#haven and lomana
daydreamodyssey · 4 years
≣: hand holding with haven and lomana 🥺♥️
(Thank you for the ask! Probably more than hand holding but it’s still a focus)
≣: hand holding 
The two masked and armored explorers panted, the arduous fight against multiple trident-faced invaders taking its toll. Yet they suffered only blunt bruises and could relax knowing they were safe. Their blue and yellow auras dimming, and their armor shifting into smaller and smaller forms until they were mere balls to be pocketed. They took off their masks as they examined each other for scrapes.
“How’re you holding, Lo?” Haven wondered.
“So far, so good,” she answered. “My body’s a little stiff, but nothing major.”
He nodded. “We’ve been armored so long, I don’t blame you.” He twirled his fingers around and ran them through dry orange grass.
“You need to touch everything, don’t you?”
“Kinda, yeah.”
She chuckled. “Well, while you’re doing that, my hands are freezing up. This wind is awful and grass is not going to help.”
“Here, I’ll warm ‘em up. Mine’s always close to burning up and I need ‘em colder anyway.”
“My, my, what a gentleman.” She snickered and presented her hand in a mock daintily fashion. “But no funny business.”
He shook his head with a smirk. His hand clasped hers, and true to his word, he was warm. It felt soothing like life was returning to her joints. She closed her eyes at the heat and smiled. Her soft noises came and went when he felt his fingers. She looked down and saw him gently move his hand swim across her own, riding along the bumps of her knuckles and joints.
It was an almost primal curiosity, his eyes softly blinking but otherwise mesmerized by her hand and its sensation. Her skin tone could not show her blushing, but she was delighted by his calm affection. He hit a ticklish part of her, and her giggle caused him to stop and come back to reality.
“Ah, I’m sorry about- I didn’t mean to do that!” He spluttered, reeling his hand back.
“I didn’t mind,” she cooed and held his hand closer to her. “Like you said, we were in our armor too long.”
She fluttered her eyes without thinking, and the two spent a moment next to each other. The feeling of their hands together gave them cozy relief. Fists were alright and even satisfying, but palms and interlocking fingers hit a different need.
The wind’s breeze grew into a gust, motioning them to get up and continue lest they get swept up in a squall. They stood up at the same time and pressed on. After several seconds Lomana looked down to see they were still holding hands and stifled a cackle. This caught Haven as he looked down too with a mirthful laugh, causing her laughter to release with him. Their joy quieted, but they did not let go. The firm warmth of their hands were a link in this loud zephyr, and they rambled on to a shelter of some kind to continue this closeness.
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odysseywritings · 2 years
Tagged by @bloodlessheirbyjacques​​ to use this piccrew for OCs, thank you! I don’t use piccrew much (because the results are... mixed) but it still looked fun
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He looks like a shoujo love interest jeeeez. His hair was supposed to be more orange but the alternative was complete red. He isn’t usually this happy go lucky, but it really fit with the starry motifs.
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She looks better and less cutesy lol. She was supposed to come off as savvy yet irritated but she looks grumpy and tired. The kimono and dark background are still very fitting.
Tagging @digitalcheesecake​​ @avrablake​​ @ayzrules​​ @druidx​​ @howdywrites​​ @perringwrites​​
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odysseywritings · 2 years
“Tonight was just perfect.”
@bloodlessheirbyjacques 👀
Light in the Black
The orange sunset darkened as shadows disappeared and trees blended into the upcoming night. This time had been peaceful to both Haven and Lomana, for the escape it brought from outside horrors, and the transformation of life. New creatures enter, croaking and chirping, hooting and howling. It was a perfect time for a date.
Haven found a flat hill to set up a picnic with sandwiches, wine, and other edible treats. Secure with a view that overlooked the calm activity below, they enjoyed their food while observing odd looking creatures that resembled horrifying deep sea creatures, yet Lomana found them endearing.
"If only every night could be like this," she sighed. "Darkness isn't as bad as people say. You just need the right things to bring along."
"And someone enchanting to share it with," Haven smiled.
Lomana averted her eyes and chuckled, brushing her hair behind her ear. As night grew darker, they opened their palms and let their energy gently flow out, with blue and yellow lights shining from the two. They each grab a half of a sandwich to feed each other before snickering at the silly act, both losing their composure as they enjoyed their company, free from wearing acceptable masks in public. They could be soft and youthful under the constant shadow of night.
