#hash swan scenarios
fmufmu · 5 years
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           Liking someone can be rough. Especially when you don’t know where you stand with them.
 As a successful idol, you know that dating is off the table. You, when you signed that contract, made a deal with yourself that you wouldn’t date anyone until you were a household name and as hard as that was, you did it. It took years of practise and grafting but you’re here almost a decade later as one of the most successful solo artists. And of course, with fame, comes loneliness. You’re twenty-five – never gone on a real date, haven’t kissed a man in so long and been pretty much devoid of all male attention. You were okay with this when you were busy promoting, busy selling out arenas, busy on tv-shows. But now . . . now, you’re not okay with the emptiness in your apartment.
           All your friends were happy in relationships, married or with kids. And you with your dozens and dozens of awards. It’s not quite the same. You’ve never quite had enough time to like anyone, to go on dates, to even have sex. Quite frankly, you’re very much devoid of all male attention.
           And then you get the opportunity to work with your favourite rapper.
           “How did that sound?” You stare at Deokkwang through the glass, speaking into the microphone. “I think I could’ve pronounced the last few words better, you know?” You’re nervous. You’ve worked with rappers before like Simon Dominic, Jay Park, Loco – even Drunken Tiger JK. But you’ve never worked with someone like Deokkwang who you happen to have the biggest crush on.
           It was your manager that set this all up – you knew you were collaborating with someone but when you walked into the studio months and months ago, you didn’t think it would’ve been Deokkwang.
           “You sounded great, y/n.” Deokkwang says back and you feel yourself smiling at the praise. You can’t but think about how this process has gone so quickly – it felt like only yesterday you greeted him at the studio. Now, almost two months later, the song was ready to be mixed down and reviewed by the big bosses. You wouldn’t say you both were friends, but you can’t deny the fond feelings you have for him. “I don’t think we’ve could’ve done better if we even tried.”
           You come out of the booth, a bittersweet feeling flowing through you. You sit across from Deokkwang and he listens to the entire mix with you. It sounds good – you’re a pop idol while Deokkwang is a fast-paced rapper and it’s a good mix. You can feel yourself bopping along and in the corner of your eye, Deokkwang looks at you before looking away. You’re not shy but around him, you curl into yourself.
           “I really like this.” You say, excitedly once the song ends, turning to Deokkwang. “I can’t wait to release it.” You reach for the water that sits between you and so does Deokkwang. Your fingers brush together and you find yourself getting embarrassed. You quickly retract your hand and let out a small laugh.
           “It sounds really good – your voice is really nice. We’re a good mix together.” Deokkwang lets out a laugh as well. You didn’t want this to end. Would it be too forward to tell him you wanted to maybe see him again? “We should do this again.” And your eyes meet. Properly. You liked people before, from afar, never up close like this. Deokkwang is exactly how you’d imagine him – funny, bashful, full of never ending conversation. But then, he can be shy. Soft and sweet. It feels like the moment, you know, the moment when you realise that you want to see this person again and again.
“Deokkwang,” You should tell him. Months of awkward moment when you’d catch his eye when he’d think you’re not looking. You feel yourself moving forward on the chair and you can see Deokkwang doing the same. Was this it? was this the moment you’ve been waiting for? You’re both pulled out by the sound of your phone ringing with your managers number plastered across. He’s probably waiting downstairs for you. Leaning back with a cough, you grab your phone declining the call.
“You don’t want to keep your manager waiting, right?” Deokkwang turns away from you, cheeks red. “Should I walk you out?”
“No, stay.” You insist. You don’t think you can stand in an elevator with Deokkwang without doing something like trying to kiss him. Instead you pack up and it’s quiet. “I guess this is it.” You say instead, grabbing your bag from the floor. You awkwardly linger around the chair, biting your lip. You didn’t want this to be over so quickly. “Hopefully we work together again, Deokkwang . . . you’re really great and I’d like to, uh, do this again. With you.” You shyly say. You don’t know what you expect.
“Yeah, totally.” But certainly not that half-hearted response. “Next time.” Definitely not the how he extends his hand for a firm handshake. You look at his hand and back at him. Really? A handshake? You’ve written a song about love and first meetings and this is how it ends? Irony at its finest.
You try not to look incredibly disappointed, but it shows. You take his hand, shake it and leave with that horrible deflating feeling inside of your body.
You leave the building, feeling colder than Seoul as you hop into the car. You don’t even acknowledge your manager properly. You keep quiet during the ride back to your apartment. You don’t know what you expected, maybe to be friends. Maybe to even go out for coffee or dinner. Just not a handshake.
‘song go ok?’ your best friend texts you. You groan, turning the screen off on your phone. Your manager gives you a sympathetic look through the mirror.
By the time you get home and get undressed, you’re still reeling about todays events. You shuffle around your bedroom, staring at your phone. Maybe you should text him? You might as well. You’re deliberating it enough. Before you can touch any buttons on your phone, your doorbell goes off and you frown. Who was coming to your apartment this late? It goes off again and you groan.
Shuffling towards the door, you look through the screen to see Deokkwang standing outside. Your heart lurches and you can feel yourself sweating.
“Deokkwang?” You say through the intercom. He looks up to the camera with a lopsided smile and you hold yourself back from cooing.
“Hey.” You can hear how nervous he is. “Sorry it’s late y/n but, uh, could we talk?”
“Yes!” You say too quickly. You press the buzzer and immediately through yourself to your room, grabbing your dressing gown and looking at yourself in the mirror. Not too bad. You hear the door click open, spray yourself down before almost slipping onto the floor to look as causal as possible. You stand against the wall, hearing the door unlock and you feel your stomach fill with butterflies. Deokkwang walks in nervously with a bag and you smile.
“Deokkwang, this is such a surprise.” You try and keep the excitement out of your body. “If I knew you were coming I would’ve . . .” you trailed off to your pyjamas. You can’t help but giggle.
“You left your jacket earlier.” Your smile drops at Deokkwangs voice. Right. Why would he be here for any other reason? All you did was work on a song together, barely even became friends. “I just wanted to drop it over.”
“Oh.” You say, sighing, curling into yourself. “You could’ve just told my manager, he would’ve collected it tomorrow.” You try not to sound disappointed. He places the bag by your feet. “Thank you.” You say. You can’t even fake a smile. Deokkwang nods, an awkward smile placing itself on his face. you both stand there for a minute before Deokkwang looks around, hands tapping against his side.
“Nice place, by the way.” He compliments.
“Thanks.” You can’t stop from feeling bitter. You can’t fake happiness now. You’ve never felt more rejected than you have right now. You’ve never wanted someone to like you so much than you have in this moment. “It’s late and I’m tired.” You state, annoyed. Deokkwang agrees with a silent nod.
“Well,” Deokkwang points to the hallway. “I’ll let myself out.” You don’t say anything but nod and watch how he leaves quietly.
You weren’t one to pretend that you don’t have feelings for someone. You’re not one to stand around idly. If you want something, you’ll get it, no matter what. Your feet carry you to the door, catching Deokkwangs’ wrist as he opens the handle.
“Wait.” You say, slightly breathless. “Did you really come here to just drop off my jacket? There was no other reason? You just wanted to be nice? Not anything else?” Deokkwang swallows, shrugging.
“I just – yeah. I wanted to be nice.” You let go of his wrist. “Is that a problem?” He sounds confused.  
“Yes.” You say, suddenly feeling angry. You can’t stop the narrowing of your eyebrows as you hold his wrist. “It is a problem actually.”
“Oh?” Deokkwang blinks at you. You retract your hand, folding your arms together. “I thought . . . it’s cold and it’s a nice jacket.” He explains and it’s stupid. Stupid and cute and you hate how Deokkwang looks like he just got a cold bucket of water poured down himself. “It’s winter, y/n.”
“Don’t come here again.” You say, upset. “I don’t want to see you, Deokkwang. Once promotions are over, we shouldn’t see each other again.” You watch his face to see his expression. Deokkwang stares at you blankly, eyes unblinking. You sigh. “I like you.” You say, with as much confidence as possible. You find yourself suddenly not able to meet his eyes. “I like you a lot, Deokkwang. And I just – it makes me just –,” you shake your head.
“You like me?” Deokkwang says before gesturing to himself. “Me?”
“I said I wanted to see you again!” You exclaim, throwing your hands up. “Our hands always touched, and I would get so embarrassed and – and the first time I met, I told you that you happen to be my favourite rapper.” You don’t even want to think about the first time you met and how you were buzzing with excitement about seeing Deokkwang in person. “I told you I wanted to do this again with you and all you said was ‘yeah okay.’”
“Y/n . . . “ Deokkwang trails off, blinking.
“I get it. I’m not your type or whatever.” You mumble.
“No,” Deokkwang says, shaking his head. “I just . . . you think I’m attractive? Y/L/N Y/N? The nations daughter? You think that I’m . . . your type?” You blink. What? “I thought that – god, I thought I was making it up. You’re so nice and I thought you were just being nice.”
