#haseul drabble
gardenlovebug · 1 year
[9:43 pm] haseul had been sitting in front of her desk for 7 hours at this point. a neck pillow clung onto her neck and her bottom had begun to hurt from the uncomfortable chair. you placed a cup of water next to her books. “maybe you should rest for the night,” you said while standing by her right shoulder. she picked up the glass of water and chugged it down; afterwards, she shook her head. “i need this done now.” she was stubborn and a workaholic—if she didn’t have you around she’d probably be constantly passing out of exhaustion. haseul’s laptop flashed its final pop up and turned off. she let out a sigh, “i don’t remember where i left my laptop charger.” she slumped deeper into the chair but you quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her up. haseul’s body lightly bumped against yours. “we can look for it in the morning, okay? let’s get some rest for now,” you kiss the top of her head. reluctantly, she shuffled away from her desk area and towards your bed. 
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everythingkpop2x · 5 years
Can I request a fluff reaction with haseul from loona (Gxg)
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[ 11 : 23 pm ]
Being the leader of 11 girls could be hard, not mention everything just to be seem to pil on to the stress Haseul was feelings. She just wanted to spend some relaxing time alone.. well maybe not alone but there was only one person she could even think being around in the momment. You were surprised to see Haseul calling you so late at night but it wasn't like you were asleep or anything. She just barely called you so late. "Hey, what's up?" You asked after answering the phone. "Sorry if i disturb you" "You didn't.." "Good... um, i was wondering if i could come over? I just need a break from my memebers." Haseul stated. You knew it wasn't anything like she hated her memebers or anything of the sort. You knew how much she adore her members but being around 11 hyper and lpud girls could be a bit annoying at times. "Of course. You're always welcome to come over." You stated. You guys said your little byes on the phone after Haseul stated she'd be over soon. Within 10 minutes, you heard a small knock at the door. You greeted the older\younger female before close the door behind her. You two didn't day much as you knew Haseul probably just want to relax and chill. You two ended up cuddling on the couch while watching some Drama. It wasn't long until the leader was passed out in your arms. She was even beautiful when she slept. You were bascially a second home to Haseul. You just understood her so well, you just always knew the right way to male her feel better.
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kpopfluffauthor · 7 years
A soft Heart
Title: A soft heart
Paring: HaSeul x Reader
Word count: 640
Genre: Fluff
A/N:This is my first fic since I was accepted into The Kpop fluff network I have been trying to write for almost a month now, I hope this is an okay fic I have kinda had a block since I got home from a visit in Kentucky. Also low key HaSeul may be on my bias list and I am unwilling to admit it.
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Haseul enters the studio holding a camera while wearing a pair of round glasses, she is talking about the new teaser they group is working on for the 12th girl when Chuu pops on screen
She waves excited “hello!” having her bubbly personality rub off on Haseul, causing a bright smile to shoot across her face, she passes the camera to Chuu so Chuu can finish shooting the new episode of Loona TV walking over to their producer
She ask “how is the shoot going? He looks over and just points at the new girl, going quiet the 11 other girls gather around the tv that the shoot is being displayed on, cheering her on as performed a few difficult dance moves she stands up after a long day and takes her last pose.
The director claps his hands and calls everyone to wrap up saying it was a very good day. As the girls are leaving the studio you are sitting outside, as the 12 girls leave the studio you see your beautiful lady putting her glasses on, you wrap your arms around her from behind. You almost whisper the words to her “hello my love,” Haseul nearly jumps out of her skin when you start talking to her “how was work today?” you say the words sweetly doing your best to not suppress giggles seeing her jump.
Turning around quickly she slaps you on the arm hard “You scared me!” she says the words trying to be angry but it quickly turns into a smile as she hugs you back “it went well girl 12’s music video is really shaping up, I am excited for it to finish and everyone to see it.”
You sigh you have been prying since December for her to tell you all the names of the girls but she always refuses to give anything anyway and know that only one girl is left you have been trying even harder to get it from her. “Come on honey you can tell me her name already instead of just referring to her as girl 12?” you poke at her shoulder laughing and smiling knowing full well she won’t tell you
HaSeul rolls her eyes at you “you know full well I can't tell you,” she leans into and kisses you softly, “I still love you anyway.”
Kissing her back just as soft you till her you love her too “Oh! By the way, I got a nice dinner all cooked up and ready to eat back at my place if you would like to come over and have a date,” you get eager waiting for her response.
