#have you ever began working on something as a joke just to realize its actually too much effort midway through
sleepyskydraws · 1 month
fremi doing the club penguin dance
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yetanothergreyjedi · 1 year
Ghosts of Our Pasts
DP x DC crossover
Damian Wayne and Danny Fenton siblings AU
Parts 1 & 2 Part 3.
Part 4
He looked more like Bruce than Damian did, which felt right for the brother that had died leaving the assassins.
Danyal's stance was not a League of Assassin's stance. It could be that he was trying not to look openly hostile, but if Dick was honest, it reminded him most of Wonder Woman. Danyal stood like he might throw himself into the air with no expectation of gravity pushing him back down. Interesting, but de-escalation first.
"Richard Grayson," Dick introduced himself with a wave, "But you can call me Dick."
Danyal's lips did the little twitch that everyone's lips did when he told them his nickname. Daynal didn't relax yet though.
"Hi, Dick, I'm Danny."
"I'm Tim, but we established that... and you know Damian..."
The silence stretched.
"Well, if that's all you guys wanted..." Danny took a few steps backwards deeper into the alley, never letting any of them out of view.
"I should have gone with you." Damian said. It was an apology; though someone who didn't know him might not realize. "...I did not understand, not until I came here..."
Danny closed his eyes, looking away for the first time, clearly internalizing something in Damian's words. With every second, he seemed to realize that no attack was coming, and none was going to come.
"Maybe we should go back to the coffee shop?" Tim suggested, good. A neutral, public place would ease at least some of the tension.
Danny grimaced, a hand coming to rub the back of his neck. "Yeah, I sorta... I need to head back there..."
"Okay, cool," Dick said, as if the tension still didn't require tools to cut.
The walk back was an awkward mess of everyone trying to stay in Danny’s eyeline despite the crowd and him pretending he wasn't nervous when he couldn't see them. Dick had already decided that if Danny ran again, he was going to make sure they let him run. Chasing would only make him trust them less, and Danny wasn't a criminal (probably).
He gave them all an unreadable look as they re-entered the coffee shop. Dick wasn't sure what to make of it until an older bald man declared, "Mr. Fenton!"
"Sorry, Mr. Lancer..." Danny said, every bit a sheepish high-schooler. He sat down at the table he'd been at before the chase as the older man began a lecture about safety in big cities and staying with the group. Well... that complicated things.
The barista called Tim's drink.
"Are you good, man?" Tucker asked as soon as Lancer's attention went back to focusing on the group as a whole and not just their table.
"I think so, Tuck, but, uh... this... I don’t know, I don't think the just chilling plan is gonna work..."
"Is this related to Gotham? I thought she gave you permission?"
"She didn't just give me permission, Sam, she welcomed me... I know why now... its just complicated..."
"So... is that why the Wayne's were chasing you?" It was said like a joke.
Sam's eyes widened when he answered. "Yeah,"
Tucker stuttered out a confused mix of excited syllables, "Does that mean we get to meet—"
"Their just people, Tucker." Sam reminded, "Spoiled rich kids who at least manage to cause a scene at every other gala, so they get to rank slightly higher than all the other rich kids, because at least their not boring."
"Sam!" Tuckers exclamation caught Lancer's attention. The teacher called on them to restate what he had said. Sam guessed correctly, Tucker and Danny did not, and so the lecture started over.
Danny patiently waited for the lecture to end before whispering, "You guys know how I'm adopted..."
"So..." Danny gestured to the group of siblings that appeared to be arguing over... napkins? What were they doing?
"Wait, you know the Wayne's? Why didn't you ever say something?" Tucker exclaimed.
"Uh... well, the League of Assassins stuff..."
"Uh huh,"
"Actually, thats a bad way to explain it... my biological father is Batman."
"The Batman?!" For all of her 'people are just people' talk, Sam was too excited.
"Yes, and I can't fully explain all this without getting into identity stuff."
"Danny, Danny, Danny, first of all fair, but second, how far off is Wes?"
Danny tried very hard to not react to that. Which apparently was the same as saying yes, so he shushed them before they could start.
"I don't know how he connects to the League. This is more secret than mine, okay?"
They sobered, argued that phantom was equally important, but Danny didn't budge. So they excepted it as a weird obsession thing and agreed.
"Wait so, how did you not end up a Wayne kid?"
"The assassins have access to ectoplasm and I traded some for my parents to hide me."
"I hate that that tracks."
"To be fair, I didn't understand how actually messed up it was until later."
"Wait, so is Batman apart of..."
"I don't know, I thought he was. But the fact that I'm not stabbed right now is a good sign."
"You say that like you were planning on letting yourself get stabbed..."
Danny sighed, "It would be easier to fake my death... or like, actually die for a few days, than to resist and have them realize I'd require ending."
"Great." Sam said with forced cheer. "How are we modifying the vacation plans?"
Part 5
Tag list:
Next part is finished but is a bit short, I will not post 5 until I have 6 written and 6 is being mean to me.
Edit: Part six bit me, so it's in time out. But the draft is finished.
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmelloe @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare
@pastalavistamf @mysoulspiralbound @mj-arts-n-stuff @andaspoonfulofangst-whoops @apointlessbox
Apparently there is a mention cap on posts, who knew! I will see about the best way to add anyone else.
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barrenclan · 1 year
WOOO NEW ISSUE!! i began reading this earlier, but couldn’t finish due to me rereading what i had just read and focusing on the pictures!!! so yeah, finally finished it, and GRRR GOOD ISSUE
first off, throws thrasher in the cootstorm pit too, they can share. no transphobic kitties allowed (obviously not literally, but i love how like.. natural it is? it’s just cormorantpaw’s life and what he’s been raised to think). egrettail should deck him
also egrettail!!!!!! favorite kitty therapist!!!! i assume maybe asphodelpaw asked about her being aroace, maybe brought on after daffodil was like “oh!! ur just like me and asphodelpw!!!” to pinepaw, and that made her think “wait am i into men even?” but. yeah. she just wants to help and she’s such a sweetie
shoutout to cormorantpaw for getting his 2nd issue. kinda a crime that i only bring him up now but its ok. i love the goofy early cartoons titlecard image with the literal lovebug and him just thinking it over before going “oh fk im bi” and i love how egrettail was like “it seems like it to me, but it’s up to u” bc she can’t really like. force him to think he has a crush, something about that was really gentle- back to cormorantpaw!!! now he’s a blushy mess and i love him for it. also WHAT DO U HAVE TO DO BOY. WHAT IS YOUR ANGST
yes i know daffodilpaw was hardly here but she still gets her own section bc that’s my favorite community hc collection. cormorantpaw doesn’t seem to want to be involved romantically with her, saying how she’s nice but also noting how she doesn’t tend to listen to him (which doesn’t make daffy a bad person!! just something they gotta communicate as buddies) but also mentioning how she puts her paw on his, and also in the sleeping shot cormorantpaw is staring past daffodilpaw, who sleeps next to him, and at pinepaw. i’m just. babey noooo. break out of ur toxic mindset its okkk. unless u actually do like cormorantpaw then i’m. sorry. how did i make the daffodilpaw section the longest oops
rate this issue 5 mysterious end birds out of 5!!! thank u for another great issue :3
So sorry not answering this ask for awhile! All that trouble with my account hit at a bad time. I'm glad you liked the issue, though. :)
Egrettail had the patience of a saint for not beating the absolute shit out of Thrasher when they were in Defiance, and I'm certain she gave him what for on more than one occasion after Hush Puppy died.
Yes, she and Asphodelpaw may have had a conversation about similar realizations she was going through just like Cormorantpaw, heheh. We'll get there someday.
I was so excited to finally include Seven Silvers in an issue!! When I first created her character I wasn't planning on it, but she's just too fun not to use. Hell, I'm allowed to invent magic cat hormone therapy if I want to, who's gonna stop me. Seven, Hush Puppy, and Egret are any manner of close friends you like, and found family/siblings are as good a way as any.
The POVs from other characters are not going to be very common, since Pinepaw is the protagonist in the end, but it's always nice to dip back into Cormorantpaw's thick little skull. I was pretty pleased with myself for thinking of the rubberhose style joke with "lovebug", honestly. Don't worry about his angst, I'm sure it's nothing.
Good catch on everything with Daffodilpaw in this issue! It's something I did intentionally include, and did want to draw a comparison between Corm describing her as not really listening to him with Pinepaw always listening to what he says (which as you said, doesn't mean Daff is a bad person, just that she's got her own things to work out).
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yourbelgianthings · 8 months
taz november celebration fic 3: prompt laugh
contrary to what you may think for this prompt, this is sad for like 3/4 of it lol but the end is happy, it’s tres horny boys and about 850 words
Magnus Burnsides's laugh was deep and hearty, but he wasn't used to hearing it by itself; he had always been laughing with Julia. Their life together was perfect, working with their hands and having something to show for it at the end of the day, then coming home to each other. Julia made dinner, Magnus did the dishes, their routine was consistent and comforting. They even thought about having a baby, although they were in no rush. Of course, that never happened, and when Magnus hugged Julia goodbye the day he left town, neither of them knew it would be the last. His friends brought dinners, went for walks, and spent evenings on the porch with Magnus after Julia's death, but he actually chose to bury her alone. The physical act of digging the grave was satisfying in a sick way, it grounded his soul in his body despite its countless attempts to break out through his ribs and fly away. A simple granite slab laid on top, reading: Julia Burnsides, We Love You Forever. His tears darkened the stone in little circles until the sun began to set, and he wouldn't laugh again for some time.
Merle Highchurch always did his best to keep a positive outlook, but it was hard to find reasons to laugh without his kids around. Apparently his sense of humor consisted of a lot of "dad jokes", and those weren't really a big hit with anyone else, especially when he was out trying to preach the word of Pan. He constantly struggled with his choice to leave after he was gone, if it was only the arranged marriage that was the problem, things would have been so much simpler. However, Hecuba and he had Mavis and Mookie, who he loved dearly. That didn't change the fact that he wasn't a very good dad, though, intentions don't count for much in that regard. So, he decided they would be better off without him; if you love something let it go and all that. Cycling through feelings of freedom, guilt, regret, apathy, and more, he wandered the world, presumably to share the word of Pan, but really just wishing to be able to laugh again.
Taako Taaco was very hard to make laugh. He and Lup used to do just that when they were bored, whoever laughed first lost and then they would just be in a fit of giggles for a while anyway. They found things funny between themselves that nobody else understood, but it didn't matter, because it made perfect sense to them. Not that he remembered any of this, of course. The Taako who forgot could be very cynical, and often saw humor from others as an attempt to conceal their true attitudes or motives. On stage for Sizzle It Up With Taako, he laughed and told jokes, but that was about as fake as it got. Hearing the applause and cheers from the audience, seeing the excitement in their eyes, and being complimented as he signed autographs and posed for pictures gave Taako energy and kept him going. He thrived on the attention, but some days, it wasn't enough and there was nothing else. Getting out of bed seemed impossible as his body simultaneously felt heavy and hollow. After Glamor Springs, this set in for several weeks until he suddenly thought: I'm fuckin' Taako from TV, I can go do whatever I want, and if anyone has a problem wit h that, I'll just laugh in their face and keep going.
One night, several months later, in their dorm at the Bureau of Balance, Tres Horny Boys were having a sleepover. Technically, they always did this by virtue of sharing a room, but they had decided to make a night of it, just for fun. Taako cooked the most delicious popcorn the other two had ever had, with the perfect amounts of butter and salt, and he also bought some nail polish from the Fantasy Costco. Magnus realized that Pringles had left some of his stuff in the room, so they had some cool old CDs to listen to, and Merle had found some candles for more ambient lighting. They were all set for the perfect sleepover, and as Taako was painting Magnus's nails shiny silver by candlelight, Merle set down the big bowl of popcorn he had been snacking on and asked, "What did everyone say to the kernel when he finally popped?"
Taako snorted and said,
"Merle, I am not even going to entertain this one," but there was a smile on his face.
Magnus gave in, "I don't know, Merle, what?"
Magnus immediately burst out laughing, which made Merle join in and Taako shout,
"Mags, you're going to mess up your nails!" although he couldn't help laughing too. It was just so ridiculous and Merle's confidence in the delivery was what really got them. The three of them flopped onto each other, slightly out of breath the way the best fits of laughter leave you, Taako leaning on Magnus's shoulder and Merle leaning on his stomach on the other side. They all smiled, and for the moment, things were okay.
