#have you guys seen the hashtag solar eclipse
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
broodpuff · 1 year ago
what makes tumblr so op and is the place i want to post things most often is the tags
it’s convenient to add additional information without making it a permanent part of the post, especially if it’s more niche in a generalized post and if you really need that original context you can just go and check the tags from both the op and other people.
also it’s like im whispering in your ear the additional information that either comes after i’ve typed out the post or isn’t relevant enough to include in the post itself
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/magic-has-just-intensified/
Magic Has Just Intensified
Magic Has Just Intensified
By A Gift From Gaia
EDIT 9.16am – Solar winds are now at KP4 we are going higher
So much to report within this energy entering, as you will see it began some hours ago whilst I was sleeping.
I was awoken from my dream state where I was picking up codes, I was sailing (on land and sea) in a massive seagoing boat, like a trawler or perhaps a modern Ark 🙈 and the weather, the rain, the wind, barely able to see what was in front until we crashed straight through, hence why I was sailing the boat on land, although it was barely land anymore, building tips poking out the water like rocks and the sounds of the hull smashing and breaking up what was below, now submerged.
My biggest complaint was being screamed “where’s the F888ING lighthouses”
Symbolic? Always!
“Oooooh there’s never been a night like it”
Feeling the solar energies pulsating through I check for the confirmation and stats, the wind is low, KP3, no field cracks, and we have a new solar cycle sun spot fizzing at a B Class, all super mild BUT and here is the BIG BUT look at what our Sun is being loaded with from beyond.
Aligned with Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres, with Jupiter and the South Node’s frequencies just being pulled into the magnetic alignment.
Punchy to say the least, pure manifestation energy, MAGIC has just intensified.
Remember, unconscious reacts and moves in slow motions, this appears like chaos Conscious is responsive, super quick and highly expansive, fast light speed magic.
The energies from Solar activations are Masculine, therefore trigger the wounding if held, the old Piscean ways will tell you these are symptoms, and the unconscious beliefs around this is to accept it as a result of the energy. The Aquarian way reads the symbols and realises the restriction or resistance, and acts from the guidance coded in the perceived pain, reconnecting the feminine and the masculine within. Listen and act upon request.
It’s all about data
You will now really begin to see the difference in the navigators and how they guide, reactive or responsive, avoid or engage which will give a wonderful example to the contradiction and make it easier to see how the New Aquarian World works and show the ways to operate.
Feel into the energies, the Piscean guides will hold a high emotional frequency, highly empathetic and a help us vibration Whereas the Aquarian guides will be highly compassionate, encompassing the Divine Plan and sharing the light on responsibility and respect, being the example and surfing through with ease.
Again we are here to assist with what you now know to be restriction and symbolic, the language of the body takes time to relearn, and apply, and it takes time to completely act from this space, it’s a language long forgotten in the Piscean era as we collectively chose to experience the depths of the sine wave we surfed to explore the frequencies of this Earth which meant we separated from our light Source.
But we are returning, and we are remastering the vital language that reconnects us to the endless possibilities we are able to create, provide and experience here.
The Aquarian Age gives freedom and teaches us the very first step of our evolution, how to heal, which ultimately breaks us from the chains of the karmic wheel. We learn to share again, through The Firsts mastering the remembering and filling the collective with the keys for when the locks are finally Seen, and with this, we evolve and this is where the unity begins, like a drip into a trickle and before we know it we have the flood.
Again, unity is a reflection, Charleen was asking some questions yesterday, so I’ll share some gems here. So many talk of Oneness but Oneness cannot be Seen until it’s experienced within So many talk of unity but until the unification has begun within, the Masculine and the Feminine we continue, collectively, in a state of separation.
The more people talk of unity and Oneness the more they are now shown the lack that stands in the way, hence why so many in the spiritual arena are now beginning to spin like tops.
When we declare we then hold a responsibility to BE.
Of course, this is a dream come true, it’s begun, as we all unknowingly in the beginning claimed to walk the path, storing the coordinates in the know bank of what we learned, what it all means, for the withdrawal and the transition into the being that has now arrived with this air of Divine Responsibility that we find ourselves now experiencing.
