#have them undress and redress in a hospital closet
zahri-melitor · 20 days
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"Young Master Timothy brought Conner with him to dinner. They have a proposal of their own." "A very expensive proposal, I'm sure. I'm still paying off the last Titans Tower..."
(Batman #96 2016)
Yes, thank you James Tynion IV for that. A very expensive proposal, you say?
Okay, for context Bruce is currently drugged on a cocktail of Rogue toxins and hallucinating the future, but I laughed.
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secretshinigami · 7 years
After the Warehouse
Author: KawaiiPsycho101 For: SlytherinPirate Pairings/Characters: No pairings; Japanese Task Force and SPK. Rating/Warnings: Rated T for character death and brief violence. Prompt: To prevent spoilers, I’ve listed the prompt at the end of the story. Author’s Notes: Spoilers for the end of the series. I’d also like to sincerely apologize for the rushed nature of this story. I had put this off until the last minute, and I’m afraid it shows. I will take better care in the future to plan my schedule accordingly should I do something like this again. Still, I hope you all enjoy.
It was over.
After six long years, Kira’s reign had finally come to an end, although there were only eight people in the world who knew this for a fact. They were gathered in a warehouse near Daikoku Wharf known as the Yellow Box. Their names were Touta Matsuda, Kanzo Mogi, Shuichi Aizawa, Hideki Ide, Hal Bullook, Stephen Loud, Anthony Carter, and Nate River (although he preferred to be called ‘Near’). The bodies of the serial killer known as Kira, Light Yagami, and his loyal follower, Teru Mikami, had just been taken away by the paramedics. A pile of gasoline-soaked notebooks lay at the group’s feet. Near lit a match and threw it on the pile. It went up instantly. They all watched the fire burn and listened to the flames crackle in silence.
Once the notebooks were nothing put a pile of ashes, a tall broad American man put out the blaze with an extinguisher.
“So,” Aizawa said, “That’s it, then.”
“Yes,” Near nodded, “It’s over.”
“What are we going to tell their families?”
Matsuda visibly stiffened.
“I’ll leave that up to you, just as long as it’s not the truth; the events of today must never leave this room, no matter what.”
“He’s right,” Ide muttered, “Even if we did tell, no one would ever believe us.”
“True.” Near gathered his finger-puppets and stood up. “We’ll contact you if we ever need your assistance again. Goodbye.”
And with that, everyone parted ways.
“Well, that’s the last of it.”
Stephen sealed the last of the boxes containing all the information the SPK had gathered during their side of the Kira investigation. Near had asked him and Hal to clear out the headquarters and their computers while he and Commander Carter went back to the United States. They were probably just now reaching the airport.
“Finally,” his companion sighed, exhausted. “I’ll take these boxes and you can take those. We should be able to do it in one trip.”
Together, they made their way to the elevator, arms loaded with boxes and suitcases. As the doors closed behind them and the small shuttle began its descent from the twenty-seventh floor of the hotel, Hal turned to her colleague.
“I was wondering-”
She never got to finish her sentence.
The elevator plunged down the shaft, reaching speeds that made the passengers of the inside of the chamber experience what almost felt like weightlessness. The two dropped what they were holding and held onto the railing tightly. As the ground floor neared, Stephen reached out and grabbed Hal, pulling her towards him. He wrapped his arms around her, hoping that maybe she would survive if he absorbed most of the impact for her.
In the end, it didn’t matter.
It would take the authorities a few days to identify the remains, and they would later deem the accident the result of a one-a-million malfunction.
While Hal Bullook and Stephen Loud were on their way to the elevator, Hideki Ide was unlocking the front door of his house. He and Mogi had just finished clearing out the Japanese Task Force’s own headquarters for the Kira investigation while Matsuda and Aizawa went to break the news of Light’s death to his mother and younger sister, along with his fiancé and former second Kira, Misa Amane. They had all decided to tell them that Light had been killed by Kira, while Mikami’s few friends and friendly would be told that he had committed suicide after suffering a nervous breakdown. It wasn’t very far from the truth.
Ide had admired the way Matsuda had volunteered to be the one to inform them of Light’s demise. He had reasoned that since he was already a well-liked acquaintance of the family, it only seemed natural that he be the one to tell them, even though it was clear to everyone that it was the last thing on Earth he wanted to do. Aizawa had probably sensed this as well, for he quickly volunteered to go as well.
Ide was knocked out of his thoughts by the vibrations of his cell phone in his front pocket, which he quickly answered.
“Ide? It’s Fukawa,” Akira Fukawa was the current chief of the National Police Agency. “There’s been an accident at the Plaza Hotel. Apparently one of the elevators malfunctioned and fell over twenty stories. At least two people are dead. I want you to go over there and check it out. I know you’re off duty, but you’re the closet one to the Plaza right now.”
Ide wanted to tell the Chief to find someone else to do it, that he’d had his fair share of death for one day, but since he couldn’t, all he did was sigh and say that he’d be there as soon as he could. As he headed back to his car, he noticed two small boys playing a game of soccer in the front yard of the house across the street from his. One of them kicked the ball too hard, sending it into the street. The other one ran blindly after it, unaware of the truck speeding down the road.
Before he knew it, he was sprinting towards the child. The last thing he saw before the truck struck him was the boy’s body being hurled back onto his lawn from the force of Ide’s push.
Kanzo Mogi chucked back his fifth shot of scotch with a grimace. He was sitting in his second-floor bedroom, trying to get the image of a bleeding and screaming Light Yagami out of his head. So far, it seemed that it would take all the alcohol on the planet just to dim the picture a little. He decided that maybe a bath would calm his nerves a little.
As he was undressing, he heard his phone ringing in the other room.
“Of course,” he muttered to himself before going to answer it. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Matsuda. “What is it, Matsuda?”