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marksbear · 2 years
Medusa Tat guy here. You did the story wonderfully (in my personal opinion) and you don't have to if you don't wanna, but maybe a part 2 where Reader is still struggling from the ordeal and its affecting his work and what cases he can and can't handle. Finally Reader decides maybe remaking the memory with someone he trusts may help so he asks Derek one night if they can get dirty together
Basically Reader and Derek having a night full of trust, comfort, and love (platonic or romantic, they can be f-buddies heh). I can 100% see Derek complimenting the tattoo cause he wants to see Reader feel comfortable
This contains memories and replaying SA. You have been warned
Warnings! Talk about SA and replaying it, W bau team for being such a good family, panic attacks,overthinking, Two I love you's
Fuck. You say to yourself stepping out of the team room. You take a huge breath and sit down at your desk. You began to overthink. This was the fifth case you stepped down from because you dealt with SA. Every time it pops up and begins to shy away from the case or the conversation. Always making an excuse as why you don't want to work on it or why you wanna talk about something else. Every time the case mentions something about SA you can feel everyone looking at reading your body language to any sign to see your reaction.
Hotch had ordered you to take some days off after the team found out what happened to you. Of course you became defensive and angry that he didn't want you to work. But the more you thought about making you realize that he cared for you. Not like a boss and worker care actually close friends to close friends.
Reid had taught you the buddy system so on the field you wouldn't be put in the situation again. At first you laughed at his face and called him silly, but the more he taught you about it you began to feel at ease at the thought. Him and Morgan were one pair another was J.J and Emily. And finally you and Hotch were the duo. All of the pairs playing their part making sure your safe.
Garcia had let you spend your breaks in her bat cave. Whenever you stepped down from the case. Just chilling and doing yalls things. Eating snacks and cuddled up with each other watching what Garcia had put on usually is how y'all can be found.
Emily showing you kick ass moves to use against a man or even a woman tries to touch you again. Hey in her words "You don't know when a greasy old woman or man touches you again so heres what to do" Of course she mad some jokes with it bringing up the mood.
Now the whole team would all hang out as a group. If one had to use the restroom another will follow and if someone had to go home someone else would walk or drive them their following who ever left. The team most definitely made a group chat and all of their locations are on. And they all send pictures of themselves frequently. If someone doesn't send a picture of themselves and what they're doing at the exact moment the team worries and goes to check on them.
All of the changes they did for you made you feel safe and secured. But you couldn't just shake off the memory of the man touching on you. You can still remember what he tasted like. You almost threw up and held it in since you're still at work and that would just be embarrassing on your part throwing in front of everyone.
You look at your team as they leave to head on the jet. You give them a bright smile even though you're miserable. You had to mask it. You couldn't just throw away all of the effort trying to make sure you're okay. That guilt of wasting their time eating you alive. You know they wouldn't feel that way but still it doesn't hurt to think.
"Well paper work here I come" You mumble to yourself sighing as you begin.Your mind starts to think about random things like what your gonna eat today or should you just start a cult about why pineapple on pizza is the best creation god made. Then are you useless to your team. That thought takes you back. Then you start to over think about it "What if I'm right? I mean cmon im getting paid while just sitting my lazy ass here. I should quit so they don't have to deal with me." You groan and drops your head to your desk this is gonna be a long week without the team.
The team finally came back after three days of depression as you would call it. I mean for you at least you were non-stop overthinking and random flashes of the SA you faced.
You thought about many ways and searched things up "How to forget something" but it never worked. So you walk up to the only man in the world who can solve almost all of your problems. Dr Reid. "So Doc I got a question?" You walk over to him during lunch break. "What can I do for you Y/n?" He answers. "How do you forget about something or more like stop worrying about it?" Reid turns around eyeing you up and down suspiciously. "It's nothing bad! just some annoying thing I keep remembering when I was a kid. Some dude named Max roasted me pretty bad and made the whole class laugh. I keep remembering the way they laughed at me is kinda embarrassing" You lie. You didn't mean it just had rolled off your tongue with even meaning to. "Fine. The short way is to relive the memory like act it out or do it. And another is to-" You cut him by walking away thinking who should you do it with.
Morgan! Yes Derek it's not the first time you two had slept with one another. You two actually frequently hook ups and one-night stands. But this time it will be on a whole different level. He agreed to the idea and decided to do it at his house. Up until now was perfect and acted just like him. He sucked you off better than the man since he wasn't a stranger to your cock so he wanted you to feel at least some pleasure.And jerked you off just right and picked you up carrying you into his bathroom he was a bit hesitant and broke character "Are you sure Y/n the guy doesn't prep you or anything and just acting like your a toy or something?" The question makes you stop and think. But then you respond "Then so be it use me like i'm a toy. I just want to prove to myself that I am strong and a survivor. Now get back into the character young man!" Derek gives Y/n one last kiss before dropping him onto the floor and locking the bathroom door. He quickly gets on top of him unbuckling his pants and letting his cock break into Y/n hole with nothing to help him. And also repeating the words that the Unsub said. He hears Y/n discomfort and pain sounds. It makes him want to stop and just cuddle him and whisper sweet nothing in his ears but he can't It's for Y/n it's his push for his new chapter. The only thing different about Derek and the unsub was that Derek was bigger and took longer to reach his peak. But once he does he goes deep just like what the Unsub did. Y/n cries out in pain but lets it happen. Derek finally pulls out and takes Y/n by his head forcing him to kiss him. Derek slides his tongue into Y/n mouth exploring every single inch.
Once they pull away Y/n says scene with a smile on his face. "Did I ever tell you that you have such badass tats" Morgan says while looking at the one on Your thigh. "Yeah everyday" You giggle and mumble "I love you Morgan" as you lay on his chest. "I love you to kid."
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winter-dayz · 8 months
Best Halloween Ever
Pairing: BamBam x Reader (ft. Mark Tuan, others) Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff Words: 1138
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“Bam, seriously, you couldn’t have told me we were throwing a party, I don’t know, before the party is supposed to start?” You asked incredulously at your roommate who was tidying up the kitchen.
“I forgot…” He grimaced, putting away some of our more fragile items.
“Forgot? We went costume shopping together. That would’ve been a great time to tell me. Or maybe even this morning would have been the least you could’ve done. Not literally minutes before your friends are going to arrive–”
“They’re your friends too.” He interrupted, frowning. You had met your roommate’s friends on several occasions but still didn’t like to claim them as friends of your own out of respect. You didn’t want BamBam to think you were trying to steal his friends, and you didn’t want anyone inviting you places out of obligation or pity. So, instead, you often distanced yourself. BamBam hated that.
Especially because BamBam had been not only trying to incorporate you into the friend group since you both began living together, but also because he had been trying to figure out how to tell you for months that he had an embarrassingly large crush on you.
“Go get ready. I’ll finish cleaning and setting up.” He said, shooing you off.
You didn’t emerge for another hour. It hadn’t taken you that long to get ready, though. Your costume was a simple dotted dress, puppy ears, and black and white makeup. You elected not to wear the collar that you bought as a joke. BamBam had wanted to wear matching costumes this year but also really wanted to gender-bend Cruella de Vil, so you offered to be a dalmatian.
The party was definitely in full swing by now, made quite obvious from the music and loud talking heard through the thin walls of your shared house, but you had not worked up the courage to emerge from the safety of your room. You had no doubts, however, that if you took any longer, your energetic roommate would come drag you from your confines.
So you quietly snuck from your room to the kitchen, needing to have something in hand while you braved the actual party, whether that be snacks or alcohol.
When you did finally make your way out into the living room, you realized just how much effort BamBam had put into this party.
He had really gone all out, which of course he had, and many in attendance had matched his energy with their costumes. As you searched for your costume partner, your eyes roamed the attendees, picking out your favorite costumes among the faces that were familiar to you.
On one of your couches, Taehyung dressed as a robot sat chatting to Namjoon and his new girlfriend. They were wearing a cute matching dryad set. You spotted Lisa and her fianceé in matching vampire costumes, staring each other down like they wanted to literally take a bite out of one another. Yugyeom was on the dance floor with his best friend, oddly wearing couple costumes of an angel and a devil. You wondered what was going on there…
A tap on your shoulder brought you out of your search and you turned to find someone covered in a white bedsheet with the eye holes cut out standing behind you.
“Boo.” Your roommate’s best friend said in a kind yet monotone voice. Mark, also a bit of an introvert, had unfortunately come alone. His new roommate wanted to hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters since it was her first Halloween living in a smaller town where kids actually went out at night.
“Have you seen Bam?” You asked him, comfortable with him enough that you didn’t feel rude asking. He merely shrugged.
“He’s everywhere. You know how he is during parties.” He then gestured to your cup. “Need a refill? It’s hot under the sheet, I’m gonna go cool off in the kitchen.”
You shook your head, tilting the cup to show its fullness. “I only just now joined everyone. I shouldn’t go into hiding yet.” He chuckled and nodded before heading off to the kitchen.
You resumed your scanning, spotting Youngjae and his friend both wearing witch costumes. Near them were Yuna and Ryujin laughing next to the makeshift bar, dressed as a mummy and purple alien respectively, while Minho smirked at his own joke, golf club splattered with fake blood perched on his shoulder. You weren’t exactly sure who he was supposed to be, but it was festive regardless.
Finally you spotted your roommate, chatting lively with a twisted-fairy version of Felix. You walked over to the pair, matching Felix’s bright smile when he saw your approach.
“Hi, Y/N, you look so cute!” He stated before looking between BamBam and you, connecting the dots. “Oh, I see.” He mumbled with a knowing smirk before walking away.
You watched in confusion, “What was that about?”
“Don’t worry about it, you know how Felix can be.” Bam joked, smiling and secretly checking you out. “Where have you been?”
You scoffed, jokingly glaring. “As if you even knew I wasn’t out here. You’re always running between conversations.” He frowned slightly at your statement, but you took a sip of your drink at the same time and didn’t notice.
You had somehow gotten roped into a debate over the correct way to eat an Oreo. Werewolf-Yeonjun was arguing that biting into the sandwich cookie was perfectly normal, but Medusa-Soobin and his statue-girlfriend were on the side of pulling it apart. You didn’t really have an opinion either way but took to arguing Yeonjun’s side with him just for the sake of fairness.
You were in the middle of nodding along to Yeonjun’s point when suddenly you were being dragged away by your wrist. You were about to protest and snap when you realized it was just your roommate.
“We need to take pictures.” He stated, bringing you along to a moody lit corner. Mark’s sheet lay discarded at his feet and he was holding up BamBam’s phone, ready to take pictures.
You and BamBam took several in-character pictures, and when he started looking through them over Mark’s shoulder, you moved to leave. Bam grabbed you and brought you back over, though, before you got too far.
“Just a few more.” He said and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pulling you flush against him. You looked over your shoulder at him confused, but he only tilted his head and smirked. The flash of the camera went off and then Bam leaned in, kissing you passionately. The angle was a bit awkward, but you were happy enough to deal with it.
The camera flashed several more times before BamBam released his lips from yours and smiled down at you.
“Happy Halloween.”
“Best Halloween party ever.”
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theunspokenart · 9 months
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Chapter III: Soulmates
"Every single conversation was a step closer to become inseparable soulmates"
Sometimes, the best thing that happens in life is when you least expect them and that is how I met you. I didn't expect it at first, but then you appeared into my life, bringing a sense of comfort that I've been longing for. Our love story began in the most unexpected place and it's another proof that love has a way of finding the most lovable person on the right time. It's you, Mircalla. The one who stood out among others, a stunning lady that captured my attention at the first sight. Your presence is like a magnet, it ignites the excitement within my heart, each time I get close to you. Later our connection deepens with how you reached me out through the Direct Message. If only I could turn back the time, I would like to tell you how much I am interested in you, and I wanted us to get closer naturally. But it was all in my head, before I have finally decided to release the drafts directly through our KKT and that is when I started to be overly nervous upon your reaction. My heart was thumping on another level, as if it was almost jumped out of its place. My hands were shaking, unable to contain the nervousness. It was actually unintentional, as I didn't expect that I would confess to you in such a short time. But then, you welcomed me very warmly, even bid me a congratulatory message as our interests intertwined. That's when I realized that we're soulmates. Slowly but sure, we have uncovered the layers of our souls through heartfelt conversations and it led us to the warmth of intimacy. It's like the compass that draws us closer and our love starts to grow stronger than ever. Suddenly I remembered how you said to me that "Life is bearable when I have you, Theo" and I could totally relate with that. Ever since I met you, I started to think that my days are bearable and I can get through it because I have Calla by my side. I have Calla, who will accompany me even in the most depressing days. I feel safe when I am with you, Calla. When life gets tough, your words are like a warm hug that embraced my soul throughout the time. So keep me close to you, Calla. Hold me tight. That's the only way I can endure this tough life. ❤
My dear Calla, as you're aware that we have been expressing our feelings towards each other, but I haven't confessed it in a proper way yet. I thought this would be the right time for me to shoot my shot. So please, prepare your heart. However, I will call an ambulance for you, or even give you oxygen through another kiss. Which one do you prefer? Jokes aside, but I have been waiting for this right moment. Although it wasn't fancy, I will keep doing it. I remember a piece of our last night conversation, how you appreciate the sincere acts, no matter what it is. Then I have finally gathered my courage here.