Haven's hand twitched as a speck of light crossed his own. He thought it was Lomana's but her hand stood still. They were attracting bugs that were invisible until their bodies glowed a green light, which signaled more and more to arrive, turning Haven wonder-struck by the bobbing lights.
"Ah," Lomana exclaimed. "Hota bugs! I didn't know they lived here, too."
"Is that what they're called over there? They're called suvet bugs here, and it's one of my favorite parts of going outside at night. One legend said their light guided runaways to their new homes or to guide the dead into the afterlife."
"My people bring up how they show change to the seasons, a sign of transition, and that their light can heal weapons and armor or even wounds. But nowadays they're mostly for sightseeing gatherings."
"Same here! It was my favorite way to go out and meet people. It makes me feel like a kid again, but I know that sounds silly."
"Not at all. I don't have as many worries right now. It is a good feeling, to relax and be carefree for a while."
Both looked at each other, lights shimmering off their eyes, and their smiles were warm and generous. A cascade of the bugs flew around and overhead, with the swarm dancing and mating to create new life in a damaged world, as half of the dark was filled with a sea of lights mimicking the higher stars.
Lomana leaned over to Haven and rested, watching the spectacle unfold, feeling warm in the chilly night.
"Enjoying the show," Haven asked.
"Yes. Tonight was just perfect."
They nuzzled into each other, kissing in a long softness, experiencing a rare night when life shined for so many.
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odysseywritings · 2 years
Hugs 16 c:
Thank you so much!
Hugs 16: ‘not wanting to let go’ hugs
The two had been separated, fighting the interdimensional threats alone. Haven slashed and blasted the white horde as black blood drenched him. Lomana poisoned and stabbed at her own eyeless, grinning pursuers. The two were thinkers as much as fighters, and made sure to lead the invaders into the high grass. There they were shuffling through paths, while the mindless foes kept a straight line as they were devoured by alien beasts.
The sounds of growls and crunching drowned out as the two escaped. Their wit and armor sheltered them from horrifying attacks, yet the chase of survival took a toll on their bodies. Not yet aware of safety, Haven tapped the sides of his canine helmet, letting it unfold into his suit, yet he kept on the blue and orange armor.
He looked around for anything to rest by and picked a lone tree near the base of a hill. His breath had steadied as he walked on anguished. He headed on until he heard rustling behind. The grass twitched and shuffled as the sound came closer. Haven braced himself despite sore muscles and bones.
The avian helmet popped out. Lomana had escaped as well and she was stunned to see Haven alive and well. Their armor shrinking into backpacks, they hurried to each other and embraced, ecstatic despite cut wounds and trembling muscles. They fell onto their knees and held on, face to face, chest to chest.
“You’re okay,” he beamed. His grip was firm. He did not want her gone and his body soothed as his hands could feel that she was alive, that she was still here.
“Seems someone is especially clingy today,” Lomana quipped. “If you hold me any tighter, you’ll have to pay for any spine injuries.” She noticed Haven was silent, perhaps too occupied with the reunion for banter. Her tone softened. “It’s a good thing you’re warm. I could stay like this for a while.”
“Nightmare,” he blurted. “It was a nightmare when I couldn’t see you. There was so much. I was so angry and worried.” His breathing calmed. “But it’s gone now. It’s really peaceful now.”
Lomana chuckled. “I admit I felt relieved seeing you, too. I know we’re both too good to die alone to those things, but...” She was shivering, the reality of the situation hitting her, and close both of them could have been perished. Or caught alive.
Haven’s grip loosened and he calmly rubbed her back. “I know. But we’re both breathing, yeah? We can still keep going. And if anything tries to sneak up on you, I’ll bonk them on the head, push them down a hill, and break their limited warranty items.”
Lomana eased up and laughed with Haven joining in with a lighter chuckle. Neither wanted to move but the air chilled, forcing Haven’s body to react. He stood up slowly, trying to get Lomana to join him, and he shuffled over to the tree still hugging Lomana. The activity and visual made her snicker as he stifled a smile, continuing to keep each other close, in order to get a vantage point from a high view.