“Mogi, there’s been an accident! Ide’s in the hospital!”
“He got hit by a car saving a little kid. We were just leaving Light’s house when we heard. We probably won’t get to the hospital for another fifteen minutes.”
“I’m closer. I’ll meet you there.”
“Right, thanks.”
Mogi quickly redressed and ran down the stairs.
It can be argued that what happened next could have been avoided had he not been drinking, but considering the rush he was in, it probably would have happened anyway, stone-cold-sober or not.
In his hurry, Mogi tripped and toppled down the stairs, splitting his head open on the bannister. Somewhere during the tumble, there was a snap! and when his body came to a rest at the bottom of the staircase, his neck was bent at an unnatural angle as a pool of blood formed around him.
“He said he’d meet us there.”
Touta Matsuda and Shuichi Aizawa didn’t say a word as they drove towards the hospital, instead opting to listen to the radio. According to the weather forecast, there was a nasty storm heading their way, which they both thought was rather fitting; for this had to be, without a doubt, the worst day of their lives.
As they crossed the last intersection to the hospital, the space right in front of them was struck by lightning. Temporarily stunned and blinded by the bright flash of light, Aizawa swerved into a nearby gas station parking lot, hitting one of the fuel stations and knocking one of the nozzles out of its slot, which began to pump out gasoline. After they took a moment to recover, Matsuda breathed a sigh of relief at having come out of the little misadventure unscathed, and thanked God that lightning never struck twice.
Near, who until a second ago had his face pressed against the passenger-side window of the plane, jumped back in shock and bumped into Anthony Carter. Up until now, he enjoyed looking out the window during take-offs and landings, watching the ground and buildings grow smaller or bigger as the plane flew higher or lower. This time had been no exception. But the sudden lightning strike was a bit off-putting.
“Are you alright, sir?”
“Yes,” the boy quickly recovered, “Just surprised is all.”
He looked out the window again, watching the city of Tokyo disappear from his sight.
Then there was a second lightning-strike, and for a brief second, Near could’ve sworn he saw an explosion out of the corner of his eye. Due to the distance, it appeared to be very tiny, which in reality meant that it had been quite large where it happened. He blinked, and he was suddenly too high up to tell if he had seen anything to begin with.
A few hours later, Near noticed a tension in the air.
Something was wrong.
The way the stewardesses and crew nervously scuttled about told him so.
There was a muffled boom! from outside the plane, followed by another, and another. Red lights and alarms started to go off as the oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling.
Nate River paid no attention to the chaos unfolding around him, for he knew at that precise moment he was going to die. He didn’t know if there was anything after death, and he sincerely doubted there was.
But still, he thought for the last time, it would be nice to see Mello again.
Prompt: Everything is the same, but everyone dies at the end.
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lovemiamore · 7 years
Ripped at the Seams.
INVOLVED: Mia Blackwell, Mekhi Blackwell, Kenya Blackwell, Larissa Blackwell, Grant Blackwell, & Tyler Blackwell. TIME FRAME: Saturday, June 3rd, 2017. LOCATION: Blackwell Home/Hospital; Miami, Florida. NOTES: The aftermath of Tyler getting shot.     
Standing at the door the two policemen sighed as they double checked the address one last time before ringing the doorbell. They stood in silence with unreadable expressions on their faces as they waited.
Mia snored loudly into the large room, she was beat after Tyler and she both made love for what felt like an eternity before she’d finally crashed. The sleep was splendid considering the fact that she had to go to work the next day. However hearing the doorbell jolted her, she looked around in the room rubbing her eyes looking for her husband. He wasn’t in the bed, maybe he’d gone downstairs to get the door, and she laid back down comfortably. Falling back to sleep she licked her lips cuddling up to the warm sheets and she fell back to sleep.
The two men stood at the door waiting patiently and after a few minutes passed and no one answered one man rung the doorbell again as the other decided to move around to the side of the house.
Mia let out another tired snore, shifting a little in the bed she heard the doorbell once more and she slowly rolled over opening her eyes. Looking towards Tyler’s side of the bed “what the fuck” she all but growled as she moved to get up out of the bed. “I am going to kill him” she breathed as she grabbed her robe and moved down the steps tying it off, she ran her hands through her messy curls before she opened the front door looking to the obvious policemen before her. Mia rolled her eyes before she asked “yes?”, if it were her luck a neighbor called and complained about something, but then her husband was nowhere to be found. So it would be just her luck if he’d gone out and gotten into some trouble, she thought as she folded her arms over her chest.
The officer shifted on his feet, his hand reaching up to press a button on his walkie as he spoke into it. “I think someone’s coming now. I hear noise at the door,” releasing the button, he looked at the woman as she opened the door. “Ma’am, are you Mia Blackwell?”
Mia looked to the guy and she nodded her head running her hands through her hair once more. She shifted on her bare feet, one placed over the other as she balanced her weight. “What is the problem?” she asked him back in return.
“Tyler Blackwell is your husband right ma’am?” The offered asked because they always had to be correct before giving out sensitive information such as this. The second officer came back around to the front of the house, gazing at the woman with sober eyes.
Mia looked to the guy and nodded her head slowly once more “yes he is” she said as she looked to him raising a brow. “What did he do now?” she asked pinching the bridge of her nose and when the other officer surfaced she looked to him too. “What are you looking for and what did Tyler do?” she asked him again.
The officer glanced over at his fellow mate before he let out a deep sigh. “Ma’am, we’re sorry to inform you that your husband was shot earlier this morning around four. We believe it was a gang or drug related shooting. He has been rushed to Mount Sinai Medical Center.”