Calla, I think I have falling deeply for you. I couldn't shut up each time I think about you. I feel like I have wanted to tell the world that you belong to me, and I'm yours wholeheartedly. My mind is only filled with you these days, aside from my workloads. Each time I find something cute, that truly reminds me of you. When I bump into your favorite snacks, I keep thinking about you and somehow my impulsive thoughts would buy for it. Just because it reminds me of you. People might think I am too much, but that's when I feel whenever I am with you. You have brought so many positive vibes into my life. I feel energized when I talk to you, even on the busiest days. You always reassure me that I can get through anything and somehow your words worked like magic. We have shared the same interests as well in music, which I am totally fond of. Your songs added another reason of Theo being able to get through his busiest days. As what BOYNEXTDOOR said, "I think I am going crazy for real" and it's because of your presence in my life.
"I love you, Calla" Words that I have been uttered lately. It holds a deep meaning for me. Each time I said those words, I feel so loved, knowing that Mircalla will love me much than what I thought. Your love brings me so much happiness. I feel excited all the time, each time your notifications pop out through my screen. All I want is you. Now tell me, Do you feel the same way like I do? If so, would you mind being the one whom I loved for such a length period of time?
I would love to be the one whom you can lean on, whenever you need it the most. I would love to be someone who knows you better than anyone else can. Would you give me a chance to be your 'One and Only' partner, my Calla?
Do let me know your answer, be it through KKT or DM, whichever you prefer. I will wait for your response. ❤
Damn, at this point I would like to hide myself somewhere else. Please bear with that, baby. Last but not least, enjoy your favorite song! You can re-read this message while tuning into Love Story. 🫂❤
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crmsnmth-journal · 5 months
9:42 PM
"You Will Be Okay. Or You Won't. One of Those." This was the stupid meme that got me thinking since a few hours ago. I get the joke, I do. And it's funny to me, but the idea of it is, in its own way, kind of uplifting. To me anyway, and how my mind has been working for the past decade or so. There are only two outcomes, basically a yes and no idea. Human Binary, if you will. Simply putting life down to its very basic understanding of human beings. You either will be ok, or you won't. There's nothing else there. It's yes and no. And even though I've turned into quite the coward in the last couple years, this helps me gain some of the confidence I once had burning through me. The fire's not back, and I don't ever really expect it to be back, but there's at least a spark. There's no kindling, so it won't last. But for someone with my mental health battles, even a spark is beautiful.
I'm going to a concert June 1st. Frank Turner and The Sleeping Souls, Amigo the Devil, Bridge City Sinners, and some others that I don't know. Frank Turner and Amigo is probably the most important show I'll ever get to go to. Frank saved me years ago, and Amigo saved me recently. Both of them, I mean literally. Frank made me put down the piece of glass and Amigo stopped me from swallowing a bottle of sedatives. They are very important to me. My brother said he'd drive, and it's not too far, just the Twin Cities. I have been to an actual real concert/show since Wednesday 13, with Tif and Chad, back in 2014. I used to go to a lot of shows. Almost every weekend for a while there. And I guess I've been to shows since Wednesday 13, but I'm not including shitty bands playing at The Silver Dome. And I'm not including bands that play at this town's shitty Heritage Days thing. But an actual show by someone I'd really like to see, and I'd really like to see these two on stage. This will also be the first show I've gone to since I got sober and clean. I'm not even in the slightest bit nervous. I got this. I really hope nothing goes wrong and takes this from me. I buy the tickets tomorrow.
So I guess I have something to look forward to. And as I type that, I realize I haven't look forward to something since the birth of my son in 2020. There's been nothing to really look forward to. Jail sucked, my dad has a stroke, my dad gets into a car accident and ends up dying from complications of both, and old friends don't want to be around a violent felon. I don't blame anybody on that. I wish they knew the whole truth of what happened on those nights. It might not change any views on me and, in the end, that's ok. I can't change the views of those who see me. It's not worth my time anymore. Those who knew me, and those who know me know the whole story, and not just the part where I was a monster. Those who know me know I don't like violence in any form. And the only time violence is ok is in defense. But I have no defense. I didn't in the courtroom, and I let her take everything from me. All my possessions, my son, my freedom, my reputation, my name. Everything. It's been almost four years since this hell began. I'm slowly getting my name right. Ever the optimist, Chris. It can only go up from down here. I won't fall off the ladder this time. I got this.
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literatemisfit · 1 year
Cheers to @aprocrastinatorsparadise for tagging me in this Top 4 Albums (or alternatively Top 4 Songs) that I've been listening to recently and why they have meant something to me.
Still Got Legs - Chameleon Circut
My full-on DT/Doctor Who fandom plunge that has resulted from self-soothing during the pandemic by returning to a happier time in my life has been really healing and bringing me lots of joy. Actually, DT is almost my only source of pure, no-holding-back joy, I have laughed and smiled (and fangirled) more after watching his dumb little face than I have in the rest of 2020-2023. This album brings me back to that place of fandom and belonging to something when I'm away from home or commuting to and back from work. I think the album is genius and hits exactly the right place between DW fandom and DW universe. Doctor Who's themes on morality, compassion, and non-violence make me feel seen as someone who wants to do good and help others. It also makes me want to see the good in the world when it's become hard to see. Chameleon Circut gives me the same feels as some of the DW episodes and in the same way, their songs (especially Regenerate Me, Travelling Man, Teenage Rebel, The Big Bang Two, and The Sound of Drums) have come to belong to me as much as the episodes and their themes have come to belong to me.
Inside - Bo Burnham
In the same vein as a pandemic response, this album has made me feel so seen as someone who is feeling betrayed by the world and its corruption in the face of a very real and very scary global crisis. He's right, how do we joke around and have fun in this world where billionaires are richer than they have ever been and no normal person can afford housing? I like that Bo Burnham attacks Bezos by name and "the pedophilic corporate elite" because it helps me feel like Someone is doing Something about all this. It feels good, it feels like revenge, it feels like fighting for what's good in the world. His album also keeps me on my toes as an aspiring ally to poc and reminds me how flawed and performative I (and we all) can be. But also, songs like Look Who's Inside Again make me feel seen as a loner and socially-inept human who began the pandemic wondering why I never decided to go out and explore the world while I had the chance. But now in 2023, I'm making promises to myself to do just that.
The Prince of Egypt - Soundtrack
Y'all can skip this one if you have religious/catholic icks and I don't blame you. I've realized in recent years that while I am an atheist and despise organized (especially Christian) religions, there was always this feeling like nostalgia around going to church and catholic themes, as an ex-catholic. And I've recently found the words to explain what it is: while I do not experience catholicism religiously (anymore), I do still experience it culturally and nostalgically when I remember my deceased grandparents and my childhood which at times revolved around those rituals. Like my interests around greek mythology and world history, I have developed a fascination around catholicism and their egregious past of in-fighting with other christian sects which let's be honest believe almost exactly the same fucking thing. Or fighting with other religious groups that believe in a god in a different way. And it leads to murder every time! Murder! It's wild. But this album and movie hit me in the right nostalgic places where those beliefs lead to hoping for and believing in a better future and a loving community: and love is what wins in the end. It's just a story, a myth, but it should make you feel loved and looked after, that's it.
The Irish Rovers - Greatest Hits
Okay a bit of a left turn. As a French Canadian with no UK/Irish/Scottish ties (that we know of), folk music from Ireland and Scotland make me feel a) closer to DT and his past and sense of self, but also b) closer to this lovely feeling of community and a raw emotional past. They talk about serious themes, big feelings, poke fun at themselves, and always have the most upbeat and catchiest music and all that together gives off a real vulnerability and realness that I think is hard to find in most media. They are so wholly themselves, with flaws and an easygoingness that is so refreshing and so centered around one very specific geographical place that it feels like visiting them just by listening to them. I feel transported there when actually I'm just on the bus or doing chores. And somehow, their less progressive lyrics make me feel even more attached because they are not hiding their past (or present?) or pushing for pleasing an audience. It's real because it's flawed and it's real because it's from a place of truth.
Well that was fun and healing! I will tag @expelliarmus and @davidtennan-t if you guys would like to participate 🌈
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artsyxabbyx · 1 year
Chapter 11
Family Fortune
As he looked around the surrounding room, Axel realized some of the weapons held more familiarity than he believed. Something in the way the walls reminded him of the broken down home they lived in made him believe that the weapons adorning them held nostalgia as well.
For the first few moments that light filled the room, he believed they were relics of the past or maybe something he saw in a dream. He was nothing but shocked as he took in his surroundings. Weapons as far as he could see, but a clear path to another door. There was organized chaos, something that Griffin THRIVED in. Upon a closer inspection, Axel found there was no way the door could actually work, it was too mangled for use.
But an even closer look at the actual weapons themselves would open multiple doors in his memories. One item that he stopped in front of made him stop in his tracks. Something about the bright blue hilt struck a chord of nerves that could only be described as bittersweet nostalgia. As he picked the weapon out of the broken barrel it was sheathed in, he realized what it was that made him remember the item.
“Wait, I had a fake sword that looked just like this when we were kids! The blue hilt, the streaks of green that look like lighting in the middle… all of it- how did you remember the exact look?”
Griffin nodded as he picked it up, then carried it to the back of the room where the broken door stood.
“You wanna know how I remember? It never left me. I never let them out of my sight.”
The closer the men got to it, the closer the details became more clear.
“Let them..? I don’t think I’m following.”
The door looked like it was about to fall off its hinges if he simply placed a hand on the termite-ridden wood, but as he opened it, Axel’s eyes widened as they found the treasure trove created out of their childhood toys.
“You kept it all… The bows, the swords, “
A choked bark gained both brother’s attention as Axel glanced between the small dog that was the exact breed and the robot at his heel as the dog in question began to walk over to his ‘blueprint’.
“The first toy we ever fought over?”
Griffin held his hands up defensively.
“Sometimes you’ve gotta reminisce on the happy things. Especially when your only happy place is taken away from you.”
As the small toy let out another scratchy bark, Enforcer jumped out of surprise and picked up the toy in his jowls, breaking it in his grasp. A quick gasp left Axel as he watched the literal break-neck speed in front of him.
Griffin let out a short breath
“Just another memory wasted huh..
“I’m sorry, Grif. I wasn’t expecting him to do that.”
Griffin didn’t reply. Somewhere between angry that the memory was taken, but relieved that he wouldn’t have to listen to the crackled box of the broken toy anymore, he settled on indifference.
Then, in the silence, Axel cracks another joke to ease any possible hard feelings.
“Do you think he felt threatened?”
Griffin looks between the ribbons of the toy and the animatronic in front of him, then turns back to Axel. He knew the younger brother was just trying to keep him on a light note, so he nodded.
“Oh he totally did.”
The brothers let out chuckles as they looked at the shattered toy below their feet.
“He was too quick with that attack. You’ve got him trained really well, how many dummies did this dog destroy?”
“None, I actually took him hunting with me and THAT’S how he learned to attack things quickly.”
“Holy shit..”
Axel nodded “He’s a badass. Taught him to be a lone wolf like you if the time ever came to it. He can’t be lost if he loses me.”
“Don’t say that. He’s not going to lose you, I’m making sure of it.”
“Don’t tell me you’re scared to lose me a second time.”