HaSeul nods accepting the date “I can come over around 8 o’clock?” she decides on the time after checking her watch giving herself an hour to get ready for it.
Agreeing to the time you rush home and set the table, placing white flowers on the table as a centerpiece you finish prepping just as eight rolls around and you hear a knock on your door, standing in your door in the most beautiful red dress flowing down to her black hills is your girlfriend Haseul her eyes glow and her hair is draped around her shoulders, she is blushing as you answer the door. “Come in,” you move out of the door allowing her in “you look amazing, you did not need to get so dressed up.”
Haseul looks at you “I wanted to, I like looking extra beautiful when I see you,” she takes a peak over at the table “this looks amazing”  she rushes over to you throwing her arms around you and kissing you.
Sitting down you two begin your date only at the end you feel this date was just as magical as the first one that you ever went on with Haseul.
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Taking another deep breath Haseul finally willed herself to sit up in her bed. Why must her mind wake her up at.. what was the time again? Reaching over for her phone she squinted at the bright light of her screen. 4am? damn.
Haseul had been taking a sleep aid lately to help her get through the night but they have been losing their effectiveness as of late. Ever since she last saw her members, ever since she last saw her..
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heeberry · 2 years
Jo Haseul | lt’s Not Stealing If I Asked
Request: hi! can u do fluff 20 with twice mina? if u don't write for twice then loona haseul pls! tq!
Prompt: "Can I wear your sweater? It smells like you, I can't promise to give it back though."
Gender Neutral Reader!!
A/n: I don’t write for twice at the moment sorry 😭 so yay first haseul fic on this blog who else cheered
This kinda short btw
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“Haseul~” you sung, skipping toward your shared room to find the singer flopped on the bed, “woah what happened to you?” You questioned. Your girlfriend rolled off her stomach and laid onto her back, “nothing just exhausted from busting a leg at practice today.” She nonchalantly replied, you simply let out a small giggle.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go outside on a date but crashing in bed works too” you smiled, jumping on top of her, “ow y/n a warning of you doing that would’ve been nice” she whined, wrapping her arms around your torso securely.
“Is a warning really necessary?” You asked causing a nod from the girl under you. You ran your fingers through her hair comfortably, “whatever, anyways wanna tell me what you did at practice that caused you to be dead on the bed?”
She sighed, “well we barely got a break the whole time we practiced then Jiwoo dragged us to the mall, I was gonna get you a bracelet only but because you and Yeojin have a strange addiction toward collecting stuffed animals she urged me to get the same one she was getting for you.”
You laughed sitting up, “it is not a strange addition! now what animal is it?”
“A frog, so you could not only think of Haseul unnie but me as well.” She mimicked Yeojin’s words from the mall several hours ago.
You looked skeins and saw a blue bag near the dresser that suddenly caught your eye, how did you not notice it?
Getting off of your girlfriend you picked the bag off the dresser and smiled at the frog, picking it off the bag along with the bracelet she had brought for you. “Aw babe this is cute, thank you” you blushed wrapping it around your wrist, “gonna wear it like my life depends on it.”
Haseul chuckled at your response, “you don’t have to wear it like that.”
You smiled, setting the frog near the collection of stuffed animals you had, not without noticing a sweatshirt sprawled out on the floor from your girlfriend coming back home an hour ago. “Haseul I’m surprised you threw your sweatshirt on the floor, usually your all about cleaning up after yourself.” You picked the sweatshirt off the floor.
“Must’ve been really tired huh?” You slipped the sweater through your wrists with a huge smile plastered on your face, looking at the mirror, “it’s cute.”
“It is, but it’s not yours” Haseul grinned, “you didn’t even ask if you could wear it.”
You hugged yourself, "well, can I wear your sweater? It smells like you, I can't promise to give it back though."
You watched Haseul fall back into the mattress, “there goes my next sweater.” “Hey!” You frowned, crashing onto the bed again, “your acting like I hold your sweaters hostage or something.”
“That’s because you do darling” she said caressing your cheek with her thumb lovingly, “you steal every sweater of mine that you see.”
“Someone else’s sweater is more comfortable than wearing your own, especially if it’s your girlfriends.” You protested.
“Plus it’s not stealing if I asked!”
Haseul laughed, “I never said yes though.”