“I was being nice.” You counter back. “But I . . .  I wanted to be extra nice to you.” Deokkwang lets out a loud laugh before looking at you with a smile.
“I came here because I wanted to ask you out, y/n. But I didn’t know how, and I thought bringing your jacket would be a good idea but as soon as I saw you – god, I couldn’t do it.” You heart skips a beat. Deokkwang wanted to ask you out? “But I guess you’ve beat me too it, huh?” This . . . this was unexpected. Deokkwang having the same feelings for you? Deokkwang having the same feelings for you this whole time? Deokkwang thinking he wasn’t good enough for you?
“I like you, Deokkwang.” You admit, sheepishly. “I think you’re great.”
“I think you’re great.” He says back, an embarrassed smile on his face.
“And I think that you’re the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen.” You say. His face goes red. “And I want to get to know you more . . . if that’s okay?” You tack on at the end and he nods rapidly.
“If that’s the case,” Deokkwang draws out, hand reaching out to take yours, which you gladly accept and let your fingers tangle with his. “Y/n, can I take you out for coffee tomorrow?”
“I’d love that.”
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khhunniewriting · 7 years
Love Is Blind
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[ Warning: Suggestive Content Ahead ] 
Deok Kwang didn’t know why he allowed his friend to put him in this position. It was a favor to him, all he had to do was show up to a date pretending to be him. It was a blind date and the girl had never met him before so it would be easy to pull off. It didn’t feel right though. He didn’t know what he should do; it was all just so crazy. He had never talked to the girl or seen a picture. He didn’t know what to expect because the only thing Hyo Eun told him was to look for a girl with pink hair. 
When you walked into the cafe you looked around feeling a bit nervous. After spotting someone in a corner table wearing a white hat, like you had been told, you went over to him. After a gentle tap on his shoulder sent him jumping up in surprise you apologized. “Sorry, are you Kim Hyo Eun?”
Deok Kwang’s jaw dropped when he was face to face with your apologetic smile. “Yes, are you Y/N?” The few strands of pink hair that had fallen out of your pony tail gave you an air of delicacy. 
Your smile brightened as you nodded, relieved that you had found the right person. “Yeah, that’s me. I’m sorry for being late and for scaring you.”
“That’s fine, I was just startled because I was looking down at my phone.” When Deok Kwang glanced at the screen he saw a new message from Hyo Eun.
Hyoeun: Just take her out for an hour or two and let her down slowly at the end. Say something like I don’t feel a connection between us.
He quickly dismissed the message and powered off the screen to avoid letting you see it. He didn’t know why Hyo Eun was against coming to meet you. In his eyes you were beautiful so it couldn’t be a problem with that. 
“I probably should have texted to let you know I was here instead of suddenly appearing behind you.” You sat in front of him showing you were not at all worried about the meeting. 
After getting through the awkwardness Deok Kwang was able to learn more about you. The fact that you were a stylist explained why your hair was pink, you were a trendy person into fashion, hair, and makeup. 
After the cafe you two decided to go for a walk around the park where you two could talk and ask each other questions.
The more he looked at you, the more he felt an attraction. He was feeling better about having gone to meet you in Hyo Eun’s place until a very important detail came up through conversation. 
“So are you the type who likes to be called Oppa” you asked.
“What?” Deok Kwang was confused, he was the same age as you. There was no need for you to call him that but then it clicked Hyo Eun was actually older by a couple of years. If he knew your age then you probably knew Hyo Eun’s. Which meant he should technically be acting older. “Ah, no. I don’t really like those things.”
“Oh good” you sighed with relief. “I don’t either. I’m not a very romantic type of girl as you can see I’m more relaxed about that kind of stuff. I would never ask for flowers or special dates on Valentine’s Day.”
“Really?” Deok Kwang had always wondered why girls needed so much attention on that day or why they liked such troublesome things like flowers. They just die and create a mess.
You nodded, “flowers just die and make a mess I have to clean up.”
He smiled hearing you say what he was thinking. “What about stuffed animals?”
“They just gather and take up space. I feel obligated to keep them but in reality I just want to get rid of them.”
“I never give them thinking the same thing.” Deok Kwang laughed out loud after seeing the sparkle in your eyes. 
“So you understand” you asked feeling awe. You had been branded cold and emotionless by previous boyfriends. Your refusal to accept gifts like stuffed animals and flowers were taken as rejection.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Finally someone who doesn’t think I’m weird.” You closed the distance between the two of you and walked shoulder to shoulder from there on.
Deok Kwang noticed the difference and became aware of how close your hand was to his. They would brush against each other every once in a while causing his mind to race with the idea of holding hands. 
You stopped walking and bit your lip as you tried to gain confidence. “Would it be okay if I hold your hand?” It was a strange thing to ask, usually it would be done spontaneously, smoothly as mutual feelings grew. You just couldn’t wait though.
Your unapologetic forwardness was new for Deok Kwang. He was more than happy to comply and held your hand in answer. It was something that would have taken him a while to build up to but now, thanks to you, he got the satisfaction of holding you closer, sooner. “I was actually thinking the same thing.”
Both of you looked elsewhere as you walked. Deok Kwang tried hiding the warmth of his face under his hat. You looked down feeling regretful of wearing your hair up. The bright pink of your cheeks surpassed the pastel pink of your hair. When Deok Kwang looked over at you he felt happy to be by your side in that moment, to see your reaction, to share this moment with you.
Before you realized it night had fallen. "This is where I live.” You stopped in front of your apartment building not wanting the night to end. “I had a really good time.”
“Me too” Deok Kwang licked his lips feeling like this was his chance to kiss you. “Can I-”
You pressed your lips against his in response, the same way he had gone for your hand instead of responding with words. After the kiss you were all smiles feeling a tingling sensation across your body. You didn’t want it to end.
Deok Kwang felt the same. He wanted to continue spending time with you but he had no excuses to make that would make you stay with him longer. “I guess this is it then-”
“Wait” you pulled out the strip of pictures you two had taken at a photo booth. You carefully teared it in half giving him two of the pictures and keeping two for yourself. “Something to remember me by, well if you want to remember me.”
“I do” Deok Kwang quickly took the pictures knowing he would want to continue looking at your face. “I actually don’t want to go.”
“Then don’t” your eyes widened as your stomach twisted in knots. You were being way too bold, even for yourself. This was not something you would say or even think. He was different from other guys. He understood you, the connection between you was so great. You had never understood when people said there was chemistry between people until now. There was no logical explanation for this you had to believe it was an instinct inside you that said you shouldn’t let him go. 
Before he knew it Deok Kwang was in your apartment, in bed with you... naked. This was the first time he had done this impulsively but it felt good. Your moans of confirmation kept him from stopping. He had almost forgotten that he had reluctantly met you as a favor. That was until you moaned a name, not his but Hyo Eun’s.
This was when Deok Kwang was filled with regret. 
After you fell asleep he couldn’t find it in himself to stay beside you any longer. You deserved better than him.
A few days passed without a word between Hyo Eun and Deok Kwang. As far as Hyo Eun knew he had nothing to worry about. Deok Kwang had dealt with the annoying blind date that he had scheduled on the same day as another date. He didn’t need to worry since his friend had cut things off with you. Or so he thought..
Almost a week later Hyo Eun rushed to find Deok Kwang but it seemed like he had gone into hiding. Every call he made was ignored, there were no relies to his texts, now his last resort was to physically find him. 
When he did Deok Kwang seemed depressed. He was silently sitting in the studio alone with a blank gaze.
Deok Kwang always felt happiest in the studio, that is why he went there. He wanted to take his mind off of things but he just couldn’t. He had dark circles under his eyes from a lack of sleep. There was no way he could sleep knowing he could never see you again without revealing the truth to you. 
He knew the truth would only make him look bad. He would be a liar, an impersonator, and most of all... a jerk. He wondered what friend had set Hyo Eun up with you and why it hadn’t been him. His anger and guilt built up when he saw Hyo Eun entering the studio.
“Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you.” He was confused when Deok Kwang didn’t respond and instead turned away from him. “Are you trying to avoid me?” His silence only made Hyo Eun more curious so he continued to prod him. “Is it because of Y/N?”
Deok Kwang’s eyes shifted over to Hyo Eun but he remained silent. 
“She texted me” he gave him a pat on the back. “You really surprise me Deok Kwang. I never knew you had it in you to have a one night stand.”
Quickly standing up caused something to fall off of Deok Kwang’s lap and onto the floor without his notice.“Shut up” he lashed out at Hyo Eun. “This is all your fault. If you hadn’t made me go, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“Woah, there... I told you to go on a date with her. I didn’t tell you to sleep with her.” Hyo Eun spotted the item Deok Kwang had dropped. He picked it up from the ground and took a closer look before handing the pictures of you and him back. “I don’t know why you’re so angry. She’s hot.”