“No, I’m scared to be alone with that thing.”
The robotic dog in front of him let out an angry snarl, teeth already sharpening themselves and red irises darkening in a shade to make him more intimidating than he already was.
“Point proven.”
“He’s just showing off to assert fake dominance, don't worry. Animals in the wild do that too, to make themselves too scary to fight.”
Looking back into the room, Axel did a double take as the gleam of his brother’s bow nearly blinded him. The double pointed edges made him shiver at the realization that his bow could be used for both long range and short if it needed to be. Pulling him from the thoughts swirling in his head, Griffin spoke up.
“So, has the initial shock subsided?”
Griffin couldn’t help the smug grin that crossed his features. For once, he felt finally had the upper hand on his brother’s wit. Axel let out a scoff of his own that matched the disgust his brother’s usually carried and he offered a small smile.
“I wouldn’t say that it’s shock at this point. More so amazement that you did all of this by yourself.”
Griffin shook his head, knowing that he would be at least a little surprised in his skill.
“What can I say, I have a genius for a brother and a workaholic for a father. I had to do something with those skills.”
Axel let out a tiny huff of a laugh.
“You flatter me.”
“Eh, just wait until I screw it up somehow.”
Griffin looks away to the corner of the room, allowing himself to remember that it was always a matter of time before he (or something he created) messed up the situation at hand.
“Ever the optimist. C’mon, lighten up.”
Axel gave him a playful shove to his shoulder, something that he would do even when they were children to get Griffin to play back.
“Trust me, I try.”
“I doubt that.”
“Lightening up like a lightbulb.”
“Missing one of the main conductors I bet.”
Silence took over the room once more before the brothers broke out into laughter. There weren’t many times like this, so they knew to enjoy it while it could.
Griffin was the first to bring himself back to composure and keep the task at hand in the forefront of their minds.
“Regardless, we’ll get what we want and then we have to make a small four day trip to see our monster dearest.”
A brief look of shock and annoyance flashed across Axel’s face. While he didn’t mind the exercise, four days sounded a little excessive.
“Ah, right. I forgot the promenade is over.”
He leaned down and picked up as many weapons as he could, then handed some to Enforcer to hold on his back. The duo loaded with bows, swords and a rifle if needed.
“There was never a-”
“Let me have this moment.”
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arcanadreams · 3 years
That time you and your demon boyfriend went viral
hi yes hello obey me fandom!! my name is Gabbi and i have never played a single second of the actual game but i have read enough fanon content for the past year to have this idea swimming around in my head and now i am finally letting this accursed thing out of my brain and putting it in yours
also i’m only doing the brothers because any more than that and i’d have an aneurysm probably. oh and shoutout to @obeythebutler and @beels-burger-babe for inspiring me with their works to feel brave enough to write for this fandom
You and Lucifer go viral on Asmo’s Devilgram story!
You’re in the kitchen helping Asmo with dinner duty and singing along to one of your playlists of human realm music that you like to show him.
Asmo starts filming your cute little dance while you stir the pot on the stove because you are just adorable!
About ten seconds into him filming, Lucifer appears in the doorway with quite the stern look on his face. You know, the one that comes right before a “MAMMOOOOOON” and strikes fear into the heart of all those with functioning eardrums. That one.
He opens his mouth, presumably to tell y’all to shut the fuck up, but then there’s a lull in the music and the eldest can hear your voice ever so slightly above the song’s vocalist and he freezes.
Man stops in his tracks like someone just smacked him in the face with a midair volleyball.
Asmo can be heard stifling a laugh behind his phone.
Lucifer’s face gets so soft and he almost, almost, loosens his metal-rod-through-the-ass posture before you notice him and give a little wave and ask if you and Asmo were being too loud like the considerate darling you are.
Lucifer clears and his throat and says something like, “No, you aren’t. I was just coming to check on how dinner is coming along,” and leaves, after which Asmo immediately presses the post button.
Screenshots of Lucifer’s heart eyes for you go absolutely viral because every demon on Devilgram goes absolutely feral for seeing the eldest demon brother lose his dignified composure. It becomes a meme template. “Get you someone who looks at you like Lucifer looks at MC” and “me at the delivery demon when he shows up with my spicy bat wings” posts become commonplace. (Asmo thinks the memes are totally worth getting strung up with Mammon for laughing at them.)
Much like Lucifer, you and Mammon end up going viral off Asmo’s Devilgram. (Noticing a pattern here?) 
He pulls a silly prank on your asses and honestly I don’t know how you fell for it. But hey, they say “idiots in love” for a reason, so...
You and Asmo are sitting in the common room of the House of Lamentation just chillin. Well, he’s chillin, you’re on the floor studying for an upcoming exam.
The video starts in the middle of a conversation you and the avatar of lust were having.
“No, Asmo,” you say. “Mammon and I don’t use pet names for each other.” Now that’s just a darn lie, and every demon and crow within ten miles of Mammon and you together knows it.
“Really? I find that very hard to believe, MC.~” 
You sigh in response to Asmo’s teasing. “Okay, he has a lot for me but I’m just not much of a pet name person, y’know?” The rest of the exchange goes like this:
“Oh, I totally get it.” *pause* “Hey MC, what do human world bees make again?”
Cue a sheepish Mammon sticking his head in the doorway at the bluntness of your tone when you answered Asmo.
“Yeah, babe?” he looks like a puppy left on the side of a highway oh my god hUG HIM-
Asmo turns the camera back to his smug ass face and in the background you can be heard tripping on the damn carpet trying to get up and hug your mans. (”MAMMON GET OVER HERE SO I CAN HUG YOU” “W-WHAT? I THOUGHT YA WERE MAD AT ME?!?!?!?!”)
Streamer Levi? Streamer Levi.
You guys go viral the first time you make an appearance on one of Levi’s weekly (insert cool Devildom streaming service name here) streams. 
It’s completely unintentional. You had been asking him for weeks to play with him on there, but he’s the avatar of envy after all. He doesn’t like sharing his partner, even if it’s with random strangers who have no real access to you.
However, he has his stream on a Thursday instead of a Friday one week, and you come into his room carrying dinner because 1) You didn’t realize he was streaming and 2) No matter what he was doing, the boy needed to eat. It wasn’t unusual for you to bring him dinner, so you had no idea why he was blushing and stammering even more than usual this time in particular. Boy was speaking in beached whale trying to tell you what was wrong.
Then you notice his screen. Oh! “Hi chat!” You wave, setting Levi’s food down on his desk in front of his keyboard. “M-MC!” He full-on whines, slamming a hand over his mouth afterwards when he remembers his viewers could hear that.
Honestly, they’d meme the fuck out of him if it weren’t for the fact that they are FINALLY SEEING HIS HENRY!!! THE MYSTERIOUS MC!!!
Chat is bombarding you with questions while you make Levi eat dinner. And by make him eat dinner, I mean literally feeding this man forkfuls/spoonfuls while he games because you love how flustered he gets when you do that. 
Does it impact his score? Absolutely. Does he care? Not really when you’re pampering him like that.
You start answering chat’s questions about you while he’s chewing so he can’t tell you to stop LMAO-
You’re a natural on stream. The VOD becomes the most popular on Levi’s account in a matter of hours and soon cute highlights compilations of you and him on that stream start making the rounds on Devildom Twitter.
There was buildup to Satan going viral, similar to Levi in a way. 
Satan does have a Devilgram, but it’s basically a white woman’s Instagram with added book reviews for variety. Unless you’re a reader his account is pretty boring: candles, books, fireplaces, and cats.
However, after you two started reading together fairly often he began posting pictures of your legs draped over his while you sat together. They’d always be captioned with vague ass pretentious literary criticism. 
This goes on for months, and he gains a lot of (horny) followers after the leg pics start up. He doesn’t really get why but you both joke that it’s because you have some damn nice legs and I mean neither of you are complaining about the new following.
You two go viral when he finally shows your face, entirely by accident.
The post is a video, which is already strange for him and grabs attention. In it, you’re scoffing and reading an excerpt of a book, mocking its understanding of female anatomy.
“I’m quoting here, Satan: ‘her breasts bouncing around like giant pacmen.’ I’M SORRY?? THAT ISN’T HOW BOOBS WORK SIR. WHY ARE MEN ALLOWED TO WRITE?” 
(fun fact that is a very real quote from a very real book I really read last month pls save me)
Originally the camera is focused on your body, with your head out of frame to protect your privacy, but your righteous anger made Satan laugh. Like, a real laugh. The one that makes you and everyone in earshot wonder if he truly was never an angel cause he sure as hell laughs like one but anyway-
When he threw his head back, his DDD angled up just a tad without him noticing, and your face was in view for like .2 seconds. Screenshots of it are making the rounds on Devilgram almost immediately: FINALLY THE LEGS’ OWNER HAS BEEN FOUND.
Satan apologizes profusely but you honestly find it funny and you two opt to just start taking selfies while reading with both of your faces in them from now on. 
I’m gonna be real with you: you and Asmo go viral all the time. Pretty much everything Asmo posts can be considered viral because of his social media following and his status as one of the seven avatars of sin.
However, there are some fairly cute highlights to be pointed out among the times you were both featured in a post that blew up.
Your favorite is probably that time Asmo livestreamed on of you guys’ ‘Nail Nites,’ as you call them.
You’re both on the floor, doing your nails and kicking your feet back and forth while talking to chat. A lot of the questions are about your relationship, and there’s a lot of flirting back and forth between the two of you.
A particular clip of the stream does blow the fuck up on Devilgram, though, when someone screen records it and posts it with a bunch of heart emojis edited over it.
“’What colors do you think best describe each other?’ Ooo, that’s a good one, chat!” Asmo claps his hands together excitedly, making sure to be  careful of his nails.
Pretty much everyone expected you to say pink, but you surprised both your boyfriend and your viewers when, after a pensive few moments, you replied with “Hmm...probably yellow or orange.”
“Can I ask why, darling?” Asmo tilts his head in confusion. I mean, yeah, those colors look good on him, but he doesn’t wear them often so he’s wondering about your thought process. 
“Well, in the human world those colors often represent happiness, optimism, and positivity. You’re always the cheerful presence I need in my life when things get hard, so you have the vibe of those colors.”
Asmo proceeds to burst into tears and hug you, messing up both of your nails and prolonging the stream since you both have to start over. But neither of you particularly care. 
Fun fact: Asmo has the clip that demon made of that portion of the stream saved on his DDD and watches it whenever he feels sad.
Beel and you probably go the most viral out of everybody. Like this moment is an entire phenomenon across the Devildom internet. 
It’s a video, or well, multiple videos, taken at the end of a Fangol game that Beel’s team had just won. Everyone is cheering and going crazy, yourself included, and you just really wanted to congratulate your boyfriend.
So, like the rational person you are, you elect to climb up onto the railing of the bleachers and wave to get his attention. 
You were absolutely fine up there, and sat all comfortably motioning Beel over to you. He notices, of course, and jogs over, standing right beneath you and looking up. (Back where you were sitting, Mammon is screeching like a hyena in heat and Belphie, who is laying down, has one eye open to glare at him. The youngest knows Beel would never let you hurt yourself; you’re fine.)
A bunch of assorted demons at the game has started filming while you were sat atop the railing since you were rather noticeable. Therefore, there’s a shit ton of different angles of the adorable events that follow:
You slide off the railing, landing right in Beel’s waiting arms bridal style. You’ve got this brilliant smile on your face as you pull his helmet off. None of the DDDs filming can hear it over the crowd noise, but Beel asks you why you just went through all that trouble and you tell him it’s because you wanted to tell him how proud you are.
Soft boy’s chest puffs up and he smiles this big cheesy smile at you reach up to run a hand through his hair. You feel him practically purr at the contact, and with a laugh you pull him in and plant a big ole smooch on him.
The crowd, at least those of them that can see, scream. Everyone is running high on adrenaline and happy emotions; something that cute causes a ruckus!! When you pull away Beel proceeds to put you on his shoulders and you celebrate with him and the rest of his team.
The videos of you two being adorable go completely viral and there are some threads dedicated to stockpiling every single angle taken of the event. Beel is completely oblivious to the attention but you have a lot of them saved on your DDD.
If you think Belphegor has any sort of social media presence whatsoever then you are sorely mistaken. (Well okay he actually does run some anonymous troll accounts to meme on Lucifer’s posts but that’s neither here nor there-)
Therefore, naturally, you two go viral off of Asmo’s Devilgram. 
