livs-language-log · 1 year
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livs-language-log · 2 years
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livs-language-log · 3 years
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livs-language-log · 3 years
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So you’ve learned Hangul. ‘What do I do now?’ is probably your next question. I would know because you all have asked me at least ten times a day. The people have spoken; a lot. So I shall give the people what they want. Here is a short masterlist for beginners who are endlessly stuck at Hangul and have no idea what to do next:
Typing in Korean:     ♡ Hangul (just in case you haven’t gotten that part yet)     ♡ Practice your Hangul: typing test     ♡ How to change your keyboard: language setting       ♡ Korean Fonts
Flashcards / Apps:     ♡ Quizlet     ♡ Anki     ♡ Apps
Websites:     ♡ Talk to Me in Korean (TTMIK)     ♡ How to study Korean (HTSK)     ♡ Lang-8     ♡ KoreanClass101     ♡ Haru-Korean     ♡ Learn Korean     ♡ Sogang Korean
Masterlists:     ♡ Study Korean 101     ♡ Fluentlee     ♡ From Ireland to Korea     ♡ Lost in Korean Translations     ♡ Flicker of Korean     ♡ Korean from Dummies     ♡ Bite Sized Korean     ♡ Bulletproof Korean     ♡ Sohee Studies     ♡ Hannah-DulSet     ♡ Korean Study Tips     ♡ Su-eop     ♡ GGKorean
My Resources / Recommended:     ♡ Textbooks          ~ I will always recommend TTMIK (textbooks here)     ♡ Korean Games     ♡ Websites     ♡ Apps     ♡ Webtoons
Beginner Need to Know:     ♡ Introducing yourself     ♡ Vocabulary (literally fill your brain with as much vocab as possible)     ♡ Batchim (받침)     ♡ Sentence Structure     ♡ Conversational Korean
Tips:     ♡ The romanized Korean is not a complete representation of the Korean alphabet. Understanding that pronunciation/spoken Korean is just as important as reading and writing will help your Korean flourish - so drop romanization.     ♡ You are literally free to do whatever you want. You could learn phrases, vocab, grammar - you could even start taking beginner lessons at a KSL school or find a tutor; your Korean language journey is your own. What works for me might not work for you.     ♡ There’s always a honeymoon stage. What I mean by this is sometimes people are caught up in the excitement of learning Korean that they forget to do the boring stuff - ie grammar and extensive studying. The honeymoon stage usually filters those who are serious and those who aren’t about learning Korean.     ♡ However you chose to learn Korean, own it. If you’d like to learn through KDramas/KPop, that’s okay. If you want to go to Korea and immerse yourself, that’s okay. Own it. And work hard while you’re at it.
Studying Korean is a beautiful and painful process. As a former beginner, I can tell you it’s a lot of work but it’s worth it. I hope that you have some guidance now when you’re done learning Hangul, but it’s really up to you the path you decide to take. Best of luck! I will always be here to answer your questions - don’t hesitate to message. Happy Studying :)
~ SK101
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livs-language-log · 4 years
Recapped present tense conjugations
Learned past tense conjugations
Learned some new verbs
I found out how to use 하지마 with verbs
I’m comfortable slowly making progress at the minute I’m working my way through the level one of the talk to me in korean books (theory and workbook). I am still struggling with listening, but i’m practicing by watching Strong Girl Bong-soon and I find I am able to pick out some words and phrases.
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livs-language-log · 4 years
how to : multiple verbs sentences in korean
helloooooo. so in this post i will be explaining you all how to use multiple verbs in the same sentence.
before learning this, make sure you already kinda master how to conjugate verbs in past, present and future tenses and also know how to use basic sentence structure :)
it will look like Verb stem+고+Verb
-고 is added to verbs you want to link together in order to form your sentence
a simple way to say “and” is using the word “그리고” :
“학교에 갔어요. 그리고 친구랑 만났어요.”
i went to school. and i met with friends.
but let’s say you want to say something like :
“i am studying and listening to music”
공부하고 음막을 들어요
present tense :
먹다 = 먹-다 = 먹+하고 = 먹고 “eat and…”
말하다 = 말하다-다 = 말하+고 = 말하고 “talk and…”
보다 = 보다-다 = 보+고 = 보고 “see and…”
past tense :
읽다 = 읽었다-다 = 읽었+고 = 읽었고 “read and…”
좋아하다 = 좋아했다-다 = 좋아했+고 = 좋아했고 “liked and…”
배우다 = 배웠다-다 = 배웠+고 = 배웠고 “learned and…”
future tense :
노래하다 = 노래할 거+고 = 노래할 거고 “i will sing and…”
찍다 = 찍을 거+고 = 찍을 거고 “i will take a picture and…”
보다 = 볼 거+고 = 볼 거고 “i will see and…”
more examples :
- “i cooked and ate”
요리했고 먹었어요
- “what are you up to?”