Mia looked to the officer and as soon as the words ‘sorry’ left his mouth she gazed at him emotionless. She closed her eyes gently at his words and she looked to the other officer. Swallowing the large lump down in her throat she nodded her head “okay” she said quietly, she didn’t know what else to say. She didn’t even know what was going on, just a few hours ago her husband was in the bed with her and now she was being told that he had been shot and is in the hospital? She couldn’t really comprehend it all.
The officers gazed at the woman, watching her every move very closely. “Ma’am. Would you like us to escort you to the hospital?” The older man asked carefully.
Mia shook her head slowly gazing at the man with dead eyes as she did, she tugged against her robe covering herself up more in the cool air. “Okay” she repeated again not knowing what else to really say and she closed the door in their faces, locking it. She moved across the flooring towards the stairs her heart was beating so fast she swore she could hear the thumping ringing out in her ears. She moved slowly towards her bedroom blinking slowly as her once clear vision became cloudy, her room was a blurry mess as she tried to navigate it. Large tears threatened to fall as she sat down on the bed, dropping her head slowly and she sniffled as her tears fell. Large drops falling down against her lap as she cried.
The officers nodded slowly before the door closed in their faces. The two men looked at each other before turning to walk back to their squad car to wait.
Kenya shifted in her bed, groaning softly. The ringing of the doorbell had disturbed her sleep and now she couldn’t fall back into it. Sitting up in her bed, she tiredly slid out, rubbing her eyes. She stuffed her tiny feet into her bunny slippers and began to sluggishly walk to her parents room. Seeing the door open, Kenya walked right through only to see Mia crying. “Mommy what’s wrong?” Kenya said softly as she climbed into her mother's lap.
Mia sniffled hard and she wiped her eyes slowly, shaking her head she couldn’t make sense of any of this at all. She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and swallowed hard, as Kenya moved into the room Mia looked to her. “Nothing baby” she breathed as she hugged her close, sniffling hard at the sight of the child and Mia’s chin quivered as she began to cry a little harder. What if he died, what was she going to do without him? Left alone to raise both of his kids? Mia covered her wet eyes with her hand as she cried a little harder with the young child in her lap.
Kenya frowned, wrapping her arms around Mia’s neck, hugging her tight. “It’s okay mommy,” Kenya said gently, petting Mia’s hair gently. Closing her eyes, Kenya buried her face in Mia’s neck, giving her the hardest squeeze her little body could muster up.
Mia sniffled again as Kenya wrapped herself around her body, she exhaled slowly as she closed her eyes again allowing fresh new tears to fall along with the others. “Mommy needs you to get dressed because we have to go, okay” she said pulling the child off of her, looking into her eyes trying to give her a stern look all while crying still. “I need you to be a big girl and get some clothes and shoes and a jacket okay” she breathed out again.
Kenya held onto Mia tight until she pulled her off. Gazing at her with sad eyes, Kenya nodded slowly. “Okay,” she said gently, her small hands brushing over Mia’s cheeks, wiping some of her tears before she climbed out of her lap and trotted to her room. Doing as she was told, Kenya walked into her closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a jacket. Scampering over to her drawer and pulled out her favorite princess t-shirt and laid it out on her bed. She moved back to her door and closed it like she was taught, because she wasn’t supposed to get undressed with the door open. She walked over to her pantie drawer and pulled out a clean pair like Mia had taught her to do. Because a lady never left the house in dirty underwear. She quickly changed out of her pajamas and underwear into the fresh pair of clothes before she pulled her jacket on, zipping it up because the sun hadn’t fully risen yet. She laid on her stomach and pulled a pair of sneakers from under her bed before she sat there and put them on, struggling to tie them up. “Mommy, I can’t tie my shoes,” she called out.
Mia licked her lips slowly as Kenya ran off to do as she asked and Mia looked away from the door. She looked to the wall and she wiped her tears a little more trying to pull it all together for herself and her children. Closing her eyes again, she rested her hand over the heart that was breaking before she pulled herself from the bed and moved towards her son’s room. Finding him something to wear, Mia moved to the sleep child and she undressed and redressed him in his sleep. Being as delicate as she could be, she also changed his diaper so that he could has a fresh one. Looking at the little boy as he slept only brought on more emotions she thought she had put away. Everyone said he looked like her, but to her he looked just like his Father and she sniffled. Catching a few tears before they could fall, hearing Kenya she pulled away from his sleeping form and moved into her room. “Okay” she breathed out to her as she knelt down tying the child’s shoe for her “we have to teach you how to tie your shoelaces” she cried as a hiccup left her thinking about the notion. “There” she breathed before she said “now pack up your backpack with some of your stuff” softly, before pulling away and moved back into Mekhi’s room to back his baby bag in the dark quiet nursery.
Kenya sat on the floor, waiting for Mia and when she came to help her Kenya tried to follow along as best she could but Mia’s hands worked so quickly that she got lost. She huffed softly, wanting so badly to catch on. “Okay,” Kenya said gently as she stood up and grabbed a backpack. She began stuffing things into it, like her tablet, her favorite stuffed animal and a couple of other toys. She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, thinking long and hard before she stuffed a cookie that she had saved from the night before into the bag as well. Zipping the bag up she pulled it onto her back before she grabbed her toothbrush and trotted into the bathroom. She pushed her stool up to the sink before she stood up on it and turned the water on. Carefully she spread a pea sized drop of toothpaste on the brush before she stuck it into her mouth and began scrubbed her teeth clean.
Mia grabbed changing clothes, diapers, bibs, and anything else she could think of for the child before she sat the bag aside. She grabbed the carrier he had in his room and she moved to lift the sleeping child placing him in it. She locked him in and moved to lift him up, grabbing his bag as well. She moved into her room and sat him down on the bed before she moved to throw on a t-shirt, work-out pants, some slides and she grabbed her purse and keys. Moving down the steps quickly she grabbed a few bottles and some formula for Mekhi, she’d successfully winged him off of breast milk. He was almost 8 months, it was time in her opinion. She grabbed a few baby snacks and some baby food jars as well before she moved back upstairs and placed those into his bag as well. Once she was sure she had everything she moved to go figure out what Kenya was doing now.