Charleens page just flashed up…Walk Talk and Breathe Light
Says it all….
Healing the masculine wounding so it will respond firstly to the feminine guidance from within… BEing who we truly are That is the unification and that is the path that truly places you in the space of Oneness a space where there can be no separation from Fear, there is no judgement, no blame, no lack, just pure perfection in the moment, riding the wave of transformation as the patterns and programs are viewed as they are, with no requirement to make it all personal.
We have a job to do here, none of this is personal and if it is, then let go, it’s an attachment …simple as that.
The feelings and emotions will be your guide, the goal if there was one is to neutralise all unconscious perceived heart bleeding vibrations by realising the roots embedded in this and all other lifetimes. Divine Detachment, do not misunderstand this, it doesn’t mean you do not care, in fact you care MORE because you SEE MORE, collectively, meaning the focus isn’t on the individual presentation, it’s on the energy that creates this collectively and how this is being emitted into the collective field. Divine Detachment removes from the personal aspects, and encompasses each in high responsibility, to recognise the discord from within, adjusting, neutralising, stabilising from within, FULLY trusting through already experiencing that this way creates a new wave emitted into the field which pulsates higher frequencies for the ALL to experience.
Working on a mass scale rather than a singular presentation.
Getting caught up in the details simply highlights the suffering for it to be neutralised, remember this as you move and learn to choose consciously, immediately, without the wait/weight, which again causes the perceived pain especially as we are now moving so incredibly quickly WHICH now speeds up tenfold again.
Uranus tomorrow stations direct, no planets in retrograde and we are electrified by Uranus in transition, this shift for me is like the invention of the electric car, as for the last few days I have been recieving the instructions to begin the ancient ritual of Gifting to the Gods but in the new, modern, Aquarian Way. As I mentioned yesterday I am now bringing it through into my reality and BEcoming it, to learn and feel into what it provides and so far I can confirm, joy, laughter, connection, space, love, communication and therefore expansion. I plan to share the beginning of this with the SoulAr group this evening and see how we unite through the new way and then it will be rolled out here, a United Love Wave around our globe, we are going to take action, we are going to DO something to make a solid difference and its so simple, we will align our hearts, minds and actions which is what an alignment is, that is how prayer works in the Aquarian Age, it’s called showing up.
#toolateforprayer is the hashtag for World Responsibility if you choose to share light too
Uranus going direct is going to be like an electrical shockwave to the foundations of the collective. We are already seeing it unfold, the way things have been done, traditions, establishments, the old order, all of it now ready for change.
In fairness the planetary energy explanations can simply be explained with a short sentence
Age of Aquarius is now entering and it’s being noticed, faintly, as the cloud formation showed yesterday.
But we will continue to look at specifics whilst the energy is so incredibly detailed and fast.
Lunar Eclipse tomorrow in tropical Cancer. Whilst opposite the Capricorn Council. Do I need explain the power of this?
Release the beliefs, release the unconscious everything, a data dump in lightening speed because the support is here. Move as though this is a Gift to your Soul, an offering of Peace to instantly remove the old templates, or for some the loud physical reality distortions now, going against the pulling emotions and simply be prepared to view the screaming banshee as you banish it’s toxic frequency and toss it over the cliff.
What is the point.
Each of us will be showing up to the Capricorn Council, to be given our direction, do you want to stare these guys in the face drowning in unconsious data? Or give the offering of a purified water in the Aquarian Cup?
This is all so symbolic angels
Energetically our planet is showing conflict and a need to balance and purify, it is a mirror, trust the pattern, move with the pattern, merge with the new by deleting the old and watch how things in your entire field shift, with more ease than the last time you attempted alignment.
We are cosmic seconds away from the Ceres, Saturn, Pluto, Sun and Mercury exact alignment.
