#hatsume for all au
deusvervewrites · 4 months
Hatsume for All X Grand Debut:
Shigaraki: We are the League of Villains, and- ohshit *ducks*
Mei: *fires her Biggest Gun at the anti-Symbol of Peace Nomu*
Buddy picked a bad place and a worse time
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sadbigemini · 4 months
So, to start off, Happy Pride! And I'm here with more MHA shit. We have ourselves a long one today. I have nothing else to say, let's get into it!
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First, Just Some Tidbits You Can Add To Fics
Midnight's persona is so ingrained in her that she forgot and didn't think of how that would affect her students or how they would feel about it
The class is super close and trauma bonded. They find comfort in each other after nightmares, they help each other with panic attacks, with flashbacks, etc. Aizawa lets them break the not staying in each other's dorms rule bc of it
Dadzawa offers his capture weapon to comfort his kids/students like a weighted blanket
Where Aizawa was a vigilante before he got into the hero course
Dadzawa sees the Three Dumbingos in Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki or Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima or a combination of the two lol
Quirk accidents are a common occurrence, especially In stressful or highly emotional situations. Regardless of age, though probably more common in children
Roki has a slight phobia of fire
Midoriya Hisashi as a good dad bc their isn't enough fics with it that way
A Whole Lotta Smallish Fic Prompts
Villain/Vigilante EraserMic(Cloud?) ‘adopting’ a bunch of kiddos that need homes. And creating an army against the HPSC. They'll be like the mob lol
MHA group home AU ran by you guessed it EraserMic or by Nezu and they're just caretakers
Todoroki Shouto gets OFA and is mentored by Good!All Might. It's mostly to piss off his sperm-donor but also because he is a secret AM fanboy
Sentient quirks, whether that's expanding on Tokoyami and Dark Shadow or giving someone else a sentient quirk too
Jirou knows about OFA. She overheard the knowledge of All Might's no might form and OFA, his quirk, with her own quirk. Not purposely ofc
Mido with a pyrokinesis quirk! Which has been done before but not enough! Mido's kinda a pyromaniac... Was he born with it? Did it manifest when he was four? Did it manifest much later and he was thought to be quirkless?
Sero with a cartoon physics quirk. Vigilante. Named Toons? He also listens to some tunes on patrol lol I think he'd love puns ngl. Pranks, an ungodly amount of pranks. So bad endeawhore will be sobbing in the aftermath. SeroRoki besties.
Chisaki Izuku. Mido as Chisaki Kai’s younger brother. Has an Activation and Deactivation quirk (Superpower wiki for more info). Anything he touches that can turn on and off he can turn them on and off, quirks to bodily functions (kinda the same thing I think lol) to technology. He defies Overhaul at every turn bc of Eri. He escapes with Eri and is found by Aizawa. Dadzawa, PapaMic
Shirakumo Oboro is reincarnated into one Toogata Mirio. Shirakumo Oboro died on July 15th (I think he died around this time but the timeline isn't that clear) and on the same day Toogata Mirio was born. Okay, but if I remember correctly Shirakumo was made to give Aizawa a friend like Mirio is to Amajiki. So, like it's literally perfect lol– ah! But the ages, he died 13/14 years ago and Mirio is like 18. Sooo???
Someone give Sero, our resident tape dispenser, OFA, so he can have Danger Spidey Sense. Ig there's Black Whip too, which would help with mobility. A bit like Spider-Man’s Iron Spider Armor/Suit. Sero would be living his little Spider-Man fanboy dream!
Hatsume Mei being Nezu's only personal student. The chaos– the shenanigans, the hijinks they would get into! This could just be pure crack but I think some of you could put a serious spin on this.
MHA/Soul Eater crossover. Think more MHA and heroes than Soul Eater or finding a way to mesh the lore well enough
Aizawa infiltrates the LOV and redeems them
More class B and Shiketsu fics
Shiketsu AU. Quirkless Midoriya accepted? Monoma will be there and his class B is better shtick, now Shiketsu is better shtick. Shinsou there too?? Camie helps them find their class on the first day
Jirou as MC with medical training and a quirk called Body Manipulation (look on Superpower wiki for more info). Vigilante armed with a Monster High metal bat (I think Jirou, Mina, and Toga would love Monster High). Operator is her vigilante name. Fellow vigilante and partner in crime Toga Himiko. Toga has a blood portal quirk. Vigilante name Transfusion. The two act as paramedics for an underground hospital. Future Proteges of Recovery Girl. And it's pride month so maybe you can do a rare pair with those two, Jirou/Toga
Aizawa is practically adopted by the Midoriyas! All the Midoriyas either see him at the park, cat cafe, or they share the same train sometimes. Quirkless Midoriya Izuku or he helps him with OFA. Aizawa teaches Bakugou how to control his anger and that quirkless doesn't mean useless. So, no bullying! Pining EraserMic! Aizawa kinda becomes like the Midoriya adults’ younger brother while he's like an uncle to the youngest
Twice-Centric fic. Twice is Mic's CI (and friend) who infiltrates the LOV for him
Technomancer. Mido has a technopathy and mental continuation quirk (again Superpower wiki). Mido commits sewerslide and gets this quirk (they are mixed into one). He is a tech/electro ghost, he's kinda like an AI. Now he helps different heroes especially his favorites like Eraserhead and Present Mic. But also his favorite vigilante Kaminari?? Tokoyami?? Tokage?? Roki??? His hero and vigilante name is Technomancer. Takes over the HPSC?? Nezu is intrigued by him immediately ofc. Our beloved Power Loader loves him. Absolutely loves him they work on support gear projects together. Hatsume and Power Loader can make him a robot body to possess basically!!!
Oh, How The Tables Have Turned (and how you have turned on each other): This AU(?) is lots of world building fun. A fic about how the quirked were first oppressed heavily by the quirkless and how the roles swapped. How there still is quirk discrimination but now it's more the quirked against each other than another oppressor. How quirks are everything in society now.
