#have have clara giving her dads heart attacks -
archived-diegesis · 3 months
".....if Mr.Eros is dad dose that make Mr Boothill papa? .....or is Mr. Eros papa and mr.boothill dad ?"
Loud computing sounds......Did she say that out loud -
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thelazyecrivain · 2 years
Fluffbruary - Day 23 (Ballet)
Day twenty-three of @fluffbruary, using the prompt "ballet"
Read on AO3
French Version
Sherlock took a deep breath before taking his position and waiting for the curtain to rise. Applause greeted them before the room fell silent and the music began. Sherlock took one last look at the darkened room but could not find the person he was looking for. He ignores his disappointment and starts to dance.
John applauds, his eyes on the dancers, one in particular, until they disappear into the dressing rooms and the curtain falls. Next to him, Harry smirks at him, and as a response, John discreetly shows him his best finger. His parents are beside them, this is not the time to attract their thunder. 
"So which one was it?" Asks his mother.
"The brunette with the bobbed hair, a bit short. She was in the middle on the left." John replied without batting an eyelid. "That's Clara."
"She's cute, you're one lucky bastard, son." Congratulated his father with a pat on the back. A gesture from one manly man to another. John restrains himself from violently withdrawing his hand still on his shoulder.
John nods with difficulty, feeling Harry as uncomfortable as he is. 
"What about you Harry, was there a boy you liked?"
"Don't be ridiculous Beth," cut in her father, "they're just fags. Real men don't do ballet, they do sports. Like our Johnny, he understood. Rugby is a man's sport. Not ballet." He says, spitting out the last word. Harry and John glance at each other.
There is little audience left in the room, probably all gone to the bar or the exit. The dancers take the opportunity to sneak out and John signals to his parents that he has to go if he doesn't want to miss her. Harry says another excuse he doesn't hear, too eager to get away from them.
"If Dad finds out what we're going to do, he'll give us a heart attack." Harry laughed. But she was right, he could never survive such a thing. John smiled. Good for him.
They looked for Clara and found her in one of the dressing rooms, removing her make-up. 
"John! Harry!" She says as she notices them and gives a big smile before coming over to hug John. "So, did you enjoy it?" 
"You were great." John said.
She let go of him to hug Harry in turn. John looked away as they kissed. Harry whispered something but John didn't want to know what she said. 
Clara and Harry have been dating for three months, but because of their parents' homophobia, they have to find ways of seeing each other without raising suspicion. So John offered to play her boyfriend, at least for tonight. His parents had said yes when he had asked to go to the end-of-year show organised by the school dance group, saying that Clara was dancing in it. They had even insisted on going with him. Harry hadn't grumbled when they forced her to come.
"If you're looking for him, he's still on the stage. He was talking about a poorly controlled gesture or something." Said Clara before returning her attention to her sister.
John thanked her before walking towards the stage. 
John gets something out of this arrangement. Sherlock is part of this group of dancers and John wanted to see him at all costs. To his parents, he's just a classmate, nothing more. If they find out that his best friend is a dancing fag, as his father would say, he won't be allowed to talk to him anymore.
Sherlock is there, dancing in his prince's costume. The curtains are down, leaving him alone and hidden from the audience. Only one light is on, illuminating Sherlock like a divine glow illuminating his grace and talent.
Despite the hour-long performance, Sherlock still dances well, his tired muscles executing the gestures perfectly. His elegant arms pull outwards, before climbing towards the light, balancing on his pointe. 
John watches him, hidden at the side of the stage, admiring him without restraint. Immersed in his dance, Sherlock probably hasn't heard him, but John lets him finish before showing himself. He would never want to interrupt him, Sherlock is never so peaceful as when he is immersed in what he loves. He looks focused but serene, his facial features relaxed. Not many people get the chance to see him like this. John is one of the lucky ones.
Sherlock finished his last movement, before stopping elegantly. He immediately turned to John, the latter too mesmerised to applaud.
"John." Sherlock said simply with a slight smile on his lips.
"That was..." John searched for his words. "You were amazing. That was beautiful." John breathed. You were beautiful.
Sherlock's cheeks pinkened deliciously, making John want to run his fingers over them. "Thanks John."
John walked over to him, and handed him the bouquet in his hand. It was a simple mix of blue and green flowers. It reminded him of Sherlock's eyes.
"This is for you." He explained when Sherlock looked at the bouquet as if a monster was going to come out of it. 
Sherlock opened his mouth several times, searching for his words. He didn't seem to find them as he finally said nothing, shyly took the bouquet and thanked him in a low voice. 
"I would have thought you would give them to Clara." Said Sherlock after recovering from his emotions.
John frowned. "Clara? Why is that- Oh, I see. She explained our plan to you."
Sherlock smiled, "Ingenious, I must say."
John looked up, proud as a rooster. "I'm not so stupid after all." 
"You're not as stupid as you look." Sherlock said weakly, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Hey!" John took offence.
Sherlock laughed, and John couldn't help himself. How he loved to hear that laugh.
John calmed down, keeping an amused smile on his lips. "I would like to invite you to dinner." John said matter-of-factly. He knew he would never have the courage to ask him if he didn't do it now.
This surprised Sherlock, leaving him speechless for a second time. "Excuse me?"
John lost his courage, already regretting it. Stupid John, of course he would not want to. "Do you want to come to dinner with me?"
Sherlock looked as shocked as ever and John started to plan his escape when he heard him mutter something. John moved closer to him to hear him better and Sherlock realised he had to repeat himself.
"I said yes. Take me to dinner with you, John." 
His heart began to beat wildly, and John couldn't stop the smile that formed. "Really?" 
Sherlock nods before lowering his head, but John can see his blush. He lifts his face with an index finger under his chin. "Don't hide from me. I like it when you blush, it's adorable." John said in a burst of tenderness. His hand slid down to his cheek, his thumb caressing his blushing cheekbone.
"I'm not adorable." Sherlock weakly defended himself. 
John smiled. "No, you're right. You are beautiful."
Sherlock took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he leaned against his hand still on his cheek. The hand not holding his bouquet clutches his jacket, as if to keep it close. Anyway, John doesn't plan to go anywhere else.
Sherlock leaned towards him and rested his forehead against his, John putting his other hand on his arm. The latter closed his eyes to better enjoy their proximity. 
"I never did that." Sherlock murmured. "I don't know what to do."
John moved slightly away from him, just enough to look him in the eye without squinting. "Follow what I do." He said before moving closer to him. Sherlock bent down to fill the last few remaining inches and finally they kissed.
The kiss was chaste, John's hand sliding from his arm to his cheek to better angle his face. As promised, Sherlock followed what he did and pressed a little more into the kiss. John moved his lips, and Sherlock responded shyly before growing more confident. Sherlock clung to him, wrapping his arms around his torso, and John could only sigh with pleasure in the kiss.
"John." Sherlock whispered as he pulled away to catch his breath.
John ran his tongue over his lips, the taste of Sherlock still imprinted on them. Sherlock watched the movement with an eager gaze. 
"Let's go to dinner." Says John, even though separating from Sherlock's body will be difficult.
Sherlock nods and John takes his hand in his own. He kissed him on his fingers before pulling him off the stage.
As promised, John takes him to dinner before walking him home, like the gentleman he is. Sherlock kissed him one last time on the doorstep and went back inside his house, leaving a blushing and smiling John behind.
(tell me if you wish to be tagged !) @topsyturvy-turtely @missdeliadili @mxster-jocale
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galaxydrcaming · 1 year
“To be fair, everyone tells me I started to be like this from the minute I could walk, so for all I knew, you’d remember toddler me giving everyone heart attacks by disappearing whenever it was bath time.” Clara’s grin was wide and wicked, leaving it up to Mare to decide if she was telling a true story about her childhood or exaggerating. Her smile did soften at the mention of her parents. She’d been close to her mother, and of course, she liked to think she’d have a good relationship with her father too. “I get told I look like them a lot.” She swept one of her braids over her shoulder. “Oh come on, Jr totally knows you taught me to steal after I stole his motorcycle keys and took it for a ride. Uncle Cal was the maddest, I kinda wrecked the bike. But I paid for the repairs.” She pouted for a second before grinning again. “It sure made an interesting time for everyone, watching me and my cousins and wondering what trouble we’d get up to next.”
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Her lips twitch as she tries to stop the beginning of laughter. "I wasn't around too much when you were first born but I can confirm that you were like that when you were a couple of years older, Farley's face when it first happened still makes me laugh honestly." Mare admits with a smile as she nods her head in agreement and sighs a little in reminiscing thoughts. "You do, but you look a little more like your dad, I think. Oh, I wasn't talking about my..son, that's still weird to say, I was actually talking about my brother because Clara, he's here. He's alive again and while that does souns crazy, I'm meeting an adult you so, let's keep an open mind here. I'm sure he'll be happy to meet you." She says, her eyes slightly tearing up at how grateful she still was that her brother is here but she quickly blinks them away and clears her throat. "I'm surprised Cal didn't do the repairs himself but what kind of trouble were you guys getting up to exactly?"
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
Miracle Queen Aftermath
Because there is a disappointing lack of focus or depth for the aftermath of Miracle Queen in canon, I have made my own.
Be warned of: Chloe salt. A lot of it. Chloe faces consequences for things.
Some Bustier salt. Some Adrien being called out on things (but he gets better).
In the weeks following the Miracle Queen incident, a lot had happened.
Hawk Moth had increased his power, and was now able to summon akumas and amoks at the same time.
Master Fu was gone and now Ladybug found herself the official Guardian of the Miraculous—along with the Miracle Box, kwamis, and duties that entails.
Marinette had resolved to let go of her crush on Adrien, and to support him and Kagami in their new relationship together.
And Chloe had been arrested and would now be going on trial for assisting a terrorist.
It was that last bit of news that had caused the most commotion in Paris and the world at large. What people would have dismissed as simply another akuma attack turned into a much greater matter when accusations started to be made about Chloe helping the super villain intentionally. This was soon backed by multiple eyewitness accounts and further proven by leaked video evidence showing Chloe not only attempting to grab a butterfly for herself after she was de-akumatized but even negotiating with the terrorist before the incident in which she betrayed the heroes of Paris and revealed the identities of most of the team.
To say that the people of Paris were outraged was putting it mildly. People were akumatized over it. Chloe was in a secured facility where she had armed guards around to watch her just as much as they were there to protect her. New legislation was being considered to specifically address willingly aiding supervillains. The backlash was so severe that many were calling the mayor’s own position into question.
After all, if his daughter could do all of that, who was to say that he wasn’t also in Hawk Moth’s pocket?
For Mayor Andre, his hands were tied. While he had covered for his daughter and her selfishness in the past, this was one thing he couldn’t overlook. Not when it brought his position as mayor under scrutiny. And certainly not when it opened a probe into his own dealings.
None of this was helped either by the multitude of witnesses of Chloe‘s past behavior. In particular, her many victims over the years.
And there were a lot.
Now that Chloe was actually being held accountable for something, it seemed to have opened a floodgate of outcries as the many people she tormented finally felt able to air their grievances. They came out on TV, on social media, on radio. Stories littered the air and internet of the horrors of dealing with this single teenage girl.
“She tried to cheat during this designing competition. She apparently stole some other girl’s hat design and tried to pass it off as her own.”
“She was the reason the mayor tried to shut down my ice skating rink! To build another gym! Paris has enough gyms! Why couldn’t she just go to one of those?”
“She had her dad shut down Clara Nightingale’s music video and got her akumatized just because she didn’t get to play Ladybug. We waited in that line for HOURS and didn’t get chosen either, but no one else threw a fit over it.”
“She shoved a giant signed poster of Adrien Agreste professing his love to her in my friend’s face just to make her cry! I found out after the fact that he didn’t even know about it!”
“Our entire school was punished for someone pulling the fire alarm except for her because she threatened our principal. So while the rest of us were having to clean up the school, she spent the entire time insulting and making fun of us.“
“Knowing her, she probably pulled the fire alarm in the first place.”
“She tried to crash a train! I don’t think I can emphasize that enough: she tried to crash a train!“
“Chloe Bourgeois joined up with Hawk Moth? Can’t say it’s a shock.”
“Yeah, given how many akumas she caused, I’d been wondering if she hadn’t been working with him all along.”
It wasn’t that unbelievable to the populous. Nor did anyone feel particularly sympathetic towards her for her current situation. Some might have for lack of knowing her, but Chloe had carved herself a special place in the memories and hearts of nearly every Parisian. There was nobody who didn’t know of her or have some experience with her by this point. So when it came out that she was arrested and facing criminal charges, the response was…rather telling.
Practically everyone was calling loved ones as soon as they heard, resulting in high phone and internet traffic. The Ladyblog crashed after making the announcement. Several people threw parties. People over the internet started coming up with a list of “Things We Will Be Allowed To Do Once Chloe Is In Prison”, with a count that currently rested at 139 and was rising quickly. One guy bought 500 cupcakes and just started passing them out to people on the street singing a jaunty little tune from some late 1930’s cult classic American movie. The school had closed down for a couple of days due to several teachers calling out sick—possibly with hangovers from celebrating a bit too hard. Various Queen-related hashtags and memes were trending with each seeming to fight for the top spot of most used. #let her eat cake was currently in the lead. And Mr. Ramier somehow orchestrated a 21 pigeon salute. On Chloe’s rooftop.
As it was, nobody expressed surprise when it came out that she worked with a supervillain. Many were disappointed, shaking their heads and saying “if only something had been done sooner” or blaming the parents and teachers and other adults in her life. Most were angry, mainly that things had been allowed to get this far and that they hadn’t been acted on earlier—particularly after the train incident.
But no. Nobody was surprised.
Except, perhaps, Marinette herself.
Still reeling from the events of Miracle Queen and the aftermath of…well…everything involved, Marinette had been questioning herself. Constantly. Incessantly. Going over and over in her mind all the things she could have done differently. Blaming herself for all the major blows to their team.
She lost her mentor. Her allies have been compromised. Chloe, one of her former allies, chose to betray them all. Hawk Moth had the grimoire now. Marinette didn’t have a grimoire. Fu had no memories.
And it was all because of her mistakes.
Last time, the prospect of never having to deal with Chloe again had been a relief.
Now…it was background static to her.
She could barely hear the announcements and cheers over the endless cycle of her own thoughts.
I should have tried harder. I should have been more aware. I failed them all. This is because of me.
So while everyone else in Paris was celebrating, de-stressing, or just outright reveling in the news, Marinette was grieving. With the help of the kwamis and Chat Noir, she had been trying to come to terms with what happened and figure out the next plan of action.
Hawk Moth had changed the game, so she needed to step up hers.
The days seemed to have passed in a blur. Between working with the kwamis, trying to recreate and retranslate the grimoire, and simply trying to deal with the remnants of Fu’s life that he had left to her, Marinette had barely even kept up with the current state of things in Paris. Or in particular, Chloe.
Not until the day came when Bustier made an announcement.
Chloe‘s trial date was finally decided. And though she didn’t say as such, it was clear that the case against her was pretty solid. There was video evidence. Eye witness accounts. And Chloe’s own words and actions working against her.
The odds were not in her favor on this. Even if her parents did try to help her, she wasn’t going to get off this time. Aside from getting the best lawyers money by, there really wasn’t much they could do.
Maybe that was why Bustier had tried to step in?
“Now class, I have received word that they are moving to the next step with Chloe’s hearing. Right now, they are looking for character witnesses for Chloe’s defense.” The kind teacher explained, causing Marinette to snap to awareness and realize just what was going on. Partly because of the mention of Chloe and her court case.
But mostly because of the sudden dead silence in the class…
To be fair, she wasn’t sure she could say anything either. Marinette felt her throat go dry and her muscles tense. There was a sudden tightness in her lungs that while she could breathe, it felt like she was suffocating. Why was Bustier bringing this up now?
The teacher smiled, seemingly unaware of the sudden tension and Marinette’s slow drowning. “I know this has been a difficult experience knowing that one of your classmates is facing such a trial. And Chloe will certainly need support. So I thought it would be kind if everyone wrote a letter supporting her for the hearing coming up, so the courts can hear about Chloe and understand more about who she is.”
Silence. Dead silence.
Maybe Bustier herself picked up on the growing tension, as she proceeded to move to passing out papers to the class. “I thought it would make for a nice project, so I will give you all the forms explaining the requirements. Take some time to think over what positive things you want to say about Chloe. If you have any questions, please feel free to come talk to me.”
After that, she quickly left the room, citing the desire to let them have this free time to work on the letters.
The class remained silent for a good minute after she left. Almost as if they were questioning if she would return. Or perhaps if she was listening.
“‘Think about what positive things we want to say about Chloe?’ Well that’s easy!” Alix spoke blithely, curling the paper she received into a ball. “Nothing!” She shouted and tossed it over her shoulder. “Assignment done!”
Murmurs filled the classroom. Some sounded uncertain, but most seemed to be in agreement. Or at least expressing distaste for the assignment.
“Is she serious?”
“Does she really expect us to?”
“Of all the worst ideas...”
Marinette could hear them, but couldn’t seem to acknowledge anything around her. And furthermore, she couldn’t make herself respond.
Chloe‘s trial was set for a point in the next few weeks, and at this point there was no denying just what type of person she was. If anything, this was probably the first time that anyone was allowed to actually speak their mind about the girl, and they were all reveling in it. Her classmates in particular.
Marinette couldn’t quite bring herself to.
Sure, Chloe has tried to blackmail her more than once.
And damaged her gift to their teacher.
And attempted to frame her a few times.
And stolen her hat design.
And her diary.
And a Miraculous.
And all of the other Miraculous.
But...she had been doing better for a while there, hadn’t she?
Didn’t she only betray them all in the end because Marinette had chosen Kagami over her for her own selfish reasons? Didn’t Hawk Moth only capture Fu because of her own mistake? Hadn’t Chloe only revealed everyone else because she felt betrayed? Couldn’t Marinette have done more to prevent Chloe turning?
Wasn’t a simple letter on Chloe’s virtues the least she could do?
So why...
Why couldn’t she seem to bring herself to?
Kim frowned, looking at his paper in worry. “We’re not going to get graded on this, are we?”
Nathaniel huffed. “I’ll willingly take the failing grade any day.”
“Hear hear!”
“But if it’s a grade…” Max murmured to himself. Out of everyone in the class, he took his grades the most seriously, so this was no doubt a difficult choice for him. He looked at his paper with a rather conflicted expression for a minute before sighing and turning it face-down on the desk. “No. It’s an impossible task in the first place.”
Kim rested a hand on Max’s shoulder in sympathy. It wasn’t that he cared as much about grades as Max did, but it was clear that the fallout of refusing could be more troubling for the genius who took his academic performance so seriously. If Bustier did make it a mandatory assignment with a grade, it’d be horribly unfair of her.
“What was it Chloe said before?” Ivan asked, looking over his page with a glare. “Once a monster, always a monster? I guess she’d know more than anyone.”
Mylene hugged him. “You’re not a monster. You never chose to be.”
“None of us did.” Nino agreed.
“Nobody did except her.” Alix bit out.
