#hasbin velvette
weepingwillowwonder · 2 months
#2 Hazbin Hotel "Things I ✨️LOVE✨️ the idea of" (because I can't share these things with people irl...)
[Explicit content: minors DNI!]
The Vees x Model!Reader
Imagine being one of Velvette's models and hearing her and Valentino are doing a collaboration on a new lingerie line. Who better to do the job than her favorite model? You may have expected to be a part of this photoshoot (being her favorite and all), but what you didn't expect was to be played with like a toy in front of everyone~
[I do NOT own Hasbin Hotel or it's characters, do NOT repost my content elsewhere please and thank you! Minors DNI!]
CW: Lingerie, exhibitionism, vibrating underwear, dirty talk,
You quickly get changed as you enter the studio and make your way in front of the cameras. Surprisingly the clothing item covers all your bits, though, it definitely accentuates your body in the best ways, not leaving much to the imagination. Velvette quickly directs you in position on the floor in front of the cameras. You're currently sitting on your knees with your palms resting on them, listening to Valentino and Velvette discuss the vision for the photoshoot. It's not surprising that Valentino is involved in the process, after all it is a collaborative project. However, you didn't expect him to be THIS involved. Velvette's instructions are usually short and to the point. "On the floor, on your knees," is how she'd spoken to you earlier. Is it that she's more predictable? Or maybe you're used just to the way she orders you around. It's almost as if she expect you to know exactly what she's thinking in that moment. Valentino, on the other hand, still expects you to know what to do, but is unpredictable in his motives. "Ooolala look at you, chica! You're going to make us so much moneyyy~" he had said, grinning when you came into the room. You nodded respectfully and shyly smiled back at him, "Hello, Mr. Valentino..." His grin seemed to widen as you addressed him, watching you as you quickly follow Velvette's instructions.
While you maneuvered flawlessly to their commands, the whole thing just seemed to be missing something. You waited patiently as the two huddled around the camera man, peering at the images displayed. Sure you looked good, hell, you looked HOT. But for the marketing headline of their newest product, the photos just seemed to be...lacking. You make eye contact with Valentino as he lights a cigarette, smirking at you. "Be a doll and lay on your stomach for me," Velvette suddenly says, crossing her arms. You obey and slide yourself onto the floor, laying completely flat with your head turned in their direction. "Actually," she starts, looking between you and the camera picture. "Get on all fours," she then comes over and pushes your upper half unto the ground. "Arch your back a liiittle more...Yes! Don't you dare move."
You can't help the warming of your cheeks or the slight throbbing between your legs when you think about how you probably look to everyone else in the room right now. You try your best to keep a straight face and not give way to your growing arousal. Focus on the camera. Focus...focus....You jump as the door suddenly swings open and unfortunately also at the same time the camera shutter goes off. Velvette again looks at the images from the camera, only this time they come out blurry. "Fuckin' hell!" Velvette yells angrily at the intruder, throwing her hands up in the air. "Vox this better be important enough to come in here and fuck up our shoot!" Valentino squints as he also checks out the images. Smacking his teeth he mumbles, "Te moviste.."
Vox waves off Velvette's outburst and motions to Valentino, handing him some documents to sign. Vox briefly glances up at you with an unreadable expression and you look away, too embarrassed by your current position. He looks back down at the papers as Valentino quickly fills them out, then he asks "How's the collab going anyway?" Velvette directs someone to quickly touch up your make up and mutters under her breath, something about a piss baby... Valentino gives the documents one last once over and hands them back to Vox, lighting another cigarette. "Let's see your opinion here..." He motions to the camera and allows Vox to leans in close to take a look at the images. Vox doesn't say anything for a moment, flipping through the suggestive pictures with a slight blush dusting on his screen. He clears his throat before answering, "yeah uh, I guess they're fine? I mean.." he pauses. "Thinking from a marketing stand point, the product looks good, and I mean really good...But it just seems like any other lingerie line." Vox looks in your direction yet again, also making the other two glance over at you in thought. Valentino then grins before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small remote. "Mm, I was thinking the same thing, so I brought a little help~ ," He purrs. "Make sure you don't miss ANYTHING." He snaps to the camera man before pressing a button on the remote.
One second you're quietly watching the interaction between The Vees, the next you feel a sudden vibrating sensation between your legs. You gasp embarrassingly loud and unconsciously arch your back, pushing your ass further into the air. You hear Velvette hum contently and Valentino praising your effort, "eso es todo baby~" You whimper and grip the carpet underneath your palms, trying your best to continue looking into the camera. Your legs automatically squeeze together, pressing the vibrations closer to your core. Once enough pictures were taken in this new position, Velvette tells you to lay on your back, which takes embarrassingly longer than usual to get into position. You bite your lip with tears in your eyes, as you settle on your back with your knees drew up. Your hips jump as the vibrations increase, making you cry out. Instinctively you reach your hand between your legs and grind against it as you pathetically whimper out a plea, "Please!" Valentino watches intently, cooing encouragement at you on the side, while Velvette keeps a close eye on the camera. Vox, just stands in the background admiring you intently as you start to fall apart. He also looks at the camera, mumbling softly, "Now that's good for marketing..."
At this point you're openly humping your hand, bringing yourself closer to the edge. You're trembling as your orgasm rapidly approaches, only the soft sounds of your noises can be heard. Making eye contact with Valentino is what finally pushes you over the edge as you see him gently squeeze the visible budge between his legs. Your back fully arches off the ground and you whimper as the orgasm rocks throughout your body. You lay there dazed for a moment as you hear Velvette yelling "Wrap it up!" in the background. Vox and Valentino quietly exchange words before Vox takes his leave back to his office. Valentino on the other hand approaches you, crouching down to your level. "Well done hermosa~ " He slyly glances over to Velvette who is directing the clean up crew.