Kenya scrubbed her teeth nice and good before she spat in the sink. Rinsing the toothbrush with water, she tapped it on the side of the sink, before sitting it down. Cupping her hands under the water, she filled her hands before bringing them to her mouth and slurping the water. She swished it around her mouth a few times before she spat it out into the sink, using the back of her hand to wipe her mouth. She jumped down from her stool, leaning the toothbrush on the sink. “I’m ready mommy!”
Moving towards Kenya looked to her “okay” she breathed softly “let’s go” she told her as she moved into the room again and Mia thought about her hair, she sighed softly as she moved into the bathroom. She grabbed a brush and brushed it out a bit, she looked like a clown. Brushing her bangs and her hair she moved to then wash her face a bit, clear up the dried tears that stained it. Then she tossed some mouthwash in her mouth swirled it around a bit before she spat it out. “C’mon” she said as she lifted the little boy, her purse and his bag. She moved down the stairs towards the front door double checking to make sure she had everything. Holding the door open for Kenya with her foot she let her walk out first before she did. She sat Mekhi down and locked the front door before she stood looking to the 2 police cars in front of her house, she sighed again eyes watering once more as she moved with the kids.
 Kenya nodded her head as she moved to follow Mia, following her right into the bathroom. She stood at the door, watching as her mother tried to brush her hair out and clean herself up a little. Standing there, Kenya shifted on her feet. When Mia was finished, she followed Mia down the stairs and out the house. Walking out the door Kenya noticed the police cars and she looked up at Mia. “M-mommy where are we going?”
The two officers sat in their respective cars waiting patiently and when the woman finally walked outside with her kids they were both shocked.
Mia looked to Kenya sighing softly to herself, “don’t worry about it baby, just come on” she told her moving towards her own car. She unlocked it and she moved to let Kenya into the car, she moved to the other side sitting Mekhi’s car seat into the holder in her car before she fastened the belt over him locking in in completely. She moved back to Kenya making sure she fastened her seatbelt over her booster seat properly before she closed her door as well. Moving to the front seat she climbed in and she sat the bags in the passenger’s seat before she push started the car switched gears and backed up, looking over her shoulder Mia watched the surrounding area behind her as she backed up, blinking heavy tears away as she did.
Kenya nodded slowly, pulling her lip into her mouth as she climbed into the backseat. She slid her backpack off and sat down in her booster, buckling herself up. As Mia locked Mekhi into his seat and secured him, she looked over at her little brother. She didn’t know why but it was clear to her that her mother was sad, so she was sad. Reaching over, Kenya took Mekhi’s little hand into hers and held it gently as he slept.
The two officers started up the cars and one moved forward, to lead the way, while the other stayed back, waiting for Mia to get completely out of the driveway.
Mia looked towards both cars and when she backed out enough to switched gears again and began to move down the road following the officer in front of her. A few nosy neighbors were either standing outside on their porch or looking through their windows at them as they made way for the hospital and Mia sighed again. Sitting back in the seat she drove with one hand the other massaging her head as a small headache began to form.
Kenya sat back, holding her brother’s hand in silence as Mia drove down the street. “Mommy?” Kenya said gently.
Mia trailed the officer her mind running a mile a minute and she tried to feel around for her phone a bit in her purse with no success. Hearing Kenya she looked in the rear view mirror at her “yes baby?” she asked her sweetly as she looked away from her and back to the road driving slowly, eyes still a little blurry as she threatened to cry again.
“Where’s daddy?” Kenya asked quietly.
Mia looked to Kenya again at her words and she looked back to the road. She sniffled softly to herself as she continued to massage her head a bit, her elbow resting on the window as she did. She didn’t know what to tell the little girl, and thinking about it only made her head hurt worse. She sniffled quietly as tears began to fall again and she wiped them quickly before she rested her hand against her head again. “Don’t worry about that either sweetie” she said with a cracking voice.
Kenya frowned gently but nodded and got quiet again as Mia drove down the street.
Mia looked to Kenya again sniffling softly as she tried to calm herself down again, her heart was racing, her forehead had beads of sweat forming, and head was pounding. Her crying wasn’t helping the pain in her head either. She looked to the road and she followed the officer as he maneuvered the streets.
Kenya sighed deeply, she slowly let go of Mekhi’s tiny hand and reached into her backpack, pulling out her wrapped cookie. She unwrapped the treat and but into it hungrily, dropping crumbs everywhere.
Mia looked up for a second looking to Kenya as she opened something up in the back seat. She looked back to the road before she looked to her again watching her eat. She looked back down, she was going to have to feed them both and that just collectively added to the 1,001 things that were swirling in her head and making her stomach upset.
Kenya munched on the cookie hungrily as Mia drove down the street. She ate half of the large cookie before she rewrapped it and put it back. Sitting there, Kenya sighed deeply before she reached into her backpack again and pulled out her tablet, turning it on.
Mia looked to Kenya again before she said “Mommy is going to get you something to eat soon Kenya” watching the officer as they made way for the hospital and when they finally arrived she sighed heavily. Reaching her hand into her bag once more trying to look for her phone. She didn’t know if anyone else knew, she had to tell her in-laws. She hadn’t received a phone call so she knew she had to be the only one that the news was delivered to.
Kenya tapped one of her favorite games, bubble pop, and began playing in silence as Mia drove. When Mia spoke, Kenya looked up nodding slowly. “Okay mommy,” she said politely. Mekhi began stirring in his car seat and Kenya looked over at him. “Uh-oh,” she said gently.