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huangbae · 4 years
a/n: this fic is gender neutral :D
without any further ado..
˗ˏˋ late nights w jinsoul ´ˎ˗
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ever since you moved you needed an escape
whether it was crying into your pillow at night, sleeping at all times, or drowning your feelings out with music
you were always just running away from something
your new method of escaping was sneaking out of your house at around 2 am and making your way to the small 24 hour convenience store by your house
you’ve done it about 4 times now
and everytime you came into the store
you were greeted by a friendly blonde girl with a nametag with the name “jinsoul” on it
you couldn’t help but converse with the girl while grabbing your items
usually a soda and a bag of chips
tonight it was nothing different
you walked into the door, a bell ringing behind you
jinsoul looked up from the magazine she was reading and waved at you
you smiled at her and walked over to the coolers
where you picked out the drink you always got
“so how was your day today?”
“hm... it was okay, nothing out of the ordinary. i just came down because i was craving chips”
“gotcha, gotcha.”
you nodded while picking up a bag of chips and making your way to the counter
after reaching the counter you took your wallet out and pulled out exactly $4.24, the total of both the chips and the soda
jinsoul put her head on her palm which was already rested on the counter
she took the money and put it into the register
“do you think i could ever see you outside of the store?”
you looked up at her and nodded, confused at what she was hinting at
“nice... y’know i saw a commercial for this one movie thats coming out, would you.. wanna go with me?”
you picked up your items and nodded at her
“sure, you can take my number and i can see when i’m free”
she smiled and took your number
then watched you walk out the door
you guys planned to see the movie that friday
and when that time came around
she was there early and sitting on a bench in the movie theater
but when you got there she complimented your shirt
bcs she was used to seeing you in your pajamas ofc
she stopped talking when the lights dimmed in the theatre
it was a scary movie
so she ended up flinching and holding onto her jacket which she was using as a blanket
she looked so relieved when the movie was over
when you guys were walking out of the theater
she asked if you wanted to see her again
and if you thought you had romantic feelings for her
“jinsoul.. i think i’ll need some time to figure that out. i think you’re cool. you let me vent to you, and i appreciate that. i just think i need to sort out some of my own issues before i put myself out there, y’know”
jinsoul took it really well
and she was really sweet about it
she said she’d wait for you
and give you all the time you needed
you walked her home
you guys ended up going on multiple late night walks
when jinsoul’s boss was gone
and you then realized
she gave you all the time you needed
you also realized she was the only thing you weren’t trying to run away from
and that you wanted to be there with her 24/7
you had a crush on jinsoul.
hope you enjoyed !! :) send a request if you’d like, i’m sort of on a writers block rn so it’d help if you sent one :) have a good day <33
~ with love, huangbae :)
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minimultiestfandoms · 3 years
˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! loona masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜
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| Headcanons |
LOONA As Girlfriends (solo headcanons)
Haseul | Vivi | Yves | JinSoul | Kim Lip | Chuu | Heejin | Hyunjin | Go Won | Choerry | Olivia Hye | Yeojin
| Reactions |
Nothing Yet!
| Drabbles |
Nothing Yet!
| Series |
Nothing Yet!
| Timestamps |
Nothing Yet!
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hyewolfies · 4 years
[6:03 PM]
Haseul calls you from the living room. “What do you feel like watching today?”, she asks.
You make your way to the couch, a bowl of popcorn in your hands, and sit next to her.
“Hmm, I guess I’m in the mood for something cute and romantic”, you answer. “Whatever you choose is fine, though.”
Haseul kisses you on the cheek and steals a popcorn from the bowl. “Then I have just the perfect one”.
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orientedorchestra · 4 years
“Ah choo!” A sneeze Haseul knew really well was heard loudly in the second floor, along hurried footsteps. The sneeze was followed by many others, as Vivi went down the stairs holding Mr. Fluffy the farthest as possible from her body. She was almost running, wanting nothing else than to throw that cat through a window.
“I’ll need Hyunjin to come back right now.” Another sneeze, “Or else I’ll die.”
The short haired woman could only laugh at the scene in front of her, and drifting her attention away from her homework, Haseul picked up Mr. Fluffy, pat his head a bit, then put him back on the wooden floor.
“Come on, baby,” She said, looking at the cat fur mess Vivi’s clothes were. (At some point, the red haired woman was supposed to bathe the cat, but it was long forgotten.) Haseul pressed a quick kiss to Vivi’s forehead.  “Let’s change those clothes.”