"How would you like to come work for me instead?" He asks grinning and gently stoking the side of your face, "I could make you Star~"
( >_>) I wrote this instead of going to bed...it is now 4 hours past my bed time...ALSO! Guess who learned how to add the "keep reading" line thingy today???~
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martamatta95 · 3 months
Meanwhile, my emotions...🤣🤣🤣
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hisui555 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel thoughts
"How are they with kids ?"
Hazbin Hotel Bonus 1 (Hell cast + drawings of them) here
Hazbin Hotel Bonus 2 (Heaven cast + babysitting + drawings of them) here
Masterpost here
Something popped into my mind and I thought I'd share. A good while back, there was a stream (Hunicast I think ?) where the question "How good are they with kids ?" was asked, and suddenly that same question entered my mind about the villain characters :
What about the Vees ?
We know how some of the Hazbin crew would interact (if it's still canon) with children : Angel is the "friendly irresponsible" type - would never harm a child but would bring them to inappropriate places. Husk is actually surprisingly good with kids, knows how to distract them, catch their interest (it helps that apparently he knows magic showman tricks) and just plain care for them. Alastor is more distant and a bit behind the times in terms of discipline - he'd slap a kid if they were being a little shit, but won't harm them otherwise, even if scaring them for life isn't off the plate, and be generally decent if maybe annoyed. Vaggie if I remember right isn't comfortable with children, probably because she'd feel in over her head and has a short-ish fuse.
I don't remember what was said about Charlie (if anything was said at all), but my bet would be that she'll infantilize them a great deal - like treating a 10 y-o like a barely-able-to-walk toddler, with huge amounts of coddling and babying (all in all, not that far from how she treats Sinners). For Cherri, I don't think she was brought up (or my memory is failing me), but again, my personal bet would be that she'll be "friendly irresponsible" like Angel, but cranked up : sure you can throw that bomb, it's fun ! Just remember to let it go in ti- aww, c'mon, don't cry, yes your eyebrows will grow back. I know what'll cheer you up : wrecking that building !
But, yeah, what about the Vees ?
Well, here are my thoughts :
Vox would have the personality to deal with a child, but not the skills. He'd keep that CEO everything-is-fine-just-as-planned smile plastered on, and give Polite Interest (TM) to whatever squiggly drawing is pushed under his non-existent nose, listen with only one hearing sensor while 15 other tabs are open in the background of his brain, Wii music playing optional, analyzing graphs and stats while complimenting that pretty dragon pic ("It's a unicorn !" That pretty unicorn pic as he said) or distractingly commenting to the kid rambling ("I almost fell in a well yesterday." "Mh-hm." "I could've died." "That's wonderful, dear.") and spouting facts (unless about sharks. THAT gets his attention - one of the only times it's genuine and 100% and did I show you my pet Vark ?). He'd be generally patient (when your boyfriend is Valentino, kids are nothing next to that) and treat it just like one of his interviews, hypnosis included (Why won't you go for a nap, hm ? For the fifth time today ?) because like I said : skills ? Nuthin'. He'd be unable to wrap his flat-screened head about a kid's needs or why they cry, being unable to differenciate a "I'm hurt" from "I'm hungry" or "I'm scared" from "I'm sad because I'm missing my teddybear", so he'll go trial-and-error.
He'd be the type of babysitter that doesn't really interact much with the kid, letting them be, only keeping an eye on them while multitasking (cameras, right ?) and/or letting them play around him, as long as they don't cause a structural fire, fall in the shark tank, stick weird things in power outlets or bite the cables. Even better, stick them in front of a TV show and leave them there, only checking from time to time, with a pat on the head and a pinch of the cheek for good measure, calling them "dear", "darling", "squirt" or "champ" - but rarely, if ever, by name - as an afterthought, filling that "bare minimum affection" quota on the check list. Won't harm the child, because What Do You Think It'll Do For Our Image first, and not inclined to resort to that second, but if inspired will use the hell outta them (Voxtek ! Presenting new child-approved Vloops cereal ! New Voom flavor for kids ! Trust us with your children's happiness and diabetus !) and get ratings. In general, decent in personality and watching this mancub fumble around with semi-amused interest, like one takes a coffee break from work to check memes. Knows that getting angry won't help squat, so keeping the ankle-biter distracted and out of his hat is his way of dealing with it if he can't make more money out of them.
Velvette on the other hand would be the complete inversion : good child-handling skills, bad personality. She will immediately know what's up and pinpoint the exact issue no problems, but generally doesn't have the patience to deal with a kid. She'll stick the child in a corner with two toys within a chalk outline of three square meters at best and tell them to stay there, I'm busy putting together a show, dammit, I don't have time for you. Might be mildly verbally abusive, at best quite snippy. She has her fare share of frustrations and annoyances with stupid employees and stupider tantrum-throwing pissbabies, no need to add another one. Complains the whole time about the ordeal on her phone and social media between two shoots. Expect Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy) levels of art critique each time a drawing is shown to her, and will deal with tears or tantrums by throwing the convoited item at the kid - the sooner it goes away, the faster she can go back to her business. Type of babysitter to be in another room and rarely check on the kid, telling them to shut up, stop singing or play less loudly, she's in the fucking middle of something here. Will make it VERY CLEAR to people asking that no, hell's sake, she won't babysit for long, today is just an unavoidable exception. Ignore the brat, folks, it's like a wallflower : decorative and useless.