Okay so someone in the obey me tag the other say headcanoned that Belphie will go out of his way to nap in ridiculous places and my brain really took that and RAN WITH IT.
So what happens is that Belphie will fall asleep in the fucking weirdest places. I’m talking on top of the fridge, underneath the dinner table, on top of bookshelves...you name it, he has slept there, no matter the effort it takes to get there in the first place. 
And, ever since you two started dating, you would join him. Sometimes it involved putting yourself at risk of great bodily harm, but the little smile he gave when you he saw you fucking scaling the countertop to reach him made it worth it.
So anyway, since Beel adores the both of you to no end, he takes pictures whenever he sees you two napping together, whether or not it is in a crazy place. He sends these to the family group chat because he thinks they’re adorable.
Over a span of weeks to months, Asmo has built up a stock of images of you and Belphie cuddles up in seemingly impossible places. Once he has about ten or so, he posts a compilation of them to his Devilgram with some cheesy ass caption like “The things we do for love <3″.
They become a meme SO QUICKLY. Like UNBELIEVABLY quickly. 
The picture of you and Belphie sleeping on top of a bookshelf, in particular, is a big hit. Memes abound.
“If my girl doesn’t climb up a bookshelf to cuddle my ass, she don’t love me.” “Get yourself a partner who scales bookshelves just to be with your ass.” Etc etc...Belphie doesn’t give a shit but you laugh at a lot of them so he sees that as a good outcome.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
You and I - Henry Cavill smut
The one where Henry comes over to fix your computer
Warnings: reader is a henry fan, pandemic theme, lockdown and quarentine-ing, little bit of second-hand embarrassment?, heatwave, henry is feeling deprived in this one, oral sex (f), masturbation (f), dirty talk, brief hairpulling, the name of God in vain, Henry’s monster dick,  laughing and teasing while fucking, hand over throat but no actual choking, orgasm control, p in v, unprotected sex
Word count: over 3k, ‘cause I got no chill
A/N: this was inspired by a tik tok someone requested me to write a fic about it. Obviously I took it in a different direction because can I ever follow guidelines? No. I do love this fic, though. Thank you to @lokiscollar​ for giving this a read for me!
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Y/N’s P.O.V
Driving to a secluded location to spend lockdown in felt like a wonderful idea. There was a working wi-fi connection, so I could work remotely from the seashore cabin without any problem whatsoever, and the view was obviously to die for.
I did not expect someone else to have the same idea as me. The cabin next door had been occupied on the same day that I arrived, and much to my surprise, I recognized my new neighbor as someone I never expected I’d come to meet in my entire life: an actor. An actor I actually had a crush on.
Thankfully, the situation didn’t exactly call for mingling. I ran off to hide inside my cottage as soon as I realized who he was, occupying myself with fixing everything for the next day instead of daydreaming about the man next-door.
There would be time for that later, once I got in bed. But weirdly enough, that was the only time I really thought about him during those first weeks of quarantine. Every once in a while I’d get the random wave of curiosity about what he was doing - what did Henry Cavill get up to while spending lockdown by himself? But that was pretty much it.
I woke up every day, had breakfast, worked and then went to bed. Sometimes I’d sit by the balcony and watch the birds fly, taking in the scenery and breathing in the salty water. Even as a kid, I’d always loved the sea. It was comforting, so it made sense for me to turn to it in such a stressful time.
Sometimes I’d hear a bark or two, reminding me of the man who was staying in the other cabin, and it made me smile. I always did like his dog, whenever I saw pictures of him.
I hoped they were alright and that the absence of any human contact wasn’t getting to them, even though it was getting to me. I could feel my own social abilities - which weren’t exactly stellar before - slowly becoming decrepit, and I was scared to think of what my first human interaction would be like once lockdown was over.
I just hadn’t anticipated it would be come so soon.
The morning began as it usually would. I took my shower, I had my breakfast, and I sat in front of the computer with my coffee in hands, ready to start working for the day.
Only the computer wasn’t ready for it, too.
“What?” I talked to myself - something that had become more usual the longer lockdown went on. “Oh, no, no, no…” The situation was looking drearier the longer I stared at my lifeless screen.
Looking up at the clock, I considered my options. Even supposing I could get someone to come to this middle of nowhere to fix it, there was no way I’d be able to get it done before work started.
Sighing, I pushed away from my designated desk to call my boss. Thankfully, he understood and I was left to repair the damn thing and come up with a solution for the next day.
My heart ached at the prospect of having to abandon my refuge because of an electronic malfunction. And that is, if there even was anyone willing to fix the damn thing, considering the pandemic and the rules of social distancing. That’s when suddenly, an idea popped up.
I remembered all the fuss a few months back over a video of Henry assembling a computer all by himself. There was no way someone with that much hardware prowess couldn’t at least know enough to fix this simple laptop.
With that thought in mind, I gathered all of my courage to leave my little shack and make my way to the neighboring cabin. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door, and after a few seconds of silence - he was probably surprised and certainly not expecting anyone - a voice sounded from within.
“Who is it?” Now, I had thought this through. If this man came as far as I had come to this damn forgotten town, it was because 1) he wanted peace and quiet and 2) he was as terrified of the virus as I was. So I knew what I needed to say - what I would like to hear if the roles were reversed.
“It’s your neighbor. My name’s Y/N. I’m so sorry to disturb, but my computer broke and I need it to work and you’re the only person I’m 100% sure has been socially distancing for long enough not to put my life in risk.” After all, I would have seen if someone had come to visit him. I didn’t need to say this because both of us knew it. “Would you pretty pretty please come and check it out?”
Silence followed my question and I sighed, rubbing my sweaty forehead as I knew this was a long-shot. “I understand if you’re unable or uncomfortable doing so, I just figured I’d ask. Thanks anyway!”
I had already turned my back to his front door when I heard it swinging open, the pitter patter of paws following close behind. My eyes took in the man in front of me for only a second before looking down at the dog at his feet, head tilted in interest as he analyzed me.
Immediately, my eyes lit up. “Kal!” I exclaimed, kneeling down to let the animal sniff me so I could pet it. My heart stopped working for a second when I realized what I’d done, though.
“Sorry!” I looked up at him from my kneeling position, trying to ignore how awkward it was, considering what I was close to. “I-I do know who you are, I’m not gonna lie about that.”
I straightened up as he kept looking at me in a way I couldn’t quite define. Neither could I determine how it made me feel, just that it made me avert my gaze so I’d stare at my feet.
“So… Are you gonna help me?” He chuckled at my question, closing the door behind him and taking a step in my direction, making me fumble as I instinctively stepped back.
“Sure.” It was the first thing he spoke to me, but we walked back to my own place in silence. He had his hands in his pockets as Kal followed us closely, his tongue hanging outside his mouth as he happily explored the outside for this little while. “Come on in.”
The way the cottage was set up left little space for him to wonder where he should be helping me. The desk in which I had prepared my set-up stood right by the wall to our left, and there he went without me having to point it out.
I watched a drop of sweat roll down the nape of his neck and fall under his tank top, distracting me as I licked my lips at the sight of it. Then his head turned to look at me and I realized that he was waiting for an answer to a question I hadn’t heard.
“Yeah, huh?” He chuckled again, making my face feel warm - an not (only) because of the overwhelming heat.
“Is it okay if I disconnect the wi-fi?” I wave my hand dismissively, shrugging.
“As long as you’re able to fix this, you can do whatever the hell you want.” I got the impression that I amused him, but he didn’t say anything else as he got to work on my (seemingly) dead computer.
Minutes went by of complete silence, safe from the sounds of typing and metal as Henry worked on the machine and I tried not to bite my nails. Finally, he pulled away from the screen and put his hands on his hips as if assuming some sort of decided stance - but if it was a good or bad thing, I couldn’t tell.
“Tell me, doctor.” I asked, pushing myself away from the sofa to approach him. The smell of a man’s sweat really had no right to be this arousing. “Is it life or death?” Henry turned to stare at me with a quirked eyebrow, and in the seconds it took for him to answer, I was once again distracted by just how hot he was.
“Sorry, what?” I asked when he became silent and I realized he’d asked me something I hadn’t heard once more. His smile said he was annoyed and entertained at the same time. “Sorry, you’re hot, it’s hot, and I can’t think straight,” I sighed, brushing the hair away from my eyes as I pressed my palms against them, trying to pull myself together.
“I swear to God, I’m not crazy.” I tried to look him directly as I said that, but was surprised at what I saw when our gazes met. There was a peculiar sense of yearning that he exuded, something I couldn’t quite place but that took my breath away all the same, especially when he took my silence as an invitation to invade my personal space.
“If you want me so badly, all you have to do is ask.” Silence fell heavily and I was out of breath just from his words - not a good sign. My throat felt dry, too dry, so I swiped my tongue over my bottom lip as I struggled to say something.
“W-why, though?” He tilted his head to the side, eyes inscrutable while he judged my question, trying to understand where it came from just like I was trying to understand his interest in me, when he suddenly smiled.
“I figured it’s a nice way for you to pay me back.” It took me a second to understand what he was referring to, and then my eyes darted from the computer to him, my mouth falling open in offense until he started chuckling. “I’m joking!” But even so, the question remained…
“Sweetheart…” He spoke, voice low and velvety as two strong hands suddenly enveloped my hips. “You’re seriously underestimating how hot you are.” I didn’t know what to say, so I had to make sure I’d hear him right.
“M-me?” A predatory smirk took over his face, slowly. I gulped under its intensity, feeling much like prey as he started to back me against the couch. I fell on top of it with a gasp, and another one escaped me when he used my ankles to pull me closer.
“I wanna eat you out.” It was all I got as an answer, but I can’t say that I minded it. As he dropped to his knees before me, pulling down my underwear before spreading my legs for his eyes to take in, it felt like I got a response from the gesture in itself.
“Do you know how long it’s been since I ate pussy?” The unexpected question made me choke on my own saliva, as he chuckled darkly in amusement at my bashfulness. I could only breathe through my mouth when he leaned down to run his tongue on the edge of my lips, slowly acquainting himself with my taste, making me moan softly.
“I-I definitely and decidedly don’t.” He seemed to like this answer, understand that it delimited exactly the type of fan that I was: the kind that knew what he was and what he liked - his dog, his computer - but not someone who was obsessed with his entire dating history, eager to know his every secret.
The longer Henry ate me out, the clearer it became just how long it’d been since he’d done this. It was obviously something he liked - the way he buried his face against my cunt and engulfed it entirely with his open mouth showed so. And the fact that he licked me and sucked me like he was a starved man? This was a man denied of a pleasure he genuinely enjoyed, that much I was certain of.
“Do you like this?” He asked once he inserted one of his thick fingers inside of me, already stretching me beyond what I could do with my own hand.
“How could I not?” I managed to moan a response, making him chuckle.
“Show me how to find it,” he instructed, eyes sparkling with determination. “I want to find your sweet spot.” I’d never had someone I was with so interested in giving me pleasure before.
Hypnotized, my fingers circled his wrist as best as I could, slowly moving him to run his digits over the top of my channel. He knew when he found it because I cried out for him, closing my eyes momentarily.
“Cum for me,” he ordered, and how could I deny him that, especially when he was looking at me with those darkened eyes? He milked my orgasm until my pussy had stopped clenching around him, but the second that it was done, he growled, getting up to his knees. “Gonna fuck you now.”
He pulled me by my hair, making me moan out loud as he slowly inserted his monster cock inside of me. “Oh, God!” His groan had me panting, cunt clenching around his thickness. I couldn’t understand how I was able to take it, but I was glad that was the case. “So… tight…”
Through his grip on my hair, he pulled me to deposit quick kisses down my jaw. “You take me so well, darling.” It was a compliment I was proud to receive, even though I wasn’t too sure how I managed to earn it in the first place.
“I honestly don’t know how,” I admitted, gasping when he slowly dragged his cock out to slam it in me, but I instinctively pulled my hips away, earning an amused chuckle from him.
“Come back here,” he ordered, already pulling me back to spear me with his painfully hard length. I’d have to be inhuman not to cry out at the feeling of his bulbous head bumping against my cervix. “Are you scared?” He joked as I bit on my bottom lip not to give in and laugh. “You think I’m too big?”