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Could u do list 1 prompt 7 with Haseul??????
Loona’s Haseul / Holiday Prompts
7. Persons A and B must convince their child that yes, Santa is real.
Admin Kiwi
A/N: So I’m going to try and write as many of these that have to do with Christmas as possible. The more generic “holiday” prompts will be done before New Years and will most likely be New Years/Winter themed. Thank you as always for your patience!
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“We might have a problem.” It was early in the morning and Haseul had just walked in from dropping Yeojin off at school. Her arms were crossed as she spoke, her eyebrows furrowed together in a pensive frown. “Our little girl has apparently started to worry about Santa.”
“Oh,” you said, slowly putting down the garland you’d been wrestling with since you brought out the Christmas decorations the day before. You were covered in pieces of green plastic that you brushed off as you stood up. “What makes you think that?”
“On the way to school today, she asked me how Santa managed to get inside houses and apartments that don’t have chimneys. She’s asked that before, but today when I told her that Santa has his own magic ways, she frowned and said that she didn’t believe in magic.”
“Huh. That’s new.” Your frown matched hers as you tried to think, putting your hands on your hips. “What age were you when you stopped believing in Santa? I can’t quite remember for me.”
“I don’t remember an exact age,” Haseul said, shaking her head, “but I know I wasn’t six. Six is way too young to stop believing.”
“I agree. But what can we do?” You sighed and sat back down, going back to messing with the knot in the garland. “I wasn’t prepared for this at all. I thought we’d at least have another year or two.”
“Right?” She stood silent, thinking for a moment. “You know, we could consult those parent blogs online. I’m sure they’ll have some kind of advice on what to do when your child starts asking questions.” Smiling, she walked over and took the garland from your hands. “Why don’t you stop messing with this thing and we can talk about Santa over breakfast? My treat.”
Laughing, you stood up once again and put your decorations to the side. “Well, if you put it that way, how can I say no?”
The parenting blogs proved to be a good idea. There were plenty of cool tricks to do online, but the one thing that really caught both of your attention was the video from Santa. The preview videos on the website looked genuine, and all you’d need to do was send Yeojin’s Santa letter. It seemed like it would work.
“If we can get her to do the letter,” Haseul said, sighed and taking another sip of her coffee, and you laughed. She had a point. The little girl was going through a bit of a rebellious stage. But you were sure there would be some way to convince her to write a letter to Santa.
Eventually, after gentle coaxing and a lot of suspicious and dramatic eyebrow raising from Yeojin, the two of you sat down at the kitchen table with her letter in hand, the little girl fast asleep in her bed upstairs.
“So we just send this information to the website?” She looked over the list and rubbed her face. “Oh god, she’s asking for a puppy. Is that something we can do right now?”
You laughed and fondly leaned into your wife, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I guess we’ll see. The gifts never get any easier, do they?”
“They never get any cheaper either,” she commented, but laughed along with you, folding the letter up once again. “I’m happy if she’s happy, though.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
“Yeojin! Look what we just got!” It was after dinner a few days later when the video came through, and you had to calm yourself down before you walked out to the living room to show her. “Santa sent me a video!” Beside the little girl, Haseul acted surprised, her mouth falling open as she let out a little gasp and nudged Yeojin’s shoulder.
“Santa?” Yeojin looked excited, then frowned suspiciously as you sat down beside her. “Really? Santa really sent me a video?”
“He did! Apparently he got our letters!” You settled down onto the couch, Yeojin between the two of you, and pressed play on the video.
Immediately, Santa appeared on the screen, all dressed in his red costume with a real beard and everything. Just as you’d seen on the website, the video looked legit.
“Is this thing recording? Oh, I’m too old to figure out these newfangled things.” Santa laughed as he settled back into his chair and pulled out a big book, as well as the exact letter Yeojin had written. At the sight of it, your daughter let out a gasp.
“Wait, that’s mine!”
“Hello there Yeojin, and Merry Christmas!” Santa waved at the camera as he let out a chuckle. “You’ve been a very good girl this year, as always. But some of my elves told me that you’ve been doubting me! Is this true?” He leaned forward in his chair, and Yeojin’s mouth dropped open.
“How did he know?”
“He’s Santa. He knows everything.”