Might incorporate the kid into her show or photoshoots (especially if Vox slipped her the idea to use the kid) to sell new fashion trends and as a child model, generally for cutie points and the attention it provides, especially if it makes people green with envy. Might still not call the kid anything other than "brat", "midget" and "shrimp", and you better strike that pose right and face the camera the proper way. However, food and naptime is provided right on the dot, and if left to play in a room, the room itself is not bad at all, and Melissa will be asked to keep an eye on them, nope, no raise, just do it or else you're fired. Might dump the child to Vox or Valentino whenever possible, or keep them around as a glorified clothing prop she fusses around, adjusting that bow, straightening those folds. Might also soften a bit if the child is very well-behaved and shows an interest in what she does, calling her designs cool and her style pretty, and not asking lots of questions.
Now, Valentino. And here's the thing : he'd be very good with kids. Which to any outsider makes it "awww", but for anyone who really knows him ? Absolutely TERRIFYING. This sweet voice and cute nicknames ("cariño", "cariña" - hope I got it right - name nicknames, cooing and practically purring it out), propping them on his hip, parading around, and would you look at that, aren't those pretty lights ? That's right, they're from the spotlights ! Wouldn't you like to look ? while pinching cheeks and booping noses and poking at ribs, promising a candy bar or lollipop if they behave nicely for "uncle Val", and everyone else who has been on the receiving end of this in a WILDLY different context just shivers with fear. And that's the worst : he'll be decent to kids, adorable even (nevermind consciously playing up the endearing points), and still be able to sent that cold death glare and smiling rictus over his shoulder to his employees so that they better get in line for work already. Kid will only see the surface, super-nice moth guy with fluffy wings showing them around and everything, others (the ones with morals) see the monster underneath and really do hope children aren't on his pimp radar. And Val will let them keep guessing, because pragmatically, the imaginary-but-still-implied threat works very well, and he has no interest in someone that's no fun to break, unlike adults who are much more satisfying to bring to their knees : the higher they are, the harder they fall, and the resulting control is just gratifying. Even Vox will be queasy about it at times, but hope he knows Val well enough and choose to ignore it (as long as nothing Harms The Image) and go back to business, Velvette is grateful for Valentino's babysitting skills, but if Val is in a bad mood ? Better drop the kid at Vox'. Becoming a casualty to Val's tantrums is a low chance for a child, but let's not damage the PR along with the brat, shall we.
I don't think Valentino would censor himself around the kid, even if he'll be decent while addressing them : one minute going wait here for me, okay [name]-ita/ito ? and the next second screaming at the top of his lungs over his shoulder OKAY BITCHES AND FUCKS WE'RE TAKING IT BACK FROM THE TOP ! and just barely keeping the kid out of sight in a room corner or adjacent room, like having the playpen barely behind the obscuring wall or something (whereas Angel Dust would probably use euphemisms - despite still cursing - around them and, while entering the studio with the kid, keep them in his own break-room (and the lot of questionable items he likes and that could fall in curious grabby hands, because he Didn't Thought This Through) while he works, preventing them from directly seeing anything). On the subject of Angel, he'll probably have a near heart attack seeing Valentino with a kid around him, knowing what he's truly capable of, and hoping it's not what he thinks it is (it's not, but Valentino is well-aware of the effect and if it makes his employees more compliant, might as well, relishing in the fear it causes). His way of dealing with tantrums or coaxing into behaving is either a cold glare and intimidating with silent anger and a very low voice (basically, scare-tactic), or playing keep-away with things, as in once you behave, you can have it. You wouldn't want me to keep it locked somewhere you can't reach, right ? Good. On the other side, expect faux-fussing and cooing for a child that's genuiely hurt, see how good a caretaker he is, right ? what do you mean he likes when someone is dependent on him to be comforted and happy, pffft, that's just your imagination.
Conclusion : hypothetically, none of them are above using a kid for their own goals, with next to no empathy outside a connecting point or two (sharks for Vox, maybe fashion for Velvette, and admiring Valentino - or just, boost their egos by fawning over their work/supposed smarts/prettiness, that works too), and while they'd be mostly decent towards the kid on a basic level (needs are taken care of, no (intentional) physical abuse, no neglect), they will be directly or indirectly manipulative, with calculated affection and praise. Healthy people to be around, I'm telling you.
Bonus :
For Sir Pentious, I think he'd just be plain lost, especially with modern kids and their needs (he's from the 1800's). Or paranoid the child is plotting his double-death when the local 5 y-o he got saddled with is merrily pushing buttons haphazardly on his blimp and no, no, not the death ray ! I, Ssssir Pentious, command you to let go of the Hyperbeam Dessssimator this inssstant ! That, or he'll try to transform them into one of his minions - and keep any stickman drawing offered to him in his secret room, after squishing it to his heart with welling-up, shiny gloopy eyes.
I don't remember if Niffty was brought up too, but she'd be rather... extreme. With a very fifties mentality of what caring for children implies, with leftover gender stereotypes. She'd be puzzled by a girl playing with toy cars and putting them to bed like some flipped-on-the-back beetle (pun intended) in the Barbie sheets, or a boy not being that much of an airplane fan. She would come around, but expect at least one that's not how you do it, and some hyper rants about killing bugs and CLEANING. However, she'll be very careful about dangerous items : no touching the bleach without her supervision ! Even if she'll tell the kid the hundred and a half ways of killing stuff with it.
For the Overlords : I admit I'm just drawing a blank on Zestial, I guess he'd just observe kids from afar but not really interact. Tall, Dark and Spidery would rather not interact, but I guess he'll point a lost kiddo in the right direction once in a while.
Rosie would just be the politest, most accomodating, patient, motherly figure, the talk about your emotions and how does that make you feel kind (I mean, we all watched Episode 7, right ?). Just watch out for the slow but steady conversion into a potential cannibal, because Oh you've never tried these, dearie, it's a delicacy ! Now, you're a forever-not-growing child, you need your calcium. And what's better than taking it from the source ? These bones are good for yours ! If unconvenienced by behavior, she'll show The Disappointmed Frown, and you better go to your room. Might still believe in spanking (by hand, no objects) as punishment. We don't do tantrums here, sweetie, we're classy, helldammit.