“You’re more than enough, I’ll tell you that.” Now, that had his own laugh escaping his chest, making my body tremble underneath his, inadvertently getting some friction between the both of us. It earned me a moaned out, “Yes…” that got his attention back to where I hoped it would be, and as his eyes settled on me, I briefly wondered if I was prepared for what was to come.
“But now that you got all of me inside of you, do you really want to go?” The whispered question made me shiver. I never expected him to be the type to talk dirty, but then again, I never expected I’d be fucked by him, either.
“No.” It was all the permission he needed.
“Then let me fuck you hard.” And hard he did fuck me. He was hard inside of me, it probably would have been painful for him if he wasn’t so desperately trying to alleviate it by frantically fucking me against the couch.
It was the most deliciously torturous experience I’d ever gone through. I had to bite my lip while I held onto his shoulders for dear life, trying to stop my moans from escaping because I was sure that for once, I’d become a screamer.
Unfortunately, it seemed like Henry didn’t appreciate my efforts to keep his ears from deafening. “What’s wrong?” He questioned, fingers tightening on my hips. “I thought you wanted this.”
Confused, all I could think to say was, “I-I do.”
“Then let me hear you,” he insisted. “You know you can scream all you want. We’re all alone up here on the coast.” Well, he wasn’t wrong. And with that reassurance, I allowed my head to fall back and my mouth to fall open, my moans flowing freely from my body as Henry kept fucking me.
“This is so much better than touching myself in search of a release,” he mumbled at some point, like he was talking to himself. “I was so damn lonely and you have such a tight little pussy.”
Being fucked by him felt like a religious experience. Henry somehow knew the map to my pleasure, easily bringing me to the brink of bliss before I had even managed to wrap my head around this turn of events.
My moans grew louder as I climbed higher and higher, but before I could fully tip over his hand curled around my throat, not constricting any air, just calling my attention.
“Ask for permission, baby.” Just the order had me clenching around him, prompting him to release a moan of his own. All the while, I was groaning in frustration, trying to control myself or say what he wanted me to say, but all that came out of me was, “Goddamn! You can’t say stuff like that.” Henry’s laughter flowed freely once more, making my heart skip a beat. “Why not?”
“Because you’re a fucking movie star and I am not up to fall in love with you.” That had his eyebrows raising in surprise, the smile disappearing from his face before it came back as a teasing smirk.
“Oh, so this is a one-time thing.” The taunting manner in which he said it surprised me in turn, so I hesitated before nodding. I mean, of course it was, right? He didn’t even know me. This was strictly sexual and physical, I would not be fooled by my own hormones. “My cock is not enough for you to want to get to know me some is that it?” … Was he testing me?
“Yes.” His smirk only grew at the word. “This is a one-time thing.”
“We’ll see about that.” His fingers ran down my body to graze over my clit. I sucked in a breath, trying to keep it in, knowing I was going to lose. Eventually, as my thighs began to tremble, I gave in altogether.
“Please, let me cum, please.” His eyes softened at my broken and desperate plea, hand gripping my cheeks as he finally nodded.
“Keep staring at me as you cum,” he commanded, still just as bossy. “Show me how pretty you look when you cream all over my dick.” That was all I needed to succumb to the pleasure he was subjecting me to.
I felt his cock, still hard as it pumped rope after rope of cum inside of me, and by the time I was able to open my eyes again, he was panting over me, sweat dripping from his forehead onto my face.
I didn’t have the time to think about what I should do - push him away, try to pretend this didn’t happen - because the second I began to adjust on the couch, he pulled me to rest against his chest.
“Let’s stay here for a little while,” he quietly asked me. “Then we’ll figure out if there’s enough room for me to take you in your bed.”
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verus-veritas · 3 years
Lunch of Revelations
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"Uhm Brady... what the fuck are you doing?" Jordan looked on as his best friend had suddenly started flexing and admiring himself.
"Huh? Oh nothing. Just... eh.. wanted to check if I could crush these chopsticks with one hand. Out of fun." Brady returned his attention to his friend and give him a slight unhinged smile. The eyes that had glossed over a few minutes earlier were now its usual deep brown.
"Ok, weird, but whatever. Anyway back to what you were saying earlier. Your creepy obssessed neighbor broke into your apartment and injected you with something, right? What a creep. You should call the cops on him." His friend tried to resume the conversation they had had just prior to Brady's sudden behaviour. "What do you think was inside it?"
"Nanobots. Eh... I mean... I have no idea. Did I really say all that? Haha... ehm.. I was just joking with you." Brady looked down for a second and quietly swore fuck. "Actually, the neighbour's cool man. You should totally give him a chance. You two would be a cute couple y'know."
"What the fuck man? You've hated his guts since the moment he moved in next to you. And now you're suddenly playing wingman for him? Also, when have you ever been interested in who I date? You usually just tell me to stick with hooking up with girls." Jordan, now mighty suspicious, began to wonder if the neighbour really had done something to his childhood friend. Scrambled his brain would certainly make sense.
"Guess I've been a bigger douche than I though, huh? Well, I've changed now. I genuinely want you to be happy, y'know. Give him a shot, will you?" Brady gave him a sincere smile, with pearly white teeth and dimples on his cheek that could melt even the coldest of winter. At least it worked on Jordan, as he found himself blushing.
"Uh... yeah, maybe. Although he's not really my type. My type is... ehm.. well.." Jordan scratched the back of his head as the turned his blushed face away from his friend.
"I thought so. Well, if you don't want him what about... me?" Jordan suddenly felt Brady's rugged hand slide up against his thigh under the table. "After all, I AM your type... isn't that right... bro."
"Eh... w-wha... Brady?" You'd never seen a more beet red person than Jordan with his flushed face right now.
"I care about you. A lot. I just didn't realize it until recently. I want you, Jordan. More than anything in the world." Brady grabbed Jordan's hands from underneath and held them firmly. And his eyes said the whole truth. He was dead serious.
"W-wha, wait! I-Is this a date?!" Jordan looked down at the table, the surrounding, their clasped hands. It all made sense now! "Shit! I should've changed into something else before coming. I haven't even showered. I fucking smell!"
"I don't mind. In fact, your smell riles me up... real good..." Brady couldn't help but tease the flustered man in front of him. He suddenly grabbed his smaller friend at the back of his neck and pulled him real close. Being cheek to cheek, as Brady took a deep inhale of his friend's scent, before whispering something into his ear.
"R-right now?! But we haven't even finished our food?" Jordan said, his face and body all hot, definitely not by the chili.
"Who cares about the food when I got my snack right here!" Brady had already pulled his friend up from the table and lovingly wrapped one of his huge tattooed arms around the other's waist. "Now what do you say we go back to my place and I'll show you just how freaky I can be in bed..."
"W-what about the neighbour? What if he comes storming in again?" Jordan gulped, though the weird neighbour from next door was the least of his problems. No, it was the rumored monster in his hunky friend's pants that so many woman before had praised.
"Don't worry about him. He won't bother us ever again. In fact, I think I heard he's moving out tomorrow. Scrapping all his equipment and moving far far away. It'll be just you and me." Brady gave his soon-to-be-lover a smile and peck of the forehead before they left the restaurant in a hurry.
Of course "Brady" knew. He knew that the creepy obssessed neighbor finally achieved his "Great Transcendence" through the use of his consciousness transferring nanobots, and that he had no intention of ever coming back...
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baroquebucky · 3 years
fool for you
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bucky just wants to be with you forever
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u are all well <33 pls enjoy this v fluffy one shot inspired by own post :’ ) let me know what u all think !!
You were tired, your eyelids felt heavy and you struggled to pay attention to the tv. Your head falling to the side as you drifted off, eyes shooting open when you realized you were falling asleep. You got up quickly, splashing your face with water and settling back on the couch, rubbing your eyes and focusing on the tv again.
1:57 a.m.
You checked your phone in hopes of a “five minutes away :)” text from bucky, but there was none. You yawned again and changed the channel, flipping through some channels to try to wake you up before deciding to just switch to netflix instead.
You smiled as your favorite show played, nuzzling into the blanket bucky had given you and focusing on the show. The sound of keys rattling woke you up, you hadn’t even realize you had fallen asleep.
“shit” bucky whispered as the door slammed into the wall. “sorry” bucky spoke, apologizing to the wall before dragging his suitcase as quietly as he could. He kicked off his boots and his eyes landed on you asleep on the couch.
“buck?” you mumbled, willing your eyes open. Your vision was fuzzy and you could hear the tv still playing, you moved a little, forgetting you were on the couch and slipped off the edge. You couldn’t even process that you had fallen by the time bucky caught you in his arms, smiling at you.
“hi doll” bucky smiled at you, kissing your forehead gently and easily lifting you in his arm. He turned the tv off and carried you into your shared room, gently placing you on the bed.
“what time ‘s it?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes and yawning, finally waking up.
“almost 3” he smiled at you softly, rummaging through his drawer and taking out a change of clothes. You nodded as he pulled out a black t shirt and some boxers, walking towards you and kissing your temple.
“I’m gonna shower doll, you can go to sleep” he assured you and you nodded, knowing full well you’d end up waiting up for him anyway.
“don’t slip” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, waving you off with a small smile on his face.
“it was one time!” He groaned before closing the door to the restroom.
You smiled to yourself as you heard the shower turn on, rolling over to your side and closing your eyes. The sleep that had been taking over you earlier was nowhere to be found. You kicked the covers off you and groaned, frowning as you stared at the ceiling. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and scrolled through Twitter for a while, waiting for bucky to finish showering so you could cuddle up to him and fall asleep.
You could feel yourself growing hungry, glancing at the time on your phone you frowned a bit, it was already 3:07 am. you drank some water and tried to fall back asleep, cuddling into your pillow and letting out a soft sigh when you finally got comfortable. Right as you were finally going to sleep bucky opened the restroom door, the sound making your eyes shoot open and heart race. 
“did I wake you?” bucky whispered, a frown on his face as he heard your heart rate quicker than usual. You shook your head with a small smile. He knew you were lying but he didn't say anything, he just threw his dirty clothes in the laundry basket and settled next to you under the covers. He threw his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him and kissing the top of your head. 
“g’night doll” he mumbled and closed his eyes, already falling asleep from how exhausted he was. 
“goodnight buck” you replied softly, closing your eyes and relishing in the feeling of his arm around you. It was silent, with only the sounds of the city flowing through the Brooklyn apartment. 
Then your stomach growled, causing bucky to looked at you with wide eyes and you stifled a giggle. You mumbled a ‘sorry’ before closing your eyes again, hoping it wouldn't keep growling. 
You were wrong. Your stomach was relentless, and finally you got up, slipping from Bucky grasp and scurrying into the kitchen to find something to eat. Bucky felt your absence almost immediately, he opened his eyes and frowned, getting up and making his way into the kitchen. 
“didnt mean to wake you angel” you apologized as he walked towards you. He shook his head and wrapping his arms around you, letting his chin rest onto of your head. His eyes fluttered closed as you relaxed into him, your arms snaking around his waist and leaning your head against his chest. The sound of the microwave made you pull away from him, grabbing the hot cup of Mac and cheese and setting it on the dining table, Bucky soon following you and sitting next to you. 
“now im hungry” he frowned and you laughed, giving him some of your Mac and cheese which he gratefully ate. Within minutes the small bowl of Mac and cheese was empty, the two of you still hungry.  You stared at bucky, a small smile creeping onto both of your faces. You were both thinking the same thing. 
“no we shouldn't” you shook your head and bucky agreed. 
“yeah no its almost 4 we should get to bed” he replied, you both got up, making eye contact before bursting into a fit of giggles and smiles, heading straight towards the kitchen and definitely not bed. You pulled your phone out and put on some music. 
“you were thinking about French toast right?” you asked and bucky smiled, already opening the fridge for the ingredients, you grinned and you opened the pantry to get the other things you needed. You both sang along to the music softly, swaying to the beat. 
As bucky made the mix you grabbed the bread and two plates, heating up the pan and putting some butter on it, letting it melt. You moved easily in the kitchen with bucky, ever since you had moved in together everything just seemed to work for you guys. 
As you dipped the bread into the batter before putting it in the pan. Turning to bucky and using the spatula as a microphone, singing along to some 40s song you had added for bucky. You smiled as he took the spatula from your hand, setting it down and grabbing your hands, dancing along to the song. 