“Do you see anything,” Lomana asked.
“There looks like a village over to our right. That might be good.”
“Sounds good. Lead the way.”
“Uhh, do I have to? I don’t know if I can do this separated.”
“Maybe we don’t have to.” Lomana used a free hand, grabbed Haven’s glasses, and chucked them down the hill. “Go fetch, boy!”
Haven jokingly sneered while squinting his eyes, with Lomana doing the same. With a little shake to warn her, the two tumbled down the hill while laughing with almost childlike mirth.
“You know- you still- look pretty- up close- and rolling.”
“You’re- not bad- either- handsome.”
The two continued laughing down the hill, enjoying controlled chaos after a tense moment, still unable to let the other go.
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odysseywritings · 2 years
7 and 18 for the otp asks
Thank you! I'll go for the two again
7. Your otp has to spend some time apart for whatever reason. How would they bridge that time? How would they react upon seeing each other again? Would anything change?
They're both used to being alone, but being with friends definitely help. Lomana can cope a bit better with money making opportunities or trying to start a coven-kingdom, while Haven is more sensitive and would try anything from art to adventure to keep his mind occupied.
And when they meet up again, LOTS of embracing and trying to lighten the mood with jokes. Depending on how long they've been away, they'd want to do more together including physical intimacy.
18. What are the small gestures with which your otp says 'I love you'? Are those daily rituals? Is the other aware of the intention behind those gestures?
Haven rarely touches others so he'll do something like clasp her hand or kiss it, or he'll offer a freaky looking object that tickles her fancy. Lomana, however, is more prone to verbal affection and teasing his hair. At first they're pretty unaware but they later get used to it and even expect it after a rough day.
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odysseywritings · 3 years
Love and Life Before The End
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( @sunday-romance​ )
#sundayheat (not overtly explicit and more intimate, but it’s definitely naughty)
The explorer duo Haven and Lomana rested up from another scuffle with creatures from another dimension. These uncanny mockeries of humans with their unnerving true forms gave them trouble, but squads of 5 or more were tolerable with their experience. Their armor gave their powers an added shield in skirmishes, and removing it showed their exposed arms and faces covered in scars with various signs of healing. The pair rested in their usual secluded spot away from civilization in the one grassy area untouched by invaders.
Haven’s rough hands gently grasped Lomana’s arm as he looked at the damage. He smiled that no major harm was done, but he also felt comforted when touching her, grounding him from nervous shocks after battle. Lomana grinned from his protective nature and brushed her coiled hair back reflexively. The routine healing shaken up by the news after their ordeal.
Portals erupted over the north spilling out beings with only slaughter and looting in their minds. Haven and Lomana met and fought them countless times, but evidence told these were an army that possessed a calculated sense of subjugation. Crafty thinking and scrappy teamwork alone won’t cut it, and their home was next.
Haven rested his body beside a tree as his blue eyes reflected back at the distant sky. Lomana’s brown eyes darted around the earth as she paced around the tree. Haven hated seeing his partner’s usual stable nature rocked by the uncertainty. He wish he was better with words, but his gut compelled him anyway.
“Lo,” he said, rising to her. “What’re you thinking?”
She sighed with wide eyes and looked down. “What aren’t I thinking?! That our intrepid behavior makes us a target? That we might not have enough to aid us?!” She turned away with fingers pressing against her head. “What if this our last day?”
“You can’t know that. We’ve gotten through so much. If this was back in the day, I might believe that. But look at us now! We’ve got a better handle on our powers, we work better together, we got friends!”
“But is it enough against organized marauders who know us? About this place? It’s too much for me right now, Haven...”
Words escaped him, and he sank at seeing Lomana despair. His impulsive mind struggled with politeness, and nature took over as he walked up to her and kneeled. Lomana blinked in confusion as he hugged her legs and pressed his head against them. He said nothing, but this security and adoration urged her to rub his light-orange locks.
“I can’t say anything that will calm you,” he admitted. “But no universe will stop my devotion to you. Today, tomorrow, whenever. I promise.”
She lowered herself and held his face, feeling soft freckled skin and coarse hair, pressing her lips to his. Magnetized by each other in timeless bliss, all worries were invisible in this connection. Haven’s hunger satiated with countless kisses peppered across her neck and chest as they unraveled their top clothing.