Carmilla is just a confirmed mom, maybe strict and an iron lady, but she deeply loves her own children, and it shows. Other kids don't bother her at all. A stern talking is what they need if misbehaving. She's protective, but not overprotective, and kinda the learn-from-your-experiences type (unless said experience would end fatally, because then she'll intervene). She aims to teach independence and self-sufficiency, and while blunt at times in her approach, her praise and affection are completely sincere and given without a second thought.
I don't know the other Overlords enough to tell how they would react to kids.
Okay, well, this blew up to a whole thing. Ah well, I'm known for my skyscrapers anyway. Have a cookie, you've certainly burned a lot of calories just by reading this, you really earned it.
(And seriously, just choose Carmilla as a babysitter.)
Again, Masterpost here.
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that-fruitier-emo · 7 months
I feel like in Hasbin Hotel, that at some point in one of the seasons there's gonna be a betrayal in the Vee's.
My guess is Vox or Velvettr turning on Val.
I feel very much like it'd be Velvette and Vox turning on Val because he's causing unnecessary problems. Like for example maybe with Angel's contract, and starting stuff with Charlie or even Lucifer.
Just my little theory.
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that-ari-blogger · 2 months
Style vs Substance (Respectless)
The fact that Respectless isn’t the least popular song in the series is a marvel of creative skill. The song shouldn’t work.
Velvette is a plot device, and not a particularly subtle one. She gives information to the characters and the audience and sets up the stakes of the story, then drops off the map. This is exposition in its most blunt form and the song isn’t trying to hide that.
Still, the song is an absolute banger, and lauded as one of the series’ best. So, what’s up with that?
Raw charisma, that’s what.
Let me explain.
CONTENT WARNING (Foul Language and Cartoon Gore)
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I’m going to start with a criticism of the series before I move on to the positives. In my opinion, Hazbin Hotel has a pacing issue.
I’m not the first person to point this out, but it's worth dwelling upon the flaws in even our favourite stories. No work of fiction is perfect and understanding why that is helps us engage not just with the work itself, but with others who enjoy those stories less than ourselves.
I love this series despite its pacing issues, but for some people, that’s a dealbreaker, and that’s ok. You don’t have to like or dislike anything, and anybody telling you otherwise is objectively wrong about how liking things works.
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So, pacing. Hazbin Hotel struggles with this, and fair is far, it isn’t all the writer’s fault. The majority of the blame can be placed on the Amazon executives who decided that an eight-episode series retains the most attention and produced the most money for the lowest budget, and therefore that was how long the series was going to be.
Now, I hate to argue with people who don’t know what they’re talking about, but in my opinion, that statistic is bollocks. By which I mean whichever exec "discovered" it was an eejit who didn’t understand how art works.
Yes, eight episodes is a golden spot for average retention rate. Yes, theoretically, the return on investment is on average better with an eight-episode series. But that is working on averages, and you can’t mathematically predict art because there are so many factors, most of which are the skill and execution, but a decent amount is luck.
It’s putting the profit above the product, and it’s what corporations do, but that doesn’t make it a good thing.
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Velvette keeps "scaring" people. But if you watch, she's really just getting in their personal space. It's shock factor and instilling discomfort. Velvette has confused surprise for intimidation but, like a lot of what she does, its hollow.
That being said, in my opinion, Vivsiepop’s pacing is weird. This is entirely preferential, but to me, a lot of the individual shots in Hazbin Hotel are cut just too quickly. They don’t have time to breathe and let you take in the information. It feels like the director of photography was in a hurry to get as much information across as possible without much care for the flow of the scene.
This is, I want to stress, entirely a subjective evaluation. This specific element of shot length is not a flaw, it is one of the stylistic choices that make up the show’s aesthetic and it carries over to Helluva Boss. It is an intentional part of the series. I just personally don’t like it much, as it makes it difficult to digest the story without feeling overwhelmed. I have a friend for whom the janky shot timing is the best part of the series, and once again, that’s ok.
Episode three has the opposite problem, and its not actually the episodes’ fault. I would argue that this is a symptom of the shorter season, but there are other cases. The issue, is that barely anything introduced in episode three goes anywhere in later episodes.
The connection between Carmilla Carbine and Vaggie is underutilised, and I don’t think Velvette has any lines outside of the episode. The Vees themselves don't really get much to do in the story and even the brick joke being set up through the egg bois doesn’t have enough time to feel impactful.
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What this means is that I have to analyse Respectless from a different perspective. I can’t speak to what Velvette sets up in terms of plot, but I can speak to her character, and that is interesting.
Mostly because of how she breaks down one of the fundamental rules of writing, that being the taboo against exposition. If you know this blog, you know where I’m going with this.
The rules of writing are overblown. They are guidelines to easier storytelling, and the exposition rule helps keep audiences engaged. But it's important to understand why. The exposition rule exists because walls of monotone text are boring, usually. The exposition isn’t the problem, it’s just that there is an easy trap to fall into, and it's easier as a writer to avoid that.
However, if you make that wall of text interesting, then you have the audience’s attention. Maybe we bring in a conflict with another character to frame the text. Maybe the information is being revealed in order to get at one of the characters emotionally. Or maybe the information takes the form of a song.
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Notice the scale of this shot compared to the last one in the song. Here, Velvette is smaller than Carmilla. She's an underdog being challenged by a more formidable foe.
“You’d better show some respect! Check your behaviour. No-one speaks to Zestial that way.”
There’s some worldbuilding going on in this song, and it takes the form of the following question: Who is in the right here? Who is in the right in this argument?
I’m not asking who is worse, or who is the antagonist. I’m asking you to point to either Carmilla or Velvette and tell me they are correct in all of their judgements.