“I wanted to send you this video to show you that I am very real, just like your parents said! We got your letter up here at the North Pole,” he said, holding up the letter and envelope. “You’ve got a lot of wishes this year, but as long as you believe in me, I think I can take care of them! A puppy! Now that’s a special gift right there. But as long as you stay good and keep believing, I think I can get it to you!” He winked and grinned at the camera, and you found yourself smiling. This guy was good. “Once again, Merry Christmas, Yeojin! I’ll see you soon!”
“Wow!” Yeojin exclaimed as the video ended and she jumped to her feet, bouncing up and down on the couch. “I can’t believe it! Santa really is real! And he’s going to get me a puppy!”
“Only if you believe,” you said, holding your hand out to make sure she didn’t fall off the couch.
“I’ll believe! I’ll believe really, really hard! I want a little dog so I can name him Frog!”
“You’re going to name your dog, Frog?” Haseul smiled, helping the little girl jump safely from the couch to the floor.
“Yep! I’ve decided! Oh, I drew frogs in class, I’ll be right back.” Distracted, Yeojin ran towards the stairs, and you shared a smile with your wife, tucking your phone back into your pocket.
“That worked great,” you whispered, and she laughed, reaching over to squeeze your hand.
“No kidding. Although I guess we’re stuck getting her a puppy now.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, listening as Yeojin tumbled through her room upstairs. You wanted to cherish these moments while you still could. She wouldn’t be little forever. “But it’s totally worth it.”
“You’re right. One day, we’ll look back at this and miss it.”
“So let’s not waste a moment.”
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rosemerriam · 5 years
The Heiress and the Body Guard
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A rough outline of a drabble coming soon (hopefully)
Heejin is the wealthy Heiress to Visual Corporation, daughter of billionaire couple, Haseul and Vivi. The duties of being a wealthy heiress include lots of cfs and promotions. Her mothers begin to worry about her safety and promptly decide to hire security guard, Hyunjin, an athletic girl who goes to Heejin's school and is in her year. Vivi picks Hyunjin so that the press doesn't scandalise Heejin being near a big, older man all the time. Haseul agreed to go with Hyunjin because their school is close to Yeojin's and they can pick up Heejin's little sister on their way to work/home.
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heeberry · 3 years
Don’t Worry
(Loona) Jung Jinsoul x Gender Neutral!Reader
Requested: yes!
Berry: Ello !! May I request Jinsoul x reader where reader has asthma but Jinsoul doesnt really know the ins and outs of it so when she comes home with the rest of her members to hang out at their house, she sees reader connected to a nebulizer and an oximeter and Soulie gets really really worried but reader explains that their fine and it's normal for them. Yes, this is my way of asking for a very cheesy "You take my breath away" line :D
A/n: forgive me, this was rushed </3 if this isn’t enough I could write it again! I don’t mind.
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You let a small sigh escape your lips, drying your hands on a towel after just washing them. Even though there was nobody at home with you, you quietly made your way to your bedroom.
Laying in bed, you take the nebulizer out of its box, connecting the hose to an air compressor. After tightly sealing it you attach the device to your mouth area, securely adjusting it.
This was a normal routine for you, taking a few minutes out of your day to make sure you were okay. Ever since you had asthma you were always on edge, finding out that the inside walls of lungs can become inflamed and swollen. So you always kept track of your breathing and making sure it was as stable as it could be.
You kept your lips firm around the mouthpiece, so all of the medicine could go into your lungs properly. The house was filled with nothing but silence, which felt quite calming to you.
Everybody but you had gone to the mall, wanting to hang out on a free day. They offered the invitation to you but you politely declined, not much in the mood to go shopping.
So you were left at home, currently connected to a nebulizer. As you let out multiple breaths in and out, you slightly turned to grab the oximeter that sat on your nightstand.
You slid the oximeter down your middle finger on your right hand, turning it on so you could track your current state.
The door knob suddenly started moving around, making your ears perk up at the unknown guest.
“Oh my god y/n?” Jinsoul gasps, dropping the bags she gripped on her hands. She rushed toward the bed and held onto you, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” A series of questions flew out of Jinsoul, a giggle surfacing from you.
“Jinsoul what happened?” Haseul swung into the room with curiosity. She looked at you and smiled, understanding why you were connected to a nebulizer. “Breath slowly okay? Make sure all that medicine gets to your lungs” She told you, “come into the living room when your done”
Jinsoul looked at you and Haseul as she left the room. “How come I don’t know what’s going on with you?”