  뭐하고 지내요?
  “i’m doing well and working”
  잘 지내고 일해요
- “i went shopping and watched a movie”
   쇼핑하러 갔고 영화를 봤어요
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livs-language-log · 4 years
감정 - Emotions
잘 지냈어요? - Have you been well?
잘 있었어요? - Have you been well?
기분이 어때요? - How do you feel?
요즘 저는 슬퍼요 - These days I’m sad
오늘 저는 행복하고 만족해요 - Today I am happy and content 
슬프다 - To be sad
아프다 - To be sick
졸리다 - To be sleepy
힘들다 - To be hard
신나다 - To be excited  
놀라다 - To be surprised 
무섭다 - To be scared
부럽다 - To be envious
외롭다 - To be lonely
만족하다 - To be satisfied/content
행복하다 - To be happy 
건강하다 - To be healthy
배고프다 - To be hungry
피곤하다 - To be tired
짜증나다 - To be annoyed
걱정하다 - To be worried
부끄럽다 - To be embarrassed
섭섭하다 - To be disappointed 
답답하다 - To be frustrated 
화가나다 - To be angry 
심심하다 - To be bored (with nothing to do)
지루하다 - To be bored (of doing something) 
Irregular conjugations 
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livs-language-log · 4 years
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1. 오다: to come 2. 마시다: to drink 3. 먹다: to eat 4. 주다: to give 5. 가다: to go 6. 듣다: to hear 7. 배우다: to learn 8. 만들다: to make 9. 앉다: to sit 10. 자다: to sleep 11. 씻다: to wash 12. 쓰다: to write 13. 울다: to cry 14. 갖다: to have 15. 웃다: to laugh 16. 보다: to see 17. 일어나다: to get up 18. 걷다: to walk 19. 춤추다: to dance 20. 만나다: to meet 21. 공부하다: to study 22. 운전하다: to drive 23. 사다: to buy 24. 읽다: to read 25. 주문하다: to order 26. 입다: to wear 27. 찍다: to take (picture) 28. 쓰다: to wear (hat, eyewear) 29. 신다: to wear (shoes, socks) 30. 빌리다: to borrow, lend 31. 전화하다: to telephone 32. 말하다: to talk, speak 33. 가르치다: to teach 34. 기다리다: to wait 35. 걸다: to call, dial 36. 청소하다: to clean 37. 타다: to ride 38. 나가다: to exit 39. 들어오다: to enter 40. 물어보다: to ask 41. 필요하다: to need 42. 도와주다: to help 43. 열다: to open 44. 닫다: to close 45. 일하다: to work 46. 쉬다: to rest 47. 운동하다: to exercise 48. 생각하다: to think 49. 알다: to know 50. 모르다: to not know 51. 요리하다: to cook 52. 끓이다: to boil 53. 썰다: to chop, slice 54. 튀기다: to deep fry 55. 재다: to measure, weigh 56. 섞다: to mix, blend 57. 굽다: to roast, grill, bake 58. 볶다: to fry 59. 급다: to grill 60. 휘젓다: to stir 61. 하다: to do 62. 있다: to have 63. 없다: to not have 64. 이야기하다: to talk, chat 65. 연습하다: to practice 66. 묻다: to ask 67. 내다: to pay 68. 살다: to live 69. 죽다: to die 70. 태어나다: to be born 71. 사랑하다: to love 72. 좋아하다: to like 73. 싫어하다: to hate, dislike 74. 결혼하다: to marry 75. 축하하다: to congratulate 76. 걱정하다: to worry 77. 약속하다: to promise 78. 거짓말하다: to lie 79. 고백하다: to confess 80. 찾다: to find, to look for 81. 준비하다; to prepare 82. 가지다: to have 83. 기억하다: to remember 84. 꿈꾸다: to dream 85. 시작하다: to start 86. 끝나다: to finish 87. 보내다: to send 88. 사용하다: to use 89. 팔다: to sell 90. 싸우다: to fight 91. 대답하다: to answer 92. 소개하다: to introduce 93. 출발하다: to depart 94. 도착하다: to arrive 95. 벗다: to undress, take off clothes 96. 이기다: to win, defeat 97. 지다: to lose, be defeated 98. 서두르다: to hurry, rush 99. 사랑에 빠지다: to fall in love 100.죄송하다: to be sorry.
(Instead of the 30 Korean verbs/adjectives I said to post, I prefer this “100 most useful korean verbs” by SydneytoSeoul)
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