A Couple Quirk Ideas
Add Insult To Injury. Insult Empowerment. The quirk allows the user to get stronger when insulted. Talk shit, get hit
True Self Recognition Quirk (again Superpower wiki for both)
One Big One For The Road (Midoriya Tears™ is a quirk)
Midoriya can manipulate them from the volume to the strength to where they go. He needs to drink lots of water and will get dehydrated with quirk overuse
Mido thought he was quirkless because his mom has a secondary passive quirk that's very similar to him. That many other family members have possessed. Hence the Midoriya Tears term. And maybe he is a false negative for quirklessness
–because everyone heard quirkless and that's all they paid attention to. Also the Midoriya Tears are very much a reoccurring trait with various power levels. The person who originally had the quirk was from ages ago– maybe at the dawn of quirks? And it steadily appeared or didn't and was still passed on to the next regardless.
Obviously our Mido’s quirk is the strongest version yet bc MC privilege lmao. And no one knew bc he obviously never trained it. Why would he when he thinks he's quirkless? And it's just a ‘Midoriya thing’. ALSO plot armor lol
Maybe Bakugou guesses but everyone is like, 'your delusional.' and then he's like, ‘Deku is still delusional even if he has a quirk!’?
Or good Bakugou from the start who is driven crazy trying to convince his best friend he has a quirk while scaring his bullies away as he tries to get him to stand up for himself too??
In this fic please give Sero, our beloved tape dispenser, OFA, so he can live his truth and have his little Spider-Man fanboy dream!
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thebnha-auhoard · 1 year
Busts through the door
Au where Personas exist in the MHA universe and all of Class 1-A slowly gets Personas over the course of their first year.
It is first to be said though that this is not the first time that someone was brought into the Velvet Room to fight against a threat endangering the world. It is not the first nor it will be the last.
This however, is perhaps the longest instance of Persona Users fighting a Threat and arguably the most dangerous one.
It should not be a surprise that humanity's downfall would come from a human. Though, many would go and argue that All For One is hardly human now. Instead more of a caricature of what is believed to be all the worst villains in media and blended together into a terrifyingly cruel and powerful man.
Across time, One For All users would take up arms and unlock their Persona to fight All For One in both the real and cognitive world, all passing down the Quirk in hopes for someone to beat All For One. At the same time, they pass down access to the Velvet Room and potential to unlock their Persona.
When All Might landed the final blow on All For One all those years ago, it was thought to be the end of the conflict and a final goodbye to the Velvet Room for quite some time.
That of course did not happen. All For One is somehow still alive, Yagi doesn't have a successor and can't quite use his Persona as he used to, and it is becoming apparent that this World is running out of time.
So Igor does what he does best, he looks at humanity, chooses one person, and invites them to the Velvet Room.
Ruin has once again threaten this world. And now, the world needs its tricksters to stop it.
Shouta sighs. “I hope you all know the gravity of the situation.”
He flips through the papers. “Breaking and entering, Larceny, Vandalism, Computer Crime, Destruction of Property, Possession of Firearms, Involvement with the League of Villains, Obstruction of Justice, and Vigilantism. You all have a file and it’s going to affect all of your futures.”
He looks up at all of them. “Especially since all of you are heroes in training.”
The entirety of Class 1-A looked away from him. None of them particularly looked like the famed Phantom Thieves but it's always the ones you least expect.
Again, he sighs. "You all are incredibly lucky that you were allowed to be interrogated together. I don't know what Nedzu pulled to allow this but it's something that you should be grateful for."
Silence, before a quiet- "...Mei should be with us."
Shouta winces. "I am aware that Hatsume Mei is part of the Phantom Thieves but she was to be requested to be interrogated alone due to her separate crimes of both Vigilantism and illegal manufacturing of Support Equipment and Firearms. If you're worried for her then I want you all to know that Nedzu is making sure that the police won't arrest her for anything she didn't do and that she is getting a fair interrogation."
"How about Present Mic? What's going to happen to him?"
It takes all of Shouta's willpower to show nothing on his face. Hizashi is...What Hizashi did throughout the entire school year turned out to be a lot more than just "Figuring out who the Phantom Thieves actually were". He doesn't understand what Hizashi found and why he kept digging for more and why he continued to keep in touch with the people he did but he hopes- And he goddamn hopes that Hizashi did it for the right reasons.
There was a reason why he was here and not helping Tsukauchi with interrogation.
Instead of answering, he takes a deep breath. "Look, I can't help you if none of you say anything. And considering the present...circumstances of the world, you have to say something so that all of you may avoid jail time or worse. I can't guarantee that you'll still be able to attend this school, but I will try my best to protect all of you."
More silence.
"What about Shouto?" asks Kaminari. "What- What about him? He isn't here right now and- And I trust you Mr Aizawa I really do but we don't even know if he's-" Kaminari hiccups. "He got hurt really badly and we don't know what happened to him."
Kaminari looks at him with wide eyes. "Mr Aizawa is he-"
"He's recovering," he says immediately. "He's recovering and doctors are optimistic about him waking up soon."
Immediately, the entire class breath out a sigh of relief and god. That shouldn't happen. They shouldn't have to worry about their friend dying now. They shouldn't have to ever worry about their friend dying. He's trained them so that they can save people while also preventing their own deaths. So that this scenario will never happen to any of them.
So that someone doesn't have to see their best friend die in front of them.
Shouta can't help but wonder where it went wrong. When this year started, all of his kids were heroes in training, all promising, and all ready to do what was right.
Now he sits across from them interrogating them about Vigilantism and Association with the League.
"...Mr Aizawa?"
"Yes Midoriya?"
"I'm the Leader of the Phantom Thieves."
"Yes. You went and told us that the moment we first apprehended you all."
"Yeah. That also means I know how this started. And uh..." His student pulls on his sleeve. "Mr Aizawa, when do you think this started?"
Shouta thinks for a moment. "The Aldera Junior High Incident. A principal confessed all of his crimes regarding the mistreatment of students, bias towards Quirks, complacency towards bullying, and poor management of staff."
"Bingo. That's where it began. But uh- That was just our first successful mission. We had to go back and forth between it all so that we could succeed. To go and find a route to steal his Heart."
"And how, Midoriya did you manage to achieve that?"
For a moment, Shouta thinks Midoriya would close up again, that this was a piece of a puzzle that he had to figure out, but instead Midoriya talks.
"On my phone," he says. "There's an app. It's red and it has an eye in the middle of it. That's how me and Kacchan stole our former principal's Heart. That's how all of us were able to steal all the Hearts of our previous missions."