Mumbles of agreement came from the rest of the class. It was clear that none of them were on board with having anything to do with Chloe, much less try to help her with her current legal woes.
There was a large part of Marinette that agreed with them. But even so, there was also a large part of her that insisted she had to do the right thing and help.
She knew she should say something. She was supposed to say something here. Because it was her fault, after all. She was Ladybug. She had to be the better person. Shouldn’t she?
“Marinette? Girl, are you okay?” Alya asked, drawing her attention. “You look a bit pale.”
It was too much. It was suffocating.
“I think I need some air. Excuse me.”
She didn’t know if anyone watched her leave the classroom. She hadn’t even noticed if anyone had chosen to follow her.
Not until…
“Marinette, are you all right?”
She spun around in surprise.
“Oh! Adrien! Hey! Hi! Hello!” She blabbered. Why was he here? Did he come out after her? Why? She didn’t need this right now! She struggled enough with him under normal circumstances, she wasn’t sure she could handle being alone with him now. Her stress over everything was bad enough, but having him approach her set her anxiety skyrocketing.
“Hey,” he replied, smiling at her—and oh, what a beautiful smile. On any other day, it would ease her worries and make her want to swoon, but right now, it just made her more nervous.
“Are you all right?” He asked again. “You didn’t look so well in class.”
“Y-yeah. Just…” she sighed. “I just have a lot on my mind. With…you know…everything.”
He nodded in understanding. “I know what you mean.”
She smiled. She could always count on Adrien to be a calming supportive friend. He was always so sweet and reliable. If anyone could understand or relate to the chaotic mix of emotions she was feeling, he could.
He sighed in sympathy. “Poor Chloe.”
She froze.
“Well, yeah.” He replied, like it was obvious. “I mean, she did a bad thing, but now she’s going through the worst experience of her life. One that could ruin her future. And people are glad about it!” He shook his head. “It’s just too cruel.”
Marinette just stared.
He wasn’t wrong. But…that was what he was worried about?
She couldn’t fault him of course, because Adrien was always so kind and considerate and of course he’d feel for Chloe but…something about this just…pulled at something inside of her and was choking it.
“Chloe is already suffering enough and it feels like no one wants to help her. You heard them.” He gestured back to the classroom. “We’re being given an opportunity to make a difference for her and they’re all just saying she deserves it. Chloe is alone and hurting and they want her to hurt more.”
She felt a denial on her lips but couldn’t give voice to it.
“Everyone is so great with each other. It’s always just Chloe who is kind of on the outside. I know you’ve seen it.”
She hadn’t, actually. Because it was never Chloe on the outside looking in, it was Chloe looking down on them. Whether it was because she genuinely thought she was better or because it made her feel better to do so.
He hesitated for a moment before looking at her. And there was something in his expression that told her he was about to ask something. A gut feeling told her that it was going to be something she wouldn’t like.
“Do you think you could talk to them?” He asked her, looking so sad and despondent that she just wanted to hug him and agree to anything to make that look go away.
He wanted her to convince her classmates to help Chloe?
“I know you and Chloe have had your differences, but you’ve been able to see past her front. And you’ve done a lot to help her before.” He smiled. “Like the party you threw for her after she became Queen Bee.”
A traitorous voice asked if giving her a second chance with the Miraculous she had previously stolen wasn’t enough? Why did she have to feel bad for her leaving and throw her a party to make her feel special?
“Chloe really needs the help right now. And you’re always so good about that sort of thing.” He looked to her imploringly. “Do you think you could try to get them to at least give Chloe a hand? I don’t know what impact it’ll have in her hearing, but any little bit helps, right?”
Go back in there? With the tension and the suffocation to try and convince her classmates to help when she was questioning whether to herself?
But she had to, right? After all, couldn’t she have prevented this if she had acted sooner? Couldn’t she have helped sooner instead of being focused on her own petty problems? Isn’t that what Ladybug should do?
“Please, Marinette? They listen to you. If you asked them to, I’m sure they’d be willing to at least try.”
Her vision started to dim, seeming to tunnel in on Adrien and his sad and hopeful expression. Her thoughts crying about CHLOE and poor CHLOE and how hurt CHLOE was and how it was her fault for CHLOE—
“Oh no! No, you do NOT.”
Marinette suddenly found herself torn away from Adrien by a sudden grab of her arm and pulling sensation. She felt as if she was pushed out of the way by a fierce gale. Like a raging whirlwind had spun her around and behind it.
That whirlwind’s name was Alya.
“How dare you? How dare you try to make my girl be responsible for this!”
Marinette floundered because she had not expected this and oh no now her best friend looked ready to tear her crush’s head off!
“Alya, we don’t have to do this!” She pleaded, trying to calm the other girl down.
“Oh, we most certainly do.” Came another voice. And sure enough, the rest of the class had stepped out as well. All of them looked in varying ranges of frustrated and that frustration was clearly directed at her and Adrien.
Or rather just Adrien, as Marinette discovered when Rose and Juleka pulled her aside and out of their direct line of sight. They were all looking at Adrien, and those were not nice or understanding expressions.
Oh no! This was a disaster! Now everyone was upset and she should have just agreed or said something sooner!
Completely unaware of Marinette’s inner turmoil, Alya stepped forward and jabbed at Adrien in the chest. “You are not going to make my girl feel bad and try to help someone who has never done a single nice thing for her or anyone.” She spat out, forcing him to back away.
Adrien held his hands up in a placating gesture. “Come on, Chloe is not that bad.“
“Not that bad?” Nino exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief at his friend’s words. “Adrien, Chloe betrayed us!“
“She took over Paris!”
“She turned us into her servants!“
“Not to mention the other things…”
“Do we really have to name each time?” Alya started to count on her fingers. “Chloe CHOSE to take the Miraculous for herself instead of returning it. She CHOSE to transform in front of everyone and reveal her identity to the world. She CHOSE to try and crash a train, risking the lives of EVERYONE on board just to show off. She CHOSE to run off with it when Ladybug tried to take it back.”
“She also chose to continue being horrible to everyone even after Ladybug gave her a second chance.” Nathaniel added, bitterly. “She didn’t get better after becoming Queen Bee. It just became another thing for her to lord over people.”
Alya nodded. “And when Ladybug made it clear to her that she wasn’t going to be Queen Bee again, she felt ENTITLED to something that was never hers in the first place. And because of that, she made the active, knowing, and willful choice to work with Hawk Moth.”
“And out all of us while she was at it.” Kim added. “Turning us into her personal ‘guard’. Making us fight our heroes against our will.” He shuddered. “I don’t know if you were hit by those things, Adrien, but it was NOT a pleasant experience having your body turned into a puppet.”
Adrien wanted to argue that he understood full well, but that was only as Chat. He couldn’t say that here.
Unaware of his inner turmoil, Alya continued. “So no, we are not going to forgive Chloe. We are not going to try and ‘get along’ with her because her own poor choices have led her to have a ‘rough time’.”
Adrien grew nervous at the way the others drew closer to Alya as she spoke, clearly backing her statements as she continued.
“We are not going to defend her or speak up on her behalf to the entirety of Paris she ALSO betrayed. Whatever consequences Chloe has to face—quite possibly the first ones she will EVER have faced in her LIFE—are nothing less than what she deserves.”
“Yeah!” Came the exclamations from the rest of the crowd.
“She didn’t know what she was doing!” Adrien argued.
“Not know what she was doing?! Adrien, she willingly accepted an akuma! She used it to take control of us and revealed us to Hawk Moth!” Alya exclaimed. “That’s just—how can you even justify that?”
With as angry as Alya was, any lesser or wiser man would have backed off.
Adrien…well, she certainly would never call him unwise, so it had to be because he was more strong-willed than that to be willing to stand his ground here.
“Hawk Moth was the one who manipulated Chloe!” He insisted. “And he’s the one who got away scott free and left Chloe to take the fall.”
“And whose fault was that?” Alya countered. “Chloe HELPED him. He only got as far as he did because of her and he only got away because she helped him!”
“Don’t you think this is cruel?” He argued back. “Yes, Chloe was wrong, but she was already called out for what she did by Ladybug and Chat Noir. The entire city hates her. Isn’t that enough?”
“NO!” Alya shouted. “No, it isn’t! Because Chloe has always gotten away with her antics in the past but you’re actually trying to get us to let Chloe off for a legitimate crime here! If Chloe is going to prison, it’s only because she deserves it!”
Around them, several of the others in the class nodded in agreement.
“How can you say that?” Adrien demanded. “Chloe made a mistake and she’s suffering for it! All this time, she’s felt left out and cut off and this only further emphasizes that for her! She’s been alone all this time and now she’s alone and miserable!”
“Then why should that be OUR problem?” Alya questioned, raising her hands in exasperation. “Why are you trying to MAKE it our problem?!”
Adrien drew back, looking genuinely hurt.
"But treating someone badly never made them become a good person."
"Yeah, because letting Chloe have her way all this time has totally made strides in her path to becoming a good person." Alix called out sarcastically.
"If anything, it's made her worse." Max added. "She's gone from simply causing akumas to intentionally becoming one."
Alya cut him off. “But nothing, Adrien! You have to have some gall to be trying to get us to make nice with Chloe after she betrayed us all! And here I thought your little lecture to Marinette to make her feel bad for being relieved that Chloe was leaving Paris was pretty hard to beat.”
Nino blanched at that. “You did what?” He turned on Adrien. “Dude! You know that happened after Chloe tried to crash that train!”
“She was just trying to prove herself.” Adrien weakly argued.
“PEOPLE were on there!” Nino bit out. “They could have DIED because Chloe was showing off! And you got on to MARINETTE? Where was this attitude with Chloe?”
“I’ve called her out!”
“Yeah, one time.” Alya groused. “AFTER the rest of us had spent the better part of the day cleaning up after HER mess. Which she never apologized for or admitted to doing, by the way.”
“And in response, she threw a party.” Juleka muttered.
“It was a nice party, sure.” Rose added quickly.
Alya though shook her head. “But being a good hostess is nowhere near the same thing as being a good person. And before the night was over, you rolled over for her and she went RIGHT back to acting as she always had.”
“She made Mylene cry.” Ivan glared. “She made Mylene cry and you just laughed.”
“I didn’t mean—”
“You said it yourself: ‘she’ll never change’. Except you said that like it was a good thing.”
Marinette looked back and forth between the two, everything inside her screaming at her to help. But she was completely lost on which one she was supposed to help. Because Adrien had a point about what Chloe’s going through but Alya was right about what Chloe did and she needed to do the “right thing” and help Chloe but why did everything Alya say resonate so strongly with her and bring such a feeling of vindication—
No. She was getting distracted. She needed to help. And right now, it was Adrien against the rest of the class.
But Alya was worked up. And Adrien was looking past her to Marinette, eyes begging for help and still so hopeful that she would step in. And Chloe was still in prison and Marinette could fix everything if she just tried so why can’t she try?
“Alya,” Marinette tried. “You told me to give Chloe a chance before after the fire alarm incident, remember? You said we were a lot alike.”
“That was to get you to go to a party!” Alya shouted, making Marinette step back in surprise. “I never meant it like this!”
She stepped forward and took Marinette by the shoulders, holding her sternly.
“Marinette, you are nothing like Chloe! Not where it counts! Yeah, you both can be short sighted when it comes to trying for what you want, but you at least notice and CARE how other people feel! And when you make a mistake, you at least TRY to make it right!”
She shook her head.
“She doesn’t try to.” Alix cut in. “If Chloe was feeling sad and lonely, that was pretty much her own fault.”
Adrien looked like he wanted to argue, but Alix didn’t even give him a chance.
“It wasn’t like we left her out. We went well out of our way to try and befriend her. We invited her to things. We tried to help her. Hell, you said it yourself—Marinette has tried to help her more than anybody! And each and every time, Chloe only took what we offered like it was something we owed her but that she was also too good for. I mean, I certainly can’t recall a time she ever thanked me. Can you?” She asked, turning to the other classmates.
All around them, there were murmurs of agreement. Maybe a couple hesitated as they tried to recall a time—one single moment of kindness on Chloe’s part only to come up empty.
“Chloe’s had a hard time.” Adrien insisted. “You know how her parents are—”
“Oh yes, her ‘Daddy the Mayor’.” Alix rolled her eyes. “Like we don’t hear enough about him every time it comes to something Chloe wants. She only threatens us or anyone with him every other day.”
Adrien shook his head and tried to explain. “It’s only because her parents aren’t there for her emotionally.”
“Again, not seeing how this is our problem? Or justification for anything she’s done to us? Or how this excuses her willingly helping a supervillain?”
“Because we’re her classmates!” He argued back, gesturing to all of them. “Out of everyone, we’ve all had the most interactions with her.”
“All of which were negative.” Came a cutting remark, followed by grumbling.
“There were good times, too!” Adrien insisted with a frown. His eyes spanned over the assembled classmates before they came to rest on one in particular. “Kim, you have to have seen Chloe’s good side. You liked her before.”
“Before.” Kim replied, emphasizing the word and the timeframe it referred to. “But being humiliated and her sending out that pic to everyone in school kind of crushed that crush.”
“How did she even have our numbers?” Ivan asked.
“But there had to be something that made you like her in the first place.” Adrien encouraged.
The taller boy shrugged, uncertain and uncaring. “Maybe so, but was it something that was really there? Or something I just wanted to see? Because I’m looking back and quite frankly, I don’t know what past me was thinking.”
“Wow, that’s deep, man.” Nathaniel whispered.
Seeing Nathaniel gave Adrien an idea. “Wait, Nathaniel! Didn’t Chloe let you put her in your comic?”
“Forced us to, more like.” The artist bit back. “And even when we tried to fit her, we got nothing but complaints from her. It was no wonder we never got past the initial concept art for her character.”
Adrien winced. “It was an attempt, at least?”
Nathaniel wasn’t buying it. “A poor one.”
“She’s been trying to be better.” Adrien was getting increasingly frustrated. This was not how he was expecting this argument to go. “Rose? What about you? You’ve seen it, haven’t you?”
After all, Rose was sweet and caring, always willing to see the good in anyone. Surely she would have something nice about Chloe!
Juleka frowned at him over his focus on her girlfriend and moved to stand beside her. “Don’t push her.”
Still he tried.
“I’m sorry, Adrien.” Rose said, hugging herself. “But Chloe has done nothing but hurt people. And going out of our way to protect her has only ended up biting us.”
That wasn’t true. Not...all the time at least. There had to have been at least one instance where she did the right thing!
Adrien brightened in realization. “Didn’t she catch you when you fell after being deakumatized during Heroes Day?”
The blonde girl frowned. “Well, yes…but she wasn’t very nice about it. Even though I did the same for her before.”
“Rose, come on…”
She shook her head. “I put myself at risk to help Chloe when she was being chased by zombies, and only got turned into one for my efforts. Chloe never appreciated it. She never thanked me. She didn’t even do anything to help when we were trying to keep her safe!”
“We all ended up kissing zombies because of her.” Alix accused, crossing her arms and looking particularly annoyed. “And not just because she caused the akuma in the first place.”
“Why are you pushing this?” Mylene asked. “We’ve been asked. We said no. Isn’t that enough?”
“Adrien, you’ve got a good heart.” Ivan started.
“Easy for him when he’s not the one who has to be on the receiving end of Chloe’s tantrums.” Alix cut in, clearly sounding bitter.
“You’ve got a good heart.” Ivan repeated, sending Alix a look that asked her to back off. “But Chloe…doesn’t.”
Adrien shook his head, remaining insistent. “That’s why she needs help.”
“If she needs help,” Mylene spoke, “It should come from her parents. Her teachers. Any of the adults in her life. She has plenty of adults who are fully capable of helping her. It should not be expected to come from the kids she’s spent years tormenting.”
She gestured to herself and the others around her. “And that’s what she’s been doing: tormenting us.”
“To great joy, might I add.” Max droned.
“She hasn’t been cruel to everyone.” Adrien muttered.
That brought out a backlash of outrage.
“She outted my crush!”
“She insulted Mylene’s cooking and made her cry!”
“She got Aurore akumatized and nearly caused Paris to be incinerated in a volcano!”
“She tried to push Mylene out of the lead role of our movie!”
“She locked Juleka in the restroom!”
But that hadn’t been Chloe. She had stayed with the class at the time. The one who did do it was...
He glanced around until he saw her—a redhead in the background behind the rest of the class. She looked anxious and uncomfortable, and almost seemed to be trying to edge around the class to get to the stairs.
Adrien did seem aware. Or rather, he was focused on the fact she was there.
“Sabrina? What about you? Chloe was your friend!”
Of course she would help! Because who better than her own best friend to speak on her behalf?
The rest of the class broke into mutters as they realized the same.
But Sabrina...bit her lip and looked away. Refusing to even meet Adrien’s gaze.
“Sabrina?” Marinette tried, concerned about this reaction. Sabrina had been Chloe’s best friend—or at least the closest thing she could have to a friend. “Minion” or “Servant” would be more accurate. “Slave” would be more honest.
The girl had been Chloe’s only real fan and follower, and had assisted Chloe in some of her worst plots.
Marinette had briefly seen another side to her. A girl who was so desperate for friendship that she latched onto even the slightest bit of kindness and went to the greatest of extremes to appease the “friend” so they wouldn’t leave her. It was no wonder she had fallen in with Chloe—someone like that was perfect for the spoiled girl. Compared to her, Marinette’s anxieties and need to please were nothing.
And Chloe had pretty much been her world for years.
What must she be feeling now?
“Should we really be getting her opinion?” Ivan whispered. “You know how she and Chloe were…”
“Well, if anyone would have anything positive to tell the courts about Chloe, it would be her.” Mylene whispered back.
Sabrina took a breath and spoke quickly—almost shouting in her rush.
“I’m sorry but my therapist said I shouldn’t!”
That got a surprise. The rest of the classmates glanced to each other before looking back to the girl. Adrien in particular looked shell-shocked. Marinette couldn’t blame him. She felt the same.
Sabrina for her part seemed to tense up, as if ready to defend herself from the rest of the class.
Marinette stepped forward. “Sabrina? Are…you okay?”
The other girl shook her head, looking close to tears.
“After word got out what Chloe did, the police had to question me about Chloe. They were able to see that I wasn’t involved, but they…didn’t like what I told them about our relationship. Afterwards, my dad decided to have me see a counselor and she…has been telling me things that I hadn’t really considered.” She curled in on herself. “They all think I should stay away from Chloe and anything directly related to her…for my own health.”
Adrien frowned at that. “But don’t you want to help Chloe?”
Sabrina jumped. “Of course, I do!”
“Hold up, Adrien!” Nino stepped in. “She just said police took her in because of Chloe!”
“But they let her go…”
“It still happened!” Mylene argued. “It doesn’t matter how nice they are, how innocent you know you are, or if you’re released in the end, it’s still terrifying when it happens!”
"And it only happened to her because of Chloe." Alya added.