I would argue that one is the lesser of two evils, but this is hell. These people are far from saints, and the song goes out of its way to point this out.
In the first line, we get the accusation that Velvette is insolent, i.e. lacking in respect. It sets up the dynamic, but it also begs the question… what is Velvette respecting here?
Like, do these people have authority over her? Are they just nebulously more powerful? Or, more likely, do they expect deference because of their status?
Which brings me to Velvette, who is a brilliant analogy for social media. She speaks very quickly, latches onto the thing that will get her the most attention, and occasionally says something rather insightful. But if there’s one thing she’s awful at, its nuance.
In this case, she recognises the fact that the respect is hollow, and her response is that people should turn that adulation onto her because… because she’s going to be nebulously more powerful/higher in status.
This is repeated later on:
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“Why are you avoiding war? That’s what the guns you sell are for.”
The accusation of Carmilla’s hypocrisy is potent and not wrong. Carmilla does fund devastation and profiteer off death, then get all squeamish when it puts her or the people she cares about in danger. That’s hypocrisy.
But Velvette’s takeaway from this is that Carmilla should just lean into the devastation and actively seek war instead of the, in my opinion, much more sensible option of “if you don’t like people with weapons rocking up on your doorstep, stop giving people weapons”, or “if you don’t like war when it comes to you, stop encouraging it in the first place.”
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The song really only serves one purpose, set up the fact that Carmilla killed an angel, and people don’t think that can happen. Yes, it sets up Carmilla’s character, but that is done so much better by the next song that this pales in comparison.
Around that, the song acts as a divergence from the main story, showing the political chaos that colours Hells’ upper ring, and sets up what might be a conflict in season two. It's too early to speak on that, it's set dressing for the moment, but I think the way the song works around the argument is interesting.
Take the drums for example.
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“Did you expect us to sit down and take your insolent brazen display.”
The song begins with Carmilla and notably without any percussion. Instead, the guitar hammers out chords with some complex movements between to get out the force and anger behind her words.
It’s notable that when Carmilla starts singing, Velvette looks genuinely taken aback, before getting her expressions back in order and her confidence up.
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“You’ve got it twisted. I’m not the one who needs a new attitude. Maybe you missed it, But I’m that hashtag bitch and I will do”
Then Velvette takes control from Carmilla, and the drums get associated with her wild, expressionistic perspective. Its now a repeated pattern so show off how unphased Velvette claims to be, but it's also irregular, hinting that maybe it’s a façade.
I used the word “hashtag” there instead of just putting up the symbol for a reason. Everything Velvette does is irregular. She’s shaking up every convention and thinking that makes her smart.
And yes, the adding of syllables to the line draws you forwards, so that’s a success. But not every power grab is going to succeed. Risk taking for the sake of risk taking isn't the same as intelligence. Sometimes you will look a bit silly.
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We get a truly killer shot of Velvette backlit by her own scheming to show just how much she has her fingerprints on everything the Vees do.
“Sorry group attending. Since when are overlords too scared to fight?”
Then she has her confidence back in full, and she goes on the offensive. Up until now, she’s been declaring how cool and badass she is and how everyone should look at her because she’s going to be the queen of everything and bla bla bla. She’s been psyching herself up.
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It's self-centred, and the drums are what tells you that. Velvette is overconfident, so the percussion is now so off balance that it's almost a drumroll. It’s a build-up of that wildness, empowering her and gaining momentum. Added to which is the sound of a phone camera, which mingles with the rest of the beat in an odd way and throws it even further off kilter.
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"You lost your relevance" "We can't act without more intelligence"
Then we get to Zestiel, who casually matches her in tone with none of the intensity. Carmilla is offended at the thought of her structure being uprooted, Zestiel is utterly unimpressed and only gets mildly upset when Velvet impacts his personal space.
He also doesn't rise to the challenge at all. He remains intent on the point at hand and does not give a toss about any insults thrown his way. He's not going to get distracted by trolling.
For all of Velvette’s posturing, she has next to no impact on the target of her aggression. That’s how you stop a troll, you don’t give them anything to feed off. Hence his expression at Carmilla’s attempt at recapturing the moment. It’s not, “that hurt me” or “defend me please”, its “don’t take the bait.”
I don’t want to only praise Zestiel here, he is not without flaw. He’s got the Yoda issue of being content that his status quo is untouchable. He is happy in the knowledge that his status makes him invulnerable, and that’s not true. Nobody is safe from change, not even the most insulated from it.
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“You and the Vees are inane and uninformed. Smug wannabees Who don’t heed when you’ve been warned.
Back to the drums, and this section is reclaiming those for Carmilla. She is meeting Velvette in the middle, giving ground to her in the process and leaning into her power.
You know in arguments in comments sections when one person puts their point IN FULL CAPITAL LETTERS and baits everyone else to do the same? That’s this. The drums are the caps lock.
But here, they are actually quite nice. Carmilla is trying to use Velvette’s tactics in her own style. You will notice that while Velvette has a very technopunky aesthetic to her music, Carmilla leans much further into a style whose name I do not know but for now I will call "operatic" (If you are aware of what the name is for the style of music that intricate guitar leans into, please tell me).
However, now those drums form a steady beat to back up Carmilla’s rising force. She’s seen Velvette do something, and now she’s doing it better. Up to and including the gathering speed descent.
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Notice the angle of the shot though. It’s Dutch. The horizon is diagonal, which means the characters within are unbalanced. Carmilla has just fallen for Velvette’s trap and overextended herself. Making her weak for the final reveal.
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“Oops did I strike a nerve?”
The drums transition seamlessly back to Velvette, as she bears those accusations as a batch of honour. She’s the type of person who thinks being blocked is a victory, so this isn’t anything to her.
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We get a few very tight shots of Carmilla realising she’s been played, and everyone learns the truth about the angel and who killed it, and we get Zestial’s expression.