You rolled your eyes knowing how forgetful your girlfriend could be at times. “Remember? I have asthma”
“That condition where my airways are narrow and swell? and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult for me to breathe at times?” You continued.
She snapped her fingers in realization, her face lighting up. Though, it quickly dimed down, “how come your attached to all this stuff?” She asked, fiddling with the oximeter on your finger.
“Well this” you pointed at your mouth, “is a nebulize, it’s to make sure large doses of medication I need to inhale gets into my lungs. But I could also use it when I’m having trouble using the inhaler I have.”
Jinsoul sits beside you, listening to you closely so she wouldn’t forget. “What about the thingy on your finger”
You couldn’t help but to giggle again, “that ‘thingy’ is a oximeter silly”
“What does that do?”
“Just measures my blood oxygen levels. So it’s recording it all right now.” You causally said, lifting your finger to watch the oximeter.
Jinsoul furrowed her eyebrows, “so your okay right? Nothing bad is happening to you?”
She ran her fingers through your hair, and you felt a wave of warmth consume you. “Well I’m not necessary okay”
The girl quickly drew her hand back, gasping, “What why?!” She panicked.
“My breathing was unstable” was all you said for her to lose it suddenly, it made yourself shocked at how Jinsoul acted but you kept yourself together.
“Oh god y/n are you serious? Do we need to take you to the doctors?” Jinsoul quickly got up to get her phone, “I’ll call right now if it’s bad” she told you.
“Is your breathing currently unstable? Or is that nebulizer thing on your mouth keeping you stable?” She asked, opening her phone to the dial center.
“Still unstable”
“Because you took my breath away” you winked, cringing at yourself internally at your current words.
It wasn’t the best time to say those words, but it slipped either way. You watched as the tip of Jinsoul’s ears tinted a bright red, squealing at your words.
She playfully slapped your shoulder, “seriously are you fine?”
You laughed, “yes soulie I’m fine I promise, this is normal for me. You just haven’t seen me like this because of your busy schedule with the group.”
The girl eyed you before sitting back down, she watched as you began turning the nebulizer off, fifteen minutes already passing by quick.
Once everything was completely off, you smiled as you sighed properly, taking in the air that was around your room.
Jinsoul pulled you randomly into her arms, circling your waist and kissing your forehead.
It made you smile, knowing Jinsoul would always be there for you, making sure you were at your best and not in a bad condition.
The way you saw Jinsoul’s worry for you made your heart beat, heat rushing to your cheeks, she really did care for you.
You deeply appreciated it, vowing to do just the same.
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baby-im-fool · 6 years
Coffee Date With Heejin
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A/N: I’m back again and i decided to do this request since i had exams yesterday and i wish i had Heejin to comfort me lololol. This is my first drabble attempt, sorry if it turns out bad, thanks for requesting and hope you like it <3
                              ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
It’s been two weeks since the last time you saw Heejin, your upcoming exams made you lock yourself in your room.
You wished your girlfriend was there but her busy schedule as an idol made it impossible. And you already accepted the fact that you were all alone, stressed and busy studying.
Even though you two were away, Heejin always calls before you go to sleep.
“Y/N, are you alright?” , your girlfriend asked in a sleepy and nonchalant tone, you couldn’t help but cry, breaking down helpless.
The last few weeks you were suffocated with books, you couldn’t take it no more and just wanted to give up. Heejin grew worried, asking you to calm down and wanting to know what was happening.
You could feel in her voice how sorry and angry she was that she couldn’t hug and comfort you. On the spur of the moment, you decided to hang up and turn off you cellphone, after sending a message saying you were fine.
“Open you eyes my princess/prince.” These were the first words you heard in the morning, followed by kisses all over your face.
Heejin was there, right in front of your eyes. Almost instinctively, you hugged her tight, as if it was the last thing you could do.
“You’ll have to let go of me and get dressed right now or i’ll get mad.” You missed her ‘jokes’ and even though you were confused, you decided to do what she told, getting away from these books and closer to Heejin was everything you wanted.
She refused to tell where you were going, saying it was a surprise, she covered your eyes suddendly and that was the first thing you saw after it.
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“You’re going to ace it” You read the letter and look up at a smiling Heejin, receiving a so awaited warm and comforting hug.