Rose, in her infinite sweetness, reached out to take Sabrina’s hand in support. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
Sabrina sobbed and covered her face. Aside from Rose, no one else really attempted to comfort her. Most of them simply watched her, pitying her current state. But they also remembered how complicit she had been in Chloe’s schemes, so they were conflicted. While they did feel bad for her current situation, there was a part of most of them that noted how she had brought it upon herself by being Chloe‘s lackey for so long, so their sympathy was limited.
Perhaps it was out of awkwardness, or maybe an attempt to give some respect for Sabrina’s privacy that the classmates turned away from her and instead focused on the heart of the argument.
“Man...” Nino tried. “Maybe you should let it go?” Though it was clear from his tone that he knew it wasn’t likely.
Because Adrien had still not given up, it seemed.
He looked around between of the classmates, growing more desperate. But those that remained either looked at him straight on as if daring him to call on them or looked away. A few of them even closed ranks as if to block his view of certain others. It was clear none of them were willing to help him on this.
None of them except…
“Marinette.” He called out, drawing her gaze to him instantly. “You understand, don’t you?”
She bit her lip. “I…”
“Back off, Adrien.” Kim said, giving the other boy an angry frown as he stood in front of her to shield her from his gaze. “It’s not on Marinette to help Chloe.”
“Yeah! She suffered more than any of us!“ Ivan shouted.
“She has been Chloe’s main target for years.” Nathaniel agreed. “She is the last person who is obligated to help Chloe now.“
Adrien winced at the harshness of their words and in their tone. “I just thought that Marinette could help. Like before.”
“Just because she could doesn’t mean she should have had to.” Alya countered. “She’s a teenager. Dealing with Chloe should have been the job of adults. Her parents. Bustier. Damocles. Any one of them should have done something—and if they can’t, the courts will. It’s their job. Not ours.”
“And getting her to help you wouldn’t make a difference anyway even if you had convinced us.” Max said, shifting his glasses. “Chloe helped Hawk Moth. There is nothing we could say that could undo that. And even if we did try, we would either be guilty of committing perjury or aiding in a conspiracy.”
“What?” Adrien jerked in surprise.
“The best we can do is be character witnesses.” Mylene explained. “But this is a court and we can’t claim something that isn’t true! We can’t say anything nice about Chloe when she hasn’t done anything nice!”
Max nodded and shifted his glasses. “Furthermore, our testimonies—even if they were positive—would only serve to create a narrative about Chloe and the type of person she is. They can’t explain away the current evidence against her.”
He rubbed the back of his head. He knew there were issues, but he also knew Chloe. He knew what she could be like. He knew she was a good person deep down. “I know she’s made some mistakes—”
“No.” Alya stated sharply. “Calling them ‘Mistakes’ implies that her actions were unintentional. ‘Mistakes’ implies that people were harmed by accident. ‘Mistakes’ implies that she would have any point learned from them. They weren’t mistakes, Adrien. They were willful acts of cruelty every single time.”
Ivan shook his head, pityingly. “We can’t save Chloe from this. We have nothing to say in her defense. The kindest thing we can do for her is stay silent.”
“She’s better than you think she is. She threw that party once for everyone, remember? You all went.” Adrien reminded them.
“That only proved that she could throw a party and be a good host, not that she could be a good person. There is a difference.” Nathaniel pointed out.
“Not that Chloe could tell.“ Alix sniped.
Adrien ignored the barb. He had given up on getting any of them to listen and now only had eyes for her. His last hope.
“Marinette….come on…please.”
She hesitated.
Everything in her that was Ladybug and her crush on Adrien and her desire to make people happy and take the high road and give second-third-fourth chances wanted nothing more than to give it to him.
There was a long pause. No one spoke.
The other classmates have had their say. They were letting Marinette have hers. And she knew in that moment that if she spoke up…if she did as Adrien wished and tried to help Chloe…she knew they would go along with her. It may be more out of respect for Marinette than it would be out of any sort of forgiveness for anything Chloe had done, but it would still help Chloe and it would still make Adrien happy.
…and hadn’t Marinette already done that enough?
“Did you know?” Marinette started, not looking at anyone. “I would have been well within my rights to press charges against Chloe?”
Adrien balked at that.
“She’s stolen from me at least three times now.” She shrugged. “I mean, sure, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything about my diary since she had Sabrina steal it for her, but she did steal my hat design for a competition and I had proof. I could have pressed charges against Chloe and let her face some consequences…but I didn’t.”
She looked up at Adrien. “I also could have pressed charges for what she did to my gift for Madame Bustier. Since she did break into my locker and vandalize my property while it was still technically mine…but I didn’t.
“Adrien.” She spoke almost in monotone, the only sign of her emotions being how she clenched her fists. “Did you know that after the fashion show, my parents and I took a train to get home?”
He furrowed his brows in confusion. What did that have to do with anything?
“It was the same train Chloe took control of and nearly caused to crash.”
Several gasps resounded around them. Apparently this had not been common knowledge.
“Even if Chloe could have bought her way out of any consequence for the other things, we all could certainly have had her face some major trouble for that one…” Marinette took a shuddering breath. “But we didn’t.”
Adrien frowned. “I…I see that—”
“No, I don’t think you do.” She cut him off. “Because instead of any of that…rather than hold Chloe accountable at any point, I catered to her. I tried to understand Chloe. I tried to make things nicer for Chloe. I tried to excuse Chloe. Time and again. Just like everyone else. Just like you wanted me to. Just like you’re asking me to now. And what did that get us?”
The more she talked, the more words filled out and she was unable to stop the torrent.
“I defended her from Alya after Madame Bustier was akumatized, and Chloe stole a Miraculous and nearly got my family killed. I helped Chloe bond with her Mom—costing myself any chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity in the process—and Chloe tried to get me banished from Paris just for saying she wasn’t a superhero. I threw Chloe a party to show her some appreciation, and she willingly worked with a supervillain to take over Paris. Just to fuel her ego and because she felt she was owed something that wasn’t hers.”
She tilted her head, considering.
“What is that American saying? Three strikes and you’re out?” Her eyes narrowed. “I have given Chloe more than three chances. I have done nothing BUT give her chances. And clean up after her. And just…try to help her. At no point has she been grateful. At no point did she ever apologize. Or show the slightest bit of remorse for anyone she hurt. Or just…try to do better.”
She stepped forward. Past her classmates. Past Alya, who looked ready to tear into Adrien herself.
“So tell me, Adrien. How much more am I supposed to do? What miracle am I supposed to achieve to help Chloe to be a better person that I haven’t already done?”
“You can just try.” Adrien begged. “Chloe’s alone. She has no one in her corner. You’ve given her chances before! Can’t you find it in your heart to give her another chance this time?”
“Why haven’t you?” Alya demanded.
Adrien drew back in surprise at that.
But the girl wasn’t letting him off. “If you’re so certain Chloe is the victim in all this, then why aren’t you stepping up to help her? Why are you pushing Marinette and the rest of us to do it?”
Alya wrapped an arm around Marinette in support. “If you truly believe Chloe has some sort of inner goodness that only needs the right person to bring it out, then it’s pretty clear Marinette is just not that person. She’s tried enough.”
Alix nodded. “I’m pretty sure she could’ve demolished a brick wall with how many time she’s banged her head against it by this point trying to drag a decent person out of Chloe.”
Others in the class also nodded and gave sounds of agreement to that.
Adrien frowned, lowering his head despondently. “I’m just one person. There’s only so much weight my word will have. I just...I just want to give her the best chance.”
“That’s nice for Chloe, I guess.” Kim muttered. “But not much for us.”
Adrien looked up in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Alya stepped forward, releasing Marinette in the process. “Adrien, why should we as Chloe’s victims have to help protect her? That’s the thing we’re not getting here. WE are the ones she hurt. WE are the ones she betrayed to Hawk Moth. So why are WE supposed to try and save her from her own consequences? Why are you wanting us to?”
Adrien hesitated.
“Can you even imagine what it was like? Being frozen in time. Unable to move or speak? Only able to hear her voice in your head? Feeling your body respond as she’s calling you and being unable to stop?” She clutched her arms, as if trying to hug herself. “Do you have any idea how terrified I was knowing what she was doing to us but being completely unable to stop it? How humiliating it was when she had us bowing to her and calling her our Queen? And then…” She took a breath. “She made us fight our heroes. Ladybug and Chat Noir trusted us to help them and we used the Miraculous they entrusted to us to try and kill them.”
“We were just lucky that they were able to turn the tables on us.” Kim muttered. “I don’t even want to know what would have happened if we had won.”
“Luka still has nightmares.” Juleka whispered. “He won’t talk about it, but he hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks.”
Marinette winced. She hadn’t even considered that everyone else could be suffering ramifications of Miracle Queen as well.
“We could have killed them.” Max stated. “Given the nature of the Snake Miraculous’s power, we very well could have more than once for all we know.”
“Maybe you wouldn’t have killed them?” Rose suggested, trying to be positive. “I mean, Chloe wanted all of the Miraculous, right? She probably wanted them as her servants as well.”
Max glared. “I’m pretty sure I attempted to send Chat Noir into space. Even a Miraculous can’t protect someone from that.”
Adrien tried not to wince at the memory. How he managed to even move enough to activate the Miraculous, he still wasn’t sure.
“We fought against them. We never wanted to, but we did.” Alya bit out. “Not even because of Hawk Moth this time, but because of Chloe. And now you are wanting us to just…overlook the trauma of the whole thing to help Chloe after what she did. For something she hasn’t shown even the slightest remorse for.”
She shook her head.
“I know you’re nice, Adrien. But this level of kindness is a cruelty.”
He winced. And it looked like he wanted to argue. But he just…wilted.
“I just…it feels harsh. What’s happening to her. The amount of hate she’s getting. That her entire life could be over.”
That was true. While they felt her current status was well deserved, it was a harsh sentence for anyone. Especially a teenager.
Nathaniel sighed. “Adrien, it is harsh. Maybe cruel. But fact is that she still brought on herself.”
“Isn’t that just victim-blaming though?” Adrien countered, frustrated now. “I mean, Hawk Moth manipulated her! How was that her fault? He’s the one who did it. She was…” He clenched his fists in anger. “Chloe is a victim.”
“No, we are the victims.” Alya insisted, gesturing to herself and the other revealed former heroes. “We were the ones used to fight our heroes. We were the ones who had our identities revealed to the world against our will. And now we are the ones having to live with the results of Chloe‘s choices, just like we always are.“
Adrien looked ready to argue. And maybe he would have, except...
Nino rested a hand on Adrien’s shoulder.
“Adrien. Dude. Just stop. We have enough to deal with and this…this isn’t helping.”
Adrien frowned at that, concerned by his friend’s attitude. “Nino?”
Nino lowered his head. “I wasn’t going to say anything. Really, I was trying not to think about it. But my parents are currently talking with police about their options. Now that I’ve been exposed as one of the temporary heroes, they’re questioning if it’s not safe for us at home anymore. There is a chance of us having to go into protective custody.”
Alya winced at that, drawing attention to her. “My parents have been talking as well. My mom quit her job. She said she doesn’t want to work for someone who would let their daughter do such a thing and put me in danger. She’s looking at drawing me out of school since it was pretty much Chloe‘s base of operations. And since Chloe is the Mayor’s daughter…and Hawk Moth…and just…everything?” She looked away, clearly anxious.
“There’s a chance we may have to move out of Paris altogether.”
Marinette gasped.
Alya looked to the other girl, sad and guilty all in one. “I’m sorry, girl. I guess I’ve been hoping it wouldn’t be an issue. I’ve been trying to talk them out of it, but it’s hard given everything that happened. Currently, the only reason they’re willing to stay is to see through to the end of the trial. But after that…” She shrugged, shaking her head uncertainly. “Who can say?”
“No…” Adrien whispered in shock.
The others in class came closer around her, trying to offer some comfort and reassurances—what little they could give, at least. This was a situation that was clearly beyond them. Marinette herself hugged Alya tightly for all she was worth, and the other girl held her back just as much, neither wanting to be parted.
Adrien, however, remained on the outside looking in. Watching the people Chloe had tormented even before Miracle Queen and realizing just how badly they’ve been hurt by this. It hit him then—for what was perhaps the first time just how much pain Chloe had caused his friends. And how unfair he had been to expect them to simply deal with it.
He stayed the lone person outside of the circle. By this point, did he really deserve to join in the comfort? To try to be the one to give comfort? After what he had tried to push on them all?
After minutes passed, they were finally able to draw away from each other.
“I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner.” Alya told Marinette. “I guess I was just hoping…y’know…that it wasn’t real. Or that it would go away and things would work out on their own.”
Marinette smiled. “No, I understand.”
And she did. That’s exactly what she herself had been doing for the past few weeks as well. Trying to deal with things without really dealing with them. Working without acknowledging just what it all meant because she was scared she would break down and that would be just one more thing Hawk Moth would have won because of this whole mess.
“I was kind of the same way.” She admitted, and it felt like a slight relief to be able to say aloud to someone. “I’m sorry I couldn’t talk to you about it.”
She still couldn’t, unfortunately. Not about Ladybug and the kwamis and the Miracle Box.
But…she could talk about Fu. How she lost him. How she feels. She could help support Alya and her classmates and be there for them in the meantime.
She…hadn’t lost everything.
Not yet.
And that was the scary thing…
Adrien gaped at the group. He had thought the trauma was bad enough, and that at least could be worked through. But this...
“I’m sorry. I...I didn’t even realize...”
“Adrien, what Chloe did put a major target on our backs.” Alya explained. “Nobody knows how we became heroes, or that Ladybug was the one to specifically choose us and give us the miraculous to use. Nobody knows WHY we were chosen. It’s not just Hawk Moth, any regular criminal can come after us now in an attempt to get a hold of that power. And we can’t exactly protect ourselves.”
She shrugged helplessly.
“We kind of have enough to worry about with the fallout of Chloe‘s actions. And now you want us to try and protect Chloe on top of that?“
Seeing it now, in this light...it was cruel. It was cruel and unfair and hurtful, and Marinette felt horrible for considering letting herself be talked into it.
Adrien himself felt horrible for even suggesting it.
“We all have to live with the consequences of Chloe’s choices.” Alya stated. “So why shouldn’t she?”
Silence followed. It practically echoed throughout the entire hallway.
He said nothing in response. What could he possibly say? He’d known that Chloe was…difficult with other people, to say the least. He’d known the type of person she was. But she was his friend and friends forgive and support each other, right?
But they were right as well. It wasn’t fair to expect them to help Chloe after what she did. Especially once he knew of the level of harm she’d caused them. He felt the horror trickle in. The trauma everyone felt. The knowledge of what they’d been forced to do. The fact that…
He suddenly found it harder to breathe.
Nino could leave.
Adrien could lose his best friend because of this.
And who knew how many of the others would be forced to leave as well. Aside from Nino; Kim, Max, Alya, and Luka were other heroes as well. Juleka was Luka’s sister. And how many of the other classmates might be pulled out of this class and school because it’s unsafe? And Kagami—oh god, she was outted as well. He hadn’t heard from her in a while. Her mother is probably furious. She could move back to Japan because of this. And Marinette…she had been lucky to not be caught up in that fight since she was a hero only the one time, but that could have been just one more thing Chloe ruined for her…
…what about himself?
He paled.
He was longtime friends with Chloe. Went to school with Chloe. Was in class with Chloe. Chloe, who was currently getting a lot of heat from all of Paris. How was his Father going to react to that? The man was always focused on the company and appearances…what would he do now that Chloe had fallen from grace in such a way? Would he forbid Adrien from talking to Chloe again? Would he pull Adrien from school?
…would he ban Adrien from leaving the house altogether?
How was he only just now considering the impact? For himself or anyone else? Of course people would be hurt. Of course they would be upset. Of course people would respond. Somehow, he knew that, and yet he had only been focused on Chloe that it hadn’t actually hit home until now…
And in that light…
It had been selfish to ask. Honestly, he’d known that when he first tried to approach Marinette. But he felt he had to try. Honestly, part of him had known better than to ask in the first place. But at the same time…there was a part of him that still believed things could just go back to “normal”.
…how foolish. That was a “normal” that nobody else wanted. And even more, it was one that was now impossible…all because of Chloe herself.
“I just wanted to help.”
He deflated, losing all remaining fight.
“I’m sorry.”
The classmates glanced between each other. There was much they could have said, but really, anything they could have said already had been. And with him seeming resigned, it appeared there was no longer a need to defend themselves.
Marinette—ever the mediator, stepped up and hugged Adrien.
“Adrien, this isn’t something you can help with. None of us can. What happens in the trial is up to the courts. And what happens to Chloe is up to her.”
Slowly, he reached up and hugged her as well. The warmth and comfort brought some limited solace in this situation. He felt lost. Out of control. Like the world was moving around him and he didn’t know where he was standing much less where he was supposed to be.
They weren’t ready to forgive Chloe. And he couldn’t force them to be. Given the circumstances, he couldn’t blame them. And it was really unfair of him to try. Especially…
“I’m sorry, Marinette.” He whispered to her.
He had tried to use her. Looking back, he had a bit of a tendency to rely on Marinette to fix things when she shouldn’t have had to. Especially when it was for Chloe’s sake. He knew plenty of times Chloe had done things…but he always seemed to overlook how hurt Marinette was because of it, simply due to how well she always appeared afterwards. She was strong and confident, but also a good listener and willing to forgive. It was like nothing really brought her down.
It was due to this that Marinette was often the one he turned to whenever things happened. Because she would listen. She would understand. And she would always try to help, regardless of her position.
In this light…he may have over relied on her too much.
“I wasn’t fair to you.” He admitted. “I just saw Chloe hurting and only thought about how to fix things for her. I didn’t consider your feelings.” He hugged her more strongly. “I’m sorry.”
She didn’t speak. But she squeezed him back.
He felt another body press against him. A quick glance showed it to be Nino.
“I’m still super mad with her. And I don’t like how you tried to push us to defend her after what she did. But I get that she’s your friend and you care about her. I’d do the same if it were you in her place.” He gave a small laugh. “Not that I think you ever would, of course.”
Adrien smiled back. “Thanks.”
This…this felt much better.
Things weren’t okay right now. He still wanted to help Chloe. His classmates were still hurt. People were still angry. Hawk Moth was still out there.
But whatever happened...in this moment, he felt they could make it.
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aka-a-shii · 4 years
Double Surprise || Kuroo T.
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Kuroo x F!Reader
genre: fluff; crack
warnings: light swearing
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Kuroo was so ecstatic when you broke the news to him during your 2nd trimester. he can’t definitely utter a word just as how surprised and happy he was and all he could do was hug you tight and peppered your face with butterfly kisses.
he was so surprised that he thought of an idea. why not surprise everybody close to the both of you as well? and that led you to what situation you are now, in front of both of your families.
no one really knew except you and Kuroo that you were having twins until you gave birth. which totally surprised both of your families. they were so shocked when they entered your hospital room seeing you with both babies in your arms. your mom bursts out of tears when she saw her grandsons while your dad just patted Kuroo’s back giving him a knowing “you-did-a-great-job” look, proud of his son-in-law. Kuroo’s older sister’s reaction was way more predictable than you thought, she just whacked Kuroo’s head for keeping it a secret from her and you couldn’t stop laughing at them.
the next victims of his were his closest friends. Kenma almost dropped the baby when Kuroo introduced the other twin and he gave him a scowling look like he was so betrayed by his friend.