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This isn’t a face of anger, or betrayal. It doesn't say "how could you", it says "wtf just happened?"
It’s the face of someone who has just been surprised for the first time in decades. This is the face of someone who has just had his shit rocked. This is the face of someone concerned about those he cares about and understanding far too late how easily a bulletproof exterior just got circumvented. This is the man who very suddenly feels unsafe and who is now going to take every action he can to regain control.
This is the man who just looked at the chess board for the first time in years and realised exactly how close to losing he truly is.
Obviously, I’m reading more into this than there probably is, but that expression is vague as all hell because he’s an animated character with too many eyes and a weird mouth shape. So, I’m reading into his character and extrapolating. That's what interpretation is, if you're understanding of that expression is different, more power to you.
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“Thanks to my being respectless, one thing I’m starting to suspect is, you know why this angel’s headless. Do you have a disclosure?”
Velvette’s rhyming scheme twists as the song climbs to a resolution. Where it featured an ABAB pattern in the verse, pairing the first and third lines, and the second and fourth, the chorus was usually a singular rhyming couplet.
Now we have a series of the same sound played over and over again, while the drummer keeps getting more manic and crazier until…
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Remember that scale thing? Here it's less pronounced. Velvette still looks up at Carmilla, but they take up the same amount of space in the shot. It's a stalemate.
“This meeting’s over!”
Carmilla has shut the troll up. She has turned off the computer, essentially. The argument is finished, she declared it a draw and there’s nothing Velvette can do about it.
Except is it a draw?
That built up tension has to go somewhere. You can’t just turn of the radio; the song still plays in your mind.
It would seem that Velvette’s brief appearance in the plot of the series has had a more significant impact than we give her credit for.
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Final Thoughts
I think that, for the pacing of the musical, this song would have been better served by a scene of Carmilla killing the angel and one of her kids going “they can die?”
But that would sacrifice an absolute bop of a song, and I’m not going to wish for that in any situation. Also, Velvette’s actress, Lilli Cooper, is credited as an understudy/standby for Elphaba in Wicked, and that trumps all criticism for me. Wicked is the pinnacle of art, and nothing associated with it can ever be bad.
One thing though, why is Velvette’s design so boring? She could have had butterfly imagery, bearing in mind I live in Australia and the butterflies here will ambush you on a highway late at night and demand your money. She could have leaned into the social media imagery and been just about anything. But no, she’s a girl in a cool jacket and trousers.
Next week, I’ll be looking at More Than Anything, and the characterisation of the two protector characters in this series. So, stick around if that interests you.
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cyberrotsblog · 5 months
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One day I’ll draw something other than hazbin hotel
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Velvette definitely has presentations about Vox for every scenario she can think of
Velvette claims they're for good publicity and Vox is like "What exactly is a slideshow with every time I did something stupid this week doing for my image"
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shouta-edits · 7 months
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"Heyy! Could I get a shipboard for Vox, Velvette, and Valentino from Hazbin Hotel? Cute messages and computers/technology for themes would be good! Thank you so much for considering us <3" -anon requested
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voxaholic · 6 months
The Vees As Underdogs
I’m sure season two will disprove this immediately but I really like the idea that all three of The Vees started at the absolute bottom, whether that be in Hell, on earth, or both.
I like throwing backstories and tropes usually reserved for heroes at them, not because it makes them less villainous, but because it makes them more interesting.
I also like that it kind of stresses idea that starting from rock bottom and ending up at the top of the hierarchy is impossible unless you’re willing to throw out your morals to do whatever is necessary to climb up.
You can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps but you can use the heads of the people that trusted you as a stepping stool.
They all know what it’s like to be at the bottom (in different ways and to different degrees but I won’t go into my backstory headcanons here) but it’s not bred any sort of understanding or empathy. If anything it’s made them more callous. They got theirs, it’s up to other people to do the same, and if they can’t? Well that’s just too bad then.
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rainbowsurfer · 5 months
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puffedupmoth · 6 months
I heard that people were upset that Velvet's entire personality was changed with her design, and, maybe it's just me, but I do not understand that. We did not see any of her real personality. We saw maybe 5 seconds of her in the Pilot, and there's little to no context behind it.
"She was like a Harley Quinn character!!11!"
My brother in Christ. You saw her being excited for less than 10 seconds. She wasn't like anything. She had the least amount of characterization of all the Vees, before the official show. Just because she's not the insane, childish villain you thought she would be, doesn't mean her entire character was changed.
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martamatta95 · 2 months
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🤣🤣🤣🤣Why? Why not?
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littlekhaos626 · 7 months
I can't stop thinking about "respectless," the song of Hazbin Hotel. Because I think that Velvette is a representation of today's generations and the critics of our relationship with social media. She is mean when she enters interrupting everything with her call. And I'm quite sure that she didn't need to do all of that performance to discover the secret about Carmilla. But she discovered it and was valued information to our heroes.
I wanna say more things about this song, but I know if I try to put all in this post, I'm going to say "later I'm gonna complete this" and never going to do it.
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deadghosy · 7 months
I love your work so much imagine ben Drowned in hasbin hotel.
Them crawling out of the TV and alistor is like I don't like tv but can you mess with vox😭.
SURE!! LOL! 🦆💗If anyone wants to do a creepypasta! Reader, I will make it a fanon version cause that’s most easier since I’ve always seen the fanon side of creepypasta when I was into the fandom💗
prompt: after jumping into a tv to hide from being stabbed by Jeff…you accidentally went into a show called HAZBIN HOTEL……
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Your dumbass didn’t even check what was on tv…it was just left on as you are now falling to a city in a shape of a…..pentagram?