Deok Kwang snatched the pictures from his hand and slid them into his pocket. “She thinks I’m you.”
“So” he shrugged. “Doesn’t that make it easier for you? She texted me this morning asking if things were okay between the two of you. I can text her and let her know you want to keep it a one time thing . You don’t even have to worry.”
“No” Deok Kwang stopped him. He was glad to hear you were trying to reach him. He thought you would dismiss him as a jerk and never want to see him again for leaving like that. “It’s not that easy.”
Seeing the distress on his face Hyo Eun finally understood. “Do you like her?”
“I love her.”
You felt like such an idiot for letting your instincts take over. Plenty of curse words had been directed at Deok Kwang too when you didn’t get so much as a text from him. A part of you wanted to let it go and write it off as a lesson learned. Then there was a side of you that hoped you could go beyond yourself and ask for an explanation. 
All the feelings he had evoked from you felt too good to be forgotten. You didn’t know if it was just your boldness but you felt he liked you just as much as you liked him. You could still feel those emotions inside of you. They were the reason you were so hesitant to forget him and sent the text.
Now you would go on like normal. You smiled at your reflection as you finished flat ironing your hair, going for a simple look unlike most days. You got dressed and went to work like usual. 
No one could tell you were mentally at war with yourself. You tried your best to smile and joke around while carrying out your duties. 
It wasn’t until later that night when you were going home that you began to feel low. Your smile had worn off, now you looked indifferent. Your hair was the only bright thing about you. Your eyes were downcast on your shoes watching every step you made until you stepped on someone and bumped your head against their chest. “Ah, sorry I wasn’t looking” you quickly apologized before looking up at the owner of the shoes in front of you. “Hi” you greeted him feeling a sudden urge to cry.
“Hey” Deok Kwang felt speechless. It was the same as when he first saw you a week ago. You had taken his breath away without even smiling this time. “I wanted to apologize for-”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Why don’t you ever let me apologize?”
“I don’t like apologies for simple things like this or that. I think apologies should only be made when you hurt someone. Like now, I stepped on your foot and bumped my big head on you.”
“Then I do owe you an apology.”
You tilted your head to the side, “Why?”
“That night I just left and-”
“Don’t worry about it-”
“Please just let me finish” he interrupted you this time, effectively silencing you. “The first time I saw you I thought you were beautiful. I didn’t know how to act in front of you but thanks to your bright, bold nature we were able to quickly get to the point without beating around the bush. By that I mean...” Deok Kwang trailed off feeling less than capable of continuing.
“I know what you mean but I don’t know why you are apologizing. Are you trying to say that you don’t feel that way anymore? Because if that’s the case then it’s okay. I don’t want you to feel forced into something because we slept together.”
“I still feel that way but I don’t think you will after today.” Deok Kwang noticed the way you hadn’t smiled, he hated to think it was because of him that you lost your brightness. “My name isn’t Hyo Eun. Kim Hyo Eun is my friend, I work in the same label as him and am also a rapper. The day we met I was doing him a favor by showing up as him because he had two dates on the same day.”
You couldn’t hide the surprise his confession brought you. Your lips were pressed tightly into a line as you processed the words that came out of his mouth. Once it hit you that you had been played there was clear anger in your expression.
The top row of teeth took in your bottom lip as you felt ashamed of your actions. Remembering how you moaned a name that wasn’t his was enough to make you want to dig your own grave. “Why? The entire time you let me believe you were Kim Hyo Eun, but why?”
“At first I was just doing this as a favor for him but as we talked I ended up falling for you. I had forgotten all about the favor. I was genuinely having a good time with you that I didn’t remember about it until we were...” he trailed off making you scoff.
There was no way you wanted to remember such an embarrassing moment. “You should have told me.” Your face turned a bright red color as you thought to the moment. “Women aren’t just objects you can trade with your friends. Just because he didn’t want me doesn’t mean he could pass me along to a friend. I definitely never want to see the real Hyo Eun’s face because I would be inclined to hit it.” After a few deep breathes you realized he still hadn’t told you his actual name. “How long are you going to wait to tell me who you really are?”
“I’m Han Deok Kwang professionally I am known as rapper Hash Swan.”
“Deok Kwang” you repeated trying to get used to the idea that this was his name. “Han Deok Kwang.”
Deok Kwang was enjoying the sound of his name coming from you. 
“You aren’t very smart, are you Deok Kwang? You thought I would be angry at you for telling me your real identity, or that I would stop having sex with you because you corrected me when I said the wrong name, now you even thought my feelings would change but they didn’t. The name might have changed but you are still the same person.” You tucked your hair behind your ear as you gave a genuine smile. “I like the person who walked with me through the park and dislikes the same things I do. Of course, I do think you should have told me from the beginning but you came back and told me the truth. You even went so far to do a favor for a friend,” you laughed thinking how you could never do such a thing. “All of that shows your character and I like it. What you lack in words you make up for in actions.”
“Does that mean you don’t hate me and never want to see me again?”
“No, I hate Kim Hyo Eun and never want you to let me see him.” You were very serious about this. Even if they were such good friends you never wanted to meet him. “Han Deok Kwang on the other hand, him I like.” You looked away feeling shy about confessing.
Deok Kwang broke out in a smile after hearing your confession. He imagined the worst when he came here. “I actually have one more thing to say.”
“What?” you were scared to hear what else was coming. “You didn’t make a bet did you? Because that I could never forgiv-”
Deok Kwang silenced you by kissing you. Even if he lacked words or his voice was too low his actions were big. He seemed to steal a kiss from you when you least expected. After letting your lips go he confessed, “I love you, that’s what I wanted to say.”
A/N: I hope you enjoy this Anon. I have no idea why it turned into what it did but I hope you like it nonetheless. Show support for Hash in Show Me The Money 6!
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fanxyblog · 5 years
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A/N: This one isn't requested. I just felt like writing something and I couldn't decide between Ash Island and Jjangyou, but finally we are here. I hope you guys gonna like this, cause I haven't seen a lot of content about this amazing man. ( I'm literally in love with him), also I wish you all Happy Holidays!!! ( this is my early gift for y'all)
Requests are open :)
Word Count: 1093
Warnings: None
( Picture is not mine credit to owner :) )
Winter in Seoul was something you loved. It was cold but it had a certain feeling to it, a feeling of something memorable.
You were wandering around the Hongdae looking for Christmas presents. This year Christmas was supposed to be the ones you will be spending away from your family. Due to work you weren't able to go back to Daegu but you did not mind it that much.
You were planing to spend your Christmas with Jinyoung since he wasn't able to go back to Busan for Christmas too.
Yoon Jinyoung your best friend. You two met each other on a Beer
music video shooting when him and Bition Boyz were working with Dingo and you two just clicked it of pretty quick. Best friend that is all Jinyoung was to you right? At the beggining of your friendship you would say "yes" if somebody have had asked you about it, but now you weren't so sure.
You didn't know when it all started. It just did. Suddenly your heart was beating faster at the tought of him.
Sometimes you tought that falling in love with him was the easiest thing you have ever done.
You stopped in your track when you heard your phone ringing. You took of your gloves and had have taken out your phone from your purse.
A smile appearing on your face at the sight of the caller ID.
"Hello?'' your voice echoed trough the phone.
"Y/N!!" as you heard your name escaping his lips something in your heart tugged. God you were into deep.
" Yes Jinyoung-ie ? " you were smiling like crazy and maybe that's why people were looking at you weird way, but you didn't mind it if it was because of him.
"What are you doing now?"
"Me? Oh... I'm at Hongdae right now " you anserwed him not quite sure why he was asking.
" What for ? " his voice was full of confusion.
" Well I just got bored at home and decided to go out." You tried to come up with some good explanation for him to belive it. You couldn't tell him that you were looking for a gift you were going to give him.
"Why are you calling thought?'' You tried to change the subject as soon as you could to stop him from asking more questions.
" Oh... I just wanted to ask at who's apartament are we meeting tommorrow, mine or yours ?"
"Mine, we can dress the Christmas tree and do what we always do togheter " you proposed.
"You mean eating and laying ?" He chuckled and your heart did a little flip when he did so.
"Yeah that's what I mean" a grin appered on your face but Jinyoung obviously couldn't have seen it.
"Okay, see you tommorrow then.
Bye Y/N!"
"Bye Jinyoung " as soon as these words have left your mouth the call has ended.
You were back in the reality of looking for a gift. Turning torwards jewelery shop and you knew what were you going to get for Jinyoung.
Next day which was the one of Christmas Eve came faster than you expected.
You woke up early in the morning to get everything ready for Jinyoung presence.
You were cleaning, you got Christmas tree ready to get dressed and you've made a lot of food.
Before you knew it was already evening. The weather got a little bit colder than it was in the day.