“what the hell? you almost dropped my son!” Kuroo exclaimed.
“fuck you! you almost gave me a heart attack!” Kenma retorted as he handed you the other baby. “do the others know???” he asked.
“not yet” you replied. “Tetsu is planning to drop the bomb when we get home this weekend. everyone’s gonna be there... so...” you giggled. “i can’t wait to see their reactions.”
the next were Akaashi and Tsukishima. the moment they entered the room, both of their jaws dropped in unison.
“twins?” Akaashi asked as he looked over Kuroo who was grinning from ear to ear.
“yep! surprised aren’t yah?” Kuroo then took one of the twins from you and cradled him in his arms.
“oh! you brought Naoki with you?” you asked Tsukki as your gaze landed on the baby carrier in front of him. the baby boy was sleeping peacefully against Tsukishima’s chest while sucking his tiny thumb.
“yeah... my wife is at work and i’m on my day off today so i brought him. also to meet his future playmate.” he paused. “but i didn’t expect that he’ll be meeting two instead.”
you let out a laugh as the two visitors took seats on the couch.
“how’s your wife doing?” you turned to Akaashi. “i heard she was having a hard time because of pregnancy.” your face was laced with concern
“she’s alright.” Akaashi smiled. “but i guess her morning sickness is kinda inevitable. i might request my boss to allow me to work from home so i could be there for her.”
“that’s excellent! you’ll also have more time with her and your soon-to-be-born child” Kuroo butted in.
Akaashi turned to him, “so? does Bokuto-san knows about this?”
Kuroo flashed his chesire grin and he shook his head. “nope! he’s on a honeymoon right now. and not a word to him. got that Akaashi?” he gave Akaashi a stern look
Tsukishima scoffed. “i could already imagine his face the moment you drop him the news.”
Kuroo just laughed it out. “imma try video calling him this weekend and we’ll see. oh be there too, okay?”
Later that weekend, your house was bustling with people, a few friends were there to congratulate the both of you. the whole Nekoma team was also there.
Kuroo was definitely a prankster to the core and you knew it by heart, so you had expected that he would pull such prank to his former teammates. they were all gathered in the living room as Kuroo put his prank into action and suggested to take a group photo. you volunteered to take their photo. Kuroo took a seat at the center of the couch as he hold one of the twins.
“okay! ready! 1. 2. 3.”
Kuroo then handed his son to Yaku, who was beside him as he secretly made his way to get the other twin from the nursery. you were trying so hard not to laugh as you imagined the team’s reactions. they were busy ogling over the baby when Kuroo came back with the other.
“now that we had took a photo with Toshiaki, why don’t we take a photo with his twin, Yoshiaki?” Kuroo announced as he placed the other twin into Yamamoto’s arms.
everybody’s eyes went wide as they gasped in surprise. and Kuroo can’t help but laugh at his teammates’ reactions. you were laughing yourself while recording them.
“you dumbass!” Yaku sneered.
“KUROO-SAN??????!!!!!! Y/N-SAN?????!!!!! YOU HAD TWINS???????!!!!!” Lev couldn’t believe it himself.
Yamamoto was still dumbfounded as he look back and forth to Toshiaki and Yoshiaki who was in his arms.
Kai just smiled at the both of you and Kenma was at the corner cackling. “now i am not the only one.” he said as he wiped the tears from laughing.
Later that evening, you video called Bokuto . “HAAAAAAAAAAAA????? KUROO!!!! BROOOOOOOO WHY DID YOU DO THIS????????? HMP!!!!!!” Bokuto was all pouty when Kuroo showed your sons to him.
“AND I WAS THE LAST ONE TO KNOW ABOUT THIS???????? WAIT I WAS REALLY THE LAST ONE?????? AKAASHI DIDN’T SAY A WORD TOO!!!!!!” he was rambling about how unfait Kuroo was for not telling him sooner.
“Tetsu told Akaashi not to say a word to you, so we won’t spoil the surprise. were you surprised. Bo?” you giggled.
“OF COURSE!!!! DAMN MAYBE WE SHOULD MAKE TWINS TOO! “Bokuto turned to his wife beside him
his wife just smacked his head and apologized to you but you didn’t mind at all.
“oya? are you challenging me?” Kuroo smirked. “then get on with it.”
“I AM.” Bokuto stood up from the screen, annoyed, stomping towards the bedroom grumbling profanities as he told his wife to shut the lap top off.
the three of you laughed at it as his wife apologized for her husband’s antics as she bid you goodbye and ended the call.
you were standing by the crib, watching your little angels sleep peacefully, you can’t help but plant soft kisses onto each of their forehead, when you felt your husband’s arms wrapped around your waist. he rested his chin onto your shoulder as you gently caressed the back of his head.
“they totally got their looks from you, Tetsu” Kuroo just hummed in response and tighten his hold onto you.
“did we really made them?” you asked while you stared lovingly at your sons.
“hell yeah we did.”
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Taglist: @whootwhoot @tsvvkki @mirikusashes @justapotterhead @curiouslilbeast @saku-kun @chesley-cant-deal @clara-geekhime @michelepiekenma @raineedayze @kellesvt @lollypop-lam @kyomihann @doodleniella @akasuns
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
Before A Moment in Time
ok! this is a LOT of information, but i wanted to make it easier to understand whats going on in my head when i write over the next bit!
this is Before A Moment in Time. Enjoy!
Three years before A Moment in Time. One year after Hawkmoth appeared.
Marinette Dupain Cheng is sitting at her desk. Second row back left side. Making her way up the stairs is her friend Alya Césaire. The two girls have been practically inseparable for the last year.
Fuming one row down on the other side of the aisle is Chloé Bourgeoise. Her eyes are glued to where Marinette is smiling at Alya. Nino Lahiffe is sitting in front of Marinette. His headphones are on, and his hand is moving over a sheet of paper that has a music staff on it.
Adrien Agreste can be seen bounding up the stairs, his eyes alight with the joy of going to school, even a year after he started. Behind Marinette and Alya are Rose and Juleka. Across from them are Ivan and Nathaniel. Behind the boys are Alix and Kim, who are across from Mylene and Sabrina.
Max is sitting behind the two girls by himself. In the empty seat next to him, the tech genius has a computer running through a code that he is trying to double-check.
As their classmates greet each other during the first day of school, Madam Bustier can be seen enter into the room, one Lila Rossi walking behind her curiously.
As Bustier called the class to attention, Marinette shared one more smile with Alya before spinning around. When she was facing the front, the teen blinked.
Standing there was a girl who looked vaguely familiar. It took the teen a moment before she realized that this was Lila Rossi. This was the girl who had been sued by both Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. This was a gold digger that they had warned her about.
Chloé must have made the same connection because Marinette’s phone started to blow up.
 Mariii + Chlo
Chlo- M this chit cannot sit with me
Chlo- Dad sued her over the summer
Mariii- Chlo
Mariii- hey chill
Mariii- I got this. If you can sit with Alya.
Chlo- anything
Mariii- on it, queenie
 Marinette looked up as the bell rang. Alya gave her a concerned look. With a smile, the younger girl bumped her friend’s shoulder. “Hey, Als, since I’m class president, I think it would be best if I welcome the new girl. Could you go sit with Chloé today? I promise that we can go back to normal once we get her settled.” Alya flashed her friend a smile before giving the girl a side hug.
“of course, Mari! You have such a big heart!” the girls traded smiles before Alya packed her stuff up and moved to sit with the haughty blonde. The noirette saw her teacher give her an approving smile for diffusing the situation so easily, without conflict.
Inwardly, Marinette scoffed. Outwardly, the girl gave her teacher a glowing smile in return.
 Marinette truly tried to be nice to Lila. Really, she did. Early on, the girl had learned that being nice was a better route when interacting with people who she didn’t know. Even if it was just a small smile, the noirette had always found success from kindness.
Lila was a sweet girl who had batted her eyes at her and given Marinette a small smile. The two had spent the first period of school passing notes and getting to know each other.
In all honesty, Marinette had no idea why the Italian girl next to her was branded a manipulative liar in her world. Then, during the break, Marinette saw what was going on.
When the rest of the class gathered to introduce themselves, Lila panicked. Then, Lila shifted her posture just slightly. She smiled a blinding smile that stood out to Marinette as obviously fake. She started interacting with the class, sickly sweet and subtly guiding them to beliefs.
Shaking her head, Marinette turned away. She had time during her break to call a certain someone. She needed more answers.
 “Clara! Hey… do you have a moment?” through the phone, Clara Nightingale, giggled.
“Of course, Marinette! What is going on with my favorite little cousin? Is everything ok?” the young teen hesitated, before shaking her head.
“I need you to tell me more about Lila Rossi” the dark look that crossed the singer’s face confirmed many of Marinette’s worries.
 When she sat down next to Chloé in the hotel restaurant for lunch, a look of pure disgust was dancing on her face. “this girl has filled a level of malice that I have never heard of. Chloé, she has manipulated every person of interest under the sun who doesn’t have the common sense to not listen to her bull shit. Chlo…this girl is vile. Clara told me what they had to do to sue her. One of the requirements of Lila not going to prison for a long time was getting a psych eval. Chloé…this girl is only fifteen! This is insane...” Chloé raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“Today it looked like you two were good friends. Or on the way there at least.” The noirette shook her head in disgust.
“she has some good traits, but as soon as she gets in front of the crowd…she abandons everything for power. I can't trust her, but it seems that she is under multiple restraining orders. I get the feeling that as long as we stay out of her webs, we should be fine. Jagged texted though. He said that Lila can be vicious if she is provoked.” Here, Marinette looked Chloé dead in the eye. “do not cause trouble. I don’t want you to have to go toe to toe with her, Chloé.”
 Six months later.
 Marinette is settled at her desk, the swivel chair reclined as she looked at the Blonde who was in her room, grinning.
“did she really ask you out?” Chloé’s excitement paired with her nosiness was making Marinette steadily turn Lady Tyche red. Turning back to her desk, Marinette tried to hide her flaming face.
“she asked me if I wanted to go out…like a date…before my birthday.” The noirette tugged slightly on her hair. Her anxiety that had been manifesting more and more at school was not helping her now. “I told Aurore yes. We haven’t set a date yet, but it’ll be soon.” Chloé raised an eyebrow.
“are you two going on your first date on Valentine’s day? Because Mari…I refuse to be best friends with someone so cliché.” The girl flamed a darker red if that was possible.
“I really like her Chlo. But…no. she asked about the 14th. I told her that I was going to spend time with my parents that day. Plus,” here, Marinette turned back to her friend with a Cheshire cat grin. “We,” She gestured between her best friend and herself, “have a standing date. we have for the last three years. Why would I break a pact we made when we were ten, over a girl I haven’t gone on one date with yet?” Chloé’s face broke into a matching grin.
“oh, hell yea. Then, I guess I could help you get ready for that first date of yours…” the friends broke down into giggles and started debating the merits of each of the outfits the young designer had in mind.
 That night on patrol, Lady Tyche alighted on the roof of one of the local lycées.
Her blonde hair whipped in the wind that had been howling all afternoon. Across the streets, the spotted hero was able to see a pair of blue luminous eyes. Using her yoyo to pull herself over the street, the girl smiled at the younger miraculous wielder.
When her red boots hit the roof, Apate handed the girl an unmarked bag. Inside was a pastry and a hot chocolate. Both girls knew they were in for a long night.
 Apate stood noiselessly and moved to the edge of the roof. As she stood there, profiled against the ridgeline, Lady Tyche smiled to herself. Her partner could be as vicious as she wanted when they were fighting Akumas, but the girl who stood in front of her was very kind.
The Cat vigilante, as she insisted she was no hero, had a pair of ears on her head.
They were flicking to and fro while she listened to the night below. Her hands were resting on her hips, one hand toying with the baton that was usually kept in a holster on her leg. The girl’s other hand was fiddling with a ring she had slid off her finger. The skintight black pants blended into the night. The black top she was wearing also seemed to disappear when Lady Tyche wasn’t looking for her partner.
Even now, with Apate being backlit by the city lights around them, the Tyche was the more visible of the two.
“She’s coming.” Apate’s voice broke her partner out of her thoughts. “Let’s hope tonight goes the way we want it to. Otherwise, we could be royally screwed.” The Hero nodded in agreement.
 “I trust Alya. She has been a good fit for Trixx so far.” Apate hmmed in response.
“I fear that our…favorite Italian…may be too close to her. I don’t our fox’s head full of lies and manipulations if I can help it at all.” Lady Tyche winced. She had heard all about Lila’s renewed attack on the allegiances of the class that her crush was in. the past few weeks had not been pretty.
  “No! That’s…you told Lila that I was going to be your first partner! Why did you lie to both me and your best friend! Everyone knows that Lady Tyche can’t do this alone anymore! She NEEDS Miss Vixen!” Lady Tyche closed her eyes and Alya’s rant ended with a yell. The anger simmering on the reporter’s face was worrying the hero.
“Alya. I have not told anyone about you. A few people have seen you training and on patrols. You ran the ‘exclusive’,” the disdain in Lady Tyche’s voice had Alya wincing. “but no one has confirmed anything. There is a good reason. The hope,” here, the Blonde teen’s voice turned cutting, “was that you could work in the shadows. There is only one visible member of this team, but I have never been alone. Tonight, and this attitude. Well, Alya, it has proven that you are not ready to be a holder of the miracle stones.”
The ladybug holder looked over to the roof next to where she and the trainee had been standing. There, in the shadows, were a pair of blue eyes. “go ahead, Apate. Wipe her memory of all of this.”
Seven months after Alya’s Miraculous is taken away. Two years after Hawkmoth started. Two years before A Moment in Time.
Aurore smiled at the girl holding her hand.
The two were walking home from their first day of Lycée. Aurore’s blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she turned to look at Marinette.
The 14-year-old, a certified genius, was glowing at the excitement that their first day of school had brought. Although she no longer was friends with Alya, there were no real hard feelings. The rift between the former classmates had made it easier to integrate Marinette and Aurore’s social circles. Claude, Allen, Chloé, Aurore, Mireille, Nino, Kim, Kagami, Felix.
Their group was full of laughter and life. They spent most of their weekends together, even over the summer. To everyone else, the group was the picture-perfect group of teens. Inseparable for life. Aurore had loved it for so long, had loved watching her girlfriend grow. Tonight, however, she had a feeling that the last half-year was going to be left in the past.
She and Marinette needed to have a talk.
 Chloé held her best friend as the girl cried.
The two had been sitting on the floor of the heiress’s hotel suit for the last hour and a half. When the small girl had shown up, wearing an old pair of Chloé’s sweats that had disappeared years ago, sniffling into the sleeves of the hoodie she was swamped in, the older girl’s big sister senses had gone off.
Now, as her friend started to calm down, Chloé shoved a pile of clothes at her friend.
“put these on, we are leaving.” Marinette glanced at her friend in confusion, before taking the clothes and slowly changing into the skinny jeans and loose grey top. A moment later, a green corduroy jacket was being flung at her by the blonde 16-year-old who had changed as well.
Quickly catching the jacket and sliding on the matching converse that Chloé had given her, Marinette stood to join her friend. Chloé picked up her purse and looked over the two.
While she had given her best friend a simple outfit that be comfortable for the train ride that her friend didn’t know was coming, Chloé had taken a minute longer before deciding to match her friend. Her jeans were light wash as opposed to dark, and she wore a fitted white t-shirt with a cartoon spider hiding in a red chrysanthemum. The red corduroy jacket was the same color as both the embroidery and her own red converse.
“Let's go, Minette. We are going to the country house. You can truly cry there. Horses await.”
 After Marinette and Aurore broke it off, the friends drifted apart. Kagami, Felix, Nino, and Kim refused to let the others blame the split on Marinette. Mireille, Claude, and Allen claimed that Marinette was more likely to be the cause. They couldn’t imagine Aurore doing anything to hurt the teen.
Chloé, Aurore, and Marinette kept their mouths shut over the whole debacle.
Chloé hadn’t heard the whole story, but she knew that Aurore had hurt her friend, and it had led to a discussion that led to the girls both walking away in tears.
It would only be years later that the girls would reveal that they had broken up because of the confusion around their secret identities.
 A week after the fateful breakup, Adrien Agreste pulled Marinette off to the side after class.
“Adrien are you ok?” the girl asked, confused. while usually, the two didn’t interact, Marinette had noticed that all day Adrien had been pale and shaking.
“I need help Marinette. Usually, I would go to Chloé, but last time she almost got Akumatized and I just…I need help. Please.”
“what’s up?” he glanced over his shoulder, to where a group of their classmates stood gathered around Lila.
“Not here, she can't know.” Marinette blinked in shock before grabbing the model lightly on the arm. After glancing at him with a raised eyebrow, silently asking if it was ok to hold onto his arm, she took off through the halls.
 By the time the two had made it to the home of one Gina Dupain just outside of what Marinette knew to be Hawkmoths reach, the blonde was bewildered. “you know the city so well. How?” she giggled slightly at the older boy before leading him to the kitchen and dropping her bag on one of the breakfast seats.
“I get stir crazy and spend a lot of my time exploring the city. Alix and I go and do Graffiti on the weekends sometimes. That means I’m pretty good at evading sight when I don’t want to be seen.” While her statements were technically true, Marinette had also left out a great deal of information in her response.
She had spent most of her time exploring the city as Apate. She grew up on the streets and would forever feel comfortable slipping into the shadows. She did go out with Alix to do graffiti, but the two also spent a good amount of time jumping into burrows to fix world-ending events.
“now, Adrien, what is going on? If it's bad enough that you don’t want Chloé upset, I expect it to be worth the trip out of the Akuma line.” Adrien nodded nervously, before going into an explanation of what had been happening in the Agreste family home.
 Three years into Hawkmoth’s reign. Marinette’s 2nd year at Lycée
 Adrien spent as much time as possible with Chloe and Marinette.
He had shown up more than once during their girls’ nights. Now, he was expected to be there.
When they had left for the weekend, Adrien had disappeared from the Agreste Manor. When had reappeared in time to get in the car that Monday, he learned that the only person who had noticed he was gone was his bodyguard. The man had called him, before joining the teens on the outing.
While the friends were getting Adrien out from his father’s thumb, Marinette was launching her brand.
She had a discussion during the branding process because the symbol that she had chosen, a chrysanthemum, was incredibly complex. Her grandmother thought it was too much. Marinette had told the older woman that she was going to use the flower because that was the one with meaning to her. She spent three weeks fending off the woman, who sent her a different flower every day, until the girl told the woman that she wasn’t going to change her mind.
Her Grandmother, her Nona, had laughed and told her that she was very stubborn, but that this time it had worked in her favor. The teen had come home that evening to a leather Jacket lying on her bed, with her named arching over the back where a chrysanthemum was embroidered in full bloom.