"...And how does that work?"
Midoriya leans back. "Mr Aizawa, I want you to first suspend all disbelief because if you don't then this is going to feel more confusing than it already is."
Shouta looks at his Class and sighs for what seems like the millionth time this hour. "I think considering the state of the world, I feel like I can believe anything at this point.
Midoriya nods and takes a deep breath. "That app is called the 'Metaverse App', and me and Kacchan got that app around our final months of our Second Year at Aldera Junior High."
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pansexualkiba · 5 months
Midoriya watched as Hatsume put in the disc. "Watch, watch!" Hatsume urged Midoriya, "We of Hatsume Industries are very proud of this promotional video we've created! And by we I mean I!"
Midoriya sat down. "Er, Hatsume-"
"Shh! It's starting!"
A villain has brought together multiples of the same universe, causing dimensional collapse! Gather! Those who oppose the ultimate evil!
Midoriya jolted as two versions of himself flew onscreen, but with differences - for one, one of them was clearly him as a catboy, languidly sprawled on his stomach. The other looked like Midoriya, but he seemed to have melted in half, his flesh reforming into hands, eyes, and insect wings. As it began to show footage of them fighting (apparently it was a fighting game?) with rapid combos and mind-breaking shapeshifting, they began to speak.
"Don't treat me like some ordinary cat, nya~n…" "Your fate has been sealed, son of man…"
Midoriya wanted to ask who came up with the dialogue and when they recorded him saying that, but he was cut off by the next two, who were, to his embarrassment, him in an oddly short-cut seifuku (who fought with a large scissor-blade and flashy attacks) and him in a tight black outfit (who seemed to focus on air combos and getting even more naked, to his mortification).
"Seems appropriate; I am utterly incomprehensible!" "I feel like a fucking celebrity tonight!"
The next two had Midoriya blink. One was him holding a broadsword, as if in prayer, and wearing leathers and dyed wools. He fought by channeling some sort of spirit through his sword and outspacing with the length of the blade. The other looked like him, but wearing a three-piece suit and grinning sadistically. He fought with hidden blades and- and were parts of him robotic?
"I will fight for my family… My village… My kingdom!" "As your number-one fan, hero, please… Die for me."
Up next were two people who looked vaguely like Midoriya, but with totally different hair and eye colors. One had red hair and eyes, and was loosely holding several knives by their blades; the other had white hair and red eyes, and looked to be on the verge of tears. The red one seemed to focus mainly on pinning down his opponents with his knives, while the white one was, strangely enough, an incredibly sad (and strangely powerful) drunkard (and WHO was giving a sixteen-year-old full bottles of sake?!).
"…Do I know you?" "I-I'm sorry… For being -hic- born…"
Next, there came a girl who looked like what Midoriya imagined how he would look as a girl, and him in a pristine white-and-green soldier's uniform that looked more like a costume than anything. The girl version of him seemed to fight extremely similarly to how Midoriya did, so perhaps she was his clone character? The idol one felt like he wasn't meant to be an actual character, though, since his damage output was so weak.
"I'm Homura! I'm the hero who never gives up!" "Everyone, keep your eyes one me~!"
After them was a version of Midoriya who was holding onto a red hardback journal, with slime and some sort of light spilling from the pages. He fought by summoning strange creatures from the tome and slow-moving fireballs. Next to him was a Midoriya grinning confidently as he brandished a small playing card lined with purple. He fought by standing back and controlling a giant gemstone-studded knight.
"The Dragon Stream… Is it just not flowing right here?" "I'm pinning my hopes on you! Master Diamond!"
Lastly, there came three versions of Midoriya - at least, he assumed they were all him, as one of them was a literal sheep with wool his hair color that fought by headbutting and summoning more sheep. The other two were him in a trendy-looking school uniform with a black-and-white tie and a red-plaid skirt, and him in flowing silk robes and floating ornamentation. To his shock, the one in the uniform fought chaotically while cackling maniacally, and the one that flowed freely fought with orderly strikes of light.
"Despair…! Despair until the end of your days!" "It was not fate that brought us together; Hope rends all fates asunder, to something even the gods cannot predict…"
Finally, there was a shot of Midoriya himself grimly closing his eyes and clutching his fist, before his eyes snapped open, glaring with determination into the camera. It then cut to a final shot of Midoriya winding up a right hook as all the previous versions of Midoriya fanned behind him in varying fighting poses, some more effective and threatening than others.
"Into the Dekuverse" coming to you 21XX, brought to you by Hatsume Industries.
"What'd you think?!" Hatsume demanded as she paused the disc.
"Well," Midoriya gathered his thoughts, "What?"
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Part 3 - Chapter 42 - Keep Your Friends Close
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
And now for update number 2! :D Why? Because I can't help myself. And Christmas. The turkey is fueling me to give content just because. Present for you, dear readers!
More pov changes this chapter as well.
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
Uh oh! The battle has finally begun between All Might and All For One! Will the heroes prevail or will the villains take the day? ;) We'll see!
Also uh oh! Hitoshi and the others heard about Izuku's awkward dad situation. Certainly not helping in this tense rescue attempt. Sadly Izuku couldn't get away. Sorry! Blame All For One who just doesn't want to let him go. Well that will complicate the fight. Stay strong, Izuku!
Sh-sh-shout out to Rubyred21 for the Mr. Potato Head insult! Take that, Ass For One!
Alright, that's enough for now. Enjoy the double update! ^____^ More Kamino coming up next time. What will Izuku do? His very best that's what. Everyone is conflicted in their own ways as the fight continues and pieces are moved on this devastation of a chessboard. May the best player win! Okie, bye bye!
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An AU Where...
A recently graduated Midoriya took All Mights' advice and became a police officer working under Detective Tsukauchi. He's massively successful to the point that his co-workers joke he's their station's personal on-call hero.
A reporter misunderstands a statement made by one of his colleagues after his capture of Stain and writes an article about this up and coming hero! Who might just make it to the top 30!
Izuku wants to hide in a box
His station loses their shit. Especially when they jokingly submit his arrest records to the paper, only for another article to be released, arguing that with his statistics, Endeavor should be a rank lower.