You had an impression that stars on the sky were shining brighter than ever.
A loud sound of knocking got through your apartment and you knew that it was Jinyoung.
You immidetaly runned down the hall to the front door almost tripping over your shoes on the way.
"Hey!" strong arms have been wrapped around you when you opened the door.
"Hi, Jinyoung-ie" you smiled as you exhaled his scent in. He smelled like Gucci Intense Oud ( smells like heaven) which is a perfume you got him on his birthday, it made you happy that he was using it.
"Ohh it smells good in here" Jinyoung said as he came in the kitchen
"Thank you"
Suddenly it was quiet between you two.
Jinyoung was looking intensly at you and you didn't know why he was looking at you like that but it made your heart race at unbeliveable rate.
You cleared your throat,overwhelmed by his gaze.
" We should start dressing the Christmas tree. What do you think ?" You rubbed your hands on your thights sudennly feeling nervous.
" Yeah, Yeah of course" he rubbed his neck with his left hand.
Dressing the tree went by fast. Two hours later you and Jinyoung were laying on the couch in your living room not being able to move because you two were so full after eating.
Some Christmas movie playing on the TV. It was nice laying next to him. Your eyes wandered over his face. He was perfect. You attention got caught on his wrist where a silver braclet was placed, you looked over to the similliar one that rested on your own wrist. You didn't expect that two of you would have bought each other such a similar gifts. The fact that you did made you feel warm inside.
In a span of a second you felt more corageous that you have ever been. You didn't know what have taken over you, but before you could do anything else the words have slipped past your lips.
"I think I'm in love with you" it did not come out as nothing more above a whisper but it was enough for Jinyoung to hear and it made him froze.
He didn't move a single bit for couple of seconds which made you even more anoxious.
"I... I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you or make you uncomfortable, I... I don't even know wh-what have taken over me." You were blabbering and you felt a big gulp in your troath.
Next thing you felt was Jinyoung lips on yours. They were soft.
The kiss wasn't rushed it was sensual and full of passion.
You were the first to break the kiss to take a breath. Your eyes fluttered open and looked deeply into Jinyoung's beautiful dark orbs.
His fingers caressed your cheeks, he had a soft smile tugged on his lips.
" I love you too"
From all the gifts you could've got this Christmas he was the best one.
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suga-jusshi · 6 years
Look I stan bts and im proud of them, but I will never EVER shit on someone else’s talent just be cause they might not be as successful as bts. That’s a shit thing to do and that’s part of the reason why you won’t see me calling myself an army. I love bts but I will not associate myself with a fandom that has toxic people. I know the whole fandom isn’t like that but still the ones that are are the reason so many people are starting to hate bts. You will never see any og fans say shit like “you have no talent. Your fans are shit. You’re a shitty person.” Blah blah blah. Especially to someone who is in a place of sorrow and hurt. The mans friend just died and your gonna sit here and hate on him and call his friend a fucking ‘Ching Chong’ like wtf is wrong with you. This is why we can’t ever have nice things. Cause people always wanna go and fuck shit up. Owen and Young West don’t deserve that shit. They did nothing wrong. Honestly no one deserves anything like that. I’m sorry but if you think bts is the only group or artist who paved the way for korean artists you are sadly mistaken🙄But my rant is over now 😂
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And no I’m not blocking out their Instagram because i don’t give a fuck🤷🏽‍♀️
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*not my gif*
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yelowsmobmerch · 7 years
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ONE pictures now as stickers today!!
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khhsh-t · 7 years
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Gang Gang
(I want someone to smile at me the way dok2 smiles at changmo)
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honeybearloco · 7 years
“...I Don’t Mind.”
Requested by an anon. Shawty right there is a 10. (I fucks with you if you know where those lyrics come from.) But I’m back instead of studying for finals I have next week because I love you guys and I want to give you guys this because it’s been forever.
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Hash Swan X Female Reader Request: You comfort him after he was eliminated from SMTM6
“All it’s their lost. They didn’t deserve you.” You comforted him and pinched his cheeks.
You had met Deok Kwang through your Dad. Let’s just say that, both of your Dads’ knew each other very well. They were best friends. Which caused the two of you to become best friends. Almost everyday, you were at Deok Kwang’s house or he was at yours. It was rare that the two of you weren’t together.
Deok Kwang had a thing for you. You had a thing for him. It was obvious on both parts. The both of you had been best friends since the womb. Neither of you wanted to admit it.
As you got older, things changed. Of course your friendship wasn’t one of them. Deok Kwang himself was changing. He had dreams of becoming a rapper. You weren’t a fan of the genre of Hip Hop and Rap music. It just wasn’t your cup of tea. But it was all Deok Kwang listened to. You would sometimes listen to it for his sake.
One day, when he told you he made a mixtape for you. You didn’t know what to expect. He put it in a gift box and wrapped it in pretty wrapping paper and told you not to open it until you got home and listen to it when you were alone. At first listen, you were shocked to hear what he had to say.
The next day you saw him, you pulled him into a tight hug.
“What is that for?” He questioned.
You pulled away and smiled at him. “I listened.”
“Y-You did?” He stuttered.
You nodded and placed a soft peck on his cheek. “I like you too, Deok Kwang.”
The two of you have been dating for about four years now. It had changed your life for the better. You had became his biggest fan. You were very supportive of him. Every show you could go to, of course you went. You were always at Illionaire. You had jumped on the making fun of Deok Kwang because he’s short train along with the rest. You had become like family very quickly.
You weren’t a huge fan of survival shows. In fact, you hated them so much. But you knew how Deok Kwang was. To you, Show Me The Money, looked very scripted. You didn’t trust it, not even if all of your boyfriend’s friends were on it.
Though you hated the show, and survival shows, you made sure to have hope. You wanted to be positive for him. You were always watching him. He had so much potential, you knew that. Everyone else in SMTM knew that. But they weren’t looking for potential, they were looking for a rapper who already knew what they were doing. So once he was eliminated, he was heartbroken.
This was the second time. Once you saw it, you felt your heart ache. Being the caring person you are, you decided to do something for him. Show that you love and care for him.
He came home, looking down at the ground. “Baby, I’m home.” He said barely above a whisper.
When you didn’t answer back, he looked up to find you, instead he found a trail of rose petals leading to the bedroom. He tilted his head but followed without question. They stopped at your bedroom door. He slowly turned the knob and opened the door. His eyes widened at the sight before him.
“Surprise!” You smiled.
There you were, sitting on the bed with around five pizza boxes, in his favorite lingerie and a robe.
“What’s all this?” He asked.
You smiled and got off the bed. You walked over to him. “It’s for you. I know you were a bit sad being eliminated so I wanted to do something for you. I couldn’t do much so I did this.”
“It’s perfect.” He pecked your lips.
You grabbed his hands. “Wanna build a fort on our bed to eat our pizza in?” You asked flirty.
“I thought you would never asked.” He smirked.
The two of you managed to build a huge sheet and pillow fort in a matter of ten minutes. The two of you were still children at heart which was why the two of you were made for each other.
He put on a cartoon and the two of you ate the pizza. As soon as the two of you finished up all of the pizza, he looked at you.
“How about some ice cream?”
“Yah! Are you trying to get me fat?” You questioned giggling.
“As long as it’s not you. Short and fat don’t make a good combination.”
“Yah!” He pinned you down and you became a giggling mess.
“What are going to do about it?” You stuck your tongue out at him before giggling.
He ignored your question and kissed your lips. He then pulled away and moved a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Thank you for tonight.”
“Who says it’s over? I still have one more surprise for you.”
“You have another surprise for me? You’re just a woman of surprises aren’t you?”
You pushed him off of you and climbed out of the fort carefully. You reached into your drawer and looked around. You smiled as soon as you felt the small box. You grabbed it and climbed back into the fort.
You sighed and held Deok Kwang’s hand. You looked him in the eyes.
“Deok Kwang, we’ve known each other since we kids. Hell our Dads are best friends, and then we became best friends. Sometimes I used to think about what it would be like to date you. What it would be like to be to love you. What it would be like the be the only one who gets to have you heart.”
You paused before continuing. “I always thought of myself as selfish. Some of my friends had a huge crush on you. And when they would ask about you, I always told them that, you weren’t single but you still belonged to me. I was being selfish. I didn’t want you to end up with another girl. I wanted to be the only one who had your heart, in friendship and in romance. I was younger then.”
He smiled hearing your heartfelt confession. He was a bit upset that you did, but he knew you meant well. “Y/N.” He called out quietly.
“Please let me finish. I didn’t know I really loved you until high school. And when I found that out, you were the only thing running through my head. And nothing has changed since then. I still see you in my dreams every night. I worry about you all day everyday. You are muse, my heart, my love, my everything. We’re too young to get married right now, and I don’t think our friends and family are ready for us to marry.”