At the same time that Marinette was officially launching her brand and Adrien was embracing his teen rebellion, Chloé was becoming an influencer on social media. On any day that she wasn’t spending time with her friends, the blonde was working to cultivate her social media image. At 17, she started to model on the side. When she was gone, her friends would get calls during every free moment she had.
Fourth-year of Hawkmoth's Reign. 
The three were friends with the other outcasts from their college class.
Kim and Nino were often seen with Marinette when she was out on a shopping spree or seeking inspiration. 
Alix and Marinette were close, and after she became guardian at 14, Marinette had given the Pinkett and crash course on the miraculous, since she had inherited one. The two would always be fond of jumping through time and space to face world-ending events.
Kagami had insisted that Adrien and his cousin Felix make up, and now the three were a force to be reckoned with. As they entered their last year of Lycée, the friends felt like they were on top of the world.
 There had been a project due that morning that Marinette had forgotten about until the night before.
She had been up all night and had gone through three different super coffees. She had been running late when she burst out the door of the apartment.
There was a mug of coffee that was clutched in her hands, and she wasn’t looking where she was going. The guy that she collided with looked how she felt.
While he was in a suit, they were both clutching coffee mugs that they had moved out of the way on instinct before throwing apologies over their shoulder and going on with their days.
Neither thought anything of it. They had other things to worry about.
Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain Cheng had no idea that their lives had changed permanently with that one interaction that had lasted less than a minute.
AND...3000+ words later, here we are! let me know if yall have any questions.
I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later so that I can start to build with other characters now. I had a lot of fun writing the backstory, and I have thrown Cannon out the window...obviously lol.
tag list!
@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh  @susiej1118 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @sassakitty @remy-289 @laurcad123  @iamabrownfox @m0chick0furan
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f1-disaster-bi · 3 years
Uncle Lando being approached by his niece about her first crush and Lando having a light heart attack, Michael is just amused by it all and tells Lando like “Babe, it’s gonna be fine”
asjfhask he would absolutely be so panicked
Clara approaching Lando when she's around 13, and just shyly asking to talk because she can talk to her uncle about anything. He of course says yes, and takes her out for like tea/coffee and some pastry while Michael watches their kids. And she just admits that she has a crush on someone, and they make her tummy feel weird and she feels awkward talking to her parents about it and thought Lando would understand because 'Dad always says you were like me when you were small', cause Clara's a little introverted so she feels safe with Lando.
And of course he gives her good advice, tells her its normal and that around this age is when these things happen and that sometimes crushes suck because you don't feel ready for it or they like someone else but she should take it her pace and can talk to him about anything. And she asks if he had a crush on Michael before they got married, and Lando just grins and goes 'I had a huge crush on your uncle, and he had one on me. We were very obvious about it, drove everyone nuts'.
Clara goes home happy and relaxed after big hugs from her favourite uncles, and playing with her little cousins and later that night Lando just freaks out because 'omg she has a crush, what if they break her heart??', and he's just so worried about Clara and Michael thinks it's adorable, and is just holding him like 'Babe it's gonna be fine.....if they hurt her, I'll go scare them', and Lando ends up laughing
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alice-dont-break · 4 years
Heyyy I’m back with another one shot! This one is little heavier and talks about anxiety attacks, so please proceed with caution if that content could negatively affect you in any way. I wrote this a while ago inspired the first time I really struggled with my anxiety, and my big sister was there for me. It makes me smile a lot so I hope y’all like it!!
Like Mother, Like Daughter | Janthony One Shot
tw: anxiety
After a long day at the studio, Anthony had to run up the stairs to his front door because he couldn’t wait another moment to see his family. It was almost eleven o’clock, so he’d only be sneaking into his daughters’ bedrooms to kiss their sleeping foreheads, but it would still be the highlight of his day. When he walked inside, however, he frowned at the light illuminating the kitchen and his eldest daughter’s slouched silhouette at the counter.
“Hey Cass, what’re you doing up?” He asked quietly, not wanting to startle her, while approaching her from behind to rub her shoulders and kiss the top of her head.
“Hey dad,” she grumbled, “just studying. History test tomorrow.” Her eyes stayed fixed on the textbook pages that were painted with neon yellow streaks.
“It’s pretty late peanut, you almost done? Even that super smart brain of yours needs some rest to perform at its best,” Anthony reasoned, continuing to knead the taut muscles in his daughter’s upper back.
“Mhm, just need to re-read these chapters one last time.”
Anthony thought about pushing her more to go to bed, but he recognized the steel-cut look in her eyes from many similar conversations with her mother. When these girls were determined, it was near impossible to get them to lighten up. Instead of arguing, he walked around the counter to fill a glass of water, then set it down beside her books.
“Alright Cass, I’m going to get ready for bed but come up if you need anything and try to get some rest soon. I can drive you in the morning so you can sleep in a little, too,” he said, muffled by her hair as he gave her another kiss.
“It’s okay, I’m getting to school early so Ashley and I can quiz each other. Goodnight dad,” she said dismissively.
As Anthony reluctantly walked out, he chewed on the inside of his cheek. Cassidy was in eighth grade, which meant she was in the thick of high school applications. She’d always had incredible marks at school, so she was hoping to attend a fancy Manhattan private school, on a scholarship no less. He and Jasmine were trying their best to keep her calm throughout the process and prove they were proud of her regardless of the outcome, but it was easy to see she was drowning under the weight of her own standards. If she wasn’t spending extra hours in the school library before or after classes, she was cooped up at the kitchen counter, nose buried in a textbook. Anthony worried about her stamina, but she was steadfast in her commitment to studying.
When he got upstairs, he found his younger daughter in the polar opposite position. Clara, now nine years old, was fast asleep in her bed. After carefully opening her door and tiptoeing to the bed, he crouched down to leave a soft kiss on her temple. He smiled as she subconsciously crinkled her nose while staying asleep, exactly the way Jasmine does. Finally, he retired to his own bedroom where he was greeted with a beaming smile from his wife.
“Hey baby,” Jasmine said, sitting up against the headboard in their king-sized bed.
Anthony walked around to her side and leaned down to give her a quick kiss on the lips before pulling her into a tight embrace.
“How was the studio?” she asked, muffled by his chest as she held on for an extra beat.
“It was good... hey did you know Cassidy is still down there studying?”
“Really?” Jasmine pulled back with a furrowed brow. “She said she was almost done when I came up here an hour ago.”
“Hmmm, that’s what she just said to me,” he hummed back.
Jasmine watched as Anthony pulled off his jeans and tee-shirt and climbed into bed next to her with a sigh. “I’m kinda worried about her, babe. She gets real worked up about this school application stuff,” he said softly. He reached over to bring her hand into his lap, needing something to fidget with and knowing she loved when he toyed with her fingers.
“I know, me too. Getting her to go to dance class is basically a fight every day. She just wants to come home and study.”
“She gets that same look in her eye that you do,” Anthony smirked. “That look that says ‘leave me alone while I’m achieving greatness or I’ll kick your ass’”.
Jasmine rolled her eyes but nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I’m worried she’s getting all my perfectionist tendencies. I just hope she doesn’t get the anxiety that comes with it.”
“Hey, we’ll be lucky if she’s as hard working, passionate and driven as her mama. We’ve just gotta make sure she knows how to handle it.” Anthony brought her hand up to his lips so he could press a soft kiss to each of her knuckles.
“You’re right,” Jasmine sighed, “I should probably go talk to her.”
Anthony released her hand as she leaned over to steal another kiss. Once she rolled out of bed, she pulled on a robe and slippers and trudged down the stairs.
“Baby girl, what’re you still doing up?” She cooed as softly as she could to avoid waking Clara, and sat down on the stool next to Cassidy.
“Gotta study,” she mumbled back. Jasmine rested a hand on Cassidy’s upper back, rubbing up and down, but it elicited no response.
“Babe, can you look at me for a sec?”
“Mom, I have to keep reading,” she groaned, glowering over at her mom.
“Cassidy, you’ve been studying all week for this test. You were acing the practice tests on Monday and now it’s Thursday. Now you just need rest.” Jasmine reached her other hand over to close the textbook. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed,” she murmured.
“No!” Cassidy shrieked, pulling back from her mother’s soft touch.
“Sweetheart - ”
“No mom! I have to keep studying! History is my worst class and if I don’t get 100% on this test I’m not going to be able to pull my grade up to an A by the end of the semester and then I won’t be able to put a 4.0 on my school applications and then I’m not going to get..get in anywhere and you...you’re all gonna know...know that I fail.. failed.. and I’m stupid and and -“ Cassidy unloaded all her fears without a single pause until finally her breathing was so erratic that she couldn’t get her words out. Jasmine watched with her lips tightly pursed as her daughter’s eyes filled to the brim with hot tears.
“Oh baby girl, come here darling,” Jasmine whispered. She stood up and stepped between Cassidy’s legs to hold her tightly against her chest. Sobs racked through her small frame as Jasmine felt her shirt getting damp with tears.
Jasmine pulled back and let her hands rise to cup her daughter’s face, thumbing away tears as they flooded her blotchy cheeks. She leaned forward to press a kiss to her girl’s creased forehead, but when she looked back, she found fear had flooded Cassidy’s eyes. Her breaths became shallower and her trembling hands reached out to grasp her mother’s forearm for balance.
Jasmine knew these signs far too well.
“Okay baby, it’s okay, just focus on your breathing. Just slowly in and out,” she coached.
“Can’t! I can’t!” Cassidy panted, eyes wide with panic.
Jasmine leaned forward for another forehead kiss, then took both her daughter’s hands and pulled her up to standing. She guided her slowly, one step at a time, over to the sofa, and sat down with Cassidy between her legs. She leaned them both back to open up her daughter’s chest, and placed one hand in her hair with one wrapped around her middle. Cassidy’s hand quickly found her mother’s arm to hold onto once again, as Jasmine used her other hand to smooth down her daughter’s unyielding curls.
“Sweetheart, I want you to pay attention to how my chest rises and falls, and try to make yours do the same. Try to get your air all the way down to your belly where our hands are, okay?”
Cassidy’s breaths became a little slower, though she occasionally choked on her sobs. “That’s it baby, keep going,” Jasmine praised.
Though she noticed the improved breathing, Jasmine was still attuned to the trembling of her daughter’s hands and the tension in her shoulders. Her heart twinged, recognizing the symptoms of her own anxiety that she was now well acquainted with.
“Hey baby girl, we’re going to try something that usually makes me feel a little better, okay? I want you to start by telling me five things you can see. Can you do that?”
Cassidy froze for a moment, but then nodded. “Um... our legs, the TV... the red blanket over there... um... the painting on the wall, and the rug?”
“Perfect, sweetie,” Jasmine cooed, pressing a kiss to her daughter’s temple. “Now can you tell me four things that you can physically feel?”
“Uhhh, your hands, your chin on my shoulder, the couch underneath us, and, ummm, my hair on the back of my neck?”
“Mhmm, good girl, now three things you can hear?” Another kiss warmed the side of Cassidy’s face, and she leaned into her mother’s touch.
“The fan, dad walking around upstairs, and cars driving by.”
Jasmine had smushed their faces together and was nuzzling against her daughter’s cheek. “Two things you can smell?”
“Your tooth paste and your shea moisturizer,” Cassidy replied with a faint smile.
“Classic,” Jasmine chuckled back, “now one thing you can taste?”
“The chocolate I was snacking on a bit ago.”
“That was great baby,” Jasmine murmured, before attacking Cassidy’s cheeks with kisses until she surrender a small giggle. Once they’d both settled, Jasmine rubbed Cassidy’s arms up and down. “You feeling a bit better, sweetheart? Wanna sit up and talk?”
Cassidy nodded, and turned to sit cross-legged facing her mom. “I d-don’t know what that was,” she frowned, “I like, couldn’t breathe and my chest hurt and I’ve never felt like that before.”
Jasmine held both her hands and nodded sympathetically. “I know babe, it really sucks. It looked like an anxiety attack, which I get sometimes too.”
“How do you stop them from happening?”
“Well, it’s hard. I think you and I are both perfectionists, which means we’re really hard on ourselves,” she sighed, rubbing half circles with her thumbs on the back of Cassidy’s hands. “It’s great to have little exercises like the one we just did to help you calm down, but what I’ve found most helpful is talking to a professional. I used to go see someone every week and she’d help me control all the anxiety I had about needing to be perfect all the time.”
Cassidy’s eyes widened as she responded with a slow nod. “That feels like a lot...”
“I know it seems scary at first, babe, and you definitely don’t need to be ready to do that now. It’s just an option for if you ever feel like this is too much. But for now, we’re going to be better about reminding you that we love you and your sister more than anything in this world, and that we are so proud of you because of what is in your heart and your mind. We don’t need an acceptance letter from a fancy school to prove what we already know, which is that our little girl is a genius, in addition to so many other things. You’re kind, and loving, and a beautiful dancer, and a perfect role model for your little sister... and those are the things that really matter.”
“Even if I don’t get in?”
“Even if you don’t get in,” Jasmine smiled, punctuating her sentence with a kiss to Cassidy’s temple. “Plus, if you ever forget that, or have another anxiety attack like this, you’ve just gotta call me or dad. Doesn’t matter if you’re at school, or if we’re working, or sleeping, you just call and one of us will be there to help you through it.”
“Does papa have these too?”
“No, not really. He gets stressed but it does’t manifest this way like it does for me. He’s helped me through loads and loads of them over the years though, so he’s basically an expert.”
Cassidy nodded, then dove back into her mother’s arms. “I love you, mama, thank you” she hummed against Jasmine’s chest.
“I love you too, baby girl. Now come on, let’s get you into bed.”
Cassidy bit her lip, as she looked up at her mom. “Can I just finish the chapter I’m on?”
Jasmine rolled her eyes. “You have exactly as long as it takes for me to make you a cup of sleepytime tea, and then I am closing that book.”
A few minutes later, Cassidy was following her mom upstairs and into her bedroom. “Mama, I’m okay now. You can go to bed,” she yawned, as they both slipped under the pink floral blankets on her bed.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but with all your studying I haven’t gotten nearly enough Cass and Mama cuddles, so I’m just as happy to stay in here,” Jasmine smirked.
Cassidy rolled her eyes, then shifted over to fold into her mother’s arms. With her head resting on Jasmine’s chest and gentle kisses pressed into her hair, she drifted off to sleep in a matter of minutes.
Sleep didn’t come quite as easily for Jasmine. Over the years, she and Anthony had found joy in spotting little pieces of themselves in their girls. First it was the curls, then the freckles, then the way Clara crinkles her nose when she’s loved on in her sleep, but this was different. She didn’t feel a warmth in her chest that would stir up a smile she couldn’t wipe away, but instead felt a churn in her stomach.
She felt her daughter’s warm breath on her neck and prayed it would always be so slow and steady, but deep down feared this might not be a one time incident. Anxiety built four walls around Jasmine when she was around Cassidy’s age, and have tried to cave in on her many times since. Over the years, she’s found different ways to hold them up and cope with their claustrophobic presence, and even found a beautiful partner to help from the outside, but they were always there.
Shards of guilt were gnawing at Jasmine’s mind, wondering if somehow she had passed on the thing that hurt her the most to the person she loved the most. She wanted to fight every battle for Cassidy right now, shield her from any pain or worry, and stop every anxiety attack before it got anywhere near her. Pressing a soft kiss to her baby’s temple, she made a silent promise to teach her every grounding and mindfulness technique she needed, and be present to listen, to empathize, and to love unconditionally. Looking at the girl curled up in her arms, cheeks slightly rosy and curls splayed out everywhere, she found a mirror image of herself, who was a little bit stronger and a hell of a lot smarter. If one good thing could have come from the years of fighting she’d been through, it was that she could now understand her daughter’s struggles and help her through them better than anyone else in the world could. For now though, all she could do was nuzzle in closer to her baby girl, and make sure she knew the warmth and comfort that would always be available to her.
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep20
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Another light-hearted episode! We’re not yet in the next big arc, I guess.
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Ameri’s dad came over to personally tell Iruma that the reporters have gotten restraining orders and can’t bother him for an interview about what happened at the park anymore. Iruma is relived to hear this as it meant he could go home now.
He asked about Ameri but her dad angrily replies that Ameri is busy studying.
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lol She’s studying alright - studying on how to create the perfect date for her and Iruma!
This girl is using manga as reference material. Haha well, her powers involve imagination and will power after all.
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Ameri was too nervous to actually ask out Iruma (even though Iruma had told her that they could go somewhere with just the two of them before). Iruma made the first move and messaged her about their day out himself.
She happily tells him of where they’d meet (but kept the location of the place they’re going to a secret) and also reminded him that this time, it’s just supposed to be the two of them (so no friends tagging along).
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Ameri's dad was passing by and catches her picking out clothes she’d be wearing on her date. He immediately realized what it's about. Dad instincts right there! He’s totally not ready for his little girl to grow up.
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The day of the trip is here! This is where they’d be spending their time: an aquarium + pool combo.
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Ameri basically planned a pool episode with just the two of them. Also, Ameri, that line is supposed to be for Iruma! You got in there first.
Iruma is happy seeing her current appearance by the way hehe. He's a teenager after all, it can't be helped (he's not the only one who thought so cause other visitors were certainly mesmerized by her beauty).
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Oh no! How could this go to lewd territory so quickly! lol jk. Her plan involves this as a first step (after the surprise date setting) and her main goal is to get bridal carried... and maybe even get a kiss if she’s lucky. She's having trouble easily getting a hold of Iruma's hand though because if you haven't noticed yet, they have this big height difference and his hand isn't easy to reach. With that, she hasn't given up but says she'll try harder.
She’s just too tall and he’s too short lol.
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This is also part of her plan cause in the manga, the couple did this with the guy holding on to the girl while they go on the waterslide. Actually, since she's the one pursuing and she's the taller one, she had been taking the guys role in her plans. Their supposed moment in the slide doesn't last long though since the ride was too fast and so it was over quickly.
They got their hearts racing but because it was some kind of thrill ride.
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Next is playing in the water. She was nervous about this but Iruma initiated by splashing her with water. It was supposed to be fun but she's too strong and ended up splashing a little too much water on Iruma.
I mean, I knew it was gonna happen but I didn’t expect how powerful the attack would be. That was a tsunami she hit Iruma with and not a splash of water.
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Beach volleyball time! *Fly High by Burnout Syndromes plays in the background*
Ameri tries holding her strength back this time around but she's just too powerful. Fortunately (or not), this doesn't affect Iruma and he decides that he'd play seriously. It ended up not being for purely for fun anymore haha. On the other hand, I’m glad to see Iruma being competitive and not panicking anymore about demon-related stuff.
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The next part is eating a parfait like a couple!
The food in this world is weird though. I kinda saw this coming after seeing all of the food in the show so far but really... what the heck is that? It’s still alive lol.
The parfait attacked them and ended up feeding Iruma itself... which is weird. This was the last of her plans and now she's kinda unhappy none of them went as well as she hoped.
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Souvenir shopping next!