Endeavor loses his shit
A page is started to compare Midoriya's ongoing statistics to those of the current ranking pro heros.
Aizawa wonders how he managed to dodge getting this problem child in his class. Little does he know it's because The Principal got there first.
A recently graduated Shoto loses his shit as social media begins to make meme after meme of his father, as the gap between Endeavor's records and this unknown police officer's get smaller and smaller.
AKA the AU where Detective Tsukauchi is a proud father to a baby officer with anxiety issues who can and will fuck you up. Midoriya has the power of Nezu and 4am quirk analysis on his side.
Personal headcanons for this AU:
Tsukauchi is quirkless, he's just that good at reading body language that people assume he has a quirk.
All Might suggested being an officer not because he thought Midoriya couldn't be a hero, but because he knew just how damn successful Tsukauchi is as one.
All Might is the cool uncle who brings the station snacks after his patrol.
Midoriya works with Nezu and Hatsume to make AFO his very own ✨Quirk erasing bullet✨ All Might is gonna retire in peace if it's the last thing he does.
Bakugo went through his redemption arc during his time at UA and doesn't know whether to laugh or cry as his childhood friend inches closer to the 2nd spot on the hero ranks. He ends up laughing because screw Endeavor.
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Common Sense Kings Headcanons
(Angst-free only.)
As a Whole:
"Common Sense" is a lie. They share one braincell and Kan keeps it in the confiscated phones drawer. (He hasn't trusted them since the Incident. No, I will not elaborate.)
They're all great swimmers, except Tsuburaba. The kanji in Awase's name all relate to water — bubbles, rapids, ocean, and snow; Kaibara is definitely the type to use his Quirk as a boost (and it just seems helpful in general); and for Rin, Chinese dragons are associated with water, unlike Western ones. Tsuburaba, meanwhile, is mostly associated with air.
Video game nights usually end in disaster. That's why they mostly play Mario Kart, the least rage-inducing game ever.
Sometimes, he Welds together little mixed media sculptures. Metal bits, googly eyes, Rin's scales, that sort of thing. He isn't very good at it, but then, he doesn't have to be. It sparks joy.
Also decent with mechanics. He, Yaoyorozu, and Hatsume would make a great team.
Has a lot of scars from all the dumb shit he's done over the years — and he's proud of every single one of them. Even the dumbest ones. It inadvertently helps some of his friends feel better about their own.
Cheats at origami.
Loves green tea. This is based on two puns: Sencha (煎茶), the most popular green tea in Japan, and chasen (茶筅), the bamboo whisk used to make matcha. (There are so many puns you can make on the name Sen, it's great.)
The best dancer of the four — or, the only good dancer. The other three suck.
A contortionist in every way except professionally, with no qualms about showing it off. He's got the most fucked-up joints you've ever seen. He can even turn his head around like an owl. Fear him. (Seriously, look up contortionists, they're awesome.)
Has the spice tolerance of a wet chicken nugget. You could kill him with a singular Dorito. The other three refuse to let him live this down.
Obsessed with practical effects in movies and plays. Props, clever set design, you name it. He's even experimented with using his Solid Air for something similar, though he hasn't done it in a while. In a movie production AU, he'd definitely be in charge of that.
When Kan doesn't have it, Tsuburaba holds the braincell. He's objectively a terrible choice, yes, but process of elimination rules. And yes, this is because of the Incident.
Many thoughts, head still empty for some reason.
His favorite animal is the koi fish.
Almost won the class representative election purely by promising to teach the class Mandarin swear words. Kan was not happy.
Can and will make up a bullshit idiom. What are you gonna do about it? Fact-check him? Take your phone out and Google it? In front of the teacher?
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ach1ll3sh33l · 5 months
Mha AU where Aizawa adopts bakugou before he goes to UA because he saw him like super beat up or with his mouth sewn closed bc mitsuki got mad at him talking back or smth?? So he takes him in and pulls him out of aldera and no one knows what happened to him and one day he was just gone and all the teacher knew was that he’d been taken out? So Midoriya goes to his old house and finds out he was adopted?? And mitsuki makes it seem like he was being a brat in public and causing a scene acting like they were hurting him so he got taken away, convincing the broccoli that they were good parents and it was some asshole in the wrong that took him?? Then make it so he’s really confused when he shows up to 1A only to see bakugou there, sitting quietly at his desk on his phone?? And even more confused when he doesn’t blow up or shout and just kind of threatening glares at people in the way Aizawa does?? Sprinkle in a little bakugou & hatsume friendship where they met as kids because they were both at the park and he saw her trying to tape together two pieces of metal so he went over and melded it together for her with his quirk?? And if we’re feeling extra babygirl make it so that after multiple sessions with hound dog and talks with Aizawa he realizes he actually doesn’t want to be a hero and just thought he did because everyone always assumed that because of his quirk and he was never really allowed to have another dream so after a ton of begging from mei he decides to go for the support course instead and him and mei are powerloader’s most explosive problem children (i just generally love mei&bakugo as friends because he has an explosion quirk and she explodes a ton of shit so I just imagine she saw this kid who can make explosions and just went ‘I want that one’).
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months
Sketch of your Winry is fem Izuku au
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-Izuku is a transwoman in this AU thanks to Winry’s memories. Her memories are sort of a vague ‘ah nostaglic’ sort of thing but are still memories.
-Reincarnation Quirks aren't uncommon. Just most of the time they have powers to. But due to this it was less bad for Izuku. Still not great thanks to Bakugou but honestly Izuku kind of ignores him. He’s kind of just there to her.
-At first Izuku didn't give a damn about heroics. She wanted to build things. Then she learned all support gear is licensed by heroes who control who gets it/if its public. Anything she makes would belong to them. So she decides no, she's gonna be a hero to sell her stuff to help people.
-Inko is a good mom in this Au. I'm half tempted to have her also be a reincarnation but from a different universe.
-Momo is actually Edward. He's a transguy in this AU. He and Izuku recognize each other on sight. Instantly end up back together.
-Bakugou hates it because one-sided bakudeku is good for my soul. He is unaware Izuku has more or less ignored him their whole lives, he's convinced there's some childhood romance bullshit going on. Meanwhile MomoDeku are living it out still.