He chuckled deeply before looking up at you again, tears forming his eyes were they. You continued. “I want to promise myself to you, forever and always.” You said that and opened the box to reveal to promise rings. They were Lajerrio Titanium Steel Heart Design. On both of them were halves of hearts. On the bigger one was a black half and on smaller one was a pink half. Together they made a black and pink heart.  
“I don’t really know how to do this. I thought it would be something kinda romantic if I did this. It’s not a proposal-proposal.”
“But it’s a proposal. Either way if you’re asking me to marry you or if you’re asking me to promise myself to you, I will accept. I will always accept. If you asked me to jump off a cliff, I would do it in a heartbeat. If you asked me to fall to my death to prove my love for you, you better know I would.”
He reached into the box and grabbed both of the rings, handing one to you.
“I, Han Deok Kwang, promise myself to you for all eternity. My heart, my soul, my everything belongs to you.” He slid the ring on your finger.
You smiled and grabbed his hand.
“I, Y/N L/N, promise myself to you for all eternity. My heart, my soul, my everything belongs to you.”
He grabbed your chin and kissed your lips.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You smiled and held his hands tightly.
“So I guess I’m also going to proposal to you?” You questioned.
“I mean, I don’t mind.” He smirked.
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thoughtfulwooshin · 7 years
i’m back! (updated)
!!update!!: i’ve decided that i do not want to write smut anymore. it simply is something that i do not feel comfortable with, and i hope you guys can respect that. 
okay so I'm back from the short break that I took, and now requests are all open. I currently have a few to write, so here’s a list:
DPR Live x Reader, Fluff Completed. It’s called “First”
Christian Yu x Youtuber!Reader, Jealousy, Fluff
DPR Live x Reader, Fluff (plot: reader helps him with his horrible sleeping schedule). 
Christian Yu x Reader, Fluff (any type of scenario) (Reader is Black and plus sized) 
Lai Guanlin x Reader, Fluffy High School AU (Reader is Black)
Hash Swan x Singer!Reader, Fluff (any type of scenario
Christian Yu x Reader, any type of scenario
Bloo x Reader, any type of scenario
Christian Y x Reader, reader’s birthday, Fluff, Smut
Christian Yu x Reader, baby shower, Fluff ft. DPR Gang 
Junoflo x Reader, (any type of scenario)
so far this is it, send more in! thanks guys for being patient, much love!
(update): these will all take me hella long to do. sorry for the wait. 
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tuiyla · 3 years
heyyy sorry i kinda went mia i got covid way back when i last sent u something (this is the anon who talked about kitty being a mix of santana and quinn/quinn mentoring kitty?? idk if u remember it’s been a while). ur swan song essay inspired me to send this actually, because i didn’t know that scene existed til u mentioned it a while back. anyway, i promised u thoughts on santana mentoring marley, and i never actually got around to typing it out til now.
that swan song scene is so! good!! i’m enraged that they cut it. but i think it would’ve been especially cool if it existed in a version of the series where quinn mentored kitty and santana mentored marley. like u mentioned, kitty “pulls a santana”, so to speak, and lashes out at marley when she feels vulnerable. but it also reads to me like she’s daring marley to get mad at her, which is kind of the way quinn operates. she’s trying to see if maybe making her picture all the worst case scenarios will scare marley into saying something mean, something she can talk back to and defend herself against (at least that’s how it reads to me). in fact, that’s exactly what quinn did when santana first brought up her concerns about the kitty and marley situation, the difference being that santana actually took the bait.
so here we have what could have been a direct parallel between mentors and mentees, with two key differences that lead to some actual common ground being found between kitty and marley (marley choosing not to lash out at kitty and kitty opening up a little bit in response). now, yes, a lot of that comes from marley’s natural affinity toward being gentle and understanding even when she has the right not to be. but i also think if santana had been around to talk to her, if we had gotten to see them interact a bit more, it would add an extra layer to the scene and create a fuller picture. i mean, just think if marley had been close to santana, how different a line like “i think most mean people are just scared of something,” would feel. it would’ve contextualized marley’s response a little bit more, made it feel less like this understanding is pulled out of thin air, but instead is actually something she has learned from a person she cared about, firsthand. basically i think maybe her extending the olive branch to kitty would have been even more impactful if she had hashed out her feelings to santana first. that is, if the scene didn’t get cut, which will forever upset me
plus i mean, i think santana and marley would have had an interesting dynamic. marley is kind almost to a fault, and santana keeps her kindness buried deep (and is very selective about who deserves it at all). i just think they would offer each other different perspectives that would lead to some interesting changes to each one’s arc. maybe getting to help mentor a kid like marley would teach santana just as many lessons as she teaches in return (lord knows she has plenty to learn). plus like, santana becoming friends with marley’s mom and bonding with her over their mutual concern and care for this kid would be fuckin precious i mean cmon. they’re both protective and caring but in different ways (“i’m going to hide that i’m ur mom despite the fact that it upsets both of us just to prevent people from being mean to u” vs “i’m literally going thru ur bag while ur in rehearsals because i’m worried about u”) and i think that those two working together to handle like, jake cheating on her, would be extremely entertaining. also santana being forced to participate in their heartfelt cafeteria kitchen conversations would be endearingly awkward. but i digress.
okay i’m gonna cut this off before it gets too long. please don’t feel like u have to answer this if u don’t want to, i know it’s long (and yet still somehow not super well articulated). i love ur essays and ur awesome, have a good one homie!!!
Kitty Anon! Sorry it's been 5 days but I absolutely do remember you, I love your takes. I hope you're doing better now and I'm glad you're back but there's no need to apologize haha.
I'm happy to be spreading the deleted Swan Song scene propaganda, everyone who cares for Kitty and/or Marley needs to watch it. As always I love your thoughts on how they parallel their mentors and how all that's connected. I always thought Kitty and Marley had more Faberry vibes because, while Kitty is similar to Quinn (and Santana) Marley is Santana's inverse. (Not that I agree with the assessment that Marley is much like Rachel and it's a particular gripe I have with people who say the newbies are cardboard cutouts. But convo for another day.)
I agree with your reading of Kitty lashing out. It's almost as if she dares Marley to show her "true" side and reveal that no one can be that nice. I think for Kitty it's less of an "opportunity to go on the defensive" so to say than it would be for Quinn but they do have similarities. Interesting how it contrasts with the Quinntana scene where, like you say, Santana absolutely does take the bait and I love the difference between her and Marley. Then again Quinntana's pre-established dynamic plays a part here vs. the relatively new and mostly hostile relationship between Kitty and Marley.
I looove your take on how Marley could have observed things about Santana and applied it to how she interacts with Kitty. Sadly we didn't get nearly enough time spent between them and I'm not sure we could have gotten that even if Thanksgiving was a two-parter but it would have been so good. Because as much as I love Marley's relentless and instinctive kindness, I think it makes it even more powerful if it comes from a place of understanding of a third person. It absolutely would add another layer because then we have a reason why Marley chooses compassion instead of fighting fire with fire. It would deepen both her relationship with Santana and add depth to her own character so I love this. Because yeah as it stands it is a bit out of thin air and people already shit on Marley's character for similar reasons so I can only imagine they'd shit on her had this scene not been cut lol. Because "she's too perfect" or whatever I don't pay attention to those much. Anyway kindness wins, always, and it's even better when we see where it comes from.
Thank you for sharing those thoughts on what could have been a friendship between Marley and Santana. I treasure Santana friendships so much but a potential bond with Marley has a special place in my heart on par with more developed relationships. I think Marley's someone people would expect Santana to roll her eyes at so for her to turn around and immediately be protective of her, that's precious. And she'd still be herself with Marley and encourage her not to take crap from anybody but would also be intimidated by the sheer kindness that radiates from Marley, methinks. Like, she wouldn't really get it because her own brand of kind is so vastly different. But that's what would make it interesting.
I think Santana bonding with Millie Rose over concern for their daughter would have been hilarious lol. I mean this was obviously beyond the constraints of the show but still. There's an alternative timeline where Santana did become the Cheerios coach and poured her guardian bitch energy into protecting this adorable sophomore and that timeline sounds kinda nice ngl. Even if Santana does ultimately belong in NY and I did not need a rehash of the Finntana conflict from season 3A anyway. But I'd like to imagine that whenever Santana goes back to Lima, which is often, she makes sure to also check on Marley. Ugh, their friendship that only exists in my mind is so precious.
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I love long asks dw, and it was in fact well articulated! I really enjoyed reading it and reflecting on it so please feel very free to send any and all thoughts (doesn't have to relate to these four, but I can talk about them forever if you'd like). Once again happy you're doing better, and take care! You're awesome too and I'm happy if I can contribute to the fandom with my little writings haha. Have a good one!