Iruma picks out stuff to get for his friends and family back home. Above is a picture of Ameri feeling jealous when Iruma was picking something out for Clara. Don’t worry Ameri, you’re way ahead of Clara in the race.
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Aww Iruma was worried that Ameri is working too hard in the Student Council and today he wanted to help her relax and have fun for once. He noticed that Ameri doesn't seem to be having a lot of fun though.
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Iruma makes Ameri realize that the time they had was fun but Ameri isn't satisfied. She had fun but it's not enough. After all, she has bigger goals!
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She has one more thing up her sleeve - watching a divination show. The creature (that looks like some kind of water dragon thing) has the ability to find a good couple with great affinity. She’s hoping that she and Iruma would be picked as a good couple cause that’s romantic, right?
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Of course, this is a comedy shounen anime. You shouldn’t expect things to go so well.
Mako-chan is hungry and immediately grabs onto Iruma. She's hungry from her diet and quickly found the only member of the audience she can eat - the human. Iruma realized that the perfume he uses to hide his human scent might have been washed off by the water and so Mako-chan was able to single him out (surprisingly, other demons hadn’t).
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Ameri saves Iruma from being eaten by delivering a powerful kick on poor Mako-chan. And with that, she got to be part of a bridal carry... just in reverse like everything else lol.
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The staff apologized to Iruma and Ameri and gave them year round passes as compensation.
Aww... Mako-chan is sorry about what she did, too and Iruma tells them it's okay and that he's not mad. Ameri is sad though and Iruma also noticed she's injured.
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He asked if she could walk and she answers "If I say I can't... will you carry me?" Oooh! Ameri is really going for it! She tried taking her words back but Iruma tells her that it’s okay, he’ll carry her.
And after that he used his powers to adjust her weight and then he actually did it! While carrying her, Iruma tells Ameri that he had a lot of fun the entire day. Honestly, I thought Iruma was gonna change his own looks to be like, big and hunky to carry her but he just changed her weight. Surprising but not bad.
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Despite all the setbacks, this turned out to be a successful date after all!
Okay... so I guess this means Ameri really is the endgame? She’s the one Iruma will end up with some day? Because this entire season had been hinting at it. There were scenes and episodes dedicated to the romance blossoming between them (at least, mostly on Ameri’s side). And now there’s a date episode. Unless the author gives focus and development around Iruma the other characters who like him, then this is gonna be the only ship that would make sense. This is the one with on-going development that story-wise, it should get a pay-off or it’d feel like everything set up was a waste.
Honestly, I’m not a Iruma/Ameri shipper. I did mention before that I ship Iruma with either Azz or Clara so shipping moments between Iruma and Ameri doesn’t really do much for me. I do think it’s cute and this show gets wholesome when it has to be that it’s impossible to hate even parts of the story I’m not really into. I did enjoy this episode a lot cause it was cute and I am happy Ameri’s hard work paid off.
I guess I’m just disappointed? I mean in a way, why bother giving Iruma alternative love interests (a harem, actually since there’s more than one girl and so it’s not just a love triangle) if they’re all gonna be shot down this quickly.
On the other hand, I feel kinda bad for Ameri’s dad cause he can’t stop this development lol. His little girl is growing up! He should at least be happy that she fell in love with probably the nicest guy in the demon world (and he’s also the future demon king hehe). I was actually expecting him to follow them in their date or something but I guess he does respect his daughter’s privacy which is nice. Would’ve been funny to see his reaction though.
Next episode is about Grandpa Sullivan! Hmm... another relaxing episode again, I’m guessing?
Thanks for reading! I’m excited for the next episode.
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labetalol · 3 years
im halfway thru shadow and bone and its so well done w the pacing + atmosphere it creates and i know its based off a fantasy book so i cant help but think what if cornelia funke's reckless was adapted for an original series. like it would honest to god be so good if done correctly... some episode ideas would be:
1] into the mirror with young jacob discovering the other world after having a bad argument w mom about missing dad, whatever. baby will tries to console him but jacob just needs time alone-- we can get a peek into the dangers of the mirrorworld where he has that near death experience, but nonetheless persists to try and get a look of the world outside of the crumbling tower he stumbles into after passing through the mirror. here we can also see him grow up to be a renowned treasure hunter (literally something i want to see is like... little hidden easter eggs that give the audience a whiff that john reckless his father is here- like something that would go under jacob's radar but is there nonetheless. like a flyer here or a name there... something to hint that john was there all along..), meanwhile seeing will+clara's relationship grow i guess (lil scenes here and there) and we can end off with will stumbling upon the mirror and moving his hand to touch his reflection... like water ripples distort his face... he presses his hand ccompletely mesmerized and falls straight into a whole new world. and just like that their fates are sealed as he immediately gets attacked by the goyl---
2] with fox's introduction it should be strictly brotherly/sisterly just bc i figured w the age difference (i just assumed im not sure if we're given any ages?) as well as the fact she's almost always in fox-form. here i think we can go into the red fairy+jacob's relationship even tho i think that happens later in the book [albeit, in the past] we can see kinda how jacob is rather in love w miranda (is that her name... i haven't read it in a few years!!) and how fox knows its dangerous to be so close to a fairy. but basically we want to establish a brother/sister relationship between jacob and fox where fox seems to be acting like the older sibling as she keeps having to save jacob.
3] so now we can develop the overall plot of the war with the goyl- insight into kamien and the fabled jade goyl... as well as jacob and fox's increasing worry as they start to notice will's skin seems to resemble jade.. but no. he couldn't be THE jade goyl. we can meet the dark fairy (i read this book for the first time when in middle school.. completely and super out of touch and had no idea that its ok if girls like other girls........ yet even i knew there was something strong and terrifying about this woman and i was literally a lil in love w her GIRLBOSS!)
4] NATURALLY we need a tailor episode- horror-inducing, sort of tense thrilling episode that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats... i want to be terrified of this episode bc i was terrified when reading it back when i was 12 <3
5] not really an episode idea but the idea of seeing jacob and the dark fairy... how the two strike their own devastating blow- he whispers her name and she laces his death sentence on the skin above his heart- a brand as if mocking how she owns his death- it may not come now but eventualyl he will die a painful death... the idea of seeing that butterfly scar above his heart oh my godddddd. also one of my fave scenes in the book is the larks water... i loved clara and the idea of how they drank the water and jacob's lingering feelings for his brother's girlfriend like.. hello. he pines for the only girl that is like normal and would never get with him </3 i dont really recall the scene though but doesn't the effects last for like...ever? or am i going crazy. imagine clara so shocked and angry at herself for having persistent feelings for someone her brother would always vent about. how she spun jacob to be an evil older brother but in reality he risks life and limb for his brother because he loves him so much. ok i realize i might completely not be saying anything that makes sense bc i havent read the book in a couple of years so my head is filling blank gaps with other pieces of media i have consumed recently so .. whatever!!!!!
this is all out of place but my god... reckless mini series when. i might be like.. wack but its one of my fave books and funke is my fave childhood author and i still reread her works time to time and if i could make a high quality series on anything it would be the inkworld/mirrorworld stories like legit.... brutal huh? well im insane
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 49
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 49 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 49/? SUMMARY:    Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds,  the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out  exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - Prepare to have your hearts broken in this one.]
“A question only I could answer. A truth field to make sure I'm not lying. If I give my name, they'll know they've found the right place and that it's safe to come through,” the Doctor said.
“The Time Lords? Okay, so what then? If you answer the question and they come back, what happens?” Clara asked.
“Hell,” Elise answered.
The Doctor handed Clara a small round object. “Ah, you need to take this to the Tardis and put it in the charger slot for the sonic.”
“Elise is right. Hell. All hell, that's what happens if the Time Lords come back. There's half a universe up there already, waiting to open fire. Now please, go to the TARDIS and just do as I say.”
Clara ran out of the room.
“You’re sending her home, right?” Elise asked.
“This is between the Timelords and me,” he said.
Elise took her hand in his. “The Timelords and us.”
The Doctor offered her a small smile.
The moment was shattered by Tasha’s voice. “Doctor. Speak with me. Doctor! Face me now! Doctor!”
The Doctor put his jacket back on and they made their way to the bell chamber.
Tasha’s face hung in the sky.
“Mother Superious, there is only one thing I need from you. This planet, what's it called?” the Doctor asked.
Elise’s hearts stopped in her chest.
This was the end.
“If you speak your name, the Time Lords will return,” Tasha said.
“If they return, they will come in peace,” the Doctor told her.
“It doesn't matter. They will be met with a war that will never end. The Time War will begin anew. You know that, Doctor.”
“They're asking for my help!”
“And if you give it, war will be the consequence. I will not let that happen, at any cost. Speak your name and this world will burn.”
“No, this planet is protected.” He soniced the bell and it started ringing.
The citizens started to gather outside the tower.
Elise and the Doctor stepped out of the tower.
“So, you lot, a quick word, thank you. Spot of news. Christmas has a new sheriff. Hello, everyone. I'm the Doctor. And this my daughter Elise.”
There were many attacks on the town, but the Doctor and his daughter defeated them every time. Elise herself was becoming quite a warrior in her own right.
But something else happened on Trenzalore.
She fell in love. He was human of course. With sandy brown hair and green eyes.
Elise came home one day to find her father sitting in his chair, working on toys for the children. “Maybe you should just retire and make toys,” she teased him.
He rarely did anything else nowadays. He’d aged in the many years they’d been here, his old age finally catching up with him.
When she wasn’t fighting, Elise worked at the schoolhouse. Clara would have been proud of her.
Elise hung up her scarf. She didn’t really need it, being a Timelord, but it had been a gift from Joey’s mother.
Elise walked over to the Doctor. He hadn’t greeted her when she entered the tower. “Dad? Is something wrong?” she asked him.
He looked up at her, sadness in his green eyes. He held out a letter.
“What’s this?” she asked. She took it from him and realized it was in Joey’s handwriting. She ripped it open and started reading. He’d gone to the front lines without telling her. Elise collapsed to the ground.
“Did…is he…?”
Her father just nodded and Elise felt her hearts shatter in her chest. Her sadness quickly morphed into anger and she ripped the letter up, chucking it into the fire. She reached for her scarf, but she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of it. Instead, she stashed it deep in the chest where she kept her clothes.
She vowed she’d never love another man ever again. Elise pushed her lost love to the back of her mind and instead focused on the children. She loved the children and the children loved her and the Doctor.
They drew her and the Doctor pictures, which they hung up around their room in the tower.
It wasn’t as nice as her bedroom in the TARDIS, but it was home.
One day, they heard the sound of the TARDIS engines.
“What is it? What's that noise?” Barnable, one of the children, asked.
“Well. Where have you been for three hundred years?” the Doctor yelled at the TARDIS.
Three hundred years? Was that how long they’d been here?
“What's that?”
“It's my ship.”
“Your what?”
“It's my TARDIS. That's how I got here in the first place.”
“Does this mean you're leaving?”
The TARDIS landed completely.
Clara was clutching onto the outside.
“What are you doing here?” the Doctor asked.
“I was in space.”
“Well, you were in the time vortex. She must have extended the force field. No wonder.” The Doctor pulled her off the TARDIS. “No wonder she's late, dragging you around.”
Clara turned to him with tears in her eyes. “You tricked me.”
“I saved you!”
“You didn't even say goodbye!”
“I'm furious with you!”
“Well, I am not even talking to you!”
They both started laughing and hugged.
They went inside the tower and Clara looked around. “Oh, Doctor. Fixing toys and fighting monsters.” She turned to Elise. “And what about you?”
“I teach,” Elise told her.
“The turkey isn't done yet,” the Doctor said, entering the room. He handed a few books to Elise. “TARDIS left these on the console.”
Elise smiled and ran her fingers down the spines. Her favorite books.
“Is it still asking the question?” Clara said, looking at the crack.
“Oh, never stops. Come upstairs. It's almost time.” The Doctor picked up Handles.
“What for?”
“Dawn. The light here lasts only a few minutes. You don't want to miss it.”
They went up to the bell chamber and the Doctor made a fire.
“Well, it's a standoff. They can't attack in case I unleash the Time Lords, and I can't run away, because they'll burn this planet to stop the Time Lords. Hey, after all these years, I've finally found somewhere that needs me to stick around. A town called Christmas. Could've been worse.” He adjusted Handles. “Right, there you go, buddy. Comfy?”
“Comfort is irrelevant,” Handles said.
He propped Handles up a bit more. “How's that, is that better?”
“You just take it easy, buddy. He's getting old. I do my best for him, but I just can't get the parts, you know. Hey, I know the feeling.” The Doctor groaned as he tried to move.
“It’s fine. I’ll get it,” Elise told him. She reached over and handed him the bag of marshmallows.
“Where did you get those?” Clara asked.
“I have a supplier. The pink ones are best,” the Doctor told her.
“I have developed a fault,” Handles said.
“Hey, don't you worry, Handles. You're just dreaming. The sun's coming up very soon. You just hang on in there.”
“I have developed a fault. I…I have developed a fault.”
The Doctor picked Handles up. “Hey, Handles. Come on. Come on. One more dawn, you can do it. You've got it in you. Come on, just hang on in there.”
“Attention. Emergency. Attention.”
“Handles, what is it? What's wrong?”
“Urgent action required. You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit.” Handles’ lights faded out.
“Come back. Handles? Handles.” The Doctor sighed and Elise put a hand on his knee. “Thank you, Handles, and well done. Well done, mate.”
Handles was just one in a long line of people who had brought the Doctor comfort in these last few hundred years.
The sun rose between the mountains and the birds sung.
“What do you think of our new place?” the Doctor asked, “I come up here once a day for a few minutes, to remind myself of what it is I'm protecting.”
“It's beautiful. Why did you send me away?”
“Because if I hadn't, I'd have buried you a long time ago.”
“No, you wouldn't. I would never have let you get stuck here.”
“Everyone gets stuck somewhere eventually, Clara. Everything ends.”
“Except you.”
“Have you been paying attention? I'm an old man now.”
“But you don't die. You change. You pop right back up with a new face.”
“No, not for ever. I can change twelve times. Thirteen versions of me. Thirteen silly Doctors.”
“Okay, so you're number eleven, so...”
“Ha. Are we forgetting Captain Grumpy, eh? I didn't call myself the Doctor during the Time War, but it was still a regeneration.”
“Okay, so you're number twelve.”
“Well, number ten once regenerated and kept the same face. I had vanity issues at the time. Twelve regenerations, Clara. I can't ever do it again. This is where I end up. This face, this version of me. We saw this planet in the future, remember? All those graves, one of them mine.”
“What? No. No!”  Elise cried. She’d lost so much and now she was going to lose him. How much longer could he hold on?
“Hey, Ellie. It’ll be alright. You’ve grown so much. You don’t need me anymore.”
“I’ll always need you.” 
“We’ve had some good times, eh?”
The sun started to set.
“Change the future,” Clara told him.
“I can't.”
“You've got your TARDIS back.”
“Ha! You think I'm just going to fly away, abandon everyone?”
“Of course not. But you've been protecting this town for over three hundred years. Do you not think it's anybody else's go yet? Can’t Elise do it?”
“There is no one else to protect it. I’d never leave Elise to fight alone.”
“It's not going to be you forever. It'll end the same way, whatever you do.”
“Every life I save is a victory. Every single one.”
“What about your life? Just for once, after all this time, have you not earned the right to think about that?”
The Doctor looked at Clara.
“Sorry. Wrong thing to say. We shouldn't be having an argument.”
“Clara, I've been having that argument for the last three hundred years in my head.”
“But you didn't have your TARDIS.”
“Ah. Yes, well, that made it easier to stay. True.”
As the sun set, thunder rolled in.
“Doctor!” Tasha’s voice said.
“Ah. Look who's woken up.”
Tasha’s face appeared in the sky. “The Church of the Silence requests parlay. Your rights and safety are sanctified.”
“I'll be right up.”
“I'm sending a transporter.”
“Nah, don't bother. I've got me motor back.”
“It's gone dark,” Clara said.
“Yeah, well, the sun's gone down.”
“Everything ends, Clara. And sooner than you think.”
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Alice Colt → Kathryn Newton  → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: April 20th
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Religion: Irreligion
Like Alice? Consider taking her in our Hunter Giveaway Event! We will be waiving applications para samples, personalities and histories requirements for all canon hunters. Just send in the first and last name of the hunter(s) you would like to the main.
→ Her Personality (one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Senior Hunter
Scars: Alice is missing her left arm due to an attack by an animal shifter
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Norse Mythology and Rebuilding Motorcycles
Two Dislikes: Pity and Alcohol
Two Fears: Public Speaking and Bleeding Out
Two Hobbies: Archery (One Armed) and Cross Country Motorcycling
Three Positive Traits: Determined, Resourceful, Graceful
Three Negative Traits: Cruel, Antisocial, Unyielding
→ Her Connections Parent Names:
Bryce Colt (Father): Alice has always wanted to impress her dad. It’s what she’s worked towards in all her training with Blaine. She’s heard of the transcontinental road trips he took killing swarms of supernaturals with his brothers. As well as his trip with Colin and Blaine to Italy, and she wants in on one. Bryce still isn’t sure she is ready with only one arm, so she works everyday to prove that she is.
Brittney Colt (Mother): Brittney tried to be a doting mother to Alice, but that was never something she wanted. She always gravitated towards Blaine and her dad, even as a toddler. When Alice was the youngest Colt to kill on a hunt, she knew that she wasn’t really getting another sweet little girl.
Sibling Names:
Blaine Colt (Half-Brother): Blaine has been the biggest teacher in her journey to becoming a hunter. He pushes her harder and she’s all the better for it. They’re like two peas in a pod and she has found herself modeling many of her choices after his.
Elle Colt (Half-Sister): Elle and Alice never really hit it off. Elle was always too much like Amy, and spent most of her time with her anyway. Alice doesn’t think they’d have a lot in common, though she’s always wanted a close relationship with Elle.
Colin Colt (Half-Brother): Alice gets along well with Colin, but he still doesn’t treat her like he did before she lost her arm. His incessant need to take care of people was only holding her back, so she started distancing herself from him.
Amy Colt (Sister): Alice doesn’t really have a lot in common with Amy. Amy likes to drink, and flirt and party, all of which hold no appeal to Alice. She’s still fierce in a fight, and the only sibling to trust Alice on a motorcycle enough to ride behind her.
Casper Colt (Brother): She thinks Casper is weak. Definitely weaker than her mom, and maybe weaker than Hailey. He just doesn’t get what it means to be a Colt.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Platonic Connections:
Megan Colt (Cousin): Alice and Megan get along well, and are paired up by Elle a lot when going hunting. Megan can be harsh and cruel and doesn’t hold Alice back.
Iris Colt (Cousin): Alice and Iris have only been on a few missions together, but they didn’t ever really hit it off. It’s just as well, as Iris will soon be married off to a Stone and rarely around.
Hailey Colt (Cousin): Alice has heard stories about Hailey’s skills in the field, and she can sympathize with not being able to do what you love. They don’t really talk, but Alice respects her.