You could find peace in Heejin and that morning felt like heaven.
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*You’re Hyunjin*
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Vivi sat her drink down before an innocent expression crossed her face. "Well all I am saying is that I have kissed almost all of your little trio so I believe I can make a fair assessment of who is the better kisser," she paused, making sure all the attention was on her, "and I'd say that Haseul is a better kisser than Sooyoung."
"But that's not fair, Sooyoungie was drunk when you kissed her!" Jiwoo defended, nearly slamming her drink down. "She didn't give it her all!"
Jungeun could not help but join in as well, "And you haven't even kissed Jinsoul, she is obviously the best!"
The two in question chimed in with a unison, "yeah!!"
Haseul, who's ego was very inflated at this moment, started arguing with her best friends and their partners. "I think it's only fair if Vivi kisses each of us and gives her judgement."
There were murmurs of agreement before Vivi spoke up again, "I should probably be blindfolded to not play any favorites don't you think?"
Again murmurs of agreement rose as Jiwoo went about looking for something to use as a blindfold.
All blind to Vivi who was fighting back a grin, so glad that her plan worked.
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whatasweaty · 6 years
It's about 22:30 or so. Your eyelids are getting heavy and then your door slowly creaks open. Haseul is standing there in her pajamas and she asks if you're still awake and you mumble something incomprehensibly. She smiles softly and walks to the side of your bed and sits there for a minute just looking at you. She sings a song to you before you fall asleep, pulls the covers up over your shoulders then she leans down to give you a light kiss on your forehead
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evilzhou · 2 years
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* hard thoughts. horny thoughts from you and i.
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nothing here yet.
JISOO ━━ 김지수
nothing here yet.
JENNIE ━━ 김제니
drabble: eating her puffy pussy:( ♡
ROSÉ ━━ 박채영
nothing here yet.
LISA ━━ ปราณปรียา มโบาล
nothing here yet.
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RED VELVET ━━ 레드벨벳
* headcanon: dom, sub, switch.
IRENE ━━ 배주현
nothing here yet.
SEULGI ━━ 강슬기
nothing here yet.
WENDY ━━ 손승완
nothing here yet.
JOY ━━ 박수영
nothing here yet.
YERI ━━ 김예림
nothing here yet.
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TWICE ━━ 트와이스
nothing here yet.
NAYEON ━━ 임나연
nothing here yet.
nothing here yet.
MOMO ━━ 平井もも
nothing here yet.
SANA ━━ 湊崎紗夏
nothing here yet.
JIHYO ━━ 박지효
nothing here yet.
MINA ━━ 名井みな
nothing here yet.
DAHYUN ━━ 김다현
nothing here yet.
nothing here yet.
TZUYU ━━ 周子瑜
nothing here yet.
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LOONA ━━ 이달의 소녀
nothing here yet.
VIVI ━━ 黃珈熙
nothing here yet.
YVES ━━ 하수영
nothing here yet.
JINSOUL ━━ 정진솔
nothing here yet.
HASEUL ━━ 조하슬
nothing here yet.
KIM LIP ━━ 김정은
nothing here yet.
CHUU ━━ 김지우
nothing here yet.
HEEJIN ━━ 전희진
nothing here yet.
HYUNJIN ━━ 김현진
nothing here yet.
GOWON ━━ 박채원
nothing here yet.
CHOERRY ━━ 최예림
nothing here yet.
nothing here yet.
YEOJIN ━━ 임여진
nothing here yet.
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AESPA ━━ 에스파
nothing here yet.
KARINA ━━ 유지민
bonding: perv!aespa part one.
GISELLE ━━ 内永えり
nothing here yet.
WINTER ━━ 김민정
nothing here yet.
nothing here yet.
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ITZY ━━ 있지
nothing here yet.
YEJI ━━ 황예지
nothing here yet.
LIA ━━ 최지수
nothing here yet.
RYUJIN ━━ 신류진
nothing here yet.
nothing here yet.
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nothing here yet.
SAKURA ━━ 宮脇咲良
nothing here yet.
CHAEWON ━━ 김채원
nothing here yet.
YUNJIN ━━ 허윤진
nothing here yet.
KAZUHA ━━ 中村一葉
nothing here yet.
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SOMI ━━ 전소미
nothing here yet.
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evilzhou © 2O22 — don't copy, repost, or translate any of my works.
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