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cursezoroark · 2 months ago
I feel awful sometimes not having as much story worms for marble compared to Mercury and Mona. But I also feel like it’s hard for me to work w them given that Desolation is Just ramping up its story. like episode 6 is the bombshell of the story. The rising arc of it. Ava is still a mystery to me, and while I’m attached to Garrett, it’s because he was someone the player was exposed to constantly, not just in appearance but backstory, interaction, and story. Scarlett is probably due for some more character building too, and Connor too. It’s hard for me to say who Marble is when I barely got the foundation of the story in the first place.
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We all know the semi-canonical ‘all the Robins know to hide/duck inside of Batman’s cape, even as adults’ thing.
We also know that Danny ‘is LITERALLY a ghost’ Fenton sucks at remembering his own intangibility while ALSO forgetting to look ahead of him.
All I’m saying is, Danny Fenton (or Phantom, if you’d really like) would absolutely SLAM into Batman on accident while running on roof tops and Bruce ‘Brooding Instinct’ Wayne doesn’t even think twice about letting the kid hide and scanning around for danger before there’s a record scratch of ‘wait who tf is this?’ kicks in.
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the-skeleton-in-ur-closet · 2 years ago
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it’s ok it’s just a little.
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merthurogies · 11 months ago
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arthur doesn’t have many clothes of his own yet, so he’s taken to stealing from merlin
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awkwardsonicphotos · 1 year ago
My sister is finally playing Sonic Adventure 2’s story mode and I have been getting updates of her progress. She absolutely hates it, she can’t stand the wonky controls at all. The only thing powering her to get through it is her love for her chao and I find that hilarious.
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diamondpython00 · 2 months ago
I haven’t said it before, but Endwalker is my absolute favorite of the FFXIV expansions, and it might be one of my favorite stories every, thanks to one simple trick.
Endwalker spoilers under the cut.
Endwalker is a story about finding purpose in life. Although despair may raise its head again, as long as we keep sight of our purpose, we won’t be destroyed by it like Hermes was. Like many other stories about finding purpose in life, EW’s answer is that you have to create your own. In any other story, I probably wouldn’t like it as much. I do like that answer, but in many other stories, it feels like a copout - the answer is whatever you want it to be. But in EW, the story tells you that the answer is to make your own purpose… and then it shows you how to do that. While the MSQ shows some of the purposes people find (Sharlayan, Thavnair and Garlemald) EW drives the point home the best with the side content, specifically the allied societies. The journey that the Loporrits and the Omicrons take from listlessness to newfound purpose is a perfect “show don’t tell��� of why finding your own purpose is a more complicated journey than just figuring it out. Each one of the NPCs we interact with in these quests has to grapple with themselves, try things out, and even dip back into despair at times, only to eventually reach that self-actualization, and have it materially improve not only themselves, but the world around them. EW, unlike other stories that tell you to find your own purpose, makes me actually BELIEVE that finding that purpose is achievable. God, I love this story so much.
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animatedmess · 27 days ago
*red hood handcuffed and angry in the hall of Justice after being wrongfully captured by the JL (it was Hal and Barry)*
Hal: You are one of the most wanted criminals on the JL’s list.
Barry: You are a literal crime lord.
*batman appears out of nowhere probably summoned by one of his kids being in distress, and bat-glares ™ at the two idiots preventing his darling baby son from getting to family dinner*
*immediately fuzzes over Jason’s bruised knuckles and licks his thumb to clean up his cheek bellow his domino mask*
*Jason absolutely mortified because “DAAAAD my street cred! I’m a feared drug lord” and trying to bat away his dads hands*
*hal and Barry are having an aneurysm, collective psychotic meltdown? Shared hallucination? Definitely a heart attack and also are internally screaming “no no no we fucked with Batman’s kid we are so dead” *
*superman and Wonder Woman hiding their smirks and trying not to laugh because they know how much of a mother hen their best friend is*
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skyward-floored · 3 months ago
*lovingly taking your shoulders* guys please remember the Zelda mangas have different plots from the games. guys please remember that especially when you’re talking about lu they’re based on the games and not the mangas there’s differences that actually matter a lot sometimes guys please—
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cripplepunkbarbarian · 4 months ago
The concepts of Grudges and Wights are so funny to me. Every Spirit, Ghost, and Spectral gets an inherit ability that makes it so that if they succumb to madness it buffs them. Imagine if you were made of a substance that makes it so your emotional instability prompts you to rapidly begin approaching godhood. Survival instinct that when you get So Scared you can just shoot lasers now. Get so pissed off about your own untimely demise that you become a big seashell that can teleport or whatever.