Welll shit…you are in a hell cartoon…
Meanwhile with Jeff: “where the fuck is that short tacked bitch…” he said holding his knife tightly as his eyes glanced at the tv. “That bastard!”
MEANWHILE WITH YOU: You pointed to a service pole and started to surge through the electrical wire into some random old tv box. You pressed your hand through the tv screen and came out of it. As you came out of it a gasp was heard to see a bunch of characters…..oh boy…
After basically getting chased around the hotel and interrogated…they let you stay by Charlie’s words as she was excited to have another member to her crew at last. 
Few weeks later, they have gotten use to you. I mean Alastor still keeps an eye on you as you play games and go through electronics around the place.
Angel thinks it’s funny for you to hack Valentino’s page to make his bio say “I have a small dick.”
Vaggie makes you go out on errands until she can find you a decent duty at least. But she appreciates how you help around a lot.
Husk thinks your pretty annoying because of your gen z & gen alpha humor. I headcannon ben and you to basically be a media specialist to learn the lingo around and to understand the generation.
“Hey husk…” “hey kid…” “you’re so not alpha male…” “…the fuck?” “Sooo not slay.” “Get the fuck out my face.” *cue you doing a gremlin ass laugh*
I can see Velvette making fun of you for wearing the link fit😭 she would be confused as if you were a stinky cosplayer kid-
“GOOD HELL?! What are you wearing dear..” the female vee says as you look down to your link outfit. “What’s wrong with it? I think I look ✨f a b u l o u s✨” you said with sass
“You look horrendous. THAT’S what you look like.” Velvette says. You rolled your eyes as she snapped her fingers giving you black converses, tan brown pants, and a green hoodie. She had let you keep your link hat as you actually liked how you looked.
Maybe when you get back to slender’s mansion you can spend his card to buy an outfit like this.
I imagine Charlie or niffty trying to wipe off the blood tears of your eyes thinking you were crying as you stand there like “what is going on-🤨” most definitely the face look like this “:T”
Angel dust brought you a gaming set from a thrift shop as you smiled happily at this and started to play….only to find out it had knock off versions of the games in the human world….impta?! (GTA) PENTACRAFT?! (Minecraft) hellmon?? (Pokémon)
You immediately thrown the gaming set outside and decided to go hack Vox’s system for fun again.
I can imagine reader sending random “if you don’t like this, Lucifer is coming for you.” posts to random sinner to fuck with them.
I can DEFINITELY see Alastor asking you to go mess with Vox’s tech even if he doesn’t like those picture boxes. “Ben/Reader, my fine fellow..I got a favor to ask of you.” After he asked you to go mess with this dude named Vox. You smiled as you transported into your own tv and go to the vee tower.
You hacked into Vox’s system as he spit his coffee out to see “nya cat” on all his computers and devices as you snicker seeing Vox’s face trying to fix it. You laughed showing yourself as your bloody tears roll down your face because of laughing. “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” Vox asked angrily
“IM YOU! BUT BETTER! GET HACKED LOSER!” You said before disappearing from his system as Vox claws his desk in anger.
Alastor had a good chuckle when you told him what you did. “I never liked this picture boxes…but you my friend, are true entertainment.” After this your relationship with Alastor grew as he would pay you handsomely with snacks as you go and piss Vox off on any other day.
Valentino and Vox hate your guys to the point they want to kill you while Velvette is just chill with you as she helps you with your outfits and aesthetics.
I imagine since Ben drowned also looks like link, you have long hair like link but sometimes cut it down to bit length to not trip on it.
You give off that “new worker at McDonald’s” vibes as you would just play around instead of helping the residents😭
“Can I have keycard?” “….how about no?”
I imagine you just tapping on and off a lamp post boredly as Valentino keeps going towards it and away from. “On….off…on…off…” you liked to mess with people
You had tapped on sir Pentious’s device once and it exploded…yeah you were pretty much banned from his room and lab. But it was worth it.
You definitely wrestle with husk as husk will just try to claw out your eyes only him to just get pepper sprayed by you.
“AGG MY FUCKIN' EYES!!” “I didn’t know this shit would work on demons..”
Lucifer was definitely intrigued with your appearance as you seemed like a human. But also had a demonic appearance. So he questioned you and you just kept saying “SWAG!” He got tired of it and demanded you as the ruler of hell.
It didn’t work as you just shrug with a “:D” face and transported into a wire. Lucifer was bamboozled as he just stood there like “what just happened”
You showed niffty how to beat any person during a game as you, yourself is a hacker and can beat any game personally.
You looked at the phone that you stole from that flat faced dude as you smirked having an idea as you transported into the phone to try and go find Jeff. And lucky you did as he was sitting on the couch watching wrestling.
“Heyyy buddy.” You said looking through the tv to see Jeff. He scoffed seeing that his favorite program was ruined by your face. Jeff turned off the tv. Your face was like a pikachu shocked face. “THAT BITC-”
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
Hihiii I have a Hasbin Hotel request!!! Was wondering if you could do some headcanons for Vox and Lucifer with an S/O who loves gifting them their drawings but gets really nervous when they watch them do their work? If this isn't exactly your "Cup of Tea" or you just dunno how to write this, feel free to ignore, no hard feelings!:]
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He is always so excited when you gift him drawing.
He will sing your praises (sometimes literally)
This man is the first to compliment you.
He will ask you about your technique, your mediums, your inspirations.
He will also point out little things that he noticed that maybe you didn’t even notice where there.
He is 100% that friend who looks at your work and goes “Oh! That’s how these two are connected, right?” and you either are like “That’s such a brilliant idea” or “Yeah, absolutely, that was soooo intentional.” He will not notice if you’re lying through your teeth. He is too busy appreciating the art.
He will ask you if he can watch you just so he can understand your process and therefore understand you better.
He is so respectful when you say no. He is a creative. He understands.
