#havemercy travelling book project
greaseonmymouth · 4 years
Where is the travelling book at?
Confession: I keep forgetting to update everyone on this and now it has been A Long Time. Anyway, it appears that the book has been lost in the mail when it made its way from Europe to the USA last spring and afaik never made it across the Atlantic. :(
However, since I did have the book after most of the European leg had it (iirc after me it went to one person, then got lost) I took photos of every single page with the commentary that had been made at that point. I still have all those photos - I am going to, when I get the time, make a post or a pdf or something, for everyone to see. Atm I'm bogged down with dissertation stuff and I have no clue when I'll get around to it, but I will, I promise!
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sapphicblackbeard · 7 years
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Get hyyyyyyyype, Havemercy is here! I can’t wait to get reading, especially seeing as this book has been on my TBR list for about a year now. @greaseonmymouth‘s idea for a travelling book project was so clever and I’m thrilled to be a part of it!
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pipariperho · 8 years
I was planning to send the Havemercy travelling book today but I didn't have enough time to pack it properly and when I took the package to the post office it would have been 31 euros to send it so gonna wrap in as skin tight as possible to see if I can drop the prize at all or then I gotta Ron Weasley it.
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greaseonmymouth · 6 years
travelling book update
hey so i have not been on top of keeping up with the travelling book project, so can the person who currently has the book please message me to let me know where in the world the book is? 
HERE is the list of participants for the current round. i just need confirmed who has the book, please.
ETA: update has been acquired 👍🏻 the book is en route to @romanthe
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greaseonmymouth · 6 years
Havemercy travelling book project 2.0
All right! Time to get this book rolling again!
0. me (Denmark)
1. @lizzackh (Finland) (first time reader!!*)
2. @romanthe (US) (formerly @wildgrave )
3. @notanearlyadopter (US)
4. @capncrystal (US)
5. me
6. @eatingfireflies (Philippines)
* that makes three first time readers of the book for this project, which frankly, is amazing. I wa expecting only seasoned fans being interested in doing this, so \o/
Brief explanation for the ordering: numbers 2, 3 and 4 are actually in their original orders and slots while number one got added to a European slot that opened up. The book also comes back to me before it goes to the Philippines as I’ve had packages to @eatingfireflies get lost in the mail before so will be sending the book with more costly (but trackable & insured) shipping. I don’t expect anyone else to field that cost, so I’ll take care of it. I’ll also, just in case it gets lost anyway, take photos/scans before I ship it out. I’ll do the same before I send it out to the first person on the new list. (Because I’m honestly amazed the book hasn’t been lost yet! Better not tempt fate...)
I’ll get back to everyone on this list personally later, as I’m about to collapse into bed :’’D expect an IM or ask within the next 24 hours.
ALSO, I am kind of swamped with a bunch of things atm so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to ship the book out - definitely before the end of the month, but when is anyone’s guess. I’ll keep you all updated.
Rule refresher:
1. Send the book to the next person on the list when you’ve had it for a month. (Message them for an address.) If you finish early, great, send it on! If you didn’t finish before the month is up, send it onwards anyway. Let’s try not to turn this into another 2 year affair :’’’D (NB: delays because of shipping are inevitable. we’ll just have to live with that.)
2. Don’t remove anything from the book. ADD to it! Previous readers have left sticker sheets in the book, feel free to use them but don’t lose them :p post-its, doodles, extra pages, whatever, are all encouraged (in addition to whatever commentary, underlining, notes, whatever, you may wish to do).
3. Don’t give the book to people who didn’t sign up for the project. It’s not fair to those who did sign up and waited their turn.
That’s it!! I hope you’re all excited!!
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greaseonmymouth · 7 years
havemercy travelling book project
all right airlasses, airlads and dragons
the book has been Out There In The World for almost a year, so let’s have an update.
for a refresher, here’s the participant list. i’ll edit the list with new information as soon as i get it.
Europe: 1. Yours truly, Denmark 2. @ithinkitsdashing, Sweden 3. @pipariperho, Finland 4. @neversandnowheres, England 5. @hyoipears, UK 6. @actualkatebishop, England 7. @berhanes, England 8. @seagreenish, England 9. Back to me briefly 10. @nekredinda, England
North America: 11. @wildgrave, US 12. @notanearlyadopter, US 13. @capncrystal, US 14. @deludedextracts, US 15. @pirepoumon, US 16. @jeannedulys, Canada
17. back to me!
also, given how much the schedule has shifted, if anyone wants to drop out of the project or request a different spot on the list that suits better, please talk to me. as always, if you missed sign ups but want to take part, let me know and i’ll put you on a waitlist. 