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fatedtime · 11 months ago
I know there’s a lot of people talking about the culture conflict between Toshiro and Laios, but I think it’s important to acknowledge the class conflict between them too. Mayor’s child or not, Laios is still from the boonies, while Toshiro is waited on hand and foot by a flock of women his family employs to serve his needs. This has 100% stifled Toshiro’s ability to communicate with others, to the point where acknowledging his retainers and thanking them for their efforts is shown as a huge point of growth.
Meanwhile, Laios’s bumbling nature towards Toshiro’s boundaries is very much informed by his lack of knowledge of other people and places. He knows how much it hurt him to see his sister rejected by people whose insular attitudes made her powers frightening to them, so he tries to express overtures of friendship towards Toshiro by being so interested in him that it comes off as frightening instead. While he means well, his lack of knowledge on how to interact with people who are different from him puts Toshiro in a weird spot, and this lack of knowledge isn’t just the autism — it’s where he was born and raised. And it’s something real kids from rural areas go through when they enter more urban spaces. The sorts of social manners that are appropriate there aren’t appropriate elsewhere, and they get seen as… well. Inelegant. Pushy.
If Laios had gotten Hien’s name wrong, she would have decked him. But because it was Toshiro, whose upbringing didn’t give him any conflict resolution skills (because he’s around people who have to bend to his needs*) he doesn’t know how to sort things out with Laios, and grows to resent him. It’s not just the culture, it’s the place he occupies class-wise.
That’s part of why I love Toshiro’s arc — if this was just a culture conflict where Laios commits microagressions against him, as I’ve mostly seen it put, him ultimately learning a lesson would be pretty weird. But it’s not. His upbringing as a noble lord’s son in a BONKERS family has given him certain issues… and Laios helps him confront that, so he can live without regrets.
(*please note, this is a massive oversimplification of what the hell is going on with Toshiro Nakamoto. i just didn't want to write a book.)
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luna-the-cretar · 6 months ago
I love the fact that even the NPCs somehow found Torbek so oddly endearing during Guys Night. Torbek has the “sad pathetic wet cat” rizz both in and out of game, and really, they should’ve predicted that Torbek would quickly become a fan favorite.
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starstruckodysseys · 1 year ago
aelwyn teaches middle school now?? hasn’t she already suffered enough??
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maireadralph · 10 months ago
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Imp and Entrapta in the style of early Ken Sugimori art
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merakiui · 5 months ago
I sent an ask saying how big brained the funny skeleton (wannabe) man is, but damn that’s an understatement bc you keep pushing out banger after banger idea. He’s rewriting your brain chemistry, injecting himself into every synapse your brain makes, cause how are all your takes are so good??? I’ve always loved the horror/suspense element to dark content fics (sea glass still has my heart since it came out), and at first I didn’t think much of skully’s unique magic, I thought it was actually kinda cute and that was about it, but you came up with horrific concept, its potential so perfect I can’t help but roll in the dirt and kick my feet in the air. I envy your brain teach how to come up with these things, you deserve all the flowers I can never get enough.
AAA THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING MY SKULLY THOUGHTS!!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡ he really is rewriting my brain chemistry……
I adore Halloween and I fear a fanatic like Skully is the perfect character for me,,, perfect to place in all kinds of spooky concepts. orz my brain has one part that is dedicated to the morbid and the macabre. Funnily enough, the moment I saw his UM I immediately had that thought. It was very cute until I realized: what if someone carved that pumpkin??? Wouldn’t that kill the affected person? >_< his UM can quickly become unsettling if you think of it in that way!! But then perhaps transformation magic itself can be quite frightening. ;;;;
I am just filled with ideas for Skully!!! I want to write all kinds of scary plots with him. But before that,,,, silly Halloween romcom comes first. (^з^)-☆ I love him so much. He’s getting the royal treatment with this fic. >:)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 17 days ago
Something about them bringing up Gerrard and him trying to friend buck on sm and Oliver talking about Buck ‘finding himself in uncomfortable situations and conversations and being forced to face himself in a way he didn’t expect to’ and talking about interactions with unexpected people in his interviews is making me wonder if we might see Gerrard again - and Gerrard says a few things to Buck that force him to look inwards and face himself and realise a few things.
I don’t know it was probably just a throw away line as a way to bring in the house conversation - but the fact that the house is a fixer upper and buck has to look inwards etc makes me think it’s not just about Eddie needing to fix himself but also buck and the connecting Gerrard to that conversation makes me think we will be seeing him again to help with Bucks arc!!
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machinatings · 1 month ago
Just watched the ep Duet from DS9 and god I was really taken aback. The general conceit of a member of an oppressive group being at the mercy of a victim of them is a concept Star Trek has done quite a few times and it really plays into that! Plays into all your expectations of that format so perfectly! And if it had been what you expect it to be it would’ve still been a pretty solid episode but that TWIST at the end. Wow
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