The outside breeze and warm sun tempered their bodies from heat or chills. Skin showed more as their guard lowered and Haven held and kissed Lomana, vulnerability becoming powerful as they caressed and kissed in naked honesty.
Haven was enamored by Lomana, and her physique was no different. Her chest, abdomen, legs were felt and kissed that filled his starving heart. They swam in a sea of ecstasy, the threats of the future distant as stars. His warm, soft body and cool, wet lips had her relaxed and shivering. The further down he went, he heard breathy moans as her toes curled.
Lomana’s mind now eased, she shot her own hungry grin and paused patiently before pouncing Haven. She wrestled on top of him with shared laughter as her nails sank into his flesh. The levity cooled as they noticed their scars closely, individual and shared suffering shown as pale and red slashes. A reminder of what to expect, and the reason for this bond. The stillness lifted once Haven wiggled his brows and made a sassy pout, causing Lomana to giggle and get back to reality.
Reserving her energy, Lomana asserted herself and locked with Haven’s body. Rocking him gently and slowly, she rolled her eyes in pleasure before staying in control. Their movements sped as daylight bled into orange sunset, needing heat to replace the fallen sun. Lomana made love bites across his skin, a hunger that gave him scars he was proud to earn from another’s intensity. Their bodies felt electricity of pleasure and warmth of intimacy, gripping each other in a dance of life.
Their endurance matched only by affection, their bodies shook and cradled from stimulation overwhelming them. Sounds of passion and softness exited them as they hit a climax, shivering and cooing from physical and emotional release. Both breathed heavily and neither wanted to leave, only wanting to kiss and embrace. The sunset’s yellowing light dimmed and they stared at the horizon.
They knew what will happen, and they were certain survival was not guaranteed even with their combined power. Their eyes met and knew there wouldn’t be piercing regrets to weigh down their spirits.
Haven asked bluntly,“Still have bad thoughts?”
“Yeah,” she replied with equal honesty. “But it’s clearer now. I can breathe again.”
“Lo, you both know neither of us are breathing well right now.”
“Oh, hush you.” Lomana crinkled her nose as Haven made a cheeky smile. “I’m glad we both have stamina. We’ll definitely need it.”
“We’ll give ‘em hell, don’t worry.” He paused and looked at her again, touching her face and hair. “I’m glad you exist. I’m glad that I lived long enough to see someone like you. The universe brought us together, but it can’t break us apart that easily.”
Lomana grinned warmly. “Nor any other universe.” Her shoulders shivered from a different source as night breeze crept in. “But we should put our clothes on.”
“Shoot, it’s getting dark already. Wish you didn’t wear your black, goth stuff.”
She scoffed. “Alright Mr Grunge, I know for a fact you love it. Just help me, dingus.”
The couple scoured for clothes, all the while throwing them at each other in laughing fits. They continued bantering as they trekked to their base, holding hands and winding down their energy. The future was perilous, and it would be violent and scarring like the rest of their lives. But their wisdom and union made everything possible. They experienced a testament of intimacy, and life would be well lived despite the outcome.
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odysseywritings · 5 years
“Hey, Haven,” Lomana grinned. “Look at this!”
She sends a dark purple spider creature into a black void, and it arrives a moment later to retrieve a vinyl record of an orange viking-like alien with pink hair riding a motorcycle.
“No way!” Haven awed. “It’s the finished release of Florpo Grunter’s last album! This doesn’t exist in this universe...
“But it does in another cosmic triangle!” She smirked.
He swooned. “Dude...”
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odysseywritings · 5 years
Haven and Lomana banter
H: I’m telling you, it’s a real thing!
L: Nuh uh. There is no way a condition like that exists.
H: My adopted parents had it. It’s for their species only. Where they just climb on something and vibrate violently until they get it out of their system.
L: You are a goddamn liar. (LAUGHS)
H: It’s true! (Points at his palm) Aliens have always done things like that in my neighborhood. You’re telling me you’ve never seen them do anything… (Waves his hands) Alien?
L: Yeah, but they didn’t convulse like bugs, you nut.
H: There’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask ya.
L: Mm?
H: What was your first impression of me?