-Due to Izuku focusing more on gear, she idolized Powerloader. He is thrilled by her enthusiasm. Less so by Hatsume who ends up being put on Red Flag when she crosses to many lines. Mei and Izuku have a rivalry after this.
-Izuku and Momo are the only two from FMAB. It hurts sometimes.
-Iida is Izuku’s best friend.
-As Izuku is less poke her nose into things, its Momo who fights with Todoroki about his family stuff. Izuku does smack Iida though about his vengeance bullshit.
-Izuku still gets dragged into everything. Cause she's the protagonist.
-I kind of want more drama so toss in more one sided stuff and the arrogant assumptions one person is better for them then their partner.
-Iida loses his arm even though he doesn't go all vengeance. Izuku builds him automail. And it is beautiful.
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sorrel-the-kabbage · 5 months
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Some art I made for friends a couple months ago and forgot to post lol. These are all fanart for fics I love!
In order of appearance, we have:
Bite Your Tongue by @macksmilesback , which has one of those hyper-specific quirkless AUs where Katsuki is a runner and Izuku is a dancer and they’re in their senior year of high school. The boys are in love but I don’t think they know that yet, the simpery will hit them like a truck.
Then there’s A (Queer)Platonic Kind of Affair by @radiantallomancer which is about queer-platonic bkdk and platonic relationships in general. The boys are so soft, and they communicate! It has some background Iida/Hatsume that I found real cute.
And last but certainly not least, Broke Boys! My friend @samisnotlegend did such a good job with this one. Queerplatonic bkdk (again, I know, I have good taste) who learn to lean on each other and put joy out into the midst of a mean, messy world.
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habken · 1 year
HELLO!!!11!!! OKAY, I AM VERY EXCITED FOR THIS RIGHT NOW, SO FUTURE ME APOLOGISES FOR THE CAPS LOCK BUT BRO LISTEN LISTEN LSITEN I AM CURRENTLY WRITING OUT CONCEPTS FOR A WHOLE FAN FIC FOR YOUR SCAMMERS TO LOVERS AU AND I AM A GENIUS SO Midoriya is quirkless and was in the support course yeah? Yeah, cool. SO There’s a lot of stigma in the world for quirkless individuals and Midoriya feels quite a bit of shame regarding it (no matter where he seemed to go, many people would still bully him for it) so he sort of hides it from his peers at UA. He doesn’t go Out of His Way to, but if someone thinks he has a quirk, he just rolls with it. I love writing out these little scenes between Midoriya and Monoma where Mono’s trying to figure out what kind of quirk this guy has. Is it something that enhances his senses? Something like Hatsume’s so he can see finer details better? Maybe it’s what helps him come up with support item ideas? Or maybe it’s intelligence-based like Principal Nezu? Maybe that helps him figure out all these technique enhancements for training students. So Monoma goes around trying to figure out what exactly his quirk is and how it works. Monoma goes about borrowing the quirk without letting Midoriya know so he can take an exam in class only for Nothing To Happen during it. He doesn’t feel suddenly smarter or anything so What The Hell happened. So his quirk isn’t intelligence, what is it? Monoma didn’t feel any of his senses enhance, so not that. It’s only later that he’s able to talk to Midoriya while he’s working on a support item for another student. “What the hell is your quirk??” “I don’t have one?” “What.” This isn't exactly an 'ask', I just really wanted to share this with you lmfao
Ahh that makes me so happy you’re writing a fic about my au 😭💕💕 also love that kind of concept haha, I remember reading a fic once where anytime someone would ask he’d just say a different silly power, and that’s the same vibes I think IT!deku would have! Being comfortable about being quirkless but not never missing an opportunity to mess with people <3
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deusvervewrites · 10 months
All for Support x Hatsume for All x Spark of Genius:
Izuku and Mei compete over who can make the bigger weapon of mass direction— put that planetary sterilizer gun away, Mei!
Normal spark behavior
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 months
Welcome back!!!
For a prompt I offer u: mha stardew au (thank u concerned ape for 1.6 and the inspiration bc o have been playing non stop lmao)
Izuku coming to pelican town to escape the city (and Bakugo idk) to a lil farm. My man cleared a whole trash heap on his own he can clear a couple acres of land and grow crops. And raise chickens cows and what have you (named after various all might movie characters bc I feel like this would be a no-quirk au)
Idk who would be who but I’m a sucker for both den and shindeku so:
Sebastian - shinsou (could also be aizawa)
Sam - denki (could also be yamada)
Abigail - jirou (could also be kayama)
Evelyn - recovery girl
George - gran Torino
Maru - Momo
Shane - honestly Bakugou (or todoroki,,,,,,,,,,, or also aizawa lol)
Emily - hatsume maybe?
Haley - ?
Penny - could also be Momo. Maybe uraraka?
Harvey - iida maybe? Uhhhhh
Vincent - kotaro
Jas - eri
Clint - he is a blacksmith so hatsume although their personalities are like opposite lmao
I don’t really have anything else but I just thought it was a silly little idea that u might enjoy (although I can’t remember if you’ve played sdv - I highly recommend as a relaxing cute farming game tho!!)
Re: prev. Stardew ask (sometimes things Do Not leave ur brain)
Aizawa as Marlon!!!
Aoyama could be Elliot although emily might not be a bad shout
Sato as gus
Mina as haley
Kirishima as alex
Nedzu as the wizard
Nejeri as Emily??
I mean obviously the characters don’t have to match up but it’s fun
This is delightful
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Emile Hides - He/She
Agender - Fray/Panromantic - Asexual - Polyam
24 years old
Autistic - OCD - Anxiety
Age Regressor - Permakid - Age Locked
Proship - Self Ship - Fudanshi
Art Tag: Emile’s Arts
Writing Tag: Emile’s Writing
Edit Tag: Emile's Edits
This is my Ship and Let Ship blog where I post about ships I like, Self Ship as loudly as possible, write X Readers curated to me and me alone, and ramble about my F/Os in the tags of other people’s posts.