Bucky had the brightest smile on his face as you followed his lead, letting him twirl you around as the song played. You looked up at him as he danced with you, meeting his light blue eyes. Your eyes met and bucky couldn't stop himself. 
“I can't wait any longer oh my god” he rushed out, letting go of you and rushing back into the bedroom, leaving you along in the kitchen. 
You frowned, did you do something wrong? You focused back on the French toast, flipping the slice so it wouldn't burn before placing it on Buckys plate. You frowned as you looked for the powdered sugar. Realizing you hadn't taken it out you turned around to get it, your back to the bedroom door. As you searched for it your mind raced, was he breaking up with you? Was he just really tired?
Meanwhile Bucky was rummaging through all his drawers, wondering where the hell he put the ring he picked out with Steve seven months ago. His heart was racing as he heard you cooking the french toast, confused as to why he left you. Finally he found the black velvet box in the back of his sock drawer, smiling as he ran back out to meet you in the kitchen. 
Bucky saw you facing the drawer, so he wasted no time sneaking up behind you and getting down on one knee silently, opening the small box to reveal the ring. 
You finally found the powdered sugar, opening it and turning around. You turned quickly, eyes immediately landing on bucky, right in front of you. 
On one knee. With a ring.
You dropped the powdered sugar, causing it to land all over you, bucky and the ring. Your hands flew to your mouth as he smiled at you brightly.
“are you joking? this is a joke right?” you questioned and bucky shook his head, still on one knee despite having powdered sugar all over his shirt. 
“y/n I love you so much, I wanna spend forever with you. Everything feels so right with you I just- its like we’re just meant to be, I can't imagine a life without you. I wanna make you happy, I wanna travel the world with you, I wanna dance in the kitchen at 3 am and make French toast at ungodly hours with you for the rest of my life” he rambled, you felt your ears burning as he continued, your mind still processing that he was actually proposing. 
“-I love how competitive you are and how excited you get over anything and everything, I just love you so much-” he cut himself off when he looked at you for the first time since he started rambling, smiling softly up at you as you looked at him, fondness in your eyes and a tear rolling down your cheek. 
“will you marry me?” he spoke, breathless. 
Never in your life have you nodded so quickly. 
“yes, of course yes” you whispered and bucky smiled, jumping to his feet as you cupped his face, crashing your lips onto his, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away with a sniffle, smiling as he took your hand and slid the ring on, he blushed at the sight of it. 
You looked at each other with a smile, kissing once more before you realizing the french toast was cold by now. You pulled away quickly, grabbing the powdered sugar bag from the floor and sprinkling some lightly on your plates. 
“sorry about all that” you laughed, motioning to the powdered sugar all over the two of you and the floor. Bucky just grinned, waving it off as the two of you ate the French toast, a smile never leaving either of your faces. Both pf you giggling as the sun came up and birds began to sing. 
Not long after you finished Bucky cleaned up your mess, you changed into one of his t shirts and slipped into bed, a smile on your face as he walked into the room, taking his shirt off and slipping out of his sweats before moving into bed next to you. 
You wasted no time as he laid on his back, moving his arm so you could rest your head on his chest. He cradled you gently as you got comfortable, kissing the top of your head once you settled in. 
“love you so much angel, can't wait until we get to spend forever together” you mumbled with a smile on your face, already drifting off to sleep. Bucky smiled at your words, letting his fingers run through your hair. 
“and I love you more than yesterday” he whispered, “but less than tomorrow.”
Bucky meant his words. He meant them with everything he was. He fell in love with you everyday. He always found himself falling deeper and deeper, but he never complained. Now could fall in love with you for the rest of his life.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Hello! Can i request a yandere bully! Bakugou, locking a darling in the locker? I may leave You there for a while, and comfort you when the reader is begging you to
Continuation of this one here! Thanks for requesting ^-^
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
You couldn’t deny that the feeling wasn’t new.
Being roughly shoved into the barely big enough locker, you both felt scared and, at the same time, knew what to do. Braking your fall with your back, you kept your head forward so you wouldn’t hit it again, the mild concussion you had last time having been learn-experience enough. You had closed your eyes out of instinct when Bakugou gripped your shirt, but they snapped open immediately, trying to help you. However, Bakugou, too, had honed his skills, slamming the door close before you could squeeze your fingers in its way.
You’d rather have a broken finger than suffer this ordeal again if you were honest.
“No!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, knowing it was futile since no one else was around. Still, a part of you hoped that you might be able to intimidate Bakugou to think this over. “Shut. Up,” was his angry reply, his fist hammering into the locker door with every word. You had to fear he might actually break through the door by force, but it would have been in your favor.
It was so damn frustrating. You always thought you had done something to Bakugou, apologized over and over to him, so maybe he’d stop his bullying. But after finally talking to someone about it, you had decided that you wouldn’t engage with him anymore, and well... it just so happened you found comfort in the arms of the new student who finally treated you well as the only person ever since you came to UA. Everyone had always been too scared of Bakugou once he started targeting you. Of course, you couldn’t blame them either...
You and the new student started to hang out at any time, so you could avoid being targeted, and you spent some of the most wonderful hours by his side. The bullying did seem to stop now that a witness was always around, and you were so sure it was finally over, and you could move on. What could have caused Bakugou to explode the way he did? Not only did he punch your new boyfriend - and possibly broke his nose - no, he also carried you off without permission, bringing you to your most hated place on planet earth.
The annex had always been sparsely visited by students and teachers alike. There were just some clubrooms around, but since it was already late in the afternoon and a sunny day, most members were out in the fields or back in the dorms already. But strangely enough, even the weirdo Bakugou had a locker here; one big enough to fit a person in it.
“You can’t-- Ah, damnit, Bakugou! Stop locking me in this damn locker! It’s not funny anymore! What did I ever do to you?!”
Perhaps you were feeling especially feisty that day. You never had screamed at him like this, except if you were pleading for mercy. But ever since your boyfriend convinced you to see the guidance counselor, you had started to come out of your shell. Everything had been so good. Why was it coming back to bite you in the ass now?
Bakugou didn’t respond. No mocking comment, no snide remarks. Not even threats or insults belittling you, even as you started hammering your fists against the door. Out of experience, you knew someone would come. You were sure your boyfriend already contacted the teachers and people were searching for you, and latest when someone passed by, you could reach out and ask for help. But were you really going to fall back into old behavior and just sit it out? Wait for the time to pass and life to go on like before?
“... like you,” you suddenly heard from outside, a tiny voice compared to the usual boom and vibrato that Bakugou had. “What?!” you hissed, annoyed that once ‘his majesty’ decided to talk, he did it so you couldn’t understand. A long groan escaped him, furious and raging. “Just listen, you idiot! I said I like you!”
This time, the ‘What’ echoing in your head was left silent. Your mouth hung open as you stared at the blonde tuft of hair through the slits in the locker, Bakugou standing there with his back turned towards you. “... the fuck...” you finished your thought, accidentally saying it out loud and quickly realizing it, but it was already too late.
“What’s your problem,” Bakugou grumbled, annoyed, and part of you was glad not being able to see his face. You wouldn’t have known how to come to terms with him blushing or nervously fidgeting around like someone who just confessed usually would. “Just tell me what your fucking answer is.”
“No,” you replied instantly, without even a moment of hesitation. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to think it over before blurting it out but never. You could never imagine yourself at the side of your bully, the person who made your life a living hell. Someone who’d lock you in a locker to confess to you. What kind of joke was this?
“No?” he mumbled, suddenly turning around, you two staring eye to eye through the slits. “What do you mean ‘no’?!”
“Is this a joke?!” you barked back. “Tell me it’s a joke, ’cause there’s no way I could be together with you!”
Bakugou opened his mouth to say something, but instead, his eyes only grew redder, expression growing mad and furious, and you heard the unexpected crashing of fists against the metal, making you flinch back. The whole situation seemed so surreal, but it was very, very real. Standing up for yourself made you feel strong, but when uncomfortable silence befell you two, you started to overthink again.
“Bakugou...” you mumbled, placing your hand against the door. You were back to only seeing his hair, but you knew he was leaning forward, probably starring daggers into the ground. Maybe not everything was too late. Perhaps you could fix this, appeal to him one more time. “Just let me out, okay? You and I... that doesn’t work, but we can stop being children and scream at each other and just go our separate ways.”
You couldn’t think of a better way to talk to him. After all, you couldn’t understand what was going on inside of him at all. He had been bullying for god-knows-how-long, yet, he thought he liked you? Couldn’t he see the contradiction in his statement and actions? But this cruelty had to end at some point and now was as good as any. Going different ways would help him too, you were sure.
“Children?” he whispered, finally snapping upwards again to stare at you with a mocking expression. “Do you think my feelings aren’t real?”
Weirded out by his behavior, you only shook your head.
“I don’t think you know your position in this. There is no ‘no’ when I ask you if you like me.”
“It’s that guy, isn’t it? He’s in the way, right? He’s been stealing you from me, taking up all your time that you should spend with me, isn’t he?”
“Bakugou, please, we’re never spending time together--”
“He’s making you say no because you’re guilty, am I right? I can take care of that, you know?”
“Wait!” you interrupted his speech, sudden panic rising inside of you. You were well aware of Bakugou’s strength, but attacking your boyfriend wouldn’t make any of you happy! “If you go, I’ll scream! They’ll find me, and I’ll tell them what you’re doing! That’s criminal! Aren’t you studying to be a hero?!”
Your appeals were met with a cocky grin, his eyes shining as if you just challenged him. “Who says I can’t be a hero and still beat the shit out of that bastard?”
“Everyone! Everyone will know what they did! I will tell them!”
“Try it,” he hissed before pushing away from the locker. You threw yourself against it, but the door must have jammed when he kept bashing into it. Slapping your palm and hammering your fists didn’t help as you had to watch him walk away after looking at you in this typical, belittling way he used, always looking down on you. “You can have some time to think about your answer while I’m taking care of some business. Remember what day it is?” Bakugou yelled back over his shoulder, and you could hear the smug grin on his lips.
“What day...? Friday?” Your eyes widened suddenly as you realized that there were no clubs on the weekend due to the new regulations for safety, and you began to panic and scream Bakugou’s name after him. If you’d just have to spend the night, that would be manageable, but with the strange mood he was in, you couldn’t bring yourself to trust him to come let you out anytime soon. A whole weekend inside the locker would kill you for sure, and tears rolled down your cheeks as his footsteps slowly faded.
What a monster.
How could you ever like him back?
What more would you have to endure because of him?
But truth be told, what else could you do but tell him you liked him? You just wanted to get out of the hell that was this locker. Save yourself from the embarrassment and torture.
"I like you! Bakugou, I like you!" you screamed.
But the footsteps didn't come running back.
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This Game of Yours
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Jason was beautiful.
And somehow that scar that went from the right corner of his mouth up to his temple only made him that much more beautiful to Y/N.
Those blue eyes were the same color of water on a stormy day in the Irish sea. And somehow Y/N knew they held the same tempestuousness.
The white streak weaved with his jet black hair so naturally that Y/N would’ve believed he was born with it.
His shoulders were so broad, making his 6’3 height feel even more imposing. He had a presence. People noticed every time he walked into a room. It made Y/N wonder how he was ever able to sneak up on people as Red Hood.
He was wearing a black hoodie underneath his black moto jacket.
Y/N knew Jason didn’t give a shit about fashion. Yet he was well-dressed without any effort – more so than most of the models Y/N had shot throughout her career.
Not being able to control herself any longer, Y/N raised her camera and took a photo.
Jason stopped surveying their surroundings and his gaze snapped to her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
But his growl didn’t scare her in the slightest.
“Anyone who’s by me when I have a camera is at risk of getting their picture taken. No one is safe. Not even you,” she answered his question unapologetically.
Y/N was working on a personal passion project for her next show. Her collection would be about the poverty and crime of Gotham. Half of the photos would show the heaviest crime areas of the city. And the other half would expose the lifestyles of the wealthiest people in Gotham.
Why did so many suffer from the same system that helped the rich get even richer?
When Bruce found out Y/N was going to Crime Alley and the Bowery by herself, he was visibly upset.
But he realized that Y/N would do as she pleased, so his plan b was to give her protective detail.
However, Y/N didn’t know that Jason had volunteered, almost immediately.
Instead, all she heard was Jason grimly telling her, “You’re lucky you haven’t been fucking murdered yet.”