L: Ah. I honestly thought you were the missing link between man and ape.
H: Because I was so manly, eh?
L: Well, more because you were always doing something active in the distance without saying a word. Impulsive, not talkative to strangers… hairy. I was lucky to capture you in a grainy photograph before you ran away into the woods
H: That’s called honest living, ma’am.
L: Pssh. And what about me? What did I come off as?
H: Boastful, obsessed with creepy junk, sarcastic, hard to please. I knew you were the perfect woman for me.
L: Happy to oblige, my cryptid man.
H: I think we’re lost.
L: Yeah, driving in the desert is a hell of a thing.
H: Let’s ask the locals for directions.
L: There is no one around… You might as well ask that cactus.
H: Good idea. [To cactus] Hey, do you know where the next checkpoint is?
L: I am going to fucking scream…
(The cactus moves on its own and moves its “limbs” north and then west)
H: Thank you very much.
L: Oh my god!
L: How’d you imagine life turning out?
H: Not like this, honestly. Running away from vigilantes, cops, and otherworldly beings. I always thought I’d be a hermit.
L: Wait, why?
H: I don’t care for people. You do one nice thing for them, they say thanks, and then ignore you. Plants you don’t have to worry about.
L: …
H: A plant relies on your water and it’s fine. Doesn’t need anything more. When was the last time a flower betrayed you? It only cares about living, giving bees pollen. It’s a righteous life. I wouldn’t mind being alone with them. Just us two and plants. Maybe some rabbits, too.
L: …I miss these talks, Haven. I really do.
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odysseywritings · 5 years
(music inspiration)
“You’ve never danced before,” Lomana asked incredulously. “Mm-hmm. I’ve seen you do moves to music before.”
“I mean,” Haven paused before sighing. “I never had the chance to dance… with someone else.”
“You’re messing around, I know it.” She laughed, expecting him to be joking. Her face dropped as his didn’t change. “Oh.. Sorry, I didn’t know.”
“No, it’s alright. It was never a custom when I was younger.” He rubbed his arm as he looked at the computer-looking object, smiling at an idea. “Maybe you could show me the right way. Without any thrashing around.”
“No no. This will all be slow and steady. No dizziness or concussions this time.”
She pressed a button that produced a series of whirring sounds before playing a jazz metal piece. She quickly skipped it before Haven could get into it, much to his annoyance. The next was a light piano melody that caused her to stick with it as she ambled to Haven.
She guided his hand to her waist as she put hers on his shoulder as she lead him. Both of them swayed to the groove of the song, with a soft psychedelic guitar soothing Haven.
“I woulda liked a faster song, but this is fine to start,” he chuckled.
“Oh hush,” Lomana griped playfully. “You don’t have to act macho, I know you like this stuff too. Relax and you’ll have fun.”
Her voice and expression was gentle, causing him to be less anxious as he followed the rhythm of bass and drums. Their minds cooled down as their bodies warmed each other, as they spent the rest of the song enjoying the silent dialog of the dancing.
His heart was racing at first from nervousness, but it was replaced by a steady beat. The moves were sometimes off tempo, yet he bounced back and kept his cool as his mind was aflutter. Lomana meanwhile was comforted in his quiet intimacy, resting her head on his shoulder. She finally felt at ease after so much going on in the past few days, and it felt nice for her to reignite a passion for an activity she long thought was ordinary.
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odysseywritings · 2 years
1, 5 and 16 for OC's / a couple of your choice :3
Thank you so much!
Gotta go for my classics , Haven and Lomana
What were their first impressions of one another?
They got along fine but background and personality differences were tricky at first. Lomana thought Haven was passionate and kind but moody with anxious energy. Haven thought Lomana was fun and intelligent but jaded and arrogant. Enough banter out of their system made both accept each other easier and made their flaws tolerable or less noticeable.
5. What’s their love language like? Are they compatible with one another?
They each have a mixture with some unique and some shared. Haven generally prefers gift giving and acts of service with regular agape love since he enjoys making others feel better even outside of epic heroism. With Lomana he's also able to gradually put aside his fear of personal touch for her and soon finds it comforting when he's nervous as well as giving a healing warmth to her after more damaging events.