Imani Anderson (Sister-In-Law): Alice really likes Imani. She’s strong and maybe even a better hunter than Blaine. During her recovery, she never pitied her and only helped her regain and push past her previous skills.
Helena Stone (Friend): Helena is as ruthless as she is. One of the most capable and deadly Stones, she can hunt almost as well as Alice. Unfortunately she doesn’t get to go on as many missions since James keeps a close eye on all the Stones.
Raven Jenkins (Friend): Raven is always creative with her kills, but she has too much of a heart. Alice is trying to get her experience how good it feels to just let go and give into the beauty of a kill.
Marquis Anderson (Friend): Marquis has a lot of skills, but he doesn’t seem interested in anything other than wanting to be away from his family as much as possible. He’s good for muscles and bagging larger prey.
Hostile Connections:
Chris Bialar (Hate): Even if she doesn’t know the exact person who bit her arm off, she knows who runs the clan in Chicago. She has taken up a habit of stalking around what she believes is the cat’s territory and scaring whoever she can. The ultimate prize will be Bialar himself.
Clara Fields (Hate): Alice has taken to skulking around the Fields Hotel to try and find a heavy to skin. Security has had her removed from the back and premises multiple times.
D.W. Colt (Suspicious of): Alice saw D.W. remove her ring right after Colin gave it to her. She was rubbing the skin around her finger and it looked burned. She knows D.W. saw her, but neither has said anything.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
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Just found out Grandma has cancer and she's moving in with the hospital bed package I helped put together today at the house.
The lady says she weighs less than 100 pounds and needs an oxygen tank.
This don't even feel real.
I'm helping the lady setup the bed, lifting stuff, and cleaning out the bunch of clothes and junk that nobody uses and it really didn't kick in...
It still hasn't.
My heart Andy hand was shaking as I had to sign the delivery note.
Not even a "Good luck with your Grandma" or "Condolences to you and your family" I told the delivery lady she had cancer and we're talking about it like its a happy topic on the news. She had music to keep her going as she picked up stuff off the truck. I wanted to tell her come back, wait...like are you sure you got the right house?
Like are you sure mom and dad or grandma isn't playing. Cause I haven't seen her in like a month. My clothes and stuff is still at her house in Grand Rapids.
And I don't wanna run into any arms. Like I don't wanna hear nothing but silence for the next 3 or 4hrs.
I'm trembling, shaking, paranoid.
I almost had a panic attack after that lady left. Well let's be real, I did.
But the fact that everybody else in this family is acting like this shit is normal and everybody wants me to behave....I can't say or do shit about it.
Like my room is connected to her room. Imma have to get used to walking past her bed just to use the bathroom. And eat?
I don't even know if I will, cause here's the thing....mom and dad are most likely gonna put me on duty. And last time when I spent a week with her, taking care of her...I was so stressed out, that I didn't even eat.
And cancer did pop in my head as a worst case scenario, because we had no clue what she had and she seemed ok when I got kicked out in March.
She avoided doctors and the hospital for years after her surgeries. I just....
I don't even know if I wanna know what stage she is at. Cause last time I stayed, when we had that argument, she wasn't eating too good, cheeks sunken in, I knew something was wrong. Even her house, her dishes were all piled up with black mould on em from being in the sink of dirty water too long. It felt like we stepped into a resident evil house from that one in the country. Even momma said that's not like her, because old ocd Clara, does not play about cleaning dishes. Soups did her no good and she was only getting down like 2-4 pieces of watermelon that daddy had brought. And her house in the summer is hot as heck, so I'm glad daddy had bought her that air purifying fan. She just did not go to the hospital. She said no for the longest when we offered to take her.
I'm glad she finally said yes.
But I don't know how far along she is. Everything has changed so much in less than a year.
I don't even know if I'll be the same after this. And I got a giant ear and toothache that keeps creeping in when I get too stressed like this.
I pray I stay away from drinking. Cause my hallucinations get worse after drinking...I really need to see a psychiatrist about that.
I just hope mom and dad don't start fussing again at home, it's already tight, mom is still going through alzheimers grief with our other grandma. Like she forgot her name already once. And these two strong black women that I grew up on are near 70. Clara, with cancer 67.
I don't even know what my father feels about this and that's what scares me the most. Cause he's mostly been the type to say he's okay, doing fine or alright if I ask him how he feels, buy he doesn't ever really change unless something super pisses him off...like cars parking too close when there's empty spots, drivers doing wide turns, people walking 8 ppl wide on the sidewalk at an amusement park or public event.
Or if he gets into with momma, but they haven't fought as much since I left in March...
But idk. With those two both on edge, the only time they can talk about emotions in a calm way is when they drink or go out to the bar, eat some wings, and get some drafts going while watching the game.
But that was younger dad, and this is now. Now...I assume he's gonna do a lot more golfing...
Idk how they're gonna manage us helping out.
But I pray I find my own job and apt soon. I wouldn't wanna live in chaos. Nor do I wanna fight about it either with my family, that have been known to push duties on me without really helping or noticing the people pleasing problem I learned from serving them all these years. I've never been allowed to say no to my mother and father. They always get upset with me when I do.
I don't wanna go through this alone, but as God showed me the ppl who really were a bad influence on my life, I don't have many friends to rely on to support me and pour my heart out too. After being hurt even when I dealt with the aftermath of that fight with mom, I found myself alone much more often than I thought. Missing the wrong ppl.
I'm not making that same mistake again. I'm not gonna make that silly mistake and call a guy only for him to take advantage of me sexually. I'm not having sex or making out with anybody unless we're committed to each other and he's already proven he's with me for love and not just sex.
Cause there are nice guys who try to outsmart women who would rather have sex after commitment, only to play them after giving the gf title.
How the fuck did I get to this topic, and I just found out Grandma Clara has cancer and we don't know how long for or what stage she's at?
See how far my mind overthinks in critical situations like this?
Now I'm off to watching Kenny Rogers cause I'm feeling a country craving right after I just cried my tears and helped clean her room, assembled her bed..
Ppl don't usually prepare for having a family member you didn't expect to take care of for cancer, it sorta feels low, because I don't know what to expect when she comes tomorrow...I don't know exactly what's gonna happen, but I pray I get a job close by so I can at least have a place to stay away from my already crazy home, and get moving on goals and dreams.
But I know why I feel so obligated to leave and to stay for grandma in flint...because I don't know what's going to happen to her or to me. And she's been apart of me for such a long time. She used to be the only person who understood me when I would get to sensitive or have depression, separation anxiety, seeing or feeling dead people, reading dreams intuitively together. Me and her was like the grandpa off of Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka story. She was the older version of me, and nobody understood me like her. Everybody else in my family would make fun of me for being like her. Whenever mom thought I did something that reminded her of Clara, she'd called me by her first name "Clara." Cause she raised me awhile when dad and sometimes mom went to work. Daddy at football games in college, but I think he had to drop out after me....I kinda thought back and thought I was a burden as the reason why they always seemed to overwork me so young as the oldest. Put a smile on your face and go to your room to cry. Kinda like cinderella. Well grandma Clara said it....she always worried about that when she visited.
Her personality was similar to how Ms. Lisa was on Sister Sister. Ms. Talkative, except her favorite color was purple 💜 and she always had an ego, and intuitive perspective on alot of things. She could see things as if she knew what was gonna happen next, like predicting a chess move. Very determined, independent, she hates being wrong, and she'll bark her mouth off if you tried to debate with her. She liked dressing up and going out. But when she's frugal, she'll cook something at the house. Oh, and she loved sweets. And she loved to talk.
I mean lots. I would say our usual was 2hrs, but that was so long ago. I definitely feel the change settling in. Only time will tell.
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Isaac Baker → Daniel Kaluyaa → Wolf
→ Basic Information
Age: 66
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Made
Birthday: March 22
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Religion: Agnostic
→ His Personality Isaac was never the biggest or strongest in life. He grew up as the nerd who got pushed around and shoved into lockers. He was smart and cocky but didn’t have the skills to back up all the shit he talked. Until he was turned into a werewolf, and the natural personality that lived inside him came out in an obnoxious amount. Though Isaac has matured with his years as Alpha, he is still an impulsive showoff. He likes being the center of attention and making people laugh and have a good time. He can be confrontational and aggressive when dealing with situations, generally acting first before thinking of all the emotional consequences, especially with his words. Despite the rambunctious and loud behavior, Isaac is very genuinely a good person. He cares about his pack and everyone who he considers his. He is confident and lively, being incredibly welcoming and open to new pack members and other species. And though he can act impulsively and without thought, he has learned to recognize larger situations and has become versatile in the way he handles official pack business.
People often forget just how smart Isaac is, which he uses to his advantage. He is able to size a person or situation and up and manipulate it to his advantage. In the constant fights he faced as a young, incoming alpha he learned to find the weaknesses in the wolf shifter and attack those first, often knocking his opponent out before they could get many blows in. His foresight is not limited to fights, he could see all the advantages in bringing Duke into his pack and leapt at the opportunity.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Full time Alpha
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Smart Technology and Salt and Vinegar chips
Two Dislikes: Football and Curacao
Two Fears: Flying and Losing control of his body
Two Hobbies: Playing Video Games and Coding
Three Positive Traits: Lively, Versatile, Good Hearted
Three Negative Traits: Confrontational, Show Off, Impulsive
→ His Connections Parent Names:
Sandra Baker (Mother): Sandra was always incredibly supportive with Isaac as a child. She tried her best to make his young, friendless life fun with family movie nights and vacations. She is very disappointed that Isaac dropped out, and wishes he’d come home to get back on the academic track.
Edward Baker (Father): Edward taught Isaac everything he knew about boxing and coding. He always had Isaac’s back and would let him get out and fail every once in a while, unlike his mother. Edward has always asked about the real reason Isaac left school. He knew how much MIT meant to him and how he’d never just give it up.
Sibling Names:
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Simone Campbell (Ex-Girlfriend): Isaac was a goner for Simone. She stood up to him and often gave him perspective on his life. When Simone started hanging out with a hyena, it raised an alarm in Isaac and he tried to get her to stop seeing her, she dumped him. He still wants her back.
Platonic Connections:
Duke Thornton (Good Friends): Isaac and Duke have had a lot of time to get to know each other in the last decade. He is the closest person to Isaac in the pack, and would gladly have him as a second or third if he had any understanding of dominance levels.
Peter Knox (Friends): Isaac is very glad to have Peter as his second. They both had to fight their way through to their positions and he knows Peter has his back. He hangs out with him and his mate regularly at ANON and he was the one who introduced Isaac to Simone.
Leah Philips (Friend): He and Leah became quick friends when he first moved into Chicago, but she had a rough time transitioning from Ogden to Isaac. They’re almost back to where they used to be, though it has taken work.
Selene Andris (Pack mate): Selene has been a big help with all the new wolves coming to Chicago. He’s grateful she likes playing host and helping others feel more comfortable in the pack.
Ronan Cleirigh (Ally): He and Ronan made a deal to save Duke’s life. He offered him training and a pack while in return Ronan offered his voting power in council meetings. Isaac respects what the Cleirighs, and Ronan in particular, were trying to do for Duke.
Kaylor Cleirigh (Friendly Fear): Kaylor came to him personally after he offered to help Duke to lay down her “concerns”. Isaac wasn’t going to do anything on the list before, but he sure as hell wouldn’t do it after speaking with the scariest Cleirigh.
Judson Cleirigh (Chill): Judson comes in with his friends to drink at ANON. He is easily the most laid back of Duke’s family, though he doesn’t entirely trust him.
Nick Hamelin (Okay): He’s not friends with Nick, per say, but he’s ok with him. He thinks he can fit right into the Prisses at times, but he has more self-awareness than to sink that low.
Micah Toll (Friendly Acquaintance): Micah is alright for a rat. He respects the rules that Isaac put down, and only starts something in retaliation.
Ellis Watts (Council Meeting Buddy): Though he is apparently supposed to hate the jackals for reasons… Isaac immediately clicked with Ellis. He repaired a lot of the riffs between their two packs and they’ve started going to watch sports games together.
Hostile Connections:
Alan Thomas (Hates): Alan Thomas was one of the first people Isaac wiped the floor with and he’s gone out of his way to be the biggest asshole to Isaac. He’s glad he was kicked out as third.
James Shaw (Hates): James Shaw is both crazy and racist. He’ll talk endlessly about his family and how long they’ve been in the city and why his boys should be Alpha. Before Isaac wrote it off as an angry white dude, but there is something changing in James’s eyes and Isaac isn’t sure it is entirely healthy.
Clara Fields (Priss 1): Clara Fields loves nothing more than to hear herself talk. She somehow always speaks up at every single meeting, and Isaac prays for the day she gets magical laryngitis.
Chris Bialar (Priss 2): Chris Bialar has got his nose in the air. There’s always some made up jab that he tries to angle at Isaac. He loves to keep the politics up in the council meeting, and is a main for most of the riffs between alphas.
Percy McCormick (Priss 3): Percy McCormick is barely an alpha. He lets his pack run wild and the rest of the council is left to discipline and rule them. If there is one alpha that Isaac could kick out, it’d be him.
Greer Finley (Dislike): Greer is like Chris’s pet piranha. He thinks she might be more vicious than any of the other big cats in the pack.
Sol Alfaro (Hates): This guy will just not give it up. He’ll never win a fight against Isaac, and is honestly more of a pest than any real threat.
→ History Isaac was raised in a small town outside of Ann Arbor. His mother worked as a recruiter for the University of Michigan while his dad worked at Pfizer. They had a good life, and he definitely followed in his parents’ academic footsteps, unfortunately that wasn’t the best for a young Isaac. He was constantly bullied by older kids which lead to fights and mostly injuries for him. His mother debated homeschool, while his dad tried to teach him how to fight back. His dad ended up winning and Isaac took boxing lessons. While he was technically very skilled, he was short and had difficulty packing muscle on which still let the bullies win.
By the time he graduated, he was ready to get the hell out of Ann Arbor, much to his mother’s displeasure. He was offered a full ride to MIT for computer software and gladly took it. He did well for the first year, high grades with honors. His parents were over the moon and became more willing to consider MIT being the best move for Isaac. However, his sophomore year changed everything. Isaac was walking home from the lab one night when he felt eyes on him. He assumed it was someone trying to take his bag; but when he turned around, arm ready for a hit, he was met with fur and painfully sharp teeth. 
When he awoke he was in strange sweatpants and in a strange room. A man came in the room a few minutes after Isaac woke up. He explained they were werewolves, and that they needed to boost their numbers for an impending war. Isaac was quickly brought in on how to be a werewolf, including physical and fight training as well as how to control his wolf. But Isaac knew when he was being played and could see the alpha thought he was fodder for the battle. He read the situation and in the middle of the night Isaac ran away. He debated going back to Ann Arbor, but realized that might be the first place his “pack” looked. So he headed straight for Chicago, knowing he could probably get a decent paying IT job with his year at MIT. When he arrived in Chicago he was greeted to a fair deal of hostility. The majority of the pack didn’t want outsiders bringing their trouble into the city, and they specifically didn’t want him, a black loudmouth, interrupting their lives.  But Isaac was a fighter and within 6 months he found himself as 2nd to the Chicago pack. There was a lot of grumbling, but Ogden acknowledged his position and gave credence to the claim. He took Isaac under his wing and refined the wild chaos that was a freshly turned wolf and gave him structure and purpose and place to put his energy. 
Years later after getting settled in Chicago, Ogden died in a car crash. It was truly an accidental and ironic way for a wolf to die; not from old age, or violence but a mundane accident that went terribly wrong. Isaac had to step up to the plate and take over as alpha. They looked to him in their time of mourning, confusion, and fear and Isaac managed to win some of their trust. However not everyone was pleased with a relatively young and often arrogant alpha. He was challenged frequently, especially by Sol, but beat them all through his ability to read weaknesses. Isaac was never afraid to let them tire themselves out before going for the win. The fighting and challenges began to slow, and eventually things became more even keeled. That was until he began switching up ranks. Peter Knox joined his pack and fought his way to the top, a move that could never have happened had Isaac not thrown his support behind him. Then Geri became third, sufficiently pushing the rest of the “Old Guard” out. 
Things had begun to settle down when” the Incident” occured. Animal shifters were unable to change to or from whichever form they were in. People were pissed and looking to the Witch and Warlock councils. While the first two meetings were spent grandstanding by the other alphas and leaders, Isaac was trying to read the faces opposite them, when the true reason for the magic gone bad came out. Deucalion Thornton was cursed to be a wolf shifter and they were trying to change him back. Outrage from both magic users and non magic users alike erupted and calls for banishment and possible death flew around. Nothing was decided and they adjourned for the day. Isaac hung around and stopped the Cleirighs as they exited. He offered Ronan a deal, he’d train Duke, allow him safety within his pack, in exchange for Ronan’s vote in various animal shifter matters. Ronan agreed and they devised a plan. At the next meeting before any other alpha could talk, Isaac stepped up and told them what was happening. It was settled and the rest of the council fell in line. Duke moved into the house, and Isaac nearly had a riot on his hands. 
From that day forward he’d made it his mission to set things right in at least the wolf clan. No more of their racist, sexist or homophobic nonsense would be allowed, and every wolf had the right to a challenge. This came in handy when he gave his support to Peter after he’d risen through the ranks. He has kept the pack steady over the last ten years and despite the upset had no challenges to his position. → The Present Isaac is looking to get back onto the dating scene. He was recently dumped by his girlfriend, and while it stung initially, he is worried for her. She’d begun to befriend a couple of hyenas and he’s worried she’ll be attacked in the wave of changes that are happening across the city. Isaac knows her aspirations and is positive she’ll never achieve them if she’s bitten. Despite his worry, Isaac hasn’t mentioned any of the supernatural to her, and is just trying to get back in her good graces to keep her safe.
Murmurs of discontent are rising in the pack, and Isaac is positive it is due to Sol. He is losing his patience with the old wolf and the next time he challenges Isaac, he won’t let it go. Isaac knows he’s the one pushing the wolves towards  greatness and it’s annoying that no one else seems to see it.
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
( based off of my dream I had )
"You came back"
She and her companions were running for the door, from the people who were chasing them, she never thought her life would come to this but here she was. She was running towards the house in the distance, as she was running for it she saw a familiar Face of the boy she missed so much, someone who she loved.
Jillian! she yelled and he turned around while trying to fight off some of the men that were now attacking him, she ran up to him and helped him fight them off. After that they helped fight off the rest and it was not easy but they did it and they couldn't have it it weren't for Jillian and his companions. There were bodies everywhere she couldn't believe that they had actually won, they were wounded but did it.
Elliana said Jillian how? Is it really you?, Yes she said it's really me. I've missed you he said I am glad I get to see you again, with that slight smile on his face that used to be bigger but over the years have obviously slowly faded and she couldn't blame him. His father disappeared right before they were separated in fact she was gonna help him find him and then she was taken and they hadn't seen each since, they were twelve then. Since then she was still looking for his father and had some new information although she didn't know if he already knew.