She had only responded with a roll of her eyes.
“I’m not your escort so you can take my picture. I’m here so you don’t get raped or murdered.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words?”
His only response was a glare.
Jason loved playing this game. The game of pretending to be irritated with her when actually he was absolutely infatuated with Y/F/N Y/L/N.
“The easiest way to stop getting your picture taken is to always be the one holding the camera,” Y/N added with a smirk and wink.
Jason didn’t answer, only thinking what a shame it was that no one got to photograph her.
Suddenly, the sunlight hit the top of his head perfectly, creating a halo around that thick and messy hair of his.
Y/N snapped another photo.
“Will you stop?” He warned.
It only succeeded in making her laugh.
And that just excited his heart even more.
“Jason, you were born to get your photo taken.” 
There was no joke underneath her words, only sincerity.
“Whatever,” he mumbled.
Jason had a hard time believing that. His skin was riddled with scars. And he was convinced that she’d be singing a different song if she saw his chest, with its thick autopsy scar amongst the so many others. The absolute last word he’d use to describe himself was beautiful. Strong and imposing? Yes. But never beautiful – or any other positive adjective, for that matter.
“I’m not kidding. If you ever want to stop the whole vigilante thing, you can easily become a model.”
Y/N had noticed it as soon as Jason took of his helmet that night. His domino mask had done nothing to prevent her from noting the obvious.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to realize Jason wasn’t like his “brothers.”
“Brothers.” What a strange word.
Should she consider all of them as hers?
Only Damian was actually related to her – and technically he was only her half-brother.
Y/N had watched Jason get on his motorcycle and leave the cave that night she’d almost died.
She’d agreed to stay for dinner and get to know everyone. And a part of her brain was excited to get a better read on the masked man that sat by her bedside as she’d recovered.
“He’s not staying?” Y/N had asked Bruce as he guided her to the stairs that led back up to the manor.
He only shook his head, but she noticed the disappointed expression.
Soon she found out that Jason was the black sheep of this strange family that had taken her in.
Dick was the one who told her about Jason’s dark past. All of it seemed unbelievable: murdered by Joker and brought back to life from a mysterious pit. Only to return to the family who appeared to have replaced him and never sought vengeance on Jason’s behalf. 
But it was true; Y/N had seen no lie in Dick’s eyes when he filled her in.
Suddenly there was yelling coming from around the corner.
Without hesitation, Jason shoved Y/N behind him.
He reached for one of his guns and then realized that he didn’t have any.
Y/N was rather vocal about hating them, claiming they made her extremely uncomfortable.
Her expression alone as she said it was enough for Jason to swallow his stubbornness and leave the things at home.
Bruce was rather taken aback by the gesture. Nothing he’d ever said was enough to get Jason to do that.
A gang of young men came marching around the corner like they owned the place…because they did. This was their territory.
Jason immediately recognized them as some of the Russian mob.
Despite pulling Y/N behind him, they still caught sight of her and looked her up and down without an ounce of shame.
“Hey, beautiful. How you doing?”
“Продолжай идти, придурки,” Jason growled at them.
He was outnumbered. But there must’ve been something about his body language that made the gang realize they shouldn’t pick a fight with him. Maybe it was the muscles or his height or that he looked like he wouldn’t even blink before murdering them.
So they just…walked away. Some of them mumbled threats or insults at him. But they realized they shouldn’t even so much as look at Y/N.
A split second before they were gone, Y/N took a picture of Jason.
“Really?” He asked.
She shrugged. “You look like a different person when you’re protective.”
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Y/N was beautiful.
Jason watched as she passionately explained her work to a potential buyer.
He recognized the man as a local politician – luckily, one of the few that hadn’t been corrupted from this shitty city.
Y/N had the intimidating energy of her father, but the kind eyes of her mother. At least, that was what Bruce had told everyone, and they all took his word for it.
She wore a stylish white jumpsuit that made her look like a 1980s villain and black stiletto heels. 
Jason watched as men cowered in her presence, hating the fact that she proudly stood taller than them. She was just one less woman they could intimidate or manipulate – and they couldn’t stand it.
But Jason loved watching the emasculation in real time.
The bastards didn’t deserve her anyway.
Dick was one of the very few men Jason knew who didn’t blink at a woman towering over him. In fact, his older brother had a track record of preferring it.
“Surprised to see you here,” Bruce said beside him, catching Jason watching Y/N.
“Well, I was her personal bodyguard through all this. Figured I should see if it was worth me wasting my time or not.” Then he tossed back his champagne and slammed it on the tray of a waiter passing by. “Plus, free alcohol.”
Bruce just quirked an eyebrow, silently telling Jason that he knew he was lying.
“Are you buying something?” Jason asked, trying to change the subject.
“I have been strictly forbidden,” Bruce sighed.
Jason chuckled.
He knew if Bruce had his way, he’d buy every single on of Y/N’s pieces.
“I have to know,” Bruce began. “What exactly is holding you back?”
Jason finally ripped his gaze away from Y/N to give Bruce a questioning look.
“What are you talking about?”
“Y/N. You care about her.”
“All of us do,” Jason brushed off. “Even the demon spawn.”
Bruce knew there wasn’t a chance Jason would admit his feelings – especially to him.
“Not that I think you care…but you have my approval.”
Little did Bruce know, Jason did care.
Jason had convinced himself that their rocky relationship and past fights meant that Bruce would die before he let Jason be anywhere near his daughter.
And Jason could hardly blame him.
He didn’t deserve to be loved. He lost that right after he died and came back a monster. And that was the story Jason told himself over and over again.
So he would love Y/N from afar. And hope she would pick someone who was worthy of her love.
“She’s basically my sister,” Jason groaned in fake disgust.
It was quite the performance.
Bruce narrowed his eyes. “We both know that isn’t what’s stopping you. And you’ve made it clear you don’t consider us your family.”
“Whatever, Bruce.”
Jason walked away, having enough of the subject.
“What was that about?” Clark asked as he joined Bruce’s side.
“Jason refusing to let himself be happy,” Bruce sighed.
Clark already knew what Bruce was talking about. He’d seen Y/N and Jason dancing around each other for months now. He’d never really seen Y/N take an interest in anyone before, so it was all new for Clark.
“Don’t worry. Y/N won’t let him get away with it for much longer,” Clark said through a smirk. “She gets what she wants.”
And Bruce believed him.
“It doesn’t bother you – the two of them together?” Clark asked with genuine curiosity.
“Jason reminds me every day that I’m not his father. And I’m hardly Y/N’s.” A soft smile formed on Bruce’s lips. “He’ll look after her. And she…I think she’d be good for him. I just want them to be happy. Both of them.”
Jason headed home rather early.
He’d never actually went to say congratulations or even hello to Y/N.
Every time he was about to go over, someone else stole her attention. He didn’t want to get in the way of her talking to potential buyers or even just friends.
Jason was just about to make himself something to eat when there was a knock at his door.
He froze.
Very few people knew where his apartment was.
Jason grabbed a gun and tiptoed to his front door.
With a peak through the peephole, he let out a irritated sigh.
Jason whipped the door open, “You’re lucky I didn’t shoot your head off.”
“Maybe don’t own guns and you wouldn’t have to worry about shit like that,” Y/N snapped back.
“What are you doing here?”
“You come to my gallery opening and don’t even say hi?” Y/N accused as she stepped around him and into the apartment, not waiting for an invitation.
Jason eyed the paper bag that was in one of her hands.
“By all means, come on in,” he called sarcastically as he slammed the door behind her.
Y/N started searching through his cabinets. “Where are your glasses?”
“The one to your right. What are you doing here?”
Y/N had the brightest and almost mischievous smile as she pulled a bottle of champagne from the paper bag.
“I brought this as my thanks for you making sure I don’t – and I quote – ‘get raped and murdered.’”
Jason glared at her.
Here was the game again.
Y/N being charming and hilariously provoking..and Jason pretending like he hadn’t fallen for her.
She poured them both a glass. They weren’t flutes or coupes, but she couldn’t care less.
“We’re chugging these, by the way,” Y/N informed Jason as she handed him a glass.
He sighed, but obediently clinked his glass with hers and tossed it back.
Barely giving them a second, Y/N immediately refilled them.
“So, why didn’t you come over and say hi?” She repeated.
“Didn’t want to bother you,” Jason mumbled with a shrug.
She narrowed her eyes at his answer. “You’ve never bothered me before, Jason.”
Now he felt guilty.
Jason bowed his head. “I should’ve come and talked to you,” he agreed. “Your work…it looked – it’s amazing, Y/N. Congratulations.”
Apparently Y/N hadn’t expected such a sincere compliment from him, and she was stunned to silence.
“Thank you,” she managed to whisper once she’d recovered.
She cleared her throat, trying to maintain her edge. “And really…thank you for being my own little security detail.”
If Jason was healthy about expressing is thoughts and feelings, he would’ve told her that it was the highlight of his weeks. That he looked forward to her calls or texts, telling him that she was going to photograph another shady area. “Be there or don’t. I’m going no matter what,” she’d text him with her usual snark.
But Jason didn’t express his thoughts and feelings.
He kept them bottled up – with the same energy he used to keep Y/N at a distance.
So instead, Jason said, “If it wasn’t me, one of the others would’ve done it.”
Y/N winced slightly at that.
‘You’re such a fucking asshole,’ Jason told himself.
“You know…we can see each other even you’re not my bodyguard.”
Jason was impressed by her boldness. But she didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t understand that he wasn’t good. He couldn’t play the loving boyfriend role. She belonged with someone like Dick or Clark – or literally anyone but him. And Jason was willing to be an asshole to make sure she understood that.
Y/N took a step closer to him, invading his personal space.
Without breaking eye contact, she threw back her second glass of champagne and then placed it on the nearest counter space.
She stepped even closer.
This was simultaneously Jason’s worst nightmare and most desired dream.
Her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips.
But before she could make her final push, Jason took a step back and cleared his throat.
He looked down at the ground as he said, “You should go.”
When he looked up, he expected to find Y/N heartbroken or embarrassed.
But she was neither.
No. She looked irritated.
Not because she wasn’t getting what she wanted, but because she was sick of his games.
Y/N sighed and stepped back. “Fine.”
Jason rubbed his face in frustration as she grabbed her purse and started for the door she had walked through only minutes ago.
She opened it and paused.
“You know what? No. Fuck that,” Y/N snapped before slamming the door closed.
She whipped around and strutted back to him with purpose.
Jason was suspended with both fervor and awe.
Y/N grabbed his face and pulled him down to her lips.
All self control went out the window. Jason couldn’t continue his game. It was all over for him.
He kissed her back almost immediately. How could he not?
Y/N bit his lip slightly, making him hiss in surprise. It was his punishment for making her wait all this time.
Eventually they needed a moment to breathe.
But Y/N didn’t let go of his face when their lips finally parted.
“Choose your next words very carefully,” she breathed.
He swallowed nervously. “You’re kind of fucking terrifying. You know that?”
Her smile was pure evil.
Apparently this was the right response.
“Are you done being an idiot?” She asked.
He nodded quickly.
Her hands moved down and then lingered on his neck, tracing the bottom lines of his jaw.
She smiled again and then looked him up and down.
“What?” He questioned.
“Nothing,” she laughed. “I’m just…I’m not used to being shorter than men.”
“Is that the only reason you like me? Huh? My height?” Jason goaded.
“Of course not,” Y/N scoffed. “It was the whole ‘I look like I could murder everyone and I can, but deep down I’m a big softie’ that did it for me.”
Jason’s grip tightened on her waist. “Oh, yeah? You’re one to talk…”
“Me?!” She yelped. “I couldn’t kill anyone, even if my life depended on it.”
“Maybe. But your terrifying in basically every other way.”
Y/N laughed at that.
Jason couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the sound
“So…still want me to leave?” She asked.
And this time, she would if that’s really what he wanted.
“Fuck no,” Jason answered, almost threateningly.
Then, for good measure, he picked her up by the back of her thighs and carried her to the couch, before he started to kiss her once again.
Y/N knew things weren’t always going to be this simple.
Jason had his demons. 
And honestly, so did she. They were nothing like his. And maybe they were silly in comparison. But she wouldn’t be the perfect partner. Just like he wouldn’t be. 
They’d drive each other crazy. But it would be the good kind of crazy.
+ Childhood
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