Lomana shows her love with quality time since despite her cynicism she does like people who seem trustworthy. To an extent gift giving but she only does it with close ones since she doesn't like giving things away willy-nilly. With Haven, she becomes more prone to verbal affection, initially covered up with a sarcastic tone, but she does enjoy giving compliments and praise that makes him blush.
16. What would they consider quality time?
Because it's so ingrained in them, adventuring. It's become their Third Place beyond resting at wherever they stop or fighting dangerous foes. It can be literal with finding new places to get their curiosity going but it can be more figurative with them trying out new things. To them, life's too short to be content with the bare minimum, and they want to enrich themselves with all that's out there.
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odysseywritings · 2 years
I really like Haven and Lomana for how flexible they are
They can be a complementary action duo, Haven being a flexible, frontline heavy-hitter guy while Lomana cuts off long range and flankers. They can be adventurers with Haven’s boundless curiosity and Lomana’s knowledge of environments. But both can also be jackasses, Haven’s anxious energy and Lomana’s gadfly habits, to enjoy a satisfying youth neither one truly had. And they can be soft and introspective about a daunting, chaotic world. Even in love, his shy passion and novel ideas mix with her desire to have control in life, stemming from aching for intimacy.
Just very fun writing with these 2 after so many years and I get a kick out of developing their chemistry
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odysseywritings · 2 years
2 and 17 for the otp ask game? @writingonesdreams
Thank you so much!
Going to go for the classic Haven and Lomana
2. How comfortable are the members of your otp around each other? Do they care about keeping up appearances? Would they care if the other(s) saw them groggy, undressed, without makeup, etc.?
At first they're pretty cautious because of some culture differences, Haven's anxiousness, and Lomana's keeping people at arm's length. But after enough talking, sharing, and experiencing hardships, the two become very casual in their love and are prone to doing anything goofy or unkempt. Though they'll still have some bashfulness toward each other (especially Haven) just from joy.
17. If one member of your otp had an accident and was left with a permanent disability (Paralysed, missing limb, lost senses, etc.) how would they both deal with that? Would they cope? Would that be too much for them?
It's not too life-changing in this universe because of artificial limbs being normalized and more dynamic (Haven himself has a bad leg and has poor eyesight) so they wouldn't change much but they'd go on fewer life-threatening adventures and have calmer past-times like creating things, solve mysteries, and care for critters and kids.
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odysseywritings · 2 years
Lomana: I think we should be more serious about this investigation.
Haven: I think we're doing a good job.
Lomana: You saw a dead body and went "Uh Oh..."
Haven: What else do I say? "Hilarious?"
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odysseywritings · 2 years
While I doubt I’ll ever be prolific enough to do this, I really like the idea of a collection of stories centered on a couple, like the Amelia Peabody and Tommy and Tuppence stories.
(How’s THAT for a reference pool, kids? xD)
It is fun to imagine Haven and Lomana as a detective / adventure duo. I mean they already are, but in a more episodic format, and less on a huge epic arc. An adventure mystery series with superpowers, monsters, and the like!
Even their personalities could be fun reconstructing this way.
Haven, being an unorthodox and creative guy, would be a mix of problem solver and observant pedant. Little details catch his eye, how to obtain evidence in peculiar ways, and using his offbeat mannerisms to throw off suspects’ guard
Lomana, being the more attractive and talkative one, would be the more normal and calm investigator. She’d find holes in suspects’ stories with great memory, and can sense changes in tone and say nothing, while getting the hint.
Together they’d weave their brainpower and skills to track down cases as small as a disappearing pet to as large as an elected official’s crimes. Adventure, discovery, and money being the best motivators for the young truth seekers!
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odysseywritings · 2 years
Artflow AI Generated OC Portraits!
Tagged by @bloodlessheirbyjacques
I didn’t use this much but I did toy around with my main duo soooo
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Haven (who is remarkably more of a Handsy Boy than I imagined lol)
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Lomana (she usually has shorter hair but the rest felt less accurate)
Tagging: @ayzrules​ @athenixrose @howdywrites​ @perringwrites​ @druidx​
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odysseywritings · 2 years
Reina, about Haven: He's my best friend. He's my pal. He's my homeboy. My rotten soldier. He's my sweet cheese. My good time boy.
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