Portal complete, coordinates chosen for the next part of the journey, but are you repeating or are you expanding and creating in a completely new field? Those holding the unconscious tones increase the volume of chaos for all to experience, those holding conscious tones shine upon those darkened spots, and we continue to escalate until all is Seen. Some used to call this the battle of light and dark.
Resistance is futile.
These gentle winds, these next few days are going to be whipping up a storm that sees us sailing land and sea, breaking down and through the old, paving the way for new light structures to be built.
Opportunities to jump ship, onto the big boats are here, some may feel completely whacky, against the grain, but watch how it shifts for those brave to move over.
Please bear with me on responding to emails, I’ve a stack to get through whilst so much is moving in my own field too, which of course must be the priority, as your is too
Sending so much love to All 💙💙💙
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stephenaltrogge-blog · 8 years ago
12 Amazing Study Bibles Coming Out This Fall
In my ongoing effort to keep you apprised of all the latest publishing industry insider information, I’ve gotten the scoop on the best study Bibles coming out this fall.
It really is an exciting time to be alive!
The Donald Trump Greatest Bible Ever (rated 100% by everyone) – This is, hands down, the greatest study Bible ever created. Made only in America with pages of pure Levi’s denim, it’s huge, measuring 12×16 feet. There literally has never been a bigger, better Bible in history. In an emergency, it can be propped upright and used as a protective wall. And the best part? You can make other people pay for it.
The #FakeNews Bible. Featuring commentary from leading conspiracy theorists around the world, this insightful Bible shows how everything you ever believed was a lie. David and Goliath? Proof that 9/11 was an inside job. Daniel and the lion’s den. Goes straight to the heart of the moon landing conspiracy. The darkness during the crucifixion? Proof positive that the earth is flat.
The Hot Take Bible. With insightful study guides from leading isolated bloggers, the stories in this Bible are revealed in bits and pieces, allowing you to quickly jump to wildly inaccurate and judgmental conclusions. It integrates directly with social media so that you can share your conclusions with little forethought.
The John Hagee End Times Bible. Every page also functions as eclipse glasses, ensuring you have an adequate supply for the many solar eclipses and blood moons ahead of us. Additionally, locust eggs have been embedded directly in the pages, primed to hatch when you begin reading Revelation.
The Rob Bell Book Of Frizumm Schmack. Based entirely on an obscure word found in a single ancient Sumerian text, this Bible will radically alter everything you know about God. Featuring numerous blank pages, you have plenty of space to reflect, breathe, and create your own personal heresies.
The William Paul Young Shack Attack Shaq Smack Audio Bible. Narrated by the original Shaq, this Bible will somehow stay on the best seller lists for two decades.
The Jesus Calling Calling Jesus Bible App. This revolutionary app now allows you to have two-way phone conversations with Jesus. He reveals new things to you and you can actually call him back. There is some suspicion that this Bible is utilizing artificial intelligence rather than the risen Christ, but that remains to be seen.
The Stephen Altrogge Men In Black Memory Eraser Bible. Based on Stephen’s amazing habit of being really terrible at memorizing scripture, this Bible literally erases your memory after every reading session and fills your mind with useless Star Wars trivia.
The Creflo Dollar 24k Gold #Blessing Bible. Weighing 2,934 pounds, this Bible costs a $6.4 million love offering. Really, it’s more of an eternal investment than a study Bible.
The Anonymous Twitter Account Discernment Bible. Featuring key criticisms and unhelpful memes from anonymous writers who don’t have the courage to put their names on anything, this Bible is perfect for the guy who is working out his internet muscles.
The Raving Facebook Commenter Bible. Every passage is connected to Facebook, allowing you to have real time discussions with people you don’t know about minuscule theological points that don’t matter very much. It’s a fantastic way to feel angry and arrogant every morning.
The #SoGood Instagram Bible. Featuring an integrated selfie cam connected directly to Instagram, this powerful Bible enables you to share every devotional moment accompanied by an auto-generated hashtag such as #SoGood, #Blessed, #This, or #GraceToTheFace.
The post 12 Amazing Study Bibles Coming Out This Fall appeared first on The Blazing Center.
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