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Full F/O list under the cut (Very Long)
Romantic F/Os
Koro-Sensei - Assassination Classroom
Toshinori Yagi (All Might) - My Hero Academia
Nezu - My Hero Academia
Mashirao Ojiro + Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) + Kendo Rappa - My Hero Academia
Atsuhiro Sako (Mr. Compress) + Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia
All For One - My Hero Academia
Makarov Dreyar - Fairy Tail
Toma E. Fiore + Mako - Fairy Tail
Jackpot - Fairy Tail/OC
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation
Leuvis - The Promised Neverland
Kyube - Madoka Magica
Ginko - Mushishi
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Kometani Chushaku + Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate
Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Gonzaburo Taishiro - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Riri - Romantic Killer
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Harunobu Nikaidou - March comes in like a Lion
Otsu + Minegishi - Manly Appetites
Muta - The Cat Returns
Scorpia - She-Ra
Bismuth + Peridot + Lapis - Steven Universe
Eda Clawthorn + Raine Whispers - The Owl House
Hieronymus Bump - The Owl House
Good Billions + Bad Billions - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Tad Mullholand - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Ruby Gloom + Skull Boy - Ruby Gloom
The Snork - Moominvalley 2019
Lynn Angel + Nick Hoult - All Saints Street
Teddy - Bob's Burgers
Sisu - Raya and the Last Dragon
Zack Binspin - Moshi Monsters
Allhands - Drawga
Gyorik Rogdul + Grendan Highforge + Rosé - Drawtectives
James - Pokemon Anime
N - Pokemon Black/White
Lillie - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Molayne + Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Guzma - Pokemon Masters
Milo + Gordie - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Jacq + Saguaro + Salvatore + Hassel - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Kieran + Drayton - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Hydreigon - Pokemon Black/White2
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY
Inteleon - Pokemon Sword/Shield
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Sirfetch'd - Pokemon Anime
Captain Pikachu - Pokemon Anime
Heracross - Monster Mind
Smeargle + Kecleon - Monster Mind
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3
Jel La Fleur - Splatoon 3
Isabelle + Tom Nook + Redd + Brewster - Animal Crossing
Papyrus - Undertale
Vulkin - Undertale
Swatchlings - Deltarune
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher
Dick Gumshoe - Ace Attorney
Raymond Sheilds - Ace Attorney
Phineas Flilch - Ace Attorney
Hifumi Yamada + Celestia Ludenburgh - Danganronpa 1
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2
Toko Fukawa + Genocide Jack - Danganronpa UDG
Ryoma Hoshi + Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa V3
Monokuma - Danganronpa series
Shirokuma - Danganronpa series
Kyle Klim (K) + Luna - Virtue's Last Reward
GTM-CM-G-OLM - Virtue's Last Reward
Kazuaki Nanaki + Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend
The King - Hatoful Boyfriend
Zenyatta - Overwatch
Ramattra - Overwatch
B.O.B. + Bars - Overwatch
Maximillien - Overwatch
Lynx17 - Overwatch
Iggy - Overwatch
Toy Freddy + Funtime Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's AU
Nightmare Fredbear - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Sun - Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach
Leshy - Inscryption
Magnificus - Inscryption
Theodore DaCabe (The New Prince) - Chzo Mythos
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight
Al-An - Subnautica Below Zero
Candyman - Lethal League
Gabocha - Suikoden 2
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Neclord - Suikoden 2
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Andras - Hell's Library
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children
Reed + Leigh - Middlegame
Aguri Yukimura - Assassination Classroom - Queerplatonic
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Queerplatonic
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail - Queerplatonic
Peridot - Steven Universe - Queerplatonic
Nemona - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Raifort - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Queerplatonic
Bowser - Super Mario - Queerplatonic
Cobb - Animal Crossing - Queerplatonic
Genocider Syo (Genocide Jack/Jill) - Danganronpa UDG - Queerplatonic
Winston - Overwatch - Queerplatonic
Goobert - Inscryption - Queerplatonic
Neito Monoma + Hitoshi Shinso - My Hero Academia - Metamours
Naruse Shisuto - Komi Can't Communicate - Metamour
Minegishi - Manly Appetites - Metamour
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Metamour
Nick Hoult - All Saints Street - Metamour
Brassius - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Metamour
Princess Peach + Princess Daisy + Prince Peasely - Super Mario - Metamours
Shuu Iwamine - Hatoful Boyfriend - Metamour
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch - Friends with Benefits
Abra - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Grovyle - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Buizel - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Rhydon - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Sandslash - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Lucario - Monster Mind - Friends with Benefits
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Trainer
Wilkstrom - Pokemon X/Y - Trainer
Salvatore - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Trainer
Shiintonic - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Stoutland (Rusty) - Pokemon Anime - Partner
Mincinno (Nezu) - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Partner
Armarouge (Charlos) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Koraidon - Pokemon Scarlet - Partner
Ogerpon (Clementine) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Partner
Weavile - Pokemon - Partner
Heatran + Entei - Pokemon - Parents
Marlo + Dora - Animal Crossing - Parents
Ginko + Adashino - Mushishi - Parents
Tony Mario - Mario Movie - Father
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Father
William Afton - FNaF Series - Father
Ridley Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Father
Frank Columbo - Columbo - Father
Opal - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Mother
Briar - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Mother
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mother
Toriel - Undertale - Mother
Reaper Leviathan - Subnautica - Mother
Alder - Pokemon Black/White - Parental Figure
Toadsworth - Super Mario - Parental Figure
Mondatta - Overwatch - Parental Figure
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Parental Figure
Clavell - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Grandfather