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ilove-bloo · 4 years
ilove-bloo's masterlist
[last updated: 07/23/20]
here you will find all of the scenarios, head cannons, etc i've written! if you want to send in a request, click here! make sure to read my guidelines before requesting
───── ❝ key ❞ ─────
fluff ♡ | angst ☆ | scenario (1k+ words) ☽ | head cannon ♬ | does not have anything written abt them yet |
───── ❝ masterlist ❞ ─────
↳ ash island:
6:23 PM | 10:43 PM |
ash meets your parents for the first time ♡ ♬
subtle ways ash shows affection ♡ ♬
↳ bloo:
10:38 AM | 2:24 PM | 8:42 PM | 10:42 PM | 1:34 AM | 2:46 AM |
first sleepover w/bloo ♡ ♬
subtle ways bloo shows affection ♡ ♬
when bloo realizes he's in love with you ♡ ♬
↳ boycold:
12:52 AM |
↳ changmo:
2:48 PM | 3:28 PM |
band check : changmo x reader ♡☽
↳ giriboy:
2:37 AM |
↳ haon:
7:45 AM | 3:52 PM | 6:32 PM | 6:34 PM |
haon as your boyfriend ♡ ♬
hash swan
jay park
↳ kid milli:
12:43 AM | 11:15 PM |
↳ keem hyoeun:
2:45 PM |
↳ loopy:
6:34 PM |
↳ nafla:
12:34 AM | 12:38 AM |
↳ ph-1:
2:55 PM | 4:29 AM |
↳ sik-k:
12:30 AM | 
sik-k as your boyfriend ♡ ♬
simon dominic
↳ vinxen:
1:38 PM | 2:45 PM | 8:43 PM | 9:32 PM |
↳ woo wonjae:
12:21 PM | 3:15 PM |
↳ yang hongwon:
12:34 AM | 8:43 PM |
↳ zico:
your biggest fan: zico x actress!reader ♡☽
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fmufmu · 5 years
So, who wants to request some lovely angst!
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thejacketandthehook · 4 years
The Art of Pretending 5/?
Title: The Art of Pretending 5/?
Author: thejacketandthehook (aka everystareverywhere)
Summary:  Killian Jones needs a family and needs one now. In order to impress his boss, Killian hires a single mother and her son to pretend to be his wife and son for the weekend. Nothing can go wrong, right?
Rating: Teen (for language)
Words:  16,587
Author’s Notes: Hello all! Here is my submission for the @captainswanmoviemarathon! This is based off of the Lifetime movie, “Borrowed Hearts,” starring Eric McCormack and Roma Downey. The movie came out in 1997, and I consider it to be one of the first made-for-tv Christmas movies.
A couple of years ago I was watching it and thought this would be a fantastic scenario for our favorite Captain and Savior. I wrote it and then stopped, and then started it again, only to stop again. When I saw this movie marathon, I knew instantly this was the movie I wanted to do and I wanted to make sure that I finished it this time.
I hope you enjoy it!
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
And because she asked, @kmomof4. I’m so glad you’re enjoying this! 
“So it has come to our attention that perhaps a dinner between the three of you would be a good idea.”
Emma looked over at Killian who was looking up at Regina, like an obedient student following the teacher’s instructions. She then looked over at Henry, who was playing with his napkin. Okay, maybe he wasn’t playing with it as much as he was trying to get it to lay smoothly across his lap.
“Great idea,” Emma replied looking up at Regina. And it was a great idea, honestly, when David first brought it up to her. This way they can take care of all the details. All the small things that form when people spend a lot of time together, hashing out the particulars.
And the fact that they were eating hamburgers at Killian’s fancy ass dining room table made the whole juxtaposition that much funnier to Emma for some reason.
“I agree,” Killian piped up, taking the napkin off the table and placing it across his lap before reaching for the mustard bottle. “This way we can—”
“You like mustard on your hamburger?” Emma asked, probably more forcibly than she should have.
Killian looked at her before he finally grabbed onto the bottle. Opening it up with one hand, he replied, “Aye. Is that a deal breaker?”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course not. I just don’t think…I’ve ever met anyone who prefers mustard on their burger as opposed to ketchup.”
“I don’t like ketchup.”
Emma was squeezing the bottle itself when he made that declaration, and she almost squirted it all over herself. “How can you not like ketchup?”
“I just don’t.”
“I thought that we could discuss other kinds of details about ourselves,” Regina sighed, “then what condiments you liked on your food.”
“Right. Okay,” Emma replied placing the bottle back on the table before putting the top bun on top. She passed the bottle to Henry, who took it gladly. “So. What kind of questions?”
“How long have you two been married?”
“Ten years,” Killian replied at the same time Emma replied, “Twelve years.”
Regina raised an eyebrow. “These are the kind of details I’m talking about, Ms. Swan.”
“Mrs. Jones,” David piped up, his mouth full of burger.
“What?” Killian asked, leaning forward.
“You’re not going to be ‘Ms. Swan,’ for the weekend, you’re going to be ‘Mrs. Jones.’”
“Oh,” Emma took her glass of soda and quickly took a sip. Why the idea of losing her last name (even temporarily) was something that made her want to blush was not something that she wanted to think about too deeply. “‘Course, yeah. Right.”
“Is this a problem, Mrs. Jones?” Regina asked pointedly.
“Nope. No problem at all,” she weakly responded.
“Do I have to change my name?” Henry piped up.
“Only for the weekend,” Regina said a nicer tone. At least Regina was nice to her kid, Emma thought. She had that going for her. “For that one weekend, you’re going to be Henry Jones. Is that alright?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, sounds good.” He then took a bite of his burger, the ketchup falling out of the other side. “What else do we need to know?”
“Okay,” Regina looked at Henry before giving an almost warm smile. “Henry, where was your favorite vacation?”
“Disney World!” he replied happily, bouncing in his seat. “I met Mickey Mouse and Peter Pan and Cinderella!” He then jumped up out of his chair and held out his arm, like he was holding a sword at the end. “Peter Pan was standing in front of the sign—”
“Adventureland sign,” Emma added, giving a small smile to Regina and Killian, who, she couldn’t help but notice, was intrigued with her son’s story and was actually looking at him when he spoke.
“Right, that sign. Anyway, we were walking along, and Peter Pan came out and said to me ‘Any pirates come this way?’ And I—” He looked at his mother, not sure on how to continue. “Mom? What did I say?”
“You cried, Henry,” she said with a chuckle. She looked at the adults at the table and informed them of the details Henry was leaving out. “Henry was like three at the time, and Peter Pan came out of nowhere. He got scared.”
“Oh, right. I got scared.” Henry sat back down before picking up his burger. “Anyway, I liked Disney World.”
“Okay,” Regina smiled before looking at a notepad next to her plate. She was using a knife and fork to eat. Figures. “Let’s see. Now, you should know some details about each other. Just in case.”
Just in case. Emma has heard those words so many times over the course of the week she’s ready to scream. “Like what?”
Emma gestures to Henry. “You’re looking at it.”
“She means more than that, love,” Killian piped up, before sipping on his rum.
“I’m not your love,” she replied more harshly than she should have. “And that’s it. Just Henry.”
Killian looked at her, his eyes wide before asking in almost a dumbfounded way, “You don’t have anyone else?”
“Mommy’s an—” Henry starts to say before Emma cuts him off.
Emma, herself, however, looked down at her plate and asked, “Do we really need to get into all of this? I thought this Mr. Woodman guy was only staying for forty-eight hours. I don’t think he needs to know my life story.”
“Normally, I would say you were right, Emma,” David says as he wipes his mouth with the cloth napkin. “But we want to make sure that we’ve covered every spot. That includes,” he pauses before looking at her, “backstories.”
“No.” Emma puts her napkin next to her plate. That’s all she says before she pushes back her chair and gets up from the table, walking towards…well, she’s not really sure until she feels the cold air biting at her cheeks and realizes that her thin long sleeve shirt is not appropriate for the outdoors in December.
But she can’t do this. She can’t have a virtual stranger know her story. No way. Yes, she’s attracted to Killian, she won’t deny that. But one kiss in the badly lit hallway does not mean that he gets to know her story. That he gets to know her. Besides, after the weekend is over, Henry and Emma will walk out of Killian’s life, and this Mr. Woodman guy will never see either of them again. So why does everyone need to know her story for one lousy weekend?
“My father abandoned my brother and I.”
Emma quickly turned around and saw Killian leaning against one of the pillars leading up to his front door. He was so casual about it, she was sure that she misheard him, because there was no way that he just—
He looks up at her before straightening himself and walking closer to her. “My father abandoned my brother and I. I was seven years old when I woke one morning and he was gone.”
Her mind is racing from the conversation inside and now this one, that she shakes her head because she just can’t keep up with these conversations. “That’s, um –”
Because what do you say in reply to that?
“I’m telling you this,” he says, taking a step closer, though remaining a distance away from her, “because I want you to know that you don’t need to share your story if you’re not comfortable. I get it. I had a horrible childhood, but I don’t think Mr. Woodman is going to quiz us about it.” He pauses for a moment before saying, “I just want you to be comfortable.”