Mia pulled up to the hospital's entrance, she turned quickly moving into the parking lot. She parked in the first spot she could find before she placed the car in park and pushed the button to turn it off. Hearing her son snare and grunt she licked her lips, grabbing her purse and the baby bag. She looked for her phone once more, she must have left it. Then she went through his bag, finding it off to the side thankfully. Moving to climb out she put the bags on her arms and she moved to pull Mekhi out. “Shh” she told him softly as she closed the door with her hip. She moved to Kenya’s side allowing her to get out with her things before she closed her door as well and locked it. “C’mon” she told her guiding her towards the emergency room’s entrance.
Kenya watched as Mekhi began waking up, making little noises here and there. Biting her lip she unbuckled herself and waited for Mia to let her out of the car. When she did, she grabbed her backpack and slid from the vehicle, staying close to Mia as they moved through the parking lot towards the entrance of the hospital. “Mommy…” Kenya said looking up at Mia with big worried eyes. “Where’s daddy?” she asked again.
Moving through the entrance Mia rushed Kenya along trying to find someone to direct her as to where to go. “I need help” she told the man sitting there, “my husband is here somewhere, I don’t know what is going on. He was brought here” she said as her eyes began to wail up again and she looked down to a fussy Mekhi. “Shh” she breathed out again just before the screaming began. “Not right now baby” Mia replied to Kenya as she looked to Mekhi. “I know” she said sympathizing with the baby.
Kenya followed along, moving as quickly as her little legs would allow.
The young man looked up at the woman as she approached with two children. He was slightly taken back but he pulled his composure together quickly as he began typing on the computer. “What’s your husbands name?”
Mia looked to the guy “um, Tyler Blackwell” she said quickly as she tried to rock the child in the car seat a bit too quiet him down from crying to the top of his lungs. He was hungry and he had just woken up and was strapped down in his car which happened to bother him a lot. “I know Mekhi” she said sweetly to him rummaging in his back with the only freehand she had and she tried to find a pacifier for him. Pulling it out and moving to stick it into his mouth, it silenced him for the moment and she was thankful for it.
Nodding slowly, the young man typed Tyler’s name into the computer, searching their database. As the information began to load into the screen, his eyes read over it all quickly. “Oh…” she said gently before he looked at Mia. “Ma’am your husband is still in surgery. He’s a GSW victim and the doctors are still working on him. Once he’s out of surgery he’ll be sent to the ICU,” he informed Mia quietly. “Unfortunately, no one is allowed to visit while a patient is ICU but once he’s got a room you’ll be able to enter. I’ll let one of his doctors know that you’re here so I can get you more information on his current condition,” he said as he reached for the phone quickly dialing an extension.
Mia looked to the guy her eyes falling back on Mekhi as she wiped her tears sniffling slightly. She looked to Kenya making sure she was close by before she nodded at him. “Okay” she said nothing knowing what else to say. “Uh, okay” she said again as she moved to walk away. Grabbing Kenya’s hand and moving her over towards the chairs near by she sat down.
Kenya stood there, half-focused on her tablet and half trying to understand what was going on. Where was her dad and why were they in a hospital. As Mia moved towards the chairs, Kenya took her hand and followed her, sitting down in one. Resting the tablet in her lap, Kenya looked at Mia.
Mia sat Mekhi’s car seat in the empty chair next to her rocking it slowly, seeing his wet eyes close once more. She moved to try and mix a bottle up for him. Grabbing the already water filled bottle and adding some formula to it before shaking it up for him. After she did so she removed his pacifier and quickly swapped it out for his bottle which he immediately began eating. She wiped her eyes dry again and beneath her chin as she watched him for a while.
Sitting there, Kenya swung her feet back and forth idly before she turned her attention back to her tablet.
Larissa came jogging into the lobby in sweatpants, flip-flops, and a hoodie. Her hair was in a disheveled bun at the top of her head and her face was stained with tears, eyes bloodshot. Those bloodshot eyes scanned the area quickly and when she spotted Mia sitting with Kenya and Mekhi and rushed over. “Mia…”
Mia continued to watch a sleeping Mekhi eat and she blinked slowly another tear rolling down her cheek, they didn’t seem to stop no matter how hard she tried. She sighed to herself resting her hand against her forehead once more. At the sound of her name being called, Mia looked to Larissa and she all but shot up all thoughts and actions towards feeding her child lost, wrapping her arms around her. “They won’t let me see him” she cried softly.
Larissa wrapped Mia up in a hug, holding the girl tight. She didn’t say anything for a long while, she just held Mia, gently rubbing her back and stroking her hair. She knew exactly what Mia was feeling and words couldn’t express them. Closing her eyes, she buried her face in Mia’s shoulder as she continued to hold her, her own tears starting back up. “Es un luchador. Va a estar bien.”
Mia sniffled hard at her mother-in-law’s words, she was right on one hand and on the other what if he did die. What was she going to do without him? He brain had been toying with that exact thought since they told her. She couldn’t make it a single day without waking up beside him, and closing her eyes at night knowing he was right there. The picture of him out of their lives was enough to let a loud cry as she broke down. “No entiendo cómo podría pasar esto.”
Larissa pulled away from Mia slowly, hands still rubbing the girl’s shoulders. “Sabes como,” she said shaking her head thinking about it before she pulled Mia into another tight hug as she broke. Larissa held Mia as tightly as she could, fearing that if she let go, she might lose her too. “Mia, cariño, tienes que mantenerte fuerte para tus bebés. Tener fe. Tyler lo hará a través de esto,” she said as she sniffled hard, trying to suck up her own tears.
Grant walked through the entrance, looking just as disheveled as Larissa. He walked right over, placing his hand on Mia’s back and rubbing gently before he looked to Kenya and Mekhi with sad eyes.