Rizzo - Animal Crossing - Grandfather
Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon - Grandfather
Kaoru Toudou - Baka and Test - Grandmother
Elvin Gadd - Super Mario - Uncle
Drayden - Pokemon Black/White - Uncle
Petri - Animal Crossing - Aunt
Elizabeth Afton - FNaF Series - Big Sister
Mitsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Big Sister
Sekijiro Kan - My Hero Academia - Big Brother
Boris Wizen - Suikoden 2 - Big Brother
Micheal Afton - FNaF Series - Big Brother
Molayne - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Big Brother
Jelonzo - Splatoon - Big Brother
James Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Big Brother
Peter Ratari - The Promised Neverland - Little Brother
Victini - Pokemon Black/White - Little Brother
Arven - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Little Brother
Mirai Sasaki (Sir Nighteye) - My Hero Academia - Twin Brother
Kyoya Ootori - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Found Sibling
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Found Sibling
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Ramattra - Overwatch - Found Sibling
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Found Sibling
Mario + Luigi - Super Mario - Cousins
Ingo + Emmet - Pokemon Black/White - Cousins
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Cousins
Sophocles - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Cousin
Samson - Animal Crossing - Cousin
Ira Blood - All Saints Street - Cousin
Cosmog (Nebby) - Pokemon Sun/Moon - Daughter
Amy Rose - Sonic Series - Daughter
Berdly - Deltarune - Daughter
Akito Sohma - Fruits Basket - Daughter
Julie - Jobless Reincarnation - Daughter
Jack + Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Daughters
Bede + Allister - Pokemon Sword/Shield - Sons
Pecharunt (Momotaro) - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Son
Rabbid Luigi (Louis) - Mario + Rabbids - Son
Espio - Sonic Series - Son
Neito Monoma - My Hero Academia - Son
Inasa Yoarashi - My Hero Academia - Son
Ichiban Natsuno - Mix; Meisei Story - Son
Black Hat - Villainous - Son
The Collector - The Owl House - Son
Hastur - The Baby in Yellow - Son
Sam - Trick R' Treat - Child
Luz + King + Hunter - Kids
Bowser Jr. + Koopalings - Super Mario - Kids
The Lab Kids - Animal Crossing - Kids
Boss Salmonids - Splatoon 3 - Kids
Warriors of Hope - Danganronpa UDG - Kids
The Monokubs - Danganronpa V3 - Kids
Rosalina - Super Mario - Niece
Sonic + Tails - Sonic Series - Nephews
Jelfonzo - Splatoon - Nephew
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Nephew
Snufkin - Moominvalley 2019 - Nephew
Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail - Grandson
505 - Villainous - Grandson
Zanoba Shirone - Jobless Reincarnation - Student
The Squidbeak Splatoon - Splatoon - Family
The Rising Volt Tacklers - Family
Danganronpa V3 Cast - Danganronpa UDG - Family
The Fairy Tail Guild - Fairy Tail - Family
Class 3-E - Assassination Classroom - Family
Fatfam - My Hero Academia - Family
League of Villains - My Hero Academia - Family
The Sohmas - Fruits Basket - Family
The Evil Slasher Orphanage - Various - Family
Toshimitsu Kubo - Baka and Test
Shoko Kirishima - Baka and Test
Irina Jelavic + Tadaomi Karasuma - Assassination Classroom
UA Teachers - My Hero Academia
Lucy's Celestial Spirits - Fairy Tail
Samuel - Fairy Tail
Yuuko Ichihara + Kimihiro Watanuki + Shizuka Domeki - XXXHolic
The Host Club - Ouran Highschool Host Club
Ritsu Sohma - Fruits Basket
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate
Miyano Yoshikazu + Sasaki Shuumei - Sasaki and Miyano
Hanazawa Masato - Sasaki and Miyano
Entrapta + Hordak - She-Ra
Grime + Sasha - Amphibia
Iris + Misery + Frank and Len - Ruby Gloom
The Joxter - Moominvalley
Flug Syls - Villainous
Jessie + Meowth + Wobbuffet - Pokemon Anime
Cheren + Bianca - Pokemon Black/White
Hau + Gladion - Pokemon Sun/Moon
Dendra + Miriam - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Team Star - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
The Leauge Club - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Grimer - Monster Mind
Elvin Gadd - Super Mario
Metal Mario + Gooigi - Super Mario AU
Doctor Mario + Mr. L - Super Mario AU
Pearl + Marina - Splatoon
Spyke - Splatoon
The Mad Scientist Team - Animal Crossing
Chara - Undertale
Kris - Deltarune
Chihiro Fujisaki + Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Mondo Owada - Danganronpa 1
Kazuichi Soda - Danganropa 2
Ultimate Imposter + Ryoma Mitarai - Danganronpa 3
Hiroko Hagakura + Yuta Asahina + Taichi Fujisaki - Danganronpa UDG
The Nightmare Animatronics - Five Nights at Freddy's 4
Bonbon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Sister Location
Moon - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach
Helpi - Five Nights at Freddy's; Security Breach RUIN
Huggy Wuggy + Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime
Jamison Fawks (Junkrat) + Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch
Younster Squad (All heroes in their early 20's) - Overwatch
Team Talon - Overwatch
Nina - Suikoden 2
Klaus Windmier + Sierra Mikain - Suikoden 2
Claire + Brevity + Hero + Ramiel - Hell's Library
Thankyou very much for Reading
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Crush List - Fictonal Foe List - Agere List - Ship Lists - Kin List - Koro-Sensei's F/O List
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mikoto-auira · 2 months
AGNST songs for mha/bnha characters-
Includes almost all characters
List of the songs and artists after
Deku/izuku midoriya - I deserve to bleed & body terror song
Bakugo katsuki/kacchan - problems & BLAME IT ON THE KIDS
Shoto Todoroki/icyhot bastard - devil town & Animal & parents
Kirishima ejiro/shitty hair - sweet hibiscus tea & feel better
Kaminari denki/spark plug - blow my brains out & my time
Koda koji- people are watching & god must hate me
Sato rikito- orange juice & body
Iida tenya- romantic homicide & slipping through my fingers
Sero hanta- Kimi Wa Dekinai Ko & cigarette ahegao
Tokoyami fumikage- over and over & I bet on losing dogs
Mezo Shoji - nobody & nothings new
Mineta minoru - put me in a movie & nice guy
Yuga aoyama - cry baby & blackout days
Shinso hitoshi - little dark age & help_urself
Mirio togata - bored & happier than ever
Amajiki tamki - jealousy jealousy & not allowed
Shōta aizawa - the perfect girl & freaks
Toumura shigaraki - black out days & tierd
Dabi/touya Todoroki - treehouse & everybody loves me & parents
Tamaki keigo - treehouse & I'm yer Dad
Present mic - take me to church & six pills
All might - six pills & no surprises
Monama - oh no! & I'm yr dad
Tetsutetsu - six pills & panic room
Momo yaoyorozu - body (I'm more than) & till it happens to you
Himiko toga - trust me not & I hate my mom
Mina ashido - average & everybody gets high
Ochaco uraraka - trust me not & where's my love?