“I know that I’m asking a lot, but knowing your backstory…that’s obviously private, and I don’t need to know it for this weekend. So,” he shrugs, “we make something up. If you want.”
“Make up my backstory?”
He nods. “Yeah. In case Marco asks. I don’t think he will, but you know. Something for us. Just in case.”
She huffs. “I’m so sick of those three words.”
He chuckles. “I know. Me too.” He looks at her for a second, and Emma thinks about that night, two years ago. It was clear that they made a connection, even if it was just lust. But it seems that they’re making another one right now. “I can’t do this without you. And I know you’re getting paid, and I know you don’t feel right about it—”
“Oh, I’m definitely taking your money. There’s no way that I’m not.”
He shakes his head with a small smile. “Of course. But you need to be comfortable about this.”
“Just like you need to be comfortable with your furniture being moved around,” she retorts.
He stills for a moment, asking, “How did you…” He sighs. “David.”
She nods. “Yeah, he and his wife are not great at keeping secrets. FYI.”
“I hope they can keep one for a weekend,” he mutters.
Emma crosses her arms, rubbing them as she says, “I’m sure they can.”
He looks at her for saying, “Bloody hell, you must be freezing.” Before she can say anything in response, he takes off his zipped up sweater and stepping closer, places it against her shoulders.
“You don’t have to—You’re going to be cold.”
He takes a step back. “Ah, the cold doesn’t bother me.”
She shakes her head before replying, “Okay, Elsa.”
He grins. “That’s my sister-in-law’s name.”
She smiles now, like she can’t believe it. “Get out. I didn’t think there was anyone actually named Elsa.”
“Oh yeah. When they met, my brother asked her if she wanted to let it go.”
She starts laughing before saying, “Oh God, no! He didn’t!”
“He did!” he laughs along with her. “She almost punched him! I was dying.”
“And she married him?”
He smirks. “Well, the Jones Brothers have a way with the ladies.”
She snorts as she shakes her head. “I think you just think you have a way with the ladies.”
He takes a step closer and gives a wicked grin. “I have a memory from two years ago that disputes that, love.”
Emma looks to side and scoffs, hoping that he thinks the redness in her cheeks is nothing more than the wind. Clearing her throat (and her mind from the memories from that night), instead she replies, “Listen, I’ll help you out. ‘Cause I’m nice like that,” she gives a big smile and he grins back. “But my private life is that. Private.”
“Duly noted, love. If he asks, and he won’t, but if he does, just make something up.”
She agrees, muttering a “Yeah,” under her breath. She looks back at the house and sees Henry looking out the window. She gives him a small wave, and he waves back before she turns to Killian. “Thanks. For coming out and for…” She clears her throat. “I’m sorry. About your dad. That…that sucks.”
He breaths out heavily before looking away, putting his thumbs through the loopholes of his belt. “Thanks.”
He holds his elbow out for her to take and leads them to the door as he says, “Oh, by the way, my favorite color is blue. Just in case.”
Emma chuckles and for the first time this began thinks that maybe everything will be alright in the end.
Marco Woodman was due to arrive by Friday, December 20 at 6:00pm local time. Killian kept looking at the calendar. It was Thursday, December 19, 9:00 am local time and Killian has already panicked. This was going to end in disaster. He just knew it. Not because of Emma or Henry, no. Of that he was certain. He has spent the equivalent of six hours with them (more than that if he counts how much he and Emma have messaged each other), and he knows that he has nothing to worry about when it comes to either of them. Henry’s a great kid and Emma…
No, he’s not worried about them. He’s worried about himself. Killian may be a lot of things, but he does not like to lie or be deceitful. What you see is what you get, that’s Killian’s motto. He may have some skeletons in his closet, to be sure, but nothing that would be deemed absolutely horrible. Mostly bad mistakes and things he wishes he could have done differently.
But this whole situation with Emma and Marco…He doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like lying. He’s sure that he will be the one to mess up; he’s so sure that he’ll say or do the wrong thing and blow his chances of ever getting to run the corporation in London.
33 hours. But you know, who’s counting? :p
Killian smiles at the text from Emma. Ever since her minor…well, panic attack basically, she’s gotten a tiny bit more open with him. And he likes it. She’s funny, and incredibly intelligent, and….
Well, it’s nice having someone in the same boat as him. True that she doesn’t have the same outcome as him, but she’s also pretending here. Anyway, it’s just nice having someone in his corner.
He types back. Aye. Not like anything big is happening, right?
I think the Mets are playing
Love, I don’t follow baseball, and even I know they don’t play in the winter.
Argh! I was trying to go for a joke
Anyway, Henry and I will arrive tomorrow at your place at ETA 4:00
You can’t get there earlier??
Dude I have work and he has school. You’re lucky it’s 4:00 and not later
Please don’t be late.
I’m going to ignore that because we haven’t been late once
How come you end every sentence with a period? You know you’re not writing a paper right?
Because I like it.
He laughs before putting his phone back on his desk. His secretary, a young man named Arthur who, while good at his job, needs to learn the meaning of the word ‘humble,’ pops his head in. “David is here for you,” he says.
Killian waves him in and Arthur closes to door behind David. He looks back to make sure the door is closed before asking, “You ready for tomorrow?”
He nods. “Aye. I believe so. I’m so bloody nervous, though.”
David laughs before sitting in the seat opposite Killian. “Why?”
“Oh, it’s just my future on the line, nothing more.”
“Killian, they’re going to be fine.”
“I know.”
“And so are you.”
He pauses. “You think so?”
“I know so.”
Killian releases a breath before looking at his watch. “32 and a half hours to go.”
“Stop worrying. It’s like a damn rocking chair.”
Killian raised an eyebrow. “Mate, you’re going to need to explain that one.”
“Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but you’re not going anywhere.”
Shaking his head, Killian gets up from his desk and walks over to the filing cabinet. “Well, thank you so much for that bit of fortune cookie wisdom.”
“Sure.” He’s quiet for a second as Killian gets out the file he needs. “You know I’ll be there every step of the way. Regina too.”
“Regina better be there. She’s the reason I’m in this mess.” He turns back around and walks over to his desk.
“She meant well.”
“I know.”
David sighs before asking, “33 hours?”
“33 hours.”
Killian looks at his watch. It’s ten past 6 on Friday, December 20, and David messaged that they were on their way back from the airport, but just got stuck in traffic.
The house currently smells like cooked meat and spices, and while that smell usually makes his mouth water, right now it’s just making his stomach turn.
He’s barely gotten a second to talk to Emma or Henry, since they were both taken immediately by a team that Regina hired to “spruce up their imagine,” whatever the hell that meant. They were currently upstairs in her guest room, doing God knows what, and all Killian can think about is that Emma and Henry both looked fine the other night.
When Regina comes down the stairs, she looking at her phone and how she doesn’t trip is something that is beyond him. “What’s going on up there?”
“Just making them look like they are a family that has money,” Regina replies nonchalantly without looking up.
“They were fine the other night.”
That makes her look up at him. “Killian, I hate to break it to you, but you have money. Your “wife” is supposed to look like she shares that money. Rich wives don’t weather red leather jackets they found at Goodwill.”
“I like the red leather jacket,” he mutters.
“And when it’s Sunday night, by all means, you can tell her. But for right now, she needs to look a tad more elegant.”
“And Henry?”
She shrugs. “He wants to talk to his mother about something.”
“Does he look elegant?” he asks, stressing elegant like it’s a word associated with horrible bodily functions.
“He looks like an eight-year-old boy. He’s fine.” Her phone beeps and she immediately looks down at it. His phone beeps too. His stomach sinks and his heart pounds. His head is rushing from the amount of bloody pumping into it (maybe? He’s not sure.)
She clears her throat before lifting her head. “He’s here.”
Killian nods and tries to remember how to breath. This was such a stupid idea.
Regina walks towards the door.
He never should have agreed to this. He should have told the truth from the beginning.
“Wait!” he shouts, just as she’s about to put her hand on the doorknob.
“What?” she hisses at him.
“The ring!”
Regina’s hand drops towards the pocket of her pantsuit. “Shit, I have it somewhere,” she mutters before pulling out a silver circle. She walks back over to him and grabs his hand roughly and tries to get it on, but he mutters, “Wrong finger, wrong finger, wrong finger!”
“God!” she huffs before shoving the ring in his hand. “You do it!”
“Thanks,” he mutters as the doorbell rings. He quickly put it on the correct finger and fixes his suit (Regina insisted) before he walks over to the door. “Show time,” he mutters before he throws open the door.
“Mr. Woodman! Welcome!”
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fanxyblog · 5 years
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A/N : This one is short because my teachers are giving me more work to do online than when we were at school so I don't have as much of time as I would like to have for writing, anyways another one for Hash on my blog. Hope you all enjoy this one !