“No creo que yo pueda” Mia replied back as she tried to call herself down a bit, she felt horrible. He body was definitely showing the signs to all the stress this had her under.
“Tienes que.” Larissa said gently, pulling away from Mia once more, her eyes slowly moving to her husband. “Can you please see if we can get any information or see him?” she asked Grant.
Grant hugged Mia when Larissa let her go before he nodded slowly. Not saying a single word he walked over to the counter. “Blackwell,” he finally spoke.
At Larissa’s words Mia drew away from her, snuffled hard once more and she wiped her tears once more. Wiping under her chin again, she looked to Grant sympathetically as he hugged her and pulled away headed for the desk. Sitting back down Mia looked to Mekhi whom looked back to her with bright eyes, holding his own bottle as he ate. She caressed his face a bit before she looked to Kenya “you okay?” She asked the little girl in a quiet voice.
Larissa let out a deep sigh, watching as Grant walked over to see if they could get any information. Looking down at Mekhi, then Kenya, Larissa moved to take a seat, dropping her head into her hands. She was a mess but she was holding it all together. She had to.
Kenya looked up from her tablet slowly as she nodded her head. “Wh-what’s going on Mommy?” she asked looking over at Larissa then back at her. “Why are you crying?” she questioned. “Where’s daddy?” she repeated the questions for what felt like the hundredth time.
Mia looked to Kenya and she closed her eyes exhaling slowly “daddy was hurt really badly baby, and mommy is crying because she’s scared. But daddy will be fine, okay” she told Kenya stroking her hair.
Kenya gazed at Mia, her own eyes growing sad as she nodded slowly. “Daddy’s h-hurt…” she said her chin quivering a little.
Larissa placed her hand on Kenya’s back, rubbing her back gently. “Daddy’s going to be okay though,” she said repeating Mia. “Everything is going to be okay.”
Grant stood at the counter as the young man spoke on the phone. “Can we get any information at all?” he asked.\
The young man nodded slowly, hanging up the phone. “One of Mr. Blackwell’s doctors will be out shortly to speak with your family.”
Mia looked to Kenya and she nodded “he’s going to be okay babygirl” she added once more. “Don’t worry…” she told her sweetly. Mia turned her attention to Mekhi once more making she he was alright and she offered the boy a comforting stomach rub as she looked back down to Kenya.
Kenya nodded slowly as a tear rolled down her cheek. “O-okay,” she whispered softly. Sitting there deflated, she put her tablet away and just sat.
Larissa looked at Kenya, still rubbing her back as she hugged her close. “It’s going to be okay baby,” she said softly to the child.
Grant nodded slowly, pushing away from the counter and walking over to his family. He sat down and buried his face in his hands.
Doctor Radwell walked through the double doors, moving towards the family carefully. “Hello,” he said as he approached, sliding his hands into his coat pocket. “I’m Doctor Radwell,” he told them gently. “I’m one of the doctors assigned to Tyler Blackwell’s case,” he explained to them. “As of right now, Tyler’s still in surgery and he’s stable. We’re working to get one last bullet out. He was shot three times. One is very close to his spine and it’s a very hard to get out without causing any further damage but we’re working as quickly and as efficiently as we can,” he told the family. “We should have him out of surgery within the next hour or so, then we’ll be moving him to the ICU for monitoring. It’s usually our policy to not allow visitors into the ICU but we’ll make an acception today.”
Mia looked to the little girl before she looked to the doctor as he approached and she shifted sitting up in the chair. As he began to speak, Mia’s eyes welled up again “three times?” she questioned shocked. “After he’s out and in ICU is everything going to be okay with him? No lasting effects?” she asked him curiously. She was crying both for what happened to him and for the fact that he was okay, he was alive and he was going to be fine after all was said and done.
Doctor Radwell nodded slowly to confirm. “Three times,” he repeated. “All shots were inflicted through Tyler’s back,” he explained. At Mia’s next question the doctor sighed. “Well as I said there’s one that we’re still trying to get out that is lodged very close to the spine. We’re trying our best not to cause anymore damage than what the bullet has already done. We won’t know the side effects until Tyler wakes up and we run a couple of tests,” he told them. “However just from my professional opinion I feel as if Tyler might have lost his ability to walk. There’s a lot of swelling and the bullet cause a bit of damage in that area. The spine is such a sensitive vertebrae that any little thing can cause a problem. However, we won’t know for sure until we run some tests.”
Mia looked at the man as she tried to take it all in, and dissect things thoroughly. Sighing to herself she dropped her head at his professional opinion. She didn't know much when it came to medicine however she knew about getting shot and about the lasting effects even if she never suffered an injury due to bullet. Sitting them left to think about the what ifs Mia felt like she was in a room full of water and she was slowly drowning without a true life raft or safety. She balled her fist, her head was still spinning and she felt like she was going to be sick it was too much all at once. What did life mean for her if her husband could never walk again and how would he take it? How would they cope? What about his career? Their kids? Would their kids ever get to play and enjoy their father the way they once did before he was wheelchair bound?
Doctor Radwell stood there in silence for a moment, just allowing the family to take it all in before he said. “There’s a possibility that Tyler can still have the ability to walk. We simply just don’t know at this point,” he told them before his pager buzzed. He looked down at it quickly before he spoke to the family one last time. “I need to get back up but if there’s anything new, I’ll be sure to have one of the nurses come talk to you guys.”
Mia looked to the doctor and she looked away as he excused himself from them both. Mia sat back in the chair she rubbed her arm gently, looking down at the floor as she tried to calm herself down. She closed her eyes inhaling and exhaling slowly through her nose before she opened her eyes again.
