Nightmare baby group
Sooooo I officially hate stuck up mothers that attend the Friday baby group near me.
One thing that really grinds my gears is when people speak and look at you like you are beneath them. Like piss off 👌🏻
Friday morning I took olliver to a baby group ( he misses two of his Tuesday groups due to being ill this group specialises with dealing with children with suspected additional needs)
From the moment I walked in I knew this was going to suck balls.
You could already tell which where the clicky mums that you just want to punch in the face. The way they look at you and your child. Moving their child away, like who the fuck do you think you are, he isn’t going to attack your kid. This is what puts me off letting olliver around anyone, what if they reject him like this all the time, it was fucking heart breaking to watch.
Not only where there bitchy mothers but one of the women running the group had the nerve to tell me to go watch my child outside after she forced him outside !!! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS WOMEN!!!! Then another turned around and told me my child wasn’t allowed his dummy, his dummy is his comfort in uncomfortable situations it stops him biting his hands and pinching himself. So I just turned around after she said he wouldn’t be allowed his dummy in THIS group I simply turned around and said that’s fine my son won’t come here anymore and walked off ... so here is a massive FUCK YOU to those women at that group who made my little boy sad and made him feel uncomfortable around others.
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