Nejiro hado - hey little girl & art is dead
Itsuka kendo - haven't I giving enough? & Secret
Kyoka jiro - teen idle & prom queen
Mei hatsume - house with no mirrors & everything sucks
Toru hagukre - family line & devil doesn't bargain
Tsuyu asui - wish you were gay & she likes a boy
SONG ARTIST (ignore if you want)
I deserve to bleed ~sushi soucuy
body terror song ~AJJ
problems ~ mother mother
devil town ~ cavetown
Animal ~ sir Chloe
parents ~ yungblud
sweet hibiscus tea ~ Penelope Scott
feel better ~ Penelope scott
blow my brains out ~Tikkle me
my time ~ bo en
people are watching ~ Conan gray
god must hate me ~ Catie tunrner
orange juice ~ Melanie Martinez
body ~ mother mother
romantic homicide ~ d4vd
slipping through my fingers ~ ABBA
Kimi Wa Dekinai Ko ~ Kikuo
cigarette ahegao ~ Penelope scott
over and over ~ Rio Romeo
I bet on losing dogs ~ mitski
nobody ~ mitski
nothings new ~ rio Romeo
put me in a movie~ lana del ray (song view by bulcadoshow on Spotify)
nice guy ~GRLwood
cry baby ~ Melanie Martinez
blackout days ~ phantogram
little dark age ~ MGMT
help_urself ~Ezekeil
bored ~ Billie eilish
happier than ever ~billie eilish
jealousy jealousy ~ Olivia Rodrigo
not allowed ~ TV girl
the perfect girl ~ Mareux
freaks ~ surf curse
tierd ~ beabadoobee
treehouse ~ Alex g
everybody loves me ~ OneRepublic
take me to church ~ Hozier
six pills ~ rosendale
no surprises ~ radiohead
oh no! ~ marina
I'm yer dad ~ GirlWood
panic room ~ Au/Ra
body (I'm more than) ~ Jordan Suaste
till it happens to you ~ Lady gaga
trust me not ~ Backseat Vagabond
I hate my mom ~ GRLwood
average ~ sushi soucuy
everybody gets high ~ MISSIO
where's my love? ~ SYML
hey little girl ~ sophiemaria.b
art is dead ~ Bo burnham
haven't I giving enough?/guided lilly ~ Cults
Secret ~ Dylyn
teen idle ~ marina
prom queen ~ beach bunny
house with no mirrors ~ House With no mirrors
everything sucks ~ everything sucks
family line ~ Conan gray
devil doesn't bargain ~ Alec Benjamin
wish you were gay ~ Billie eilish (for feminine reasons)
she likes a boy ~ Nxdia
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Part 3 - Chapter 16 - I-Island: Exploring The Expo
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
And we're back continuing our journey on I-Island! :D We've got a bunch of friend fluff coming your way this update so I hope you enjoy! ^________^ Editing took a bit more time than usual because I had some parts I still had to flesh out. Didn't help that I had a really long week at work last week. On top of that I also caught a cold, but I managed to survive!
Alright, enough complaining. Let's get to the chapter!
Reminder that it isn't just Izuku who came to I-Island in BC. We've got Hitoshi, Shouto, and Mei tagging along under Present Mic and Hound Dog's supervision. All Might is here too but currently with David Shield.
Linktree to all the things!    
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
All the friend bonding! :D Izuku's friends really like to tease him and Melissa got to meet some peeps from Class A. No Kirishima though. :/ I could have brought him as well with the working the expo thing but I wouldn't think he would want to leave Bakugou behind by himself. Especially since the rest of the Bakusquad did go to I-Island. You're probably wondering how it's going to go down without Bakugou or Kirishima, but I'll just tell you throw canon out the window for this one. :P I've got a plan and I think you'll like it. I do anyway.
Sh-sh-shout out to cooper and Baltimoresurvivor for their help with outfit suggestions! (really thank you, I'm quite fashion illiterate...) :P I was originally going to keep Izuku's the same as cannon but Baltimoresurvivor had some fun ideas for changing it up as well as something for Hitoshi. Which I think I made it work? ^____^ And cooper even threw together some schematics for Mei's which I then drew up which you can see here!! :D To give you a better idea of her outfit. So thanks!
Flirting. Just a whole bunch of flirting this chapter. ;)
Also reminder I have no idea how coffee works. I don't drink the stuff myself so I made stuff up in an attempt to write something cute. If anything, I see it as Kaminari made that coffee himself also without much knowledge how it works. So there, that's my logic. :P
Fun Facts About Japan:
Let's talk restaurant etiquette! Now in the US, good customer service consists of the wait staff regularly checking in with their tables and seeing if there's anything they need and if they are doing okay. Very much attentive service without the customer having to ask for it. That is actually not the case in Japan. In fact, it's kind of the opposite. In restaurants and food places, they don't come unless you call for them as they don't want to interrupt your meal or socializing. In fact, a lot of places have a call button for that specific reason to notify them you need something or ready to place your order. There are also places like conveyor belt sushi that they will have tablets and such you can use to order your food without even talking to a person. I experienced it where those places will either serve your order to you via person or conveyor belt depending on the restaurant set up. This also goes for karaoke booths as well. You order through the tablets or indicate you're ready to order. Then they come and get your order and give it quickly once it's ready so that you can maximize your enjoyment of the experience. (also karaoke is super duper fun in Japan and they do have a large selection of English songs to choose from over there)
Another difference is tipping. In the US, tipping is a big part of the restaurant industry and are part of restaurant staff wages. The better the service, the better the tip. (at least in theory) In Japan, they don't tip. Top service is considered to be a part of the job and no extra compensation is expected. Which was really hard to wrap my head around at first because customer service in Japan is top notch. They are just so kind and determined to get it right the first time. You just feel like you want to tip them anyway but it's just not a cultural thing there. Like how I previously mentioned that if you're in a convenience store and they notice what you are buy is expiring, even that day, and they will go out of their way to get you a fresh one. I strongly feel this is tied to their cultural mentality of the betterment of the group verses the individual. Get it done right the first time and everyone will be happy.
That's all for today! I hope you liked all the fluff this chapter. 'Cause next chapter is the attack itself and just plain drama. A nice balance. ;) Thank you for your patience and have a great two weeks!
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