Doctor Radwell walked through the hallway’s guiding the two women towards the room. “Tyler’s still unconscious from the medication we gave him for surgery but he should he waking up soon,” he explained to them. “So please keep that in mind,” he told them as he held the door open.
Tyler laid in the hospital bed, eyes closed with a tube hanging from his mouth and various IV’s attached to his arms. He was out cold.
Mia looked to the room as the man held the door open and though she had wanted to see him the entire wait her feet wouldn’t move now. She continued to stare in at him, lying there motionless with every possible inch of him hooked up to something. She swallowed hard blinking slowly as he heart slowly sunk to her feet.
Larissa stood behind Mia, nodding slowly at the doctor’s words. As the man opened the door for them, she waited for Mia to enter but she never moved. Gently, Larissa placed her hands on Mia’s shoulders and gave them a squeeze, her own eyes watering again at the sight of her son laying helpless in the hospital bed. “It’s okay,” she whispered to Mia. “You’re not alone in this.”
Mia continued to stand there even as her mother-in-law squeezed her shoulders reassuring her that everything was okay. Mia took the first step but she didn't go far, each step felt heavier and heavier as she tried to move in closer to him. And finally she made it completely inside.
Larissa held onto Mia’s shoulders, taking each step with her, allowing Mia to take all the time that she needed to enter the room. When they were completely inside, Larissa wrapped Mia up in a hug from behind, holding the younger woman tight as she stared at Tyler lying there. “Were you able to get that last bullet out?” she asked sadly.
Doctor Radwell entered the room behind the ladies and he nodded at Larissa’s question. “Yes we were but there’s a terrible amount of swelling in the area,” he told them both.
Mia continued to look down at the Tyler, even as Larissa hugged her close she stood in silence looking to him. Her stomach was churning, her headache was returning, and her knees were weak.
Larissa held Mia as she nodded slowly at the doctor. It hurt her to her core to see her only son laid up like this, but she was keeping it together for Mia. “Okay…” Larissa said gently before she asked. “How soon after he wakes up will we know if he’s able to walk?” she asked.
Mia continued to stare at Tyler as Larissa spoke to the doctor behind her, she blinked slowly. She didn’t like seeing him this way however she couldn’t look away from him as much as she tried. Her head begin to swirl “I think I need to sit down” she said as her eyes rolled on their own accord.
Doctor Radwell shifted on his feet. “As soon as he’s conscious enough to understand what’s happened to him and is able to respond to both words and physical touch,” he explained.
Larissa nodded before she looked to Tyler lying there once more. Her heart sunk slowly. At Mia’s words, she gently guided Mia over to the chair in the room and sat her down. “You’re going to survive this,” she told Mia.
Mia moved to sit down “I feel sick” she told Larissa as she dropped her head into her hands. “Maybe it wasn’t a good idea for me to come in here” she breathed as she began to cry again. He body was fighting against her all while her emotions did the same. It was exhausting and her stomach still hadn’t settled.
Larissa rubbed Mia’s shoulder gently. “Just take a moment to gather yourself. Don’t get too worked up. Take a breath,” she told Mia softly.
Mia inhaled sharply as she wiped her nose sniffling, she sat their with her hands on her head. Brushing bangs out of her face she closed her eyes.
Larissa continued to rub Mia’s shoulder tenderly, squatted down beside the younger woman. “He’s going to be alright,” she whispered to her gently. “But you’ve got to stay strong for him.”
“I know” Mia breathed out as she looked to Larissa with sad eyes. “I know.”
Tyler let out a deep groan. He felt as if he had been hit by a train. His mind was foggy and he couldn’t remember a thing. Not even his name. He just had one prominent feeling. Pain. Groaning again, he tried to move before another growl escaped him. His eyes fluttered a little as he tried to pry them open.
Mia sat next to Tyler her head in her hand as she held it up, she was tired. No she hadn’t do anything more than sat there but she’d cried enough for everyone and she was up and down all day. She felt sick, she hadn’t eaten, she had not one but two kids to take care of, all while waiting for her husband to wake up so that they could not if he would be able to walk again or not. Hearing Tyler she looked to him as he tried to move his body and open her eyes. “Ty” she breathed out as she watched him, she shifted in her seat groaning softly. She didn’t have it in her to stand so instead she grabbed his hand.
The pain was almost unbearable and it made Tyler’s body tremble as he tried to open his eyes. What was going on? What had happened to him to where he was feeling like this. He searched his brain, trying to figure it out because underneath the pain, he felt numb. Like there were pins and needles sticking him all over his body. Feeling a small, warm hand slid into his, he groaned again, his head lolling to that side. He didn’t quite hear her voice but he knew who it was. He could feel it. The moment her hand slid into his, he just felt that spark and he knew it was Mia. He knew that despite whatever had happened to him, his wife was by his side. Groaning again, his eyes fluttered a little more as he tried to open them again. He wanted to speak but he couldn’t. His throat was sore and it hurt, like something was shoved down it.
Mia continued to watch Tyler “baby” she said as she reluctantly pulled herself up from the chair. She rested on hand on the bed holding herself up, her other hand still in his. “It’s okay Ty” she told him as she caressed his hand. She watched as he tried to open his eyes and she rubbed his shoulder lightly.
Mia’s voice registered in his head and Tyler weakly squeezed her hand. “Mmmm,” he groaned around the tube down his throat. Finally he pried his eyes open only to close them back immediately, the harsh white lights of the hospital room burning his tired eyes. He gripped her hand again, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. He groaned once more before pulling his eyes open again, squinting from the light as he stared up at Mia. He gazed into her sad eyes before he tried to sit up. When he couldn’t do so, he looked around the room, taking in the pale blue walls and the cold air as it hit his skin. He was in the hospital. When the realization hit him he began to panic, his eyes bulging as he looked back to Mia, coughing and gagging now as he tried to speak around the tube.
