resume now.
Elevate HIM
Nonprofit organization that helps prevent suicide in men by equipping them with proper clothing starting with a suit!
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