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greaseonmymouth · 6 years
friendly reminder that i need to hear back from everyone re: the havemercy travelling book project by the end of the day (july 3rd, whenever that is in your timezone)!!
this is both people on the old list i’ve contacted that need to confirm they’re still in the project, and also anyone else wanting to join the project at this late stage. if you’ve been dithering about joining, now’s the time to decide. 
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greaseonmymouth · 6 years
(another) havemercy travelling book project update
as i’m starting to hear back from people, it’s becoming clear that enough spots will free up that i can eliminate the waitlist entirely. so basically, if you want to sign up at this point in the process, you won’t go on the waitlist but will just be put on the regular list.
at this point there are four people on this list. if that is all, great! there’s a chance the book will come back to me before the end of the year, in that case. (related: THIS YEAR IS THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF HAVEMERCY.) if not, that’s also cool, we’ll wrap it all up next year.
everyone i’ve reached out to has until july 3rd to get back to me about whether or not they’re still in, and a few days after that i’ll post the new list and ship the book out again.
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greaseonmymouth · 6 years
havemercy travelling book update
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now, because it has already been two years and apparently every single rule (there were two (2) rules) i made for this project has been broken, i’m very tempted to just stop the project now. but that doesn’t strike me as very fair either. so I’m going to contact everyone on the list who hasn’t had a chance to annotate the book yet to see who’s still game (YOU WILL HAVE TWO WEEKS (deadline july 3rd) TO RESPOND TO MY MESSAGES. IF I HEAR NOTHING YOU WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE PROJECT), post a new list (i anticipate that some people will have dropped/be unreachable), and then ship the book out to the first person on that list.
this next round, can we please stick to the rules? i don’t want this project to take another two years, guys.
a) send the book to the next person on the list after a month b) wait your turn. do not give the book to your friend who didn’t sign up for the project to annotate it, as that’s not fair to everyone who DID sign up. i’m not naming names but i’m staring very hard in your general direction.
if you’re new to the fandom/this project and haven’t signed up before but would like a shot at annotating the book, send me an ask, IM or email at nerakrose at gmail dot com. i’ll add you to the waiting list. :D
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greaseonmymouth · 8 years
Just a quick update to let you all know that the project (book) is fine, but a bit delayed! primarily due to postage issues. Tack on about two months to the vaguely projected timeline as of right now. Delays are to be expected, so the project might take a while to complete. :)
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greaseonmymouth · 8 years
havemercy travelling book project
how’s the project going? who currently has it? 
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greaseonmymouth · 8 years
Participant list and order!
Yes, finally. Sorry about the delays - I have been crazy busy. However, it's Sunday and I finally have the time off to sort this out. Below is the list of participants and the order in which the book goes out. Sorted geographically. Only two continents are involved, which makes logistics easier. Europe: 1. Yours truly, Denmark 2. @ithinkitsdashing, Sweden 3. @pipariperho, Finland 4. @neversandnowheres, England 5. @actualkatebishop, England 6. @berhanes, England 7. @seagreenish, England 8. Back to me briefly 9. @nekredinda, England 10. @hyoipears, UK North America: 11. @wildgrave, US 12. @notanearlyadopter, US 13. @capncrystal, US 14. @deludedextracts, US 15. @pirepoumon, US 16. @jeannedulys, Canada And finally back to me. Bookmark this list or check the tag! And don't forget that each participant has a month to annotate and ship the book back out. I'll be sending the book out on Friday next week (July 1st) to the first person on the list. (I might not have finished annotating it (see: busy) but it'll go out anyway, and I'll finish my own annotations at the end of the chain.)
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greaseonmymouth · 8 years
I'm late with the final list and all guys - I'm sorry - I'll have it done tomorrow!! I'm just suuuuper busy and won't have the time until all my crazy work and social scheduling is over (sometime tomorrow evening).
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greaseonmymouth · 8 years
I started (re)reading and annotating the new copy of Havemercy I got for the havemercy travelling book project and it's making me so giddy and happy I love this series so much and it's been so long since I reread it and every word is a balm
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