Mia continued to rub Tyler’s shoulder wit her hand and she shifted to stand up completely. Resting against the beds rails, she looked down at him with bloodshot eyes. As he tried to get up she shook her head placing her hand against his chest lightly. “Calm down” she breathed out in a somber voice. “Ty” she said easily as he tried to talk “you are in the hospital” she added. “You were shot, 3 times” she told him truthfully as she gazed down at him. She pressed the alert button on the side of his bed, resting her head against the rail as she waited for a nurse to surface.
Tyler groaned loudly, fighting again the pain to try and sit up. To try and figure out what was going on, to try to speak until Mia placed her hand on his chest. He looked at her, his eyes pleading as he let out a harsh breath through his nose. As she began to explain what was going on and what had happened to him, he closed his eyes, shaking his head.
Mia looked down at him and she blinked slowly before she pinched the bridge of her nose hearing the door open. She turned towards the door her other hand on her hip. “He’s up” she said to the woman as she moved to sit back down in the chair near him. The nurse looked to Mia and then the patient, Tyler she stepped inside more. “I’ll page his doctor to let him know” she told her as she moved to check Tyler’s vitals. She moved to check his breathing and his heart rate. She checked his IV’s looking down at the guy for a moment before paging the doctor. 
Tyler was struggling to breathe around the tube down his throat and he groaned again as he opened his eyes once more, gagging again. As the nurse entered, he looked at her, blinking slowly as she checked his IV and his vitals.
Mia looked to the nurse and then Tyler, she sighed as she shifted in her seat she rubbed her head and pushed her bangs back again.
Doctor Radwell moved into the room “hi” he said quickly to Mia before he moved over to Tyler. He check his patient over swapping conversation with the nurse before he said. “Tyler relax and don't put a strain on yourself” sternly. He check Tyler over once more as the nurse did, once he did that he looked to his monitors himself. “Tyler” he started as he moved to lift the sheets up from his bottom half. “Tyler if you can feel this let us know by nodding your head. Can you nod your head?”
Tyler looked at the Doctor as he entered the room and he groaned softly, eyeing the man as he told him not to strain. Grunting, he relaxed a little, trying to calm himself down. As the doctor lifted the sheets from over his legs he stared at the man. At his questioned he nodded his head slowly before looking over at Mia. What did he mean if he could feel this?
Doctor Radwell took a pen out of his coat and he used it to press it into Tyler's foot, running it from his heel to his toes. He looked to the young man to see if he'd respond to it at all.
Mia looked to the doctor watching him and she pulled her eyes away wanting to know if Tyler felt it too. She stood back up moving over to him. She looked to Tyler waiting for him to nod his head like she knew he would.
Tyler laid there, staring at the older man, unblinking, unmoving. He was waiting. Waiting to feel something. Waiting for him to take this tube from down his throat. As Mia stood up, he looked at her, still waiting, before he looked back at the doctor.
The doctor pressed a little harder into Tyler’s foot looking to the guy as he laid there unmoving. Doctor Radwell looked to the nurse and then to Mia, Tyler clearly couldn’t feel him and that could only mean one thing.
Mia looked back to the doctor and then to Tyler, he didn’t move he just laid there and reality sunk in. He couldn’t feel the doctor and what she had been fearing had come to light. He wouldn’t be able to walk and she didn’t know what to expect next.
Tyler’s eyebrows pulled together as he took in the expression on Mia’s face. He looked at the doctor and then the nurse, before back at Mia. He gagged a little more, his eyes slowly looking down to follow the doctor’s hand. When he realized that he was indeed being touched, he began to panic. His chest rose and fell rapidly and he began coughing and gagging a little harder.
“Relax Tyler” Doctor Radwell told him as he moved to place the cover back over his feet. “I will have our nurse remove your Ventilator tube. Just relax” he told him and the nurse moved to do just that. Detaching Tyler from the machine and shutting it down. She removed the tube gently from his throat.
Mia watched the doctor and she moved out of his way, moving back to her chair watching the nurse was upsetting her stomach so instead she looked away. Sitting down in the chair once more and looking at her hand for the time being.
Tyler tried to relax as the doctor told him but how could he. He couldn’t feel what he was supposed to have felt. He was trying to move his legs, he was trying so hard, but he couldn’t. As the nurse removed his tube, he groaned, coughing and gagging until it was completely out. He gasped harshly, breathing out through his nose as he tried to speak but his voice just coming out as rasps and squeaks.
“It’s okay Tyler” the older man said as he looked to him “those bullets did some damage and you have a a lot of swelling on the spinal column, that’s what’s contributing to this” he told the young guys. “Just take it easy” he told him “there is a possibility that the swelling will go down and you will be able to walk once more” he told him.
Tyler closed his mouth, looking between the doctor and Mia before he nodded slowly, tears wailing in his eyes. He turned his eyes to Mia once more, moving his hand to reach for Mia’s.
As the doctor spoke to Tyler, Mia sat there looking to him with sad sympathetic eyes. She knew this was a lot to take in for him because it was a lot for her and she was sadden by the fact that she couldn’t fix this for him. As the doctor said his peace and excused himself for a moment Mia moved to stand up. She held Tyler’s hand and said “it’ll be alright” gently.
Tyler didn’t even look to the doctor as he left the room, he just took Mia’s hand into his squeezed it gently. He stared up at her, blinking hard as a tear rolled down his cheek. “M-Mekhi, K-Kenya,” he managed to rasp out.
“They will be alright as well” Mia told him sweetly, she knelt down a bit kissing his forehead sweetly. “You’re here, that’s all that matters.”
Tyler nodded slowly at Mia’s words, squeezing her hand again before he closed his eyes, trying to remember what happened.
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