If you’re inclined to though, he will make space for you in his workshop with your backs facing each other so neither of you have to be watched.
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This man pretends like he doesn’t care but really, he does. He cares so much.
He will point out where you fucked up but in the same breath offer a way for you to fix it.
He is the one who gives you an unfiltered opinion on everything that’s wrong with what you made if you ask (otherwise he mostly talks trivial, like you forgot to blend this thing). If you bring in Velvette and Valentino as well, prepare to be read to filth.
If he finds you stressing over past things that you can no longer fix without ruining your drawing entirely, he’s going to turn on the Edna Mode energy and basically say, “Don’t look at the past, it distracts from the now.” (He says while being obsessed with the past. Not so easy, is it, Vox?)
Your supplies just magically refills whenever your almost out.
Where’d it come from? Who knows! It’s not like he has access to your online shopping history so there’s no way he would know what to get you. He’s not an artist.
He is the most subtly unsubtle show off when it comes to your art.
He’s going to a meeting? Well, how did these colorful pages end up amongst his files? A true mystery.
His office walls? Filled with your best drawings framed. The artist? Oh, his lovely partner. It’s a hobby they have, no big deal.
He would watch you draw even if you told him you felt uncomfortable with the idea.
Subtle stepping over boundaries. Your art room is bugged so he can watch you at every angle. No harm, you’ll never know.
He does find watching you work relaxing though. If he’s particularly stressed, he’ll find himself pulling up your feed and just watching you for what he thought was minutes but turned out to be hours and oh shit! Now he’s even more behind in his work schedule! Fuck!
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weepingwillowwonder · 2 months
This is NSFW Hasbin Hotel : Vox & Lucifer (seperately)
Reactions to Shy!Reader with an oral fixation~
CW: Explicit content, cockwarming, dirty talk, some degradation, daddy kink, penetration, finger sucking, praise kink
Vox - Is absolutely the type to make you hold his cock in your mouth while he's working...
Despite the door being open at the moment, you hesitantly peek inside and give a soft knock on the door. “What?” He questions sharply, arms crossed, staring ahead at the surveillance footage in front of him. You quietly enter the office, biting your lip in anticipation. Once Vox sees it's you, he sighs in annoyance. “Babydoll…” he drawls. “What are you doing here?” You look down and shift slightly, mumbling some excuse about both Valentino and Velvette being busy…something else about wanting his attention after being alone all morning. 
He considers you for a moment before sitting down and swiveling himself around towards his desk, typing away at his keyboard. “What did I say about coming to my office while I’m working?” he asks. You slowly lift your head up to see him briefly glance over his shoulder before going back to typing. You’re not sure if you should answer that question, hoping that he’ll take your silence for some sort of apology. After all, you knew it was a gamble coming here anyway, especially for something as silly as this. A long pause of silence passes before he asks you the question again, this time more firmly. “What. Did. I. Say?” He fully turns towards you now and you can’t help but think about how attractive he looks in this moment. Arms crossed against his chest, legs spread wide in his office chair. Your voice breaks slightly when you open your mouth to answer, “Y-you said not to…” He slowly nods his head and turns back around. For a moment, his lack of reaction gives you the false hope of getting out of whatever trouble you’ve gotten yourself into. 
As you open your mouth again to try to defend yourself, he cuts you off - “...lock the door and come here.” Your breath starts to quicken slightly and you’re frozen in place at his command. You’re not sure where the courage went that put you in this situation to begin with. Vox continues his work, almost as if this whole encounter wasn’t occurring. What does get your feet scrambling to move is the dangerous sound of his voice when he speaks again. “Don’t make me ask you again.” 
-And now your knees are, oh so bruised, from holding their position under his desk. However, you wouldn’t dare to move, scared of displeasing Vox any further. He would ignore your presence, entirely focused on his work and the task at hand. Maybe if you're lucky, he might absentmindedly stroke the top of your head, giving you some sort of indication that he remembers you're still there. It's only when he starts to get close that he'll grip your hair, roughly thrusting himself in and out of your mouth - "Can't get anything done with you whining about wanting attention.” He’d throw his head back and moan deeply, “always whining about wanting something in your mouth. Such a little slut. This is what you wanted, right? Be good and take it all..."
Lucifer - - You wouldn't tell him you needed it, but as experienced as Lucifer is, he would already know...
He'd have you in his bed, laying on your back like the pillow prince or princess you are. Slowly slipping his cock into you, he firmly holds your hips in place as you unconsciously try to move away from the overwhelming sensation. "Don't run from me..." He softly laughs and smirks down at you, setting a fast pace that hits deeper into you. "You're taking it so well, sweetheart..."
Unable to look him in the eye, you turn your head to the side, thoughtlessly pressing your fingers up to your mouth to cover your moans. You gasp suddenly as he finds that special spot and keeps pressing into you, reveling in your reaction. "So good...so good" He growls out, sliding his hands down your thighs before grabbing the backs of your knees and forcing them to your chest. You whine pathetically as he continues to praise you, his eyes briefly slipping closed, enjoying the feeling of you squeezing around him. When they open, his hips stutter as he glances down at you.
One of your hands weak presses against his chest, not really trying to push him away, but feeling overwhelmed in the moment. The other, however, has your three middle fingers disappeared into your mouth, desperately sucking as you feel yourself getting close. Lucifer curses and spends no time to give you what you need. He maneuvers your legs so they're now wrapped around his waist and takes your free wrists into his hand, pinning it above your head. Your eyes suddenly snap open when you feel him sliding your hand out of your mouth, messy with your own saliva, and replaces it with his own. He bites his lip as you eagerly accept him into your mouth, whining desperately around his fingers. It doesn't take much longer to push you over the edge after that, especially with Lucifer coaxing the orgasm out of you- "...that's it baby, you just needed daddy's fingers right?"
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