Warnings: None
Word Count: 541
The kitchen in your apartment was messy, flour was spilled everywhere but you didn't care about it now.
Your hands were covered in red bean paste, you were humming along to the song that was playing on the radio.
You were making gyeongju bread for Deokwang.
He was having a hard time lately, he had a lot of work to do which ment he was bearly at home, it resulted in him being very stressed.
It was curently 9 p.m and your boyfriend was coming home after three long days of sleeping in his studio, it took a lot from you to convince him to spend the night at home.
You knew that it was his job and he was doing what he loved but sometimes it made him forget that he is a human and he needs to rest sometimes.
You were stuffing the bread with filling, you were so focused on your job that you didn't even know, that Deokwang was home.
He was drenched out of energy, he was working hard on his new album and even thought he knew that you completly understood why he wasn't at home, he couldn't help but to feel sorry towards you.
His work costed him a lot of energy and a lot of renunciations but he couldn't imagine himself doing a different job.
He stood in the kitchen doorstep and looked at you, with nothing else than love in his eyes. He could tell by the smell that you were making gyeongju bread, it made him smile.
The thought of having somone like you in his life made him happy, you were like a treasure to him.
Deokwang approched you silently while you were waching your hands under hot water, his hands rested around your waist and his face have found it's place in the crock of your neck.
"You are back"
"Mhm" he murmmured into your skin
You turned around to face him and put your still wet hands on his cheeks.
"Hey, your hands are wet" he tried to get away from your touch, but you didn't let him, you bringed him closer to you and kissed him sweetly.
Deokwang was looking at you with a smile on his face, but it wasn't a sweet smile, it was a smile that made him look like he knows something you don't.
"What is it hmm? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Oh it's nothing" he whispered in your ear
"It's just that you have flour on your forehead" you gasped loudly at his words and runned out of the kitchen to check yourself in the mirror. Deokwang following right after you.
"Yah! Why didn't you tell me right when you saw me ?" you asked reproachfully
"Because you look cute with that white strap on your face " he laughed at you.
"Yah... Deokwang" you pouted at him
He came closer and hugged you after leaving a kiss on your forhead
"I love you Y/N, thank you for taking care of me "
You smiled and hugged him back, it was good to have him at home, even for a short period of time.
"I love you too"
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yelowsmobmerch · 7 years
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SIK-K stickers available for purchase!!
[ link ]
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khhsh-t · 7 years
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honeybearloco · 7 years
“...With Me.”
Part 2 of “...Who Might You Be?” By request the smol bean named Hash Swan is back and poppin.
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You and Deok Kwang have been dating for almost five months now. You wanted to keep everything between the two secret but Deok Kwang went on talking to Changmo and Hyo Eun about it. Luckily they kept the secret to themselves. Joon Kyung knew you were up to no good. You were visiting too often and being way too quiet around him. You haven't even insulted him in weeks. That wasn't like you. Something was up and he wouldn't stop until he got to the bottom of it.
Deok Kwang took the day off to spent the day with you. You didn't know what he planned, but you thought it was sweet he wanted to spend time with you instead of working. The only thing he told you was to dress casual. So you did. You picked out a plain white t shirt and dark washed ripped jeans with a pair boots. It couldn't get more casual than that.
You put on a layer or two makeup. Deok Kwang loved you in a more natural look. He said natural was the best look on you. You heard a knock on your front door. You assumed it was Deok Kwang. You rushed to the front door and opened it with a smile. Standing in front of you was Deok Kwang holding a boquet of roses and chocolates. "To the girl I love." He said before handing the gifts to you. "You're so damn cliche. I love it." You pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
He pulled away and gave you another kiss on your forehead, then both of your cheeks. "Babe~! What's with all the kisses?" "I missed you. And I ran into Joon Kyung on the way here. He asked who the gifts were for. I lied and said my mom." You frowned. "Aww, poor baby. Were you scared?" You asked. 
"Yes! My heart was almost beating out of my chest! I thought I would slip up and tell him about us. You know I'm scared of him. I almost had to explain myself to him! You better be glad, I didn't get a cake with your picture and name on it."
Deok Kwang loved you, but standing up to Joon Kyung, was something he wouldn't do in a million years, even if he had to! "My smol bean. Don't worry about Joon Kyung, you won't have to worry about him much longer. And for my birthday, please order me a cake with my picture and name on it. I want you to use that picture of you and me when we went to Jeju." You smiled and hugged him.
"We took a lot of pictures in Jeju. Remember when we went to Love Land? Maybe we could use a picture we took there." "Deok Kwang, I don't want a picture we took at an outdoor sex themed sculpture park. I don't even know why you taught taking me there was a good idea." (A/N: THIS IS AN ACTUAL PLACE! MY GOD SISTER TOLD ME ABOUT IT!)
"Come on, you loved it. Well most of it. It's an art exhibition." He defended. You rolled your eyes. "Where are we going today anyways?" "There's a carnival in town and I wanted to take you. I wanna win my girl something, so I can show you I'm not just a bean." You locked arms with him. "You'll always be my smol bean no matter what you do. Even if you try to get a lot of tattoos and get buff, you'll still be my smol bean."
You and Deok Kwang, hopped into his car and he drove to the carnival. When you got there, you were amazed. You jumped out of his car. "Woah, I've never seen this carnival before. How long has it been here?" "It comes around every year in the summer. It stays for about a whole month. Then they back up and leave. I thought you've been here before."
"No! Never! I've been to a few carnivals before but not one this big."
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "Well your first time will be with me."
The two of you made your way into the carnival. The first thing the two of you did, was the ring toss. He of course failed, twice. You did well on the first try. You won yourself a little teddy bear. "That's not fair. You're skilled at that. We aren't leaving this park until I win you something huge!"
The two of you were the carnival for hours. It was getting dark. You were winning him prizes and he was still upset at that. You looked forward and yours widened. In front of you was a huge Kaonashi/No Face Plush! (A/N: I love Spirited Away so much guys.) It was calling your name. You looked at Deok Kwang. "BABE! BABE!" "Uhm?" He humbled.
"I want that plush!" You demanded as you pointed to the Kaonashi Plush. "Jagi, but that's the basketball game. What makes you think I could do that if I couldn't do the others!" "DEOK KWANG~!" You whined. He sighed. "I'll try. Yah! How much to win that Plush up there?" The man tending the stand looked at the plush and smirked. "Five shots in a row. You only get one chance. You wanting to win it for you lovely maiden there?"
"Yeah." Deok Kwang pulled out his wallet and gave the man a couple of bucks. He grabbed the basketball. "Wait, Deok Kwang!" You chimed in. You kissed him and pulled away. "For good luck." You walked to the side and stood in front of the crowd that had somehow formed. He took a deep breath in and let it out. He sized up his shot and jumped shoted the ball. Both you and the crowd's eyes followed the ball as it made it into the basket.
You couldn't help but be happy for him. You clapped and smiled. But you were celebrating a too early. He had four more shots to do. Three shots later, he was on fire. You were a proud girlfriend. he crowd thickened. Some of the girls in the crowd were envious of you. Some even told you to your face they were jealous. "I wish my boyfriend would do something like that for me. You're a lucky girl. I'm jealous." One said.
Finally he looked at the basket. He thought the last basket carefully. If he made it, he'd tell Joon Kyung tomorrow about the two of you. If he missed he'd be heartbroken because he thought you'd be upset because you really wanted the Kaonashi Plush. It was either life or death. He went for it. He jump shotted it again. He closed his eyes in fear. The ball felt like it was taking an eternity. It hit the rim three times before making it end. Everyone bursted out into cheers. He opened his eyes and realized, he made it.  You rushed up to him and jumped in his arms, and wrapped your legs around his waist.
"YOU DID IT!" You screamed. "I can see that." The man running the stand grabbed the Plush and watted his way over to the two of you because the Plush was lifesized. You climbed down. "Tis for the lovely, fair maiden." He said, handing you the plush. You hugged it the Plush tightly. "Thanks Deok Kwang."
The two of you decided you should leave. You put all of the stuffed animals you got for Deok Kwang in the trunk of his car. But you put your Plush in the backseat and bucked it in, as if it was another human. When you got home, you got out the car and unbuckled your Plush. Deok Kwang got out and walked around the car. "I can't walk you in, Hyo Eun needs me. I'll see you tomorrow." He planted a kiss on your forehead than your lips. "I love you."
"I love you too."
You walked yourself to your front door and reached in your pocket to grab your keys. You pulled them out and unlocked your front door. You opened the door, stepped through, and closed it behind you. You turned on the light to see Joon Kyung. You jumped slightly. "WHAT THE HELL, JOON KYUNG?!"
"Now that's you're home safe and sound, I have something to ask you. So when were you gonna tell me you're dating Deok Kwang?"
Have an amazing day/night. Love ya~! Thanks for reading. 
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