She shook away her thoughts and hugged him, it was an awkward hug she had to admit although they hadn't seen each other so for him it was probably strange but great that was her Jillian after all, Elliana.. he said and put his arms around her I missed you and I have been so worried, I thought you were dead. Said Jillian, I thought the same about you said Elliana.
They were in the house now and Elliana saw the familiar face of Jillian's little sister Clara she was probably about 14 now, and his little brother Luke and sister Jayce or Jay they called her both, they're twins they were probably about 12 now. And His other brother Raphael who was probably 10 now and the youngest Kayla who was a baby the last time she saw her which meant she was probably 6 now, wow you're all grown up now!, Elliana!! Said Clara and ran over and hugged her. Hey Clara said Elliana. I thought you were gone for good said Clara, well I am back now Elliana said.
Luke and Jay waved and said hi and that it's nice to see her although she knew they were probably being shy cause they hadn't seen her in so long, Raphael came up to her and said hi! Sorry Elliana I only remember a little bit but hopefully you'll stay now and we can make new memories. He said and smiled and she was amazed he was such a sweet boy and a little grown up for his age, Kayla stared at her for a couple minutes and then ran up to her and hugged, Odd she thought since she was a baby although they say that babies always remember the love you gave them and she would be lying if she said her and Jillian didn't spend as much time with her when she was as they could, and she kissed her head and hugged so many times and now she bent down to her knees and took the little girl in her arms.
I don't know if she'll stay so don't get your Hope's up kids. Said Jillian and Elliana felt a little hurt did he think she was going anywhere now? Did he not want her here? Why?, well I don't have anywhere else to he and the world is shit, so I think I will stay if it's alright with you all? Said Elliana. You can stay said jillian but you'll have to help out and not weigh us dow- jillian! Shouted Clara be nicer she's your best friend for fudge sakes, She was my best friend I don't really know her anymore said Jillian and Elliana felt her heart break a little, yeah I support we don't know each all that well anymore do we? Because my Jillian would never be so cold! Said Elliana. Well I have changed Elliana and so have you and when people Change they don't always work together anymore said Jillian. Elliana felt like this was unreal had Jillian really changed so much? And did he feel betrayed and abandoned by her? She wasn't sure but he was definitely try to push her away.
Well I have stuff to do Said Jillian I'll be back later, Kylee he shouted keep an eye on the kids and the new person!, okay! Jillian said a girl with a sweet voice. New person? She said to herself it stung like nothing she had ever felt. Don't mind Jillian said Clara he's like that and thinks if he's cold to people he'll protect us and himself, his heart is fragile has been since you've been gone. What? Said Elliana, I know you two will figure it out said Clara so don't give up Elli.
Elliana was wandering the hallway of the the house she assumed these were bedrooms on the hall walls and she wondered which one was Jillian's or maybe his was in another part of the house, none the less she needed to talk to him alone and figure out why he was so cold to her and about his dad. She hadn't seen him since he left earlier that day, her and Kylee took care of the kids, Kylee seemed like a nice girl so that was good and she got along with her, Though she missed Layla her bestfriend who was going to be here tomorrow which she couldn't wait at least she have someone who knows who she is now.
Elliana? Said a familiar voice behind her and she turned around and saw Jillian there, Jillian.. we need to talk. She said, about what? Asked Jillian. One about the way you're treating m- he grabbed her arm and led her to a bedroom his she assumed, it was nice and clean something new about Jillian, his bed sheets and blankets were grey along with his pillows, he had a desk in his room with skitch books, pens and pencils, paint brushes on it and notebooks and journals. Good she thought something that hadn't changed about him. He had a couple seats in his bedroom and a wardrobe and closet with clothes, he had several bookshelves. And paintings hung on the wall, and then her eyes went back to him and she looked at him all lean muscle and his dark brown hair with those green blue eyes that held so much, those beautiful hands he always had, he was tall now to and very handsome she had to admit a- Elliana two fingers snapped in front of her Face, what? She said, I said what did you want to talk about? Oh um about your father actually, I have some information o- What!! Said Jillian Why didn't you tell me sooner!?, well someone was being cold and an ass to me said Elliana. Yeah said Jillian so what's the information?, he was being held in Lakewood but he was moved but it may not have been far. She said
Jillian wasn't sure what to think Elliana was back and so were his feelings for her and she was beautiful my god she was beautiful and she was back, she was safe and alive and her golden Eyes were as beautiful and luminous as ever. Her black hair curling and lovely, she had the body of a woman now as well, she was muscular and lean and looked strong. But she also had information about his father and his heart stopped to know he was somewhere and she knew she knew and didn't go after him. Why didn't you try to get him! Jillian said and he knew he was snapping and it wasn't going to go good but he needed to do this, push her away so she didn't get hurt, What!? Said Elliana sorry I was only on a mission and almost killed and didn't have the supplies to do it anyways said Elliana and not to Mention,ni wanted you to Jil why are you being this way!? I thought you would be happy to see me! Said Eliana, and he was so so happy for her to be back but he also had his kids to take care of and he wasn't sure how to be around her and not touch her, for Jillian Elliana was the only girl he ever thought was beautiful, that he ever wanted to he with and he knew it was stupid because they hadn't seen each other in forever but she lit his heart on fire the moment he saw her again.
Well you can't expect me just to be like hi Elliana who has been gone for six years and go back to the way things were, Cause we can't we aren't those people anymore Elliana he said and he knew he was being horrible and unfair but he didn't know why but he couldn't stop. I missed you she said I missed you I missed you, you're what kept me going and the thought of seeing you again someday is what kept me alive, she walked up to him and looked him right in the eyes I thought you cared about me and wanted me back but I guess I was wrong and I hope you know I loved you and I still do said Elliana. Well he said I am glad I kept you going but like I said we aren't the same people we were! he told her, Geesus Jillian if you don't want me here say it she said with tears forming in her eyes and his heart was aching that she was crying but also for her, what do you want! Jillian said and he got closer to her face so close their faces were practically together, I want my Jillian back she said and started crying she broke down and he had never seen her do this before he never thought of her as delicate like this and he cursed himself for making her feel this way, You want me back!, Yes yes jill please be my friend again she whispered and he lost control, he kissed her a long deep kiss, he kissed her tears like he could take her pain away with kisses, he took her in his arms and she wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing back which surprised him he thought she would push away but here she was kissing him back.
The next morning they woke up next to each other, they had fallen asleep talking about the adventures they had been on,after they stopped kissing, they just snuggled up together and enjoying each other's company and voices. It was peaceful something that they haven't had in the last six years, Elliana couldn't believe what happened, she had Kissed Jillian? But he had Kissed her first so does that mean that they thought of each as more then friends? Or was it just something that happened? And it was a mistake?.
After they got up Elliana headed to the bathroom to get dressed in fresh clothes and put her curly hair in a ponytail, she then headed down stairs to find that Jillian had made breakfast for everyone and the kids were at the table eating, Elliana! Called Clara come sit next to me she said cheerfully. Okay said Elliana, so how did you sleep? Was it alright for your first night here? asked Raphael, I slept good yes, thank you. She said.
Today is a get together of all the people on our side, it's a formal event by the way so you'll all have to dress up. Said Jillian I hope you have a dress Elliana he added, I don't said Elliana, Oh we can go shopping for one said Clara, you sure? Asked Elliana is it safe?, Yes I am sure and we'll be fine said Clara, Can we jillian pleaseee? Asked Clara. Alright fine said Jillian but don't be gone to long and finish your breakfast first I didn't cook in the kitchen for hours just to have you not eat said Jillian and Elliana laughed for the first time that wasn't with Layla. Can I come asked Jay, sure Jay said Clara we can make it a girls day.
Jillian gave a look mixed of regret with whatever, and Elliana just thought of how much she missed him but what about last night? No! She told herself you didn't come this far to be obsessed with a boy, finish your mission and do what you need to get done and then focus on it. But she would be lying if she said he wasn't handsome or that she didn't care she did care very much but if she let herself be hurt like that again she wasn't sure she would be able to come back, she wanted Layla here so bad so she could tell her and be comforted by her, come back soon Layla she said and finished her breakfast. Maybe I'll get a suit instead she thought.
( I had a dream the other night and I am going to write a story on it I think hopefully you enjoy it and it's kinda a action, fantasy, romance, comedy, supernatural kind of thing also slow burn and angst. )
( let me know if your interested and would like to see more and see what I imagine the characters would look like ) ( I am coming up with a name for the story and btw I know what the next chapter will be about because my dream had that much content in it ) and I will show you what I imagine the house to look like) again if anyone is interested. )
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patriciahaefeli · 4 years
A Cautionary Tale? A Love Story? You Decide
It's been one of those rollercoaster weeks, one that began with a great deal of pain, which I tried to ignore at first, so as not to ruin my 17- year old’s already Corona-compromised birthday party. At some point during our 5 p.m. family Zoom celebration, I quietly left the room and went upstairs to lie down, writhe in pain, get back up, bend over, moan, repeat. This continued through the night Monday – and at one point, I remember thinking that labor wasn’t this bad and that I should probably go to the emergency room. In this new world we’re in, that thought was quickly dismissed by one word: COVID. I paced the floor at 3 a.m., alternately moaning and then bopping my head and sort of softly singing what kept running through my head, which was the chorus of The Knack’s 1979 hit song, “My Sharona.” Only my version went “My Corona.” Yes, even while suffering, I’m clever that way. 
By Tuesday morning the pain had subsided. I was exhausted however, and slept throughout the day. “Tricia! Drink this! Jesus, she’s burning up.” It was the alarm in my husband’s voice that I responded to more than the command. I sat up, drank the water he was holding out to me, and when I caught my reflection in the mirror over the dresser I had the brief, feverously detached impression of someone who’d sat under a sun lamp for too long. Sun lamp, the words made me almost giggle out loud. Sun-lamp, sun-lamp, sun-lamp…Does anyone even know what that is anymore? A few hours later I had a virtual appointment with my regular GP, during which the decision was made for me to go to the office first thing Wednesday for a full exam. My instructions (my fever-addled brain again added the words “should I choose to accept them” - hehehe), for entering the building would come in the form a text. 
My office exam was efficient and thorough. Upon arrival, I called the office and someone met me at a side door. As we were both masked and gloved, we nodded and murmured muffled greetings. Two PAs and an MD palpated my tender abdomen while I stifled screams. They decided that I should have a C-T scan that day, with the expectation that the offending culprit was a kidney stone. As many radiology facilities are currently closed, it took a few hours for them to locate one that would take me. My scan took place at 4:30. I was the last patient of their day. 
 Fast forward to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday evening. I picked up the call, which was remarkable in itself because anyone who knows me knows how irritating it is that, a) my phone is always on silent mode, and, b) I rarely answer numbers I don’t recognize. It was another doctor from Vanguard, calling to let me know that my C-T scan showed no evidence of kidney stones – “Yay!” BUT, he cut in, it did show acute appendicitis. What I needed to do, he said, was to go directly to the nearest ER. 
So here’s where this story really begins, because I was about to get a reality check regarding the difference between the inconveniences of “social distancing” and quite literally, matters of life and death. For those of us who are shuffling around at home in our sweatpants, eating too much, complaining about the buffoonery of our President, laughing at all the funny memes, and who are, to one degree or another, COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to the fact that health care workers do not have the luxury of ANY of that, here’s the newsflash: The Corona virus has virtually SHUT down normal operations for hospitals and surgical facilities, so if you’re also laughing in the face of social-distancing guidelines, and just can’t wrap your head around the possibility of contracting this deadly disease, know this too: If you break your arm, or your spouse has a heart attack, or your child’s strange rash won’t go away and you’re just really concerned, good luck. We are NOT in Kansas anymore, peeps. 
 I considered doing a bit of a negative a rant on the first hospital that I went to here, but perhaps that wouldn’t be fair. “The nearest ER” for me would have been another hospital, but due to their somewhat dubious reputation, we opted to go just a bit farther away. The best thing I can say about that experience was that the safety protocols to enter the ER were impressive. Picture the scene in E.T. where the Hazmat-suited guys from the space program find out about him and “invade” the house in a tunnel of white - then picture the people standing six feet apart outside of say, ShopRite, only these people don’t look so great. They’re kind of bent over, or swaying, or leaning on someone else. Then count your blessings that your gut hurts and you’re not bleeding out…or struggling to breathe. 
Three hours later, after they’d reviewed my scans and completed all of the necessary pre-op tests (blood work, EKG, urine analysis), I got the word that most of the ORs were being used as ICUs for COVID patients, and they were only doing “emergent” surgeries. They sent me home with massive doses of antibiotics, and a referral to see their staff general surgeon - outpatient. 
I figured they were right, too. Must not be very serious. I was doing well with that notion until the following morning, when I heard the barely concealed shock in the voice of my regular MD.  
“Did they see your scans?” his tone serving only to increase my anxiety. 
 “Yeah. But my appendix hasn’t exploded yet.” I said. 
 “Ah,” he sighed, “I know things are being handled differently in the ‘current environment,’ but last time I checked, acute appendicitis was emergent.” 
Okay, pay attention now, because here’s where it gets really interesting: See if you can answer his parting questions: 
 “Do you have a general surgeon? Preferably one with their own facility?” 
 So, do you? And if you do, are you sure they’re even open right now? I sure as hell didn’t (and the name they gave me at the hospital turned out to be for a doctor whose answering machine told me he was not seeing new patients). And the idea that it was now pretty much my problem to solve was a little intimidating – especially for someone who generally needs to be told that they’re sick (enough) or in (enough) pain to seek help—but that’s another story. Now that doctor, who I respect and like a lot, said he’d be trying to find me one, but that I should do my research as well. 
 My husband and I made a fairly long list of people/places to call, and split it. Those we were able to reach at all offered possible solutions to my dilemma, but each dead-ended pretty quickly. I focused on the task now, trying to ignore what it might mean that the ache in my belly seemed to be spreading down my right leg. 
As of this writing, I have yet to hear back from my regular GP and yet, here I sit, post-op, able to get this down mostly because of a Facebook message I sent to one of the nurses in the Belleville Public School district. The only real help I got came from her, a nurse, who responded immediately to an “in-boxed” message, and kept responding for the next hour, sending me the names and phone numbers of doctors (sometimes with their credentials!), links to possible facilities, and words of encouragement. She gave me her personal cell phone number and encouraged me to call it if I had questions and/or to let her know how it was going. I felt like she meant it, too. I also think she was responsible for the first in a series of serendipitous events that just may have saved my life. One of the names she gave me turned out to be the dad of one of my kid’s friends. 
 At that point, things happened pretty quickly. I called him (at home) and told him my situation. In a matter of 20 minutes, he had my scans and had booked  a time slot for me for same-day surgery at Clara Maass. He’s a high-energy, outgoing kind of guy, and although I’d stood on sidelines with him and his lovely wife at many a sports event, I don’t know him well enough, nor did I think it was appropriate to laugh out loud when he laid out the plan: “With everything going on, I just really want to do you – and get you the hell out of there!” 
So here I am, more grateful to him than I can possibly express and having some time to consider just how random and crazy and dangerous that whole situation was (turns out, my appendix had begun to perforate after all, and the real fun was just beginning) and how fortunate I am. 
 But the real heroes here - Oh, and God, aren’t we all a little sick of the “hero” thing? – well get over it, and listen up! From the minute I walked through the door of Clara Maass yesterday, my experience was the best it could possibly have been. The nurses! OMG the nurses - I was in pre-op for hours. Lucky as I was to have been squeezed in to an already crowded surgical schedule, the truth of the matter was that my presence had required a quick shifting of resources—stretchers and space and - nurses. My sudden appearance in the queue was inconvenient, possibly even annoying. And yet all of them, including the nurse who ran the OR, came by to check on me, to give me extra blankets, to chat with me, and laugh with me. A friend’s daughter-in-law, who is a nurse there, got a text from him and even she came from three floors below just to say hello and charm me with her Australian accent and tired-but-twinkling blue eyes. I swear, for me? The whole experience was a cross between a weirdly sterile spa stay, and – as mine all happened to be women - a girls’ sleepover with your best girlfriends—only these were women I'd just met (but they’d also pretty much seen me naked, so, there’s that…). 
Most of them were nearing the end of a 12-hour shift. As I lay there, relaxed and warm, reading and texting, they race-walked back and forth among those of us who waited, or were recovering. I lost count of how many times one of them asked me if I was okay, or if I needed something. They ate their dinners on the move, taking bites and then sprinting off, tearing off one set of gloves, putting on another. These people Do. Not. Sit. The sink was right near my bed, so I saw a lot of hand-washing traffic too, and a lot of red, chapped, over-sanitized hands. They spoke in soothing voices to those who were waiting, and possibly scared, and loud-enough voices for those emerging from the cloud of anesthesia to understand. Sometimes they shouted good-natured complaints to one another, or teased one another – and me, as when one started repacking those bags they give you for your clothes, amusement in her voice as she yelled, “What the hell did you do here, shove it all in like a little kid? Your purse is open – Maria, come over here and see this – she’s a mess!” Hahahaha! One came by and pointed to the cover of the book I was reading entitled “The Silent Patient”, and joked “That’s the kind we like!” 
I even began to wonder if what I was getting was “special treatment” reserved for those whose surgeries were personally called-in by the surgeon. Once he arrived, however, it was clear that not only did they not know he was the one who got me in, but they chided him in the same affectionate way. At a point, I said to one of them, “Doctors think they’re all that, but nurses really run the show don’t they?” She winked at me and elbowed me a little, “Like husbands, honey – they just think they’re in charge!” 
I lounged, for over four hours while they stood on what had to be tired feet, hands on hips as they talked to me, telling me which part of the hospital they’d spent the morning in, or where they were headed next in this crazy, all-hands-on-deck environment. We chatted about jobs and kids, and only when the topic of this deadly disease came up did the lack of words become conspicuous. Then it was all a mime of sad shakes of the head and downward glances. 
It occurs to me today that after all of this, I'm not sure I would recognize any of them tomorrow if I saw them on street – nor they me. Of course, we were all masked. But maybe I would – if I could see their eyes again. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that most of all, those eyes conveyed a profound kindness. And laughter, and concern, and compassion, and dedication—and a toughness that allows them to do it all. 
I'll tell you a secret: I am a person who often has a weird response to unexpected kindness - it makes me cry. I welled up more than once yesterday afternoon. I may have been just one of many for them – this is just what they do - but for me, a bond was made. I will always remember them. 
Make no mistake: it’s no hardship to be home in your sweatpants with your gel manicure looking a little ratchet, and your spouse and kids seeming more like houseguests who have overstayed their welcome. Today, I want you to feel really, really blessed and grateful, and if you’re like me, a generally healthy person who never really gave too much thought to the job that these people do, I hope I was able to convey just a little of it. 
That school nurse who rescued me put it this way: “I took an oath when I graduated just as physicians do. I have followed it for 28 years and it has never let me or my patients down.” That whole oath thing is good and important and all, but the heart behind it gives it grace. 
So, if you get an invitation to do one of those car processions where you beep your horn and cheer for the local health care workers as they go in to, or leave, work– get in your car and go. Or, just mail them each a check for a million dollars. Either way.
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